Hardcore Grind Magazine (May 2023)

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13 Lights Camera Action


Maximizing Your Potential


The House That Glass Made


Opening Hearts and Mind Through Laughter


Giving Girls For For A Better Future


Hustle and Motivate


Editor’s Note Lissha Sadler Editor-in-Chief

Our featured cover article is with the Legendary Songwriter|Composer| Mega Producer Preston Glass. For authors wanting to get the most out of events then check out Lashaunda's Corner for tips. We also have some dynamic interviews with Dr. Kiana Dancie, Dr. Ni'cola Mitchell, Silk White, Marcenae Lynette, and D'Shaun Booker. Shout Out To All The Businesses That Provided Ads and A Big Shout Out To Justin Q Young For Doing The Cover!!! Thank you, for YOUR support


Lissha Sadler Editor-n-Chief intriguingmoves.pr@gmail.com www.hardcoregrindmagazine.com

MOTHER'S DAY Oh, my beautiful mother, my number one woman, the joy in my life, you've always held me tight in the time of need. You deserve more than just one day to express how blessed you've been; times that I wanted to drop everything and give up, you taught me things to help me win. Times I've cried and felt pain, I would come lay upon your chest as the same blood flows between our veins; being near you, everything felt ok. You've always explained to me things I couldn't quite understand, confused in many ways, keeping in thoughts day after day, having my guard up. You've helped me to obtain a balance. I appreciate you so much, knowing that God has been the greatest thing in our life. You inform me to keep him first, You're so much of an inspiration, waking up every morning to pray and meditate and never missing a Sunday for church. I apologize if I've ever failed you. The world has been a bad influence on my life, attempting to do things on my own, for I know that my decisions were wrong because you have raised me right. I know one day you will not be physically here, and my chest will be filled with heavy loads of sadness and loneliness, but I know that you'll still be near. If I could talk about all the things that you've done for me and for others, that would take hundreds of pages. You have been the best mother I've ever had, and I wouldn't let anyone change it. I love you, Mom, and I'm so blessed to say that we've made it.





ON THE BLACKSIDE 50 YEARS OF HOP-HOP Bas-1 Dopeskills is a Professor of Hip-Hop, Producer, DJ, Dancer, and Recording Artist hailing from Oakland, CA. The creator of cytoplasmz a rhyming and beat-producing collective. He has worked with such artists and groups as Hieroglyphics, Digital Underground, Del the Funkee Homosapien, Greman DJ Marius No1 aka Chief Rocker, Japanese Rapper Shingo2, Living Legends, DJ-Q-Bert, and Roc Raida to name a few. Bas-1 is a member of Stylelements Cru and Co-Host of HipHop Slam with Billy Jam. Currently, Bas is assisting and recording with Del Presents Manic Monday, as well as working on his 5th Electronic Album "Journey Through My House Of Proverted Electronics.

Wow, half a century has passed and we are still going strong! Hip-Hop was created on the South Side of Bronx. Now this is argued amongst New Yorkers from Brooklyn to Queens. I don’t know where you currently reside, but I can tell you this, all over America, everyone has a story of Hip-Hop relevant to the culture. I innocently began my journey into Hip-Hop by robotic dancing on the famed Pier 39 in San Francisco. Back then, arcades were being created, this was long before in-home consoles existed. So, let me break it down for you. Hip-Hop is the stepchild of Disco, Soul, R&B, and Rock-nRoll, but it did not begin from music alone... In the early days of Hip-Hop, it was about its art, dance, and DJ'ing aesthetics. As a practitioner, I can tell you firsthand Rap was the lowest on the totem pole. Most practitioners asserted their skills beyond just running their mouths. The early pioneers, such as Phase2, GrandMaster DST, and GrandMaster Melle Mel, to name a few, started dancing and DJ’n. GrandMasterCaz of the Cold Crush Brothers started as a DJ before becoming a Rap pioneer. Originality is the key to all forms of music, which remains true for Hip-Hop. At this time it was nowhere near the Trillion Dollar Phenomenon that it has grown to become. Society in the early days belittled the culture at every opportunity given. Society was not ready for the fact that untrained street kids incorporated different pieces of other dance disciplines and other aesthetics of art. HARDCORE GRIND MAGAZINE


The dance and its vocabulary would be ignored. I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention how Jean-Micheal Basquiat was a street aerosol artist. However, he was not a very good one; nonetheless, he attempted to be the best artist he could. If not for Basquiat, you surely would not have MADONNA, who dated Basquiat at this time. Our continued self-belief and determination forced the world to take notice of our being. We inspired people to find the light in themselves. Hip-Hop, yes, the talentless street trash of nothing as seen by society, told us it takes no talent to talk over jungle bunny drums or spin on one’s back or head. These were quoted statements by many because they felt we were messing up the art of music with that ziggy zag. Hmmm, funny to look back on Hip-Hop’s early life. At 50 years old, Hip-Hop is still making things happen while people are not looking. Its resilience and truth exist when one searches for it. Jabbawokees are now in existence. The Rock Steady Crew is still in existence. Kendrick Lamar, Killer Mike, and J. Cole are just a few keeping Hip-Hop at the forefront. Hip-Hop State Of Mind on Bounce TV, and Rock The Bells Radio have been created so that Hip-Hop is never forgotten. Not to ignore its hardships, but Hip Hop is a world powerhouse. I say this to the reader of this article, anyone can be great without adversity. Character is how you look when life hits you with hardship. Hip-Hop has always looked appealing, so keep looking for the light of Hip-Hop and know it exists in you.





Actress | Content Creator | Inspirational Speaker

Marcenae Lynette

It is such a joy to interview Marcenae Lynette for the second issue of Hardcore Grind Magazine. Marcenae has always been determined to become successful in her journey to conquer the entertainment industry by storm, no matter whether she is in front of or behind the camera. She is an ambitious and talented individual who is never afraid to take risks and push her limits. Marcenae's determination and hard work have allowed her to achieve a level of success few can match. She is an inspiration and an example of what can be achieved with dedication and effort. Marcenae is a role model for aspiring creators and a leader in her field. She has achieved a level of success that many aspire to and is an inspiration to many. Her dedication and ambition are an example of what can be accomplished with hard work and determination. Marcenae is best known for her appearances in hit NBC's Good Girls as Elaine, as Val in the hit series 'Love IS' and her most memorable work on the hit CW series Black Lightning.

Let it go! Embrace it. Let it go, again! Do it again, if you have to. It's a process. ~ Marcenae Lynette

I always like to hear about my guests' Go Moments, because that is really when everything starts moving on their journey. What was that moment like when you decided to step into acting and creating?

