Ram & Lamb Magazine Issue 12 September 2019

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FREE to 72,500 rural people in South West VIC & South East SA

Issue 12 - September, 2019


PEMBROKE BORDER LEICESTERS, POLL DORSETS & WHITE SUFFOLKS Breed for the conditions of the Wimmera, Western Districts and the South East of South Australia


embroke’s three studs have dealt with the dry start to the season very well. It has shown us that in tough times with normal supplementary feeding for dry conditions and paddock grazing the rams have coped extremely well. We have had an exceptional year in the commercial sheep side of our business with high conception numbers. All using our own home bred rams. This has been really interesting for us to see what our own rams can do in the commercial setting. Our prime lambs are all sold over the hooks in the weight range of 24kg+. We have had great success with this.

Our weaner first cross wethers are sold at Edenhope in November. The ewe lamb portion being retained to be grown out. 300 are offered at the Naracoorte First Cross ewe sale the following year and the other 300 kept on farm for our prime lamb production. Since taking over the studs in 2006 we have put a lot of time into improving genetics while breeding rams for paddock performance. We are continually looking for Stud rams that will put punch into our sheep and therefore into the rams that our clients buy.

Ram lambs are weaned off their mothers at between 14 and 16 weeks of age and run as one mob. They are maintained on pasture and summer crop coming through the spring and summer, with supplementary feeding

being used during dry times. This usually consists of silage, oaten hay and beans depending on the season. Some selection is done for the up and coming local shows, such as Balmoral, Coleraine and Edenhope.

Pembroke Annual Flock Ram Sale Thursday th October 201 – 1pm Vic time :VMPOH &BTU 8FTU 3PBE Victoria 50 Poll Dorsets • 8IJUF 4VGGPMLT t 50 Border Leicesters

We have always said that we breed rams for the commercial breeder. Whether he or she is looking to breed trade or export lambs, or first cross ewe lambs, there is always something there for our clients. All our rams are performance recorded with lambplan. This gives us and the buyer a guide to see where our figures sit along side of other breeders in Australia. We are brucellosis accredited and fully vaccinated for OJD. We follow a strict on farm bio security plan, that keeps both us and our clients safe. This year there will be 50 Poll Dorset, 50 Border Leicester's and 50 White Suffolk flock rams offered for auction on Thursday 10th October at 1pm Victorian time on property at 188 East West Yulong Road, Telangatuk East Victoria. If there are any questions regarding the studs or our ethos on breeding. Please contact either myself on 03 53882248 or our son Ashley on 0437 364 603. We are only too willing to help in any way possible.

ABOVE: Gathering Of The Rams

2.5% rebate to outside agents accompanying their clients on the day

Kathy Simons 03 5388 2248 Ashley Simons 0437 364 603 pembroke@harboursat.com.au





hrome Sheep Studs, located on the on the outskirts of Hamilton in Western Victoria, has all your needs covered when it comes to supplying rams for prime lamb production. Nestled in the heart of south-west Victoria’s prime lamb producing country, the Tonissen’s sell around 800 rams a year across their Chromedale, Perendale, Coopworth, Poll Dorset and Icon Southie breeds. Chrome hosts two major on-property sales annually, the main sale in October and the second in January caters for clients with later joining flocks. Rams are also sold privately between their on property sales and after the January sale.

“Chrome supplies rams from top end elite stud types right through to the commercial producer working on a lower budget” said Chrome principal Matt Tonissen. “We offer a very reasonable upset price of $500 at our auction sales and buyers receive every 6th ram purchased free” “I don’t know of any other stud that offers this sort of reward for volume buying” he said. MATERNAL SIRES The mainstay of the ram breeding operation over the years has been the production of rams for high performance self replacing maternal flocks, across their Chromedale, Perendale and Coopworth breeds. The Chromedales have been the signature breed for a number of years now, as more producers shifted to self replacing their prime lamb dams. The self replacing system offers producers the opportunity to take control of their ewe flock, enabling selection for a variety of profitable attributes, such as:

Around 2000 mated maternal ewes annually guarantees great depth, ensuring only the best rams make it through to sale. TERMINAL SIRES A real success story, the Icon Southie has been a great initiation, bred to supply a fast growing early maturing terminal sire, that is also suitable for terminal sire lambings out of maidens and ewe lambs. “By using ICON Southies, one of our large scale clients has reduced assisted births from 10% to less than 2% in his ewe lambs” A great result, improving labour efficiency, lamb survival and ewe mortality. The ICON Southies now contain predominantly Southdown genetics, the lambs hit the ground running and their early maturing attributes result a very easy doing lamb that is very marketable straight off mum or easily finished. Continued strong demand has resulted in complete sell outs of their Lambplan recorded Icon Southie rams-every year to date. The Icon Poll Dorset leg of the Terminal sires bred at Chrome offers a stable traditional meat sheep option with a

difference - shorter in the leg, early maturing and lots of muscle makes for easy soft doing sheep that offer great shape and carcass. Gone are the days of big long leggy slow maturing terminal sires. In Matt’s opinion “Lambs sired from moderate frame, high growth, fast maturing terminal sires are the way of the future”

• High weaning percentages • Fantastic mothering ability • High growth rates to weaning • Tough feet • Resistance to Worms • Successful ewe lamb joinings • Great pasture utilization • Selling surplus ewes into a buoyant market All these traits add up to an easy care resilient breeding ewe, capable of toughing it out in the extreme conditions of Southern Australia, both in the wet and the dry. Selection for moderate adult weight has been a priority over recent years as well, aimed at producing an efficient medium framed breeding ewe. 3

Demand continues to be strong for their Poll Dorset rams given their strong performance, from the large Chrome client base, “our buyers comment on how nuggetty and early our Poll Dorsets finish, resulting in more lambs on the truck in the first draft” Matt commented

ABOVE: Icon Southie Sale Rams



n its forty years the Chickerloo Studs` long term aim has been producing a consistent product for the commercial producer, a line of sheep that is robust, profitable and easy care. We seek to achieve this by strict adherence to a set of breeding husbandry and business principles applied to whole flock, producing a reliable supply of quality sheep that breed consistently and at a realistic price. Chickerloo sheep are carefully selected on commercial considerations that carry over from one generation to the next, with emphasis on the important traits, carcase structure, growth rate and fertility. Adding new bloodlines to improve the studs` genetics has always been a priority. Chickerloo has been heavily reliant on Allendale and Day`s Whiteface studs` sires. Exciting new genetics have been obtained with the purchase of Day`s Whiteface 160048, son of Waratah 130645, used by Days

as a ram lamb, producing outstanding sons, three of which sold at the 2018 sale, with a fourth being retained in the stud, and his first drop of sons at Chickerloo are most impressive. Suffolk sales have been strong in recent years and sons of the Mornish ram, Allendale 1439, bought in partnership with Lanacoona stud, are well represented in this year`s draft. Bred on long term selection principles, Chickerloo rams are long, robust sheep that will breed true to type. They are grass fed and come with a two working season guarantee. On farm inspection begins October 1st with a good selection from 250 rams at realistic prices. Kalangadoo SA 08 87 393 058. Kent 0437 699 210. Rose 0408 929 509. Nick 0448 521 816.

ABOVE: Sons of Day`s Whiteface 160048 (now owned by Chickerloo Stud) winning the Pair of Rams, AprilJune drop at the Adelaide Royal Show 2018, shown by Day`s Whiteface.

Sales Sales Editorals

Duncan McGregor 0407 722 983 Jill Collins 0400 598 327 Di Gould 0401 042 302 editorial@lifestyle1.net Manager Jason Allen 0417 285 163 Web lifestyle1.net Email mail@lifestyle1.net Office Office 1, 20 Penola Road, Mt Gambier Print 18,500 copies Distribution Letterbox, Australia Post Outlets, Newsagencies, Supermarkets, Petrol Stations and General Stores

Padthaway KINGSTON




ROBE Beachport

Southend Mt Burr

Apsley Edenhope Coonawarra PENOLA Nangwarry Tarpeena


VIC Coleraine


Kalangadoo Glencoe Tantanoola


We support recycling

HAMILTON Digby Branxholme

Moorak Condah Kongorong Carpenter Rocks Dartmoor Allendale Donovans Nelson Port MacDonnell HEYWOOD Narrawong


Details contained in this magazine have been compiled from information supplied by advertisers. No responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of information contained here in. Prospective purchasers should rely on their own enquiries.


SIMPLY SERISTON If outstanding prime lamb industry rams that combine frame and extra length with powerful early growth and muscling are what you seek, then a visit to the Seriston White Suffolk and Suffolk studs at Avenue Range should be on your agenda.


his selection focus has led to the distinct Seriston type produced today. Principal, Anthony Hurst has continually sourced the best genetics he can find over the years to match the selection principles he put in place from the beginning of his stud breeding program over 26 years ago. Are there any lamb producers who are not serious about maximising the success of their enterprise? Certainly, those who are should give serious consideration to the outstanding quality on offer at Seriston. These are totally paddock raised rams that have seen no grain in their raising, so they have achieved their impressive growth and carcass attributes on grass, just as commercial producers would like their progeny to do. When there are greater rewards on offer for prime lambs, the higher the quality, the higher the rewards. While most lamb producers can make a profit in the current very buoyant market, it is those who use higher performing genetics who maximise their retains and come out even further in front.

produced in clients’ paddocks has spread, more have joined them. To ensure all potential buyers are able to compete at value for the rams they need, matching supply with the increased demand has been one of the challenges Anthony Hurst has faced, with sale numbers almost doubling from 13 years ago. He is very mindful that there are different buying budgets, plus the needs of bigger volume buyers being able to average out their buying accounts. To this end he has been successful with a good percentage of rams selling in the ‘great value range’ over the last two sales.

Measurement for eye muscle area rather than just depth has arguably been a significant contributing factor in achieving the renowned Seriston type. Genetic correlations usually mean that an emphasis on increased muscle depth leads to smaller and shorter earlier maturing sheep. This then restricts the market weight range options open to breeders who

use these smaller types. Insisting on maintaining size and length with early muscling has required more time and patience to achieve, but the buyers are the beneficiaries of this patience at Seriston. Anthony Hurst welcomes enquiry with more details also available on the website: www.seriston.com.au.

WHITE SUFFOLKS & SUFFOLKS Selection for • More length • More muscle • More weight • Producing $$$ for you!

Our clients are smiling more often... ....The reasons are in the paddock!

Anthony Hurst will again present a wonderful team of over 150 White Suffolk and Suffolk rams for competition at this year’s Seriston annual on-property ram sale on Friday, October 11. The blend of growth and carcass attributes of these additions into the Seriston program has been particularly positive. Also, first progeny of Baringa 230, Seriston 32, a top homebred son of Waratah 130645 is another sire with his second impressive drop of White Suffolk progeny on offer this year. In the Suffolks, Seriston’s investment in a top Kerangie ram also paid off, again having many impressive sons in the Suffolk rams on offer. Local area producers have known and appreciated the quality available at Seriston for a long time, but as the word on the results their rams have

ABOVE: Seriston 2019 sale rams

Contact : Anthony Hurst, Avenue Range, SA Ph (08) 8766 0037 Mob: 0428 332 676 Email: ahurst.seriston@bigpond.com 5



nimal welfare is a high priority for both farmers and consumers when it comes to the production of meat for human consumption.

These include: lamb survival, ewe mortality, pain relief during marking, transportation, euthanasia of injured and sick animals, and marketing the improvement in these areas.

achieve some of the most consistent and reliable lamb survival results in Australia and New Zealand. This would not have worked if it wasn’t for the Precision Lambing concept,” Tim said.

Improving the welfare of the animals on Paradoo Prime sheep enterprise has been at the forefront of management decisions made by Tim and Georgie Leeming.

Sheep breeding focuses on genetic improvement of sheep, and while genetics play only a small part animal welfare issues, the team at Paradoo Prime have been intently focused on improving lambing systems for commercial sheep producers, clients and industry.

But Tim said how you then managed those surviving lambs was just as important to the business.

“As the breeders of sheep, farmers are at the forefront of the animal welfare space,” Tim said. He believes the better farmers embrace this concept, the greater the transparency between industry and consumers and the greater the increase in positive consumer perception around the industry. Farmers can influence animal welfare in many areas with simple management changes at a farm level that can have industry-wide benefits.

“You can have the best genetics in the world but if you don’t manage and care for them then they will underperform or worse, perish,” Tim said. Paradoo Prime has been managing single-cycle lambing with its commercial flock for the five years – tightening up joining periods from 28 days in 2014, to 21 days in 2015 – as a way of more adequately managing sheep at lambing. “Since 2016 we have been able to

“A blood free environment is what we want at marking and no open wounds. “This has always made sense to me and I think along with longer tail length in our breeders this enables some solid and quantifiable ewe production and health benefits.” Recently, the management of lambs at marking has taken another positive step in terms of animal welfare, with improved castration technology now used at Paradoo.

“The one thing that we couldn’t hold our hat on however was the pain received from the rings at lambmarking,” Tim said. He said while the process of using rings was blood free, it clearly wasn’t pain free for the lambs, which would still show physical signs of pain,

When quality is your breeding objective.... .....look no further SSAND0030719

It has led the south-west Victorian breeders to now using an injectable anaesthetic at lamb marking.

“Animal welfare is paramount in all we do. We have been deliberately breeding a ewe that doesn’t require mulesing and we have used rings at marking for over 30 years.

particularly male lambs who had rings applied to both tails and testicles. It led Paradoo to pursue improvement in this regard, and now, the property will only use the Scottish-developed product Numnuts. Numnuts is an injectable lignocaine anaesthetic, administered at the site where the ring is applied. “Using Numnuts, we were really impressed with the way the lambs came off the cradle and even more impressed with the mothering-up and travel back to their paddock,” Tim said. A reduction in mis mothering and the ease of moving mobs, Tim said it made the use of Numnuts a cost-neutral activity at lamb marking.

Elite performance genetics you can count on!

The Leemings are keen to use pain relief on all the lambs marked from now on. “It makes sense to do the right thing and as we as producers need to be on the front foot in the area of animal welfare.

Showing/displaying at Adelaide Royal

24th Annual On-Property Sale

Thursday 3rd October 2019 - 1:00pm Vic time Approx 110 White Suffolk rams including 30 specially selected rams plus 35 specially seleted ewes 60 Easy Care Ultra White rams 25 Kerangie Suffolk rams & ewes Enquiries always welcome: Andrew & Joel Donnan ‘Anden’, 1117 Willangie-Woomelang Rd, Woomelang, Vic 3485 Ph:(03) 5081 2227 Andrew: 0427 812 227 Joel: 0428 514 406 Fax: (03) 5081 2255 Email: andenstud@bigpond.com Check website for latest information




“Transparency in all of we do is only going to make the sheep industry better placed to hold and expand market share in a more informed and conscious world,” Tim said.

ABOVE: Landscape design to enhance lamb survival.

STEP UP YOUR LAMB PRODUCTION POTENTIAL WITH MULTIMEAT GENETICS Now is the time to move your lamb production system to the next level.


he development of multiple bearing sheep has lifted the lid on the potential of lamb production systems. These genotypes use a single gene to lift the scanning percentages of your ewes by 60 percent. One cross and you have prolific sheep. The rest of the world has had access to high fecundity ewes and now you can too. These ewes will conceive the extra lambs without extra feeding or the use of drugs, making them much more efficient at converting your pasture to meat. Multimeat rams can be crossed with Merinos, crossbreds or composites to lift the scanning rates of wool sheep. The new Multimeatmaster rams can be crossed with Dorpers, Wiltipolls or Aussie Whites to produce a clean shedding sheep with scanning rates between 180-200 percent.

These genotypes cannot compete at their normal levels of fecundity but this innovation will make them competitive with composite ewes which are barely worth shearing. These new genotypes are supplied with carefully researched management booklets which explain optimum ways of managing these sheep to get the best out of them. This research was conducted at Struan for the MLA and SARDI. Application of this system results in a 25 percent lift in profitability. Over 60 producers are using this advancement to achieve the same results as shown with the independent trial conducted on the Elmore field day site. For more information have a look on the Multimeat Composite website or contact Colin Earl, email earl.kerami@bigpond.com, phone 0428 647 457.

ABOVE: Multiple bearing Multimeat sheep.

LOT 18

Boonaroo Kansas N164

@ 16months 700kg

130%6$5*0/ 4"-& 'SJEBZ 'FC BN $BTUFSUPO 7JD




1*$ (-&3







MultiMeat Elmore Trial Results $ / Ewe (Lambs + Wool)

Ewes mated to White Suffolk Rams $230



$212 $200 $189


$100 Border Leicester x Merino Cross

Multimeat x Merino Cross

Cashmore-Oaklea Perf. Maternals

Merino, Loddon Valley

Leahcim Merino

Cantre Plus Merino

Weaning rates of mature MultiMeat ewes are around 160%

MultiMeatMaster Multiple Bearing Shedding Sheep

- Make your shedding sheep profitable & wean 160% at each lambing. - One cross lifts scanning percentage by 60%


- Multiple bearing ewes are more profitable because they are more efficient.



hite Suffolks are influencing the sheep industry and proving themselves as a leading sire choice for commercial producers across Australia achieving excellent returns and wins in carcase competitions and at major shows nationwide in 2019.

The lamb industry has been flying high with record-breaking prices and it is very pleasing to see producers rewarded for their hard work with White Suffolk sired lambs regularly topping sales. “We have consistently seen White Suffolks mentioned in record prices with early growth rates, fantastic shape and great, even fat coverage a common theme in feedback from buyers. This is a credit to our members for breeding quality genetics that are assisting producers in meeting their target markets and requirements”, said Australian White Suffolk Association President, Anthony Hurst. The ram selling season is fast approaching and it is timely to remind

producers about the importance of on-farm biosecurity to protect the health of your livestock. The Australian White Suffolk Association has taken a stance on this and introduced mandatory Brucellosis Accreditation for all member studs. Ovine brucellosis is a venereal disease in sheep which continues to have a costly impact on the sheep industry with lambing rates impacted by infertility or reduced ram fertility, longer lambing periods, abortions in ewes and weak lambs. The potential impact of brucellosis on the national sheep flock and cost to the industry through reduced lambing rates is significant, yet ovine brucellosis is not a notifiable disease. Past president of the Australian White Suffolk Association and former Sheep Producers Australia President, Allan Piggott, said the association had taken a positive step towards wiping out a disease impacting on the sheep population despite numerous campaigns to eradicate it.

“We all have a responsibility to protect flocks from Ovine Brucellosis and I applaud the Australian White Suffolk Association for their stance on Mandatory accreditation for its members. This is a positive step for the entire sheep industry”. “It is important that people only buy accredited sheep, and to know the health status of any new stock they are bringing onto their property. With all registered White Suffolk studs accredited free this brings added assurance for anyone wanting to purchase a White Suffolk ram”, said Allan.

Eating quality has gained even more momentum highlighting the importance of an excellent and consistent lamb product that meets consumer demand. Consistency, tenderness and flavor are imperative. LAMPLAN has developed a new Terminal Carcase Production index (TCP) which can be utilized in breeding programs to achieve a superior product. White Suffolks lead the way for all terminal breeds and are an obvious choice to improve the eating quality of your lamb.

For more information on why White Suffolks are a perfect prime lamb sire choice to complement your commercial operation then please visit the website or approach a member in your area. Commercial producers should also join the Australian White Suffolk Association commercial register to keep up to date with industry news and branded lamb opportunities. There is the opportunity to win a $1500 ram voucher to use towards the purchase of a White Suffolk ram through the Association’s Win A Ram competition. The competition opened on 1 July and entry is via the AWSA website, www.whitesuffolk.com. The competition is now in its sixth year and the breed has received great feedback from previous winners that the prize enabled them to purchase a ram which suits their breeding program. Given that tough seasonal conditions have been experienced by many across the country, the prize will go a long way in affording one lucky winner the chance to capitalise on some high-quality White Suffolk genetics. AUSTRALIAN WHITE SUFFOLK ASSOCIATION Nikki Ward, Secretary. Contact: 0488 018 765 Email whitesuffolk@gmail.com

ABOVE: White Suffolk stud ewes and lambs


Join producers of the ZRUOG·V ÀQHVW ODPEV

WIN0 0 5 1 $

& become part of the bigger picture Join the AWSA Commercial Register. See our website for more details.

ea s a h c r To pu ௺RON 5DP 6X QWU\ :KLWH DQG H WDLOV LWLRQ GHwebsite W H S P &R via our

Superior balance of meat eating qualities /HDGLQJ WKH ZD\ LQ performance recording Genetics to suit all market options Australian bred for Australian conditions High Libido / Good Temperament 0DUNHW ÀH[LELOLW\ 7UDGH ([SRUW

All our studs are Ovine Brucellosis accredited free





y selecting Majardah Poll Dorset and White Suffolk Stud sires with moderate birth weights checking commercial ewes during lambing is minimized reducing the chances of mis-mothering. The Price family also lamb up to four months later than in the past, confident that lamb growth rates far exceed what they use to be. The advantage is matching feed supply to the nutritional needs of the ewes much better than in the past. Adam Price said, “we know some of our clients have been doing it very hard with drought conditions. The only saving grace has been the strong prices for sheep and lambs over the past twelve months due to the reduced national flock. It gives us optimism for the foreseeable future in the prime lamb sector.� This year Sheep Genetics Australia has introduced a new Index. It is akin to the old Carcase Plus Index with weightings also given to meat eating quality. Both C+ and Lamb 2020 have been phased out.


The Terminal Carcase Production index will help protect the excellent eating quality of lamb. What it doesn’t do is reward moderate birth weights and worm resistance. “It is why we still advise ram buyers to look at the individual Australian Sheep Breeding Values for these traits when selecting rams. Amazingly a lamb that dies during the birthing process doesn’t have a lot of weight gain! The TCP index is a good sorting tool, but the more astute producers will refer to a ram’s ASBVs when selecting a ram(s) to meet their production goals,� explained Dale. “We have had a lot of positive feedback about how well Majardah rams are performing and the progeny they are producing. We also have continued to benchmark of rams against others on LambPlan with great results. By shortening our genetic interval, selecting stud sires carefully to achieve our breeding goals we continue to be ahead of the pack. For the past two years we have used Matesel (the sheep tinder) to assist in our breeding program.

This will allow us to address even more ASBVs alongside good conformation, explained Adam. Majardah is involved in a world first group breeding program. Dale is coordinating with SGA staff a Matesel run

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involving 10,000+ ewes and 2000 rams from Meat Elite flocks to members achieve group breeding objectives. This is an exciting initiative that is designed to boost improvements in the traditional ASBVs and maintain meat eating quality. While there will

OB Free Acc. 580 OJD MN2V

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be a number of logistical challenges the rewards as in industries such as the poultry and pork are significant and will flow onto Majardah and other Meat Elite clients. This year’s on property ram sale will be held October 4th commencing at 1:00pm with inspection from 11:00am. A light luncheon will be available. Elders and Miller Whan & John will conduct the sale. Catalogues will be available mid- September. The catalogue will be available from the agents, be included on the Sheep Genetics website with reminders on the Majardah Rams’ Facebook page.

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ABOVE: Majardah Rams bred to survive and thrive

CONTACT: DALE & RUTH PRICE 0428 394 300 ADAM PRICE 0428 230 100

BEN GREGORY 0418 498 587


PETER CREEK 0428 838 332

CASTLE CAMPS LOOKING FORWARD TO THEIR 6TH ANNUAL SALE This year the stud will again offer 70 White Suffolk and 70 Border Leicester rams at our annual sale on Friday the 27th of September. This year’s rams have had to come through yet another tight summer and autumn. But with a bit of sunshine and the feed starting to grow they should be looking good by sale day.


his year’s sale offering of White Suffolk’s will see the first rams from our two new sires. Waratah 16/312, who is in the top5% for both weaning and post weaning weight and Ramsay Park 15/371a ram with good length and muscling. Both these rams have breed very well and will have some excellent rams in this year’s sale. Also represented in this year’s sale are the proven sires Anden 15/108, Castle Camps Kuzz 15/26 and Castle Camps 14/17. Our Border Leicester sale rams this year will have progeny from our proven sires Gleneith 15/320 Duenclin Cut Out and Castle Camps 12/347. It will see the last rams by 12/347, this well muscled ram has performed very well for us over many years with almost 300 progeny recorded. Complimenting the line up will be two AI sires Retallack Earthquake, winner of many champion and inter breed ribbons and Inverbrackie 16/1041 who is in the top 1% for number of lambs weaned and in the top 10% for post weaning weight. Again many of the rams offered will have negative WEC’s (worm egg counts) a trait that is conceded very important at Castle Camps. At Castle Camps our stud operation is very much run with a commercial focus in mind. Our stud ewes are run under commercial conditions with importance placed on sheep with natural doing ability. We continue to get great feedback for both breeds with our clients getting excellent results with both lambs and their first cross ewes. This year’s sale will be held on the property at 2018 Riddoch Hwy, Keith on Friday the 27th of September starting at 11am, with inspections from 9.30am. Ian and Sue invite you to come and inspect the rams either

on sale day or before the sale. You can also follow us on face book or go to our website www.castlecamps. com.au for our online catalogue which will be available from early September or just give Ian a call on 0438 566 030 to arrange a suitable time for an inspection.

RIGHT: Action at last year’s sale,these two rams sold for top price of $1800


WK Annual Sale Inspections from 9.30am

0 WHITE SUFFOLK & 0 BORDER LEICESTER RAMS Accredited Brucellosis free Johne’s vaccinated /ambplan tested

Contact Ian & Sue Carr 0438 566 030 or 08 8756 6030 www.castlecamps.com.au Adam Bradley 0428 838 285 Simon Rosenzweig 0427 887 705

Miller Whan & John Mike Newton 0417 812 312

Rebate to outside agents morning tea and lunch. Follow us on 13



amb prices are the highest they have ever been. But to get the best price, the prime lamb producer needs to select his terminal sires very carefully. At Konongwootong, we aim to produce a line of commercially focused, high performing, low maintenance rams to suit the demands and needs of today’s prime lamb producer. Our aim is to breed rams, that will produce prime lambs to meet the Export and Trade markets: thus giving the producer the best opportunity to maximise his marketing opportunities.

Our flock rams are paddock reared on good quality pastures and are not given any grain supplementation. Flock rams are run as a single management group from weaning to sale time and all treated identically. At Konongwootong we place a strong emphasis on our bio-security program. Our flock is Brucellosis accredited free and we have MN2V status in the MAP OJD programme. We have been vaccinating with Gudair since 2002. We have been part of the LambPlan Performance recording system since its inception, but we place an emphasis on structural correctness before we consider EBV’s. A ram must be able to do the job he has been bred for. We have also used Prime Scan and Stockscan to help identify our better performing bloodlines. As well as our Poll Dorset stud, we run 3500 commercial self-replacing Dorset Coopworth cross ewes: so, we are aware of the challenges and needs of the prime lamb producer. We would like to extend and invitation to prime lamb producers to view our team at Melbourne Royal and at many of our local shows. Our annual sale is on Thursday 17th October at 1:30pm. Please contact us if you would like to discuss your needs.

ABOVE: Prime Sucker Lambs


THE ULTIMATE SIRE The East Friesian sheep breed is a large framed sheep that originated in the Friesland area of Northern Germany and Holland, like its bovine counterpart designed for its outstanding miking ability.


he highest at any sheep breed producing 2litres per day and with the longest lactation 240 days compared to 150 for XB sheep and 90 days for Merino’s. Although designed for their milk production also have a high yielding carcase and when crossed with another maternal or terminal breed they have great benefits to meat production enterprises. Their extra milk adds to their fecundity so they have the ability to wean very high % of lambs, 200% is achievable under the right conditions.

Warrawindi Farms will offer 100BL/ EF ‘Ultimate’ cross rams for sale on the 11th of Oct at our Annual on farm sale also offering 200 Poll Dorset rams, 30 Suffolk and 15 Border Leicester Rams. Warrawindi Farms aim is to produce more lambs, better lambs, naturally.

RIGHT: Our Granddaughter Mia helping out with the tagging at birth. A family affair!

They are widely used across the world to cross with other breeds to improve milk quality and quantity. The East Friesian is not very hardy or adaptable but their cross breeds are. Warrawindi Farms are crossing the East Friesian with the Border Leicester. The East Friesian is very lean and crossing them with Australian bred Border Leicesters , predominately Coolawang and Inverbrackie leading sires with extra fat is the perfect combination, to create the ‘Ultimate’ maternal sire for breeding 1st cross ewes over merino’s or self-replacing XB’s over first cross and composite type ewe flocks. Lifting production with more numbers of lambs weaned. These EF/BL cross rams used over 1st X and merino ewes are creating some super maternal ewes at Warrawindi Farms. Using high yielding warrawindi poll Dorset rams over these magnificent ewes which are producing 150% lambs averaging 30kg dressed weight. Warrawindi Poll Dorset sires are very high growth and high yielding suitable for producing heavy lambs using only the best genetics for our climate. Current sires Aberdeen and Ulandi park AI ,Bundara downs and Derrynock high index rams.









RAM SALE 11TH OCTOBER 2019 AT 11AM David & Alison Galpin PH: 08 8737 2274

www.warrawindi.com 15



MILKING THE DOHNES FOR WOOL AND LAMB Dohnes have proven to be a very profitable and adaptable Maternal breed.


he Glen Holme Dohne stud is located north of Adelaide and breeds robust rams for many flocks in SA’s South East and Western Victoria. This number grows each year as clients talk to friends and neighbours. Their suitability for the region is highlighted by the performance of Glen Holme Dohne rams in the Balmoral Sire Evaluations. The Merino Lifetime Productivity trial is showing that, for the 2016 drop of ewes at “Tuloona” near Harrow, the early fertility of our Dohne clearly outshines all other rams. His 38 daughters weaned the highest percentage of lambs by a clear 11% for their 2018 maiden lambing. Wool production was comparable to 25% of the Merinos represented and with fibre diameter near average, the profitability of the Dohne Merino strain is clearly evident. Growth rates were also high.

Over 75 years of selection in South Africa and more recently 20 years of performance testing in Australia has brought predictability to this breed. Using full pedigrees and collecting data for both fleece and carcase qualities combined with weights for different growth stages allows the identification of superior sires and dams. Evidence of this dual-purpose ability is in prices received. Glen Holme have received 1811c/kg greasy for ewe hogget wool at auction (2715 c/ kg clean), and one local, long term client grossed over $281 per head average for a line of 8-9 month old Dohne wether lambs at 32.5kg. This comprised $237.50 over the hooks at the top grid price in January 2019, and $44 for the weaner wool which sold for 1490c/kg greasy.

Couple this with AAAM wool from the Dohne Maternal ewes at ruling market prices, and the fertility and milking ability of Dohne mothers, there is a robust base for a high profitability sheep enterprise. Heavy weights at top prices are a good combination, especially in an easy care flock.

Dohnes are not seasonal breeders. This has huge potential to help rebuild the national flock. Regions with plenty of feed can mate on a short rotation, and drought affected areas can utilise the inherent doing ability of Dohne ewes to rebuild their flock due to increased fertility.

At Glen Holme this has been used to advantage. For instance, last year a sire was added to lactating ewes in November, and a significant second lambing in just 8 months was successful. These ewes had lambed in September and October2018 and lambed again in April and May 2019. On each occasion many multiple lambs were raised. In other years, some ewes weaned 4 lambs in 8 months. Glen Holme is a long-established stud that supplies and supports its clients. Their 9th Annual On-Property Auction is on Thursday 19th September and will feature at least 90 rams that sit at the high end for productivity traits. There is a large choice of top producing new sires. Details on Rams and their production figures (ASBV’s) will be available to download from our website www.glenholmedohnes.com by early September. Approximately 150 commercial Dohne ewes will also be offered for sale on the day. If you are seeking high prices for both lamb and fleece wool to enhance profitability, try Glen Holme Dohnes. They are bred for performance, not fed for appearance.

ABOVE: Ewes, mated in Spring 2018 while lactating, and heavy in lamb again in April 2019.


DERRYNOCK POLL DORSET’S & MEAT MATERNALS Gestation length, lamb survival and Eating Quality!


anagement and nutrition of the ewe will always have the greatest influence over lamb survival. However, there are huge benefits to be gained from having stronger lambs at birth, with a greater cold tolerance, and plenty of quality milk available at birth. A focus on moderate birth weight with an average or shorter gestation length, and increased milk production, has helped to decrease ewe assist rate at birth, therefore improving lambing ease and lift lamb survival in commercial and stud ewes at Derrynock to above 95%, which is well above the industry standard of around 70%. We are very excited about the results, in particular when incorporating selection pressure on the gestation length as part of our overall lamb survival strategy. With scanning rates reaching 185% in our commercial flock of approx 800 Meat Maternal ewes in recent years, it was time to increase our focus on lamb survival.

years in our commercial and stud flocks, we have seen a reduction in our birth assist rate to less than 1% in approximately 1000 - 2010/2017 drop ewes for our 2018 lambing. This has resulted in a lamb survival rate of 95% at birth, over all birth type categories. The flock pregnancy scanned at 170% average over all year drops, and achieved one of our key production criteria of having a triplet scan rate of less than 5% (actual triplet rate 3%). We look forward to the results of a further trial we are conducting this year on our commercial ewe lambs. We are hopeful that conducting economically relevant sire progeny tests, utilising our commercial ewe flock that we will continue to improve the profitability of our commercial clients, with our focus this year on Eating Quality with particular

emphasis on Marbling. We will have some of the highest ranked Poll Dorset rams for marbling available for sale in 2019, with their progeny being utilized in progeny testing that will evaluate lambs at different ages/weights being fed on a range of different rations. With an emphasis on Eating Quality in both out Maternal and Terminal flocks we believe that Derrynock can provide a rare opportunity for producers to make quick improvements in traits like marbling, with selection pressure provided on both sides of the Genetic equation...

RIGHT: Lambs born day 144

We are finding our best results are coming from ewes having 4.5 -5.5 kg lambs at birth. This has meant we can utilise rams with higher birth weights, and subsequent growth rates, that also have shorter gestation length ASBV’s. Lambs that are born earlier are not necessarily lighter, but are born with a lot more ease. They generally appear wetter at birth, and the ewes appear to lamb quickly and with vastly fewer presentation issues. The actual gestation length of the ewes recorded over the past 8-10 years has varied from 141 days to 154 days. We would say that approximately 90% of lambing problems occur in those ewes lambing after 150 days, with a higher incidence of presentation issues, big lambs, dry or yellow coloured, or stressed lambs at birth. As a result of selection, we have moved our average gestation length from 148.5 days back to 147 days in the past 3 years. Emphasis on good smooth shoulder and neck placement is also important. As a direct result of the information gathered from Gestation length (gl) progeny testing over the past 3


LAMPARDS LAND MARKING If there is a more efficient, affordable way to get a job done on the land, you’ll certainly attract the interest of farmers and Lampards Lamb Marking provides the man on the land with just such an option.


ffering a portable lamb marking trailer, along with the all important labour, Lampards Lamb Marking some to your property and get the job done. Whether it be lamb marking or drenching or mulesing, the team at Lampards Lamb Marking can get the job done efficiently for you.

Tom and Felicity Lampard took over the mobile service this year after Tom had managed the business for the previous four years. “Farmers so often have to get family or friends to help get these kind of jobs done but we can provide the trailer, the equipment, and three workers,” Felicity said. Lampards Lamb Marking cover the entire region, having already done work at Frances, Keith and Naracoorte, as well as plenty of properties closer to their home base

in Allendale East. “We are basically happy to travel anywhere,” Felicity said. “All our boys are in their 20s so they are fit and strong and get the job done efficiently. They are also all experienced on the land so you know you are in good hands.” So call Lampards Lamb Marking today on 0499 037 192 for all your lamb marking, drenching and mulesing needs.

ABOVE: Early morning starts for the boys




nquestionable measured performance data has been behind the Clothier family’s Woolumbool Poll Dorset and White Suffolk ram offerings since the stud’s inception 30 years ago. It is the depth of that data behind their current offering that gives them extremely high accuracies and gold quality level status with Lambplan, ensuring that what you see and read is what you’ll consistently get. Very few studs Australia wide have that ranking. This gives prospective purchasers amongst prime lamb producers not only trustworthy elite performance, but also greater confidence in the results they will achieve and consequently, potentially greater profitability. The Clothiers are also members of the Meat Elite Poll Dorset and the Superwhites White Suffolk breeding groups selecting for elite performance levels. Senior principal Phil Clothier will be displaying at the Meat Elite/ Multi-Meats stand at this year’s Sheepvention. Honest paddock growth and presentation is rigidly adhered to by the Clothiers which gives no masking of the actual genetic capabilities of their rams. Further, all rams have to pass a stringent assessment for structural soundness before being considered for sale, whatever their figures may be. For some who are used to purchasing pampered rams raised on feeders, adjusting to this paddock preparation may be difficult but the honesty of the Clothier family is second to none.

Woolumbool has a loyal following of regular SA and Victorian clients who continually get the results they seek from these genetics; reinforced by the outstanding demand the Clothier family received at last year’s sale. However, there is plenty of room for others to join them, with over 100 rams from each of their two terminal sire breeds on offer on Wednesday 2nd October. Their high fertility Mult-Meats are another exciting maternal addition to the breeding options they offer, these rams being available privately, while they now also offer a good selection of Poll Merinos at their sale. The most important trait for profitability is fertility expressed through live lambs on the ground. Woolumbool also excels here, with exceptional fertility levels through all their studs, not just the Multi-Meats. A significant majority of their rams will be from multiple births. Further, all Woolumbool rams have been measured and selected for worm resistance, an increasingly important trait for management

ABOVE: Pictured with the top priced White Suffolk and Poll Dorset rams at last year’s sale are senior principal Phil Clothier; purchasers of the $7750 White Suffolk, Michael and Julie Osborne, Millicent; Landmark Lucindale’s Malcolm Graetz; purchaser of the $5500 Poll Dorset, Mary Burzacott, Beachport; Aaron Clothier and Jack Brown, Elders Lucindale.

White Suffolks P oll Dorsets Multi Meats Poll Merinos A breeding program in step with commercial productivity needs.


Annual On-Property ram sale

Wednesday 2nd Oct MN3


Gold Quality Data Acc Brucellosis Free

Based at Lucindale, they have concentrated on producing sheep that have rapid growth, earlier maturity and medium frames, producing rams that are very much like ‘peas in a pod’ and ideal for ‘finished’ prime lambs in the 22 to 26kg weight range. This is the most profitable market weight range in today’s lamb industry with a vast majority of both domestic and export lambs being sought by processors within this weight range.

220 Poll Dorset, White Suffolk & Poll Merino rams

Contact Phil & Sharon Clothier, PO Box 102, Naracoorte, SA 5271 Ph (08) 8765 8026 Fax (08) 8765 8002 Email woolumbool@bigpond.com SSWOO0070719

Lamb eating quality is a newer EBV available to the industry through Lambplan and unsurprisingly the Clothier family has been quick to bring it to the forefront of their selection considerations. A good eating experience for consumers is paramount in keeping up demand, especially now that high demand and under supply has pushed lamb prices to record levels.

and consistent performance. More information and updates can be found on the Woolumbool website (www. woolumbool.com.au) and on Facebook.

For more information find us and follow us on @woolumboolstuds www.woolumbool.com.au 19

WRATTENBULLIE With prices in the lamb and sheep industry at records levels it is good to be in the industry and all signs point to it continuing for sometime into the future.


his year we selected twelve rams to prepare for our show team which will compete at Hamilton Sheepvention and Adelaide Royal .Three main sires are represented in this group these being Aberdeen 527-16, Leenala 150-16 and Wrattenbullie 489-16. Aberdeen 52716 has bred well for us breeding large framed sound rams with excellent wool. His ASBV’s have complimented our rams with his pwt 17.8 emd 2.7 and pfat 0.3 giving him a C+ 220. Leenala 150-16 bred an even line of rams with his ASB’s pwt 15.7 emd 1.2 pfat -0.9 C+196 .Wrattenbullie 489-16 hasn’t got the high end figures of these other two sires but his rams display all the traits we need in a prime lamb industry with good bone and stretch.

Our main focus each year is to present 130 flock rams at our annual sale that display the muscle, length and structure with ample growth to breed lambs that suit both the trade and export markets. Also at the sale we will selling 5 selected stud rams. All rams will have their ASB’S and index’s displayed in the catalogue. Biosecurity has become an important part of livestock production with our flock being MN3V for OJD and accredited brucellosis free. By the time of the sale we will have enrolled in the PIRSA Biosecurity One program. Our sale will be held at the Naracoorte Show Ground on the 14th October at 1.30pm .Lunch and refreshments will be provided. Inspection is available prior to the sale by appointment. Looking forward to catching up on the day.

LEFT: Tag No 160242

TESTIMONAL Pembroke Pastoral has been using Ram & Lamb for many years and it is just so effective because it is such a focussed marketing tool. The magazine only goes to rural properties, to the people genuinely interested in livestock, and not only does it give you a chance to advertise your sale, you get the added bonus of adding more detail about your business in the free editorial that accompanies your advertisement. We have definitely picked up new clients given the wide distribution of the magazine and it also keeps us front of mind of our regular customers. Ram & Lamb Magazine has always been our number one choice to reach the people we need to reach at this time of the year. ~ Kathy & Tom Simons Pembroke Pastoral




he Harvey family from Paxton Stud enjoyed a fantastic ram selling season last spring. The stud held its first on Property sale for its terminal sires with their Poll Dorsets and White Suffolk rams finding homes with existing and new clients. The Paxton Border Leicester Stud had a outstanding on property sale with full clearance and the stud topped the averages at Horsham Elite sale selling rams there for the first time. The success of their Border Leicester stud continues to build with numerous pens of Paxton sired ewes continually at the top end of the first cross sales. Congratulations to the Longbottom family for the Blue Ribbon award at the Naracoorte First Cross ewe lamb sale. Stud principal Martin Harvey said “The continued growth of the sheep industry is amazing. It is fantastic to see so many of our clients enjoying the fruits of their hard work. Our Border clients have enjoyed a sustained level of success breeding maternals, either for sale or their own retention. It is hard to see the interest in breeding ewes declining in the near future, with widespread rain hopefully more people across Australia will be in the market to purchase first cross ewes. The prime lamb market is at all time highs and it looks like that is sustainable into the future�. The Stud will hold its second twilight sale on September 25th from 4.30pm offering 100 Poll Dorset and 100 White Suffolk sires. New and existing clients enjoyed the atmosphere and hospitality of a twilight sale, many commented that it allowed for nearly a full day’s work before attending the sale. This year’s line up of rams are very even and extremely well grown. The genetics on offer come from a number of Australia’s best known studs including Watatah , Days Whiteface, Derrynock, Wrattenbullie and Allendale. The Paxton Border Leicester sale will be held on October 11th at 2.30pm. The stud will again offer 150 quality rams. The stud will again take several rams to Horsham Elite sale following their success at last years sale. The Stud sold stud rams back into South Australia with the Vanita and Warra-M Studs both paying $10,000 for their Paxton Sires last year. Martin said “We were absolutely thrilled to see our rams go to good homes and get our genetics into some very good flocks. We are taking some Borders to the Royal Adelaide Show to see how we

go. I am very pleased with how all the rams look, I think they present very well on sale day�. The Paxton Stud is continually on the look for new genetics that will

further improve their flock. The Stud endeavors to breed paddock reared, sound, well-muscled, easy care rams. All the rams are MN2 accredited, Brucellosis free and Lambplan tested.

All enquiries welcomed to Marin Harvey on 0407 582 079 or Robin Steen PPHS 0428 838 195

ABOVE: Paxton studs 1st Poll Dorset and White Suffolk twilight sale.


942 Broadview Rd, Western Flat, SA

200 Poll Dorset & White Suffolk Rams 200 :HGQHVGD\ WK 6HSW # SP



Robin Steen 0428 838 195 Ray Jaensch 0439 870 682




JANMAC – QUIETLY ACHIEVING EXCELLENCE It is a big year for Janmac. Grant & Bryce Hausler and families of Janmac Poll Dorsets and White Suffolk studs, Goroke will celebrate their family’s 40th year of Poll Dorset breeding at their 2019 sale.


hile they have been selling large and even drafts of rams to clients in western Victoria and the south east of South Australia over those 40 years, it’s their achievements in the last few years that has come under much wider notice.

They again had another near total clearance, selling 187 rams at their annual sale last October, a result that verifies the strong competition from commercial breeders seeking rams that are certainly performing and producing increased profit margins in their paddocks. With bodyweights well over 100kg and up to the mid 130kg, they achieved an overall average of $1367, while two Poll Dorset rams made the $4400

equal top price, including the ram with the highest eye muscle depth scan of 50mm. First time buyers Ian and Jill Fennell, Wongabeena stud, Penola, bought both sale toppers. Sale agents explain Janmac’s growing popularity in simple terms, “They produce durable rams with the genetic potential to turn grass into top end dollars.” The increased demand for their rams has been built around the quality they have been producing. Janmac has always been striving for excellence with strict selection criteria for balance, structure, conformation, fertility and performance, especially growth rate and muscling. These traits will be clearly evident in this year’s offering of around 200 Poll Dorset & White Suffolk rams on Wednesday 2nd October, on-property at Goroke.

It is Janmac’s willingness to invest in the right genetics to achieve their objective that makes the difference. A substantial lift was achieved in their Poll Dorset flock when Janmac combined with the Rowett family in SA to purchase Kurralea 110011 in 2012 for a then Poll Dorset breed record price of $28,000. Rather than rely on that one lift, as significant as it was, they have continued to seek out the best genetics they can find to match their breeding objectives, and then have been prepared to commit to the necessary investment.

They have followed up with top purchases across both breeds to build on their objective to quietly achieve improvement towards excellence Top rams were purchased from Newbold, Kentish Downs, Kurralea, before adding 2 very significant Poll Dorset purchases last year. Kurralea 160435, the Adelaide reserve champion ram was purchased for $12,000, while they also took a share in Kurralea 160234, the Melbourne reserve senior champion purchased by Ulandi Park for $15,000. The first progeny from both these rams will be on offer this year.


Celebrating 40 years of Poll Dorset Breeding POLL DORSET & WHITE SUFFOLK STUDS

Quietly achieving excellence

Muscle off Grass Depth of Breeding • Depth of Quality

In 2018 they added a further 4 outstanding sires, topped by Ulandi Park 170151 in conjunction with Kurralea for $17,000. They also paid $5000 for another top Kentish Downs ram, KD1780161, then followed up with a swag of ewes from the Kentish Downs dispersal earlier this year. Grant & Bryce Hausler apply the same breeding principles to their more recent and smaller White Suffolk stud, catering for lamb producers who favour this breeding option. The highly credentialed Wingamin bloodlines feature strongly in the foundation of this stud, while they followed up with the significant purchase of Anden 150022Tw in 2016 for $8000. This ram had a Lambplan Carcase Plus index of 219.95 and was a son of the then record $36,000 Anden ram that sold to WA the previous year. The ram bred exceptionally well for Anden when used as a ram lamb, with 8 stud ram sons selling in Anden’s 2017 sale, twice topping at $10,000. The Hauslers are delighted with the quality lift this infusion has made, with Janmac’s first progeny sold last year. Kurralea White Suffolk genetics have also been added to further boost the quality on offer in their White Suffolk offering. Grant and Bryce Hausler welcome enquiry on their 2019 offering with more information available on their website (www.janmac.com.au), and with regular postings on Facebook.

Next Annual Ram Sale

Wednesday 2nd October 1pm Vic time

Approx 200 rams on offer

Inspection from 11am

Prior inspections most welcome

Check our website for updates & sale information: www.janmac.com.au Find us on Facebook Enquiries welcome: Grant & Bryce Hausler, Goroke, Victoria Grant: 0427 861 013 Bryce: 0427 861 031 Email: grant.hausler@bigpond.com 22

ABOVE: Exceptional growth and muscling is clearly evident in these Janmac rams. They are examples of the quality Poll Dorset and White Suffolk rams that will be on offer at this year’s on-property Janmac sale on October 2nd.

NEXT EXCITING NEW DESIGNER GENETICS ON OFFER AT DETPA GROVE If you’ve got the ewes and feed, now is certainly the time to invest in the best genetics available. There has never been a greater margin in returns between progeny from elite high-performance stock and their average performing counterparts.


he Pipkorn family’s Detpa Grove White Suffolk stud record speaks for itself, arguably being one of the most successful meat sheep industry and White Suffolk studs in the country for the best part of two decades. The quality on offer at Detpa Grove is truly elite, and while they have regularly achieved headline stud sale successes, because of the incredible depth of high performance and elite quality stock they offer, many of the prices have been very affordable, especially in the current buoyant prime lamb industry. This is simply due to supply and demand as their depth of quality goes to the very bottom of their sale catalogue.

David Pipkorn believes they are, which is great news for all sheep producers. Of course, any prospective buyer can make their own decision on this, but unless they put themselves ‘in the game’ by attending the next Detpa Grove sale on Thursday October 10th, they have little chance of securing these new designer genetics that can enhance the performance and quality produced in their prime lamb or stud breeding programs. The Detpa Grove sale catalogue, plus regular updates on the stock on offer this year can be seen on Detpa Grove’s website (www.detpagrove.com), or you can follow them on Facebook.

ABOVE: These are just a small sample of the outstanding rams on offer this year at the Detpa Grove sale in October, demonstrating exceptional quality, performance and breed type. Detpa Grove continues to be industry leaders for both genotype and phenotype.

Along with elite phenotype, there was a significant proportion of last year’s offering, right through to the bottom run of flock rams, in excess of 200 on Carcase Plus index under Lambplan. Of the 201 strong ram offering, 48% were over 200, with the balance not far behind. For many, this may be the benchmark they seek, but Detpa Grove has been at the forefront with these performance levels for many years.

New Designer Generations continue to come your way

Besides the outstanding homebred sire battery that would be the envy of most other studs, astute infusions of elite genetics for both performance and phenotype have enabled Detpa Grove to bring exciting new family lines to the market-place. The genetic diversity within the stud gives both stud and commercial producers the opportunity to keep investing in arguably the best all-round genetics available today. This year’s offering continues that theme. While it is hard to imagine they could be better than in previous years,


The stud prefix may stay the same, but the Pipkorn family’s quest for genetic improvement is ongoing. To be able to continually produce such high-quality stock and to influence so many other studs around the country is no easy achievement, yet stud principal David Pipkorn relishes the challenge.

See the total offering of the 2018 drop at our next annual production sale

Thursday 10th October 2019 Approx 255 stud & flock rams & stud ewes Stud ewes from 11:30am Stud rams from 12:30pm Check out full catalogue & latest updates on our website

Enquiries welcome: David & Michelle Pipkorn Jeparit, Vic, Ph/fax (03) 5391 8202 Mobile (David) 0428 918 372 Email info@detpagrove.com

www.detpagrove.com Regular updates and individual rams of interest on 23




he many sales successes at the Prentice family’s Kurralea Poll Dorset, White Suffolk and Suffolk ram sale are the headline stories, but it is the success of their clients that is their primary focus and consequently the reason why the Kurralea headlines have continued over several decades. This season has been far from kind to not only the Prentices, but also many of their clients. However, they have continued with the difficult task of not only lambing down large numbers of ewes from their three studs, but also growing out the upcoming sale rams so they can be both presentable and perform to the predictable levels of the past for purchasers. From a breeding perspective, Kurralea has always striven to produce sheep that combine elite performance and structural excellence; bigger framed than many, but well-muscled rams that do the job for clients in wide ranging environments, allowing them to meet any of the multiple market weight choices. It is this latter point that enables clients the flexibility to successfully

Producing a unique blend of Size, Performance & Structural Excellence MN3

Í Our next annual sale Í

Tuesday 24th September 12:30pm EST On-property Ariah Park, NSW


Offering approx 250 rams in a 3 breed ram sale

and efficiently target different carcase weights and grid specifications. James Baldry, Wallendbeen, NSW openly endorsed the Kurralea quality when he said, “One of the benefits of Kurralea is the obvious genetic depth within the stud which assures consistency of performance and robustness of their rams, giving us even lines of marketable lambs that can be sold in the 18 to 28 kilogram carcase weight range.” “Having rams with good length and depth not only ensures greater feed conversion efficiency, but also having the ideal 2 to 3 condition score, even when taken through to heavy weights of 26 to 27kg carcase weight is a real bonus,” he said. Other producers readily endorse the Kurralea qualities and their comments, plus up to date sale information can be viewed on the Kurralea website (www.kurralea.com). The 2019 Kurralea annual ram sale will see around 250 rams from the three breeds on offer on Tuesday 24th September, commencing at 12:30 EST. There is certainly some exciting progeny from industry leading sires coming up in this offering. The Prentice family has spared no expense in seeking out the best sires they can source that match their breeding objectives and type, to continue the genetic improvement within the stud. The latest include Poll Dorsets, Ulandi Park 170151Tw in partnership with Janmac for the $18,000 top price, plus UP 170476 outright for $9000 at their sale last year. