White & Red Ball 2018 Program Book

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The Legion of Young Polish Women

79 presents its

Seventy Nineth Annual White and Red Ball and

The Debutantes of the Year 2018 Saturday, March 3, 2018

Grand Ballroom and Normandie Lounge Hilton Chicago 1


March 3, 2018 The Legion of Young Polish Women P.O. Box 56-110 Chicago, Illinois 60656 Greetings! As Governor of the State of Illinois, I am pleased to welcome everyone gathered for the Legion of Young Polish Women’s 79th White & Red Ball. Founded in 1939 to help Poland’s less fortunate, the Legion of Young Polish Women has experienced exceptional growth and success as a Chicago non-profit organization. It has collected and donated more than $1 million to many worthy causes of charitable, scientific, literary, and educational value. The Legion of Young Polish Women has an extensive list of prestigious accomplishments, including support for the Loyola University Chicago Polish Studies Program. I congratulate its successful efforts and commitment to ensuring that Polish culture, heritage, and traditions remain an integral part of our ethnically diverse state and country. This event presents an exciting opportunity for everyone in attendance to join with the 2018 debutantes to advance the initiatives of the Legion of Young Polish Women. 2018 is also an exciting year across the State of Illinois, as we celebrate the Illinois Bicentennial to commemorate our state’s 200th birthday. During the year-long celebration, we pay tribute to the people, places, and things that are born, built, and grown here every single day. Our Bicentennial is a once-in-a-lifetime invitation to fall in love with Illinois all over again, showcasing Illinois’ influence on American history, achievement, culture, innovation, and more. Together, we can inspire pride in Illinois and show the world what makes this state so great – and that includes you! On behalf of the people of Illinois, I offer my best wishes for an enjoyable and memorable occasion. Sincerely,

Bruce Rauner Governor, State of Illinois




2330 West 118th Street Chicago IL 60643

Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago Episcopal Vicar of Vicariate V

312-534-5050 Fax: 773-779-8469

March, 2018 Dear Committee of Legion of Young Polish Women, Members, Honored Guests, Sponsors, Parents and the Debutantes of the 78th Annual White and Red Ball, Czuję się zaszczycony zaproszeniem do uczestnictwa w dobroczynnej, prestiżowej gali Dorocznym Balu Amarantowym Legionu Młodych Polek w Ameryce. Dziś powitamy tegoroczne Debiutantki – reprezentujące młodą generację spośród inteligencji kobiet Polonii – oraz dzielić będziemy się naszymi darami z osobami potrzebującymi. Papież Franciszek wzywa każdego z nas do modlitwy i działania. Uczynki miłosierdzia co do duszy i ciała, przynaglają nas do miłości bliźniego w naszych myślach i uczynkach. Pokładam wielką nadzieję w tegorocznych Debiutantkach Legionu Młodych Polek w Ameryce, że odpowiedzą na to wezwanie. Wyrazy wdzięczności i dumy kieruję do członków Legionu oraz rodzin, wychowujących młode pokolenie kobiet Polonii do prezentowania w Chicago najlepszych wartości takich jak dobroczynność, solidarność, współczucie, dobroć, odwaga i duma z przynależności do etnicznej grupy. Razem, dążmy do wyrażania wymienionych wartości w naszych codziennych działaniach. Zapraszam wszystkich z zaproszonych uczestników i gości 79. Corocznego Balu Amarantowego do kontynuowania naszego głębokiego przywiązania do polskiego dziedzictwa, naszej wiary, kultury i patriotyzmu w budowaniu Rodziny Polonijnej. Niech Bóg błogosławi każdego i każdą z Was, dobre dzieła, których jesteście zaczynem i tych, którym służycie! Szczęść Boże! *** I am honored to attend the 79th Annual White and Red Ball of The Legion of Young Polish Women and to be a part of this prestigious charitable gala. Tonight we welcome the Debutantes - the young generation of intelligent Polish women - and celebrate the joy of sharing our gifts with those in need. We are each called by Pope Francis to prayer and to action. The spiritual and corporal works of mercy impel us to love our neighbor in our thoughts and in our deeds. I place great hope in the Debutantes of The Legion of Young Polish Women to answer that call. I am thankful and proud that the Legion’s members and families are raising young Polish women to present to Polonia of Chicago the best values of charity, solidarity, compassion, generosity, courage and ethnic pride. Together, let us express these attributes in our actions every day. I invite each of the attendees and guests of the 79th Annual White and Red Ball to continue our deep loyalty to our Polish heritage, our faith, culture and patriotism as we continue to build the family of Polonia. May God bless each of you, the good works that you do and those whom you serve!

Most Rev. Andrew P. Wypych, D.D. Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago National Executive Director of the Catholic League for Religious Assistance to Poland and Polonia





President, Co-Chair


Legion of Young Polish Women OFFICERS

Barbara I. Ciepiela ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... President Donna Nowak ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... First Vice President Geraldine Balut Coleman ....................................................................................................................................................Second Vice President Elizabeth Cioromski .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Treasurer Miroslawa Link ............................................................................................................................................................................................. Recording Secretary Marianne Kozelka ......................................................................................................................................... English Corresponding Secretary Anna Wytrzymalski ....................................................................................................................................... Polish Corresponding Secretary Mary Seitzinger ................................................................................................................................................................................................. Financial Secretary Kasia Mossakowski ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Historian Kathy Evans ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... Director-Technical Anna Nannini ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Director BALL COMMITTEE Kathy Evans* Barbara I. Ciepiela Mary Sendra Anselmo* Lucie T. Bucki Aneta Ciepiela* Diana Ciepiela* Maria Bronny Ciesla* Elizabeth Cioromski Lori Hilson Cioromski Morgan Gaede Cioromski* Alexandra Ciesla Cornwell* Cherilyn Denisiuk* Margaret Gawlak Bozenna Haszlakiewicz Kasia Hipner* Nathalie Kacik* Marianne Kozelka* Alexandra Kuechel* Lara Kuechel* Pauline Kulka* Kasia Mossakowski* Donna Nowak Josephine Nowak Kinga Rzyska Joan Smoran Mary Seitzinger Maria Sniezek Angelica Solus* Renata Solus Patrycja Sporschill* Lianna Wisneski* Anna Wytrzymalski *Denotes former Debutante

ADVISORY BOARD (Past Presidents) Stephanie Jagielski Marie Krakowski Maria Chudzinski Maria Bronny Ciesla Christine Cioromski Marsh Lucie T. Bucki Mary Sendra Anselmo Grazyna Migala Shirley L. Dudzinski Barbara Poniatowska Ciepiela Lucille Gutowski Teresa Sinkowski Teresa Skawski Bozenna Haszlakiewicz


Quarter to seven

2018 White and Red Ball

Debutante Receiving Line ~ Grand Staircase Cocktails ~ Normandie Lounge

Dinner ~ Grand Ballroom Welcome ~ Barbara I. Ciepiela National Anthem ~ Kasia Napierala- 2013 Debutante Invocation ~ Most Reverend Andrew P. Wypych, Auxiliary Bishop Archdiocese of Chicago

Eight o’clock

Nine o’clock

Polonez ~ Legion Members ~ Cherilyn Smoron Denisiuk, 1988 Debutante

Introduction of Master of Ceremonies ~ Kathy Evans Presentation of 2018 Debutantes ~ Mr. Hubert Cioromski Charity Rose Appeal ~ Immediately Following the Presentation

Announcement of Ball Queen ~ Barbara I. Ciepiela Crowning of Ball Queen ~ Liana Wisneski, Queen 2017

Biały Mazur ~ Post Debutantes ~ Kasia Mossakowski, 2001 Debutante Choreography by Richard Owsiany Music by The Anthony Kawalkowski Orchestra

Half past ten


Half past twelve


Potato Leek Soup en Croute ~~ Burrata Salad Bibb, Lola Rosa, Frisee and Arugula, Roasted Tomatoes with Basil Pesto Marinated Kalamata and Green Olives, Balsamic Pearls, Balsamic Vinaigrette ~~ Pineapple Basil Sorbet with Silver Leaf Garnish ~~ Entrée Selections of: Filet Mignon on a bed of Sautéed Spinach with a Shitake Mushroom Demi, Parsnip Puree with a hint of Vanilla, Ricotta Gnocchi, Grilled Red pepper and Bundled Hericot Vert ~~ Grilled Swordfish topped with a Red Pepper and Caper Arugula Salad, Lemon Caper Sauce, Parmesan Risotto, Cauliflower Spinach Puree, bundled Asparagus and Grilled Lemon ~~ Beet and Goat Cheese Stuffed Pasta, Grilled Brussel Sprouts, Asparagus, topped with a Red Pepper Coulis Cauliflower and Spinach Puree, Crispy Sage garnish ~~ Pistachio Sponge, Raspberry Jam and Sour Cream Mousse Paired with a Dark Chocolate Pot de Crème topped with Salted Caramel and White Chocolate Shavings, Melba Sauce, fresh Raspberries and a White Chocolate Red Ribbon Freshly Brewed Coffee, Decaffeinated Coffee and Assorted Tea