Wow, that is a good one. I know initially, There's a high cost to pursuing and when I first felt the urge to Go, I didn't move. pulling your vision together. Who has This was back in 2010, and I had just had my been your biggest support system daughter. I knew that I really wanted to be in throughout this journey? the industry, but I figured I could not do that with a baby. So fast forward, I was working My daughter will her rawness and her for a tech company, and they were doing truth. And the fact that she it may not layoffs. I was like, Ah man if there was ever a always be Mommy, you got to moment of confirmation, this was it. I was remember, you know, the kind of like, just do it. So, when I got my pink slip, I people constantly talking to you. She is just that when she comes into the sat down and I was like, “Okay, so now what room, and she sees me working like am I going to do?” And at that moment the smile on her face. She is. She somebody sent me a message like, “Was wants to know about the script, and that you on TV?" and I was like, “I'm not she wants to give me her opinion. Oh doing TV stuff so that's not me.” But in that no, ma'am, you should do it like this, moment, it clicked. And I said, “It's time to and I mean, she keeps it 100. She's go ahead and just take that leap of faith and phenomenal. When I didn't believe just go ahead and do it." And I did.” So, in she'd come in. She has no idea what my very first month out, I got an agent. After she does for me. But it is so heartfelt I got my agent, I booked my first TV role less and warming and loving and I than three months later. absolutely adore her.



If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be? And why? I will change the structure of the Oscars and how they're chosen. Of course, the industry has been predominantly led by white males. And every now and then sprinkle a female and a little black in there. I'm forever researching African American women actresses and how many received Oscars. And then what roles did they receive Oscars? How many were nominated, and it's still not enough? It's just not enough that we need it. But I just feel like at some point, when are they going to really honor the work that we do in the industry? And I understand you don't need an award to validate your presence or your existence in this industry. But it's about respect, personal respect. Give us our flowers and stop overlooking. If I could change one thing, that's what I would change

Do you feel there's a struggle with being a Christian in Hollywood?

I would have said yes had you asked You have to develop rituals and me maybe about five years ago. I took discipline practices with yourself in the time out to really understand and order to survive. Investing in get to know who God is. And who I yourself is key to reaching success was. Yes, I found myself saying no to and happiness. Always take the a few projects because I didn't feel like time to nurture and take care of they represented Christ. I felt like yourself that's not what the church stands for. What is the vision that you have for you and your brand as well as your career? And that was doing things out of fear To continue to spread the word about and judgment. So as of today, freedom and creative art by developing absolutely not. Now, I will say there programs for youth inside spaces where are some things I won't do because it creative art forms no longer exist. We doesn't go along with the brand. Now must keep that at the forefront to be free we know the industry has devilish in our minds. The only way to tap into things happening. But so does the that freedom is to really harness your creativity no matter what it looks like and church, and so does your workplace. spread that joy. And if people stop They all go hand in hand. But I will say creating, we will be stuck as a robot this for anyone getting into the industry almost nonexistent. I also have my it is a transition in your life where production company underway. I just you're going. It is important for you to want to do this until they put my ashes in know who you are. Because it may the ground. 'm in the process of writing a take you to a place that's very dark. book. I have a visual concept piece that we're working on now. And then there's I've had some dark moments, but I've also a feature film that we're working on, had those moments where people that Kobe Frey and I wrote, and CO would say, I want to help you do directed together. So that's in the works. something. You have to separate I'm producing a couple of short films that yourself when you get into that space. will be coming out.

IThey're at festivals right now. I'm working on that alone with building a production company. I'm super excited though.

To listen to the full interview follow Hardcore Grind Podcast on IHeart Radio. Stay connected with Marcenae Lynette on all platforms!




Author | Producer| Life Coach| Speaker

D'Shaun Booker

MAXIMIZING YOUR POTENTIAL “Life becomes a celebration guided by focus, clarity, confidence, and filled with limitless power!” D’Shaun A. Booker is known as the Maximizing Coach for her ability to powerfully propel clients to tap into their inner purpose and reach their full potential – to transform them into becoming more than conquerors leaving their limiting beliefs in the dust! Her resultsorientated coaching style moves clients to thrive toward becoming their absolute best. D’Shaun is also a playwright, director, producer, and creator of the cable television talk show ‘The Teen Scene.’ She is also the founder and artistic director of Oasis Ministry Productions, a spiritually influenced production company, and Arts Creating Unity Institute, Inc., a non-profit performing arts organization. She has been an adjunct professor at the University of Southern California, Cal State Dominguez Hills, Compton Community College, Southwest Community College, and American Musical Dramatic Academy (AMDA). D’Shaun desire is to help a woman to transform and uncover the secrets to a magnificent life. What made you desire to help others make the ultimate transformation of self?

I began speaking because people would invite me to come and speak at their events. to Sean you are, there's something about you that when you're talking just, you know, in small gatherings or just you know, the way that you carry yourself, you always really have some great insight. And so people started to invite me in the early 2000s, to or even in the late 90s, to do workshops for women, empowerment workshops for young girls, I was invited to speak, you know, at different places. And I always wanted to speak even as a young girl, I knew that I wanted to talk and just share, you know, whatever insight, and I always knew that I wanted to help other people see their light, see who they were, and reach their highest potential.



Celebrate how far you have come... even if there is still miles ahead. God is in control! And so I started doing some workshops with the youth. And so I created a nonprofit in 93. And when I created the nonprofit, my goal was truly to work with the young people in our communities to break down the bridges between our you know, our cultures and different ethnic groups within our communities. And so I wanted to build bridges between, you know, that people of color, you know, and so I did that. And as that began to flourish, I found that I had a likey, and a calling to work with women. And I still did it just here and there. But, the goal for me, happened, I'll say, in 2014, I went to a conference. And it was at that conference that I knew, like everybody else who was there too, but I knew that there was something bigger inside of me that was waiting to come out in such a way that I could see it, I could feel it. And after the conference, I went home and was asleep. his was in 2014 I went to see Lisa Nichols, who's a world-renowned speaker, transformational writer, author, speaker, and friend, I knew her before she became Lisa Nichols. And I was awakened at 3:20 in the morning, I will never forget it. And God said Get up go to the computer or the computer. He gave me the name and title of the company. Maximizing Your Magnificence. This is your speaking, coaching, and facilitating company.And it was in that moment where I said, Oh, now I have some structure around it what I have been desiring to bring forth. But it didn't develop until I started focusing on my niche. What's my niche? Who am I in all of this? Because I didn't want to just be what other women were doing. Everything was so overwhelming I had to stop even though I knew that it was my time to step into my purpose.

