Our Town North: May 15, 2024

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Our Town P.O. Box 927 Mt. Angel, Or 97362 COMMUNITY NEWS POSTAL CUSTOMER ECRWSS Sports & Recreation Athletic Director of the Year –Kennedy’s Kevin Moffatt – Page 20 PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID PORTLAND, OR PERMIT NO. 854 Update SFSD weighs temporary school closures to address budget – Page 4 Arts & Entertainment Silverton composer’s new opera debuts in Australia – Page 14 Changing of the guard – Page 8 Vol. 21 No. 10 Serving Mt. Angel, Silverton and Scotts Mills May 2024

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2 • May 2024 ourtownlive.com
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Our Town Life ourtownlive.com May 2024 • 3 Update SFSD weighs staff cuts, school closures for cost-savings .......... 4 Kidney recipients’ new lives ..... 5 Civics 101 Wachter Meadows completed.... 6 Hazelgreen Bridge closed ......... 7 New Silverton Chief of Police .... 8 Silverton eyes $75M budget .....9 Something to Do Memorial Day events .............. 10 Big Saturday for pets ............. 10 Arts & Entertainment Author publishes crime novel ... 12 Historical society holds author event .................................... 13 SHS presents one-act plays ..... 13 Wicks opera debuts ................ 14 Teen art show at Borland ........ 15 Legal Matters ............... 16 The Forum ........................ 17 Passages .......................... 18 Remembering Nabor Castro ... 18 Sports & Recreation Athletic Director of Year .......... 20 Spring sports roundup ........... 21 A Slice of the Pie .......... 22 Marketplace ................. 23 On the Cover New Silverton Police Chief Todd Engstrom and retiring Chief Jim Anglemier. JAMES DAY Contents Our Town P.O. Box 927 Mount Angel, OR 97362 401 Oak St. Silverton, OR 97381 503-845-9499 ourtown.life@mtangelpub.com ourtownlive.com Our Town mailed free to residents and businesses in the 97362, 97375, 97381 zip codes. Subscriptions for outside this area are $48 annually. The deadline for placing an ad in the June 1 issue is May 20. Thank you for spending time with Our Town. Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. Jim Kinghorn Advertising Director Paula Mabry Editor & Publisher DeeDe Williams Office Manager Steve Beckner Custom Design Tavis Bettoli-Lotten Designer & Copy Editor James Day Sports Editor & Reporter Janet Patterson Distribution Melissa Wagoner Reporter Stephen Floyd Digital Editor & Reporter Sara Morgan Datebook Editor SILVER FALLS FAMILY YMCA MAY 2024 theYonline.org 503-873-6456 Micro Sports: Ages 3-5 Mixing a lot of sport activities to improve motor skills K-6 Track: Mondays and Wednesday evenings Summer Swim Team Summer Swim Lessons Register online or contact the pool 503-873-6456 Questions: khorner@theyonline.org Summer Fun at the Y Congratulations to our SILVERTON MIDDLE SCHOOL TRACK ATHLETES! Meet of Champions is Thursday, May 23 at Corvallis High School IRRIGATION Drip System Sprinkers Repairs • Backflow Winterizing Spring Startup Pond Cleanup New Systems SPECIALIZING IN Landscaping • Planting Clean Ups Natural Pruning Shape Trimming Barkdust • New Lawns Pressure Washing Gutter Cleaning HARDSCAPES Pavers Retaining Walls Walkways Driveways • Patios Flagstone • Fire Pits Artificial Turf Water Features LCB#9732 Licensed • Insured • Bonded CBL #00013137 971-216-1093 TinasL andscape.com TinasLandscape@gmail.com 1397 S. Water St., Silverton 503-873-6089 OPEN: 8am - 7pm • Tuesday through Sunday $ any regular priced meal breakfast or lunch dine-in or take-out 2 300 00 off Above Mike and Patty Kloft with their son, John, a recent kidney transplant recipient. SUBMITTED 5

Number crunching SFSD talks layoffs, school closures, schedule changes

The Silver Falls School District (SFSD) has started mapping out options to cut $8.8 million from next year’s budget, including layoffs in all departments and temporary school closures.

During a special meeting May 8 of the SFSD Board, Interim Superintendent Joe Morelock presented options based on feedback from principals, employees and community members.

Proposed reductions

These included staffing reductions such as 12.5% of teachers, 15% of classified staff, and 21% of district office staff. Also proposed were the temporary closures of Pratum and Evergreen schools, and implementation of period schedules instead of block schedules at Silverton High School.

Morelock said the budget reductions from these options would total around $7 million, and the district would keep exploring options for the remaining $1.8

million in cuts. He said the board can expect a complete list of budget cuts by May 17, which would allow for Budget Committee approval prior to final board approval of the budget by June 30.

Morelock added that none of these cuts would need to be permanent, and the district could restore eliminated positions and re-open schools after there is no longer a need to tighten the budget.

“You will grow back,” said Morelock.

“I know it’s hard to see that right now. When you prune a tree back you do see it grow back and it does bloom again.”

The district is working to correct a yearslong pattern of deficit spending that has resulted in a projected $4 million budget overrun and $1.3 million cash shortfall for the current school year.

Actions so far

To tighten up this year’s budget, the board has approved furlough days for all staff including cutting back the last week of school, which generated an estimated

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$1.2 million in savings. They also applied for a $3.8 million bridge loan, borrowing against next year’s property tax revenue.

To prevent further deficits and restore depleted cash reserves, the board was advised April 8 by the Oregon Association of School Business Officials to cut the 2024-2025 budget by $8.8 million. This represents a 12% overall reduction in spending compared to the current school year’s budget, according to Morelock.

The cuts proposed to the board May 8 reflected discussions Morelock had with principals and union representatives, as well as the results of a recent community survey on budget priorities. Based on feedback from these groups, Morelock said the district will strive to maintain career and technical education programs and manageable class sizes as they identify possible cuts.

Layoffs and how to avoid them

In his presentation, Morelock said the district could save roughly $6.44 million by cutting 29 full-time teaching positions, 41 full-time classified positions and 21% of district office staff. He said these savings would likely be offset by additional payments for unemployment claims by laid-off staff, which could amount to as much as $1.8 million in added expenses.

One option to reduce layoffs and maintain savings was to eliminate block schedules at Silverton High School, which would see seven periods per day rather than classes alternating by day. Morelock said a period schedule would allow classrooms to be used more efficiently, keeping class sizes manageable and reducing the need for teacher layoffs by between 18% and 20%.

Teacher layoffs could also be reduced at Silverton Middle School by moving from a six-period day to a seven-period day, said Morelock.

He said one challenge in reducing staff is that there are a number of different types of positions at different schools, and some are connected to revenue such as federal grant funding. He said he would be meeting with principals to go over their staffing rolls and identify specific positions that could be cut or programs that could be reorganized to be more efficient.


small school numbers

The district also examined the costs associated with operating smaller K-8 schools such as Pratum and Evergreen. Combined these schools expend roughly $87,000 on administrators, $180,000 on classified staff, $600,000 on teachers and $70,000 on maintenance and utilities.

If use of these facilities was suspended next school year, Morelock said savings would amount to roughly $919,000. He said they would still need to spend $18,000 on maintenance and utilities while the buildings were unused.

Other potential cuts included reducing and consolidating school bus routes, which could save $322,000. The district also plans to renegotiate its food services contract with Sodexo, which is expected to cost the general fund $600,000 this year.

Morelock said the district is also examining the reorganization of the K-8 schools to consolidate students in the same grades and reduce blended classes. Morelock said this could reduce the overall number of classes, but posed challenges related to transporting students to further-away schools and finding the right combination of schools for this new structure.

No support for further furloughs

One option that did not receive support was for additional furlough days next school year. Board Vice Chair Aaron Koch said targeted furloughs could be a potential spending reduction tool, with the district spending an estimated $179,000 per school day on staffing.

Board Member Josh Ort said he was concerned staff may feel the need to quit if they take further pay hits from furloughs. Morelock clarified furloughs would need to be negotiated with employee unions and the reductions he proposed were options the district could act on unilaterally.

The board also discussed possibly selling district assets to restore depleted reserves, though any such sales would likely not occur in time to impact the ’24-’25 budget, said Morelock. He said the district has identified four possible properties to sell, and that night the board approved moving forward with selling 13 undeveloped acres located behind Robert Frost School.

4 • May 2024 ourtownlive.com Our Town Life
New patients welcome Matthew B. Chase, D.M.D. Nathan C. Braxmeyer, D.M.D. 303 N. First • Silverton 503-873-8614 Complete Dental Services Fillings • Crowns • Root Canals Implants • Extractions • Botox ™ Invisalign ™

Life lines Kidney recipients describe life and plans after transplants

In the spring of 2020 Patty and Mike Kloft learned their seven-year-old son, John, needed an emergency kidney transplant.

“Stanford concluded his kidneys just never formed right,” Patty said, recalling the family’s trip from their home in Mount Angel to the teaching hospital where a team of specialists examined John. “Basically, they just said, we don’t know why.”

With his kidneys functioning at only 12 to 15 percent of the normal kidney function range John was only weeks away from dialysis. Thankfully, doctors determined Patty was a viable match and in March 2021 she successfully gave John the gift of life for a second time.

“I’m very fortunate from what I’ve been told,” John – who is now 11 – said. “I’m feeling great and I grow a lot.”

But not everyone suffering from kidney disease is so lucky. In fact, at the same time John was undergoing surgery, in nearby Silverton, 71-year-old Glen Hammer, who had already been on dialysis for several years, was losing hope.

“I have polycystic kidneys,” Glen said. “It’s progressive. I’ve known I had it since the ’70s. Some people never lose kidney function and some lose it young.”

Glen, a health-conscious cyclist, didn’t begin losing kidney function until he retired but by then things were going downhill fast.

“I went from peritoneal to hemodialysis. It’s a big change and not pleasant,” Glen said, describing the four-hour sessions he would need three times a week. “I had an idea of hemodialysis and I considered not doing it.”

But, as scary as hemodialysis was, the alternative was unthinkable. And so, he did the only thing he could think to do, he put up a yard sign asking for a kidney and waited. In February 2022 his luck finally changed.

“[OHSU] called in the middle of the week,” Glen said. “This was the fifth time I’d been called. Then they called and said, it’s not happening. Then on Saturday they called and said, ‘Can you be here?’”

A cautiously optimistic Glen phoned a friend for a ride to the hospital where the operation would take place.

John is a Make-a-Wish Ambassador this year. He is helping Make a Wish raise funds and awareness for children with health issues.

“You have all of this preparation,” Glen said. “But I didn’t see the surgeon until he rolled in two minutes before and said, ‘What do you think?’”

Feeling as though he had nothing to lose, Glen gave the doctor the thumbs-up and the surgery commenced.

“They said, you might land in the ICU,” Glen recalled. “It happens. But I woke up alone in a hospital room and that was it.”

No more dialysis. Glen was released from the hospital in a remarkable two and a half days feeling better than he had in years.

“There’s the issue of drugs but it’s pretty amazing,” Glen said. “I’m better now at 74 than I was at 70.”

Similarly, Patty said of the changes she has seen in John. “Overall he is healthier than before. But it takes him a lot longer to get over something like a cold. And he has his daily medications.”

Those anti-rejection medications, which both John and Glen will take for the rest of their lives, are critical. Because of that, the two are monitored on both a monthly and a yearly basis, checking overall kidney function.

“We know I’ll have to have another transplant at some point,” John said of his own prognosis. Because the average lifespan of a donated kidney is between

15 and 20 years, it means he may require multiple donations during his life. “But we hope the kidney will go for a long time.”

Right now John is enjoying just being a regular kid – attending school at Butte Creek Elementary, singing in the Silverton Children’s Choir, playing the trombone with the school band and attending summer camp with other “Kidney Kids.”

“It’s very fun,” John said of the support groups and activities he attends thanks to the organization Northwest Kidney Kids. “There aren’t a lot of other people who have had kidney transplants, so it’s nice to meet other people.”

Glen’s life post-transplant has been filled with meeting people as well, including his fiancé, Linda Resca, whom he met online in 2023.

“Our first date was in Portland,” Glen remembered. “We went to lunch and coffee.”

The date chronicled by a PSU photography student practicing candid shots, who said, after looking at the picture, “It looks like you were meant to be together.”

That doesn’t mean Linda wasn’t concerned about dating a man with Glen’s health history.

“I said, do I want a partner long-term that has this happening?” she recalled. “But it didn’t take me long.”

Wedding plans – for Sept. 28 at The Oregon Garden – ensued.

“She’s an adventurer,” Glen said. “It feels like a very youthful time for me.”

Glen isn’t the only one whose family is expanding. In August, John – who was previously an only-child – will become a big brother to twins.

“Healthwise for pregnancy, I’m doing great,” Patty said, “my OB team is monitoring my kidney health. They do not expect any issues related to having a single kidney. Amazingly my last lab work showed the best kidney health I’d had since donating.”

In other words, “I would donate again in a second and advocate for living donation when I can… Our family are strong supporters of both living and deceased donations… any organ donation truly can change and enhance a life.”

Unsurprisingly, Glen is an activist as well.

“I hope people are encouraged to give,” he said.

“It’s a beautiful thing when someone is suffering and you can help.”

Our Town Life ourtownlive.com May 2024 • 5
Kidney transplant recipient Glen Hammer and his fiancé Linda Resca on their first date in 2023. SUBMITTED PHOTOS

Mount Angel subdivision Wachter Meadows receives final permits

Mount Angel has issued the final occupancy permits for the Wachter Meadows subdivision, finalizing a six-year development process that brought 63 new single-family units to town.

Administrative Services Director Colby Kemp said, as of the start of May, all inspections have been completed and permits issued, finalizing the city’s role in the development.

He said all 63 units have been sold, with developer Lennar selling units about as fast as they could build them.

Kemp told Our Town the small-town atmosphere of Mount Angel has been a big draw for people from out of the area.

“The people that have moved here that aren’t from here very much enjoy those aspects of the city,” said Kemp.

Development of Wachter Meadows began in 2018 with a subdivision application from Stafford Land for 20 undeveloped acres between West Church Street and West Marquam Street. Lennar purchased the property in 2019 and continued with development, breaking ground in 2022.

When asked if there were any disruptions in the planning process due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Kemp said

things “went pretty smoothly” as City Hall was not forced to close amid lockdown restrictions. He said the biggest challenge was working with a national company that was not entirely familiar with local laws and procedures, and helping them get up to speed.

Kemp said the city did what it could to ensure the development met high standards, with Public Works employees conducting exacting inspections before permits were issued. There was also an expansion of sewer lines along West Marquam Street to handle increased strain on utilities.

“We put a lot of effort into making sure the subdivision was as perfect as it could be before turning it over to the homeowners,” he said.

The improvements are expected to increase property tax revenue for the city, though final figures will not be known until the Marion County Assessor’s Office completes its evaluations. Additional revenue would be added to the city’s general fund, which supports City Hall operations, the Police Department, Public Works, the library and similar departments.

Kemp said no new subdivisions are planned at this time, though developers are expressing interest in possible projects. He said the city is in talks with another developer about a possible 46-lot subdivision on the south end of town off Academy Street, but that no plans have been filed.

Kemp said the completion of Wachter Meadows was “a great thing” for the community and confirmation that the city can expect significant growth in the coming years. City Manager Mark Daniel agreed and said the “old community values” of Mount Angel, as well as the city’s proactive approaches to community improvements, make it an attractive place to set down roots.

“[Families] like to have a nice house and a nice community where kids can play in the front yard and walk to school and know some of their neighbors,” said Daniel.

6 • May 2024 ourtownlive.com Our Town Life
Civics 101
Bilyeu Creek COLLECTIBLES FURNITURE • HOME DECOR COSTUME JEWELRY • UNIQUE COLLECTIONS 160 E. Charles St., Mt. Angel 971.808.9561 Winter Hours: Thur – Sun 11 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. next to Lou’s Kitchen Lori & Randy Lathrop, proprietors... with Henri Dill (the real boss!) Now Accepting New Patients AL BORROMEO, DDS 214 Jersey Street • Silverton 503-566-7000 Wine Tasting 17627 Abiqua Rd. NE, Silverton Saturdays & Sundays 12 - 5 p.m. ParadisWine.com CUSTOM SIDING SPECIALIST Interior & Exterior Remodel Decks • Windows • Additions Roof Repairs Call now for a Free Estimate! 1134 Madison St. Silverton silverstoneremodeling@gmail. com Licensed • Bonded • Insured CCB#206570 Florentino Gaspar 503-964-4070 silverstone property maintenance, llc
Wachter Meadows in Mount Angel. STEPHEN FLOYD

The bridge over the Pudding River on Hazelgreen Road NE between Silverton and Salem is being replaced and roads in the area will be closed for an extended period of time.

Marion County is replacing the 1969 timber bridge near the intersection of Hazelgreen Road NE and Torvend Road NE. The bridge, and the two roads, closed May 13. Torvend is scheduled to reopen by June 30. Hazelgreen is scheduled to reopen by Oct. 31.

Marion County officials say the bridge was starting to decay, has inadequate width, barrier rails and approach rails and is expensive to maintain because of its timber construction and the traffic impacts.

The new concrete bridge will be constructed on the existing alignment, and Torvend Road will be realigned.

Detours have been set up. Those wishing to use a northern route should take Hazelgreen to Howell Prairie to Nusom to the Mt. Angel Highway. The southern

route involves taking Hazelgreen to Howell Prairie to Silverton Road.

For information and detailed detour maps, take the virtual open house tour at https:// www.co.marion.or.us/PW/Engineering/ Projects/Pages/HazelgreenBridge.aspx/.

The project costs $6.8 million, with Marion County contributing $1.8 million and the federal government approximately $5 million.

$1,350,000 Private Estate on 31.32 acres, 5 bd, 2ba. 2562 sq. ft. Timber framed home, Greenhouses, Timber. 5952 Peaks View Rd. NE Scotts Mills. MLS#808546

$940,000 40.83 acres, 3 bedrooms, 1 ba. lodge style home, 24x48 shop with water & power. 20 yr. plus timber, borders BLM. Seller contract. 20739 Hazelnut Ridge Rd. NE, Scotts Mills. MLS#802816

$645,000 Under Contract 3.85 acres. Prestige Estate property, path of progress potential. 835 Grouse St. NE, Silverton. Sellers will consider carrying a contract MLS#770597

$437,000 Dual living, log home, 3bd. 2 ba. & MFG home with 3bd. 1.5 ba., on 1.06 ac parcel, sm. wood shop/ garden shed. 215 Fourth St., Scotts Mills MLS#804645

on 1.540 acres. 4bd. 3ba.