Master of Ceremonies - Hubert J. Cioromski Hubert Cioromski, the son of late Wojciech and the late Grazyna Cioromski, both of whom emigrated from the Poznan area of Poland in the 1950s, was raised in the Jackowo area of Chicago’s Northwest Side. He graduated from St. Hyacinth Basilica Elementary School, Loyola Academy, a Jesuit college-preparatory high school, located in Wilmette, Illinois, and Carthage College, located in Kenosha, Wisconsin. It was at Carthage College that he was awarded a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and History with a Minor in Marketing. The Cioromski family has had an over 60-year-long history of involvement within Chicago’s Polish American community and its organizations. Grazyna, Hubert’s mother, was an active member of the Legion of Young Polish Women and held the office of its president from 19761978. In 1982, Hubert joined his family’s real estate firm, Troy Realty, a firm started by his father in 1960. However, Hubert’s professional interest focused on the commercial side of the industry, rather than residential. He slowly re-directed his role and much of the firm’s direction to the commercial real estate business. Today, Troy Realty is known as Troy Companies: Troy Realty - LTD Residential, Troy Commercial, and Troy Realty Management. Hubert is proud that two of his sons, Stephen and Zachary, have joined him in becoming the third generation of the Cioromski family to continue in the family’s real estate legacy. Hubert’s intentions are to promote Polish heritage between first, second, and third generations and beyond of Poles in the United States through his involvement in the Polish American community. Mr. Cioromski continues his involvement in the Polonian community as an officer and board member of the Copernicus Foundation, board member of Presence Hospital Foundation, and a national director of the Polish American Congress. He is also a member of the Polish National Alliance and Polish Roman Catholic Union of America. He had the privilege of being appointed by two Illinois governors to the Office of Banks and Real Estate Board. He is also a past board member of the Metropolitan Bank Group and the Park National Bank of Chicago. He is a past-president of the Realtor Association of Northwest Chicagoland, and is a member of the Northern Illinois Commercial Association of Realtors, the Chicago Association of Realtors, and International Council of Shopping Centers. Hubert was inducted into the Real Estate Hall of Fame in 2012 and holds additional board and membership positions in organizations of which he has expressed great interest. Hubert speaks, reads, and writes Polish fluently. Hubert is married, has six children, and one grandson.


PODZIĘKOWANIE Witamy wszystkich Państwa na 79. Balu Amarantowym i naszej prezentacji debiutantek. Państwa obecność motywuje nas do kontynuowania naszej misji filantropijnej, która wspiera charytatywne, kulturalne i edukacyjne inicjatywy lokalne, w Stanach Zjednoczonych i w innych krajach. Gratulujemy wszystkim debiutantkom tegorocznego Balu. Wasza intensywna praca i oddanie dla Legionu są godne pochwały. Bez niej nie byłoby Legionu jako organizacji działającej na rzecz całej Polonii. Życzymy Wam wielu sukcesów we wszystkich Waszych poczynaniach, a przyjaźnie tutaj zapoczątkowane i wspomnienia tego wieczoru niech pozostaną z Wami na całe życie. Serdeczne dziękujemy rodzicom, którzy dzisiaj prezentują swoje córki. Jesteśmy im wdzięczne za popieranie Legionu Młodych Polek poprzez zachęcanie córek do uczestniczenia w naszej tradycji i w tym wspaniałym Balu. Bal Amarantowy wymaga bezinteresownej pracy i czasu wielu oddanych członkiń Legionu. Jesteśmy im niezmiernie wdzięczne za to, że użyczyły swoich talentów na rzecz Legionu i dziękujemy im wszystkim za wkład w sukces tego Balu. Dziękujemy naszym sponsorom, którzy finansują część Balu i tym sposobem umożliwiają nam kontynuować tradycyjną elegancję Balu Amarantowego. Dziękujemy sponsorom książki programowej Balu za pomoc w realizacji wielu wartościowych przedsięwzięć w przyszłym roku. Gorące podziękowanie kierujemy również do mediów za to, że bezinteresownie propagują charytatywną pracę Legionu oraz co roku promują Bal Amarantowy. Dziękujemy Państwu za przybycie i życzymy wspaniałego wieczoru. Mamy nadzieję, że zobaczymy się w 2018 roku na 79. Balu Amarantowym. Kathy Evans, Przewodnicząca Balu Amarantowego Barbara I. Ciepiela, Prezeska Legionu Młodych Polek i Współprzewodnicząca Balu

RÓŻE NA CELE CHARYTATYWNE Po prezentacji, debiutanki będą wręczać uczestnikom Balu róże i kwestować. Jest to tradycją Balu Amarantowego od wielu lat. Liczymy na Państwa szczodrość. Królową Balu zostaje ta debiutantka, która zbierze najwięcej funduszy z ogłoszeń w książce pamiątkowej i z donacji zebranych za róże.


IN APPRECIATION Welcome to the 79th Annual White and Red Ball and Presentation of Debutantes! Your presence tonight encourages us to continue our philanthropic mission, which supports cultural, charitable and educational causes locally, nationally and internationally. Congratulations to the 2018 Debutantes! Your hard work and dedication to the Legion is commendable and without it, we wouldn’t be able to continue to thrive as an organization that exists for the benefit of all of Polonia. May the wonderful friendships you formed and the cherished memories of this evening last throughout your lifetime! We would like to thank the parents who present their daughters this evening, for donating their financial support, time, effort and Sunday mornings to the Legion of Young Polish Women. We are grateful to you for encouraging your daughters to embrace their Polish heritage and be a part of this tradition and magnificent Ball. An event of this magnitude requires the work of many dedicated and talented volunteer members of the organization. A very special thank you to each and every one who sacrificed their time and provided an extraordinary amount of expertise to make this Ball a success. It can’t be done without you and you are appreciated more than you’ll ever know! We especially thank our sponsors who generously contribute to different facets of the Ball to ensure that we are able to maintain the elegance of this beautiful custom. The Legion of Polish Women is very grateful for the media coverage we receive from various radio and TV stations and newspapers. We value your broadcasts to the public about the White and Red Ball and our philanthropic causes. We wish you all an enjoyable evening and thank you for being here with us this evening! We hope to see you again next year on March 16, 2019 at the 80th White and Red Ball. Kathy Evans, Ball Chair Barbara I. Ciepiela, President, Co-Chair

A ROSE FOR CHARITY Following the presentation ceremony, the Debutantes will circulate the ballroom to offer roses to our guests in return for donations. Tonight’s Queen of the Ball is determined by the combined proceeds each Debutante generates from the donations she received from listings in the program book as well as the Roses she is offering this evening. We sincerely hope that you find it in your heart to be generous during this long-standing tradition of the White and Red Ball.


POLONEZ The melody of this Polonez is “A Farewell to the Homeland” (“Pożegnanie Ojczyzny”) by Michał Kleofas Ogiński (1765-1833), a Polish nobleman, senator, diplomat, and composer. Ogiński composed the haunting melody of this Polonez when he left Poland for Italy after the unsuccessful Kosciuszko Uprising of 1794. The Polonez traditionally opens formal state or social events in Polish society. The polonez originated in Wielkopolska and in its earliest form it was known as Pieszy, Wolny or Chodzony. When the nobility danced the Polonez at the royal court, they arranged themselves according to rank. The leader of the dance, or “Wodzirej”, directed the procession of couples through the rooms of the castle, encouraging all to join. As this dance of the Polish nobility became popular throughout Europe, the French court named the dance for its place of origin. Hence, the Danse Polonaise became the official opening of many court balls in royal and noble houses. Tonight’s Polonez is danced by the Ball Chair, the President, Past Presidents and the Ball Committee members representing an integration of multiple generations of women. These ladies, along with their partners, are proud to continue this elegant tradition of the past and welcome you to the White and Red Ball.