I had to figure out what is it that I am offering? What is the solution that I'm offering? I had to looked at myself, and what I have learned from my journey. I learned how to be resilient. After all of the things that I've gone through in my life, right? What did I do to bounce back? And how did I do it? Once that became clear, for me, I want to continue to empower other women.

You inspire and heal with so many different panels and workshops that you do. How have you grown since you started this journey?

Not just motivate and inspire because that's right there is just emotional hype. I felt there was something deeper and I had to be more transparent with myself, to be able to bless others.

Follow Hardcore Grind Podcast on IHeart Radio. Connected with D’Shaun Booker on all platforms.

I love that question. When I think about that, I've grown to be more transparent with myself. And let me just dive a little deeper and just say what that means. I've grown because I have taken a look within myself. If you're just hovering in life, you won't go and get it, because you're not really there. I believe I was hovering for many years. I've been coaching for over 20 years, so I knew how to inspire and motivate. But still knowing something missing. I wanted women to be able to take what I was giving them and transform their lives when I was not around. HARDCORE GRIND MAGAZINE



VERNICE COOPER Vernice Cooper is a dynamic motivational speaker, consultant, award-winning author, and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who is determined to use her education and experience to inspire, motivate and transform lives.

Everyone deserves and needs mental wellness! It's time to move beyond the notion that therapy is only for or about white people. Black people must have access to mental health resources that resonate with our culture and recognize our history. We must prioritize Mental (Well)ness within the Black culture to create a true sense of safety, security, and community.

Systemic Distrust The long-standing effects of systemic racism and discrimination in the U.S. have created a deep mistrust of government programs, institutions, and services – including psychotherapy - within the black community. This issue must be addressed to ensure everyone can access mental health care. Black folks have often been overlooked in the world of therapy and mental health treatments. However, this doesn't mean we don't need them or won't benefit from them—it just means that Black communities must work diligently to find Black professionals with whom they can identify and connect. Healing is an important part of our journey as Black people, and seeking therapy is one way to move past stereotypes surrounding Black people and mental wellness.


Therapy is a powerful tool for self-discovery and growth, offering invaluable new perspectives to aid in making wiser decisions. It's easy to get caught up in our own echo chambers - be it with people we know personally or on social media – but therapy provides an oasis of clarity where impartial insight can help us reach a higher standard of living—speaking of echo chambers, who are the five most influential people in your life, online or otherwise? How do they positively (or negatively) impact your headspace? This is important to evaluate regularly as you increase your emotional intelligence.

3 Signs why you DON'T need therapy: You easily forgive people who are NOT sorry. Forgiveness reduces the likelihood of building resentment and improves overall mental and physical health. This is truly an indicator that you are well on your way to emotional wellness and healing. You've never been betrayed. People whom another human being has never betrayed may not need therapy because they don't have trouble with setting boundaries or establishing trust. All of your relationships are in "good standing" You may not be a good candidate for therapy if all of your relationships are in good standing. It means you don't suffer from grief and loss, you don't experience relational disappointment, and you have few reasons to be angry with others. Now that I've excluded the folks that don't need therapy, I hope to see the rest of you on the couch, djacent to a clinical professional, healing, processing, and growing.

Legendary Songwriter| Composer| Mega Producer

Preston Glass


“Because of the way that music has always been a healing force, a feel-good source, and a life-saving course in my life, I wanted to do a project that had that effect on those that would hear it. Whether it’s the melody, the lyric, or just the sheer groove, I set out composing and arranging songs that had the thread of “soul-stirring” and “heart-touching.”

Preston Glass is a songwriter and producer. His success at creating hit song after hit song has set him at the top of the class in the music industry. He is the Producer Of The Biggest Selling Jazz/Pop LP of the 1980’s (“DUOTONES” by KENNY G); - 6 Time BMI Award Winner (3 songs million-aire awards); - Producer of #1 hit singles for EARTH, WIND & FIRE and KENNY G; - Writer of #1 Hit (“Miss You Like Crazy” for Natalie Cole);Written songs for or worked with Whitney Houston, Earth, Wind & Fire, Mase, Stanley Jordan, Lionel Richie, Jennifer Holiday, Johnny Mathis, Michael Bolton, Aretha Franklin, Dionne Warwick, Kenny G, Johnny Gill, Natalie Cole, Patti Austin, Kathy Sledge, The Delfonics, The Temptations, Diana Ross, George Benson, Phyllis Hyman, SoulDecision, Deniece Williams, Starpoint, Jermaine Stewart, Philip Bailey, Anita Pointer, Valeria, Lenny Williams, Stacy Lattisaw, Angela Bofill, June Pointer, Larry Graham, Carl Car1ton, Margie Joseph, Evelyn “Champagne” King, Tag Team, Ronnie Spector, Narada Michael Walden, George Howard, Pieces of a Dream, The Stylistics, Dee Dee Bridgewater, Michelle Gayle, Ben E. King, Brian Culbertson, J. Friends, The Dells, Norman Connors, Jermaine Jackson, Cyndi Lauper, Kirk Whalum, Jellybean Benitez, Brenda Holloway, Ali Woodson, Imagination, The Dramatics, Alfonzo Blackwell, Freda Payne, The Natural Four, Cindy Herron, Rebbie Jackson, Jaki Graham, Shades of Lace and the list goes on. HARDCORE GRIND MAGAZINE


I’d say, working with Stacey last saw and John Gill, they were both 16 years old. Now was Johnny Gill before he became worse before he was in New Edition. And I did the song Perfect Combination, which was a top 10 hit for them on the R&B side. And it was featured in the King Richard movie with Will Smith, about the Williams sisters, Serena Williams. But that session was very powerful because I was 23 at the time. But they were spokes just turning 16. And they were phenomenal. And it showed me that that’s a gift from God right there.

How do your creativity and inspiration flow?

You started your career as a staff writer for Philadelphia Producer Thom Bell, what was that like? Tom, Bill was a top-notch producer, and I always liked his music from the time I was, like, six years old. So I started just trying to emulate his music. But then, when I became a teenager, I sought him out. And even though I lived in California, he lived in Philadelphia. I was a young man, you know, 15 815 16. But I said, “I would like to meet him and show him some of my music.” So I found out that he was doing a seminar in Philadelphia. And so I flew 3000 miles because I was determined to meet him and have him be a listener of my music. So I went there and attended a seminar, and he was so impressed it came that way, as such, I guess a young individual to him. He said, You know, he wouldn’t mind mentoring me. He could see my potential and showed me some things to work on. He said, look me up after I finish high school, which I did. I became a producer, an arranger, a musician, and all that other stuff. But it all started because of my songwriting. Which I still consider myself today.

