March 2013 Blessings

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Blessings M a rch 2 0 1 3

A p u b lica tio n o f B yro m ville B a p tist C h u rch

In This Issue Pastor’s colum n. . . . . . VBS 2013. . . . . . . . . . . Assn’l news.. . . . . . . . . W om en’s spring event. W hatever it takes. . . . . How to pray for Ed. . . . Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . Monthly info. . . . . . . . . Easter 2013. . . . . . . . . Casting Crowns. . . . . . Missions Celebration. .

. . . . . . . . . . .

p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p.

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Pictured are Davis Peavy and Bailey Grace Averill.

Page 2 Pastor’s column

Sometimes death is unexpected Let me tell you that February has been quite a difficult month. Five funerals of family and close personal friends in one month is too much. The first was our precious Aunt Dot, who had suffered with Alzheimers for some time. She left us with many great memories and we all know we were deeply Ed Sandefur loved by this dear woman. She is now with her Lord, and we will someday join her! Next came our friend and Bible study companion Jerry. He suffered several years with cancer and finally lost to this terrible disease. It was amazing to see the strength the Lord placed in Jerry during his sickness and how he boldly led friends to Christ during his suffering. He suffers no more and next time we meet sickness can no longer separate us! Then death took my friend Ronnie just two days after Jerry. Ronnie, as Jerry, had suffered with cancer and fought gallantly and refused to let it damper his love for the Lord. Many times Ronnie was driven to witness and bear testimony for his salvation and love for the Lord. Once again I saw the Lord work His strength through a friend. Then we received word that our son-in-law’s grandmother Mrs. Agnes had went home to be with the Lord. We thank God for the 92 years He gave Mrs. Agnes and rejoiced as we celebrated her long life and service to the Lord. Her family, friends and church will deeply miss her presence in their lives just as the testimony of memories shared by her four grandsons during her life celebration service.

This brings me to the final death and funeral attended this month. My uncle passed away unexpectedly, and we must realize that sometimes death is unexpected. It doesn’t always come from an extended illness or from living many years but comes very unexpected, and we don’t have time to consider death. We must always be mindful of what Jesus said in Luke 19:10 “For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.” Our Lord stepped down from Heaven to save us all, if we only hear and accept His call. Bless His Name! In Christ, Bro. Ed

Getting ready for VBS 2013 Vacation Bible School Director Jill Brannen has already begun preparing for VBS 2013 to be a great success. There are two VBS training clinics nearby, (Macon and Tifton) in March so if you are planning to help with this year’s VBS, talk to Jill soon. This year’s VBS theme is Colossal Coaster World. Through every twist, turn, and dive, Colossal Coaster World will challenge kids to face their fears and trust God. With excitement around every curve, kids learn that God has given them a spirit of power, love, and sound judgment. This VBS is the ultimate ride.

Daylight savings time begins March 10 Set your clocks up one hour.

Page 3 Associational news

An opportunity to do international missions in Georgia Associational Missionary Gary Leutzinger has planned a mission trip to Clarkston, GA, April 4-6. A team of 15-20 people is needed to minister to the 400+ refugees from all over the world by prayerwalking and visiting the residents there. There may be other activities as well. This will be a great opportunity for older youth and adults. Contact the associational office to sign up and for more information.

BBC hosting annual Missions Celebration Mar. 18 We will host this annual associational event which is a time to celebrate how God is using our churches to reach our world for Christ. Featured this year will be the Moldolva mission which will be very fresh in the team members’ minds since they will have just gotten back from their trip. Also, we’ll hear about the last Faith in Action weekend. There will also be some good singing, food and fellowship. The celebration will begin with supper at 6:30 p.m. and the program starting shortly after 7:00 p.m. and ending around 8:00 p.m. The meal will be catered, but if you would like to help serve, please let Brenda Lockerman know. Speaking of the Moldolva mission trip, please pray for this year’s trip and team. They will leave March 4 and return March 15. Team members include Ray Burnette, Pam Dollar, Chris Hurt, Fred Jones, Gary Leutzinger, Stacey Posey, Greg Sims, Rob Underwood and Aubrey Wynn. Our Lord has written the promise of resurrection, not in books alone but in every leaf of springtime. ~ Martin Luther

Attention ladies This year’s Georgia Baptist Women’s Spring Event will be at Callaway Gardens April 19-20. Here’s five reasons for you to go to this incredible event: 5. A True Retreat Setting. With all women staying at Callaway Gardens we will experience an intimate retreat environment. Once you arrive there will be no need to get into your car again until it’s time to say goodbye. Being together will afford us the opportunity to share quiet moments, pray together, make new friends, have fun, enjoy God’s creation and grow in your relationship with Christ. 4. Reasonable Costs. The early bird rate of $95 includes FOUR meals and all conference sessions and workshops! If two women share a room in the Mountain Creek Inn they can experience this incredible weekend for about $150! If three women share a room it’s only $134! And if four women share a room it’s only $122.50! 3. Respected authors and speakers in Christian ministry. Be inspired from author and speaker Esther Burroughs as she shares what it means to be ALIVE in Christ from a study in Ezekiel. Receive encouragement from international, North American, and Georgia missionaries as they seek and pray for your involvement in missions at all levels. 2. Worship, Inspiration and Missions. Music recording artist, Jami Smith, will join us this year along with a variety of conference leaders providing us with resources in apologetics, relationship building, Bible study, missions involvement, prayer and more. 1. Alive! Look up the theme verse Ezekiel 37:10b. We are made alive by God’s power and created to live out His purpose. Join us as we are challenged to live the transformed life so others may know what it means to be ALIVE! Visit for more information. If you are interesting in going, contact Brenda Lockerman.