Kathy Evans Barbara I. Ciepiela Lori Hilson Cioromski Kasia Mossakowski Pauline Kulka Anna Wytrzymalski Marianne Kozelka Bozenna Haszlakiewicz Elizabeth Cioromski Kasia Hipner Angelica Solus Margaret Gawlak


Richard Owsiany S. Wiesław Ciepiela Hubert Cioromski Stephen Kuechel Piotr Chmielewski Wes Urbanowicz Theodore Kozelka Andy Haszlakiewicz Nicholas Cioromski Michał Hipner Justin Blum Stanley Gawlak

BIAŁY MAZUR The Mazur is a fiery, emotional dance originating in the Mazowsze region of central Poland. The music of the Mazur has inspired many composers to write variations known as mazurkas. One of these compositions, “Mazurek Dąbrowskiego” became the Polish national anthem. The Mazur expresses all the verve and spirit embodied in its lively music. Various choreographed dance figures are traditionally incorporated into the dance. The “Krakowski” presents trios composed of two women and a man, who urge a pair of single men to perform greater dancing feats in order to impress the audience. During the “Odbijany”, a young woman is besieged by men, who wish to dance with her. She dances with one and then another and then coyly returns to her original place, leaving behind many frustrated partners who caught her attention only for a moment. Like the Polonez, the Mazur was very popular at courts and manor houses of the nobility and the gentry. As it spread beyond the boundaries of Poland, it was adopted by many as a popular social dance. In the United States, it was popular as the Varsovienne in the late 1800s.

Lianna Wisneski Agnieszka Suminski Madeleine Hodgson Kasia Napierala Sylvia Tolczyk Alexandria Winsor Marlena Hadas Kamila Bochenek Dagmara Nowicka Patrycja Sporschill Aneta Ciepiela Darlena Wojcik

Jakub Ochwat Andrzej Ciepiela Kajetan Ochwat Kasper Koszarek Piotr Szyszka Kristian Zadlo Ernest Szaflik Mateusz Stanielun Stephen Kuechel Konrad Ochwat Andrew Sokolowski Piotr Chmieleski


The White and Red Ball remains the Legion’s major source of fund raising. As one of Polonia’s most important social events, the Ball encourages ethnic pride in the young people who attend. We are proud of these former debutantes, who, as members, enable the Legion to carry on its charitable and cultural activities Mary Sendra Anselmo Natalia Bafia Kamila Bochenek Kathy Boyle Kimberly Boyle Megan Boyle Barbara Chalko Aneta Ciepiela Diana Ciepiela Maria Bronny Ciesla Morgan Gaede Cioromski Alexandra Ciesla Cornwell Loriann Smoron Crossley Cherilyn Smoron Denisiuk Anusia Dickow Eva Dickow Kathy Evans Monica Gawlak Renee Gawlak-Ghenciu Joasia Gwizdz Suzanne Haase Marlena Hadas Kasia Hipner Elizabeth Ciesla Hodgson Madeleine Hodgson JoAnna Nannini Juarez Anna Incledon Ewa A. Inglot Nathalie Kacik Marianne Kozelka Jaclyn Krysinski Alexandra Kuechel

Lara Kuechel Gloria Lamacki Carolyn Rogowski Liptak Elizabeth Jaroszewicz Lubiak Mary Ludwig Karen Martineau H. Christine Matuszczak Melissa Mickiewicz Kasia Mossakowski Kasia Napierala Josephine Nowak Lauren Nowak Dagmara Nowicki Renee T. Okonek Barbara Mossakowski Przytula Olivia Remissong Kathleen Salemi Angelica Solus Patrycja Sporschill Julia Stokowski Klaudia Stolarczuk Magda Szala Marysia Szpindor-Watson Sylvia Tolczyk Allison Tomal Elizabeth Tomal Melanie Tomal Alexandria Winsor Kimberly Smoron Wisneski Lianna Wisneski Kathleen Wojcik Natalie Wytrzymalski



A Generous Anonymous Benefactor Jack, James, and John Skaja Gift from the Heart Foundation – Dar Serca Jola Kowalik – Graphic Artist Richard Owsiany – Choreographer Anna Stanielun – Rehearsal piano accompanist Anthony Kawalkowski and the Anthony Kawalkowski Orchestra Vince Genova – Black Tie Formalwear Victor Studio – Photographer/Videographer AGA Wedding & Event Decor Martha Itulya–Hilton Chicago Dziennik Związkowy Kurier Codzienny Jacek Niemczyk General Manager – WPNA 1490 AM “Polish American Mix” – Mateusz Pankiewicz – WPNA 103.1 FM “Co, Gdzie, Kiedy” Polonijny Magazyn Informacyjny – Emilia Sadaj/Andrzej Baraniak – WNWI 1080 AM Radio DEON –Slawomir Budzik – WNWI 1080 AM “Radio Razem” – Zofia Boris – WPNA 1490 AM Chicago’s Classical Experience Jane Zaug - WFMT 98.7 “Damski Punkt Widzenia”, “Monitor” – Karolina Brodska/Elzbieta Sawczuk– Polvision “Polskie Radio” – Joanna Walek/Slawomir Bielawiec – WPNA 1490 AM “Pol Zartem, Pol Serio” – Ewa Milde/Bogdan Łańko – WPNA 1490 AM “Studio Soho” – Jolanta Kaczmarska Waltos – WPNA 1490 AM “Polskie Radio Chicago” – Idalia Blaszczuk – WNVR 1030 AM “W Porannym Rytmie” – Andrzej Kiesz – WPNA 1490 AM “Na Góralską Nute´” – Andrzej Gędłek – WPNA 1490 AM "O Nas Dla Nas" - Sylwester Skora - WPNA 1490 AM Lucyna Migała – WCEV 1050 AM Polonez Dancers Biały Mazur Dancers Our Many Other Generous Benefactors


OUR ACHIEVEMENTS AND ENDEAVORS On September 2, 2018, the Legion of Young Polish Women, Legion Młodych Polek, will celebrate seventy-nine years of uninterrupted philanthropy. This outstanding achievement would not have been possible without the insight of Helen Lenard Piekło and a group of her friends. Founded on September 2, 1939, their initial purpose was to help the people of Poland in their time of need. These visionary women and those who followed their volunteer path have solicited and donated over $2 million to many worthy causes. During World War II, the Legion was able to send food and clothing to Polish prisoners of war and was able to deliver medical equipment, hospital beds, and ambulances to the Polish Army Hospital in Great Britain. The end of the War and the occupation of Poland by an oppressive communist regime created an even greater need. Assistance was given to the Polish Veterans in Italy, the Polish Mission in Argentina, the Polish Library in Paris, and the Sikorski Institute in London. Within Poland, the Legion continued the tradition of assistance by sending funds to such institutions as the Laski Institute for the Blind, the Catholic University of Lublin, and various senior-citizen and children’s homes. The Legion supported Solidarność, the Solidarity Movement, by providing financial aid for the purchase of food, clothing, and medicine. The Legion’s “Medical Supplies to Poland” Project provided over $88,000 in supplies to smaller Polish clinics. The Legion continues to ensure that Polish culture, heritage, and traditions remain an integral part of its ethnically diverse country. It financially assisted in the establishment of the Chair of Polish Language and Literature at the University of Chicago and supported the Loyola University Chicago Polish Studies Program. It continues its support of Gift From The Heart Foundation, the Lira Ensemble, the Polish Arts Club of Chicago, and the Paderewski Symphony Orchestra. The Legion has supported The Polish Museum of America by providing financial assistance in the preservation of the maps of Poland, the Kościuszko Letters of the American Revolution, and the Ignacy Paderewski Room, just to name a few. It has financially supported the Polish Resistance (AK) Foundation and the production of the documentaries of Polish World War II heroine, Irena Sendler, “In the Name of Their Mothers,” and “The Officer’s Wife” about the Katyń Forest Massacre. The Legion is proud to have been a benefactor of “Peace Through Music – In the Spirit of John Paul II” Concert, performed by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and Chorus. For many years, the Legion has supported the young people of the Polish American community through substantial contributions to Harcerstwo, the Polish Youth Association, Polish language schools, Polish folk dance troupes, and the scholarship funds of the Knights of Dabrowski’s “Crusade for Education” and the Council of Educators in Polonia. The needs of new immigrants from Poland are addressed through financial assistance to the Polish American Association. The Legion’s concerns reach beyond its ethnic scope, as evidenced by donations to the Little Brothers -Friends of the Elderly, St. Stanislaus Kostka Soup Kitchen, Special Olympics, St. Joseph Leprosy Patient’s Society, the Salvation Army, the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer, and Autism Speaks. The first White and Red Ball, Bal Amarantowy, was held in November 1939. A historic dimension was added in 1945 by incorporating the Presentation of Debutantes - the first “en masse” presentation ever held in the United States. Tonight we are celebrating 73 years of Debutante presentations. Our beautiful Debutantes join 565 past Debutantes in this lovely and elegant tradition. The White and Red Ball would not be possible without the continued assistance from Legion members and the generous help of its Debutantes, their families, friends, and the business community. The Legion of Young Polish Women is forever grateful to all those who made seventy-nine years of uninterrupted philanthropy possible. Bóg Zapłać.


