Living Well | Winter 2023

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ISSUE 5 | Winter 2022
special inside Whats
your town?
on in
Corfe Mullen, Ferndown, West Moors, Wimborne Dementia Groups © BSO Cake Concert

Welcome to the fifth edition of Living Well – Dementia Friendly Communities.

Each edition includes articles on local activities in Corfe Mullen, Ferndown, West Moors & Wimborne. We also feature a ‘What’s on in the surrounding area’ section. If you know of or run a group that you would like added to these listings, please do get in touch.

Each issue aims to give an insight into dementia and offers guidance and signposting. However, this magazine is not just for those affected by dementia. We hope that this publication will help anyone who wishes to live well, stay active and support an inclusive community. What’s inside?

Inside this winter issue, you will find articles dedicated to living well. A piece about the wonderful Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra and the Cake Concerts we held this Autumn. Also, a new feature called ‘Carers Conversation’ where we have included features about groups such as Stress Busters, Oakley Friends and Chat Café Local.

We would love to hear from you!

If you wish to contribute to this publication, please contact via community@

Contributions can include upcoming events, experiences, photographs, articles or submissions to the letters page. So, if you have any questions, please do get in touch. Thank you!

We would like to thank the charity Growing Compassionate Communities for offering sponsorship for this edition of our magazine, allowing us to get to print for our fifth edition.

We need your help – without advertisers or sponsorship, this magazine wouldn’t be possible. If you are interested in supporting the magazine please do get in touch –

Thank you to everyone who allows this publication to be placed in their premises for distribution. You are helping us to build an inclusive and knowledgeable community.

Best Regards

From the steering committee/publication partners of this magazine.

3 Dementia Friendly Communities 4 Corfe Mullen Dementia Group 6 What’s on in Corfe Mullen 9 Ferndown Dementia friendly town steering group 10 What’s on in Ferndown 11 West Moors Dementia action group 12 What’s on in West Moors 14 Wimborne Dementia friendly community 14-15 What’s on in Wimborne 16 Jolly good company around Wimborne 17 BSO Cake Concerts 18 Carer support Dorset 19 Chat Cafe local 20 Stress Busters 21 Oakley Friends 22 Avon health country park 23-25 What’s on in the surrounding area 26-27 Growing compassionate communities 28 The Herbert Protocol 29 Stepping out community Tea Dance 30 Telephone contacts Contents DESIGN, PRODUCTION AND SALES Production Manager Ben Pulford Lead Designer Louis Pulford Graphic Designer Dexter Elliott Media Sales Simon Thornton Publication Partners: Emma Regan Douch Family Funeral Directors / GCC Secretary Michael Deane Chair of Ferndown Dementia Friendly Town Peter Jones Chair of Corfe Mullen Dementia Friendly Community / Growing Compassionate Communities Charity Sue Tipping Chair of Wimborne Dementia Friendly Community Lynne Morris Chair of West Moors Dementia Action Group Welcome

Dear friends,

Since the launch and creation of Corfe Mullen Dementia Friendly community we have come a long way since our first meeting some 7 years ago when we began to explore and produce action plans in relation to how we might grow Corfe Mullen as a dementia friendly community. It has been a long journey, and often challenging, but these were our first steps towards that goal. To that end I would like to appeal for your help in making this happen. If you feel you can contribute to this process, please do get back to me. As a community we seek to journey with both the carer and the older person with dementia, allowing them to inform and shape a dementia friendly community, a community that is safe and non–stigmatising.


• To raise awareness and understanding of Dementia in the Corfe Mullen Community

• To create a safe and non stigmatising community were older people with dementia can live well

• To create an environment where the carer and or older person with dementia  can seek appropriate help and support


• The main achievements so far:

• The launch of a community allotment. Open to all groups of people it’s based at Corfe Mullen allotments - Pardys Hill. All our produce is donated to the Corfe Mullen Foodbank located at St Nicholas Church.

• Carers support group that meets on the 2nd Friday of the month 10am-12noon in Corfe Mullen library.

• We have restarted our popular Carpet bowls group that meets on the 2nd Thursday of the month 2pm-4pm. Held at the Broadstone War Memorial Hall.

• We are planning to create a local bereavement support group.

• The Creation of a Drop in surgery for advice and support. This service is in the Corfe Mullen village hall 10am-12noon on the 4th Friday of the month.

CMDFC subscribes to the Growing Compassionate Communities aim of growing compassionate inclusive communities.

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We are always looking for helpers to support these groups. if you’re interested, please contact me Peter jones on: peterjonescipn@

What’s on in Corfe Mullen

We are Crafty Befriending Group

A friendly social group for everyone who loves to knit & natter, craft or colour.

Held on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month from 10am-12noon.

St Nicholas Church, Corfe Mullen. Supported and run by The Douch Family Funeral Directors

Carers Support Group

Run by Growing Compassionate Communities. An opportunity to meet other carers and share experiences and provide mutual support.

2nd Friday of every month, 10am – 12noon. Corfe Mullen library.

Community allotment

Run by Growing Compassionate Communities. Open to all groups by arrangement. Located at Pardys Hill Allotment site,Corfe Mullen. Contact Peter Jones on 07715 940548 for further information.

Douch Family Bereavement Support Group

Are you living with bereavement or struggling to move forwards due to a loss? If so, you are invited to join our support group open to the community who feel they could benefit from meeting others and seeking professional, friendly support.

1st Thursday of each month, 10.30am – 12noon. Contact Lesley Shand Funeral Service on 01202 658833 to book your place.

Wellbeing Drop-In.

Run by Growing Compassionate Communities. An opportunity to ask questions, get advice and support as well as signposting and information available. No need to book. Just turn up. You will be made very welcome. 4th Friday of every month from 10 am to 12 noon. Corfe Mullen Village Hall.

