LNE & Spa March 2022

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LNE & Spa—the magazine for skin care and spa professionals March 2022




It’s that time of the year again! ICES Dallas 2022 will be happening at the end of this month on March 27 and 28. If you are reading this before then, I hope to see you all at the show. We have an amazing list of Conference Speakers and a variety of topics to explore including Permanent Makeup, Combination Treatments, Microneedling, Brow Lamination and Lash Lifts, and so much more. This month’s Spa Marketing Guide is all about boosting sales with email marketing and how to master quick videos on social media. We also cover how to treat post-inflammatory erythema and the Skin Sequencing Method, teaching you how to choose the right skincare for your clients based on their genetics. Beyond the skin, we dive deep into immune-boosting therapies and au Naturelle oral care. Did you know that acne can also be linked to poor oral hygiene? We are seeing a theme in the need to protect not only our gut’s microbiome but the skin and mouth. It’s a topic worth exploring for clients who want healthy, pearly white teeth through a safe and natural approach that also benefits the skin. It’s officially tax season, and if you haven’t filed your taxes yet, then read up on our tax-saving tips. Plus, everything you need to know to make sure your business is protected through the right insurance policy. I hope you all enjoy this month’s issue!


Managing Editor

samantha@LNEonline.com 4




• REVERSE Hair Loss • PREVENT Further Hair Loss • REJUVENATE Aging Skin • ALLEVIATE Aches & Pains • COUNTER Male and female pattern balding (androgenetic alopecia)






(714) 978-0080

March volume 37 number 3

contents 10 Post-Inflammatory Erythema

10 PostInflammatory Erythema

From the Editor


Editor’s Pick


Email Marketing for Estheticians Spa Marketing Guide



12 The Skin Sequencing Method®



The High Impact of Quick Video

44 Spa Marketing Guide

Spa of the Month


Immune-Boosting Therapies


His Corner


Au Naturelle Oral Care

14 Spa Of The Month

56 Immune-Boosting Therapies


Fun Financing



Insured to Beautify


Esthetician Spotlight


Perfect Partnerships


Beauty Bulletin



24 Fun Financing






The Time-Saver Treatment

62 The Time-Saver Treatment

Les Nouvelles Esthétiques & Spa, American Edition, (USPS 003-687) (ISSN 1043-9641) is published monthly, 12 times per year and is sold exclusively by subscription. Publisher’s Name: Jean Jacques Legrand, M.D., 3929 Ponce De Leon Blvd., Coral Gables, FL, 33134. Periodical postage paid at Miami, Florida, with additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to: Les Nouvelles Esthétiques & Spa, American Edition, 3929 Ponce De Leon Blvd., Coral Gables, Florida 33134, United States Subscription: Annual Rate $45.00 Canada Subscription: $55.00 (American) 1st Class Postage Overseas Subscription: Two years for $140.00 (U.S.) Air Mail Postage




3929 PONCE DE LEON BLVD. CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33134 USA: 800.471.0229. Worldwide: 305.443.2322. Fax: 305.443.1664. LNEonline.com email: tradeshows@LNEonline.com • subscriptions@LNEonline.com

Publisher Dr. Jean Jacques Legrand Chief Executive Officer Rodolphe Legrand rodolphe@LNEonline.com Vice President Sabine Kadyss sabine@LNEonline.com Managing Editor Samantha Garcia samantha@LNEonline.com Director of Conferences & Events Jacqueline Reyes jackie@LNEonline.com Art Director Andres Gutierrez andres@LNEonline.com Show Director Danni Boucher danni@lneonline.com Assistant Show Director Anastasia Wagner anastasia@lneonline.com Exhibitor Operations Manager Elizabeth Allen liz@LNEonline.com

International Editor Michele de Lattre-Pierantoni 7 Avenue Stephane-Mallarme, 75017 Paris, France - 43 80 06 47

Contributors Kara McLucas Mark • Rachael Pontillo Aurora Solis • Samantha Garcia • Tiffanie Orr • Nasha Pisano • Meghan O'Brien • Faith Rodriguez • Dawn Fields • Jennifer Blank




skin Post-Inflammatory Erythema

Post-Inflammatory Erythema How to treat red acne marks and prevent acne scarring by Kara McLucas Mark

If you have ever had the misfortune to experience acne and have inflamed pustules you know the literal mark it leaves. We call it “post-inflammatory erythema”; flat discolorations that are dark pink or even purple in color. These can bring more self-esteem issues than acne itself. Diagnosing and treating post-inflammatory erythema can help acne sufferers move past the breakout and help create a clear complexion. But how does post-inflammatory erythema happen?




skin Post-Inflammatory Erythema

One of the main symptoms of acne is inflammation – the devil of the skin. (Nothing good ever comes from lasting inflammation). When an acne flare-up occurs the skin becomes hyper-focused on isolating and killing off P. Bacteria. One of the ways it does this is by creating a higher concentration of circulation within the afflicted area. This causes redness around the papules and/or pustules during and after the flare. This redness can worsen if the area is treated improperly or subject to additional trauma by picking at the pustules. Once the infection is irradicated it can take some time for the redness to subside – but there are treatments to help speed that process along. One of the first things to mention is the prevention of acne that can become inflamed. Instructing clients on how to minimize bacteria on the skin while keeping the skin barrier intact is key in prevention. Using a combination of salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide can help loosen dirt in clogged pores as well as keep bacteria at bay. Staying away from harsh products that will leave

the skin vulnerable to inflammation and keeping the skin moisturized will do wonders to prevent PIE from even occurring. However, if your advice is not heeded or they are coming after the fact there are treatment options. One of the easiest at-home treatments is the topical application of brightening agents. Vitamin C is the first to appear at the top of the list – is there anything this powerhouse can’t do? Vitamin C assists in reducing inflammation, healing, and preventing tyrosinase from creating more pigment. Another powerhouse is Niacinamidewhich is a form of B3. Commonly used in eczema treatments this B vitamin variant can help lighten PIE (post-inflammatory erythema) by soothing the skin and helping it to retain moisture and maintain the skin barrier function, preventing any more flare-ups. Another is tretinoin – a vitamin A derivative that is known for cell turnover and collagen synthesis. Tretinoin can help as a preventative method or “after the fact” treatment. Increasing cell turnover can help reduce the chanc-

es of inflammation occurring but also help the skin to shed its discoloration by exfoliating. With daily use of any of these topicals, it can take two to three weeks to start seeing results. If the PIE is unresponsive or the client wants faster results, there are advanced options. Medical grade lasers are a treatment option for PIE as well as the treatment of acne. IPL( intense pulsed light) or pulsed dye laser can be used to treat the underlying vascularity of the postinflammatory erythema. These lasers work by isolating the damaged blood vessels and irradicating them. This gets rid of the discoloration as well as prevents it from coming back. It can take one to three treatments to see results. Another great treatment option is microneedling. Microneedling helps PIE by breaking up scar tissue that may have formed and encouraging a wound healing response. Microneedling can also be used in conjunction with topical treatments to help speed along the process. As previously stated, post-inflammatory erythema can be just as damaging as acne itself however there is hope in treatment options. Keeping ourselves informed as skincare professionals, and teaching our clients how to care for their skin is the greatest weapon in our arsenal. By preventing inflammation, we do not have to treat the aftereffects and can help our clients achieve and maintain clear skin.