Treasurer’s Report of Contributions - 2017 Polish Museum of America $16,200.00 Anawin Women’s Shelter, Chicago $7,500.00 Polish American Association $6,000.00 Polonia Song & Dance Ensemble $5,490.00 Wici Song & Dance Company $5,140.00 Gift from the Heart Foundation/Dar Serca $5,020.00 Dom Samotnej Matki, Chicago $5,000.00 Knights of Dabrowski $5,000.00 Women and Leadership Archives - Loyola University Chicago $5,000.00 Tony Kawalkowski Unwrapping Christmas $3,000.00 Old Irving Park Community Clinic $2,500.00 Polish Studies - Loyola University Chicago $2,500.00 Polish Scouting Organization of Illinois $2,130.00 Alma Spei Hospice for Children - Kraków $2,000.00 Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth $1,250.00 The Lira Ensemble $1,211.00 Salvation Army $1,000.00 Special Olympics $1,000.00 Dom Dziecka - Orphanage in Białowieza $1,000.00 St Stanislaw Kostka School in Kraków $1,000.00 Lajkonik Dance Troupe $1,000.00 Polish American Medical Society $925.00 Paderewski Symphony Orchestra $808.00 May 3rd Parade & Parade Queen Election $795.00 Amber Coalition $700.00 International Women’s Association $700.00 Advocates Society $550.00 Wesoły Lud $540.00 Polish American Congress -IL Division $530.00 Shriner’s Hospital for Children $500.00 Little Brothers of the Elderly $500.00 Polish Arts Club $500.00 Maria Konopnicka Adult Culture Group PRCUA $420.00 Holy Trinity Polish School of Polish Language $420.00 Nicholas Copernicus School $380.00 Chicago Society, PNA $360.00 Polish American Police Association $270.00 Council of Educators in Polonia $250.00 PACBA $240.00 Polish Women in Business $170.00 Miscellaneous Donations $162.00 Total $89,661.00 The Legion of Young Polish Women is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. In accordance with its bylaws, all donation requests will be considered only when submitted on letterhead stationery by a not-forprofit organization.


Proud of our Projects!

We are proud of our charitable endeavors and the positive impact we have had on the Polish community since 1939. We love being able to make a difference!

Christmas Around the World Every year, the Legion sponsors the Polish Christmas tree at the Museum of Science and Industry.

Loyola: Women and Leadership Archives ‘Thank you for your donation to the Women and Leadership Archives in support of the translation and update of our online exhibit of the Legion of Young Polish Women….The stories of the Polish women in Chicago and beyond contained in the Legion’s records are ones we are proud to preserve and share.” - Nancy Freeman, Director https://www.luc.edu/wla/onlineexhibits/legionofyoungpolishwomen/

Alma Spei Hospicjum dla Dzieci “ We appreciate your assistance in helping the ill children and their families as much as possible during this difficult time. With the funds you sent, we were able to give the children outings, birthday parties, puppet shows and excursions. You gave them an opportunity to smile and enjoy the moment. We know that such memories are invaluable to parents when it comes time to say goodbye to their precious children.” - Malgorzata Musialowicz, M.D., Chairman of the Board 18

Anawim Shelter for Women “How can I describe our gratitude for such a generous contribution to the new project for women. God Bless You for your generosity, past and present. Every dollar collected is used in our mission to serve our current and future guests. “ - Teresa Mirabella, President

The Polish Museum of America For over 60 years the Legion has supported the Polish Museum of America. In 2017, the Legion was a major sponsor of the Kosciuszko Bicentennial Exhibit.

Dom Samotnej Matki “With a heart full of gratitude, I offer a God bless you for your donation, which will be earmarked for the maintenance of the Single Mother’s House in Chicago, the only Polish House of this kind. Thank you!” - Sr. Marta E. Cichon, MChR


2017 DEBUTANTE TEAS • Świętojanki – Sunday, June 17,2017 • Meet and Greet Tea hosted by the Sporschill’s - Sunday, September 20, 2017 • Service activity with the children at Dar Serca - Saturday, October 21, 2017 • Andrzejki hosted by the Denisiuk’s - Saturday, November 25, 2017 • Holiday Tea hosted by the Tancula’s and preparing Holiday packages for the children/mothers of PAA – Sunday, December 10, 2017 ŚWIĘTOJANKI



Legion of Young Polish Women ANNUAL FASHION SHOW Fundraiser benefitting Anawim Shelter for Women November 5, 2017 | Chateau Ritz Featuring Fashion from B.V. Adams, Black Tie Formalwear, Cabi-Independent Stylist, EvelineB Fashion LCC, Malgorzata Mordzinski Jewelry, Obsession Boutique and Recultured Design



To Be Presented

Debutantes of the Year 2018


Debutantes 2018

Francesca Adamina Rogozinski

Katherine Buckman Koprowski

Katarzyna Anna Baranek 24

Debutantes 2018

Gabriela Ann Ĺ ukanus

Elizabeth Grace Tancula

Nicolette Lauren Tukiendorf 25


Dr. Thaddeus C. Rogozinski and Dr. Adamina G. Podraza ESCORTED BY


Kamila Bochenek

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart” – Helen Keller. Enjoy these memories that will last you a lifetime! Love Mom & Pops Wishing you the best! Ciocia Maria Good luck Francesca! We are very proud of you! The Lis Family Congratulations, Francesca - Alfreda Godlewski Best Wishes! Leonarda Godlewski Congratulations, Frenchy - the Zalski Family. Congratulations, Frenchy - Ann and Jim Marshall. Congratulations, Francesca! Wishing you success in the future! - Monika Krasuski Congratulations on your debut, Frenchy! Enjoy the splendor of this evening. Warmly, George, Donna & Mikus Biernadski and Mark, Anna, Danny and Alexandra Sobor Congrats Debutante Frenchy! With love and best wishes for continued success, health and happiness on life's journey. - the Kunz Family Congratulations on this magical evening, Frenchy! You truly make your family and community proud! Dr. Sheila Dowd and Edward Pinkowski Have a wonderful evening, Francesca. - Ellen Franks “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” -Maya Angelou. You definitely make each and every person you meet feel special in their own way and that is what makes you so special. Keep making your dreams come true and help others accomplish their dreams too! - the Waunn Family Congratulations – John and Stephanie Keller In honor of Francesca Rogozinski – Drs. Mary Morrell and Peter Smith and Family May your memories last forever. Congratulations Francesca. Borys Family Congratulations and Best Wishes from the Morris Hospital and Healthcare Centers




Eugene and Nancy Koprowski ESCORTED BY


Madeleine Hodgson

Dear Katherine! We are so very proud of you, our lovely little girl who has become a wonderful young woman! What a year the past year has been for you, as you spent five weeks at the summer program for bio-engineering at The University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, the first time you were away from home for more than a week without us. You also were elected president of the National Honor Society chapter at Lincoln Park High School this past fall, where you have made a substantial impact by bringing back the after-school tutoring program for younger students. You’ve also been a corps de ballet ballerina at the Ruth Page Center For the Arts production of The Nutcracker, and played to sold-out houses at the theaters on the campuses of Northeastern Illinois University and Southeast Missouri State University during the Christmas season. You were cast in the spring in Coppélia at Ruth Page, where you performed in the Waltz of the Hours, and were offered a slot in the summer program of the Bolshoi Ballet Academy in New York City. Finally, you made your wonderful debut at the Chicago Hilton on March 3 at the 79th annual ball of the Legion of Young Polish Women. We wish you much success as you enter into adult life and begin your honors program as a scholar at the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, in the Bachelor of Science in bioengineering program. Your family and your ancestors are proud of you! Kochamy Cię. Love, Dad and Mom Congratulations and Best Wishes! The Kuechel Family - Joe, Lara, Alexandra & Stephen Congratulations! Home Bakery and Festivals




