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Finger Lakes Community College ​though I'm at the exit I can welcome back so the second Channel video today I have some more geography of toy cat it's everyone sir its second channel series where I talk about the world and geography and stuff and today I figured because it's been about couple of months since I last made a you know five countries which my existing video a lot of people of last week make another one because even though again countries have formed a very very long period of time let me clarify this one right now in the past 20 years there's only been three new countries in the entire world countries form very very slowly but it is something that's happening over time generally speaking you know since the days of the USSR countries aren't coming together and kind of forming bigger countries they're tending to split up and be more autonomous and be more separate and as a result you're gonna see more and more countries happen over the next 50 100 years so let me just pass right this is five countries that will exist soon in North America the next month will be cover covering but there no going to happen in the next five years you know you're going to read the paper tomorrow probably and see them that they're gonna be there but it is a sort of thing that we're gonna slowly see a drift between them and the country they're part of and they're going to slowly just become independent and it's gonna be one of those things so yeah I think these are five countries which are the most likely candidates for new countries in North America I try to get that all the way out the way cuz I don't let's be misleading these are countries which are currently part of our countries but are slowly drifting away and which will eventually become independent in my opinion so that said let's get straight into it I think that's enough feel like disclaimer for now and let's start with the two ones which most people say are very likely but realistically aren't because both Texas and California have relatively you know mild movements in their heads like yep we're just kind of independent and staying parked in Union for the fun of it you know Texas over here California over here fun fact California is the biggest state Texas the second biggest one it's kind of interesting that both these two big states therefore have you know the first and second biggest assertions however both states even though they want to believe they can be separate for than you don't actually they are tied in one of the core parts of the United States is that every you know every state is there by force if they had the ability to leave then they could do it over tiny disputes and that's just not something that makes sense in the US so will Texas or California ever leave one they need to get all the people ranked behind them first because there's no significant support right now then they need to somehow work out like a way to hold a referendum and then secede unilaterally which might lead to an invasion and because they're both you know literally in the US right now and you know their path I guess the 48 contiguous states it basically would create massive massive problems and they're just so many steps in the other independence that I don't see ever happening unless the u.s. like crumbles for some reason at some point the next hundred years which is possible but it makes it one the less likely cadet contenders I guess it so you have that said it's moving to the more likely one to kind of prove a point here which is Greenland so Greenland is a part of North America I mean you might not consider it to be one because it's like kind of separate by the bath and bed but yeah Greenland is a part of North America and the really interesting thing about Greenland is that you might not know it but it isn't an independent country already a local assume it is because you look at a map in it says Greenland it doesn't say Denmark part two the Greenland resurgence or whatever but yeah Greenland is actually an autonomous province in Denmark so you should be part of Denmark like oh yeah Kingdom of Denmark it's Denmark it's the Faroe Islands which are right here next to the UK by the way and then there's Greenland Greenland in like 1979 I believe they got home you know the Goliath had a big home referendum the referendum was massively 1bo he was saying yep we want to rule ourselves and basically now Denmark is just in control of their foreign affairs their currency and various laughs and even there one of the biggest exceptions in the EU and they even though Denmark is a part of the EU and Greenlanders Park Denmark Greenland is not a part of the EU and really isn't even European because it's in North America the people that live there on even you know like you know part like Danish they're not European and North American they're Inuits they're native people to the place and it's also just a very tiny country less than sixty thousand people if it's something like fifty-six thousand people live in the entire land mass and yes result that it's just so different to any other place in the world and as a result they are presumably going to go independent especially when you've gotta think that having you know foreign protection doesn't really need to be so necessary when you're kind of located here especially then you know the currency thing is that too big for deal versus the whole having a nationalist sentiment and being a national country is that a big deal that's something that we're gonna see happening slowly you know more in the future let's just kind of

put this inspect of here you can see green and achieve independence it's something they want more and more so on a being suspected oh yeah the year 2021 because that's an anniversary of something realistically it's going to take some time to happen because there's no massive benefits being independent but they definitely are going to be heading in that direction more of the next time yet so there's a green land as a country you could see existing but I don't forget changed the landscape of anything too much unlike if we saw Kubek go independent so if Quebec does go independent which as I mentioned my Canada video is seeming less likely even though it seemed like it was a given 20 years ago so I figured I'd mention it as long as things that you might think will happen but actually might not so yeah Quebec had him you know actually had a referendum on independence in the seventies or eighties and a she was relatively you know close was like forty sixty and they're like okay then well I guess that's dead for Generation then about fifteen twenty years later they decided let's go for round two of the referendum and it's one of the closest referendums in the world on something this big the Kubik referendum as you can see right here was fifty point five eight percent no versus forty nine point forty percent yes we're turnout of ninety three percent that's ninety three percent is like unheard off the democratic stuff like this this is one of the biggest like referendums ever and it was that close it literally the invalid votes would have won it either way depending on how they went kind of which is kind of interesting if you ask me yeah basically Kubek is one of those most interesting regions because they was so close to independence then they've kind of just taken a step back myth because popular support has gone the other way however Kubek is very distinct from the rest of Canada and that they speak French it's distinct and that they actually make most of a poster you know the maple syrup stuff comes from here and basically there is a I think there is a decent chance that at some point Kubek would go independent if it does then it's going to create a real mess in North America because we're gonna have Canada which is like surrounding Quebec and then there also be the only frenchspeaking country in a while it's gonna make things a bit messy as far as the map stuff is concerned but Quebec has aspirations of independence even though it is going the other way right now I think again it's one of those regions that is very culturally different in a lot of ways that you could see it eventually become independent especially since they already had the you know the kind of mandate to like push for independence if they need it it's not like Catalonia in Spain where even though everyone wants it they can't get it it is one of those places where as soon as the people want the independence it looks like it can happen so yeah well that said let's move on to the next place which might eventually become you know an independent country and this is one that I guess a lot of you in a third of because not when people look into Central America and you know the Nicaraguan stuff via Nicaragua is a country located just over here between Costa Rica and Honduras and El Salvador it's over here basically just the south of Mexico and whatnot and basically Nicaragua at NIC Nicaragua I'm horrible pronouncing this word Nicaragua is a really interesting country because even though the vast majority people have roughly similar you know Canada roots from the whole Spanish invasion and then the people for that basically the people on the coast are actually part of the autonomous region called the Mosquito Coast so the Mosquito Coast which is a really bizarre name for a province basically is very distinctly you know when you go back in the history you know the rest of the Central America was mainly Spanish where is that the mosquito kingdom was backed by the British so whenever you have a division like that it kind of leads to interesting places but the plate everything that makes it more interesting is not only they are Thomas region or lready which by the way it stretches a little bit integers it's worth mentioning here's an actual map fair yet knowledge that stretch a tiny bit into Honduras so that's a little bit weird and nollies an autonomous province which is so yeah it doesn't have current borders it's not even entirely in nathrach WA it has their own separate people they're all made off of the mosquito indigenous people and they have like their own king in their own stuff like that and whenever there's like big disputes internally so the Contra situation where you know Nicaragua that's getting rid of their communist government that was something backed by the mosquito Kingdom and basically right now they're in our own region there's a big support in the region for independence and at some point that could happen so you might soon have a country in the world called Mosquito Coast and I think that thing alone is the coolest because would you call them the mosquito people you know it sounds like you're talking about Joe mosquito people and that alone is enough a reason to be excited about Mosquito Coast independence so yeah Mosquito Coast would be one of the smaller countries in Central America and I guess North America in general but it is one those countries that might start existing and in case you were if ago we'll be talking about let's talk about some where everyone knows which is Alaska so I mentioned how US states are all bound together by bit on the way the u.s. worked and that is entirely true however any state is going to leave I would say the two most likely contenders are Hawaii and Alaska by pier just geographic thing because Hawaii really isn't connected to the rest of it but again that they consider to be American Alaskans dude so but there was a significant there is some significant support for like being there independent thing and the biggest reasons for this is first of all look at the state compared to every other part of America one it is bigger

than any other state by size by just a humongous mat like it you know it's not even comparable to any other US state it's comparable to like groups of five or six states plus then you consider the fact that it's a geographic remote it's not actually directly connected to the United States to get from the u.s. to Alaska you either take a plane you take a boat or if you're in certain parts of Alaska you can drive through Canada which isn't really being connected at all that's just you know that that's just like a separate place that you're playing as the US plus then you can vote by the fact that Alaskans have their own native people they have their own just basically they're an entirely distinct place the climate which means that the kind of culture is different if you consider the fact that by representation in the US they just entirely I don't say sharply because it is the way the rules work but you know there is a 435 person Congress in America uh one seat goes to Alaska that's the that's them you know that's the minimum a state has to have they would even get that if the population was meant a bit funnier and the reason that that significant is because if you look at like New York for instance so New York is the biggest city so obviously it has a lot of Congress people and stuff but just Brooklyn just one small part of one city in one state has free separate congressmen to Alaska's which is this whole place here having one Alaska is the biggest congressional district in the world I believe it by most you know estimate which means the year this entire place these two thousand nine hundred islands plus you know all these cities you know from like Barrow up here which is just a low separate place to Anchorage this giant city all represented by one person little bit with a little bit weird of it what I'm saying and then you combine that the fact that they're separate so you know it's not to ask themselves when you can mind that the fact that obviously that I kind of close to other countries and you know you if there's gonna be a significant if there's gonna be one place that could secede it'd be Alaska but what about the support so I mentioned Heather was some support in 1996 there actually was you know that like you know that their governor elections I was actually won by the Alaskan Independence Party obviously the parties kind of drifted off a bit since then but there was support at one point and they're the support is there at some point and they're the mostly state 2pf secede and I think they're the one that peopled be like oh yeah I guess that makes sense that the left it wouldn't destroy the u.s. to let them leave and the support there so you could see a lasting independent it's probably the least likely event here because again just if you look at every other place here you say well I mean you don't really want to but it is something that I think if any states going first alas there's gonna be that state and that's the point I'm trying to raise here so yeah five countries which could soon exist in America not California or Texas as much as they like believe Greenland the Mosquito Coast Kubek the the French Canada if you will and also Alaska so I hope you did all enjoy this beer I've noticed that the common trend amongst the ones are a success seeding is being like really far north suspicious hey I guess this is North America but yeah well that's it hope you did enjoy this video if you did like it then is the second channel I don't care thank you all very much watching and give i that's a solid actor oh yeah second channel don't care Medaille College, Buffalo.

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