Kara McLucas-Mark is a licensed esthetician with a medical focus. She has worked with multiple modalities including non-ablative lasers, microcurrent, ultrasound skin tightening, and radiofrequency machines. She lives with her husband and two dogs outside of Annapolis, MD. She loves learning about new skin developments, her LED light, and jade roller!




skin The Skin Sequencing Method®

The Skin Sequencing Method® How to choose the right skincare for your clients based on genetics by Rachael Pontillo, M.Msc, CIHC, CNAP, LE

Have you ever had a client that for some reason, just doesn’t respond to the products and treatments you offer, even though they were supposed to be right for their skin type? Though this scenario might not happen all the time, it certainly does happen; and it is both confusing and upsetting for both the client and the aesthetician when it does happen. The simple reason why this happens is that for whatever reason, the skincare products chosen for that client were not the right ingredients for that particular client’s unique skin.




skin The Skin Sequencing Method®

If the product does not contain the right ingredients for the person using it, its efficacy will be extremely limited at best, and problematic at worst. What if you could definitively determine what ingredients a person needs, using both cutting-edge science, and traditional wisdom? This is where the Skin Sequencing® Method comes in. The Skin Sequencing® Method is a proprietary method developed and tested by Rachael Pontillo, in a 2-year, informal study called the Skin Sequencing® Project, in conjunction with Toolbox Genomics. The Skin Sequencing® Method utilizes both science and traditional herbal wisdom to systematically narrow down ingredient choices using ancestry and nutrigenomics. This will help skin care professionals make the most targeted ingredient selections possible for individual clients. This study was conducted on a small group of students and graduates of the Create Your Skincare Pro professional skincare formulation course; 60% of whom are licensed aestheticians. Participants ranged in age, ethnicity, skin type/condition, health history, and other demographic factors. Their only common thread is that they were all skincare formulators, who learned skincare formulation from the Create Your Skincare Pro online training. After completing an intake form, and undergoing both nutrigenomic (via Toolbox Genomics) and ancestry DNA testing (via Toolbox Genomics, AncestryDNA, or 23andMe), each participant was given a list of custom skincare formulations for a cleanser, toner, and moisturizer. The participants were instructed to create the products, use those products exclusively for three months, and complete pe-

riodic questionnaires to report their progress. Eleven of the participants completed the project and submitted their required surveys. Initial findings identified that two of the participants experienced adverse reactions to specific ingredients. Fortunately, their nutrigenomic test results explained why–those participants both had genetic variants that inhibited their body’s ability to absorb and utilize those specific ingredients. These participants’ formulations were re-formulated minus the problematic ingredients. The participants created the new formulations. After one month of use, reported no adverse reactions, AND overall improvement in the overall appearance of their skin. At the end of three months of consistent use of the “Skin Sequenced” products, all participants reported an improvement in the appearance and condition of their skin over whatever previous products they had been using prior to participating in The Skin Sequencing® Project. Why does the Skin Sequencing® Method work? The Skin Sequencing® Method works because it is based on bio-individuality. Bio-individuality is the concept that one person’s food (or skincare ingredient, in this case) is another person’s poison through ancient healing systems such as East Asian Medicine and Ayurveda. Modern interpretations such as the Metabolic Typing Diet and the Blood Type Diet, also carry this theory true–we see it through all these dietary theories that aim to “type” people. Bio-individuality is based on both genetics (ancestry, ethnicity, nutrigenomics–a person’s genetic predispositions towards certain foods, nutrients, deficiencies, and disorders) and epigenetics (lifestyle factors independent of ancestry/passed down genetic

predispositions such as diet, exercise, stress, water quality, pollution, medication, exposure to toxicants, etc). The fact that both modern science and ancient wisdom support the idea that humans achieve the best possible health outcomes by following an individualized, ancestral diet also supports that humans achieve the best possible SKIN outcomes with an individualized, ancestral topical skincare regimen. In Conclusion By utilizing the Skin Sequencing® Method, aestheticians and other skin care professionals will have the ability to understand exactly what nutrients a person is genetically pre-disposed to need, as well as what the best source of those nutrients are based on their ancestry. The Skin Sequencing® Method can be used by those who offer premium, custom formulation services to their clients. It can also be used by aestheticians who are not skincare formulators to identify which products contain the ingredients the client either needs OR might react to (and therefore should avoid) due to allergies or genetic variants. This way, aestheticians and other skin care professionals can help even the most reactive clients, as well as the clients that have seemingly tried everything, but nothing works.

Rachael Pontillo is a holistic skincare formulator, educator, conscious beauty brand and marketing consultant, healthy skin media expert, and licensed aesthetician. She teaches skincare makers, founders, and practitioners to create innovative plant-based formulations, develop launch + growth solutions, and supports their continuing education in plant-based skincare formulation, and authentic online business and marketing with the Create Your Skincare Pro online courses and in her consultancy.




spa Spa Of The Month

The Oxford Spa at The Oxford Hotel in Denver, Colorado The Ultimate Holistic Experience by Samantha Garcia




spa Spa Of The Month

From deep tissue and stone massages to result-driven facials and a menu designed for male clientele, The Oxford Spa at the Oxford Hotel in Denver, Colorado offers a variety of spa and wellness services for a rejuvenating mind, body, and soul experience. Guests can melt away in the Bee my Honey exfoliating treatment using milk and honey body butter, balance the nervous system through pressure point manipulation in Reflexology, and relieve sore muscles with their significant others with a Forget me Knot Couple’s Massage. As for facials, the HydraFacial is a popular choice at the Oxford Spa. Other noteworthy facials include exfoliating microdermabrasion and dermaplaning and facials that reap the benefits of antioxidants and clarifying probiotics. In conjunction with the spa, is the Oxford Club fitness center for guests to break out a sweat in a reinvigorating workout. “The Oxford Club offers renovated locker rooms with eucalyptus steam rooms, a staff of professional personal trainers, and the latest in cardio and strength training equipment,” explained Director of Spa and Fitness Miriam Huntley. Guests can choose to get their bodies moving at the Club, wind down at the Spa, or experience the best of both worlds.


Enticing Treatments for Exploration The luxurious spa’s 50-minute Swedish Massage is guests’ favorite, designed to elevate relaxation and alleviate muscle tension with light to medium pressure. Other massage experiences include Deep Tissue with firm pressure to reach deeper layers of muscle and fascia, the Signature Stone involving the use of healing basalt rocks, and the Mommy and Me (Prenatal) specifically designed for Mother’s-to-be. Seasonal treatments include treatments like the Seasonal Body Scrub and Winter Berry Facial. Guests can

choose the Signature Organic to feed the skin from head to toe with antioxidants and vitamins, including a double cleanse, decollete massage, and masque with hand and foot treatment. Or they can take advantage of more advanced, results-driven treatments like the HydraFacial, Microdermabrasion, and the Age-Defying Facial featuring a NuFACE Lift and Fix treatment.

Marketing Efforts “New clients often discover The Oxford Spa through their network of friends and family who have joined us previously. We have a wonderfully loyal clientele,” explains Huntley. The spa partners with The Oxford Hotel and The Crawford Hotels to draw in new hotel guests. The Fitness Center members also are enticed by the spa’s variety of treatments. Main marketing efforts include social media, online, and email campaigns. Local and national PR efforts expand the storytelling of the spa by highlighting new treatments and offerings. “We have a strategic partnership with Spa Finder, and also run marketing campaigns that feature the many benefits of the spa. Our gift card sales also do a great job of bringing in new clients,” says Huntley.

Consistent Staff Training “We are constantly training our team members. Be it a new associate that receives one on one training on our protocols or if it is a group training on a new service. The associate will then test out the services with a senior team member before we open their books to our guests. We want to ensure everyone is comfortable with the protocols and timing prior to receiving guests,” explains Huntley. The staff has quarterly team meetings to review and discuss big picture analytics, retail, services, repeat guests, and upcoming initiatives and strategies. Formal performance reviews are held once a year for each staff member as a way to review and set goals. Some




spa Spa Of The Month

examples of goals include cost of service to retail, repeat guests, upgrades, service requirements, and punctuality. We are always analyzing our business model and providing incentives for our team. “We have a retail incentive for our team members and front desk based on the amount of retail they sell, they will get a %. The more they sell the greater the incentive,” says Huntley.

These events and promotions set The Oxford Spa apart from other spas, in addition to partnering with several firstrated Colorado brands like Zents, a luxury body care and fragrance brand, and LaCuna Botanicals, a spa product line known for its CBD-infused massage pain relief creams. The Oxford Spa also carries Eminence Organics, FarmHouse Fresh, Skin Authority, LiLash, Sprayology, and Patchology.

