Our Town North: May 1, 2024

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COMMUNITY NEWS Vol. 21 No. 9 Serving Mt. Angel, Silverton, and Scotts Mills May 2024 PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID PORTLAND OR PERMIT NO. 854 POSTAL CUSTOMER ECRWSS Our Town P.O. Box 927 Mt. Angel, Or 97362 Update Silver Falls School District: Loans, furloughs, surveys – Page 4 - 5 Sports & Recreation Silverton Softball defeats Dallas – Page 24 Benefits of good grooming
Your Garden Consider a ‘cutting garden’ – Inside



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2 • May 2024 ourtownlive.com Facebook.com/OurTown.SMASM
Now Accepting NEW PATIENTS 605 Welch St. Silverton RainbowValleyPediatrics.com 503.782.1975 Scott Hamblin, MD Krisi Clausen, PA-C

Input sought on school budget cuts ..... 4

Furlough days approved for SFSD ........ 4

Fast track plan OK’d for interim superintendend ................................. 4

SFSD applies for bridge loan ................ 5

Something to Think About

Friends remember Ross Ryan, positive impacts he helped achieve .................. 6

Civics 101

Three candidates for county clerk ....... 8

Roundup of Silverton city projects ..... 11

Legal Matters ................... 10

The Forum .............................. 13

Your Garden ................... Inside

Arts & Entertainment

Butte Creek performs Matilda ........... 15

Passages ................................ 16


PNW Pooch gives grooming tips ........ 18

Datebook ............................... 20

Sports & Recreation

Gymnastics team balances high marks .. 23

Busiest state parks includes Silver Falls... 23

Foxes Softball tops Dallas ................. 24 Something to Do Crafters Market returns .................... 25 A Grin at the End ............. 26

The late Ross Ryan, a familiar face in Silverton and Mount Angel, and regionally-admired disabilities advocate. COURTESY ELISA RYAN

On The Cover

Customers of PNW Pooch in Mount ANgel. COURTESY CASSY PROFFITT

Our Town

P.O. Box 927 Mount Angel, OR 97362

401 Oak St. Silverton, OR 97381 503-845-9499



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The deadline for placing an ad in the May 15 issue is May 6.

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....................... 26 Above
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Action plans

SFSD moves forward on budget, policy, personnel fronts

Community input sought on 2024-2025 cuts School district approves furlough days

The Silver Falls School District (SFSD) is asking the public what they would like to see prioritized financially as significant cuts for next year threaten staff, programs and facilities.

The district has been advised to reduce the 2024-2025 budget by roughly $8.8 million, or 12 percent of the current budget, to correct years of overspending and revenue losses.

During the April 22 meeting of the SFSD Board, Interim Superintendent Joe Morelock said the district is seeking community input on what cuts should be avoided.

He said they are planning a survey through ThoughtExchange to ask what the district should keep, from specific sports and clubs to specific teachers and buildings. Survey answers would be openended and respondents could also vote on which answers from other community members they agree with.

Morelock said the results of this survey would be given to the board to help it make better-informed decisions on reductions for next year’s budget.

The survey, posted in late April, has been shared through the district’s various information outlets. It is available at: https://my.thoughtexchange.com/ scroll/984085505/.

Morelock said the board needs to decide where to make cuts soon because it has until June 30 to approve a budget for the next school year. He said it is also important to act promptly to keep employees informed of their job prospects.

Morelock said reducing expenditures would be complex because staffing, programs and facilities were all interconnected. Adjustments to one might require adjustments to another. He said administrators will create an overall scope of budget reductions, then work out details of how those reductions could specifically be applied.

Morelock acknowledged current budget plans are vague. He said when specifics start coming into focus, the district will share those details publicly.

“As soon as we know more we’ll tell you more, I promise,” said Morelock. “We don’t want to hold anything back.”

Seven furlough days for the present school year have been approved by the Silver Falls School District (SFSD) Board as part of efforts to address significant budget shortfalls.

During the board’s regular meeting April 22, members voted unanimously to designate May 3 and 24 and June 10-14 as furlough days on the school calendar.

These will be days without instruction, when teachers and classified staff do not come into work, nor are they paid. The furloughs are expected to save the district roughly $1.2 million.

The change adds Friday to Memorial Day weekend and eliminates the last week of school. June 7 becomes the final day of the year. A half-day, May 3, was already a non-instruction day for staff development training.

Board Chair Jennifer Traeger said this was “a huge thing” for the district and a significant step toward addressing deficit projections. The board was informed April 8 of a likely $4 million deficit in this year’s budget and a $1.3 million cash shortfall in June.

Traeger said the combination of furlough days and a bridge loan the board voted to pursue April 11 will resolve the district’s immediate need for spending reductions and revenue increases. The board will next seek to cut $8.8 million from the 2024-2025 budget to stay ahead of further potential deficits.

Traeger acknowledged the furloughs were the result of collaboration with the district’s two employees’ unions. She thanked them for their willingness to make difficult decisions in a short timeframe.

“I appreciate everybody that came to the table,” said Traeger, who called the need for furloughs “extremely regrettable.”

“We are working to do better, putting things in the palace to do better,” she continued.

One step toward improved financial oversight was a decision by the board to reverse a district policy barring standing committees. This will allow the board to form a budget committee including no more than three board members. The body would regularly evaluate district finances in open meetings.

Nonprofit guiding interim superintendent search for Silver Falls opening

The Silver Falls School District (SFSD) has partnered with the Coalition of Oregon School Administrators (COSA) to find an interim superintendent as the search for a permanent superintendent takes shape.

During the SFSD Board’s regular meeting April 22, it approved a COSA-led search process that could result in hiring an interim superintendent by mid-May.

This would leave time for the new hire to work with current Interim Superintendent Joe Morelock to transition into the position before Morelock leaves June 30.

Morelock became interim superintendent April 3 following the abrupt resignation of former Superintendent Scott Drue March 13.

COSA’s incoming Executive Director Krista Parent told the board her agency looks for recently retired superintendents, or those who are soon to retire, who are prepared to step into an interim position immediately.

She said there is currently a “shallow pool” of candidates and multiple school districts are in the market. She encouraged the board to act swiftly to secure quality candidates.

The board approved a timeline that included posting the position April 23 and closing applications May 3. This would be followed by closed-door interviews the week of May 6 and a public hiring decision the week of May 13.

Board members said they would prefer a process that included more time for public feedback and an opportunity for community members to engage with potential candidates. Parent advised against this because of the district’s short effective timeline and because public interviews were not typical and could reduce applicants.

Parent also advised the board to be diligent in advertising for a permanent superintendent and suggested they post the job by October, or no later than January of 2025. She again noted the small pool of candidates and high demand in Oregon. She said if the district takes too long

it “will miss out” on quality candidates.

Parent acknowledged SFSD is attempting to save money amid a serious budget crunch and said, though COSA is offering its services for free, those services are limited. She said COSA will help advertise the position and offer guidance on interviews, but for a permanent superintendent the district may want the broader capabilities of a paid consultancy.

Board Chair Jennifer Traeger said the board does not have to decide now what the search for a permanent superintendent will look like. It can be flexible on those details.

The board also voted to approve a list of personal qualities they want in an interim superintendent based on feedback from a recent community survey and public forum. Residents expressed their desire for integrity, fiscal responsibility, openness and humility. The board incorporated these qualities with the official qualifications for an interim superintendent.

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School district applies for $3.8 million bridge loan World Labyrinth Day: take steps for peace

The Silver Falls School District (SFSD) has applied for a $3.8 million loan to help address a $1.3 million cash shortfall, with most of the funds expected to be invested to offset financing costs.

During a special meeting April 11 of the SFSD Board, officials voted unanimously to pursue a tax anticipation note (TAN), which borrows against property taxes expected in November.

The $3.8 million was the maximum the district could borrow, representing 5 percent of its annual budget of $76 million for this school year.

The loan must be paid in full Dec. 31, along with an estimated $92,476 in interest and $71,864 for the cost of issuing the loan.

The actual interest rate will not be known until the loan is issued in late May, said Finance Director Kim Doud. Based on current market trends, interest was estimated at roughly 4.15 percent.

Because not all of the loan will be needed to cover the cash shortfall, the district anticipates investing roughly $2.5 million in high-yield accounts, said Doud. If invested at a rate of 5.2 percent, interest could be roughly $103,765, potentially reducing total loan expenses to $60,575.

Board members said they wished the TAN was not necessary but said it is the most viable option to make June payroll.

“Saying ‘no’ to [the TAN] means people don’t get paid, can’t pay to get food on the table, puts us in a more dire situation, so it makes no sense to shoot this thing down,” said Board Member Josh Ort.

Board member Derrick Foxworth Jr. said it was important to remember the TAN was not a solution to the district’s budget challenges, but “one critical piece to an overall strategy.”

Chair Jennifer Traeger said the district’s goal is to not need another TAN in the future, and that avoiding another loan will require deliberate financial planning. This includes a potential $8.8 million reduction

in next year’s budget, which the board was advised to pursue by the Oregon Association of School Business Officials (OASBO).

The board began discussing a possible TAN Feb. 26 after being informed of a likely budget deficit following the results of an annual audit that concluded last winter.

During a budget update April 8 by OASBO, the board was told a years-long pattern of overspending and lax financial oversight has led to the cash shortfall and a $4 million deficit in this year’s budget. The update also included future cash shortfall projections in October and again in February of 2025 onward if current revenues and expenditures do not change.

Doud said April 11 the TAN could potentially help cover these future shortfalls if necessary, but that the goal is to spend as little of the loan as possible to generate more interest. She said it would be better to avoid future shortfalls by creating and sticking to a balanced budget.

The Benedictine Sisters at Shalom at the Monastery invite the public to walk with them on their outdoor labyrinth at 2 p.m. Saturday, May 4. Participants should gather at 1:45 p.m. at the Hospitality Center entrance for special walk to the labyrinth at the west end of the Shalom Building.

There will be a brief explanation of the Peace Walk on the labyrinth, followed by a 20-minute Silent Peace Walk using the format of Benedictines For Peace. There is no fee to participate.

Following the walk, refreshments will be served in the Benedictine Sisters’ dining room. All are welcome.

The Shalom Building is at 840 S. Main St., Mount Angel. To register, call Sister Dorothy Jean Beyer, 503845-2556.

Budget Meetings for

Tuesday, May 7, 2024: 6:30 p.m.

Thursday, May 9, 2024: 6:30 p.m.

Thursday, May 16, 2024: 6:30 p.m. (if needed) in Council Chambers located at 421 S. Water St. and via Zoom.

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Stay Connected... information agenda items rescheduling Please check Be Informed Complete details on these topics are located on the
www.Silverton.or.us CITY OF SILVERTON www.silverton.or.us Follow Us @CityofSilvertonOregon The Planning Commission will meet Tuesday, May 14 at Silverton High School Library to review the updated Parks & Recreation Master Plan.
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Legacy of advocacy... and friendship

If you live in Mount Angel, there is a good chance you are acquainted with Ross Ryan. Maybe you’ve seen him wearing his signature duster and fingerless gloves, riding his bicycle on the road to Silverton – where he grew up, and where many of his family members reside to this day. Or perhaps you’ve seen him at Oktoberfest, enjoying his favorite festival of the year, Mountain Dew in hand. But the most likely place you’ve seen Ross – especially if you pass the intersection of North Main and East Charles streets at around 7:30 a.m. – is on “Ross’s Corner” playing air guitar as if the world was his stage.

“It was so from his heart,” Karra Plummer, co-owner of the neighboring Chic Skape coffee shop, said. “I’ve heard from multiple people that they loved seeing him in the morning.”

But passersby weren’t the only ones who were excited to see Ross each day. Scott and Kristi Stokley, the owners of nearby Lou’s Kitchen, where Ross kicked off his day by “sneaking” into the kitchen pre-dawn – enjoyed their daily interactions with him as well.

“Ross was the type of guy you get to know and then pretty soon he’s part of your family,” Scott said. “With Lou’s Kitchen he was there every morning at six. He gets into

this routine and pretty soon he’s a part of your every day. Not too many people can do that.”

And Ross was committed. Rain or shine he showed up to see his favorite people at his favorite places, lending a hand whenever he could.

“Every morning, he was here before we were. He always helped us get the wheelbarrows out the door,”

Greg Beyer, owner of Bochsler’s Hardware, said. “I looked forward to seeing him in the morning, to see what his subject matter was for the day. He knew more about politics than me.”

That’s largely because Ross’s job, as policy director for the Oregon Self Advocacy Coalition (OSAC), required him to meet with politicians across the country advocating for the rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities just like his.

“Ross had something called Russell-Silver syndrome,” Ross’s younger brother, Lance, said of the rare genetic disorder Ross had lived with since his birth on Feb. 20,

1969 and which had caused him both physical and intellectual delays. But those challenges did not hold Ross back. One of the founders of OSAC, Ross changed the lives of many through his work, which included testifying in the class action lawsuit, Lane v. Brown. The case, which was filed in 2012, charged the State of Oregon with violating the Americans with Disabilities Act by isolating individuals with disabilities – including Ross himself – in sheltered workshops and paying them less than minimum wage.

“Ross was so capable, and he enjoyed working… but he was like what’s the deal?” Ryley Newport, a Policy Analyst with the Office of Developmental Disabilities Services who collaborated with Ross, said.

And so, Ross joined that fight and many that followed. “He had a very strong voice,” Newport said. “For us in Oregon he was a rockstar, he was the one you leaned on... in rooms it was hard to share in… When you talked with

6 • May 2024 ourtownlive.com Facebook.com/OurTown.SMASM Something to Think About
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Ross Ryan in childhood.

Mount Angel’s Ross Ryan touched many lives

Ross or heard him fight you couldn’t have disagreed. He would say I really want people’s lives to be better, here’s how we do it… He also had the ability to show up to something hard or boring and Ross would make it fun. I’d ask, why are you so much more excited to be here? And he’d say, I had to fight to be here. And it’s true. He had to fight to be in the room. He never took that for granted.”

Nor did Ross take for granted his own independence, which he maintained by living alone for most of the past 30 years.

“He wanted to move out and live on his own,” Lance said of his brother’s transition from the home in Silverton he had shared with his parents and three siblings since 1988 to one four miles down the road. “Mount Angel has such a great community and support for those with developmental disabilities.”