$598,000 Beautiful renovated historic home, 4bd 2 ba. 1,960 sq. ft. on 1.140 level acres. T n G wood floors, Shop + storage Bldg. Many upgrades! 36937 S. Hwy 213, Mt. Angel. MLS#809889

$450,000 0.45 ac. Beautiful Santiam River frontage. Fisherman’s Paradise. 1 bd., 1 ba. 39 ft. trailer and bunk house. 10x12 shop, & 10x10 Bldg on slab. 40474 Shoreline Dr., Lyons. MLS#814406

$375,000 Rosemary Way lots: 601, 605 & 611 MLS#810425; 615, 619 & 623 MLS#810404. Builder, Developer! Located in Monitor Road Estates. Desirable location in Silverton. These lots will require wetland remediation. Buyer must have a development plan.

$299,000 2 acres buildable! Approved for standard septic. Water well. Seller will carry contract. 7685 Dovich Ln SE, Turner. MLS#778883

$195,000 Under Contract 608 James St., Silverton Lot #14. 8,000 sq ft buildable lot in Paradise Village. MLS#810811

$127,500 Buildable residential lot, 7650 sq. ft. Property has iconic water tower on it. 617 Keene Ave. Silverton. MLS#802507

Our Town Life ourtownlive.com May 2024 • 7 Bridge closed On Hazelgreen Joe Giegerich Broker 503-931-7824 Dana Giegerich Broker 503-871-8546 email: JoeGiegerich01@gmail.com Joe & Dana Giegerich
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one level
The Pudding River Bridge on Hazelgreen Road. JAMES DAY

Changing of guard Engstrom takes over as Silverton Police Chief

When Todd Engstrom joined the Silverton Police Department in 2021 “I knew Chief Anglemier was getting ready to retire and I knew taking his place as chief would be a possibility,” he told Our Town Jim Anglemier knew it, too.

“Todd is ready and will be a good chief,” Anglemier said. “He is tied to the community as a long-time resident and is family oriented, active in community groups and approachable. Todd brings a wealth of experience from over 28 years with Portland Police Bureau in a variety of positions. I have a lot of faith he will excel and do well for both the community and the department.”

The changing of the guard occurs this week. A retirement party for Anglemier is set for Friday, May 17 (see information box).

Anglemier, an Air Force veteran, joined the Silverton department late in his career, coming to town in 2015 after spending 33 years with the Salem PD. He became Silverton chief in 2020.

“I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to work for Chief Anglemier,” said Engstrom, whose father served as chief of several small California cities. “When he promoted me to captain in April 2023, he told me he

would stay for one more year and it was his job to get me ready to be chief. I didn’t feel ready then, but I feel ready now.

“He has been a tremendous role model. He is very thoughtful in all his decisions and maintains his composure no matter the problem or difficult decision. He has taught me to always measure my decisions by what’s best for the department and the community. I will always be grateful for Chief Anglemier’s tutelage and will probably hear his voice in my head for years to come.

“I’ve lived in Silverton since 2006, married a girl who grew up here, and I absolutely love this town.”

When asked what challenges Engstrom will face in his new position, Anglemier produced a lengthy list:

• Moving into the new City Hall and getting it functioning smoothly.

• Staffing, recruitment, and retention of officers.

• Increasing training to meet the constantly changing needs of preparing officers to serve the community.

• Looking for opportunities to keep officers engaged with the community to work together in solving issues.

• Planning for the future, on needs, staffing, funding and being a good steward of those funds to meet council and community goals.

“Silverton is an incredibly safe place to live,” Engstrom said. “The main issues we face are property crimes and traffic complaints. We have a young, hard-working crew that are excited to do police work, solve crimes, and make Silverton feel safer than it already does.”

Engstrom told the story of one of those officers, Nick Riedel, who is still on probation. He did a “superb job” of investigating a recent property crime at the Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA) building.

“He took the report, scoured the surveillance video, identified the suspect vehicle, contacted the suspect, got a confession, and recovered most of what had been stolen

Jim Anglemier

Hometown: Corvallis

Residence:  South Salem

Education: Bachelors from Western Oregon University; FBI National Academy; Oregon Executive Development Institute

Previous career stops: 4½ yrs in the Air Force, followed by Salem Police for nearly 33 years

Family: wife, Lorraine; daughter, Caitlin; and Sampson, a chocolate lab

from PVA,” Engstrom said. “That’s just one example of the quality work done by our officers every day.”

Engstrom also spoke of the challenge of retaining officers.

“My hope is to keep our young talent here in Silverton,” he said. “Some will be swayed to bigger, more exciting cities, but I will strive to make the family and team atmosphere created at Silverton PD hard to leave.”

Hobbies: time with family and friends, plan to get a classic car, competitive shooting and training

Retirement Party

Friday, May 17, 3 to 5 p.m.

Silver Creek Fellowship 822 Industrial Way NE.

A party to honor outgoing Silverton Police Chief Jim Anglemier. A brief ceremony is set for 3:30 p.m.

Todd Engstrom

Hometown: born in Arizona; grew up in Newman, California

Residence: Silverton

Education: Allan Hancock Community College; Indiana University (majored in criminal justice); FBI National Academy

Family: wife, Nicole; sons, Connor and Caleb; daughters, Bella and Mara

Hobbies: mountain biking, road biking, pickleball

8 • May 2024 ourtownlive.com Our Town Life
Civics 101
Capt. Todd Engstrom, left, is taking over for Jim Anglemier as chief of the Silverton Police Department. A retirement party for Angliemier is set for May 17. JAMES DAY

Silverton budget $75M

The Silverton Budget Committee is moving toward approval of a $75 million budget for the 2024-25 fiscal year.

The committee, which consists of Mayor Jason Freilinger, the six councilors and seven citizen members, heard the budget message from the city manager at a May 7 session and began its review of the document. Final passage could come at the committee’s May 9 session (after Our Town deadline) or, if necessary, on May 16. The council is espected to sign off on the budget at its June 17 meeting.

The budget message delivered by City Manager Cory Misley, calls for the addition of 5.5 full-time equivalent positions (FTEs) to the city payroll. Four of the positions would be in Public Works, with the Police Department adding an administrative technician and a half-time position being added in the Finance Department.

If the committee and the council approve the changes, the city’s workforce would be at 60.42 FTEs, up from 54.92 in the 2023-24 budget.

Three of the Public Works positions would be utility workers, who would swing between work in Public Works and parks maintenance, which city officials identified as a key community need during work updating the city’s parks master plan.

The budget also includes sizable parks spending, including $1.25 million for pickleball courts on Westfield Street behind the skate park and the Senior Center. A total of $750,000 of the funds are scheduled to come from an Oregon Parks and Recreation Department grant. Also, the budget calls for spending $500,000 on the trail at Pettit Lake, approximately $265,000 on swimming pool upgrades and $150,000 for design work for a park planned for the south end of the former Eugene Field School site and new civic center.

As almost always is the case with city budgets, Public Works projects dominate the capital expenditures. Silverton plans to spend $600,000 for improvements to the water treatment plant, $584,000 on a new Vactor truck that cleans sewer lines, $500,000 to study an aquifer water storage and recovery proposal (half of the money is expected to come from a state grant), $450,000 to engineer and design a new water tank on Edison Road NE and $300,000 on a new roof at the Public


Works compound on McClaine Street. The budget calls for continuing to spend approximately $580,000 per year on debt service for the new City Hall building. The city is in the third year of repaying a 25-year, $10 million loan that is helping pay for the $19.5 million project. The building is set to open on or about the first of June, nearly a year late and about 5% over its construction budget.

The budget also includes funds to pay for 6% cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) for non-union employees, 5% COLAs for members of the police union and 3.6% COLAs and a 1% market adjustment for union Public Works employees.

No amendments have been proposed to the budget as of the Our Town deadline, and no one spoke in favor or against the budget plan during the public comment portion of the May 7 meeting. That meeting also included approval of the city’s urban renewal spending plan of approximately $3.9 million. The key project that funding will support is a proposed downtown improvement project on Main Street between Water Street and First Street.

Here is a look at action from the May 6 regular council session:

City Hall: City Manager Misley announced that the new building is scheduled to receive its temporary certificate of final occupancy on May 27. A celebration of the opening is set for June 7 during First Friday.

Elections: The general election is Nov. 5. On the ballot will be the position of mayor, now held by Jason Freilinger, and the positions of councilors Elvi Cuellar Sutton, Jess Miller and Matt Gaitan. The term for the mayor is two years, four years for councilors. Packets will be available for prospective candidates on June 5 at City Hall. Candidates can either pay a $50 filing file or file by petition by gathering 20 qualified elector signatures. Signatures must be turned in by Aug. 27 and will be certified by Sept 5.

Affordable Housing: The city has selected DevNW and Hacienda to be the two final bidders for an affordable housing complex on city property behind the skate park and the Senior Center. The next step in the process will be a joint meeting of the council and the Affordable Housing Task Force at which the two finalists will give presentations. No date has been set for that meeting.

$544,950 Single level home with attached ADU. 2180 sqft ,4 bds/ 3 ba. ADA features throughout, providing accessibility amenities. fresh interior paint, generously sized lot .38 acre. Korinna Barcroft 503-851-1283 MLS#816371

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$569,900 Custom 1 level with 12x14 shop w/power~3bd/2ba~ 1818SF~ Granite counters and hardwood floors in kitchen, family room, very private back yard, french doors exit to covered patio, gazebo and garden area w/fruit trees. New roof and 90 plus gas furnace in 2016 Rosie Wilgus 503-409-8779 MLS#815924

$849,900 Stunning Custom home in Coveted Silverton Neighborhood. 3 bed/ 3 ba, 2255sqft on one level, 9ft doors throughout, gourmet kitchen and so many custom amenities. Must see to appreciate. Korinna Barcroft 503-851-1283 MLS#816580

New For Lease! $2,200/mo Bar/restaurant opportunity space in Mt. Angel. Walk-in cooler, type 1 hood, 2270sqft, use your imagination. Scott Stokley 503-586-8126

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Something to Do

Sacrifice honored Silverton, Mount Angel events

Memorial Day, which honors those Americans who died in the service of their country, will include observances in both Silverton and Mount Angel.

The Silverton events, sponsored by Post 7 of the American Legion, begin Friday, May 24, with an 8 a.m. uncovering of the six service flags at Town Square Park. Included will be the Space Force flag, which joined the Army, Navy Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard during a ceremony in December.

A noon event on at Town Square Park that day begins with a wreath-laying ceremony and also features speeches from Silver Falls

School District assistant superintendent Dan Busch and Associated Student Body President Brent Ulven and a performance by the Silverton High Choir. Silverton Middle School is preparing a “missing man” table, with the event closing with a rendition of Taps by Silverton band members.

On the Monday, May 27 holiday, Mayor Jason Freilinger will deliver an address and the Boy Scouts will raise the flag from half to full staff.

In Mount Angel, American Legion Post 89 has a full schedule of events for May 27, starting at 9:30 a.m. at the Calvary Cemetery. Participants are encouraged to bring their own lawn chairs. If the weather doesn’t cooperate the observance will be

shifted to St. Mary Catholic Church. The day opens with patriotic music from the Marion County Citizens Band and a military “flyover.” Veterans on hand will march in during the presentation of the colors. Mayor Pete Wall will deliver opening remarks, followed by a celebration of Mass led by the Rev. Ralph Recker of St. Mary. Music will be provided by the St. Mary Parish Music Ministry.

Commander JB Leahy of Post 89 will place the memorial wreath, Army veteran and Gold Star family member Martha Kosel will read In Flander Fields. Mayor Wall will read the names of the fallen, the Legion Honor Guard will fire a three-volley salute and bugler Les Seifer will close with Taps

May 18 is a day for pets in Silverton

The streets of Silverton will be awash in pets on Saturday, May 18, as the Kiwanis Club puts on the annual Pet Parade.

The event, which started in 1932, starts at 10 a.m. on Coolidge at Apple Street, turns right on Main Street, left on First Street and concludes at the new City Hall.

The event is free and registration is not required. Pet owners should begin lining up at 9:30 a.m., with small critters at the front and the big guys toward where Jerome Street dead-ends at Coolidge McClaine Park. Vehicles and horse trailers should enter on Fiske Street and parade vehicles should line up on Coolidge. Large animals should unload at the park and line up on Jerome.

After the Pet Parade concludes, the second annual Paws at the Park, organized by the Silverton Chamber of Commerce, gets underway at Coolidge McClaine. It will conclude at 4 p.m.

Paws in the Park, organizers say, “is a celebration of all things pets, designed to bring together pet owners, animal enthusiasts and local businesses in a fun and engaging atmosphere. The event will feature a wide range of activities and attractions for both pets and their human companions.”

New this year is a family carnival sponsored by Silverton Younglife. Offered will be carnival games, food, dancing, face painting, music and a magic show. Proceeds will help the organization send 95 kids to camp.

– James Day

10 • May 2024 ourtownlive.com Our Town Life
Paws in the Park. JIM KINGHORN
of publication: The Canyon Weekly 5/17/24
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Arts & Entertainment

Revenge is a Must Silverton screenplay writer publishes novel

David Brautigam’s writing career began unexpectedly in 2008 when he and his father went to the theater to watch The Happening, and ended up walking out before the end.

“I was just fuming about this movie,” Brautigam – who thought the storyline lacked substance – said. “So, I went home and researched how to write a screenplay.” Then he sat down and wrote his first draft.

“I vividly remember finishing Revenge is a Must. I took a week off, read through it and thought, it’s so good. But is it good?” Brautigam recalled.

Bravely he sent the script to his friend, Bret Harrison, an actor known for his work in sitcoms including Grounded for Life and That 70s Show. Harrison, who graduated from Tualatin High School with Brautigam, agreed to look it over and provide feedback.

“He had a bunch of suggestions,” Brautigam remembered. “But he said, for your first screenplay, this is really good.” Encouraged, Brautigam began networking the script to producers and actors, all while continuing to write additional scripts.

“When I started, I researched all of this stuff and they said, create multiple projects… I took that to heart,” Brautigam said. “I wrote three screenplays in five years.”

Then in 2018 a “well known executive producer” decided to give the project a go. He sought financing and began the process of casting.

“We were weeks away from signing,” Brautigam said, “and the writer’s strike happened. We were so close.” But not close enough. Overnight, the investors pulled, and the project was dropped.

“It was devastating,” Brautigam said. “I went into a twoto-three-day depression mode, questioning whether I wanted to do it.”

That’s when it was suggested to turn the screenplay of Revenge is a Must into a book.

“It’s been unbelievable,” Brautigam said of the process, which turned the movie he envisioned into a 178-page hardcover book that was released April 3.

The story of Bobby Mancini, whose family has been a part of the Italian mob in New Jersey for generations, Revenge is a Must journeys “deep into the underworld of crime.”

“You’ll feel The Godfather, Goodfellas and The Departed,”  Brautigam said. “I tried to pay homage to the movies I grew up on.”

He also attempted to write a story with a plot and characters that hook the reader from page one.

“I’m a big story guy,” he said. “I like injecting somebody

Revenge is a Must book signing

Silver Falls Brewery, 207 Jersey St., Silverton May 31, 5 p.m.

Meet Silverton author David Brautigam and learn about his recently published novel. Free beer for the first 50 people who bring in or purchase a copy of the book.

into that world right away.”

Rated five stars on Amazon – where it was initially released before making its way to Barnes & Noble stores across the country – Revenge is a Must is the first of four books that will be published during the next three years.

“We’re working on the second book now,” Brautigam said, referencing City of Graves, a crime drama that will be published in 2025.

“It’s been unbelievable to see all the revisions and changes and to see it go through the book process. But nothing changed with the story or the story line.”

“I’m putting myself out there and I’m so nervous,”  Brautigam said. “But I’m 99 percent sure people will love the book…”

When he’s not writing, he works for Summit Orthotics and Prosthetics, coaches Future Foxes basketball in Silverton and helps raise his two daughters, Payton and Ava, alongside his wife, Cassie.

He’s also betting that readers will love all the books to come, which is why he is already hard at work on six additional projects.

“I would love for this to be a career,” he said. “I like showing my kids what happens when you don’t give up and keep plugging away.”

Revenge is a Must can be purchased from Amazon, Kobo, and Lulu.

12 • May 2024 ourtownlive.com Our Town Life
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David Brautigam with the cover of his book surrounded by posters of the movies that influenced his writing. SUBMITTED PHOTO

Silverton Country Historical Society authors

celebrate 50th anniversary with event

The Silverton Country Historical Society boasts numerous authors whose published works tell the story of Silverton and its citizens from its inception in 1854 to now.

“It’s history from under the rugs and between the tracks,” Historical Society president Gus Frederick said.

Now the community will get a chance to take some of that history home when the Historical Society holds its History Author event at the museum on May 18,

11:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

“This our second event celebrating our 50th year, and will feature SCHS members’ books relating to Silverton history, which will be available for sale and autographing,” Frederick wrote in a press release.

The lineup will include – along with books by Frederick – volumes by Fred Parkinson, Minnie Engeman, Jack Hande and the famous Silverton cartoonist, Homer Davenport.

Silverton High presents one-act plays

The Silverton High School Theater Department’s Spring One Acts hit the stage May 16 - 18 at 7 p.m. in the SHS auditorium.

The lineup includes Little Women – an adaptation of the famous novel by Louisa May Alcott, directed by Maddy Rich; a short comedy drama titled, The Audition, directed by Don Zolidis and Sofia Miranda; and Troubleshooting directed by Gianna Bischoff and Roman Pack.

“The play features characters Ken and Barbie. They are motivational speakers that have a book series titled, Troubleshooting for Teens,” Pack said of the show he is directing. He hopes the show will leave the audience in stitches.

“What starts out as a few harmless tips for teenagers in trouble, quickly turns dangerous when Ken’s advice grows increasingly delusional as the evening wears on.”

Spring One Acts

Silverton High School Auditorium

1456 Pine St., Silverton

May 16 – 18 at 7 p.m.

An adaptation of Little Women

Comedy-drama, The Audition

Comedy, Troubleshooting

Admission: $1 for children, $5 for adults

Designed to give underclassmen the opportunity to play a starring role and upperclassmen the chance to direct, the One Acts are an annual tradition at SHS that is as fun for the students as it is for the audience.

“We’ve got some very talented individuals who’re having a lot of fun,” Pack said.

“It’s fun for all!”

Willamette Valley Savour is bringing the best of our valley to one location. Enjoy live music while sampling an array of Oregon wines, craft beers, hard ciders, spirits, tasty bites and artisan crafts from an exclusive list of exhibitors on display.

Our Town Life ourtownlive.com May 2024 • 13
Join Us May 17-18, 2024 Oregon Garden in Silverton Friday 4-9 PM | Saturday 12-9 PM Buy your tickets at savourthevalley.org PREMIER SPONSOR TASTING EVENT MAY 17-18 THE OREGON GARDENS PLATINUM SPONSOR
Silverton Country Historical Society authors Fred Parkinson, Gus Frederick, and Norm English meeting in the museum. JEFF MARCOE

Out of a Welsh past

Wicks has debuted a short opera at an arts festival in Australia.

