Lincoln Southwest High School 2007 Yearbook

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Talon 2007

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incoln Southwest High school

70 0 1 S. 14 St. Lincoln , NE. 68512

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- =>opulation ... Students : l8 10 Staff: 2 17 Studeht

Life Spirit & Sports Staff & Studehts
adern ic Life Orgah i
zatiohs & Clubs Cornrriuh ity & Busihess

We Doh t Follow

~m year one, just five each student to walk through

It's like a building and not exist in the same way it d

re in creating traditions. Since then school's traditions in some way.

out that one brick the school would

According to principal Jerry

500 students. ot only met high standards set by previous classes, but also set out to raise the achievement bar to an even higher lev l."

·1e student growth leveled off at 1,910, up slightl from last year's ,1888, the largest class was the juniors with 522 students.


Spread by Rachel Yahk
on page 4... Opeh ihg

Strike a pose class of '07 ! The senior class gets out of class to have a class pictµre taken. Students were suppo.500 to stand by people their own height, but many chose to stand by their friends. Pho to by T ravis Cunningha m{[

Just keep running! Junior Brandon Brown runs the ball against Millard West in the first game of the year. uthwest rushed 333 yards and earned its fir t victory of the year. Photo by

Where next? Senior Lesley Perry and junior Arica Coleman look to see where to go next during locker checkout on Aug. 7. Locker checkout was split into two day The first day was for seniors through sophomores The second day was for freshmen. Pho to by Rache l Yankf[alon

Ken Bever, a NH representative, recognizes the sophomores at the Oct. 18 Honor O)Ilvocation. The honors awarded were Academic 3%, 4.0+ GPA, Academic Letter, Academic Pin, Honor Roll and Perfect Attendance. Photo by Kris Wil liamson /Pho to journalism A spooky treat. Seniors Mai Nguyen and Miles Hadley and junior Alyson Oevenger show off their pumpkin cake in Sherry McCranie's Culinary Baking class. McCranie' class had a variety of spooky cakes to decorate Oct. 20, including a mummy. Photo by Rachel Yankf[alon a1on Rachel Yankf[alon
Op e ning

Continued from page 2

Brick by brick, of the ways students se shirts. One way stud whole body pushups wi students in academics. other L during the honors convocati ns in ooth the fall and spring.

sporting events amd wearing "nest" t-when senior Brandon Stromp would do e _varsity football team made.

• . New traditions wer al o seen by grades 10--12 Oct. 18, more than any cle many block one classes near empty

s the year continued it became apparent new traditions would be created and old traditions adapted to add more bricks and blocks to Southwest's walls of traditions.

Talk to me. Southwest's forensics team share laughs during the lockin on Sept. 15. Speech and debate students playec games and got to know each other h!fore the compeetitiv<: season h!gan. Photo by Katie Madvig/Talon
Muddy buddies! Sophomores Kelsey Graves and Sarah Strickland create nature art during Charley Bittle's biology class. Other class members used leaves and sticks to create their masterpieces in the outdoor classroom. Photo by Brittany V ontz/Talon /:t;~t•••---_.~rum roll please Seniors Austin Griffith and
... we
Spread by Rachel Yahk Nick Powers focus on drum majors' direction at Links contest. The band placed first at the Links contest Oct. 7. Photo by ~mber Trammellf[alon Smack Down! Senior Taylor Boney serves the ball to his Grand Island opponent. Boney finished the season number one for singles at state. It was the first time since 1993 that the champion was from a Lincoln school. Photo by Katie Madvig/[alon r. Sophomore Jorgan Kantor throws his paper airplane to measure the distance. Kantor built the plane for Angela Bates' geometry class. Students did different trials to see how accurate the planes were. Photo by Rachel Y ank/falon HAWKS get ready to FIGHT! Varsity cheerleaders get students ready for the Homecoming football game. The Homecoming pep rally Monday, Oct. 2 kicked off spirit week which culminated with the Homecoming dance Oct. 7.
Opehihg 5
Photo by Brittany V ontz/Talon


First day, first lunch. Freshmen find themselves enjoying their first high school lunch during freshmen first day, Aug. 28. It became a tradition for LPS high schools to dedicate the first day to freshmen only. Ehou;,_.lry

d your homecoming king and queen a ••• Kelsey Bryant and Ryan Cownie accept • titles as homecoming royalty. The DJ's ed announcement left students confused a ut who he said the winner was. Once ev• g had settled down Bryant and Cowrue •----------wl!t,e crowned.

by Brittany Vontz/Talon

Would you like a slushy? Juniors Austin Zimmerman and Alyssa McBride sell slushies at Spirit Fest Au g. 27 fo r golf. Spirit Fest provided time for students and parents to see wh at activities were offered and served as a Booster Club f undraiser.


Talon Staff
6 Divider
Photo Photo by Staff Gx>fing around. Senior Kirsti Sims is supported by seniors Elizabeth Gustafson, Heather Shipley, Emily Creglow and Alissa Rogers while they enjoy their time away from class during the senior class picture. After students cooperated for the formal picture, they posed for a funny one. Photo by Travis Cunningham/ Talon

Summer came to a close Aug began to attempt to balance their s time to make the 8:15 bell and the Activities, sports, work and hangin

with school starting, students t students woke up just in the bell released them at 3:03.

Since i the rest of the LPS community.

As previous "nest" shirts have stated, "Warning: O:mtents

d ". ou , 1t was no clifferent this year. Many students showed up to all sorts of spq ting events ready to cheer and demonstrate their school spirit. So the "l..dud Proud Crowd" continuea their set traclitions.

Traditions created unity between students at school events as well as other activities. It was with these foundations that more traditions em rged.

Pumpin' up the spirit! Senior Brandon Stromp finds himself doing another set of pushups at the Omaha North game Spirit was a big part of student life in the fall with an average crowd attendance at home football games at 3,829. Photo by Travis Cunningham([alon
Studeht Life 7

Ove-rthe Summe-r I...

"..'.hosted two Japanese students."

,Paul Yarabe, sophomore

"...ran a marathon and got second, and my dad returned from Iraq."

,Matt Petersen, freshman

"...went to Mexico on a missions trip, a show choir camp at UNL, drivers ed and hung out with friends."

,Arica Coleman, junior

" went on a missions trip and to camp for two months. I was home for only about a week combined."

,Alexis Schields, sophomore J

.-a..S.'. l, ,... '., '

"...went to the Warped Tour in Denver, Colo. I saw and met a couple bands."

,Brooke ullivan, sophomore B Studeht Life

·•• .• •·.·.;;·
Cllampions. Pinnacle Bank, the &mth, west American Legion team, was the first from ebraska to make it to nationals since the 1950's. They traveled to Cedar Rapids, Iowa to compete. O:>urtesy Photo by Denise O>tton
A red carpet affair. Mell'lrers of the theatre department went to New York to attend the Tony Awards, "The Color Purple" and other events. The department also received an Outstanding School award. O:>urtesy Photo by '1ak,( Sedivy

Tirne Off Lead~ to gucce~~

1$mmer days drif tin' away to those summer nights summer dreams, ripped at the seams, "but those summer nights "

The movie "Grease" couldn't have said it better. Summer was full of dreams coming true.

One major event for some was the Southwest American Legion team Pinnacle Bank making it to the World Series.

"It didn't really sink in until we got home," said senior Elijah Aden, "but it was a great feeling."

Another example of teens working hard was the many groups of students who helped with the Hurricane Katrina aftermath. Junior Erin Eisbach traveled with the Lutheran Disaster relief group.

"I was astonished by everything in New Orleans we saw an apartment building with 'help' written on the roof. I'll never forget that," Eisbach said.

While some volunteered, others slept the days

away. Hours spent sleeping ranged from seniors at 10 to sophomores at eight, according to an unscientific survey of students representing each class.

People also kept busy socially. Popular summer activities included driving around, hanging out at people's houses, going to the movies and shopping at the mall.

Many students also took quick road trips to nearby places. Popular destinations included Denver and Kansas City.

Sophomore Kerri Peters said her summer went "wonderfully fantastic, but I didn't want it to end." But once August came to an end, students knew free time was coming to a close.

"It turned colder, that's where it ends "--Grease As the weather cooled people knew it was time for school to start back up again, and time to leave the seemingly endless summer nights behind.

Proving their point. Senior debate members Nick Dalke, Matt Rosson , and Bryan Kelley and 2006 graduate Dustin Ryrnph competed in Dallas. They came home with a National School of Excellence Award. Courtesy Photo by Toni Heimes Helping the home-wrecked. Senior Jordan Muller finishes a fan in a New Orleans home. He worked there for one week as part of a church relief group. Courtesy Photo by Erin Eisbach
Singing across the world. Choir members travelled to Austria, France, Italy, Czech Republic and other countries to sing with other choirs from the Midwest. They are pictured here at Omaha Beach in France. Courtesy Photo by Denise Cotton

Preparing for Paper~

Hey everyone•••get out your alarm clocks, conducted using one class from each of the 9-12 backpacks, pencils and paper because school is back grades. Most people responded they liked meeting in session! new people and seeing their friends again.

With the start of the year, everyone bid fare, But not everything about returning to school well to the warm pool weather, midday wake up was favorable. Sophomore Lindsay Hanson said she times and sleepless nights out with friends. wasn't ready for school because she "didn't want to

The year began Aug. 28 with the welcoming have homework again." She wasn't alone. of freshmen. With the school all to themselves, the While some classes were just beginning their class of 2010 learned where their classes were and high school experience, others were coming to an prepared themselves for high school life without end. With three years under their belt, the class of the upperclassmen. 2007 began their senior year.

"It wasn't that bad [coming to high school]," Senior Claire Velander, who transferred in as said freshman Chad Hassebrook. "It's just a new a sophomore, remembers her first day as "pretty in, school."

• teresting. The school was over two times the size of Students had a chance to become acquainted my old school," said Velander. "Every wing looks with the school year by coming to the locker check the same, so I got lost quite a bit." out Aug. 8,9, open house Aug. 24 and Spirit Fest Now, V elander is ready to move on. "High Aug. 26. school has been fun, but I'm so ready to get outta

To find out what people liked most about here!" going back to school, an unscientific survey was

10 Btucieht Life
School schedules. Juniors Tyler Barnett and Zach Rt.zsimmons get their schedules at open house Aug. 24. They would soon return to school for classes Aug 29. Photo by Talon Staff Lunchroom lingo. Freshmen Alex Bechtle mid Alek Lien wait in the lunch line on freshman first day. Only upperclass, men were allowed to leave campus for lunch. Photo by Talon Staff Freshman fun. Freshmen Haydar Al,Rubaiai, Brandon :Boosalis and Suhas ataraj participate in the freshman pep rally Aug. 28 Photo by Travis Cunning, ham{Talon

You Know School Is Back ~hen

" Andy Kelsay calls you at 10 p.m and asks you what the teacher 's number is because he didn't finish his homework."

-Matt Robertson. , freshman weekend !"

-Ti ff any Tatro ,

... -

"...sleep becomes a privilege vs. a right!"

-Christina Mayer , sophomore

"... the Hail Mary Hunks unite!"

-Flijah Aden, senior

Food frenzy. Freshmen Preston Block , Brian Hand, Michael Nordell, Alec Rinke, Dillon Ffingsten, Oxly Phillips, Andrew Rentschler and Nate Pettigrew experience high school lunch for the first time. With more meal choices, lunch is a favorite for many students. Photo by Talon Staff Unit ed through u-locker. Freshman Connor Villanueva learns how to use u- locker on the first day. U-locker gave students a place to store their electronic files. Photo by Talon Staff
StudentBodyOJunt 2006--2007: Freshmen-- 435 Sophomores-- 481 Juniors-- 522 Seniors-- 472 Total-- 1910 Back to School 11
I I ' I I 1·
Right on, man! Sophomores Hayley Raatz, Sarah Delgado, Sammy Hansen and Katie Hottovy dres.5 up for Decade Day. Many girls wore side ponytails, hoop earrings and big sun glasses to finish off their retro look. Photo by Jami Finnell{Talon Stomp! Sophomores Lindsey Orrden, Carey Brant and Alexis Watson show their Step Tearn performance at the Spirit Fest pep rally. The team also sold ice cream after the pep rally. Photo by Talon Staff Saving the day. Sophomore Taylor Mayer dresses up in a cape and spandex for Superhero Day Students dressed as their favorite comic took superheroes. Photo by Courtney Oiambersrra1on 12 S tudeht Life Ahoy, Matey. Junior Dylan Oover and sophomore Dalton Barnard dres.5 up for Pirate Day during Spirit Week. Tom up shirts, toots and eye patches were worn by many students. Photo by Courtney Oiambers / Talon Say cheese. Dres.5ing up in hats and oversized glasses, senior Zach Mapes and sophomore Chris Gice pose for a picture in the photo tooth at Spirit Fest. The photo tooth was run by speech and debate as a fundraiser. Pho to by Talon Sr.aff

"~uiting Up with Pride

Go Hawks, Go!" That was the cry at the Spirit Fest as poodle skirts, tie-dyed T,shirts and leggings. A pep pep rally Aug. 26. Spirit Fest was a way for students to rally introduced candidates for homecoming king and get excited aoout the upcoming year. queen.

"It's a great opportunity for students to see the On Tuesday students looked as if they had walked school and some of the clubs they may not have been out of a Disney film dressing like their favorite character aware of," drama teacher Bob Henrichs said. on Disney Day.

The festivities began with a pep rally with the spirit Red bandannas could be spotted on students teams and band performing. After the pep rally students on Wednesday's Pirate Day. Many students sported and parents walked around the commons area, stopping gold jewelry and tom up clothes to give themselves an at various booths sponsored by clubs and athletics. authentic pirate look.

"Running a booth for Key Club was a lot of fun. Students' style went "up, up and away" on Thursday It was exciting to meet new people who wanted to for Superhero Day. Spandex pants were worn as well as participate in the club," senior Jessica Danson, president long capes. Superman was also a popular choice. of Key Club said.

Friday, Spirit Day, wrapped up the end of Spirit

Another way students showed their spirit was by Week. The halls were filled with green and sparkles of dressing up in costumes during Spirit Week, Oct. 2, 6, silver. Some students even painted their hair and faces. leading up to the homecoming football game

"It was fun to see who had the craziest outfit each Monday started the week with Decade Day. day," said sophomore Vera Konovalchuk. Students dressed in an array of different outfits, such

Sing! The show choir performed at Spirit Fest. They practiced over the summer for before school performances like this one. Photo by Talon Staff Mirror, mirror on the wall. Junior Jamie Jones dresses up as Snow White on Disney Day. Some students bought Disney costumes and others created their own. Photo by Onotney Oiambers/falon
Spirit 3
Go big green. Sophomore Alec Malone shows his spirit by dressing up for Spirit Day. Green and silver clothes demonstrated students' Silver Hawk pride. Photo by O>urtney Oiambers/falon

Dancing Down the g{:rip

The immense stream of brightness from the search light streaked across the sky, pointing the way to the big event. With high hopes and dance fever, students anticipated the big night. People filed in and walked the "green carpet."

It was homecoming "VIVA LAS VEGAS!" style.

Although there were no show girls or slot machines at the dance, the Vegas theme strived to fill the commons with the same amount of glitz and glam as if it were the real thing.

The cheerleaders and dance teams sponsored the event.

"We made cards and poker chip decorations, and had a 'Welcome to Las Vegas' sign in the en, trance," said varsity cheerleader Carli Sabin.

Since tickets were not sold at the actual dance, students purchased them the week before

at $7 apiece or $12 per couple. Ticket sales reached new heights with 1 ,409 sold.

Complete Music provided the sound. The announcement of homecoming royalty came around 9 p.m. Seniors Ryan (})wnie and Kelsey Bryant were crowned king and queen. The other nominees were Samantha Exstrom, Mike (})at, man, Chistina Fraser, Zach Mapes, Kaylea Sasek, Ollie Sloup and Paige Zoz.

"I had no idea I could win for one reason: Zach Mapes. He's the man," Cownie said.

Bryant said smiling, "I was honored [to be voted homecoming queen] but it took me by sur, prise. I'm really close with a lot of the girls that were up there with me and they're an amazing group of girls. It easily could have gone to anyone."

As the last song played throughout the com, mons, students danced one last time in Vegas.

14 tudeht Life

/ I
Royalty at its finest. Seniors Kelsey Bryant and Ryan Cownie pose for a few pictures after winning royalty. The winners from other grades included; juniors Alyssa Mescher and Christian Barbee, sophomores Drew Jagadich and Sammy Hansen and freshmen Rylan Cot~ ton and McKenzie Malone. Photo by Brittany Vontz/Il Dancing duo. Freshmen Tyler Mills and Rachel Pieloch take time to talk during a slow song. Rap, country, techno and alternative music were played to appeal to a variety of people. Photo by Katie Madvig/ Talon Tender moment. Casey Carlxm and Kellie Pfeiffer dance together. Slow dance :; were a favorite many for couples at the dance. Photo by Brittany Vontz/ Talon Demonstrating the dip. Junior Jason Belden and senior Ashley James end a dance with a dip. With smiles and laughter, the two appeared to be having a great time. Photo by Katie Madvigf[alon
Dancing divas. Juniors Alyssa Sheets , Meredith Ramsay, Hannah Orr, and Celeste Wanner take a break from dancing. The dance lasted from 8 to 11 p.m. Photo by Katie Madvig/Talon
Losing the extras. Junior Aaron Norman checks in her shoes and other belongings at the Pink Flamingo check-in area. The media center conference room held bags with purses, shoes, cameras and other belongings students didn't want to carry throughout the dance. Photo by Brittany V ontz/Talon Strike a pose. Sophomores Drew Jagadich and Scott Hakel pose for a picture. Before the dance they and their friends went to Lazlo's for dinner. The two have been friends since sixth grade. Photo by Brittany
Snack break. Sophomores Andre' Devorss and Jacob Hehn stopped at the focx:l buffet to take a snack break between dances. • Popcorn, animal crackers, cookies and pop were served at the dance. Photo by Brittany V ontz/Talon
'¥'hat do
You do fo-r .f=un? "Mr. [Tony] Kobza's class is the definition of fun! If you pronounce it right, Kobza actually spells out FUN." Kyle Under , senior "I get grounded too much to have fun. But before I went out to lunch, I got to penetrate the mold in the shower." ,Kati Stauffer, junior "I like to go shopping and watch the latest sporting events. My best weekend was Homecoming. After I got my hair 'did' I ate three oowls of Panera soup."
,Karma Uvingston, junior
Student Life
We all just want to be big rock stars. Junior Tyler Reeder demonstrates his rad skills on the guitar. "Playing my guitar is a way to be creative and express myself not only through an artistic form but thro ugh a mu ical way as well " Photo by Marina Bradaric(Talon CRRUNUI! Seniors Devon Allen, Laura Hakel, Kyle Linder, Nate Foote and Adam Mayhew hang out. tudents often met up to go out to eat. Photo by Jami Finnell(Talon

Chillin • at Village Inn

shh don't tell ... there's a party in the When not busy working at a fast,food joint, a basement! When parents left, kids ruled the house. Teenagers loved to go to parties with their friends and rock out to good music.

However, not all students agreed with this stereotype. Some students claimed it's school, not a party, where they felt most energized.

"So many friends, so little time!" freshman Andrew Rentschler explained.

Jobs left a lot of people busy and without much time for friends on the weekends.

"I usually had to work on Fridays so I missed all the football games," said junior Crystal Brawner with a frown.

Luckily, student workers didn't go without reward. With their paychecks, nine out of ten surveyed said they spent a good portion of their money on food and shopping.

"I usually spend around $20 on just random stuff," said junior Lou Dilley.

common workplace for teens, a lot of students said they liked to just drive around. However, it came with a price tag. Because of the yo,yoing gas prices, they had to find other activities

"What I like most is going to people's houses, especially Tiffaney Tatro's," junior Cara Beaty said. "I'd recommend going to the Stars games, and Village Inn can be relaxing as well as exciting."

SouthPointe Mall and Westfield Shopping Center, along with the Chatterbox and Knickerbockers, were also among places students frequented.

"I think that coffee shops are fun to go to and hang out at, especially if there is live music," junior Kelsey Kennell said.

"It's cool when there's fun stuff going on at school, like Homecoming week when we had a game and a dance on the same weekend," junior Jessica Way said.

Red light, green light. Senior Trisha Knudson is on her way to a friend's house. She was going for ice cream and a movie. Photo by Katie Madvig/fakm T aking state . Junior Jared Marker spent his weekends playing soccer. "The best part was winning the State Cup," he said. Kis s. When senior Arman Negahban isn't studying for the SAT's, he took time to have fun. "I enjoy watching strange movies like 'Kiss Kiss Bang Bang ' and 'Ghost World' with my close friends," egahban said. Photo by Marina Bradaric{I'akm
Vveekehds 17
Photo by Marina Bradaricf[akm



Nothing without rn y Gadget~

I n tcx:lay's fast,paced world, students yearn to Instant messaging on a computer was becom, be entertained. Industries stepped up to the chal, ing a thing of the past. Who had time to boot up an lenge and brought students new and exciting gad, entire computer when one could simp ly flip open a gets to play with. cell phone and have the world at their fingertips?

Apple unleashed its new 80 gigabyte iPcx:l "I text at least 10 times a class period," said offering students even more space to store their freshman Brenton Knight. "It's so much easier than favo ri te tunes. They also introduced a twist on their passing a note, or calling them up." smallest iPod, the nano: color! Starting at $149, stu, Cell phones now offer a variety of features, dents were able to pick black, silver, blue, pink or including video, mp3 players, OPS systems, and green to decorate their pocket player. much more. New features came out regularly, in,

Not everyone was impressed with Apple and eluding an idea for a cell phone that emitted a scent its advances in the iPod nanos when a certain person called, or a high pitch ring

"By the time you get the new iPcx:l, it's already tone only certain people could hear, similar to a dog outdated," said senior Ben LaGrange. "It kinda whistle sucks the way that works."

The technology and entertainment industries

Senior Amber Miller questioned whether or teamed up to create a year full of "oohs" and "aahs" not she should even purchase an iPcx:l. for students. Whether the students decided to dish

"If it's going to be outdated in a month, why out the dough and buy the new toys was under their bother?" Miller said. own discretion.

she sent up to in a class period.

Percent out of 40 students surveyed who said MySpace was a site they frequented often.

Percent of 30 teachers surveyed who don ' t think cell phone usage is a problem in class.

Statistics were found through anonymous surveys conducted by the ye,arbook staff.

O : Best for: those who wan :_;:; : the best protection/detectic 1 U • at the lowest price

2 :How much will it set ye 1

0 : back? Initial ly there is a cc 3 L- • of $30, and then an annm I Q. : fee of $20.

L- : Our Ratmg:

2 : While its ease of use and :, • detection ratings are high C..: it lacks a firewall feature . f : which prevents hackers fr , 1

8: infiltrating your compute1


0 : Anti~pyware

u, : Software


• > : Model: ~,, JI"'~...,.; (U : Webroot fl f : Spy .~··· ':>~e~ ,9 ..µ • Sweeper o·<:,~i <' (/) • :, : 4.5

~ : Best for: people who wan t : • program with extra featun , 1 : for aided spyware detecti01 1-- : How much w ill it set you back? A cost of $25 s required initially, along wit 1 a $20 annual fee.

Our Rating : Special features, including c "suspicious activity" watd , make it the best product c 1 the market.

All informatian gatl~ed fr 01 1 the Consumer Reports 2007 ElectrOlli.cs Buying Guide

Photos not taken by Tal® staff courtesy of, { l!::::::::==========

Candid Camera . Junior Ashley Andersen checks out her photos on her digital camera. Digital cameras became smaller and smaller with each new model that came out.
18 6tucient Life
Photo by Katie Madvigffalon
Number of texts senior Amanda Lee said

Best Batteries

Model : Lithium Energizer e2

Best for: any electronics that draw a lot of power, such as cameras

How much w ill it set you back? They're $235 per battery, more than twice as much as regular batteries. However, they last nearly three times as long.

Our Rating :

While they're efficient, rechargeable batteries are much better for the economy and your pocketoook.

Digital Camera

Model:~ -~ , Casio '-.::: Exilim -~

Zoom , _


Best for: people who want a camera with all of the f unc, tions but not all of the bulk. How much w ill it set you bac k ? At $300, it isn't the most budget,friendly item.

Our Rat ing:

It is easy to use, and with 7.2 megapixels, it takes a quality photo. The price is unfortunate, but easy to

overlook once you try the camera out.

Laptop Computer (PC)


Dell Inspiron E1505


Best for: those who want the same features as a Macoook without the price.

H ow much will i t set you back? It costs $1,120, more than $1,000 cheaper than the Macoook.

O ur Ra ting: It has all of the features you could want, and while still expensive, it's nowhere near the magnitude of the Macoook.

Laptop Computer ~ad

Model: Apple Macoook

Pro 15"

Best fo r : people who need speed, storage, and superior efficiency

How m u ch will it set y ou back? At $2,200 it's not a model most students can afford, but it's worth the splurge if you want the best that will last. Our Ra ting : A wonderful computer, but its qualities are overshad, owed by the high price tag.

The Talon staf(s ratings of 2007·s

Wettest T ec ical Toys o 00


Senior Laura Green's 5 Songs

1. Chasing Cars,Snow Patrol

2. Wonderooy, Tenacious D

3. The General, Dispatch

4. Gotta Fight for the Right to Party, &astie fuys

5. Crazy Game of Poker, OAR.

Junior Austin Turner's To 5 Songs

1. Speakers Blown, Hit the Llghts

2. 99 Red Bal, loons, GJl,d, finger

3. Radioplayer, Allister

4. Approach the Bench, The Audition

5. I Saw It On Your Keyooard, Hel, 'a' logocxfbye

-1 Sophomore Vincent Flynn III 's J Top 5 Songs

i-trnrn ... what ~hould I


Can you re ad/seeA-le ar me now? Acellphonewasnolonger just a simple tool to get in touch with someone outside of the home. It was a way to secretly send messages during classes and a way to capture candid moments. Senior Kate Stajner sends a silent text to a friend, senior Jared Forst captures a photo of his creation in Culinary Baking and junior Darko Alic keeps the original use of cell phones alive before his Beginning Drawing class. Photos by Katie Madvigf[alon

2. Don't Stop Believirlg, Journey

3. Twenty Twenty Surgery, Taking &ck Sunday

4. To The End, My Oiemical Romance

5. How To Save A Life, The Fray Freshman Stacey Segura's

Top 5 Songs

1. Angel, Llttle Bean

2. Snap Your Fingers, Lll' , John

3. Do It To It, Olerish

4. Say Goodbye, Otris Brown

5. Just a Little Bit, 50 Cent

I 1 1 I I I 3. 1 I I 1
0 l
Technology 9 II

'¥"hat is YouT' DT'eam Job?

"Playing for the NBA I love basketball." Hannens, freshman
want to be a profes.sional soccer player on a national level." Frank, sophomore want to be a basketball coach or a teacher." Schmidt, junior "I want to be a meteorologist ·because I love weather, especially storms."
Studeht Life
Danelle Miller, senior Pizza Pizza! Senior Darren Smith takes an order at Valentino's. Smith said his favorite part aoout the job was cooking pizza because he loves to cook. Photo by Breanna Vance{Talon' up a sweat. Juniors Cl)llin Holmquist, Robby Stauffer and Max Tresnak take a break after completing the house in Mexico as a part of a church project. They were waiting for the family to come see the finished house. Photo by Rachel Y ankffalon

Workin gorne Wonder~

"Show me the money!" was the spirited cry of many working teenagers. Money was an essential need for students. Students worked to make money, to save money and to spend money.

Senior Tiffani Thomason worked at Long John Silver's off of Highway 2.

"Basically I chose to work there because my next door neighbor offered me the job and I took it," Thomason said.

Senior Jennifer Penner decided to work at Subway off of Highway 2.

"I like working at Subway because I can get free food every time I work," Penner said.

Some underclassman also had jobs to earn a little pocket change. Sophomore Alex Bischoff worked at Amigos.

"Working is a really good learning experience for me, plus it's fun," Bishchoff said.

Not everyone worked for money. Some

people decided to do volunteering as an act of service. Senior Alex Hogan cut down trees at 0}ttonwood Lake for a Scouting Eagle Project.

"It makes me feel good because you're helping the community," Hogan said.

Some students went out of the United States to help out in a community. Horizon's O)mmunity church youth group went to Juarez, Mexico for a • week to build a home for a deserving family.

"It was the experience of a lifetime," said junior Jordan Reinwald.

The youth group had the opportunity to interact with the people in Mexico, especially the children.

Whether students had a job to work at, or help around the community, students showed up for any excuse to lend a helping hand or make money.

Working all day. Junior Kari Parke puts away baskets at HyVee. "I like HyVee because I like the people I work with," Parke said. Photo by Breanna Vance/[alon
Working hard. Senior Stacie Branting stocks shelves at Office Max. "It's a fun environment and that makes the job fun, " Branting said. Photo by Breanna Vance/[alon
Jobs & Volun t eering I I
May I help you? Senior Tiffani Thomason rings up an order at Long John Silver's. Thomason has been working there for over a year. Photo by Breanna Vance/[alon

AMake the Look Your Own

f ter years of over exposure jokes and phrases instead of the uncomfortable stiletto heels. Big like "crack kills," skin was definitely not in.

The year's look took a completely different turn, one which senior Brandie Peters explained as "Modest is hottest. Show your beauty, not your booty." Revealing clothes were out of style when students returned to school, despite high tempera, tures and humidity.

"It's sexier to cover up than to let it all hang out," said senior Jenny Scatter. While magazines were still advertising scantily clad clothes, clothing companies took notice and changed merchandise.

The once revealing Abercrombie and Fitch and Hollister sold longer shirts and leggings to go under the still popular micro,mini skirts. Layering fit into the modest look. If a shirt was too short it could be worn over a longer shirt or tank top.

The dressed up sophisticated look was made more comfortable by wearing a skirt and ballet flats

totes and bags took the place of little purses and clutches, thus eliminating the need of a backpack.

Looking clean, cut was definitely the look for the school year among boys.

"We just wear what the girls like," senior Matt Green said.

Polos, track jackets and popped collars were seen widely around the halls. Jeans fit tighter con, trasting to earlier trends of the baggy "gangster" look.

"Preppy is in this year," said junior Tim Du, gan. " You should coordinate and look good all the time. You never know who will see you."

Although looking good has always been a priority, being comfortable and concealing every, thing was high on the list of to-0os.

As junior Brandon Moore noted, "You should always look fresh and clean no matter what."

t t
Call it a smile on the rocks. Freshman Stacey Segura and sophomore John Dav~ enport show off the their grills. Grills are a trend that originated with rappers like Big Daddy Kane, Flavor Fl.av and Kool G. Rap. Photo by Amber Trammellf[a1on
So fresh and so clean. Junior Nick Nesbitt shows off the clean cut look that was more popular among guys. "Girls don't like guys who don't keep their look up," said senior Matt Green. Photo by Amber Trammell/falon

Wow Wave T,-,ends Changed in a Yea,.,?

"Trends aren't as defined this year, so it's trendy to have your own style."

,Arman Neghaban, senior

"People are a lot more comfy look, ing. This year they don't care as much."

,Sarah Arten, senior

"Non,matching became cool, whose ever idea that was."

,Katie Hill, senior

Fashioh & Trehds

Keeping it simple. Juniors Melissa West, Adil Karie and Chelsea &au display the neutral colors. Bright colors were not as popular. Photo by Amber Trammell/Talon Cash Money. Junior Cash Ryba shows off his twist on the classic Chuck Taylor. The shoe design has been popular since 1918. Photo By Jami Finnell/Talon

~hat +:cod~ ould You 8l'ing Back?

"I would probably bring back Pepsi." D-iristopher Swolensky, sen:ior "Definitely O:>smic Brownies." ,Stephanie Daffer, sophomore "Starbursts were my favorite last year." ,Nick Sawyer, junwr Stucieht Life "Mingle Time." Sophomores Anastasia Oulianova, Ali Nelson, and Anna Schmidt visit at lunch. These girls usually sat together when they shared the same lunch. Photo by Jami Finnellf[alon Sign in. Junior Carrie Sterns forgot her student ID card so she had to sign the clip board. Security checked ID's to ensure students belonged at Southwest. Photo by Jami Finnell([alon

Food Policy Change~ Lunch

ks the first day of school, 3rd block and time Quandt said, the change was good. to eat. Students rush to the lunchroom only to find To see if sneaking out was a problem, a survey their favorite mid day treats gone. was sent to three random classes of freshmen and A bigger lunch difference was the "Healthy sophomores. Only eight percent of the freshmen Food Change." The change consisted of banishing said they have snuck out versus 50 percent of the soda pop, other than diet, and treats such as llimic sophomores. Most students snuck out with friends Brownies, Little Debbies and Snickers. Treats such who were able to drive. The majority said they go as these were what most students looked forward to to places closer such as Subway, Amigos, Juice Stop, come lunch time. De Leon's, Popeye's, Zestos, or Wilderness Perk.

Some students disliked the change. Upperclassmen who could "legally" go out to

"It's bad because sometimes when Ifeel a little lunch said they liked the variety. sick I like to drink Sprite or Sierra Mist," sophomore "It is nice being able to take a break and get Lacey Diaz said. fresh air, plus not eat school food," junior Tisha Sophomore Spenser Morton said, "It's a bad Elstun said. thing because now they don't have anything to Somehow students found ways to work around drink or eat so it causes kids to sneak out." the food changes, whether it be "sneaking out," just Others didn't care. leaving because they were old enough, or even if it

"Well, it doesn't matter for me because I'm was bringing a goodie filled sack lunch to school. healthy but for those who need it," junior Taylor

Oh where, oh where, did our sugar go? ~me students brought their own pop because the school sold only diet. Sports drinks and diet pop could be found in machines in the D hallway. Photo by Jami Finnell/falon
Foo d 5 I 1 1
Food after foot ball. Junior Rico Oliveros and sophomores Shayla Heimann and Jenna Wiese eat at a po.5t game dinner. This dinner was hosted at Graham Stoddard's house. Photo by Jami Finnellf[alon

. Play capture~ 1-fi~i:ory

Hundreds of hours of crew work, weeks re, also been the most rewarding." Kerns played Man, hearsing lines, and the night where it all mattered uelito and Crazy Horse. He played multiple roles was Nov. 9: opening night. Black Elk Speaks was along with all but two of his cast mates. the challenging play that showed the audience what The story starts out in a ceremonial ground Native Americans went through in history. on and near Harney Peak in South Dakota. The Black Elk Speaks is the Sioux history as re, actual play is set in 1931, but events are recalled corded by John Neihardt, a Nebraska writer and from 1492 to 1890. poet. Black Elk was a Sioux elder that survived the

"It was the most challenging show I've ever early 19 th century battles with the Americans who seen a school do, but they did it with grace," said wanted their land. new technical director, U>rrie Beth Allen. When He lived from a time where white people she came in early September she went right to work did not bother them, to where Native Americans on the set. Allen said she spent hundreds of hours gained independence at the Battle of Wounded working on it with various theatre crews, staying Knee. Neidhardt went to the Pine Ridge reserva, most days after school, up until the final night.

•. tion where Black Elk lived, in order to capture his

After the performances the theatre depart, this moving story. ment had less than a month cut it down to just 30

. Junior Bryson Kerns said, "This play was one minutes for the NSM District One,Act perfor, of the most difficult plays we have done, but it has mance. There they received third place.

Standing tall. Junior Bryson Kerns acts as Crazy Horse, Black Elk's cousin. Kerns said, What made this play so challenging was portraying a character from a different time period, culture and mindset." Photo 1:ry Travis O.mnighamf[alon
tudeht Life
Jingle dancing. Junior Angel Geller per~ forms a traditional Native American jingle dance. "The jingle dance story represents a chief's sick daughter, who was given a dres.5 with bells on it, and is said to have healed her." Photo by Travis Cunn~ghamf[alon Refusing customers. Junior Jason Beld )I: as Sibley turns away an angry Sioux man when he wants supphes. Beldon played three roles. Photo 1:ry Travis Cunningham/ Talon

Showing their anger. Black Elk and his tribemates show their anger towards the settlers. In order to make the play come together, over 120 students participated in technical, makeup, stage and other crews. Phot.o by Mollie Dittmer{[alon

Arguing his point. Sophomore Chase Small argues with senior Carli Sabin; freshman Sammy Al Thayedi and senior Charles Voigt, all Sioux elders, about their views on Native American society Small plays Hoksila , Black Elk's grandson, who left his culture behind. Phot.o by Mollie Dittmer{falon

Performing a hoop-dance. The hoopdance is a traditional part of Sioux culture recause the circle represents life. The dance is done by freshmen Justin Lyrm Gesrel and Sammy Al-Thaydei and junior Brandon Kc:x:h "Photo by Travis Cunningham{[alon

Switching sides. Junior Chris Oeveling shows his true colors, by aligning himself wtih the settlers. Creveling had seven roles ' in the play. Phor.o by Mollie Dittmer{[alon

Giving a speech. Michael Gilmore, junior, gives a speech as Andrew Jackson. President Jackson was a character that helped support the Native American treatment and movement across the West. Phot.o by Mollie Dittmer{[alon

Bla ck Elk Speaks

Sp ,irit &

Just keep swimming! Senior Kylie Couillard does the backstroke at the meet against Kearney Dec. 12. Couillard has been on the swim team since her freshman year
28 Divider--
Photo by Max OlsonQ-Iawk Talk ance dance. The Emeralds perform the homecoming game halftime ainst Northeast. The Emeralds ced at all home football and basketgames as well as at pep rallies. Phot.o Brittany V ontz/Talon Strike her OUf! Junior Madison Drake pitches at the Southeast doubl e header varsity game Aug. 31. Southwe ,t won the first game, 5-1 but lost the second game, 0-3. Phot.o by Mollie Dit'!N:JW Strike a pose class of '07! Senior Dani Virts runs at the HAC championship Sept 29. Virts was the number one state qualifier with a time of 15:36 Phot.o by Courtney Oiambers/Talon

Athletes set out to prove the or in the pool, students drove to sue

This need to succeed is just o team has some kind of tradition tha Cheerleaders began selling" they brought the student lxxly toget traditions with cheers, dance routines and While the cheerleaders got the student section pumpe

the field, court, track, course

d spirit have created. Every

ut spirit too. By doing this 1 assisted in the creation of in the way that they entered the field; tearing through streamers and a big Southwest sigi;i. Another tradition had the team raising their helmets at kickoffs.

As the teams' seasons progressed, more and more traditions were created. Some were made for fun and others were used because the teams believed they helped them perform better. Either way each team se out to achieve great things.

Spread by Rachel Yahk Cheering on their team! Varsity football players cheer for the special team during kick off of the Millard North game The game went into a fifth overtime, leading to Southwest's first and only loss of the season, 51-45. Photo by Max Olson/Hawk Talk
Spirit & Sports 29

Football Varsity

Makin' the Tackle

It was so awesome blocking the [Millard North] kick and it wa :, one of many memorable moments for our team this year --Micah Fisher, jur io

t is fourth down and two to go deep wit 1i Hawks territory. The ball is snapped and quar =e1 back Austin Cassidy drops back. He hands of to Ollie Sloup who then runs into the end zc n TOUCHDOWN! This was a favorite play dm in the Southeast game.

With each play came a memorable mom n For senior Chris Lewis his most memorable 1 J.C mentwas,

"Norfolk game because I played well i1 , : and it was a lot of fun," he said. Southwest -v u 35,14.