It was there that Ross met his partner Joan Haag – who died of cancer in 2023 – and her twin sister Judy.

“Joan, Judy and Ross were always palling around,” Scott said.

The relationship was so close that it was Judy who –when she came to Lou’s Kitchen for breakfast on Easter Sunday without Ross – divulged to the Stokleys that he had been injured in a terrible fall.

“She said, Ross fell and broke his neck,” Kristi recalled. Shocked, the Stokleys thought they must have heard wrong, but as the story unfolded it turned out that Judy was correct. An employee of Beloved Cheesecakes for over two years, Ross had been working in the bakery’s booth at the Salem Easter Fest on March 31 when, carrying a cooler, he tripped, falling into a parked car. He was later transported to Salem Hospital.

“We headed to see him on Easter,” Karra said. She wasn’t alone. Friends poured into Ross’s hospital

room to say their goodbyes, including Greg who said, “I couldn’t quite believe it when I heard. But I did make it to the hospital on Monday. I figured it was respectful.”

So many people arrived to pay their respects during the four days that preceded Ross’s death on April 3, that Lance found himself both humbled and honored on his brother’s behalf.

“Ross was just so integrated and such a part of the fabric of these communities,” Lance said. “He liked to kind of be the life of the party and be in the limelight… It made me take some perspective on myself to make sure I do half as good a job as Ross did.”

And Ross’s impact has continued. An organ donor, he immediately gifted lifesaving organs to four unknown strangers.

“Ross was always one of those people who wanted to help others,” Lance said of the donation, “whether through his advocacy or his work. He had so many circles, I’m sure he would be excited to help others.”

A memorial took place in Ross’s honor on April 19 at St. Mary’s Catholic Church – where Ross had been a longtime parishioner. Another, less formal celebration will be held throughout the city of Mount Angel on Friday, May 10, 5 to 8 p.m.

“We’ll have a rock band and give out Mountain Dew,” Karra said.

Then later in the year, during Oktoberfest, Ross’s OSAC coworkers plan to honor him by wearing T-shirts adorned with his photo.

“It will say, ‘badass advocate and warrior’,” Ross’s OSAC supervisor, Gabrielle Guedon, said. “Because that’s what he was to so many people around the nation.”

And in his own hometown.

“[T]he boundary between community and friend and family, those were blurred. Ross checked all of those boxes for us,” Charlie Hall, Deputy Chief of the Mount Angel Police Department, said. He recalled the hundreds of interactions he had with Ross over the years.

“In the police department we looked forward to seeing him. We called it Ross’ Corner… We felt like he was our Ross. He was just a good person. He was happy being himself. I admired that about him. I feel like there’s so many people that had special connections with him. I’m sure those ripples will be felt for a while.”

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A recent photo of Ross at work. PHOTOS COURTESY ELISA RYAN

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May vote

Marion County voters are being asked to choose between candidates for County Clerk in the May 21 Primary Election to determine who progresses to the November ballot.

Longtime Clerk Bill Burgess is being challenged by Deputy Clerk Jo Anne Lepley and retired election worker Anna Munson. The two with the most votes will appear on the Nov. 5 General Election ballot.

Below are summaries of the candidates based on information they provided for the voter’s pamphlet.

Bill Burgess, of Salem, was first elected clerk in 2005 after a career as a pharmacist, with prior government experience on the Salem City Council from 1990 to 1998. He said voters should support an experienced candidate due to “changing complexities” of the role, including electronic property records and the need for accurate and secure vote counting.

Jo Anne Lepley, of Woodburn, has been

deputy clerk since 2022 and has been in government administration for 17 years including for cities in Oregon and Maine. Currently she oversees local elections and said the responsibilities and accountability of this job would help her do well as clerk.

Anna Munson, of Salem, is retired after a career in ultrasound diagnostics. She was also a local elections worker from 2016 to 2022. Munson said she would bring fresh eyes and a new vision to the position and would commit to being accessible, transparent and an advocate for local residents.

Ballots for the May 21 Primary Election will be arriving soon in mailboxes after being mailed out May 1.

Voters are being asked to decide party nominees for the Nov. 5 election at the federal, state and county levels, as well as candidates for nonpartisan offices with three or more contenders.

Once filled out and signed, ballots must be postmarked by Election Day or returned to a ballot box by 8 p.m. May 21.

8 • May 2024 ourtownlive.com Civics 101
Three vie for clerk’s seat
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Silverton house forfeited in pot sting

A Silverton-area house once used in by an interstate marijuana ring has been sold as part of federal forfeiture proceedings. The residence, at 17344 Powers Creek Loop NE, was among 14 property forfeitures announced April 1 in a press release by the U.S. Attorney’s Office of the District of Oregon.

The other houses were elsewhere in Marion as well as in Clatsop, Columbia, Linn, Multnomah and Polk counties. The release said the houses were used as marijuan grows between August of 2020 and September of 2021 by Fayao “Paul” Rong, 53, of Texas. Rong allegedly purchased the houses using multiple identities and would transport the marijuana to Texas to sell on the black market, trafficking an estimated $13.2 million in marijuana.

When authorities raided Rong’s operation in September of 2021 they recovered 33,000 marijuana plants, 1,800 pounds of packaged marijuana and more than $591,000 in cash, according to the release.

Rong was sentenced July 19, 2023, to 30 months in federal prison after pleading guilty to conspiracy to manufacture marijuana.

Seven years for teen abuses

A Silverton man has been sentenced to nearly seven years in prison after pleading guilty last year to sexually assaulting or harassing multiple teenage boys.

Jaiden Ethan Davis, 24, was sentenced March 29 in Marion County Circuit Court to 79 months in prison and three years of post-prison supervision. He must also register as a sex offender.

Davis pleaded guilty Sept. 25, 2023, to attempted firstdegree unlawful sexual penetration, first-degree encouraging child sex abuse and four counts of luring a minor. Sentencing was delayed so Davis could engage in sex offender treatment, said prosecutors.

Between 2017 and 2019, Davis forced sexual contact on three teenage boys while they were intoxicated or asleep, according to court records. He also solicited nude photos from two other teen boys while posing as a woman.

Home invasion assault near Silverton

A Stayton man is facing multiple charges after allegedly

assaulting a Silverton-area woman in her home.

Gustabo Alverto Soto, 34, was arrested April 12 for an incident that day on the 7300 block of Mount Angel Highway.

According to court records, Soto allegedly entered the victim’s residence armed with a knife with the intent to assault her in an act of domestic violence. He then allegedly strangled the victim and caused minor injuries, then caused minor injuries to a man during the same incident.

Additionally, Soto was accused of causing damage to the female victim’s car, according to court records.

He was charged in Marion County Circuit Court with first-degree burglary, strangulation, fourth-degree assault (two counts), unlawful use of a weapon, and second-degree criminal mischief. If convicted he faces up to 20 years in prison on the highest count.

As of press time Soto remained in the Marion County Jail on $50,000 bail.

Kidnapping arrest

A Silverton man is facing possible prison time after allegedly forcing a woman to travel with him against her will.

Kristopher Thomas Givens, 35, was charged in Marion County Circuit Court April 8 with second-degree kidnapping and felon in possession of a firearm.

According to charging documents, on April 6 Givens allegedly forced a woman “from one place to another” in interference with her personal liberty. He allegedly did so while in possession of a firearm, which he could not legally possess due to a 2014 felony conviction for assault.

If convicted, Givens faces at least five years and ten months in prison under Measure 11 sentencing guidelines. He was released April 10 in lieu of $50,000 bail and is due back in court May 7 to enter a plea to the charges.

New arrest for business burglaries

A Silverton man with a history of targeting local businesses is facing new burglary charges.

Shawn Nathan Curtis, 27, was charged April 10 in Marion County Circuit Court for an alleged incident at The Den food cart pod, in Silverton.

Curtis allegedly entered the facility March 19 to commit

theft, according to court records. Details of potential items stolen or property damage were not disclosed.

Curtis was charged with second-degree burglary and faces up to five years in prison.

He allegedly targeted the same facility Sept. 23, 2023, and stole more than $100 in property belonging to a food cart vendor. He has been charged with second-degree burglary and second-degree theft for this incident.

In 2019 Curtis was sentenced to three months in jail and a year of probation for stealing more than $15,000 in property during multiple burglaries that January. Targets included The Oregon Garden gift shop, Silverton Community Pool and Carol’s Bookkeeping Service, as well as a private residence on Koons Street.

Garden Resort fined for sick leave policy

The Oregon Garden Resort has been ordered to pay $12,000 to a former employee over an unlawful sick leave policy, related claims of racial discrimination were dismissed.

On Feb. 22, the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) published a final order awarding the sum to former kitchen manager Raul Santana.

According to the order, Santana returned from three days of sick leave June 9, 2018, and was prevented from working because he did not provide a doctor’s note stating he was fit to come back. Santana resigned the next day and said he felt forced to leave due to this and an alleged history of discrimination by his superiors due to his Mexican nationality, said the order.

The resort said it was company policy to require a doctor’s note to return after at least three days of sick leave to ensure employees were well-enough to work.

BOLI determined state law does not allow an employer to set such conditions on sick leave and the resort’s policy amounted to discrimination against those who used medical time off. In addition to the award to Santana, BOLI’s order required that the resort discontinue the policy.

BOLI also investigated Santana’s claims of racial discrimination and did not find testimony in support of these allegations to be credible, said the order.

Santana’s BOLI complaint was filed Nov. 26, 2018, and resolution was significantly delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, said the order.


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Us ! Grant Funding Helps the Silverton Arts Association bring more affordable art classes to our community - watch for ART FOR ALL offerings in our class lineup! 5/4 10a-1p Introduction to Watercolor - Bird Painting 5/18 1p-4p Blossoms in Acrylic ART FOR ALL 5/23 1:30-3:30 Zentangle Mindful
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– Stephen Floyd

Silverton update

City completes $5 million intake project

The City of Silverton has completed work on a new water intake project that will dramatically increase its water producing capacity as well as extend the life of the system another 50-plus years or more.

On April 5, city staff, a federal official and the project manager held a walkthrough at the intake project site alongside Silver Creek adjacent to the city swimming pool.

Two new pumps have been installed,

with a spot left over for a third pump should future demand require it. The Silver Creek intake system serves as the backup to the main intake spot on Abiqua Creek. Having two intake points helps the city with the redundancy it adds in case of mechanical issues. It also gives officials the ability to switch between the systems when issues such as sediment in the water emerge.

The project cost $5 million and was finished on budget and on schedule, said project manager Shannon Williams


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Civics 101
Brad Jensen, left, of the Silverton Public Works Department, Silverton City Manager Cory Misley, Finance Manager Kathleen Zaragoza, J. Wesley Cochran of the federal Economic Development Administration and Shannon Williams of Keller Associates, gather around the new city water pumps during an April 5 walk-through that noted the completion of the project on Silver Creek.  JAMES DAY

Continued from Page 11

of Keller Associates of Salem.  Williams said she plans to enter the project in engineering and design awards competitions. Keller Associates also was involved in the 2018-2021 upgrade of McClaine Street, which won awards from the American Public Works Association and the American Council of Engineering Companies.

On hand for the event in addition to Williams were Brad Jensen and Travis Sperle of Public Works, City Manager Cory Misley, Finance Manager Kathleen Zaragoza and J. Wesley Cochran of the federal Economic Administration. Cochran was part of the inspection team because federal funds were used to pay for the project.

The project suffered one setback during construction. Last November heavy rains led to increased creek flows that damaged a portable dam erected to protect the work site.

Other recent action from Silverton City Council meetings:

April 1

Speed Limit: Councilors discussed and appear to be in favor of a proposal to reduce the speed limit on local streets from 25mph to 20mph in an effort to improve safety. The change would not affect arterial or collector streets, which bear more traffic. The council likely will look again at the topic at its May 6 meeting.

Transient Lodging Tax: Councilors discussed finding a way to better capture the 9 percent transient lodging tax from short-term rental units that are affiliated with entities such as airbnb. At its April 15 session councilors approved an ordinance that requires such operators to register with the city.

Ike Mooney annexation: Councilors approved a plan to annex 40 acres off of Ike Mooney Road to the city’s stock

of land for park use. The move requires Marion County Board of Commissioners approval as well. The board is scheduled to review it at its May 15 meeting.

City Hall: As part of its consent agenda the council approved more than $53,000 in amendments to the construction contract on the City Hall project. The new spending moves total planned construction expenditures to approximately $15.5 million, or 4.87% above the planned $14.75 million construction budget.

April 8

City Property: Councilors and city staff discussed property issues involving cityowned buildings. When the new City Hall opens (tentatively that will be next month) the city will no longer need the old City Hall and the Fischer Building. The property is part of an 18.17-acre parcel that includes the library, the allabilities park, the pool, the East Bank Trail and Coolidge McClaine Park. The

city would have to partition the property before the city building pieces could be sold. In addition, the city is working with the library on a possible plan for the library to buy its property. Also in the mix is the fact that the city and the library co-own the parking lot next to the Community Center.

April 15

Parking: Councilors discussed the possibility of implementing a parking pilot program to address downtown parking issues. One possibility would be to cover the meters and establish free downtown parking for a to-bedetermined number of hours. Councilors are scheduled to discuss the issue further on May 6.

City Hall: The construction contract for the new building was updated by councilors to add about $98,000 to pay for street work on North Water. The money is coming from the street capital improvement fund.

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If May bond fails Gervais to consider 2025 district closure

The Gervais School District (GSD) plans to continue operating for one more year if a $28 million facilities bond on the May 21 ballot fails.

District officials said last summer, if a May bond were to fail, the district would be unable to afford critical repairs at its two remaining schools and may be forced to dissolve. Dissolution could result in portions of GSD being absorbed into the Silver Falls and Mt. Angel school districts.

The $28 million bond is a follow-up to similar facilities bonds which voters rejected by wide margins in 2022 and 2023. On March 21, GSD Superintendent Dandy Stevens told the board to prepare to discuss a possible closure strategy at its May 23 regular meeting. She said there must be a plan communicated to district staff before staff leave in June for summer break.

“It’s always prudent to prepare for the worst and hope that doesn’t happen,” said Stevens. One challenge, she said, is the possibility of mass resignations if district staff know their jobs will not last past June 2025. She suggested offering a retention bonus payable after the school year concludes.

