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School of American Ballet ​so obviously employee engagement can look very different across organizations depending on the number of factors your industry your corporate culture but also your leadership team and their key priorities I'm very excited this morning to be joined now by four leaders from three very different companies whose organizations have each gone through their own unique journeys over the past several years firstly I'd like to welcome Russ Dyer who's joining us from Mondelez international global snacking powerhouse I'm sure you've heard of Cadbury Oreo they've a wide portfolio of brands and as the VP of global communications Russ leads the development and implementation of communication strategies for more than 90,000 employees worldwide Russ is joined this morning by Zuhair ekala wala Mondelez international senior VP and global chief information officer and so Harrah's responsible for leading the company's information technology and solutions and also his business process excellence organization joining us from Boston we have Saleem Schillinger at sanofi pasteur a global leader in producing vaccines and a division of the pharmaceutical giant Sanofi as the head of quality innovation and engagement Celine has a wealth of experience designing and implementing new leadership and corporate transformation strategies at a global scale and from London we have Harry Miller from TSB Bank a retail and commercial bank previously a part of Lloyds Banking Group and now subsidiary of Sabadell Group Harry is the head of internal communications and community engagement for TSP and as such she's focused on setting the strategic direction for their internal narrative as well as leading communications for major change programs so I want to start off by talking about sustained engagement and most specifically how employee engagement helps drive the strategy of an organization Harry you've been in a unique position where you've actually created a brand new Bank TSB out of Lloyds a large traditional bank can you tell us how that happened so GSB is a financial crisis which most of us will have experienced something some way shape or form and we needed to create a bank that was going to increase competition in the UK banking space and ultimately make banking better for everyone so it's quite a big ask for us and we needed to take our people with us on that journey and we started out with about four thousand people who were carved out from Lloyds Banking Group and we just needed to make sure that those guys knew why we were on this journey they believed in the in what we needed to achieve so engaging our teams was vitally important in that process well so you know there you are trying to define and drive the culture for your new challenger Bank you've got 4,000 people how did you create that level of engagement of belief in the mission and the journey so in NTSB it was very important that we establish some key values that would steer us as we were developing this and launching this new bank two of the values that we set up were kept being collaborative and being transparent and whilst they seemed very simple in the banking industry it's there they were values that certainly seemed to kind of disappear and probably got us into this mess a little bit so in TSP we need to make sure that we created like that water wheel of communication in our business so that we're talking on a level so it's not doing or cascading information down to our people is very much a conversation so that people own this bank they feel empowered to make decisions within this Bank whether you are you know working one of our branches or whether you are the CEO it's equally important that we all believe in what we're trying to achieve and feel that you can make a difference Thank You Harry Celine over to you you've used engagement to drive a very important outcome for sanofi pasteur can you tell us why engagement is so important to your organization sanofi pasteur is the vaccine division of Sanofi it is the world's largest company dedicated to the manufacturing of human vaccines and as our world leader we are responsible for manufacturing vaccines that protect people against more than 20 infectious diseases totaling annually to more than 1 billion doses of vaccines every year that immunize and more than 500 million people worldwide so therefore as a company we must rigorously pursue quality in our manufacturing processes across the entire company and as you know vaccine manufacturing is a highly complex very regulated activity there are controls and each and every step of the manufacturing process which is why we spend actually more than almost 70% of our time in quality controls and every single employee wherever of the company wherever they sit must be engaged and committed to pursuing country ensuring quality not just to make a company successful but because we save lives so throughout the morning we've talked about technology as an enabler for more transparent and open communications Russ Mondelez you know we've said as a global powerhouse with a wide portfolio of brands it can't be easy to connect people across that breadth can you tell us about your role as the head of corporate communications how is some of your technology enabled you to create connection and dialogue across Mondelez at scale so we're a very global company it's a key competitive advantage for us to have

such a diverse geographic footprint but with that footprint come some challenges with increasingly virtual relationships and ways of working more remote populations of employees remote reporting lines what Yammer does is it shrinks our world and it enables those human connections on a level that no other tools provide from a communication standpoint we spend a lot of time focusing on our people the proof points of heroic efforts in driving our business and celebrating our successes and our people agenda but there's nothing more powerful than arming a colleague with a tool that can they can tell their own story and there's so much that our colleagues are proud of that they share in real time locally and it element connections in a way that you you can't through traditional communications channels that's very powerful so hey you and Russ have worked so closely together across communications an IT can you tell us how your IT team focuses on bringing value to the organization as a strategic partner for teams like roses how does that collaboration work so if you think beyond the use cases I think some of the things that we look for in the organization with the adoption of technology is what new capability does the technology bring in that we didn't have the ability to do before and with Yammer one of the things which was really good that we use often is to have a passionate conversation with colleagues around the world in a concentrated period of time where everybody can exchange their input and their thoughts and you know I don't know if it's official term or we call it yam jam internally but the idea of having 80 hundred 200 people across 12 time zones all collaborating and talking about what they think of a certain business situation or a certain priority but even a certain social conversation that we would want to get into the technology now makes it possible to interact while you have that many people engaging in the conversation and that is something that you know personally from a technology on the same point I really like to bring to the organization because there was a capability within that's amazing so you know you're all really living this move from thinking about communication to actually enabling real conversation and so hey you made a great point about introducing new high-value capabilities that really didn't exist before so hurry back to you as the communications owner at TSB what new capabilities have you seen technology enable so so these days keeping people in TSB abreast of latest and breaking news is much easier than it has been ever before you know we used to have to rely on you know wood of medicine often a lot of the time you know you'd send an email at to certain layers of an organize of the organization and they would then pass the message on and you'd hope that they managed to get the message so now not only do we have extra tools that we can use so we can you know notify people and it pushes up on their phone we have to have metrics to tell us how deep that penetration has been so we can assess it then to say was that a successful way of delivering that message or was it not and what do we need to do next time to make it better so the data isn't this is important to us as the tool in in formulating what we're going to do in the future Russ back to you how have people at Mondelez leaned into the new experiences and capabilities that you and so have made available we soft launched in the middle of last year and just in the back half of the year saw a number of really great use cases proving out the value of the tool the first is just baseline engagement one of our peoples strategies as we call it is to celebrate our success more and in an increasingly virtual working environment where a lot of employees work with reporting relationships across lots of different time zones remote teams working that are not connected in the same space we saw a real appetite to share and connect through Yammer quickly after we launched it you can look at a function like sales that has a lot of employees out in the field they are not in an office every day they're in the supermarkets and our trade retail partners and they want to connect and share what they're doing so it wasn't just again a one-way push but we found that the sales teams were taking these amazing photos of stunning in-store displays that they were doing that they were very proud of and sharing back and it was creating just this great dialogue for an employee population that's historically been somewhat siloed and removed from the corporate communications experience so that was just one great population and use case that we saw emerge another one was something that doesn't happen every year for a lot of companies which is transition and CEO succession it was a great tool not only as an opportunity for our colleagues to say farewell to our exiting CEO share pictures reflections and connect you know directly with her but also welcome the new CEO and we look to Yammer to source real-time live questions and answers and dialogues for our global town halls so again new use cases and opportunities that we wouldn't have been provided without a tool like this in place for these unique experiences that's fantastic Celine as you were getting people engaged around quality you wanted to unlock that sort of tacit tribal knowledge in your employees and you launched an initiative I think you called it corporate social activism how did that go what kind of uptake did you see we had high hopes for people to jump in and how our hopes were not disappointed we but you know when you tap into conversations that deal with the heart of our company's mission and purpose and engagement is really high we started with a small Yammer group with 12 people about three years ago and it's now about 2,000 people strong and it keeps growing which is fantastic every day or like dozens of conversations happening so knowledge is flowing like big-time and worldwide across layers across sites across culture across languages some of

our employees have created activist networks on big manufacturing sites that gather hundreds of employees and we have seen people speaking up on Yammer and saying hey you know there was a problem and here's what I did about it or what we did about it and this is what we got from that so we took the we established a new habit that is to share with win is an action it's not just 90s and actually made by working together differently that makes yesterday better than two days are better than yesterday or tomorrow better than today so one thing about creating engagement especially sustained engagement is it leads to much more effective outcomes it drives results for the business Harry let's turn to that how have the initiatives that you've led positioned TSB Bank today so to you today in a great position we're continuing to be a challenger on the banking high street we're doing great work in the small business banking space which is gonna be a good big area for us in 2018 and beyond and our people are in a great place to we working super hard to get those things done and and obviously that can be really hard on teams but you know because we've got a great collaborative and transparent approach in TSB talking to each other really really helps and there are indicators that show that that's working so you know our employee engagement results are really positive still and also things like the Sunday Times just recently put us in the top five for best big companies to work for in the UK which is superb and even better when you realize that we were only the only bank in that space to be awarded that level and how about you Celine what results have you seen at Sanofi and most importantly perhaps can you measure them the business benefits are absolutely fermentis and there are easy to monitor because we have so many indicators in quality so I'm not even talking about the cultural benefits but really the hard data what do they show us they show us that we have improved our cost-effectiveness a lot we have been able to simplify and with volunteers through good ideas coming from everywhere sometimes up to 60% of critical manufacturing and business processes saving a lot of our resources to be able to end being able to dedicate them to more critical needs of our customers a second area of benefit the reduction in quality issues in deviations and deviations when things don't go right and we have seen a drop spectacular drops double-digit drop in deviations that have never been seen in the ten years prior to this project overall we have reduced the risk profile of the company which is tremendous we have had a positive impact on supply on write-offs etc but I would say probably the whole the bigger picture I would that I see is one of behavior change and that is often the most difficult thing to achieve in those business transformation projects and I'm really proud and grateful that that's not a pastor we have been able to achieve this at such a large scale because we manufacture vaccines and vaccines save lives so it's it's important to get that right I couldn't agree with you more Celine congratulations to you all for the amazing success you've driven into your organization's and thank you so much for joining us here today [Applause] Adelphi University, Garden City.

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