Not everything was fun though.

"The hardest part has been the tough p1:ic rices, especially the long Monday practices. T 1e remind me of how I felt during the two,a-Oay: , the beginning of the season," Cassidy said.

With a win over Lincoln East, South" e clinched a home game in the state playoffs , n went undefeated during the regular season.

During the Lincoln East game Sloup broke b Class A all,time scoring record. Sloup's recor is now 505 points with the final 39 points be n scored in the last game of season.

The Millard North game set a state recorc , the longest game in state playoff history with f v overtimes. The Silver Hawks lost to the MustaJ lf 45,51, finishing with a 10,1 season.

Interception! Junior Nick Sawyer attempts the interception during the Millard West game. Southwest won 24-10 in the first home game. Photo by Rachel Y ankf[alon
Spirit & Sports
A break through! Junior Baker Steinkuhler breaks a tackle during the Fremont game. Steinkuhler has played on varsity since he was a freshman. Photo by Max Olson/Hawk Talk Hungry for the touchdown. Junior Brandon Brown goes for the first down. Brown had 101 first downs in the regular season. Photo by Travis Cunninghamf[alon
by Travis Cunningham •
Using strategy. Senior Austin Cassidy and head coach Mark King devise a plan during the Millard West game. The Hawks won 24-10 Photo by Travis Cunningham[[alon Run the ball! Senior Ollie Sloup runs the ball against Mil~ lard West. Slou_p was ·one of seven Southwest football players chosen for the All City team. Phot.o by Rachel Y ankffalon Block that ball! Junior Mi~ cah Fisher blocks a point after attempt in the qu a rterfinals against Millard North in over~ time. The 514 5 loss in five overtimes ended the Silver Hawks' season. Photo by Travis Cunningham/ Talon Pass! Senior Austin Cassidy triesto get away and still get the fir st down. Cassidy had three long runs to help Southwest set up second half scores during the Millard West game. Photo by Travis Cunningham([alon
Varsit y Football
Touchdown! Senior Ollie Sloup scores a touchdown dur ing the Southeast rivalry game r Southwest won 35~7. Photo by Travis Cunningham([alon

JV, Reserve and Freshman

Playin' the Field

"We work a lot harder. We continue to get better and take it one game at a time."

-Evon Benson , sopho rr,:>re

nother year of dedication and teamwork 1as given the Hawks the ability to soar into victc ry.

The freshman team stormed into the yt ar , shattering expectations. Highlights included \\ inning 48--0 against North Star and 38; 13 agai 1st Lincoln East in the first game of the year.

"We work harder here. The history of all the great seasons motivates you," freshman R , an Keys said.

With a record of 6;1, the reserve team 1 inished as city champions.

Reserve player sophomore Evan Benson E rid his coach, Kevin Schrad, "pushes me to do ny best and teach me new things."

Listening to their coaches give a spee :h , listening to music to get pumped before a g a ne and knowing they could be the best were t h ·ee ways team members motivated themselves.

"My best game so far was against Frem< int [35--0]. I played my best game and scored my f rst touchdown this season," sophomore Eric H : de said, smiling at the memory.

With a record of 6;2, JV also had a lo t of personal breakthroughs. "At the Fremont gar 1e , I had two pancake blocks," junior Dillon Sch ~ nhom said.

O)aches taught their teams to be the 1:: ~t competitors they could, which then crea1ed teamwork.

"The competition and camaraderie that -,.;e have enables us to all accept and believe tha t if we push each other to be our best, we will b : a better program for it." coach Dan Carpenter Sc id "Football is a game of emotion, spirit, teamwc,rk and momentum."

All for one & one for all! Reserve players put their helmets t ogether after the Southeast game. This tradition began to show team dedication and unity. Photo by Marina Bradaric/Talon The blocker is ready. Junior V aristy player Chris O:,vey gets ready to block against Grand Island Covey was a part of the offensive line and the defensive line. Photo by Marina Bradaric/Talon
32 Spiri t &Sports
by Marina Bradaric
Catch. Reserve player Connor Cosgrove makes a run afte r he caught the ball. His catc h led to a 6-0 victory agai n st • Southeast. Photo by Marina Bradaric/Talon
Dogpile! Junior varsity players fight to make progress. The team ended up beating Grand Island 3-0. Photo by Amber Trammell/Talon

We can take him. Freshmen te a m members block Grand Island players. The freshmen had to learn to work as a team to get the •win. Photo by Rylee Hall/Hawk Talk

Go long! Reserve player sophomore HD Sader takes the chance and passes the ball when the Pius X players are blocked. Reserve lost by 8 points. Photo by Briana Steward/Hawk Talk

GO,Jake, GO! Freshman Jake Linder handles the ball. Linder was a quarterback and a double back. Courtesy Photo

Ready to kick. Freshman Ryan Keys prepares to off to Grand Island. Most of the freshmen team agreed that Keys was a MVP. Photo by Mollie Dittmer{[alon Punter's got some kicks. Freshman Brandon Piening kicks one for the team. Pien~ ing's kick was almost blocked by East's #70. Courtesy Photo
JV. Reserve and Freshmen Footba 11


Varsity Here's the Pitch !

"Our record doesn't show it but we competed very well this year."

he season was filled with all time highs and all time lows for the varsity softball team, and witl it came many memories.

"Softball has been a big part of my life su ce I was 8," said senior Tiffany Forycki. "It gave ne something to work for, and gave me a chance to have fun with friends."

The team ended with a 23,18 record, c 1.d finished tenth in Class A They won three tour taments during the season, including the Hearth d O)nference tournament for the first time, after c 1 11,inning game against North Star Sept. 6.

In districts the team beat Southeast Oct 5, then lost to Papillion. A second meeting with So heast Oct. 6.

Many challenges were presented to the te e n, both on and off of the field.

"Being a senior [was a challenge]," said ser or Megan Holbrook. "Because of everything you w; nt to make sure [you get] accomplished, and know rrg it's your last year playing."

Senior Amanda Magnuson, junior Madi ~Jn Drake and sophomore Ashley Janssen made the ill City team.

After a season of many accomplishments . 'aristy softball will have memories of the 2006 s ~ason and the girls that became their friends as well as teammates.

Swing batter. Sophomore Ashley Janssen gets ready to hit the ball. Janssen played in the outfield. Photo by Mollie DittmerITalon Wait for it. Senior Marci llirig gets into her batter's stance •and awaits the pitch. Southwest lost to Kearney. Photo by Katie Hottovy/Hawk Talk Here's the pitch. Sophomore Ashley Dunn fires a pitch to an anxious Lincoln High player.
Spirit & Sports
• The pitch was ruled as a strike and the player was out. Photo by Katie Madvig/Talon
Spread by Katie Madvig
Ready to run. Senior Tiffany Forycki begins to run to first base at the Kearney game Forycki was one of the five seniors on varsity. Photo by Rylee Hall/Hawk Talk

Varsity Softball

Triple play. Senior Megan Holbrook rounds second and moves on to third. Holbrook hit a triple, giving the team a 9-0 lead against Lincoln High. Photo by Katie Madvig/T alon laughin' out loud! Sophomore Ashley Janssen laughs at a joke told by a teammate. The team grew close during the season. Photo by Katie Madvig/Talon Time to refuel. The team grabs a bite to eat inbetween a double~header against Lincoln High. Southwest won both games 12~0. Photo by Katie Madvig/Talon Scoop. Junior Madison Drake fields a ball as the short~stop. Her throw to first base was in time to make the out, thus end~ ing the third inning in the game against Lincoln High. Photo by Katie Madvig/Talon

Softball JV and Reserve Hittin'

the Dirt

"Don't be afraid to get dirty and to risk your

body for the ball."

inning is a word that defines the JV c nd reserve softball teams.

&th proved themselves with a 21-6 reo )rd for JV and 12~5 record for reserves. Each had d allenging seasons, playing rivals such as Southe~st , Fremont and Grand Island.

The reserve team wanted to improve :::m last year and the veteran sophomores helped •he freshmen get used to the hectic life of softt tll.

"The secret to our success," said sophom )re Kaleigh Hohensee, "was relaxing and having f m When we played uptight and thought too mu :h , we didn't do as well."

The best moment by far, Hohensee said, ,as when "Kylie Garrett hit a home run during •he East game."

JV started off with high hopes for the s ~ason.

According to junior Kari Parke, the te. tID members lived up to their reputation by "prac1icing hard and trusting our teammates."

Cbach Liz Brenden hopes for the team ranf ed from being city champions to competing everyc ay and to being a good teammate.

"We kept the game simple," Brenden saic

During the season, both teams had bonch 1.g activities off the field.

"The night before each game," said sopl lO· more Lindsay Hanson, "we went over to someor e's house and hung out, ate and watched movies It was just fun hanging out with the team and getti 1.g to know each other."

r I
Planning their strategy. JV coach Liz Brenden plans out the next move during Kearney game. Ths was Brenden's fifth year coaching JV at Southwest. Photo lry Rylee Hall/Hawk Talk Curveball or change-up?
Spirit & Spor t s
Sophomore Kaleigh Hohensee pitches during the Grand Island double header. Hohensee was of ten the starter to take the mound. Photo lry Mollie Dit• tmer/Talon Strike three! Sophomore Laurabeth Miller catches the ball during the Northeast game. • Southwest won the game 8-6. Photo lry Mollie Dittmer/Talon Batter up. Reserve player sophomore Sam Newton steps up to the plate at the Northeast game. Newton was a starter for the team and usually played outfield. Photo by Mollie Dittmer/Talon

No hitter. Freshman Becca Changstrom pitches during the Kearney game, but says her best game was the Hastings game. "Everyone who got out got struck out by me." Photo 1ry Mollie Dittmer{falan

Stealing second. Junior Steph, anie Phillip slides into second, barely beating the ball. Phillip helped clinch the victory in the first game. Photo 1ry Mollie Dittmer{[alon

Cheering on their teammates. The JV team yells encouragingly to their team at the Kearney game. "The Kearney game," said sophomore Monica Knabe,"was my best game because I hit the game winning run." Photo by Rylee Hall/Hawk Talk

You're out! Sophomore Lau, ren Brunken catches the ball at first base. Brunken was a usual starter who played for the reserves. Photo 1ry Mollie Dittmerffalon

Fair ball. Sophomore Lindsey Hanson hits the ball at the · Southeast game. Hanson was a starter who usually played infield for JV. Photo 1ry Mollie Dittmer([alan
JV and Reserve Softba 11 7


Varsity A Record Year

"We have become more as one.

We play for each other because after the accident we kno A/ we have destiny."

-Samantha Exstrom, senior

tart Strong, Finish Stronger" was the mottc for the varsity volleyball team. After half of its merr :,er graduated, the varsity volleyball team returned stJ Jn with five new members. Throughout the season the team bonded and learned to work together.

"We went to Jessica Way's cabin and experie1,c some events that none of us will ever forget," jL 1i Meghan Henderson said. The team went through any challenges

Sophomore Stacie Hansen said her biggest c al, lenge was "being the youngest on the team.'~ She and Kaleigh Anderson were the only sophomores.

The team was brought even closer mid,se .son when they were all involved in a seven~ar pile,up one afternoon on the way to a team barbeque. A few o~ the girls were hurt, leaving the others to adjust to a ne~ lin up. But the team stuck through it and won their fi game after the incident 2,1 against Papillion LaVis a.

The team also won its first ever district cham1 io ship by defeating Omaha North and Southeast.

During the state quater ,final match against \1' lard North, Southwest won the first game and ther 1 the next three. In the fourth game, both teams •et state record of the longest match in Class A ph yoB history with the Silver Hawks fighting off eight m 1tcl game points and making three of their own. The 3 5,3, result ended the Silver Hawks' season.

Rock the Boat. The varsity team gets ready to head back into the game after a pep talk during a time out. Doing the "Rock the Boat" cheer was a tradition for the team. Photo lry Jami Finnell/Talon
3B Sp irit & Sports
Up, up and away! Junior Jessica Kaltenberger prepares to serve the ball •against Bellevue East. Southwest lost both games 2,1. Photo lry Amber Trammell/ Talon Climbing buddies. Senior Samantha Exstrom and j~or Jessica Way chmb the wall that the National Guard brought. The varsity team climbed the wall as a team building activity after they beat Southeast and won districts. Photo lry Amber Trammell/Talon Spread by Amber Trammell Defense!! The volleyball team plays hard against Mil, lard North in the quarter, finals of state volley6all. Al, though they did not win they played hard and set a Class A record for longest game. Photo lry Travis Cunningham/Talon

Work hard, play hard.

You got served. Junior Kaila Lewallen goes up for a serve in state against Millard North. Millard North won the fourth game 35-33. Photo by Travis Cunningham/Talon

Bump, set, spike! Senior Samantha Exstrom prepares to spike the ball. Exstrom was one of five seniors on varsity. Photo by Travis Cunningham/Talon

Switch. Juniors Jessica Way, Whitney Weyhrich, Meghan Henderson and senior Chelsea Capps switch places during the district game against Omaha ' North. The team swept the Vikings and then beat Lincoln Southeast to win districts. Photo by Travis Cunningham/Talon

Varsity Volleyball

The team fights off North Star at the HAC tournament. The team beat North Star and Fremont but lost to Grand Island. Photo By Max Olson/Hawk Talk

Not all fun and games. Volleyball players wait for ambulances to pick them up after getting in a seven car pile up at the intersection of South Oxldington A venue and West • Pleasant Hill Road. The site drew a


JV Reserve and Freshmen'

it Dow

"We learned no matter what happens to still play as a team and have fun."

--Bethany Wood, sophom cire

B ump took a new meaning for volleyball.

Around 50 players from the four volleybc ll teams were headed to a barbecue outside of to\\ :1 Oct. 2. They looked forward to the gathering th t had become a tradition. They never made it.

Instead seven of nine cars in the carpoolir g caravan were involved in a pile up on the grav :1 road. All girls were wearing seatbelts. Though 12 girls were transported to the hospital, no serious • , juries resulted.

But the year was memorable for more than a car accident.

Junior varsity finished undefeated with a 24 J record which put them as the best in the city.

"One of our favorite moments was when v e beat varsity in one of two matches," said junior M :, gan Foree.

The only loss the reserves experienced was ; J Omaha Marian. They finished 22,1.

"Marian was the hardest game of the seasc 1 because it was just after the crash. It was an em ,, tional game," sophomore Neleigh Frandsen said.

The reserve players learned from the season.

"You need to work as a team. Everybcx: y knows each other's strengths and weaknesses J you learn from each other," said sophomore Josb 1 Stonacek.

Before every game the freshman team cl :l a dance to pump them up which they called tl- e "ninja." This dance turned into a tradition.

The team finished 19,1 losing only to Pius ) ~ -

Motivation is key. Junior varsity team meets in the middle of the court before their game. The players form this huddle to talk about what they are going to do in the game and how they are going to achieve it. Photo by Katie Madvig/fa1on
40 Spirit &Sport s
crowd as players used their cellphones to contact parents and friends. Courtesy photo Denied! Juniors Dani Cassidy and Kayla Webert go up for a block in a game against Pius X. JV won this game against Pius X. Photo by Travis Cunningham/ Talon Put it up! Sophomore Shayla Heimann prepares to serve the ball at the Link invite. JV won adding to their undefeated season. Photo by Travis Curiningham/Talon

Smack down! Sophomore Amy Kellough spikes the ball in a game against Southeast. Players on reserve said South~ east was their main rival. Phot.o lry Marina Bradaricffalon

Settin' it up! Sophomore Mackenzie Laird sets the ball to a back row player. Reserve won the game against Southeast. Phot.o lry Jami Finnell[falon

Ahh TEAM! The freshman team does a team cheer after a time out. Coaches take time outs to talk to their players and give them constructive criti~ cism. Photo by Talon Staff

Servin' it up. Freshman Amanda Brown serves in a game against Lincoln High. Freshman ended _up winning both matches quickly. Phot.o lry Jami Finnell[falon

Block that ball! Junior Kaci Bartholomew serves in a game a g ainst Norfolk. Bartholomew also played a few games with varsity. Photo lry Katie Madvig/ Talon
JV Reserve and Freshmen Volleyball


Varsity and JV Rollin' on the Green

"Watching a slideshow at the end of the year with both teams, was a lot of fun!"

--Carole Kerrey, senio -

ocusl Concentrate on hitting great shots ra t 1er than worrying alxmt bad ones or what others th nk if you miss." That was part of coach Jim Dan ,on tried to keep his players positive and work ex :ellence into their golf games.

Many moments that occurred this season • vill always be memorable.

"All of them have been very memorable ~or me because something funny always happenec at each one," junior Lauren Barry said.

With the unforgettable moments came he bad.

"I think that the hardest team that we pl a ,ed would have to be Fremont. They had some r e Jly good girls when we played them at Eagle Hi] s, " freshman Kelsey Aude said.

"The tournament in Grand Island becaus we had to wait more than five hours in the van beca 1se of heavy rain before we could begin play for he day," senior Carole Kerrey said.

Every season Danson has had a quote tha t he applies to the team. This year's quote was "L, ck is when preparation meets opportunity."

Junior Alyssa McBride agreed with that qu .re. She was the only player this season to qualify ·or state. She ended the season with a tie for ifteenth.

Coach Danson kept the girls focused on mproving their game all season and in the end he girls showed great improvement.

Playing in the sand. Senior Carole Kerrey pitches her ball on to the putting green while on the first hole at Pioneers Kerrey was one of two seniors involved in golf. Phnt.o by Travis Cunningham([alon Sink that ball. Junior Alyssa McBride putts for par on the fifth hole at Pioneers. McBride was the only person to qualify for state and finished 16th.
42 Spirit & Sports
Phnt.o by Jami Finnell([alon Oick, Snap, Oick? Coach Jim Danson uses his camera to take pictures of his golf team. Danson took the pictures to help the girls with their form. Photo by Travis Cunningham/ Talon Spread by Trovis Cunningham Right down the middle. J~nior Alyssa McBride drives the ball down the fairway. McBride was the only player to qualify for state Photo by Travis Cunningham([alon Getting ready. Junior Elly Jurgensen gets ready at the first hole. They finished with a score of 205 at the Heartland O:>nference meet Sept. 28. Photo by Travis Cunningham/falon Nice and easy. Junior Elli Neuwirth takes aim at the hole at Pioneers. The team scored a 405 placing fourth among eight teams. Photo by Katie Madvig/falon Focus. Senior Maria Cammack lines up her ball with the first hole. Cammack played golf for Southwest for two years. Photo by Travis Cunningham/falon Friend or foe? Senior Carole Kerrey (far left) and the others players make their way to where their balls landed during the Heartland O:>nference. The • other players go to Pius X, Fremont and East. East won with 348. Photo by Travis Cunningham/falon Girls Golf

Boys Tennis

Varsity, JV and Reserve Clearin'

the Net

"It was great to hold the state runner up trophy at the end of the seasc n 11

ith hopes of seeking the team's gre2 t es potential, ooys tennis continued creating tradi ti )TIS With many of its key players returning, they he pe: to do even better than previous years.

Varsity finished second at state. They 1ac four first, two second and one third place fi n is} and a 7, 1 record in duals.

Senior Taylor funey called the team I th best" in school history. He ended with a 35,~ re cord, placing first overall in #1 singles in clas: A after beating last year's winner John Devose. funey and senior Andrew Dowd led tht team. But their main focus was just to play t 1en best and have fun.

"With this year I don't want the 'what L f s1 said coach Dennis Hershberger explaining tht team philosophy. "I never want to see my kids n reach their full potential."

Junior varsity tennis began with losses to tht team's greatest city rivals Southeast and East , bu! they improved greatly. They came back to l ieal Southeast the second time around, finishing · 'ir at their city meet.

OJach Nancy Brockley stated, "This gr )U { of guys that I have on my team are a great gr <1up They worked hard and got along well. We h. d 1 fun season."

Reserve tennis team also made a name f themselves, finishing first in city.

"This season was fun," said sophomore L 1kt Yarbee. "We played a lot more teams than lasi year. "

r ' -,..-
Ready for action! Junior Spencer Elliot returns the ball during the dual against Southeast. Elliot won the match 9-8. Phot.o lry Brittany V ontz/Talon
Spirit &Sports
Sidestep smack. Varsity senior T a ylor Boney follows through a hit in style. Boney has played tennis for Southwest since his freshman year. Phot.o lry Max Olsen/Hawk Talk Two on two. Reserve players Paul Yarbee and Shane Spivey warm up for their next play. •It was a dual meet against S::>utheast. f'hot.o lry Amber Trammell/Talon Backing up the ball. Junior Collin Holmquist positions himself behind the ball to re- · tum the play. This is his sec,ond year on the team. Phot.o lry Max Olsen/Hawk Talk

Follow your shadow! JV player Mike Korsakas awaits the serve. His opponent was a Southeast JV player. Photo by Marina Bradarick/Talon

Eye on the ball. Sophomore Alex Hartmann smashes the ball across the net at the dual meet against Grand Island. He won the match. Photo by Brittany V ontz/Talon

Time for a refill. Sophomores Jakob Marvin and Alec Lowrey rehydrate between matches. Players stayed to watch their teammates' matches. Photo by Marina Bradarick/Talon

Support team. Varsity seniors Andrew Dowd and Taylor Boney support teammate Spencer Elliot. They both won their games. Photo by Brittany V ontz/Talon

High as the sky! Senior Andrew Dowd serves the ball to his Southeast opponent. Dowd and Elliot shared a 34-6 dual record. Photo by Brittany V ontz/Talon
Boys Tehhis


Boys Cross Country Varsity and JV

Set tin' the Pace

"Running in more than just talent , It takes a lot of hard work and dedication."

with a large turnout of 21, tbe cro.,s-countr • team made it apparent they were going to have · promising season.

"Many boys on the team made improvement ; for the season," said senior captain Mike Schuste1 "and now at meets our team's dedication to th : sport, and determination to do better than befor : shows." As the season progressed and the tear . improved, the competition to make varsity als <1 grew.

"At meets it was a battle to see if you coulc make one of the top seven times on the team t , 1 make varsity for the next meet," said sophomor : Zach Sims.

The team placed third at the Nebraska We · leyan meet, the first meet of the season. They cor · tinued to show their strength placing the JV tear t as second at the Harold Scott meet and earning t perfect score winning the triangular with Soutl· · east and East. The varsity went on to place third a : the Grand Island meet and third at city.

"The team made a dramatic improverrien : from last year. They have made remarkable strides 1 said head coach Ted Larson.

After a year of much improvement, the tear t finished third at districts and qualified for the stat meet, ending another memorable season.

Building Evan Kurth, Cole Frederick, Evan Brown and John Hoffman run back to the starting line after running a stride out before the LSE, LE triangular race. Stride outs were short distance sprints used to keep the runners' muscles loose before a race. Photo by Courtney Ouzmbers ffal.on • Making it count. Senior Aaron Murphy finishes the race strong at the Pius X Invite Murphy ran a time of 18:27.
Spirit & Sports
Photo by Jami Finnell/Tal.on Sprinting to the finish. Freshman Parker Schoen and junior Jay Anderson pick up the pace as they run the last 1000 meters of the race at the Pius X Invite Sept. 9. Photo by Courtney Oiambers/ Talon
Eager to run. The team warms up by jogging around the course before the city meet. The varsity team placed third and the JV team placed first. Photo by Breanna Vance/Tal.on

Running a personal record. Senior DJ Pearson, finishes second at the LSE, LE triangular meet. The JV team placed first. Photo by Courtney Chambers / Talon

Ready to run! Brandon Olson, Parker Schoen,Jason Heindryckx, Mike Schuster, Matt Blankenau and Jay Anderson warm up before running at the Pius X Invite. The runners warm up for 15 to 20 minutes before the race. Photo by Courtney Oiambers/ Talon

Making plans. O:>ach Ryan Salem prepares the JV squad before the race starts at the LSE, LE triangular. The team made a perfect score at this meet. Photo by Courtney Oiambers/Talon

Exhausted. Junior Craig Easley is worn out after running at the Pius X Invite. Easley placed fourth in the JV race with a time of 18 :58. Photo by Jami Finnell/Talon Working together. Junior · Johannes W acks and senior Martin Bland push each other along during the race at the city meet. The team placed third. Photo by Breanna Vance/Talon
Boys Cross CoLmtry 7

Girls Cross Country Varsity and JV Pumpin' it Up

"Cross Country is about the mental aspect , pushing yourself to achieve your goals ."

--Chelsea Pfieffer , iu r or

ananas of the world unite! Peel bananas .. " Yelling the banana cheer became a tradi t n before each meet.

"Last year someone started the cheer an we all had fun doing it, and it stuck with us," rid junior Jessica Burrow.

Girls cross country went "bananas" for o mpetition. Moving up in ranking to fourth in he state, the girls continued to push to be the r ~t. Incoming freshmen helped last year's promi~ ng group emerge into a top,notch team.

"The team this year was more competi t ve, they worked harder. They were goofy as alwa s ," said coach Ryan Mahoney.

Senior Dani Virts placed first at dis tr c: ts and worked hard to win the races she'd v n "I've been doing cross country for four yea: ) I love running," Virts said.

One of the team's greatest accomplishm<1ts was winning the Grand Island meet. It was lso the wettest meet this season.

"The Grand Island invite was one of ny favorite meets because the girls got first p: Lee overall," said freshman Kristal Schuster.

The girls pushed themselves through · !istricts placing runner up, and then all the , ray to state where they finished sixth despite V iJ :s's back injury. Schuster medaled 11th overall.

The banana cheer kept the team gc ng strong throughout the season.

Running to the end. Junior Ashtyn Bax pushes hard to finish the race.1bis was Bax's third year running. Photo by Courtney Oiambersf[alon
48 Spirit &Sports
Pass her. Junior Bailey Koziol prepares to pass a East runner at the LSE triangular meet. Koziol placed third. Photo by Courtney Oiambersf[alon Celebration time. The girls cross country team smiles as they hold their plaque. The girls received runner up at districts. Courtesy Photo Spread by Breanna Vance A moment's pause. Junior Eliz a Hammond talks with coach Ryan Mahoney after the city meet on Sept. 29. The team placed third. Photo by Breanna Vance([alon

Catching a breath Senior - Kirsti Sims takes a moment to recuperate after a race. Sims has been on the team all four year Photo lry Jami Finnell{[alan

Good start. The girls begin the Heartland Ouference race Oct. 8. Senior Dani Virts placed 6th and freshman Kristal Schuster placed 8th. Photo lry Courtney Ouimbers{[alon

Getting in the mood. The girls prepare themselves to run before the race. The team dis, cussed strategies and mentally prepared themselves to win.

Times go by. Sophomore Christine Scalora sprints to finish the race. The JV team placed second at the Southwest, Southeast,East triangular. Pho to lry Courtney Ouimbers ff alan

Keep on running . Sophomore Carly Belz picks u_p the pace to finish the race. 1bis was Belz ' s second year on the team. f'hoto lry O:iurtney Ouimbersffalan Photo by Breanna V ance{[alan
Girls Cross Couhtry 49


·There was a whole lot of marching band spirit this year.·

Marching Band, Color Guard and Silvester

Marching Towards Excellence

Can you do the Fandango? The marching band's theme had a Latin twist this year and band and color guard really embraced it. Both the color guard and the marching band s{X)rted shirts that had a Latin theme.

The band's first competition took place at Lincoln High' s Links contest. Assistant band director Stacy Marshall was confident the band would do well.

"Overall, it's a strong group," she said.

The band met at 7 :15 on Tuesday and Thursday mornings t practice. Although the time was early, the practice paid off. The band received an excellent rating at every competition except state, where they received a good score.

Freshman marching band took on a blues theme with their show called Blues Brothers. They perfonned at the Homecoming football game. They were an exhibition band and performed to receive

a critique rather than earn a rating.

Members of both groups joined together to be part of pep band which performed at pep rallies, volleyball and basketball games.

Besides the competitions, varsity marching band also performed at half time during the home football games and volleyball games.

Color guard also worked hard. 1-ike the band, they put a lot of time and effort into their choreography and practice.

"They were the pizzazz of the band," head band director Lori Falcone said.

Alyssa Johnson who was the coordinator of the color guard said, "The leaders really stepped up this year and got organized."

Silvester, the mascot, was also seen at the varsity football games. Spencer Wolfe as Silvester provided entertainment for the crowd, and little kids lovc...xl to see him at the football games.

Matt Q'1-m, Mandi Conway, l\1ick Dahlquist, Cnristine Daiton, Travis Davidson. Erin Davicfaon, Debra Davis, Kelsey Denton, Lacie Dougherty, Matthew, Travis tarhKelsey Eide, A--hley Eppens, Alex Epperson, Sarah Ess: y, Kierst Finsand, David Freese, Kim Fuoco, Ar.gel Geller, Alana Gie,emann, Jordan GomelI, R't'an Grieps , Austin Griffith, Sean Gro.c;shan Paige Guilliams, Matt Hahne, Hannah Hamilton, Katey Harrison, Emily Hartman, Eriri Healey, Hannah Heiser, Abby Heiser, Meghan Henderson, Katie Hill, Kristin Houchin, Nicole Hudson, A Jagadich, Aaron John-;ton, Bryan Jooes, Nathan Jones, Amanda Kline, Kelsey Klute, Nick Lato.mer. Meghan Leonard, Karissa U vingston, She : Luke, Taylor Mack, Ali Malik, Alyssa Malone, Nie .Martin, Jonathan 1v1attson, Brittany McCoy, Lmrabeth Miller, Nick .tv!iller, Dani ll.1iller, Kathryn Moore, Jean-Marie ~1orrissey, Michaela Mullins, Thoma.5 M 1dt, Andrew Nguyen, Am.mda Nis: Aaron 1'.Tcmn:m, Ben N0rton, Julia Ott, Micah Pfeiffer, Brittany Piper, Alyssa Potter, Nick Powers, Lindy Rauscher, 01elsi Reichwaldt, Tori Rcnkm, Katie Richard, Corey Ritter, Taylor Rohe, JD .· Royer, Michael Ryan, Sinan Savood, Oxo Scott, Margaret S'nerwa:xl, Jeremiah Sievers, Darren Smith, Nick, Spencer, Oms Stepanek, Grant Stepanek, Jacob Steward, Jamie Strudl, Amber Swenseth Kendra Szucllo, Chihiro Takimoto, Tiffm1cy Tatro, Anna Thomas, Tiffani Thomason, Brian Thompsm, 0.)le Thompson, Alys.5a Troester, Jared Tupper, Johanne, Wacks, Brittany Wagner, Emily \v'alkenhorst, Chris Walker. Jennifer Wel:er, James West, Heath White, :rethanr Wooo,Luye Yang and Seth Y,mt

I I ; I i I, 11 II !I !I ,,
)f the footbali team. be Silvester this ye-dr. VARSIIT BAND~Erica Ahlschwt'de, Jay An.JeN1n, Smah Arten, Amanda &Ii. Kaci Bal:tholomew, Ou-a Beaty, Ouis Bell, Oiristian Berg, Alex Bischoff, Matthew Blankcnau, Maggie &:iesclag Orey Bnmt, !viitchell Bromwich, L1urcn Brunken, Jamie Burbach, Maril,11 Bure"h, John Quahan, Jamie Champoux, ,Matthew Ownp:imc, David Olangstrom, 1 Chri"tiansen, Krysta C1ausen, Nathan Coatney.

or Katey HarorGuard's • half l game.


Follow the leader! A"sistant Band Director Stacy Marshall leads the band to perfonn at the Lincoln High contest. The band received an excellent score in the competition. Drum majors were John Calahan, Sarah Anen and Sarah Es5ay. Photo by Amber Trammell/Talon

FRESHMEN BAND- G,urtney Allen, Smuny Althayedi, Jeannette Arnold, Jrnathan &uter, Alexis Bartek,~ Berger, Brittany &tz, Quy Brand', Oitherine Burgess, Ellen C'llkins, Katelyn ,tens, Ashlee Carstens, &cca Cbangstnm, Akoor Omghtai, Kelsey O:mfon, Kaley Ox>k, l\iakenzi.e Crew, Makinst.y Douglas-Hill.Erin Dresser, Karol)n Elsberry, Anna Fangmeier, Maren Finsand, Hayden Horom, Miki Freese, Rachel Gerner, Brandoo Guem, Ou-istopher Hil±erd, Katie Higgins, Ryan Hill, Paul Hrnnen~, Kelsea Hughes, Kate Hunsaker, Kevin Jeffery, Jake Jirovec. Justin Jones, Andy Kelsay, Emily Kerl, Amanda Ke;sler, Kayla Krause, ~:pencer Labedz, Shel~· lang, Stacy Luedtke, Aleem Malik, Jani Martinez, Lauren Meeske, Katie Miler, Tyler Mills, Abbie Moser, Suhaus Nararaj, Jordan Neuki.rch, Josh Nitzel, Harrison Nonnan, Allison O'Connor, Brittany Paul, Ivor Peci, Kyle Pedersen, Juha Peterson, Rachel Pieloch, Ryan .Plager, Kyla Richard.sen, Matt Rorertson, Paul Schiefelbein, Parker &:hoen, Matt Shallenberger, Devon Stanczyk, Jordy Strudl, Brady Vance, Cmnor Villanueva, Wyki Walstrom, Kiefer Wat'iOl.1, Meredith Weber, Wyn Wiley, Katie Yokel

Ready, Set, March! Senior Seth Yant and junior Michael Ryan march during a half time performance. Eoth were members of the tuba section. Photo by Brittany V ontz/Talon

Twirling towards success. Senior Jean-Marie Morrissey perfonns with the band at a competition. Morrissey was a member of the Cdor Guard

Photo by Amber 'frammell/ Talon



·cheerleading isn't only about raising school spirit and fun. Ifs hard work and takes a lot of dedication, and 1 . do feel we accomplished these goals as a squad.

Varsity Cheer, Emeralds and Envy Spread

We've got spirit ... YES WE DO

Another year has ended for the Var- ceivedfirstplaceinCampcham ,dance sity cheerleaders, Envy and Emeralds, but and second place in Campchamps cheer it was a f un,filled year full of laughter, and home pom. The varsity cheerleaders' friendships and memories that will last main goals were to raise school spirit, a lifetime. win competitions, and get involved in

Showing school spirit was not hard community service. for these energetic groups. Each group Their hard work and dedication was proudly raised school spirit and got proven every morning at 7 a.m., when crowds pumped up at pep rallies and they created new cheers and planned sporting events. their choreography. The Emeralds and TI1roughout the year the varsity Envy also practiced in the morning. cheerleaders, Envy and Emeralds have Envy's goal was to improve enough accomplished m.a.ny goals. The Emeralds to create a new image for the ream and attended NDA camp at Okoboji; there they felt confident that they succeeded in they rccei vecl awards for showmanship, accomplishing this goal. Envy's memories and technical excellence. include selling lollipops and cmkies at "Our main goal to accomplish this football games. Advice for the future year was to lxmd as a team, and I definite, dancers, chcerle-dders, and steppers next ly feel we did that," said captain Katie year was to "Be prepared for hard work HeclaUc'U1, a senior. One of their favorite and school spirit," ''Keep a positive at-memories was the Svvitch Rally. titude, no matter· what happens" and "The switch rally is always fun. It's "Don't quit" a chance for us to see the boys become From pep,rallies to the football, part of the rerun and show us their school basketball and volleyball games the spirit as well as their dance moves," said Emeralds, varsity cheerleaders and Envy

senior Mallory Sherrill.Varsity cheerlead, worked to spread school spirit and create

ers also attended camp where they re, new traditions of their own.

FIGHT! Varsity chcerieader Katie Lester hokls up , ie t-ign at the fall pep rally. Varc;ity cheerleaders perton a every pep rdlly this year. Pliow by Trat-is Cunmgl1am!Ta , Dance, dance. Emeralds clan~ away to the song Mortal Combat. Freshman Emily Pike perfonned a solo. Plwto by TTavis Gmningham{falon Line up! Envy, the step team lines up as they p..,"Iform at the fall pep rally. Step team always knew hmv to liven up rhe crowd at all pep ritllies. Plwto by Tmvis Omningham(fa1on All dressed up. Varsity cheerleader sport foottiall jerseys, showing their school spirit at the homecoming gam ·; against Northeast. Courtesy plwto
~theast llwo· ~T4lk
, Kiara UJ.OOdi petform a clm fX
·we work hard but make it fun while doing it·
--Allison Roy, junior il

JV, Reserve and Freshman Cheer

Spreading Haw,C Spirit

JV, reserve, and freshman cheerlead-ers were determined to promote school spirit throughout Southwest, and that's just what tney did.

The three squads spent at least eight hours per week devoted to cheer ing at volleyball, football, basketball and wrestling through the school year.

But cheering was so much more than just showing up for the games. Each girl would arrive at 7 a.m for practice in the gym. In the mornings during the summer and school year, they spent time perfecting their routines and cheers.

During summer practices they prepared for camp. All three squads mmpeted at camp.

The freshman cheerleaders received first for their cheer and first in their camp dance. TI1e reserve squad received first for an "extreme routine." TI1e JV squad earned many awards as well, such as the "top banana," first place home pom and the leadership award.

Each squad had girls who were awarded an all,star honor. TI1e cheer-leaders don't only spend time on prepar--

ing cheers, they get ready for pep rallies, make signs for people involved in sporting events, and support spirit overall.

"I like cheerleading because I like purpping up the crowd at spqrtin?, events and I like cheering at p~ rallies, ' said jv cheerleader Becca Gerschefske.

During the cheer season the squad had to split up so they could cheer, and give suQPOrt to all the sports teams," stated Jordan Faulder.

Fifteen made up the JV squad, 18 made up reserve, and 13 made up the freshman squad. The freshman's favorite event was Spirit Fest. This event was their first pep rally and also first time to perform together.

"Being a cheerleader really gets you involved in school. You also get to know a lot of different people because we at-tend so many sporting events," said Taylor Mayer, sophmnore.

All squads said they enjoyed bonding with each other and creating memories from early morning practices to cheering at sporting events and performing at pep rallies.

I , I
r I
Freshman! TI1e freshman cheerleaders cheer for the ooys basketball team when they played against Southeast in January. Photo by :Marina Bradaric/Ta1on Do you have spirit?! The freshman chant to their pt."CTS at their first pep rally of the year for only the ,.-.----...,,...... Santa Riggs ks to pump up before to by Katie 'Madvi freshmen during the fr~hman first ·---.......--- Homecoming Spirit! The sophomores cheer with the juniors and freshman at the homecoming pep rally. Photo by Katie Madtiig/fa1on day. Photo by Travis Omnii}tam! Talon ' off their special orm at the switch squads creatro special rtes,Photo Give me an LSW! The JV squad cheered at the homecoming p<.,,:, rally while wearing fo.xooll jerseys. Junior Shaylene Michaels pumps up the crowd with signs. Plwto by Katie Madvig/Talon Reserve Cheer! l11e sophomores cheer for the crowd at the February pep rally. TI1e reserves cheered with the freshman and junior varsity like they had during the Decemrer pep rally. Plwto by Travis Cunningham(falon JV Cheer. Rese~ve Creer ahd Freshn1 an Cheer

Wrestlin~ Varsity K JV

hatever it Takes

"Wrestling has taught me self discipline and how to work as a as a team."

s every wrest er approac t e mat, t ~y hoped for the same goal. They all wanted t ) pin their opponent down and win the match. lhile wrestling took a lot of physical dedication, rr ~nt~ dedication was another hurdle to overcome.

