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Table of Contents Letter from Our Executive Director What We Do Year in Review Financials Who We Are List of 2014 Donors

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Letter from Our Executive Director “Men anpil chay pa lou – Many hands make the load light.” My first thought when I hear this is of the many supporters that MN has, particularly the individual contributors who provide 58% of our revenue, making the load light for everyone dedicated to MN’s success. The staff here and in Haiti, the board of directors, our partner organizations, and all donors benefit from the many hands working to ensure that healthy mothers deliver healthy babies. We witnessed many significant, positive changes in the tenth year at MN. We achieved a 100% indigenous, Haitian staff with the addition of Mme. Rosena Baptiste as Director; a fee for service plan was implemented with the guidance (and insistence) of local community leaders; a women’s group was founded with a focus on sustainable livelihoods; and of course, we celebrated the tenth anniversary of the founding of MN both here in the USA and in Haiti, where the founders, Drs. Betsy Wickstrom and Stan Shaffer were honored for their vision, sacrifice, and service, with music, dancing, and a traditional Haitian feast. As we look ahead into 2015 and beyond, ‘sustainability’ is our focus, in the livelihoods of the MN community members, and ultimately, for MN itself. MN’s local community has expressed a desire for MN to achieve financial independence from foreign donations, through economic development within our zone of service, among other ideas. Global Birthing Home Foundation’s resources can then be used to establish another need based maternal health center in one of the many remaining impoverished and underserved communities throughout Haiti and the world. With the support of our ‘many hands’ working together we can achieve this ambitious goal! Jim Grant, Executive Director

What We Do

(The count following each service category represents total visits in 2014)

+ + +

Prenatal Care - 4,056 HIV/AIDS, STD Testing, Education & Treatment - 1,797 (tests) Community Health Services (general health checkups & referrals to MN as

needed) - 3,919

+ + + + +

Women’s Reproductive Health - 16,115 Family Planning Services - 13,483 Post-Natal Check-Ups - 170 Well-Baby Check-Ups (including vaccinations) – 1,854 Economic & Community Development

A quote from the Director of Mason de Naissance in Torbeck, Haiti “I like to work at MN because it is a humanitarian institution that allows me to put my experience and knowledge to work supporting the most marginalized people in our community, in particular impoverished, pregnant women. MN helps me strengthen my abilities in clinical and personnel management in difficult situations, while providing the best possible care to our patients.” – Mme. Rosena Baptiste, Directrice Our operational model was designed to overcome barriers that prevented women from accessing quality maternal health care. Over the past ten years, that model has been proven with a 0% maternal mortality rate for births at MN, and an ever increasing volume of women seeking all of the maternal health care services offered at MN. This was accomplished in a geographical area which was, at the start, effectively cut off from professional, institutional care, and impoverished even by Haitian standards. Under Rosena Baptiste’s direction, MN is moving toward full, permanent licensure with MSPP, building on our already strong relationship with that agency - another important step on the road to sustainability. Haiti may still be the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, and its maternal mortality rate is still one of the highest in the world, but those numbers are improving, and MN is a driving force at the center of positive change in the community it serves.

The Year in Review February

Maison de Naissance (MN) welcomed Rosena Baptiste as the new Director, achieving the goal of a 100% Haitian staff. Ms. Baptiste has an extensive knowledge of health barriers within Haiti, in addition to being dedicated to improving the quality of life for Haitian families. She brings an essential local perspective that has strengthened MN’s ties with community leaders, and with the Haitian Ministry of Health. These are significant steps for MN towards a fully sustainable model where trained and educated staff members operate with a clear understanding of local values and needs. L to R: Betsy Wickstrom, Maxine Brenner, RN, Daphnee Boncoeur and Rose Calixte, translators, Jim Grant & Rosena Baptiste.


The Truman State University (TSU) GlobeMed Team made their 3rd annual trip to MN to continue a vaccination and infant mortality community survey that was started by the first TSU team to visit in 2012. On May 11th, the GlobeMed group joined a Mother’s Day celebration at MN with local community members and leaders. The party that ensued honored mothers, staff and supporters with speeches, dancing, a Mothers’ Day cake and very welcome cold beverages.