Special Events and Promotions The Oxford Spa does host holiday events and promotions throughout the year. “The focus around most of the holidays are for Gift Cards and Retail; Christmas, New Year’s, Valentine’s Day and Graduations. Sometimes they are also paired with services specials. In February, we run an “Every day is Valentine’s Day” promotion and a couples massage promotion for the month,” says Huntley.




Rundown The Oxford Hotel 1616 17th St #100 Denver, CO 80202 303-628-5435 theoxfordhotel.com Opening of Spa: Summer 1983

Spa Director Spotlight A passionate and seasoned spa director, Huntley has been the Spa Director at The Oxford Club for two years. She has worked at top spas around the country, including The Lodge & Spa at Cordillera Vail; Marriott Ross Bridge Resort Alabama, Wintergreen Resort Virginia and Kohler Company, where she opened the first Kohler Waters Spa Day Spa in Chicago. If Huntley could give her younger self one piece of advice, it would be “ Spa is a lifestyle - it will be ever changing and growing. You have embarked on a business of creating a space for people who need to pause and recharge their battery and you will give back more than you know to the people who spend time with you.”





Procell Therapies Microchanneling Combine microchanneling with human growthfactor serums derived from bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells, known to promote scarless healing with minimal inflammation. procelltherapies.com

Chandanni Liver Detox Reset the body and mind in a natural and effective way with this 14 day, Ayurvedic Liver Cleanse in just one shake a day. Receive support through the online membership platform, physical handbook, digital ebook, and a jar of organic herbs. chandanni.com

The Vortex Peel from Silhouet-Tone

Regenerate Stem Booster from Sesha Skin Therapy Rejuvenate and repair the skin barrier with this supercharged, lightweight serum containing Stem Cell Activators Media, growth factors, antioxidants, peptides, ceramide, and matrix amino acids. seshaskin.com

The Deluxe Column from Equipro Regroup up to 9 functions on one single base on casters. It comes with accessories such as facial tissue holders and glove holders. There is also an electric power bar and a waste basket included. It can carry 4 units of your choice or the Multiderm (4 in 1 machine). (877) 324-2226 or equipro-bty.com




An ideal machine for estheticians seeking a more advanced microdermabrasion unit that can be used to treat the face, neck, décolleté, and large areas of the body. silhouettone.us

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CORNER ON THE ROCKS Savor a scotch on the rocks while being impeccably groomed at the Post Oak Hotel’s Spa. This treatment, a part of the Distinguished Gentlemen Menu, includes a gentle exfoliation of the hands and feet, an acupressure massage to alleviate tension, a nourishing foot wrap, and trimming and buffing of the nails. thepostoakhotel.com

BEARD FIX The perfect remedy for uneven or patchy beards. This will give your clients that full beard they’ve always wanted. tribecosmetics.com





Microdermabrasion for Men

Leave your client’s beard smooth, lustrous, and manageable; the skin moisturizer and conditioned with this high-quality oil blend that comes in four different scents for every type of man. slingandstoneformen.com

Since most men spend their time outside and neglect to wear SPF, they tend to build up a lot of sun-damaged, dead cells. Not to mention, men aren’t taught to use skincare products from an early age like women. Poor skin hygiene can lead to the skin looking tired, gray, and pallid.

Microdermabrasion for men is a quick, painless, and effective way to even skin tone, treat acne scars, and liven up dull skin. It is a non-invasive procedure that gently buffs out dry, dead skin cells to reveal younger and healthier-looking skin. It is also a great exfoliation method for preventing and treating ingrown hair.

This is why Microdermabrasion is a great treatment to market to men. It is also a great introductory treatment to open the door to other treatments for men to explore. Men love treatments that provide a simple solution and minimal downtime.




business Fun Financing

Fun Financing Five tax tips that will save you money for your spa by Aurora Solis

Your spa business is your bread and butter, making you enough profit to keep business up and running. Things are running smoothly and money is coming in when all of a sudden, it’s tax time. Finding ways to save money for your spa when taxes roll around is key, especially if you’re a small business owner. Below, we have some fabulously fun tips to help keep more money in your pocket when tax time comes.




business Fun Financing

Five Tax Tips to Save Money for your Spa For all small business owners, deductions are the best way to keep more money at tax time. That’s why it takes a bit of thinking outside of the box, noting the things that you spend your hard-earned dollars on to keep you in business.

Tip #1. Deduct your PPE Corona anyone? As much as we’d like to say we’re referring to a refreshing, lime-dressed beverage, we’re actually talking about the 2+ year-long pandemic. As a small business owner who deals with customers, you’re likely to have to mask up. Though it’s not a preferred way to see your clients, it has its silver lining, including the fact that every penny you spend is tax-deductible. That means masks, gloves, and face shields, even if you were using them previous to the pandemic.

Tip #2. Furniture + Equipment Have you given your spa an upgrade lately? What about a new waxing area, new massage equipment, or even a new fancy water dispenser for your waiting room? No matter what it is,

you can write it off. As a spa owner, it benefits you to spend money on these upgrades. Just think, you get a good-looking beauty zone that you can write off as a business expense. Not only can you liven your place up, but you can also keep more of the money you earn in your pocket instead of paying taxes on it.

Tip #3. Advertising Advertising is key to getting clients in the door, and thankfully a wonderful way to save money for your spa when it comes to tax time. The IRS gives businesses the ability to write off advertising because it drives business and gets clients in the door. If you had a fun Valentine's Day deal, a warming Christmas special, or just random package deals throughout the year, be sure to add them to the list of deductions.

Tip #4. The Power Think back to the first time you ever saw your electric bill. You might have found out then that it takes quite a bit to run a spa. From lights to hairdryers to the internet, all of them need power, which is why you can deduct it from your taxes.

Be sure that you include everything, including your power, water, internet, and any other services that you provide.

Tip #5. Professional Expenses As a business owner of any kind, you want to keep your business running smoothly. That includes things like your accounting, taxes, and even legal dealings like licensing and insurance. All of these come with fees and make the perfect money saver during tax time. Make a list of all the pros that help you keep your business running like a well-oiled machine to ensure that you don’t miss a single one.

Streamline your Tax Filing Now that you know how to save some dough for your spa, let’s take a look at how you can file your taxes more efficiently. In just a few steps, you can be on your way to a well-organized setup that will make tax time a breeze.

Step 1. Find the Right Fit The right accountant can work wonders, so take time to find one. Search for someone that knows the business like the back of their hand and has a reputation for excellence.

Step 2. Keep the Record Straight There is nothing worse at tax time than a business that doesn’t have its stuff together. Get organized and take steps to ensure that you have all the documents and records you need.

Step 3. Consider Filing Quarterly Filing quarterly is an amazing option for business owners. It forces them to keep things straight and actually benefits them in the long run. Talk with your CPA and get on a plan to file taxes quarterly, keeping things in order and doing business as usual, fabulously.




business Insured to Beautify

Insured to Beautify Three must-have insurance policies for estheticians by Aurora Solis

If you’ve ever taken the time to comb through insurance policies, you might have found that there is something for everything. We know it can get complicated, which is why we’re here with the scoop. Find out what you need, what you don’t, and how to get started today. Whether you own your salon, offer your services in several spas, or have an on-the-go service, you’ll need insurance. Here are a few that you should not be without.




business Insured to Beautify

General Liability Insurance – The Must-Have Insurance for Estheticians Accidents happen, even when we take every precaution. When you offer services at a spa or in your home, you have to have protection, just in case the unexpected happens. General liability insurance is there to have your back for many reasons. Whether it’s • A client is injured • ours or your client’s property is damaged • Slander or accusations from clients For example, let’s say you’re working in a spa. If your client comes in and trips over a rug, a cord, or their own feet, you could be liable. Not just for the injuries but, if they need a visit to the hospital, you could be looking at a hefty bill. That’s why general liability is a musthave for all estheticians, no matter where you work.

