Publisher - Ben Tibben ben@lovingnundah.com.au
Account Manager - Larni Tibben larni@lovingnundah.com.au
Marketing Coordinator - Megan Bock megan@lovingnundah.com.au
Photography - Tony Gwynn-Jones gwynn-jonesphoto@aapt.net.au
Publisher - Ben Tibben ben@lovingnundah.com.au
Account Manager - Larni Tibben larni@lovingnundah.com.au
Marketing Coordinator - Megan Bock megan@lovingnundah.com.au
Photography - Tony Gwynn-Jones gwynn-jonesphoto@aapt.net.au
The Loving Nundah magazine is celebrating 10 years of publication!
A new Italian pasta bar is set to open in Nundah. Rustichella Pasta Bar will serve authentic Italian pasta and meals, using traditional recipes.
With fresh pasta made every day, get ready to enjoy the rustic Italian cuisine when Rustichella opens on Aspinall Street.
The first issue of Loving Nundah was released in Dec/Jan 2013. The issue featured the iconic Nundah roundabout on the cover, with articles on Simply Duo Café, the Nundah Neighbourhood Centre, Nundah Markets and the history of The Royal. Our Local Finds section showcased products at Clayfield Jewellery and the best finds at The CFQ Bookshop.
Loving Nundah started 10 years ago as a way to support our local businesses, share what’s happening in the local area, and encourage our community to shop and support local.
Now celebrating our 60th issue, we are proud to have printed over 24 million pages of positive, local content written by locals for locals.
Thanks for the support Nundah!
Christmas is just around the corner, and there is no better way to kick off the festive season than coming along to the Nundah Christmas Twilight Markets on Saturday, December 3!
Thank you to the Nundah Farmers Market team for once again organising the twilight markets so that we can come together, and grab a few handmade goodies along the way.
I will be hosting a Mobile Office at the markets this year to give you an
Rustichella Pasta Bar
2/16a Aspinall Street, Nundah rustichella.au | rustichella.au
opportunity to let me know of any local concerns you may have, and to hear your ideas for our area. I will also be out and about earlier that day for a Mobile Office Blitz:
Banyo/Nudgee: 9 to 9.45am beside the C&K in Tufnell Road Northgate: 10 to 10.45am at Rhino Espresso on Northgate Road
Wavell Heights: 11 to 11.45am on the corner of Pfingst Road and Rode Road
Virginia: 12 to 12.45pm outside Bunnings on Sandgate Road Boondall/Zillmere: 1 to 2pm at Sue’s Corner on Sandgate Road Nundah: 4 to 8pm at Nundah Christmas Twilight Markets
Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday season with your loved ones.
It has been a pleasure to work as your Member for Nudgee this year, and I look forward to continuing to work hard for this local community in 2023.
– LeanneCnr Station & Aspinall Streets, Nundah Ph: 3638 7100 leannelinard.com.au leannelinardnudgee leannelinardmp
We can’t wait to celebrate Christmas in Nundah. This year, join the local community for Christmas markets, Santa visits, Christmas carols and twilight markets, right here in Nundah.
Nundah Christmas Twilight Markets 4pm to 10pm, Saturday, 3rd December
Purchase handmade gifts and gourmet eats and drinks, while enjoying live entertainment, a visit from Santa, pop-up bar, DJ and kids activities at Nundah’s Christmas Twilight Markets. Entry is $2, and you’ll find the markets at Station Street, Nundah.
Nundah Carols in the Park 5pm to 8pm, Sunday, 4th December
Nundah Common Christmas Markets
5pm to 9pm, Friday, 2nd December
Enjoy local makers from all over Brisbane at the Nundah Common Christmas Markets! The Plant Lounge and Vessel Nundah will be open at 90 Buckland Street, Nundah, with a variety of amazing local businesses showcasing Christmas gifts and items to get your home ready for Christmas celebrations.
Nundah’s annual Christmas Carols brought to the local community by NEB Church is back for 2022. There will be Christmas carols, food trucks and fun at Boyd Park, Nundah. Enjoy beautiful music and celebrations under the stars – bring your chairs and picnic rugs!
Christmas in Nundah Village 5pm to 7pm, Thursday, 8th December
Enjoy live music, entertainment, Christmas carols and a visit from Santa at the annual Christmas in Nundah Village event. Santa will arrive in style at 6.15pm with a FREE gift for each child! Join locals at 14 Station Street, Nundah for a fun evening.
