Elb 2017 progetto 01

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The CSKA Moscow Offensive System

TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLES OF CONTENTS LEGENDA Movimento giocatore senza palla Blocco

Blocco e giro


FUNDAMENTALS AND YOUTH BASKETBALL The CSKA Moscow Offensive System by Ettore Messina


Villanova Spread Offense by Jay Wright and Jason Donnelly


Post Drills by Don Showalter



ACB: the Spanish Professional League by Mario Hernando





March Madness by xxxxxxxxxxxxxx




Attaccante senza palla

The Importance of Physical Preparation by Alexey Chudin

DOCTORS, CONDITIONING COACHES AND TRAINERS How to improve Foot Speed by Francesco Cuzzolin

xx xx

Attaccante con palla


interview: Jordi Bertomeu Orteu by xxxxxxxxxxxxxx





by xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Appggio senza e con palla


Zona di competenza

Sedia o cono



Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt.

Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duis leo. Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh. Aenean massa. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut,




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EDITOR-IN-CHIEF fsdfasd fadsfasf fasdfsdfsdfsdfs

tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet. Quisque rutrum. Aenean imperdiet. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue. Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies nisi. Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum

IN COLLABORATION WITH fasdfsdfsdfsdfs fdasfsdfsdfsdfsd dafsdfasdfsdfasdfs fasdfsdfsdfsdfs fdasfsdfsdfsdfsd dafsdfasdfsdfasdfs

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS dafsdfasdfsdfasdfs fasdfsdfsdfsdfs fdasfsdfsdfsdfsd dafsdfasdfsdfasdfs fasdfsdfsdfsdfs





The CSKA MOSCOW Offensive System

ETTORE MESSINA Started his coaching career with the youth teams of Reyer Venezia, when he was only 16 years old. From 1980 to 1982, he was responsible for youth teams at Mestre and in 1982/83 he was assistant coach at Udine. In 1983 he goes to Virtus Bologna, as responsible for youth teams and assistant coach of the main team. As head coach in Italy, he coached Virtus Bologna (198993 and 19982002) and Benetton Treviso (20022005), winning four Italian Championships, two Euroleague titles, eight Italian Cups and one Cup of Cups. From 1993 to 1997 he coached Italian National team, winning the gold medal at the Mediterranean Games and the silver medal at the Goodwill Games and at the European Championship in Barcelona. Since 2005, he coaches CSKA Moscow, where he won three Russian Championships, two Euroleague titles (2006 and 2008) and two Russian Cups (2006 and 2007). This season he coaches Real Madrid.

THE OFFENSIVE SYSTEM we adopted last year can sometimes appear complicated for our players, because it demands mental attention and a good mastery of individual offensive fundamentals. In this article, we’d like to examine the guidelines of this particular offensive system. For starters, we don’t think that our offensive system is all that original. What makes it different are not the plays, but how the players apply the various ideas that are behind each play.Our coaching staff spends a lot of time trying to figure out how we can utilize the best characteristics of our players on offense. This is a long process and sometimes we can’t find an exact role for each of our players right away. We strongly believe that, beyond the offensive choices, we have to take care of the players’ improvement, putting them


into the best conditions to be dangerous on offense: we want to be effective using the players’ skills. The general idea of the CSKA offensive system that eventually led us to our system of play was the conviction that it is certainly not the set play or playing free that makes the difference in a game. Rather, is was the ability of our players to understand what the defense was doing and to always be conscious of any changes that they were making. Our players must be able to read the defensive behavior of their opponents. Any offense can be original, but if the player on offense is not able to understand what the defense does, he loses effectiveness and our offense slows down. The strength of our offense depends on the options that the players have at their disposal after reading (and attacking) the de-







OFFENSE OFFENSE OFFENSE fense. This special knowledge takes a while to be completely understood by our players. Let’s take the example a shooter who’s coming off a low screen. Our player has to understand the defensive pressure he is under. He can react as written in the books or in the team playbook: If the defender trails, make a curl. If the defender slides through the screen, he makes a fade away. He has to be aware of the various options. It’s our job as coaches to provide the players the space and the time to better understand what the defense is doing. It is important to have an offensive system where the players can read the defense and react in the best way.One rule that pushed us to simplify our offensive system was the introduction of the 24second clock. We simplified our offensive situations and our goal became to try and attack immediately after getting possession of the ball. We were convinced that maybe only with the very weak teams on defense, it was possible to score a basket off the first offensive option. Too often, however, we are conronted with the correct defensive answer to our offense. That being the case, we need to notice this immediately and come up with an instant strategy to get around the defense. Let’s take as an example of pickandroll in transition (diagr. 1). This situation provokes a reaction of the defense, so assuming that they don’t give up an easy basket on the drive and kick out on the strong side, we must have the time to read their defensive answer to this situation and exploit the spacing on the court and the timing of our passes. Ten years ago, with the 30second clock, many teams played the first part of their possession without really attacking the basket. We are not saying that we never took a shot





as the the first option of the offense; if there was a shot with a wide and free space, then we took it, but what we really were interested in was provoking a reaction and then playing accordingly, finding our 1on1 options, our passes, and our movement.This is a concept we developed over the years and it always helped us, especially when we played games when the ball was “heavy” (important game endings, for example) and when attacking a set defense became difficult, because our opponents were ready to cover the strong