The team's motto was "Whatever it T : kes. n The team used the new motto to set many gc tls at the beginning of the season. They then used their motto and strived to achieve those goals.

"The team this year is very young, and t tere1 not a lot of varsity experience," head coach f aron Finley said.

The team made up for not having a Jt of experience by working hard. Goals were t o ave nine state qualifiers and to finish in the top en.

"The triumphs over personal challeng{ ; has been a major success this season," assistant ( Jacn James Ferguson said. "When it comes to expe1 ence our team has learned a lot."

One of the team's most successful mee t ; was Jan. 6 at the Beatrice Invitational meet. The :earn placed second with 206.5 points.

With the struggles the wrestlers faced ther were able to make certain weight classes with ;ome lenience.

"My favorite part of the season was th · twe pound weight allowance," junior Justin Fer1 · uson said.

The team sent five wrestlers to state c= th Qwest Center in Omaha Feb. 15,17. The wrc -tlen who continued on were sophomores Jordan B1 JOks Rudy Fiedler, juniors Blair Brown, Justin Feri usai and senior Spencer Wolfe.

Let's hear it for the boys! Head coach Aaron Finley supports the team by cheering them on. The team had a lot of supporters such as parents and friends. Photo by Max Olson/ Hawk Talk Pin that man! Sophomore Jordan Brooks prepares to wrestle -against his opponent at the Southwest vs. Lincoln High match on Jan. 4. The team won 48-2 7. Photo by Ontrtney Oiambers/Talon Glory days .. Junior Brad Rangel prepares to take on his opponent at the Lincoln High match. Rangel wrestled on the varsity level in the 14 5 weight class. Photo by Max Olson/Hawk Talk Fighting until the end! Senior Jimmie Oi.ansavang struggles to win at the match against Lincoln High. This was Chansavang's second year on the team. Photo by Mollie DittmerITalan

Pain is not a game! Junior Drew Jagadich gives his all at the Northeast match. The team finished 33-40. Photo by Breanna Vance/Talon

Let go! Junior Justin Ferguson tries to break free and pin his Southeast opponent. Ferguson wore a mask throughout the season due to a concussion last year. Photo by Max Olson/Hawk Talk

Going for the win! Junior Zach Fitzsimmons fights hard during the meet. The team beat Southeast, 63~15 in the season opening meet. Photo by Max Olson/Hawk Talk

Grim Determination! Senior • Spencer Wolfe puts on his game face as he holds his opponent down. This was Wolfe's fourth year wrestling for Southwest. Photo by Max Olson/Hawk Talk
Varsity ahd JV Vvrest li hg 7

Girls Basketball Varsity

Givin' it Their Ar

We got together as a team and talked about things we needed to do in order to win.

--Brianna Exstrom , sophor 1ore

oach Lis Brenden described her varsity t e: m as coachable, hardworking and fun. Team gc us were were to play as a team, improve throui , out the season, to have a winning season an t o have fun.

"Most memorable moment this season \ as winning our first game because it was the f , st time we'd all played together on varsity anc it was the first time we'd won together," said se or and captain Kaitlin Nissan.

Something the team talked about bef, re every game was that they had nothing to lose to go out there and give 110 percent and to le e ve everything on the court. The captains led th m in a huddle before each game stating their gc Js for the team and leading the team chant wh :h was "OUR TIME."

The varsity girls had a bit of a roller coaE er season, but they really picked their game up le d, ing up to districts. In the final home game tl =-Y defeated North Platte, 56,52. Winning a d se game against Norfolk on Jan. 26, the girls w re playing at their peak. Other accomplishme ts were beating Kearney 4 7 -4 3 on Feb. 9 in do u le over time.

In order to move on to state they neec .~d to win their district. Their district consisted :Jf top ranked Northeast, sixth ranked Southe _st and Omaha North. Southwest was placed th d seed in the district out of four and faced the 1 -6 . Knights in the first round. They lost 45,54.

Offense! Senior Amanda Magnusen waits for somebcx:ly to get open. Magnusen has played basketball for the Hawks since her freshman year. Photo · 1:ry Travis Cunningham[I'alon
5 Sports,..... --.,,....
Coach! Coach Lis Brenden stands on the side line during a game. Photo 1:ry Travis Cunningham[I'alon Pass! Junior Kaila Lewallen looks for the open player. Lewallen was one of five juniors on the varsiry team. Photo 1:ry Travis Cunningham[I'alon A Break Through! Sopho-more Brianna Exstrom dribbles down the court. Exstrom was the only sophomore starter on the team. Photo 1:ry Travis Cunningham[I'alon

Senior Night! Senior Claire Velander smiles with enjoy while receiving a present on Senior Night. All the underclassmen gave the seniors a present. Phot.o 1:ry Travis Cunninghamffalon

Jumping High! Juniors Jordan Novecek and Maggie Packard fight for the ball in the game against Omaha Burke. N:wecek and Packard toth played center for the Hawks. Phot.o 1:ry Travis Cunninghamffalon

Hustle! Christine McKinney dives for the ball during a game against Southeast. Southwest lost 66-30. Phot.o l:ry Travis Cunninghamffalon

Tip Off! Senior Kaitlin Nissan jumps for tip off against Southeast. Nissan was one of three captains this year. Phot.o 1:ry Travis Cunninghamffalon
Vars ity Girls Baske t ball 9

Girls Basketball

JV, Reserve & Freshman Playin' the


"This year we had a team where everyone wanted to win and was willing to work hard f. )r it .' -Chelsea Campbell , j 1ior

he air is tense as the game is ready to st; rt. Everyone's ready, their adrenaline is rushini a million miles a minute. The whistle blows and ' 1e intense 32 minutes of playing time begins.

But memories did not just stay on t 1e court. Lauren Barry, junior, said, "Karaoke m the way home from the Kearney game with 1e varsity team was definitely the best momen t f the season."

JV started off strong, almost matching :1e record setting season from last year. They enc d up with a record of 14~5. They played the m )St games in the school's history for JV and c a e out with one of the better records.

The reserve team also started out stro tg. They had one of the best reserve seasons in 1e school's history with 12 and 1 record. Their 1 ,ss came in the City Championship, which they 1)St to East for the second year in a row.

"It was a really good season up until 1e end, where we lost city," sophomore Alli Cat ~tt said.

The freshman team struggled to get g 1g this year. The team was introduced to a r :w coach, Khari Wallace. Wallace helped the rls become more adjusted to the fast paced work f high school basketball.

"The best memory from the season," s id Maren Finsand, freshman, "was beating Sou h~ east. It just felt so good to be able to do tha t ''

The game was over and the last buzzer g ,es off. A final shake of the other team's hands _d them back to the locker room. All of the te e ns had their ups and downs throughout the seas, ,n, but they grew closer with every passing game .

Beating the screen. JV player junior Lauren Barry tries to get past the screen. Barry was a guard for the team. Photo lry Travis Cunningham{[alon
Spirit & Sports
Breaking down. Junior Am~ ber Swenseth breaks down to play defense. Swenseth has played all three years for South~ west. Photo lry Max Olson/Hawk Talk Never letting go. Reserve players fight for the ball dur ing the Southeast game. The girls ended the season with only one loss. Photo lry OJurtney Oiambersf[alon Stopping the drive. Freshman Maren Finsand plays defenseduring the Lincoln High game. Finsand was a point guard for the freshman team. Photo lry Jami Finnell{[alon

Setting the screen. Freshman Paige T raynowicz blocks a Northeast pass. Trayn~wicz said that "playing basketball here was an amazing experience." Photo by Travis Cunningham([alon

Go team! The JV team meets during the quarter break. The team had a lot of returning talent, but there were also new faces on the team. Photo by Brittany V ontz/Talon

Denied! Reserve girls attempt to block a shot for Southeast. The attempt helped lead to a win against Southeast. Photo by Kelsey Eide([alon

Linin2 up the shot. Freshman Meredith Weber shoots a free throw at the Beatrice game. Weber was a starter for the freshman team. Photo by Amber Trammell([alon

Making the shot. Junior Chelsea Campbell shoots a lay-up. Campbell was post for the JV team Photo by Mollie Dittmerf[alon
JV and Freshmen Girls Basketball

Boys Basketball Varsity

Shootin' in Style

The most memorable moment of the season was getting a win in overtime on senior night!

, senior

wasn't looking gcxxl for the team. The last ho e game of the season and the Hawks were down I y seven points in the third quarter. They weren't go- 1g to give it away that easily though, coming back t o ie it up with 53 points a piece by the final buzzer. l ut they prevailed in overtime, outscoring North Ph: te to win 67,58.

Finishing second in their district, the varsity b >ys had a five win comeback at the end of the seas m.

In regard to the winning streak, senior ttt Niazi credited the team saying, "Everybody was Jn the same page and we played together as a tem 1."

"The five game winning streak was one of :1e most memorable moments for me," added senior H tt Sundberg. 'We wanted to leave our mark on the scho ,l."

Starting off a little slowly, with almost e, ..:n wins and losses the team kicked it in gear to beat Kearney, Bellevue West, North Platte c 1d Omaha North before going up against #2 r~ ed Northeast in the first round of districts. 0) :1g back from a 10 point deficit Southwest won 60 - >7.

The Hawks moved on to the next round ag a ist state def ending champion Omaha Central. 1 us was the first time in school history the boys var ity team made it to the district championship ga 1e

Omaha Central was ahead for most of the game when the Hawks started makin , • a comeback. They fell short, losing 63, 1 6.

"It is something I will always be proud of," f tid senior Ben Eoeselager about playing for the district t le.

According to head coach Duane Baack, he team made great progress during the season, butt ne just ran out.

INTENSITY! Senior Gabe W egulo prepares to block an off ensive pass against Burke. How the team played on defense was of ten just as important in the final score as the offensive play. Photo by Travis Cunningham(Talon
6 Sports
BASKET-ball! Senior Sean Yost shoots a basket when Southwest hosted Burke at home. LSW hosted 10 home varsity games this season. Photo by Brittany V ontz/Talon Layup! Junior Micah Fisher shoots a layup during the game against Omaha Burke scoring another two points for the team. Fisher was one of three juniors on the varsity team. Photo by Brittany V ontz/Talon Anticipating action! SeniorsMike Coatman, Andrew Dowd, Drew Wergin, Gabe Wegulo and Sean Y ast stand ready to def end the hoop. The team found that they had the mast success when they worked together. Photo by Brittany Vontz/Talon Swish! Senior Matt Niazi shoots a free throw during the Kearney vs LSW game on Feb 9. The Hawks won the game 73--65, the first of four upsets at the end of the season. Photo by Brittany V ontz/Talon Jump Shot! Senior Mike Coatman jump shot the ball. Southwest won 82-56 for the first game of the year. Photo by Travis Cunningham([alon Team Unity! The team gathers over the Hawk in the center of the basketball court before the game. It was a team tradition and was done before each home game. Photo by Travis Cunningham([alon Smack Down! Senior Andrew Dowd jump shot the ball during the championship district game against Omaha Central. This was the first year the boys made it to the district championship game in the school's history. Photo by Talon Staff
Varsity Boys B aske t bal l

Boys Basketball

JV, Reserve & Freshman Makin' the

"Players Play , Tough Players Win ."


-Southwest Basketball team chan t

very one has a certain love for a sp c ,r t w et er it's football or soccer, however t h se guys have love for another sport, basketball.

The teams worked hard all season frc m practices everyday to the early morning g ar: es some had on weekends.

Junior varsity ended up with a 14,3 rec< rd and second place in the city championship g m 1e. Reserve ended 1Q,3 and also placed second in :1e city championship game. Freshman team w, t undefeated with a 15--0 record and became c ty champions, beating Southeast in the champi( n , ship game.

Everyone had their favorite part of 1e season.

"The whole season was fun, but the g ai Les were the best!" junior varsity player Jake M ar in said.

Sophomore Ethan Tompkin's favorite p. rt, was "when I hit the game winning three poir :er against North Star."

Though the games were fun, another sop lo, more had a different opinion about his fav Lte part of the season.

"The team dinners were my favorite p a c," HD Sader said.

Basketball wasn't all fun and games thm ~h. They had to play their hearts out every sir 5le game and practice.

"Beating Southeast on the game winn :1.g steal by freshman Drew Edmond" was junior , 3T, sity player Blake Wewel's highlight of the y ar. "We played really hard that game and to h ve the steal and win the game was awesome!"

Southwest basketball took their game to the next level, playing their hearts out and c )n-tinued to strive for excellence.

Box out! R ese r ve play er s box o ut Eas t pl ayers for the r ebo und R eser ve h ad a 1 5 point lead for m ost of the game. Photo by Aly Ferguson{Talon
6 S pi r it & S por ts
Defense! Junior varsity p laye r Jake M arvin guards East as they ge t ready to throw the ball in. M arvin was on e of several JV players th a t swung up fo r vars i ty. Photo by Kelsey Eide{Talon • Ball! Fres hman Landon Schmidt jumps hi gh t o ge t t he ball fr om a So u theas t player. Fres hmen beat Southeas t in the LPS t ournament f inals, making t h em Ci ty C h ampions. Photo by Travis Cunningham/Talon Rebound! So pho m o r e Bl a k e W ewel ge t s the ball a ft e r a sh o t _ in the Millar d N o rth JV game JV pl ay er s wo rk ed h a rd t o kee p up with Millard North. Photo by Kelsey Eide/Talon

Guard him! Reserve players Nate Jones and Vincent Flynn guard Grand Island players. The reserve team took a victory at Grand Island.

Photo by Aly Ferguson(I'alan

Jump Ball! Freshmen players work together to get the ball from Beatrice. They had to learn how to build trust with teammates and how to play with one another. Photo by Amber Trammell(I'alon

Make that shot! Sophomore HD Sader makes the free throw during the Lincoln East game. The final score was Southwest 55 and East 39 Photo by Aly Fergu.son(I'alan

Jump high! Freshman Brandon Piening goes up for the rebound. The freshmen played a rival, Southeast Photo by Courtney Chambers(I'alan

Swish! Junior varsity player Collin Holmquist takes the shot against Millard North. Millard North was the first game of the season Photo by Kelsey Eide(I'alan
JV. Reserve and Fr eshh7eh Boys B asket b al l 5

Girls Swimming and Diving Varsity wimmin'

the Lim ·t

"Swim team has so many traditions, it's just a blast to be a part of them "

--Channiyel Spataro, sophom <ire

reathe, swim, breathe, the everyday rou • e of a swimmer. It's not about getting your r ~xt breath it's all about taking it to the limit and oing that extra mile.

Tanner Penrod coached swim team fo r :he second season and led 10 girls to state, jw i or Jordie furnhoft, sophomores Sam Hole d ~k, Megan Kaltenberger, and Olivia LeBlanc, nd freshmen Ellen Calkins, Miki Freese, S t tcy Luedtke and Lauren Meeske. Overall the irls finished 12th. 1bis was the highest place , :he team has ever earned.

Freese set three school records, 11th p ice in the 200,medley relay, 2nd place in the 50 f ee, and 9th place in the 100 Freestyle. Along , ith Freese, Holechek, Kaltenberger, and LeBl an all placed 11th in the 200,medley relay.

Girls going to state for diving were ju ior Andrea Troxel and sophomore Amy Herr an. Troxel placed 14th and Herman placed 7th

"Girls don't shave their legs until cor er, ence, and boys dye their hair blonde before 1 1ey shave it for state. Swim team has so many tr .di, tions, it's just a blast to be a part of them! " aid sophomore Channiyel Spataro. This was jus t me of the many traditions swim team particip . ced in this year.

Another tradition they had was the , irls cooking breakfast for the boys before they v wt to the Millard South Invite. Boys did this fo r che girls before they went to the Westside Invit t

Backstroke! Fres hman Ellen Calkins d oes the bac ks tro k e a t the Southwest v. K earney meet. The t eam got 1-2 at thi s m ee t.
Keep Swimming! Sophom ore Sam H o lech ek gasps for air at th e Kni g ht Invite. Thi s was ano th e r m ee t t h e t eam go t 1-2 a t. Photo by Travis Cunningham/Talon Sports Ready to Dive! Junio r Andr ea T rox el prepares t o di v e a t the Sou thwes t v . N o rtheas t m eet. Thi s m ee t w as a ti e d at 2-2 Photo by Amber Trammell/Talon
Photo by Rachel Yank/Talon
Spread by Gabrielle La
Testing out the water? Fresh -man Miki Freese swims ag ainst Southeas t a t the Knig ht Invite. Freese se t thr ee schcd records this year a t st a t e Photo by Travis Cunningham([a lon

A Perfect D iv e! Junior Andrea Troxel dives at the Southwest v. Kearney meet. Troxel was one of the two girls to go to state for diving. Phot.o by Rachel Yank{[alon

Sw imming Fa st! Freshman

Lauren Meeske races at the Southwest v. Kearney meet. Meeske was one of the four freshmen to go to state. Phot.o by Rachel Yank{[alon

Group Huddle! (})ach Tanner Penrod talks with the girls at the Southwest v. Northeast meet. Southwest placed 2-2 at this meet. Phot.o by Amber Trammell{[alon

Gasping for air! Junior Morgan Lausten tries to cat~h a breath during the Southwest v. East meet. Girls swimming and diving placed 0-1 at this meet. Phot.o by Max Olson{[alon
Varsity Girls Swim and Dive 7

Boys Swimming & Diving Varsity akin' a Splash

The main goal is to , have overall improvern ~n by all athletes, at all levels!

--Coach Tanner Penro cl

wimmers, take your mark. BANG, gcx s the starter's gun. SPLASH is all that is heat :l for the next few seconds as the swimmers di , into the water.

The boys swimming and diving team co , petecl in 17 different meets all around the stat ~ -

Through out the season there are memori• s that will last a lifetime and others that will rn t make it past the end of the year.

"What I liked best this season were tl e local swim meets because I know other swir ' mers and it s a lot of fun to beat them," seni<r Taylor Howerter.

The team had some happy memori , s and not so happy memories throughout tl season.

Senior Tyler Troxel placed fifth at stat , the same spot he held last year, and the best :1 team history.

"Our team did really well this year an I hope that we will be just as good, but hopeful y we will be better," said coach Tanner Penrod

Junior Logan Sutton placed fifth in tl 50 yard freestyle with a time of 24.22 seconi .s and ninth in the 100 yard freestyle at 49 ., ) seconds. Sutton advancecl to sectionals. Overc the team finished ninth in the 200 yard fr •:, style, and eleventh in the 400 yard freesty -

As a whole the team finished tenth out , f 26 different teams at state, and had 13 retumir letter winners.

Splash! Senior Josh Brown talks with a coa ch about how he did during the meet. Brown has been on the team since his freshman year. Photo by Mollie Dittmer{[alan
by Travis Cunningha ,n
A break through! Junior Philip Kocher prepares to enter the water. Kocher has been on the diving team ince his sophomore year. Photo by Mollie Dittmmer{[alan
Prepare to dive! Senior Ty, Breakin' free! Junior Blake ler Troxel is about to make Hoffemer and senior Alex his dive into the water at the Hogan finish their laps at the meet against Norfolk. Troxel East meet. Photo by Max Olson! placed fifth at state for the Hawk Talk second year. Photo by Mollie Dittmmer{[alan Rally up! Junior Sean Murphy dives into water at the East In~ vite. Murphy has been on the team for three years. Photo by Max Olson/Hawk Talk Block that ball! Junior Logan Sutton talks with team members about their game plan for the meet. Sutton placed fifth and ninth for his personal records. Photo by Rachel Y ank!Talon Stroke! Junior Jordan Taylor does the backstroke in the meet aganist Kearney. Taylor has been swimming for Southwest since his freshman year. Photo by Rachel Y ank!Talon Splash! Sophomore Sam Meister perpares to enter the water at the Norfolk meet.
Varsity Boys Swih1 ahd Dive
Photo by Rachel Y ank!Talon

lntramurals 1 Trap/ Special Olympics & Bowling hootin' for Succes ,~

"Everyone had a key role , on the team , I was just one piece of the puzzle"

tudents had lots of opportunities to purs 1e sports interests besides NSAA activities ooth in and out of school.

Playing basketball with friends and havi 1g fun were some reasons why students joined ' !1tramurals. As far as coming up with their tee m names, the only girl team named themseh es Super Super Bestest Friends.

"We copied the guys' name~~they were 1't very happy," stated senior Samantha Exstron Super Best Friends split into two teams , jv and varsity, because they had too many play( s. On average, each team played around eif :-it games in the season.

Even though the cost of Trap Team v as $300~$500, the high cost didn't scare peOJ ,le away. The club had approximately 36 memb :rs and the team's officers were the upper classm n. One of Trap T earn' s main goals was to instig. te teamwork and learn the techniques of T 1 1p shooting.

The Trap T earn participated in the St .te Trap meet in May. During the spring the te: m practiced out at lzack Walton, a shooting rar ge just outside Lincoln.

Special Olympics not only gave athl~ :es the chance to compete in sporting events 1ut also taught valuable life lessons such as goal ~ · ~tting, determination, how to work with oth<rs, and how to win and lose while demonstrat n.g sportsmanship. They participated in basked all and track events.

Spo r ts
Fast Break. Senior Eric Vrba dribbles down the court to make a lay-up. Vrba's personal goal was to play in the championship intramural game. Photo by Rachel Yank/Talon Shootin' around. Junior Deanna Kinnison practices her shot during practice. Spedal Olympics had their district basketball tournament on February 17th. Photo by Erinn W alkenhorst /T alan Hungry for the ball? Senior Pat Knabe and his teammate, Mick Farkas, fight for the ball. Knabe was one of the two captains for Downtown Bombers intramural team. Photo by I.indsay Hanson/Talon Spread by Lindsay Hanson Breakin' free! Two intramural teams scramble for the ball while it's loose. To get ready for an upcoming game, the guys had pep talks in the locker room to get pumped up Photo by Rachel Yank/Talon

Shooting sharp.

Senior Alex Bristol attends one of the trap meetings. Bristol placed 3rd in the state competition in May 2006. Photo by Rachel Yank

There were three bowling teams this year which consisted of JV, Girls Varsity and Boys Varsity. JV ooys won 1st at state, which was located in Hastings.

Keep control! Junior Austin Yuen takes the ball away from the other team in an intramural basketball game. Photo by Rachel Yank/Talon

Special Olympics : Matt Baecier, Jordon Bellefeuille, Heather Herron, Deanna Kinnison, Kelsey Lange, Annie Logan, Brandon Peters, Alexis Pulver, Beth Ann Reeci, and Amar Tumeh Sponsors: Crystal Steidley, Kristi Groth, and Trish Ostermeier Coaches: Lis Brenden and Alicia Stopp Defend the ball. Junior Curtis Ruwe and Chris Helget struggle to get the ball from senior Ollie Sloup. Down, town Bombers and Super Best Friends varsity made it to the championship game. Photo by LJndsay Hanson{[alon Block that ball! T earn, mates try and get the re, bound. Before each intra, mural game, the te ams practiced shooting to get warmed up. Photo by LJndsay Hanson{[alon Shot! Junior Brandon Peters shoots around during/ractice. Southwest has offere Special Olympics team for the past four years. They had 12 members and practiced during 4th block. Photo Erinn W alkenborstLTalon
l htr at-nur a ls
Trap Team: Wyatt Albertson, Jarrod Beardslee, Chris Bell, John Benton, Morgan Bergen, Casey Berger, Joe Boehm, Alex Bristol, Zach Bryant, Tobias Burns, Kyle Ranagin, Joshua Genrich, Chris Hansen, Alex Hargrave, Ashley Heath, Dillon Horne, Jason Hudgens, Lucas Ihrie, Chris Jacobson, Jamie Jones, Justin Jones, Brandon Kapke, Ted Kocher, Tyler Kuper, Shane Manson, Kiersten Mavis, Brandon Mills, Josh Moline, Spencer Mullins, Daniel P£ingsten, Dillon P£ingsten, David Pierson, Ryan Plager, Seth Richert, Michael Rood, Ethan Spence, Steven Tanner, Megan Thornburg, Aaron Topil, Danielle Urban, Benjamin Wagner and Lauren Watmore. Sponsor: Russ Raatz.

Sports & Spirit Tearn Pictures

Designed by Travis Cunningham

~i1RWts; 1 TEHKIS n:UIS Boys Varsity Tennis: FRONT ROW : Taylor Boney, Reid Marple, Alex Hartmann. MIDDLE ROW : Andrew Dowd, Jake Marvin, Alec Lowrey, Miles Hadley. BACK ROW : Spencer Elliott, Coach Dennis Hershberger. Boys JV Tennis: FRONT ROW : Rylee Hall, Ryan Town, Mike Korsakas. MIDDLE ROW : Tyler Thompson, Bryan Baxter, Kyle King, Spencer Kerl. BACK ROW : Coach Nancy Brackley, Keith Blackbum, Jake Marvin , Collin Hohnquist, Trevor Hermann. ~-ulPWts, 1 W'I . ~1RWts
7 Sports
Boys Reserve Tennis: FRONT ROW : Suhaus Nataraj, Paul Yarabe, Shane Spivey. MIDDLE ROW : Luke Yarabe, Dan Zhou, Jordan Sasek, Cole Thompson. BACK ROW : Chris Way, Coach Angie Knop , Brandon Boosalis. Varsity Volleyball: FRO NI ROW : Jessica Kaltenberger, Kaila Lewallen, Jill Dawson, L ura Brammeier, Jessica Way, Erika Flowers. MIDDLE ROW : Kaleigh Anderson, Chelsea C 1pps , Samantha Exstrom, Whitney Weyhrich, Meghan Henderson, Stacie Hansen, Amber Mill r. BACK ROW : Coach Danielle Colburn, Coach Nicole Kubik, Coach Ashli True, Coad- MaJ\ Schro fer Man er Stac Luedtke. JV Volleyball: FRONT ROW : Megan Foree, Stephanie Daffer, Hayley Raatz, W J.tne'i Mason. MIDDLE ROW : Kaila Lewallen , Dani Cassidy, Kayla Webert, Chelsey C iarlton, Jami Finnell. BACK ROW : Shayla Heimann, Coach Ashli True, Ali Nelson , ci Bartholomew. NOT PICTURED : Megan Kaltenberger. Reserve Volleyball: FRONT ROW : Sammy Hansen, Mackenzie Laird, Brianna .·] iadje Erin Davidson, Oare Espin05a. MIDDLE ROW : Neleigh Frandsen, Bethany We xl, Arny Kellough, Danielle Urban BACK ROW: J051in Stonacek, Christa Elliott, C Jach Nicole Kubik, McKenzie Tisdale, Miki Freese. l Freshman Volleyball: FRONT ROW : Manager Kerry Blackburn, Taylor Rung, 1- ikah Schwery, Katie Miller, Rachel Naber. MIDDLE ROW : Amanda Brown, Alissa _iller , Anna Fangrrieier, Julia Peterson. BACK ROW : Coach Danielle Colburn, Morgan el, son, Ashley Leitner, Alexis Bartek, Kate Hunsaker.

Varsity Football : FRONT ROW : Ethan Schulenberg, Matt Sharkey, Trey Goa, Travis Earhart , Jake Vestecka, Austin Cas.sidy, Jon Hinrichs, Paul Belz, Graham Stoddard. ROW 2: Trevor Taylor, Orris Lewis, Matt Green, Justin Stonacek, Adam Lavelle , Lynn King, Brett Bolles, Micah Fisher, Dillon Schellhorn, Rico Oliveros. ROW 3 : Robert fitzgerald, Trevor Donahoo, Grant Seiboldt, Nick Sawyer, Brandon Brown, Travis Loveles.5, Eric Hyde, Max

Tresnak, Trey Novotny ROW 4 : Jack Hoage, Reed Lawson, Orris Covey, Glad Oltman, Michael Fletcher, Marques Brown, Matt Roach, Jason Schrad, Tyler Bell, David Lavelle. ROW 5 : Austin Gore, Cole Ingram, Dan Ston~, Joe Morrison, Jos h Hohensee, Baker Steinkuhler, Orris Helget, Sam Siegel, David Freese. ROW 6 : Coach Fred Thome, Coach Derrick Joel, Ollie Sloup, Andrew Essman, Seth Home, Austin Fritz, Cale Stolle, Garrett Sund, Orris Brabec, Coach Kevin Schrad. BACK ROW : Coach Mark King, Coach Jim Rosenberger, Coach Tyson Schroeder, Coach Scott Vampola, Coach Eric Hand, Coach Justin Hayes, Coach Jeff Jochum.

Football: FRONT ROW : Justin Stonacek, Trey Goa, Jake Vestecka, Paul Belz, Trey ovotny, Rico Oliveros ROW 2 : Trevor aylor , Jack Hoage, Adam Lavelle, Lynn King, Brett Boll es, Dillon Schellhorn, Chris Brabec. ROW 3: Austin Gore, A ustin Fritz, Robert Fitzgerald, Cole Ingram, Grant Seildt, Eric Hyde, Max Tresnak, Chris Covey OW 4 : Garrett Sund, Seth Home, Michael Hetcher, Marques Brown, Matt Roach, Jason , ,-;:::-,, •-- 1...,. Schrad, Tyler Bell BACK ROW: Coach ustin H ayes, Coach Dan Carpenter, Coach Eric Hand.

Reserve Football : FRONT ROW : Jeremy Fricke, Trevin Nelson, Bryce Werts, Caleb Brown, Evan Benson, Nate Timmins, Sam Me ister, Zach Elson, Rudy Fiedler. ROW 2: Emilio Cruz, Brady Gaines, Nate Jones, Tyler Stewart, Michael Crelin, AJ Matthies, Chase Sund, Brett Amen, Keith Ozanne, Jackson Duba. ROW

3 : Eli Cecava, Derek Saltzman, John Mul grue, Griffin Rocke, Colb,.n Curtis, Jacob Steward, HD. Sader, Brad Sedor, Geoff Bristol. ROW 4: Mike Wehling, Robert Athey, Connor Cosgrove, Dylan Ohlsen, Dustin Bloch, Ben Samani, Andy Day, Jake Hedgecock, Christian Berg, Zach Watson ROW 5 : Joe Delaney, Ros.s Kremer, Grant Peterson, Tyler Euse, Jordan Bell, Adam Peters, Drew Jagadich, Brandon Stokes, Ethan Tompkins. BACK ROW : Coach Jeff Jochum, Coach Derrick Joel, Sam Heidelk, Dayton Graf, Akin Tran, Coach Kevin Schrad

Freshman Footoo.ll: FRONf ROW : Josh Weils, Davin Wilson, Grant Edwards, Orris Stone, Vinny Osburn, Michael Nordell, Scott Fraser, Campbell Wentz, Ryan Keys, Vinny Delaney. ROW 2: Trent Johnson, Seth Shreve, Vino Brown, Alex Jurgena, Treyton Buresh, Benjamin Shield, Andy Heckman, 1J Mizell, Tony Delaney, Dillon Jones, Paul Nispel. ROW 3 : athan Pettigrew, Brennan Johnson, Jeff Seybold, Dre Benally, Jake Jirovec, Zac Ross, Matt Marissette, Beau Muehling, Brandon Guem, Dylan Payne. ROW 4: Alex Beasley, Matt Richmond, Dillon Home, Colby Dahlke, Elliott Engle, Tey lor Wolfe, Jameson Rupert, Jesre Overton, Mark Korsakas, Josh Nitzel, Dillon Pfingsten. ROW 5 : Andy Kelsay, Aleem Malik, Jordan Garratt, Ethan Spence, Elliott Schrage, Matt Campbell, Max Dilley, Jake Linder, Trenten Meyer, Nick Degarmo. ROW 6 : Ryan Plager, Morgan Bergen, Spencer Mullins, Kramer T raynowicz, Kevin Jeffery, Rylan Cotton, Brandon Piening, Jordan Brown, Brian Hand, Matt Petersen, Cody Philipps. BACK ROW : Coach Jim Rosenberger , Coach Tyson Schroeder, Matt Robertson, Alex Schneider, Coach Fred

Tea111 photos 3

.,,, ,~....,_. _..-.__., ...,,, ,._

u l' I

Boys Cross (})untry: FRONT ROW : Aaron Pattee, Zachary Sims, Matt Bax, DJ Pea rn, Parker Schoen. ROW 2: Evan Brown, Ben Currin, Nick Jes ter, Martin Bland, Mike uster, Manager T ara So ucie. ROW 3 : Ben Doland, Jason Heindryckx, Brandon O lson, J ty Anderson, Matt Blankenau BACK ROW : O:,ach Ted Larson, Coach Phil Voigt, Q ,ch R an Mahon Coach R an Salem.

Girls Cross Country: FRONT ROW : Eliza Hammond, Emily Creglm: , Bailey Koziol, Kristei· Dinneen, Andrea May. ROW 2 : Joslyn Soucie, Chelsea P£eiffer, Annalisa Baade, Jes.5ica Bun v, Courtney Chambers, Christine Scalora. ROW 3 : Sarah Essay, Dani Virts, Ashtyn Bax, Carly dz, Kristal Schuster. ROW 4 : Courtney Haydu, Alie Kloefkorn, Wyki Walstrom, Jeannett Arn , Kirsti Sims, Manager Tara Soucie. BACK ROW : Coach Ted Larson, Coach Ryan Salem, 0 ch Phil Voi t Coach R an Mahon ...

Varsity Softball: FRONf ROW : Megan Ho lbrook, Alli Catlett, Ashley Janssen, Jackie Norde ll , Marci Ilrrig. MIDDLE ROW: Madison Drake, Ashl ey Dunn, Tiffany Forycki, Dani Bryant, Amanda Magnuson, Audrey Johns. BACK ROW : (})ach Jen Deets, Mockenhau t, (})ach Mar k Watt. JV Softball: FRONf ROW : Stephanie Phillip, Jamie Dejonge, Lindsay Hanson, Auburn Boeche, Maggie Boeselager, Amanda Hoy, Nicole Shellhart. BACK ROW : Kristina Wilson, Abbie Moser, Becca Ch.angstrom, Monica Knabe, Anna H orst, Kari Parke, (})ach Lis Brenden. Reserve Softball: FRONf ROW : Lacey Fulton, Amanda Sedor, Laurabeth Miller, Kaleigh H ohensee, Kylie Garrett. MIDDLE ROW : Lauren Brunken, Shannon Cleal, Megan Whar t on, Jamie Korth, Tiffany Ricketts, Sam Newton. BACK ROW : Emily H artman, Caitlan Bunn, (})ach Dwight Bender, Michaela Patt, Marilyn Buresh.
7 Sports
Boys Swimming : FRONT ROW : O:,ach Kris Hoffman, O:,ach Ty ler Scheer, O:,ach Tanner Penrod, Student Manager Elena Bosche. ROW 2 : Nate Eastwood, Sam Meister, Solomon Spataro, Dustin Johnson, Alex Johnson, Joe Howerter. ROW 3: Jordan Taylor, Tyler Mills, Tyler Troxel, Justin Jones, Sam Heidelk, Josh Brown, Scott Hakel, Aaron Murphy BACK ROW : Alex Hogan, Philip Kocher, Taylor Howerter, Justin Nissen, Logan Sutton, Sean Murphy, Blake Hoffmeyer. NOT PICTURED : Sean Grosshans Girls Golf: FRONf ROW : Lauren Barry, Mara Wilson, Nora Wilson. MIDD LI • ROW : Alyssa McBride, Kelsey Aude, Natalie Riggs, Jenna Wiese. BACK ROW : Carole Kerrey, (})ach Jim Danson, Elly Jurgensen, Jayme Schmidt. NOT PICTUR D : Maria Cammack, Elli Neuwirth. Girls Swimming: FRONT ROW : Michaela Patt, Coach Kris Hoffman, Coach Tyler Scheer Coach Tanner Penrod, Student Manager Elena Bosche, Effie Greene. ROW 2 : Channiyel Spataro, / ndre:i Troxel, Morgan Lausten, Jordie Bornhoft, Courtney Suelter, Ellie Marvin, Amy Hem1an, Celes e w~ ner, Jamie Jones. ROW 3 : Katie Miller, Tarrah Phares, Julia Ott, Katie Lester, Madeline Evet oll , Jenay Sheridan, Paige Gaver, Olivia Leblanc, Samantha Holechek. BACK ROW : Heather C 1enther, Stacy Luedtke, Ellen Calkins, Megan Kaltenberger, Kimberly Hassebrook, Miki Freese, Ar mna Dye , Lauren Meeske, Amber Hoffmeyer NOT PICI1JRED : Kylie Couillard, Lindsey Mcln tyre.

4 ~ ... lil:.l'i ,nDt, Girls Varsity Basketball: FRONI ROW : Amanda Magnuson, Kaila Lewallen, Jackie Nordell, Christine McKinney MIDDLE ROW: Coach Nicole Kubik, Coac h Amanda Wil tgen, Destiny Brown, Betsy Philippi, Tracy Sieck, Coach Lis Brenden. BACK ROW : -Coach Jeff Rump, Madison Drake, Oaire Velander, Kaitlin Nissen, Jordyn Novsek, Maggie Packard, Coach Khari Wallace

Ill ,.

