MAGX #2 October 2005

Page 14

By: J3S

Welcome back to Cigarette Burns. I know that “CB” covers what’s hot in movies, but this month we’re going to do something a bit different. Since it is October, and Halloween is MY favorite holiday, we decided to give you fine folks our very own “Top 25 Movies To Watch On Halloween” (cue the spooky music). Now we’re talking about the perfect flick to watch after you have stolen the candy from the neighborhood kids, and are ready to settle in for a long night of the HEEBIE-JEEBIES! 1. (John Carpenter’s) The Thing: if you have not seen this movie yet, run now to find a copy. The images alone will give you nightmares for weeks.

to the left”…. ok maybe I have issues.

of clowns….what is it about them? Is it their? Ok! I’ll stop.

6. Swept Away: This flick starring Madonna is the scariest movie ever made. What the hell was Ritchie thinkin’.

14. Ringu/ Ju-Onn : from the land of the rising sun comes these two amazing flicks, way better than the american versions.

2. An American Werewolf in London: best werewolf movie ever, Nuff said!

15. The Creature from the Black Lagoon : classic B/W monster flick from the Universal Monster’s heyday.

3. Rose Mary’s Baby: that dog/man thing sent me straight to church the next day. 4.The CROW: James O’Barr’s classic revenge tale. R.I.P. Brandon.

21.Psycho (original) - Norman Bates, creepiest mama’s boy ever.

7.SE7EN: yeah I know it’s not really a horror movie, but it’s one of my top 10, and it still rocks on any night. 8.The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (original)- I know the re-make had the gorgeous Jessica Biel. But as far as horror goes the original one is still the best.

16. The Lost Boys: Vampires have never been cooler. “you missed sucka”…

9. The Amityville Horror: The Original is better!

17. The Eye: Creepy Chinese Horror Flick.

10. Halloween pts. 1&2

18. It’s the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown: “I got a rock.”

11. The Shining: “Heeerree’sss Johnny!” Classic Nicholson.

5. Rocky Horror Picture Show: How can anyone not watch this & not want to join in the song & dance? “it’s a jump

22. The Sixth Sense: Best Ghost Flick Ever!

12. The Exorcist: great movie, but what I truly loved were the urban legends behind it. 13. Stephen King‘s: It: it seems people are scared

19. The Blair Witch Project: Dramamine not included! 20. Nightmare Before Christmas: THE MUST WATCH MOVIE FOR HALLOWEEN. Put this on, & the goths come a’ runnin’.


Next Month:

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23. Michael Jackson’s Thriller: yeah I know it’s a video, but it has zombies & a narration by Vincent Price! VINCENT. PRICE. 24. HELLRAISER: great visuals, great story & scary as all hell. 25. (George Romero’s) Night of the living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, Day of the Dead. Nobody, nobody can ever out zombie Romero. Ok you have your list, ( in our best Vincent Price voice)

so from all the grim,& ghastly ghouls here @ MagX we bid you a horrid, & happy Halloween. Hope you sleep tonight.

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