points of our offense. Understandably, our offensive percentages went down a lot. We make great use of offensive transition, the changing phase from defense to offense. These are not simple phases of a primary and secondary fastbreak, but an offense that is run full court with no interruptions. Our team has to move like a wave, where our players run at mediumhigh speed, occupying our offensive spots and trying to get any advantage they can before the defense is set. At least 80% of the teams in Europe play transition pickandroll, and we did too, especially when we had Theo Papaloukas as a point guard. He was so good, not only at finding easy shots or for his ability to get fouled, but because he could find free teammates for the open shot. The main goal of the offensive transition is not to try for a shot on the first option, but to attack before the defense has a chance to set up, making sure to get the ball moving around. These are the general ideas that worked as a premise for all of our plays on offense. For us, the primary fastbreak is a clear situation for outnumbering (2on1, 4on3, for example) the defense and it starts from a recovered or stolen ball. Other times, the action begins from a defensive rebound or after an opponent’s scored basket. We play an organized transition, changing the ball side, and finally getting the



ball inside to the center.Playing in transition is the distinguishing mark of a team that plays the more intersting basketball to watch, but to play in this way it is necessary for players to understand basketball fundamentals and to have an extreme awareness of the rhythm of the game. To control this kind of situation, especially when we play away from home, we play in transition. Our first goal is to give the ball to the center after penetrating inside the defense. In this way, we create a situation where the defense must react and where we now have a precise rhythm for

our offense after the ball has gone inside. With the ball in the low post, teammates typically stop and see what happens. This short moment of pause determines the correct timing of the action next to come. We carefully took the statistic of how many times we bring the ball into the heart of the defense (diagr. 2), either with a pass or a dribble penetration. For our offensive rhythm, it is critical that the ball find its way to our inside player. Playing the ball only on the perimeter creates a lot of difficulties for our offense and, as a result, it becomes harder to win games. On the

other hand, getting the ball inside gives us balance and allows us to attack the heart of the defense, where we know that the opposing teams have a defensive organization ready to counteract. Therefore, we must be ready to play against this reaction in order to take an advantage and get an uncontested shot at the basket. Over the years, we realized that we must aim to have at least 20 shots coming from these lowpost situations. Moreover, in the initial phases of the games where the referees are very demanding, our powerful inside game causes many of the op-






OFFENSE posing big men to get into early foul trouble. This limits their time on the court and we look to take advantage of that. Losing a defensive big man or two early in the game frees us to make more penetrations to the basket. Another goal of our offense is to attack their best scorers. We want that their best scorer working hard on defense to therefore limit him and put him in possible penalty situations. By getting this player in foul trouble, we gain another advantage while the opposition loses one. In short, our offensive aim is not just to take a shot, but to find various ways to produce even more shots. We don’t want to take a shot that the defense wants us to take. Rather, we want to take advantage of our offense, keep the players moving on the court, and increase scoring opportunities with several passes. In our practice sessions, we stress the great importance of being able to pass and receive the ball. This has always been our job. When we were at Virtus Bologna (Italy), with Ginobili and Jaric, we worked a lot on passing: When and how to pass the ball was a primary goal and we quickly saw that it helped improve our game. We worked on passing into the center playing in the low post. We taught our players how to get the ball in that delicate situation, and how to reverse the ball side. Getting back to what we were saying at the beginning, the play itself is not the important thing. Rather, it’s how players react to the defense and make use of the fundamentals at particular parts of the game. Players must understand what needs to be done after the defense gets to work. They need to know what happens when the center is double teamed, how to move off the pickandroll, and how to position themselves in order to at-




tack the weak points of their opponents. This is not an immediate process, but something that is built gradually as the young players learn the game. They must come to learn that at every ball possession,we must produce something, whether it be through a series of wellexecuted passes, or by reading a mismatch on the court and quickly exploiting it.Our teams are known for getting



the ball into the low post. Here is a typical situation where we make use of a screen. (diagr. 3). Whoever is at the top of the key must clear out after having passed the ball to the player who has cut. This allows the second big man to take his place. Moving this way is not only important for providing the most scoring options but also causes the defense to become unbalanced against a quick reverse on the ball side. The fundamental thing is the timing of all this action. The player who sets the screen must be able to use all the necessary fundamentals in order to take a good position inside the area. Let’s review the initial setup (diagr. 4). With the ball going to the wing, and with the low post strongly guarded by his defender, the first thing we can do is drive aggressively to the baseline. Seeing this, 5 will react by sealing his defender with a “self screen,” while one of our shooters will go to the corner on the weak side. This is a valid rule for all the spacings in all the offensive plays we use. Whoever reaches the top of the key will then “shadow.” This means that he will go behind the teammate who has penetrated and the other player on the weak side will open the passing lane to punish the defender who is trying to help out on this penetration. The player with the ball

must beat the pressure by driving aggressively to the basket.If, on the other hand, the defender on the ball contains the drive, and the defender on the post is behind, and the defender at the top of the key then float down, we use the offensive triangle to get the ball to the low post (diagr. 5).On the pass from the wing to the top of the key, and with the defender of the post who jams inside the area, we can bring the ball back into the area while the post goes inside the area to “steal” space for a deeper reception (diagr. 6).We use the same rules and principles for another offensive situation where we have double exits. This has become one of our most effective offense sets. The first goal is to move our players on the perimeter and then use the center. This causes the defense to move and then we react to their reaction (diagr. 7). We could have Langdon, our shooting guard, come off the screens (diagr. 8), but we often used Siskauskas, the forward, as a cutter, because he was very good on coming back from the first screen (diagr. 9).Let’s go back to the example of Langdon, who cuts and comes out on the wing, on the left side of our offense. When Langdon receives the ball on he wing, the forward, 4, makes a flash cut to the high post, while 1 clears to the corner on the weak