Off a cliff Necessary SFSD oversight was missing

As a former board member who participated in hiring Scott Drue, I felt devasted listening to Jackie Olsen, OASBO executive director, explain to the current board about the overspending of this district, leading to a[n estimated] $9.9 million shortfall in the Silver Falls School District.

After his second year in the school district, my concerns grew as I saw Scott change. I do not know what triggered this, but the once “no surprises” and transparency of the now-resigned superintendent slowly eroded.

I began to notice that his behavior limited my ability to have a conversation with him. When challenged, he became angry and inflated. I also saw [a] systematic effort to isolate and pit people against each other.

There were complaints from teachers about assessments and ED EX, which fell on deaf ears.

More painful was watching a well-respected music teacher be removed from the district. What a low and painful moment.

Another damning fact was the superintendent renting a property from a board member. How can a board member adequately deny a close relationship when they

Guest Opinion

are financially benefiting and then [are] expected to evaluate the [board’s] sole employee?

I do not understand how the board continued to compliment a person who has led us into devastating debt.

The board continued to consent to the former superintendent’s requests. Where were the senior board members’ sharp eyes? How does “no surprises” look now?

Superintendents must be held to a higher professional standard than I witnessed.

Policy and rules were needed to stop the mismanagement in our district. Yes, this too shall pass, but not [until] after eliminating employee jobs and services at the expense of the students.

You should write letters to: Oregon Department of Education, 255 Capitol St. NE, Salem, OR 97310.

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How can the Silver Falls School District reduce its 2024-25 budget by $8 million? All parties concerned (school board, district administration, staff and general public) may have to lower their expectations to some degree to make it happen. Bake sales and fundraisers certainly won’t.

I am retired and have no connection with the district other than trying to be a conscientious and educated voter … with some background in Oregon local government budgeting. I leave the “blame game” of how the district got into its current mess to others who are closer to the situation to hash out.

Guest Opinion

Chris Childs, Silverton

There are several ideas that should be open for discussion, however unpopular they may be to some, as follows (numbers used are drawn from April 10, 2024 Statesman Journal article):

• Consolidate top-heavy district administrative staff to the basic positions of superintendent, finance director, personnel director, special ed. director and maintenance director (no asstistant

THE FORUM Letters to the editor can be directed to ourtown.life@ mtangelpub.com or mailed to Editor, Our Town, P.O. Box 927, Mount Angel, OR 97362. It is recommended submissions be limited to fewer than 350 words, 500 words for Guest Opinions. Our Town reserves the right to edit for clarity and space. Anonymous letters will not be published, nor will letters that include personal attacks, hate speech or advocate discrimination or violence.

superintendent, “goodwill ambassador,” etc.).

• Reduce staff to appropriately align the recent 5.3% increase in licensed teaching staff with the parallel 7% reduction in student enrollment.

• Reduce special education spending to no more than federally required minimum services (and use some innovative thinking to further reduce those costs).

• Close one or more outlying schools, particularly any which have a disproportionate number of transfer students who could or should be getting their education in Salem-Keizer or whatever other district in which they actually reside.

• Convince understandably skeptical voters to pass a 3-5 year local option tax (but ONLY if it is somehow structured to address deficit reduction or a clearly defined emergency reserve account).

School districts across the state frequently decry the loss of COVID Relief funds (or

simply grants that have run their course) as contributors to their financial woes. Such funds should never be used to start new programs or positions without a plan to be able to continue those programs when the “free” money runs out.

It has been reported that the school board plans to seek a ... Tax Anticipation Note (TAN) to cover much of the current year’s deficit. The urgency of doing so is understandable (and it may well be the only available option), but it is fundamentally unsound; just like any average citizen going to a payday loan store to borrow against next month’s paycheck.

These are all possibilities that could or should be on the table for a lively community-wide discussion. There are undoubtably other possibilities, as well. Don’t “kill the messenger” on this. It’s just one person’s thoughts on an issue that everyone wants to see resolved successfully.

14 • May 2024 ourtownlive.com Facebook.com/OurTown.SMASM The Forum Budget strategies Thoughts on changes to bring SFSD into balance B2301/B2601 KX040 MX 5400/MX 6000 L2501 Ever ything You Need, For Anything You 33599 HWY 99E • TANGENT, OR 97389 • 541-926-1811• WWW.LINNBENTONTRACTOR.COM QUALITY. COMFORT. VERSATILITY. POWER. QUALITY. COMFORT. VERSATILITY. POWER. Ever ything You Need, For Anything You Need To Do! 33599 HWY 99E • TANGENT, OR 97389 • 541-926-1811• WWW.LINNBENTONTRACTOR.COM HUBBARD 19658 Hwy. 99E 971-216-0111 TANGENT 33599 Hwy. 99E 541-926-1811 www.orequipmentsales.com M c MINNVILLE 2700 St. Joseph Rd. 503-435-2700

Flowers signify love, well wishes, congratulations, holidays…

Church flower committee members take turns lovingly creating Sunday’s arrangement. Many of these are gardeners who perish the thought of purchasing cut flowers. But it can be a stretch at times.

Each flower bears its own message – the peony’s is ‘bashfulness’ while larkspur brings levity.

Bringing bouquets is one of my

favorite things, but I can skimp on the flowers I bring into my home as ambivalence about cutting them from the garden washes over me. On fine days when it’s murderous to be at the computer I’ll dash out with some scissors and stick some flowers in a jar positioned close – but not too close –to the keyboard.

What a miracle that something as grand as an outdoor flower garden has the added ability of lavishing itself right into our hearts and homes. By all means this sort of thing ought to be encouraged.

The pleasant answer to all of the above is making a garden specifically for the production of cut flowers –ideally, a steady stream from spring through fall.

You make a cutting garden out of an out-of-the-way or unsightly spot as long as it gets a fair amount of sun, but if you have a vegetable garden, that’s the best place in my book. Not only do flowers and vegetables benefit one another; every inch occupied by a flower is one less vegetable to weed, water, harvest and eat or can on days you step outside and are hit with

a hot blast as from an oven. Make your rows nice and wide and fix it so gathering an armload of flowers doesn’t involve wading through muck.

Cutting gardens are transient in nature; you needn’t concern yourself with attractiveness or layout except for efficiency’s sake. Cultivate and enrich the soil with compost, peat moss or chopped leaves and mulch young plants with 2-3 inches of chopped leaves, shredded newspaper or straw. Mulching keeps weeds down, retains moisture and contributes nutrients as it breaks down.

Facebook.com/OurTown.SMASM Your Garden May 2024 • 1 MAY 2024 VOL. 14, ISSUE 2


continued from page 1

The better you treat your cutting garden, the more generous you will find it. Mix a granular, slow-acting fertilizer into the soil for consistent, balanced nutrition over many weeks. Periodic doses of liquid fertilizer sprayed on foliage boosts the energy of heavy blooming plants at the height of production.

Enthusiastically colorful annuals with tall sturdy stems often hold sway here, several of which may be direct sown. When the soil’s nice and warm, plant seeds of zinnia, sunflower and marigold.

Sometimes an early annual, when spent, can be supplanted by a later type, such as pulling out pansies to make way for marigolds or zinnias.

A small sampling of plants useful in a cutting garden

Annuals: Amaranth ‘Love Lies Bleeding’, anemone, bells of Ireland, campanula, bachelors’ button, cosmos, geranium, baby’s breath*, strawflower*, tall marigolds, stocks, Nicotiana alata or sylvestris, annual phlox, salvias, scabiosa (pincushion flower), snapdragon, statice*, sunflower, sweet pea, zinnias

Conversely, long-blooming perennials – perhaps divisions of your own –return bigger and better every year. Coral bells, bleeding heart, purple coneflower and black-eyed Susan are welcome finds when trolling with shears. While daisies can prove overbearing in the garden proper they are quite useful as cut flowers.

The most luxuriant perennial flowers include breathtaking peonies, lush, fragrant lilies and bold dahlias of every stripe. Throw in a few plants with foliage that will bring texture, color and cohesiveness to your creations: artemisias, ferns, lamb’s ears, lavender and santolina are among those with velvety silver-gray foliage that is often aromatic.

Perennials: Yarrow, aster, campanula, carnation, delphinium, dianthus, foxglove, purple coneflower, garden phlox, poppies, black-eyed Susan, salvias, verbascum

Bulbs, rhizomes and tubers, oh yeah: Dahlias, peonies (alltime knockouts), irises. Plant lots of daffodils, tulips and grape hyacinth will multiply itself –and, in a perfect world, armloads of lilies.

Foliage: Ferns, coleus, dusty miller, eucalyptus, euphorbia, hosta, flowering cabbage or kale

* also good for drying

Cut, cut, cut to keep them coming and to delay plants going to seed. Keep soil evenly moist and watch for the likes of aphid colonies or spit bugs. Pinch off infested tips and/or nail the foliage with a strong stream of water from the hose. Should they persist, bring in the insecticidal soap spray.

I can’t think of too many flowers best enjoyed outside, but surely the dragon lily is one. It is darkly exotic, unique, and called by several names not nearly so flattering.

Mild interest only is roused when determined green-striped white shoots unfurl into antlers of foliage spiraling upward. But the unfurling of its striking deep purple-black spathe, which then sends upward a shimmering purple-black “jack” can be a bit chilling – but nothing to what comes next.

For you see, part of its uniqueness is the fact that it is pollinated not

by bees but flies, to which end it exudes a putrid, carrion-like odor when the time is right. This is temporary, but enough to spoil a picnic if situated nearby.

I originally planted the softballsized bulb given me by a coworker by the back door. Pollination was under way during the double graduation party we threw that year, and the kids got a kick out of tricking guests into bending down for a whiff of the phantasmagoric flowers.

I wouldn’t trade them, but I’ve learned to give them a wide berth.

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Which to buy? GMO, Hybrid or Heirloom?

Choosing plants and seeds for a backyard garden can feel daunting, especially when faced with unfamiliar words like GMO, hybrid and heirloom.

“These terms are important depending upon the gardener’s goals, offering different qualities especially for seed saving,” Michael Paruch –who has spent the past 34 years working and volunteering in various horticultural endeavors, including ag research and ag science – explained. “GMO [genetically modified organisms] are ‘engineered’ for certain traits and qualities. Hybrids are bred to combine two parent plants to [obtain] their best qualities... Heirlooms are open pollinated then selected for the home gardener’s preferred tastes…”

But one of the biggest differences between the three – and one home gardeners saving seeds from one year to the next should be aware of – is seed production. That is because those seeds produced by genetically modified plants are protected by intellectual property laws and hybrid plants don’t produce reliable seeds. In other words, if you’re a seed saver, heirloom plants are an obvious choice.

But if it’s merely a broader selection you’re after, then the decision isn’t quite as clear.

“It’s hard to make objective decisions in a fastpaced world with so many choices and food additives,” Paruch said. “In our children’s lifetime I believe we will see designer plant options for the homeowner garden and landscape. For example, choose from a new selection of colors and shapes for your old traditional favorite plants. Who wouldn’t want their yard full of a rainbow of dandelion colors with balloon sized flowers and seed heads instead of today’s yellow uninvited friend in our lawns? Earlier this year we had the first offering of a GMO plant to home gardeners, a purple tomato.”

Developed as “the first genetically modified food crop to be directly marketed to home gardeners” by Norfolk Plant Sciences – a plant

science research institute in England – the purple tomato is being marketed as “disease fighting” due to the elevated levels of anti-cancer, antiinflammatory anthocyanins it contains. But as exciting as this discovery may sound, not everyone agrees that the creation of GMOs is a good idea. In fact, a PEW Research study conducted in 2020 showed that “about half of US adults think GM foods are worse for health than non-GM foods.”

“Some might argue, this is the age-old question of quality versus quantity,” Paruch said, referring to the use of genetically modified seeds in “big business” farming, “but the answer… is much more nuanced.”

And often complicated by marketing, which is why Paruch suggests that, rather than spending time debating GMO, heirloom and hybrid, gardeners instead take into consideration from whom they are buying their plants and seeds.

“[F]ood and garden dollars support either big profit driven industry or small family businesses,” Paruch pointed out. “We live in an age with lots of privilege and a wide range of food and ag industry choices… search out products to support family farms.”

Gardening with Nature, not against it

Fighting off invasive pests – those insects, weeds and animals that aren’t a part of a gardener’s original plan –can turn a beautiful garden into a war zone filled with toxic chemicals. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

“As a head gardener it is my responsibility to focus on IPM, integrated pest management, which really means monitoring for bugs and other pests in the garden and or greenhouse,” Heather Desmarteau-Fast – owner of Stamen and Pistil in Silverton and head gardener at a private estate in Wilsonville – said. “I choose to do this naturally for my health and the health of those I work with. This is really a balance, and it takes a keen eye to see pests before they become a real issue.”

“Lacewings will eat aphids, thrips, white fly and spider mites in their juvenile stages,” Desmarteau-Fast said. “Lady bugs eat aphids and some of the more specific lady bugs such as Cryptolaemus will even eat mealybugs!”

And adding beneficial plants can also be helpful as well.

Observation and patience are key, according to Desmarteau-Fast who said, “Just because you see an infestation of something, doesn’t mean your garden is done for. Take time to monitor the infestation. Are there any beneficial insects eating the bad ones?”

If not, it might be time to introduce them, because many insects – including ladybugs, lacewings, nematodes and praying mantis – can be purchased at a garden store, then released into a home garden to boost populations.

“I like to plant Marigolds in between my tomato plants to keep aphids at bay,” Desmarteau-Fast said. Adding, that basil, planted next to cabbage, can also deter flea beetles.

But if strategic planting and beneficial insects still aren’t enough, then it may be time to spray the garden – with water.

“It is easy to remove, say aphids, from a crop by simply spraying them with… a hard stream,” Desmarteau-Fast pointed out.

Neem oil – a vegetable oil made from the fruits and seeds of the neem tree – is another good option, as is a spritz of soapy water.

“Soapy water kills any bug,” Stephanie Hazen – an OSU Master Gardener – verified. “Let them die and then rinse the plant off.”