Wicks’ piece, The Curse on Dyved, was inspired by his interest in Welsh music and folklore. It debuted at the Adelaide Fringe Festival, which Wicks described  as “literally hundreds of events in many fields of performing and visual arts between mid-February and mid-March each year, towards the end of the Australian summer.  It is the world’s largest Fringe Festival after that in Edinburgh, Scotland.”

Wicks has produced some choral arrangements as composer in residence for the Welsh Society of Oregon, but he told Our Town that “in 2023, I had a hankering to make something more ambitious. Having always admired the cycle of Welsh folklore known as the ‘Mabinogion,’ 11 tales translated into English in the 1840s by Lady Charlotte Guest, I picked out my favorite of the 11, adapted it into rhyme and meter, and then set it to music for four singers and piano in operatic form, with a duration of about 45 minutes.”

Dyved is an old word for a region in Wales, Wicks said. To put the plot in a nutshell, he said, “it’s about


the struggles between the royal family of Dyved and a stealthy evil sorcerer. The royal family wins. It’s largely lighthearted and gently comic.”

Wicks made a recording of the opera in Silverton and then brought it to the attention of friend and collaborator Jamie Webster, choral director of the Welsh Society of Oregon. Webster’s enthusiasm for the piece led her to suggest a staged production of the opera at the fringe festival in Australia, “where she is currently living an expatriate life,” Wicks said.

“Fringe events tend to be a little low-budget and off the cuff compared to main festival events,” Wick said, “and ours had impressive costumes, dancing, singing, and playing, but simple sets and took place in a small hall.  Fringe events also are occasionally very envelope-pushing and crude, but ours on the other hand was family-friendly and G-rated, by intention.”

Wicks could not be present for the debut, but he has seen a video and “the applause certainly seemed long and loud to me.”

Webster, he said, “assured me that the performers had a great time and that the audiences were enthusiastic, although a terrible heat wave was underway.”

Wicks described the musical style of the  opera as “somewhat informed by modernism. It is fairly tonal and consonant, and the dissonances are mostly reserved for when the villain of the plot has the upper hand. Some folks have compared this piece to the music of Henry Purcell, an English composer who lived in the latter half of the seventeenth century.”

Next up for the piece is a possible performance in Portland if Webster has an opportunity to return to the United States. Because of the relative shortness of the opera, Wicks said he might program some of his choral arrangements to round out the performance.

14 • May 2024 ourtownlive.com Our Town Life
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Silverton composer
Composer Christopher Wicks (inset); the cast of “The Curse on Dyved” in Adelaide, Australia: Michele de Courcy as Rhiannon, Jordan Newsham as Pryderi and Katelyn Crawford as Kicva.

Teen Art Show Silverton Arts Association welcomes public to annual display

The Silverton Arts Association’s gallery was packed with art enthusiasts admiring drawings, paintings and ceramics during the opening of the Teen Art Show on May 3.

“The student show is something we look forward to each year,” Silverton High School’s ceramics instructor Banyon Boyd said, “our students spend a lot of time making and choosing a quality piece of art to show and they are always excited to share their work with our community. Some of my ceramics students really surprise themselves with the high-quality work they are able to produce.

“One of the best parts of my job is when I see a student struggle with a project and then, through consistent effort, work it out over the course of a few days or weeks,” Boyd continued. “That is a very important aspect of art education, it teaches kids to be resilient and to embrace failure as part of the process, which translates to other areas of their life.”

Community shows like the Teen Art Show are important for young artists, providing a low-stakes arena for budding artists to get comfortable with exhibiting.

“Young artists create personally meaningful pieces and sometimes [are] over critical of their own technical abilities, [they] hide their work away out of fear for

how it will be judged by onlookers, closing doors on themselves,” Jody Mandish – who also teaches art at SHS – explained, “Exhibitions [like the Teen Art Show] open doors and allow artists to put themselves out there with

Teen Art Show

Silverton Arts Association Borland Gallery 303 Coolidge St., next to Coolidge McClaine Park Show runs through May 31.

wa peer group and share the progression of their passions, viewpoints, and abilities with an audience. These venues affirm their ideas and work have value. Public showings increase their confidence while creating networks and connections within the community, bolster inspiration and imagination, and support further critical thinking, experimentation and practice.”

Open to the public Wednesday through Sunday, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. until May 31, the Teen Art Show is a terrific way to see what kinds of work are being produced by both middle and high school students in the area.

“It is important for our community to support our youth and to recognize the value of the Arts by showing up,” show curator Hollie Newton said.

“If members of the community see artwork from students they know, I hope they will congratulate the student for participating in the show.”

Our Town Life ourtownlive.com May 2024 • 15 B2301/B2601 KX040 MX 5400/MX 6000 L2501 Ever ything You Need, For Anything You 33599 HWY 99E • TANGENT, OR 97389 • 541-926-1811• WWW.LINNBENTONTRACTOR.COM QUALITY. COMFORT. VERSATILITY. POWER. QUALITY. COMFORT. VERSATILITY. POWER. Ever ything You Need, For Anything You Need To Do! 33599 HWY 99E • TANGENT, OR 97389 • 541-926-1811• WWW.LINNBENTONTRACTOR.COM HUBBARD 19658 Hwy. 99E 971-216-0111 TANGENT 33599 Hwy. 99E 541-926-1811 www.orequipmentsales.com M c MINNVILLE 2700 St. Joseph Rd. 503-435-2700
The Teen Art Show at the Silverton Arts Association’s Borland Community Arts Space. MELISSA WAGONER

Alleged assault leads to high-speed chase

An Aumsville man is facing multiple charges after an alleged domestic violence incident near Silverton resulted in a highspeed pursuit.

Matthew James Rodgers, 33, was arrested May 6 for an incident the previous evening on Hwy. 214 near Silver Falls State Park. Rodgers allegedly strangled a woman, threatened her with a hatchet and damaged her windshield, according to Marion County Circuit Court records.

Police located Rodgers the morning of May 6 in Salem and attempted to initiate contact. Rodgers allegedly fled down I-5 northbound at speeds exceeding 115 mph. His vehicle eventually became stuck in a field outside Wilsonville and after a brief standoff with police he was taken into custody.

Rodgers has been charged with strangulation, fourth-degree assault, unlawful use of a weapon, second-degree criminal mischief, attempt to elude a police officer and reckless driving. As of press time he remained held in the Marion County Jail in lieu of a $250,000 bail bond.

New charges after alleged assault, stalking

A Beaverton man with a history of domestic violence is facing prison after allegedly assaulting a Mount Angel woman then threatening her from jail.

Patrick Phillip Laird, 36, was arrested April 11 for alleged incidents occurring since March. According to Marion County Circuit Court records, Laird allegedly caused minor injuries to the victim on March 12 and strangled her April 1. Then Laird allegedly violated a protection order April 4 including threatening the victim and warning her not call police.

After his arrest, Laird allegedly contacted the victim from the Marion County Jail in separate incidents April 12, 13 and 26, threatening to harm her or her family if she did not change her testimony.

Laird is charged in separate cases with attempted fourth-degree assault (two counts), attempted strangulation, coercion, and tampering with a witness (four counts). As of press time he remained in jail in lieu of $100,000 bail.

On April 15 prosecutors filed notice of intent to seek an enhanced sentence for


factors including a lack of remorse, the ineffectiveness of prior sentences and threats to public safety.

Laird’s convictions date back to 2006 and include unlawful use of a weapon, assault, coercion, strangulation, first-degree burglary, witness tampering and vandalism. He pleaded guilty March 25 in Coos County to second-degree invasion of personal privacy for secretly recording a nude female athlete at Coquille High in December of 2023.

2 1/2 year sentence in vehicular assault case

A Silverton woman has been sentenced to two-and-a-half years in prison after pleading guilty to causing a vehicle collision that injured four people last year.

Sierra Gemini James, 28, pleaded guilty May 3 in Marion County Circuit Court to third-degree assault (three counts), fourthdegree assault, reckless driving and reckless endangering.

She was sentenced to 30 months in prison with eligibility for early release and 24 months of post-prison supervision, as well as a five-year driver’s license suspension.

According to court records, James was

traveling westbound on Hwy. 22 near Mill City on May 25, 2023, when she attempted to change lanes at high speed and overcorrected, striking a westbound pickup. The pickup entered the oncoming lane then drove down an embankment into a tree, causing serious injuries to three occupants and minor injuries to a fourth.

Neither James nor her four-year-old, who was in the backseat, were injured.

James’ attorney requested probation rather than prison. A May 2 sentencing memo noted James feels remorse and “realizes she could have killed someone, including her daughter.” Judge Natasha Zimmerman imposed the 30-month sentence recommended by prosecutors.

$50K in alleged property theft from older woman

A Willamina woman is facing local charges after allegedly stealing more than $50,000 in personal property from an elderly Silverton woman.

Joan Renee Anderson-Varner, 61, was charged April 29 in Marion County Circuit Court for alleged offenses occurring April 26.

According to court records, AndersonVarner entered a residence on the 300 block of Monson Road NE and allegedly stole more than $50,000 in property belonging to a victim age 65 or older. Anderson-Varner then allegedly called 911 and provided false information about the incident, said court records.

She is charged with aggravated first-degree theft, first-degree burglary and initiating a false report. If convicted, Anderson-Varner faces up to 20 years in prison on the highest count.

16 • May 2024 ourtownlive.com Our Town Life
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Demand more Silver Falls School District budget requires action

1,485 Respondents: During the May 2, 2024 (Silver Falls) school board “work session,” no comments were allowed. The board received collated documents from Superintendent Morelock for opinions on priority programs. Morelock was thanked for the extensive detail.

