Ram & Lamb 2021

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Issue 14 - September, 2021



t Woolumbool’s annual spring on-property ram sale on Wednesday 6th October buyers will be spoilt for choice. Stud principal Phil Clothier anticipates the annual ram sale to match or exceed prior sale results with a solid range of rams being offered at a time where the prime lamb market is smashing records. This year the team are offering a select group of Multi-Meat Composite Maternal rams having formerly leased them via the Multi-Meat company, alongside the stud’s usual stellar line-up of Poll Dorset and White Suffolk rams. Mr Clothier said, “These Multi-Meat rams are quite unique as they carry copies of the Booroola fecundity gene which causes their female 1st cross progeny to ovulate at around 60% higher than ewes of the same age and nutritional status”. He added, “In the Multi-Meat ram group, the majority are homozygous (double copy) for the gene with some rams carrying the heterozygous gene (single copy)”. All 300 rams in the sale draft at the

Yacca Downs property north of Lucindale in SE South Australia, are sired by leading Poll Dorset, White Suffolk and Woolumbool Multimeat stud rams with a very high proportion of those sires sitting in top 5% of the LEQ index.

“We aim to produce rams which have lower birth weights with high growth and exceptional muscling which gives our rams the ability to produce viable fast growing and easy finishing lambs.” said Mr Clothier.

many other rams due to being born late winter/early spring and are very fit, active and not overweight at the time of Woolumbool ram sale.

placing a considerable amount of downward pressure on FD whilst still maintaining growth and muscle improvement”.

Mr Clothier added many of Woolumbool clients are very focused on breeding values with a big interest in purchasing sires that fit their own breeding objectives.

“Sheep producers can have confidence they will find the type of ram they want at our upcoming sale”.

“We take great pleasure in being able to present rams which fit their requirements.” Woolumbool stud continues to follow the latest research in breeding to stay in front of future requirements and supplies lambs for eating quality evaluations as well as some sires for use in the MLA reference flocks.

A core tool at use in the breeding program at Woolumbool stud, operating since 1975, is the use of “objective measurements”. Introduced in the early 1980’s this remains a priority tool for producing high quality performance rams along with the “sensible” use of visual traits. This ensures the stud is breeding rams who sire lambs for production efficiency Mr Clothier explained.

Ongoing border closures are not anticipated to impact the October sale with all the bidding action live online via AuctionsPlus. The Clothier family welcome valued clients and new buyers to their annual 2021 sale. For sale updates and the latest news, visit www.woolumbool. com.au or the “Woolumbool Studs” Facebook page.

Following Sheep Genetics advice, the stud has DNA tested close to 20% of the current sale rams to obtain more accurate eating quality breeding values.

“Our rams are pasture based and receive very little in the way of supplementary feeding which I believe gives them an edge later in life when winter pastures are short and lacking”.

All Multimeat Composite maternal rams have also been DNA tested for the Booroola gene presence and have all the breeding values of the Terminal rams along with wool breeding values for fleece weight and fibre diameter.

Woolumbool rams are generally considerably younger at sale than

Mr Clothier said, “We have been


ABOVE: Some of the elite performance rams you can find at Woolumbool Studs.



ast year’s COVID restrictions saw many sheep studs launch into a new era of incorporating online ram sales into their existing physical sales, causing plenty of apprehension on possible results and purchasers buying online for the first time. Chrome Sheep Studs, hosted two major sales last selling season, both on-property and online, with the main sale in October achieving 100% clearance across the 529 rams offered, with both repeat and new clients showing outstanding support for the Chrome product. Principal Matt Tonissen said he was “Overwhelmed by the result and continued support from many longterm clients. The result demonstrates that the work of the Chrome team, incorporating visual and performance data recording, and a progressive quality genetic program were meeting client’s business objectives”. Chrome Sheep Studs sold over 1000 rams last selling season highlighting the demand for quality genetics, across their Chromedale, Perendale, Coopworth, Poll Dorset and Icon Southies. A Spring sale in October, a summer sale in January, that caters for clients with later joining flocks, and

private sales either side, ensures there are plenty of quality rams available at the clients required timeframe.

resilient breeding ewe, capable of toughing it out in the extreme conditions of Southern Australia. Self replacing maternals are great converters of the spring flush when lots of lambs hit the ground, efficiently converting the spring surplus feed.

Self-Replacing Maternals When it comes to maternal genetics Chrome has all bases covered. Three similar breed options offer producers a range of rams to suit their needs, across varying climates, lambing dates, and ewe bases.

At Chrome around 2000 ewes are mated annually, guaranteeing great depth, and ensuring only the best rams make it through to sale.

The Chromedale is the mainstay of the maternal flock and is the preferred option for most producers that have been running self-replacing flocks for several years.

Terminal Sires A real success story, the Icon Southie has been a great initiation, bred to supply a fast growing early maturing terminal sire, that is also suitable as a terminal sire for maidens, ewe lambs and merino ewes. Now containing predominantly Southdown genetics, the lambs hit the ground running and their early maturing attributes result a very easy doing lamb that is very marketable straight off mum or easily finished. Their tight downsy skins also make them an attractive option on strong wool ewes. “Its great to hear so many success stories regarding the Icon Southies”

The Perendale offers that extra element of hardiness, worm resistance and slightly smaller frame score. Coopworths, which are slightly stronger in the wool, cross well with merino ewes and cope especially well in higher rainfall zones. All maternal ewes are bred for high fertility, lamb survival, worm resistance, tough well-structured feet, and the potential to mate ewe lambs. Selection for moderate frame score and mature ewe weight is also important, as is ewe efficiency. All these traits add up to an easy-care

The Icon Poll Dorset leg of the Terminal sires at Chrome offer a stable


traditional meat sheep option with a difference. Shorter in the leg, early maturing and lots of muscle makes for easy soft doing sheep that offer great shape and carcass. Gone are the days of big, long leggy slow maturing terminal sires. In Matt’s opinion “Lambs sired from moderate, high growth, fast maturing sires are what the industry needs” Chrome provides a range of additional support to their clients, with free ram delivery, a structural soundness guarantee, and to help volume buyers, every sixth ram is free at their sales. Matt has also made himself available on clients’ farms to help assess the ram team and provide an up-to-date ASBV list they have in their sire team. “One of the most rewarding things about doing what we do is seeing our commercial clients prosper and run more efficient and profitable operations” Matt said.

Now confident in the system, Chrome will be offering their rams again this year both on-property and online. For more info visit www.chromesheepstuds.com.au



MEGATRACE MINERALS FOR LIVESTOCK Concentrated Chelated Trace Mineral Supplement MegaTrace is a unique formulation of organically protected high quality sea-based minerals in a Chelated, bio-available liquid form that is easily assimilated and absorbed by livestock. MegaTrace is a trace mineral supplement specially created for animals to help address mineral deficiencies, therefore maximizing growth potential and optimizing production and performance levels. As an easy to administer, complete, balanced mineral package, MegaTrace’s adaptability to be used in almost any means of application helps it to be given to animals easily and efficiently, ensuring that deficiencies are met and productivity is optimized before it ever gets void. Interested in joining the MegaTrace Partner Program? Call 1800 255 288 Why MegaTrace? MegaTrace is an easy to administer, complete, balanced mineral package. It can be used in almost any sort of application (in feed, in water or drench) to ensure that any deficiencies are met and productivity is optimized before it ever gets lost. What is bioavailability? In short, this basically means that the

minerals can be readily absorbed or taken-up by the animal, so they can be quickly utilized to address deficiencies and sustain output.

cystine and methionine(amino acids) and other elementsinvolved in various metabolic functions. Zinc is important mineral for fertility and growth of young livestock. Deficiency symptoms include: poor fertility, slow recycling, poor weight gain in young livestock.

When do I need to administer MegaTrace? Research has shown that smaller, regular dosages of minerals (eg. Adding to feed or water supply) is better than large spasmodic “megadoses” (drenches). The most important thing however, is that the animals have sufficient access to the minerals, in order to perform. Set times of the year when feed quality is poor or demands on the animal are increased – (calving, foaling, lambing etc) – dosage rates may need to be increased to correlate with the higher stress on the animals.

Selenium deficiency is one of the main causes of what stockmen call “White Muscle Disease” Deficiency symptoms include: Un-thriftness, pale skin in sheep, weight loss in all stock, drastic decrease in lambing percentages. Calcium is required for skeletal strength, and is important for milk production. Deficiency symptoms include: Milk fever, Tetany. COBALT: Cobalt is required in ruminants for the manufacture of Vitamin B12. Deficiency symptoms include: Cobalt deficiency can be observed by weight loss, lack of vitality, extremely pale skin in sheep, rough coat in cattle, increased number of “poor doers”.

What are Chelates and why use them? One of the most versatile and easily utilized form of minerals, Chelates are fast becoming the most popular and effective way of administering minerals to livestock. The way Chelates work to protect nutrients from being lost while allowing maximum absorption make them a truly economical choice.

Copper is one of the main promoters of production for weight gain, strength, fleece growth & quality, reproduction & skeletal strength. Deficiency symptoms include: (a) IN SHEEP – harsh steely wool, scouring,

Boron carrier of essential elements to the cells. Sulphur is equired as a constituent of

As low as 5cents per cow per day


pale skin, infertility, (b) IN CATTLE rough coat, losS of condition, loss of natural colour in coat, eg; black coat will show a rusty appearance, red coat will show a yellow appearance, scouring and reduced growth weight. Manganese is very important for fertility and reproduction. Deficiency symptoms include: The first signs of deficiency is abnormalities in young calves and lambs, also in decreased conception rates. IODINE: Iodine directly affects thyroid gland secretions which to a great extent control heart action, nerve response, rate of body growth and metabolism. Deficiency symptoms include: Premature and still born calves and lambs.

Liquid Kelp gives an immediate response and adds extra natural trace element minerals for the benefit of the animal. MAGNESIUM: Essential for normal skeletal development, is a constituent of bone and functions as an enzyme activator in the glycolic system. Phosphorous involved in bone and teeth formation and energy metabolism, also an important component to many enzyme systems. To locate your nearest MegaTrace stockist call - 1800 255 288

PROLIFIC WHITES Prolific, Profitable, Shedders.


range of different shedding breeds are coming on to the market making all sorts of claims. The fact is that all of the breeds of sheep currently available in Australia have moderate to low genetic reproduction rates. They can at significant cost be managed to attain whatever reproduction rate you want. A recent financial analysis by Meridien Ag stated that shedders were no more profitable than composites. To be more profitable they have to be capable of producing a lot more lambs than composites or crossbreds. The Prolific White breed contains two copies of the Booroola gene. Every ewe produced will carry one copy of the gene and lamb at a 60% higher rate than those without the gene. You can lift the scanning rate of your Aussie White, Dorper or Nudie by 60% in one cross without extra feeding or lowering stocking rates. The unique attribute of the Prolific White is that you can achieve in one cross an improvement in conception rate which would take 60 years to achieve by genetic selection.


John Mossop has been using the Prolific White for a few years. His aim was to have an easy care highly fertile sheep to complement his cropping operation. His scanning percentage of the Prolific White first cross was in excess of 200% and the lambing percentage was 158%. The lambs were then sold for prices between $200-230 for the entire drop.