A retired veterinarian, Hazen also uses the IPM approach, implementing raised beds made of repurposed stock

Facebook.com/OurTown.SMASM Your Garden May 2024 • 3 Published By Mt. Angel Publishing, Inc. 401 Oak St., Silverton, OR 97381 Mailing address: P.O. Box 927, Mount Angel, OR 97362 503-845-9499 ourtown.life@ mtangelpub.com Publisher PAULA MABRY Advertising MAGGIE PATE & GEORGE JEFFRIES Custom Ad Design DAN THORP Design & Copy Editor TAVIS BETTOLI-LOTTEN Silver Falls Terrariums 403 South Water Street Silverton, Oregon www.SilverFallsTerrariums.com Free “Terrarium Spa” for maintenance.
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OSU Gardener’s May Chores


Prepare and prime irrigation system for summer.

Place pheromone traps in apple trees to detect presence of codling moth. Plan a control program of sprays, baits, or predators if found.

If needed, fertilize rhododendrons and azaleas with acid-type fertilizer. If established and healthy, their nutrient needs should be minimal. Remove spent blossoms.


Plant dahlias, gladioli, and tuberous begonias in mid-May.

Plant chrysanthemums for fall color. When selecting new roses, choose plants labeled for resistance to diseases. Fertilize roses and control rose diseases such as mildew with a registered fungicide.

Plant most vegetables now; check with local gardeners. Use a soil thermometer to help you know when to plant vegetables. Wait until the soil is consistently above 70 degrees F to plant tomatoes, squash, melons, peppers and eggplant.

Prevent root maggots when planting cole crops (cabbage, broccoli, collards and kale), by covering with row covers or screens, or by applying appropriate insecticides.


Manage weeds while small and actively growing with light cultivation or herbicides. Once the weed has gone to bud, herbicides are less effective.

Trap moles and gophers as new mounds appear.

Leaf-rolling worms may affect apples and blueberries. Prune off and destroy affected leaves.

Monitor aphids on strawberries and ornamentals. If present, control options include washing off with water, hand removal, or using registered insecticides labeled for the problem plant. Follow all label directions. Promoting natural enemies (predators and parasitoids that eat or kill insects) is a longer-term solution for insect control in gardens.

Spittlebugs may appear on ornamental plants as foam on stems. In most cases, they don’t require management. If desired, wash off with water or use insecticidal soap as a contact spray. Read and follow label directions.

Control cabbageworms in cabbage and cauliflower, 12-spotted cucumber beetle in beans and lettuce, maggot in radishes. Control can involve hand removal, placing barrier screen over newly planted rows, or spraying or dusting with registered pesticides, labeled for use on the problem plant. Read and follow label directions when using insecticides.

Tiny holes in foliage and shiny, black beetles on tomato, beets, radishes, and potato indicate flea beetle attack. Treat with Neem, Bt-s, or use nematodes for larvae. Read and follow label directions when using insecticides.

Monitor rhododendrons, azaleas, primroses and other broadleaf ornamentals for adult root weevils. Look for fresh evidence of feeding (notching at leaf edges). Try sticky trap products on plant trunks to trap adult weevils. Protect against damaging the bark by applying the sticky material on a 4-inch wide band of poly sheeting or burlap wrapped around the trunk. Mark plants now and supply beneficial nematodes when soil temps are above 55 degrees F. If root weevils are a consistent problem, consider removing plants and choosing weevil-resistant varieties.

Control slugs with bait or traps and by removing or mowing vegetation near garden plots.

Oregon State University Extension Service encourages sustainable gardening practices. Always identify and monitor problems before acting. First, consider cultural controls; then physical, biological and chemical controls (which include insecticidal soaps, horticultural oils, botanical insecticides, organic and synthetic pesticides). Always consider the least-toxic approach first.

Recommendations in this calendar are applicable to Oregon’s Willamette Valley.

PESTS continued from page 3

tanks to deter rabbits and gophers and fencing to keep out deer.

“All these little experiments are fascinating,” she said, describing her use of plastic laundry baskets upended over milkweed plants for the protection of monarch butterflies as just one of the ways she gardens with nature rather than against it.

“I think about getting along, covering your plant or choosing a different plant,” she said. “And choose something native, because it’s meant to be here.”

But she’s not just talking about plants, Hazen likes to encourage native animals – birds, pollinating insects and even mammals like coyotes – to populate the areas in and around her garden as well.

“Mostly we just create habitats,” she said, listing the brush she has left undisturbed beside the creek so that ground birds have a place to nest, the fallen logs which are now adorned with ferns and the snags that are filled with woodpecker holes as just a few of the ways she has let nature have its way.

“I’m happy to see deer,” she said. “I’m happy to see owls.”

She’s even happy to see rabbits – which can no longer devastate her garden thanks to the protective raised beds.

“Rabbits are part of the food chain,” she said, “and they’re fun to watch.”

4 • May 2024 Your Garden Facebook.com/OurTown.SMASM GROUNDED LOCALLY, GROWING GENERATIONS Woodburn • Sherwood • Gresham • Wilsonville | als-gardencenter.com 106 N. First St. Unit B, Silverton • 503-874-8885 JuliesFlowerBoutique.com Full Service Florist Funeral Arrangements Wedding Bouquets • Prom Flowers Plants • Artificial Flowers and Small Gift Items

Arts & Entertainment

Butte Creek brings Matilda on stage

Dylan Uselman was a self-described shy child, anxious about public speaking –then in high school he discovered theater, and everything changed.

“[T]he fantastic teacher, [Doug] Ousterhout – who’s still teaching drama and putting on shows at the high school to this day – created such a welcoming and safe space for anyone that wanted to join,” Uselman recalled. “It didn’t matter what background or social group you belonged to; you were welcome in Mr. Ousterhout’s theater.”

That experience was so life-changing that Uselman – now a math and technology teacher at Butte Creek Elementary School – has created his own theater program for students in the fourth through eighth grades.

“If I can capture even half of that magic, I’ll count our program here at Butte Creek as a success,” Uselman said.

Currently working on a production of Matilda the Musical Jr., with the help of co-director Sarah Leiterman, Uselman has a cast of 28 students singing, dancing and getting comfortable performing on stage.

“We have seen kids totally come out of their shell during their musical experience,” Leiterman said. “Plus, if kids don’t want to do a sport, they still have a chance to be in an after-school activity. We really hope it’s something we can continue to do for many years.”

Matilda the Musical Jr.

Production by Butte Creek Elementary School

Silverton High School Auditorium

1456 Pine St.

May 10 and 11, 7 p.m.

Donations accepted

The third musical of its kind that the school has put on, Matilda is the story of a brave and brilliant young girl who finds herself, her tribe – and her magical powers – despite having to deal with dysfunctional parents and an evil headmistress.

“The musical follows the book [by Roald Dahl] …” Leiterman said. “It’s very similar to the new Netflix version with the same songs! It’s just a bit shorter…” Perfect for families and children of all ages, performances will be on May 10 and 11 at 7 p.m. in the Silverton High School Auditorium.

“There is no charge for tickets, but we do accept donations,” Leiterman said.

“We hope it goes smoothly and that the kids get that feeling of accomplishment at seeing all their hard work over the previous months pay off and come together to put on an applause-worthy show.”

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This home will surprise you Fresh Remodel with a View~ 4bd/2ba~2508 SF~Home has potential for dual livingDaylight basement~ Silverton~ Robin Kuhn 503-930-1896 MLS#806675 1401 S Water St, Silverton MLS#811515 Christy Cordova 541-786-1613 7483 Kayla Shae Cir NE Salem MLS #812646 Donna Paradis 503-851-0998 2059 Center St NE Salem MLS#812986 Robin Kuhn 503-930-1896 5166 Tanoak Ave SE Salem MLS #814266 Cynthia Johnson 503-551-0145 542 Anderson Dr Silverton MLS#813614 Rosie WIlgus 503-409-8779 SOLD! SOLD! SOLD! SOLD! SOLD! Scott Stokley, Broker Find Scott in our office or at his other businesses, such as
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Andrew Dean Amaral

July 11, 1990 – March 16, 2024

Andrew Dean Amaral died due to a drug overdose.

Andrew attended high school in Woodburn. When he returned from out of the area, he stayed most of the time at his mother’s in Silverton. He was loved and will be missed by his friends and family.

Andrew was survived by his mother, Roxanne CamachoMadrigal of Silverton; his dad, Juan Diego Amaral of Grants Pass; brother, Juan Diego Amaral; his sister-inlaw, Myriss; two nephews, Kaspr and Jaysden of Hawaii; three sisters and nieces and nephew from Grants Pass; grandparents, Shirley Dugger of St. Maries, Idaho and  Orville Carlson of Salem; and his adopted grandparents Violet and Harry Wiese of Illinois.

Annamae Layton

Aug. 5, 1933 – March 22, 2024

Annamae Layton was born on Aug. 5, 1933 to William and Ludwina Brinkman in Farming, Minnesota Township.

She had three sisters, Loretta, Gloria, and Eileen, and three brothers, Eugene, Ronald, and Stanley. When she was 16, they moved to Mount Angel, Oregon to join family.

At 19, she married Ronald Sprauer in May of 1953. They had five children: a child who passed shortly after birth, then James, Joan, Jeffrey and Jon. They lived in various locations around Oregon. The couple divorced in 1981.

Annamae then met Joseph Layton, who worked at the Benedictine Nursing Home. They were married in March of 1984. He passed away in 2016.

A graveside service was held at Bethel Cemetery in Rickreall, Oregon.

Robert ‘Bob’ DeSantis, Jr.

May 5, 1951 – April 3, 2024

Robert ‘Bob’ Frances DeSantis, Jr., 72, of Silverton, Oregon, passed away on April 3, 2024.

He was born on May 5, 1951 in Silverton.

Bob, known to many as a loving son, brother, father, grandfather, uncle, and friend, leaves behind a legacy of love and strength.

He is survived by his mother, Anne DeSantis; sisters, Susan Dallas and Diane Hoge; daughter, Nelcha DeSantis; grandchildren, Heydin Anderson, Anna DeSantis, Caroline DeSantis, Brynlee Medford; and nine nieces and nephews.

He is preceded in death by his father, Robert DeSantis; son, Robert DeSantis III; and wife, Roxanne DeSantis.

Bob served in the US Navy and later pursued a career as a farmer and truck driver. He was passionate about his military associations and devoted to his work.

In his free time, Bob enjoyed hunting, gold mining, fishing, riding motorcycles, and fast cars. He was a man of many talents and interests. Bob will be dearly missed by those who knew him.

Services will be held Friday, May 17 at 1 p.m. at St Mary’s Parish, in Mount Angel, Oregon. Arrangements by Unger Funeral Chapel – Silverton.

Annamae worked at Benedictine Nursing Home from 1960 to 2004. She was very proud of being a CNA, LPN, and then studying for her RN degree in 1979.

She loved painting, singing, crocheting, gardening, and fishing. She and Joe traveled in their motorhome, fishing and camping. She loved taking pictures of their adventures, hoping to paint their memories.

She is survived by her four children, 13 grandchildren, 36 great-grandchildren, and one great-great-grandchild.

Jeffrey Todd Benson

April 27, 1971 – April 18, 2024

Jeffrey Todd Benson, 52, of Silverton, passed away on April 18, 2024. Jeff was born on April 27, 1971 to parents, Gary Benson and Jane Jones in Salem, Oregon.

Jeff loved to walk, listen to live music, go to the beach, volunteer, and read. He was also really proud of his free little library that was in his front yard. He was incredibly supportive and always had a nice word to share with others. His family will remember him from the good times and the incredible heart that he lovingly gave to those who crossed his path. His giving nature, resiliency, patience, kindness, and loving heart will be missed.

Jeff is survived by his mother, Jane Jones; and her husband, Dr. Ronald Jones; his father, Gary Benson and his wife, Nancy Benson; siblings, Brian Benson and Melinda Andrew; as well as nephew, Michael SproehnleBenson, and nieces, Alexa and Gracie Andrew.

There will be a private service held in Silverton for his family. Arrangements by Unger Funeral Chapel – Silverton.

16 • May 2024 ourtownlive.com Facebook.com/OurTown.SMASM Passages

Delma Sprauer May

19, 1939 – April 7, 2024

Delma Sprauer was born Delma Emily Hackett on May 19, 1939 to David and Armella Hackett in Silverton, Oregon. She passed peacefully in Woodburn on April 7, 2024.

She is survived by six children and their spouses, Carmen, Therese (Abel), Annie (Hassan), Kate (Kory), Gary (Katia), and Karl (Bernadine), and many grand and great grandchildren, to whom she was affectionately known as “Oma.” Her surviving sister is Patricia Smith.

She was preceded in death by daughter, Janet in 1985; granddaughter, Elizabeth in 2009; son, Leo in 2023; and beloved husband, Jerry in 1996. Also preceding her were brothers Ronnie, Keith and Danny Hackett and sisters Joetta Beyer, Donnella Wells and Willa Hackett.

Delma was a talented decorator, gardener, loved antiques and collectibles, chocolate, and at one point, owned her own store (Delma’s Garden Mart). A self-taught

David Hartley passed away at the age of 85 on March 27, 2024, at his home in Scotts Mills, Oregon. He was born on Aug. 23, 1938 in Silverton, Oregon to Alvin Ernest Hartley and Minnie Olive (Davis) Hartley. He was the fifth generation of his family to live in the Silverton area.

Dave grew up on the family farm in the Silverton Hills. He graduated from Silverton High School and went on to earn a Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture from Oregon State University. Dave then served in the Korean War in the US Army.

businesswoman, she farmed and built a successful agricultural business alongside husband Jerry.

While raising her own eight children, Delma’s home was a favored spot to many neighborhood children, relatives and friends. She also played a special part in raising two of her granddaughters.

Many people fondly remember Delma’s mischievous sense of humor, her fried chicken, and her ability to handle hardship as gracefully as joy. “Death is a part of living,” she would explain.

In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made to a charity of your choice.

A Celebration of Life will be held Sunday, June 23, 1 - 4 p.m. at Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm, Woodburn. Everyone who loved Delma can gather, reminisce and laugh, which is what she would have wanted. Arrangements by Unger Funeral Chapel – Silverton.

He worked very hard all his life. In his later years though, he needed his dog, Shredder, to remind him to get up and start doing chores.

