Cellulite Cream Ingredients

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Cellulite Cream Ingredients

Life would be perfect if all of us were born with slim perfect figures. We would not have to waste time on bulging bellies, blossoming buttocks, flaccid arms and cellulite spreading across our bodies. Unfortunately, we do not live in that world, so there are many different body types that have to be dealt with. Because we come in so many sizes and body shapes, a huge business has developed in the discovery and marketing of firming lotions, weight loss pills, and anti-cellulite creams. These products provide a great opportunity for those of us who want to control the cellulite on our bodies.

Anti-cellulite creams have changed dramatically over the years. They have come a long way from the home remedies that mixed coffee grounds with body lotions. One of the major advantages of the modern anti-cellulite cream is in its ease of use and in its effectiveness. The use of these creams, in conjunction with exercise and proper diet, can produce amazing results without having to resort to invasive surgical procedures. All you have to do is follow the instructions on a regular basis and you will see dramatic improvements in just a few weeks.

There are so many varieties of anti-cellulite creams on the market that it is important to pick the right product http://www.losecellulitecream.com/ingredients Packaging and promises, about the product, should not be a deciding factor when you are faced with a panoply of choices in the health and beauty section of your local drugstore. When trying to decide on which anti-cellulite cream is the best 1

product for you, just follow one simple rule:

it’s the ingredients, it’s the

ingredients and just for extra emphasis, it’s the ingredients. There may be lot’s of different combinations of ingredients in different anticellulite creams, but you will quickly see which ones are the most important by the order in which they are listed on the packaging. Ingredients are listed in the order of the highest percentage in the product. The earlier in the list, the greater percentage is in the product, and the more effect that it has in the elimination of cellulite. It’s All About The Ingredients! To help you with your decision, let’s go through the ingredients that have got to be present for your anti-cellulite cream to be effective. These are not list by order of importance, but they are all contributors that, when properly combined, can rid you of your cellulite.

Caffeine works to break down cellulite and repair the skin. It promotes increased blood circulation, which results in the breaking down of “plump” fat cells. The greater the breakdown of the fat cell structure, the fewer “dimples” you will see where the cellulite is located.

Collagen makes the skin supple which is very important because the skin tends to lose its flexibility and resiliency as we age. If the skin is more resilient, the “orange-peel”, or “cottage cheese” dimples that are the hallmark of cellulite becomes less apparent as they diminish. 2

L-Carnitine is an

amino acid which helps to accelerate the body’s

metabolic rate and works to decrease the number of cells that accumulate fat. This amino acid helps the body to burn calories and decreases overall stored fat.

Vitamin A is an essential ingredient in any anti- cellulite cream. It helps in the repair of connective tissues which is one of the primary factors in reducing cellulite. When there’s poor connective tissue quality, cellulite tends to build up because of the weakened cell structure in the area. Cellulite tends to go to areas where the cell structure is not healthy and fat can easily accumulate. Green tea has huge concentrations of “catechin polyphenols” which assist in the burning of fat. This can help to prevent cellulite from forming in the buttocks, thighs, arms, hips, and belly.

Algae works to release toxins that are stored in the fat cells. it is basically a detoxification agent. The “cottage cheese” or dimples that are visible with cellulite are principally caused by these toxins so it’s critical that the toxins be detached from the fat cells and removed from the body.

Beta-carotene is an antioxidant and can be converted by the body to retinol, or Vitamin A.

Vitamin B functions as a coenzyme. Vitamin B helps transform calories into energy and helps maintain healthy skin.


Vitamin C is essential in maintaining healthy connective tissues and strengthens the integrity of cell walls. It is also necessary for the synthesis of collagen. The recommended daily intake is 30 mg. for an adult. It is important to maintain the collagen in the skin because nervous tension and too much sun exposure can play havoc with the collagen in the body.

Vitamin E, or as it is clinically known, tocopherols and tocotrienols, have antioxidant properties that are thought to stabilize cell membranes by preventing oxidation of their unsaturated fatty acid components. The most potent of these is “a-tocopherol� of which the recommended

dose is 400 to 800 mg. per day.

Extensive research has shown that this antioxidant slows down the aging process.

Selenium is a trace element that is an essential component of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase, which catalyses the oxidation of glutathione by hydrogen peroxide. It has very important antioxidant properties. This antioxidant mineral is found in tuna, sesame seeds and cereals. Its major function is to prevent sun damage in the skin.

Zinc helps firm the skin and prevent wrinkles. It also helps form collagen that repairs injuries to the skin.

With this list of essential ingredients in mind, it will be a lot easier for you to sort through the various anti-cellulite creams that are available to you. If you need further assistance, consult with your physician or discuss your needs with a


qualified representative at your local health food store. Both will be able to assist you in finding the right product to use.

To continue reading the rest of the article and find out our recommendations, please click here: http://www.losecellulitecream.com


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