This time-consuming, week-long, process was to determine the sacred cows. There were no surprises to scholastic or extracurricular concerns. No insult intended to the many faithful who responded; but this was a waste of valuable time.

Instead of resolve, a round table review of the budget, there are studies, reports, and delays!

No board decisions were made. A discussion of plausible guilt ensued. Instead of allowing other discussion, the gavel dropped at 8:50 p.m.

Discussion Requested: On May 1, the day before, the board received correspondence asking for discussion of expectations and solutions.

Some were to take prompt action to

Guest Opinion

be accountable and responsible; Board meetings should be twice per week in the front of the public; our teachers deserve to know their futures now; instead of an interim superintendent, we should hire a permanent superintendent; require a formal and professional forensic discovery of how our financials were abused; “no confidence” indicates the chair and vice-chair should resign their positions; produce the closing agreement with (former superintendent Scott) Drue, which drained funds not required in his contract; care of facility assets in the interim which have possible functional value of $500 million; etc.

Civic Opportunity Fund: The primary topic (in the request for discussion) was an example on how to avoid the huge hit with new revenue. (The May 1 submission proposed) funds amortized over six years at

$1.5 million per year could restore reserves and budgets. Incentive in the process could provide civic satisfaction and more interest income for families, teachers and the teachers union. A win, win, win.

(The proposal suggested) if cuts conclude $7.5 million; using an amortization calculator with 6 percent return over six years, interest and principle is $8,949,359. Divided by six years is $1,492,560. This is sustainable.

(It further suggested) a local bank would contract to deposit funds, provide receipts, pay interest and report tax income. District budget assignment would provide the $1.5 million in the annual income.

Lack of Diligence: Chair Traeger claimed there were no warnings in the CPA audits. However, in review of Pauly Rogers’ report (June 30, 2023), “With a general fund ending balance of just 1.5 percent, it’s critical the district build back reserves immediately.”

Additionally, Drue’s June 2023 budget statement forecast a $600,000 cash deficit for 2024.

New Board: In support of the new members, many financials documents were not provided them until January 2024.

Hopeful Comments: (Board member) Josh Ort stated the meetings should be five times per week. (Member) Phil Wiesner stated “complacency”. (Member) Derrick Foxworth stated teachers need to know their futures before June.

From May 2 we again learn the old board cannot be relied on. Superintendent Morlock now receives direction from Chair Jennifer Traeger.

Ask the new board members to make motions demanding more meetings each week and immediate solutions.


Send letters to ourtown.life@ mtangelpub.com or mailed to Editor, Our Town, P.O. Box 927, Mount Angel, OR 97362. Please limit to fewer than 500 words. Our Town reserves the right to edit for clarity and space.

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Remembering Nabor Long-standing city employee leaves legacy

Nabor Castro’s face was familiar to many Silvertonians, including Barbara Nusbaum Rivoli who, on Aug. 16, 2021, wrote in a Facebook post on Silverton Connections, “For many years I have been coming to the… YMCA building on Water Street in Silverton. There has been one consistently helpful, kind, friendly and hard-working city worker there tending to the maintenance of the building, Nabor Castro. Nabor’s presence is one of the amazing aspects of this Community.”

An employee of the City of Silverton’s Public Works Maintenance Division for 18 years, Nabor was – according to his son, Jaime – known for his friendly and respectful demeanor, greeting those he met with a smile and a handshake.

“My Dad was a hard worker…” Jaime said of his father who was born in San Juan, Texas in July of 1937. He was one of the five children of Silvestre and Isabel Castro.

“My dad followed his brother, Macardio, to Oregon… in the summer of 1969…” Jaime said. “He initially began working

In Memory Of

Bruce Palmer May 15, 1944 — April 14, 2024

Jeffrey Benson April 27, 1971 — April 18, 2024

Harry C. Rockwell April 18, 1941 — April 24, 2024

Barbara Jean Quick Moser May 1, 1934 April 28, 2024

Elvin Heinz May 11,1935 — April 26, 2024

Gary Boehmer June 30, 1946 May 4, 2024

Barbara Hupp Sept. 20, 1936 — May 4, 2024

for Willamette Egg Farms...”

Employed in several other vocations during the next 35 years, including as a bus driver and custodian for two school districts, Nabor began working for the City of Silverton in April 2004, quickly becoming a familiar face in the community.

“Nabor Castro kept our Community Center and other city buildings tidy…” Hilary Dumitrescu – a former employee of Sheltering Silverton, an organization housed in the Community Center basement – wrote in another Facebook post.

“During COVID lockdown, he and I were often the only people at the community center, and exchanging

pleasantries across a distance with him was sometimes the only human contact I had besides my own family...”

But even those who interacted with Nabor outside of his workday enjoyed their time with him.

“He was a great guy,” Mayor Jason Freilinger said, recalling his interactions with Nabor, first as a business owner, then in his work with Maps Credit Union. “We had a running joke about me owing him a million dollars… He always brought me great joy and a smile on my face. He of course was always smiling… Truly a special man.”

Raised by a single mother after his father died when Nabor was four, he was “a bit rebellious during his early childhood years,” according to Jaime. But eventually he settled down, marrying Irma Aurora Mendoza in 1956, and becoming a hardworking father of five, grandfather of nine and great grandfather of two.

“He was proud of his work,” Jaime said. “He would endeavor to do his best.. always… He would go out of his way to help anyone in need, family and friends.”

That was the life he lived for 84 years until, on March 20, 2024, Nabor suffered an unexpected and catastrophic stroke.

“It is with heavy hearts and condolences that we learn of Nabor Castro’s passing…” a representative from the City of Silverton wrote in a Facebook post. “He will always be remembered as a kind member of our team and community.”

That’s what Jaime thinks his father would have wanted most – to leave behind a legacy that can’t be quantified, to “leave people better off than how he found them.”

18 • May 2024 ourtownlive.com Our Town Life
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Nabor Castro and his wife, Irma. COURTESY LISA CASTRO

Carrol A. Waggoner March 9, 1937 – April 5, 2024

Carol Waggoner was born in Salem, Oregon on March 9, 1937, to Claude and Joyce Winegar. Raised in Monmouth, she graduated from Central High School in Independence. She married Don Earle, and they had two children, Don and Julie. Later in life she met her soul mate, Jim Waggoner, and they enjoyed almost 30 years together.

Carol passed on April 5, 2024, and leaves behind her son, Don (Anna) Broxson; daughter, Julie Broxson; stepdaughter, Michelle Deckert; sisters, Sharon Bonnett and Cathy Komes; several grandchildren and great grandchildren; and her beloved dog and constant companion, Mia.

Shannon Stillwell Gossack

May 3, 1961 – Sept. 13, 2023

Our worst fears were recently realized upon confirmation from the U.S. Embassy in Belize that our dearly loved sister, Shannon, passed away Sept. 13, 2023.

She made her love of antiquing a career and owned her own stores, three in all, with the last one being in Junction City, Oregon. After Jim passed in 2016, she moved from Bay City to Silverton, Oregon to be closer to family.

The family wishes to extend their heartfelt thanks to her caregivers, Mikki, Jane, Roxanne and Karla; good friend, Bob; and Willamette Vital Health Hospice for their care and kindness.

A Celebration of Life will be held at a later date.

William ‘Bill’ Loftis, Sr. Dec. 7, 1938 – March 2, 2024

William Bryan Loftis passed away in his sleep, peacefully, around midnight on March 2, 2024 at his home in Scotts Mills, Oregon.

Bill was born on Dec. 7, 1938 in suburban East Los Angeles, California to Howard and Katheryn Loftis. They raised Bill and his older brother, Kenneth, in a close, faith-based family with a strong work ethic.

He graduated from high school in 1957 in Lynwood, California. On his 18th birthday, he joined the US Navy and was assigned to the USS Los Angeles In 1957, the ship sailed to Portland, Oregon, bound for the Rose Parade. There Bill met a student nurse, Joyce

Elvin Heintz, Sr.

Elvin Heintz was born May 11, 1935 in Silverton, Oregon. He passed away peacefully April 26, 2024 with family by his side. He was a loving father, grandfather, greatgrandfather, uncle and friend.

Sweger. After completing his Navy enlistment and her school terms – and hundreds of letters – Bill and Joyce were married in 1960.

Bill built a successful 40-year career with the telephone company, starting by digging holes and planting telephone poles in Silverton Country and ended being a systems engineer in Los Angeles.

They had two sons, William B. Loftis, Jr. and Kenneth D. Lofits; and later a grandson, Kenneth D. Loftis, Jr. and granddaughter, Stephanie.

Memorial funeral services were held on April 19 at Willamette National Cemetery in Portland.

May 11, 1935 – April 26, 2024

He worked for Weyerhaeuser for years, then with the Clackamas County Road Department, retiring in 1997. He was a proud member of the Scotts Mills Historical Society.  Elvin was the youngest of six children.

His siblings have all preceded him in death along with his wife, Barbrara (Sowa) Heinz.

He is survived by sons, Darryel, Elvin Jr., Greg and daughters Kristina and Marisa. He has numerous grandchildren, greatgrandchildren, great-greatgrandchildren, nieces, and nephews.

He will be missed by those who knew him. Arrangements were handled by Unger Funeral Chapel.

Shannon was born on May 3, 1961, in McMinnville, Oregon to Jud (James) and Donna Stillwell and was the youngest of five daughters. She was full of life and bubbling energy and with her long, brown curls and endearing personality she was the perfect baby sister.