Jill Collins

0400 598 327

jill@lifestyle1.net Roz Crispino

0419 366 649

Duncan McGregor 0407 722 983 Editorials Di Gould

0401 042 302

General Manager Jason Allen

0417 285 163

www.lifestyle1.net 61a Commercial St East,

The Prolific White has been bred as a maternal sheep. That is it is highly fecund and of moderate size. Profitability in a sheep enterprise is about kilograms of lamb produced per hectare not price per head. Once the hype around the shedding breeds evaporates it is efficiency of production which determines which breeds prevail.

Mount Gambier, SA 5290 Print run 17,500 copies Distribution - delivered by Australia Post to all PO boxes and RMBs throughout the South East of SA & Western Victoria ^ Tintinara

^ Coonalpyn


• Bordertown

• Padthaway


^ Frances

NARACOORTE • Lucindale

A limited number of Prolific White rams will be available for lease at $600 per year to commercial producers. Contact Colin Earl on 0428 647 457 or at earl.kerami@bigpond.com.


• Kaniva

• Apsley


Coonawarra •

Beachport •

Southend •

• Mt Burr


• Natimuk • Edenhope


Nangwarry •

Tarpeena • Kalangadoo • Glencoe • • Tantanoola




• Cavendish

• Coleraine



• Dartmoor Kongorong • •Moorak • Carpenter Rocks Allendale • Donovans • • Nelson • Port MacDonnell

• Condah


• Byaduk • Macarthur

• Yambuk • Narrawong

We support recycling

• Glenthompson • Dunkeld

• Digby • Branxholme



Details contained in this publication have been compiled from information supplied by advertisers. No responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of information contained here in. Prospective purchasers should rely on their own enquiries.

RIGHT: Prolific White rams




o you want to produce more lambs? 10-20% more lambs at no extra cost? Warrawindi Farms has the genetics to do just that. The East Friesian sheep is known for being the most prolific lamb producer with super high fecundity. They also have the longest lactation and highest milk production of any sheep breed. This gives it the ability to raise every lamb that is born, not just producing the most milk but also the highest quality milk.

The pure-bred East Friesians can be fragile and too lean in most Australian climates. Warrawindi Farms has designed a maternal sheep that has the good traits of the East Friesians by infusing them with the Border Leicester. This cross is the ultimate high performance maternal animal that can be crossed with any other breed to add more performance. They are currently being crossed with merino, composite and 1st x ewes. The ewe lamb progeny are more fertile, milk

better and rare more lambs. With the added bonus, the wether lambs are fast growing, with very good carcase and make very good sucker lambs. Magic happens when these two breeds are crossed the right way, giving you all the elite maternal traits but also delivering a really tough hardy sheep with loads of carcase. Warrawindi Farms East Friesian cross commercial ewes average above 150% and stud ewes above 170%.

Warrawindi Farms runs a pure Border Leicester and a pure East Friesian stud flock, in conjunction with Poll Dorsets and Suffolks combined totalling 1400 stud ewes. The Borders have the size and extra fat cover, the East Friesians have milk and fertility, the Poll Dorsets have pure meat yield and growth and Suffolks are designed for their ease of lambing, good carcase qualities, which


are perfect for ewe lamb matings. With these we aim to reach 50kg live weight at 100 days. Warrawindi Farms Poll Dorset rams can sire lambs for heavy weight suckers or super heavy export lambs. High performing sires from Valma and Derrynock are being used in the stud, as well as AI sire Pepperton 339, the highest meat yield ram in Australia. Warrawindi Farms are specialising in the most efficient and profitable lamb production genetics. We look forward to helping you lift your lambing percentage and lamb weights. ‘Innovative Sheep Genetics’ Contact David Galpin: 0458 372 274 for further information or follow Warrawindi Farms on Facebook and Instagram to learn more. Warrawindi Farms will be offering 150 Border Leicester X East Friesians, 180 Poll Dorsets and 20 Suffolk Rams on property and interfacing with Auctions Plus on the 8th of October 2021 at 11am. Selection of Pure Border Leicester rams are available for private selection. Warrawindi Farms Spring drop ram sale is on 26th of November 2021



etpa Grove’s near total focus on the White Suffolk breed for over 42 years is set to deliver another exceptional run of genetics at the stud’s annual on-property sale near Jeparit, Western Victoria this October.

A standout group of White Suffolk rams and ewes will be up for auction on Thursday 14th with the quality draft of 260 comprising of approx. 30 elite stud rams, 160 flock rams, 10 more than the 2020 sale and 70 stud ewes to round out the sale catalogue. Detpa Grove’s stud principal David Pipkorn said the depth and quality in this year’s sale line-up will easily match anything offered at past sales and both stud and commercial producers can purchase with confidence. “Despite the challenges served up this past 18 months the team have worked harder to ensure the 2021 sale will continue to deliver the ‘designer genetic’ sheep we aim to produce”, Mr Pipkorn said. “We don’t split our focus between breeds and have simplified our onfarm operations which means we can dedicate our time to making the White Suffolk stud our priority”.

Mr Pipkorn said the 2021 sale team has a tighter set of numbers and the group are presenting as a very even line of animals with high breeding values yet differing maturity patterns to suit varied operations.

selection of sons and some daughters in the sale catalogue, with 5 elite sons in the stud ram team.

“We’re continually improving the growth rate and balancing the sheep breeding values, particularly the structural excellence on these highperformance animals.”

“He had a few sons in the sale last year and they were met with strong demand,” Mr Pipkorn said. “Noble has bred exceptionally well and just keeps on breeding sheep with fantastic balance, type and structure. His performance figures keep getting better as more of his progeny are assessed”.

Detpa Grove believes good breeding is about ticking as many boxes simultaneously as possible and the stud focuses on key traits and attributes such as structural excellence, genetic stability, high commercial performance, eating qualities, breed type and standards, freedom from disease, sound vaccination and management programs as it’s standard.

Other notable sires include DG.180324, a son of Warburn 160048, DG.190438 sired by DG. ‘CLARITY’ 180251, Somerset 170147, sire of Somerset 190158, and Ella Matta MILESTONE180100.

Mr Pipkorn says a focus on heavy culling and careful breeding had led to the exceptionally balanced offering at this year’s sale. “They are a top shelf group”.

“It is pleasing when leading Stud Masters who have taken the time during this year to inspect our sheep here at the property have volunteered they were ‘blown away’ by the depth of quality in our breeding flock”, said Mr Pipkorn.

The stud’s own DG Noble, still at stud, is sired by Warburn160048 ($16,000) and out of a ¾ sister to Anden CRUISER ($68,000) is represented by a terrific


With the year’s meticulous classing completed, the drafts of rams and ewes being presented at this year’s auction will be of the highest standard, and the Detpa Grove Annual Sale is likely to attract strong interest from studs around Australia again this year. “The flock rams mostly sell to this half of Victoria and some into southern South Australia, the stud rams and ewes invariably go all over the country,” Mr Pipkorn said. Buyers unable to make the sale due to border closures can research detail and then live stream the sale auction online at AuctionsPlus. The Pipkorn family welcome past, present and new buyers to their on-property sale and will be running the auction in line with Covid-19 compliance. For sale updates and latest news, visit www.detpagrove.com or “detpagrove” on Facebook.

GENERATIONS OF QUALITY BREEDING on show at Janmac’s annual sale


anmac’s generations of sheep production and commitment to breeding a consistently predictable, quality style of sheep will be showcased at the 17th annual on-property sale this October. A big line-up of around 220 Poll Dorset and White Suffolk rams are up for auction at Hausler family’s Goroke stud in Western Victoria on Wednesday 6th. In stud first, up to 15 potential stud rams will headline the sale from both breeds. Also breaking new ground is the stud’s largest and strongest offering to date of up to 50 White Suffolk rams with a small draft of outstanding Mertex 470 sons who Janmac purchased in 2019 for $8,500. Stud co-principal Grant Hausler, who farms with brother Bryce, says Janmac has a well-established clientele for their commercial rams but 2020 was the breakout year for sales of stud rams to other well-known studs in the breed. “It’s still largely a commercial sale but last year we had more stud recognition” Grant said. “Last October’s sale we sold 10-12 stud

rams to breeding operations and the response has been very positive. All buyers we have spoken to have been delighted with their purchases”.

structure, conformation, fertility and performance, growth rates and muscling.

Janmac breeds well-grown, highly muscled rams with the ability to produce quality sucker or heavy export lambs. Grant explained producing durable rams with the genetic potential to turn “grass into top end dollars” is one of driving principles that sees the stud continue to grow in popularity amongst sheep producers.

A diverse group of sires are represented in the sale team. Stud sire Kurralea 435/16 ($12,000), a clean powerful ram, has three sons featuring in the top end of the catalogue with several with stud potential.

“Producers seeking rams for increased profits from the paddock will find excellence in this year’s line-up”, said Grant. “Being prime lamb producers ourselves, we understand the type of ram that performs exceptionally well to produce quick growing, high yielding lambs”. Janmac invests heavily in bringing the ‘right mix’ of genetics into the stud gene pool and this investment is coming through the 2021 sale ram offering. All sale rams have met strict selection criteria excelling in traits including balance,

Other notable sires are Mallee Park 36/19 ($18,000) and Ulandi Park 151-16 ($18,000), both with progeny on offer.

“We understand our ram is performing very well and we look forward to seeing those results” Grant said. “His progeny will be on offer in 2022”.

“All rams are displaying excellent bone with muscle and depth of carcass,” Grant said. “We continue to invest in top-end rams but we are also looking to our own paddocks to use more of our own sires”.

Grant added buyers can expect the usual quality lineup with interstate and local buyers are able to bid confidently through the AuctionsPlus platform if unable to attend on the day.

Grant said Janmac looks at outside influences for traits that can assist the direction of the studs breeding program when it needs to but are careful in their selection process. “Our own stud rams are now being used in Janmac flocks with great success”.


Janmac places importance on contributing to the prime lamb industry and entered a ram for evaluation in the Bowan Park Research Flock independent progeny trial in New South Wales. The trial compares performance of sires to provide realtime accurate feedback on important carcass traits.

Grant, Bryce and families extend a warm welcome to all buyers and will be operating under Covid 19 guidelines. For all the latest sale news and updates, visit www.janmac.com.au or the Janmac Facebook page.



he latest seasonal break since 2005 certainly put some pressure on pasture availability in the northern areas of SW Victoria and in sheep grazing areas of the South East of SA.

In six years of data collection in our 1st Cycle commercial lambing which includes all rising 2yo ewes , Paradoo Prime have recorded an average of 0.79% ewe mortality. 0.5% in the current season of 2021.

Despite the seasonal challenge, Paradoo Prime clients and Precision Lambers were able to get some of their best ever lamb marking and survival results. There is no doubt that the areas of the South West and South East have had a succession of very good seasons leading up to the Autumn of 2021 and most flocks recorded healthy conception rates. However conception doesn’t mean much if you weaning numbers is down.

Geordie and Sophie Simson “Roseneath” north of Casterton in SW Victoria have aggressively expanded their ewe numbers in last 2 years. Concentrating on the key elements for successful reproduction, Geordie could see that Paradoo Precision Lambing enabled them to consistently hit the key targets which allowed them to reach their overall weaning goal.

Ewe Mortality 1st Cycle Commericals -Paradoo Prime “Cobbity” Farm

“If you want excellent lamb survival then ewe mortality has to be super low”.

“Since implementing the Paradoo Precision Lambing system, it has enabled me to gain knowledge on all aspects of my business to increase lambs conceived, through to lamb survival. Having much better control of my feed on offer to all my ewes over the lambing period has helped enormously. Since completing the system I have increased conceptions by 30%, all whilst increasing my ewe numbers and stocking rates. I have dropped my ewe dry rate from 6% down to 0.8% this year. I have increased my twin survival by 7% achieving an 89% twin survival rate. My single survival rate is quite good at 93 % and I only had to pull 1 lamb

1st Cycle Commercials -Paradoo Prime “Cobbity” farm

out of 1000 odd single ewes in the first joining. This is the first year I have scanned my triplets out to manage them different again, I ended up marking 240 % with an 80 % survival rate. My ewe deaths have dropped from 3.4% to 0.8% this year. I am ecstatic about that especially when we need all the pregnant ewes I can get. With the Precision Lambing system, it gives you the control to handle challenging seasons like this year with the very late break”. Hamish Ellis, who farms at “Pine Hills”, Harrow has been implementing the Paradoo Precision Lambing model for the last 3 years.


“Last year I achieved a 90% survival rate in adult twin ewes and this years first two cycles have seen 90% in the first and 85% in the second joining. Precision lambing in 2021 allowed the flexibility to withstand a tough start to the year. Staggered lambing made managing groups of ewes at different stages of pregnancy and nutritional requirements match up well with the seasonal conditions. I could tighten up later lambing ewes and singles whilst prioritising feed at the right time. I lambed down the twins at 10-12 ewes/ha. I kept ewe mortality under 1% and lamb survival between 85%-90%. It’s the right system for my business that’s for sure” Hamish said.



arram Park will offer 300 well grown Maternal and Southie Terminal rams for sale at Hamilton Showgrounds on Tuesday the 12th of October this year. This will be our 9th annual sale, having sold under a private system for many years previously. The stud is run under strictly commercial conditions with no supplementary feeding or shedding. We aim to produce very sound well-structured rams with excellent constitution and doing ability. High

fertility of both ewes and rams is of paramount importance, and we select heavily in regard to these traits.

All sale rams are run and managed from weaning to sale day in large contemptary groups of over 250 head, to challenge constitution, structure and performance.

All sheep are fully lamb plan recorded, with all data presented in the sale catalogue that will be available a few weeks prior to our sale. Running the stud under our intensive commercial conditions without any supplementation gives us an accurate reflection of each individual’s doing ability and fertility, and what you see is what you will truly get.

Sire lines are progeny tested annually throughout our own large commercial flock, and also fertility tested in big commercial joining groups under realistic and extensive conditions. The formation of the 1,400 strong breeding flock originated after Mt. Elephant was approached to carry

some of the very first embryo work to come to Australia from New Zealand. This formed the basis of the stud, to which a number of breeds have been infused successfully to establish the current Perendale and Southdown composite flock. When Mt. Elephant Station was sold in 2010, the stud ewes were relocated to Yarram Park. Following the increasing demand in 2014 for Southie Terminal rams, we purchased the high performance Point Vale Southdown stud in 2015. This enabled us to fast track our terminal breeding expansion, with an additional 350 breeding ewes coming into our program. We are now confident we sit in a very strong position to supply larger lines of high performance Southdown composites to the market place as terminal sires. We had a rewarding sale season in 2020, marketing nearly 400 rams to existing and new clients in Victoria, South Australia, NSW, and Tasmania. We thank all those who supported our program so enthusiastically, and look forward to continuing a close association with you all. Feedback from several clients highlighted the excellent fertility in both our Maternal and Terminal ram program, with several flocks scanning up to 183% to ewes joined. excellent fertility in both our Maternal and Terminal ram program, with several flocks scanning up to 183% to ewes joined. The 2021 sale rams have come through an excellent summer period, followed by a kind Autumn – Winter, and have grown out well. With a large genetic pool to draw from our big stud ewe base, we are able to carefully select and manage a sale team that is a very even line of sound, fertile and well developed rams ready to work. We are proud to offer another large run of young sires for your consideration on Tuesday 12th October 2021, at the Hamilton Showgrounds. Inspection is from 9.30 a.m. EST, with the Sale commencing at 11.30 a.m. EST. If you require any further information, or if we can be of any assistance in discussing and selecting your ram requirements, please contact the team at Yarram Park or your preferred agent. We also offer a classing and advisory service to any clients looking for assistance with their breeding program, and provide free delivery to property, if 5 or more rams are purchased at our annual production sale.



KONONGWOOTONG DORSETS For • High Fertility • Early Maturity • Profitability • Reliability


urrently lamb prices are very buoyant: but to get the best price, the prime lamb producer needs to select his terminal sires very carefully. At Konongwootong, our focus is to produce a line of commercially profitable, high performing, low maintenance rams to suit the demands and needs of today’s prime lamb producer. Our aim is to breed rams, that will produce prime lambs to meet the Export and Trade markets: thus, giving the producer the best opportunity to maximise his marketing opportunities. Our flock rams are paddock reared on good quality pastures and are not given any grain supplementation. Flock rams are run as a single management group from weaning to Sale time and all treated identically. At Konongwootong we conduct a strict bio-security plan. Our flock is Brucellosis accredited free and we have MN2V status in the MAP OJD programme. Our vaccinating programme for OJD commenced in 2002 therefore all our stock are at least second generation vaccinates. We have been part of the LambPlan Performance recording system since its inception, but we place an emphasis on structural correctness before we consider EBV’s. A ram must be able to do the job he has been bred for. We also use Prime Scan and Stockscan to help identify our better performing bloodlines. As well as our Poll Dorset stud, we run 3500 commercial self-replacing Dorset Coopworth cross ewes: so, we are aware of the challenges and needs of the prime lamb producer. In normal years, we display our stock at Agricultural Shows, but, due to Covid 19 regulations these shows have been cancelled; but our team is still shaping up well. Due to the uncertainty of the Covid

Flock No. 4220


19 regulations and the restrictions that may be in place regarding on property sales; we have invited Elite Livestock Auctions to be part of our sale. Chris Norris from Elite Livestock provides an online bidding platform so that buyers can bid from the security of their own homes or wherever it suits them. Our agents from Kerr & Co Livestock and JME will be working closely, with Elite Livestock Auctions, to enable a smooth transition to this form of auctioning. Any clients who do not have access to a computer will still be able to bid through their agents. The actual auction will be live streamed through the Elite Livestock website and linked to other relevant sites. Each ram with his facts and figures and video of the ram, will be available for On-Line viewing prior to the Ram Sale. If Covid restrictions allow, we will still conduct our sale in the normal manner but with the addition of On - line bidding. Prior to our Ram Sale, clients will have an opportunity to inspect our rams at an on farm Open Day. Covid 19 restrictions will be adhered to so you must contact us if you would like to attend. The Open Day will be on Sunday 10th October from 10-2pm. More information will be available as the weeks progress. At Konongwootong, we see these difficult times as a chance to embrace new technology and convert the changes forced upon us into positive experience. Please contact us or your agent if you have any queries Dates to Remember: Sunday 10th OctoberKonongwootong Open Day 10-2pm Zig Zag Rd Konongwootong. Thursday 21th October. Annual Ram Sale 11 am. Please note the change of sale commencement.

BELOW: Koonongwootong Prime Lambs




he ups and down of the past 12 months have been plenty. Great prices for sheep and cattle through the spring and summers months led to an extended wait for our break, waiting till the start of June for consistent rainfall. Then the lockdowns started again, one after the other, but we got fantastic winter rainfall to hopefully setup a terrific spring. 2021 saw us continue to mate down 1250 merino, 1500 first cross and 650 stud ewes for lambing. Conception rates were on average, with the late start making lambing more difficult than the previous year. All in all, the ewes got through lambing well with us looking forward to the spring forecast. we got fantastic winter rainfall to hopefully setup a terrific spring

Our two terminal studs, Poll Dorset and White Suffolk, have a focus towards increasing the meat yield and turning lambs off quicker, to get more out of each lamb sold and give your breeding ewes an extended rest period before the next mating. The maternal Border Leicester have been consistently high 160% conception

rate over the last 5 years. We have now coupled our focus on the balance between fat to muscle of the sheep, plus getting their fleeces tested for a micron score. This will help with the fleece quality of your future 1st Cross ewes. Lambplan gives an easy to interpret system of figures which can give a good outline of the quality of sheep under the skin. We continue to sell our 18 month old 1st cross ewes in the Naracoorte Blue Ribbon 1st Cross Ewe sale every November, with strong results and very loyal clients. The 1st cross wethers and prime lambs usually end up going over the hooks.

always the rams will be delivered free of cost to those with in 250km radius of our property.

This year we are planning to have an onsite auction on the 7th of October, but also not taking any risk by offering a field on the 30th of September and having the sale in interfaced with the team at Auctions Plus. We are offering 60 Poll Dorsets, 50 White Suffolks and 60 Border Leicesters. As

We are brucellosis accredited and fully vaccinated for OJD. We follow a strict on farm biosecurity plan, use of the JBS accreditation scheme provides another layer to our animal welfare and farm biosecurity.


If there are any questions regarding the studs or our ethos on breeding. Please contact either Ashley on 0437 364 603 or Kathy on 0418 800 789. We are only too willing to help in any way possible. ABOVE: Pembroke Pastoral Sale Prime Lambs




hether it is at Naracoorte, Mundulla or Blayney the prolific Multimeats are proving their worth. Todd Woodard, Tim Downing and David Hoadley scan over 200% with just one cross of the Multimeat rams. Coupled with good management turnoff rates of 160% are often achieved without lowering stocking rates or supplementation premating. The secret to their success has been the application of scanning their ewe flocks to enable better management of the higher litter sizes. Todd’s losses from foetus to birth are between 15-17% which is lower than would be achieved in the majority of merino flocks. David managed to wean 170% after scanning 202%. Tim Downing was able to wean in excess of 200% from his multiple scanned ewes, many of which would have been triplets. The Multimeat program was conceived by the CSIRO and funded by the MLA to address the relatively low fecundity of the Australian ewe flock. Australian geneticists’ were the first to realise the existence of prolific genes but England, Ireland,

China and now Russia have been at the forefront of their application. With our recent adoption of better management practises Australia is positioned for a dramatic improvement in lambing percentages through application of these genetics. The breeding program of the Multimeat has concentrated on balanced selection for growth, muscle, fat, worm resistance and wool value. Genetics from a number of different breeds have been included to achieve the most rapid gain in all of these traits. The result is a medium sized, productive sheep which can improve the scanning rate of any ewe it is mated to by 60%. Over a merino it will produce a crossbred which will scan over 200% with a fleece 2 microns finer than crossbreds produced by a Border Leicester. Over crossbreds or Composites it will produce an extremely robust ewe scanning over 200%. Coupled with good management systems, weaning rates in excess of 160% are possible. This year there is two ways of obtaining Multimeat rams for your production systems.

Option 1. Rams can be leased as has been the case for many years at $500/yr. The leased rams will come from Dr Colin Earls’ flock.

Multimeat rams offered. Woolumbool will also have rams available for private selection post auction. These rams will have a full suite of ASBV’s.

Option 2. Rams can be purchased from the Woolumbool flock at the annual Woolumbool on property auction where there will be 80

ABOVE: Multimeat triplets

Dr Colin Earl with a set of Multimeat triplets in South Australia




ften producers will stick with a particular sheep breed because of a strong family tradition.

But for Racheal Withers, breeding White Suffolks is so much more than that. White Suffolk genetics are giving her exactly what she is looking for durable, fertile and maternal sheep which perform in the paddock and on the plate. Mrs Withers and her husband Simon, Wahroonga, Lochaber, are using White Suffolk rams over their commercial Merino breeders, and the first-cross progeny are being snapped up by breeders and processors alike. “They are such durable sheep,” she said. “We have a long, hot, dry summer here and White Suffolks will happily eat clover burr out of the sand. In fact it’s hard to keep the fat off them in a good season.” She said their fertility and strong maternal instincts were huge benefits. The Withers family runs 300 stud ewes, as well as selling their rams, but it is the White Suffolk’s performance in their commercial flock that has them even more impressed. They run between 900 to 1000 Merino and traditional first-cross ewes.

Each year around 300 Merino ewes are joined to Merino rams to produce replacement breeders, but the remainder are joined to White Suffolk rams.

give away your wool.”

In fact, they are so happy with the White Suffolk first-cross, they are now phasing out their traditional first-cross ewes.

Mrs Withers said the benefits of the White Suffolk-cross were huge.

When it comes to breeding rams, Mrs Withers said durability was a must.

“They are a dual-purpose animal, and we have found them better than the traditional first-cross,” she said.

“We also want early maturing, wellmuscled rams which keep good body fat, and we are really chasing eating quality,” she said.

“They also carry the fertility, maternal instincts and meat quality of the White Suffolk through. They also finish more quickly.

Ewes are joined for six weeks, and then scanned and placed in mobs depending on whether they are carrying singles or multiples.

“The work that the Australian White Suffolk Association has done to carry the eating quality through to the firstcross ewe is great.”

She said they didn’t use high rates of White Suffolk rams with their ewes, and found less rams had no trouble covering the mob.

“The first-cross ewe gains good weight early and is a sought-after alternative to the traditional.”

months, and are mostly sold straight off their mothers. The first-cross ewe lambs are mainly sold to other breeders, and have been sold on AuctionsPlus for the past two years. Lambs that are not sold off their mothers are usually finished on renovated lucerne or barley stubble in the summer. The surplus and wether portion of the lambs are usually sold to JBS Australia at Bordertown when they weigh between 48 and 50 kilograms. “The carcases have really good intramuscular fat and good dressing,” she said. “And they have excellent eating quality.” By Julia Whytes

The commercial lambing begins in May, with the stud lambing taking place towards the end of the month as the feed increases.

But the wool quality from their October shearing is something that has really impressed them, after joining with their Merinos which have a micron of 19.

Mrs Withers said despite their lighter country, they had plenty of stringy bark which gave good protection to lambing ewes.

“The cross micron is about 26,” she said. “With the traditional first-cross it was 30, but if you can keep it under 26 micron you still get a reasonable price for your wool.”

“We rarely have to pull any lambs with the Merino ewes, but they still have good birth weights,” she said.

“By using a cross, you’re not having to

Lambs are weaned at around six


ABOVE: Simon and Rachael Withers, Wahroonga, Lochaber, run commercial Merino ewes which are joined to White Suffolk rams.


A unique opportunity for Australian farmers to source five decades of leading edge New Zealand meat and wool genetics for their self-replacing flocks” is how the Mount Monmot Perendale Stud has been described by sheep industry commentators. “The Perendale is the right mix of resilience and performance, producing high grading meat and quality wool - even in the harshest of environments” says Malcolm Fletcher of Mount Monmot Perendales, Skipton. “With an impressive Perendale base of 28,000 scrutinised, registered and performance recorded stud ewes,

“Leading edge Perendale bloodlines with nil-drench and cold tolerance traits” self-replacement and good returns for both their meat and their wool” says Trudy Boyer “our Mount Monmot bloodlines have inherited 50 years of work from the base stud in New Zealand, Newhaven Perendales – the largest Perendale stud in New Zealand to have bred worm resilience and cold tolerance through extensive DNA testing regimes”.

New Zealand was the right place to start when we were looking for resilience and proven performance”. In 2011, Malcolm alongside his daughter and son in law, Trudy and Tony Boyer - sourced and airfreighted a flock of elite registered stud ewes from New Zealand’s largest fully registered Perendale stud, Newhaven Perendales – marking the establishment of Mount Monmot Perendales. “We have watched with interest the move in New Zealand away from composite and even fine wool breeds, as farmers seek tolerance to footrot, nil or low drench requirements,

These genetics are ideal for farmers aiming to infuse better traits into their current flock –many being composite breeders wishing to straighten out a line and are drawn to the Perendale’s resilience, tolerance, efficiency and longevity.

Mount Monmot Perendales will have registered Perendale two tooth rams available for selection by appointment from 1st October, and ask that you register your interest immediately. Please contact the team via email - mountmonmot@gmail.com or ring Trudy on 0419 565 450 and check our website www.mountmonmot.com

ABOVE: The resilience, tolerance, efficiency and longevity are key attributes of the Perendale produced by Mount Monmot Perendale Stud at Skipton.


Pure Perendale Performance - Elite New Zealand Bloodlines We are offering pure Perendale Rams for inspection and private sale from October 1st

Enquiries: Malcolm Fletcher 0427 495 522 or Trudy and Tony Boyer 0419 565 450 E: mountmonmot@gm .com W: www.mountmonmot.com FLOCK NO 144 | BRUCELLOSIS ACCN NO: 3669 | OJD VACCINATED PIC: 3PYSP022


THE BENEFITS OF INVESTING IN A YARD COVER There are a number of significant benefits in building a roof over your livestock yards. Action Steel “The Big Shed People” discuss four of these benefits in this article. 1. Improve your working conditions With a yard cover, yard can be done out of the elements, sheltered from the prevailing wind and rain, and shaded from the heat and glare of the sun. Not only does this reduce cold and heat stress on your body, it also improves the flexibility of your work routine. For example, during summer, the inclusion of sky lighting in a yard cover roof allows you to make the most of daylight hours but still beat the heat. 2. Improve your staff retention Safe and up-to-date facilities make a workplace a much more attractive place to work. With a current focus on improved working conditions for shearers, it is a good idea to make sure these conditions flow right through your business to establish yourself as an employee and a workplace with a good reputation.

3. Improved conditions for your livestock Like you and your workers, livestock benefit from being sheltered from the prevailing weather. An Action Steel yard cover improves animal comfort by helping to prevent cold stress, heat stress and conditions like footrot. Low-stress livestock environments and comfortable conditions like this help animal performance and productivity. 4. The financial advantages of a yard cover It also makes sense to get the most out of the yards that you have invested in by being able to work in them rain, hail or shine, night or day.

The financial advantage of a yard cover isn’t limited to improved livestock performance. For example, if you are building a new shearing shed, or updating your existing shed, incorporating a yard cover could save you from spending unnecessary money. Minimising grating area by putting a roof over external yards usually works out to be more costeffective.

Discuss your yard cover or farm shed project with the team at Action Steel. Call 1800 68 88 88 or visit www.actionsteel.com.au.


ABOVE: A 28m x 21m x 3m Action Steel sheep yard cover, Greenways SA. View more projects like this at www.actionsteel. com.au


anagement and nutrition of the ewe will always have the greatest influence over lamb survival. However, there are huge benefits to be gained from having stronger lambs at birth, with a greater cold tolerance, and plenty of quality milk available. A focus on moderate birth weight with an average or shorter gestation length, and increased milk production, has helped to decrease ewe assist rate at birth, improve lambing ease and lift lamb survival in commercial ewes at Derrynock to above 90%. This is well above the industry average of around 70%, and has huge economic implications. We are very excited about the results, in particular when incorporating selection pressure on the gestation length as part of our overall lamb survival strategy. With scanning rates reaching 200% in our commercial flock of approx 1200 Maternal ewes in recent years, it was time to increase our focus on lamb survival. We are finding our best results are coming from ewes having 4.5 -5.5 kg lambs at birth. This has meant we can

utilise rams with higher birth weights (0.4 to 0.5) for mature ewes, and subsequent growth rates, that also have shorter gestation length ASBV’s (approx -1.0). Lambs that are born earlier are not necessarily lighter, but are born with a lot more ease. They generally appear wetter at birth, and the ewes appear to lamb quickly and with vastly fewer presentation issues. The actual gestation length of the ewes recorded over the past 8-10 years has varied from 140 days to 153 days. We would say that approximately 90% of lambing problems occur in those ewes lambing after 150 days, with a higher incidence of presentation issues, big lambs, dry or yellow coloured, or stressed lambs at birth. As a result of selection, we have moved our average gestation length from 148.5 days back to 147 days in Poll Dorset ewes, and 146 days in our maternal composites over the past 3 years. Emphasis on good smooth shoulder and neck placement is also important.

and stud flocks, we have seen a reduction in our birth assist rate to less than 1% in mature ewes. This has resulted in a lamb survival rate of 92% at birth, over all birth type categories. The flock pregnancy scanned at 180% average over all year drops. We are hopeful that conducting economically relevant sire progeny tests, utilising our commercial ewe flock that we will continue to improve the profitability of our commercial clients, with continued focus on Eating Quality with particular emphasis on Marbling, feed conversion, lamb survival and early maturity. We will have some of the highest ranked Poll Dorset & Maternal rams for marbling available for sale in 2021, with their

As a direct result of the information gathered from Gestation length (gl) progeny testing in our commercial


progeny being utilized in progeny testing that will evaluate lambs at different ages/weights being fed on a range of different rations. With an emphasis on Eating Quality, Maturity and disease resistance in both out Maternal and Terminal flocks we believe that Derrynock can provide a rare opportunity for producers to make quick improvements in traits like lamb survival and marbling, with selection pressure provided on both sides of the Genetic equation…….



ambing percentages and quick growth rates are a main focus at Gambier View Corriedales. Gambier View have high lambing percentages; however, it is in the commercial flocks that are sired by Gambier View rams where it counts. High lambing Percentages are not just reliant on high conception rates, which the Corriedale achieves. Survivability, is key as well, achieved by the Corriedales amazing mothering ability, great temperament, and the Corriedale lambs’ instinct to want to live. Gambier View can provide plenty of Testimonial’s to support high lambing percentages and

quick growth rates, when Gambier View rams are mated with, Merino, Coopworth, Composite, 1st Cross, Dohne or Samm ewes.

The Corriedale was breed 150 years ago as a DUAL-PURPOSE maternal breed, a self-replacing 1st cross ewe, and at Gambier View we have kept breeding our sheep as Dual-Purpose. The emphasis on a self-replacing flock is so important in this day and age with the price of replacement ewes, as well as reducing the chances of introducing health issues. The resistance to worm burdens is due to the strong constitution of a Corriedale [less maintenance].

The structure and the constitution of the Gambier View sheep, is also a main priority. One being big black feet which enables tolerance to wet conditions. They have plenty of meat[muscle], which is also a reason the Gambier View Corriedales have longevity and the ability to produce lambs till they are 7 or 8 years of age. They grow quickly and the ewe portion are able to produce lambs as a 1-yearold, the whether portion can be sold very profitably as a terminal lamb.

Gambier View Corriedales breed true to their type. This means their offspring are more consistent in quality

than sheep bred from sires with many different breeds in their genetics. Tom Bull [LambPro], in an article stated the importance of sheep breeding true to type. Gambier View’s average micron is around 27.5 with wool cuts around 7 Kg. The stronger end of the wool market isn’t as profitable as it was 2 to 3 years ago, however Corriedale breeders are still making money from their wool cuts. Gambier View have been collecting data on their sheep, for many years. We use stock scan, to measure the whole muscle area, width and depth, as well as fat. Gambier View have been tagging at birth to record pedigrees and birth weights, which means we can record growth rates, as well as recording fleece weights and microns. All this information is made available. Gambier View is Bruccellosis Acc. [3287] Johne’s Acc. MN3V [VS 1143] For any Testimonials, please contact Milton Savage on 0418 534 037

MIY3V2003 MN3


MULLINGER PARK’S genetic investments push quality into the stratosphere


ullinger Park’s 2021 sale will boast more than 300 high production Poll Dorsets, White Suffolk and Suffolk rams with 10 speciality rams on offer. Poll Dorsets are the flagship breed at Mullinger Park – they have been breeding them for more than 50 years while more recently adding White Suffolk and Suffolks to their three stud operation. Brett and Amanda Shepherd,

of Kybybolite, are one of the largest sellers of British breed rams in the South East of South Australia. The first sons of Aberdeen 18532, a $26,000 purchase by Mullinger Park, will be on offer at the 2021 sale, as will the Aberdeen keeper ram 17-533 used in the AI program both having very impressive figures – 16 for growth and +3 for muscle and positive for fat. The 2021 sale, which will be held Thursday, October

7, at the Naracoorte Showground Pavilion, will also feature outstanding sons of Sunnybanks 17-020, the 2018 Melbourne champion ram. And the list of impressive Poll Dorset bloodlines continues with Leenala 16-150, as well as a Mullinger Park homebred ram 17-348-336. The quality is also there in the White Suffolks, with Mullinger Park’s AI program utilising the Adelaide Supreme champion 17 P015, which was sold for


$43,000, also used Somerset 17-147 genetics, which Brett said are highly rated in LambPlan figure trail with a positive +4.5 for muscle. “The White Suffolks are coming along in leaps and bounds and this is the best line-up of Whites we have ever had,” Brett said. “They have improved out of sight.” Brett said Mullinger Park was also excited to showcase Rene 18-126 that was a junior champion at Hamilton with muscling at +1.8 and a fat of positive .06 and the breeding success continues, with Sunnybanks 18-32 with muscling at +1.9 also purchasing Detpa Grove 18811 with its progeny showing good figures and black toes.

“We are still investing heavily in the AI programs as we see this as a huge tool to progress where we want to get to. “Our goal is to breed good length, muscled and wellstructured sheep that can perform in all aspects of anyone’s commercial enterprise.” Brett said Mullinger Park had also focussed on LambPlan figures and they have improved every year. The Mullinger Park team can’t wait to see you at their October 7 sale, their 17th annual sale, at the Naracoorte Showground Pavilion. There will be COVID-19 protocols in place.

“All the rams have got exceptional growth figures as well,” Brett said. For the Suffolks, Sayla Park Everest ram, who was sold for more than $10,000, has been used in the Mullinger Park AI program, combined with Sayla 18-122, which was purchased as a champion ram at Hamilton and Mullinger Park 17-68, a reserve champion at Hamilton “We have a flock of 1250 stud ewes and out of that we should be able to find 330 classy rams to put in our sale,” Brett said. “We scour the nation for the best genetics we can get to put into our stud to suit the needs of our enterprise and our clients’ needs, whether it is to grow trade lambs or to take lambs to the expert weights.


ABOVE: If you want lambs like this head to Mullinger Park’s sale



embers of the Naracoorte Hamilton Poll Dorset Region decided to hold a field day to give our members the opportunity to display some of the rams that will come up on offer later in the season. Due to Covid restrictions, there has been little opportunity for Stud Breeders to show off their 2020 drop. The Inaugural Naracoorte Hamilton Poll Dorset Field Day was held on August 15th at the Naracoorte Show Grounds. Members were invited to display their rams to other stud breeders and interested people. Despite the Covid restrictions, about 70 rams from 9 different studs were displayed to about 50 people. Among those studs were rams from Wrattenbuilie, Mullinger Park, Allendale, Moton, Janmac, Zacman, Mullgundawa, Warrawindi and Konongwootong. Studs were given the option to bring 3 rams out onto the floor for Lachlan Day to assess.

Breeders had ample opportunity to view the rams in a comfortable, relaxed setting.

There was plenty of time for social interaction, “Covid style” throughout the day. Regional Breeders took the opportunity to view and study rams without the pressure of a show or sale ring. Naracoorte Showgrounds was an ideal space for this event with plenty of pens and easy parking for trailers. A delicious roast lamb roll lunch followed by a video link up with Isabel Roberts who discussed the aims and progress of the Bowen Park Poll Dorset Research Flock. As well as being able to view the rams, Darren Smith from Shearing World had his ram shearing trailer set up outside. He demonstrated how easy ram shearing can be using his trailer. Despite all the hassles of Covid Restrictions, the event was a success and perhaps can be built upon for another year.

RIGHT: Field Day crowds and Rams on display.




he Paxton Stud of Martin and Kirsty Harvey, Western Flat enjoyed an amazing ram selling season last spring. The Stud had a full clearance of Poll Dorset, White Suffolk and Border Leicester rams at their on-property sales. With a favourable season for most areas the stud is hoping for a similar result. “It really is a fantastic time to be involved in the lamb industry at the moment. We could not have been happier with the rams and the results that we received. It’s great to see the return of our loyal clients and new clients using our genetics. That is the most satisfying part of our business” Martin said. On Wednesday September 22nd at 4pm the Paxton Stud will present 200 White Suffolk and Poll Dorset rams in their twilight sale. The rams are very well grown with an emphasis on growth and muscling and very little supplementary feeding. The Paxton stud will have a range of sires represented including Days Whiteface, Waratah, Allendale and Wrattenbullie Studs.

“Kirsty and I really enjoy having the twilight sales and putting on a good show for our clients. It frees up a large part of the work day and we always make sure the hospitality is laid on after the sale. It’s a great opportunity to have a drink and chat with our clients. It is good to have a couple of weeks break between sales to recharge” Martin said. The Paxton Border Leicester Stud continues to set new benchmarks. In a first at the on property sale four stud sires were sold last season going to Glencorrie, Castle Camps , Merryvale and Tallageirra Studs. In another first the sale was streamed lived with Elite Livestock Auctions opening it up to more people in this Covid era we are living in. Many of Paxton’s Border Leicester clients continue to excel at the Naracoorte First Cross ewe sale. The demand for breeding ewes is high and people with quality livestock are being rewarded accordingly. “We were thrilled to see our genetics go into some very good flocks both stud and commercial. I will continue to breed Borders with our focus on carcass, structure and fertility. We recently joined the $uperBorder$

group and will try and improve our breeding indexes, but not to compromise those other essential traits. Hopefully, if Covid allows, we will take a team of rams to the Royal Adelaide Show. We enjoy presenting our stock to be judged, also the kids are at an age that they getting more interested.” Martin said. Sires from Jackson and Inverbrackie studs were added to Paxton Border Leicester stud sires last season. The stud continues to use Regulin with great success. Bringing their lambing forward by 4-5 weeks enables the Paxton stud to sell more mature rams to clients. The Border Leicester sale occurs on Thursday 14th October at 4pm. All Paxton sale rams have been treated with Regulin just prior to the auction giving clients an added bonus in fertility. As usual all rams come with highest health status MN2V, Brucellosis free and all vaccines up to date. Lambplan data is available on rams. Catalogues can be downloaded from www.paxtonstud.com.au prior to sale dates.

LEFT: Perfect afternoon at Paxton stud



Last year Castle Camps saw a total clearance of rams from both breeds.


his year the stud will again offer 70 White Suffolk and 70 Border Leicester rams at our annual sale on Friday the 24th of September. Due to the current covid 19 situation and the uncertainty over travel restrictions this year’s sale will again be on Auctions Plus as well. This year’s offering of White Suffolk’s will see rams from our list of proven sires Castle Camps 17/34, Castle Camps 17/138, Waratah 16/312 and Mertex 17/593 the sire of the top price ram at last years sale. This year will also see the first progeny from our new rams Days 18/82 a long stylish ram ranked in the top 10% for lean meat yield and Glengarry 18/8030 an excellent muscled ram with width and depth through the back end and ranked in the top 5% for intra muscular fat. Our Border Leicester sale rams this year will see progeny from proven sires Castle Camps Arora, top 20% for NLW and Castle Camps Barney and our two Gleneith rams 17/86 and 17/3 both ranked highly for

Material Weaning Weight. Adding to this line up will be three new rams Castle Camps Earthquake and Castle Camps Fred sons from our AI program and both highly ranked for Post Weaning Weight. The other new sire is New Armatree Thriller a good solid all-round ram who was champion ram at the NSW Border Leicester show and sale. Our two AI rams Kegra 18/60, a positive muscle, positive fat ram ranked in the top 5% for both Post Weaning Weight and Greasy Fleece Weight. Talkook 17/81 a well muscled ram that was champion ram at the NSW sheep show in 2019. Again many of the rams offered will have negative WEC’s (worm egg counts) a trait that is considered very important at Castle Camps. Over the years wool quality also has been important as well. This is reflected in our own First Cross ewes who test between 25 to 27 micron.

ability. Our stud ewes are run under commercial conditions and our young rams are run through the summer and autumn with only minimal supplementary feeding. This gives us confidence that our rams go on and perform well for our clients. We continue to get great feedback for both breeds with our clients getting excellent results with both lambs and their first cross ewes.

At Castle Camps our stud operation is very much run with a commercial focus in mind with importance placed on sheep with natural doing

This year’s sale will be held on the property at 2018 Riddoch Hwy, Keith and Auctions Plus on Friday the 24th of September starting at 11am, with


inspections from 9.30am. Ian and Sue invite you to come and inspect the rams either on sale day or before the sale. You can also follow us on face book or go to our website www. castlecamps.com.au for our online catalogue which will be available from early September or just give Ian a call on 0438 566 030 to arrange a suitable time for an inspection.

ABOVE: These Castle Camps rams are looking forward to seeing you at this year’s sale.

KURRALEA Record number of performance rams on offer


ne of Australia’s biggest ram producers is gearing up for a bigger than usual spring sale with a near record number of performance rams up for auction in September. Around 350 lots will be going under the hammer at the annual 3 Breed ram sale at Kurralea Studs, near Ariah Park in NSW’s Riverina, on Tuesday 28th. Good seasonal conditions at the Prentice family property are driving a production rise with a record number of lambs expected to be tagged this year, and big growth rates recorded across the sale ram group. “This year’s sale rams have really taken off with the good season we’ve had. The sale rams are heavier this time of year than our previous few years,” Kurralea stud principal Ben Prentice said. ‘We’re pleased how the sale rams are presenting; a very even, consistent group from the top to bottom of the catalogue”, Mr Prentice said. Keeping to the stud’s core breeding

Kurralea - 2021 Spring Sale Rams

philosophy; to produce structurally sound and structurally correct sheep across the three breeds, means both commercial and stud producers will have plenty of choice at on sale day. “We’re confident buyers can find the style of sheep and the numbers they want,” Mr Prentice said. Matt Dart from the DB Ag at Ariah Park has been buying from Kurralea for “as long as I’ve been farming” and says he’s getting the results he’s looking for. “We’re trying to turn off a trade weight lamb in the shortest period of time we can,” Matt said. “They are grass fed and have the genetics to do that.” He’s noticed strong improvements over time. “Kurralea have always been fantastic and we’ve improved on the ewe side to allow the genetics to pronounce themselves. They’ve always provided the baseline genetics and now they’re showing themselves in their true form.” “We’re achieving over 300 grams per day and selling lambs at 24-dressed at five months old. We’re getting fantastic results and couldn’t be happier.” Progeny from a range of proven sires will feature on sale day, with approx. 170 Poll Dorset ,170 White Suffolk and 10 Suffolk rams up for auction. The sale group consists of 30 stud and around 320 flock rams.

Leading stud sire Kurralea 140-18’s sons will impress. He is a very wellbalanced big style of ram, with a very good combination of Lambplan data and structural correctness. Visually he is top of the drop and his figures sit in the Top 10% LMY, and Top 20% PEMD.

invested strongly in outside genetics from across Australia and continue to focus on breeding visually sound, structurally excellent, clean-pointed, big-framed sheep with good feet, legs and optimally balanced performance data.

Ben Prentice noted many rams in the 30 Stud Ram group will interest stud buyers including three Poll Dorset rams showing “stud ram presence” - K86, K101 and K164.

“Our rams are bred to suit a range of terrains and climates” said Mr Prentice. “Clients Australia-wide look for our style of sheep so it is pleasing to put up such a strong draft of rams this sale”.

In the White Suffolks stud ram team, both K312 and K45 are standouts. “K312 is very good breed type, very correct structurally and has a stylish stud sire presence. While K45, sired by Gemini 70-18, also a great sire outlook with well-balanced Lambplan performance figures.” Mr Prentice said.

The auction will be fully interfaced via AuctionsPlus and Kurralea also offer free delivery to all successful purchasers. Ben, Lucy and Kim Prentice welcome past, present and new customers to their 24th annual sale.

Over the years, Kurralea have


For sale updates and latest news, visit www.kurralea.com or ‘Kurralea Studs” Facebook page.



ym Staude, owner of KD Sheepstuds breeds two sheep types to suit differing climates, environment, labour availability, farmer lifestyle, other animal species grazed and ultimately easy care sheep breeding and profitability.

Shedding sheep have been part of our production system for 21 years with the introduction of the Australian White in 2013. The Charollais sheep was introduced into the KD composite meat breed in 2015 Sheep meat production is always front and centre with the breeding we persue. The overriding characteristic with any sheep at KD is the easy lambing. With 20 + years of recording and monitoring stud births, there is barely a lamb lost at birth due to difficult presentation, even from lambing ewes 11 months of age. We provide extensive actual data on our rams including sire and dam (in some cases), date of birth, birth type, rear type, wean weight, post weaning weight at 5-6 months, yearling and sale day weight, and a muscle and fat measurement. The KD Charollais & Composite sheep

type that have been evolving for 22 years is used mainly as a terminal sire and has had the Charollais (sheep) breed in the mix for the past six years. We were so impressed with the Charollais Composite that we sourced some Charollais fullblood ewes and have performed embryo transfer programmes for the past two years to build full blood sheep numbers.

The Australian White sheep were introduced in 2013 and used over our shedding composite ewe base now called KD Whites that Kym has developed over the past 21 years. Key to lamb survival is the thick hair coat that lambs are born with and barely a lamb lost in cold and wet lambings. We are now producing the ultimate sheep for easy care and producers in wet areas can now also use this type of sheep with confidence.

“The hybrid vigour, growth and muscling amazes me every time I handle these lambs,” Kym Staude said. “The lambs are typically born under 4kg and then take off from there on,” Kym said. KD Charollais & Composites are a full

KD Sheepstuds now have in excess of 90 percent black hooved sheep and no feet are trimmed on rams presented for sale and no rams are shorn.(natural shedders)

wool sheep type and with each generation there is an increase in black hooved progeny, making them better for wetter areas.

The ewes are non seasonal breeders and one group of the stud ewes has just lambed for the third time in 15 months.

They are suitable over Merinos, crossbreds of all types and their speciality is for use over maiden ewes or ewe lambs.

There are also young ewes that are 11 months old and are about to lamb. We will have fullblood Australian White and KD White rams available on September 30th 2021.

On September 30th KD Sheepstuds will have approximately 60 rams available. Younger spring borrn rams are available for the months after the auction for those that are mating ewe lambs early in the new year.

The Red Meatmaster breed is the same sheep type as Whites and having run them alongside our Aussie Whites / KD Whites we know they


are just as productive. They are fully shedding and there are varying red, brown and black colours within the breed. They are hardy and prolific breeders with faultless feet structure. KD Sheepstuds will have 140 rams and some ewes of all breeds available on September 30th 2021 See www.kdsheepstuds.com.au for more information or phone Kym on 0412 070 971.

ABOVE: Aussie White / KD White lambs are born with hair coats for high survival in the wet and cold



arramie Poll Dorset Stud will be offering for sale 70 quality flock rams from their 2020 stock at the Glenburnie Sale yards on Monday 11 October at 1pm.

of originality. Yarramie’s top-quality flock rams prove their performance through mass lamb production and strong constitution culminating in early maturity of supreme prime lambs.

Sale rams are fully-proportioned, soundly-fleshed, structurally sound with ample body length. Yarramie aim to produce quality prime lamb sires for their large muscle traits, length of carcass, length of loin and their high rate of growth so they meet production and marketing standards.

Past buyers have regularly topped the market with prime lambs sired by Yarramie Poll Dorset flock rams. Lambs mature quickly, develop generous body length, exceptional muscling, large hindquarters and clear facial and leg wool. Yarramie flock rams continue to provide a solid foundation to attain high lambing percentages, prime lamb production and premium lamb sales.

Yarramie use quality stud sires from Braun, Newbold, Lyndoch Park and Leenala studs. The rams are selected for sound conformation, good muscling, good Dorset type and performance. Breeding ewes are selected for generous length, quality muscle mass and stamina to ensure rapid lamb growth rates whilst maintaining low birth rates. The Westgarth family have seen a change in the constitution of rams so when buying stud rams, they study the ram rather than the catalogue. Rams are chosen for clean faces, large hindquarters, lengthy backs, straight legs and sound feet for their breeding flock. This enables them to continue to supply traditionally based prime lamb sires, without losing the concept


Yarramie sheep are regularly monitored for worms and dipped off shears, as a preventative measure. All sale rams are brucellosis accredited free, OJD status free (vaccinated) and out of an OJD clean flock. Prizes will be offered to the highest bidder, the most volume buyer and the lucky draw winner. Lunch is provided and a 3% rebate offered to outside agents. Information or sales phone Chris Manser (Green Triangle Livestock) 0417 414 127, Brian Spring (Nutrien Livestock) 0429 100 057 or Graham Westgarth (Stud Principal) 0429 847 224



one are the days when a lamb was just a lamb. Performance pays. Achieving target weights profitably requires feed efficiency (how much feed it takes to get it there) in pasture and grain-based finishing systems, use of performance tested rams and quality management practices systems. These all contribute to the performance and predictability of your product. That is why the Price family at Majardah Rams use the latest genotype technology, Australian Sheep Breeding Values, and cues from proven management systems to produce rams that suit the lamb industry in the commercial environment. If you drive past the Majardah property, you will not see small sub sets of stock on grain feeders, they are run under high stocking densities

to ensure that their performance is genuine, not with their ‘snout in the feed trough’ doing ability. Over many years of rigorously testing, measuring and collating data that contributes to their Australian Sheep Breeding Values, the family has the confidence that their stock compares very favourably against others throughout Australia.

and will balance our focus on key production traits of growth and muscle whilst maintaining moderate birthweights. All other ASBV’s mean nothing if the lamb/s die from dystocia.”

Data collection continues when lambs are tagged and weighed at birth, full pedigrees and birth details (assisted / unassisted single, twin & triplet) is sent to Sheep Genetics Australia for processing. Weaning weights are submitted about 12 weeks later. Post Weaning Weights, Fat Scores and Eye Muscle Depth measurements are taken around Christmas once lambs have grazed together as large management groups. Individual faecal samples are collected on the sale rams in the autumn.

Whilst others might think that lamb is a proven product and is good enough as it is, the family don’t. “We want to ensure that the lamb on the Australian supermarket shelf or in the International market is the product we say it is. To achieve this benchmark we have put our money where our mouth is and utilized the latest genomic technology and Eating Quality ASBV’s to ensure that our flock is better than most,” explained Adam.

result in outstanding lambs weighed and presented for targeted markets. Knowing your selection criteria and diligent sourcing of stock will remove the risks associated with playing Russian roulette with the rams you source. It is for these reasons, the Price family put a lot of time into selecting sires for the stud. It is becoming increasingly difficult to secure rams with the right balance of Australia Sheep Breeding Values and genetic diversity. A quick check of the Lamb Eating Quality index sire list of 1920 rams Australia wide, revealed that they have used or are using six of the top eight rams.


By keeping ahead of the pack, they aim to optimize their clients’ lamb returns.


One might ask: Why bother? Well for a start selecting rams for moderate birth weights and good structure maximizes the opportunity for unassisted live lambs on the ground. From that point, good management and genetics will

“We have been aggressive in improving our Eating Quality traits. We are now comfortable with eating quality throughout the ewe flock

The Majardah Ram Sale will be held on Monday 11th October commencing at 1pm in conjunction with Auctions Plus. DORSET STUD 1886 Inspection andPOLL a light luncheon will be WHIT MEAT ELITE AUSTR available from 11:30am. Adam Price 0428230100, Dale Price 0428394300, Peter Creek MWJ 0428 838 332 or Ben Gregory Elders 0418 498 587.


RAM SALE FRIDAY 1:00pm ON PR FlockFlock No. 1886 No. 1886 ams ams 1861 KANGAROO& FLAT GLE No.&540 No. ROAD, 540


R’OSW’S MROORW OR TOMTO AOYD!AY! M A Acc. Acc. OB Free D O T T M JA AJ RA D RA DH A H OB Free S S M M RA RA Flock 1886 120 POLL DORSET 580No. OJD 580 OJD MNV3 MNV3 & 20 S ’ ams • All rams selected OW R & No. 540 for sound R Flock No. 1886 O M O th th T Flock No. 1886 ’’AS ams RAM RAM SALE SALE FRIDAY FRIDAY 5 5OCTOBER OCTOBER conformation, moderate BWT, growth, ! W Y O R OB Free Acc. D & No. 540 S R O ams O T M A J A R D A H W M S O muscle and worm&resistance. R M TTO No. 540 R A O 1:00pm 1:00pm ON ON PROPERTY PROPERTY R !! Y OM S TODA Free Acc.MNV3 OJD • Young rams bredOB for580 commercial use. M A J A R D A H Y A M OB Free Acc. D A O R T M A J A R D A H 1861 1861 KANGAROO KANGAROO FLAT FLAT ROAD, ROAD, GLENCOE, GLENCOE, SOUTH SOUTH AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA S • Performance backed by 46MNV3 years of RAM 580 OJD 580 OJD MNV3 th breeding.








120120 POLL DORSET RAMS POLL DORSET & SUFFOLK 20 SUFFOLK RAMS RAM SALE FRIDAY 5& 20 OCTOBER th 3% rebate for outside agents. • AllSALE •rams All selected rams selected for sound for sound RAM FRIDAY 5 1:00pm ON RAM SALE FRIDAY 5th OCTOBER OCTOBER conformation, conformation, moderate moderate BWT, growth, BWT,PROPERTY growth, Inspection from 11:30am. 1:00pm ON PROPERTY muscle muscle and worm and worm resistance. resistance. Lunch provided. 1:00pm ON PROPERTY 1861 KANGAROO FLAT ROAD, GLENCOE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA • Young • Young rams bred ramsfor bred commercial for commercial use. use. 1861 FLAT ROAD, SOUTH AUSTRALIA • Performance • Performance backed backed by 46 by years 46GLENCOE, years of of 320 Ram ASBVs Averages BWT WWT 1861 KANGAROO KANGAROO FLAT ROAD, GLENCOE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA breeding. breeding. 120 POLL DORSET & 20 SUFFOLK RAMS AUSTRALIA


Majardah Poll Dorset 120 POLL DORSET & 20 SUFFOLK RAMS 3% rebate 3% rebate for outside for outside agents. agents. All rams selected for sound 120 POLL DORSET & 20 SUFFOLK RAMS Inspection Inspection from from 11:30am. 11:30am.

0.38 0.29 0.27

PWWT 9.70 15.0 10.10 16.1 8.2 12.7

320 Ram ASBVs Averages





BEN GREGORY BEN GREGORY 0418 0418 498 587 498 587



PETERPETER CREEKCREEK 0428 0428 838 332 838 332


3% rebate for outsideDALE agents. DALE & RUTH & RUTH PRICEPRICE 0428 0428 394 300 394 300 Inspection 11:30am. 3% rebate forfrom outside agents. ADAMADAM PRICEPRICE 0428 0428 230 100 230 100 Inspection from 11:30am. Inspection from 11:30am. Lunch provided. Email:Email: majadah@bigpond.com majadah@bigpond.com Lunch provided. Lunch provided.





• • Allconformation, rams selectedmoderate for soundBWT, growth, Lunch provided. provided. • All rams selected for Lunch sound conformation, moderate BWT, growth, muscle and worm resistance. conformation, moderate BWT, growth, CONTACT: and worm resistance. 320 Ram 320 ASBVs Ram ASBVs Averages BWT BWT WWT WWT PWWT PWWT PFat PFat PEMDPEMD WEC WEC2020 2020C+ C+ •muscle Young rams bred for commercial use.Averages muscle and worm resistance. DALE & RUTH PRICE 0428 394 300204.7115.3115.3 Majardah Majardah Poll Dorset Poll Dorset 0.38 0.38 9.70 9.70 15.0 15.0 -0.26 -0.26 2.51 2.51-29 -29 204.7 • •Young rams bredbacked for commercial use. Performance by 46 years of BEN GREGO ADAM -0.22 PRICE 0428 230 100 • Young rams bred for commercial use. 0.29 0.29 10.1010.10 16.1 16.1 -0.22 2.24 2.24-26 -26206.5206.5 115.6115.6 • Performance backed by 46 years of breeding. 0418 498 58 Email: majadah@bigpond.com • Performance 0.27 0.278.2 8.212.7 12.7 -0.50 -0.50 1.50 1.50-13 -13183.0183.0 111.3111.3 breeding. backed by 46 years of breeding. 3% rebate for outside agents. CONTACT: CONTACT:


provide customers with choice second to none. The seeding season for next year is already looking to be huge we have a large order bank of Pottinger Terrasems arriving early January and our first 8m Pottinger Terradisc is also coming which is exciting.

Locally family owned business, Russell Industries is certainly making its mark in the agriculture sector.


rom the early days, Russell Collins started as a one man mechanic business at a home based workshop. Currently, Russell and wife Robyn employ 18 staff members and continue with a steady progression. Servicing the lower south east and western Victoria extensively, this growth is not about to slow down any time soon with a massive 50m x30m shed expansion of the workshop and new assembly area. This will make it a state of the art facility that will give people peace of mind that their equipment will be maintained and cared for in a way it should be. The expansion includes a fully concreted floor and modern LED lighting which not only provides a bigger working area but provides the staff with a safe working environment that would be the envy of any workshop. Russell Industries has also recently locally purchased 3 new workshop vehicles that will be completely fitted out to service equipment on farm were possible and if not, provide a pick-up service with a modern semi-trailer which also has a widened trailer for those tricky loads.

With plenty of new tractors already been delivered this year the New Holland franchise has got some exciting new tractor models on the horizon with the new T7 Heavy Duty due out next year with a bigger cab and state of the art technology with more updated models to follow which provides a model to suit everyone. The guidance systems that Russell Industries can also provide for your tractor is truly high tech but is what we all want user friendly with the back up support not far away. You will notice some Hardi sprayers arriving shortly with purchases from local contractors

With an expansive spare parts department, the friendly office staff can assist with any aftersales and spare parts needs. The experienced sales staff, Jason and Rob can help you make an informed decision on you next equipment purchase that will best suit your needs. Russell Industries are able to support their customers with equipment from their wide range of suppliers which is always changing due to customer needs changing. With the hay season just around the corner and COVID-19 restrictions providing some challenges, Russell Industries are fortunate enough to have stock arriving daily and encourage clients to not be hesitant in placing their orders. Some exciting models are also arriving for this current hay season with a premium New Holland round baler, the ‘Pro Belt’ about to hit our shores. This premium baler has high specification and features this will not disappoint future purchasers. Also just arrived is the Pottinger round baler with two units which are going to


and farmers who are either replacing older units or expanding their current operation. Russell Industries supply Polaris UTVs who are still No 1 in the side by side market and producing the best range of quality utility vehicles and accessories to suit any operation. Russell Industries future is dependent on the support we receive from our customers and the support our customers receive helps them survive and prosper in these unprecedent times. So please if you need any type of ag equipment or need someone to service your equipment and you would like to support a local business who supports locals put Russell Industries at the top of your list. Even if you don’t need anything and would like to watch us grow you can still follow us on our webpage or Facebook.



exhibited in 2019, weighing 8.5kg skirted, and 26micron. As a 2.5 year old, 16-94 weighed an impressive 145 kg, showing his attributes as both a wool and carcase sheep. He was also champion Corriedale ram in Adelaide in 2018 and 2019. His potential to the Corriedale breed has been recognised with a number of studs either purchasing his progeny or using his semen in their breeding programmes.

attle Glen Corriedale Stud, situated at Strathalbyn in SA, has been breeding Corriedales for 52 years. Stud principles Graham and Di Jenke exhibit sheep and wool regularly at the Adelaide Royal, Bendigo Sheep and Wool Show, and Hamilton Sheepvention, as well as numerous country shows. Graham sees showing sheep as a way of displaying the Corriedale breed and also comparing their sheep with other Corriedale studs.

Semen from Wattle Glen rams 16-94 and 15-04 was used for the Corriedale Genomic Trial in Tasmania over the last three years. Of the 37 rams used in the trial, progeny from 16-94 and 15-04 were microned as lambs and tested 21.7 and 20.7 respectively. They were in the top 10% for micron fineness, staple structure and character. 16-94 was also in the top 10% for post weaning weight, with 1504 being in the top 20%.

Being in the wool industry as a wool classer for 50 years, and a stud and commercial sheep breeder, Graham has been particular in making sure that the quality of the wool has not been sacrificed for the sake of a big carcase sheep. He believes in the value of the Corriedale as a true dual purpose sheep, producing both meat and wool. The stud averages 25.5 micron through all age ewes, with lambs finer at 21.5 microns. Ram 16-94, currently used in the stud, is an example of the breeding ideals of Wattle Glen. 16.94 won the National Weaner class in Bendigo in 2017 with a 23.9 micron fleece, weighing 8.5 kilograms skirted. In 2019 his 26 micron fleece was champion Corriedale fleece at the Adelaide Royal, weighing 8 kilograms skirted. The fleece shorn from 16-94’s sire, when he was 5.5 years old, was also

Due to the continuing Covid outbreaks, the stud, like other sheep breeders, has been unable to exhibit sheep at any shows, depriving clients the opportunity to view their sheep. Last year, Graham and Di were able to fill the requirements of regular clients with online marketing, and again this year, with the ever changing situation, they welcome any enquiries or requests for on property inspections for people wishing to purchase quality Corriedale rams. Delivery is available to Naracoorte if required. Semen is also available. Wattle Glen has some selected rams for the Blue Ribbon Corriedale sale at Ballarat in October. However, border restrictions may prevent us from attending, as it did last year. Feel free to contact Graham and Di for any further information on 0429 936 598 or 0428 696 031 or wattleglencorriedales@gmail.com

ABOVE: A selection of sale rams available in 2021




yeview is a White Suffolk, Border Leicester and Ryeland registered stud sheep using the best genetics available. Ryeview believes they can help all parts of the prime lamb from the maternal side to the end product – the lamb on the plate.

weights. Some clients are getting lambs well over 30kg cw. as Ryeview are constantly weaning lambs at 65kgs lw for singles and up to 100 kgs lw for twin/ewe, as growth weights rise lambs are making these weights earlier, which means more money quicker.

Most of their ewes twin and some are producing high lambing percentages.

The Border Leicesters are bred to produce a ewe with a good fleece on her back, a good bag of milk to feed her twins and want to live.

Ryeview runs very young stock and faced the challenges of slow seasonal starts and poor feed quality, but still has a focus on producing tough sheep that promise longevity. When finding a new sire Ryeview select on looks, structure, skin type and wool type as a lamb needs a good skin with the right type of wool to present at sale, in all weather in saleyards and then the best LambPlan figures they get that suit their breeding programs. These figures include high growth, fat levels to suite, high muscle, worm egg count and all the eating qualities - the last being the most important.

been returning for years. At the end of the sale they ran out of buyers, with their rams sold in price ranges to suit all that attended or sent orders. Julie and Michael Osborne would like to see you at the sale to enjoy some lunch and a chat. If COVID prevents this your orders can be looked after and rams collected or delivered to borders or whatever needs to happens. This year’s Border Leicester rams are by Coolawang, Castle Camp and Johno’s and the White Suffolks are by Woolumbool, Waratah and Parker rams.