PG: I try not to be regimented or being a set way. But because I’m in demand producer sometimes, you know, and especially when, you know, when I was hot, you know, I had to do a lot of sessions. So I couldn’t just wait for the inspiration. So I became disciplined. First, I will start with a title. I started creating files of just song titles. I accumulated three to 4000 song titles I had in my file. So whenever I was asked to do a project, I would come up with the title first. Sometimes we’re looking at files. I’d have a title I already thought of. And that title usually inspires the music or the melody. For instance, if I have a song title, like who zoom in, which I have for a recent Risa. Well, that tells me it will probably be an uptempo tune. So I’ll start coming up with the melodies and rhythms. And then the words usually come in. You fit them like a puzzle into the melody for the creative. And I will say that it happens with me about 95% of the time, you know, that other factors allow for, you know, unforeseen occurrences.

How would you describe your musical ear?

PG: It’s beautiful, really vast. I love all kinds of music. I think that came from growing up. Even though I’ve never lived overseas, my dad was in the army. So I was what you call an army brat and moved all over the country to many different towns. Every place I went had a different culture and different types of people, which meant different radio stations. Sometimes it’d be an area we lived in that only played Country and Western. Sometimes it’d be only rock. Sometimes it’d What was that moment like in your career when you decided be only R&B. So whatever area, I got accustomed to what was on the radio. And so my ear got open at an early age to all different kinds of music, jazz, you know, to change and release your first album? my older brothers were into jazz, which helped me appreciate that. So I think Well, by that time, I was well-established. And as far as my releasing an that’s helped me in all kinds of music to have a vast appreciation.

album as an artist, I was approached by a small jazz r&b label. And they said, Have you ever thought of being an artist? I said, Yeah, the thought crossed my mind, but not really for me. But then he said, Well, Quincy Jones, you know, he’s a top-notch producer, but he releases music that showcases other artists, you know, he’s an artist, but part of his artistry is showcasing other artists. So understanding the best what you like doing producing artists, would you be interested in doing an album or two like that where you were the writer and producer, but some of the other artists might be the singer. And so that attracted me. So that’s when I started to in 2006 started releasing solo albums, and the first three featured. I did sing a few cuts but mainly featured established artists like Al Jarreau, Johnny Mathis, and George Benson.

You have written over 30 top 10 R&B hits and 5 top 10 Pop hits. What was your most memorable session?



How have you grown in your craft over the years?

I think I’ve tried to stay on top of the changing music industry, you know, the industry has changed a lot, you know, music is, is this is universal, and will always touch the heart no matter what style but the industry keeps changing. Because, you know, back in the day, you know, I had mentioned radio stations, right? So they were pretty much the boss, you know, besides record companies, back then you couldn’t put out your own music. You had to be signed by a record company or else hope to be, so nowadays, you can put out your music, put it on your own label, or put it through CD Baby or one of the distributors they have. You can be an independent artist that has the freedom to do anything you want to do. And so I try and stay on top of the changing vessels of music and the changing styles as well.

What is the biggest lesson you have learned throughout your journey? Stay true to myself. And don’t try and copy anybody or any trend. You know, one person taught me a long time ago. The music revolves just like the world revolves. So if you feel yourself at a given time, like you’re not the current fad or the current thing, stand still don’t try and chase anything. Stand still and the world will revolve right back to you. Ah, that’s a big lesson I learned and I’ve seen it happen. As long as I’ve been in the industry, it does come back to you.

Music can heal and inspire all at once, putting listeners in a dynamic trans for hours. AfricanAmerican Artists have pioneered the industry with desire and a pen in hand. How does it feel to be one of the elites fueling the passion of many others who watch and admire you?

Yes, good question. It’s an honor. It reminds me of the. I guess you would call it the responsibility of trying to make music from the heart to reach the heart and being responsible about what I write about. You know, because I know it does reach so many hearts. To listen to the full interview follow Hardcore Grind Podcast on IHeart Radio. Connected with Preston Glass: Instagram Pglass1012




LaShaunda Hoffman is a Book Promotion Strategist who helps authors find the fun in their book promotion because when they are doing fun promotions, they increase their visibility, readership, and book sales. She is currently working on two Kindle Vella books – Building Your Readership – Book Promotion and Love In Space – A Science Fiction Romance.


I'm a big fan of book events because they are the perfect place to meet new readers. In this article, I will share a few tips on using book events to build your readership. 1. DO YOUR RESEARCH

Most authors see an event and immediately think of readers. I recommend you do your research first. Does this event have your audience? Is it virtual or local, or is travel/hotel involved? Is this event in your budget? Do the dates fit your calendar? Will you be a presenter, vendor, or attendee?


Do you have a topic you can present? Submit your request to be a presenter. 3. REGISTER FOR THE EVENT

Submit your vendor fee to be a vendor. Submit your registration fee to attend.




Create your presentation Create marketing material What will you offer to invite the readers to your email list? Do you have copies of your books or QR codes? Create a survey for the attendees to fill out (digital) 2. ARE YOU ATTENDING AS A VENDOR? H


Do you have copies of your books? Do you have marketing material? Do you need a table, or is it virtual? Do you need graphics for your posts? Do you have tabletop material (tablecloth, book holders, banner, etc.)? Do you have payment options (QR codes, credit card swipers, etc.)? Do you have swag (free goodies for the readers)? Do you have an email list signup? Do you have digital links for virtual events (Bundles or freebies for attendees)


Do you have business cards? Do you have marketing materials? Do you have copies of your books? Do you have digital links for virtual events (Bundles or freebies for attendees)




Engage with the Attendees Ask questions Swap business cards Make new connections Buy books or merchandise Have Fun AFTER THE EVENT

Send a thank you card or email to the event host for the invite. Follow up with the attendees – Send thank you emails or cards. Welcome the attendees who signed up for your email list. Offer them a discount on your books. Follow up with the authors or literary people you met. Look at your results – Book sales, Email Signups – Business Cards – Surveys from Attendees. Update your presentation if needed. Is this an event you will attend again?

Follow Lashaundra http://bit.ly/LCHLINKS22 http://lashaundahoffman.com

Are You Ready To Become A Social Butterfly?

http://bit.ly/BORLCH Shop at SORMAG Boutique https://sormag-boutique.myshopify.com

The summer and fall seasons are great times to participate in virtual and live events. Check Eventbrite, Meetups, and fellow authors for suggestions on what events to attend. Create a list of events that fit your genre and budget. Before you know it, you will build your readership with new readers.



What's Hot In The Literary World Featured Author Short Story

Finding Your Purpose Judy A Hewitt is a 2-x bestselling, she has authored her first journal Rest Restore Renew. This self-care journal for caregivers captures her life story of going through the process of forgiveness while caring for a family member. An admitted writer, poet, and lover of music and art, Judy is committed to using her God-given gift to improve the lives of those touched by her writing.