SING at St Nic’s

Dementia-friendly singing for fun. Open to all regardless of ability. £3 per session including refreshments. Held on the last Tuesday of each month, 10.45am –11.45am at St Nicholas Church, Wareham Road, Corfe Mullen. For more details, contact the parish office on 01202 602948 or just turn up

Coffee @ StNic’s

The kitchen and welcome area are open Saturdays at St Nicholas church, for coffee and cake from 10am –12noon. An opportunity to meet friends, chat, relax and take 10 minutes out. No need to book – just turn up. St Nicholas Church, Wareham Road, Corfe Mullen.

Community Lunch

An affordable hot nutritious meal joining with others in your community. A good way to have a great value meal away from home.  A community lunch provides an opportunity to meet with others outside of the home, providing the opportunity for social contact and interaction with the local community, fostering wellbeing and encouraging participation in other activities. Meets at St Nicholas Church, Wareham Road, Corfe Mullen during term time, Thursday from 12:15pm.

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Ferndown Dementia Friendly Town Steering Group

Since our last publication our beloved Queen has sadly passed away and we now have King Charles the 3rd as the new Monarch and good wishes go out to him and the other members of the Royal family. Our thoughts and prayers are still with everyone in the Ukraine as the conflict continues, with our 3rd Prime Minister at the helm in as many months, we are all trying to come to terms with all that is happening in the world. Spare a moment to imagine how impossible it must be for someone diagnosed with dementia.

Dementia is a disease that can affect anyone at any time, young and old.

The very minimum requirement of the steering group, now part of the larger Growing Compassionate Community Charity, is to understand what it is like to live with dementia not only for those diagnosed with it, but for their carers too, and to try and help make life a little bit easier, or the services available more accessible.

It is essential to find out more from those with dementia,

and their families and carers, about the experiences of living in our community, where they feel supported and where improvements can be made. This feedback can and will direct the actions of the steering group.

Please feel free to email me on with any comments, concerns or questions you may have.


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What’s on in Ferndown


Are you living with bereavement or struggling to move forwards due to a loss? If so, you are invited to join our support group open to the community who feel they could benefit from meeting others and seeking professional, friendly support. Being held at the Royal British Legion on the 1st Thursday of each month from 11am - 12.30pm. Plenty of onsite parking available. Contact A E Jolliffe & Son on 01202 872050 to book your place.

Eat & Meet Lunch Time Club – an Eat & Meet Lunch & Quiz once a month to encourage people who are on their own for whatever reason (widow, widowers/carers etc) to come together in a friendly atmosphere. Lunch will be provided from only £5 for main course, £2.50 for dessert. Members will be offered a £3 subsidy thanks to the Douch Family Funeral Directors Ferndown branch – A E Jolliffe & Son. Non-members are also very welcome. This takes place on the first Thursday of each month at 12.30pm. To book a place please phone on 01202 877706 or email

Musical Cake Concert

Following the success of previous years we are committed to offering a musical cake concert in 2022, in partnership with other Growing Compassionate Communities Dementia groups. Please drop by regularly to our facebook page: @Ferndowndementiafriendlytown for updates.

Knit ‘n’ Natter

Held at the Ferndown Library every 2nd Tuesday of the month from 10am – 11.30am. For further details phone 01202 874542.

Bits ’n’ bytes – a digital advice group: 2:304:00pm, every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month and is a drop in session.

1:1 sessions with the digital champion is a bookable 45 mins slot running from 9:30 – 11:30am. This is booked on 01202 874542. Or people can just pop into the library and book.

Memory Lane

Memory Lane groups are for people with dementia or memory loss (no need for a diagnosis of dementia) - everyone is welcome to attend. These group sessions include games, quizzes, reminiscing, and refreshments in a warm and friendly environment. To book your space call Allen Kirkbride on 07549 018942.

Tuesday & Wednesday from 2 pm – 4 pm

St Mary’s Church, Church Road, Ferndown, BH22 9EU

Ferndown Carers

Are you caring for a relative or friend? Would you like to meet people in a similar situation? Would you like to gather information and advice? Would you like some time for yourself? Come along to Ferndown Carers Support Group. To book your place phone Carol Davies on 07736 133445.

1st Thursday of the month from 10.30 am – 12 noon St Mary’s Church, Church Road, Ferndown, BH22 9EU

Open Doors

Join us for our weekly coffee morning and informal service. Starting with tea/coffee and biscuits then scone with butter & jam. Finishing with an informal service with a short talk, hymn, and prayers. No booking is required. Cost £2 per session. Mondays from 10.30 am – 12 noon St Mary’s Church, Ferndown – main hall

Memory Lane Group

Pramalife memory lane group support people living with dementia or memory loss and their carers. Join us for a social afternoon of reminiscing, friendship and support, everyone is welcome. Held at the Ferndown Centre, Barns Road, Ferndown, BH22 8XH. Every Thursday from 2pm –4pm. For further information please contact Allen Kirkbride. / 075490 18942

Stress Busters Carers Support Group

For carers of those with varying degrees of Dementia/Parkinson’s and other health issues. Led by four ladies from West Moors & Ferndown. We offer a warm welcome, cup of tea/coffee and occasional guest speaker. We meet on the 4th Tuesday of every month in The Beacon, Room 1, St Mary’s Church, Ferndown. 2pm – 3.30pm. For further information please phone either Janet on 01202 875495 or Kath on 01202 892518.

Carers Afternoon Tea

An afternoon tea for carers held at The Centre, Barns Road, Ferndown, BH22 8XH.

Held on a Monday from 2.40pm – 4.30pm. Dates: 23rd January, 27th March, 22nd May, 24th July 2023. To book please contact Rachel on 07462 521670 or email cranevalleysocialprescribers@

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West Moors Dementia Action Group

One thing that has really struck a chord with me recently and inspired me is the 2 tv programmes - a sequel - on ‘Our Dementia Choir’ championed by Vicky McClure, an actress. In 2019 Vicky gathered together a group of people, male and female, who had been diagnosed with various forms of dementia to form a choir. These were from a wide range of ages (the youngest was 32). In 2022 she has gathered them together again and ultimately they participated in a large outdoor music gig near Nottingham alongside a young pop star. Vicky is passionately campaigning on two fronts:

First - on the value and importance of singing and music. It has been clinically proven to improve the brain function and mood;

Secondly - to influence MP’s and Health Professionals to resource proper support and funding for people from the point of being diagnosed with dementia.