Marek Baranek and Marysia Piotrowska Baranek ESCORTED BY


Marlena Hadas Savor every moment this evening. Bask in the splendor of the beauty that you are and the beauty that surrounds you. Love, Mama and Tata Kasiu, gratuluję tobie. Jestem z ciebie bardzo dumna. Niech Bóg błogosławi Kocham cię! Babcia Jasia Piotrowska We are so proud of you Kasia! With all our love - Babcia and Dziadzia Baranek Congratulations to our lovely niece - Ciocia Niunia, Wujek Paul and AJ Congratulations and best wishes to Kasia Baranek! With love, Steve & Barbara Petrowski and Family Congratulations and best wishes on this special evening. Love you - Eddie, Donna, Brianna and Jake Congratulations Kasia! Enjoy the beautiful evening - John and Maria Piotrowski Congratulations! Enjoy your special night. Love, Wujek Henry, Ciocia Teresa, and Ania Wishing you the best. Wszystkiego Najepszego - the Dzienis and Majsterek Family May you have a magical evening with memories that last a lifetime - Mira Link May you continue to embrace your Polish heritage - Isabella Stralka Congratulations Kasia - the Zalski Family May you follow your dreams and enjoy your life’s adventures. Your soul and heart brings kindness to all you encounter. With much love - Mrs. Cohen, Mr. Cohen & Taylor Cohen Congrats Kasia - Rich Kwasniak, Coldwell Banker Realty Congratulations Kasia - Monika Krasuski A warm welcome to the generations of Legion’s debutantes. Fond congratulations - Lusia Bucka Sincerest congratulations on your debut, Kasia! Wishing you a magical night. Warmly, George, Donna & Mikus Biernadski and Mark, Anna, Danny & Alexandra Sobor Best Wishes – Stasia and Roman Skuratowicz Congratulations! Witold and Jolanta Pawlikowski Jak najmilszych wspomnien z balu źyczy Zofia Biernadska Congratulations Kasia! Ted & Diana Gubala, Stella Dzierozynski & Danuta Plussa Kasia, congratulations and best wishes on your debut! Dana, Chuck, and Jacob Cherney 30



Andrzej and Anna Łukanus ESCORTED BY


Patrycja Sporschill

Kochana Gabrysiu, “Czlowiek jest wielki nie przez to, co posiada, lecz przez to, kim jest; nie przez to co ma, lecz przez to, czym dzieli się z innymi.” Św Jan Pawel ll. Gratulacje – Mama, Tata, Zuzia i Andrew Życzymy Ci dalszych sukcesów w źyciu i samych słonecznych dni. Kochamy Cię - Babcia i Dziadek Kowalkowski Gabrysia, jestesmy bardzo dumni z Ciebie. - Rodzina Molek Best Wishes from the Kowalkowski Family and the Zbela Family Gabrysiu, życzę Ci magicznego wieczoru . Serdeczne gratulacje. Czuwaj! - Joanna Rożek Gratulujemy Tobie, Gabrysiu, dzisiejszego debiutu! Nicech ten wieczór zostanie na długo w Twojej pamięci - Rodzina Brzezińskich Lala, I am so proud of you. Congratulations on your big night. With love, Eliza Gabriela, congratulations on your special night! Love, Mrs. Gawenda Droga absolwentko! Sięgąj po nowe doświadczenia, pamiętając przy tym, że szczyty zdobywa się krok po kroku. Przed Tobą nowe wyzwania, nowe pomysły, nowe drogi. Życzymy Ci powodzenia, dalszej wytrwałości i sukcesów oraz niezapomniaych wspomnień z balu. Gratulujemy - Polska Szkoła im. St. Cholewińskiego w Chicago Życzymy naszej zuchmistrzyni powodzenia na Balu Amarantowym! Czuj! - Krysia i Grześ Wardawy Życzymy pięknej nocy. Czuwaj! - Druhna Beata i Ketith Niebrugge z Harcerską Rodziną Gratulujemy naszej Druhnie Gabrysi - Związek Harcerstwa Polskiego, Obwód Chicago Gabriela, you are a lovely and talented young lady. May your dreams come true – Constance Malinowski Druhno Gabrysiu, gratuluję i życzę najmilszych wspomnień. Czuwaj! - hm. Barbara Chałko Witaj w szeregach debiutantek LPM. Gratuluję i życzę Tobie radości. Czuwaj! – hm. Lusia Bucka Gabrysiu, powodzenia w swoich planach źyciowych - Rodzina Zająców Wishing you memories to last a lifetime – George Batorski Congratulations and Best Wishes – The Mayfield Banquet Facility 32



James and Martha Tancula ESCORTED BY


Lianna Wisneski Libby, you bring such joy and pride to our world, we love you! Mom and Dad To my incredible sister, I am so proud of you and proud to be your twin brother. Love Jack Congratulations beautiful goddaughter, Libby. We are so proud of you. Love Aunt Amelia and Uncle Cliff What an amazing and beautiful cousin. We love you, Libby! Robert, Jessica, Abbey and Geo Congratulations Libby!! The Blendonohy Family Blessings to you, Libby, on your special day! Josh Zaker and Family We are so proud of you and your accomplishments. Love, Pat and Richard Congratulations Libby. Carry the beauty and magic of this night with you always. Love Joanna, Ella and JJ Enjoy the splendor of the evening, Libby! Love, the Rozdolskys Libby, we are so very proud of you! We love you, Mark, Melinda, Lizzie, Alex and Katie Gunton We are so happy for you, Libby. Our love and best wishes, the Harris Family Congratulations Elizabeth Grace Tancula. We wish you all the best. Love, the Shanahan Family You are an inspiring young woman whose dedication to impact the planet is just getting started. May your experience lead to dreamy adventure and living life to the fullest. Love, the Trevinos We are so proud of you Libby! Enjoy! - the Kuehmanns Libby, you are an inspiration to all who know you. Spread your wings and fly! Love, the Sopkos Wishing you memories to last a lifetime. – Joan and Geoff Smoron Congratulations Libby! Enjoy this magical evening! – Chad, Kimberly, Lianna, Michael, and Kayla Wisneski Wishing you an unforgettable evening. Dr. Geraldine Balut Coleman




Professor Marek Tukiendorf and Anna Tukiendorf-Wilhite COTILLION PARTNER

Kevin Wilhite ESCORTED BY


Sylvia Tolczyk Nicolette, we are so happy to have an intelligent, caring, and beautiful daughter like you! With great love and affection, Mom and Dad Congratulations and best wishes, Nikusia! Ciocia Iwona Always be bold & courageous as you charge into the future. Congratulations, Nicolette! Senator John G. Mulroe Best Wishes, Nicolette! Committeeman Tim Heneghan, 41st Ward Nicolette, serdecznie gratulujemy Tobie oraz Twojej rodzinie. Twoich dotychczasowych osiągniec oraz bycia Debiutantką. Życzymy Ci dalszych sukcesów, ktorym juz teraz kibicujemy. - Justyna & Matt Congrats, Nicolette :) All of Wally’s Market is very proud of you! Keep up the good work! Congratulations! Enjoy the night! Jola Santocka Congratulations and good luck on your future endeavors. - Iwona Sobczak, M.D. Wishing you an unforgettable evening - Dr. Geraldine Balut Coleman Congratulations & best wishes! Dr. M.E. Lebiecki, Sparkling Dental Way to go, Nicolette! Best of luck to you in your endeavors! Polish Television, Chicago and Maja Latallo Congratulations Nicolette! Henry Kazmierczak, HLK Homes, LLC “With great power comes great responsibility.” Congratulations and best wishes Nicolette! Beata & Tomasz Piórkowski Congratulations and best wishes! Kasia Wishing you a wonderful evening. Marzena & Grzegorz Handzel “Don’t let the world change your smile, use your smile to change the world.” We wish you all the best Nikusia! Miłosz Matusiewicz & Maria Latoszek Dear Nicolette, for you no challenge is insurmountable. Keep reaching for your goals and you will accomplish everything! - Kasia & James La Fata 36




Cherished Memories



Congratulations to the Debutantes of the 2018 White & Red Ball Enjoy the evening!

Madeleine Rose Hodgson, 1st Runner-Up 2017 White & Red Ball


Best Wishes and Success to All the Debutantes of the 79th White and Red Ball.

Julia Marie Stokowski, 2017 2nd Runner Up 42


Francesca Rogozinski and the 2018 Debutantes May your night be full of joy, smiles, and memories that will last a lifetime! Kamila Bochenek Debutante 2017


Congratulations and Best Wishes to

KASIA BARANEK and All the 2018 Debutantes Enjoy this magical night and cherish the memories

Marlena Hadas Debutante 2017 44

Dear Debutantes of 2018 May tonight’s memories and you future shine as bright and beautiful as you do tonight

Maria Bronny Ciesla Queen, 1966

Elizabeth Ciesla Hodgson 2nd Runner Up, 1987

Future Debutantes and Escorts cousins with Maddie

Alexandra Ciesla Cornwell Queen, 1998

Madeline Rose Hodgson 1st Runner Up, 2017

Maria and Richard Ciesla Elizabeth and Douglas Hodgson, Madeleine and Caroline Gregory and Sara Ciesla, Maeve and Charles Mark and Julie Ciesla, Isabella and Thomas Alexandra and Curtis Cornwell, Henry, Wyatt and James†45

2018 Debutantes

Olivia Remissong, Debutante 2016


Życzymy wszystkim debiutantkom aby dzisiejszy wieczór pozostawił najpiękniejsze wspomnienia. Wishing all of the debutantes a night filled with beautiful memories.