JV Girls Basketball: FRONI ROW : Ali Bohlke, Lauren Barry, Caitlin Golden, Bri Exstrom. MIDDLE ROW : Coach Nicole Kubik, Coach Amanda Wiltgen, Kaleigh Anderson, Amber Swenseth, Jackie Nordell, Coach Lis Brenden. BACK ROW : Coach Jeff Rump, Madison Drake, McRae Bell, Jordan Bell, Chelsea Campbell, Anna Rea, Coach

II r

Reserve Girls Basketball: FRONI ROW : Alli Catlett, Steph Daffer, Bri Badje, Kim Burt. MIDDLE ROW : Shayla Heimann, Jami Finnell, Neleigh Frandsen, Sarah Delgado. BACK ROW : Ashley Dunn, Alexis Bartek, Maddie Graham, Hannah Hamilton, Coach Jeff Rump

Freshman Girls Basketball: FRONI ROW : Jennifer Marks, Lisa Bradbury, Bri anne Brestel, Taylor Rung. MIDDLE ROW : Nayawarga Yiel, Paige Traynowicz, Natalie Riggs, Maren Finsand, Meredith Weber. BACK ROW : Kate Hunsaker, Rebecca Swenseth, Morgan elson, Laurel Holmquist, Kayla Frazier, Coach Khari Wallace.

fuys Vars ity Basketball: FRONI ROW : Brandon Strornp, Gabe Wegulo, Matt Niazi, Mike(})atman. MIDDLE ROW: Chris Schmidt, Ben Boeselager, Spencer Elliott, Micah Fisher, Brett Sundberg. BACK ROW: Coach Ky le Schumann, Coach Eric Williams , Andrew Dowd, Sean, Drew Wergin, (})ach Matt Zaficek, Coach Duane JV fuys Basketball: FRONI ROW : Aaron Mulgrue, Drew Edmond, Elliot Baer. MIDDLE ROW : Coach Tony Kobza, Maurice Wegulo, Garrett Nitz, Spencer Elliott, Coach Mark Larson, Coach Kyle Schumann. BACK ROW : Coach John Bell, Blake Wewel , Chris Schmidt, Jake Marvin, Collin Holmquist, Coach Jacob Griffiths NOT PICTURED : B ant Eklund. Reserve Boys Basketball: FRONI ROW : Vince Flynn, Ethan Wagner, Kyle Headley, Na than Jones. MIDDLE ROW : Coach Tony Kobza, Jarett Denning, Nathan Vanloon, Adam Lavelle, Alec Lowrey, Ethan Tompkins, Coach Mark Larson. BACK ROW : Taylor Ford, HD Sader, Ross Kremer, Tyler Jarosz, Brandon Schafer Freshman Boys Basketball: FRONI ROW : Alex Duff, Andy Kelsay, Dillon McLain, Cole Frederick. MIDDLE ROW : Coach John Bell, Seth Shreve, Austin Siedel, Parker S:hoen , Travino Brown, Jeff Seybold, Coach Jacob Griffiths. BACK ROW : Landon S:hmi dt, Alex Schneider, Rylan Cotton, Matt Robertson, Brian Hand, Brandon Piening. OT PICTURED: Devin Douglas-Wiley.
I • 4
Team pho t os 75

7 6 ports

- ...,..----T A n .... ~~..!W
Wrestling: FRO Nf RO W: Student Manager Karma Llvingstoo, Coach Kyle Ludvik, Coach Aaron Rnley, Coach Joey Morrison, Student Manager Katey Harrison. ROW 2: Rudy Redler, Blair Brown, Samuel Schmidt, Spencer Wolfe, Tyler Alley, Jordan Brooks, Alan Holly, Jimmie Oumsavang, Brad Rangel, Justin Ferguson. RO W 3: Brandon Peters, Jordan Sasek, Zach Rtzsimmons, Austin Gire, Matt Sharkey, Drew Jagadich, Shane Spivey, David Oiangscrom RO W 4: Tyler Barnett, Tyler Nannen, Ben Doland, Glad Olnnan, Russ Aust, Ben Samani, Ty Ziegelbein, Trent Burgess, Jeremy Fricke, Eric Hinz. BA CK RO W: Alex Steinmeyer, Tony Delaney, Beau Muehlin Col Dahlke a k Wilson Dillen Home Nathan Bas.s R K ce Brown osh Weils. Varsity Cheerleaders: FRONf ROW : Jordie furnhoft, Christina Fraser, Paige Vanicek, Caitlin Kiely, Charis Thomas. MIDDLE ROW : Mallory Vogt, Omrtney Suelter, Katie Lester, Kiara Letcher, Carli Sabin, Janessa Stimbert. BACK ROW : Maggie Deschaine, Amber Schueth, Whitney Fuller, Courtney Lubach, Jennifer Miller, Hannah Ullman. Sponsor Nicki Baker. (di JV Cheerleaders: FRONf ROW : Alex Riggs, Marie Hansen, Allison Roy, Shaylene Michaels, Brittany McNear. MIDDLE ROW : Becca Gerschefske, Elli Neuwirth, Kayla &nnett, Bree Moore, Jessica Wright. BACK ROW : Portia Reams, Reba Nitzel, Katie Shanahan, Jordan Faulder, Bryttie Duren, Blair Sanburg. Sponsor Nicki Baker. Reserve Cheerleaders: FRONf ROW : Heather Guenther, Anna True, Julia Didier. MIDDLE ROW : Anastasia Oulianova, Anna Schmidt, Bethany Wood, Lindsay Leikam, Ali elson, Tori Fry, Kara Olson, Tara Soucie. BACK ROW : Lindsey Leach, Taylor Mayer, Jenna Wiese, Jess Tommeraasen, Chelsea Walz, Jamicyn Jahnke, Melissa Beard. Sponsor Nicki Baker. Freshman Cheerleaders: FRONT ROW : Tess Mayer, Michaela Whitesell, McKer :ie Malone, Kayla Krause, Mikala Schwery, Kally Brennan. BACK ROW : Tonya Ma imenko, Lauren Geisert, Allison O'Connor, Hilary Hamilton, Colbi Duren, Tayler L d, Katie Steps. Sponsor by Nicki Baker Lincoln Southwest Emeralds Dance Team: FRONf ROW : Molly Jones, Kaylea sek, Whitney Stems, Haley Meyer, Mallory Sherrill, Hailey Hamilton. BACK ROW : re Lewis, Chasmine Gerschefske, Erinn Walkenhorst, Sally Ingham, Emily Pike, Kylie lockenga, Katie Heckman, Hayli Lofgreen, Gera Carstenson. Color Guard: FRONT ROW : Brittany McCoy, Brittany Piper, Taylor Rohe, AI .mda Ball, Abby Oui.stiansen, Jean-Marie Morrissey, Hannah Heiser. BACK ROW : K 5e.Y Eide, Chelsea Reichwaldt, Coco Scott, Katey Harrison, Abby Heiser, Nicky Martin Sponsor Alyssa Johnson.
Envy: Jade Cattoor, -Carey Brant, Lindsey Carden, Sabrina Buckwald, Alexis Watsc 1, Marianne Wegulo, Hana Mustafa. Sponsor Lori Mescher. I, Fr

r '\l

cy Baseball: FRONT ROW : Cullan Brennan, Andy Nealon, John Mulgrue, Adam ell , David Lavelle, Mick Farkas. MIDDLE ROW : Josh Buchmann, Zach Lovell, ah Aden, Jim Kraus, Chris Wahl, Mike Korsakas, Mike Dvorak. BACK ROW : Jake tecka, Cole Ingram, Sean Yost, Pat Knabe, Coach Doug Kaltenberger.
Basebal l: FRONT ROW : Cash Ryba, Dustin Bloch, Dain Sudik, Ryan Haas. UDDLE ROW : Lynn King, Griffin Perry, Curtis Ruwe, Garrett Nitz, Jason Schrad. l'\CK ROW : Coach Oliver Bantam, Grant Essink, Vince Flynn, Jake Marvin, Adam eters, JD Sader, Coach Mark Watt. hman Baseball: FRONT ROW : B.J. Gropp, Michael ordell, Jason Hudgens, Cole erick. MIDDLE ROW : Paul Nispel, Andy Kelsay, Mark Korsakas, Alex Steinmey~ , Colby Dahlke. BACK ROW : Coach Anthony Leetch, Brian Hand, Jordan Brown, att Robertson, Cody Philipps, Elliott Engle. Boys Golf: FRONT ROW : James Tussing, Bryce Brown, Scott Fraser, Omnor Stang, Brandon fuosalis. MIDDLE ROW : O)achJim Danson, Justin Stonacek, Austin Zimmennan, Mike OJatman, Kyle Jaacks, Brett undberg. BACK ROW : Ben Oevinger, Jake Hedgecock, Grant Peterson, Keith Blackburn, OJle Thompson. Girls Varsity Tennis: FRONf ROW : Paige Wentz, Alexis Bartek, Kinsley Fisher, Sally Ingham. BACK ROW : McRae Bell, Hannah Herman, Coach Dennis Hershberger. Girls JV Tennis: FRONT ROW : Hannah Orr, Meredith Ramsay, Ashley Janssen, An~ astasia Oulianova, Victoria Fry. BACK ROW : Coach Nancy Brackley, Anna Schmidt, Courtney Powers, Sarah eelly, Julia Wehrli, Mackenzie Laird.
Sports and Spiri t Teah-7 Pictu r e s 77
Girls Reserve Tennis: FRONf ROW : ·Nicole Zimmer, Jessica Wright, Cindy Nguyen, Juee Trivedi. BACK ROW : Coach ancy Brackley, Hannah Hamilton, Kara Olson, Heather Berck.

Taylor T aege, Matthew Shallenberger, Casey Berger.

Track: FRONT ROW : JD Royer, John Thompson, Jeff Walker, Dillon Jones, Devin Johnson, Zach Elson, Cnad Hassebrook,Jamell Michaels, Tyler Reeder, Hieu Cao ROW 2 : Jack Hoage, Paul Belz, Rico Oliveros, Craig Easley, Zachery Sims, Aaron Pattee, Eric Hyde, Brett Amen, Dylan Payne, Brennan Johnson. ROW 3 : Brady Gaines, Caleb Brown, Jeremiah Sievers, Sinan Sayood, Dillon Schellhorn, Marques Brown, Matt Green, Trevino Brown, Jeff Seybold, Branden Brown, Benjamin Shield, Matt Bovee. ROW 4: Teylor Wolfe, Matt Petersen, Trenten Meyer, Zach Watsoo, Nick Sawyer, Logan Luke, Dyl Ohlsen, Evan Brown, CJ. Yank, LeJay Daniels, Kyle Daniels. ROW 5 : John Hoffman, Austin Cassidy, Travis Earhart, Peter Sitzmann, Jay Anderson, Josh Hohensee, Parker Schoen, Matt Blankenau, Mike Schuster. ROW 6 : Garrett Sund, Andrew Essman, Jordan Bell, Dustin Garrett, Brandon Olson, Nick Jester, Aaron Johnston, Devin Douglass-Wiley, Dayton Graf, Austin Fritz, Tyler Loos. BACK ROW : Cmch Deep Amin, Cmch Phil Voigt, Cmch Matt Mezger, Cmch Andrew Sherman, Cooch Ryan Mahoney, Cmch Nicole Kubik, Cmch Ashley Wimes. NOT PI • Omch Nathan Renter. 78 -• .....,.r---,, ports

Varsity Soccer: FRONT ROW : Samantha Mueting, Caitlin Golden, Laura Hake Kelly Baer, Paige Brolhorst, Kelsey Bryant. MIDDLE ROW : Kourtney Frank, Mallory Vogt :.lizabeth Wakeman, Lauren Barry, Bri Badje, Willow Nyman-Jones, Erin Danahay. BACK R )W: Oare Espinosa, Jami Rnnell, Anna Rea, Samantha Exstrom, Shayla Heimann, Bri Exstro1 1

Steph [ ffer , Anna Horst, Emily Kerl. NOT PICTURED : Alex Bechtle, Sarah Delgado, Natali Riggs.

......_,....! +_ --=-=-
Boys Varsity Soccer: FRONT ROW : Jared Marker, Denton Langer, Andre DeVorss, Cliad Bailey, AJ Jagadich, Taylor Quandt, Taylor Peters. MIDDLE ROW: Alex Hogan , Tyler Swartz, Dan Owen, Bryce Petersen, Brett Sinclair, Mike Jacoh,on, Duncan Barnell, Aaron Mulgrue, Kyle Behrens. BACK ROW : G.mch Dan Carpenter, Justin Jacoh,on, Keenan Price, Seth Neben, Micah fisher, Matt Bi hop, Kyle King, G.mch Geoff Weller, Crnch Jim Rosenberger. JV Soccer: FRONT ROW : Ricardo Cisneros, Bryce Ficken, Drew Edmond, Tate Bomhoft, Steven Jones. MIDDLE ROW : Jared Plautz, Alex Duff, Austin Siedel, Kyle Frnter, Brandon Guyer, Dalton Barnard, Andy Heckman. BACK ROW : Coach Geoff Weller, Eric Hinz, Robert Athey, Brandon Schafer, Kyle King, Ben Currin, Ben Shallenberger, Reserve Soccer: FRONT ROW : Nick Mueting, Andrew Cecava, Tyson Mizell, Ryan Yanagida, Treyton Buresh, John Creglow, Morgan Price. MIDDLE ROW : Alek Lien, Andy Day, AJ Matthies, Jesus Valladares, Aaron Schilling, Scott Hakel, Brandon Guem, Ricardo Ortiz. BACK ROW : Coach Jim Rosenberger, Genesis Sy, Ivor Peci, Stuart Piper, Boys Girls JV Soccer: FRONT ROW : Chihiro Takimato, Kaylee Braden, Paige Buresh, Erica Ahlschwede, Katie Shanahan, Maren Finsand, Brittney Benson. BACK ROW : Ar alisa Baade, Mollie Dittmer, Jes.5ica Burow, O:>ach Watson, Katie Higgins, Reserve Soccer: FRONT ROW : Emily Owen, Kelsie Bard, Jordy Strudl, Jami M a -c er. MIDDLE ROW : Emily Hartman, Kaleigh Hohensee, Ashley Bott, Jennifer Mark , Lauren Meeske. BACK ROW : Coach Brad Siedel, Kelsey Kinnison, Laurel Ho lm uist, Amanda Bartels, Ali Nelson, Becky Hutchins, Ashley Hemann.

Student T rainers:

Girls Track: FRONf ROW : Nora Wilsoo, Taylor Mayer, Brooke Bowers, Shannon Qeal, Michaela Patt, Kamala Moore, Kristen Dinneen, Rachel Pieloch.

ROW 2: Ahna Donlic, Ja;lyn Soucie, Bri Brestel, Wyki Walstrom, Kimberly Bun, Juha Ott, Eliza Hammond, Carly Belz, Arianna Dye, Alysha G.tlver, Alie Kloefkorn, Mara Wilson. ROW 3 : Kristal Schuster, Courmey Cllambers, Beth Embree, Kaleigh Anderson, Neleigh Frandsen, Alyssa McBride, Dani Virts, Kari Meyer, Jamie Dejonge, Olivia Leblanc, Tara Soucie, Sammy Hansen. ROW 4 : Jeannette Arnold, Amanda Brown, Courmey Haydu, Hope Bowers, Brittany Oeal, Danielle Urban, Oielsea ?feiffer, Marianne Wegulo, l..exi Smalley, Becca Nispel, Alissa Schellhorn, Melissa West ROW 5 : Kayla Frazier, Jessica Kaltenberger, Danielle Cas.5idy, Laura Brammeier, Stacie Hansen, Maggie Packard, McKenzie TtSdale, Kylie Garrett, Amber Swenseth, Becca Swenseth, Caitlan Bunn. BACK

ROW: Coach Deep Amin, Coach Phil Voigt, Coach Matt Mezger, Coach Andrew Sherman, Coach Ryan Mahoney, Coach Nicole Kubik , Coach Ashley Wimes. NOT PlcnJRED : Coach Nathan Renter.


• fall ahd Vvihter sports SOFTBALL

Varsity: JV: Reserve: Freshman: 23-11 25-0 1 9- 1 22- 1

The volleyball teams were all n amed city champions , and the Varsity team was also declared the district champions. FOOT8ALL

Varsity: JV: Reserve: Freshman:

10- 1 5-2 6-1 3-5

The varsity football team was declared the district champions SOYS 8ASKIT8ALL

Varsity: JV: Reserve: Freshman: 12- 13 14-3 10-3 15-0

The varsity ooys basketball team was the district runner ,up, and the freshman team was named city champions.


fuys: Girls: 5 state qualifiers, team 9-2 8-3 finished tied for 22nd.

Varsity: JV: Reserve: 23-18 19-6 13-6

The varsity softball team was the conference champion.


Varsity: JV: Reserve: 6-1 9-3 10-2

Taylor Boney Class A Singles Champion , JV ooys city champions GIRLS 8ASK£T8ALL

Varsity: JV: Reserve: Freshman: 8-14 14-5 12-1 9-8

The JV and Reserve girls basketball teams were named cRoSS CCOUNTRY

Boys: Girls: 12th place at State 6th place at State

Both teams qualified for state

Sports ahd Spirit Team Pictures 79

FRONT ROW : Kaleigh Hohensee, Samantha Mueting, Aly Fergum BACK ROW : Anna Horst, Sarah Delagado, Kaitlyn Waller, Crystal Kjar. Not I Pictured Zach Mapes, Jordyn Novsek, Elliott Engle.

Staff &

- to by Rachel Yank/Talon

clap your hands!

Be the kind that gives. Senior Jon Pike gives blocx:l at the blocx:l drive in the wrestling room on Oct 23. Student5 who were 17 could choose to donate blocx:l.
D ivide r
Photo by Briana Steward/Hawk Talk endly faces. Sophomores Hayli and Stephanie Daffer share a friendly ment at a varsity football game. Friends d be seen hanging out at sporting events, mall, other people's homes and other r dam places. Photo by Jami Finnel!Talon A bright future. Senior Sean Yos his parents sign his letter of int attend UNL for baseball next fall. : os t and Mike Coatman signed their let t, s of intent on the same day. Coatman s, ned Everybody, Sn :len ts do the "Cha Cha Slide,, at the Sweat lance Dec. 8. Student Council hosted the lance and tickets were $5 and included glow necklace. Photo by Lisa Harris/Talon

How do you stand out in crow mastered the art of standing out. many opportunities to be noticed.

Five new juniors were welco Wacks and Julia Ott all from Germ Japan and Fernanda Artiero fro and left tne SC ool with The National Merit semi--finalists w

task, but some students mies, or clubs there were orld. Elena Boshe, Johannes Chihiro T akimoto from eant to be a Hver Hawk itzmann, Sarah Arkebauer and Aaron Murphy. These seniors had to then compete against 16,000 others to earn a part of the $33 million scholarship. Other senior athletes signed letters of intent for their college of choice.

The building was taken over by the juniors because they were the largest class with a population of 523. This class growth along with the others made the hallways more congested. Every class began to make its mark on Southwest, hoping that mark would last forever among the traditions of previous classes.

Sp r ead By Rache l Yahk Crowded quarters. Students meet in the hallway before second block It became more diffic ult to navigate thro ugh the packed hallways because there were students standing everywhere. Photo by Rachel Y ankf[alon
---------------Staff & Studeht5 B 1

It's inevitable, it's sneaky, and it's contagious. Irs senioritis: the dreaded disease that takes upperclassmen by storm. Students find themselves battling aches and pains of all kinds; mi aching to be anywhere but in their classes, an aching to be out on their • own, an aching to be rid of parental control. Symptoms include • not focusing! skipping school and sleeping in.

Many seniors found themselves stuck in the battle between effort and sleep. If your p~ent was willing to tall you in, then what was there to hold you back from catching a few extra z's?

If a senior wasn't skipping out on their class~, chances were they still found themselves battling with a lack of motivation.

"It's apathy more than anytliirlg/' said Sucharitha Rajendran. ''You know this chapter of is almost over, and you just want to move on to the next one.'' , "I can't wait until summer," said Jessica Grieser. "After f ur

Students had trouble focusing on their when the years of working hard, I'm ready for a break.'' free,as,a,bird college life was only a tantalizing few months away. So it seemed for the rest of the senior class, who found t te Maggie Schur claimed that she had senioritis since her early years dreaded senioritis taking them over more and more each day. , .s as a freshman. colleges were expJored, the freedom of dorm life, fewer das

"Four years? It has been going~ way too long," said Schur. and living with friends began tb entice and ensnare them. Hi

The four years a student spends in high school are said to school life was no longer suitable: senioritis had prevailed. prepare them for life in college, and to give them the necessary ls there any hope to save future seniors from this epide t? education they need to succeed in life. However, near the end of The prognosis looks grim, and all one can hope fo:r;,, is a quick : 1d those four long years students become drained. ;I!-I~5 ._""1,J:t,r~...; breezy senior year. ~•-•..:•ccc • ...-.,..,.


,yGreen Da back rn.emori

dy Griess

ousand Foot and they are a ·stian ban '

Wall by Oasis rock my face o Stasa Denkovic

,y Ciara and Charnillion lllse I can-dance to it."

,Sarah Ashcraft

a by Muse. I just like it."

ant Stepane

\ V\ -\;" e, While most students expected to ditch the backpack their senior year and ,,. ,'-. I \ \ \ live life as a bookbag free man or woman, there were some diligent students 0 \ J among the class of 2007 who piled the books high and kept that backpack near.

'}J\\~-\; ti ~,
Garrett Handke Daniel Stoner Kellie Pfeiffer

I'm sure we've all heard the phrase "seniority rules,v but being an upperclassman isn't always all ifs built up to be. Along with the perks of bemg the oldest come the responsibilities.

As the high school years drag on more responsibilities are tacked on with getting ofder. .Freshmen mter high school and find that it can be a very fast paced andco,:npetitive environment, and that's only with academics.

Sophomores, after celebrating not being th~ objec;:t of ridicule, find themselves learning the fint art o(driving, the worry of gas and the money to get it. With gas prices risin~ students wondered where the money for this new necessity would come from. That's right, jobs.

Whether i is working at a clothing store at the with that, battling that little thing people li :e to mall or washing dishes at Popeye's) sruaent:s were call senioritis. required to find time to balan~~ all these things "I dropped classes for the first time dt '-at once.

Junior year is said to be the most imP,ortant year of high school This is the year where transcripts neecl to at least start looking nice for colleges. Students' begin taking the ACT and • SAT tests just to get a feel-for how much effort is needed to improve scores.

After that came the most dreaded,

to senioritis, and I love school so much Tm . graduating early,", Tiffany Yanagida said. e come o the realization that taking the firs t 3tep _into adulthcx:xi ·can be scary.

, Stromp said.

So when the feeling of being "too yrn 1g" creeps up, think about the luxuries now spc Jn~ fed, beaiuse that chance most likely won't

"Getting. older has made me more responsible, with work, basketball and gettiJ '=' j,nto college. It makes me tµink a1:x:)Ut my g, :us more, and how to achieve them," Brandon and most anticipated year of all, senior year. Although claimed to be the most fun and -exdting, this can be one of the most stressful years. Between working, grades, and (})llege ~d exams,it's easy to get stressed, and al~ng





rite T.V. Show

"I wanted to be a pediatrician when I was younger because I loved playing with kids. Now I want to be a sculptor because I love art. I enjoy building things out of nothing."

,,Alexandra Pack

"When I was little I wanted to be an architect because I thought that all they had t o do was draw pictures. Now I'm conside • becoming a teacher or doing something related to politics."

"I wanted to be a writer when I was young because I liked to imagine stories. Now I want to be CSI agent because I love watch, ingCSI.'1


Senior year was a wake,up call for most students. They realized that graduation, college, and a life of their own would begin in a mere few months. They then realized that before all of that would come the dreaded college applicationsr

"My advice is to start early. Then you have it out of the way." Austin Griffith said.

Most applications needed to be turned in by January 1 giving seniors a timeline to go by on choosing schools. Some senio~s planned on staying in Nebraska for college while others wanted to go elsewhere.

It's Co eg

"I want to stay here for college because I Seniors also began to realize that colleg love Lincoln and I want to stay close to my friends used to be something they had their entire lifc to and family," Tiffany Forycki said. look forward too. Reality was soon to slap thEp:

"I don't know what I'm doing for college, . in the face. but I don't want to stay here. I want a whole new ,... ._.,.,.,.,.,.,,...... ,_r;._ .,..,,"""'•"-

atmosphere," Morgan Douglas,Hill said.


ivit1g in a Diiiren

can a r challenge. Take it from two tudents who nfreedom" and most handle it very well. ·enced it firsthand. KiraHubbell lived in Gennany her junior year, w • Eric:

c Sutton chose to spend his senior year in Switzerland.

What were some big differences between living in Switzerland and Kira: living in the US?

What were some big differences between living in Germany and

E: There is no block scheduling there and I lived at my school. It was strange living in the US? walk a few floors up from my classroom to my dorm.

K: School goes from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. and you get a big break for lunch. Why did you choose to go to Switzerland?

An0ther thing that is different is that you stay in the same clas.5room all day

E: I chose Switze land because the snowooarding there is fantastic. and the teachers move from class to class.

Why did you choose to go to Germany?

What are your favorite Switzerland foods?

E: Fondue definitely, cheese and chocolate

K: I chose Germany becaus it's full of history, it's beautiful and it was one of What do you miss the most about Switzerland? the places I had always wanted to visit.

What are your favorite German foods? -:i,c,;,,;,,.,..::.,M. -;"·

E: The snowboarding, my friends and the "culture"

Although studying abroad may be hard both Kira and Eric recommend it.

K: Sauerkraut, Alp Cheese, and Bratwur t "Go for it," Sutton said.

Has your experience in Germany changed the way you view some "The first week is a little rough, but after that its worth it," Hubbell said things about America? ready for a culture hock and don't be intimidated. Most of all don't be afraic to

K: I look at the government and school system differently now. My views on try new things!" teenagers' responsibilities have also changed. Teenagers over there have more

@[n)O o W

What do you think of the students at I.SW?

"That you have an amazing football team that everyone aims to beat. Also that you have an amazing theatre department. The produc, tions blow me away."

,Kelsey fuker, sophomore Lincoln Northeast '~

l people who like to hang out and ha¥ eston Hams, senior Uncoln High

that LSW is full of rich preppy snobs who tbink th thing"

1 Higgins, • nior Uncoln Southe

What are some rumors you've heard about our school?

"That Southwest is new monev., but that's not even bad. I mean at East ' we're considered old


--Courtney Woodhead, senior Iincoln

What's the first thing you think of when someone says I.SW?


,Stephanie Lee, junior Parkview Oiristian

UlJO©LJ t id

From school dismissing at 3:08 to 3:03 to the major improvement of all the athletic teams and activities, to all the teachers corning and going, many things have changed since freshman year for the senior class. One very apparent change ;:was the growing amount of students in the hallways each ear.

"Sophomore year I could go to the bathroom, my locker and get a drink and make it to class on time; this year I could hardly get through the crowds of people to make it to class on time," Keerthi Yerra said.

The lunch also changed dramatically from the snack shop offering candy, soft drinks and "high" calorie foods to only offering health foods and foods that were low in fat and calories~

The announcements freshman year were read over the intercom during second block, a1;1d near the end of the year Student O:iuncil held a fun day called "That Day in May."' Junior year the announcements were no longer read and were instead posted on the scrolling 1V screens in the hallways. "That Day in May" was also replaced with a carnival held on the last day of school by the theater department. The attendance policy also changed from having to sign in at the ttendance office for any type of tardy, to only signing in for an excused tardy.

Dances also changed. The sweat dance was introduced sophomore year, and junior year the Winter formal was changed

to a spring fling, only to be replaced again by a winter formal the senior year.

The class of 2007 also established new traditions. Dressing up in different outfits for each football game as well as having a senior boy do the same amount of push,ups as the football had points after every touchdown scored.

Many things have changed in Southwest since the class of 2007 were freshmen and it became obvious that more changes would occur as Southwest continued to grow.

Erica Ahlschwede

Sasa Ajnadzic

Saja Al-Rubaiai

Wyatt Albertson

Lydia Albrecht

Darko Alic

Khiela Allen

Tempest Amerson

Eric Amthor

Tyler Andelt

Ashley Andersen

Bryce Anderson

Jay Anderson

Michael Anderson

Kayla Andretti

Laura Anthony

Zachary Arena

Katie Armstrong

Jared Ashton

N arges Attaie

Mollie Ayers

Annalisa Baade

Matt Baeder

Elliot Baer

Andy Bailey

Jackie Baker

Elizabeth Bamberry

Josh Barber

Tyler Barnett

Lauren Barry

Michaela Barta

Kaci Bartholomew

Katlin Bauer

Ashtyn Bax

Bryan Baxter

Patrick Beasley

Cara Beaty

Craig Beck

Joe Beer

Kyle Behrens

Jason Belden

Jordan Bell

Staff &Studehts

Upperclassman Attitude

"Back when I was a freshman, I would get picked on and called 'fresh meat'. Now that I'm older, I can do it back to them. It's pretty tight," said junior Ashlea Warren with a mischievous smirk.

Upperclassmen attitude grew stronger and stronger. Even sophomores claimed some authority over freshmen.

Students usually said they didn't see any bullying going on in the halls. So it was not surprising to find friends of all grades hanging out together. Freshmen hung out ~th sophomores and the seniors didn't mind the juniors so much.

Around the other comer, you'd also see junior girls gossiping with freshmen girls and senior football players kicking it with their sophomore teammates.

"Not all of us necessarily think we're retter; it's just that we've~ here longer and we know the teachers and how the school works. We're more school,spirited, you could say," said junior Abby Christian, sen.

Though upperclassmen did tend to have more power, most students in clifferent grades got along well. Upperclassmen seemed to re in agreement that underclassmen were sort of like siblings to them.

"We set the standard for sophomores and freshmen. Our attitudes will reflect on how they treat the next generation when they are juniors and seniors," junior Traci Mason pointed out.

Most thought it was silly to re discriminated just recause of age.

"I remember one time when I was a freshman, I was waiting in line and someone said 'stupid, little freshman"' said Jay Anderson. "All I thought aoout was how this 'stupid' freshman had straight A's and was nearly twice as tall as her."

Just goes to show that underclassmen do get underestimated sometimes.

by Marina B1·adaric

Tyler Bell

Paul Belz

Kayla Bennett

Ransom Bennett

Brittney Benson

John Benton

Jeremy Berg

Rocky Billie

Matt Bishop

Keith Blackbum

Matthew Blankenau

Nolan Bloom

Auburn Boeche

Joe Boehm

Maggie Boeselager

Jennifer Bohlen

Ali Bohlke

Brett Bolles

Elliot Baer and Jack Hoage show off their attitude. Some juniors bulked up, working out to add to their size, which added to their intimidation factor.
Jun iors 107

Briana Bomberger

Drew Bomberger

Jordann Bornhoft

Elena Bosche

Allison Botsford

Hope Bowers

Corey Bowling

Erin Boyle

Christian Brabec

Marina Bradaric

Kaylee Braden

Amelia Bradshaw

Crystal Brawner

Mitchell Bromwich

Blair Brown

Brandon Brown

Kenny Brown

Te Marques Brown

Dani Bryant

Joshua Buchmann

Bradly Burden

Paige Buresh

Trent Burgess

Samantha Burns

Jessica Burow

Tyler Bush

Brielle Buske

John Calahan

Jacob Cambridge

Chelsea Campbell

Rieu Cao

Cameron Cash

Dani Cassidy

Na than Casteel

Cliff Castoral

Sierra Cepel

Matthew Champoux

David Changstrom

Chelsey Charlton

Abigail Christiansen

Ricardo Cisneros

Krysta Clausen

: 1
Staff & Students

"I asked in the middle of Spanish class what d ecaf was, and people m ade fun of me forever."

D an Pfingsten

Embarrassing Mome nts

"I tried to jump over a glass coffee table, and I didn't make it I ended up with stitches in my foot, and paying for the coffee table." ,Ben Doland

"I was coming down the main staircase and I missed a step and fell down about eight, and knocked about 10 to 15 people with me."

Kristin Reeder

"During Fitness for Life, fresh, man year, after we changed

(name withheld) decided to lift up my skirt showing my lovely polka dotted underwear to all of the up, perclassmen." , Jenna Lothrop

Compiled by Mollie Dittmer

Brittany Cleal

Alyson Clevenger

Jami Cline

Dustin Clover

Dylan Clover

Lauren Cochran

Kyle Cockson

Matt Cohn

Zach Colburn

Arica Coleman

Kaylee Colton

Zach Connell

Mandi Conway

Diego Cornejo

Christopher Covey

Tanner Craig

Christopher Creveling

Travis Cunningham

Jos hu a Cutsor

Krystal Dakan

Cody D amian

Chris D amian-Reddish

Alyssa Damke

Juniors 10 9

Trinh Dang

Micah Davis

Jill Dawson

Jessica Day

Cate Debban

Jamie Dejonge

Kelsey Denton

Maggie D eschaine

Nicole Deters

Benjamen D iaz

Bryce Dickey

Andrew Dike

Lou Dilley

Mollie Dittmer

Ben Doland

Taylor Donahoo

Kristin Drake

Madison Drake

Timothy Dugan

Derald Dunbar

Meagan Dunning-Ward

Bryttie Duren

Matthew Dussault

Peter Dutkiewicz

Craig Easley

Addison Eby

Dylan Egger

Erin Eisbach

Bryant Eklund

Kyle Eley

Spencer Elliott

Emily Elseg

Tisha Elstun

Kyle Emesti

Chelsea Esau

Nathaniel Esau

Grant Essink

Alanna Everman

Heidi Fatemi

Benjamin Faubel

Jordan Faulder

Staff & Stuciehts

To add to the diversity of schools nationwide, Youth For Understanding, an international exchange organization, sent five students from other countries to Southwest for one year in a foreign exchange program.

The students lived with a host family that was their guide to America.

"It was really interesting just getting a sense of the American culture," Johannes Wacks said. "I got to go to San Francisco, Chicago and Washington. It was a nice variety since Germany is 27 times smaller than the US."

Wacks had a successful transition to America He joined marching band, track and soccer only a few months in and met many friends.

"Americans are so outgoing, spontaneous and open, minded; I love it," Wacks said.

Chihiro T akimoto was the only exchange student

Foreign Exchange

from Japan. She was from the city of Tokyo. Here and at her old school she ran track and cross country. Johannes Wacks, Chihiro Takimoto, Julia

While T akimoto said she likes Americans be, Ott, Elena

cause of their kindness and friendliness to others, she doesn't like fattening American food.

Julia Ott was another student from Germany.

"Everything here in America is so big, I got lost in Shopko! Southwest is a much bigger school than the one I went to in Germany but my host sister helps me around," Ott said.

She's was involved in jazz band, playing the saxo, phone) marching band and swimming.

Which country was her favorite?

"There's no comparison because they are two totally different cultures and are ooth equally great," Ott said.

Anh Vo


Story by Madna Bardadc

Justin Ferguson

Justin Fern

Emily Fetters

Jordan Feyerherm

Kierst Finsand

Kinsley Fisher

Micah Fisher

Robert Fitzgerald

Zachary Fitzsimmons

Michael Fletcher

Aaron Flores

Olivia Fogerty

Lindsey Font

Megan Foree

Allison Fortkamp

Kyle Foster

Zach Francis

Richard Fritsch-Gerdes

Austin Fritz

Drew Gaines

Cindy Gallagher

Steven Garcia

Dustin Garrett

Angel Geller

Boshe and Dao Thi proudly stand by the flag. Photo by Travis Cunningham([al.on

Zachary Genzrner

Becca Gerschefske

Alana Giesernann

Mekyla Gill

Michael Gilmore

Anjli Gingery

Dillon Gladding

Trey Goa

Caitlin Golden

Austin Gore

Ashley Graham

Max Grout

Sando Hamilton

Marie Hansen

Ashley Harris

Kimberly Hassebrook

Ashley Heath

Patrick Hecker

Jason Heindryckx

Hannah Heiser

Meghan Henderson

Trevor Hermann

Taylor Herrington

Hayley Hershberger

Mackaine Heston

Kathryn Hibbard

Jennifer Higgins

Christian Hill

Katherine Hill

Monique Hill

Lauren Hiller

Ashley Hinrichs

Jonathan Hinz

Nick Hinze

Jack Hoage

Jacob Hoelting

Blake Hoffmeyer

Josh Hohensee

Jeremy Holen

Alan Holly

JD Holm

I' I I
Staff & Studehts
"I TA for Mr Finley. It's fun and an easy way to earn credits."
,Tyler P.arnett

Workin 1 with the teachers

"I TA for the Office. I choose to TA for them because I like to do things during the day instead of sitting in a classroom all day."
,Ashley Harris
"I TA for the library. I like T Aing for them be, cause they are very nice." Bhan Parham

Collin Holmquist

Seth Home

Anna Horst

Amanda Hoy

Nicole Hudson

Lucas Ihrie

Sally Ingham

Cole Ingram

Matt Jacobsen

Michael Jacobson

Chelsea Jarecke

Malinda Jenks

Devin Johnson

Laura Johnson

Aaron Johnston

Jamie Jones

Taylor Jones

Timothy Jones

Elly Jurgensen

Jessica Kaltenberger

Brandon Kapke

Adil Karie

Michele Kattes

Kelsey Kennell

"I am a TA for the At , tendance Office for Mrs. Hays. I have also TAed for them twice."
,Morgan Lausten
JUhlor s 11.3
Compiled by Travis Cunningham


Meredith Kenyon

Spencer Kerl

Bryson Kerns

Kyle King

Deanna Kinnison

Erin Kirby

Amanda Kline

Kelsey Klute

Brandon Koch

Philip Kocher

Marc Koenig

Jeri Kohn

Michael Korsakas

Bailey Koziol

Alex Kreifels

Mitchell Krieger

Aaron Krueger

Ali Kuhel

Melissa Kumke

Evan Kurth

Aubri Lambert

Talicia Landeros

Kelsey Lange

Rosie Lann

Kaylie Lantz

Teela Larson

William Larson

Nicholas Lattimer

Morgan Lausten

David Lavelle

Thai Le

Rebecca Leiter

Sophie Lemka

Meghan Leonard

Kaila Lewallen

Breanne Lewis

Tesha Lewis

Gabrielle Lieb

Justin Lilly

Karma Livingston

Richard Lorenz

Jenna Lothrop

Staff & Studehts

Friendship lasts a lifetime

A fortune cookie once said, "Friendships are like chocolate chips. It is good to keep them close b ,, ¥·

This held true for the junior class. Friendships were what lxmnd them, and for most, kept them sane. Many students found cornfort in having a friend to confide in, especially when high school drama occurred.

Many juniors had met what they considered their "best friend" after high school had already started, often early on. Krysta Clausen was one of these students. She said met her best friends, Tori Renken and Nicole Hudson, freshman year.

"We all went to London last year for band. We all really oonded and had a good time," Clausen

said. "We hang out a lot, and we're all really close."

However, many students were expanding and meeting tons of new people once they became upperclassmen. Some friend circles merged, having different people become friends.

David Changstrom has been friends with Jason Heindryckx since aoout fourth grade. "I used to go over to his house all the time and play football and basketball," he said.

Through the year, friendships have had their ups and downs, but many relationships grew closer. Friendships last forever, but unfortunately chocolate chips don't. As the saying goes be sure to keep them close by, because you never know when you're going to need them.

In a subway while in London, Tori Renken, Krysta Clausen and Nicole Hudson pose for a quick picture. They were all in London for a band competition over Christmas break last year.

Story by Mollie Dittmer

Briana Lueckenhoff

Logan Luke

Curtis Mackie

Ali Malik

Alyssa Malone

TJ Mandl

Garrett Mardock

Jared Marker

Reid Marple

Alex Martin

Nicky Martin

Traci Mason

Kiersten Mavis

Andrea May

Alyssa McBride

Megan McCollister

Michaela McElroy

Lindsey McIntyre

Bridgette McKay

Tim McKitterick

Brittany McNear

Alyssa Mescher

Alicia Meyer

JUhiors 115

Kevin Meyer

Shay lene Michaels

Sarah Michalecki

Jacob Miller

Jaque Miller

Josh Moline

Will Monroe

Brandon Moore

Breanna Moore

Devin Mueller

Samantha Mueting

Thomas Mundt

Sean Murphy

David Nance

Tyler Nannen

Seth Neben

Sarah Neelly

Jeffrey Nelson

Samantha Neppl

Nick Nesbitt

Elli Neuwirth

Andrew Nguyen

Becca Nispel

Reba Nitzel

Jackie Nordell

Aaron Norman

Trey Novotny

Jordyn Novsek

Travis Nun

Willow Nyman-Jones

Aleysha O ' Neill Guzman

Christopher Ogden

Morgan Oliver

Rico Oliveros

Max Olson

Mollie Orman

Hannah Orr

Katelyn Ostwald

Julia Ott

Maggie Packard

Ethan Parham

Kari Parke

Staff &Students
"My hardest class was Psychology because I am not good at remembering names and vocab." ,Hilary Watkins

Challenging Classes

"For me the hardest class would have to be lunch."
"The class that I think was the hardest is Physics." ,Lindsey McIntyre

hardest class was American Literature and Composition.