If someone has heart, lung or many any other diseases they are given support from day one. Yet with dementia, a disease of the brain, which is increasingly affecting far more people, there is little or no support either for the one with dementia or their carer. We hope this magazine goes some way to help with this.

Vicky would like to see a dementia choir and music therapy available to everyone with dementia. As she and many of those in the choir say, there is Life to be lived and enjoyed after diagnosis. Live each day to the full and make some good memories.

I too would love to see either dementia choirs or community sing-a-long groups in all our areas covered

by this magazine. Are there any musicians out there who could give of their time? Are there any community sing-a-long groups in your area? Do let us know. It would be good to try and expand this worthwhile activity so that our Social Prescribers (based in local medical centres) can direct people to such groups for support. The groups also provide support for the carers too as they are all on that same journey, even if at different stages. In West Moors, there is a Community sing-a-long group - see our ‘What’s On’ listing.

Wishing all our readers a very happy Christmas and best wishes for 2023.

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What's on in West Moors

In West Moors there are lots of great activities to stimulate the body, mind and spirit.

Community Sing-a-long

A fun and very enjoyable morning. All are welcome. 1st and 3rd Thursday each month at St Martins URC, Station Road (corner of Moorlands Road) BH22 0JW. 10.30 a.m. Contact : Maggie - 07837 691496

Knit and Natter

A friendly group enjoying time together knitting and chatting. At the library every Monday & Tuesday. Booking essential. 2.15 p.m. – 3.30 p.m. Contact : WM Library - 01202 873272.

Adult Colouring

Lovely way to relax, enjoy some colouring and a coffee, and meet others. Booking essential. At the library on 2nd and 4th Thursday each month. 10.30 a.m. – 12 noon

Contact : WM Library - 01202 873272

Community Lunch and Friendship Club

Advanced booking needed, ample parking, transport also available. Weekly on Wednesdays at St Anthony's RC Church Hall, Pinehurst Road (corner Woolslope Rd). 11.15 a.m. - 3.30 p.m. Contact : Sylvia - 01202 892902

Memories, Tea and Me

A sociable warm space to chat with others over a cuppa. Held at the West Moors Library on the first Tuesday of each month. From 2.30pm – 3.30pm. For further details please contact West Moors Library on 01202 873272.

Stress Busters Carers Support Group

Led by ladies from West Moors and Ferndown. See the ‘What’s on in Ferndown’ section for more information.

Christmas Tree Festival

The Christmas Tree Festival is held at St Martins United Reformed Church, Station Road. Open on Thursday 1st December – 10.30am to 5pm / Friday 2nd December - 10.30am to mid evening / Saturday 3rd December from 10am to 12noon.

Carols on the Petwyn (Outdoors)

This is an outdoor carol service, held on Friday 2nd December starting at 6pm at the Petwyn. The whole community is welcome. Stalls, activities and music throughout the evening.

Christmas Bazaar

A fun and enjoyable morning with refreshments, games and cakes. A variety of stalls and children’s crafts & games. Everyone welcome. Held at St Mary’s Church, Station Road, West Moors. For further information please ring Chris on 01202 890098

Forget-me-not Services

Relaxed, friendly, short service followed by tea & cake in the hall. Held quarterly at St Mary’s Parish Church, West Moors. 3pm start. Next services are being held on the 19th February and 21st May 2023.

For further details please contact Rev’d Lynne Morris on 01425 477470

Dementia Awareness sessions:

Dementia Friends Awareness sessions can be arranged specifically for your business, club, church or organisation. It takes approx 45 minutes and gives some basic information about dementia, equipping us to better understand and support others. If you would like to book a date for your organisation - Contact:- Revd Lynne - 01425 477470 or Angela, WM Library 01202 873272

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Wimborne Dementia Friendly Community (WDFC) was founded in 2013 with the aim of raising awareness of dementia across the town, and to ensure that the voices of people with dementia, their carers and families are heard.

One of the first actions taken by WDFC was to visit every retail outlet in the town with an information pack to help their business become dementia friendly. To date 33 businesses have signed up as dementia friends and drawn up action plans which include dementia friends’ awarenessraising sessions for their staff. A WDFC Steering Group member visits any new business opening the town with an information pack.

Local churches in Wimborne have achieved Dementia Friendly Church status. With the help of Faithworks Wessex (now with

PramaLife), these churches carried out an audit of their buildings so that they could identify areas which would improve access for people with dementia. Their resulting action plans included dementia friends sessions to raise awareness amongst clergy and congregations. WDFC supports three flagship projects: firstly, the Step Outside gardening group at the Kingston Lacy allotments. WDFC funds an experienced facilitator which enables the group to meet twice monthly. The second project is Jolly Days, which are an opportunity to meet people and join in activities, such as music, art and crafts in a safe and friendly environment. The third major initiative was to raise funds for the purchase of a Magic Table which offers a series of interactive light games for people with mid- to

late-stage dementia. The Magic Table is based at Streets Meadow care home, but managed by PramaLife, and is available for hire by community groups.

We organised a successful BSO Cake Concert, and, along with other local Dementia friendly Communities, hosted the Cake Concert on 23rd November at Wimborne Methodist Church Hall.

What's on in Wimborne

STEP OUTSIDE allotment gardening group at Kingston Lacy Allotments, BH21 4EG. 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month 2pm – 4pm, Contact Sarah Rampton on 07884 333117 or sarah@

JOLLY DAYS at WIMBORNE St GILES. JOLLY DAYS are an opportunity to meet people and join in activities such as music, art and crafts. Refreshments included. First and third Mondays of the month at Wimborne St Giles Village Hall BH21 5LX 12 noon – 4pm.

