Thesis Literature Review Sample

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TheRel at i onshi pBet weenAt t ac hmentand Adol esc entDepr essi on Li t er at ur eRevi ew Depr essi oni sacondi t i ont hataf f ect smor et han25%ofadol escent s.I ti sa t ype ofdi sor derwhi ch di st ur bst hei rf ocusand mood,causi ng a l ossof pl easur eand i nt er esti n doi ng act i vi t i est hatt heyar esupposed t o enj oy , maki ngt hem qui t ei r r i t abl e.Di f f er entt hi ngsar et houghtasr el at edwi t ht he f eel i ngofdepr essi onamongadol escent s. Amongt hoseexampl esar eaf ai l ur e t oi dent i f yasani ndi vi dual ,i nsecur er el at i onshi psandat t achment s,negat i v e r epr esent at i ons,et c.( Mi l ke&Lawner ,2003;Ol sen,Nor t hen,Ar phel ,&Knor r , 2001) .I nt hi st hesi s,t he r ol et hatat t achmentpl ays among adol escent s exper i enci ngdepr essi onwi l lbei nv est i gat ed.I ti sbei nghypot hesi z edt hat adol escent swhoar eat t achedi nsecur el y ,ei t herav oi dantorambi v al ent ,has t het endencyt odi spl ayahi gherl ev el ofsympt omst hatar edepr essi onr el at ed, aswel lasbehavi or scompar edt oadol escent st hatar eat t achedsecur el y . I nar esear char t i cl epr esent edbySel t z er( 1998) ,t woquest i onssur f aced dur i ngt hest udy .Thesequest i onswer esel ect edt oser v easagui de.Fi r st , woul dt hosei nt heagegr oupof18t o21cor r espondi nqual i t yandf r equency t odi f f er entat t achmentpat t er nst hatar ebei ngr epor t edbyot herpr of essi onal r esear cher s? Second,woul d char act er i st i cs and per sonal i t i es ofsecur e adol escentat t achment sber el at edwi t hper sonal i t ychar act er i st i csofchi l d andi nf antst udi es?Thef ocusoft hei nv est i gat i onwasont hel at ef emal e adol escentpat t er ns,par t i cul ar l ymat er nal ,wi t ht heuseofasemi st r uct ur ed i nt er vi ew.I thasbeenhypot hesi z edt hatf emal eswhoar esecur el yat t ached wi l l of t enhav east r ongposi t i v ei dent i f i cat i on, especi al l yt owar dst hei rmot her , l owerscor esondepr essi onandhi gherr at i ngsofsel f est eem.

Thesampl eor i gi nal l yconsi st edof1001r andom st udent sofpsy chol ogyata col l ege.Howev er ,af t erper f or mi ngsomepr ocedur esi nscr eeni ng,aswel las t hei mpor t ancet ohav eequal number sacr ossal l cat egor i esofat t achment . As ar esul t , t henumberwasr educedt o28i nt hest udy . Ther esul t susedi nt hi sst udysuppor t edt hemai nhypot hesi st hatr el at i v e per cent ages ofat t achment si nv ol v ed,i ncl udi ng av oi dant ,ambi v al entand secur e,woul d cor r espond t ot he r epor t ed dat a by t he i nf ant st udi es ( St ephenson,2003) .The r esul t s al so showed t hatt her e was a r el at i v e di f f er encei nper sonal i t ychar act er i st i csi nbet weent heambi v al entandsecur e gr oups.Femal est hatar eambi v al ent l yat t achedwer emor edepr essed,and hav e been r epor t ed t o hav el ower r at es of sel f est eem compar ed t o adol escent swhoar esecur el yat t ached( Faul kner , 2002) . Ont heot herhand, t he av oi dantat t achmentgr oupwasal soi nt hemi ddl eofbot hambi v al entand secur egr oupsi nr el at i ont osel f est eem anddepr essi on, t hought heywer enot si gni f i cant l ydi f f er entf r om ei t heroft hegr oups.I thasal sobeenr epor t edt hat f emal eadol escent swhoar esecur el yat t achedhav ear el at i v el ymor eposi t i v e andmat er nal i dent i f i cat i oncompar edt ot hosewhoar eambi v al ent l yat t ached, andav oi dantf emal eadol escent swhoar ecat egor i z edi nt hemi ddl e( Sal azar , 2010) . Al loft hese r esul t s ar e combi ned t oget hert o gi v e conf i r mat i on t ot he hypot hesi st hatper sonal i t yandchar act er i st i cssuchasi nt er per sonalski l l s, posi t i v e af f ect ,and sel f est eem cor r el at es t o chi l d and i nf antper sonal i t y char act er i st i cs of t hose under secur e at t achment s( Si ngh,1999) .One l i mi t at i ont ot hi sst udy ,howev er ,i st hatt her esul t sar enotl ongi t udi nal .Thi s means t hati tr est s on t he cur r entsi t uat i on r at hert han att he st ar tof chi l dhood, f ol l owi ngt hel i v esoft hef emal esast heywer edev el opi ng.Anot her st udyl i mi t at i oni st hatt hesampl eonl yconsi st edofal lf emal epar t i ci pant s. Thesecor r el at i onsmaybesi gni f i cant l ydi f f er enti fboyswer ei nv ol v ed( Pet er s, 2007) .