Aneta Barbara Ciepiela

Diana Irena Ciepiela Królowa -2007

Królowa -2015


‘’Be the reason someone smiles today‘’

Congratulations to all of the 2018 Debutantes and Hubert Cioromski, Master of Ceremonies.

Diana Irena Ciepiela

Aneta Barbara Ciepiela

Queen 2007

Queen 2015

Barbara I (President 2017-18), Wiesław i Andrzej Ciepiela


Wszystkim debiutantkom życzę z całego serca wspaniałych wspomnień z tego Balu Legionu Młodych Polek. Dziękuję za podtrzymywanie naszej Polskiej tradycji.

Emilia Alina Rafalik Królowa Balu Amarantowego 2014





Wishing Lovely Memories to All the Lovely Debutantes of 2018 Wishing sto lat plus to the Legion MĹ‚odych Polek


Best Wishes to the Lovely and Talented Debutantes of 2018 Now it’s your turn to take a bow.



Congratulations to the Master of Ceremonies

HUBERT CIOROMSKI Thank you for your many years of supporting the Legion of Young Polish Women


Debutante 2014 Future Debutante 2027


Congratulations to all the Debutantes and thank you to our Ball Committee.

Henry & Mary Sendra Anselmo (Queen, 1974) President, 1996-1998, 2004-2006, 2013-2015 Ball Chair 1988,1994, 2011

Henry & Christopher – Escorts Theodore Christopher - Future Escort 48


Congratulations to the Legion of Young Polish Women on seventy-nine magnificent years of providing service and beauty to the Polish community.

DR. JENNIFER A. PRZYBYĹ O 1st Runner up 2002 White and Red Ball



Best Wishes to

Debutante Nicolette Tukiendorf From Renata Michelle (Bielowicz) Moore Queen 1994 White & Red Ball Lilianna Lucyna Moore – Future Debutante Gregory Bielowicz – Past Escort Halina L. Bielowicz – Ball Chair 2003 and 2013

Picture please

Renata Michelle (Bielowicz) Moore

Liliana Lucyna Moore


Congratulations Francesca Cherish this night and carry with you all the memories and friendships that you have made.

Katarzyna A Mossakowski

Barbara Przytula (Mossakowski)

2001 Debutante

2007 Debutante

In Loving Memory of our father, Richard G Mossakowski who made us feel like queens on the day of our debuts.


Wishing All of the 2018 DEBUTANTES an Evening Full of Memories To Last a Lifetime

In Loving Memory of Jane Kobos Marianne Kozelka (Debutante 2003), Theodore Kozelka, Mitchell Kobos & Adam Kobos


Congratulations to TheCongratulations Debutantes oftothe Debutantes of the 2018The White and Red Ball! 2018 White and Red Ball!

Many the Manythanks thanks to to the Legion Women! LegionofofYoung YoungPolish Polish Women! TheKuechel Kuechel Family Family The

Joe,Lara Lara(Debutante (Debutante 1985), Joe, 1985), Alexandra (Debutante 2009) Alexandra (Debutante 2009) and Stephen (Escort 2017) and Stephen (Escort 2017) 63

Congratulations and Best Wishes to All the 2018 Debutantes May the magic of this evening leave you with memories for a lifetime With love, Natalie Wytrzymalski 1st Runner Up 2016 White and Red Ball

Najserdecznejsze gratulacje dla Druhny Gabrysi Łukanus – wzorowej harcerki, znakomitej bramkarki, utalentowanej skrzypaczki, i ogólnie wspaniałej dziewczyny! Jesteśmy wszyscy bardzo dumni z Ciebie i życzymy niezapomianych chwil na Balu!

Ania Domagała-Pierga Queen 1991 Wojtek Pierga, Kalina Pierga, i Maks Pierga


Best wishes for many wonderful memories to Gabriela and all 2018 Debutantes

Barbara Kasprzycka Chałko Debutante 1970 Mistress of Ceremonies 2014 Dziennik Związkowy Person of the Year 2017



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Francesca Rogozinski, we have watched you grow up into

an intelligent, beautiful, and watched strong woman. Keepgrow up into Francesca such Rogozinski, we have you continuing to do amazing things! Best wishes for a

such an intelligent, beautiful, and strong woman. Keep magical evening. Francesca Rogozinski, we have watched growfor upainto continuing to do amazing things! Bestyou wishes Thaddeus Rogozinski, MD

such an intelligent, magical beautiful, and Adamina Podraza, MDstrong evening. woman. Keep continuing to doBenedict amazing things! Best wishes for a Tanbonliong, MD Timothy Sanders, DO

Thaddeus Rogozinski, magical evening. MD Adamina Podraza, MD Timothy Rogozinski, Sanders, DOMD Thaddeus Benedict Tanbonliong, MD Adamina Podraza, MD Timothy Sanders, DO Benedict Tanbonliong, MD


The world sees a young woman Charmed, as she smiled, But behind that young woman, We see our small child. Young woman, our daughter Our joy and our heart, This is just the beginning, Of the journey you start.


we are so proud of you!

Love you! XOXOXO

Mama and Tata P.S. “What’s a bed bug?”


Francesca, Życzymy ci magicznego wieczoru pełnego pięknych wspomnień. Życzy,

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Gabriela Ĺ ukanus and Saluting the Legion of Young Polish Women on the Celebration of their 79th White and Red Ball


Congratulations to all of the 2018 Debutantes and Best Wishes to the Legion of Young Polish Women

Dedicated to improving our clients’ lives. Chicago Immigration Attorneys helping individuals and families with a variety of immigration law Locations: Chicago Office 200 West Adams Street, Suite 2211 Chicago, Illinois 60606

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Best Wishes to the 2018 Debutantes Congratulations to

KATHY EVANS Ball Chair &

BARBARA I CIEPIELA, President and Ball Co-Chair

On a Successful Ball and for your dedication and hard work

Bozenna & Andy Haszlakiewicz President 2015-2017 Ball Chair 2014


Congratulations to the 2018 Debutantes!

2016 Debutante 2018 White and Red Ball Chair

Thank you for making this a successful year for the Legion of Young Polish Women. It was a pleasure working with each one of you wonderful women. Wes, Kathy, and Christian Evans (Future Escort)



Grace Cioromski Future Debutante 2023



Conrad B. Miczko 2017 Ball Master of Ceremonies


Legion of Young Polish Women and its Debutantes 79th AnnualÂ

White and Red Ball




I am so proud of you and proud to be your twin brother



Elizabeth Grace Tancula, Congratulations, My Lovely Daughter You have given your mother and me so much pride and joy And we are amazed at the wonderful young woman you have become.


Katarzyna Baranek Escorted byMichal Dzienis

Kasia & Michas,

We watched you grow into the amazing people you are today. Wishing you success in your future.

Love life. Cherish the memories. Live your dreams. We love you so much!

Love, Wujek Czesiu, Ciocia Ala, Lukasz & Izabella March 3, 2018


Heavenly Pianos Specializing in Top Quality Pianos

Congratulations and Best Wishes to

Francesca Rogozinski Have a Heavenly Night! Visit Our Showroom in: Arlington Heights, IL 214 E. Golf Road 847-434-1544 Mark Stanielun, Owner Over 200 New and Used Pianos in Inventory Visit us at heavenlypianos.com


Congratulations Congratulations Nicolette Tukiendorf Nicolette Tukiendorf

Kochana Nikusiu, Niech Cie Bóg błogosławi I prowadzi przez życie. Kochana Nikusiu, Niech Cie Bóg Babcia Kasia, dziadekprzez Józek,życie. ciocia błogosławi I prowadzi Asia, ciocia Malwina, wujek Lukasz, wujek DominikJózek, I Adaściocia BabciaJanusz, Kasia, dziadek Asia, ciocia Malwina, wujek Lukasz, wujek Janusz, Dominik I Adaś



Congratulations and Best Wishes to LIBBY We are proud of You and proud to celebrate our Polish Heritage God Bless

Charge on! Love Always, Aunt Sue and Uncle John, Maggie, Eddie, & Annie Nelson Uncle Bob and Aunt Laurie, Patrick, Joe, Charlie, & Matt Tancula Aunt Peg and Uncle John, Jessica, & Teddy Vignocchi Aunt Betsy and Uncle Jim, & George Manos


To our Polish Debutante ELIZABETH GRACE TANCULA Your Grandfather Felix and Grandmother Barbara would be so very proud of you


Cherish the memories to last a lifetime! Cherish the memories to last a lifetime!

Mojej Drogiej wnuczce Franczesce, gratuluję i zyczę wspaniałego wieczoru który zostanie Mojej Drogiej wnuczce Franczesce, gratuluję i zyczę na zawsze w pamięci! wspaniałego wieczoru który zostanie - Babcia Rogozinska na zawsze w pamięci! - Babcia Rogozinska


Congratulations to All Our Lovely Ladies!

