CCSD Bulldog Bulletin April 2024

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Expanded Space Projects Provide New Opportunities

The district is bustling with construction activity and I am happy to report that our projects are running smoothly and will be open to students soon.

Our current building additions are

because they are funded by the federal Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Program (ESSER). These funds were allocated to address the emergent need for space in schools and communities due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

See all the great things happening This Spring!

Here is what’s happening: STEAMM Academy

A new 10,000-square-foot multi-use building and new restrooms have been added to the southwest end of the building. The idea for

We Hear You...And Have Your Answers!

A message from Superintendent Talbert

Hello, Bulldog families and com munity members. I hope this latest issue of the Bulldog Bulletin finds you enjoying spring and all the great things happening in the Canton City School District

This column allows us to share exciting, important, and new infor mation with you. It also provides the space to clarify misinformation and answer questions that we hear often from the community. Here are a few of those frequently asked questions, along with answers:

Is McKinley High School moving downtown?

There are no foreseeable plans to move our high school. In the fall of 2022, we presented a plan to our board of education to finance two new elementary schools and a high school. After much discussion, it was decided that we should focus only on building the two elementary schools. In the spring of 2023, we were happy to have voters approve a bond issue

Stay in touch! Canton City Schools 305 McKinley Ave. N.W. Canton, Ohio 44702 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID CANTON, OH PERMIT NO. 1005
KEEPING YOU INFORMED Pg. 14 Pg. 7 Wobbly Cats Get Help!
Humane Society team up to help struggling cats!
A teacher, students and the
VOLUME 2 ~ ISSUE 12 - April 2024 *** ECRWSS-EDDM *** Postal Customer Jeff Talbert, Superintendent
Opportunities Abound! Showcase highlights options FOR ALL!
Continued On Page 13 u Continued On Page 5 u
Wins In Area Math Tournament
students place in the battle amongst six school districts! Read the Story On Page 11 u
Mathletes Score Four First-Place

A message from our BOE president, Scott Russ: Wow!!! Where has this year gone?

With graduation fast approaching, the Board of Education would like to wish all the graduating seniors the best of luck in the future. You are about to become part of a proud group, a graduate of Canton City Schools! Congratulations!

As a very proud alumnus of this district (getting ready for our 40th reunion) I can assure you that your fellow alumni will always be here to provide whatever support you need. Canton is a special place because of the people. It is an honor and a privilege to serve as a member of the Board of Education.

What a time to be a part of this district. We have many construction projects finishing up and also getting ready to start. New K-6 buildings at Souers and Mason with an addition at Youtz that includes upgrades, and

projects finishing up at Crenshaw, the Steamm Academy, and the Timken campus.

Check out the many successes our students have achieved! The Speech and Debate Team has been on fire! Congratulations to Mr Halkias and his team. Our mid-year academic report was extremely encouraging. We will continue to build off of these achievements. Our teachers and administrators are the hardest working group in the state and deserve all the credit as they continue to make our students’ academic experience the best it can be.

Last but not least THANK YOU to our community partners for your support and belief in our students. Congratulations graduates. Hope to see everyone at the many events throughout the district.

Volume 2 ~ Issue 12 BULLDOG NEWS 2 The Bulldog Bulletin The CCSD Board Of Education ANDREW M c CARTHY May 11 | 6:30 pm | Canton Palace Theatre Sponsored by presents To celebrate 100 years of assisting Stark County graduates, loan amounts have increased to $16k! All due to our generous donors and 99.8% repayment rate! THANK YOU FOR THE OPPORTUNITY THIS LOAN GAVE ME TO PURSUE A TEACHING CAREER! I am a Special Education teacher and I love my job! • Since the inception of the Canton Student Loan Foundation, over 6,000 Stark County students have received close to $41million in student loans. The pandemic did not alter this rise to prominence. • The loan repayment rate has remained at 99.8% after 99 years of service to Stark County students. In Fiscal Year 21 alone, over $1.4 million was distributed to over 400 Stark County students. As we enter our 100th year of the organization, one thing remains: the hopes and dreams of Stark County students continue to collide with the vision and purpose of our great organization providing each loan recipient the opportunity for success. 4974 Higbee Avenue, NW, Suite 204, Canton, OH 44718 over 100 years of putting stark county students first. CANTONSTUDENTLOAN.ORG
$16K loans
April 2024 BULLDOG NEWS Stay in touch! The Bulldog Bulletin 3 The Bulldog Bulletin is published by Canton City Schools and is distributed free of charge to the district community. Editor: Lisa Reicosky, Coordinator of Communications and Media Relations Canton City Schools, 305 McKinley Ave. NW, Canton, Ohio 44702 Questions and comments can be emailed to Federal Law prohibits this paper from carrying ads containing offers of insurance policies, credit cards, and travel promotions. The Canton City Schools Board of Education reserves the right to reject any press release or advertisement based on content. The Canton City School District is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, disability, or age with respect to employment or educational programs and opportunities for students. May 6: Meeting - 6 pm June 10: Meeting - 6 pm July 15: Meeting - 6 pm August 5: Meeting - 6 pm Location: Timken Career Campus (unless specified) 521 Tuscarawas St., W., Canton, OH 44702 (Use the Fourth Street NW entrance) Watch meetings live at: *All BOE Meeting Videos are Archived. Inside This Issue Upcoming Board Meetings Bulldog News Career Spotlight at McKinley 6 CTE Construction Partners with Humane Society 7 Arts Academy “Frozen” Melts Hearts 8 Staff Spotlight: Briana Mergenthaler 9 Speech and Debate Excels 9 CTE Performance Arts presents: Chicago: Teen Edition 10 Mathletes Rake In Awards 11 McKinley Percussionists on the National Stage 12 Annual District Showcase Highlights Opportunities 14 School Beat Winter Showcases at STEAMM Academy 16 Choices HS Students Volunteer 17 BVA Engages Families 17 AIM’s Diversity Celebration 18 Busy Bulldogs at ECMS Lehman 19 ExactPath at Crenshaw 19 Early Learning Center at Schreiber 20 Math Strategies at Cedar 21 Black History Month at Gibbs 22 Harter’s “Girls Who Code” 22 McGregor Focus on Building Community Together 23 Patrick Scholars Provide Community Service 24 Belle Stone New Typing Club 25 21st Century Programming Offers Opportunities 25 Super STEM Learning with Marathon at Worley 26 Career Apprenticeship and Mentorship Program 27 Sports Wrap Up! Boys Basketball 28 Boys and Girls Bowling 28 Wrestling 28 Swimming 29 Indoor Track and Field 29 Girls Basketball 30 Gymnastics 30 Football Nominees 30 8th Grade Basketball Goes Undefeated 30 New Golf Simulator For Rent! 32 Sports Schedules 31
Volume 2 ~ Issue 12 BULLDOG NEWS 4 The Bulldog Bulletin

t Continued From Page 1

Expanded Space Projects

this space came from a survey of our students. The building, which will have a multitude of uses, will be useful for our Horticulture program that currently uses the outside space at our greenhouse and will soon be able to grow vegetables and fruit trees, then in time, invite the public in for an indoor farmers market. This building is ideal for indoor recess, expanded class space, and community events.

Downtown Campus

The Timken Campus is now home to our CTE Performing Arts Programs and we are excited to provide these students with their own Black Box Theatre. We have removed the wall between the old band and choir rooms and transformed it into an all-black space where students can enjoy endless possibilities in set design and seating arrangements for both classes and performances. We are in the process of updating the electrical system and I am looking forward to seeing it in use this month. Career Tech funded this project.

Bulldog Activity Center

We have watched this new facility come to fruition over this school year and I am excited to report that we will have the keys in hand this September. This 110,000-square-foot space features 50 feet of turf, a six-lane, 200-meter track with three courts in the center for volleyball, basketball, tennis, and pickleball, plus locker and office spaces. Youth programs, student-athletes, and the entire community will benefit from this new facility.

Crenshaw Middle School

We are adding a new entrance and front office space to the east side of Crenshaw and attaching to that a vestibule leading to a new 11,000-square-foot space that will house a gym and locker rooms for football, volleyball, and track. A new student drop-off loop is included in the new configuration. This has a completion date of December 2024.

Bus Garage

The transportation department now enjoys a new 2,500-square-foot meeting space that allows for our staff of 120 employees to have professional development all at the same time. On the opposite side of the building, we now have a 17,000-gallon fuel station where our maintenance vehicles, safety and security vehicles, and buses fuel up. If you have ever seen a bus squeezing into a gas station, you understand how this convenience is a game-changer for our staff.

April 2024 BULLDOG NEWS Stay in touch! The Bulldog Bulletin 5
Assistant Superintendent Jason Dixon Crenshaw rendering. Bus garage meeting room. Inside view of STEAMM Academy’s multi-use building. The STEAMM multi-use building has a commercial door for easy access. Bus garage fueling station.

Career Spotlight At McKinley Expands

Second annual event features 100 community volunteers!

This February and March close to 2000 student visits took place during McKinley’s second annual Career Spotlight series. Nearly 100 of our community members volunteered to meet with students in all grades to discuss their careers. Students prepared questions to ask participants and learned about opportunities in a variety of occupations, from bricklaying to city treasurers, physical therapists, counselors, network engineers, dentistry, real estate, logistics, non-profit administrators, CEOs, and more.