“Forgiveness leads to Purpose”

Connect with Judy A. Hewitt www.selfcare4caregiversintl.com

As I look back over the seasons of my life, which were not straightforward, I had to learn to lean into the twists, turns, ups, and downs. At the age of fifty-nine, I finally decided that this journey did not serve me anymore. I had more years behind me than in front of me, and I relocated to the Sunshine State and took my life back. I was jaded with living for everyone else and helping them fight their demons, which left me paralyzed to fight my own. I was weary of putting everyone’s needs before my own. Others’ pain, hurts, and sorrows were that of other people, not mine. At the end of the day, my cup was empty. You see, the memories of my past held me captive. I struggled with understanding self-love, imparting, and sharing love. It was not part of our love language. As a result, I desired that my immediate family and everyone in my village receive love and appreciation from me. So often, we overcompensate, trying to correct or make amends for our weaknesses. I put myself last and did not love myself. It was easier for me to pour from an empty cup just to make those around me happy. The brokenness I was experiencing on the inside was more spiritual than it was personal, as my memories of the past were suppressed for so long it were rooted in misery, brokenness, and unworthiness. I was focusing on all the wrong things.

One day, I came across a quote that changed my life forever. It read, “To everything, there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven…Ecclesiastes 3:1 NKJV. This quote resonated with me deeply, and I realized that I had been searching for my purpose in all the wrong places. I had been looking for it outside of myself when it had been within me all along.

With this newfound understanding, I set out on a journey of self-discovery. I returned to doing things that made me happy and brought me joy, such as walking along the beach, watching a sunset, art, music, poetry, and journaling. I was reconnecting with my essence. I threw myself into learning and growing, reading the bible and self-help books, attending workshops, and seeking mentors who could guide me on my journey. I learned about the power of positivity and the importance of surrounding myself with people who lifted me and encouraged me. As I continued my journey, I became a better version of myself and started attracting opportunities aligned with my purpose. Opportunities such as my first anthology project titled “For Such A Time As This” was an international bestseller in nine categories. My season of wilderness became my season of restoration, where I found new meaning and fulfillment in my life. Whatever season in life you find yourself in, I say to you never give up and always trust the process. It is not too late! You are not behind. You are exactly where you need to be; you will bloom where you have sowed, and every step and experience is necessary. I have learned that my past failures cannot hinder my fruitfulness! I had to change my confession. My life’s journey did not change my identity. I realized that my journey had not been about reaching a destination but about the person I became along the way. I am now showing up in life as powerful and purposeful. HARDCORE GRIND MAGAZINE


Author| Actress | Comedian | Inspirational Speaker

DR. Kiana Dancie

DR. Opening KIANA Hearts DANCIE and Minds Through Laughter A Kiana was one of the original hosts of the T.V. One nationally syndicated talk show “Sister Circle Live." She is a powerhouse actress, author, comedian, transformational speaker, coach, and Entrepreneur. 2018 her fantastic performance during the filming of Kevin Hart’s L.O.L. at the 2018 Montreal Comedy Festival led to her being cast in two movies – a B.E.T. feature, “One Crazy Christmas” and the Marlon Wayans Netflix hit “Sextuplets.” Kiana has also toured with Kountry Wayne, Jess Hilarious, Earthquake, and most recently opened for Dave Chappelle. During the pandemic, Kiana joined forces with organizations like Lift Atlanta and Life Changers Christian Community Center to provide food and other essentials to help alleviate the financial strain many experienced during that difficult time. She is also the founder and director of B.A.G.S., a nonprofit organization, allowing her to create "Baggage Claim," her international women's empowerment celebration.

She candidly shares her story of being a child molestation survivor and how she turned that pain into purpose — and, more importantly, how she teaches others to do the same through laugh therapy and transparent conversations designed to help attendees start their healing process. Kiana continues to spend countless hours working to heal broken women and girls by giving them the tools to become more confident, emotionally stable, and financially secure thru one-on-one and group sessions. Due to her consistent activism, Kiana was recognized by the White House for her humanitarian efforts to build stronger ties to the community through volunteering and is a 2022 recipient of The President's Lifetime Achievement Award from the Biden Administration. In June of 2023, she received an Honorary Doctorate of Humanitarianism.



What was the moment when you decided to step

As a Comedian, parts of your life inspire the

out on faith and pursue Comedy?

content you use, but where do you draw the

K.D.: That's funny to me because, honestly, My


girlfriends would come over to my house, and we

K.D.: You know, it's interesting that you don't

would sit around, laugh, have a good time, and kiki about my breakups. One of my girlfriends told me, "Yeah, you need to do this on stage." And at the








entertainment business. I must work hard to keep certain portions of my life to myself. Everybody always wants to know who you're

time, my response was, "You want to laugh at my

dating, where you are from, how you live, and

misery." She told me I was hilarious telling my

how much you're worth. So I have to be

stories. I was already doing stand-up, just not

mindful. It's unbelievable that even as a Stand-

serious about it, but my Go Moment was when I got








Telecommunications. When I got laid off, I started

up Comedian, people are still very interested in what I got going on. So it's one of those things, and sometimes I forget that my story is interesting. People are intrigued, so I worked

going hard for stand-up. I did an open mic, and

hard to keep certain parts of my life to myself.

they did not go apples to oranges at me. So I said,

But when you do the entertainment business,

Okay, now is the time. I moved to L.A., went full

it is what it is you are a public figure, and

force forward, and haven't looked back since 2009. Now you are also speeding down the acting lane

people want to know more about you. So I try to be as private as possible.

working with some of the best. What was that transition like for you? K.D.: It was a natural transition because, as a standup comedian, the goal is always to get a special, be in a movie, or get an opportunity to level up. Leveling up could be a lot of different things depending on the person. For some people, it's in a movie, having a talk show, or just being on tour. People say it's easier to be a stand-up comedian who becomes an actress rather than vice versa because sometimes it's harder to teach people to be funny than to teach a P.R. person to act.



Your book, “Baggage Claim,” is a significant

What was the writing process like?

change from acting and Comedy. Talk a

I won't lie to you. It was tough. I wrote this

little about your book and the importance of creating it. You know what the importance of me writing this book was to let go of anything that has held me captive or hostage, and I'll be honest with you, it wasn't that deep

book many years ago, and never saw that it was ready, nor did I think I had the support to make it a success, so I never fully went hard on it. I was sitting on a nationally syndicated talk show during the

initially. I had plastic surgery to get the

time, so there's no telling the success the

bags under my eyes removed. While lying

book would have had with that kind of

in my bed, healing from my external

machine behind me. However, I also

baggage, I conversed with God. I was like,

believe in timing. God always knows when

God, I need to heal prettier and younger.

the time is right. That wasn't my time.