JOLLY DAYS at WIMBORNE. 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month in Museum of East Dorset, 23 – 29 High Street, Wimborne, BH21 1HR. 2pm-4pm. There is a voluntary contribution to cover the cost of refreshments and materials. Pre –booking essential, contact Sarah Rampton on 07884333117 or email

CRAFT and CHAT AFTERNOON is a chance to meet people, be inspired to try a different craft and have a good natter. Museum of East Dorset, 23 – 29 High Street, Wimborne BH21 1HR on the 3rd Monday of the month, 2.30pm – 4pm. To book visit the website: or call 01202 886116


The Museum offers a range of reminiscence sessions to help our elderly visitors and dementia sufferers find comfort reassurance and enjoyment through their engagement. They use objects, photographs and memorabilia to stimulate conversation and encourage memories. This takes place on the last Monday of every month at Museum of East Dorset, 23-29 High Street, Wimborne BH21 1HR. For further information contact: info@ or call 01202 882533

MEMORY LANE social time, activities, advice and support at Howell House, Middlehill Road Colehill ,Wimborne BH21 2EY. Thursdays from 2pm – 4pm, £2 per session. Contact Carol Davies at PramaLife on 01202 207300 or 07736 133445

STRICTLY COME TEA DANCING at the Allendale Centre Wimborne, 1st Wednesday of the month, 2.30pm Dancing to live music provided by the Soggy Biscuit Dance Band, who play Dance Tempo, Ballroom, Latin and ‘Oldtime’ numbers. Entrance fee: £7.50 per person / £5.00 per person for non-dancers / £2.50 per person for groups of 4+ from lunch clubs or care homes.

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FILM CLUB the best of the old classic films, at the Allendale Centre, Hanham Road, Wimborne BH21 1AS. Contact 01202 887247 or visit the website:

Lunches and light refreshments

LUNCH AND CHAT Church House Lounge, High Street Wimborne BH21 1HT Fridays 12noon – 1.30pm Contact Anne Pollard

COLEHILL COMMUNITY CAFE St Michael’s Church Centre, Colehill Lane, Wimborne BH21 7AB. Coffee and cake from 11am and light lunches served Wednesdays from 12noon –1.30pm Contact St Michael’s Church office 01202 841677

METHODIST CHURCH Coffee Lounge - 4A King Street, Wimborne BH21 1DY, Monday – Friday 10am – 12noon. Contact 01202 884474

Activities offered by Brendoncare

WIMBORNE KURLING at the Community Learning and Resource Centre, 41 -44 King Street, Wimborne BH21 1EB Wednesdays 10.30 –12noon. Contact Brendoncare on 01962 852133

Carer support

OAKLEY FRIENDS a ten week free information course for those caring for someone with dementia, twice yearly starting April and September. Also meetings for friendly support last Wednesday of each month 10.30am – 12noon. Contact The Leonardo Trust on 01202 698325 or

WIMBORNE CARERS’ GROUP This is a monthly support group that provides informal chat over refreshments with regular guest speakers. It takes place at St John’s Church Hall, in partnership with Prama. Leigh Road, Wimborne, BH21 1AE. Held on the 3rd Friday of the month. 10.30am –12noon. Further information please phone 07736 133445 or email to

Activity offered by Age UK

COGNITIVE STIMULATION THERAPY is a programme of themed activities carried out over a 14 week period in small groups. It is a brief treatment for people diagnosed with mild to moderate dementia, which is proven to initially slow its progress and improve quality of life. Details can be found at

At present it takes place at British Legion, West Borough, Wimborne BH21 1LT on Wednesdays 1.30 – 3.30pm. There is a “Maintaining” course on Tuesdays 1.30 – 3.30pm at the same venue.

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Doing a Jolly good Job in and around Wimborne

2022 has been a busy and exciting year for ‘In Jolly Good Company’. We are delighted to welcome even more allotmenteers to our ‘Step Outside’ dementia friendly gardening group at Kingston Lacy. Despite the hot summer we grew some delicious veg and beautiful flowers and even had a go at printing outdoors with artist Ilse Black from ‘Stepping into Nature’. We are lucky enough to have started a new ‘Jolly Day’ at The Museum of East Dorset on the 1st and 3rd Thursday afternoons of the month. This recently opened group, is proving to be very popular with our guests and offers a varied range of dementia friendly activities to suit all tastes. These include, having a go at arts and crafts, poetry, yoga, live music plus visits from local actors and dancers. In addition, we get to meet and chat to new friends whilst being treated to tea and biscuits by the lovely staff in the Museum Café. All great value for a voluntary donation in our tin.

In Jolly Good Company are proud to continue to work alongside Wimborne Dementia Friendly Community and with support from our funders – we hope to maintain our high-quality, person-centred activity groups in this area for a long time to come. If you or someone you know would like to join us at our ‘Jolly Day’ or ‘Step Outside’ allotment you can email or call Sarah on 07884 333117 for more details.

We are particularly pleased to share the Jolly Good news that thanks to recent funding from Comic Relief and The National Lottery, we will be recruiting a new person to be a Group Organiser and Facilitator to help us to run our popular Jolly Days and Step Outside groups in Dorset. We need someone to help us support even more people and to grow our groups. If you are a creative and flexible person and enjoy working with older people or have a background in Special Education, you might be interested in this exciting part time post. Please get in touch with Sarah Rampton for a Job Application Pack by emailing sarah@ The application deadline is midday Wednesday 14th December.

To find out more about In Jolly Good Company please visit our website

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BSO Cake Concerts

We are delighted that 3 musicians from BSO have come back to us and put on Cake Concerts in Ferndown (October) and Wimborne (November). These have proved so popular in the past as live music can have such a profound impact on people living with dementia, encouraging reminiscence, improved communication and an improvement in wellbeing. People who show little emotion or enthusiasm, because of their condition, can come alive when they hear music that reminds them of something in their past. The 3 musicians – Owain Bailey (flute), Eluned Pierce (harp) and Kate Keats (cello) are all regular players with the BSO and, as well as playing, they talk a bit about each piece of music and about their instrument. They perform a selection of works from popular classical hits to light film music, whilst audiences enjoy a hot drink and a slice of cake or two. None of the pieces is very long and there are usually 2 intervals when the audience can have their refreshments.