He always had time to sit around the kitchen table and share a cup of coffee with friends; friends from the Pacific to the Atlantic, in the US and Mexico. Anyone who knew Dave knew about his love for telling stories and having a good laugh. He never let the truth stand in the way of his stories.

Dave is preceded in death by his parents, his brothers, Richard ‘Dick’ Davis Hartley and Thomas ‘Tom’ Alvin Hartley.

He enjoyed farming and he loved his cows and the farm where he lived with Hazel, his wife of 32 years. Together they worked a huge vegetable garden and shared the bounty with everybody. Dave enjoyed cooking, baking Christmas stollen and making sauerkraut and cheese.

Dave is survived by his wife, Hazel Hartley, many nieces, nephews, his many extended family and lifelong friends.

A Celebration of Life was held April 27, 2024, at the Silverton Middle School Cafeteria.

Facebook.com/OurTown.SMASM ourtownlive.com May 2024 • 17 THE SISTERS CLEANING SERVICE Commercial & Residential LICENSED • BONDED • INSURED Monday – Friday 8am-5pm 503-569-3316 bartolopena24@gmail.com COMPETITIVE PRICING 190 Railroad Ave. • Mt. Angel 229 Mill St. • Silverton 503-845-2592 503-873-5141 Your local funeral chapels serving Mt. Angel since 1919 & Silverton since 1924. Always available at your time of need In
Of … Carol Waggoner March 9, 1937 — April 5, 2024 Delma Sprauer May 19, 1939 — April 7, 2024 Amado Fierro Mendez Sept. 13, 1962 — April 11, 2024 Clarence Herr Oct. 22, 1925 — April 12, 2024 Bruce Palmer Sept. 13, 1962 — April 15, 2024 Karen Irwin April 16, 1938 — April 16, 2024 www.ungerfuneralchapel.com share your announcements with us
Hartley Aug. 23, 1938 – March 27, 2024 Submissions welcomed: send Passages to ourtown.life@mtangelpub.com

Dog grooming 101

Having dogs regularly groomed isn’t about looks –though that is a benefit. Rather, regular baths can contribute to skin health, keeping nails trimmed ensures a comfortable gait and consistent grooming reduces the likelihood that yeast infections, dander, ear infections and dental disease will become an issue.

“Groomers often notice and identify things that the client has not because we are in all the different nooks and crannies…” Cassy Proffitt, owner of PNW Pooch in Mount Angel, explained. “I also think that it’s a sign of love and devotion to our dogs…”

Starting out as a part-time groomer for PetSmart in college, Proffitt discovered she liked the job so much she quit school in 2009 to work full-time. Since then, she has worked for various grooming operations throughout Wisconsin and Oregon. When her previous employers sold their Willamette Valley location, she decided it was time to strike out on her own.

“I’ve now met a great ‘landlord’ who shares enthusiasm for what I’m doing and for my business growth,” Proffitt said of the location she secured at 165 N. Main St. in Mount Angel four years ago.

Primarily offering bathing, de-shedding, ear cleaning and

toenail trimming services, Proffitt said the hardest part of her job is the toll it takes on her body.

“The process to get an end result is often very tedious; dogs move and pull, occasionally bite and I’m maintaining their safety with sharp tools in my hands…” she said.

But these difficulties can be mitigated when pet owners follow two simple guidelines: keep to a regular grooming schedule and schedule appointments on days when the dog is relaxed.

“[F]or example, going to the vet and then the groomer in the same day is just too much,” Proffitt pointed out, citing services scheduled on July 5 as a poor idea as well.

And, while taking pets for a walk prior to grooming can be helpful, Proffitt does not recommend wearing dogs out to the point of exhaustion.

“I would encourage you to set standards appropriately,” she suggested.

And for those dogs visiting the groomer for the first time, Proffitt recommended the owners stick to the basic service package.

“I want the dogs and I to be safe,” she said, and to have an enjoyable experience.

“The best part of my job is to feel the reciprocating energy flowing from me to the dog and vice versa…” Proffitt said, “we have this comfort level based on built trust.”

PNW Pooch can be contacted at 920-228-3303.

18 • May 2024 ourtownlive.com Facebook.com/OurTown.SMASM Business
Mount Angel practitioner shares insights Quality Dental Care in a Friendly Environment New patients welcome Matthew B. Chase, D.M.D. Nathan C. Braxmeyer, D.M.D. 303 N. First • Silverton 503-873-8614 Complete Dental Services Fillings • Crowns • Root Canals Implants • Extractions • Botox ™ Invisalign ™ Vivian Caldwell 50 3-873-7069 Property Manager yourhomepm@gmail.com www.yourhomepm.com SILVERTON – 3BR, 1BA home in a nice neighborhood. Attached garage, woodstove. $1,850/mo TURNER – 2BR, 2BA manufactured home, beautiful country location. Garage/shop area, pellet stove. $1,895/mo
Cassy Proffitt, owner of PNW Pooch in Mount Angel, posing with a customer. SUBMITTED PHOTO

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So, How’s That Working For You?

Early on, at the age of 10, I was introduced to alcohol by a gang of older neighborhood kids who thought it would be fun to watch me get drunk on what they said was Hawaiian Punch. It wasn’t. I downed three jelly glasses full of Bali High, a cheap, sweet wine that tasted great. But then the room began to spin. I tried to ride my Stingray bike home, but I crashed into my yard and ran to my bedroom as nausea overwhelmed me.

Luckily, next to my bed stood a pair of black galoshes. I puked into both until they were almost full. Then I passed out.

When I woke up my mother was stroking my hair and whispering my name.

“Gregg? Gregg? Wake up, honey. What happened? Who did this to you?”

“Did what?” I asked as the room spun. “Who got you drunk?”

“I’m not drunk.” I said, “I’m just sick. I think I drank too much fruit punch.”

I didn’t understand at the time that I had been pranked by the older guys. Later I realized what happened. But from that time on I could not stand even the smell of alcohol. I tried to drink beer and wine when others offered it to me, but just one whiff and I start to feel sick. Even today I can’t enjoy anything other than a Hot Buttered Rum around Christmas.

Looking For Thrills

Over the years I got drawn in to the drug scene. But actually, in Dayton, Ohio, you had to chase the drug scene because nobody I knew had any of the real stuff. A common scene was a couple of guys smoking what we thought was marijuana, but it was actually oregano, or some other herb.

“Do you feel anything?” one would ask. And the other would say, “I think so. Maybe.”

Eventually we found someone who could sell us the real thing. We got high on pot. Then various pills. White Crosses were “uppers,” diet pills called amphetamine, taken by moms supposedly to to lose weight, and by longhaul truckers to stay awake at the wheel.

Quaaludes were “downers,” a sedative, sleep-inducing drug. It was a little like getting drunk, only more physical like a pain-killer. I had friends who got addicted to downers to the point that they were stealing whatever they could find, even from their own parents, to buy more drugs.

Eventually we got ahold of some real LSD, but not before taking just about every vitamin pill that looked enough like an illegal drug to fool midwestern teenagers. When we finally found a source for Screaming Yellow Zonkers

(big yellow pills of LSD) and “Blotter Acid” (LSD on a little square of ink-blotting paper) we were off to the land of hallucinations, watching the carpets and walls crawl with colorful paisley patterns that were not really there. It was fun to lay on the lawn at the park, looking up at the clouds and laughing about nothing at all. Just laughing, and laughing until something or someone “brought us down” by making us feel annoyed or even paranoid. That was a “bad trip.”

died from heroin over-doses. The scene at the corner of Haight and Asbury was already dark and gritty. Not every hippy commune was led by a Charles Manson, but many had a similar narcissist. It was the blind leading the blind into the ditch. “Free love” was a con to get chicks into bed. All I knew was that it wasn’t working for me.

So, I left San Francisco and headed down to Southern California to a town called Laguna Beach. I made good money playing my songs for tips in the restaurants and on the streets. That is also where I learned how to plant the beautiful terrariums I now sell at Silver Falls here in Silverton. But one day a couple of Jesus Freaks talked to me on the beach. I heard more than just the children’s Sunday-School version of the gospel that day. [See my article “I Was There!” Published here in Our Town on May, 1st, of 2023.]

God Uprooted Me

Within a few days the house where I was

…I bowed my head and asked Jesus to forgive me for my sins and be my Lord. I was changed. Jesus rescued me from all the foolish ways I had been wasting my life. It was what the Bible calls being “born again.” I became a child of God that day.

We were young and foolish. We had no idea what these recreational and supposedly consciousness-raising substances were doing to our brains. But it seemed like everyone else was doing it. So, why not? It seemed cool at the time.

What kept me from going too far into drugs was my music.

Looking back now I know I was a mediocre musician, but I loved to write poetry, I knew at least three chords on my guitar and I had a decent voice, so I could sing. I started turning my best poems into lyrics set to simple tunes and voila, I was a singer/song writer. That meant I was a chick magnet who got invited to parties just to play my folk-rock protest songs for the other teens. It was great until the girlfriends of a few jocks and hoods became jealous and started beating me up. That is when I ran away from home.

“If You’re Going to San Francisco…”

I ran away to California “with flowers in my hair,” looking for Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin and The Jefferson Airplane. By the time I got there many of my musical heroes had already

renting a room was raided by the police. They were looking for a housemate named “Horse” who was a major drug dealer. I had to leave town fast. So I drove away in my VW bug.

Within a few months, in Indianapolis, Indiana, the moment came when I stopped running. I bowed my head and asked Jesus to forgive me for my sins and be my Lord. In that moment I was changed. Jesus rescued me from all the foolish ways that I had been wasting my life. It’s what the Bible calls being “born again.” I became a child of God.

Over the years His love and care for me has only grown deeper. He has provided me with all that I need and more. Why? Because He is good. He will do the same for you if you believe, repent, and ask Him to save you. No matter how bad things are for you right now, Jesus will never turn you away. He will accept you and help you enter into a whole new life.

“How’s That Working For You?”

I don’t know how you’ve been trying to find your “good times” in this world. But whatever it may be, how’s that working for you? It could be “sex, drugs and rock and roll” like me. It could be pornography. It could be wealth, or

career, or fame, or political power. But anything, even what could otherwise be a good thing, that is used as an alternative to knowing, loving and serving God is not going to work. No matter how hard you try, those things cannot fill the emptiness in your soul. Nor can they save you from God’s eventual punishment for your rebellion against Him.

It’s time to believe the gospel.

Jesus Christ really is God the Son. He came into this world to live the perfect life we were all supposed to live, but we haven’t. We have all sinned by rebelling against our Creator. Jesus then died the terrible death that we all deserve for our rebellion. Then, as proof that His sacrifice worked, He rose from the dead. He is alive. Now the way to be forgiven and saved is open to all of us. It’s not too late for you. Believe in Jesus. Repent of your sins. Ask God for His mercy. He’s there, and He is listening. So, why not talk to Him right now?

NOTE: These articles are being paid for each month by a few guys called The Noble Men of Oregon. We come from various churches, but we gather each Thursday morning at 5:30 am at 409 S. Water St. to pray and plan how to have an impact on our community for Christ. If you’re a guy, and you like what we do, you’re invited to come join the team.


Faith & Family-Friendly Movie The Palace Theater

Tuesday, May 7th Showing The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

By C.S. Lewis PG, 2PM & 7PM

First Come, First Served. Bring Friends!

Sponsored by NobleMenOfOregon.org

Join Us for Our New Weekly Lunch-time Prayer Meeting!

Every Tuesday from 12:05 to 12:55 PM at The Den, 311 N. Water St., Silverton Bring your lunch and join area business men and women alike to meet, eat and pray together for God’s blessing and provision. Men Only are still invited to our Thurs. 5:30-7 AM Noble Men’s Breakfast at 409 S. Water Street every week. Please RSVP by text to 971-370-0967.

Facebook.com/OurTown.SMASM ourtownlive.com May 2024 • 19
Gregg Harris, “Just a sinner saved by grace!”

Frequent Addresses

Mt. Angel Public Library, 290 E Charles St.

Silver Creek Fellowship, 822 NE Industrial Way, Silverton. Silver Falls Library, 410 S Water St.

Silverton Arts Association, 303 Coolidge St. Silverton Community Center/Council Chambers, 421 S Water St.

Weekly Events


Low Impact Aerobics, 9:30 a.m., Emmanuel Lutheran Church, 303 N Church St., Silverton. Silverton Senior Center members free. Non-members $5.

Repeats Wednesdays & Fridays.

SACA Food Pantry, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m., SACA, 421 S Water St., Silverton. Repeats 4 - 7 p.m. Tuesdays, 9 a.m. - noon Thursdays. 503-873-3446

Mt. Angel Community & Senior Center Store, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m., 195 E Charles St.

Repeats Tuesday- Saturday 503-845-6998

Silverton Recovery AA, noon - 1 p.m., 302 N Water St. Seven days a week.

Free Monday Dinner, 5:30 - 7 p.m., Oak Street Church, 502 Oak St., Silverton. Indoor, sit-down or to-go meals. All welcome. Free. 503-873-5446

Boy Scouts Troop 485, 7 - 8:30 p.m., St. Edward’s Catholic Church, 211 W Center St., Silverton. Scoutmaster Dave Tacker, 760-644-3147, dave.tacker@gmail.com


Scotts Mills Food Boxes, 9 - 11 a.m., Scotts Mills Community Center, 298 Fourth St. Residents in Scotts Mills/Butte Creek/Monitor rural areas are welcome. Donations welcome. Niki, 503-873-5059

Gentle Yoga, 9:30 a.m., Immanuel Lutheran Church, 303 N Church St., Silverton. silvertonseniors.org

Mt. Angel Senior Meals, 10:30 - 11 a.m. Delivery only. $3 donation suggested.

Repeats Thursday, Ginger, 503-845-9464

APPY Hour, noon - 1 p.m., Mt. Angel Public Library. Drop in for technical assistance for electronic devices. All ages. Free. 971-370-5040

Silverton Mainstay, 1 - 4 p.m., Silverton United Methodist Church, 203 W Main St. Community space and activities for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Repeats Thursdays. silvertonmainstay.org

Stories & STEAM, 4 p.m., Mt. Angel Public Library. Listen to a story about the theme of the week, join in a project. Snacks. Ages 5-12. Free. 971-370-5040 Serenity Al-Anon Meeting, 5:30 p.m. Zoom. Repeats 10 a.m. Saturdays. For Zoom link, call Barbara K, 503-269-0952. Cub Scout Pack 485, 6:30 p.m., St. Edward’s Catholic Church, 211 W Center St., Silverton. Boys and girls in K-5th grades. Deb Hilterbrand, 971-337-5925

Growing Awareness, Nurturing

Compassion, 7 - 8:30 p.m. Zoom. Secular presentation promoting mindfulness. No experience needed. Zoom invite: compassionatepresence@yahoo.com.


