SuperYacht Industry issue 1 2022

Page 28


Photo courtesy of Captain of MY Sealyon.

Creative light design

Illuminated MY Sealyon wheelhouse logo.

Creativity, enthusiasm, and passion are important prerequisites for any success story – and they definitely are for Yachtlite. When the company first presented their ideas at Boot Düsseldorf in 2003, they didn’t dare to imagine setting such trends in the yachting sector. Neither did they anticipate that their illuminated names and logos would be implemented many thousands of times throughout the world. ALL PHOTOS COURTESY OF YACHTLITE.

2 6 | S Y I 2 0 2 2 | Volum e 1 7 | Issue 1

Yachtlite.indd 26


ince 2002, Yachtlite has been constantly setting new trends and standards for perfect LED systems and homogeneous, spot-free illumination of names, logos, and interior design elements. Yachtlite is one of the leading international companies offering individual lighting solutions for motor and sailing yachts of almost any size and design. Their designs are followed by feasibility research and subsequent solutions with custom-made lighting controls and installation options. This process results in spectacular illuminated pools, dance floors, helicopter decks, stairs, and designer furniture. Around 35% of the top 100 super yachts in the world are equipped with Yachtlite Creative Light Features.

s u p e r ya ch t-i n d u s tr y. co m

22-03-2022 11:45

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