For more events in December, head to our What’s On section on page 13.
Christmas is fast approaching and there has never been a better time to support our local businesses. Supporting our local retailers, restaurants, coffee shops and services helps our local community, our local business owners and creates more employment opportunities in our local area.
Nundah, and the surrounding suburbs, are home to a variety of unique, locally-owned businesses. Make sure to support them this season.
Merry Christmas from the 2022 Nundah Committee.
It’s an unfortunate fact of life that sometimes marriages and other spousal relationships come to an end.
Hopefully, if this happens to you or someone you know, both partners will be able to act in good faith and work together.
Australian family law is a complex mix of legislation and important court cases (called case law).
For these reasons, even if both parties are generally agreed about who gets what and future parenting arrangements, both parties should take the time to get independent legal advice.
Certain things arising from separation have legislative time limits, and so it is important that separating parties get their own legal advice as soon as they can.
Seeing a lawyer does not mean that you (or your ex-partner) are preparing to ‘go to war’. It is simply a prudent step when separating, to make sure whatever you and your ex-partner have agreed to is workable, within the law, and fair.
If you have recently separated, please contact our team at Shorestone Legal for a free telephone consultation.
Exercise, no matter what form it takes, has so many benefits. We can all quote the fitness mags and instagramers who talk of the amazing body transformations and our social media feeds are full of ‘those bodies’.
But, did you know there are other benefits of exercise? The ones you can’t necessarily see?
Exercise has been shown to improve quality of sleep which, in turn, impacts appetite and mood in a positive way.
Exercise has been shown to decrease symptoms of depression and anxiety.
In fact, some mental health professionals suggest exercise as a form of active treatment for some mental health conditions.
Exercise can improve your social life. Working out with others can be fun – especially if you enjoy a coffee together afterwards.
Exercise can also increase good habits. Often, when you train, you start to feel better and some people report the desire to stop drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes or eating sugar as a result of training.
Next time you are exercising, think of all the benefits you are doing for your health – not just what you can see in the mirror.
Fitstop Nundah | 5/1220 Sandgate Road, Nundah | Ph: 0413 106 643 fitstop.com/nundah | fitstopnundah | fitstop__nundah
Summer is here. After a wet year, it is great to see the sun and longer days.
This is the time of year we start doing more of EVERYTHING – exercise, getting outdoors and socialising.
As we roll into the festive season and add more to our ‘cup’ with exercise, social events and work deadlines, it is important to ensure we don’t overfill it, and also take some precautions to stave off Januaryitis…
Jan-u-ary-i-tis (noun) Inflammation of January is a common mistake made when returning to exercise at one’s pre-festive level.
Tips over the festive season:
• SLEEP is so important for recovery.
• BALANCE your work/social life – if it’s a busy week, reduce your exercise intensity to prevent injury.
• REDUCE training load by 25% when returning to exercise after the break.
• REBUILD training load by ~10% per week.
• RESPECT pain – any exercise causing more than 3/10 pain should be stopped/modified.
Our team at The Joint are the perfect people to speak to for guidance around strategies for exercise and training over the festive season.
The Joint | 9/1220 Sandgate Rd, Nundah | Ph: 3191 4455 thejointnundah.com | thejointnundah | the_joint_nundah
After the devastating loss of Toombul Shopping Centre in early 2022, Mirvac has now started community consultation for the future of the site.
This is an exciting time for the Nundah precinct and the local community, with new possibilities for the redevelopment of the area. There is substantial support for its redevelopment into a new shopping precinct, including the possibility of new residential spaces.
The community has also clearly spoken about the need for a common green space and recreational areas in the plan.
The exciting new developments mean that investment in Nundah properties is well supported and will only continue to increase in value.
Local schools continue to thrive and the precinct is still one of the most highly sought after in Brisbane.
With the design plans for Toombul set to be released in 2023, all eyes will be on the new development and how it will benefit the local community and its residents.
Belle Property Ascot | 127 Racecourse Road, Ascot | Ph: 0421 703 387 belleproperty.com/ascot | karlgarufi_belleproperty
Lilley residents elected me to fight for our local community.