This year’s event expanded from four weeks to six. One significant addition was our civic leaders and public servants week where our students enjoyed interacting with three local judges, numerous members of city council, and state and local government officials and representatives.

Senior Daniel Diaz said, “It broadened my view of the city and its possibilities.”

One of the conversations Diaz most enjoyed was with our new City of Canton Mayor, William Sherer.

“He leaned in . . . very personable . . . seemed more like a person than a “slide show,” said Diaz. One of Mr. Irvine’s government students remarked, “Wow, we’ve been learning about all of these people and now we get to meet them and talk with them.”

Another addition to this year’s series was the addition of translators for our non-native speakers of English. This enabled this group of students to access this opportunity in their native language, ask questions, and have various careers explained.

Career Tech photography students, led by teacher Heather Hutmacher, came for several sessions and took pictures of our community members interacting with our students. Seniors in Mrs. Tabellion’s Allied Health program were able to enjoy conversing in small groups with a diverse representation of health professionals, from human resources to physical therapy, nursing, and imaging technologists.

Some student remarks about the series were:

Kylie Gibson: “honest, shared personal experiences and facts about the job, and information about how they got to where they were.”

Jayden Walker: “It gave you ideas and tips and helped you learn what different careers you can

do. I learned about a work-study program at the Akron Zoo.”

Gabriel Chavers II: “I loved how there were things on the table that we could read or take, just to make you feel a part of the organization.”

Da’Koda Holloway: “This event offered an excellent opportunity for me to explore various educational options and gather valuable information.”

Holly Reese: “I like the diversity. The jobs they represented were interesting and the people were always kind and patient.”

Teacher perspectives on the event:

Manny Halkias, ELA/Speech teacher: “Our kids crave having the skills we are helping them develop and transfer into a world outside the classroom. This series enables this. Quite a few kids came up to me telling me how positive the experience was.”

Randy Churilla, Biology/Forensic Science teacher: “Students are engaged through discussion of the many different programs while gaining knowledge of the many jobs that are available to them.”

Students practice soft skills by asking questions, giving respons-

es, along with using eye contact. The skills and knowledge gained by attending the Career Spotlight encourage students to step out of their comfort zone and consider various future careers.

Kevin Irvine, Government/History teacher: “The students loved it. They loved having access to decision-makers in their community that impact their lives.

Community perspectives:

Jeni Menegay of L & J Masonry: “I enjoyed the smaller setting. It gave me a chance to engage with the students and ask questions and have questions asked. I felt the students were prepared and were very attentive as I spoke with


Matt Kreitzer, Stark County Family Court: “I liked how the kids could ask questions rather than me just presenting to them.”

Brandon White of Spectrum Communication: “I think the event is great for the students who are truly interested in learning about local employment opportunities and the folks that work there.“

Jonathan La, Pro Football HOF: “It was great, the students were engaging and had great questions. The great aspect of it was the casual setting, which allowed students to feel comfortable.“

Volume 2 ~ Issue 12 BULLDOG NEWS 6 The Bulldog Bulletin
Top: Students learn about Ohio Gratings from Sean Eller the company CEO. Left: Volunteers from public service organizations and local government gather for a photo. Below: Mayor Bill Sherer chats with a student.

CTE Construction Trades Partners With The Humane Society

Feeders help “wobbly” cats

Retired Canton City Schools

Spanish teacher Pat Lawson is a dedicated volunteer for the Stark County Humane Society. She has fostered 264 kittens so far, but it’s her “wobbly cats” that have her heart.

Cats with Cerebellar Hypoplasia, a neurological disorder that is passed down from the mother, are unsteady on their feet. They have uncoordinated movements and struggle with balance, but are usually able to live full lives. Dogs get it too!

Because they aren’t balanced, trying to eat can be tiring as they are unsteady on their feet. Lawson found feeders for wobbly cats on Etsy. The feeder stations are closed on each side (as pictured) and help the cats stay upright while they eat. However, they were expensive.

She contacted Canton City Schools and found her former colleague Jack Tisevich, CTE Construction Trades instructor. She sent him photos of the feeders she found online and he and his students got to work.

Using the maple wood he acquired from the library shelves in the soon-to-be-demolished Souers building, the students — Shawnnessy McCallin, Champ Knox, and Fernando Sosa — have made six stations so far.

“It made a world of difference!” said Lawson, who coordinated with the Humane Society so kittens going home with families could have a feeder.

Jackie Godbey, executive director at Humane Society, was thrilled.

“These feeders really help … the cat can just walk in there and they don’t have to worry about spilling the food or falling into the food,” she said. “These cats can live healthy, normal lives, they just may need a little TLC along the way.”

Godbey said the shelter has gained an awareness of Hyperplasia within the last few years because of Lawson.

“Pat has come in to train the shelter staff and is also willing to work with individuals who are adopting a special needs cat. Now we can offer a feeder to those who are adopting these cats,” she said,

adding, “We see about 5-8 cats per year with Hypoplasia.”

Tisevich and his students found the project rewarding.

Shawnnessy, who built the first two feeders said, “Making this made it easier for them to eat so we did a good thing.”

“They worked really hard on this,” said Tisevich. “I’m proud of them.”

April 2024 BULLDOG NEWS Stay in touch! The Bulldog Bulletin 7
Mrs. Lawson’s “wobbly” cat Ophelia stays steady in her feeder. McKinley student Shawnnessy McCallin and teacher Jack Tisevich delivered the first feeder at Christmas. CTE Construction Trades students, Shawnnessy McCallin, Champ Knox, and Fernando Sosa, use their skills to help cats who have Cerebellar Hypoplasia. CCS 31-year teaching veteran Pat Lawson brought the cat feeder idea to the students.

Arts Academy’s Production Of “Frozen” Melts Hearts!

Up next: Annual Basket Raffle and an Empty Bowls Fundraiser

Arts Academy at Summit proudly presented Frozen Jr. as this year’s musical. Students took on numerous roles from on-stage to backstage. Mrs. Paulis and Mrs. Crone were joined this year by Ms. Bevington. This is Ms. Bevington’s first time choreographing for Arts Academy and her guidance and instruction helped lead the students through the musical dance numbers presented on stage.

Student soloists got intensive small group and individual help from Mrs. Paulis to reach beyond their perceived capacities, which was visible in the character they portrayed on stage. Mrs. Crone directed the students on staging and gave students a voice in how their characters act on stage. As the large audience experienced in late February, the students had it down! Music accompanied by wonderful pitch and tonality from student singers filled the historic Timken auditorium.

Behind the scenes, Mr. Myers had student stage crew members and PTO volunteers help in the design and construction of scenery. The set was built with help from generous community partners and businesses that donated the materials for raised platforms, theatrical carts, and pieces to be flown in from the stage batons.

During tech week, the stage crew moved from the construction trades to take on the roles of light and sound designers. With follow spots, numerous microphones, and stage lighting fixtures, a lot was to be done. These Canton City School students rose to the occasion to produce a well-rounded performance behind the scenes.

Student volunteers from the performing arts Career Technical Education program (CTE) assisted in

training students backstage and on stage. Arts students learned about the CTE and Media Arts sides of the theater with help from high school students Nicholas Anstien, Noah Shaheen, and Katelyn Wessel. Using creative problem-solving and on-the-fly critical thinking, students who participated easily worked through problems that arose on performance night. It was truly a great experience both on and off stage for all those involved. The most powerful feedback that was shared spoke directly to the fact that our school culture is such that a student who is deaf wanted to be a part of the show. The team of directors incorporated ASL into the choreography and had the interpreters there. That is exactly what the arts program should be. Our students grew their excellence during their time on stage and as always we hope that each student walked away saying, “I’m glad I was a part of that.”

Arts Academy students who attend school and complete every state or district assessment in April will receive raffle tickets and be able to enter to win one of nearly 40 prize baskets. Last year’s baskets included candy and snacks, book fair toys and books, art supplies, a handmade blanket, and even a 6-foot-tall teddy bear. The event will be even bigger and more exciting as we have donations from community partners and staff including the McKinley Athletic Department, the Pro Football Hall of Fame, the Akron Rubber Ducks, Lego, Nerf, and Hot Wheels. Winners will be chosen during a celebration assembly in early May.

Students And Artists Fight Hunger Through Art

The Arts Academy at Summit will hold an “Empty Bowls” event on April 24th from 4-8 p.m. in the school cafeteria located at 1100 10th St NW, Canton.

Empty Bowls is a grassroots movement by artists and craftspeople in cities and towns around the world to raise money for food-related charities to care for and feed the hungry in their communities. This event supports food-related charitable organizations worldwide and has raised millions of dollars to help end hunger.

Those attending can purchase a ceramic bowl and soup for eight dollars. The funds raised from this event will be divided to support the program’s continuation and a local food pantry. Soup will be provided by the Pentecostal Temple Church of God in Christ in Canton.

Local artists are invited to sign up for a table space in the gymnasium to sell artwork during the Empty Bowls event. There is a suggested donation of fifteen dollars for artist table spaces to go towards the Empty Bowls’ mission. Artists who sign up for table space at this event will get the chance to become visiting artists at Arts Academy in the coming years. Let’s work together as artists to reduce hunger.

Volume 2 ~ Issue 12 BULLDOG NEWS 8 The Bulldog Bulletin
Students perform “Frozen Jr.” on the historical Timken Auditorium stage.

Staff Spotlight: Meet Briana Mergenthaler

Welding Instructor, Adult Career and Technical Education

The field of welding has long been considered a nontraditional career for women, but Canton City Schools has sent several women into the profession through its McKinley Welding Program, and now, the Adult Education Welding Program has its first female instructor!

Briana Mergenthaler has 11 years of professional welding experience in various processes. This is the Alliance High School graduate’s first teaching job and she is loving the challenge. Her students, currently, are all men.

“I enjoy figuring out each student’s individual needs,” she said. “It is challenging at first, but it is fun watching my students do different projects.”

Mergenthaler completed an 18-month Program in Welding Technology at Fortis College after high school.

She said the pay and benefits of welding drew her to the field.

“I also come from a family of welders and was always intrigued that they could build something out of nothing,” she said.

Teaching, she said, allows her to share her skill set with others in the hope that it positively influences their lives.

“I enjoy seeing my students overcome welding-related challenges, further preparing them for their future careers,” she said.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, only 5 to 6 percent of welders in the U.S. are women, and the employment of welders, and those in similar professions, is expected to grow 6 percent by 2026.

The demand is great as many welders are reaching retirement age as infrastructure projects requiring welders grow.

It can be a lucrative career choice for anyone.

Merganthaler’s advice to those considering this option: “Don’t second guess yourself. Welding is a great trade with many benefits!”

Fun Facts About Briana

In my free time I enjoy: Spending time with my daughter.

If I could go anywhere in the world it would be: To Maine, to whale watch.

The last show I binged was: The Undoing.

People would be surprised to know: I love the artistic aspect of welding.

McKinley Speech And Debate Continues To Excel!

Record number to compete at the National Finals in June

The McKinley Speech Team is enjoying another stellar season. On the road every weekend since October, the team has been collecting trophies at every competition.

Highlights include advancing a school record number of entries in main events and total qualifiers to the NSDA National Tournament (which will be held in June in Iowa) and being one of six schools statewide to be named a School of Excellence in Interpretation at the OSDA State Finals in March.

Seven students have qualified for nationals and eleven advanced to state These students include Jessie Mayle, Jesi McCullough, Dajeun L. Dickerson, Abigail Allen, Peighton McLendon, Nevaiah Mayle, Kodie Hicks, Genevieve McLaughlin, Christina Moyers Chavez, Oliver Wilkes, and Kerstin Bender.

Speech team state qualifiers.

Each week they prove that high-level thinking, dynamic performances, and effective communication are key components of THE BULLDOG WAY!

April 2024 BULLDOG NEWS Stay in touch! The Bulldog Bulletin 9
Coaches Manuel Halkias and Todd Michael along with staff volunteer Sarah Myers are very proud of this amazing group of students.

CTE Performance Arts Presents: Chicago: Teen Edition!

There’s no business like show business

t Cast t Crew

Roxie Hart

Abby Allen

Brenna Burns (US)

Amos Tavion Walker

Dajeun Dickerson (US)

Liz (POP)

Brenna Burns

Aalize Cooper (US)


Sam Spencer

Rose Gates (US)

Mary Sunshine

Ann Hill

London Chavers (US)

Velma Kelly

Jocelynn Benson

Cherish Foster (US)

Mama “The


Amy Reynoso-Solis

Morgan Serafini (US)


Gracie Melton

Maddison Gibson(US)


Peighton McClendon

MyQuella Lipkins (US)

Billy Flynn

Ayden Bilbrey

Nick Anstine (US)

Detective Fogarty

Jesi McCullough


Raelynn Cline

Kai’Yonna Moore (US)

Shyann Horner (US)

Featured Dancer(s)

Jesi McCullough

Marcus Stevenson

Fred Casely

Nick Anstine

Marcus Stevenson (US)

Roaring 20s Ensemble:

Emily Amayadubon

Brenna Burns

London Chavers

Raelynn Cline

Aalize Cooper

Morgan Daniels

Dajeun Dickerson

Rose Gates

Maddison Gibson

Neveah Gillins

Shyann Horner

Myquella Lipkins

Peighton McClendon

Gracie Melton

Kai’Yonna Moore

Morgan Serafini

Sam Spencer

Marcus Stevenson

Tavion Walker

Light Op

Kaitlyn Doerman

Head Art Designer

Neveah Paul

Sound Op 1

Mia Jenkins

Sound Op 2

Jayden Fouty

Stage Manager

Emya Hillery

Assistant Stage Manager

Alivia Hillery


Chyna Daniels

Caleb Hunter

Ariana Howard

Iyana Jeter

Jessie Mayle

Kareena Mills

Cinsere Petties

Chase Sexton

Jayla Shaarda

Adult Production Staff:

Produced by:

Antwon Duncan-Milczewski & Kristy McNally

Director: Kristy McNally

Music Direction: Steve Popa


Antwon Duncan

Technical Support:

Zac Depinto

Volume 2 ~ Issue 12 BULLDOG NEWS 10 The Bulldog Bulletin
Coming to downtown stage this month!
LEGACY ROBE Pictured is senior Morgan Serafini placing this year’s show patch onto the robe. Every year, the Legacy Robe honor is given to a student who embodies what it means to love the craft and dedicates themselves throughout their high school career to the art of theatre. This year’s show is a site-specific “dinner theatre” setting. The ticket price includes heavy appetizers/desserts/beverages. No ticket sales at the door. Pre-sale only. Pictured the table reading sessions for Chicago: Teen Edition. Students started rehearsals in January, (earlier than ever this year) with a full cast and crew table read. Everyone got to read the play, get to know each other, and set up expectations for rehearsals and production. We started early to get in the most rehearsals we could, as the Bob Fosse movement style is advanced and takes lots of hours to master! Tech Shot- Painting Chairs ( Junior CTE Performing arts students) Tech work- Hoop install (Junior CTE Performing Arts students; Chase Sexton & Caleb Hunter)

District Mathletes Rake In The Awards!

Students test their skills at county event

The Bulldog district mathlete team participated in the 2024 Stark County GCCTM math tournament on Saturday, March 2nd. Forty-five fifth, sixth, and seventh-grade students from Patrick, Worley, AIM, Arts Academy, Clarendon, Youtz, STEAMM, Crenshaw, and Early College Middle School competed against six other districts across Stark County. An amazing 31 of the 45 Bulldog mathletes placed in the top eight with trophies received by our four first-place finishers and our nine second-place finishers.

The accomplishments of the Bulldog mathletes demonstrate the hard work and dedication of our math tournament coaches and the math teachers within our district. They made us proud and proved, “With math, the possibilities are infinite!”

Fifth Grade

First Place:

Ariel Carrasco - Number Sense - Arts Academy

Second Place:

Ivan Perez Baten - Algebra/Data - Clarendon

Levi Hartman - Number Sense - Worley

Nicole Grimwood - Problem Solving - Arts Academy

Andru Clark - Problem-Solving - Arts Academy

Ellis Hershberger - Problem Solving - Arts Academy

Third Place:

Benjamin Ketchum - Mental Computation - Arts Academy

Fourth Place:

Carlos Obrajero - Geometry/Measurement - Patrick

Dylan Daviduk - Number Sense - McGregor

Seventh Place:

Dino Crawford - Mental Computation - McGregor

Sixth Grade

First Place:

Cooper McCracken - Problem Solving - Arts Academy

Catherine Lopez Ramirez - Problem Solving - Arts Academy

Ella Hoppes - Problem Solving - Arts Academy

Fourth Place:

Dylan Salyers - Algebra/Data - Worley

Grant Anspach - Mental Computation - Arts Academy

Ambrosia (Ky) Snyder - Number Sense - Youtz

Fifth Place:

Savannah Hettick - Mental Computation - Arts Academy

Aubrianna Rozko - Number Sense - Arts Academy

Seventh Place:

Alexander Marinaccio - Algebra/Data - Arts Academy

Imogen Mott - Geometry/Measurement - Arts Academy

Eighth Place:

Lily Bennett - Algebra/Data - McGregor

Charlotte Leininger - Number Sense - AIM

Seventh Grade

Second Place:

Carter Milburn - Geometry/Measurement - STEAMM

Jaxson Sams - Problem Solving - ECMS

Kaelyn Piatt - Problem Solving - ECMS

Kyson McGarry - Problem Solving - ECMS

Fifth Place:

Dominic Barrios Olivas - Mental Computation - ECMS

Sixth Place:

Brian Tuel - Mental Computation - Crenshaw

Dashiell Everman - Number Sense - STEAMM

Seventh Place:

Raylan Bonfine - Algebra/Data - ECMS

Eighth Place:

Julianna Hintz - Number Sense - STEAMM

April 2024 BULLDOG NEWS Stay in touch! The Bulldog Bulletin 11

McKinley Percussionists Compete On National Stage!

Group earned first-place honors at MidEast Regional at Northern Kentucky University

The McKinley Competition Percussion Ensemble is having its most productive year to date since being formed in 2019! Not only are they competing at the state level in the Ohio Indoor Performance Association but they are competing on a national level as well.