Professional Liability Insurance – The Ultimate Protector

Workers’ Comp Insurance – Protection for You + Employees Even if you have only one employee, you’ll need workers’ comp insurance. This insurance will protect you from the high costs of hospital bills if your employee gets hurt. The opportunity for accidents is all around us, and the better we prepare, the better we can manage our business and our profits.

We’re not saying that there are not also important, though we’d like to point out the fact that you can live without these when starting out. Still, once you start getting more clients and building up your brand, you may want to add these to your list of coverage.

They can file a formal suit on the grounds of:

Equipment Insurance – Protect your Stuff

• Negligence • Mishandling of data • Expectation vs. reality

Think of all the tools in your salon. Don’t forget about all the furniture, the décor, and even the steam room that everyone loves to use. All of these things are exposed to accidents every single day, which is why you should look to protect them. This policy will cover issues that happen to any of your tools and any accidents or thefts that may occur.



This insurance only applies to those that have their own spot. This insurance will kick in if there is a break-in, flooding, a fire, or any other kind of incident that pops up and causes chaos. One of the best things about property insurance is that it protects both the building and everything in it, coming in clutch when you need it the most.

Cyber Insurance – A New-Age Insurance

Additional Insurance

Even if you’re the best esthetician in town, you can still have unsatisfied clients. Most unhappy customers will just take it day by day and possibly never come to see you again. However, other clients will take it a few steps further.

Even if you know there is no evidence, you could wind up spending an arm and a leg trying to prove your case without insurance. When you work directly with clients’ bodies, you should have professional liability, just in case.


Property Insurance – Protect your Property

Cyber insurance is one of those things that businesses need to add to their list. As things become more digitized, customer information is stored, putting it at risk of a cyberattack. You may think you’re not a target but, that’s not true, as cybercriminals will go after whoever they can. Cyber insurance works to keep you protected in case there is a data leak. If a client’s information is put at risk or compromised, you could be liable to pay for damages, both financial and emotional.

Protect Yourself You do a lot for your clients, so now it’s time to do something for yourself. Keep yourself protected so you can provide the best services without any of the worries.


POLYGLUTAMIC ACID (PGA) Eye Cream & Exfoliating Toner



Connect with us!


Esthetician Spotlight With Nasha Pisano, Founder of Moona Luna Skincare Studio 30



Where are you located? I am located in Miami Beach, inside Sola Studios.

Can you give a little information about your background as a solo esthetician? I have been an esthetician for 16 years and have had the opportunity to work for many amazing companies. Recently I decided to branch out on my own to create my own protocols with more of an all-around healing experience, where the guest feels relaxed and rejuvenated.

What inspired you to become an esthetician? My own skin journey inspired me. I battled with cystic acne since I was a young teen until adulthood. I endured a lot of painful procedures as well as strong medication that did not help. So finally I decided to take matters into my own hands and learned that it is more about using the right products as well as making some internal adjustments.

What inspired you to open your own studio?

What is your signature treatment?

I wanted to offer my clients a more customized experience and take my time with each one. Also, love the fact that I can have a better life balance and get to dress how I want and express my own creativity.

The most popular is the micro-needling service named, New Skin New Me. Also, the Forever Young Facial that has lifting massage and microcurrent is a favorite of mine.

What sets apart Moona Luna from other skin studios?

What brands do you use and why?

What skincare philosophy do you stand by?

I use a variety of brands. I am always on the hunt since there are so many upand-coming amazing clean lines, but currently, I am using Orgaid because I love that their ingredients are simple, clean and organic. I also use Formula Flawless because it is created by an amazing yogi chemist in Miami, and she sources the best oils and ingredients in the world. She also believes in giving each product good energy as it is being made.

Definitely, less is more. A good skincare routine is important but if you have an easy short routine you are more likely to be consistent and consistency is key.

What is your specialty? What is your favorite skin type to treat?

Genuine care for the person and their skin goals. I am constantly doing research for the best natural products to offer, that will make a difference in their skin without causing internal harm with toxic chemicals. I want my clients to feel like I am their friend, and establish long-term relationships with them.

I would say my specialty is acne. It is also my favorite skin type because I know firsthand what they are going through and I am confident that my home-care recommendations will help them clear up their skin.

What are your favorite tools to use in the treatment room and why? My favorite tools are the Gua Sha for lymphatic draining, Pure Lift micro-current for lifting and Zero Gravity Red LED Light device for stimulating collagen production.

Any tips for estheticians wanting to open up their own studio? Yes! Make sure you stay true to yourself and do not compare yourself to how anyone else is doing it. No one can be you and your special touch is what makes you special.




Business Perfect Partnerships

Perfect Partnerships With Tiffanie Orr, Licensed Esthetician and Owner of Sweet Cheeks Waxing and Skincare Spas, and consumers but more importantly they are also committed to protecting the future of our planet through green practices around the world. They are partnered with Forests for the Future and plant a tree for every single product sold (currently over 19 million trees planted worldwide) and the Éminence Kids Foundation which provides seriously ill children with organic foods and juices to help aid in their recovery. Initiatives like these are what sets Éminence apart from other skincare brands.

What do you love most about Eminence Organics and their products? I love Éminence Organics because their products are next-level AMAZING that bring sustainable results. They source high-quality ingredients from around the world and cold press their products in small batches that are never heated or hydrogenated which affects product potency. Their products actually contain real vitamins, seeds, and pulp with zero harsh chemicals that offer dramatic results that are good for your skin, body, and environment.

Did you try different product lines before choosing Eminence? I partnered with Éminence Organic Skincare in early 2017 but had actually been in business since 2012. For the first 5 years practicing skincare I tried a variety of different brands, mainly Image Skincare. While Image was a fine skincare line, it didn't 100% align with my mission as an Esthetician which 32



has always been to offer products with a clean ingredient list that offer true, long-term results without compromise to our skin or environment. Once I discovered Éminence, I knew in my heart it was everything I had been searching for not only for my business & my clients but for myself as well.

What are all of your clients saying about Eminence? I'm blessed to say I have a huge community of loyal customers and clients who are obsessed with Éminence and their skincare products. Alexis K. says it best, "I got my order today and I am literally obsessed! I have combo skin and nothing has kept my T-zone from drying out. The Cleansing Oil is life! No more dry T-zone and my skin feels buttery soft."

What sets Eminence apart from other brands? Éminence Organics has made it their mission to not only offer results-oriented skincare products to Estheticians,

What type of support do you receive from Eminence? I wouldn't be where I am today without the support I receive from Éminece. My business exploded when I partnered with the company 5 years ago. I have a Regional Manager (Jessica Peterson) who visits Sweet Cheeks every 3 months to train our team on new product launches, product knowledge, ingredient lists, mixology, and handson facial techniques. Éminence also offers a really cool Loyalty Program that includes event support, free shipping incentives, staff contest kits & prizes, discounts on professional-sized back bar products, and credits for sample skincare products and promotional material. Éminence encourages consumers to buy products from an approved Spa Partner (like myself) first and foremost. They know their partners are the backbone of their company and they want to see us succeed. That alone is priceless in my book and I'm super grateful for their support.

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Business Industry Talk

INDUSTRY TALK Feel-Good Beauty Tool Soothes Dry Skin What are your tips on soothing dry skin? The first step in choosing the best way to soothe dry skin is figuring out the cause of dryness or dehydration. • For example, wind, chilly air, and low humidity pull moisture away from the skin surface and weaken the protective barrier, so apply moisturizers more frequently and use a humidifier at home. • A lack of exfoliation causes a build-up of dead skin cells that prevents the skin from absorbing moisture, so use ultrasonic exfoliation tools or a mild hydroxy acids (such as mandelic) two to three times a week.

Janel Luu 34



Business Industry Talk

• Hot baths, showers, or long soaks in jacuzzi tubs can break down lipid barriers in skin and lead to moisture loss, so take warm showers, limit the amount of time in water, and apply moisturizer immediately after drying off. • Prescription meds, low humidity, or indoor heating may break down skin’s natural lipids, so use skin care products that include humectants and occlusives to maintain the moisture/lipid balance of the stratum corneum.