" ,Kyle Emesti

Comp il ed by Trav is Cunn ing ham

Aaron Pattee

Stephanie Pelan

Brandon Peters

Taylor Peters

Doug Petersen

Nate Petro

Chelsea Pfeiffer

Daniel Pfingsten

Stephanie Phillip

Jacldyn Pickerill

Desiree Pierce

Da v id Pierson

Heather Pillard

Stephanie Pitcher

Alyssa Potter

Shannon Potter

Jacob Potts

Brandon Prellwitz


Taylor Quandt

Meredith Ramsay

Bradley Rangel

Lindy Rauscher

Anna Rea

Jun iors 117 , I

Daniel Ready

Portia Reams

Ellen Reber

Kristin Reeder

Tyler Reeder

Phil Reinhardt

Jordan Reinwald

Tori Renken

Caleb Rennings-Lanik

Katie Richard

Ashley Rinke

Matthew Roach

Ashton Robinson

Daniel Rogers

Roxie Rohlfs

Greg Rohnke

Cody Ronne

Michael Rood

Allison Roy

JD Royer

Alex Ruder

Curtis Ruwe

Michael Ryan

Cash Ryba

Ryaz Sadat

Blair Sanburg

Andrew Santo

Nick Sawyer

Dillon Schellhorn

Christopher Schmidt

Jayme Schmidt

Rachael Schreiner

Michael Schultz

Lucas Scofield

Zeph Scott

Grant Seiboldt

Mohammad Shakir

Ben Shallenberger

Kaitlin Shanahan

Matthew Sharkey

Chad Shearer

Samantha Shelley

Staff & Studeht5

While being a senior means that you get to rule the school, there was a downside.

According to Matt Champoux, "re, sponsibilities are the least thing to look for, ward to." Paying for gas, food and clothes, looking for good colleges and getting ready to finish high school were just a few.

"Although the responsibilities may be tiresome, I hke the fact that I'm college, bound," Champoux added.

Along with the freedom of college, there's a lot of hard work that goes into it too, if you want to attend a good college.

"I'm definitely not looking forward to taking the standardized tests (ACT and

Seniority Here We Come

SA1)," Amanda Vuu said, "but what I am looking forward to is the enjoyment of my senior year."

MU5t juniors looked forward to college but haven't started seriously looking at oppor, tunities. Many said it was because they were unsure of where to get scholarships.

"Yes, I am looking for scholarships but I am mostly looking forward to the military," said Josh Cutsor.

While some were completely lost, some certain and others unsure, most said that they were looking forward to the exciting new adventure known as senior year.

Nicole Shellhart

Taylor Shippen

Andrew Sitzmann

Trevor Skala

Andrea Smith

Jessica Sorensen

Nathan Spain

Jordan Sprague

Jacob Stauber

Kati Stauffer

Robby Stauffer

Lloyd Steel

Baker Steinkuhler

Carrie Sterns

Graham Stoddard

Justin Stonacek

Ashley Stoner

Danielle Stopp

David Stowe

Jamie Strudl

Courtney Suelter

Garrett Sund

Logan Sutton

Shannon Potter studied hard for college. Potter, along with many other juniors, had a lot on their plates, balancing school, jobs and a social life. Photo by Marina Bradaric/Ialon Story by Travis Cunningham
Junior s 119

Dillon Svec

Michael Swanson

Tyler Swartz

Amber Swenseth

Kendra Szudlo

Chihiro Takimoto

Tiffaney Tatro

Jordan Taylor

Trevor Taylor

Emily Temple

Trevor Thayer

John Thompson

Tyler Thompson

Megan Thornburg

Andrew Tinsley

Ashley Toombs

Ryan Town

Tram Tran

Max Tresnak

Alyssa Troester

Andrea Troxel

Kate Truka

Austin Turner

Angel Valladares

Jason Vanderslice

Jacob Vestecka

Dao Thi Vo

Mallory Vogt

Tyler Vrba

Amanda Vuu

Johannes Wacks

Brittany Wagner

Paige Wald

Kayla Waldman

Erinn Walkenhorst

Christopher Walker

Celeste Wanner

Ashlea Warren

Hilary Watkins

Corinne Watson

Jessica Way

Staff &Students
"Every track meet since my freshman year, I always pig out. I hide my fo:xl so the guys don't steal it."
,Melissa West

Creative Customs

"The weird thing that I do is that I brush my teeth while I am in the shower." ,Mike Swanson

"When I wake up, I have to hit my snooze button seven times and then go pee. Every morning; no matter what."

,Brittany Oeal

Kyle Way

Jennifer Weber

Kayla Webert

Maurice Wegulo

Paige Wentz

James West

"I own 2 7 hats and not a single one of them is a baseball cap." ,Tyler Bush

Compiled by Marina Bradaric

Melissa West

Whitney Weyhrich

Ryan Whelan

Hillary Whitney

David Wiese

Brett Wiley

Matthew Wilmarth

Aaron Wittrock

Cynthia Wolfard

Kelcy Workman

Gatdet Yiel

Megan Young

Austin Yuen Jack Zhang Austin Zimmerman
-JUh 1ors }-2 1

Taylor Alley

Brett Amen

Jon a than Anania

Kaleigh Anderson

Kyle Anderson

Michael Apa

Ahmad Arraseef

Lindsey Ash

Robert Athey

Russ Aust

Brianna Badje

Kelly Baer

Chad Bailey

Philip Baker

Lauren Barbee

Dalton Barnard

Duncan Barnell

Amanda Bartels

Melissa Beard

Jarrod Beardslee

Jordan Bell

Mc Rae Bell

Jordon Bellefeuille

Ashley Belt

Carly Belz

Schuyler Bennett

Evan Benson

Heather Berck

Christian Berg

Matt Bindel

Alex Bischoff

Dustin Bloch

Annie Bohling

Braden Bomberger

Ashlee Borchers

Carey Brant

Cassie Braymen

Geoffrey Bristol

Jordan Brooks

Caleb Brown

Evan Brown

Jared Bruce

Staff & Students

Confined to the Cafeteria

Sophomore year: How exciting! What was there to look forward to? For most it was just another year of school. For some, the sophomore year turned out to be an electrifying experience.

During sophomore year most of the sophomores turned 16 and were given their hcenses. Some drove to and from school.

Nate Jones explained he felt "fantastic and free!"

However some wondered why they could drive alone, yet weren't considered mature enough to leave school to go out to lunch.

Lindsey Leach said, "It's disappointing when you have proved you can handle responsibility but you can't use it."

Still some sophomores decided they were ready to go out to lunch.

"It's easy," as one sophomore, who would hke to remain nameless,

explained "All you have to do is show the security guards your I. D. as you walk by. If you don't have it (your I. D.) write in as an older student you know."

Jake Marvin said he thought "that they (the administration) should change it (open campus) to the age, not to the grade. So when you tum 16 you could go out to lunch."

The problem with that idea was those sophomores who do not tum 16 would be left behind.

AJ Matthies had the solution to this predicament: "People who go out to lunch should be able to bring two guests."

Sophomores had to choose; be confined to the cafeteria or rebel and enjoy lunch off campus, and then face the consequences if caught.

Ryan Brundege

Lauren Brunken

Frankie Bruyette

Sabrina Buckwald

Caitlan Bunn

Jamie Burbach

Ch else Burcham

Marilyn Buresh

Kimberly Burt

Alex Calidonna

Lindsey Carden

Amanda Carnazzo

Alex Cass

Liliana Castillo

Allison Catlett

Jade Cattoor

Tyler Caulkins

Elijah Cecava

Lacey Diaz gazes hungrily qut to the parked cars. She wishes she was out at lunch, while in reah ty she stands behind the gl ass barrier Glass separated Lacey Diaz from the world outside. Making lunch a sad , sorry affair
Sophomores t23

Ashlee Celesky

Jamie Champoux

Reece Charlebois

Stephanie Charron

Alma Cisneros Rodriguez

Benjamin Clevinger

Nathaniel Coatney

Kelly Coleman

Kevin Coleman

Michael Conner

Jose Cortez

Connor Cosgrove

Michael Crelin

Stormy Crisman

Emilio Cruz

Luz Solano Cuevas

Alysha Culver

Ben Currin

Collyn Curtis

Stephanie Daffer

Shruti Daggumati

Nicholas Dahlquist

Christine Dalton

John Davenport

Erin Davidson

Travis Davidson

Hillary Davis

Andy Day

Chalsey Debaere

Krista Decker

J amicyn Deiro

Joseph Delaney

Sarah Delgado

Aaron Demoret

Anna Denell

Jarett Denning

Andre' Devorss

Lacey Diaz

Julia Didier

Kyle Digilio

Christopher Donahoo

Zachary Donahoo

Staff &Studehts

What do you think about when on a date?

"If I am on a date and at a restau-rant I think about what my burger is going to look like."
--Kaleigh Anderson

When are we going back to my place?"


"I think about what we have in common and how we are click-ing. lt's always good to go out with someone who shares the same

Chelsea Donovan

Jeremy Down

Jackson Duba

Justin Dugas

Ashlie Dughman

Desire' e Dunbar

Ashley Dunn

Emily Dunn

Stephanie Edmonds

Kara Eide

Joe Elekes

Christa Elliott

Justin Ellison

Zachary Elson

Beth Embree

Nicole Ernst

Clare Espinosa

Andrew Essman


Sophort1ores 125

Madeline Eversoll

Brianna Exstrom

Christopher Fantroy

Michael Fantroy

Andrea Felker

Zach Fergus

Aly Ferguson

Rudy Fiedler

Jami Finnell

Joy Fischer

Vincent Flynn ill

Sallay Fofana

Bess Folsom

Taylor Ford

Michael Fortkamp

Neleigh Frandsen

Kourtney Frank

Laura Franz

Jeremy Fricke

Cody Fristoe

Victoria Fry

Kimberly Fuoco

Keegan Furry

Brady Gaines

Ronnie Gallagher

Freddy Gartner

Paige Gaver

Michaela Gerdes

Chasmine Gerschefske

Christopher Gice

Tyler Gilloon

Anna Golden

Jordan Gornell

Hank Gouty

Dayton Graf

Kelsey Graves

Preston Greenwood

Ryan Griepsma

Sean Grosshans

Heather Guenther

Paige Guilliams

Staff &Studehts

Josh Gustafson

Ryan Haas

Hawra Hadib

Matt Hahne

Scott Hakel

Rylee Hall

Jacob Hamann

Hannah Hamilton

Eliza Hammond

Kyle Hampton

Samantha Hansen

Stacie Hansen

Lindsay Hanson

Lisa Harris

Emily Hartman

Alexander Hartmann

Courtney Haydu

Kyle Headley

D [ru(Q)(Mu(Q)[f@~ In ,r:--~==~==;;:;;:;: -==--=-1..-
To12.1 LIPeauard
Sophorriores 12 7

Erin Healey

Christopher Heble

Jake Hedgecock

Jacob Hehn

Samuel Heidelk

Shayla Heimann

Ashley Hemann

Amy Herman

Katy Herrell

Eric Hinz

John Hoffman

Kaleigh Hohensee

Samantha Holechek

Joel Holmgren

Luke Honnen

Katie Hottovy

Shareyah Howell

Ally Hudkins

Eric Hyde

Boris Ilic

Levi Irons

Dianna Izaguirre

Chris Jacobson

Drew J agadich

Marcus James

Ashley Janssen

Kara Jarecke

Tyler Jarosz

Lindsay Jeffres-Dryden

Nick Jester

Jacob Jochim

Alex Johnson

Brandon Johnson

Hannah Johnson

Lexie Johnson

Bryan Jones

Na than Jones

Steven Jones

Megan Kaltenberger

Amy Kellough

Katie Kieffer

Lynn King

Staff & Studeh t s

~© [g)[Fu© M© LI@~

-~What would you change about the

"Really, I wouldn't change anything, except I don't like chest hair much."

"[Girls] don't wear enough makeup."

Luke Yarabe


opposite sex?

"Guys wouldn't be so egotistical."

,Kelly &er

"Nothing, women are superior to men."

,Nathaniel Coatney


Compiled by Lisa Ha1Tis

Addison Knuth

Natalie Knuth

Vera Konovalchuk

Jorgan Kon tor

Julie Kovanda

Kirk Kovarik

Ross Kremer

Tyler Kuper

Mackenzie Laird

Adam Lavelle

Gabrielle Lazaro

Lindsey Leach

Olivia Leblanc

Brandon Leeds

Lindsay Leikam

Karissa Livingston

Hayli Lofgreen

Brady Long

Sophornores 128


Alec Lowrey

Caitlin Lukin

Kristoffer Lynch

Jamie Lyons

Taylor Mack

Alec Malone

Shane Manson

Cassondra Martin

Josh Martin

Jacob Marvin

Andrew Matthies

Christina Mayer

Taylor Mayer

Heather McCoy

Daniel McManus

Ermin Mehovic

Sam Meister

Rudee Mercado 1 1

Mary Metz

Haley Meyer

Michael Meyers

Kelsey Michael

Jam ell Michaels

Anthony Michalecki

Laurabeth Miller

Nick Miller

Philicia Mizell

Cassey Mockenhaupt

Kamala Moore

Kathryn Moore

Spenser Morton

Anthony Mosher

Patrick Muir

Aaron Mulgrue

John Mulgrue

Hana Mustafa

Shawntel Myers

Lucas Nalley

Ali Nelson

Trevin Nelson

Nicole Newell

Kevin Newton

Staff & Stuciehts

Birthday Surprise

"HAPPY BIRTI-IDAY!" friends yelled to Hayli Lofgreen as she entered her locker area with complete surprise. •

Most birthdays were just another year gone by but the 16th • birthday was special. This was the SWEET 16 as many students called it. Finally students were able to drive legally alone. That event helped cut the sometimes thick rope that tied teens to parents.

Friends like Lofgreen's wanted to make her SWEET 16 a great moment to remember by putting up signs throughout the locker area and giving her birthday presents.

The perfect gift, according to Lofgreen, was gas money 1:ecause that was what many driving students, needed.

While gas money was a fine gift, even finer was a new car.

"I didn't actually get my own car but my parents gave me the privilege to drive one of theirs," Ross Kremer said.

Meanwhile Lofgreen collected signs and presents from students through the day.

Throught the year birthday signs were

up on lockers. Not only signs for birthdays were put up but also for sports or just a random have a good day sign.

Sam Newton

Justin Nissen

Garrett Nitz

Justin Noakes

Benjamin Norton

Samarttha Ogden

Dylan Ohlsen

Kara Olson

Myles Olson

Melissa Ostiguin

Anastasia Oulianova

Keith Ozanne

Alexander Pace

Stephanie Pankoke

Dy Ian Parker



Chelsea Patterson

Ryan Pavel

put Jessica Wright got this Eclipse for her 16th birthday. Sophomores that were lucky enough to get a car on their 16th birthday could be seen driving all around with their new found freedom. Photo lry Jami FinneU([alon Photo lry Jami Finnell([alon
S opho mores 13 1
Story by Jami Finnell

Talissa Payne

Cordero Pearson

Gabrielle Perez

Griffin Perry

Adam Peters

Amanda Peters

Kerri Peters

Grant Peterson

Kim Pettinger

Micah Pfeiffer

Nick Pfeiffer

Rachael Pflug

Tarrah Phares

Stuart Piper

Jared Plautz

Aaron Plymesser-Hansen

Joshua Poppe

Jed Potter

Courtney Powers

Taylor Prai

Jordan Prellwitz

Porche Prewitt

Alexis Pulver

Hayley Raatz

Bekab Reddish

Maddie Reddish

Amber Reece

Logan Reeves

Chelsi Reichwaldt

James Reynolds

Tyler Rheault

Erinn Richert

Tiffany Ricketts

Alexandra Riggs

Cory Ritter

Shafae' Rivera

Maggie Robertson

Griffin Rocke

Todd Roeber

Chris Rogers

Justin Rogge

Staff & Students

~© [9)[ru©Qm© [f@~

Random facts about s ph omores

There are 491 sopholllores

One of the ten Orris' that is a sophomore. Ouis Jacorron is also friends with Orris Zilly.

The ratio of males to females is 241 to 250

The most common male name is tied at Tyler and Chris

The most common first letter of the first name is Jat 64 people followed by A at 60

The first names with the letters I,Q,U,W ,X, and Y are not even present

The most common female name is Lindsey or Lindsay

Taylor Rohe

Ju s tin Rosenbohm

Nicolas Russell

HD Sader

Comp il ed by J ami Fin nell/Talon

Cassandra Sadowski

Derek Saltzman

Ben Samani

Jordan Saner

Jordan Sa sek

Sinan Sayood

Christine Scalora

Nolan Schaefer

Brandon Schafer

Tyler Schenk

Alexis Schields

Aaron Schilling

Jordan Schliesser

Anna Schmidt

-Photo lry Rachel Yank/Ta/on One of the eig ht Lindsays or Lindseys. Lindsey Ash had no clue that she had the most common female name. -Photo lry Jami Fmnellffalon
Sophomores 133

Jess Tornmeraasen

Ethan Tompkins

Akim Tran

Anna True

McKenzie True


Jared Tupper

Anthony Turner

James Tussing

Clay Upton

Danielle Urban

Nathan Van Loon

Tyler Vannice

Nicholas Varga

Cory Vermaas

Adam Wagner

Ethan Wagner

Emily Walkenhorst

Kaitlyn Waller

Chelsea Walz

Nicolette Ware

Dylan Warren

Sarah Wasserstein

Jacob Waters

Lauren Watmore

Alexis Watson

Zach Watson

Nicholas Webster

Brittany Weedman

Mike Wehling

Julia Wehrli

Taylor Weiand

Bryce Werts

Blake Wewel

Maggie Whiteley

Valerie Whitney

Jenna Wiese

Cohagen Wilkinson

Alaina Williams

Jacob Wilson

Mara Wilson

Nora Wilson

Staff & Students

Catching some Z' s

Sophom ores find wa ys to stay awake all day

It was 8:30 in the morning. The teacher was up at the board, teaching. Meanwhile over half of the class was just beginning to wake up.

For sophomores nine to nine hours and 15 minutes would have been the perfect amount of time to sleep. Yet most sophomores weren't able to get that much sleep.

Sam Newton said she usually went to bed at "2 (a.m.)." Many other sopho, mores shared Newton's sleeping habits, going to sleep late, getting up early, and then crashing on the weekends.

Why were those sophomores staying up so late? One reason was "home work," Lauren Barbee explained. The other reason sophomores kept such late nights was because they just did not get tired until later. This phenomenon oc, cured on account of their Circadian Rhythm, or a daily cycle of activity, moving their need for sleep back.

Everything combined led to sophomores becoming sleep deprived.

To be able to function some sophomores looked to caffeine. There were many ways students consumed caffeine; coffee, pop, energy drinks and even caf, feine pills.

Mara Wilson said she drank "a lot of pop everyday" to stay alert. One common drink for some was Rockstar, an energy drink. Caffeine only had so much affect. Sometimes sophomores had to choose between gcxxl grades or a gcxxl night's sleep.

Bethany Wood

Jessica Wright

Ryan Yanagida

Luye Yang

C.J. Yank

Luke Yarabe

Daniel Zhou

Tyler Ziegelbein

Chris Zilly

Nicole Zimmer

Sophot11ores 13 7
Story by Lisa Harris

Taylor Adams

Haydar Al- R ubaiai

Jamie Alder

Allyssa Allaire

Courtney Allen

Sammy Althayedi

Alejandra Amaro

Rosemary Anderson

Gabriel Arenas

Kelsey Arends

Rachel Arkebauer

Jeannette Arnold

Omar Arraseef

Rochelle Athan

Kelsey Aude

Jessica Backman

Caleigh Bacon

Jonathan Barber

Kelsie Bard

Drew Barker

Alexis Bartek

Nathan Bass

Matthew Bax

Alex Beasley

Alex Bechtle

Hayden Bell

Sadie Bennie

Morgan Bergen

Casey Berger

Carina Berkowitz

Kerry Blackbum

Preston Block

Trenton Blundell

Ben Boardman

Jalisa Bonilla

Brandon Boosalis

Tate Bornhoft

Ashley Bott

Brittany Botz

Brooke Bowers

Morgan Boyle

Lisa Bradbury

Staff &StudehtS

Cary Brand

Kally Brennan

Brianne Brestel

Anne Brewster

Amanda Brown

Bryce Brown

Jordan Brown

Matthew Brown

Shantaye Brown

Trevino Brown

Zach Bryant

Trey ton Buresh

Catherine Burgess

Tobias Bums

Ellen Calkins

Logan Campbell

Mat Campbell

Tierra Campbell

Ashlee Carstens

Katelyn Carstens

Gera Carstenson

Andrew Cecava

Becca Changstrom

Shelby Chopp

Austin Christensen

Out with the Old, In with the New

Although the school is fairly new, Southwest has developed many traditions. Freshmen had their own opinions on which traditions they liked and which should be thrown out. School spirit was what those interviewed noted needed the most change.

"Spirit Week is fun," said freshman Alex Duff. "But we should be rewarded for dressing up that week and also at pep rallies." This opinion was commonly shared throughout the freshman class. Freshmen also had opinions on the academic day.

"We should start later so that we can concentrate better in and shorten classes," freshman Jordan Seiko suggested.

However, freshman Miki Freese said, "I like the long classes and I wouldn't want them to be shorter."

Some of the newer traditions freshmen also thought should be subject to change. For example, putting 1Vs in the school last year shortened the school day because announcements that interrupted class time were no longer needed. However, the 1Vs may not be working out so well.

"They should announce more things over the intercom," freshman Didi Kobler said. ''Not everyone has time to look at the 1Vs."

From daily announcements to showing more school spirit, freshmen had plenty of suggestions for changes in mind.

Students chat in the halls, paying little to no attentirn to the 1V monitors. Students were rardyseenr~dingthedailyannounrements in the halls. This was mainly due to time constraints, inccnvenienre, and lack of interest. Photo by Kelsey Eide/Ta1on Story by Kelsey Eide

Nate C hristensen

Shannon Cleal

G reg Cohn

Kelsey Comfort

Morgan Condello

Bianca Conway

Alexa Cook

Kaley Cook

Ry lan Cotton

Cole Cramer

Jon Creglow

MaKenzie Crew

Jeanne Cumbry

Megan Curry

Colby Dahlke

Lora Dakan

Melis s a Dakan

Casey Dallman

Nick Degarmo

Tony Delaney

Vinny Delaney

T.J. Denni s

Austin Dewitt

Max Dilley

Jacob Dittmer

Joshua Doehling

Alma Donlic

Brenda Dougherty



Samantha Douglass

Devin Douglass-Wiley

Christina Dowd

Erin Dresser

Alex Duff

Je ss e Dunn

Colbi Duren

Arianna Dye

Nathan Eastwood-Hansen

Drew Edmond

Grant Edwards

Staff & Studehts

Ashley Ekeler

Brian Eley

Ca ey Eley

Keaton Eley

Karolyn Elsberry

Samuel El wood

Elliott Engle

Trekuic Engnell

Garrett Esau

Anna Fangmeier

Riley Feiling

Bryce Ficken

Nathaniel Fink-Humes

Maren Finsand

Marshal Fisher

Kyle Flanagin

Hayden Florom

Scott Fraser

Kayla Frazier

Cole Frederick

Miki Freese

Lacey Fulton

Jordan Garratt

Kylie Garrett

esert isla

Freshhlen • 11 14 1

Cami Geardino

Lauren Geisert

Taylor Genrich

R achel Gerner

Justin Gessel

Brittany Goodrich

Hayden Gorgen

Maddie Graham

Effie Greene

Collin Grobe

B.J. Gropp

Brandon Guern

Inga Guli yeva

Brandon Guyer

Kody Hamelin

Tyler Hamersma

Hailey Hamilton

Hilary Hamilton

Zedaya Hamilton

Matthew Hammond

Brian Hand

Chris Hansen

Alex Hargrave

Amani Harris

Rebecca Hartz

Chad Hassebrook

Andy Heckman

Kalie Hejl

Julie Hernandez

Vincent Herrell

Marisa Herrington

Karissa Hevelone

Christopher Hibberd

Alexander Hickmon

Katie Higgins

Ryan Hill

Noah Hines

Sarah Hoffman

Shaunte' Hoffman

Amber Hoffmeyer

Laurel Holmquist

Paul Honnens

I 'f I I l I
Staff & Students

Haley Hoppes

Dillon Home

Joseph Howerter

Jason Hudgens

Kelsea Hughes

Kate Hunsaker

Becky Hutchins

Ashley Jaber

Justin Jacobson

Tori Jarecke

Kevin Jeffery

Kourtney Jensen

Jacob Jirovec

Macey Johnson

Trent Johnson

Dillon Jones

Justin Jones

Molly Jones

Alex Jurgena

Alli Kafka

Ethan Kattes

Andrew Kelsay

Emily Kerl

Amanda Kessler

Weekend Warriors

Battin l.k'

They can't drive, can't stay out past curfew and can't even go to see an "R" rated movie. So what could the freshmen do with their free time? While girls were likely to go to the mall on a weekend, boys mostly said they enjoyed hanging out at their friends' houses.

"My favorite thing to do on the weekend is hang out with friends at SouthPointe," said freshman Paige Traynowicz. She was definitely not the only freshman who thought this way. Freshmen could be seen roaming through the stores almost every weekend, making South.Pointe seem like the perfect place to hang out Stores like Hollister, Abercrombie and Fitch, American Eagle, the movie theatre and numerous eating estabhshments made the mall a big drawing card.

Sometimes though, it was better to stay home.

R rated movies were among the many activities freshmen could not do. In order to for freshmen see R rated movies a parent must be attending with them. Ths discourages most students from seeing such movies.

"I hke hanging out at friends' houses and playing soccer," said freshman Brandon Guyer. "But playing video games is my favorite thing to do on the weekend."

Hanging out with friends on the weekend was a cheap way to have fun. Playing video games, watching movies and eating in were all great perks that come with this. With great friends, movies and malls to hang out at, being a freshman might not have seemed so bad after all. Who needed driving anyway?

~---\ :.,,---- \
1· gn~red.omEverywhere
Photo by Kelsey Eide{[a/on

Tami Keyes

Ryan Keys

Brandon King

Kelsey Kinnison

Kylie Klockenga

Alyssa Kloefkorn

Monica Knabe

Brenton Knight

Didi Kobler

Erin Kocher

Ted Kocher

Anna Koenig

Igor Konovalchuk


Jamie Korth

Kelsey Kramer

Kayla Krause

Emily Kroll

Hil ary Kuhns

Katherine Kurth

Ole sya Kuznet so v

Spencer Labedz

Shelby Lang

Denton Langer

Paige Langfeldt

Angelica Larios Alvarado

A shley Leitner

Carly Lemka

Carolyn Levtsenyuk

Kirstie Lewis

Melissa Lewis

Justin Liekhu s

Aleksander Lien

Micheal Lind

Jake Linder

Sara Lobo

Ashlee Lojka

Tayler Lord

Melanie Lorenz

Alicia Lovato

Stacy Luedtke

, ,1I l ! I ,f ' i
1 IIL,J • Staff & Students

Kevin Machovec

Tonya Maksimenko

Aleem Malik

McKenzie Malone

Dylan Manthei

Morgan Mardock

Matthew Marisette

Jami Marker

Jennifer Marks

Katrice Martin

McCartney Martin

Jani Martinez Romana

Whitney Mason

Tess Mayer

Dillon Maynard

Sean McCollum

Dillon McLain

Lauren Meeske

Trenten Meyer

Danny Middleton

Alissa Miller

Katie Miller

Timothy Miller

Tyler Mills

gin' Bands!

The crowd sang along as their favorite song filled the room with its !tt)(mnig intensity and raging tempo. With flaming lighters and the glow cell phones around the auditorium, the band played the tunes that all wanted to hear.

Even though the school's bands had not yet made the big time stages, dreamed of one day making it to the top. Ha • g been together since y of 2006, Burnout became a popular freshman band among Southwest ts. With lead singer Harry Nonnan, er J e Jirovic, guitaris mny Delaney and Josh Nitzel on the bass, Bum ut wrote man of neir songs and incorporated a little comedy into eir o s 1 of rock •c. These guys had been close friends for awhile and e day decid start their band because they thought it would be fun.

'The group usually practices about twice a wee ," Delaney said, " d used to practice at my house but now we p ctice at Jake's." Burnout done a few gigs, mostly for school acti •ties, and wanted to o more if the opportunity arose. They ce rmed for a middle ool tlance, then one ~~~·!~.~ fiT their lish class.

While some bands had been around for a while, others were just getting started. One of these newer bands was Lost and Found, made up of lead singer Jake ~inder, guitarists Tyler Mills and Ted Kocher, drummer Nick cer, d Zacl\ Rosson, who attends Scott Middle School. Lost and un h bee t g th r since August of last summer. The group kl-alt musi und l&e Bowling for Soup or Green Day," Linder group had written three songs, all of which are orm some gigs in the future. They cam up d Found one day while just messing around with mbers said Lost, and then they all agreed to add

strum of the guitar and a clap of the drum, the lights and eft the stage. The crowd roared. It had been a hit!

• •
Freshmen 145

Nisha Minhas

TJ Mizell

Marci Mizelle

Shannon Moon

Zachary Morrissey

Abbie Moser

Beau Muehling

Aubrey Mueller

Nicholas Mueting

Spencer Mullins

Rachel Naber

Suhaus Nataraj

Casey Neemann

Ian Neemann

Nina Neisius

Morgan Nelson

Travis Nelson

Kaylie Neuhaus

Jordan Neukirch

Jim Newton

Cindy Nguyen

Paul Nispel

Josh Nitzel

Forrest Noftke

MichaeJ Nordell

Harry Norman

Jordan Nunn

Helen Nurbabayeva

Trever O'Brien

AUison O'Connor

Meghan O'Melia

Sam Olson

Ricky Ortiz-Zavala

Vinny Osburn

Cynthia Ostiguin

Jesse Overton

Emily Owen

Shelby Parks

Jonathan Patience

Brittany Paul

Sarah Pawling

Dylan Payne

Staff & Students

Ivor Peci

Kyle Pedersen

Macy Perry

Matthew Petersen

Julia Peterson

Nathan Pettigrew

Dillon Pfingsten

Cody Philipps

Rachel Pieloch

Brandon Piening

Emily Pike

Ryan Plager

Cpenta Porter Loving

Angelique Prewitt

Morgan Price

Joseph Prokasky

Peter Ralston

Elicia Rardon

Madeline Reeves

Katey Rehm

Alicia Reichwaldt

Shelby Remmers

Andrew Rentschler

The Biggest Difference

What is the biggest difference between high school and middle school?

"Sports are more competitive and also more fun. In middle school, we could only play flag football."
--Ryan Plager
"There's a lot more homework and it's easier to get 105t in the school."
--Jonathon Patience

Compiled L-y Kelsey fa 1e

t :~ :: ,. ' fl ~,;f !, > - '. ,: > 1... ~) ::J.{? ~) ! ' : : "" • - -

David Revenkov

Ant.p.ony Reyes

Kyla Richardson

Seth Richert

Matthew Richmond

Natalie Riggs

Alec Rinke

Morgan Roark

Matt Robertson

Shelby Rood

Zachary Ross

Natasha Rozmiarek

Taylor Rung

Jameson Rupert

Ebad Sadat

Mandi Schellhorn

Paul Schiefelbein

Landon Schmidt

Kate Schneckloth

Alex Schneider

Benjamin Schneider

Parker Schoen

Melissa Schorr

Elliott Schrage

Kristal Schuster

Mikala Schwery

Shoni Sears

Jordan Seiko

Jeffrey Seybold

Aras Shakir

Matthew Shallenberger

Breanna Shellhart

Benjamin Shield

Seth Shreve

Aaron-Dakotah Sicking

Austin Siedel

Katie Sieps

Joslyn Soucie

Matthew Speckmann

Ethan Spence

Jamie Speth

Devon Stanczyk

Connor Stange

Staff & Studehts

Kaitlyn Steinacher

Alex Steinmeyer

Whitney Stems

Krys Stevens

Taylor Stimbert

Christopher Stone

Jordy Strudl

Haley Summers

Rebecca Swenseth

Taylor Taege

Taylor Teska

Aubrey Thompson

Kyle Tietz

Senad Topalovic

Holly Torell

Kramer Traynowicz

Paige Traynowicz

Juee Trivedi

Jordan Trube

Rebekah Turner

Katlyn Tyler

Jesus Valladares Morales

Brady Vance

Alicia Villagomez-Watson

Hidden Talents I

Over the course of freshmen year some students -

"I love singing all types of music, except for I I tried to fit in while others made an effort to stand out. country," Harris said. "Singing has been in my family I One might say that this was a hard task to achieve, but - for a long time and it has always come naturally to I in reality it was just as simple as showing off a hidden me." I talent.

Then, there is freshman Rachel Gerner. Gerner

Hidden talents showed the uniqueness in people. has been drawing comics every day for the last five I They were all around us and came in many different years. I forms. Take freshman Drew Barker, for instance. For •

"I draw Japanese style cartoons," Gerner said. I I the past five years, Barker has been spending his free "Drawing helps me express my feelings. When I'm sad time doing BMX racing. Starting when he was 8 years I draw sad characters and when I'm happy I draw happy I I old, Barker learned the fun of racing through his characters." I friends. Gerner explained that she learned her technique

Another example would be freshman Amani _ __._____ .............i while watching cartoons as a child. I Harris. When Harris was only 3 years old, she ew Barker spins his bike handlebar With skills ranging from BMX racing to artistic I developed a stuttering problem. With hopes of reducing around while pcrforming a BMX stunt. abilities such as drawing and singing, others' talents still I her speech defects her mother would make her sing e exhibits safety by wearing a helmet remain hidden. I everyday. Eventually her stuttering suhsided and to this c. ce BMXhcan be a dangerous sport.

• ourtesy p oto. day Harris continues to sing each and every day.

Story by Brittany V011tz 1 -------

r--- ---------- -----------,
-I -
! I

Connor Villanueva

Lauren Wachter

Ashley Walker

Jeffrey Walker

Wyki Walstrom

Breanna W amer

Kiefer Watson

Chris Way

Christopher Webb

Meredith Weber

Randy Weedman

Marianne Wegulo

Joshua Weils

Campbell Wentz

Kaitlin Weskamp

Megan Wharton

Taylor Whelan

Michaela Whitesell

Wyn Wiley

Kris Williamson

David Wilmarth

Davin Wilson

Kristina Wilson

Teylor Wolfe

Kayla Wright

Danny Yang

Dillon Yawn

Nyawargar Yiel

Katie Yokel

Emily Young

Kendra Zabka

Tyler Zachek

Alec Zeilinger

Scott Zeilinger

Megan Zoz

Staff &Students

Admin iet ratio n:


Je rry Wi lks Pr incipal Art: Mark Reeder C h air Willie S app
Keri Applebee Associate Principal Derek Buckley Julie Walstrom John Hastings Dr. Susette Taylor Virginia Geiger Kristi Groth Associate Principal Associate Principal Instructional Coord. Special Ed. Coord Marge Kneifl Chair Donna Strabala Duane Baack Shelly Tvrdy Sandi Campbell Tony Kobza Linda Wendt David Gillespie Athetic Director Judy Noteboom Kim Carson Ass. Athletic Director Mary Schropfer Te rr y Ab rah ams Terry Berks Ch a ir Elaine Caster Katharine Dowling Cyndi Dwyer Lorrie Ford Melanie Gross Mark Gudgel Matt Heimes Toni Heimes Dianne Kuppig Lori Nakagawa Marla Payant Todd Pernicek Rosenberger

Family Conoomer Science:



Media Center:


Tracy Seagren Chair Kelly Winter Mary Haertel Noelle Baker Gretchen Baker Case Manager
St a ff & Stu d ehts
Christin Sutter Sherry McCranie Colleen Finkhouse Nancy&rre Social Worker Ann Swinton Jolene Schlemmer Joyce Lehn Heather Foster Speech/Language
. lndue;trial
Ashli True Jeff Jochum 01air Peggy Volker Nancy Nielsen Speech/Language Chris True Erin Stutzman Psychologist Jerel Welker Ulry Free Kevin Hennecke Fred Thome KenUlmwell Laurie Logsdon



Social Studiee:

Lori Falcone Cbair Alys.5a Johnson Tun Golden Chair Tracy Felton Qn.i rr Monroe Denise Cotton Stacy Marshall Charles Bittle Jonathan Dyrland Jeff Agler Accompinanist Dan On-penter Greg Cooper Mike Geist Eugene Kirianov JoDell Merritt Kevin Sc:hrad Mark Shearer Sara Yendra
Mark Watt Chair Lis Brenden Nancy Brackley Jalania Handa Doug Kaltenberger Mark King Andrew Sherman Scott Skultety Scott Vampola Ted Larson Cbair Jim Danson Russ Raatz Brian Albrecht Jalaina Handa Chris Salem Alison Arter (Kelley) Hershrerger Ryan Salem Lisalhles Travis Brady Ryan Mahoney
Staff 15 3
Alyssa Watson


James Hill Nila Jacobson x Victoria Hessheimer Attendance
Nicole Kubik Athletic/ Activites Kathy Herz Instructional Brad Seeman Computer/Media Angella Knop Nicole Martin Not pictured: Corrie Beth Allen Theater • Technician Marilyne Phelps Lori Mescher Media Center Secretary/ technician Shirley Roeber Linda Shonka Receptionist Jeremy Smith Janene Way Coun~lors Kim Heiser Media Paraeducator Tami Lang Chair Marcia Carroll
Linda DeBoer Crystal Kjar Head Athletic Trainer Jerome Blowers Resource Officer Eric Williams Deborah Rye

Special Education:

Cueto dial:

Tricia Ostermeier
Matt Mezger Jessie Peterson Connie Barry Todd Sandcerg Patti Brown Crystal Steidley Connie Duncan Lynn Strack Amy Jewell David Tien Ang el a Kr amer Faye Wall Judy Fleischman, fuxl Service Manager, Llsa Ashenbach, Terri d-iab, Deb Curtis, Lori Devries, Ki m Dilley, Teresa Gifford, Michelle Haakenson, Sun Kim, Pap Piper, Llsa Rothgeb, Amy Whinnarsh, Paul Winkler Phili p Bec k, Llnda Brockman , Alisha (furchers) Stopp, David Fricke, Tom Harvey , Gloria Lucas, Chuck Meyer, Omity Perdew, Kelly Ritcher, Joyce Sc heneman, Jes&ca Williams 1\lot Pictured: Kelsey Schultz
Staff . 155
Rich Dondlinger, Robin Phares, Karl Bauhof (head custcxiian). Not Pictured: James Belk, Adam Cutshall, Mike Dudek (head custcxiian), Mark Franckowiak, Cary Gerner, Richard Hartell, Beverly Krier, Mike Lundy, Bozica Mila;, Anthony Piper, Owen Stevenson, John Thorpe, Rotert Williams


o g : the

uri:J 5 Lis Brenden's

Th( T earn Sports

a variety of games from soccer to capture the fl a, Finnell{falon

Pho tc 'iyy Rachel Y ankf[alon

D ivider
What can I get you? Senior Destiny Brown performs her skit for Spanish 3 class. Elaine Harris' had her cl ass create menus and write a skit to go along with their focx:l unit. Photo lry Rachel Yank/ Ialon,_____ __, tin' a rhyme. Sophomore Jack Zhang his poem during the Poetry Slam Jan. ang was one of the many students the ted in the Poetry Slam that took place nd and fourth terms in English 10. Photo lry • Cunningham{[alon Go team! Senior Eric Vrba tries t ball from senior Tom Fuoco d T earn Sports class class played Cutting edge. Freshman Kaitlyn Steinacher cuts fabric for her quilt during Creative Clothing and Desig Mary Haertel's class spent time sewi g different clothes and blankets.

Nintey minutes .four blocks .. .six hours and 48 minutes. The school day was measured in many ways; students used whatever way

Though some students didn't want to admit it, academic li

New classes caught students' Rights Movement taught by Jalain The class still required seniors to ge

A new requirement for the moving on to take Biology. This new requ in scie ce before going right into Biology.

class was History of the Civil Government and Politics. hysical Science before dents were more experienced

Other changes came in staffing. Fi e new counselors, two new associate principal and a new media ialist were among the ch311ges. Principal Jerry Wilks ann'-J\AL•,----~ in ,._, __"_r...._•.""".,',...--"-',,..r that he would be retiring at the end of the 2006--2007 sc ool year.