side. However, if the guard, 2, makes a curl on the screen on the left, and receives the ball on the elbow, 4 will clear in the corner of the weak side (diagr. 10).In the first case, 2 will try to shoot or play with the center. In the case of the curl, 5 will go to the midpost position. Then, we will continue on playing to maintain the advantage, but everything starts from the fact that the two big men have played well in the spaces.Pay attention to the fact that we always play by reading what the defense does! If, on the first screen of 4 for 2, X2 defends high on him, then 4 will screen in order to help the low cut of 2 (diagr. 11). Alternatively, 4 will screen to help the high cut into the area of the teammate (diagr. 12). When 2 receives the ball, he can shoot or drive to the basket. In this particular case, if 2 drives to the middle, on the eventual help of X5 with 5, who is not a good shooter from the perimeter, we will move as shown in diagram 13. As you see, we are taking advantage of situations that offer dynamic 1on1 plays. That is one of the fundamental points of our offense.In our system, 4 must be a player with a great knowledge of the game, and he helps the point guard, 1, in deciding the construction of the offensive game.Let’s look at the application of the same used when 4 was already positioned at the top of the key.With the ball on the left, 1 passes to 4 (diagr. 14), and, while the ball is in the air, 5 sets a horizontal screen for 3, who makes a hard cut to the basket. 5, immediately after the screen, moves to open an effective second passing line. Don’t forget we are always talking of creating possibilities for getting the ball to the center.Let’s look now at the case where 3 passes the ball to 5 (diagr. 15).



Post Drills

DON SHOWALTER graduated with a physi cal education major and a biology minor at Wartburg College in 1974. In the same year he started his coaching career at Lone Tree Schools, where he worked until 1976. From 1976 to 1984 he was head coach at Central Elkander Community Schools, where he also teached biology. Since 1984 he is head coach at Mid Prairie Community Schools. During his career, he won 15 district titles.

THE FOLLOWING is a set of post drills we use at each practice to help develop our post players. We have found that it takes longer and we need to spend more time developing the post players than perime ter players. The post players are often less athletic and seem to have more foot work problems. Therefore, much more time needs to be spent working on spe cial drills with them. I have found that it is important to have all players work on these post drills because perimeter play ers will often find themselves in the post area and must know how to score with their back to the basket.

HAWK DRILLS This halfcourt drills use all of your play ers and has them work on passing, post moves, and relocating to different spots to shoot and pass. TwoPlayer Passing Series Start with two lines of players, with one stationed near the top of the key and the other group lined up at the baseline cor ner behind the threepoint line. “C” is a coach who is playing stationary defense. Pass And Shoot: 1 penetrates to the free throw line, while 2 starts out in the corner and makes a quick cut to the wing area behind the threepoint line (if the player doesn’t have threepoint range, have him step in for a mediumrange jumper). 1 passes to 2, who shoots a jump shot. The shooter rebounds and the players switch lanes (diagr. 1). Penetrate and Post: 1 penetrates and passes to 2. After making the pass, 1 cuts to the block and posts up in front









of the coach who’s playing defense. 2 makes an entry pass back to 1, who exe cutes a postup shot against the defending coach. The shooter rebounds and the players switch lanes (diagr. 2). Relocate The Passing Angle: This drill is the same as the previous drill, but, after receiving the initial pass, the wing dribbles toward the baseline for a better passing angle into the post. 1 passes to 2 and breaks down low to post up on the low block. 2 takes a few hard, quick dribbles to

the baseline and makes an entry pass to 1. 1 executes a postup move against the de fending coach. The shooter rebounds and the players switch lanes (diagr. 3). PostWing Kickout: 1 passes to 2 and breaks down low to post up on the low block. 2 takes a few hard, quick dribbles to the baseline and makes an entry pass to 1. 1 fakes a postup shot and passes the ball back out to 2 on the wing, who takes the pass for a quick catchand shoot jump shot. The shooter reboun-



ds and the players switch lanes (diagr. 4).

REPOST This drill is executed just like the previ ous drill except that when the post player passes the ball back out, he continues to fight for better post position against the defending coach. 2 throws an entry pass back to 1, who then makes a postup move and takes a shot. The shooter re bounds and the players switch lanes (diagr. 5).


DEFENSE POST SEAL DRILL This drill is a great way for your post play ers to work on getting the best inside post positioning. 1 passes to 2 in the corner, cuts toward the basket, and gains posi tioning behind the defending coach. 2 fakes as if to shoot and then lobs the ball over the defending coach’s head to 1, who seals the defender, secures the ball, and puts up a quick shot. The shooter re bounds and the players switch lanes (diagr. 6).





HOOK LAYIN DRILL The post player takes a drop step inside and shoots a baby hook layin. The player will then rebound his shot, toss the ball out, and run towards the other big block, land ing on both feet in a jump stop (diagr. 7). He then immediately drop steps inside, shoots a baby hook layin, rebounds his shot, tosses the ball out, and repeats the drill. This drill continues for thirty sec onds. Increase the time as the player pro gresses.

POWER PICKUP DRILL Objectives: 1. To drill drop steps.