He told me I would be you're pretty and

After I wrote that book, I said, Okay, God,

look younger, but my ugliness on the

"Now what?" He revealed that I needed to

inside needed work, which entailed me having to be candid about my experiences my life. So, I knew that while I was healing my external baggage, I needed to work on my internal baggage, which caused me to start unpacking the baggage that held me

let my testimony help others with their emotional baggage. So I created my event Baggage Claim, a safe destination for women to come claim relief and heal from their emotional baggage.

captive. I didn't give you every nitty-gritty detail, but I gave you the highlight story. Listen, I'm a child molestation survivor. I lost my dream job. I'm 44 years old, unmarried, with no kids, and I want them both. But I allowed the enemy to tell me that because I had gotten to a certain age and wasn't good enough. I wasn't pretty enough. I had allowed the enemy to tell me all these things because I was taught that you're supposed to have certain things at a certain age. And we know that that's not true. So I took it upon myself to work to become a better me. In the book, I did very well telling who I was and what I've been through. No matter what came my way, I never stopped moving forward. HARDCORE GRIND MAGAZINE


You are a proponent of self-care. Why is it essential




community? K.D.: You know, black folks, we tend to take care of our outside, which are our hair, nails,






Everything's pretty everything shiny on the outside, but we won't take care of our inside. Our mental health, blood pressure, and cholesterol are all out of whack. No matter what your outside appears, your inside will reveal the lack of love for yourself. You are one of the elite pioneers in the entertainment industry. We've seen you on television, we've seen you in movies. How do you stay balanced? K.D.: Yes, that's a great question. Every time I do something when I have a job or don't have a job, my goal is always to try to make sure that I stay in the gym and learn a new skill. I'm always trying to level up so I won't be so codependent on people. I am always trying to do better and be better. Keep your mind right writing, reading, etc.

Website To Follow And Connect with Dr. Kiana Dancie: Kianadamcie.com

I'm always doing something that pours into me. See, the goal is not always about money but also about becoming better spiritually, mentally, and physically. You have to level up when all those things speak to each other. To listen to the full interview, follow Hardcore Grind Podcast on IHeart Radio.



TRUE LOVE PT 1 By Makaveli Ham "There's no way my account is empty! Could you please check it again?" Marshall asked the bank teller at Bank of America. The teller told him he would check again but was positive Marshall didn't have any money in his bank account, which was unbelievable to him. "I'm sorry, sir, but you have a zero balance. Is there anything else I can help you with today?" Marshall looked at the teller, then stormed off. Today was supposed to be a great day for Marshall Harris, but it was starting to look like one of the worst. Marshall walked to the bank manager’s office to discuss the zero balance he had in his bank account that shouldn't be there. Marshall Harris was one of the first black sports agents to amass a billion dollars for his roster of clients and the agency he worked for in Atlanta, Georgia. Atlanta Royal Sports Agency was a premier sports agency in the southern region and claimed a client list that included two former NFL MVPs, an NBA rookie of the year, and several Major League Baseball All-Stars. Marshall Harris was a huge part of why Atlanta Royal was so successful. Marshall was 30 years old, 6’ 6”, two-hundred-thirty pounds, and a former college basketball Forward. A serious Achilles tendon injury in his second year of college kept him from making his dream of entering the NBA happen. Instead of wallowing in his misery, Marshall graduated with a bachelor's degree in Business Management. Marshall decided to use his degree and his knowledge of sports and become a sports agent. He made a lot of friends while attending UCLA College, one was Jarrett Mann, who wound up getting drafted fifth in the 2012 NBA draft. Jarrett was Marshall's first client. That was ten years ago. Now, Marshall was trying to figure out where all his money had gone. The bank manager whom Marshall had a love-hate relationship with made sure he left Marshall waiting an extra ten minutes. John Franklin loved the business Marshall brought to his bank branch but hated how Marshall – who was ten years younger than him and black – had power and influence in Atlanta and made sure anyone that dealt with him knew it. When John finally had Marshall sent into his office, he had a smug expression on his face. "Marshall, what can I do for you today?" "Cut the bull, John, you know why I'm here. What happened to my account and where is my money?"



John retrieved a slip of paper from his desk and looked at it thoughtfully. He'd read the same piece of paper several times, but just to make Marshall squirm, he pretended to pore over it. "Well Marshall, it looks like you transferred two million dollars to a dispensary in Los Angeles California. You must really believe in this place! The rest of the money in your account was seized by the IRS for some sort of investigation.” He paused and allowed his words to sink in. He enjoyed watching Marshall’s face contort into a mask of confusion, then agony. “Is there anything you want to talk about Marshall?" He asked. Marshall sat in a daze for a few seconds. When he heard the words dispensary and Los Angeles, California, it all made sense. "Marshall? Are you okay?" John's question snatched Marshall from his daze. “Oh, they took the money for my new investment. I didn't think it would happen that fast,” he explained. “No John, there's nothing I need to talk to you about." Marshall got up and abruptly left John's office before he could ask any more questions, which didn't prevent John from still asking about the IRS investigation. Marshall ignored the question and made a beeline out of the bank. Outside the bank, Marshall pulled out his Samsung Galaxy and called his cousin, Gee. Gee and Marshall grew up together, but Gee chose the white-collar crime side of life, which Marshall was very familiar with. When Marshall was starting to find himself and what he was going to do in college after his injury, things at home got rough. Marshall grew up on the Westside of Atlanta in Dixie Hills, which was one of the poorest areas in Atlanta. His mom, Shelrethia, sank into a mountain of debt to make sure he could remain in college, especially after the injury. At one point, his mom was nearly evicted from the house she had started paying for when he was a projected lottery pick in the NBA. That's when Marshall hooked up with Gee and they started cashing checks in students’ names. The scheme worked so well that Marshall not only helped his mom and younger brother and sister, but he now drove a Mercedes and had an apartment off campus. Gee picked up on the fourth ring. "Cuzo, what's up, shawty?" "Shawty, my account is empty. I mean all my money, cuz. Then, the IRS is investigating me which is where the rest of my money is at. What the hell is going on Gee?" Marshall called Gee's name several times before he realized Gee had hung up. That frustrated Marshall even more. He tried calling Gee back several times but only got the voicemail. As Marshall got into his 2022 Ford Expedition, he thought about the moves he had made in the last six months and how he thought he had safeguarded himself from something like this happening, but like they say, you never know until you know…