They are part of Winter Guard International (WGI), a performing arts organization based in Dayton, Ohio, that sanctions competitions internationally. WGI, Sport of the Arts, is the world’s premier organization producing indoor color guard, percussion, and winds competitions. More than

40,000 students participated at the regional level, and more than 12,000 at the World Championships last April.

This year, the Bulldogs have been consistently ranked in the top three in their division and are looking to enter WGI Championships this April with their strongest showing yet. Most recently, the ensemble competed at the WGI MidEast Regional at Northern Kentucky University, bringing home 1st place.

Senior Toby Snyder, who has been a member for the last three years, said he enjoys “being able to

travel with a group that is consistently dedicated while getting to see world-class performers from across the country.”

The most rewarding aspect is seeing our students flourish while being surrounded by the best of the best from across the country. We are truly giving our students a worldview of life’s possibilities in performing arts. The pride they have in what they are doing is something that can never be taken away.

Our 2024 production takes you on a musical journey from the downtrodden and oppressing feeling of

being surrounded by helplessness to discover that you are the true author of your own story. On this journey, the ensemble will uncover the realization that they can overcome anything that is placed in front of them by pressing pause and assessing the situation in a calm and collected state.

The Percussion Ensemble will perform at Claymont High School on Sunday, April 14th, in the Matrix Friends & Family Show for groups preparing to make the trip to Dayton the following week. The performance begins at 1 p.m. All are welcome!

Volume 2 ~ Issue 12 BULLDOG NEWS 12 The Bulldog Bulletin


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We Hear You...And Have Your Answers!

and we will break ground on those K-6 schools soon.

Leave no doubt, the current McKinley High School is outdated and we need to do something to give our students the 21st-century education they deserve and we will continue to look for ways to upgrade the building.

Is the Hall of Fame Village

buying the Natatorium and the Fieldhouse?

We have no plans to sell either facility to the HOFV or any other entity.

Does CCSD pay HOFV to use its stadium and athletic fields?

No. The district owns the land on which the stadium and turf fields (Forever Lawn) sit. We receive lease payments for the use of that land. We do not pay rent when we use these facilities. Our cost is the same as it was previously, which is the cost of security, cleaning, and maintenance for our events. We meet regularly with the team at the Hall of Fame Village to plan

schedules and ensure our events run smoothly. Overall, we have a great partnership.

Does the CCSD Administration only care about athletics?

Absolutely not. The district is committed to pursuing excellence in all areas — academics, arts, and athletics. Since 2021, we have made significant improvements in instructional technology by providing one-to-one devices. In the arts, we have added zero period band which allows fifth and sixth-graders to participate in band. We also purchased new band uniforms for the high school. We’re in the midst of completing work on our black box theater at the downtown campus. We’ve expanded our exploratory courses and now all students in grades 4-8 get two electives instead of one which includes art, music, phys ed, intervention, technology, foreign language and Career Tech to name a few.

This edition of the Bulldog Bulletin showcases our expanded space

projects happening throughout the district. We also have a page dedicated to our CTE Performance Arts Department’s Production of “Chicago: Teen Edition.” This is not your ordinary spring musical as our CTE department collaborated to make this event a dinner theater with food prepared and served by our Culinary Arts students. The engineering and construction classes created the stages and sets that will make this a musical like no other high school musical we’ve presented.

Finally, as you flip through these pages, you will notice that our values of excellence, leadership, and community shine through. From community service projects by our youngest students to local business people and professionals sharing their careers with our high school students, we can be proud of the partnerships that have been seeded and grown throughout the year. As we hit the final stretch of the school year, let’s give a shout to the Class of 2024. With excellence

and dedication, they are preparing to move on to the next stage, whether that be college, career, or the military. Our students and families have a lot to celebrate!

Please watch your ParentSquare and our social media pages for more year-end information. GoPups!

April 2024 BULLDOG NEWS Stay in touch! The Bulldog Bulletin 13
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Annual District Showcase Highlights

Canton City Schools held our annual district showcase on March 9th at the Timken Career Campus. The showcase highlighted many of the fantastic programs and opportunities offered to our students, families, and community. Attendees enjoyed a pancake breakfast that included student performances from the McKinley singers, jazz band, and strings en-

semble, and even highlights from Disney’s Frozen Jr.

Guests toured our student Art Exhibit highlighting pieces from students across the district in various grade levels. Art included works ranging from clay and pottery to student sketches and drawings. Some families took the opportunity to tour a few of our Career Tech-

nical programs such as Culinary, Broadcast Media, Cosmetology, and Sports Medicine.

We were excited to showcase more than 40 information booths which included a large array of community partners, school buildings, programming, and activities for attendees to learn about the unique and valuable opportunities we

provide for students and families both in school and outside of the school day including support services, health services and academic enhancements.

We would like to thank all of our community members, staff, and students who participated in this event and we look forward to next year.

Volume 2 ~ Issue 12 BULLDOG NEWS 14 The Bulldog Bulletin
Photos by Heather Hutmacher, CTE Commercial Photography teacher.

Opportunities Here At The CCSD!

April 2024 BULLDOG NEWS Stay in touch! The Bulldog Bulletin 15

Winter Showcases At STEAMM Academy @ Hartford

Students display skills and knowledge

This past winter, students at the STEAMM Academy @ Hartford demonstrated their knowledge, creativity, and innovation at schoolwide showcases.

The theme of the STEAMM Winter Showcase in January, entitled“ You Are What You Eat!” focused on health and wellness in a gallery-like setting after school.

The Black History Showcase in February provided a unique opportunity for students’ families and guests to walk through their classrooms during the school day and ask students and teachers questions.

The two different structured setups allowed students to hone both their formal and informal communication and presentation skills.

Why change it up?

“Our students are coached to understand that thinking on your feet and demonstrating your genius as

you communicate to others what you know and can do are important to the design process and are critical skills for future success in the world of work,” stated head principal, David Thompson.

During each showcase, students explained the idea or inspiration behind their tasks, products, models, and creations while also answering questions from visitors that they may or may not have expected.

Students’ creations ranged from multicultural food to health capacity measurement to cutting-edge sustainable fashions to historical or futuristic real-world models to interactive data visualizations to student-created replicas of famous inventors and so much more!

Students will next demonstrate their genius at the STEAMM Academy Spring Showcase during the evening of Wednesday, May 15, 2024. The theme is “Under the Sea.”

16 The Bulldog Bulletin Volume 2 ~ Issue 12 SCHOOL BEAT
Students showcase their talents in multiple ways at STEAMM.

Choices High School Students Volunteer For Local Causes

Students demonstrate a commitment to their community

Through the Jobs for Ohio’s Graduates (JOG) program, Choices students have embraced the opportunity to demonstrate leadership, build community, and show excellence. Beyond their academic achievements, these students have demonstrated leadership by volunteering for worthy causes.

“I like to help others and make them feel they’re not alone. I don’t want anyone to feel embarrassed, and I want them to know we want to help. I have also learned gratitude,” shares Alana Johnson. By actively engaging in community service, students not only exhibit their commitment to making a positive impact but also inspire others to do the same.

Whether it is serving dinner, dedicating hours to sorting clothing donations at the Refuge of Hope, or assisting customers at the Stark County Hunger Task Force emergency pantry, these students exemplify excellence in their selfless actions.

“I like to put smiles on people’s faces, knowing that we helped and that the younger generation still cares,” expresses Daniel Howell Jr. Through their collective efforts, they have not only strengthened the bonds of community, but have

also shown that true leadership lies in service to others.

“There are people that are less fortunate than I am, and the fact that I can help them makes me feel like a good person,” reflects Tor E’ Zha West.

Through their volunteer work, students have demonstrated a commitment to the community and embodied the principles of leadership and excellence. By putting others’ needs before their own, they have learned the lesson of empathy, and understanding the struggles and challenges faced by those in need. Through their collaborative efforts with peers they may not typically interact with during the school day, they have honed their teamwork and communication skills, fostering a sense of unity and inclusivity within their community.

Volunteering has allowed students to experience being part of something larger than themselves, instilling a sense of purpose and fulfillment that transcends individual achievements. In embracing these principles, students have not only made a positive impact on their community but have also cultivated qualities that will serve them as future leaders committed to making a difference.

BVA Engages Students and Families

Virtual classrooms enjoy in-person family events

This school year seems to have flown by! Here we are, in the fourth quarter, and it seems like just yesterday we were moving downtown and merging our elementary, middle, and high school campuses. It has been a fun-filled year full of learning and joy!

This year, for our family events, we have had students of all ages participate! Our first event, Fetch a Good Book, was a resounding success. It turned out that our high school students really enjoyed it, which only made our annual winter break party a bigger success. Students have enjoyed therapy dogs from Cosmic Dogs, painting some awesome canvases, and learning origami, and now and then you can still see someone walking around with the little stuffed puppy they adopted. The Stark County District Library attends all our events, and we loved having the bookmobile here, it was a fun little treat.

When it came time for our winter break party, students enjoyed making cards for others, ornament decorating, and making gingerbread houses, but the best part was

the reindeer games! Students (and parents) enjoyed trying to collect marshmallows with their hands inside red solo cups. It was hysterical! Now we are gearing up for our last two events. Our Books and Dragons event is bound to be a success, and will even feature a bearded dragon! Students and their families will enjoy quests, potion making, the star lab, and more canvas painting.