2. To drill power layup 3. To drill the pump fake. Line up 5 as the shooter, with 4 as a help er. Two balls are used; one starts at each block. The post player will go from block to block, picking up the ball, and quickly tak ing a dropstep power layup (diagr. 8).


POWER LAYUP DRILL Objectives: 1. To drill drop steps. 2. To drill power layup 3. To drill the pump fake. 4. Improve physical conditioning and get to the basket when tired. Line up 5 as the shooter, with 4 as a help er. Two balls are used; one ball


shot at the basket (diagr. 11).


starts at each block (diagr. 9). The post player will go from block to block picking up the ball, and quickly tak ing a dropstep power layup. Move the location of the ball up the lane.

BAD PASS DRILL Objectives: 1. Catch, chin, and take a look. 2. Lose position to gain possession. The coach will make the post player move to catch an entry pass. Make pass es difficult for the player to catch (diagr. 10).

Quick finish with no steps. The coach will make a pass to either post (diagr. 12).

RELOCATION DRILL Relocation of post player. The post cir cles opposite of pene tration. Emphasize a quick finish and foot work (diagr. 13 and 14).


DEAD BALL FLASH DRILL The post player will flash to an opening when penetration is stopped (dead zones) (diagr. 15).



Objectives: 1. Conditioning 2. Outlet pass 3. Catch and finish The post player throws the ball off the backboard, catches it, and outlets the ball. He then runs as fast as he can, touches the halfcourt line, and then fills the lane as he runs to the basket. He will receive a pass and finish the






ACB: the Spanish Professional League MARIO HERNANDO Began his professional career as journalist in 1986, working for different basketball magazines and Spanish newspapers. In 1998 he entered the ACB as Director of Operations, and four years later he also was named Director of Communications. Along his career, he followed the main basketball events, both national and international, such as the Olympic games, World Championships, European Championships, Mc Donald's Open, European Leagues, European Club's Finals. He is also author of several books about basketball. THE FIRST BASKETBALL competition in Spain had its beginning with the Spanish Cup, which was first played in 1933. The National League started 24 years later, with the competition today known as ACB, Asociación de Clubes de Baloncesto (Association of Clubs of Basketball). Since their beginning, these tournaments were organized by the Spanish Basketball Federation. Starting in the 1970, the National League took on a semiprofessional character amongst most of the clubs and, as it grew in importance and economic strength, it became evident that a body should be created to manage the league.1982: BIRTH OF THE ACBIn 1982 professional basketball was finally born. The Spanish Federation passed the responsibility of the competition to the clubs. This move made the Spanish league more like the American sports structure (exactly, closer to the NBA, whose


organization always served as a reference model) than the typical European sports competition. On March 3, 1982, the ACB was created. Since the 198384 season, the ACB has governed the top level of basketball in Spain.The first games of the new league organized by the ACB were played September 11, 1983. To reach this historical moment, a small group of people were able to sidestep a mountain of problems, overcome the majority thinking process about sports organizations, and, most importantly, convince the Spanish sport authorities of the need to change the structure of Spanish basketball and create an independent league that would help modernize the sport. The ACB was born as a professional organization whose supreme body is the General Assembly, formed by the clubs joining the league. From this moment on, everything began to change:


there were TV contracts, the introduction of playoffs, two foreign players per team, an annual All Star Game, a third referee, exclusive model of representation and the creation of the King’s Cup. These new changes, together with the influence of the silver medal won by the National team at the Olympic Games of Los Angeles in 1984, raised the role of basketball in Spain, creating the social phenomenon that was given the name of “basketball boom.”

rom 1982, the ACB didn’t stop working to consolidate a governing body that, step by step, has assumed newer functions.A TOP LEVEL SPORT CONCERN The ACB works like any major business. Directed and led by Eduardo Portela, the creator and ideologist of this great business project, the organization chart covers all aspects of sports, divided into 10 different departments: Presidency: Plans, supervises and controls the different activities of the

ACB.General and Legal Direction: Directs and coordinates the general running of all the departments of the ACB.General Secretary Office: Manages all the administrative and legal aspects involved in running the ACB.Business: Takes care of the generation of extra resources in addition to those coming from television and advertising.Marketing and Sponsorship: Develops projects that strengthen the image of basketball and the ACB and initiates all licen-


sing and merchandising actions. Competition: Organizes and directs the activities derived from ACB competitions.Financial Office: Runs the economical and financial operation of the ACB.Events Department: Organizes the official sports actions and events of the ACB.Public Relations and Protocol: Runs the Secretary’s Office of the ACB and the takes care of international relationships. Officiating: Directs and controls the operations of the refe-