The TSU GlobeMed Team applauds a performance at the 2014 Mothers’ Day celebration.

Dr. Carol Hogue, President of Global Birthing Home Foundation, and Guy Montes, GBHF board member, visited the Rev. Dr. Frantz Casseus (a Haitian GBHF board member), leaders of Torbeck, and Mme. Baptiste at MN. They discussed the local community's drive toward independence in providing basic services for their people, and Mme. Baptiste's plans to develop women's entrepreneurial groups. GBHF President, Carol Hogue (right center) at MN in June to discuss sustainability options for the community and MN


MN initiated a new fee-for-service model, adopted at the insistence of the local community leaders as a step towards independence from donor supported operations (but with the continuation of MN's commitment that no one will be denied service if they cannot afford to pay the fee). In the first three months, $4500 had been raised from these fees, while clinical volumes increased. A total of $7,518 in fee revenue was earned in 2014.


In early October a new sustainable livelihood project titled ‘World Wear’ was initiated by Cheryl Pleasant, a friend of co-founder Stan Shaffer. World Wear empowers women in the MN community by teaching them how to craft jewelry and souvenir logo apparel to sell in the market. World Wear embodies a new strategic goal of economic and community development that GBHF is helping to facilitate. In this initial trip, eight women learned these skills, establishing a foundation for this inspiring mission for economic independence. Dr. Betsy Wickstrom (left center) and Cheryl Pleasant (center) assisting women as they learn to make jewelry for World Wear, an economic development initiative supported by MN.

On October 5th, MN celebrated the 10th Anniversary of its opening. Attendees included MSPP and other local government officials, Episcopal clergy members, founders Dr. Betsy Wickstrom and Dr. Stan Shaffer, Executive Director Jim Grant, and Board Member Dr. Beth Mulvihill, in addition to almost 200 local community members. The event began with a celebration of the Eucharist, followed by speeches from local political leaders, members of the clergy, and MN Director Rosena Baptiste. The evening’s entertainment included performances by a song and dance troupe, skits about the need for professional health care, and a choir consisting of MN staff members. An award ceremony honored the founders and other individuals who helped to R: Stan Shaffer, Jim Grant, Cheryl Pleasant, establish MN in 2004, and acknowledged long-term staff. The LMaxine Brenner (RN), and Betsy Wickstrom attended the 10th anniversary celebration at MN. excitement surrounding the anniversary was infectious, and shared by everyone. Back in Kansas City on October 19, we celebrated the 10th Anniversary of MN at Aixois Bistro. The restaurant was packed with over 100 guests including six from Haiti: Rosena Baptiste, Jean Fresnel Louis (MN community health supervisor) and clergy members Bishop Duracin, Pere Casseus, Pere Ajax, and Pere Cole (founding priest at MN). Delicious French cuisine was prepared by owner/Chef Emmanuel Langlade, with champagne and wine to toast the event, rejoicing in 10 years of healthy mothers and healthy babies.


The Strategic Plan utilizes MN's electronic medical records (EMR) to improve clinical services. Towards this goal, Dr. Ruby Kaul visited MN in November, installing work stations for all clinic activities and teaching basic epidemiologic methods. Cheryl Pleasant returned to MN in the first week of November to continue educating and empowering women in her World Wear initiative.

Financials 2014 Revenue U.S. Foundations & Partner Orgs, 32%

Individual Gifts, 58% MSPP/PEPFAR (in-kind), 10%

= $318,288 2014 Expenses Management & General 17%

Development & Communications 1%

Programs 82%

*Excess expenses incurred in 2014 were paid in 2015.

= $341,686*

Who We Are Global Birthing Home Foundation, a 501(c)3 nonprofit charity, operates MN as a ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Haiti (Eglise Episcopale d’Haiti [EEH]). EEH owns MN’s grounds, building, and equipment, all of which have been purchased through generous donations to GBHF and its predecessor, Maison de Naissance Foundation. GBHF shares local oversight of operations with EEH and is responsible for fundraising to support all programs and administrative operations.