How can we advise our clients to keep the skin hydrated during colder months? Most clients can add simple steps to their regimen to keep skin hydrated during colder months and prevent dryness and dehydration. • Help them make sure that they are using exfoliants properly, so they do not strip skin of its natural lipids. • Recommend the appropriate moisturizer for their skin type and age to help maintain the water/lipid balance of the skin's natural protective barrier. • Encourage the use of hydrating skin care products and tools that help transform dryness and dehydration into a dewy, healthy-looking glow.

corneum even more effectively for deep hydration. • Glycerin and urea are other popular hydrating agents that are part of the natural moisturizing factor (NMF) in skin. Applied after exfoliation, they are well-absorbed and continue to provide hydrating benefits even after the product has been washed off. • Sodium PCA and ceramides are also powerful components of skin's NMF, with strong moisture-binding properties. These popular humectants also create a barrier that reduces the loss of moisture, preventing skin cells from drying out. • Honey also pulls moisture from the air and retains it. Honey contains vitamins and minerals such as calcium, copper, magnesium, niacin, pantothenic acid, and thiamin, which help provide nourishment and replenishment to hydrate and balance dry, dehydrated skin. • Sacha Inchi seed oil and butter are exotic yet highly effective occlusives, containing up to 85% omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids that deeply moisturize, repair, and maintain the barrier function.

• Cupuaçu seed butter contains vitamins A, B, and C as well as mineral nutrients (calcium and selenium) that improve moisture retention and promote barrier repair. • Abyssinian oil, evening primrose oil, moringa oil, baobab oil, baobab butter, and shea butter are also moisture-sealers. • Algae extract can function as a type of “moisture cushion” for dry, stressed skin.

Can you tell us a bit about O2 Infuser and what it does? Le Mieux O2 Infuser fills in lines, volumizes, instantly replenishes moisture, creates a dewy, “glass skin” glow, and immediately calms irritated skin. This 3-piece system is ideal for not only the face, but for the entire body, too. How does it do all that? O2 Infuser takes up oxygen from the air and then oxygenates and micronizes ingredients that are in water-based skin care. The oxygenated particles are dispensed in a hydrating mist and delivered directly into skin. It’s an easy-to-use tool that fast-tracks active ingredients to targeted areas, so instead of just sitting on the surface, they are deeply absorbed.

What are the best ingredients for hydration and moisture? • Hyaluronic acid is one of the best ingredients for hydration and moisture. Hyaluronic acid is known for absorbing moisture, expanding it up to 1,000 times, and allowing skin to retain that moisture. Hyaluronic acid at a high molecular weight (such as 800-1,000 kDa) provides extensive moisturization and elasticity. Studies have also shown that hyaluronic acid at a low molecular weight (50 kDa) penetrates the stratum




Business Industry Talk

What products are used with O2 Infuser? O2 Infuser has an activator and a serum specifically formulated for it: Oh My Glow Activator and Oh My Glow Serum. • Both Oh My Glow Activator and Oh My Glow Serum feature Hya10+ Complex, a revolutionary proprietary blend of over 10 forms of moistureboosting, volumizing hyaluronic acid at low, medium, and high molecular weights. Both also contain real diamond powder to help create a satiny-smooth texture and luminous “glass skin glow.” • Oh My Glow Activator also contains kombucha to shield skin from environmental stress, tranexamic acid to target hyperpigmentation, and manganese to energize skin cells. • Oh My Glow Serum features ectoin, the “anti-stress molecule,” to help inhibit inflammation, acetyl hexapeptide-8 to fade away fine lines and wrinkles, and palmitoyl tripeptide-5 to encourage collagen synthesis for volumized-looking skin.

Can you use other serums besides Oh My Glow Activator and Oh My Glow Serum? Yes, but the products used with O2 Infuser must be water-based only. Products with gums or fillers might clog up the nozzle tip.

How can O2 Infuser be incorporated into existing treatments? O2 Infuser treatment can be incorporated into other facial treatments to help skin recover from dryness, dehydration, dullness, and fine lines and wrinkles. One popular treatment is Le Mieux Oxygen Detox Gua Sha Sculpting Facial, which uses O2 Infuser and Meridian gua sha techniques to detox stressed skin, re-sculpt facial contours, press away wrinkles, create 36



a “glass skin” glow… and also help clients de-stress during these challenging times

Who is O2 Infuser ideal for? Since skin changes according to the season, environment and lifestyle, any skin type is suitable for an O2 Infuser treatment when the ratio of serum and activator is customized. For example, after the mini-flask on O2 Infuser is filled halfway with Oh My Glow Activator, you would add a certain amount of Oh My Glow Serum, according to skin condition. • For oily skin: 2-4 drops serum • For dry skin: 1-2 pipettes serum • For very dry, mature skin: 3 pipettes serum Also, O2 Infuser can be used for cooling and refreshing any skin type, at any time during the day, not just during treatments.

Can O2 Infuser be used on the body as well? Yes, O2 Infuser cools, refreshes, and rejuvenates face AND body, while helping ward off the visible effects of environmental stressors. This oxygenating, hydrating, anti-aging tool is also ideal for incorporating into body treatments, especially moisturizing treatments that also include dry brushing, hydrating skincare products, and full body massage.

normal, combination, or sensitive skin to lift off dirt and makeup. A creambased cleanser can be used for oily or sensitive skin. Second, a gel-based cleanser leaves skin clear and hydrated, without stripping away natural oils essential to maintain a healthy skin barrier. • Using a hyaluronic acid serum or a botanical-oil-based lipid serum such as Derma Relief Serum can also create glowing, healthy-looking skin. • When putting on makeup, clients can mix their foundation or BB cream with a hyaluronic acid serum or a botanical-oil-based lipid serum such as Derma Relief Serum for smooth, even application and a dewy glow that lasts throughout the day. • And of course, clients can use the O2 Infuser before or even after applying makeup to maintain a fresh, dewy glow throughout the day.

What is the cost of O2 Infuser and its pairing products? • O2 Infuser: $135.00 retail / $67.50 ws • Oh My Glow Activator - 16 oz: $35.00 retail / $17.50 ws • Oh My Glow Serum - 1 oz: $110.00 / $55.00 ws

What are other ways we can teach our clients to achieve the “glass skin” glow? “Glass skin” originated from K-Beauty, where plumped, luminous skin has a glass-like quality, described as "mulkwang-pi-bu," or "watery glow." • In a K-Beauty regimen, this glass skin glow is achieved by starting with double cleansing. First, an oil-based or micellar water-based cleanser is used for dry,





BEAUTY BULLETIN BOARD SEASONAL SKIN SUCCESS CLASS The Skin Script Learning Center is a free and easily accessible online curriculum. Explore different courses including Skin Script 101, covering ingredient knowledge and vocabulary, complete with tips and tricks on product use. Other courses include the Seasonal Skin Success Class so that you can create seasonal services that your clients rave about, and learn proper application techniques of custom-masking for skin conditions! education.skinscriptrx.com

FACIAL GUA SHA TRAINING FOR PROFESSIONALS AT STUDIO BRITTA Are you an esthetician looking to enhance your facial treatments? Or a massage therapist or acupuncturist wanting to bring more attention to the face and beauty? Gua Sha is more than just a trend, this ancient Chinese healing technique does wonders for the skin and facial muscles. This course includes five modules detailing the studio’s signature gua sha sequences, monthly lice Q & A calls, two business bonuses for marketing services on social media and how to price them, plus so much more. studiobritta.com

ONCOLOGY TRAINING INTERNATIONAL SPA INDUSTRY COURSES Do you have an interest in helping cancer fighters and survivors? OTI has been revolutionizing the spa and salon industry since 2007 by humanizing the way spa professionals provide cancer care. Learn the foundation of oncology esthetics, and explore free courses on sugar and wax, and whether this modality is right for you. Training’s are offered in a number of variations: in-class; blended (online and in-class); and online. oti-oncologytraining.com

FACIAL REJUVENATION & AURICULAR ACUPRESSURE EAR SEED TREATMENTS Learn all about facial rejuvenation, including natural skin care, stone tools, dermarollers, supplements, and food! Discover auricular protocols for wrinkles, age spots, bags, puffiness, and overall complexion. Plus, learn how to combine facial rejuvenation with ear seeds! Ear seeds have an array of benefits and can help heal your clients from a variety of health issues like depression, anxiety, and migraines. The EarSeed Academy is the perfect place to delve into this new scope of healing! earseedsacademy.com 38



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See what @estheticianedit has been up to this month!