"Well, can we take this conversation to my or your place, so we can rest together?" Marshall suggested. Marshall and Christina spent the night at her condo on Tenth Street that night and the next day too. What made Christina special to Marshall was they didn't have sex the first night. Instead, they just talked, laughed, and shared information. Christina introduced Marshall to cryptocurrency and touched on her ties to the dark web. She still didn't know Marshall was a big-time agent, or at least she didn't say she did. All Marshall knew was that this beautiful young woman had herself together for the most part, and he wanted to be the other part to complete her. Marshall and Christina’s courtship accelerated rapidly. Soon, Marshall had his own space in Christina’s closet and a couple of drawers full of things in Christina's condo. The more time they spent together, the more Christina schooled Marshall on cryptocurrency and the things you could do with digital money. One thing, in particular, caught Marshall's attention. Christina introduced him to NFTs, which we're non-fungible tokens. The kicker was that the NBA brokered a deal with a NFT company that produced merchandise for the players specifically for the fans. Marshall invested $50,000 into the NBA’s NFTs and profited $30,000 from his investment. From then on, he was hooked. Marshall started doing more business with Christina, who was a real hustler. She sold merchandise, traded cryptocurrency, and other things she didn't tell Marshall about. He was so infatuated with her that he didn't care what she did. Plus, they were making money and having a great time doing it. Three months into their relationship, Marshall decided to bring Christina into his world. The NBA All-Star Game was in New York that year and everyone who was everyone was going to be there. Marshall invited Christina to be his date for the weekend. At first, she declined the invite, explaining that she needed to save money to fund her dream, a public relations business. That's when Marshall knew he was in love with her. "Bae, this weekend is on me,” he offered. “You have done so much for me that I want to show you some love back. Plus, I want you to see my world." "Well, if you insist, Big Daddy, then I guess so. You can teach me about basketball,” she accepted. “When you say show me some love, does that mean you love me?" "That means I more than love you, my beautiful soul mate." The weekend in New York started off with Marshall taking Christina to the NBA All-Star Celebrity Game, which all the celebrities attended. Some of them played in the game while others just mingled and partied. Marshall knew a lot of celebrities through his clients. When they walked into Madison Square Garden, the first person to call Marshall was the rapper Lil Baby. "Marshall! Good looking on the business advice and the endorsement plug,” he said. “Who you got with you?"



Author| Humanitarian| Entrpreneur | Executive Producer









BETTERFUTURE “There is only one you in this world. You are the only version of you.”







entrepreneur, Executive Producer for Lifetime Movie Network, published writer, and youth leader. While working to make the world a better place, she founded Girls Who Brunch Tour, a nonprofit organization designed to cultivate, inspire, and empower girls worldwide between the ages of 9 and 17. Ni'Cola aims to foster change and create awareness about today’s most pressing socioeconomic issues. She utilizes her empowerment experiences to combat cultural epidemics by focusing





sponsoring girls in foster care as well as sex trade victims and teen mothers. Mitchell is convinced that through mentorship, workshops, STEAM training, and panel facilitation, her program allows girls to learn different ways of thinking that will ultimately enable girls worldwide an opportunity to succeed and Flourish. As of date, Ni’cola has serviced over 35k girls worldwide!



Black women have pioneered the literary industry for many years. What intrigues you the most about your writing and storytelling? What intrigues me the most is that I keep it so 100 on all dynamics. When it comes to men, I don't see why they make the decisions they make, right? Even from a woman's perspective, I look at both sides. From a woman's side, I looked at how she stays in or leaves, but she gets angry and reacts, how the man could be in love with two women. And vice versa, women do the same thing. But I write realistically and not for the reader if that makes sense. People sometimes write books to make their readers feel happy or blow their reader's minds. But I write what a reader is doing. And I think that's related people to my book. I love it.

What writers have influenced you the most and why? NM: When I see women, men, just people of color doing good. That inspires me to want to do better. It challenged me to not just stay in a box or pigeon held within a particular dynamic. So, I love seeing people shine because that makes me happy.

Your latest book is "What Was I Supposed to do?” What was the vision behind this project?

NM: So What Was I Supposed To Do is written about a 15-year-old named Harbor, who was sexually assaulted by her mother's boyfriend and ended up having a baby. And with my organization's growth, and even with things I've gone through with some of my friends when we were young, compelled me to write this story and share it without prejudice, right? Because sometimes people are mad at the mother. Sometimes people are mad at the child. Sometimes people are mad at the men. But what if the man is not a bad guy, right? And this happens. What do people presume is a predator? What if the girl is not sad? Right? One of the mothers is not on drugs or anything like that. I tried to write what was not typically stated in these situations and show how an average family can handle this. It's a hard subject matter. But I love the reaction to it. Because I promise you every time I have a book signing or I hear somebody has purchased a book, they share it with so many other people because that stories relate to them. They're like, Oh my gosh, that happened to me. When I told my mom, this is how she reacted. And what I want to come out of it. For mothers to have an open dialogue with their daughters and not be judgmental when their child comes and says something that's happened to them.

within my program of how they talk to their kids. And it was shocking, right? Because I think worse than what I went through, some of the people I've known when we were young have also gone through it. And I want to show it because they consistently over-sexualized and over-criminalized our girls of color You inspire many women and girls. How does that make you feel to be such a powerful influence?

You know what, I don't feel like I'm a powerful influence. I appreciate it when someone says I inspired them or they're excited to meet me. But everybody around me inspires me, right? I feel like I'm a regular person and just being open about my life. I used to be ashamed of things that happened to me, embarrassing stuff, but I believe what the devil means for bad, God me for good. And I try to live with that kind of discernment when I project myself outside people. So I don't think of myself as an inspiration. I think of myself as a truth-teller. And I appreciate that anybody who think of me as How did your creativity flow while you were an inspiration, hopefully makes them more open to writing this book? sharing their truth. Slow because it touched home. But the beginning of COVID and I started my tour season again, I could now see how some of my girls were Living Right with their mothers and their situations, and everybody's been in a lockdown. And so it drove me to hurry up and rewrite the story, and tell it from the mother's HARDCORE GRIND MAGAZINE 41 voice and use a couple of voices of moms .