Co-Founders of Maison de Naissance

Global Birthing Home Foundation Staff

Board of Directors

Pere Frantz Casseus, PhD Evelina Swartzman, MD Lynn Hogue, PhD, JD Beth H. K. Mulvihill, D.O., FACOG Margaret McCann, PhD

Dr. Elizabeth Wickstrom & Dr. Stan Shaffer

Carol Hogue, PhD, MPH, President Elizabeth Wickstrom, MD, FACOG, Vice President Guy Montes, Treasurer Cindy Obenhaus, RN

Jim Grant, Executive Director

Maison de Naissance Staff

Rosena Baptiste, Director Beatrice Lotin, Midwife Rose Guerline Cesar, Auxiliary Marie Yolaine Cius, Auxiliary Fanelise Boisrond, Auxiliary Marie Osseline Gerard, Auxiliary Marie Alourde Altema, Auxiliary Midwife Margarette Medela, Auxiliary Midwife Herold Thervil, Accountant Pierre Carly Cherestal, Ambulance Driver Jean Pierraud Vital, Ambulance Driver Pierre Rochelin Fleurant, Facilities Manager Fednor Berlus, Security Guard

Dieudinor Michaud, Security Guard Lucner Louis, Security Guard Mie Marilene Guillaume, Custodian Nicole Joseph, Custodian Marie Denise Prospere, Custodian Sylvestre Ketline Salomon, Pharmacy Clerk Merline Guerrier, Laundry Attendant Jean Fresnel Louis, Community Health Supervisor Perpetue Jean Claude, Community Health Worker Mie Rosenie Sainte Paul, Community Health Worker Louna Julien, Community Health Worker Jean Irel Josil, Community Health Worker Enel Henry, Community Health Worker

Affiliations & Partners

We gratefully acknowledge the support of our partners in the USA and Haiti. Episcopal Diocese of Haiti (Eglise Episcopale d’Haiti [EEH]). Reverend Alphonse, MN community priest; Reverend Dr. Frantz Casseus, Ordinary to the Bishop, South District, Diocesan Liaison and GBHF board member Children’s Medical Mission of Haiti Mercy and Truth Medical Missions The E. Grey Diamond MD Program in International Medicine of the University of Missouri – Kansas City, School of Medicine The Episcopal Diocese of West Missouri The Haitian Episcopal Learning Partnerships (HELP) Foundation St. Luke’s Hospital, Kansas City, MO GlobeMed Chapter of Truman State University Direct Relief International AmeriCares Hope for Haiti Midwives for Haiti President’s Emergency Plan Fund for Aids Relief (PEPFAR) Ministère de la Santé Publique et de la Population (MSPP; Haitian Ministry of Public Health and Population)


Asbury United Methodist Women Charles and Cynthia Bell Philip and Vicki Bolton Christopher and Elizabeth Burgos Cara Busenhart Carolyn W. Cameron Karen Catsimanes Verne and Stephanie Christensen Pamela J. Ciston Emily Claxton Kelly Cornell Craig Dangler Cristin and Jeremy Davis Rebecca Dazey Antoni and Sybil Diehl John Donnelly David Robert Draper Michelle Ehrhard Kimberly and Karla Finnegan Joel and Ann Fowler Therese and Stephen Franzen Gould and Nancy Garcia Gerke Family Charity Fund Sam and Dorothy Gershman Amy Givler Joanna Glaze Dolores Goble Michael M. Goble Goodshop Timothy Grant Thomas and Barbara Gregory Lee and Linda Hegstrand Victoria Heins-Shaw John Hicks John and Eilene Hoft-March Barry and Mary Howe Jessica Jeanty John Jennings Bethany Jocobs Lenette Johnson Andrea and David Kelley Mary Kelly Christine Krin Ladies Philoptochos Richard and Carolyn Lief Andrew MacGregor Arvel and Linda McElroy Robin Moore Tamera Murdock Patricia Neal Katharine and Lawrence Nodine Godfrey and Mary Oakley Nicholas Olmo Susan Pearson Nancy Raile Jean Rau Page Branton and Bruce A. Reed Dimitra Rhudy Stephen Rock Martha S. Rummel Edwin and Stacy Sampson Terry and Elizabeth Schoeni Mary Schuele Zach Shaffer Stage Right Performing Arts, LLC Laura Tate Louise Thurlow Trinity Episcopal Cathedral Union Pacific Fund For Effective Government Kurt Van Keppel