Are you following us on Esthetician Edit’s Instagram!? On social is where we feature estheticians like you and highlight what stands out about your business. No esthetician is ever the same, each sharing unique talents, skills, and branding that attracts the right clients for them. That is why we love our Esthetician Spotlights, to inspire • Check out our full list of Conferences, Workshops, and Exhibitor Showcases on our ICES Dallas 2022 website.

• Are you ready for this year’s shows? Follow us on Instagram to stay up-todate on our Dallas and Philly travels!

you to be your authentic self when marketing your beauty business. We are so excited for ICES Dallas 2022 and are counting down the days. Are you a spa or studio located in Dallas? We are planning out our trip to visit the best spas and studios for facials, lashes, brows, and more! DM us on @ EstheticianEdit for a chance to be featured! And for the etsys traveling to the show, this year we have an exciting list of Conference Speakers

• We loved visiting Moona Luna Skincare in Miami, FL. This solo esty is loving all of the Orgaid Products she purchased at the Miami show.

Follow 40


• Say hello to Vanessa Da Silva! She will be at ICES Dallas 2022 teaching you all about Microneedling and Stem Cells, and highly advanced combination treatments.



and Workshops. There will be a lot of variety at the show as far as education and products! We can’t wait for you to expand your horizons and explore something new.

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Spa Marketing Guide

Email Marketing for Estheticians How to create engaging newsletters that increase sales by Meghan O’Brien

Can you imagine having a way to connect with current and potential clients that’s fully yours—free from the pressures of app trends, saturated feeds, and algorithms? Well, guess what you already do! It’s your email list. Many of the estheticians I speak to already have an email list, but they’re either underutilizing it or not using it at all! Don’t worry if you fall into the latter category, it’s more common than you think. It’s worth it to put more of a focus on your email marketing. Having a strong email community helps you:




• Increase sales. • Establish authority in your industry. •Strengthen your relationship with your potential and current customers/clients. A common misconception about email marketing and one that keeps many Esti's from sending out regular emails is thinking you need to create brand new content for emails. This is truly NOT the case. When you share a post to your Instagram feed that does particularly well, take that same post, refurbish the caption, and share it with your email community. Factoring in social media algorithms and how often your clients are on their phones, repurposing social posts increases the likelihood that your content is seen. I always tell my clients that the best frequency of emails is the amount that you can maintain consistently. If that is once a week, that’s great! But there is nothing wrong with sending one email bi-weekly, monthly, or even quarterly. Aim for a maintainable schedule! Now that we’ve established the importance of consistently showing up in email inboxes, let’s talk about what to include in the email. Formatting concerns are often a major reason behind a lack of marketing emails. But we can break it down into five must-haves with every email:

An Email Goal There always needs to be an end goal when it comes to marketing. Why are you sending this email? Is it to sell a product, gain bookings, or educate? Any of these answers are acceptable. Remember without a why your reader may feel a lack of meaning behind the email. Never send an email just to send one.

Branding in the Email

throughout your emails to stay consistent in your messaging.

A Strong Subject Line Just like the first line of your Instagram caption, your subject line has to stand out enough to stop the scroll and incite a click. You have on average six to nine words that will be visible in a mobile subject line preview. Short and punchy attention-grabbing phrases are key. Examples include, “You NEED this serum if your skin is dry” or “This mask made me cry, it works so well”. Try to connect to your client's pain points with your subject line.

Healthy Image to Text Ratio Once opened, you want your email read without a quick click back to the inbox. What scares off a reader? A wall of text! Don’t hesitate to break up your email into easily digestible paragraphs. Cut out the fluff and get more visual. Too many images alone can get your email flagged as spam, make sure you include both!

purchase a product, or even a button to follow you on Instagram! Include a CTA in your email. Your educational email about the importance of hydrating your skin might have been the final push a reader needed to book that hydrating facial with you. With these five elements completed, you’re on your way to an email that converts! At the end of the day, email marketing is here to stay. It’s one of the main message platforms that will not be swayed by shifting trends and user behaviors. Remember every esti starts from 0 when it comes to growing a strong email community. The hardest part is making that first email. But once you do, you’ll be well on your way to establishing a strong email community!

Meghan O’Brien has over 7 years of marketing experience, helping estheticians to grow their online communities through social media. She strives to help estheticians to harness the power of Instagram marketing in establishing a strong online presence that will attract not only followers but

Much like your social media profiles your email should be a continuation of your brand. Include your brand colors, logo, font choice, (if possible) brandconsistent photos, and writing style

A Main Call-to-Action or CTA

clients and product sales. Through her skincare content membership, Instagram strategy

We never want the email to be the final destination. Whether it’s a button to book one of your services, a link to

sessions, and digital products she has helped over 3,000 estheticians with their social media presence. https://www.meghanobrien.net/




Spa Marketing Guide

The High Impact of Quick Video A video marketing guide for beauty professionals by Faith Rodriguez

There are many ways to promote your business online, but there has been an increasingly large spotlight on video marketing on social media platforms. From live video to long-form video, there are many avenues to showcase your business. The most recent video marketing trend that has taken precedence in the marketing world is quick video. Quick video has the potential to expand your audience reach and generate loyal customers, but mastering it can prove to be a daunting task. With some practice and a few key tips, creating and executing a quick video plan will be an effective new strategy for your business.






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Spa Marketing Guide

Share Content on Your Current Platforms When diving into the world of video marketing, it can be easy to get overwhelmed with the number of platforms that have shifted their target to video content. The pressure to secure new accounts on all social media platforms is high, and keeping up with the content expectations of each platform is enough to make anyone wave a white flag. The key to video marketing in the beauty space is not to show up everywhere, but to capitalize on your current social media platforms before moving to the next one. Video marketing is the new frontier for audience engagement and marketing trends, and it’s not going anywhere - so prioritize showing up for your current audience before focusing on a new platform. As you master quick video on one platform, then you can add the next.

Become a Storyteller The best rule of thumb in video marketing is to be a storyteller, not a salesperson. Instead of focusing on video content that lists your service's basic features and benefits, create a deeper narrative that illustrates why your potential client needs your service. Video marketing should make the customer feel like the hero of the story. The services you offer act only as a guide to get the hero, your customer, from their main conflict to the happy ending. Human nature thrives in emotional connection and problem-solving, which makes video marketing the perfect place to build a connection that turns your audience members into loyal clients by connecting to their needs, their problems, and guiding them to the best solution. Video marketing, when done well, tells a story that creates a lasting impression on your audience and will build on your brand's core identity.