One hundred seventy--nine school days in a school year about 1,160 hours spent at school. one school year full of academics.

We're on Honor Roll. Juniors wait as the seniors receive their academic awards Oct 18. Spread By Rache I Yank 'This Honors Cmvocation was to honor the students with academic achievements from terms 3 and 4 of 2006. Photo by Rachel Yankffalon
Academic Life 15 7
Keepin' everything in order Junior Lauren Barry signs out in the attendance office with Sandy Hays. The attendance office usually has about 50 people sign out and go home because they are sick or they have an appointment. Photo by Travis Cunningham([alon Sparkle, sparkle. Custodian Robin Phares cleans up the Commons floor after third lunch. Phares said that it takes at least one hour to make sure that all of the chairs are put away and the floor is nice and clean. Photo by Travis Cunningham([alon A new day ... Principal Jerry Wilks watches student traffic by the front door. Administrators are usually on hand at the beginning and end of the day to greet students. Oteckin' it out. Senior Jon McCarty asks Media technician Lori Mescher to proof read a paper for him. On any given day the Media Center can have over 300 people there in a single day and a minimum of I 00 oooks checked out on a oook talk day. Photo by Travis Cunningham([alon 15 Acacle117ic Life Hunger rush. Terri Oiab helps students within her Ii 1e pay for their lunches. The cafeteria is working non-st j helping the students with their hunger needs. Photo by Travis Cunningham([alon

Help us help OU

Helping others can be fun

"The administration and staff are really cool because they will stay late and help me with anything."

"Shhhhhh!l You are in the Media Center and people are trying to finish homework and they are trying to read their books. So be quiet." New media specialist Laurie Logsdon admitted that those words had to be said everyday and that it "gets annoying after awhile."

According to media technician Lori Mescher, about 100 students sign in each day. In other words the names usually fill up about three pages.

The Media Center was just one area where students could find extra help.

While the students can be new to the school, there were staff members who were also new including five new counselors.

"This year, for me, the staff and everyone in the student bcx:ly has been really nice to me," said new counselor Kelley Winter. "Also this year went by really fast!"

The counselors deal with a lot of things that go on during school and things that hap, pen outside of school.

"I really like having my counselor, Noelle Baker, because she is always there to help me with my college applications," junior Jeri Kohn said.

For new campus supervisor Tami Lang also said she plans to go back to school to become a counselor.

"I want to be in the high school atmosphere because I have been around students in high school for three and a half years. If I can, I would like to be here at Southwest," she said. Lang was the school's police resource at Southwest before returning to head up security.

Cleaning the school and setting up for events was the custodian's job.

"I really do like working here, and even though it is a pain to clean up after everyone here at Southwest, all of the students are very nice," Robin Phares said.

Around 11 :30 and one could smell the aroma corning from the snack shop and the cafeteria. A favorite smell was the turkey dinner.

"We usually sell about 600 to 800 lunches on the days that we have the turkey din, ners ," said Michelle Haakenson. Haakenson has been working here at Southwest since the school has opened. Counselor help. Junior Jeri Kohn meets with her counselor Noelle Baker aoout looking for colleges. "I went on a mis.5ion trip to Israel and want to go back there for college in a few years," Kohn said. Phor.o by Travis Cunningham{[alon

Whilegcing thecaqu; school safety.

Top;~ 0muBop.:,la Mkkle&· andCaRQ]l therigl'¢

Bottom: someci

-Taylor Rohe, sophomore

. ~it"~her class. 1he gmne was claw alx,ut ~ctilture.


Sword fight! ~es

and~ Marvin lmtle it out Hamlet and Laertes, from the 1- ~d Hamlet, t.o commemorate mev English Diff. 10 dB fanishing Hamlet The di.aract:ers endc:I up killing each other and the King and~ ffwto bJ Lita Harris(falon

A sad tale... Senior Natalie Kdlough listera to a speaker in her Holocaust Ut a~. The speaker,.who was a Holocaust survivor, spoke about his eluding the Nazi army and concenttatim camps-. Photo by Amber Tt'lbnmell/Talon Trevin Nelsen

Mrs. Helmes! It was ao tun I deeided to Join the deba e team!,,


nts learn about life through classic works.

be, or not to be." Hamlet's age old question was still a topic ci discus.5ion in the of today. Shakespeare i considered to be one of the mo;t famous Fngli h He cootributed many concept to the Fnglish language, including roughly 400 can also be thanked for the many long hours students spent reading and trying to bis writing style.

more I.aura Franz knew first hand. ''At first it w-as really difficult, but as you read it became easier," Franz said.

y F.nglish classes studied his works. Freshmen dallied in romance with Romeo and enice, sophomores watched the effects of betrayal with Julius G¾esar in Rome, and 'ed to llllderstand death witn Hamlet in Denmark. Shakespeare was a must in several clas.5eS.

er way students were able to appreciate and learn about English was through dents saw the path of life with Robert Fra;t, reality with Maya Angelou, and the with Edgar Allen Poe.

er Marla Payant liked ar Allen Poe "because he's scary and creepy.'' ts were then able, or forced in some case,, to write their own poetry. Some poems tic and other were silly. Many were questioning, but all were meanh-,gf ui. the students who were talented with their writing were selected by their classmates re in a poetry slam, an vent where tudents were able to read their poeµy to their ed by the media center, priz were awarded the poe who had the most popular ust literature focused on contemporary social is.5ues of intolerance. lbrough Literature, both fiction and non-fiction. Students were able to see the world a new

ve me a different out look on life," senior Audrey Johns said. stUdents were taught more than just how to read a play, or construct a haiku in They were taught aoout humanity. Court is now in session... Juniors Rico Oli~ and Paul Belz help each <Xher out in Terry Ab:ahams' American Literature while reading School and Office Many students helpai each other with ~ts all term loog. Photo h, Amber Tmmmellffalon

Tea Time

Mindy Wright's British Literature clas.5 partakes in a tea party to get in the Victorian age groove.

Top: Senior Joseph Morrison pours himself more tea as senior Travis Loveless await.s his tum.

Middle: Seniors Jessica Svoloda, Whitney Petersen, and Hannah Herman wait to enjoy their Boston creme pie.

Bottom: A group of students share their time capsule to the clas.5.

Hmm Sophomore Hudkins laughs as sophomore Jayk Wilson ponders if the l-eaker is the correct shade of green. "It was a pretty gnarly experiment," Wilson stated. Photo by Marina Bradaricf[alon Huh? Junior Meredith Kenyon points to her paper. Kenyon exclaims how they had to do many calculations for Cbemistry. Photo by Marina Bradaric/Talon Baby Beluga, Baby Beluga ...Tim Golden and his Marine Biology class go inside a life-size replica of an adolescent Blue Whale. The whale was 75 feet long, 12 feet high and 37 feet around. Photo by Marina Bradaricf[alon
16 • Acaclerr,ic Life
Going to the Zoo. Students in Tun Golden's Marine Biology class enjoy the tunnel in the aquarium. The class worked their way through the aquarium looking for certain sea creatures. Photo by Kyle Linder/Hawk Talk Oink, oink? Sara Yencka's Forensics Science class dis.sected a baby pig. Students watched over the e.xper: ment \\ith an interested look on their faces. Photo by : le Linder/Hawk Talk

esearch leads to Discovery


Outside the Classroom

Teacher Dan Carpenter returned from Washington, D.C., where he worked as an advisor to the National Science Foundation, a funding extension of the US CDngress. CDnsidered an expert in assessment systems because of his role in Washington as well as his PhD work at UNL, Orrpenter holds the Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowship award he received last year. (})ming back, he brought his experience into his future lessons. He also left students feeling the Christmas spirit.

"Just before the holiday break, I let the students make holiday fudge and we discussed the chemistry of it, including concepts central to limiting reagents and percent yield," Carpenter said. "Although I think the students enjoyed the food part of it more than the chemistry and light mathematical nature."

Charles Bittle decided to convey real science by taking his Biology class out into nature. They explored the deep jungle, also known as the Outdoor Classroom. Scoping out unique finds, the students collected leaves, figs, grass, flowers and whatever else caught their eye to create their own works of art.

"Nobody else I know of has done this before and I think it's a great opportunity to use the Outdoor Classroom," Bittle said. "If we've got the outside to use, we might as well use it." Bittle has also continued a scrapbook for Biology with recordings from students on animals and insects that they come across. He plans to start one for futany next year.

During Michael Geist's Chemistry lab, students were asked to neutralize acids with bases to create an emerald green concoction. "Mr. Geist can be a difficult teacher but he helps you learn. We took a ton of notes but it pays off because it helps you understand it all," junior Meredith Kenyon said.

"Chemistry is a lot easier and a lot more fun than Biology because the experiments are fantastic," sophomore Jayk Wilson said.

Among the 15 teachers in the science department, Eugene Kirianov said how "pleasant [it was] to interact with the intelligent students" he encountered in Chemistry and Physics, making it his "best year" of teaching.

"Honestly, the more I teach, the more fun it becomes," Kirianov said.

and sophomore Justin Ellison enjoyed making a bird outside in the sunshine during Bittle's Biology class. "Mr. Bittle is the best teacher I've had," Fink,Humes said. Photos by Brittany Vontz/Talon

"I try to make things fun . and prepare students to learn real science by doing real science."
-Dan Carpenter, teacher
Outdoor experiments. Thanks to a grant from the Natural Resources and Omservation Service for Wetlands Restorations and hard work provided by Sampson Construction, the school received a pond in the outdoor classroom. Sophomores Rudy Fiedler, Alex Calidonna and Matt Bindel dig through the pond in order to create their nature art. Photo by Brittany Vont'l/ Talon

Stewns• cJms. Thecias., was revi~ ftt their final by taking notes. fflOtO by .8nianlla VmkdT-.

Show the work- }tmior Mede Deters hows h€r wcxk 1,,. &living an advanced algebra problem during David Hartman• Advanced Algdxa class. The cbis was prep smge for more advanced math c Photo bJ Breanna Vmace/Talon

Paying Attention... Senior Betsy

Philippi listens attmti.vely during her AP Stats class with Cullen Stevens. Many math classes spent time reviewing over homewcxk and answering questions. F'1oto l,,y Breanna V ancefl'alon

Flying high... Senior Stephanie lh-gia and sophomore Alex Threats laugh as they fly pa.per airplanes in Angela &tes' geornetty class. The class made paper air, planes to demoostrate the trial and error process. ffioto l,,y Rachel Yank(falon

Staying awake.! Sq, re Ryan Brundege relax dbring Kyle Schumann's secmd block algelra class. students took advantage of~ time to learn as mu they could. Jll()tO by Breanna Vancdralon •

I 1 i r I 'I Ii I

whole other

Iemonstrating knowledge and ability

• many clas.5eS required term papers) es.says and oral re{X)rts, math classes were th activity. With 17 clas.5eS offered in the area, students had a wide range of op to explore the world of math. From algebra to calculus, students had a chance to • knowledge and learn in many different ways.

Mrs. Bates as a teacher and the way she teaches because it's a one on one learning t," senior Spencer Stark said. ough only 20 hour were needed to fulfill the graduation requirement, Jll05t stu'ded to continue on with math. For ome, the reason was college. For others it was iheir own benefit.

continued math clas.5es because I want to be an architect and I need more math college." senior Sarah Essay said. classes helped prepare students for life in an increasing techn logical society.

!January, the AP Stats class made T- hirts as a fun way to compete with the Calculus ~s was the first year AP Stats was offered. Calculus T-shirts were also made to th creatively.

ught the Stats shirts were a goo:l idea h.."Cause I liked feeling like I was part of a • r Tunothy Dugan said.

March, the math department recognized March 14 as Pi Day. In April the math t noted Math week Md ;ational Math Awarenes.5 week. The department planned classes to go to Worlds of Fun in May as a way to connect math to the real department chair Tom Ahlschwede said, "While some students see math as a also a neces.5ity and preparation for lxx:orning more successful in the future.'' humor, Ahlschwede advised students to, "Get smartet. lt doubles your chances from college."

Solving the prob, lem. Senior Kristen Dinneen, Junior Timothy Dugan, and senior Wesemann take a look at 500:¥! statistic problems. They also displayed their new AP ts hirts.Pltotol,,y 8"anna Vancdfalon


Equations and More

Math cla&5eS weren't just for learning, they were al:xmt preparing for the future.

Top: Teachers from various cla&5eS toilet papered the inside of Shayla Bushhousen's room for her birthday.

Middle: Senior Brandon Mills works hard during • fourth block Advanced Algebra with Shayla Bushhousen, even though it was her birthday.

Bottom: This was one of the many signs pa;ted in the math hallways to celebrate Bushhousen's birthday.

rules aren
~ -
Bring on the heat Juniors Jake Stauber and Drew furnberger play a song of Guitar Hero in the commons. Dennis Hershberger's Economics class sold food along with one round of the game as their final project. Photo 'by Amber Trammell/ Talon Character Analysis ... In Psychology, teacher Ryan Mahoney and junior Brielle Buske watch a television episode of "That 70's Show" as part of a character analysis presentation. 1bis was part of the personality unit. Photo by Amber Trammell/Talon Once Upon A Time... Freshrnan Brittany futz presents the ixx>k she made on how a bill becomes a law to her Civics class. Ci vies was a required class that helped students become better citizens. Photo by Amber Trammell!Talon
16 l\cacieh7ic Life
Caption Kicker ...Seniors Brandon Mills, Amanda Nissen, Hannah Craig, Chris Hager and Aaron T opil present their group's amendment skits. Alyssa Watson's Government and Politics class presented skits to a Civics class to help them learn as well. Photo by Amber Trammell/Talon Why can't we be friends? Sophomores Marcus J · es and Shane Manson take a break from filming their s1 i ts in Travis Brady's World History class. James played a n o ·on~ist and Manson portrayed a communist. Photo by A !Jer TrammeU/Talon

Past leads to Present

New faces, new classes, new ideas

While students were out making history, they also spent a great deal of time in the clas.sroom learning alxmt history. This year there were many new classes to choose from.

Jalaina Handa taught History of the Civil Rights Movement. The class took an in-depth look at the struggle for equal rights of not only African~Americans, but Native Americans and Latinos as well.

''You learn everything on a more personal level. It's not like other history classes where you feel like it doesn't affect you. Everything gets related to something present," said junior Beth Bambery.

A fairly new class, with only one year of existence, was U.S. Military History taught by Russ Raatz Students learned aoout the success or failure of strategies in World War One and Two, and the Korean and Vietnam wars.

"The class helps students to learn about wars of the past and how they shaped the world today," Raatz said. They also analyzed national and global policies, political and economic contexts and general tactics. Students also played military inspired games like Battleship and Axis and Allies to build up strategies of their own.

Although there were additions to the curriculum, there were many classes that were renamed or replaced. Citizenship Issues, a senior required class also known as CI, was renamed Government and Politics. The course covered ideas drawn from government and political science, and also current events. AP Human Geography was another class added for students to select. At the end of this course students were given the choice to take a test to determine college credit. The course introduced students to the study of patterns and processes that shaped human understanding, use and changes of the Earth's surface. Students examined human social organization and how the environment was being affected.

Sociology and Pyschology also fell under the social studies category. Pyschology looked individually into the human mind while Sociology looked into how people related to one another in the world today.

Overall, Southwest offered a wide variety of classes in this department with new ideas and ways to learn.

The Call of Duty .. Seniors Richard Luzum, Sam Siegel, Michael Norris and Nolan Miska present a project on the 25th Amendment. 1bis says that if the president should be taken out of office, the vice-president shall become president.

"Student get a better understanding of how we relate to one another, and why the world is the way it is."
-Ted Larson, Social Studies Chair
Photo by Amber TrammeU{I'alon

Fiesta anyone? ~e Kyle Stein,acher, F.ric Hyde and Joe Delaney eat na.ditiooal Spanish food in Marilvne Spanish 1 It was net uncotnmm to have fooo days in language classes. Photo b:, Brittany V onieff;

Signiflcanc:e in symbols...Japanese student Michael Schutz writes in oo the white ooard while playing a game. Ja-any Smith was the loog term sub for Tammy Cunningham who was on mater, nity leave. Smith has a degree in Japanese. lfur.o l,y Amber Tmmmell{falon

work.- Junior Brittany Wagner colors pictures in French 3. Students often used their as a reference and dictionary in language clasres. lfur.o by Brittany V ont.tlTalon

Vocabularv visuals ..5enior Cassidy Spence sits oo the floor to draw pictures representing the vocabulary words for the week. Spfuce was in Matt Hill's first year ~anish class. llwto by~ Vont,t/Talon

I t' !::
Hard Fua irt F~homores Philicia Mizell ard jester create artwork fot French words. Higher leve' : guage classts often shift their f~ to spalcen C()[lv ff10CD bj Brittan, V~alon

, foreigo languages were not liard . Just g • into pcq,le from different couhttieS • ectil

e was not required for gradua do the same language for enrollment. New departinmt chair Aaroo. y reasons to enroll in language classes. help students learn F.nglisli by broadehing their vocabulaty ," ps in test taking with questioning~ and offers the opportunity for er countries~" Rnley taught German. were five different language classes offered at Southwest, Spanish was e to study. able to travd o Spain, and become a 1:ilingual doctor;' saidjtnuor

cho;e to use the school's language classes to get a head start for life whether that be for a job or to eam school requirements. M~ two vean ci the same language but some took even more.

a wide ranged language opportunities, Southwest offered ~h, German, -and even Latin. Having 11 teachers in the departm.ent, around 20 were ttfeml to students.

ritiog in the kbook- Juniors Vuu,Matt .Ryan Town, ili,a~use~ <i>tfl~vity mt~

Cultural Crofts

Although they may have learned different languages in their clas.5rooms, each clas.5 was required to do projects that related to the culture of their country.

Top: Senior Amanda Rocke and juniors Mollie Ayers and Lauren Hiller make gingerbread houses in Aaron Finley's German 3 clas.5.

Middle: Juniors JD Royer and Erin Eisbach

• make crafts in Angela Knop's French 3 clas.5.

Bottom: Seniors Grant Stepanek and Tiffani Thomason write notes for their presentation in Lori Hemmett's Spanish class.

Fun and games ••. Sophomore Jake Marvin shoots the ball over his head on a free day. Free days were a weight training favorite because students are free to exercise how they choose. Photo by Jami Finnell(falon Pumpin' iorn. Junior Josh Hohensee lifts free weights to strengthen his anns. Free weights are used by all of the weight training classes throughout the day. Photo by Jami Finnell/falon Kickin' it Sophomore CJ. Yank kicks the ball while playing hand ball in Lis Brenden's team sports class. Students in team sports played all sorts of games from everyday sports like football, soccer, and basketball to games like speed-a-way, fat bat, and pickle ball during the year. Photo by Jami Finnell/falon Patience is a virtue. Junior Bryce Dickey holds the ball while waiting for a teammate to get open. Korf ball was only played for four days unlike other games that were played for two weeks in team sports. Photo by Jami Finnellffalon 17 Acaciet-t, ic Life Workin' on the pack Junior Te Marques Brown : sit ups in his advanced weight training class. Sit ups \ ere a part of the weight training workout. Photo by Jami Fi, l/ Talon

rom mental

"I take weight training toget bigger,

to sical

Applying thinking to acting

With nine teachers in physical education and five teaching health, the department managed t o teach students not only how to exercise but also how to follow healthy ways for their lxxli es to adapt to these types of exercises, like lifting weights.

In h ealth the three main topics taught were about nutrition, drugs and sex. There are a lot of different views about health from a student's perspective. Senior Steven Garcia said he had a lot offun in the class because he could be open and funny, which he said were two of his best qualities. One of his favorite activities in the class was role playing.

While physical education was among athletes' favorite class, the class was not only for athletes Weight training classes were offered every period of every day. Students took this class seriously, especially when doing max outs, because they could take pride in their names being on the record board for being strongest at one of four lifts (incline, cleans, l:mch and squats).

Lifeguard Training was a class that could be of use outside of school. By passing this class, the R ed Cross rewarded a certified license to be a lifeguard. Even with the certifica~ tion fee of $40, students still liked to take this class for the experience and because it also opened u p job opportunities.

Fitness for Life combined classroom work with physical activity and put emphasis on developing a personal fitness program. This class was not a required class but was highly recommended during the ninth or tenth grade year.

All of t he teachers agreed that these types of classes were great to take, not only to stay in shape and stay fit, but also to build character and self esteem.

Heal t h classes rarely had speakers but when they did it was a speaker who informed and entertained. Doug Kaltenberger had two former Southwest alumni from Hastings (})llege speak about an or ganization called C. A. R. E. which stands for Campus Acquaintance Rape Education. They demonstrated different ways to avoid and deal with certain unpleasant situations. They spoke in other health classes as well.

Whe ther or not students were working in a class room or working out in the weight room they fo und ways to make it informative and entertaining.

Maxin' out Senior Bryce Petersen maxes out in Scott Vampola's class. Students in this class said that Vampola made the class intense when lifting.

stronger and faster. "
-Garrett Sund, junior
Photo by Jami Finnellf[alon

Go 1fri-,b Gd..~ in lhe Pep&ndP(l'fa:m the Slvc,r Rght &xlg at a msketball game. The bmd dten helixrl to r,aise spidts at the YalSity games with their fm and enth~ tunes. 1'loto by Under!Hmul Talk

To be or not to be..Jxc Hamchs gives freshmen Inga Guliyeva and Radtel Gerner advice en their duet acting sane. Hamchs is the ooly te-acher who teaches acting classes at S:>uthwest. Photo by KelseJEide/Talon

Playing away junior AI~ Troester sight reads a piece for cmcert: l:md. Troester had~ in oond and marching band since her freshman year. fflOto by

One Vision...Varsity show choir, Resonance, rehearses during their third bloclc class. Show char directa: ja:}athan Dyrland often said, "Practice does not make perfect, perfecr practice makes perfect."

Amber Trammell/Talon Photo by Keite, &le/Talon


·c and theatre students show dedication

perfonning arts ~ing of the school, commonly referred to as "E,wing," included e.stra, choir and also theatre. Out of the five teachers in the music wing, Lori was the department chair. Classes in E,wing counted towards the five fine arts credit to graduate. A new cl available that helped students fulfill their technology ts was Music Technology. Other mu...ic classes available were band, jazz band, choir, show choir, orchestra and instrumental arts. is a great place to improve musicianship, make friends, be involved in school orm high quality music," said tacy Marshall, music teacher.

ry students were in both band and choir, but ome went beyond. Junior John Cala, band, jazz band, choir and al o how choir. was just in band at first, but then they askeJ me to join jazz band, so I did and then me to join show choir, so I did £,wing 1s my Hfe," Calahan s •d. orrning arts classes were unique in that mo t of them required work beyond the Band and choral s dents were required to attend performances and occasional outside of school. For some gn. up , uch a Prep Jazz Band and Oncert &ind, • rehearsals were mandatory, l it thi :va n t required of all groups. Students choir had to put in an exceptional amount of, ork. Resonance, the varsity show dance rehearsals during the summer and often had after ~chool practices. Theatre ed outside the realm of the ch<d Jay. In Bob Henrichs' tech theatre class, helped to build the set ft r extracurricular tl ..eatre productions.

• Sarah Arten said, "Tech theatre i gcxxl for learn.ii g the backstage life." classe; taught by Henrichs ere Theatre, Advanced Theatre, Theatre Proouctioos Theatre Productions a well ( Oral Communications. In theatre students logues, stage combat, and al o di<l a duet acting scene. Students also were les of theatre through videos and reading •cript •. ts showed talent and skill every da , , but fe • shrn 'l-<l as much dedication to did as those tudents in E,wing. Tough practices anJ out of school rehearsals been str~ul at the time, but the standing ovations at concerts made it worth it onning arts tudents.

Practice makes perfect Varsity Jazz &nd memrers rune up to practice for their winter <Xt1Cert. Students in Jazz &nd had to play through tough smgs like "Tuxedo Junctim" multiple times ~fore a perfoonance. ffioto l1J Kelsey F.:ideffalon

performances, you become friends with eveeyone in E-wing"

Comino TogethPr

Every year students in theatre, choir, band and orchestra come together to work on the school musical. They also share the auditorium.

Top: Wind Ensemble perfomis at the winter instrumental concert.

Middle: Chas Voigt, John Calahan, Ali Mahle and (})hagen Wilkinson, the A Ca-fellas sing a cappella as part of the winter choral concert.

Bottom: Freshmen Rochelle Athan and Hillary Kuhns read through their duet acting scene in their theatre class.

• 1n
Perforrn1ng Arts
Making a Masterpiece. Sophomore Rachael Pflug puts the finisrung touches of her painting during her Beginning Painting clas.s. Pflug titled this piece Afterglow. Photo by Courtney Oiambers/ Talon Stirring it up. Junior Cynthia Wolfard and sophomore Kyle Hampton work together while cooking during a lab in Cultural Foods. Participation from all group members was necessary in order to finish cooking the food before the period Photo by Oiurtney Oiambers/ Taking a form. Senior Beau Deffenbaugh builds a slab box in his 4th block pottery clas.s. Many students like pottery because it allows them to express their creativity in a different form than drawing or painting. Photo by Courtney Oiambers/Talon
17 /\caclet11ic Life
Making the right cut. Freshman Kelsey Aude cuts out fabric that she plans on making into a blanket. Purses, blankets and pillows were popular trungs to make in KS classes. Photo by Amber Trammell/Talon Unfolding Food. Senior Stasa Denkovich and :i more Jenna Wiese pull apart the tortillas they made in th t : Cultural Foods clas.s. During this lab the clas.s was ,1a ying Mexican cuisine. Photo by Courtney Oiambers/Talon

The key Hand~~ e£E~~t

From sewing and stuffing, to painting and drawing and even developing film, fine art and photography classes kept students busy thinking outside the oox. Students looking to take classes in this area had 4 3 classes to choose from ranging from creative clothing design to beginning pottery or beginning jewelry to cultural focx:ls.

Students were required to have at least five credits infine arts and at least five cred, its in applied arts, like family and consumer science classes. Many of these classes offered hands on experience. They also gave students the opportunity to show off their creative abilities. The art department of only four teachers offered 28 classes. The department also had four shows displaying student's artwork at a local b-ank throughout the year including the traditional senior show held in April. Some students even decided to enter their artwork in national competitions.

Art classes also brought in many speakers from prestigious colleges such as the Chicago School of Art and the Cdorado Art Institute. Art department chair Mark Reeder said, "These classes make for a well rounded person." Many students also took art classes to gain experience for possible careers in their future.

Junior Justin Stonacek said he took an art class "to get fine art credits and to learn more aoout art."

FCS classes taught students life skills and gave them experience for many careers. Students in these classes took field trips visiting places like, Wilderness Ridge, banks, car dealerships, furniture stores and design shops. With only four teachers the FCS department offered 15 classes. Although some students took an FCS class to fulfill graduation require, ments. Some students like senior Dani Miller took a class for fun.

"O)oking class prepares people for life after high school and it's an awesome experi, ence," Miller said.

FCS teacher Mary Haertel said that students should take FCS classes because, "they help students succeed in all areas of their life and endeavours that students' choose."

Whether it was to escape those stressful core classes or to just be allowed to express themselves, art and FCS classes were popular among students. Tirrough sewing or sculpting, or cooking and drawing students had no problem showing off their creativity.

Knitting Away. Freshman Rebekah T umer knits a scarf during her Creative Oothing and Design clas.5. In this clas.5 stu~ dents used computer~ ized sewing machines as well as other tools to create accessories and clothing that were all their own. Photo b-y Amber Trammell{[alon

"Art classes allow you to tap into your creativity''
Co urtney Chambers
• 1 ~!g Y--._,_-S.-.--1le__,1b~ _Lu,..,......,., k .,...,,.,.. e, se__,..n1__,..·or.....--,-,,,...._,.,....,,

w wave of classes kick star~ interests

nxlay' world, people advance to become more technology savvy. Many c~ dents to fulfill these needs, including the area of industrial teclmology and took industrial technology classes because ''it's a change of pace," chair Jeff Jochum said. Seven classes were offered in this area, along with •cally related olubi. east Community (})ilege speakers spoke to students aoout the world of technology and students also took field trips to Computer Aided Drafting sites.

classes were not all aoout creating pieces of work. Many memories were also intheproees.5.

r Zach Francis said his best memory of Manufacturing and W lding was when, went into Jon Anania's shoe and the cotton caught on fire, but he wasn't hurt." classes also emerged as a :(X)pular class to take. Many students began to take in cl~ that helped students deal with money and other aspects of business.

r Jennifer Bohlen agreed after taking the World of sophomore year. to learn different ways to invest and spend your money," she said.

• year Owmel 8 Eyewitness News put out a challenge to students to design a cell ercial. The Sports Marketing class presented their projects to the ooard of All three groups' designs were accepted, and students filmed all of them.

t:Daimit!llt chair Marge Kneifl said, "These classes teach skills you'll need through your life. Mo;t people go into a business of some sort, so you might as well get ti.on in high school." And many students proved to be interested with many of reing full.

neither of these types of classes were required to graduate, they taught life added to technology, or the applied arts credit. But whether it was making a p.illding a house, creating a report or designing a web site, these das.5es were the future.

Questions? Teacher

Marge Kneifl helps seniors Martin Etand and Elijah Aden with a ~tin Internet Mul~ tinma. Many &tlldents took c~ to be able to get ready to go out into th~ working world. HJOCO by Rachd Yanltlfalon

Self successes

fulo work paid off in these classes. Many activities were self-oriented and depended on personal choices.

Top: Seniors Krista Kansier and Marci Ihrig, learn the basics in Internet Multimedia.

Middle: Senior Aaron Murphy works on a piece of furniture during Furniture C.Onstruc~ ti.on and Design.

Bottom: Freshman Scott Zeilinger works on the micro type program in computer applica~ ti.ans.

Orgahizati.ohs &


Strategic cards. Senior Spencer Wolfe teaches the Strategy Gaming club members a new card game, as senior Chad Oltman watches. Strategy Gaming played games from Halo to Wizard cards. Photo by Rachel Yank/Talon oviding a few laughs. Junior aylor Jones gets into the character of evil sister during his speech perforance. Jones was one of the speech d debate members who displayed his ents during the optional assemblies
22. Photo by Rachel Yank/Talon Great achievements. Senior Sarah Rschbein addresses the new member: c National Honor Society (NHS) durir the fall induction. Fischbein was orn c 12 speakers who told the new memh ~~~;!::;'l· ted. Photo by Travis Ct riningham/Ta Design time. Junior Sarah Neelly works on her house design in the Dr ting Design club. Drafting Design wa a club for students who showed inten st in CAD related classes. Photo by Britta i y V antz/Talon

w hat days besides weekends, late days, of course. Students members w many signed up for with their friends.

This year the sign up for clubs having it in to the office by a specifie was still a deadline, the new sign up ptt{X'~.l;Jr.e·~

New clubs al f und a ay t Dance club. This club had such a high sign

tudents' favorite days? Club

5 minutes to attend a club a piece of paper and the website. While there one was Ballroom and Folk plit up with seniors and juniors one club day and sophomores and freshmen the next.

Other clubs with a large numbers were Japanese and Card Clu . Card Club has al ays attracted larger nu~rs because it allows students to get together with friends an pl ar am f choice.

Not all clubs met on club day. Clubs like NHS and Spanish club met outside of school, and required more time commitment than some students were willing to give.

S pr ead by Rachel Yank Holiday learning. Freshmen Key Club members Kaitlin Weskarnp and Tonya Maksimenko work with kids at Key Club's Holiday Hawks. At Holiday Hawks Key Club members taught kids about different holidays and they made arts and crafts. Photo by Katie Hottovy/Hawk Talk
Organizations & Clubs 179

Students Shape the School

a ch and everyday people make an effor t to make a difference in the world. But oftentimes t eens feel their input in certain issues is not taken into account or taken seriously. They sometimes feel there is little they can do to change things they dislike or even help with projects they would like to see get done .

Student Council (StuCo) and National Honor Society (NHS) had a direct effect on what happens to students at school.

In order to become a part of StuCo , students had to apply with an essay, an interview, and lastly, be selected in the student vote. Once selected the members came together to better the school according to the interests of the students. They were open to any ideas from students and provided their own hot pink locker for input.

"I joined Stueb to help improve the school and make more opportunities for students to get involved in within the school," said junior Kierst Finsand. Finsand said planning prom was her favorite activity of the year.

Stueb hosted many school events including the food and toy drives within second block classes during second term. They held the sweat dance, winter formal and prom for the school, along with Flight Night, the Powderpuff Football game and recycling pledge week.

Ethan Schulenberg, Tracy Sieck, Peter Sitzmann, Cale Stolle, Megan tuart , Brett Sundberg, Tyler Troxel, Oaire Velander, Dani Virts, Erinn Wakeman, Alyssa Wesemann, Heath White, Abby Wilson, Spencer Wolfe, Rachel Yank and Keerthi Yerra. Sponsor : Ann Swinton.

Organizations & Clubs

They also helped with school pep rallies, the making o "Nes t " t,shirts and h alf tim e shows at varsity basketball gam

There was an application process to become a member NHS too. Thete were only two times when students had th chance to apply, eith er in the spring of their junior year o r in fall of their senior year. Each applicant had to follow the fo pillars of scholarship, character, leadership and service, buts this did not ensure acceptance. An essay was required along i a letter of recommendation.

NHS members started their volunteering projects by raii money for various organizations both in and out of the Unit States On the night before Christmas they helped ring bells the Salvation Army They also did a dollars for Darfur proj and worked for Invisible Children in Africa. In addition, the collected box tops for education for Clinton Elementary Sch which was one of the poorer schools in the district, accordin~ senior Tiffany Foryki.

"My favorite project was raising money for the Malone Center and helping increase the capital by helping people par Husker football games," said senior Ken Bevers.

They were in charge of the bake sales at music concerts throughout the year and set up Super Sweet Senior Night.

Stud•t ColNIOII

NHS : Devon Allen, (Co-President) Sarah Arkehiuer, (Treasurer) Kendall ~vers, Ben &eselager, Tay- lor Boney, Stacie Branting, Joshua Brown, Leah Brown, Kelsey Bryant, Courmey G-lamws, James Cottrell, Nicholas Dalke, Jessica Danson, Kristen Dinneen, Kelsey Eide, Sarah Essay, Sarah Fischbein, (Secre- tary) Tiffany Forycki, Christina Fraser, David Freese, Whimey Fuller, Laura Green, Austin Griffith, Abby Heiser, Alex Hogan, Hannah Herman, Kristin Houchin, Rachel Janssen, Dustin Johnson, Anne Jonas, Bryan Kelley, Natalie Kellough, Carole Kerrey, Ben LaGrange, Ashleigh Lang, Stephanie Lee, Katie Lester, Zachary Lovell, Courmey Luhich, (Vice-President) Shelby Luke, (Service Coordinator) Zach Mapes, Laura Marti, Elyse Marvin, Jonathan Mattson, Kari Meyer, Amber Miller, (Service Coordinator) Jordan Muller, Mikhaela Mullins, (Co-President) Mai Nguyen, Matt Niazi, Daniel Owen, Bryce Petersen, Emily Pflug, Jon Pike, Nick Powers, Keenan Price, Sucharitha Rajendran, Matthew Ros.son, Kaylea Sasek, Katherine Schueths, Student Council: Front Row: (Vice President) Jessica Danson, (Secretary) Mai Nguyen, Katit Hottovy, Stephanie Pelan, Jani Martinez, Kaitlin Westcamp and (President) Zach Mapes. Mid< Row: Elly Jurgensen, Dalton Barnard, Alyssa Mescher, Kierst Finsand, Nate Jones, Megan Stu a Kelsey Arends and Kaitlyn Steinacher. Back Row: Kelcy Workman, Kristen Dinneen , Vince F James Cottrell, Kaitlyn Waller , Austin Griffith, Sammy Hansen and Aleem Malik. Not Picture Folsom, Ouis Gice, (Treasurer) Ali Malik, Garrett Mardock, Aubrey Mueller and Cohagen Wi Sponsors : Alyssa Watson and Shelby Shannahan.

Meals on w heels ! Junior Steph Pelan, Vince Rynn and Elly Jurgensen tote food from classrooms at the end of the food drive. All of the food that was collected went to the Lincoln Food Pantry. Pho to by Katie Hottovy/Hawk Talk

Inductiontime !SeniorZach Mapes speaks at the NHS induction Nov 8. Twenty-five new students were selected for a total of 76 members. Photo by Travis Cunningha

Selling Snacks! Juniors

Elly Jurgensen, ate Jones, . Kelcy Workman and Kelsey Arends work in the snack shop during the varsity coys basketball game against Kearney. Jurgensen was elected next year's President at the ebraska State Student O:;uncil Convention. Photo by Paige Brolhorst/Talon

Donating Dinner! Senior StuCo President Zach Mapes, juniors Elly Jurgensen, Kelsey Workman, Ali Malik and Garrett Mardock collect and count items from the food drive. Lori Hemmett 's Spanish class won the drive with over 500 items. As a prize the class won a pizza party and Hemmert received a free half day off school. Photo by Katie Hottovy/Hawk Talk

Making a match ! StuCo members sell matchmaker papers in the concession stand after school. Each matchmaker result was sold for $2. Photo by Max Olson/Hawk Talk

t 1e r
t cub X l k at
NHS ahd StuCo

ClUW Become More Com petition Orienta :

everal clubs did community service activities, learned leadership skills and attended conferences.

The clubs mainly met during club days, but days had to be arranged outside of the scheduled meeting times.

DECA focused on business activities, developing leadership skills and marketing . They also helped promote fund raisers and were involved with community service projects, including the Friendship Home.

•DECA also went to Minnesota for the Central Regional Leadership O)nference and a fall leadership conference. If students were in a marketing class sometime during the year they could compete. If anyone placed top three at state, they'd be invited to go to nationals.

Junior Karma Livingston, vice,president, said the best part of DECA was "doing good things for others, becoming more responsible and having fun at the same time."

FBLA also focused on the ideas of business and careers, just in a different fashion. They did activities for Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) and the March of Dimes.

Mary Schropfer, co,sponsor, said a goal was to go to the State Leadership O)nference (SLC) in March. "It's a very dressed up event. Everyone gets really into it and all the activities." There

were over 50 events to choose from for competition.

Ashleigh Lang-Petersen, Lindsey



Qunior VicePresident) Karma Llving ton, Tyler Loos, Jenna Lothrop, Alec Lowrey, Briana Lueckenhoff, Qunior Vice-President) Alex Martin, Kiersten Mavis, Adam Mayhew, Emily Mazur-Mickells, Alyssa McBride, Megan McCollister, Shay lene Michaels, (Co-Vice President) Jenni Miller, Amrer Mickle, Tyler Nannen, Nina Neisius, Aaron Norman, Benjamin Norton, Kara Olson, Meli= Ostiguin, Anastasia Oulianova, Keith Ozanne, Brandie Peters, Whimey Petersen, Jon Pike, Courmey Powers, Portia Reams, Alexandra Riggs, Dillon Schellhorn, Anna Schmidt, Samuel Schmidt, Amrer Schueth, Jeffrey Seyoold, Ben Shallenrerger, Matt Shallenrerger, Kaitlin Shanahan, Kristin Shields, Katie Sieps, 01ase Small, Brittany Spence, Robby Stauffer, Alex Steinmeyer, Megan Stuart, Dillon Svec, Alexandra Thomas, 01aris Thomas, Amrer Trammell, Mallory Voge, Breanna Warner, Randy Weedman, Mike Wehling, Julia Wehrli, Alyssa Wesemann, Jenna Wiese, Jessica Wright and Paige Zoz. Sponsor: Tony Kobza.