SPORT MARKETING AND MANAGEMENT SPORT MARKETING AND MANAGEMENT reeing body. Communications: Takes care of and strengthens the public perception of the ACB competitions. Informatics: Develops all technological projects, maintains the infrastructures of the ACB, and advises the different departments. Scouting: Offers support and advice about scouting and signing up players. Follows players from other leagues and publishes a scouting report as a service to the ACB clubs. One of the most significant examples of the evolution of professional basketball as a business in Spain is with the TV contracts. In September 1983, the ACB signed the first contract with Televisión Española (TVE), which included the broadcast of 16 games for 198384 season. This contract guaranteed, for the first time, regular broadcasts of league games, which had always been the goal of the ACB. For the first five years, the league developed a national exposure on television, but in 1988, TVA began paying the league 1,8 million euros (300 million pesetas) per season. This amount rose to 7,2 million (1200 million) per season, including the first transmission through Canal Satélite. As the popularity of the TV broadcasts grew, Canal Plus signed on to show league games, with a yearly contract of 16,9 million euros (2800 million pesetas). After four years with Canal Plus, the popularity of the league games has spread nationwide. Nowadays, professional Spanish basketball is seen throughout Spain through TVE, and throughout Europe via a variety of European broadcasters. ACB TURNS 25ACB celebrated its 25th anniversary this year, and what an enviable milestone it was. Thanks to the excellent work of the clubs, the ACB is a league with powerful sports, economic, and social muscle. Ove-


rall attendance has increased at all league games, with an average of almost 7,000 people per game, which represents close to 85% attendance at its arenas. The ACB has created its annual Copa del Rey tournament that attracts an audience of three million spectators and requests from 700 media from all over the world. Due to the overwhelming popularity of the tournament, the economic impact for the host city is approximately 25 million eu-


ros.Each year, the ACB increases its global business volume, pulling in approximately 140 million euros. Socially, it’s spent the past decade encouraging social responsibility to help Spanish children. Campaigns such as “Encesta su Juguete” (“Score its toy”) or “Un Juguete, una Sonrisa” (“One toy, one smile”) is directed to struggling with childhood obesity and homelessness.ACB has not forgotten that one of its main obligations which is to increase its

value. Its future depends on talented young players. Currently, 20,000 young players participate in youth leagues under the watchful eyes of almost 1,000 coaches. Moreover, the ACB created an enterprise directed at schools called the Collegial Series, which involves 5,000 young players around Spain, and the Under20 tournament, which is one step below the ACB. Twentyfive years ago, the ACB assumed the responsibility of bringing basketball to the highest levels in Spain, and they achieved that goal, which was not an easy thing to do considering the hurdles it had to get over. The change from the traditional European sports structures was a major challenge that the ACB faced up to. But it eventually led to the creation of the ULEB, the union of European basketball leagues. This eventually led to the creation of the Euroleague and the ULEB Cup, two wellestablished tournaments. Along the way, it brought about the use of the third referee in Europe, a measure adopted by the ACB in 1996. Eight

years later, a third referee was used in all continental competitions. From the business standpoint, the ACB developed marketing and communications programs for its own events. Top sponsors now include San Miguel, Fiat, Carrefour, Orange, Iberia, Nike, and Racer.One of the most significant examples of the evolution of professional basketball as a business has been the Business division of ACB. This was recently created and is totally dedicated to the generation of resources. The ACB has developed a new video unit that permits transmission of game highlights through cell phones. However, this past season, it has been possible to watch one game a week on cell phone, while live games are broadcast on the Internet.The web address, abc.com has played a leading role, but recently its role has been increased. There are 50,000 daily users and over 500 million pages viewed. More than 500,000 also play SuperManager, the Internet game, making one of the most visited websites in


Spain. Basketball is a tremendous sport for developing overall fitness. Understanding that, the ACB has recently left the world of basketball and expanded into the fitness realm, with the aim of creating a chain of branded ACB fitness centers. The first two will be built in Malaga and Zaragoza, with a global investment that goes over 16 millions euros. The centers are expected to open in 2009. This all goes to show that after 25 years of hard work, the ACB brand is not only recognizable but powerful, not only in Spain but outside its borders, whether on TV, Internet, or in the arenas throughout Europe. More than 25 free channels now bring the ACB show to its fans throughout Spain, Europe, and Asia. Yes, the ACB has globalized and done well. A quarter century of dedication to bringing a wellloved sport to the masses has produced a wellrespected brand that will only get better in the near future.



How to improve Foot Speed

FRANCESCO CUZZOLIN Is the first European to become a Strength and Conditioning Coach in the NBA. He hails from Italy and he has worked for 15 years with two of the most successful european basketball teams, Benetton Treviso and Virtus Bologna, from where many NBA player. He has worked for three years with the Russian national team whom Andrei Kirilenko played. This summer he'll be busy working with the Italian national team. He has also worked as a university teacher in Italy lecturing about training for team sports and athletic rehabilitation. He is the president of the EPCA (European physical conditioning association) and part of the board of the APFIP (Italian association of basketball conditioning coaches).

FOR A SPORT such as basketball, where the physical movements ofeach athlete are performed in confined spaces, pushing and shoving against bigger and quicker players, developing “strong” and“quick” feet offers a decided advantage. When feet are trained forspeed, the player enhances balance and reaction on the floor. Thinkof it like putting the right tires on a Formula One racecar and thenachieving maximum power and performance. But, what does it mean to develop foot “speed”? And is it possibleto train and enhance this attribute? Which are the best drills? Arethere more specific exercises for a basketball player? Every basketball coach has his own answer to these questions.Some prefer specific basketball drills, while others employ specialdrills taken from a variety of sports. I believe there are many drillsfrom different sports that will help enhance foot speed. But to getthe best results, especially when working with young basketballplayers, it is best to follow a specific work sequence. I will divide my suggestions on enhancing foot speed into four