Our students who can’t make the programs in person can attend an exclusive online event, which follows the same themes with added enhancements created by Carla Yutzy. The programs she creates for our students are fun and informative and help foster a love of reading and books.

We are going to end the year with a bang! As we are all very sad that BVA will be closing, we will say goodbye in style. Bulldog Virtual Academy students and families are the best, and all the great things that our school, and Canton City School District, were able to offer will not soon be forgotten by parents, students, or teachers and staff.

Stay in touch! The Bulldog Bulletin 17 April 2024 SCHOOL BEAT
Briana Rohrer and her adopted puppy, Snowy. Zoey Colin and Alison Harsh. Michele, Ja’Kaih, Alana, Adena, and Colita serve a meal at the Refuge of Hope. Alana, Ja’Kaih, DaLaysia, and JaCiande’ sort clothing at Refuge of Hope.

AIM Academy Celebrates Diversity

Celebrating our differences!

AIM Academy’s second and third-graders were busy in February preparing for our Diversity Celebration. Diversity activities teach young children to respect and celebrate the differences in all people. It was an opportunity for our students to celebrate all the benefits we get from being such a diverse community. In celebration of Black History Month, second-grade students from Mrs. Gerber, Mrs. Phillabaum, and Mrs. Milano’s classes were challenged with a research project. Their task was to pick a notable African American to conduct research and create a visual presentation of their life and achievements. Second-grade students had the opportunity to do an oral presentation of their project for their families. Students also participated in a Gallery Walk where they presented their projects and viewed projects completed by their peers.

Second-grader, Nick Bonner said, “The best part was going online to do research for this project.”

He picked Michael Jordan, an African American athlete. Nick said, “Michael Jordan is known for his basketball skills and never giving up.”

Gage Smith researched Martin Luther King, Jr. and said, “Martin Luther King, Jr. made the world a better place”.

Exploring the music of different countries and cultures is another fun way to celebrate cultural diversity. Under the direction of our music teacher, Dr. Fleischaker, our second and third-grade students performed music and dances from around the world.

AIM’s art students were inspired by black artist Romare Bearden. He was best known for his work with recycled materials. Art teacher Miss Howard had students create cityscapes in his signature style.

Diversity is the one thing we all have in common and AIM celebrates it every day. A very special thank you to the AIM families who share their students with us each and every day!

18 The Bulldog Bulletin Volume 2 ~ Issue 12 SCHOOL BEAT
Auriel Benson’s Cityscape. SeLaiyah Broyles presenting her research on Lisa Leslie.
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Busy Bulldogs At ECMS @ Lehman

Collaboration is key in middle school projects

Early College @ Lehman students take the stage

After eight weeks of hard work and dedication, Early College’s first musical hit the stage at Umstaddt. For two nights in February, the cast and crew of The Little Mermaid Jr. amazed the audience with their talents and skills. The upperclassmen who provided directing, music, and dance help for the middle schoolers deserve extra applause because without them our directors, Mrs. Dubinsky and Ms. Davidson, would have been lost.

The Early College staff were generous with their time and talents, especially the art teachers Ms. Wade and Mr. Greider. The parents were super helpful as well, from set-building, props, costumes, the bake sale, and more. In addition, we managed to raise enough money to put on another show next year! Stay tuned for more details.

Stark County Prosecutor visits

ECMS to discuss social media usage with students

In February, the seventh and eighth graders had a visit from Canton

City Prosecutor, Katie Gilbert, and her team. They spent two hours talking about inappropriate uses of the internet and social media. It was an eye-opening experience for our teachers and students. They pointed out that there are so many dangers lurking online.

The team painted a picture of how many scary people hang out online and the need to protect yourself and your family.

ECMS Arts in Action

This year the middle school art program did a Project Runway Spinoff. The students in eighth grade learned to recycle materials into creative and innovative clothing that could actually be worn. They worked collaboratively to come up with some very interesting ideas to present on stage for the judges. Mr. Downing videotaped the event so that everyone could enjoy the Runway!

EC @ Lehman Chihuly Collaborative Project:

Not only did the middle school art students do the first-ever Fashion Show, they also worked collaboratively with the high school to create another recycling project. Mr. Russell presented Ms. Wade with a Chihuly idea. She decided it should be a school-wide project celebrating the integration of High School and Middle School. Mr. Grieder has some serious skills in building the piece for us and we worked together to create our first-ever Art Installation to be viewed for years to come. We used over 4000 water bottles to create a bigger version of Mr. Russell’s idea and took it two steps further to complete the beautiful rendition of a Chihuly Chandelier!

Project Runway.

Below: ECMS students performed “The Little Mermaid.”

ExactPath Getting Results At Crenshaw

Online program offers personalized learning paths

Here at Crenshaw, we have taken the challenge of working in ExactPath seriously! Each week, we set goals for our students and they have crushed them. Some of the week’s challenges include: Time on Task and Top Trophy Earners. Our students have been working extremely hard on completing lessons in both Math and Reading. These students, who are ranked at the top of all students in the building, are rewarded with a certificate, and a treat and have their

picture taken to be displayed on the monitors throughout the school building.

Black History Month Celebration

Black History Month at Crenshaw this year was one for the books! Not only did our Top Dawgs get involved by recording audio for the featured person/event of the day that was shared and played in every homeroom class, but they also had a major role in making our Black History Month Program a success!

Featured in our Program this year were two groups of students reciting poetry - three young ladies memorized and recited Maya Angelou’s “Phenomenal Woman,” followed by two young men who recited Langston Hughes’ “Harlem.” In addition to poetry, the program also featured our 7th and 8th-grade dance classes who performed a piece to Kendrick Lamar’s “Alright.”

A few of Mr. Clark’s guitar students contributed by performing

an enthusiastic rendition of “Who Knows,” by Jimi Hendrix. The emcee was our own Mr. Howard Curry who reminded our students that “one way to be free is through education. It is the one thing that nobody can ever take away from you.” Powerful words spoken to help our students want to be better.

Our Crenshaw Bulldogs — students and staff — stepped up and showed us why it’s cool to ‘Be A Bulldog’!

Stay in touch! The Bulldog Bulletin 19 April 2024 SCHOOL BEAT
Above: Chihuly art made with over 4000 water bottles is on permanent display in the lobby. Left: Students take the stage for

Early Learning Center At Schreiber

Learning through play at CCS Preschool campus

The Canton City School District’s Preschool Program is directly aligned with the district’s Kindergarten program. Students in our preschool receive a “high quality” preschool experience that focuses on learning emotional, social and preacademic skills. The foundation of the Preschool Center is LOVE & LEARNING! Here are a couple activities of the engaging learning that takes place:

Activity 1:

We’re Going on a Bear Hunt is a book that is read several times throughout the week, then each student receives a copy to keep as their own (teaches, models and promotes early literacy skills).

Activity 2:

Q & U get married! It’s the wedding of the year as the letter Q and U get married. This is a fun way to help students remember that Q and U usually go together in words. Preschoolers are learning to identify letters and the sounds they make so they can learn to form words that lead to reading.

We are accepting 3 and 4 year olds for the 24.25 school year. Preschool tuition is based on a Sliding Fee Scale and most families qualify for FREE services!

20 The Bulldog Bulletin Volume 2 ~ Issue 12 SCHOOL BEAT
Preschool Registration is now OPEN!
The bride and groom represent Q and U.
Students go on a bear hunt through the halls.
Learning the QU sound through a wedding of letters!

Seven Strategies Make Math Fun For Students At Cedar

There’s always more than one way to solve a problem!

Mrs. Mary Imhoff, 3rd grade Math teacher at Cedar, serves as the CCSD Advancing Capacity of Educators (ACE) Math Lead Teacher, in partnership with the Stark County Educational Service Center. For the past two years, she has provided the Cedar staff with ongoing Math professional development, teaching our staff about math strategies and hands-on instructional resources that enhance our daily instruction.

According to Jennifer Bay-Williams, author of Figuring Out Fluency in Mathematics, there are “Seven Significant Math Strategies” that students should learn to become mathematically fluent.

Cedar students are being explicitly taught how and when to use these Seven Significant Strategies. As we know, there is more than one way to solve a math problem. The strategies listed below are often fully or partially done mentally, which is more efficient and frees up mental energy for more complex mathematical tasks.

Count On/Count Back: This is a flexible skip counting strategy where students use a number line or hundreds chart to efficiently count on or back while adding or subtracting.

Make Tens: Students break apart one of the numbers in the equation, moving some over to the other addend so that it becomes 10. Grounded in place value, the making tens strategy allows students to

mentally solve the equation more efficiently. For example, when looking at the equation 13 + 7, students take the number 3 from 13 and give it to 7, making 10 + 10 = 20.

Using Partial Sums: Students break numbers apart, often by place value, to compute and then put them back together starting with the largest place value digit and moving to the smallest. For example, when looking at the 15 x 8, students break apart the equation by multiplying 10 x 8 = 80 and 5 x 8 = 40, then adding 80 to 40 to get 120.

Break Apart to Multiply: Using the distributive property to multiply, students break apart the equation using a foundational fact; such as 2s, 5s, and 10s; putting the two partial products back together. For example, if students do not know the product of 7 x 7, students can break it apart by multiplying 7x5 (a foundational fact) and then adding 2 x 7 (a double) to get 49.