As your Member for Lilley, I am pleased to see a number of local commitments funded in this year’s Budget including:
• A community battery on the Northside.
• A $3 million clubhouse for Brisbane Netball Association at Chermside.
• Virginia United Football Club to receive $500,000 to expand and upgrade flood-damaged field lighting.
• Toombul Cricket Club to receive $1.3 million to upgrade field lighting.
• New Medicare Urgent Care Clinic for the Northside.
• Funding to rehabilitate the Ramsar-listed Dowse Lagoon in Sandgate.
• Funding for the re-naturalisation of Downfall Creek at Chermside West.
• Gurudwara Singh Sabha Sikh Temple Taigum to receive $85,759 to upgrade the temple entrance.
• Craigslea State High School to receive $100,000 to upgrade musical equipment after flood damage to the music room in February.
• Taigum State School to receive $150,000 for a new playground.
• Brighton State School to receive $150,000 for a new playground.
Our local community is
Purchase your Christmas meats locally from Wavell Heights Gourmet Meats, Banyo Meat Service, Ashcroft Meats or Jack Purcell Meats.
Donate groceries to Northside Connect’s Food Pantry.
at Christmas from Clayfield Seafood Markets, Princess Charlotte Seafoods or Trawler Fresh.
local gifts for kids, with a voucher to Urban Xtreme, chocolates from Tom’s Confectionery Warehouse, a Pinot & Picasso kids class, Tiddlywinks voucher or a new fishy friend from Atlas Aquarium.
Support your local restaurant, café or brewery when purchasing for friends – grab a gift voucher or pack of craft beer.
Shop locally and purchase your fruit and veg from Phill’s Fruit + Veg Stand or Nundah Farmers Markets.
Nundah’s CFQ Bookshop needs your help for kids in hospital this Christmas. Each year, the CFQ Bookshop fundraises to create Boredom Buster Bags for children with cystic fibrosis who have prolonged hospital stays over Christmas.
They need your help to create these bags, which are filled with toys and educational materials.
If you can help, please purchase a toy and leave it under the Christmas tree at the CFQ Bookshop or select a toy you’d like to donate at https://cfqld.simplygiving.com.au.
This is Olive.
She tells me that she comes from humble beginnings and knows what it is like to have nothing. She says that if it wasn’t for people helping her, she may not be here today.
Now, looking after others is her way of paying it both back and forward. This service began in 1998, when Olive and her family bought sausages and BBQ’d them, handing them out in New Farm Park.
The CFQ Bookshop
3/160 Ryans Road, Nundah Ph: 3256 9622
cfqld.org.au/bookshopgivingtree cfqbookshops | cfqbookshop
Fast forward to 2019, Olive’s family came to the Jenner St Community Centre, put up a sign for a BBQ and 28 people turned up. Now, Compassion 4 Community makes up to 800 meals per week for those in need in our community.
With the cost of living rapidly rising, they are expecting more people to rely on their service.
Meals aside, Olive is moved when people come to the centre and all they need is a hug or someone to talk to.
Not only does Olive give amazing hugs, she also plays guitar and sings. Her rendition of Amazing Grace has the ability to bring tears to the eye. Food for the belly, heart and soul.
Compassion 4 Community are always looking for fresh food to turn into nutritious meals for those in need.
The parkland with boundaries on both Belmore Street and Gympie Street, Northgate, has recently been named Nicholson Place to honour John H. Nicholson.
John H. Nicholson was born in England in 1838 and arrived in Australia in 1854 after extensive travel in Europe. He was appointed as the first Headmaster of the German Station National School, now Nundah State School, which opened on 2 October 1865.
It was an appropriate appointment, for Nicholson was able to provide academic and artistic leadership in the thriving community. As well as his work with the school, he continued writing and composing music.
He had many friends in the literary and artistic world, and was admired for his sunny, outgoing nature.
They receive no formal funding, so rely on donations and volunteers.
If you’d like to help, especially this Christmas, please check out Compassion4Community or email compassion4community@yahoo.com.
What’s Your Project focuses on inspiring locals, interviewed and photographed by local contributor Gaylia Lee.
Nicholson lived in a small cottage in Walkers Way, Toombul, before moving to Gympie Street, Virginia. He died in 1923 at the age of 85. His home in Gympie Street was located on a site now occupied by residences at 93 and 95, almost opposite the park which now bears his name.