FCCLA promoted careers and family relationships in America. They w~nt to St. Louis for the national cluster meetir Nov. 17, 19. The state meeting was in Lincoln, and districts wen in Waverly. They also planned a bake sale for the spring musica . Melissa West, vice,president, said her favorite part of the club was "going to the clusters. They're so much fun. I was a complete dork, and made everyone laugh."

Math Oub was an academic club filled with a lot of promising mathematicians who joined it.

There were 30 people involved with this club on a regular basis. The club was sponsored by Dr. Bill Rogge and the student president was Carole Kerrey

The main ideas of the club were to promote interest in math, to provide competitions for students and to create a soci c: venue for club members interested in math.

Math Club focused on sponsoring many types of math competitions both in and out of school. They also had many social events with other schools, such as a pizza party congratulating the winners of the competitions. 1broughout the years they have established a tradition of doing well at competitions and events.

DECA: Lindsey Ash, Rochelle Athan, Katlin Bauer, Joe Beer, Margot Behne, Kayla Bennett, Jorclann &:imhoft, Allison Eotsford, Blair Brown, Caitlan Bunn, 01elsea Camprell, Casey Carl:xm, Ricardo Gsneros, Alyssa Damke, Maggie Deschaine, Kristen Dinneen, Bryttie Duren, Jami Rnnell, Bess Folsom, Whimey Fuller, Anna Golden, Scott Guderjan, Laura Guthrie, Hailey Hamilton, Llsa Harris, Kyle Headley, Julie Hernandez, Katie Hill, Counney Hom, Sally Ingham, Nicole Jarer, Bryan Johnson, Hannati Johnson, (President) Anne Jonas, Alli Kafka, Ali Kuhel, Ben LaGrange, Leach, President) Katie Lester, Lewis,
Orgahizatiohs & Clubs
FBIA: Cas.5ie Billesooch, Matthew Blankenau, Jordan Brown, Lau ren Brunken, Marilyn Bures , Jar Champoux, Dylan Clover , Bryce Dickey, Lacie Dougherty, Christa Elliot t , (Co-Presiden t) Saral Es5l Lindsey Font, Austin Fritz, Taylor Genrich, Austin Griffith, Rylee Hall, Eric H inz, Sally lngha 1, A Johnson, Bilal Kamal, Samie Korth, Kaylie Lantz, Nicholas Lattimer , Garrett Mardock, Traci t- asa' Britteny McBride, Tyler Mills, Thomas Mundt, Trevin Nelson, Ian Ostom, Jonathon Patience , Michaela Patt, Kim Pettinger, (Co-President) Nick Powers, Katie Richard, Justin Rogge, Matth w R0&50n, (Co-President) Allison Roy, Jameson Ru pert , Danielle Simpson , H arrison Stark, (Vice - "lresi- dent) Spencer Stark, Grant Stepanek, Dao Thi Vo, Mara Wilson, Nora Wilson, Luke Yarabe , 1.d P Yarabe. Sponsors: Mary Schropfer and Donna Strabala.


Preparing for Competition. FBLA members seniors Sarah Es.say, Grant Stepanek, Spencer Stark, Nick Powers and Lacie Dougherty talk aoo ut their contest. The members were preparing for the State Leadership Conference. Photo by Mollie Dittmerf[alon
FCCLA: Jamie Alder, Kayla Andretti, Ashley Belt, Marina Braderic, Brittany Brandfas , Chelsea Capp, Shannon Cleal, Nicole Deters, Makinsey Douglas-Hill, Heidi Fatemi, Riley Feiling, Erika Rowers, (&x:ial Secretary) Ashley Hemann, Katie Hill, Megan Holbrook, Stephanie Jennett, Megan Kaltenberger, Samie Korth, Kaylie Lantz, Brooke Luther, Traci Mason, ( Jamie McKay, Macy Perry, Brandie Peters, Matthew Richmond, Cas.5ee Spellmeyer, Amber Trammell, Hilary Watkins, (Vice-President) Melissa West and Paige Zaz. Sponsors: Jolene Schlemmer and Tracey i, Fortney-Seagren. Change of pace. Seniors Ben LaGrange, Adam Mayhew, Kristin Shields, Courtney Hom, and Margot Eehne act out a scene in DECA. The club focused on aspects of business as well as building friendships. Photo by Amber Trammell([alon Learning the basics. Juniors Matthew Blankenau and Kayhe Lantz sign up for FBLA competitions. The club traveled to several competitions. Photo by Anna Thomas/Hawk Talk Creating Commercials. DECA members junior Allison Botsford, seniors Amanda Peters, Katie Hill and freshman Randy Weedman made commericals to showcase items that they were given by the leaders. Members typically presented various ways of showing off products during club days Photo by Mollie Dittmer{[alon
DECA. FBlA. FCOA ahci Math
Math Oub: Matthew Blankenau, Alex Cas.s, Zach Connell, Michael Crelin, Sarah Essay, Nathaniel Fink-Humes, Sarah Fischbein, Lindsey Font, Tiffany Forycki, Austin Griffith, Ashley James, Kevin Jeffery, (President) Carole Kerrey, Philip Kocher, Curtis Mackie, Ali Malik, Zach Mapes, Juila Ott, Jonathon Patience, Wenyu Qu, Erinn Richert, Taylor Rohe, Th:id Sadat, Sinan Sayood, Jason &hrad, Danielle Simpson, Kate Stajner, Clay Upton, Benjamin Wagner, Luke Yarabe, Paul Yarabe, Keerthi Yerra, Jack Zhang, and Daniel Zhou. Sponsor: Dr. Bill Rogge.

PeNitively Impacting the Community

eadership, a positive impact, and community service Champions that happens every year where different schools frc was what Key Club, UNICEF, Campus Life, FCA and Trash all across Nebraska come together to play fun games and have 1 Cbalition were all about. Bible studies.

Key Oub and UNICEF were just that. They were Key Oub ~as a student,led organization. It taught leade leadership oriented designed to impact the community in a skills through community service. Key Club met every other positive way. Just like all seniors who needed community service Wednesday after school and on club days . Some of the main ev to graduate, Key Club members also gave back to the community. Key Club participated in were Walks for Breast Cancer, Holida All members tried to reach their goal of 50 hours. Hawks, Habitat for Humanity and food drives. This year Red (

·Campus Life and FCA dealt with leadership as well as Club combined with Key Club so there were more officers and helped tie in everyday issues through Bible studies and God. clifferent leaders, said sponsor Todd Pernicek. Campus Life had over 350 members . Members met outside of UNICEF was dedicated to raising money for intematiom school at the Campus Life House located on 60 th & Pine Lake. causes directly linked to the well,being of children abroad. Wi t The club's purpose was to help teens deal with issues from a about 60 members in UNICEF the club met during club day. Christian point of view. They went on an annual ski trip and also One tradition the club had established was Trick-0r,Treating fc did fun skits and interactive events. UNICEF. They also presented a "UNICEF Forum" in the sprinf (})aches and a thletes helped show how the world was The Trash Coalition was put together by senior Laura 1 impacted through religion with the Fellowship of Christian with help from sponsor and science teacher Tim Golden. The c Athletes organization. FCA met outside of school, but its goal was to better the enviomment not only around Southwest leadership team met on club days. Senior and leadership team in the surrounding community as well. member Katie Heckman said her favorite part about FCA was Students found many ways to better their community thrc being a leader and an authority figure for anyone who had club involvement while leading and leaving a positive impact 0 1 questions. The club of 30--40 members met on Sundays from 5,7 individuals and groups they came in contact with. p.m. at members' houses. Favorite activities were Weekend of

Kelsey Aude, Beth Bambery, Rocky Billie, Meg Bl ue, Briana &mberger, Marina Bradaric, Stacie Branting, Krysta Oausen, Shannon Oeal, Kay lee Colton, Bianca Conway, Jessica Danson, Joseph Delaney, Mak:insey Douglas-Hill , Kara Eide, Erin Eisbach , Beth Embree, Alanna Everman, Nathaniel Fink-Humes, Olivia Fogerty, Lindsey Font, Zach Francis, Austin Griffith, Kimberly H assebrook, Eric Hinz, Jonathan Hinz, Abbie Hobelman, Bryan Johnson, Hannah Johnson , Alli Kafka, Natalie Kello ugh, Caitlin Kiely, Alyssa Kloefkorn , Marc Koenig, Jeri Kohn, Colin Large, Stephanie Lee, Kirstie Lewis, Karissa Livingston, Traci Mason, Bri tteny McBride, Jordan Muller , Suhaus Nataraj, Willow Nyman-Jones, Kara Olson, Hannah Orr, Vinny Osburn, Stephanie Pelan, Kerri Peters, Emily Pflug, Brittany Prieb, Oi.elsi Reichwaldt, Taylor Roche, HD Sader, Laura Safarik, Jordan Schliesser , Katie ieps, Scott Smith, Ju ee Trivedi, Dani Virts, Abby Wilson and Jessica Wright. Officers: Sarah Arkebauer, helby Luke, Colin Creveling, Ebad udat, Jordan Mu ller and H annah Davis. Sponsor: Matt Heirnes.

Organizations & Clubs

Key Oub: Sarah Arkehmer, Rochelle Athan, Narges Attaie, Kelsey Aude, Caleigh Bacon, B : Bambery, Cara Beaty, Heather Berck , Kerry Blackburn, Gera Carsten.son, Arica Coleman, Biai Conway, James Cottrell, Makenzie Crew, Jamicyn Deiro, Sarah Delgado, Kelsey Eide, Beth Em c Tiffany Forycki, Victoria Fry, Taylor Genrich , Austin Griffi th, Rylee Hall, Karissa Hevelone, I Hoppes, Katie Hottovy, Ashley Janssen, Jamie Jones, Natalie Kellough, Kelsey Kennell, Spence : Carole Kerrey1 Didi Kobler, Lindsey Leach, Stephanie Lee, Melissa Lewis, Karissa Livingston, ( Lorenz, Jamie Lyons, T onya Maksimenko, Morgan Mardock, Jacob Marvin, Tess Mayer, Shay] r Alissa Miller, Jordan Muller, Mi khaela Mullins, Suhaus Mataraj, Christopher Ogden, Dylan C 11 Max Olson, Shelby Parks, Stephanie Pelan, Rachael Pflug, Emily Pike, Courtney Powers, Britt 1 Prieb, Oi.elsi Reichwaldt , Kyla Richardson, Alex Riggs, Allison Roy, Rachael Scheiner , Zach ~r Kaitlyn Steinacher, Krys Stevens, McKenzie Tisdale, Ryan Town , Juee Trivedi, Anna True, H n Ullman, Dani Virts, Nicolette Ware, Julia Wehrli, Kaitlin Wes kamp and Abby Wilson. Offic r Jessica Danson, Zach Mapes, Marie H ansen, Mai Nguyen, Suchi Rajendran and Stacie Brantin : Sponsor: Todd Pernicek.

Spread l>y Paige
UNICEF: Erica Ahlschwede, Rachel Arkebauer, Rochelle Athan,
r hip
Modeling a creation. Senior Colin Crevling shows UNICEF the uniforms he created for them. UNICEF did community service including Trickor-Treating for UNICEF. Photo by Rachel Y ankf[alon
Arts and Crafts! Beth 't nts Embree, Jamicyn Deiro, and Hayley Raatz help out during Hohday Hawks. :oo Students helped set a place for the children to come and make crafts Photo by Katie Hottovy / Hawk Talk
Uub listening. Campus Life members hsten to their peers talk about upcoming issues in society. Campus Life was formed to help students with everyday issues and connect them with a Christian point of view.Photo by Kelsey Eidef[alon Leading. Junior Shaylene Michaels and FCA leadership sponsor Sherry McCranie take part in planning. The FCA club actually met outside of school, but the leaders got together and planned Bible studies and fun events. Photo by Paige Brolhorstffalon Listening. Campus Life members hsten to their Campus Life leaders during the November club day. Campus Life stopped meeting at Southwest because they were getting too big to control during club days but continued meeting Tuesday nights. Photo by Kelsey Eide
UNICEF Key Club Campus Life FCA Leadership ahci Trash Coalitioh 5
FCA leadership: Kaleigh Anderson, Joshua Buchmann, Katie Heckman, Collin Hohnquist, Kyle Jascks , Ashleigh Lang, Shaylene Michaels, Grant Peterson, Cluistopher Schmidt, Mallory Sherrill and Brett Sundberg. Sponsors: Sherry McCranie and Kyle Schumann.

Seekmg Diversity Through Peers

· 0 ix different duh; let students get focused on different cul- Japanese Oub was widely attended on club days, arnass ir g tural backgrounds. 65 members from all grades. Japanese Club promoted the study I if

Kris Ross sponsored the American Indian Oub with the language and raised awareness of Japanese culture. The clul Joe Rousseau. Around 80 members joined. The club hoped to designed T,shirts, made Japanese food, planned a trip to Wasab , educate, enhance and uphold cultural awareness throughout the a local Japanese restaurant, and made a comic book. They also community. planned to hold their annual Dance Dance Revolution contest.

"I wanted to be in the club because I wanted to learn more Parlez,vous le Fran9ris? French Oub with about 15 about my culture," stated freshman Alicia Lovato. members met after school to "build its framework and see what '

To convince somebody to join this new club for next year, ahead," sponsor Angie Knop said. The club planned activities li ~e senior Joe Morrison said, "It is fun and you learn a lot about a chocolate mousse eating contest, a trivia contest on the schoc 's the cultures. You could go on a lot of field trips and possibly to monitors and various other activities for National French Wee1 , Denver."

Nov. 5, 11. French Club also planned to visit museums, attend Multicultural Oub, sponsored by Alyssa Watson, offered plays and h ave French dinners. Since Mardi Gras was a French the members the chance to discuss the importance of multicul, holiday, French Club celebrated the colorful festival and sold turalism and ways to promote diversity awareness, honor, respect, beads for 50 cents as a fund raiser. and acceptance of all cultures a t Southwest. They helped with Spanish Oub saw "Man of La Mancha" March 2,3 at t r~ Multicultural week March 26,30. Lied Center. The Spanish Club had about 25 people who atten [,

"Multicultural week brought a few music/ dance perfor, ed regularly with their sponsor Lori Hernmett. They also focus e mances throughout the week, four speakers for teacher-Option on the Spanish culture. Besides the fun filled night at "Man of A assemblies and a food day," Watson said. Mancha," Spanish club also provided language classes for parer s Asian Caucus was made up of 15 members. This was the and participated in the UNL Language Fair. club's first year. They went on field trips to experience the food of Whether it be by joining American Indian club or Japan a different culture at ethnic Asian restaurants . They also eel, club, Southwest students embraced diversity and learned more ebrated and advertised the Asian Heritage month in May. different cultures.

Alllerloan Inell• Club

Multloultaral Clul,

Justin Dugas, Craig Easley, Beth Embree, Jordan Faulder , Rudy Fiedler , Oli via Fogerty, Kayla Frazier, Josh Gustafson ,Angel Geller, Maddie Graham, Sean Grosshans, Bran- don Guyer, Andy Heckman, Levi Irons, Justin Jacol:ron, Brennan Johnson, Dustin Johnson , H annah Johnson , Alli Kafka, Breanne Lewis, Ki rstie Lewis , Ouis Lewis, Alicia Lovato, McKenzie Malone, Jami Marker , Bri ttany McCoy, Bridgette McKay, Rudee Mercado, Jaq ue Miller , Jos h Moline, Joseph Morrison , Zachary Morris.sey, Nicholas Mueting, Aaron Murphy, Trey Novotny, Dylan Ohlsen, Vinny Osburn , Jes.5e Overton, Alexander Pace, Dylan Payne, Andy Pederson, Grant Peterson, Brandon Prellwi tz, Maddie Reddish , Natalie Riggs, HD Sader , Jayme Schmidt, Alex Schneider, Jake Schubert, Ethan Schulenberg, Maggie Schur, Mohammad Shakir, Katie Sieps, Scott Smith, Carrie Stems, Whitney Sterns, Adam Sughroue, Adam Topi! , Holly Torell, Eric Vrba, Erinn Walkenhors t , Nicolette Ware, • a West and Kris tina Wilson Sponsor: Kris Ross.

Multicultural aub: Sammy Althayedi, Narges Attaie, Beth Bambery, Raven Billie, Maggil Boeselager, Bri ana Bomberger, Cassie Braymen, Kimberly Burt, Ricardo Ci neros, Alma Osner -Ro- driguez, James Cottrell, Lacie Dougherty, Bryttie Duren , Zachary Elson, Kayla Frazier, Angel ( dler , Anjli Gingery, Emma Grasmick, Laura Guthrie, Heather Herron , Kathryn Hibbard, Jonathan unz , Abbie Hobelman , Laura Hochstein, Megan Holbrook, Dianna Izaguirre, Breanne Lewis, Tesh Lewis, Dustin Johnson , Sarni Kingsley, Phuc Le, Elizabeth Marsh, Bri ttany McCoy, Jean-Marie Morri ey, Laura Munier, Arron Murphy, Suhaus Nataraj, Mai Nguyen, Benjamin Norton, Ouistopher < gden , Alexandra Pack, Brandon Peters, Stuart Piper, Maddie Reddish , Ryaz Sadat, Michael Schutz , .l5iah Scollard, Sara Sidlo, Aras Shakir, Mohammad Shakir, Andrea mith, Kati tauffer , Jessica rwalt , Alexandria Threats, Amber Trammell, Tram Tran, Ju ee Trivedi, Alicia Villagomez -Watson , Nicolette Ware, Corinne Watson and Brandon Wooster. Sponsor: Alyssa Watson

American Indian Oub: Rochelle Athan, Kelsey Aude, Rocky Billie, Ben Boeselager, Cary Brand , Jared Bruce, Gera Carstensen, Ty ler Ouistianson, Alyson Oevenger , Dylan Oover, Rylan Cotton, Hannah Craig, Tanner Craig, Ouistopher Creveling, Joseph Delaney, Bryce Dickey, Kyle Digilio, Ben Doland, Trevor Donahoo, Mardi Gras! Senior Amber Trammell and junior David Changstrom sell beads to junior Taylor Jones to earn money for French club. French club also sold candy during the month of December. Phot.o lry Erin Boyle{falon Speakin' Spanish Spanish club members spend time after school talking to Spanish club sponsor Lori Hemmett. Spanish club started to meet after school because of the student interest. Phot.o by Brittany V ontz/Talon Asian Caucus: Amanda Vuu , Suchari tha Rajendran , Arman egahban, Wenyu Qu , tephanie Lee, Michael Schutz, Jonathan Hinz , Hieu Cao and Mike Ryan Sponsor: Cliarley Bittle Sharing a culture. Sophomore Ben Norton presents his work to the Multicultural club. Multicultural club helped with Multicultural week at the end of March. Phot.o by Travis Cunningham. Japanese club officers: 0:>Urtney Swain , Amanda Vuu and Sarah Trevizo
Arrier1can Indian iv1ult1cultural. Asian Caucus French J a pan es e an d S pa ni sh clu b s 7
Not Pictured: Garrett Mardock and · ate Petro. Sponsor: Lori akagawa

Students Stand Up for Beliefs

lthough the school may not be considered as di verse as some other schools in town, students still had differing viewpoints and ideas for change within the school. Clubs like Close,up, GLBTSA, Ambassadors, Future Educators, Character Club and Principal's Advisory Omncil provided that opportunity.

The Young Democrats and Young Republicans clubs merged to create the Oose-up Oub . Sponsor Travis Brady said, "Each side [Young Democrats and Young Republicans] met on their own time outside of school, but both groups came together for debate on club days."

This club was open to all grade levels and to anyone interested in learning more about politics. Brady wanted to get a group together to go to Washington, D.C. but had to cancel plans for the trip due to a surprising lack of interest. Those who were interested in going had to go with another school.

GLBTSA was a club that students could join to openly speak about sexual orientation. Many students joined as a support group for themselves and others. Each year the group and anyone else that cared to participate united in a day of silence to stand up for their freedom of choice.

Sophomore Caitlin Lukin said, "I joined the club because I think that tolerance and acceptance are important, especially in the school."

Amb ass ador's Oub focused on helping new students within the school. Cbunselor and sponsor Dolores Simpson,

Kirkland said it was important to make new students feel welcome.

Meghan Leonard, Tesha Lewis, Karissa living ton, Nathaniel Luginbill , Shelby Luke, Elizabeth Marsh , Alex Martin , Adam Mayhew, Tun McKitterick, Alicia Meyer , Will Monroe, Brandon Olson, Hannah Orr, Ian Osborn, Daniel Owen, Austin Parris, Stephanie Pelan, Kerri Peters, Rachael Pflug, Heather Pillard, Keenan Price, Bradley Rangel , Taylor Rohe, Matthew R05SOO, Carli Sabin , Sinan Sayood, Ouistine Scalora, Jordan Schliesser, Michael Schuster, Danielle Simpson, Peter Sitzmann, Andrea Smith, Cale Stolle, Max Tresnak, Dani Virts, Wyki Walstrom, Mike W , Brett Wiley , Mara Wilson and Nora Wilson Sponsor: Travis Brady

"The Ambassadors are people new students could view as friends or someone to ask questions if they had any," she said

To be a part of this organization, one had to fill out an application stating why they would be a good candidate. They needed to be a sophomore or older, and 14 students were selectt for the group.

Principal Advisory Council was another application process group open to all students. The group concentrated on resolving problems within the school and was a way for student to form a better relationship with principal Jerry Wilks. Accor to secretary Joye Fehringer, the 18 members learned valuable leadership skills and developed a friendship with the principal.

Future Educators, sponsored by Lori Hemmett, was focused on discussing and experiencing the educational field. They learned about the National Education Association. Ano goal they had was to begin a tutoring program for younger students. Field trips included touring lJNL and interviewing an shadowing current educators.

Characte r Oub was new this year. It consisted of o seven members at the beginning, however the club grew as m 01 '. people were selected. The purpose was to demonstrate good chc • acter traits, and students had to be nominated by staff to join.

Orgah1Zatioh5 &
Qose,Up Oub: Devon Allen, Rachel Arkeoouer, Sarah Arkeoouer, Dalton Barnard, Carina Berkowitz, Ken Bevers, Martin Bland, Maggie Boeselager, Ali Bohlke, Jordann Bomhoft, John Calahan, Jade Cattoor, Tyler Ouistianson, Krysta Oausen, Kelsey O:>mfort, Kaley Ox>k, Hector O:>ronado, Michael Qelin, Ouis 0-eveling, O:>lin 0-eveling, Nick Dalke, Stasa Denkovich, Meagan Dunning-W;:rrd, Garrett Esau, Jami Finnell, Bes., Folsom, Zach Francis, Orristina Fraser , David Freese, Rachel Freese, Ja;hua Genrich, Paige Guilliams, Matt Hahne, Eliza Hammond, Samantha Hansen, Alexander Harnnann, Laura Hochstein, Sally Ingham, Ashley James, Bryan Johnson, Dustin Johnson, Nathan Jones , Bryan Kelley, Emily Kerl, Ben LaGrange, O:>lin Large, William Larson, Antony Larrick, Reed Lawson,
GLBTSA: Members listen to SJX)nsors talk aoo ut the dub plans and activities. To u& awareness students made posters and put them up around the school. Photo lry Radu: Yank.ffalon

Debating issues. The Close-up Club had many open forum discus.5ions. Club days were the only time Ymmg Democrats and Young Republicans came together to debate political issues. Photo By Kyle Linder/

Hawk Talk Standing for beliefs. GLBSTA members do an activity to promote awareness Many of the members also attended rallies to raise tolerance in the community. Photo By Rachel Yank([alon Student Amba ssadors: Sarah Fischbein, Kimberly Hassebrook, Adam Kriz, Stephanie Lee, Britteny McBride, Ben Norton, Stephanie Pelan, Maggie Robertson , Taylor Rohe, Laura Safarik, Blair Sanburg, Tiffaney Tatro, Amanda Vuu and Kelcy Workman. Sponsor: Dr. Dolores Simpson-Kirkland. Character Oub: Rochelle Athan, Kelsey Aude, Ben fueselager, Alma Cisneros Rodriguez, Shannon Cleal, Tanner Craig, Joseph Delaney, Ben Doland, Makinsey Douglas-Hill, Craig Easley, Kayla Fraizer, Brennan Johnson, Nathan Jones, Briana Luckenhoff, Bridgette McKay, Zachary Morrissey, ina Neisius, Jesse Overton, Natalie Riggs, Justin Rosenbohm, Margaret Sherwood, Kristi Thornburg, Jordan Trube, Mallory Vogt and Kris Williamson. Sponsor: Judy Notelxiom. Future Educators : Narges Attaie, Kerry Blackburn, Ben Boeselager, Jared Bruce, Matt Cohn, Hannah Davis, Levi Irons, Brennan Johnson, Rebecca Leiter, Melanie Lorenz, 1J Mandl, Zach Mapes, Zachary Morrissey, Garrett Nitz, Dylan Ohlsen, Jesse Overton, Alexander Pace, Brandon Piening, Alexandra Riggs, Justin Rogge, Kate Stajner, Michaela Whitesell and Kelcy Workman. Sponsor: Lori Hemmett.
Close-up . GLBTSA. Student Nnbassadors. Principal Advisory Council . Future Educators and Character club lS9
Principal Advisory Council: Tyler Bell, John Benton, Maggie Deschaine, Jami Finnell, Joshua Genrich, Marie Hansen, Sally Ingham, Brandon Koch, Jenna Lothrop, Garrett Mardock, Britteny McBride, Willow Nyman-Jones, Anastasia Oulianova, Courtney Powers , Allison Roy, Ryan Town, Mallory Vogt and Nicolette Ware. Sponsor: Jerry Willes.

Clul:N Spark Interests In Students

tudents with certain interests found themselves joining clubs that helped them go more in depth, whether it was an environ, mental, a technological or an automobile related club.

With 12 members, Botany Oub hoped to get more for next year. Their main goal was to work with the botany class to build an outdoor herb garden.

"In our technological world we often over look the most wonderful artist that there is ," stated Jodell Merrit, sponsor "Without nature, technology is barren."

Art Oub was a club that let students spend time doing art projects. Sponsored by Derek Buckley, they met Wednesdays after school. Students worked on a wide variety of projects. Students could also earn membership in National Art Honor Society.

Drafting Design was a club not just anyone could join. In order to be in this club, students had to be enrolled in CDmputer Aided Drafting and Designs classes. This club acted as a forum for students to enhance their design skills. Drafting Design met after school on club days along with Skills USA

Skills USA taught skills needed to succeed in today's work, force But in order to be in this club students had to have been enrolled in or have already taken an ITE class. This club of ten met with Drafting Design club because they had the same sponsor CDry Free.

Automotive Engineering and I.SW Motor Sports w • clubs that encouraged interest in energy related and automotiv careers. Both clubs would often have different speakers come ar talk to them. The two clubs would meet on club days together one big group since they were both sponsored by Jeff Jochum.

Automotive Engineering focused on looking at the theory and science behind different types of cars. Members wo discuss drag racing, road course racing, land speed and engine, building competitions.

LSW Motor Sports made students think about their fu , tures while showcasing their talents. Each member used advan technical skills to design and construct a safe , lightweight ener , efficient electric vehicle to be shown at spring rallies.

The Outdoor Encounter club was sponsored by Tim Golden. Senior Laura Marti headed this club of 20 members. Their main purpose for the school year was to provide outdoor opportunities and to promote stewardship of the land.

Science Olympiad had about 10 members that attend weekly meetings. Mike Geist sponsored this club and hoped to promote and spark interest in Science. Science Olympiad met Wednesdays after school and participated in some competitioru

Orgahizatiohs & Clubs
Botany: Ashlee &rchers, Tyler Ouistianson, Mandi Conway, Nicholas Dalke, Kyle Digilo, Tunothy Dugan, Rudy Redler, Sando Hamilton, Hayley Hershrerger, Seth Home, Hannah Johnson, Alli Kafka, Ben LaGrange, Melanie Lorenz, ~ylie Neuhaus, Thomas O'Melia, Alexander Pace, Rachael Pflug, Brandon Piening, Roxie Rohlfs, Carli Sabin, Laura Safarik, Michael Schuster, Jamie Speth, Courtney Swain, Alexandra Thomas, Michaela Whitesell and Brett Wiley. Sponsor: Jooell Merritt. I.SW Motor Sports: Jordan Bellefeuille, Matthew Brown, Logan Campbell, Maki Douglas-H 1, ( lin Grobe, l<2arar Hadib, Scott Hakel, Ja;eph Howerter, Taylor Howerter, Levi Irons, Dustin Jo J1SC Andrew Kelsay, Tyler Mills, Aaron Murphy, PJ Parker, Jonathan Patience, Jameson, Rupert, E 0d dat, Paul Schiefclbein, Dillon Shryock, Darren Smith, Steven Spalla, Tom Spanel, Ouistopher 3to Taylor Teska, Amar Tumen, Moral Valladares, Tyler Vrba, Jacob Waters. Sponsor: Jeff Joch Ln. Automotive Engineering: Nathan Bass, Paul &lz, Morgan Bergen, Jacob Cambridge, Orris Damian-Reddish, Justin Ellison, Riley Feiling, Maddie Graham, Alexander Hickmon, Kevin Je! fer Aaron Johnston, Brandon Koch, Mark Korsakas, Ouis Lewis, Michael Meyers, Dylan Payne, !att Richmond, Samuel Schmidt, Brian Shaw, Oiase Small, Aaron Smelker, Ethan Spence, John 11 orr son, Jerami Ward. Sponsor: Jeff Jochum.
Th.e Next Picasso? Freshman Omar Arraseef shows off his artwork during Art Club, which met Wednesdays after school. Photo by Travis Cunningham{[alon Working Hard! Senior Alex Hogan works on an advanced related project during Drafting Design club. This club met after school on club days along with Skills USA since they both had the same spon~ sor. Photo by Gabrielle Lamro ffalon Auto learning. Members of Auto Engineering club learn about creating automobiles Auto Engineering was a club for students who were interested in the work it took to make a car. Photo by Kyle Linder/Hawk Talk Fun In the Sun. Junior Caitlin G:,lden and senior Colin Crev~ ling learn on a camping trip with the Environmental Studies class. Outdoor Encounter and Trash Coalition ended up working on similar projects. Courtesy Photo Skills USA: John Benton, Tyler Troxel, Alex Hogan, Matt Masten, Tracy Sieck and ne. Rachel Schreiner. Sponsor: Oxy Free. Out door Encounter: Some members of the Outdoor Encounter club, along with sponsor Tim G:,lden sit by the campfire during their trip to the wilderness as part of the Environmental tudies class sponsored trip last spring. Sponsor: Tim G:,lden.
y, :11<1 ljl' /\rt
Ehgiheerlhg. LSW Motorsports. BotahY. Sciehce Olyt17piad ahd Outdoor EhcoUhter
Courtesy Photo. Club. Draftihg Desigh Skills USA. Auto

'Fun ' ClUW Gain More Mem~rs

eamwor k, skills , grace , and rhythm were just a few of the characteristics needed for clubs dealing with games and dancing.

"Expanding your mind while having fun" is how Spencer Wolfe, vice president, sums up Strategy Gaming Oub .

Activities that occurred on a regular club day included play, ing games and setting up tournaments. One main purpose was to learn rules and play games. However games that were involved in this club were not simple

"It's fun for everybody," sponsor Travis Brady said.

Traditions that Chess Oub est ablished were students tried new strategies to play. The variety of people made it as serious or crazy as they wanted. A new twist added was tha t more female players joined. Chess had about 40 members and was sponsored by Cullen Stevens.

"I never lose, I never win , just stale mate" said vice president of Chess Oub Ellie Marvin

A new club this year w as H ac ky Sack. Hacky Sack club had about 35 members. "The purpose of this club is to introduce hacky sack to new people, and improve hacky sack skills," spon, sor Sco tt Skultety said.

"Let' s dance, " said Andy Nealon, a member of Ballroom and Fo lk Dance Oub before club met on Feb.16. New this year, the purpose was to "foster a healthy and respectful interac, tion between young men and woman on the dance floor, " said sponsor Jeremy Smith. This club had alxmt 120 members. Since

the n umber was so large, the club split up in two groups. Fresh, men and sophomores attended one month, and juniors and se • the next.

"Gird Games Oub is a lot of fun. I like going to it beca I get to challenge myself by learning new games, and I get to be with my friends" said senior Sean Yost. Card Club was popular club among the students. Sponsored by Marge Kneifl, approxi, mately 200 students joined. This club also met in two groups b splitting up grades .

"Since students were able to register online, a lot more people signed up than in the past," Kneifl said.

Seth Yant, president of Beat Box Oub described the clt in two simple words, "we're noisy." Beat box club wa s a new cl added with approximately 20 members.

Members in Kite Oub , sponsored by Charles Bittle, lean the art of kite making.

"Our head officer is Kristin Houchin. She's the only one who really does anything," Bittle said. Their activities included making kites of various sizes.

All great friendships start when you have a common ground, and that was just what Friendship Oub was for. C I) tal Steidley sponsored the club; they had about 7 5 members T club facilitated friendships between students with disabilities ar their peers as well as supported t h e LSW Special O lympics tear

Beat Box O ub: Gabe A enas, John Calahan, Colin Creveling, Nick Dahlquist, Craig Easley, Bryant Eklund, Sean Gra;.shans, Scott Hakel, Drew Jagaclich , Nick Jester , Nick Lattimer, Ah Malik, Thomas Mundt, Micah Pfeiffer , Nick Powers, Shane Spivey, Chas Voigt and Seth Yant. Sponsor: Jonathan Dyrland Org a niz at ion s & Cl ubs Hacky Sack Oub: Colt Baker , Duncan Barnell, Beau Deffenbaugh, T revor Donahoo, Will Brandon Garratt, Max Grout, Kody Hamelin, Jacob Hile , Jason Hodgens, Cody Johnson, ]cob Chris Lewis, Dylan Manthe, Eric Meter, Joe Morrison, Nicholas Nesbit, Michael Norris, Tay! Bryce Peterson,Tyler Rupert, Cody Sharp, Scott Shiffenniller, Chase Siefken, Andrew Spalla, Tran , Caleb Tran, Ja;h Troutman and Ryan Zichek Sponsor: Scott Skultety.

Grab y our partner dosey -doe ! Showing enthusiasm and energy while dancing with others during club day, senior Megan Stuart and junior Ali Malik dance away. Photo by Briana Steward/Hawk

Checkmate ! Robby Stauffer sits and enjoys a game of chess when Chess Oub met Feb. 16 Oub membei;s sat down monthly to engage in chess matches.

Talk Photo by Maggie Schur{[alon
0 ~
Make new friends. Friendship club had many fun activities like playing board games, din Pete!\ atten • g sporting events, movies, a Friendship Oub Holiday Party and UNL'S Pasta for Possibilities Students who joined the club found themselves making friends. Photo by Brittany V ontz/Talon Giess Oub: Jonathan Eruber, Colt Eruker, Bryan Prueter, John Benton, Jordann &:,mhoft, Gillan Brennan, Logan Campbell, Hieu Cao, Nathaniel Oiatney, Omnor lligrove, Alys.5a Damke, Josh Doehring, Ben Doland, Trevor Donahoo, Spencer Elliott, Ryan Enchayan, Kelsey Fisher, Lindsey Font, Kyle futer , Jordan Gomell, Matthew Hammond, Garrett Handke, Abby Heiser, Jon Hinrichs, Sally Ingham, Bryan Kelley, Bryson Kerns, Kyle King, Ouis Lewis, Curtis Mackie, Garrett Mardock, Andrea May, Enc Meyer, Josh Moline, Andrew Nguyen, Michael Norris, Benjamin Norton, 1J Parker, Doug Petersen, Cpenca Poner Loving, Daniel Ready, Matthew Richmond, Oxly Sharp, Scot Shiffermiller, Peter Sitzmann, Daniel Stoner, Jordan Taylor , Elizabeth Thompson, Anthony T umer , Oay Upton and Spencer Wolfe. Sponsor: Gillen Stevens Ante up! Members of card club gather around for a game of poker. Students in the club would meet and play any card game of their choice. Photo by Maggie Schur{[alon
Beat B ox Club Hacky Sack Ballroo117 and Folk Dance Stratagy Ga111ing Card Club 0ie55 Club Fr iend5hip cluband Kite Club
I t' s time to stra t egize! Peter Dutkiewicz sits and thinks of strategies to def eat his opponent. Strategy Gaming Oub was a chance for students to use their heads and enjoy themselves at the same time. Photo by Maggie Schur{falon

Student& Find W a.ys to Sa.y What's on Their Minds

cting skills, memorizing lines, strategy and having fun were some of the few things needed for Drama Oub and Forensics. Drama Oub was for students who wanted to get involved in any aspect of theatre. Speech and debate was for any student who wanted to improve organization, persuasion and oral com, munication skills through competition.

Sponsored by Bob Henrichs, Drama Oub had approxi, mately 200 members. Students began the year with a swim party. They also played laser quest and a ttended productions of "Rent" and "The Producers" at the Lied Center.

To prepare for the fall play, "Black Elk Speaks," members went to a Pow Wow in Omaha. They also watched "The Lion King" and went to the State Theatre Festival. In June 2007 students involved with "Black Elk Speaks" will perform the play at the International Festival in Lincoln at UNL.

From the Educa tional Theatre Association on June 24, 2006 Drama received the Outstanding School award. The award was given to only two schools in the nation last year. Southwest was the first school in Nebraska to ever win this award.

Matt Heimes, the head speech coach, coached forensics with his wife, Toni Heimes, the head coach for debate. Angela Kramer , Anne Golden, Katie Dowling, Jan Bretz and Mikaela

Schleicher for speech and Mary Kate McCamey for debate as, sisted them as did random speech alumni. The competition wm based on three different categories which included debate, oral interpretation and rhetorical.

According to Matt Heimes, "The Apple Valley contest • Minesota was the most competitive and is a multi,state, natiorn ) recognized competition." Kiara Letcher and Alicia Meyer were 1 t only two to final.

Although the members spent a lot of time rehearsing and preparing for competitions, they also had fun at Christmas part or going out to eat after Friday night competitions.

In June Southwest was named a National School of Excellence in Debate at nationals in Dallas. Seniors Matthew Rossor and Nick Dalke placed 10th in the Public Forum.

"In order to prepare for the competition we had to do enc less hours of extensive research, case writing, testing ideas and re,case writing," Dalke said.

They qualified 14 people in state speech which is the bes t they've ever done, and came runner,up at Districts.

Students faced stressful times preparing for plays and toui 1 competitions, but they found a way to speak out and say what' t on their mind.