It is such a joy for the carers to see their loved ones enjoying themselves and even joining in with tunes that they recognise.

For information about future cake concerts see the BSO website:

Here is what a carer says about her experience. Initially, I was a little apprehensive as to how we would get on but there was no need to be concerned. When we arrived, we had an immediate welcome from friendly BSO staff and were shown where to sit and offered tea and cake. There was a nice relaxed and peaceful atmosphere throughout the afternoon, the music was lovely and we were made to feel really special. There was plenty of time to chat over tea and delicious cake in the intervals and from my point of view, it was helpful to be able to talk with other carers in a similar position.

It’s wonderful that the BSO are reaching out into the community in this way and are offering lovely music in such a dementiafriendly way. Don’t be apprehensive about signing up, you will have a delightful afternoon.’

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Here to Talk

It’s easy to forget the importance of human contact when you’re busy with life and carrying out all of the day-to-day tasks that need doing. But us humans are social creatures who thrive on communicating with others. Having someone to talk to who can reassure us that we’re on the right path can be very helpful for maintaining good mental health.

This is why Carer Support Dorset provide a hugely popular telephone befriending service for unpaid carers called Here to Talk. The service puts a trained volunteer in contact with a carer and they have a chat on the phone every week or two.

The charity finds that conversations can be about all sorts of things. Some carers find it very helpful to talk about their caring role and any tasks or feelings they might be struggling with that week. It is often useful to have someone to talk to who isn’t known in ‘real’ life, so isn’t a friend or family member who may have their own opinions about a situation, or who the carer might not want to discuss certain things with.

Other carers prefer to use their talking time to switch off from caring and use it as some ‘metime’ to chat about hobbies past and present, films and anything else that comes up. Howard, who lives in Broadstone, volunteers for the service says: “A number of serious subjects crop up, but humour does as well. The fact that I have been a carer myself gives them confidence that I do understand their circumstances. I cared for my wife for eight years who suffered from a rare form of dementia. She died two years ago.

“Over the last two years I have had contact with 40 carers with ages ranging from 26 – 94 years old. Carers often feel alone. Their loved one may no longer be the person they married or know. So these phone calls are vital to them.”

Carer Support Dorset support anyone who is looking after someone who couldn’t manage without that support. Their Here to Talk service is currently actively seeking new volunteers who can commit to at least half an hour every two weeks and are non-judgemental with good listening skills. Full training is provided to successful applicants. Anyone interested can contact the charity at admin@carersupportdorset or by calling 01380 908158.

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Howard receiving Volunteer Award for Outstanding Contribution

Carers Conversation

Chat Cafe Local


Chatting and belonging is the answer to loneliness and at Chat Cafe Local that is what we want everyone to do and feel.

It’s been difficult isolating and returning to this awkward era of ‘awkward’ but at chat clubs there is none of that. We just do what is normal, have coffee with friends. Everyone is welcome to come and no one needs to worry about crossing the threshold because lovely local volunteers are looking out for you and will introduce themselves to you.  Sometimes there are five people, sometimes ten around the tables, but our most common denominator is everyone is lovely, interesting, friendly and we are chat clubbers who care.

There is no pressure to talk, some people just like having company, but by coming you are beginning to belong in Post Lockdown life.

There are 13 chat clubs in 7 towns to choose from and they run 6 days a week and once a month all 7 towns meet together for a nature day out.

Sometimes in chat club we have guest health/

wellbeing and cancer prevention speakers, but if you need a bit of support and don’t know where to look, let us know and we will help find out for you.

Happy to Chat pin badges can be picked up at one of our 30 Chat Cafe Local cafes who care.  These help connect you with other members in the street or on the bus, but if you are not feeling confident enough for that,  don’t worry - you can sign up at, become a member and the newsletter and badge will be sent to you.

We are a charity that believes everyone can move from denial that they are lonely to taking action to relieve one’s loneliness problem.  We know there is no shame in loneliness, that began with Noah’s Ark setting a stereotype.

Life is meant to be lived, so let’s do that like the other earlier members who 90% state – “My mental health has improved since coming to chat club.”

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Continued on p20 & p21

Stress Busters

Stress Busters are four ladies from West Moors and Ferndown who met through our husband’s attending a local dementia group in Ferndown.

Our husbands then joined a new Memory Lane group run by Prama Life held in St Mary’s Church, Ferndown. The four of us met every Tuesday for coffee and a heartfelt chat when we can discuss our husband’s journey on this cruel disease. Over the past year we have helped each other with advice, support and practical solutions.

We were then approached by Prama Life to see if we could offer support and help to others just starting this long journey and of course we said “yes”.

We meet every fourth Tuesday 2pm to 3.30pm for coffee/tea in The Beacon, St Mary’s Church, FerndownRoom 1 where we welcome new members to our group. We offer support and signpost them to appropriate support agencies and departments, leaning on the experiences we have all gone through which are changing daily. Our carers group is kindly funded by The Leonardo Trust.

We try to have a speaker every month but if not, we sit and talk to each other and offer much needed support on our ongoing issues. Just having someone to listen is sometimes all you need.

For a list of confirmed speakers please see What’s on in Ferndown, If you are a carer, come and join our very friendly group where you will be warmly welcomed by us all, but remember above all you are doing an amazing job so be kind to yourself and find time for you.

20 Dementia Friendly Communities

Oakley Friends:

Friends indeed for those in need.

Concerned as to what to do best for a confused loved one in your attempt to care? That was my situation a few months ago when, thankfully, I saw a leaflet promoting the Oakley Friends. A call to their contact number put me in touch with Judy, who explained what they offered for carers and that a place was available on the next course.  So, I duly arrived at the first of ten sessions held at Canford Magna Church Hall situated just off Oakley Lane.

Over coffee there is opportunity to chat with fellow carers: sharing your experiences and learning from others, as we are all at various stages of our journey of caring for our loved ones. Then the guest speakers talk on the various aspects which a carer may have to deal with.