Shannon attended elementary school at St. James, Memorial Elementary, a year in Libby, Montana and finally Sheridan, Oregon where she graduated from Sheridan High School in 1979. During high school she was a student leader and accomplished athlete. She was a skilled setter on the first place Volleyball Team, ran track, participated in student government and was a cheerleader. As a freshman at the University of Oregon she continued her cheerleading and subsequently parleyed her expertise into a job as a traveling instructor for cheer camps.

Shannon’s primary work life was as an entrepreneur and a fitness instructor par excellence. She built Silverton’s Total Body Health Club and taught various fitness classes there while running the business, raising her family and living in Silverton. Shannon was a hard worker and a talented decorator. Her hands-on work made every living space beautiful inside and out by showcasing her love of flowers and innate sense of design.

Her diagnosis of ovarian cancer in 2020 was devastating and although she was in remission when she went to Belize in March of 2022, the Report of Death of a U.S. Citizen lists metastasis due to ovarian cancer as the cause of her death.

Shannon tragically, was predeceased by her two beloved children, Nickolaus (2010) and Vanessa (2022). Her mother’s heart was broken by these losses. Shannon was a warm and loving mother as well as a cherished daughter, treasured sister and loyal and valued friend.

She was instrumental in creating Silverton’s Angel of Hope monument located at the Oregon Garden near the Gordon House. Here people can spend a quiet moment in reflection and remembrance of their loved ones. Engraved stones may be placed to commemorate those who are gone. The memorial speaks to Shannon’s resolve, her deep experience with loss and her boundless and enduring love.

Shannon touched many lives and will never be forgotten by her sisters, Kelly Stillwell, Angi Justen, Suzanne Singer-Alvarez and Judy Stillwell Toliver; her nieces, nephews, extended family, and her many lifelong friends. Shannon was cremated in Belize, but her family intends to place a headstone in her memory near her mother and grandparents’ graves in Sheridan, Oregon. Although we were separated, we never left her and will forever hold her close in our hearts.

Our Town Life ourtownlive.com May 2024 • 19

Revered program Moffatt proves a thinking man’s athletic director

A few years back I was at Kennedy to report on a Class 2A baseball playoff game. The Trojans won easily, and I figured it would be just a few minutes before coach Kevin Moffatt would be done talking with his team and I could interview people. I waited. And waited some more. The huddle in the outfield appeared to break up and I approached Moffatt. He told me they had a couple more things to talk about. So they gathered again near home plate. And I waited some more.

As the years passed the waits continued, but as I grew to know Moffatt better, I came to the conclusion that he must be saying something of value given the results he keeps getting. His baseball teams have won two consecutive Class 2A-1A titles. He also won in 2012 and JFK finished second two other times.

As athletic director for the past 19 seasons his program has won the OSAA Cup six times in the past eight years. The trophy covers athletics, academics and sportsmanship. Academics? Talk to Moffatt for 15 minutes and he is sure to mention that one of the things he is most proud of is that virtually all of the Trojans’ teams average 3.0 or better. Usually a lot better.

Moffatt’s program also is expanding, an anomaly in these tight budget times, particularly at a small school. In recent years the Trojans have added swimming, wrestling and soccer. Why? Moffatt says

that research shows kids who are involved in after-school activities tend to get better grades.

Moffatt was named athletic director of the year for Class 2A and for small schools overall (1A, 2A and 3A) at the Oregon Athletic Directors Association annual conference last month at Sunriver. Moffatt also was honored as the 2A winner in 2014.

Rachel Stucky, the superintendent of the Mt. Angel School District, provided a letter of support for Moffatt. She noted in an interview with Our Town that in evaluating Moffatt “it’s much more than just sports. It’s about producing better human beings, making them better people. He’s the epitome of developing student success. Every year he goes above and beyond.”

Steve Ritchie, the veteran track and field and cross country coach at Kennedy, predates Moffatt.

“Moff has been a great boss for me because his priority is always the kids and what is best for them,” Ritchie told Our Town “Obviously he is a great baseball coach – his record attests to that. But his most outstanding quality is that he cares about our students and makes decisions based on that. He does things the right way.

“In addition, he doesn’t micromanage his coaches. He shows a lot of trust in us and always seeks our opinion when there is an issue that affects one of our teams. I have always felt respected and listened to.”

Moffatt will be the first to tell you that he inherited a terrific set of coaches, including Ritchie, softball coach Walt Simmons and football coach Randy Traeger. Ritchie and Simmons are still on the job, Joe Panuke is the only other football coach Moffatt has had to work with and Karl Schmidtman has 10-plus years with boys basketball, while also serving as a baseball assistant

with Moffatt.

Moffatt also speaks highly of the community support the athletes – and students – receive, as well as noting that the youth programs are well-run. One of the youth baseball programs in town is run by Nathan Pratt, the former head coach at Chemeketa Community College.

“I’m lucky to have this group of coaches to work with,” Moffatt told Our Town “That’s a big part of the reason I got the award, the people I get to work with.”

Moffatt also loves to talk about the OSAA Cup.

“I always want to be in the running for the OSAA Cup,” he said. “Even when we don’t have teams that are that good we are still doing well in the classroom. We’re putting out good kids, that’s the thing I am most proud of. And sophomores are becoming leaders by the time they are seniors.”

In those 19 years as AD and baseball coach all of those successes start to add up to a pretty good group of adults. Moffatt said that every summer he usually goes to four or five weddings of former players.

“And every time I go to one I always feel pretty proud of how they turned out.”

That’s worth the wait, dontcha think?

20 • May 2024 ourtownlive.com Our Town Life
Sports & Recreation
Running every First Friday and every Saturday and Sunday all summer. OregonCraftersMarket.com
JFK athletic director and baseball coach, Kevin Moffatt JAMES DAY

Young leadership Meyer, 24, running the show for Foxes baseball

Just a few short years ago Colton Meyer was playing football and baseball at Silverton High. Now, after a college career at Linfield and summer ball with the Corvallis Knights, Meyer, 24, is in charge of the Foxes baseball fortunes.

[and] redefining who we are as a team is a big part of our role this year.

Silverton is 9-14 overall and 6-9 in the Mid-Willamette Conference this season. It should be noted that although the squad is just seventh in the league, all six teams ahead of them are ranked in the top 15 in Class 5A, including No. 3 West Albany and No. 5 Crescent Valley.

“The team has made some tremendous progress from the beginning of the year to where we are now,” Meyer told Our Town. “Being a new coach and bringing some new members to the coaching staff

“Figuring out what type of culture we want for our program and modeling it for our players every day. I believe as the season has gone on we are starting to see more buy-in from the players to our culture and what we want to accomplish each year.”

Key contributors to this year’s squad, Meyer said, are Logan Hendrickson (hitting), James Brady (outfield play), pitchers Sawyer Enderle and Wyatt Postlewait,  freshmen Colson Swartz, James Collier, Luke Horner, Trey Cartensen, and Henry Briggs, Cade Wynn (all-around skill), Hudson Waples (outfield defense), Nolan Horner (strength and toughness) and pinch runner Austin Zajdel

The squad has a chance to finish with a .500 record. Down the stretch the Foxes play 0-15 McKay and then close with a home-and-home series against 8-7 Dallas.

Silverton High Car Show returns May 25

The longest running high school car show in Oregon will be making its return thanks to Silverton High School’s mechanical technology instructor, Daniel Rofelty.

“The car show was always a great showcase of students planning, organizing, and hosting the event, bringing in community and getting to interact with other like-minded adults…”  Rofelty said.

“Due to COVID, and a change in instructors, the Car Show was last hosted in 2017, by Butch Stetson and the prior SHS Car Club... My first year at SHS was full of planning each day, and establishing curriculum and routine in the shop, and the car show would have been too big of a task to take on.”

But now, in his second year of teaching, he is excited to take it on.

“Entering into my role as an instructor, I always knew that I wanted to bring back this event,” Rofelty said. “My room is decorated with prior posters… We would love for this to be an event that continues in the years to come.”

Scheduled for May 25, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in

SHS Car Show

Silverton Middle School campus

May 25, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m

Cars, music, food, vendors, tours of the SHS shop, awards, drawings

the parking lot adjacent to the Silverton Middle School gymnasium, the event will include a host of vehicles on display, live music, food trucks, vendors, tours of the SHS mechanical technology facility, awards and drawings.

“We would love everyone in the community to come out and support the Car Show… Whether you have an interest in vehicles, or not,” Rofelty said.

“We have hopes of this being a great fundraiser for our shop to continually invest in tools and equipment with a goal of improving each student’s experience when taking any Auto Shop Class. All proceeds will go back into our program. We would also love for this to be a great networking opportunity with community members and other industry professionals to showcase what we do.”

Kennedy, meanwhile, fell to 12-2 in Class 2A-1A’s Special District 2 by dropping a doubleheader at Blanchet Catholic on May 8. The sweep allowed the secondranked Cavaliers to move to 14-0 and clinch the district title. Kennedy, ranked seventh, already has clinched a state playoff berth. The Trojans downed Blanchet in last year’s state title game.

Tennis: The Silverton girls tennis team had a 12-1 dual match record at Our Town presstime. The Foxes’ lone loss was to defending state champion Crescent Valley. Turnout was again strong, with coach Shawn Pool reporting that Silverton has 36 players on the roster.

Junior Audrey Gardner is the top singles player, while senior Paige Davisson and freshman sister Ashlyn Davisson compose the top doubles squad. Paige Davisson and then-partner Lindsey Gardner took fourth at state a year ago. Pool told Our Town that he things this year’s duo also could place at state.