Or ga hiz ati oh s & C lubs
Drama Oub Officers: President Byran Johnson, Vice President Stasa Denkovich , Secretary Alicia Meyer, Scribe Brandon Koch and His torian Bryson Kerns. Six>nsor: fub Henrichs. Speech members pictured: Katie Madvig, Zac Francis, Brandon Koc h , Danielle Simpson, Aubrey Thom1 :on, Caitlin Lukin, Orristina Mayer, Co-President Laura Hochstein, Alex Martin, Kerri Peters, Dan Zhou, Alich_Mey and Kiara Letcher. Coach: Matt Heimes. Not pictured: Jessica Danson, Co-President Sarah Fischbein, Laura Marti, Kristin Drake, Taylor Jones, Lin. Sf:'{ Ash, Stephanie Olarron , Bess Folson, Orristina Mayer, Mary Metz, Sinan Sayood, Jordan Schlies.5er , Nicole1 Wi Kelsey Arends, Jeannette Arnold, Bianca Conway, Kaley Oiok, Kylie Garrett, Rebecca Hartz , Katie Higgins Toni Maksimenko, Aleem Malik, Harry Norman, Brittany Paul and Rebecca Swenseth.

That's a good debate!

Seniors Zach Mapes and Bryan Kelley are in the middle of a debate round. 1bis took place on forensics day, where students could come with their class and see what the members of speech and debate do every weekend They were both national qualifiers in debate as was Nick Dalk~ and Arman egahban

Photo by Mollie Dittmer{[alon

Making her up. Senior Stasa Denkovich applies makeup to senior Kiara Letcher with senior Ashley James. Letcher \Vas also in speech and the play "Black Elk Speaks ," which was going to be performed at the International Thespian convention in June. Photo by Lisa Harris([alon


Leading. Senior Bryan Johnson , president of Drama Oub, tells members so me information aoout upcoming events. Drama Club m et 12 times during the year in the a udito riu m Photo lry Lindsay Hanson{[alon Another Award: Seniors Sarah Rsc hbein and Laura Hochstein show off another award the speech t eam received with coach Matt Heimes. Both students were national qu alifiers and chief officers of t h e speech t eam. Photo by Katie Madvig/[alon Debate members: FRONf ROW : Bryan Kelley, Zach Mapes MIDDLE ROW: Jes.5ica Danson, Mai guyen, Jani Martinez, Jeri Kohn BACK ROW: Kaitlyn Steinac her, Josh Genrich, Garrett Mardock, Colin Large, Sarah Arkebauer and Jordy Schliesser Not pictured: Nick Dalke , Jared Forst , Arman Negahhm, Matthew Rosson, Jared Ashton, G.rrtis ue Mackie, Stephanie Pelan, Wenyu Qu , Caleb Rennings, Michael Crelin, Joe Delaney, Jack Zh~g, Garrett Esau, Matthew Hammond, Haley Hoppes , Didi Kobler , Ka te Schneckl oth and Taylor Stirnbert. Coach: Toni Heirnes. Crazy emotions. Senio r K a ti e M advig perfo rms her Humo rous Interpretation piece at the Forensics Showcase. Madvi g placed fir st a t the o rtheas t and Lincoln East speech competitions and also do uble-qualifi ed for na ti onals Photo by Travis Cunningham(falon
l Drama. Speech ahci Debate
Speaking Senior Jessica Danson participates in the Showcase for parents. Danson competed in both debate and speech tournaments. Public Forum was her debate area and Informative was the speech category. Photo by Travis Cunningham(falon

Students Informed


journalism department found ways to keep the student body updated and entertained.

YearlxXlk plowed through the stress deadline after dead, line. The staff attended an all day Walsworth workshop Sept. 12 at The O)mhusker where they learned about different yearbook trends, how to design, how to come up with a theme and saw "The Big Show," which showed different yearbooks from the previous year.

"During 'The Big Show,' Jami Finnell drank a whole pitcher of water. We saw 'The Big Show' but also spent lots of time laughing at Jami," senior Brittany Yontz said.

Even though the publication staffs always seemed to be rushing to get a deadline finished, all staffs still found ways to entertain everyone. The staffs even mixed together, with seniors Kyle Linder and Briana Steward being part of newspaper and literary magazine, junior Marina Bradaric helping out on yearbook and literary magazine and senior Rachel Yank being on yearbook and newspaper staffs. No matter what group students were in they could always be seen laughing while writing a story, wandering the halls looking for quotes or creating inside jokes.

"We all joke around and are able to make each other laugh, except for Max," Linder said laughing.

Newspaper worked to put together a 12,16 page papers

The staff usually ranged from seven to eight members so each person had their work cut out for them. Newspaper put one is out per month, which kept everyone busy getting quotes, tak, ing pictures and writing stories. The staff also came up with f stories to write such as the "PSI: Pizza Scene Investigation" sto • in which they got to rate different pizza places.

The Literary Magazine was put together by Lori Naka wa's Advanced Creative Writing class. The class worked to get students' work published in a magazine called Uncaged. Studer submitted anything from short poems to different artwork. Th Uncaged staff read through the submitted work, chose the sel tions and worked with layout and design.

The publications were also critiqued at state and/or nati01 levels. Seven students qualified for state competition in newsp , and yearbook categories and the journalism department tied fo1 third in Class A sweepstakes points, the highest ever.

While publication students aimed to inform and entertan students took their jobs to a whole new level by coming up wi tl new ways to catch students' attention, whether it was adding rr color or writing stories that interested everyone.

Though laughter and some teary eyed moments, the staf : stuck together to get deadlines done and the product out.

Organiza t ions & Clubs
First semester yearbook staff: Row 1: Courmey Ouunbers, Brittany Yontz, Travis Cunningham, Rachel Yank and Katie Madvig. Row 2: Mollie Dittmer, Breanna Vance, Kelsey Eide, Jami Finnell, Amber Trammell and Lisa Harris. Not pictured: Marina Bradaric. Others that joined second semester included: Paige Brolhorst , Lindsay Hanson, Erinn Walkenhorst , Aly Ferguson, Gabrielle Lazaro, Erin Boyle and Mescher. Adviser: Dianne Kuppig. Second term newspaper staff: Row 1: Max Olson, Katie Hottovy, Ry lee Hall and Anna 1 Row 2: Kyle Linder, Rachel Yank, Briana Steward and Abby Wilson Not pictured: Sharey, 1 ell. Others ~hat joined second semester included : Annie Bohling and Casey Carl:rn A d, si Dianne Kuppig

Seniors Kyle Linder, Abby Wilson, Briana Steward, Rachel Yank and junior Max Olson were on staff for at least three terms. "I liked to do the pizza tasting because I got to sample different pizzas fror:n places I'd never been to before," Wilson said. Photo by Hawk Talk staff

We've got proof! Members of the Talon staff view the first cover proof at the end of term two. The staff decided to add a texture to the cover and hoped it would show less finger prints. Photo by Talon

1e :s 11 Jer )re
1oniaHow · Getting the deadline in. Sophomore Aly Ferguson works to finish her club spread. Ferguson was one of the seven new staff members when third term began. Photo by Rachel Yank/fa/on Working overtime. Senior Stephanie Lee works on scanning art for the Literary Magazine. The magazine was a way for students to get some of their work published for others to see. Photo by Rachel Yankf[alon Uterary Ma gazine: Marina Bradaric, Kyle Linder , Nathaniel Luginbill, Kellie P£eiffer, Kati Stauffer, Briana Steward, Megan Stuart and Sarah Trevizo. Not Pictured: Stephanie Lee. Sponsor: Lori Nawkagawa. Back crackin' fun! Juniors Travis Cunningham, Marina Bradaric and Mollie Dittmer lend senior Katie Madvig a hand in cracking her back. Sitting hunched over the computer working on pages can cause discomfort after awhile. Photo by Rachel Yank{falon Pizza party! Hawk Talk staff members enjoy pizza for their pizza tasting article aoout local pizza joints. staff
Yearbook Newspaper and Literary Magazine
Spreading news. Sophomore Annie Bohling and seniors Briana Steward, Abby Wilson and Casey Carbon distribute the February issue of the Hawk Talk. "It's really fun to hear the excitement of students when we deliver the paper after all of our hark work," Steward said. Photo by Rachel Yank alon

They Smg and Dance with Love

outhwest's music program had made a name for itself in the past years. This year was no different. Students took their perfor, mances to the next level with their "one of a kind dancing" and heavenly singing. With all the different groups to choose from, students really had to decide if they wanted singing and dancing, just singing, selected groups, or select groups that compete.

This year choir had eight All,State members. Arica O:>le, man, Ashley Andersen, Ashley James, Aaron Norman, Kelsey Denton, John Calahan, Bryant Eklund and O:>hagen Wilkinson.

Show Choir, known as Resonance, performed in many different competitions. They placed fifth at the Midwest Cup at the Lied Center in Lincoln and tied for first at Omaha for the O:>mpetitions of Excellence.

"My favorite thing alxmt show choir was when we tied for first at Omaha for the O:>mpetition of Excellence," said Chase Sund with a smile on his face.

"My favorite thing about show choir was that the people were fun to hang out with in class or on trips, and everyone there was to have fun!" Alex Bischoff said.

Though some concentrated on singing and dancing, othe:rs just concentrated on singing. "Concert Choir was a time for me just to relax, hang out with my friends and sing," sophomore

Resonance: Left Group (fop - Bot-

Chas Voigt, Bri Lueckenhoff,

Director: Jonathan Dyrland

Stephanie Charron said.

Those who wanted to compete and travel tried out for v a· • sity show choir. Show choir had many practices outside of sch )1 to get ready for competitions.

Ambi ance was also a show choir group, however they didn't perform at varsity level. They had competitions and co certs but didn't have as many competitions as Resonance.

Those who didn't want to compete joined Chamber Che ir. They had concerts. They just didn't compete like the show chc rs.

Chamber Ensemble was a mixed group of guys and girl and only had about 25 people. Chamber Ensemble also had co , certs outside of school. They traveled around Lincoln to plac like Bryan LOH East and the Embassy Suites to perform.

"My favorite part about Chamber Ensemble was the diffent types of music we sang and the people who were in my cl as ," sophomore Nick Jester said.

For those freshmen that weren't sure if they wanted to be n a higher ,level singing group, there was a freshman choir tha t didn't require an audition. They had four concerts, with only < ue concert a term.

With one of a kind dancing and heavenly singing, the v :al music department really has made a name for itself.

tom): Megan Stuart, Taylor Jones, Micah Pfeiffer, Ellen Reber, Ashley Eppens, Craig Easley, Nick Powers, Alex Bischoff, Philicia Mizell , Meghan Leonard, Allison Roy, Aaron Norman, Jackie Baker, Robby Stauffer and Elyse Marvin. Center Group (fop-Bottom): Cohagen Wilkinson , Lesley Perry, Sarah Essay, Logan Luke, Ashley Anderson, Kathryn Hibbard, Kelsey Denton, James West, Rehl Nitzel, John Calahan, Sarah Arten, Scott Hake l, Colin Large, Arica Coleman and Tiffany Forycki. Right Group (fop-Bottom): Jenny Miller, Bryant Eklund, Kay lea Sasek, Kyle Way, Carli Sabin, Kathryn Moore, Jordan Sasek, Charis Thomas, Kate Truka, James Cottrell, Chase Sund, Mike Ryan, Shane Spivey, Jade Cattoor , Celeste Wanner, Corinne Watson and Laura Mc Kinley
Or gahizatiohs &Clubs
Sing like never befo re ! The girls in women's choir sing during their December concert. Photo by Abby Wilson/Hawk Talk Sing ! These girls in Concert Choir sing their hearts out at their Winter concert. "I had a lot of fun in choir this year. It was one of my favorite classes." Kaleigh Hohnesee said. Photo by Abby Wilson/ Hawk Talk Prep Show Choir Ambience Left Group(left to right): Alexis Pulver, Brandon Leeds, Sabrina Buckwald, Taylor Rohe Middle Group:(left to right): Juha Didier, Oielsea Walz, Shannon Potter, Gro.5Shans, Anna True, Erin Eisbach, Aaron Demoret, Jamie Burbach, Tyler Schenk, Kim Fuoco, Carey Brant Right Group:(left to right): Lexi Johnson, Haley Meyer, Kaitlyn Waller and Phillip &ker. Directo r: Jonathan Oyrland. Sing, guys, sing! Ali Malik and John Cala~ han sing at rheir holiday • concert. They also sang the national anthem at one of the football games. Photo by Abby Wilson / Hawk Talk Dance, dance! Ambiance dances and sings at their winter concert. Some songs and dances they performed were "In My Dreams" and "Proud Mary," along with others. Photo by Abby Wilson/ Hawk Talk
rvius ic
Freshmen Jazz Band: Jonathan Barber, Trent Blundell, Anna Fangmeier, Maren Finsand, Hayden Florom, Paul Honnens, Kate Hunsaker, Jake Jirovec, Spencer Lal:roz, Jani Martinez, Tun Miller, Tyler Mills, Jordan Neukirch, Josh Nitzel, Harry Norman, Brittany Paul, Ivor Peci, Rachel Pieloch, Matt Robertson, Landon Schmidt, Parker Schoen, Devon Stanczyk, Brady Vance, Kiefer Watson, Meredith Weber, Wyn Wiley and Teylor Wolfe. Director: Lori Falcone.

Jazz and Orchestra get top marks

or two years now students and parents alike have flocked to Southwest's Swing Night, a Las Vegas themed jazz dance. The dance is held in the commons area and features performances from the three Jazz bands: Varsity, Prep and freshman. The Swing Night is the Jazz bands biggest activity of the year.

Entering its third year, Southwest Swing Night has been a big hit. Last year alone the attendance doubled and jazz and or, chestra teachers Lori Falcone and Stacy Marshall hoped the trend continued this year. Something new to Swing Night last year was the addition of the Varsity Orchestra. "We hope to get them involved this year as well," Orchestra director Stacy Marshall said.

Besides the Swing Night, the Jazz groups and Orchestra participated in annual competitions and each performed in three concerts held at Southwest. For competitions , the Orchestra competed at Lincoln High on April 3 and the Jazz bands per, formed at Norris on April 20. In the past, ooth groups have received high ratings.

Orchestra participation grew. The freshman and varsity orchestras had more members than ever before. "The orchestra program is really growing at Southwest," Marshall commented Marshall directed the Varsity Orchestra while Jonathan Dyr, land and Bill Roehrs directed the Freshman Orchestra. "We

have come along way as a unit," Roehrs said regarding the Fres man orchestra.

The varsity orchestra had a total of seven members make All,State, a select orchestra that required students to audition f a part in the orchestra. The freshman orchestra had six of the members receive superior ratings at the All-City freshman com petition at North Star, more than they have ever had before. F varsity orchestra the amount was about the same as in the pas t and Stacy Marshall hoped that the numbers would continue t o grow throughout the next few years.

Big news for the Varsity Jazz band this year was that t h group got invited by the Bobby Layne orchestra to perform at the Pla Mor ballroom hall. This was a great opportunity for t Varsity jazz band, and a first in the history of the school that a jazz group has been invited to play by a major band. They oper : for the Bobby Layne Orchestra and got to play a few songs in between the sets.

Like the orchestra, the Freshman and Prep Jazz group ~ both grew in size this year. They ooth had around 20 students and performed a t the same concerts as the varsity jazz band. T l had more people than the varsity jazz band, which will prove t( a good development for years to come.

2 Or ganizations & Clubs
Varsity Orchestra: Erica Ahlschwede, Sarah Arten, Lauren Barbee, Heather Berck, Matt Blankenau, Alex Cass, Kaylee Colton, Debra Davis, Krista Decker , Matt Ous.c;a ul t, Kara Eide, Kierst Finsan , David Freese, Abby Heiser , Meghan Henderson, Kathryn Hibbard, Meredith Kenyon, Amanda Kline, Meghan Leonard, Shelby Luke, Caitlin Lukin, Ali Malik, Ellie Marvin , Christina Mayer , Brittan) 'vie Coy, Kathryn Moore, Thomas Mundt, Ali Nelson, Hannah Orr, Amber Swenseth, Lindy Rauscher, Amber Reece, 01.dsi Reichwaldt , Tori Renken, Katie Richard, Elizabeth Thompson, Voigt , C ui Walker ,Jessica Way, Heath White and Spencer Wolfe. Director: Stacy Marshall.
) f r ) f x:l I ey
Concentration is Key . Sophomore Benjamin Norton concentrates on practicing his guitar. He was a member of the Prep Jazz band Photo by Amber T rammell/Talon Playin' good! Junior Hannah Orr, sophomore Kara Eide and senior Spencer Wolfe play a song during the orchestra 's March concert. All were members of the Varsity Orchestra. Photo lry Erin Bayle{Talon Varsity Jazz Band: Erica Ahlschwede, John Calahan, Matt Dussault, Alex Epperson, David Freese, Meghan Henderson, Collin Holmquist , Kristin Houchin, AJ Jagadich, Ali Malik, Jonathan Mattson, Thomas Mundt, Julia Ott, Nick Powers, Lindy Rauscher, Michael Ryan, Amrer Swenseth, Jes.5ica Way, Cluis Walker , Heath White, and Luye Yang. Director: Lori Falcone. Strumming along. Freshman Melanie Lorenz plays bas.5 at a _ • concert in March. She was a member of the freshman orchestra and played in a small group. Photo by Erin Boyle{Talon Freshman Orchestra: Jamie Alder, Allaire , Gabe Arenas, Carina Berkowitz, Morgan Boyle, Nathaniel Fink-Humes, Taylor Genrich, Effie Greene, Alyssa Kloefkorn, Anna Koenig, Olesya Kuznetsov, Paige Langfeldt, Melanie Lorenz, Tim Miller, Travis Nelson, Emily Pike, Meredith Ramsay, Rebecca Swenseth, Juee Trivedi, Kate Schneckloth, Melissa Schorr, Meredith Weber and Kaitlin Weskarnp. Director: Jonathan Oyrland.
Prep Jazz Band: Lauren Brunken, Nathan Coamey, Nick Dahlquist, Travis Davidson, Jarett Denning, Jordan Gomell, Sean Gra;shans, Matt Hahne, Kyle Hampton, Emily Hartman, Alex Hartmann , Taylor Mack, Nick Miller, Nate Petro, •inan Sayood, Jeremiah Sievers, Cluis Stepanek and Brooke ullivan. Director: Lori Falcone.

n Moore, Craig Easley, Ja.h Brown, Logan Luke, Robby Stauffer, Jordan Sasek, C.Ohagen Wilkinson, Nick Powers, Laura McKinley, Meghan Leonard, Liz Vo, Ashley Anderson, Kate TM

3 : Philicia Mizell, Celeste Wanner, Jade Catoor, Ellen Rew, Kathryn Hiblmd, Scott Hakel, Micah Ffeiffer, Matt Blankenau, Taylor Jones, James C.Ottrell, Kyle Way, Bri Luecken- hoff, Kerri Peters, Sara Sidle, C.Orinne Watson, Kelsey Denton. BACK ROW : Cbaris Thomas, Arica C.Oleman, Ashley Eppens, Katie Richard, Sarah Essay, Charles Voigt, Bryant Eld u_, J , Nick Jester, C.Ollin Hohnquist, James West, Marc Koenig, Kaisie Tofte, Kaylea Sasek, Aml::er Miller, Ouistina Mayer, Sarah Arten, Megan Stuart, Jennie Miller

choir: FRONT ROW :Julia Didier, Jamie Lyons, Ashley Hemann, Erin Davidson, Aaron Demoret, Jaque Miller, Anna True, Alexis Schields, Haley Mey, Kimberly Burt. Row 2: Erin Healey, Narges Attaie, Alyssa Mescher, Kelsey Graves, Sean Grosshans, Taylor Mack, Lexie Johnson, Amanda Carnazzo, Chelsea W al - Jordy Schliesser, Shannon Potter. Row 3: Alexis Watson,

Varsity concert choir: FRONf ROW : Stephanie Edmonds, Ouista Elliott, Jackie Baker, Becky Leiter, Tiffaney Tatro, Shane Spivey, Alex Bischoff, Nate Jones, John Calahan, A t Malik, Mike Ryan, C.Olin Large, Omse Sund, Allison Roy, Cbelsea Patterson, Elyse Marvin, Carli Sabin. Row 2: Rachel Schreiner, Tiffany Forycki, Natalie Knuth, Kaylee C.Olton, Kath Row Concert Tara Soucie, Abby Christiansen, Christine Dalton, Brandon Leeds, Phillip Baker, Nick Dahlquist, Kaleig!- Hohensee, Stephanie Charron, Hannah Hamilton, Margaret Sherwood, Erin Eisbach. BACK ROW: Sabrina Buckwald, Kim Fuoco, Taylor Rohe, Kaitlyn Waller Carey Brant, Brian Thompson, Tyler Schenk, Christopher Stepanek, Matt Hahne, Hana Mustafa, Jamie Burbach. Freshman choir : FRONf ROW: Jalisa Bonilla, Carly Lernka, Kir tie Lewis, Shannon Moon, Kendra Zabka, Brady Vance, Jake Linder, Harry nnan, Jim Newton, Molly Jones, } Blackbum, Jessica Backman, Rachel Narer, Ashley Jal::er. Row 2: Brittany Paul, Melanie Lorenz, Kaylie Neuhaus, Karolyn Elsl::erry, Kristina Wilson, Ivor Peci, Jake Jirovec , Suhaus araj, Aubrey Thompson, Samantha Douglass, Katrice Martin, Kayla Krause, Katie Miller. Row 3 : Shannon Cleal, Sadie Bennie, Melis.5a Schorr, Lauren Geisert, Amanda Brown, Casey Be er, Justin Gessel, Ashley Walker, Keli Reeder, Kayla Frazier, Karis.5a Hevelone, Kyla Richardson. BACK ROW: Kylie Klockenga, Cary Brand, McCartney Martin, Aubrey Mueller, Reb :a Hartz, Sammy Althayedi, Ouis Way, Wyn Wiley, Makenzie Crew, Ellen Calkins, Alicia Villagomez-Watson, Katey Rehm.
Or ganiz a tions & Clubs
Chamber choir: FRONT ROW: Stephanie Edmonds, Becky Leiter, Natalie Knuth, Shane Spivey, Nate Jones, Colin Large, Kelsey Denton, Chelsea Patterson. MIDDLE ROW: Rachel Schreiner, Kaylee Colton, Liz Vo, Josh Brown, Cohagen Wilkinson, Sara Sidlo, Kerri Peters, Christa Elliott. BACK ROW: Arica Col • w, Lesley Perry, Kathryn Hibbard, Nick Jester, Charles Voigt, Marc Koenig, Christina Mayer, Ashley Andersen, Kaisie Tofte. Wind Ensemble: Erica Ahlschwede, Jay Anderson, Sarah Arten, Kaci Bartholomew, Cara Beaty, Orris Bell, Alex Bischoff, Matt Blankenau, John Calahan, Matt Otampoux, Arica Coleman, Mandi Conway, Debra Davis, Kelsey Denton, Matt Ous.5ault, Travis Earhart, Ashley Eppens, Alex Epperson, Sarah Essay, Kierst Finsand, Tiffany Forycki, David Freese, Austin Griffith, Marie Hansen, Meghan Henderson, Katie Hill, Kristin Houchin, AJ Jagadich, ick Jester, Nate Jones, Spencer Kerl, Amanda Kline, Meghan Leonard, Shelby Luke, Ali Malik, Jonathan Mattson, Danelle Miller, Kathryn Moore, Thomas Mundt, Amanda Nissen, Andrew guyen, Julia Ott, Alyssa Potter, ick Powers, Llndy Rauscher, Tori Renken, Katie Richard, JD Royer , Jeremiah Sievers, Grant Stepanek, Amber Swenseth, Chihiro Takimoto, Johannes Wacks, Brittany Wagner, Cluis Walker, Jessica Way, James West, Heath White and Luye Yang. Symphonic Band: Orristian Berg, Carey Brant, Lauren Brunken, Jamie Burbach, Marilyn Buresh, Jamie Ola.mix>ux, athan Coatney, Matt Cohn, Cluisty Dalton, Nick Dahlquist, Erin Davidson, Travis Davidson, Jarett Denning, Miki Freese, Kim Fuoco, Alana Giesemann, Jordan Gomell, Ryan Griepsma, Sean Grai.shans, Matt Hahne, Hannah Hamilton, Kyle Hampton, Emily H artman, Alex Hartmann, Erin Healey, Nicole Hudson, Aaron Johnston, Bryan Jones, Kelsey Klute, Kelsey Lange, Nick Lattimer, Karis.5a Llvingston, Taylor Mack, Malone, Laurabeth Miller, Nick Miller, Julia Peterson, Nate Petro, Corey Ritter, Sinan Sayood, Aaron Schilling, Margaret Sherwood, Nick Spencer, Ouis Stepanek, Jamie Strudl, Brooke Sullivan, Kendra Szudlo, Anna Thomas, Brian Thompson, Cole Thompson, Alyssa Troester, Jared Tupper, Adam Vollenweider and Emily Walkenhorst.
Freshman Band: Courtney Allen, Sammy Althayedi, Jonathan &uber, Alexis &utek, Trenton Blundell, Brandon fuosalis, Catie Burges.s, Allison O'Connor, Ellen Calkins, Ashlee Carstens, Katelyn Carstens, Becca Changstrom, Makenzie Crew, Makinsey Douglas-Hill, Erin Dres.ser, Karolyn Elsberry, Anna Fangmeier, Maren Finsand, Miki Freese, Rachel Gerner, Brandon Guern, Brian Hand, Ouistopher Hibberd, Ryan Hill, Katie Higgins, Paul Honnens, Kelsea Hughes, Kate Hunsaker, Kevin Jeffery, Justin Jones, Emily Kerl, Amanda Kessler, Spencer Labedz, Shelby Lang, Alicia Lovato, Stacy Luedtke, Jani Martinez, Lauren Meeske, Katie Miller, Abbie Mn5er, Jordan Neukirch, Josh Nitzel, Harry Norman, Brittany Paul, Julia Peterson, Rachel Pieloch, Ryan Plager, Kyla Richardson, Paul Schiefelbein, Landon Schmidt, Parker Schoen, Matt Shallenberger,Jordy trudl, Brady Vance, Wyki Walstrom, Kiefer Watson, Meredith Weber, Wyn Wiley, Teylor Wolfe and Katie Yokel.

Community &

Building a n ew life. As part of the "Extreme Makeover" show, a member of Heartland homes helps to put up the siding of the Fullerton~Machacek family's new home. Though none of the famil members att~ded Southwest, m e mbers fr o m all over the community came t ogether in an effort to unite the family under one roof. Pho t.o by Travis Cunninghqjmiiii'aloniiiil-------• ter is a new workout facility. Bryan H wasn't the only workout center at found its way in to south Lincoln, adonna also added a health center. .. llllo t.o by Rachel Yan kf[alon

Becoming SUPER! Super T ar g begins to take shape in south Linc n off of 40th and Grainger Parkwa • 1 super shopping center was set to c 1' July 2007. Plans were also announ :d to build a new upscale shopping Ct ti south of Pine Lake, similar to Vi ll e

University update. The Univer ty of Nebr aska Lincoln(UNL) upda t \ , it stadium. lJNL renovated the sprn s 11 complex and added a new big sen. n that would the biggest in college f .o tl until Texas revealed it plans to m e bigger screen. Phot.o by Rachel Ya nk Tai

2 Divider
diun, is reallSt


cool. 1t' ss a play sthce 1t Sjta

AsLincolnexpanded passed Pin open in a new location. Some of t Madonna, and a variety of others

Beyond the expansion of Lin

Ii later demolished to make way for a new pa adding a 40 foot red waterfall. UNL also a

d that it would be smart to per Target, Bryan LOH,

odeling many areas were on Dec. 31 and then was enovated the sports complex,

football until Texas revealed their plans to make a bigger one. (Everything MUST be bigger in Texas.)

The expansion of Lincoln resulted in more working opportunities for many students. Students could seen all over Lincoln at their clifferent jobs of choice. •Businesses continued opening on the south side of Lincoln creating more building blocks for Southwest's community.

l, 1tls ball Ion I I
hew scoreboard
Having a say. Students in Dianne Kuppig's Journalism class take part in the student vote on Nov 5. Though the students vote didn't count in the actual election the results were compiled and reported in the Journal Star the next day. Photo b-y Rachel Y ankffalon
Corrirriuh1ty & Business 205
: i 'I I I I I I, I I 2
Senior Ads • 7
Seh1or Ads • 2 11
I1 2 Busihess
Senior Ads
2 • Business
Senior Ads 215
2 ,.. Busihess
Da I" Se'11or Ads 2 17
Bus ihess Ads
Dwyer Photography
2 Bus iness Williamsburg Village Hy-Vee I 40th & Cheney Store: 421-2462 I Floral: 421-2822

• Proud to support Lincoln Southwest students and staff!

27th & Pine Lake

Al I of us here at WIiderness Perk Vvaht to cohgratulate you oh your graduatioh frorr, Lihcolh Southwest! Good luck ih the future!

Business Ads 23


Youth Fellowship

St. Mark's United Methodist Church - 8550 Pioneers Blvd. - Lincoln, NE 68520 - 489-8885



Saturday - 5:00pm

Sunday - 8:00 , 9:00, 10 :15, 11 :15 am

Sunday Church School

Confirmation . .. . ...... .. 9:00am

7th-12 th grade 9:00, 10 :15am

United Methodist Fellowship (UMYF)

Middle School (6 th -8 th ).... Sun ., evenings

Sr. High (9th_ 12th) Sun., evenings

House of God Worship Service (6th- 12th) .. . ...... .. 4th Sun 7:00pm

Christian Outreach Program .. .. 1st Wed. 7:00pm

Youth Servant Team . ..... .... Mon. , 6:30pm

Youth Connections Choir & Band Wed. 7:00pm

Youth Bible Study ... ..... . ... ...... .Wed., 8:00pm

Youth Leadership Team .. .. .. ........ ... . .Wed. , 6:00pm

Sr. High Bible Study .. .... .. ... .. .. Tues., 7:00-7 :30am

5th Quarter-Fridays, September-October (football) and January-March (basketball) .. .. . .9:30pm-midnight

St. Mark's.... Athletics-Mon ., Tues., Thurs.

Softball, Fall Volleyball, Summer and Winter Basketball, Sand Volleyball , Flag Football (depending on the season)

St. Mark's Youth group's Goals:

* growing closer to God

* growing closer to others

* growing closer to our group

Work .Camps 2007: Mt. Vernon, WA. , Minneapolis, MN. , Denver, CO .. , Lincoln , NE

Phone numbers

Church office 489-8885; Youth hot line .... .489-253 2

Youth Minister Don Stewart 489-2738

Luck, Silver Hawks! In all the work you are doing, work the best you can. Work as if you were doing it for the Lord, not for people." Colossians 3:23 "God loved the world so much that He gave His one and only Son so that whoever believes in Him may not be lost, but have Eternal life."-John 3:16 ' Business
Bus iness Ads
2 MIT, $\QlrllEte ~ [F)lrl ~~ ,r ~~ ® ,. I lEllFl© ~lD)lelrlV uS)U{JLJlrllf~ WE HAVE THE 9W~LJ9U{JLJ ~ EXPERIENCE TO HANDLE ALL OF YOUR SCREEN PRINTING ~l?BC~ l!JJV ltlf(2~ 9 NEEDS 7400 CROSSLAKE LANE . LINCOLN, NE 68516 421-2611 1-800-94 9-1179 Ads Come In For A New Loo Or A New Career Salon services for Men, Women and Children as well as Cosmetology and Barber Training for Students Tuesday &. Thursday 9:00 am - 7:00 pm Last appointment a 6:00 pm Last walk- in at 6:25 Wednesday &. Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Last appointment a 4:00 pm l.a.c;t walk-In at 4:25 Saturmy 8:00 am - 3:00 pm Last appointment a 2 :00 pm Last walk- i n at 2:25 ARBERING COSMETOLOGY 304 South 11th, Lincoln, NE 685 0 (on the corner of 11th &.."M")

Not Pictured ...

Student identification photos were taken during locker checkout days in August and the pictl e retake days in September, October and November. Due to the clifferent retake days and deadli 1es we were unable to use most of the retakes. The lists of "not pictured students" were compil 1 from two student lists, one in September and one in March. We apologize for any omissioru

Steven Back

Nik Baecler

Christopher Fleming

Steven Garcia

Seth Girdner

Michael Hill

Nick Jones

Ryan Kolb

Brian Messman

Jeff Paradise

Shayne Ritchey

Katy Steffen

Mitchell Zimmennan

Ashley Abbot

Levi Arnold

Fernanda Arteiro

Sarah Ashcraft

Ashley Chism

Dylan Bacon

Adrian Bivens

Jordan Omtu

Lejay Daniels

Raechel Doehling

Jessica Harris

Russell Haynes

John Hekl

Daniel Howard

Jacob Kroll

Andrea Logan

Amanda Monk

Shawn Petracek

Reilly Placek

Brittany Prieb

Peter Welsch

Jamie Williams

Our /\po log ies

The Talon staff would like to apologize for not being able to place all the new retakes. Since there were three retake days this year instead of only one, it was too difficult to change all the retakes and meet our dead-lines. So unless a change was completely necessary the student pictures are most likely from the original or first retake picture days. If a senior picture was not submitted, the student identification photo, if available, was used.

oshua Bain

Kyle Daniels

Bilal Kamal

Adam Kriz

Jessa Manthei

Adela Rikalo

Benjamin Rikalo

Shannon Roberts


Breanna Scheier

Alissa Schellhorn

Kayce Sears

Scott Smith

Bret Stephens

Tiya Sumovich

Akim Tran

Jack Zhang

Alyson Ahrens

Nicholas Allen

De'Ondre Benally

Eun--Gul Chung

Cameron Hill

Brendan Horner

Brennan Johnson

Emily Mazur,Mickells

Leo Navarro

Stacey Segura

Erika Shafer

Alex Stroman

Chastity Wall

2 Not Pictured
Cohgratu latiohs 11 ••• kihd
dea I " ta ! This
k " ' . g s~ place lop t ations
of a big
Talon staff

e\'Uf.. 4~~·,·,,,n we create it!" When attempting to we did a word association exercise that resulted in, " (Don't worry we nev r actually considered it as a theme, gh.). Then gi •ous and considered "Walk a Mile ly wanted to put Chuck Taylor's on the cover.) "Shades of Green" (which then made us think of vomit) and then "A Hawk is " (It was one of our more "serious" themes.) There was also the occasional joke about making the theme," kind of a big deal, part two." Oust kidding, but what if we had.)

Creating traditions became the base of our theme because even though we are now five years old, we are still creating traditions.

One thousand four hundred and twenty,five books were ordered from Walsworth Publishing C})mpany in Marceline, Missouri. The yearbook was finished in six deadlines, with the first pages being sent in November.

"We don't follow tradition we create it!" was created using InDesign CS2 for layouts and Adobe Photoshop 7.0 for picture editing. Fonts that were used throughout the book were Jasper, Little Squirt, Palatino, Jimmy, Maximo, Gunner, Knock Out, Iron Maiden and Clarence.

The 2007 Talon would like to thank Dianne Kuppig for all the time she has spent helping edit our pages, making us work and most of all making us laugh. We would also like to thank out Walsworth representative Mike Diffenderfer for always making us laugh and helping us when we had questions, Lori Nakagawa for her extra assistance and Brad Seeman for helping us whenever our computers and servers needed fixing. In addition, thanks to Rob Wilkens for most of the music group photos and Champ Shots for the sports group photos.

Finally, we would like to thank the administration, staff and student body for your help in compiling everything that we put into this book. Without the entire school's help we would not have spent many hours working hard to get every deadline in.

We would love for our yearbook to be perfect, but we know there will be some errors we didn't catch. (Nobody is perfect not even us.) We are very sorry for any misspellings or other mistakes you may find.

Eclitor -ih-Chief: Rachel Yank (Terms 1,2,3,4)

Studeht Life Eclitor: Mollie Dittmer (Terms 1,2,3,4)

Sports Eclitor : Travis Cunningham (Terms 1,2,3,4)

People Eclitor: Breanna Vance (Terms 1,2,3,4)

l\caderriic Eclitor: Omrtney Chambers (Terms 1,2,4)

Club Editor: Marina Bradaric (Terms 1,2)

Busihess Mah.ager: Katie Madvig (Terms 1,2,3,4)

Photo Editor: Brittany Yontz (Terms 1,2,3,4)

lhclex Editor: Katie Madvig (Terms 1,2,3,4)

l\clviser: Dianne Kuppi g

• Staff: Paige Brolhorst (3,4), Erinn Walkenhorst (3,4), Aly Ferguson (3), Gabrielle Lazaro (3,4),

Maggie Schur (3), Erin Boyle (3,4), Lindsay Hanson (3,4), Jami Finnell (1,2), Amber Trammell(l ,2) Kelsey Eide

Alyssa Mescher (4) and 1 Lisa Harris (2 ,4).

Spread by Rachel Yank Story by Rachel Yank Brittany Yontz, Travis Cunningham, Rachel Yank, Breanna Vance, Katie Madvig and Mollie Dittmer were on the yearbook staff all year. Too much fun! Ready for spring break, third term yearbook members show how excited they are for almost the end of third term. Third term worked together to get the clubs and winter sports sections finished and sent away before spring break. Just a little crazy. Second term added ju t two new members t (2) the staff, Li a Harris and Kelsey Eide. At the end of the term three members left the staff and seven were added for the third term staff. Colophon

We Don ti: Pol low

Creating anything takes

Southwest it has taken the sch deliberately or by accident stu other schools couldn't match

"I am very proud of th an honor to be the principal o of the school year.

that in the development of traditions in stone. Either ear was full of achievements that r for years to follow.

manY- :t~o to name, and it's been o retired at the end

On hallway walls pictures of students and staff recogrµ ed the accomplishm ts. Picture by picture , achievements were set on the walls of traditions.

Qmtinued on page 240 ...

Spread by Rachel Yank
Clos ing
r-e:a_~\\i trad1t1ohs
Funny finish. Seniors Elijah Aden, Austin Olssidy, Ollie Sloup and Ben LaGrange finish the "Manralds" routine during the Switch Rally Feb. 16. The Varsity cheer and dance team members chose different guys to make up the guys cheer and dance team. Photo by Kyle Linder/Hawk Talk Honor shows visitors Southwest's great students past and present. Other walls through the school acknowledge fine and performing arts, sports and teacher and staff achievements. Photo by Rachel Yank/Talon Cheering on our team. Students cheer on the ooy baskethill team against Omaha Central in the district championship at Lincoln East. The Hawks upset Lincoln ortheast the night before to make it to the district final against the defending tate champs. The Lincoln East gym was full of Southwest tudents there to show their team upport. Photo by Talon Staff Ready to race. Junior Logan Sutton prepares to race at the Knight invite -----~"I Dec. 16. Sutton placed fifth in the 50 freestyle during the state meet. Photo by Amber Trammell/Talon
Closihg 237
Enjoying food. Math teacher Bill Rogge enjoys a catered breakfast of bagel and fruit for teacher app reciation week. The food was provided by the admini tration and office taff and was set up in the main office by a parent group. Photo by Talon Staff

O:>ntinued from page 238

There are some succes in 14 of their 16 events for s basketball competed in the di qualified seven members, fou sits on top of e wall overs

, Southwest speech forensics team qualified ded four National Merit Scholars, boys

• school history and the Forensics team

o describe the traditions of Southwest. It dub meetings to dances to recognition banquets. It its on a wall made of ·cks, symbolizing the building of traditions.

As So hwest's fifth year e , it is obvious the school has come together to create some great

Sp r ead by Rachel Yank Bricks of tradition. The school front sits snow co, , during the week preceding spring break. Students achi great things inside and outside the sc h ool, creating , &)Uthwest stood for. Photo l:ry Rachel Yank/falon
2 C lo s ing

Walsworth .

I , I

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