Silverton Business Group, 8 a.m., Silver Falls Brewery, 207 Jersey St., Silverton. Networking meeting hosted by Silverton Chamber of Commerce. Everyone welcome. silvertonchamber.org

Quilters Group, 9 a.m. - noon, Trinity Lutheran Church, 500 N Second Ave., Silverton. trinitysilverton@gmail.com

Silverton Senior Center Knit Wits, 10 a.m. - noon, Silvertowne Apartment Clubhouse, 115 Mill St., No. 47. Socialize and see others’ knitting projects. silvertonseniors.org

Family Storytime, 10:30 a.m., Mt. Angel Public Library. Singing, stories, crafts, play. Age 2 - 5 w/family members. 971-370-5040

Indoor Playtime, 11 a.m. - noon, Mt. Angel Public Library. Play with toys, spend time with friends. Free. 971-370-5040

Mission Benedict Food Pantry, 1 - 4 p.m., St. Joseph Shelter, 925 S Main St., Mt. Angel. Repeats Friday. 503-845-2468

Silver Chips Woodcarving Sessions, 1 - 3 p.m., Silverton Arts Association. All skill levels. 503-873-4512.

Line Dancing, 1 p.m. (advanced) 2 p.m. (beginners), Emmanuel Lutheran Church, 303 N Church St., Silverton. Silverton Senior Center members free; $10 donation for nonmembers. silvertonseniors.org

Mission of Hope Food Pantry, 2 - 4 p.m., Silver Creek Fellowship. 503-873-7353

Italian Conversations, 6 - 7:30 p.m., Silver Falls Library. Come practice your Italian. All levels welcome. 503-873-8796

The Daniel Plan, 6:30 p.m., Silver Creek Fellowship. Wellness program. Info at scf.tv/ danielplan. Sheila, 503-409-4498


Community Coffee, 7 - 9 a.m., Scotts Mills Community Center, 298 Fourth St. Free. Yoga, 9 a.m., Silver Creek Fellowship. Open to all. Sheila, 503-409-4498

Thursday Painters, 10 a.m. - noon, Silverton Arts Association. Join other artists for open studio time. All kinds of art forms are welcome. Free. 503-873-2480

Bingo, 2 p.m., United Methodist Church, 203 W Main St., Silverton. $1/card. $2 3 cards. silvertonseniors.org

TOPS (Take Pounds Off Sensibly), 6 p.m., United Methodist Church, 203 W Main St., Silverton. First meeting free. Monthly dues $4. All welcome. David, 503-501-9824


Toastmaster Club, 7:30 a.m., Zoom. Increase your listening skills, speaking, thinking, evaluating. Zoom link: tmcommunicators@gmail.com.

Mt. Angel Model Railroad, 9 a.m.3 p.m., The Depot, 90 W College St., Mt. Angel. Lionel (O-gauge), HO-gauge, N-gauge model layouts on display. All ages welcome. Free.

Silvertones Community Singers, 10:30 a.m., Silverton United Methodist Church, 203 Main St., Silverton. Anyone who loves to sing is welcome. 503-873-2033 Silverton Senior Center Pinochle, noon - 4 p.m., Otto’s, 1176 S Water St., Silverton. silvertonseniors.org


Ageless Yoga, 9 a.m., Total Body Health Club, 1099 N First St., Silverton. Geared toward those 50 and older, but all welcome. Silverton Senior Center event.

Outdoor Silverton Farmers Market, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m., Silverton United Methodist Church, 204 W Main St. Starts May 11. Fresh produce, plants, flowers.


Oregon Crafters Market, 11 a.m. - 6 p.m., 215 N Water St., Silverton. Local crafters & artists, live music, food & spirits. Repeats noon - 5 p.m. First Friday session 6 - 9 p.m. only. oregoncraftersmarket.com

Creciendo juntos/Growing Together Storytime, 1 p.m., Mt. Angel Public Library. ¡Atrévete a acompañarnos aprender juntos! ¡Atreves de leyendo libros bilingües podríamos hacer lo! Después abrirá una actividad para la familia. Through bilingual books and activities, learn simple words and phrases. 971-370-5040

Peaceful Heart Meditation, 2 - 3 p.m., Silverton Community Center. Yoga breathing, kirtan and yoga philosophy. No experience required. Everyone welcome. Refreshments served. Free. peacefulheartkirtan@gmail.com

Wednesday, May 1

Family Storytime

10:30 a.m., The Oregon Garden, 879 Main St., Silverton. Free admission using your CCRLS library card. 503-873-8796

Caregiver Connection

1 - 2:30 p.m., Zoom. Free educational support group for unpaid family caregivers caring for a loved one 60 years of age or older, or caring for a person living with dementia. For Zoom invite and register, contact Julie Mendez, 503304-3432 or julie.mendez@nwsds.org

SILVERton Cabaret

5:30 p.m., At Easel Art, 301 E Main St., Silverton. Night of random acts. Donations welcome. Silverton Senior Center event. 503-873-3303

Scotts Mills City Council

7 p.m., Scotts Mills City Hall, 265 Fourth St. Open to public. 503-873-5435

Thursday, May 2

Silverton Kiwanis Club

Noon, Main St. Bistro, 201 E Main St., Silverton. New members welcome. Repeats May 16. silvertonkiwanis.org

MSWord Basics

1 p.m., Mt. Angel Public Library. Learn to create text-based documents using Microsoft Word as well as how to complete simple actions like saving, opening and printing documents. Adults only. Registration required. 971-370-5040.

Silver Falls YMCA Soiree

6 - 8 p.m., The Farm on Golden Hill, 11506 NE Kaufman Road, Silverton. Hors d’oeuvres, drinks provided. Entertainment by Move the Needle. Auction. Benefits YMCA programs and services. $75/person. Tickets at theyonline.org/locations/silverfalls-family-ymca.

Mt. Angel Budget Committee

7 p.m., Mount Angel Public Library. Open to public. 503-845-9291, ci.mt-angel.or.us

Critique Night

7 - 8:30 p.m., Silverton Arts Association. Bring latest work for discussion, critique amongst other artists in the community. 503-873-2480, silvertonarts.org

Friday, May 3

Free Comic Day

9 a.m. - 5 p.m., Mt. Angel Public Library. Stop by the library and pick up a free comic book. All ages. 971-370-4050

Rummage Sale

9 a.m. - 3 p.m., Marquam United Methodist Church, 36971 S Highway 213, Mt. Angel. Annual church rummage sale. Free admission. 503-829-5061

Silverton FFA Plant Sale

10 a.m. - 6 p.m., Silverton High, 1456 Pine St. Annuals, hanging baskets, veggies, houseplants. Repeats 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. May 4, 1-4 p.m. May 10, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. May 11.

Master Gardener Plant Sale

10 a.m. - 7 p.m., Oregon State Fairgrounds, 2330 NE 17th Ave., Salem. Marion County Master Gardener Association’s annual plant sale. Master gardeners answer questions. Bird, bee, bug info tables. Free admission. Parking in fairgrounds lot is $2.50. Repeats 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. May 4.

Youth Art Show Reception

6 - 8:30 p.m., Silverton Arts Association. Reception and showing of artwork by middle, high school youth. Open to public. Runs through May 31. 503-873-2480

Wonder Community Read Celebration

6 p.m., St. Mary Elementary, 590 E College St., Mt. Angel. Celebrate the completion of Mt. Angel’s first Community Read. Gather to discuss the book, enjoy desserts and watch the movie version of Wonder by R.J. Palacio. All ages. Free. 971-370-4050

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First Friday in Silverton

7 – 9 p.m. Explore historic downtown, have dinner, shop, browse galleries, boutiques. 503-873-5615, silvertonchamber.org

Lunaria First Friday

7 - 9 p.m., Lunaria Gallery, 113 N Water St., Silverton. Opening reception for May shows. Main Floor Gallery features “The Many Layers of Bob Androvich,” multilayered montages by Bob Androvich. Loft Gallery features “Moments in Time,” oil paintings by Anne Jankowski. 503-873-7734

Saturday, May 4

Teen Interview Skills

10 a.m., Mt. Angel Public Library. Teens learn the secrets to shine in any interview setting. Free. 971-370-4050

World Labyrinth Day

2 p.m., Queen of Angels Monastery, 840 S Main St., Mt. Angel. At 1:45 p.m., brief explanation of Peace Walk. Then a 20-minute Silent Peace Walk. Refreshments follow. To register, call Sr. Dorothy Jean Beyer at 503-845-2556.

Community Art Show

3 - 8 p.m., Oak Street Church, 502 Oak St., Silverton. View works of artists from all ages, skill levels, beliefs. Live music. Refreshments. John Friedrick, 503-314-5806.

Children’s Spring Concert

3 p.m., Immanuel Lutheran Church, 303 N Church St., Silverton. Silverton Children’s Choir presents “True Colors” – and a little bit of Star Wars. Free. All welcome. Donations welcome. 503-201-4337

Sunday, May 5

Cinco de Mayo

St. Joseph the Worker Dinner

5 p.m., St. Mary Catholic Church, 575 E College St., Mt. Angel. 20th annual event to raise money for St. Joseph Family Shelter and Mission Benedict. Tickets $50/person at ccswv.org. 503-856-7088

Monday, May 6

Abigail Scott DAR

10 a.m. Stayton United Methodist Church, 1450 SE Fern Ridge Road. Installation of officers, brunch. All welcome. 503-508-8246

Military Sexual Trauma Support Group

6 - 7:30 p.m. Zoom. For those who have served in military, Active Duty, National Guard, Reserve members who have experienced military sexual trauma. Facilitated by veterans, former service members with shared experience. info@ namimultnomah.org, 503-228-5692. Repeats May 20.

Silverton City Council

7 p.m., Council Chambers. Open to public. 503-873-5321, silverton.or.us

Mt. Angel City Council

7 p.m., Mount Angel Public Library. Open to public. 503-845-9291

Tuesday, May 7

Mt. Angel American Legion

6:30 p.m., Legion Hall, 740 E College St., Mt. Angel. All veterans are welcome. Masks optional. Jim, 503-845-6119

Silverton Urban Renewal

6 p.m., Council Chambers. Silverton Urban Renewal Agency budget committee meeting. Open to public. 503-873-5321, silverton.or.us

Silverton Budget Committee

7 p.m., Council Chambers. City of Silverton budget committee meeting. Open to public. 503-873-5321

Wednesday, May 8

Sci-Fi & Fantasy Book Club

6:30 p.m. Zoom. Discuss Dark Matter by Blake Crouch. More info and Zoom invite: Ron Drake at 503-873-8796

Thursday, May 9

Intro to Origami

1 p.m., Mt. Angel Public Library. Jasmine Pierson demonstrates origami basics. Participants leave with at least two creations and designs to create more at home. Free. Adults/teens. 971-370-4050

Silverton Budget Committee

6:30 p.m., Council Chambers. City of Silverton budget committee meeting. Open to public. 503-873-5321

Mt. Angel Budget Committee

7 p.m., Mount Angel Public Library. Open to public. 503-845-9291

Zenith Women’s Club

7 p.m., Silver Creek Fellowship. Women discuss ways to fund, implement projects benefiting Silverton Community. Social starts at 6:30 p.m. Anyone interested is welcome. Barbara, 801-414-3875

LGBTQ+ Peer Support

7 - 8:30 p.m. Zoom. Peer-led mental health young adult support group for LGBTQ2SIA+ individuals ages 18-30. Free. Sponsored by National Alliance on Mental Illness. Register: tinyurl.com/ yalgbtqgroup. Repeats May 23.

Friday, May 10

Red Cross Blood Drive

Noon - 5 p.m., Silverton First Baptist Church, 229 Westfield St. Appointments at redcrossblood.org.

Lego Lab

3 - 4:30 p.m., Mt. Angel Public Library. Build original creations out of Legos to display in the library. All ages. Free. Repeats May 24 & 31. 971-370-5040

Plant Swap & Used Book Sale

5 - 7 p.m., Mt. Angel Public Library. Swap, share and celebrate the joy of growing together. Friends of the Library will also have used books for sale. All ages. Repeats 9 a.m. - noon May 11. 971-370-4050

The Next Friday

5 - 8 p.m., Mt. Angel. Businesses in Mt. Angel stay open with extra vendors, goodies, information, sales and more. discovermtangel.org

All-Ages Game Night

6 - 9 p.m., Silverton Grange, 201 Division St. Bring favorite games. Children under 13 must be accompanied by responsible adult. All ages. Free. 971-267-9364

Saturday, May 11

Red Cross Blood Drive

Silverton Planning Commission

7 p.m., Silverton High, 1456 Pine St. Open to public. 503-874-2207, silverton.us.or

Wednesday, May 15

Dementia Care Conversations

9 a.m. - 2 p.m., Silverton Safeway, 301 Westfield St. Sponsored by BST Realty. Appointments at redcrossblood.org.

Birding & Wildlife Festival

10 a.m. - 4 p.m., Silver Falls State Park, 20024 SE Silver Falls Hwy., Sublimity. Guided birding & wildflower walks, educational tables, raptor presentations, plant sale & wildflower show. $5 parking. Repeats May 12.