Leah Vomhof Sherry Wallace Omar Washington Joel and Diane Wiegers Edgar and Janet Whelan Karlyn Bryant and Harry E. Wilkins, III Qingxin Zeng Dirk A. Zwemer

$101 - $500

Stacey Algren Andriana Arvan Lillard & DeVette Ashley Kirsty Bourret Marguerite Braun Angelo and Joan Brisimitzakis Frederick Brown Alicia Busso Donna Chance Christ Church Episcopal Christine Chuppa Robert L. Corder Rebecca Andes and William H. Crain Lisa Daily Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Steve and Lydia Dickey Emily Doucette Tammy Garrison Jim and Mary Grant C. Steven and Mary Gulrich Marilyn Hamilton John and Michaela Hesser Lizzie Hogue Jeff and Jill Holzbeierlein Annette Hulse Anne Hutcherson Ruth Jenkins Charles and Sally Ann Johnson Cathleen A. Barry-Kiefer and Paul L. Kiefer Donna L. Knoell Denise Brady Koch Mable Krin John and Mary Grace Lanese Marianne Larkin Danielle Levac Michael and Angela Lewis Margaret E. Loehnig Maria Mann David P. McCallie Richard and Margaret McCann Susan Meeder Thomas and Paula Miller Chester and Gudrun Neumann Steve and Cindy Obenhaus Eric and Susanna Peck Eileen Pheiffer Philoptochos Society Of St. Dionysios Church Charles Piper Josh Polsinelli Paul Raikula Adam and Abrea Roark Richard and Beverly Rush Bridgett Shirley and Michael Sancho Schaumburg-Hoffman Estates Alumnae Chapter Charles B. Smoot Grace A. Snell Breanna Stone St. Peter's Episcopal Church Ten Thousand Villages Matthew and Jerrica Werner Jack and Marie Whitacre Elizabeth Williams

Jason A. Williams John and Barbara Yeast

$501 - $1,000

Anonymous Claire Cioni The Dale Family Foundation Rachel A. Doyle Cynthia A. Eckert David and Helen Emmott GE Foundation Annekathryn Goodman Greater KC Society Of Ultrasonographers Barry and Carol M. Katzer W. and Marianne Krall Lee’s Summit Sunrise Rotary Club Guy Montes David Pierson Lindsey Smith St. James The Apostle Anglican Church St Luke's Hospital Foundation St. Mary Magdalene Episcopal Church Todd Tavener Mary H. White Ann Wittpenn

$1,001 - $5,000

Jabari Allen John and Mary Anderson Charles and Allison Blanchard Margaret Campbell Christian Medical and Dental Associations Evan Cioni Lynn Drazinski and Donald Doucette Diocese Of West Missouri Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral John T. Holwick George H. and Laura A. Johnston William and Virginia Landers Kerry J. Linhares The Lordi Marker Family Foundation George and Ay-Kim Lu Leo and Llewellyn Lutchansky Beth H. Mulvihill and Joseph M. Novi Order of AHEPA-Sunflower Chapter 372 Razoo Foundation Grant and Ann Renne Kendra Wyatt Schlebusch and Marc Schlebusch Mike and Tina Seeley Shivendra and Amber Singh Trinity Cathedral of Phoenix Tim and Betsy Triplett George and Alison Wheeler Jon and Linda Yeager

$5,001 - $10,000

Lazelle S. Atkinson-Bontrager Geoff and Laurence Coventry Scott and Pam Logan Stan and Kathy Shaffer Truman State University GlobeMed

$10,001 - $20,000 Phil and Jeanie Beyer

$20,001 - $50,000

The Hodgdon Family Fund Lynn and Carol Hogue Kiersznowski Family Charitable Trust

$50,001 - $100,000 John and Elizabeth Wickstrom

*Names highlight in red are recurring donors and are the cornerstone of a sustainable operation.

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