Nundah & Districts Historical Society Inc.
Ph: 3260 6703 nundahhistoricalsoc@bigpond.com Nundah & Districts Historical Society Inc
Northgate is home to two breweries, a coffee roastery, gelato shop, an Italian ristorante and several coffee shops and cafes. It is also a hub for some spectacular creative businesses and industries. Get to know what’s just around the corner.
Northgate was established in the late 1890s, named after the local railway station (originally named North Coast Junction, then renamed Northgate in 1890). Comprising a number of industrial warehouses, Northgate was anchored by the Golden Circle pineapple cannery which opened in 1947, and still remains in operation today.
Enjoy delicious coffee, mouth-watering meals and cold drinks at Fraser Road Coffee. They have everything to get you ready for end-of-year functions, with catering boxes, cheese and dip platters and cakes available to order.
PLUS – they are open Christmas Day 7am to 10am.
1/12 Fraser Road, Northgate Ph: 0433 278 600 fraserroadcoffee
Aether Brewing is a family-owned, independent brewery committed to creativity and innovation. Their awardwinning beers and seltzers can be enjoyed at their welcoming taproom Friday to Sunday, with good friends, the kids, the dogs, or just your good self. Aether is focused on next-level fusions of flavour and supporting emerging and established artists through their Artist Amplifier Initiative.
340 Melton Road, Northgate Ph: 1800 325 013 aetherbrewing.com.au aetherbrewing | aether_brewing
Make Christmas special with local artisan baked goods
Flour & Chocolate Northgate
Enjoy handmade breads, sweets, cakes, croissants, pies, sausage rolls and more at Northgate’s favourite patisserie. Flour & Chocolate Northgate creates award-winning baked items and is famous for its Christmas creations.
Order your Christmas items by 2pm on Monday, 19 December to pick up on Christmas Eve.
78 Old Toombul Road, Northgate Ph: 3161 6246 flourandchocolate.com flourandchocolatenorthgate
Northgate is home to delicious, local, house-made artisan gelato. Created by the team at Flour & Chocolate, Knead Gelato offers an extensive range of gelato and sorbet flavours, as well as a range of unique desserts.
Since launching one year ago, Knead Gelato has created more than 50 exciting and original flavours of gelato and sorbet, including lychee coconut, miso caramel, mango lime, salted caramel and white chocolate, peach iced tea and pina colada, as well as traditional favourites, like vanilla bean, raspberry, mint chocolate, nutella fudge brownie and strawberry.
Many of the gelato flavours are infused with award-winning Flour & Chocolate products, including the rocky road gelato, chocolate almond croissant gelato, cookies and cream gelato and espresso biscotti gelato.
The creative team has also created a range of delectable desserts, including Bombe Alaska, Gelato Cookie Sandwiches, Gelato Roulade, Gelato Donuts and Gelato Croissants.
Enjoy hot summer days with refreshing gelatos and sorbets at Knead Gelato, open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 6.30am to 2pm, and Friday and Saturday, 6.30am to 9pm.
Knead Gelato
78 Old Toombul Road, Northgate Ph: 3161 6246 kneadgelato.com kneadgelato
Living locally and loving the area, combined with Janelle’s comprehensive local knowledge, has established McKenna Properties as the #1 team for achieving the highest sales prices with the lowest days on market.
Proudly recommending and supporting the local community @toombul.bowls.
Place Ascot
76 Racecourse Road, Ascot Ph: 0417 004 845 mckennaproperties.com.au mckennarealestate janellemckennaproperties
Enjoy mouth-watering authentic Italian cuisine at Piccolo Ristorante. Well-known for their attentive service and cozy ambiance, 90% of the menu is gluten-free, with every dish housemade and full of flavour.
Piccolo can host up to 40 people for birthdays and celebrations, and are fully licensed with an exclusive wine, beer and spirits menu. They are also pet-friendly.
87 Ryans Road, Northgate Ph: 0423 340 175
piccolorestaurante.com.au Piccolo Ristorante & Bar piccolo_italian
The company who creates the Oscar Statuettes for the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences is based in Northgate. UAP (Urban Art Projects) collaborates with artists, architects and designers to deliver creative projects.
It takes the UAP team three months to create the 50 statuettes, which are cast in bronze and are electroplated with 24 karat gold.