Halves and Doubles: This strategy involves doubling one of the factors and then halving the other number, which is only used with multiplication, allowing for a mental solution. For example, 4x16 would become 8 x 8; doubling the 4 to 8 and halving the 8 to 4.

Compensation: Students adapt the numbers in the problem (using partial sums, breaking apart to multiply, halves & doubles) and then adjust them back to preserve the equivalence. This strategy requires one’s imagination and what students know to solve the problem.

Use an Inverse Relationship: This requires the student to rethink a subtraction or division equation as a missing addend or missing factor equation. For example, if a student does not know the difference between 13 - 9, they can ask themselves, “What plus 9 is 13?”.

Math becomes less intimidating when students know how to approach the problems and have a toolbox of strategies. Math becomes fun when students can practice these seven strategies through

games, hands-on activities, and classroom discussions about their approach to the problem!

Stay in touch! The Bulldog Bulletin 21 April 2024 SCHOOL BEAT
Top: Kindergarten student Richard Baker, shows the “adding-on” strategy using unifix cubes Above: Ruby Lewers, a third-grader, shows the “making tens” (or hundreds) strategy. Left: Third-grader Caleb Sing shows the partial sums strategy.

Gibbs Celebrates Black History Month

Gibbs Elementary had a wonderful turnout for our Black History Month Program.

We had a whole school assembly where all community members and families were invited to celebrate as a Gibbs family. Our student body, families, and community members sang “We are the World”, and our first grade and third grade performed songs and recited poetry. Our first grade wowed the audience with their song about Martin Luther King Jr., and the third grade gave a beautiful rendition of “Lift Every Voice and Sing.”

After the concert, all attendees were invited to our Black History Showcase which was set up throughout the school. The hallways were lined with artwork created by staff and students. Third-grade students created video presentations about famous African Americans such as President Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Martin Luther King Jr., and many inventors and business owners. The students were so proud

to showcase how hard they had worked during February and present to the community and school with their research. We were very thankful to have so many family and community members celebrate with us. Please be sure to check out our Gibbs Facebook page to view the program in its entirety.

Harter Launches “Girls Who Code” Club!

Non-profit encourages girls to learn technology.

A group of Harter 3rd grade girls have sparked an interest in technology and computer science. Mrs. Thompson is providing the opportunity to build on their interest. They are embracing technology as a learning tool!

The girls, led by Mrs. Thompson, their Technology Resource Teacher, have joined Girls Who Code.

Girls Who Code is a nonprofit organization that focuses on encouraging girls to get more involved in the world of technology and, as a result, close the gender gap in technology and computer science career areas. First, the girls read a chapter in the non-fiction book, “Learn to Code and Change the World.”

They meet once a week during their recess time to complete unplugged or online challenges of coding activities. Our district 1:1 technology is the perfect resource to allow for “Our Coders” to learn a life-long skill that could turn into a career choice in the future or just be a great opportunity for fun learning. These girls are using technology

and learning to collaborate, think creatively, and problem-solve while having fun. Way to go Harter Bulldogs!

22 The Bulldog Bulletin Volume 2 ~ Issue 12 SCHOOL BEAT
Above: Macie Fowler and Judah Jones - grade 2. Left: Tristan Scott - grade 3. Non-profit encourages girls to learn technology. Kavon Boles - grade 3

McGregor Has A Focus On Building Community Together

It’s at the heart of everything we do!

We are thrilled to share the latest news and updates from McGregor. Our commitment to collaboration and partnership has led to exciting developments aimed at enhancing the well-being and success of our students.

Celebrating Community Partnerships:

At McGregor, we believe that together, we can achieve more. That’s why we’ve teamed up with multiple community partners who generously donate their time, energy, and resources to help us support our students. Whether it’s through family night events or ongoing initiatives, our partners play a vital role in helping us meet the diverse needs of our school community.

A partnership with the YMCA gets students moving with Yoga and Zumba classes.

Healthy Habits Family Night:

Our recent Healthy Habits Family Night was a tremendous success, thanks to the invaluable support of partners like Stark Library, First Tee of Canton, the YMCA, and the Total Living Center. Deuber Church played a major role as a community partner in providing pantry-safe food items to each student and family. Ingredients for other dinners like spaghetti and pasta sauce were donated by The Salvation Army for students & families to take home during the Healthy Habits Family Night. McGregor staff members even helped prepare a healthy parfait treat & smoothie for students & families.

Hygiene bags for each student filled with essential products such as soaps, shampoos, combs, brushes, deodorant, a toothbrush, tooth-

paste, & other hygiene products were made possible by the Mercy Hospital Heart to Hands program, as well as Ida’s Cafe. Dr. Vani Patibandla, DDS, was even on hand to educate students & families on dental hygiene & give dental care demonstrations. Through our partnership with the YMCA, students had the opportunity to actively get their bodies moving with Yoga and Zumba classes, promoting both physical activity and mental well-being.

Pillows & Blankets To All:

We’re also proud to highlight the efforts of our very own Dulce Myers, who spearheaded an initiative to provide brand-new pillows and blankets for EVERY McGregor student. Through her connections with generous partners like Circle-K, Diversified Energy, and CrossPoint Church Volleyball as well as individu-

al partners such as Mina Elba, Kathy Myers, & Sadie Myers, we were able to ensure that every student has the comfort & rest they deserve.

Howdy Partner! How To Get Involved:

As we continue to strengthen our community partnerships, we’re excited about the possibilities that lie ahead. Together, we’ll work to create a supportive environment where every McGregor student can thrive and succeed. Would you like to be part of our community-building efforts? Whether you’re a

local organization, business, or individual, there are countless ways to get involved and make a difference at McGregor. Reach out to us today (330-452-7069) to learn more about partnership opportunities.

Thank you for your ongoing support and dedication to our McGregor community. Together, we are truly partnering up to make a difference in the lives of our students.


Above: McGregor staff prepared a healthy parfait treat & smoothie at Family Night.

Stay in touch! The Bulldog Bulletin 23 April 2024 SCHOOL BEAT
Teacher Dulce Myers spearheaded an initiative to provide brand-new pillows and blankets for McGregor students.

Patrick Scholars Providing Service In Our Community

The sixth graders at Patrick Elementary were involved in a wonderful service opportunity at Canton Christian Health Care. This service project aimed to bring joy, companionship, and assistance to the residents of our local nursing home. Patrick’s students had an opportunity to play games and interact with the residents. Some of the activities included playing BINGO, Uno, and the sharing of cards with the residents. Our scholars were kind and displayed our district values of Excellence, Leadership, and Community. The residents at Canton Christian Home requested that our scholars come back to visit them. We say that this service opportunity was a win for all involved.

24 The Bulldog Bulletin Volume 2 ~ Issue 12 SCHOOL BEAT

Belle Stone Launches New Typing Club

Speed and accuracy earn prizes!

Keyboard proficiency is a very important skill for young learners. In a collaborative effort to improve typing, Technology teacher, Mrs. Schilling, and Librarian, Mrs. Geraghty, created Belle Stone’s Typing Club. Students participate in this online typing program for 10- 15 minutes twice a week.

The gamified nature of this program makes learning to type engaging and motivating for students. By earning points and competing with their peers, students are incentivized to strive for improvement. This helps them develop essential typing skills and instills a sense of achievement.

Mrs. Schilling said that the students learn about finger placement and become familiar with the keyboard as they work to increase their typing speed and accuracy. As students complete lessons, they earn stars and advance through levels. The teachers offer prizes for stars and challenge students to earn medals, crowns, and t-shirts.

Second grader, Sylis Day, describes the program as “a fun way to get my

fingers moving faster.” He went on to describe the games.

“There are some little characters with letters and you have to type that letter as fast as you can! If you type fast enough, you can defeat a big Yeti!”

Malik Brown, grade 2, said he enjoys Typing Club. “It’s fun, but it’s hard to keep up! I got faster though and I earned a third-place medal!”

Daniel McCallister from first grade took second place in his grade. He said, “I put my fingers on the home row, then move them up or down to find each letter.”

He said he was going to keep practicing and get first place next time! Ky’Ree Taylor took first place in grade two.

This articulate young man describes the value of good keyboarding skills. “Someday when I’m in high school and college, I’m going to have to type papers with lots of words and pages. I’ll get my work done quicker if I know how to type fast.”

Third grader Kamdyn Dishong was crowned Belle Stone’s Typing Champ. He said he likes Typing Club because he likes being on his iPad. Kam said it was challenging to level up and type big words.

“I had to pay attention and move fast!”

Whether they were motivated by the fast-paced challenges or the prizes they could earn along the way, all of the students showed typing improvement from September to February. We congratulate the participants for their success and thank Mrs. Schilling and Mrs. Geraghty for teaching skills to succeed in this digital world.

Top: Third Grade Champ: Kam Dishong



21st Century After-School Programming Offers Enrichment Opportunities

One BYTE @ a Time, Executive Director and STEAM Coach Rob Lane, is a long-standing community partner for 21st Century After-School Programming. Staff and students both agree that One Byte @ a Time’s lego-robotics program is a favorite enrichment!

In just a few sessions, students can figure everything out through visual exploration and teaching one another. The students are the teachers!

And now, Lego Club has evolved into an ongoing, no-cost enrichment activity!