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March 3-10, 2013 Prayer guides and offering envelopes available at church house.

BBC GOAL: $1000 “An angel of the Lord spoke to Philip: ‘Get up and go south to the road that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.’ So he got up and went. There was an Ethiopian man, a eunuch and high official of Candace, queen of the Ethiopians, who was in charge of her entire treasury. He had come to worship in Jerusalem and was sitting in his chariot on his way home, reading the prophet Isaiah aloud. The Spirit told Philip, ‘Go and join that chariot.’ When Philip ran up to it, he heard him reading the prophet Isaiah, and said, ‘Do you understand what you’re reading?’ ‘How can I,’ he said, ‘unless someone guides me?’ So he invited Philip to come up and sit with him.” Acts 8:26-31(HCSB) Philip’s obedience to God’s call to do whatever it takes sparked a divine appointment. The Ethiopian, eager for understanding the words of Isaiah, encountered Philip, equally eager to share the good news of Jesus Christ. These men needed each other in those critical moments, and before they parted company, Philip had a new brother in Christ. That intentional commitment to connect the one who has the good news to the one who needs to receive it is embraced by North American Mission Board (NAMB) missionaries every moment of the day all across the United States and Canada. Southern Baptist missionaries are like Philip, who faithfully and obediently respond to God’s call to go wherever they are needed to share the gospel. They understand they have the message of love and

hope, and that each lost individual they encounter needs to know and understand the love of Christ. They strategically seek out areas where there are few or no Southern Baptist churches reaching out and teaching the gospel, knowing that each new church multiplies disciples, who in turn multiply the influence and spread of the gospel throughout the world. Just like God’s angel tells Philip to travel the desert road to Gaza, we are called by God to travel and seek out the lost. Our mission should be to “get up and go,” looking for opportunities to tell people about Jesus no matter where they are. Our Southern Baptist missionaries are fellow travelers on that journey and need our help. Through our church’s gifts to the Cooperative Program and the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering, you are making a difference in spreading the gospel in North America—one person at a time. People are hearing the gospel and growing in their commitment to Christ, and churches are being started in areas where Southern Baptist presence has been limited. During the Week of Prayer for North American Missions, consider how you are doing “whatever it takes” to impact the Kingdom of God through your continued prayers, giving, and going in the task God has called us to passionately embrace. Pray for the spotlighted missionaries who represent the dedicated work of thousands like them.

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How to pray for our pastor Ed Sandefur Editor’s Note: This article is taken from Jim Duggan’s blog. He is the pastor of First Baptist Church in Ty Ty. The first two paragraphs are as he wrote, however, the rest of the article has been personalized so we can relate to it better and thus pray more effectively for our pastor. One of the perks of being a pastor is having people pray for you. Sometimes you even get to hear them pray for you. What a humbling experience. In every place where I have served as pastor I have been privileged to have prayer support. And I greatly appreciate it. I need the prayers, really, I do. If any pastor will be honest he will have to admit that the responsibilities far outweigh the man, and prayer brings the power of God to the tasks at hand. Whoever is your pastor – and I know that there are as many who read this who are not members of my church as who are, maybe even more so – I hope that you lift him up in prayer on a regular basis. From time to time people ask me, “How can I pray for my pastor?” Let me use the letters in the word PASTOR to give you some ideas. First of all, pray that Brother Ed maintains his PASSION. Pastors are in constant output mode. There is never a time when Brother Ed is not “the pastor.” Unlike other jobs, pastor is not what Brother Ed does, it is who he is. Constantly expending so much spiritual energy risks the danger of running dry. Pray that Brother Ed maintains his passion for God and for God’s people. You may also want to pray for Brother Ed to remember his ACOUNTABILITY. Many voices scream at our pastor. Yet the voice that matters most is the still, small voice of God. A pastor has accountability before God that no other Christian has. No other believer has been charged with leading, feeding, tending, training, and directing God’s people. Theirs in an awesome responsibility and Brother Ed needs us to pray that God will always keep him mindful that HE is the One to whom he must give account.