Softball: Silverton will play four games over a seven-day period that might determine who wins the Mid-Willamette Conference championship. The Foxes, 19-4 overall and 12-2 in league play, are ranked third in the state. Top-ranked Dallas (21-2, 14-1) leads the league, but that one Dragons loss came April 24 in a 9-7 defeat at Silverton. The Foxes close the regular season at Dallas on May 15 but likely need to win out in earlier games against West Albany (9-5), Crescent Valley (4–11) and McKay (0-14) for the

season finale to determine the league title. Track & Field: Olivia Boyd of Silverton is the top-ranked high jumper in Class 5A with a mark of 5-6 as the Foxes peak toward district and state competition. Boyd won the state Class 2A title a year ago at Gervais with a leap of 5-4.25. Silverton hosted the Mid-Willamette district meet at McGinnis Field May 9 – 11 after Our Town deadline. The state meet is May 17-18 at Hayward Field in Eugene.

Other top Class 5A marks turned in by Foxes include Elijah Willis (second in the javelin and fifth in the shot put) and David Hari (fourth, long jump).

Kennedy, which competed in its district meet at Portland Christian on May 10-11, is led by Tia Allen (tops in the discus at 124-6), Alyse Williams (second, long jump) and Cole Vogel (third, 110 hurdles). The 2A state meet is May 16-17 at Hayward Field.

Signings: Four more Silverton athletes have signed on for college participation. Volleyball standouts Farrah Keith and Gracelyn Jensen have chosen the community college route, with Keith head to Chemeketa and Jensen to Lane. Olivia Boyd will compete in track and field at Western Oregon, while cheerleader Brianna Koster is headed to Washington State.

Got a news tip or story idea? Email james.d@mtangelpub.com

Our Town Life ourtownlive.com May 2024 • 21
Colton Meyer

A teaching moment

During the past six weeks I have been dismayed by the harsh – and even sometimes hate-filled – comments I’ve read on social media.

Hauntingly similar to the public divide created by the COVID shutdown and the subsequent roll out of safety protocols, the Silver Falls School District’s budget shortfall has once again filled the community with mistrust.

I admit, it’s had me scared, worried there is no way to bridge a growing gap in public trust.

But then I saw a post from a Silverton business owner offering words of encouragement and a free drink…and then another offering discounts to those whose pay will be cut… and another offering childcare to those affected by furloughs. These people, who have known struggles of their own during the past four years, have begun offering what they can to help those who need it most.

And slowly, during the days that have followed, I’ve noticed a change. It’s like the temperature has dropped a few degrees.

Have these entrepreneurs and community members solved the problem? No. There is still a long road ahead of all of us. But they have presented a reminder of something I had forgotten, that in times of crisis, the best way through is to “look

Finding help when it’s needed most

for the helpers” because, as one of the most famous quotes by the late Fred Rogers tells us, “You will always find people who are helping.”

How had I forgotten that lesson?

After all, I learned it during the pandemic when children began writing inspirational quotes on sidewalks in chalk and neighbors hosted socially distanced, outdoor gatherings to stave off loneliness. And I was reminded of it again during the 2020 wildfires and the 2021 ice storm, when community members volunteered, checked-in, made meals and showed compassion for each other despite their differences.

And now, over three years since our last big community-wide struggle, it’s happening again.

On April 12, just as tensions surrounding furlough days began to build, Country Financial representative Brent Satern posted on Facebook, “To all our SFSD teachers, employees, and staff of any kind – We know how hard and stressful this week has been for you all. You deserve better. And you deserve some good news

to end your week...”

Opening tabs at four Silverton restaurants, Satern bought drinks for any SFSD employee who wanted to head downtown and “soak up the sun.”

“You have the full support of our office and this community,” he wrote, “and we’ll get through this together…like we always do in Silverton. We are thankful for each and every one of you.”

That post seemed to set off a chain reaction. Businesses and community members across the city have since begun offering discounts including half-priced Yoga and a Pint classes at Silver Falls Brewery from instructor Victoria True, four weeks of free dance classes for the children of furloughed employees from the Revolutionary Dance and Movement Co., educator discounts from the Noble Fox and Serenity Home and Spa, free breathwork sessions at Gratitude Yoga from Beverly Rablin and a free meal on each of the seven furlough days from Oso.

“Silver Falls School District teachers and staff showed up,” Oso’s owner Kasey

Knaus posted on Facebook after the first furlough event took place on May 3. “The minute we opened the door and all night long! Over $1100 in free meals given out. Thank you for letting us feed you… It was amazing to see so many smiling faces during a frustrating time…”

Perhaps that’s because Knaus and her staff provided more than just a meal. They provided an opportunity for in-person companionship and connection away from the stress of work – something I can only imagine that those SFSD employees who attended sorely needed.

“People were connecting from table to table,” Knaus confirmed, “and we could see this sense of relaxation and commiseration; it felt very therapeutic…”

It was good for those SFSD employees who attended, and for Knaus and her staff as well. Because helping – by taking action or simply offering words of encouragement – makes everyone feel just a little bit better and reminds us all that, while looking for helpers is important, being one is even better.

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Silver Falls School District staff enjoying a free meal at Oso on the first of seven scheduled furlough days. COURTESY OF OSO



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Sellers to offer up to 10K in closing costs, prepaids, prorations, and/ or rate buy down!! Open concept home on large .23 acre lot in quiet cul de sac in newer neighborhood. Custom wood cabinets throughout, quartz countertops, laminate flooring, custom window coverings, & stainless steel appliances. Large bonus room upstairs with full bath is currently being used as fourth bedroom. Room for RV. Easy access to 214. Only adjacent neighbor is to the South. Call Whitney at ext. 320 or Mike at ext. 312 (WVMLS#813781)


Well maintained 3 bedroom 2.5 bath home in the desirable Webb Lake Subdivision. From the inviting covered from patio to the fully fenced backyard, this home has so much to offer. Walk into an open floor plan with great natural light. The main floor has an additional office/4th bedroom. A 220 square foot bonus room upstairs has endless potential. You must see this beautiful home. Call Becky at ext. 313 (WVMLS#815313)


#T2761 GREAT OPPORTUNITY 1.66 Acres. Salem. Call Whitney at ext. 320 or Mike at ext. 312 $199,000 (WVMLS#800102)

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#T2812 CHARMING HOBBY FARM 2 BR, 1 BA 1249 sqft. Aumsville. Call Kirsten at ext. 326 $699,900 (WVMLS#813960)

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#T2819 FIVE SEPARATE UNITS 6 BR, 5 BA 3172 sqft. Salem. Call Meredith at ext. 324, Ryan at ext. 322 $847,000 (WVMLS#815616)

#T2821 WEST EUGENE HILLS 3 BR, 2 BA 1892 sqft Call Meredith at ext. 324, Ryan at ext. 322 $450,000 (WVMLS#815799)


This beautiful acreage property has a little bit of everything. Over 9 acres of timber, more than 9 acres of pastureland and a great home site. 2 shops and a barn for all your hobbies and accessories. A chicken coop, gardens, and multiple fruit trees will keep you busy while enjoying the quiet property. House has a great room addition with tons of natural light. Storage through-out. New electric HVAC system. Put on your boots and get out to see this one! Call Becky at ext. 313 (WVMLS#815912)

#T2813 55+ PARK $118,900

Well Cared for Home in 55+ Park. Upgraded triple pane windows. Roof only 5 years old. F/A Heat pump w/ air filter installed in 2013. 1 space carport. Grab bars installed in bath. Park approval required. Park rent includes; water, sewer, and garbage. Call Michael at ext. 314 (WVMLS#814368)

#T2811 OPEN

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#T2813 55+ PARK

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$419,000 (WVMLS#814563)

#T2818 WEBB LAKE AREA 3+ BR, 2.5 BA 1980 sqft Call Becky at ext. 313

$565,500 (WVMLS#815313)

#T2816 2 BUILDABLE LOTS .45 Acres Call Meredith at ext. 324, Ryan at ext. 322 $139,900 (WVMLS#814998)

#T2761 GREAT OPPORTUNITY 1.66 Acres. Salem. Call Whitney at ext. 320 or Mike at ext. 312 $199,000 (WVMLS#800102)

24 • May 2024 ourtownlive.com Our Town Life Chuck White Broker 873-3545 ext. 325 Mason Branstetter Principal Broker, GRI 873-3545 ext. 303 Kirsten Barnes Broker 873-3545 ext. 326 Whitney Ulven Broker, GRI 503-873-3545 ext. 320 Mike Ulven Broker 503-873-3545 ext. 312 WWW.SILVERTONREALTY.COM Meredith Wertz Broker, GRI 873-3545 ext. 324 Ryan Wertz Principal Broker, GRI 873-3545 ext. 322 Sarah Sanders Property Manager 873-3545 ext. 311 Micha Christman Office Manager 873-1425 Becky Craig Principal Broker, GRI 873-3545 ext. 313 Michael Schmidt Principal Broker GRI 873-3545 ext. 314 Tayler Whitaker Secretary 873-3545 ext. 300 Jason Marshall Broker 873-3545 ext 302
503.873.3545 303 Oak St. • Silverton
WE HAVE BUYERS LOOKING! Now is the perfect time to list your home. Contact us today for a FREE home evaluation! FOR RENT Call Micha or Sarah at 503-873-1425 or visit SilvertonRealty.com SILVERTON
#T2815 GREAT INCOME PRODUCING PROPERTY 4 Buildings, 1.87 Acres Call Chuck
ext. 325
$995,000 (WVMLS#814788)

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