Catalogo Marano Ragazzi Spot Festival 2020

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XXIII Festival Internazionale della Comunicazione Sociale dei Ragazzi online 1 - 5 dicembre 2020

We had thought of the 23rd edition of the Marano Ragazzi Spot Festival as a festive explosion of emotions, with the images, the music, the faces of the young people who would have been the perfect setting for the films in competition, for the intense meetings with the people testifying their social commitment, the theater, and the experiences of the detention institutions. We summed it all up in a word, in that title, IMAGINE..., to leave no room for the impossible, to let the beauty and creativityĘźs power triumph once again. Certainly, we would never have imagined that we would have found ourselves in a time suspension, swallowed up in a still world, shut, where cinemas, museums, theaters, schools, and any other place of culture would have stopped along with our social relations. Just as we could never have imagined living our lives between 'do you see me?' and Ęťdo you hear me?' facing the screens of our computers and smartphones. For these same reasons, we couldnĘźt think to experience our festival this year without the drives, tears, passions, the amazement that our children have given us in each edition. The imagination - of which we certainly do not lack - came to our aid by making the solution pop into our heads, at the moment when we were almost resigned to postpone the festival to better times. So, We on Web was born. A television broadcast in nine episodes, a concept with all the ingredients of traditional children's TV programs: a cheerful presenter, some kids in the studio, an animated puppet, music and magic tricks. All in order to recreate and revive, on TV and Web, the same atmosphere and the same contents that surrounded the short movies in competition during the live festival. Almost 2000 films from 99 countries subscribed for the contest, 42 of which were selected in 3 categories: Students, Filmmakers and Italy; 9 hours of broadcast each dedicated to a different social thematic: Racism, Women, the Environment, War, Childhood, Disabilities, and Social Media; 8 hours of interviews with the directors and special guests. An intense program, full of starting points and proposals for debates, that offered us a spread view on the torments of the world. Thus, with these numbers, the Marano Ragazzi Spot Festival has returned, to talk to its children, to its city, to that community which for twenty-three years has found itself sharing a path of legality and active citizenship, with innovative schooling, looking at the atrocities of the world through the emotions of cinema. Danilo Dolci wrote that there are those who educate by dreaming of others, in ways they still have to be and that everyone grows only if is being dreamt. Only at that point, when we will manage to dream of others, through the growth of our communities, we will be able to see the dream of the "better world" shaping and discover, in the eyes of our children, the reflection of that same dream that we are dreaming for them. Rosario D'Uonno artistic director of the Marano Ragazzi Spot Festival

Dirigente scolastico e membro del comitato dei garanti dell’associazione Libera, della quale è anche formatore per il settore scuola. Si è distinto come “preside antimafia”, dapprima a Francofonte e successivamente a Lentini nella provincia di Siracusa. Nel 1996 la sua scuola un attentato mafioso incendia la sua scuola a Francofonte che da quel giorno diviene presidio di legalità con numerosissime iniziative dedicate agli studenti e al riscatto del territorio. Dal 1997 all 2002 organizza i campi estivi antimafia con la partecipazione di ragazzi provenienti da diverse regioni italiane. Nel 2003 si trasferisce al IV Istituto Comprensivo Marconi di Lentini dove da continuità all’esperienza dei campi estivi e da vivo ai gemellaggi con il Marano Ragazzi Spot Festival finalizzati alla realizzazione degli spot televisivi per la promozione delle Giornate della Memoria e dell’Impegno in ricordo delle vittime delle mafie dal 2004 al 2015. Nel 2015 da vita, come presidente dell’Osservatorio permanente della legalità, alla “fattoria della legalità” realizzata a Lentini su un terreno confiscato alla mafia.

School manager and member of the committee of guarantors of the Libera association, of which he is also a trainer for the school sector. He distinguished himself as an “anti-mafia principal”, first in Francofonte and later in Lentini in the province of Syracuse. In 1996 his school a mafia attack set fire to his school in Francofonte which from that day became a garrison of legality with numerous initiatives dedicated to students and the redemption of the territory. From 1997 to 2002 he organized anti-mafia summer camps with the participation of young people from different Italian regions. In 2003 he moved to the IV Istituto Comprensivo Marconi in Lentini where he gave continuity to the experience of summer camps and from alive to twinning with the Marano Ragazzi Spot Festival aimed at the creation of television commercials for the promotion of the Days of Memory and Commitment in memory of the victims of the mafias from 2004 to 2015. In 2015, as president of the Permanent Observatory of legality, he set up the "farm of legality" built in Lentini on land confiscated from the mafia.