phases, with each varying in intensity based on the age of the athleteand specialization level: 1. Functional 2. Proprioceptive 3. General Coordination 4. Specific Coordination During the functional phase, each foot is evaluated. It is noted if thefoot is flat, arched, pronated, supinated, or has any other particularcharacteristics. I then evaluate ankle mobility and strength of themain muscles. The earlier this evaluation is performed, especially when the playeris still young, the better the overall results of the training programwill be. Understanding an athlete’s foot morphology is important for thecoach because it allows him to understand any difficulties that theathlete might encounter in the future. The findings of the detailed foot exam will lead to specific foot andankle exercises, or, if necessary, the recommendation that the athlete use orthotics to improve his foot placement. Orthotics are special shoe inserts that are intended to correct anabnormal, or irregular, walking pat-


tern. Orthotics perform functionsthat make standing, walking, and running more comfortable andefficient, by altering slightly the angles at which the foot strikes awalking or running surface. The next step is to see if there are any restrictions on ankle rangeofmotion and eventually, to find out what has caused that limitation. According to many researchers, the ankle should have: l Dorsal flexion of approximately 30° l Plantar flexion of approximately 50° l Inversion (internal rotation) of approximately 35° l Eversion (external rotation) of approximately 15° These are only some indications and considering the parameters, it’s possible to arrive at some answers regarding the player’s feet. Ifthere are some limitations, it’s important to understand what has created them and then work to overcome them. In these situations a physiotherapist, podiatrist, osteopath, ororthopedist can help evaluate each movement and alignment ofthe bones of the foot. As far as muscle strength goes, it’s important to create maximummuscular tension that can lead to proper mechanical motion.Therefore, it is important to test the strength of the specific musclesinvolved in foot movement. These include the: l Gastrocnemius l Soleus l Tibia l Peroneal muscle groupIt’s well known that the ankle sprain is the predominant basketballinjury and that veteran players will have multiple sprains during thecourse of their careers. Players often practice and play with anklebraces or with heavilytaped ankles. Even so, they often have instability or poor functional limitation, and

Balance drills on both feet and different support bases, in a static and dynamic way l Balance drills just with one foot l Balance drills on one foot and different support base, in a static and dynamic way; l Balance drills in which the athlete tries to go off balance l Drills where someone else tries to throw the athlete off balance l Balance drills from a dynamic situation l

this often brings on moreankle problems. Know your players and their feet. If you don’t, youmay end up prescribing thewrong drills for them or havethem doing drills out of propersequence. Proprioception is an automaticsensitivity mechanism in thebody that sends messagesthrough the central nervoussystem (CNS). The CNS thenrelays information to rest of thebody about how to react andwith what amount of tension. Basketball players can “train” forproprioception in the quest for efficient everyday movements withtheir feet. Proprioception is initially an unconscious act, but it canbe enhanced with training. Specialized sensory receptors in the muscles, joints, and connective tissues enable the body to process information from a varietyof stimuli, and turn that information into action. During the proprioceptive phase, athletes should work withmuscles that control and stabilize the ankle joint and enhance theircapacity to react quickly and correctly to the stimulus sent from theligaments, tendons, and muscular and capsular receptors.Drills that can improve proprioceptive control of the joints areusually only suggested when rehabilitation is concerned, but theycan play a big role in training for fast feet. Here’s a work sequencethat can improve this capacity: l Passive feet mobilization and sensitization l Balance drills on both feet, both static and dynamic

HOWTO PERFORM Each drill on the minitrampoline lastsbetween 6 and 10 seconds, with a recovery period that is threeto four times theworking period. Since drills on this equipment are performed atmaximum speed, do nothave the athlete perform toomany repetitions or he willbecome overfatigued. Only when the player gets usedt o performing the exerciseand his fitness improves, the number of repetitionscan be increased. These specific drills improve neuromuscular control of the feet, producing better and fasterpostural control, which then creates the ideal conditions for thequickness drills. Previously, only drills for basic athletic coordination, such as exercises for improving running technique or jumpingrope (most boxingspecific drills are excellent), could be suggested. The step height should not be higher than 1520 cm. This height is easily attainable by most and permits a short contacttime contact between the step and the balls of the feet, just as if theathlete was running. If the step is too high, the athlete will use hisknee and hip flexors more than the feet, and that is not recommended.When working with young players, drills emphasizing running technique will help im-


prove their quickness. However, when working with much more specialized athletes, drills should be more specific for basketball. It’s necessary, then, to use drills that are similar to the game andrequire specific basketballtype coordination. When performing the stepping drills, the athlete should repeatthem with increasing speed, alternating his steps, while keepingthe same sequence. There are a lot of “stepping” or “line step” drills that can be utilized, with many combinations. I consider these drills very helpful when beginning a program, when the athlete may not be highly coordinated. As he learns to do them correctly, his speed will increase and thenit’s time to try something else. Bouncing drills are a stepping evolution. I like to have the athletesland on both feet at the same time. One specific drill is to have them going from the left side to the rightside and back, pushing simultaneously with both feet but close tothe floor while maintaining balance. These drills work the whole body, specifically the muscles thathave to stabilize in order for the feet to have dynamic action.Perform each exercise at maximum speed for no longer than 8 to 10 seconds. While learning stepping and bouncing drills, the athlete can watchhis feet or watch in front of a mirror as he goes through the drills.As soon as drills have been learned, the athlete is no longerallowed to look at his feet. He is to “feel” his feet, understand where they are in relation to the rest of his body without lookingdown and while increasing the speed of the drill. This sequence of the drills now follows a logical progression. It’snot necessary to work every athlete with every drill but it’s up to thecoach or the conditioning coach to implement what’s needed, depending on the specific needs of their athletes.