Educate, Entertain, and Engage For beauty businesses, following the three E’s of video content will save you 48



hours of prep time and many content brainstorming headaches. By following the educate, entertain, and engage formula, you can plan and film content for weeks or months ahead of time. By ‘batch filming’ these types of content, you will start to fill your social media with high-value content and start to form the habit of your audience tuning in to your videos consistently. Education is an incredibly valuable skill that all beauty professionals have up their sleeves - sit in front of the camera and pretend you have a client sitting in your chair with a specific problem, now talk to the camera in the same way that you would educate the client about their problem and how you would suggest solving it. Education

Video marketing is the new frontier for audience engagement and marketing trends, and it’s not

Engaging content will always be the king of video marketing, but you can only create engaging content by knowing who your audience is on the other side of the screen. Tap into native insights on your current social media platforms to see the demographics of people who interact with your content. Engaging video marketing starts with a good hook, or something interesting that happens within the first few seconds of the video, and includes content that is hyper-relevant to the audience with eye-catching visuals that keep them curious about what is next during the entire video. Engaging video marketing may take a bit longer to master than the other two types of quick video content, but can often explode your reach and expand on your audience. When done consistently and effectively, video marketing on social media can provide great gains to a small business. Video is currently one of the biggest trends in marketing due to the massive return on investments many business owners have seen by using it. By understanding how it works, who to target, and what to post about, you are harnessing a new area of marketing that delivers relevant content to your ideal audience.

going anywhere videos are also a great time to discuss specific products or services that you love to showcase to your current clients. Entertainment videos are exactly that, just for entertainment purposes. The best way to create these videos is to start by researching what type entertaining of video content is trending and replicate it with your own unique twist. Entertainment videos tend to follow a mass trend, whether it be a video sound, dance, or topic. It is important to note that video trends pop up as quickly as they disappear, so create and post entertainment trends as soon as possible so you can be included in the hype before it is too late.

Faith Elizabeth Rodriguez is a spa marketing strategist, beauty brand and website designer, and licensed esthetician with five years of advanced skincare experience. After using her esthetician license to obtain a Masters of Science in Digital Marketing & Analytics from St. Edwards University in Austin, TX, she started offering business services and products specifically designed for beauty professionals. Faith, now the founder of Faith Elizabeth Marketing, upholds the mission to help fellow estheticians build authority, boost bookings, and grow their brand by also providing free resources across multiple online platforms.

Refresh and Rejuvenate with these All-S 3

1 2







1. Environ • Pre-Cleansing Oil • environskincare.com 2. Dermaware • Saving Face Cleanser • dermaware.com 3. Bion Skincare Products • Bacteriostat Cleanser • bionresearch.com 4. Clayton Shagal • Purifying Gel Cleanser • claytonshagal.com 5. Viking Beauty Secrets • Exfoliating Face Scrub • vikingbeauty.com 6. Ráya • Mint Soufflé Whipped Cleanser • rayalab.com 7. Karin Herzog • Face cleansing Oil • karinherzog.us 8. Sesderma • Unify Face Cleanser • sesderma.com 9. Hale Cosmeceuticals • Natural AZA creamy cleanser • halecosmeceuticals.com

Star Cleansers! 10









10. Orgaid • Gentle Cleanser • orgaid.com 11. Skin Script • Glycolic Cleanser • skinscriptrx.com 12. Viktoria Deann • Balancing Cleanser • viktoriadeann.com 13. Circadia • Micro -Exfoliating Honey Cleanser • circadia.com 14. Bio France Lab • Bright Plus Facial Cleanser • biofrancelab.com 15. Valentia • Cleansing Milk • valentia.com 16. Société Clinical Skincare • Micro Foaming Polish • societeskincare.com 17. Herbal Skin Solutions • Cream Cleanser • herbalskinsolutions.com 18. Yulin Jade • Renew Age Defy Advanced Refining Cleanser • yulinjade.com LNEonline.com




3 2

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1. Coco Fiji • Coconut Lime Face & Body Soap • organicfiji.com 2. Tizo • Foaming Cleanser • tizoskin.com 3. Hubis Lab • Purifying Cleansing Gel • hubislab.com 4. Inspira: Cosmetics • Tri Phase Cleanser • inspira-cosmetics.com 5. PURERB • Caviar Lime Cleansing Foam • purerbbeauty.com 6. Eminence Organic Skin Care • Monoi Age Corrective Exfoliating Cleanser • eminenceorganics.com 7. CARA • Hydra Facial Wash • caracosmetics.com 8. Theregensis • Essential Probiotic Cleanser • theragenesisskincare.com 9. Free + True • AM Creamy Gel Cleanser • freeandtrueskincare.com 52




2 3




7 8

1. Confidence by Nerida Joy • Facial Cleanser • educateyourskin.com 2. G.M. COLLIN • Sensiderm Cleansing Oil • gmcollin.com 3. Bella Schneider Beauty • Gentle Cleansing Mousse • bellaschneiderbeauty.com 4. Le Mieux • Brightening Cleanser • lemieuxskincare.com 5. Ecologica • Soapless Cleanser • ecologica.com 6. Caviar of Switzerland • Micellar Water All-in-one Cleanser • caviarofswitzerland.com 7. Nature Pure • Sulfur Botanical Soap Wash • naturepure.com 8. Saian • Active Cleanser • saian.net

BLUE AQUA FACIAL Normal and oily/acneic skin with pigmentation



organic & wellness Immune-Boosting Therapies

Immune-Boosting Therapies Keep your clients healthy year-round with these spa services by Dawn Fields

These days, more people are focusing on their mental and physical health. A big part of that is boosting immunity, making sure the body is in good shape inside and out to ward off illness and pain. A spa is a perfect place to find immune-boosting therapies, combining them with some of your start ser-




organic & wellness Immune-Boosting Therapies

vices to provide health, wellness, and natural beauty. If you’re considering adding them to your list of services, here are some of the most sought-after immune-boosting therapies that clients are raving over.

boosting therapies, covering your clients’ bodies in salts that keep harmful bacteria and viruses at bay. This treatment comes with more than one benefit, also scrubbing off dead skin and leaving smooth, silky, skin with a healthy glow.


Herb and Oil Steam

People are taking better care of themselves, watching what they eat, exercising, and focusing on their mental health. Along with at-home practices, they are turning to spas for specialized services that boost their immunity and make them glow from head to toe. To add some trending services to your list, here are some of 2022’s most requested treatments.

Steams are great for the respiratory system, helping it open up and relieving congestion. Add in some natural herbs and oils, and you’ve got an immune therapy that’s relaxing and powerful. Allow your clients to bathe in a warm room filled with steam scented with their favorite essential oils or set up their sauna with oils they love. They’ll feel energized, healthy, and breathe easier with one of your famous steams.


Lymphatic Drainage Massage A massage is a great service that relaxes tight, tense muscles. It works wonders for stress but also has other health benefits, some of which boost immunity. A specialized massage like lymphatic draining is a great immune booster, helping to drain fluids and toxins from the lymph nodes. This type of massage can leave your clients feeling rested and help them improve their mental health and immunity all in one go.

When it comes to keeping healthy, routine is key. Your clients likely get a good amount of sleep, keep track of the foods they eat, and exercise regularly. Encourage them to also add spa treatments to their list, penciling in some immune-boosting therapies at least once a month. To add incentive and make your services more available, here are some ways that you can promote your immune-boosting abilities.



Reflexology focuses on pressure points throughout the body. When pressed or massaged, these points can relax nerves and muscles and melt away stress. Immune boosting reflexology massages not only apply pressure to certain points but also stretch out the body so that it can relax and rest, able to better fight off whatever comes its way.

Promotions are a great way to get clients on board with services. Offer a free service when they purchase a package, a free treatment after their 4th visit, or even a gift of their favorite products.

Salt Scrubs Salt is an ancient remedy used to fight disease. In a spa setting, salt has a lot of potential, able to sluff off dead skin and boost the body’s defense system. Add a salt scrub to your list of immune-

Packages A spa should be a place to leave feeling healthy and beautiful. Offer your clients the opportunity to leave feeling like a goddess each time with access to immunity and beauty all in one. Add in a nail service with a draining massage or a facial after relaxing steam. Combine them all together for an ultimate spa day that will leave them healthy and feeling fantastic.

To restore its natural protective abilities, you should help your body out by taking probiotics.

A Regime Your clients trust you for several reasons, one of which is your ability to make them feel relaxed. Providing them with a recommended regime both at home and in the spa is a great way to encourage scheduled visits and let them know about other services you offer. Have a consultation with all new and existing clients, finding out their goals in coming to see you. Then, use that to provide your best services to achieve their goals, giving them what they want and need.