Safety, work and functional lifestyle footwear for women she wear
Northgate is home to she wear, Australia’s only female-led safety and work footwear company.
she wear specialises in work and lifestyle boots and shoes plus workwear and PPE all designed to fit women correctly.
The Northgate showroom is open to the public Monday to Thursday, 9am to 4pm.
358 Melton Road, Northgate Ph: 3607 0521 shewear.com.au shewearaustralia
Taste the difference at Dark Tonic Roasters, with coffee beans roasted on site, balanced to please any palate.
Pair your favourite coffee order with house-made goodies, delicious breakfast and lunch options and refreshing cold drinks.
18 Corrie Street, Chermside Ph: 0406 200 019
Bright, Lush Gifts for Christmas
Shop local this Summer with lush plants direct from local growers at The Plant Lounge.
Select the perfect plant, pot, vase or homeware for your loved ones.
The Plant Lounge 90 Buckland Road, Nundah theplantlounge.com.au theplantloungebrisbane theplantlounge
Bespoke, Custom Jewellery
Sparkle this Summer with the spectacular range from Clayfield Jewellery.
They have the perfect piece for your next event or to spoil your special someone on Christmas morning.
Shop 2/1193 Sandgate Road, Nundah Ph: 3266 9555 clayfieldjewellery.com.au
Start planning your next celebration at Fuel & Co Nundah.
With an intimate cocktail and wine bar, spacious courtyard and deck, there is the perfect space available for a lavish end of year function or intimate meal for two.
Fuel & Co
190 Buckland Road, Nundah Ph: 0402 177 233 fuelandco.com.au fuelandco
Don’t forget to order your traditional Lions Christmas Cake or Pudding for Christmas!
Order your 1kg cake for $13, 1.5kg cake for $17 or 900g pudding for $13.
Order from Nundah Lions by calling Ted on 0414 745 934 or Pat on 0417 708 262.
Yoga and Pilates for Every Body
Your new community awaits at Yoga Nundah. Start your summer with heart-centred Yoga and Pilates suitable for everyone. Book now at yoganundah.com.au
62 Cavendish Street, Nundah hello@yoganundah.com.au yoganundah.com.au
Delicious Meals and Premium Coffee
Enjoy Stellarossa’s flagship cafe and corporate training store in the heart of Banyo.
With new owners and a fresh menu, you can expect a new experience at Stellarossa Banyo.
229 Tufnell Road, Banyo Ph: 3267 3109
stellarossa.com.au/banyo stellarossabanyo
Brisbane is no stranger to severe weather. With storm season approaching, now is the time to sign up for Council’s free Early Warning Alert Service. Since the February floods, almost 15,000 more people have signed up to this system, with about 35% of households now registered for these important alerts.
The Schrinner Council is putting on hundreds of free and low-cost activities to help keep kids entertained these summer holidays.
Make sure you’re prepared for the coming months of unpredictable weather:
• Register for the free Brisbane Severe Weather Alerts
• Have an emergency kit and plan ready
• Stock up on sandbags if your area is prone to flooding
• Clear your gutters and trim overhanging tree branches
• Rake up leaves, bark and twigs in your yard
• Check your insurance policy is current and covers you for all natural disasters
Kick off the holidays with a visit to some of our great Christmas in Brisbane activities both locally and across our city. We’ve made sure Brisbane has lots of affordable activities available and it has never been easier to plan your day with the Brisbane App. Join the Brisbane App fun by following these simple steps:
As 2022 draws to a close, I reflect on the resilience we have had to draw on as a community. Never did we imagine that as coronavirus restrictions eased, a natural disaster would impact our city.
With the holiday season now in full swing, it’s a wonderful opportunity to show your support to our local small businesses. To encourage our community to shop, buy and eat local this festive season, I’ve joined with Loving Nundah for Northgate Ward’s Shop Local Christmas Campaign.
It’s a great incentive for our community to stay local this festive season. Spend $30 at participating businesses in Northgate Ward before Wednesday, 14 December and go in the draw to win a local gift voucher. Visit northgateward.com/shoplocal for more information – and good luck!
We’re excited to announce the completion of our fresh new look store. You’ll find our friendly team and a large fresh food department o ering everything from Australian fruit and veg to The Odd Bunch range.