Happy to have Dinamo Sassari in the Turkish Airlines Euroleague jORDI BERTOMEU ORTEU President, Chairman, and CEO of the Euroleague Basketball Company

Ideas, sensations and analysis of the Turkish Airlines Euroleague President, Jordi Bertomeu that, in occasion of the Expo event during Dinamo’s Pre – Season, answered to this interview. He talked about Dinamo and its 2nd Euroleague Basketball season. Five years ago, Dinamo Sassari had his debut in the maximum level of the Italian League.Three seasons ago there was his debut in the European Competions (Eurocup). Last season was the time to his introduction in the Turkish Airlines Euroleague. And in the upcoming season, after the victory of the Italian Championship, Dinamo has again the chance to be between the giants of the highest European Competiotion. Could you tell us an opinion about it?



"My opinion is very positive as Dinamo Sassari has developed a coherent, serious and solid project through all these years accomplishing outstanding results. Dinamo Sassari is a great example of professionalism as they have focused its efforts not only in making a competitive team every season, but in the organizational aspects creating a professional club structure. This combination has allowed the team a constant growth which has been fundamental in the sports success they have achieved". Which value has having a team as Sassari in the Turkish Airlines Euroleague for Sardinia, Italy and all the European basketball movement? "Participating in the Turkish Airlines Euroleague is a huge promotional window for the team, city and country on a global basis. Our games are broadcasted in 202 different countries and territories, we have a growing fan base following all the different news ad activities of the competition and Euroleague Basketball is covered by the most important media outlets". Which value has for the Euroleague to have Sassari in this Competition? "We are really happy to have Dinamo Banco di Sardegna Sassari participating in the Turkish Airlines Euroleague for the second year in a row as they have deserved it. Besides being the reigning Champion of the Italian Domestic competition they have a really serious and professional organization with a great illusion to improve and grow. We are very pleased to have them as one of the two representatives of such an historic basketball country as Italy". The Turkish Airlines Euroleague bets strong on quality, communication, entertainment, working

hard for the dialogue between the clubs to share fully this vision. How much is important for the clubs to assimilate the Euroleague’s message and to conform their vision to the organization’s modus operandi? "Our message is basically to reach the excellence not only on the court but in all different aspects around the competition. I am really proud to say that since the foundation of Euroleague Basketball, debate and dialogue with our stakeholders, the clubs, has been one of the main tools for improving the competition. Our vision, which has as final goal bringing the best possible show to all the fans, is something that our clubs fully understand and share and our job is to offer them as many tools as possible in different areas, like competition, marketing or communication to improve the fan experience". What would the Turkish Airlines Euroleague like to be? Which is the potential growth of his project? Which are the goals to set and to reach? "At Euroleague Basketball we always work guided by three main pillars: make the competition better, improve the communication towards the fans, and enhance the opportunities to generate a better business for our clubs. Everything we do must check one of the above’ s pillar boxes, putting always the fans in the middle. We have recently taken some decisions that impacted heavily on our competitions’ structure with excellent results, and have made of communication our top priority with strategies of content production –mainly Audio Visual and localization (partnerships with local media, L´Equipe (France),


Gazzetta dello Sport (Italy), Milliyet (Turkey), As (Spain), sport24 (Greece), Spox (Germany) and Championat.ru (Russia)). With regards to business, we are also taking some important steps towards the optimization of the generation of revenues, such as for example the recent offering of regional sponsorship packages or the increase in the number of broadcasting deals, which is now above 200 countries and territories. Our duty is now to keep on working for our clubs and for our fans, and think about how to improve our product, how to present it better to those who love the sport, and how to engage with new partners". Which are the expectations of the Euroleague about the upcoming season? "Being better than the previous one of course, which won´t be easy. We will continue working to have an attractive competition for our fans and make them feel it as their own. Since the creation of Euroleague Basketball in 200 we have experienced a constant growth in many different aspects visibility (202 countries, where our games are broadcasted), accumulated audience (1043% increase) or inarena attendance (228% increase) and we want to follow this path as show us that the interest for our competition and basketball in general grows". Would you like to wish something to our team, to our club and our fans as well for starting of this 2nd experience in the Turkish Airlines Euroleague? "I would like to wish Dinamo Banco di Sardegna Sassari a successful season and hope that all fans enjoy this second experience in the top European competition".



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LOREM IPSUM dolor sit amet, quo primis vidisse erroribus te, ut vim modo discere. At vitae omittam mei, eripuit periculis consequuntur at nec. Pri zril ridens eu. Et vix facilisi democritum. Te stet nominati pri. Tamquam principes vel an, nibh ubique mea te. Ei tollit fastidii est, an mea tale veritus referrentur. Mel ei cibo prompta eleifend, usu hinc legimus accusata no. Eu mea partiendo ocurreret, nam esse maiestatis moderatius eu, his at quodsi omittam disputationi. An mel odio interpretaris, mel officiis praesent deterruisset an. In fierent quaestio maluisset ius. No vel quaeque molestie iracundia, iisque atomorum cum ad, nec no quis mnesarchum. Magna pertinax eu mea, duo modus homero erroribus ut, duis utamur et vis. Mel cu elitr ocurreret, eum sanctus officiis referrentur ne, ius eu impedit vituperatoribus. Mei no minim dolore postea, ludus ridens eleifend vis ea. Vocent eleifend ea mea, ludus postulant per ea. Ex homero equidem