You are a very accomplished author and philanthropist. Tell us about your journey to becoming one of the top nonprofit organizations for young women. Trusting God and trusting that we shall talk to you many times, that's the beginning process of it. And I still have a ways to go. I wanted to give up because people didn't understand why I was doing this right. Or how to stop focusing on books to pursue something I wasn't getting paid for. But I believe that if you listen to God, he's ordered us every day, right? Sometimes we fight against it. And when we fight against it, we see because we'll get hit on the head or, you know, something happens that's not supposed to that that wasn't our plan, right? When we follow God and listen now, I won't say, "Oh, I follow God. And this is just the easiest step. Everything was quickly laid out, though I fought to make this happen. But again, prayer without work is dead. I pursued my heart and wanted to care for these girls because I was one of those girls, right And continue to fight and do everything I needed to make this dream a reality. And now I'm like six years in. And because of girls who weren't, I've obtained many awards and funding. And now I have just signed the contract. You're the first person I'm telling this to, to be an executive producer for a Lifetime movie. And all of this, which is an executive producer, was one of my angles for correctly writing. And now I'm getting that not from writing but from girls who branch. So I felt like God ordered me and told me I got you. And now it just came back 365 to the beginning, and I'm the executive producer. So like, that's super dope. And all that from taking care of these kids. Follow and Connect With Girls Who Brunch https://www.girlswhobrunchtour.com/

To listen to the full interview follow Hardcore Grind Podcast on IHeart Radio.





Digital Foreplay Giving You My Love Again Contributing Writer Kisha Green

There are many great things about being single. One of them is being able to distance yourself from public embarrassment swiftly. -Demetria Lucas How often have we told ourselves that this new person we were interested in would be different? How many promises did we make to ourselves of what we would do differently if they treated us like the prize you were? So many times, we lowered our standards to talk to someone and let our guard down, only for them to disappoint and leave us questioning why we even talked to them in the first place. We had given our love away so freely in the past that you wanted to make them "earn you." Dating can be such a gamble and scary when you start to get a little bit of happiness. With the popularity of social media, you want that person you can proudly post without feeling stupid because they may be in someone else's inbox trying to holla. We've told ourselves we would only post a picture if we were married, but let me be the divorced spokesperson to say, "Married people cheat, too. " The truth is we want to share our happiness with the world, that this person thinks the world of us and loves us in a way that we often thought was unobtainable, so imagine the pure heartbreak when they aren't that precious jewel we've bragged about. Now, we are left looking stupid for something you didn't even do. Suddenly, paranoia sets in, and you believe everyone knows you got played and is laughing at you. You begin kicking yourself because you knew you shouldn't have checked in at Applebees with them or posted a picture when you were at the arcade at the beach. You broke all the rules and promises because they told you that the last thing they would ever do was hurt you. Why? They made you believe that they were for real, but the truth was that you were just an option and something to do, whereas, for you, you were giving this person your love…again.

Social Media Facebook: www.Facebook.com/1KishaGreen Twitter: @KishaGreen Instagram: @KishaGreen






Silk White Is An Awarding Winning Author, Director, and Producer. A native of Harlem, New York, he began his writing career in 2006. He is a bestselling author of urban fiction novels & Co-Owner of good2go publishing/good2go films. Silk has produced many movies available now on Tubi, such as Lonely At The Top & Transporter, to name a few.



A black man who can write is powerful. What does that power mean to you? Being able to put words into a story and get our stories out there, because when you look around us, a lot of stories out there, but they’re not like our stories, you know, they might have our faces on it attached to it. But then, when we don’t have an outlet to get our stories out there, we must take advantage of the opportunity. You have become a pioneer for African-American Authors in books and film. What are your five top essential elements and creating a powerful brand?

Number one. Visibility is number two. And the rest of it is just like consistency, you got to be consistent with your brand, you got to be consistent, you know, you can’t start it, you know, and don’t put them behind it. And then don’t wonder why people don’t recognize the brand when they see it. They skip over your brand to someone else’s brand. You must stay behind that system because people will be more familiar with the other brand.

You stay on the move creating so many great stories for the world to experience. How do you manage your time to prevent burning out? It’s all about it’s not even hard at all. Basically, by having a schedule and structure and just being disciplined and things like that, you know, as long as you have a schedule, you’ll be fine, you know, have a specific schedule, right at certain times. Certain times I do other things. And as long as you’re conscious schedule, you’ll be fine. The problem is procrastination. You were supposed to do something but don’t, and things keep getting pushed back. So as long as you’re on your job and got disciplined, you should stick to the schedule.



Who has been your biggest supporter through your journey? I have a lot of supporters. So I’ll have to say everybody because I get a lot of love everywhere I go. And I try to reciprocate the love back because I appreciate everybody.

What inspired you to enter the film industry? It came from being an author wanting the books on the big screen. And the crazy part about that is I’ve only made one of my books into a movie. But I think I will start going into the books on the screen. But that’s how it started. I wanted to see the books on the big screen and didn’t know how to do it. And I figured I’d figure it out along the way.

Good2Go Films has released so many great films. What is the vision behind this company? The vision behind the company is to put out as many titles as possible, keeping people entertained and feeling good because the world now has a lot going on.

If you had the power to change anything in the film or literary industry, what would you change? Why? I’ll make the playing ground a little bit more fair. They don’t let certain people in, making things more difficult for some people. You gotta give everybody a fair chance to advance. HARDCORE GRIND MAGAZINE



Your latest release on Tubi, “Lonely at the Top” 1 & 2, stars Karon Joseph Riley, Whitney Code, Joshia l. Eady, Kori Poe, and Kyra B, to name a few. What was the vision behind this project?

SW: For Lonely at the Top, it’s about a guy in the street life trying to transition to business life along with the people he came up with. But you know, there are some stuck in the street life. But you can’t take everybody with you because everybody doesn’t see things like you see, and when people are in certain environments, it’s by choice because that’s all they know. So, when you’re dealing with people with that mentality, it’s always gonna be hard. So I just made a movie to shed some light on these situations. Aspiring artists face many challenges that can be overwhelming and, at times, complex for them to handle. What advice would you give new

Make sure whatever you’re trying to do, make sure you are ready for it, and do your homework before you jump in. Make sure you got some money to do it the right way. Understand things happen. Stuff costs more money. Some things pop-up, so don’t just do it for money. Because it’s not easy. You have to be serious about your craft and focus. If you are doing a film, make sure you have a good spouse, girlfriend, boyfriend, or whatever it is you’re doing.

Connected with Silk White on Facebook, Goodreads, Instagram, Clubhouse, Tik Tok, and Twitter is @ Silk White and www.good2gofilms.com

To listen to the full interview follow Hardcore Grind Podcast on IHeart Radio.

What next for Silk White, the brand? I’m continuing to put out movies with the Transporter Season Three coming up next. We have a couple of new projects coming down the pipeline.







FATHER You loved me Fearlessly while giving me the foundation and assurance to flourish. You showered me with Attention and accolades, my confidence, towers high because you consistently nourished me. You Taught me to share; treasuring service to others, embodying peace and care. You Honored every promise with selfless action. You Empowered me with your knowledge and creativity; and despite obstacles and barriers you never lost traction. By SF Hardy

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