Industrial Maintenance Welding & Machining Co., Inc. 1431 West Pershing Road Chicago, IL 60609


“Run with bravery and be fearless as you march towards success�

Dearest Nicolette, From when you were just a sparkle in your father's eye, we always known that you were destined to make an immense impact on the world and have a positive effect on the lives of those around you. You are very determined and once you set your mind on something, you pour your heart into it and always achieve it. If you wanted to reach for the stars we know you would take one! We have watched you grow and become the smart, sophisticated and confident, even at times a little sassy, woman you are today. We are so happy to have an intelligent, caring, and beautiful daughter like you! Life is always full of challenges, and we will always be there for to support you wherever your experiences take you. Tonight you will take more steps of your journey into adulthood and we are honored to walk this path by your side. We love you very much and are very proud of you and what you have accomplished. In fact, no parents could be prouder than us! We eagerly anticipate all the successes that await you in the future as you continue to grow in wisdom. The best advice that we can give you is to always remain true to yourself, keep up your unbridled determination, always stay strong, and do not stop until all of your dreams come true. And no matter how hard you work, always find time to do the things that make your happy. With great love and affection, Mom and Dad


Congratulations to the 2018 Debutantes

Eleanor Adalie Schwartz

Eloise Victoria Skawski

Future Debutante 2031

Future Debutante 2032

Eleanor Adalie Schwartz

Eloise Victoria Skawski

Future Debutante 2031

Future Debutante 2032

Debutantes Congratulations to the 2018 The Skawski Family Madeleine Wynne Schwartz Future Debutante 2033

Madeleine Wynne Schwartz Future Debutante 2033

Eleanor Adalie Schwartz

Eloise Victoria Skawski

The Skawski Family Future Debutante 2032

Future Debutante 2031

Debutantes 91

Congratulations to this year's Master of Ceremonies HUBERT CIOROMSKI In loving memory of our Father & Grandfather. Roman Robert Tomal, Jr.

Roman would have loved to see this!



Libby Celebrating your wonderful Polish heritage and magical night. May this night shine as bright as you.

LOVE, Robert, Abbey, Gates, Erin and Jack


Congratulations LIBBY on your special night. So very proud of you celebrating our Polish heritage. Love Jack, Patrick, Joe, Charlie, Matt, Maggie, Eddie, Anna, George, Jessica and Teddy




Congratulations Best Wishes and Congratulations and our Very Best Wishes to

to Nicolette Tukiendorf,

all the 2018 Debutantes, Nicolette and Tukiendorf to the Legion of Young Polish Women, on their 79th White and Red Ball and Presentation!


We applaud the Legion’s bountiful philanthropic achievements and All theendeavors. 2018 Debutantes

and to polishamericanchamber.org The Legion of Young Polish Women on their 79th White and Red Ball and Presentation! We applaud the Legion’s bountiful philanthropic achievements and endeavors. polishamericanchamber.org


Family is first. Protect it. Family is first. Protect it.

Congratulations to All the Debutantes of the 79th Annual Congratulations to All theLegion Debutantes of thePolish 79th Annual White and Red Ball of the of Young Women White and Red Ball of the Legion of Young Polish Women Polish National Alliance is the largest Polish – American fraternal benefit society offering life insurance and annuities. Founded in 1880, we operate solely for the benefit of our most valuable asset – our members. Polish National Alliance is the largest Polish – American fraternal benefit society offering life insurance and annuities. Founded in 1880, we operate solely for the benefit of our most valuable asset – our members.

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GRATULACJE Legion of Young Polish Women Debutantes and Their Families Best Wishes for Continued Success!





Gratulacje dla

Nicolette Tukiendorf


Congratulations to to Congratulations  Nicolette Tukiendorf! Tukiendorf!  Nicolette Be the the game game changer! changer! Be


Congratulations and Best Wishes to Nicolette Tukiendorf 2018 Debutante “The price of greatness is responsibility� From Renata, Mariusz and Mikolaj Lew


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Congratulations to the Legion & Debutantes With Special Recognition & Best Wishes to

Nicolette Tukiendorf For her accomplishments & pride in our Heritage

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Congratulations NICOLETTE!

Best Wishes to All Debutantes

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can dream dream it, it, you you can “If “Ifyouyoucan can achieve achieveit!” it!”

State Representative Robert F. Martwick Jr. State Representative and Robert F. Martwick Jr. Trustee Frank Avino congratulate debutante and Nicolette Tukiendorf.

Trustee Frank Avino congratulate debutante Nicolette Tukiendorf.

Congratulations Libby on your evening of beauty and grace and Embracing our Polish heritage

Future Debutantes

Jessica Maxine Vignocchi 2019 and

Callan Olivia Shanahan 2020


Gratulujemy i Życzymy naszym drogim Debiutantkom Francesce Rogodzińskiej, Gabriele Łukanus i Kasię Baranek wspaniałych, radosnych chwil podczas niezapomnianego Balu Amarantowego

Diana i Aneta Ciepiela – Królowe Balu 2007 & 2015 z Barbara Poniatowska-Ciepiela, Prezeska 2003-2004 i Barbara I. Ciepiela, Prezeska 2017-2018

Congratulations and best wishes to Congratulations and best wishes to



on your very special evening!

on your very special evening!

this moment shine bright this moment shine bright MayMay

memories that will lastwill a lifetime! withwith memories that last a lifetime!

Chiholloli’ Chiholloli’

(“I love you” in Chickasaw/Choctaw)

(“I love you” in Chickasaw/Choctaw) Michele



Congratulations TO ALL THE 2018 DEBUTANTES on your Special Night. Best Wishes to the Legion of Young Polish Women.

Ewa A. Inglot Queen - 1975

Congratulations FRENCHY AND KASIA The only thing brighter than your smile, is your future! With love, Mark and Mary Baranek 125

To My Goddaughter Katarzyna Baranek Congratulations on this special evening!

I have been with you from the moment you came into this world and watched you grow into a

beautiful, smart, talented young lady.

Enjoy this night. Make special memories. Love you with all my heart! Love, Ciocia Ala

Congratulations To The 2018 White & Red Ball Debutantes


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With grace, splendor, intellect, and a genuine empathy for others, you already shine! Congratulations,

KASIA BARANEK Ciocia Sheila and Wujek Edziu Pinkowski (former LYPW escort and Biały Mazur)


Tel. 847‐545‐0101 www.usprocom.com

Congratulations and Best Wishes to

Francesca A. Rogozinski, PRCUA member



and all 2018 Debutantes of the ANNUAL WHITE AND RED


——— from the Officers and Directors of the ———

Polish Roman Catholic Union of America

Life Insurance Annuities Member Benefits Join PRCUA today! 984 N. Milwaukee Ave. • Chicago, IL 60642 (800) 772-8632 • www.PRCUA.org •

Fields Auto Group is Proud to Support The 79th Annual White and Red Ball


Komitet Parady 3 Maja przy Związku Klubów Polskich w Chicago wraz z Królową Parady 3 Maja serdecznie gratuluje wszystkim uczestniczkom i laureatkom Balu Amarantowego oraz życzy nieustającej satysfakcji i radości z naszych Polek dających nam powody do dumy i podziwu reprezentując nas najpiękniej i najgodniej na całym świecie.

Congratulations to Congratulations to

Nicolette Laurene Tukiendorf Nicolette Laurene and to all Tukiendorf and to Ball all Debutantes 2018 White and Red 2018 White and Red Ball Debutantes SAVE THE DATE



Congratulations to our Debutante Congratulations

Kasia Baranek to our Debutante With all our love,

Kasia Baranek

Andrew, Theresa, With all our love, Stephanie & Victoria Piotrowski Andrew, Theresa,

Stephanie & Victoria Piotrowski

Congratulations and Best Wishes to Legion Of Young Polish Women and Debutante

Elizabeth Tancula


Congratulations and Best Wishes to Legion Of Young Polish Women and Debutante

Nicolette Tukiendorf


Huf iec Harcerek „ Tat ry“ życzy naszej siost rze Gabr iel i Łuk an us oraz wszystkim Debiutantk om B alu Am arantowego 2 0 18 pięk nego wieczoru pełnego m iłych wspom nień. Z harcersk im pozdrowieniem – CZUWAJ! Alexis Ulank iewicz- Wagner, phm . H uf cowa oraz wszystk ie f unk cyjne w naszym huf cu

„ N ie chodzi o to, byśm y osiągnęli nasze najwyższe ideały, lecz o to, aby były one naprawdę wysok ie.“ Wsk azówk i dla sk autm istrzów – R obert Baden- Powell



Congratulations and Best Wishes to Legion Of Young Polish Women and Debutante

Gabriela Ann Lukanus

Best Wishes and Congratulations to

FRANCESCA ROGOZINSKI AND KASIA BARANEK May every moment at the ball be magical. Jola, Mark, Michael and Andrew Sokolowski




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A Division of Semersky Enterprises, Inc.