Stay in touch! The Bulldog Bulletin 25 April 2024 SCHOOL BEAT
Second Champs: Malik Brown, Syils Day, and Ky’Ree Taylor

Super STEM Learning With Marathon At Worley

Worley students enjoy science activities with community partner

Did you know Alka Seltzers can fill a balloon up, and everyday condiments can clean metals?

Marathon Petroleum employees of Canton came to demonstrate science experiments with Worley students. Students were engaged in a variety of science activities that allowed them to explore the different science stations set up in the gymnasium.

Students measured and tested the distance of paper airplanes as they built different shapes and models to see which ones flew the best. During the Magic Ink station, students explored invisible ink using water, baking soda, and grape juice. Alka Seltzers were used to fill balloons and CO2 was used as a fire extinguisher for another station.

Testing different everyday condiments like ketchup, salsa, and lemon juice were used to see how the acidity cleans different types of metals.

During the activity with sources of items, students separated different metals, plastics, and food substances. This activity was a small example of how Marathon does the separation of crude oils into multiple finished products such as gasoline, jet fuel, diesel, and asphalt. The aerodynamic station consisted of using aerodynamic models to show students how things move through the air. Two different-sized marshmallows were used to show which one was able to travel farther and higher. Overall, students were making inquiries, using measurement skills, and making observations. Students were also testing, making estimates, and analyzing their findings at each station. It was a day of super STEM learning with hands-on activities in science and math that allowed students to discover real-world applications thanks to the partnership with Marathon.

Worley students shared some thoughts about their day:

Kaylen Martin - “What I liked most was learning how the different masses could travel. The bigger mass didn’t go as far as the smaller one in the air. It was a cool experiment.”

Drelin Jordan - “We learned about how the acid in food can clean pennies and metals. It was very interesting, and I love learning about science.”

Chad Clark - “I liked learning new things by cleaning the different metals. It was pretty cool to see how the different condiments had enough acid levels in them to clean the pennies.”

Melah Parish - “I liked that we did different experiments, and I really enjoyed the condiment experiment with the metals. It made me think about how everyday things can be used for cleaning things.”

26 The Bulldog Bulletin Volume 2 ~ Issue 12 SCHOOL BEAT

C.A.M.P. - Career Apprenticeship And Mentorship Program

What is C.A.M.P.?

C.A.M.P. Stands for Career Apprenticeship and Mentorship Program. This program was introduced to me by Mr. Thomas Venturella as an idea in 2011. Mr. Venturella is a retired Kraft Foods Director of National Sales Beverages. During his time at Kraft Foods, Church and Dwight Co, and Post Foods, he was in charge of Sales, Marketing, Employee Development, and Negotiation. Following his retirement, Tom wanted to work on preparing young talent for the world of career employment. In 2012-2013 he developed a model and asked me to allow him to bring this idea to Early College High School. Through constant renovation and growth, the program transformed into a model for developing young talent. Tom wanted to introduce the students to leadership skills designed to offer a comprehensive business training and development program.

Why was C.A.M.P. created?

The program had to come up with an answer to what future employers deemed a properly prepared employee:

This involved internship experience, employment during college, college major best suited for the job, volunteer experience, relevant coursework, and college GPA.

C.A.M.P. is committed to supporting the Early College vision of being “College Ready” and “Career Ready.” The program asks for students who exhibit talent and a desire to succeed. What they gain in return is a significant competitive advantage for employment and/or higher education. With the rigorous training that the students experience, C.A.M.P. pledges to nurture students’ diverse talents through mentoring, career seminars, apprenticeships, networking, and serving the community.

C.A.M.P. Strategies that are used to develop this young talent are as follows:

• Monthly Career Seminars

• Student Profile/Resumes that are constantly groomed

• Internships with potential employers

• Regular meetings with liaisons from the student’s intended major

• College visits and potential scholarships

• ACT and SAT prep

• FAFSA support

• Job shadowing opportunities

• Career roundtables where students speak to experts in their intended major

• Partnership with members of Young Leaders Society

The ultimate goal of C.A.M.P. is to develop our young talent and keep them in the Canton community.

How can a student become part of C.A.M.P.:

Students who apply must have a 3.0 GPA and be an Early College student. Students apply in February of their Sophomore year. Students are interviewed by members of

the C.A.M.P. Advisory Committee and the C.A.M.P. Board of Directors. From there the students are informed if they were accepted into the program. The program usually accepts 30 students a year. To learn more, please visit the website

Stay in touch! The Bulldog Bulletin 27 April 2024 SCHOOL BEAT
CAMP Seniors getting college gift bags. CAMP Students in Career round table discussion.

Boys Basketball

Submitted by Coach Sean Weatherspoon

An overall solid season losing in the District Semifinals and finishing with a record of 15-9 overall and 8-4 in the Federal League. In my first year, the players bought into my system, worked extremely hard both on and off the court, and helped set a solid foundation for turning the program around and getting back to McKinley Basketball! Thank you to the seniors for all that you have done for the program and we are looking forward to the years to come with the players in our program. We are optimistic that the future is bright!

Boys And Girls Bowling

Submitted by Head Coach Kim Heaton

The McKinley Bowling Team had a very successful season this year. Even though our record wasn’t the best, competing in tournaments definitely helped and got us well-prepared for the end of the season. Jonathan Waggoner opened up the season as the MVP at the Conference Tournament and ended his junior year shooting a 300 game (perfect game). He also led the team in High Average with a 206.56.

We had four individuals who ended the season with 2nd team honors for the Federal League and Federal League All-Conference - Haleigh Leggett, James Tucker, Jonathan Waggoner, and Maria Wise.

During Sectionals, both the boys’ and girls’ teams finished in 7th place. However, only the top 4 teams advanced.

Haleigh Leggett, shooting a 485 series, earned a spot at the District Tournament where the top 6 individuals advance to the state tournament. Haleigh shot a 575 series for a trip to Columbus! As a junior, Haleigh tied for 35th place out of 97 kids. We have a team full of sophomores and juniors — I can’t wait to see what the season has in store for us next year!


By Head Coach Jason

Overall we had a very successful season! We pulled off a BIG win against rival, Massillon. And had our highest team score in over a decade. We will miss our seniors, but look forward to what next season will bring!

#1 -UNDERCLASSMEN: The young wrestlers improved leaps and bounds, many of them became very confident as the season went on and we were comfortable with putting them out on the mat. We have to be able to retain more of the Underclassmen.

#2 -UPPERCLASSMEN: The experienced wrestlers greatly improved from last season. Most of the upperclassmen achieved their goals and some exceeded them. We have to be able to take the next step and make it to State, the main thing holding them back is the mental side.

#3 -FEDERAL LEAGUE: The goal of being competitive in the Federal League was accomplished. All but two of the league matches came down to one match. We need to be able to win the close matches to flip the scoreboard in our favor.

#4 -POST SEASON: The goal of being competitive in the postseason was successful, with 6 qualifiers and 4 alternates. We also had two wrestlers place at the District Tournament, while also having three wrestlers a match away from placing. We also had our first Female Regional Alternate who competed in two competitive matches.

We need to get a few wrestlers to trust the process and qualify for the STATE tournament!

28 The Bulldog Bulletin Volume 2 ~ Issue 12 TEAM SPIRIT
Sports Wrap-Up

Canton City Schools

Adult Career & Technical Education Programs

Develop professional skills and obtain industry credentials for career employment in Northeast Ohio for in-demand jobs, and future success in life.


The overall season was successful. We had multiple swimmers swimming their best times of their careers. Nine seniors were celebrated at senior night:

Allea Graves, Juliana Brooks, Danielle Ketler, Carter Anderson, Dawuh Orr, Theo Reid, Michael Waters, Markell Brooks, and Eileena Jackson

District Qualifiers:

Theo Reid- 100 back, 100 free

Carter Anderson- 100 fly, 200 free

Michael Waters- 200 free relay, 200 medley relay

Jadin Asberry- 200 free relay

Jermaine Asberry- 200 medley relay

Federal League First Team: Jeremy Mitchell

Federal League Honorable Mention: Danielle Ketler, Theo Reid, and Carter Anderson

Submitted by Coach Aaron Hill


Stay in touch! The Bulldog Bulletin 29 April 2024 TEAM SPIRIT
Apply Online Today! -OR- 330-438-2556 Get Hands-On Experiences and Success Coaching! Financial Aid Available! Program Costs Include Books and Supplies!
Boys Overall
Girls Overall
By Head Coach Scott Trahey
Jeremy Mitchell Congratulations to Alexys Sterling, Robbiniquea Blakely, Keith Quincy, Bryan Ingram, and Dante McClellan, state qualifiers to the Indoor Track and Field State Championships!
Ingram is the State Runner-Up in the Long Jump.
Sports Wrap-Up Indoor Track and Field

Girls Basketball

The 23-24 Lady Pups finished their season with a 10-14 record and a 4thplace finish in the Federal League with a 5-7 record. Boasting the fourth toughest schedule in Division 1 in Northeast Ohio and the toughest schedule in D1 in All of Ohio.

Led by Sophomore Mya Taylor, who averaged 22.5ppg, and Senior Kylonee Foster, with a 10.7ppg average. The Lady Pups competed each night. Their stifling team defense and physicality made it tough for their opponents. The Lady Pups showed plenty of promise and the future looks bright for this young group.