Last year, Ryeview had a very successful sale, setting on farm records for review at $2500 for a White Suffolk flock ram and $2200 for a Border Leicester ram, setting a very handy average for which they think all their clients, especially for those that have

Ryeland rams by private selection. At the 2019 Adelaide Show, Ryeview

won champion Border Leicester fleece, champion short wool fleece which became champion British breed fleece and champion British breed and Australaisan fleece. Ryeview will have 80 White Suffolk and 40 Border Leicester rams at the on property sale on the 18th of October which all have electronic tags, vaccinated for OJD from a mn3v flock no s107 on the sheep map, vet checked prior to sale, are also from an accredited ovine brucellosis 306 and 7 in 1. All rams have Lambplan figures are breed backed, deep bodied, well structured with good skins and that is why we have the same clients coming back year after year. Ryeview White Suffolk Rams

Ryeview’s White Suffolk are bred to produce a lamb that will be ready for sale off mum at four months of age, at 50+ kgs fitting the 22 to 24kg carcase or weaned and taken out to heavy





ighlights of stud breeding advancements including DNA testing will be on show at the Gemini Prime Lamb Sires 23rd annual on-property spring sale. 120 White Suffolk and 20 Suffolk rams including15 specially selected rams across both breeds are up for auction on Wednesday 20 October in Werneth, Victoria. Gemini stud principal Craig Mitchell introduced DNA testing about six years ago with the program intensifying in recent years to further improve meateating traits and maintain the stud’s performance benchmarks for all other required traits, including lamb survival, lower birth weight and high growth rates. The data has been invaluable for buyers like Bryan and James Hepburn have been happily buying from Gemini Prime Lamb for more than 20 years. The introduction of DNA testing has allowed the Hepburn’s Bryarah crossbred commercial operation at Mt Moriac to select their rams based on data, not just looks, and the results have been stunning.

“We’ve been buying rams from Craig since he started and have always been happy, but we’ve been getting happier,” James said.

at the commercial producer who seek a style of sheep for progressive flock development enhanced by performance data.

“Dad was picking rams based on their look but we’ve changed to selecting them based on the data,” he said. “Now we’re selecting the right rams for our needs. It has changed us 10-fold. Our survivability is up, our percentage is increasing, we’re weaning more lambs now and they’re great.”

“The majority of our buyers look at dollars per hectare rather than dollars per head,” Craig Mitchell said. “DNA profiling means we continue to breed sheep for a range of traits including lambing ease. We place a heavy importance on high levels of lamb survival and this flows through to our sale rams, and that translates into better returns for our clients”.

Bryarah usually buys five or six lambs at each annual sale. “We’re not a massive player but we get what we need and we don’t buy rams from anywhere else,” James said.

A range of performance sires’ progeny are featured this year with the now sold White Suffolk sire Gemini 170470’s retained semen progeny headlining the sale.

“Craig’s rams are getting better every year and now that we know what we’re looking for, backed by data, it’s even better for us.”

“170470 ticks a lot of boxes with his data highlights being in the Top 5% TCP, Top %5 PWT, Top 10% PEMD of the breed and a low birth weight .22”

James added that Craig Mitchell had worked closely to help them change to data-based buying. “Craig is a great person to deal with – always available to help you out,” he said.

“He is a very structurally correct ram with great breed type, and it is great to see his traits and attributes coming through the flock,” Craig said.

Gemini’s breeding program is aimed


Another standout AI sire used through the studs’ Super Whites program is Farrer 180178. He is a ram with a high TCP score with traits of note including Top 5% TCP, Top 5% for PWT, Top 10% PEMD, Top 10% LMY, and in the higher end of the range for IMF. With a low birth weight .21, Craig said Farrer 180178 has bought consistency to the breeding flock whilst maintaining Gemini’s focus on turning off structurally sound, balanced sheep. “The 15 specially selected rams have unique attributes and there are some stud ram potentials amongst the group for interested bidders”. “We welcome all interested buyers and valued clients to Werneth to inspect any of the sale rams prior to the auction”, Craig said. The auction will be fully interfaced via AuctionsPlus. For sale updates and latest news, visit www. geminiprimelamb.com.au or our Facebook page. ABOVE: Gemini Prime Lamb Sires Selection of October Sale Rams 2021


Sales and Service


arryl Melano established Heywood Ag Sales & Service at Gorae West in 1998, and what started as a solo farming equipment supply, sales and service operation has developed over the years to now have two sites – the original business that calls Heywood home and employs 12 staff and the newly established Mount Gambier site that is set to put on up to four staff as it looks to bring the Heywood Ag experience to the Limestone Coast. More than two decades down the track and Darryl is still as hands-on as ever. He spends much of his time focussing on sales but he has a strong tradie background so understands the equipment he is selling inside and out. For Heywood Ag Sales & Service, it is all about the customer service experience and the Heywood Ag team don’t just sell you equipment; they continue to offer service and repair thanks to their expert staff in the state-of-the-art workshops at both Heywood and Mount Gambier.

durability and reliability and is specifically engineered to excel in Australia’s tough and diverse conditions. Kubota is committed to protecting the environment and has invested in advanced technologies to offer equipment that provides powerful performance while reducing emissions and that is why Heywood Ag has aligned itself with Australia’s leading supplier of agriculture, construction and power equipment.

“We pride ourselves on being able to service our customers after making a sale,” Darryl said. “We work hard to keep our staff a happy and cohesive team and we appreciate everyone’s efforts; together we are able to achieve great things.” Darryl formed a strong relationship with Kubota right from the early days of the business and has been a Kubota dealer for more than 20 years. Heywood Ag Sales & Service has worked hard since establishing the relationship with Kubota in 2001, to maintain their Kubota five star rating and whenever the opportunity presents, staff undertake training to ensure they are always at the cutting edge. “Keeping good levels of parts and machinery has always been a focus as well because we understand how important it is that your machinery is always in good working order.”

Darryl and the team have also fostered a strong relationship with hay and forage machinery market leader Krone, offering their range of hay and tillage equipment. “The staff at Heywood Ag Sales and Service understand the importance of your harvest gear being operational when you need it most, for this reason members of our team of technicians have been to Germany for training on the Krone equipment,” Darryl said. He is excited to bring the Heywood Ag experience to Mount Gambier

Kubota’s extensive product range is renowned for its high performance,


now with their 1 Bishop Road site; the building is 1300sqm which includes under cover displays and a large workshop. The Mount Gambier site will be able to supply all your Kubota and Krone needs, starting with the sales experience right through to onfarm service and repairs. “We talk with our customers about what they need to do with a machine so that we can offer the correct product for the job, this may mean offering the customer something different to what they may have originally considered,” Darryl said. “We prefer to sell them the right product for their job, not just to sell the product. For us, it’s all about the aftermarket service. As well providing spare parts, the service work is carried out by fully qualified, factory trained service technicians.”

ABOVE: Darryl Melano



hen it comes to water troughs, everyone has something they don’t like about them. Whether it be a bull that rubbed on a float box and jammed the float on, that full tank of water that was lost in the peak of summer or the concrete cover that’s just too heavy to lift. And that was exactly how the Conron Stockcrete brand came to fruition. When the time came to replace their own troughs, Joel Conron out designed everything that people disliked about troughs. ‘Everyone always has something in particular they dislike about their water troughs. When the time came to replace ours, I just wasn’t satisfied with what was available on the market. I knew that there was an opportunity to create a great design and build it really well.’ The Conron brand is now synonymous as the industry leader in precast concrete livestock watering. ‘Our concrete troughs are poured as one piece, making them 100% Stockproof. Producers know that they will not have any lost tanks of water, or mobs of thirsty sheep and cattle with the security offered by the design and build of our troughs - they are indestructible for livestock’.

The troughs are built with 45 mpa computer batched concrete and synthetic fibres, similar to what you find in a bridge mix, and steel reinforcement to maximise the life of your troughs. ‘Our trough walls are 70mm thick and the base has a thickness of 100mm. Along with a tapered base for easy cleaning, a two-inch brass inlet and fourinch brass outlet and the super convenient chequer plate lid, Conron troughs will stand the test of time’.

Conron Stockcrete troughs are a once in a lifetime investment that not only improve productivity, efficiency and water quality, but result in better herd health and weight gains with cooler and cleaner watering points for your livestock. From humble beginnings producing concrete water troughs, the Conron range of designs and products has evolved to cater for the specialised needs of the agricultural and rural sectors.

Michael Kemp of Artimore and Partners near Keith, SA has been impressed with his Conron troughs which were installed last year. ‘I’ve searched across Australia to find a decent livestock water trough. Having a solid and heavy duty concrete trough is so important especially with us running large mobs of cattle. There is nothing on these troughs that cattle can break. Best money we have ever spent’. Michael Kemp, Artimore and Partners, Keith, South Australia is pictured with one of the Lambinator troughs installed last year.


For a view of the range, including the recently launched Conron StockGrids, check out their website at: www.conronstockcrete.com.au

BELOW: Michael Kemp, Artimore and Partners, Keith, South Australia is pictured with one of the Lambinator troughs installed last year.



sheep and workers and increased operational efficiencies.

Increases operation efficiencies by investing in a Spanlift Sheep Yard Cover


elvale Poll Merino Stud is a progressive stud located in Keith, South Australia. It’s a family-owned business that solely runs merino sheep and produces irrigated Lucerne Seed.

The stud places high importance on commercial traits of their sheep, including fleece quality, growth rates, fertility and meat yield – to mention a few. Over the years they’ve increased their staple length, leading to them now shearing stud and commercial ewes every six months. THE OPPORTUNITY Stephen Kellock, Owner of Kelvale, built a shearing shed next to their sheep yard many years ago. With the capacity to hold 500 sheep, he was still in the market for some expansion. “Because we shear twice a year, we were looking for more cover all the time, so we didn’t need to sacrifice on working conditions,” Stephen reflects. “We’re growing longer stapled sheep through having plainer type sheep and higher fertility. We’ve gotten to the stage that now we have to shear every six months because we’re getting 75 mils of length in that time.”

THE OUTCOME “Nowadays, we have a lot of contract work happening with pregnancy and muscle scanning, and we want to be able to do that any time of the year so we can continue tracking the data,” says Stephen.

Stephen looked at yard covers online and reviewed several different companies. When he stumbled upon Spanlift’s website, what caught his eye?

“These contractors are booked for specific dates, so you have to do the work no matter what – whether it’s pouring down with rain or scorching hot.

The yard cover’s dome-shaped roofs. THE SOLUTION “I really liked the idea of this shape, and so I got in touch with Charles Grace to discuss their functionality.

Kelvale crutch their sheep with a crutching trailer, which they use a contractor for. On one sweltering 48-degree summer day, Stephen couldn’t believe everyone was able to continue working despite the heat.

“What I really liked was the heatreduction benefit of the roof – meaning we can still be outdoors working hard in the heat because we’ve got shade and ample airflow.”

“We were still able to crutch sheep throughout the whole day because we had that yard cover. It sets the shade, and the airflow beneath allows us to keep working. The crutching fellow was absolutely amazed!”

Spanlift design our yard covers to suit the client’s animal movements. They can be built over existing pens and yards with minimal disruption and offer natural lighting where it’s needed most. Stephen purchased a 39.5m x 24m x 3.5m sheep yard cover installed in December 2017.

What was Stephen’s experience with the Spanlift team?

Spanlift designed it site-specific with custom bay spacing to suit yard layout and enable specific locations in the areas that wouldn’t affect yard flow.

“The entire team was excellent – they always kept me up to speed on what was going on and what

Since then, he says the cover has helped with extra protection for the


they needed,” he reflects. Before Spanlift started building, powerlines were going into the middle of the property. Spanlift worked with SA Power to get these removed, meaning Stephen could make his shed longer than the original size. “They weren’t required anymore, so we actually got the polls out, and the wires pulled down so that we could put the shed where we wanted to put it. “We expanded our ideas, and Spanlift gave us a different look at what we could do, which was absolutely fantastic.” What does Stephen think of the quality of a Spanlift yard cover? “The quality of the shed is super sturdy – fantastic really for what we’re trying to do. And the design process where we could get all the posts outside of the yard so they’re not interfering in our work area was just fantastic.

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