A Division of Semersky Enterprises, Inc.

A Division of Semersky Enterprises, Inc.


Congratulations and Good Luck to

DEBUTANTE NICOLETTE TUKIENDORF at the Seventy Ninth Annual White and Red Ball of The Legion of Young Polish Women From Stephen Stern, State Board Chair of The Independent Voters of Illinois Independent Precinct Organization _______________________________________ LAW OFFICES OF STEPHEN STERN 36 West Randolph Street, Suite 505, Chicago, Illinois 60601 312/263-1887 FAX 312/264-0771 ssternlawoff@sbcglobal.net General Practice of Law with an Emphasis in: Prosecution of Employment, Housing and Public Accommodations Civil Rights and Election Law Cases

Congratulations and Best Wishes to Legion Of Young Polish Women and Debutante

Francesca Rogozinski


Congratulations and our Very Best Wishes to

Nicolette Tukiendorf We offer over 250 premium loose leaf teas, private tea tasting, and tea service. 1160 N. State St., 557 W. Diversey Pwky, www.tgtea.com, 312-932-0639

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Congratulations to Nicolette Tukiendorf &

Best Wishes to the 2018 Debutantes

Polish –American Breast Cancer Awareness Program

We do appreciate 16 years of collaboration to benefit our Community Please join our group at the Annual 2018 May 3rd Parade on May 5th www.ambercoalition.org Tel. 773 296-3838 rudnicki@ambercoalition.org



Nicolette Tukiendorf Exclusive Flooring Distributor




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Save the Date 80th White and Red Ball March 16, 2019


The Adult Culture Group wishes everyone the best on your White and Red Ball We welcome your support of the Adult Culture Group’s Annual Fashion Show to be held March 4, 2018 at Glendora House in Chicago Ridge. The Fashion Show raises funds for scholarships for candidates of the Cinderella-Prince Charming Ball. The 47th Anniversary Ball will be held on Saturday November 17th, 2018 at Chateau Del Mar. We look forward to seeing you there!!


Congratulations Gratulacje


TO THE 2018





Barbara Marquart, Ball Chair 2004

Best Wishes,

Helen and John Brownfield

Robert Musialowicz

NICOLETTE, wishing you continued success.

Enjoy This Magical Night Congratulations to:



CIG Management, LLC


FRANCESCA ROGOZINSKI All Our Love, Steve, Terenia, Gabriela, Izabela Niemiro-Burns 142

You would do anything for them. Let us help you plan for their future.

Congratulations to

∙ trusts for grandchildren

All of the Debutantes

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From the Council of Educators in Polonia Lidia Filus, President L-filus@neiu.edu David Semmelman ∙ Kimberly Wisneski

900 North Shore Drive, Lake Bluff, IL 60044 ∙ 847.234.4438 ∙ semmelmanlaw.com

Loyola Academy’s Polish Club proudly salutes our Debutantes. Nicolette Tukiendorf and

Elizabeth Tancula



Francesca (Frenchy) Rogozinski


Best Wishes FRANCESCA May your night be fantastic! Jay Grider

Congratulations and Best Wishes on Your Special Night! The Majsterek Family

Chester, Alicja, Lukasz & Izabella


Kristen Kozlowski Lyons President Lucas Figiel First Vice President Kristen Kozlowski Lyons President Kasia Kaczmarczyk Second Vice President Lucas Figiel First R. Vice President Allison Pawlicki Third Vice President Kasia Kaczmarczyk Second Vice President

Best Wishes on Your Special Night

Allison R. Pawlicki Third Vice President

Jonathan Clark Green Secretary Catherine Brukalo Treasurer Jonathan Clark Green Secretary Audrey Cosgrove Historian Catherine Brukalo Treasurer Marta Zaborska Immediate Past-President Audrey Cosgrove Historian Marta Zaborska Immediate Past-President

The Advocates Society is honoredSociety The Advocates to be a is supporter honoredof the of Young to Legion be a supporter of the Polish Women Legion of Young Polish Women Sto Lat!!

Best Wishes Lat!!ladies to all theSto young Best Wishes participating in the Red White Ball 2018! to all the young ladies participating in the Red White Ball 2018!

Ciocia Lonia Godlewski and Family




Very Best Wishes and Congratulations to Nicolette Tukiendorf On This Special Night “The harder the battle the sweeter the victory”

Congratulations and Best Wishes to the 2018 Debutantes The Chicago Society

of the Polish National Alliance Lodge 1450 POLISH YOUTH SOCCER ACADEMY


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Francesca Rogozinski, we are so proud of all that you have accomplished to get where you are today! Keep working hard in each and everything that you do. This is one special night for one extraordinary girl! Garland Flowers 137 S Oak Park Ave Oak Park IL 60302 (708) 848-2777 (877) 244-3181 http://www.garlandflowers.net

Congratulations to

Congratulations to KasiaBaranek Baranek and Kasia and Francesca FrancescaRogozinski Rogozinski ononmaking making their their 2018 debut 2018 debut

GRATULACJE AND BEST WISHES TO THE GRATULACJE BESTOF WISHES TOPOLISH THE WOMEN 2018 DEBUTANTES OF THEAND LEGION YOUNG 2018 DEBUTANTES OF THE LEGION OF YOUNG POLISH WOMEN Martin Obrecki President Martin Obrecki President Thomas Sieja Sergeant Arms ThomasatSieja Sergeant at Arms Mark Pawelic Associate Member Mark Pawelic Delegate Associate Member Delegate James J. Sadowski Past J. President James Sadowski Past President

Richard Wolowicz 1st Vice President Richard Wolowicz 1st Vice President David Rucci Secretary David Rucci Secretary Thomas Surma Immediate Thomas Surma Past President Immediate Past President Bruce Pankiewicz Past Pankiewicz President Bruce Past President

John Paprocki 2ndJohn VicePaprocki President 2nd Vice President Simon Adamiak Treasurer Simon Adamiak Treasurer Robert "Rocky" Nowaczyk Robert "Rocky" Past President Nowaczyk Past President Kristen Kozlowski Legal Kozlowski Counsel Kristen Legal Counsel

William Nowaczyk Sergeant at Arms William Nowaczyk Sergeant at Arms Mike Hynek Membership Chair Mike Hynek Membership Chair Paul Kusinski Past PaulPresident Kusinski Past President Ron “Topper” Topczewski Ron “Topper” President Emeritus Topczewski President Emeritus

Your friends at Lakeview Terrace in Union Pier, Michigan

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Best wishes to the

Legion of Young Polish Women

and to the 2018 Debutantes

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Thank you for supporting Crusade for Education




Congratulations 2018 Debutantes &

Legion of Young Polish Women

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Best wishes to FRANCESCA ROGOZINSKI on this magical evening James Grider


Donors Tom Hinshaw Michael H. Traison Eleanor Valentine Joan & Robert Tantillo Z. Teresa Majka-Kravets Grazyna B. Bazylewski Jadwiga Todd Helena Kot Lynn Cialdella Betty Uzarowicz Blazonczyk Family Heide Jackson Lisa DeMizio Mrs. Elaine Beatovic Harriet Pinkowski Mr. & Mrs. Robert Staszczak Peter and Donna Nowak Laila Budhwani Bozena Piwowarski Barbara Piwowarski Grazyna & Wiesław Dumin Splendor Hair Salon & Day Spa Maria Mizera Agnieszka Bak George and Grazyna Migała Małgorzata Kościelak-Królikowska Suzanne Markarian and Krikor Tchamitchian Mr. & Mrs. George Szmydt Beata & Keith Niebrugge z Rodziną


Future Deb Caroline Grace Hodgson 2020 Maeve Emma Ciesla 2021 Kayla Grace Wisneski 2021 Isabella Grace Ciesla 2023 Sophia Marie Gosztyla 2023 Elisabeth Wegierek 2023 Grace Cioromski 2024 Stella Frances Gosztyla 2026 Allison Juliana Weiss 2027 Emily Rose Wilhite 2027 Genevieve Marie Martin 2029 Penelope Isobel Haszlakiewicz 2030 Vanessa Grace Ignaciuk 2033

Future Escort Charles Richard Ciesla 2023 Nathaniel C. Martin 2024 Thomas Mark Ciesla 2025 Henry Ray Cornwell 2027 Wyatt Richard Cornwell 2029 Robert Zbigniew Weiss 2029 Harrison James Cioromski 2033 Theodore Christopher Anselmo 2034 Christian James Evans 2034


80th White and Red Ball on March 16, 2019



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