Per tutto il mese di ottobre 2020, presso 57 scuole nazionionali che negli hanni hanno consolidato il loro rapporto con il Marano Ragazzi Spot Festival, attraverso la produzione degli spot che ne hanno fatto la storia, si è proceduto alla visione ed alla valutazione dei 42 cortometraggi in concorso selezionati fra i 1959 iscritti alla XXIII edizione del festival, risultando un valido contributo per le attività di didattica a distanza. Throughout the month of October 2020, at 57 national schools that over the years have consolidated their relationship with the Marano Ragazzi Spot Festival, through the production of the commercials that have made its history, the 42 short films were viewed and evaluated in competition selected from among the 1959 registered for the 23rd edition of the festival, resulting in a valid contribution for distance learning activities.

IIS “Bodoni - Paravia” Torino

IIS “Tommaso DʼOria” Ciriè TO IIS “Leonardo Da Vinci” Carate Brianza MB IIS “Hensemberger” Monza MB ICS “Marconi” Venegono VA ICS “Frisi - Aldo Moro” Cerro al Lambro MI ISIS “DʼAverio “D Casula” Varese CD “Villa Torchi” Bologna ICS “Matteotti” Alfonsine RV ICS “Diego Valeri” Campolongo Maggiore VE ISIS “DʼAnnunzio Fabiani” Gorizia IIS “Ferraris Brunelleschi” Empoli FI IIS “Evangelista Torricelli” Roma ICS “Marta “Ma Russo” Roma Liceo Classico “Ugo Foscolo” Albano Laziale RM IIS “Atzeni” Capoterra CA Liceo“Galilei” Manfredonia FG ICS “Murialdo” Foggia IIS “Vaccarini” Catania ICS “Guglielmino” Acicatena CT IIS “Alessandro Volta” Caltanisetta ICS “Riccardo da Lentini” Lentini SR IIS “ Vittorini” Lentini SR Associazione Teatrale Guarnieri Gruppo Gianburrasca Lucca Liceo Classico “Colletta” Avellino Liceo Scientifico “Mancini” Avellino ICS “Calderisi” Villa di Briano CE Liceo “Galileo Galilei” Mondragone Mond CE ITIS “Ferraris” Napoli

ICS “Russo – Montale” Napoli ITIS “Alessandro Volta” Napoli Liceo Art “Boccioni – Palizzi” Napoli Liceo “Gian Battista Vico” Napoli IIS “Sandro Pertini” Afragola NA IIS “San Paolo” Sorrento NA ICS “Aldo Moro” Casalnuovo NA ICS “Caulino” Vico Equense NA IISS “ Giancarlo Siani” Casalnuovo NA ISIS “Sereni”Afragola NA Liceo “Pascal”Pompei NA Liceo Classico “ Carducci” Nola NA IC “Marco Polo” Calvizzano NA Liceo “Alfano I” Salerno Liceo “Gatto” Agropoli SA IIS “Publio Virgilio Marone” Mercato San Severino SA Liceo “Mangino” Pagani SA ITI “Marconi” Nocera Inferiore SA IPSEOA “Pittoni” Pagani SA IIS “Enrico Fermi” Sarno SA ICS “Troisi” San Giorgio a C. NA IIS “Matteotti” Caserta CD “Giancarlo Siani” Marano di Napoli ICS “Amanzio – Ranucci - Alfieri” Marano di Napoli ICS “Socrate - Mallardo” Marano di Napoli ICS “Darmon” Marano di Napoli SS1g “Massimo DʼAzeglio” Marano di Napoli Liceo “Emilio Segrè” Se Marano di Napoli IIS “Carlo Levi” Marano di Napoli






5 DICEMBRE ore 9:00 Diretta YouTube - Facebook - Tele Club Italia canale 98 dt CERIMONIA DI PREMIAZIONE AWARDS CERIMONY ore 16:00 Diretta YouTube - Facebook I RAGAZZI DELLE GIURIE Interviste e riflessioni con i ragazzi delle scuole sede di giuria THE BOYS B OF THE JURIES Interviews and reflections with the students of the jury schools



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