Boost Immunity, Boost Clients Help your clients feel better and live healthier by offering immune-boosting therapies along with your spa services. You’ll boost their immunity and have clients lined up to see you, making your spa a part of their new healthy routine.




organic & wellness Au Naturelle Oral Care

Au Naturelle Oral Care The link between acne and oral health and restoring your mouth’s microbiome through holistic care by Dawn Fields Although acne is caused by a number of factors, the most overlooked cause is poor oral hygiene. This is because such infections in the gums and teeth increase the quantity of propionibacterium, the bacteria most often found in pimples. Research suggests that if your acne is clustered around your chin, lips, or cheeks, this may be a sign that poor oral hygiene is the cause. Fortunately, you can limit this bacteria with a good oral care routine. Much like the skin, it is important that your mouth’s microbiome is a balancing act of good and bad bacteria. Many oral care products are shrouded with chemicals that kill all bacteria, which leaves many running for a more natural approach. Below, we’ll share some natural care that will change your mouth game and ensure that you won’t disturb any of your microbial communities while doing so.




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organic & wellness Au Naturelle Oral Care

Lifestyles Changes to Start Now Your body is home to tons of microorganisms that work together to keep things running smooth. Inside your mouth is a complex mixture of microbes that help break down food and wake up your digestive system. To keep all of these things running smoothly without using harmful products, here are some lifestyle changes to start now.

Steams are great for the respiratory system, helping it open up and relieving congestion

Quit Synthetic Oral Care First on the list of musts is to quit your synthetic oral care routine, ditching toothpaste, whiteners, and rinses. Our bodies are amazingly intelligent, protecting us from many things that could ail us. Synthetic oral products wash away many of the mouth’s protectors, leaving it more prone to harm in the long run. While it might be different than what you’ve heard most of your life, it can save your mouth and get it back and healthier than ever before.

Restore Your Mouth’s Microbiome Harsh chemicals found in many kinds of toothpaste and rinses can wreak havoc on your mouth’s microbiome. To restore its natural protective abilities, you should help your body out by taking probiotics. Probiotics are great for more than just the mouth, also working to kickstart digestion and more. You can find many probiotics over the counter or do so by changing up your diet and adding more probiotic foods.

Let Your Body Heal Besides protecting you from harmful microorganisms, your body is also very good at healing. If you notice that your gums bleed when going through your normal oral routine, you need to let your mouth heal. To do so naturally, simply let it run its course, as saliva is one of the best natural wound healers in the world.




DIY Holistic Goodies for your Mouth Taking steps to make small changes will work wonders for your mouth and teeth, though that’s not all you should do. You still need to keep your breath fresh and your teeth free from buildup that can cause cavities and plaque. To do so, try out these holistic goodies that you can make right at home.

All-Natural Mouthwash This mouthwash is not only natural but will leave your mouth feeling tingly and minty. To make it, all you’ll need is an 8oz. cup of water, a pinch of salt, and a drop of peppermint oil. Sip it and swish it around letting it work its magic, spitting it out after a minute or so, and feeling instantly refreshed.

Alternative Toothpaste Toothpaste is an essential part of any oral care routine, freshening breath and removing debris from in between teeth. To whip up a holistic version, here’s what you’ll need: • Coconut oil • Baking soda • Peppermint oil • Spearmint oil To make your paste, simply grab a pot and boil some water. Then, add 30ml of

coconut oil to a sealable jar and place it over the heated water, allowing it to liquify. Once in liquid form, add the baking soda, 20 drops of peppermint, and 10 drops of spearmint, stirring it until it’s all mixed. Place the lid on top and place it into the fridge until solid. To use it, grab your toothbrush, scoop up a bit, and start brushing, enjoying a tingly clean that will keep your teeth sparkling.

Oil Swishing Oil swishing is a great replacement for your synthetic oral care routine, washing away enamel and other debris from teeth. To make your oil swish, take a teaspoon of olive oil and one drop of peppermint oil and start swishing. You’ll want to do this for up to 15 minutes, so use the time to shower, get ready, or meditate, spitting it out when your preferred time is up.

Enjoy The Clean Without the Harm Today’s most popular oral care products are mostly synthetic. Instead of using them on your teeth and disturbing your mouth’s natural microbial community, try out an all-natural routine that will leave your breath fresh and your teeth sparkling clean.

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image The Time-Saver Treatment

The Time-Saver Treatment Combining Lash Lifts and Brow Lamination by Jennifer Blank




image The Time-Saver Treatment

Are you ready to change your lash and brow game? If you’re already doing lash lifts and/or brow laminations, but with different products and as separate treatments, or if you’re offering lash lifting and thinking of adding brows to your treatments, then what you’re about to read will change your lash game forever! The new iLashHero 2-in-1 time-saver treatment is a combined lash lift and brow lamination- the two biggest ‘must have’ treatments turned into one. The treatment can be carried out with one single-use pack in just over an hour to maximize results in minimum time. It’s a win-win treatment as both you and your client can get maximum results in minimum time. With demand for treatments higher than ever and the added challenges of available time and space, this is a great way for you to increase your earning potential and recoup any losses in a shorter period. Lash lifting continues to dominate the beauty scene- it’s definitely a trend that’s here to stay. So, if you’re new to lash lifting, here’s how it works. Lash lifting is the process of restructuring the natural eyelashes to create the illusion of longer lashes, lifted from the root to enhance the length and to add volume, creating a mascara-like effect. It’s not one size fits all, you can customize the lash lift to your client depending on the level of curl they’re looking for. Brows have become a trend that has taken the world by storm! A brow lamination is a process of restructuring the natural brows to create the illusion of fullness and growth in a fast, noninvasive way. As an alternative for microblading, this treatment utilizes the natural brows to smooth it out while lifting the hair in a more vertical direction- providing a fuller, fluffier, and bolder look. How long do lash lift and brow lamination last? It will last as long as your client’s natural hair growth cycle, mak-

ing it a temporary lash lift of up to 6-8 weeks and a temporary lamination of up to 4-6 weeks. The beauty of both treatments is that they are really low maintenance so it’s goodbye to mascara and makeup, and hello to beautiful looking lashes and brows every day. So, what makes iLashHero products different from traditional lash lifting products? Our formulas are packed with natural ingredients to help moisturize and hydrate the lashes and brows during and after the treatment to give the wow effect lift that everyone wants. In

It’s not one size fits all, you can customize the lash lift to your client depending on the level of curl they’re looking for

ingredients such as hydrolyzed collagen, hydrolyzed oats, and mineral oils to help protect the natural health of the hairs. Our moisturizing formula contains seven different natural ingredients to help hydrate the hairs. It’s this combination of ingredients that will make the difference between a treatment and an amazing treatment. The blister pack features 5 single-use pearls, each containing the right amount of product needed to complete the 2-in-1 treatment. Our pharmaceutical-grade packaging allows for ease of use, fast clean-up, cross-contamination prevention, and reduces product waste. All the products you need to do a lash lift and a brow lamination, are easily accessible in just one pack. So now the question on everyone’s lips… Is it safe to use the same product for a lash lift and brow lamination? With the iLashHero system, yes, it is! Our lash and brow products have been specially formulated to be used both on the lashes and brows. But there are specific timings that must be followed for both parts of the treatment to maintain the health of the natural hairs, without compromising on the results. Are you ready to change your lash and brow game? Thought so.

our developed formulas, we wanted to make sure that the wow look and feel lasts as long as possible so that your client isn’t left feeling disappointed after a couple of weeks or even worse, thinking that their lashes feel worse than before treatment. The 2-in-1 treatment uses 3 key steps- lifting, fixing, moisturizing. Each of our formulas has been developed to maximize the results achieved at each step without compromising hair health. Compared to the more traditional products, our formula contains a lower concentration of water and a higher concentration of beneficial

Jennifer Blank began her work in the beauty industry as a trainer in 2018. She has trained hundreds of students in lash lifting treatments, who are now carrying out the skills they have learned all over the country. Jennifer is currently a manager and master trainer at iLashHero, a beauty supplier specializing in lash lifting, brow lamination, and tinting.

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