We have a great, convenient range that is easy to shop. You’ll fall in love with our new
deli, with cured meats sliced to order. We’ve got everything you need for the perfect platter, plus a fantastic selection of Australian and imported cheeses.
Walk past our in-store bakery and explore the delicious range of bread, including crusty loaves, sliced white and wholemeal rolls. Our artisan-style breads are divine and are made with Australian wheat flour.
There’s so much to see and try at your new look Woolworths, we suggest heading over to the seafood counter. Seafood is a big part of our fresh food o ering and we’ve a range of great value, locally sourced favourites.
Just a small taste of what you’ll discover at our fresh new look Woolworths Nundah.
You’ll find us located at 87 Buckland Road.
Enjoy the grand opening of the Christmas Tree Festival at St Mark’s Anglican Church. View the beautiful tree displays, while enjoying a high tea, market stalls, Christmas carols and a music display.
TIME: 7pm
LOCATION: 103 Bonney Avenue, Clayfield COST: $10, including wine and cheese
MORE INFO: stmarksclayfield
Learn all the tips and tricks to putting together your own floral wreath. Using dried flowers, learn to make a beautiful, everlasting wreath you can display on your door in time for Christmas.
TIME: 1pm to 3pm
LOCATION: VEND Market Place, 1768 Sandgate Road, Virginia COST: $80 per person
MORE INFO: raeblossom.com
Enjoy handmade gifts, gourmet eats and drinks, live entertainment, a visit from Santa, pop-up bar, DJ and kids activities at Nundah’s Christmas Twilight Markets.
TIME: 4pm to 10pm
LOCATION: Station Street, Nundah COST: $2 entry
MORE INFO: nundahmarkets
Celebrate Christmas with a jumping castle, face painting, live music and family fun at Toombul Bowls Club! There will be a $2 sausage sizzle fundraiser for charity. Proudly sponsored by McKenna Properties and Place Ascot.
TIME: From 2.30pm
LOCATION: 70 Flower Street, Northgate COST: Free entry
MORE INFO: toombul.bowls
Enjoy markets, food trucks, food stalls, face painting, live music, jumping castle, photo booth and a cocktail bar at VEND Market Place’s twilight markets. Pick up bespoke Christmas gifts and enjoy Christmas cheer.
TIME: 4pm to 9pm
LOCATION: VEND Market Place, 1768 Sandgate Road, Virginia COST: Free entry
MORE INFO: vendmarketplace
Email the information to megan@lovingnundah.com.au
Learn the history and art form of kokedamas. You will learn step-by-step how to make a kokedama that you can proudly take home.
TIME: 8.30am to 10am
LOCATION: VEND Market Place, 1768 Sandgate Road, Virginia COST: $65 per person
MORE INFO: fraysandknots.com.au
Enjoy twilight markets, entertainment, food and a visit from Santa at St Oswald’s Anglican Church community Christmas event.
TIME: 4pm to 8pm
LOCATION: Banyo Memorial Park, 300 St Vincents Road, Banyo
COST: Free entry
MORE INFO: stoswaldsbanyo
Enjoy local makers from all over Brisbane at the Nundah Common Christmas Markets! The Plant Lounge, Vessel Nundah and a variety of amazing local businesses will showcase Christmas gifts and items to get your home ready for Christmas celebrations.
TIME: 5pm to 9pm
LOCATION: Nundah Common, 90 Buckland Road, Nundah
COST: Free entry
MORE INFO: theplantloungebrisbane
Enjoy live music, a jumping castle, a mega raffle, food specials and drink specials at Virginia Golf Club’s annual celebration.
TIME: 1pm to 5pm
LOCATION: Elliott Road, Banyo
COST: Free entry
MORE INFO: virginiagolfclub
Enjoy Christmas carols, food trucks and fun at Nundah’s annual Christmas Carols, brought to the local community by NEB Church.
TIME: 5pm to 8pm
LOCATION: Boyd Park, Nundah COST: Free entry
MORE INFO: nebnundah
A day to say thanks to all POW’s favourite locals. Enjoy live music from 7pm, platters, giveaway and plenty of specials.
TIME: 4pm to 11.45pm
LOCATION: Prince of Wales Hotel, 100 Buckland Road, Nundah COST: Free entry
MORE INFO: princeofwalesnundah
Bring in the New Year with a beach party at the POW. Enjoy karaoke from 7pm, with door prizes and a best dressed competition.
TIME: 7pm to 2am
LOCATION: Prince of Wales Hotel, 100 Buckland Road, Nundah
COST: Free entry
MORE INFO: princeofwalesnundah
Enjoy a family friendly New Year’s Eve celebration at the Banyo Bowls Club. The countdown will start early for little one’s at 8.59pm.
TIME: From 3pm
LOCATION: Banyo Bowls Club, 16 Froude Street, Banyo
COST: Free entry
MORE INFO: banyobowlsclubinc
Do you have an event coming up?
Northside Connect | Phone: 3260 6820 | Fax: 3260 7127
Address: 14 Station Street, Nundah Postal: PO Box 386, Nundah 4012 Email: admin@northsideconnect.org.au Website: www.northsideconnect.org.au Northside Connect
As we come to the end of another very busy and challenging year at Northside Connect, the staff and committee would like to say a big thank you to our community and the support they have given us over the last 12 months.
food relief program. This program has provided significant relief to many struggling families and individuals throughout the year and as a program that relies solely on donations to operate, that support has been essential.
This was particularly demonstrated in February of 2022, when much of the northside of Brisbane was inundated with flood waters. We put the call out to the local community for donations of gift cards to help out those affected, and the response was overwhelming. We are still distributing these vouchers with some residents continuing to be impacted due to loss of home or business.
We have also been overwhelmed by the generosity of our community in donating to our
As we head into the festive season, we are asking for donations of non-perishable items for our food relief program.
We know this is a difficult time financially for many families as they try to make the budget stretch and we would like to ease that pressure even a small amount. Donations of tinned food such as tinned stew, long-life milk, pasta, cereal, ready meals, as well as snack foods to fill up small tummies would be greatly appreciated.
Donations can be dropped at the Centre during opening hours or in the donation box at Woolworths in Nundah Village.
Local businesses have also played a significant role in supporting the Centre, contributing in many ways such as donations, fundraising, office food drives and sponsorship to make a difference to their local community.
Thank you to our local representatives, Adam Allan, Councillor for Northgate Ward; Leanne Linard, member for Nudgee; and Anika Wells, Federal Member for Lilley. All of our local representatives have been great champions of the Centre and we greatly appreciate their recognition of the valued role we play in our local community.
In conjunction with our Annual General Meeting on the 14 November, we held a dinner to thank and celebrate the achievements of our volunteers.
This year welcomed many new volunteers, and they quickly became valued members of the Northside Connect (NCI) team.
Volunteers are involved in all areas of service delivery at NCI, including administration and reception, teaching English language classes, helping with food relief and community lunch, facilitating playgroup and sewing group, tending to the community garden, providing legal advice and assisting with the governance of the organisation.
We have an incredibly diverse range of very dedicated volunteers and the dinner was just one small way we could say thank you for all of their hard work throughout the year.
We would like to give special thanks to the residents of Nundah and surrounding areas who continue to provide so much ongoing support to the Centre.Finally, thank you to Ben Tibben and Megan Bock at Loving Nundah who very generously donate two professionally edited pages of the Loving Nundah magazine to the organisation.
The Northern Suburbs Bowls Club has lots of activities on offer over Summer. Join in the fun and bowl undercover at their great facilities.
Enjoy Social Bowls every Tuesday at 12.30pm, Wednesday at 9.30am, Thursday at 12.30pm and Saturday at 12.30pm. The community is also invited to fun social days every Friday and Sunday.
For more information, please call Paula on 0424 181 804 or Pat on 0438 790 263.
BOQ Hamilton will look at different types of scams including investment and phishing scams. Information will also be provided on how to keep your personal details secure, and resources/ useful links for your use.
Scam Awareness Workshop 10am to 12pm, Monday 12 December Northside Connect, 14 Station Street Nundah
Northside Connect, through its Brisbane North Community Legal Service program, will provide some general information and referrals on legal issues associated with scams, consumer and other matters in day-to-day life with an emphasis on elder law matters.
Thank you to Grill’d Ascot for their Local Matters campaign and giving us the opportunity to fundraise.
to book, please phone on 3260 6820 or email admin@nortsideconnect.org.au