Spring Art Event

Noon, 990 N First St., Silverton. Art show featuring Ann Altman and Donna Mattson. All proceeds benefit Silverton Area Community Aid. 503-873-6015

Sunday, May 12

Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day Breakfast

7 a.m. - noon, Silverton Fire Station, 819 Railway Ave. Moms eat free. Sponsored by Silverton Volunteer Firefighter Association. 503-873-5328

Scotts Mills Historical Museum

1 - 5 p.m., 210 Grandview Ave. Open for public browsing. Free. Joe Plas, 503871-9803. smahsmuseum@gmail.com

Monday, May 13

Mt. Angel School District

6:30 p.m., District Office, 730 E Marquam St., Mt. Angel. Open to public. 503-845-2345, masd91.org

Silver Falls School District

7 p.m., Silverton High, 1456 Pine St. Open to public. 503-873-5303

Tuesday, May 14

Ancestry Detectives

10 a.m., Silver Falls Library. Joe Price, FamilySearch volunteer researcher, presents “Using FamilySearch for Your Family History Work.” Open to all. ancestrydetectives.org

Ukulele Play and Sing-Alongs

6 - 7:30 p.m., Silver Falls Library. First 30 minutes is beginner’s ukulele lesson followed by play and sing-along time for all skill levels. Music is provided but bring your ukulele. 503-873-8796

1 - 2 p.m. Zoom. Free group for unpaid caregivers providing support to a loved one living with dementia. To register, contact group facilitator Julie Mendez at 503-304-3432 or julie.mendez@nwsds.org.

Library Advisory Board

6:30 p.m., Mt. Angel Public Library. The Library Advisory Board meets to advise, recommend, advocate for library. Open to public. 971-370-4050

Scotts Mills Special Session

7 p.m., Scotts Mills City Hall, 265 Fourth St. The city asks that all who are interested in filling the open council seat come to this meeting. Those interested must live in the incorporated city limits, be 18 or older and be able to legally vote. 503-873-5435

Thursday, May 16

Red Cross Blood Drive

8:15 a.m. - 2 p.m., Silverton High, 1456 Pine St. Appt. at redcrossblood.org.

Book Discussion for Adults

1 p.m., Mt. Angel Public Library. Discuss East of Eden by John Steinbeck. Open to all adults. Free. 971-370-5040

Silver Falls Writers Group

6:30 p.m., Silver Falls Library. Share what you are working on or just see what others are writing. Ron Drake, 503-873-8796

Silverton Budget Committee

6:30 p.m., Council Chambers. City of Silverton budget committee meeting. Open to public. 503-873-5321

Mt. Angel Planning Commission

7 p.m., Mount Angel Public Library. Open to public. 503-845-9291, ci.mt-angel.or.us

Friday, May 17

Mt. Angel Maifest

3 - 11 p.m., Festhalle, 500 NE Wilco Hwy., Mt. Angel. Spring beer festival with a German twist. Repeats 11 a.m. - 11 p.m. May 18, 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. May 19. Proceeds distributed to local nonprofits. Tickets and schedule of events at mtangelmaifest.org.

Teen Hangout

5 - 7 p.m., Mt. Angel Public Library. Grab a group of friends or come alone. Hangout at library, play games, make a bracelet. Snacks. Grades 6-12. Free. 971-370-4050

Saturday, May 18

Armed Forces Day

10 a.m. - 4 p.m., Angel Auto Werke, 120 N Main St., Mt. Angel. Military vehicle display, weather permitting. Free. 503-845-6119

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datebook continued from page 21

Sunshine Fitness

10 a.m., Mt. Angel Public Library. Light exercise using follow-along videos. Signed waiver must be on file before participation. Adults & teens. Free. 971-370-4050

Silverton Pet Parade

10 a.m., starts at Coolidge McClaine Park, 300 Coolidge St., Silverton. Bring a pet to walk downtown as part of this community tradition, sponsored by Silverton Kiwanis Club. Staging starts at 9:30 a.m.


Scotts Mills School Auction

11 a.m. - 8 p.m., Oso Restaurant, 200 E Main St., Silverton. Come by anything during the day to eat, drink, bid on auction items, buy drawing tickets or spin the prize wheel. Oso is donating $1 for each pint or glass of wine sold that day. Free admission. Online prebidding at 32auctions.com/scottsmills2024.

Local Author’s Book Fair

11:30 a.m. - 4 p.m., Silverton County

Historical Museum, 428 S Water St. Features Fred Parkinson’s Silverton Collection, Gus Frederick’s Davenport series and his latest collection of articles from Silverton’s Liberal University. Plus various other writings by members. silvertonmuseum.org

Paws in the Park

11:30 a.m. - 4 p.m., Coolidge McClaine Park, 300 Coolidge St., Silverton. Pet fair with vendors, food, entertainment. Marion County K9 team. Fashion show. Agility course demo. Pet/owner lookalike contest. Free. Llist of events and vendors at silvertonpaws.com.

Tuesday, May 21

Silver Falls Book Club

6:30 p.m., Silver Falls Library. Discuss The Forest of Vanishing Stars by Kristin Harmel. All welcome. 503-873-8796

Affordable Housing Task Force

6:30 p.m., Council Chambers. Open to public. 503-873-5321, silverton.or.us

Wednesday, May 22

Mandala Window Clings

1 p.m., Mt. Angel Public Library. Create a mandala window cling. Free. Adults & teens. 971-370-4050

Friends of Silver Falls Library

6 p.m., Silver Falls Library. Open to public. 503-873-8796

Virtual Film Discussion

7 p.m. Zoom. Watch Brother from Another Planet, available on Kanopy beforehand, and join for a Zoom discussion. Zoom invite: Ron Drake, 503-873-8796

Thursday, May 23

Mrs. Plov’s Carnival

12:45 - 2:45 p.m., Scotts Mills School, 805 First St. Retirement celebration for Helen Plov, a part of Scotts Mills School for 41 years. Write a note, a memory or words of encouragement. 503-873-4394

Family Science Night

6 - 7:30 p.m., Mt. Angel Public Library. Explore the scientific concept of BALANCE through stories, games, crafts, experiments, challenges, handson activities. Door prizes & snacks provided. All welcome but activities are geared toward pre-K - 4th grade. Free. 971-370-4050

Friday, May 24

Red Cross Blood Drive

11 a.m. - 4 p.m., Elks Lodge #2210, 300 High St., Silverton. Appointments at redcrossblood.org.

Saturday, May 25

Silverton High Car Show

9 a.m. - 2 p.m., Silverton Middle School, 714 Schlador St. Student-made awards, live music, drawings, student-led tours of auto shop. Vendors, food trucks. $20 vehicle registration; free for students to enter. Free admission. rofelty_daniel@ silverfalls.k12.or.us

Monday, May 27

Memorial Day

Memorial Day Service

9:30 a.m., Calvary Cemetery, 1015 N Main St., Mt. Angel. Patriotic music by Marion County Citizens Band. Welcome remarks by Mt. Angel Mayor Pete Wall. Mass by the Rev. Ralph Recker. Bring your own lawn chairs. In case of inclement weather, service takes place at St. Mary Church, Mt. Angel.

Vigil for Peace

2:30 - 3:30 p.m., Towne Square Park, Silverton. Silverton People for Peace gather to advocate for peace, social justice issues on all levels of society. Open to all. 503-873-5307

Thursday, May 30

Teen Advisory Board/Book Club

4:30 p.m., Mt. Angel Public Library. Teens (grades 6-12) help collaborate with the library on programs, collections, games and more. Snacks. Book Club meets for the first 30 minutes to discuss Harbor Me by Jacqueline Woodson. Copies are available at the circulation desk. 971-370-5040

Writers Workshop

6 p.m., Mt. Angel Public Library. Gather and chat with fellow writers. Bring up to three pages of work to read, get feedback on. Teens & adults. Free. 971-370-5040

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Gymnastics squad shines at big meets

Silverton Gymnastics Academy had an excellent spring, turning in sterling performances at state and regional competitions.

From April 19-21, 17 of the club’s athletes participated in a regional meet at Boise, Idaho, that brought together the top gymnasts in Oregon, Washington, Montana, Idaho and Hawaii.

“Our athletes did amazing and we couldn’t be more proud of their accomplishments this season,” coach Celia Storey said.

Here is a look at how the local gymnasts performed:

Xcel Gold Division

Aleah Butler was first in bars, second in floor, sixth in beam and second in all-around. Ivory Calderon was fourth in vault and third in bars.

Erin Grosjacques took first in bars, thirrd in vault and fourth in all-around. Riley Hess was fifth in bars, fourth in beam, sixth in floor and thirrd in all-around.

Charlie Stearns was seventh in vault and second in floor.


Xcel Platinum

Kristina Chuprov took first in bars, first in beam, fourth in floor and first in all-around and Sadie Brown Maxwell finished third in bars, seventh in floor and eighth in all-around.

Xcel Diamond

Haley Lahman was first in floor, sixth in beam, fifth in all- around and Ella Storey placed fifth in vault, sixth in bars, third in floor and sixth allaround.

Earlier, at the April 6-7 state meet in Springfield,  Silverton Gymnastics Academy’s teams all scored well. Xcel Bronze, Excel Gold, Xcel Platinum and Xcel Diamond all took second place in the team competitions, while Xcel Silver finished fourth.

The club had seven athletes win state titles in the all-around, Quinlee Stubbs (Xcel Bronze),  Lila Hughey, (Xcel Bronze), Charlotte Davis (Xcel Silver), Malia Bunnell (Xcel Silver), Riley Hess (Xcel Gold), Kristina Chuprov (Xcel Platinum) and Ella Storey (Xcel Diamond).

The club also had two vault champions, three bars champions, five beam champions and five floor champions. Gold, Platinum and Diamond gymnasts were eligible to advance on to the regionals based on scoring.

Dan, the most trusted

Silver Falls among state’s busiest parks

Oregon State Parks came close to a record number of visitors in 2023, with Silver Falls State Park among the busiest.

Oregon Parks and Recreation Department officials reported that total parks visits were at an estimated 52.2 million a year ago. That’s the second highest figure ever, beaten only by the 53 million during the post-pandemic parks binge of 2021.

Overnight camping was down slightly statewide with 2.91 million campers compared to 2.97 million a year ago. The 2023 camping figure is the fourth best, wth the 3.02 million in 2021 the top figure.

Silver Falls State Park drew 1.18 million day-use visitors in 2023 as well as an additional 267,000 at its North Falls permit purchasing kiosk. The total is up substantially from the 877,000 that came to the park during the 2020 COVID19 year, and it is just under the record of 1.2 million in 2019. The North Falls number is a record.

The camping numbers show 73,765 at Silver Falls, a couple of

thousand above 2021 and 2022, but well below the record year of 2017 (80,124). Camping figures should be poised for a possible uptick given the park is adding approximately 50 spaces at its North Canyon area.

Using nearly $12 million in state general obligation bonds aimed at improving parks and campgrounds, Silver Falls also has added a new parking lot, restrooms, an informational kiosk and permit pay station as well as a new trail that links the North Canyon area with North Falls.The campground construction is set to begin in April 2025.

Eleven facilities topped 1 million in day-use visitors in 2023, led by Harris Beach at 1.78 million. Silver Falls, with its 1.4 million is fourth, with Valley of the Rogue (1.57 million) and Oswald West (1.48) in between.

The statewide camping leader is Fort Stevens at 305,000 followed by South Beach at 217,000.

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Foxes softball takes down No. 1 Dallas in thriller

The Dallas High softball team came into the Wednesday, April 24, showdown against host Silverton with a perfect 15-0 record and the state’s top ranking. The Dragons, state champs last year and runners-up in 2017 and 2019, only had given up 13 runs in those 15 wins.

Wednesday was different. It was as if the game had been moved to Wrigley Field in Chicago on a day with the wind blowing out. Silverton struck for six runs in the bottom of the first, fueled by a grand slam from Jerisha Perez, and rallied late via two more balls that left the park to take a 9-7 win against the Dragons.

run counted, but it was just 7-6. Three batters later Hannah Houts launched a ball over the right field fence, scoring Braezen Henderson and giving the hosts a 9-6 lead.

“I knew she was going to pitch me outside,” Houts said, “and I was seeing the ball really well, our whole team was. That’s the personality of this team.”

The Foxes win left the squad tied with Dallas for the Mid-Willamette Conference lead at 8-1. Dallas retained its No. 1 spot, with the Foxes staying third. And all you have to do is look at those state rankings to know how much tough work remains for Wednesday’s opponents and the rest of the Mid-Willamette. Lebanon, which lost to Dallas in the 2023 title game, is 7-2 in league and ranked fourth. West Albany and Corvallis are both 6-3, with West ranked 6th and the Spartans tenth.

“They really came through,” Foxes coach Ralph Cortez told Our Town. “We’ve been solid all year long and I really like this team. To come out here and take out the No. 1 team… that shows the kids were geared up and ready. And we’re not done yet.”

“We knew this one was going to be tough,” said junior right-hander McKenzee Petersen, who went the distance and knocked in a run during the three-run rally in the bottom of the sixth that sealed the win. “We just would not be beaten.”

Silverton opened like a house on fire, starting the game with four consecutive singles and a 2-0 lead. When Perez’s two-out grand slam cleared the fence in right against Dallas ace Kadence Morrison the Foxes had a 6-0 lead. Dallas had not allowed more than three runs in a contest previously this season.

But the Dragons showed their resilience, striking for five runs against Petersen in the second and tying the game with a single run in the third. Then, the offenses quieted down a bit. Until the bottom of the sixth.

Foxes leadoff hitter Brylie Parks started things off with a double to left center. Petersen followed with a home run to straightaway center against relief pitcher Madison Ruman for what appeared to be an 8-6 lead. But Petersen was ruled to have missed third base. Parks’

More drama unfolded in the top of the 7th. With one out, the Dragons bunched together three consecutive singles to cut the score to 9-7 and had runners at second and third with just one out. But Petersen was up to the task, retiring one batter on a fly to Houts in short right and nailing the final out on a comebacker and starting the Foxes’ celebration.

More fun looms May 15 when the Foxes visit Dallas in the season finale, but the Silverton schedule also features games with other contenders Lebanon, West Albany and Corvallis in between.

Notes: Dallas and Silverton also have been playoff rivals. The Foxes lost to the Dragons in the 2022 quarterfinals and the 2017 semifinals. Silverton has made one finals appearance under Cortez, losing to Pendleton in 2012. Dallas is 15-6 against Silverton since 2014, but the Foxes have won two of the past three… The game featured excellent catching. Neither Henderson of the Foxes nor Dallas’ Jordan Cresswell allowed a batter to advance on a passed ball or wild pitch. Offensively, Henderson scored twice for the Foxes, while Creswell was 4-for-4 with two runs scored.

Kennedy, meanwhile, has rallied from a slow start to fight its way back into the playoff race in Class 2A-1A’s Special District 2. The young Trojans, whose roster consists of eight sophomores and five freshmen, started 0-5 but have rallied in league play, where JFK is 6-3, behind second place Blanchet Catholic (6-1). Both contenders are looking up at 7-0 Salem Academy. Kennedy likely will need to crack the top 2 to reach the playoffs. The schedule closes with showdowns among the top teams. Kennedy was set to play three games against Salem Academy the week of April 29, and three games against Blanchet the following week.

Boys Volleyball: The first-year program at Silverton is off to a flying start. Silverton is 7-1 overall, ranked No. 1 in Class 5A and third in Oregon regardless of class. The Foxes, who are coached by Benson Short, have only lost to Class 6A No. 1 Clackamas.

24 • May 2024 ourtownlive.com Facebook.com/OurTown.SMASM Sports & Recreation
McKenzee Petersen JAMES DAY Hannah Houts JAMES DAY

Wednesday, May 1


4:30 p.m. Silverton vs Central/Falls City

5 p.m. Kennedy vs Salem Academy


4:30 p.m. Kennedy vs Salem Academy

Thursday, May 2

Girls Tennis

4 p.m. Silverton vs Dallas

Friday, May 3


4:30 p.m. Silverton vs South Albany

Monday, May 6


5 p.m. Silverton vs Crescent Valley

Wednesday, May 8


5 p.m. Silverton vs Corvallis

Friday, May 10


4:30 p.m. Kennedy vs Blanchet Catholic

5 p.m. Silverton vs McKay


5 p.m. Kennedy vs Blanchet Catholic

Monday, May 13


5 p.m. Silverton vs McKay

Something to Do

Wednesday, May 15


5 p.m. Silverton vs Dallas

Thursday, May 16


4:30 p.m. Kennedy vs Umpqua Valley Christian

Home events only. For complete and updated schedules, visit osaa.org.

Crafters Market kicks off in May

The Oregon Crafters Market in downtown Silverton will open for the summer season on May 3, 6 to 9 p.m. with food, drinks, live music and a host of craftspersons.

“My goal is to get local artists involved more and to promote it outside Silverton as well,” Dodie Brockamp, the new head of marketing, said. “I want us to be a destination. I want people to come here for this.”

With around 40 vendors currently registered, the Crafters Market will offer handcrafted jewelry and leatherwork, crystals, tie-dyed clothing and one-of-akind paintings.

“It’s a great way to see what the people in Silverton are doing,” Brockamp said. “We want people to see what treasures we have here.”

New to the market this year will be an author’s booth, a weekly art demonstration and a children’s area with activities, a clown and even a low-cost booth where kids can sell their creations.

“I’m trying to get more community

Oregon Crafters Market

Food, drinks, music and artisans.

215 N. Water St., Silverton

May 3 through Oct. 27

First Fridays from 6 to 9 p.m.

Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Sundays from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.


involvement,” Brockamp said. That includes non-profits, for whom there is one free booth each week.

“They can do a little fundraiser or get their information out,” Brockamp said.

“It’s a great showcase.”


June 15 – July 13

Saturdays only at 9 a.m. or 10 a.m.


Aquacise Classes: Morning & Evening Micro Sports: Ages 3-5

July 27 – Aug. 24

Saturdays only at 9 a.m. or 10 a.m.

June 17 – July 24

Monday & Wednesday 5:30 - 7 p.m.

Meets on Wednesdays


May 6 – 12 cover is coming off the pool

Facebook.com/OurTown.SMASM ourtownlive.com May 2024 • 25 Summer Time is Coming! Registration is Open for Summer
MAY 2024 601 Miller St., Silverton www.theyonline.org
Summer Swim Team Summer Swim Lessons
K-6 Track & Field

Attack of the Tree Creatures They’re out to get us

I’m not afraid of much. I’m not afraid of politicians. (OK, maybe a little.) Or terrorists. And for crying out loud, I’m not afraid of TikTok. Anything that Congress says I should fear I automatically ignore.

But I am afraid of one thing: trees.

I should explain.

When I first moved to Stayton, I was working at the local newspaper. I got a phone call. It was about a tree.

“Do you known how many trees there are in Stayton? A million, maybe more,” I told the caller.

“This one tried to kill me,” he said.

“I’m on my way,” I said.

His house was on East Santiam Street. He invited me in.

“I was standing in the kitchen,” the man said. Then he pointed to a huge

piece of Douglas fir. It was the top of a tree that had broken off and plummeted through his roof, like a huge arrow.

It landed only a few feet from where the man had been standing. The trees had almost claimed one more victim.

Another time, a huge Norway maple fell in our front yard in Minnesota, right where the kids played.

That was close enough. Then, a few years later, another maple tree fell into the back yard of the neighbors.

Ironically, the tree guy was supposed to come on Monday to cut it down. This

was on Saturday. The tree knew the jig was up and attacked.

Still another time, a Douglas fir fell on my son’s truck, which he had been working on for months. The tree broke the windshield and gouged the new seats he had installed. No doubt, it was trying to do as much damage as possible.

Then there was the time we were driving through the redwoods near the southern Oregon coast. We were pulling one of those little tent camper trailers, and the trees snagged us. We were stuck.

My wife claims it was because I had ignored the sign warning that the road was lined with trees and was too narrow.

But I know better.

I worry about Oregon. All of the trees give me the willies. You never know when another one will attack.

Plus, they control the climate.

I had a friend once named Ben. He was a different breed of cat. He’d come into the office once in a while to announce that he was running for office, and always had something interesting to say. “I think we need to cut down all of the trees,” he said once. “They make it rain too much.”

“How do you mean?” I asked.

Look, wherever there are a lot of trees, there’s a lot of rain. Like here,” he said, pointing out the window.

“In Arizona, there aren’t many trees, and not much rain,” he said. “So, if you cut down the trees there won’t be any rain.”

I don’t know about his logic, but I like his thinking.

Carl Sampson is a freelance writer and editor. He lives in Stayton.


PUPPIES looking for furrever homes. ¾ Border Collie ¼ Aussie. 2 red males, 2 red females, 2 black males, 3 black females. Born Feb. 27. Call or text Alex 971-304-4423 Silverton.


CENTER is a non-profit consignment store for artisans over 50, a community center, home to Meals on Wheels, and serves as a food bank. Volunteers welcome! 195 E Charles St. 503-845-6998 or mtangelcommunity@ gmail.com



FOR SALE Viewable in lot: Washington and Mill Streets.

Towable with pickup truck. Many storage spaces. Good for another 30 years. Take a look. Call if interested, 707-494-7666.


IN SILVERTON: Studio apartment $800/mo. In Silverton: 1brm apartment 503-314-0145



REPAIR SERVICE Installation and repair of fencing, decks,doors, gutter cleaning, moss removal, power washing, yard debris removal. CCB#206637 Call Ryan. 503-881-3802

JESSE’S LAWN SERVICE & HANDYMAN Pruning, edging, trimming, blackberry cleaning, gutter cleaning, arborvitae, Place your ad in Marketplace 503-845-9499

moss treatment, yard clean-up, stump grinding, powerwashing, haul-away. 503-871-7869


20 years experience. References available. 503-313-5816


GONE? From yard debris to scrap metal-From garage sale left overs to rental clear outs. We repurpose, recycle, reuse, or donate what we can. Call and find out what we can do for you. $20 Minimum. Call Keith 503-502-3462


GARDEN – Do you want your own Organic vegetable garden? Don’t have the time or energy? 30 years experience. Call: 707-494-7666.(Stayton area)

26 • May 2024 ourtownlive.com Facebook.com/OurTown.SMASM A Grin at the End
Now Accepting New Patients AL BORROMEO, DDS 214 Jersey Street • Silverton

Nestled along Oregon’s scenic Silver Falls Tour Route on Hwy. 214 in Mount Angel. Our secure and hospitable home provides level-three care. We are dedicated to our residents and strive to create meaningful experiences that consider each unique care need.

Facebook.com/OurTown.SMASM ourtownlive.com May 2024 • 27
1. Payments of $327 per month on new Kubota BX23SLSB-R-1 Tractor Package. Package includes a BT603 Backhoe with 12” Bucket and Mechanical Thumb with LA340 Loader and Quick Attach Bucket based on sales price of $27,519.00 at $0 down, 0 % A.P.R. for 84 months. Financing available from Kubota Credit Corporation, U.S.A.; subject to credit approval. Payments do not include insurance, taxes or other fees where applicable. Some exceptions apply. Offer expires 6/30/2024. See dealership for details. 2. *Payments of $348 per month on new Kubota L2502HST Tractor Package. Package includes a LA526 Quick Attach Loader and a RCR1260 60” Rotary Cutter based on sales price of $29,251.00 at $0 down, 0 % A.P.R. for 84 months. Financing available from Kubota Credit Corporation, U.S.A.; subject to credit approval. Payments do not include insurance, taxes or other fees where applicable. Some exceptions apply. Offer expires 6/30/2024. See dealership for details. † For complete warranty, safety and product information, consult your local Kubota dealer and the product operator’s manual. Power (HP/ KW) and other specifications are based on various standards or recommended practices. KOD-04-150837-2 1-866-385-9073
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Sellers to offer up to 10K in closing costs, prepaids, prorations, and/ or rate buy down!! Open concept home on large .23 acre lot in quiet cul de sac in newer neighborhood. Custom wood cabinets throughout, quartz countertops, laminate flooring, custom window coverings, & stainless steel appliances. Large bonus room upstairs with full bath is currently being used as fourth bedroom. Room for RV. Easy access to 214. Only adjacent neighbor is to the South. Call Whitney at ext. 320 or Mike at ext. 312 (WVMLS#813781)



Well maintained 3 bedroom 2.5 bath home in the desirable Webb Lake Subdivision. From the inviting covered from patio to the fully fenced backyard, this home has so much to offer. Walk into an open floor plan with great natural light. The main floor has an additional office/4th bedroom. A 220 square foot bonus room upstairs has endless potential. You must see this beautiful home. Call Becky at ext. 313 (WVMLS#815313)


#T2761 GREAT OPPORTUNITY 1.66 Acres. Salem. Call Whitney at ext. 320 or Mike at ext. 312 $199,000 (WVMLS#800102)


3 BR, 2 BA 1836 sqft 19.45 Acres. Silverton. Call Becky at ext. 313 $750,000 (WVMLS#815912)


#T2812 CHARMING HOBBY FARM 2 BR, 1 BA 1249 sqft. Aumsville. Call Kirsten at ext. 326 $699,900


NEW! – #T2817 GREAT LOCATION 2 BR, 2 BA 990 sqft. Independence. Call Meredith at ext. 324, Ryan at ext. 322 $474,800


NEW! – #T2819 5 SEPARATE UNITS 6 BR, 5 BA 3172 sqft. Salem. Call Meredith at ext. 324, Ryan at ext. 322 $847,000


NEW! – #T2821 WEST

EUGENE HILLS 3 BR, 2 BA 1892 sqft Call Meredith at ext. 324, Ryan at ext. 322 $450,000 (WVMLS#815799)


This beautiful acreage property has a little bit of everything. Over 9 acres of timber, more than 9 acres of pastureland and a great home site. 2 shops and a barn for all your hobbies and accessories. A chicken coop, gardens, and multiple fruit trees will keep you busy while enjoying the quiet property. House has a great room addition with tons of natural light. Storage through-out. New electric HVAC system. Put on your boots and get out to see this one! Call Becky at ext. 313 (WVMLS#815912)


Now is the perfect time to list your home. Contact us today for a FREE home evaluation!


Call Micha or Sarah at 503-873-1425 or visit SilvertonRealty.com

#T2813 55+ PARK


Well Cared for Home in 55+ Park. Upgraded triple pane windows. Roof only 5 years old. F/A Heat pump w/ air filter installed in 2013. 1 space carport. Grab bars installed in bath. Park approval required. Park rent includes; water, sewer, and garbage. Call Michael at ext. 314 (WVMLS#814368)


#T2811 OPEN CONCEPT 3 BR, 3 BA 2242 sqft Call Whitney at ext. 320 or Mike at ext. 312 $654,000



3024 sqft Call Meredith at ext. 324, Ryan at ext. 322

$799,800 (WVMLS#812246)

#T2809 NEW CONSTRUCTION 4 BR, 3.5 BA 3275 sqft Call Michael at ext. 314

$699,000 (WVMLS#813139)

#T2813 55+ PARK 2 BR, 1 BA 1008 sqft Call Michael at ext. 314

$118,900 (WVMLS#814368)

#T2814 LOTS OF POTENTIAL 4 BR, 2 BA 1809 sqft Call Meredith at ext. 324, Ryan at ext. 322

$419,000 (WVMLS#814563)

NEW! – #T2818 WEBB LAKE AREA 3+ BR, 2.5 BA 1980 sqft Call Becky at ext. 313 $568,500



#T2815 GREAT INCOME PRODUCING PROPERTY 4 Buildings, 1.87 Acres Call Chuck at ext. 325 $995,000



#T2816 2 BUILDABLE LOTS .45 Acres Call Meredith at ext. 324, Ryan at ext. 322 $139,900 (WVMLS#814998)

#T2761 GREAT OPPORTUNITY 1.66 Acres. Salem. Call Whitney at ext. 320 or Mike at ext. 312 $199,000 (WVMLS#800102)

28 • May 2024 ourtownlive.com Facebook.com/OurTown.SMASM Chuck White Broker 873-3545 ext. 325 Mason Branstetter Principal Broker, GRI 873-3545 ext. 303 Kirsten Barnes Broker 873-3545 ext. 326 Whitney Ulven Broker, GRI 503-873-3545 ext. 320 Mike Ulven Broker 503-873-3545 ext. 312 WWW.SILVERTONREALTY.COM Meredith Wertz Broker, GRI 873-3545 ext. 324 Ryan Wertz Principal Broker, GRI 873-3545 ext. 322 Sarah Sanders Property Manager 873-3545 ext. 311 Micha Christman Office Manager 873-1425 Becky Craig Principal Broker, GRI 873-3545 ext. 313 Michael Schmidt Principal Broker GRI 873-3545 ext. 314 Tayler Whitaker Secretary 873-3545 ext. 300 Jason Marshall Broker 873-3545 ext 302
503.873.3545 303 Oak St. • Silverton

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