Next ,t het opi con at t achmentr el at ed t o adol escentdepr essi on i sal so addr esseddependi ngonsoci al net wor ks. I nast udybyOwneretal . ( 2001) , t wo quest i onssur f aced. Fi r st , doadol escent ssuf f er i ngf r om depr essi onhav emor e l i mi t edori nsuf f i ci entsoci alnet wor k?Second, dot heyvi ew emot i onalst at us oft hei rf ami l yasnegat i v e?Thegoaloft hi sst udyi st of ur t heri nv est i gat eon t he soci alnet wor ks i nv ol vi ng depr essed adol escent s,wi t h and wi t hout conductdi sor der ,compar i ngt her esul t swi t hsoci alnet wor ksoft hecont r ol gr oup. Ther esul t sshowt hatanadol escentdeal i ngwi t hmaj ordepr essi ondoesnot si gni f i cant l ydi f f erf r om t hecont r ol s.Ther ear enodef i ci enci esi nat t achment , soci ali nt er act i onsaswel lasf ami l ycl i mat e.Thi sf i ndi ngi snotexpl ai ned easi l yot hert hant hei ndi vi dual swhoar el essaf f ect edbydepr essi v et hi nki ng. Al so,adol escent swhoar edeal i ngwi t hdyst hymi a,ordoubl edepr essi onf eel t hatt hei rmai ncar egi v eri sav ai l abl e,t houghi nadequat eatt i mes( Mat t hews, 2001) . Theser esul t sgi v econf i r mat i ont ot hehypot hesi st hatadol escent swho ar edepr essedusual l yhav eal i mi t ed, i nsuf f i ci entsoci al net wor k, andt hatt hey usual l y vi ew t he condi t i ons oft hei rf ami l y as negat i v e.Par ent s had no i nv ol v ementi nt hesest udi es.Anot herobvi ousl i mi t at i oni st hatt hecont r ol s wer esel ect edf r om t heent i r egr oupaf t erscr eeni ngashavi ngascor eunder moder at edepr essi on.Thecont r ol smayal so notbecompl et el yf r eef r om depr essi on. Ref er ences Faul ker , T .( 2002) .At t achmentt heor yi nt hef r amewor kofunder st andi ngsev er epsy chopat hol ogyi nadol escent s.Af ol l owupst udy .Jour nalof Cl i ni calPsy chol ogy , 34( 2) , 155, 163. Mat t hews, H. A.( 2001) .Depr essi onpr edi ct or samongf emal eadol escent s.Adol escenceToday , 38, 209234. Mi l ke, A. E. , &Lawner , Y . T .( 2003) .Sel f r epor t edst yl eofat t achment , depr essi onandanxi et ysympt omsamongy oungadol escent s.I ndi vi dual and Per sonal i t yDi f f er ences, 30( 2) , 809810. Ol sen, H. , Nor t her n, P . , Ar phel , H. A, &.Knor r , E. R.( 2001) .Adol escentdepr essi on:Fami l ycl i mat eandsoci alnet wor k–acont r olst udy .Jour nalof Psy chi at r yPsy chol ogyandAl l i edDi sci pl i nes, 40( 2) , 344356. Owner , H. , Pet er s, Q. , Pot t er , A. , Poppi ns, H. , &Gr anger , A.( 2001) .Pr i mar yat t achmentamongf emal eadol escent s:Connect i onwi t hsel f est eem, depr essi onandmat er nali dent i f i cat i on.Bi ol ogi calandI nt er per sonalPr ocessesi nPsy chi at r y , 52, 2122. Pet er s, Z.( 2007) .Depr essi onamongadol escent s–t hesel f cent er eddepr essi on.ThePsy chol ogyJour nal , 34( 3) 6769. Sal azar , T .( 2010) .Thecor r el at i onbet weendepr essi onandext er nalf act or samongadol escent s, Cl i ni calPsy chol ogy , 34, ( 2) , 4547. Sel t z er , O. P .( 1998) .Thei mpactofsel f est eem, accept anceanddepr essi onamongadol escent s.Psy chi at r y :Bi ol ogi calPr ocedur es, 34( 2) , 7879. Si ngh, Y . T .( 1999) .Pr edi ct or sofear l ydepr essi on.Adol escence, 56( 1) , 314324. St ephenson,W. E.( 2003) .Repor tonat t achmentqual i t y ,sel f r epor t edat t achmentst yl e,andsympt omsofdepr essi onandanxi et yony ounger adol escent si nt hemoder ngener at i on.I ndi vi dualandPer sonal i t yPsy chol ogyJour nal , 5( 2) , 677688.

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