Football Nominees

The Greater Akron-Canton High School Sports Awards announced the nominees for Fall sports and Canton McKinley has two nominees for Defensive Football Player of the Year! The winner will be announced during the live show on June 21 at the Akron Civic Theatre.

During the live show, these nominees will be honored, along with the athletes of the year in 28 other sports! Congratulations to Shaukeer and Keith!

Overall we had a very successful season! We pulled off a BIG win against rival, Massillon. And had our highest team score in over a decade. We will miss our seniors, but look forward to what next season will bring!

Seniors 2024 are:

Da’Koda Holloway

Allea Graves

Ashleigh Baker

Submitted by Coach Tristyn Dibell Ciarra Weaver Jocelynn Benson Keolani Williams


Basketball Goes Undefeated!

Submitted by Dave Thompson

Canton City Council recently recognized the 8th-Grade Black Team for its undefeated 2023-2024 season and undisputed Federal League Championship.

The head Coach Franco Jamerson was assisted by Coach Carlos Parish. Players: Mejor Cheek, Legacy Lee, Zahmir Torrence, Jaylen Elder, Jaylonn Carter, Derrick Gordon III, Carlo Virola, J’Qaun Green, Javier Longshore.

30 The Bulldog Bulletin Volume 2 ~ Issue 12 TEAM SPIRIT
Sports Wrap-Up Mya Taylor Kylonee Foster

Baseball - Varsity

Girls Softball - Varsity

Boy’s & Girl’s Track - Varsity

Tennis - Varsity

“The only one who can tell you‘you can’t win’is you and you don’t have to listen.”
~ Jessica Ennis-Hill
Stay in touch! The Bulldog Bulletin 31 April 2024
Date Time Opponent/Title Location 03/13/24 5:00 PM Canton South Munson Stadium 03/14/24 5:00 PM Field Local Schools Munson Stadium 03/16/24 10:00 AM Field Local Schools Munson Stadium 03/16/24 11:00 AM Walsh Jesuit Munson Stadium 03/18/24 4:30 PM Fitch Munson Stadium 03/19/24 5:00 PM Alliance Munson Stadium 03/20/24 5:00 PM Triway Local Schools Munson Stadium 03/23/24 11:00 AM Warren G Harding Munson Stadium 03/26/24 5:00 PM Green / School - Green Munson Stadium 03/27/24 5:00 PM Green / School - Green Green 03/29/24 1:00 PM TBD Munson Stadium 04/02/24 5:00 PM Hoover Munson Stadium 04/03/24 5:00 PM Hoover Hoover 04/05/24 5:00 PM Tuslaw Munson Stadium 04/06/24 11:00 AM Claymont Munson Stadium 04/09/24 5:00 PM Washington Washington 04/10/24 5:00 PM Washington Munson Stadium 04/12/24 5:00 PM Louisville School / MS Munson Stadium 04/13/24 11:00 AM Brush Munson Stadium 04/16/24 5:00 PM Lake School - Uniontown McKinley 04/17/24 5:00 PM Lake School - Uniontown Varsity Field 04/19/24 5:00 PM McKinley Tournament Munson Stadium 04/23/24 7:00 PM Glenoak Joe Gilhousen Field 04/24/24 5:00 PM Glenoak Munson Stadium 04/26/24 5:00 PM Canton South Munson Stadium 04/27/24 11:00 AM Ellet Ellet 04/30/24 6:00 PM Jackson Varsity Field 05/01/24 5:00 PM Jackson Munson Stadium 05/04/24 10:00 AM New Philadelphia Munson Stadium 05/07/24 6:30 PM Perry School - Massillon Perry Field 05/08/24 6:30 PM Perry School - Massillon McKinley 05/10/24 5:00 PM Indian Valley/ McKinley 05/11/24 11:00 AM Alliance Munson Stadium
Date Time Opponent/Title Location 03/18/24 5:00 PM Sandy Valley Sandy Valley 03/20/24 4:30 PM Canton South Canton South Softball Fields 03/21/24 5:00 PM East Canton Softball Field 03/25/24 4:30 PM Our Lady of the Elms Mason 03/26/24 5:00 PM Green / School - Green McKinley 03/27/24 5:00 PM Perry School - Massillon Pfeiffer 04/01/24 5:00 PM Smithville Smithville 04/03/24 5:00 PM Glenoak Glenoak 04/04/24 5:00 PM Firestone McKinley 04/05/24 5:00 PM Warren G Harding Mason 04/08/24 5:30 PM Our Lady of the Elms Elms Athletic Complex 04/09/24 5:00 PM Lake School - Uniontown Mason 04/10/24 5:00 PM Hoover Mason 04/11/24 5:00 PM Garfield Mason 04/12/24 5:00 PM East Community Mason Learning Center 04/16/24 5:00 PM Jackson Varsity Softball Field 04/17/24 5:00 PM Green / School - Green Green 04/22/24 5:00 PM Washington 190 Sports Complex 04/23/24 5:00 PM Perry School - Massillon Mason 04/24/24 5:00 PM Alliance Mason 04/25/24 5:00 PM Cuyahoga Falls Cuyahoga Falls 04/30/24 5:00 PM Glenoak Mason 05/01/24 5:00 PM Lake School - Uniontown Lake 05/07/24 5:00 PM Hoover Hoover 05/08/24 5:00 PM Jackson McKinley
Date Time Opponent/Title Location 03/26/24 5:00 PM Glenoak Boy’s Track Glenoak 03/26/24 5:00 PM Glenoak Girl’s Track Glenoak 04/02/24 5:00 PM Perry School - Massillon Girl’s Track McKinley 04/02/24 5:00 PM Perry School - Massillon Boy’s Track McKinley 04/06/24 9:00 AM Dave Clegg Invitational Girl’s Track North Canton Memorial Stadium 04/06/24 9:00 AM Dave Clegg Invitational Boy’s Track North Canton Memorial Stadium 04/12/24 4:00 PM Dover Relays Boy’s Track Crater Stadium 04/12/24 4:00 PM Dover Relays Girl’s Track Crater Stadium 04/16/24 4:30 PM Green Boy’s Track Green Memorial Stadium 04/16/24 4:30 PM Green Girl’s Green Memorial Stadium 04/20/24 8:00 AM Stark County Meet Boy’s Track Perry Track & Field Stadium 04/20/24 8:00 AM Stark County Meet Girl’s Track Perry Track & Field Stadium 04/23/24 4:30 PM Jackson Girl’s Track McKinley 04/23/24 4:30 PM Jackson Boy’s Track McKinley 04/25/24 4:30 PM Lake School - Uniontown Girl’s Track Blue Streak Stadium 04/25/24 4:30 PM Lake School - Uniontown Boy’s Track, Blue Streak Stadium 04/26/24 4:30 PM FL 9/10 Meet Boy’s Track Perry Track & Field Stadium 04/26/24 4:30 PM FL 9/10 Meet Girl’s Track Perry Track & Field Stadium 04/30/24 5:00 PM Hoover Girl’s McKinley 04/30/24 5:00 PM Hoover Boy’s Track McKinley 05/03/24 5:00 PM The Polar Bear Relays Mixed Track Rick Neitzelt Stadium 05/10/24 4:30 PM FL Championships Boy’s Track Blue Streak Stadium 05/10/24 4:30 PM FL Championships Girl’s Track Blue Streak Stadium
Date Time Opponent/Title Location 03/25/24 4:15 PM Marlington Marlington 03/26/24 4:30 PM Field Local Schools Weis Park 04/01/24 4:30 PM Hoover Hoover 04/03/24 4:30 PM Lake School - Uniontown McKinley 04/04/24 4:15 PM Triway Local Schools Tennis Courts behind Triway 04/05/24 4:30 PM Alliance Weis Park 04/09/24 4:15 PM Hiland HILAND Facility #1 04/11/24 4:30 PM Washington Weis Park 04/12/24 4:30 PM Coventry Weis Park 04/15/24 4:30 PM Perry School - Massillon Weis Park 04/16/24 4:30 PM Canton South Weis Park 04/17/24 4:30 PM Green / School - Green Green 04/18/24 4:30 PM Central Christian Orr Park 04/22/24 4:30 PM Jackson Weis Park 04/24/24 4:15 PM Orrville City Schools Orr Park - Tennis 04/27/24 9:00 AM Federal League Jackson North Tournament Park Tennis Courts 05/01/24 4:30 PM Akron Early College Weis Park 05/02/24 4:30 PM Claymont Weis Park

Individuals: Bookings are available at Regular rates are $15 per person per hour weekdays and $20 per person per hour weekends.

Check out our memberships for big discounts. Members can book for $10 per person at any time and can also purchase 10 sessions for $50 or unlimited bookings for a year for $200.

Volume 2 ~ Issue 12 TEAM SPIRIT Rentals are now available at our new golf practice facility at Munson Stadium. Two Skytrak Plus simulator bays and a large putting and chipping green are available for those who want to work on their games or just have fun with some friends.
Sports New Golf Simulator Available For Rentals! 6583 FRANK AVE. NW., N. CANTON ● 530 McKINLEY AVE. NW, CANTON 330-305-3050 OPEN TO EVERYONE IN STARK COUNTY.

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