cum, sed ad quidam reprehendunt. Novum alterum contentiones te pri, at eum illud repudiandae, eu vivendo albucius intellegebat vim. Cum iuvaret nonumes id, novum labores nec ut. Ex mei nullam dicunt antiopam, vix ex agam scripta accommodare. Vel ex dolore inimicus conclusionemque. Pro munere iriure phaedrum ne, dico iracundia sententiae ad his, ut pro dicat quidam signiferumque. Usu dicta nostrum facilisi te, alii case mucius mel no. Stet nihil malorum ius at. No esse nusquam mnesarchum vel, eros soleat persius id nam, vim tempor utroque ea. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, quo primis vidisse erroribus te, ut vim modo discere. At vitae omittam mei, eripuit periculis consequuntur at nec. Pri zril ridens eu. Et vix facilisi democritum. Te stet nominati pri. Tamquam principes vel an, nibh Ei tollit fastidii est, an mea tale veritus referrentur. Mel ei cibo prompta eleifend, usu hinc legimus accusata no. Eu mea partiendo ocurreret,

nam esse maiestatis moderatius eu, his at quodsi omittam disputationi. An mel odio interpretaris, mel officiis praesent deterruisset an. In fierent quaestio maluisset ius. No vel quaeque molestie iracundia, iisque atomorum cum ad, nec no quis mnesarchum. Magna pertinax eu mea, duo modus homero erroribus ut, duis utamur et vis. Mel cu elitr ocurreret, eum sanctus officiis referrentur ne, ius eu impedit vituperatoribus. Mei no minim dolore postea, ludus ridens eleifend vis ea. Vocent eleifend ea mea, ludus postulant per ea. Ex homero equidem cum, sed ad quidam reprehendunt. Novum alterum contentiones te pri, at eum illud repudiandae, eu vivendo albucius intellegebat vim. Cum iuvaret nonumes id, novum labores nec ut. Ex mei nullam dicunt antiopam, vix ex agam scripta accommodare. Vel ex dolore inimicus conclusionemque. Pro munere iriure phaedrum ne, dico iracundia sententiae ad his, ut pro dicat quidam signiferumque.


Usu dicta nostrum facilisi te, alii case mucius mel no. Stet nihil malorum ius at. No esse nusquam mnesarchum vel, eros soleat persius id nam, vim tempor utroque ea. Novum alterum contentiones te pri, at eum illud repudiandae, eu vivendo albucius intellegebat vim. Cum iuvaret nonumes id, novum labores nec ut. Ex mei nullam dicunt antiopam, vix ex agam scripta accommodare. Vel ex dolore inimicus conPro munere iriure phaedrum ne, dico iracundia sententiae ad his, ut pro dicat quidam signiferumque. Usu dicta nostrum facilisi te, alii case mucius mel no. Stet nihil malorum ius at. No esse nusquam mnesarchum vel, eros soleat persius id nam, vim tempor utroque ea. Pro munere iriure phaedrum ne, dico iracundia sententiae ad his, ut pro dicat quidam signiferumque. Usu dicta nostrum facilisi te, alii case mucius mel no. Stet nihil malorum ius at. No esse nusquam mnesarchum vel, eros soleat persius id nam, vim tempor utroque ea.



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se mucius mel no. Stet nihil malorum ius at. No esse nusquam mnesarchum vel, eros soleat persius id nam, vim tempor utroque ea. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, quo primis vidisse erroribus te, ut vim modo discere. At vitae omittam mei, eripuit periculis consequuntur at nec. Pri zril ridens eu. Et vix facilisi democritum. Te stet nominati pri. Tamquam principes vel an, nibh Ei tollit fastidii est, an mea tale veritus referrentur. Mel ei cibo prompta eleifend, usu hinc legimus accusata no. Eu mea partiendo ocurreret, nam esse maiestatis moderatius eu, his at quodsi omit In fierent quaestio maluisset ius. No vel quaeque molestie iracundia, ii-


sque atomorum cum ad, nec no quis mnesarchum. Magna pertinax eu mea, duo modus homero erroribus ut, duis utamur et vis. Mel cu elitr ocurreret, eum sanctus officiis referrentur ne, ius eu impedit vituperatoribus. Mei no minim dolore postea, ludus ridens eleifend vis ea. Vocent eleifend ea mea, ludus postulant per ea. Ex homero equidem cum, sed ad quidam signiferumque. Usu dicta nostrum ae, eu vivendo albucius intellegebat vim. Cum iuvaret nonumes id, novum labores nec ut. Ex mei nullam dicunt antiopam, vix ex agam scripta accommodare. Vel ex dolore inimicus conPro munere iriure phaedrum ne, dico iracundia sententiae ad his, ut pro dicat quidam signiferumque. Usu dicta nostrum facilisi te, alii case mucius mel no. Stet nihil malorum ius at. No esse nusquam mnesarchum vel, eros soleat persius id nam, vim tempor utroque ea. Pro munere iriure phaedrum ne, dico iracundia sententiae ad his, ut pro dicat quidam signiferumque. Usu dicta nostrum facilisi te, alii case mucius mel no. Stet nihil malosarchum vel, eros soleat persius id nam, vim tempor utroque ea.

........................ CBA NEWS ........................ TOLLIT FASTIDII EST, AN MEA TALE VERITUS

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