Insights are given by Social Services as to what help is available. A local solicitor talked of the advisability of LPA’s and wills. A doctor from Poole Hospital led an illustrated session on the different forms of dementia, while a specialist nurse, with much laughter, on another occasion took us through the issue of incontinence.  We learned of physical, emotional and technological help that is available and how to access it, contact details for several agencies were given. We learned how to register with the GP as a carer.

I now feel better equipped to deal with future developments, and commend Oakley Friends to anybody in similar circumstances.  An attendee and trainee carer. For further information please visit: oakley-friends/ Or phone The Leonardo Trust on 01202 698325 / Email:

21 Dementia Friendly Communities

Avon Heath Country Park Health Walks & Much More…..

Winter is fast approaching but that doesn’t have to mean retreating indoors until next Spring.

Avon Heath Country Park is a wonderful facility right on the doorstep that is open seven days a week and is a great place to visit, even as the days get shorter and the weather cooler. The benefits of getting out in daylight hours during the winter months are well documented and Avon Heath is a great place to meet up, go for a walk and be surrounded by nature.

This is because it has some great facilities for people of ALL ages to enjoy, which are all easily accessible from the car park and all on one level, so are wheelchair-friendly.

There is a café serving hot drinks, cakes and snacks open every day from 9am to 4pm with toilet facilities close by. The café is spacious with plenty of seating inside and a covered veranda area outside if you want to enjoy the fresh air.

Nearby is the Petanque court and Table Tennis area. Bring your own equipment and use them for free or hire equipment from the Visitor Centre for a fee.

The Visitor Centre is a short, level walk away from the café and is also open seven days a week, from 10am to 4pm. There

are lots of interesting displays inside, including screens showing footage of wildlife caught on film by our cameras out on the Heath. Avon Heath is Dementia-friendly certified with many of our staff trained in Dementia awareness. There is an information desk in the Visitor Centre where you can pick up a free map and get advice on the many walks on the Heath. This is also where you can hire an all-terrain Tramper mobility scooter, which is available thanks to the charity Countryside Mobility. There are membership forms to complete and staff can help you. Call 01425 478082 for more information and to book ahead.

The Visitor Centre has a gift shop selling a variety of items for all ages, treats for dogs, soft drinks, biscuits and chocolate. On colder days the wood burning stove is lit, fuelled by fallen timber sustainablysourced from the Heath, a welcome sight as you walk through the door. There are seats in the Visitor Centre, so it’s the chance to get warm in front of a real log fire and spend a pleasant half-hour or so. Also close by is the Wildlife Area comprising of a Bird Hide and waterfall ponds. The feeders are a magnet for a great variety of our feathered friends – why not see which birds you can spot?

The Heath is a Site of Special Scientific Interest as it is home to all six of the UK’s native reptile species and is cared for by Rangers who are keen to

share its beauty with visitors.

Every Tuesday at 2pm knowledgeable and friendly volunteers lead a Health Walk around the Heath. The Health Walk is free and open to all. Come to the Visitor Centre 15 minutes before to fill out a form and choose from a half-hour or hour-long walk. These walks will be taking place every Tuesday throughout the winter.

The walking trails are along hard gravel, hard dirt or sandy tracks, another reason why Avon Heath is a great destination in the winter – your walking shoes won’t get covered in mud. They are well-signposted and vary in length from 0.5km to 3km, or longer if you want to make up your own route.

Avon Heath Country Park, Brocks Pine, St Leonards, BH24 2DH, off the A31 between Ringwood and Ferndown.

Tel: 01425 478082

Email : avonheath@

22 Dementia Friendly Communities
Group Heath Walks Pétanque at Avon Heath

What’s on in the Surrounding Area

Stepping Out Community Tea Dance

A community tea dance where all are welcome. Including those living with memory loss and their carers.To book your place and more information phone Lesley Shand on 01202 658833. This is in partnership with Lesley Shand Funeral Service, The Leonardo Trust and Broadstone Stepping Stones. £5 per ticket. FREE entry for carers sponsored by the Leonardo Trust. Held at the War Memorial Hall, Tudor Road, Broadstone, BH18 8AW.

Carers drop in advice surgery

Run by Growing Compassionate Communities. Open to all older people wanting information, support signposting or just want to pop in for a chat. 3rd Thursday of every month, 10am –12noon. Broadstone Library.

Dementia Friends Awareness sessions

The first Tuesday every month 2 - 3.30 pm held at Moors Manor Care Home, Ringwood Road, close to St Leonards Hospital. Everyone is welcome but places are limited so -Contact : Michelle Venn on 01202 863610 to book your place

Carpet Bowls

Run by the charity – Growing Compassionate Communities. Come and join us for Carpet Bowls at the Broadstone War Memorial Hall. A much-loved event previously held at Corfe Mullen Village Hall pre pandemic, we are thrilled to be starting up again. Everybody welcome – fun and refreshments supplied! Being held on the 2nd Thursday of the month from 2pm - 4pm. For further information please contact Peter Jones on 07856 579750

Carers Afternoon Tea

Afternoon tea for carers being held at the Verwood Memorial Hall, Ringwood Road, BH31 7AA

Being held on the following Mondays – 19th December 2022, 27th February, 24th April, 26th June 2023 from 2.30pm – 4.30pm. To book please contact Rachel on 07462 521670 or email cranevalleysocialprescribers@

Dementia Café

Join us at our monthly dementia café where we offer support and practical advice to carers, families and people living with dementia. Free hot drinks and biscuits. Held at The Potteries Care Home, Poole. The last Tuesday of each month from 2pm – 3.30pm. Booking essential so please call 01202 069792 or email to secure your place

Adult Colouring

A lovely social group being held at the Verwood Library, 1 Manor Road, Verwood BH31 6DS.

On the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month from 2.15pm – 3.30pm. For further information please contact the Verwood Library on 01202 822972

Knit & Natter

Please join us for a knit and natter at the Verwood Library, 1 Manor Road, Verwood BH31 6BS. Being held on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month from 2.15pm – 3.45pm.

For further information please contact the Verwood Library on 01202 822972

23 Dementia Friendly Communities

From Brendoncare

People interested should call our club number on 01962 852133 or visit our website for more information

Bearwood Kurling Club

No two sessions are the same when you take part in this fun, accessible past-time! Kurling is an inclusive sport which can be played by people of all ages and abilities. As long as you enjoy making friends and having a good catch-up afterwards over a brew, you would be very welcome Monday 1.30pm – 3pm

Bearwood Community Centre, King Johns Avenue,Bournemouth, Dorset BH11 9TF

Westbourne Pub Club

It’s easy to make new friendships at this Dorset-based social club. A warm welcome is always on offer, along with plenty of tea and coffee, to everyone within the Westbourne Community. Our volunteers provide optional games and quizzes where fun is always on the agenda

Thursday 10.30 am – 12pm

The Westbourne Pub,45 Poole Road,Bournemouth Dorset BH4 9DN

Winton Friendship Group

There are always activities on offer at this lovely variety club, from team quizzes, bingo and beetle drive, to dancing, singing and local speakers. We truly offer something for everyone, including a very warm welcome and the chance to make new friends Monday 2pm to 3.30pm

St Luke’s Church hall, St Luke’s Church, St Luke’s Road, Winton BH3 7LR


Kurling Club

No two sessions are the same when you take part in this fun, accessible past-time! Kurling is an inclusive sport which can be played by people of all ages and abilities. As long as you enjoy making friends and having a good catch-up afterwards over a brew, you would be very welcome

Wednesday 10.30 to 12 noon Blandford Methodist Church The Close, Blandford, DT11 7HA

Moordown Kurling Club

Would you like to do something more physical? This fun and friendly competition could be the club for you. No two sessions are the same when you take part in this fun, accessible past-time! Kurling is an inclusive sport which can be played by people of all ages and abilities. After the fun catch up with friends over refreshments

Saturdays 10.30-12 noon  from 27th November 2021 Moordown Community Centre 21 Coronation Avenue BH9 1TW

Westbourne Kurling Club

Join us for a game of Kurling, fun and friendly this game can be played by all. Afterwards enjoy a catch up with friends over refreshments. Saturday 1.30 – 3pm  from January 2022 West Cliff Baptist Church, Poole Road, Westbourne, Bournemouth, BH4 9DN

Get Together Southbourne

There are always activities on offer at this lovely variety club, from team quizzes, bingo and beetle drive, to dancing, singing and local speakers. We truly offer something for everyone, including a very warm welcome and the chance to make new friends over refreshments. Thursday From 1.30pm to 3pm from 9th December. Immanuel Church Hall, 120 Southbourne Road, Southbourne, BH6 3QJ.

From Prama

Parley Place Carers café

An opportunity for carers to meet at the Parley Place Barchester Care Home. Meeting on the 4th Thursday of the month from 10.30am – 12noon. Parley Place Care Home, 300 Christchurch Road, West Parley, BH22 8SL. For further details please contact Michelle Venn on 07423 635342

Carers group - St Leonards.

Held at Moors Manor Care Home, 243 Ringwood Road, St Leonards, BH24 2DW 3rd Tuesday of each month from 10.30 am -12 noon. 01425 383926

Memory Lane Group

The Old Rope Walk, Blandford Rd, Hamworthy, BH15 4AU Mondays Weekly £2 2 - 4pm Margaret Reeks07999 402155

Sporting Memories Group

The Old Rope Walk, Blandford Rd, Hamworthy, BH15 4AU Alternate Mondays £1 11am1pm Bridget - 01202 207310

Memory Lane Group

The Beacon Church, Mitchell Road, Canford Heath,BH17 8UE Wednesday Weekly £2 2 - 4pm Sue 07999 402162

Carers Support Group

St Dunstan’s Church Lounge, Poole Road, Upton, BH16 5JA Monthly - 4th Weds free 2 - 3.30pm Bridget - 01202 207310 Ian Swinden

Musical Memories

Sherrin Close, Oakdale, Poole BH15 3DZ (Will be changing to a Thursday from 7th April 2022 Thursday Weekly £2, 2 – 4pm Bridget - 01202 207310

Memory Lane Group

Alderney Community Centre, 287 Herbert Avenue, BH12 4HT Friday Weekly £2 2 - 4pm Diane – 07999 402161

24 Dementia Friendly Communities

Memory Lane Group

Museum Memories Group The Old Rope Walk, Blandford Rd, Hamworthy BH15 4AU Friday Weekly £2 2-4pm Sue Parsons 07999 402162

Sporting Memories Group

Alderney Community Centre, 287 Herbert Ave, BH12 4HT Alternate Saturdays free 10 - 12 noon Bridget - 01202 207310 Judith Bacon 07538 502740

Memory Lane Immanuel Tuesday Weekly (not August) 2pm. £2.50, carers free Sally Nevitt 01202 419506

Carers Support Group Immanuel Monthly – 1st Thursday 2pm Free Sally Nevitt 01202 419506

Memory Lane

St Marks, Talbot Village 3rd Tuesday 2pm-4pm Sally Nevitt 01202 419506

Memory Lane

Life Centre, Wimborne Road, BH9 2AU Wednesday Weekly 2pm-4pm £2 Tess 07912 272077

Memory Lane Kinson Community Centre, BH10 7LH Thursday Weekly 2 - 4pm £2 Tess – 07912 272077

Memory Lane @ Pokesdown

St James Church Annexe, Pokesdown, BH7 6DW Monthly – 1st Saturday 10:30 – 12pm donations Ruth Crosland – 01202 474067


Would you be interested in a gentle walk with places to pause along the way? We are looking at possibly introducing some safe walks near Gullivers Farm Shop, West Moors and could enjoy a cuppa together after the walk. If you are interested please get in touch. Contact : Alex - 01202 894913

Avon Heath Country Park

A guided walk led by knowledgeable and friendly volunteers. Leave the visitor centre every Tuesday at 2pm. The walking trails are along hard gravel, hard dirt or sandy tracks – your walking shoes won’t get covered in mud! You have the choice to join a 30 minute or 1 hour session. For further information please contact Avon Heath Country Park.

Both walks begin from the Visitor Centre. Walking is recognised as an ideal form of exercise for all ages and fitness levels who want to be more active. It can improve your immune system, reduce blood pressure and anxiety and improve mood. This is all being reflected locally by health professionals prescribing outdoor exercise through Active4Health. Come and join us. Give it a try. If this is your first time, or for more information: Contact: Avon Heath Country Park 01425 478082.

Sensory Memory Walks

Perhaps you or someone you care for would enjoy the therapeutic benefits of being outdoors in a safe green space. Studies show that it can help improve memory, attention, creativity and sleep, reduce anxiety and increase positive social interactions. Rangers will be running monthly Sensory Memory Walks at the park. The gentle stroll (max. ¾ mile) will provide an opportunity to be immersed in the wonders of the heathland through all the senses. Then refreshments. If interested join us on the first Tuesday of every month (starting 5 April) at 11am-12noon. £3.50 per person. Booking essential

Contact : Avon Heath Country Park - 01425 478082

25 Dementia Friendly Communities

Growing Compassionate Communities

Dear friends,

I would like to take this opportunity to share some of these reflections from this past year. This year I feel the Growing Compassionate Communities charity has really found its feet and its place in the world. It seems to have discovered its identity and purpose in engaging its vision in terms of its journey: So, what’s our vision and purpose of growing compassionate communities?

A compassionate community may be described as a community that identifies and seeks to be inclusive through engaging and reintegrating vulnerable and marginalised groups that reside in the local community.

Growing compassionate communities is primarily about a community working towards inclusiveness of all diverse groups and peoples. This concept seeks to grow communities that are compassionate and that seek to include groups on the margins of the community by becoming sensitive to their needs and journey.

26 Dementia Friendly Communities
Group shot – ‘GCC Conference 2021’ GCC Memorial Tree and Plaque Scheme

On reflection we seem to have made significant progress in engaging with its vison as well as seeing and growing hope. In a nutshell we seem to be beginning to make a difference in both the many communities’ people we seek to travel with.

In the light of this I would like to revisit our philosophy that underpins our journey in the form of a powerful narrative: “A young girl was walking along a beach upon which thousands of starfish had been washed up during a terrible storm. When she came to each starfish, she would pick it up, and throw it back into the ocean. People watched her with amusement. ... Inspired, by the little girl’s actions they joined the little girl in throwing starfish back into the sea.This little girl made a difference to each starfish she through back into the ocean.

Looking ahead we still have a few more starfish to throw back into the ocean, these include:

• The launch of a community allotment. Open to all groups of people it’s based at Corfe Mullen allotments - Pardys Hill. All our produce is donated to the Corfe Mullen Foodbank located at St Nicholas Church.

• Carers support group that meets on the 2nd Friday of the month 10am-12noon in Corfe Mullen library.

• We have restarted our popular Carpet bowls group that meets on the 2nd Thursday of the month 2pm4pm in Broadstone War Memorial Hall.

• We are planning to create a local bereavement support group.

• The Creation of a Drop-in Surgery for advice and support. This service is in the Corfe Mullen village hall 10am-12noon on the 4th Friday of the Month. Hope to see you at one of our groups Go well

27 Dementia Friendly Communities
Peter Jones Chair of Growing Compassionate Communities Growing Compassionate communities logo GCC Hidden Disabilities Scheme
GCC Corfe Mullen
Short mat bowls indoors – ‘Carpet Bowls

The Herbert Protocol –Explained

The Herbert Protocol is a simple risk reduction tool to help the police in their search for people with dementia who go missing.  It encourages carers or family members of adults living with dementia to collate information on those who are vulnerable on to the Herbert Protocol form, which can be given to the police if they go missing.

The initiative is named after George Herbert, a war veteran of the Normandy landings, who lived with dementia. He died whilst ‘missing’, trying to find his childhood home.

If you believe a person has gone missing and are concerned for their safety, call the police on 999 and tell the police operator that you have a Herbert Protocol.

We would like to be able to list what towns or villages have a ‘safe haven’ under the Herbert Protocol scheme. This is somewhere safe that has been agreed with the local police force. Somewhere to take the person to while the police are looking into locating a family member or home.

We are happy to confirm Corfe Mullen and Wimborne have a scheme in place. Does your town or village? Contact us and we can list in our next edition. Email community@ – we want to hear from you.

This information has been derived from the Dorset Police website - https://www.dorset. missing-person-withdementia/

28 Dementia Friendly Communities
When a person goes missing, it is very distressing for family and friends and can be even more worrying when the missing person has dementia.

Important telephone contacts

Age UK 0800 678 1174

Alzheimer’s Society

Carers Support Dorset 0800 368 8349

Crane Valley Network Social Prescribers @castlemansocialprescribers

Crisp 01202 128787

Dorset Mind 01202 551660

Dorset Open Door ‘Supporting Bereavement Together’ 01305 361 361

East Dorset Citizens Advice 0344 2451291

Help and Care 0300 111 3303

The Leonardo Trust – Charity No: 1086045 01202 698325

Livewell Dorset

Memory Support & Advisory Service 0300 1231916

National Dementia Helpline 0300 2221122

NHS Helpline (Covid advice) 119

NHS Helpline (Health advice) 111

Community Contacts

Corfe Mullen Dementia Friendly Community 07715 940548 Peter Jones/

East Dorset Good Neighbours 01202 804003

Ferndown Community Support CIC 01202 936121

Ferndown Dementia Friendly Community @Ferndowndementiafriendlytown

Growing Compassionate Communities 07715 940548

Oakley Friends - Carer Support – Charity No: 1047919 01202 698325

Reach & Care 07715 940548 Peter Jones/

West Moors Carers Group - Alison 01202 865800

West Moors Dementia Action Group 01425 477470 Lynne Morris

West Moors Library 01202 873272

Wimborne Dementia Friendly Community


Reach & Care 07715 940548 Peter Jones/

Dial a ride Wimborne

Wimborne Neighbour Car 07912 273722

30 Dementia Friendly Communities
Help & Support lines

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