Pray for Brother Ed’s STUDY. And not just his sermon study, but his personal study. He can never lead us closer to God than he is himself. Pray that Brother Ed hears fresh words from God every day that feed his soul and draw him closer to God. Whatever shortcomings we think Brother Ed may have can be overcome by his walk with God. Pray that Brother Ed grows in the “grace and admonition of the Lord.” (2 Peter 3:18) Pray for Brother Ed’s TIME. Pray that God will help him give adequate time to his family. Pray that God will challenge Brother Ed to have ample down time and quiet time to be refreshed and rejuvenated. Pray that God will help Brother Ed manage well his time, appointments and responsibilities. Pray for Brother Ed’s OCCUPATION. Pray that he will grow in all phases of his ministry – that his sermons will be better, that he will lead by following God’s voice, that he will comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. Pray that Brother Ed will be the best that God wants him to be professionally. Pray for Brother Ed’s REPUTATION. Pray that he remains a man of integrity. Pray that God will challenge him to stay holy and to maintain integrity in his secret thoughts, motives, and actions. Pray that Brother Ed will live a life above reproach, and that he will have the favor of people both inside and outside the church because of the reflection of Jesus in his life.






March 2013 3











Week of Prayer for Annie Armstrong Easter Offering and North American Missions 10












St. Patrick’s Day

10:30am Women on Mission


D aylight savings tim e begins

Spring begins

6:30pm Assn’l Missions Celebration


Palm Sunday




Good Friday


6:30pm Seasoned Saints Supper & Movie, Saliba Hall




31 Easter 7:00am Sunrise Service 10:00am Sunday School 11:00am W orship N o evening services

Birthdays 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4

3-5 3-7 3-8 3-9 3-10 3-11

Rebekah Bowen Jurelle Godfrey Cam i Neisler Mike Raper Kohl Cavanah Teresa Neisler Mary Beth Reed Jared Averill Brenda Dorsett Clete Roberts W endy W illiam s Kristen Peavy Blake Thom pson Lawson Hum phries

3-11 3-12 3-13 3-14 3-17 3-18 3-20 3-21 3-22 3-23 3-24

Floyd Tucker Jordan Peavy Andrew Langston Monica Payne Linda Bodrey Christine Thom pson Brett W alls Tiffany Arnett Brenda Lockerm an Clara Sandefur Sonya W itm er Gladys Johnson Arthur Murray Brock Thom pson


3-26 3-26 3-28 3-29 3-30 3-31

Elizabeth Taylor Jean Thom pson Tonya Thom pson Carson Godfrey Johnny Jones Robin Nelson Jill Brannen Lew Brinson W inston Overton

Pray for these folks on their birthday.

Weekly Schedule SUNDAY Sunday School. . 10:00AM W orship. . . . . . . 11:00AM W orship. . . . . . . . 7:00PM W EDNESDAY Prayer m eeting. . . 7:00PM

Nursery for all services. Children’s Church for Sunday 11AM W orship.

Page 7

Schedule of Volunteers for March Please remember it is up to you to arrange coverage if you are unable to serve on your scheduled day. Date Mar. 3 Mar. 10 Mar. 17 Mar. 24 Mar. 31


Nursery AM

Brenda Lockerman Brenda Lockerman Brenda Lockerman Brenda Lockerman Paula Smith

Robin/Mark Peavy

Terri Gregory

Jill/Sarah Averill Brannen Tori/Vicki Lamberth

Rhonda Youngblood Jill Brannen

Paula/Mark Smith

Brenda Lockerman Paula Smith

Terri Gregory Patricia Kent

Nursery PM

Children’s Church Tori/Vicki Lamberth Robin/Mark Peavy Terri Gregory Tricia Kent Terry Horn Clara Sandefur Tricia/Joe Kent

Deacon of the Ushers Week Floyd Tucker Clinton Brannen Ronnie Hatcher Joe Kent Jarod Averill John-John Averill Jimmy Frank Thompson Lockerman Matt Youngblood Arthur Roney Daniel Thompson George Massey Frank Mark Smith Thompson Quint Smith

February Sunday School Stats Senior Adults FBIC CIA VOC Young Adults Youth (ages 12-17) Older Children (ages 8-11) Younger Children (ages 6-7) Older Preschoolers Younger Preschoolers Nursery General Officers TOTAL

9 14 6 5 2 8 5 2 0 6 2 2 59

Celebrating Easter March 31, 2013 Sunrise Service at 7:00 AM Around the cross on the front lawn. Breakfast in Saliba Hall immediately following.

Sunday School 10:00 AM Bible study for all ages.

Worship at 11:00 AM

Financial $ummary January receipts General offerings Lottie Moon Christmas Offering Special–West Family Special–Mailbox Club Special–John Joles Family TOTAL

$7,898.00 350.00 180.00 128.20 50.00 8,606.20

January disbursements General expenses Kyle West Family John Joles Family Lottie Moon Christmas Offering Houston Baptist Association Cooperative Program TOTAL

5,778.53 150.00 50.00 1,727.00 837.75 2,178.15 $10,721.43

No evening services.

In Concert

Albany Civic Center 100 West Oglethorpe Boulevard

March 28, 2013 7:00 p.m.

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Blessings is published m onthly by Byrom ville Baptist Church. Send news item s and/or com m ents to Editor Brenda Lockerm an at POB 217, Byrom ville, GA 31007, em ail to brendalockerm an@ windstream .net or call 478-433-2791 .

Byromville Baptist Church 713 Patterson Street ` POB 126 Byromville, GA 31007 478-433-2505 Pastor: Ed Sandefur



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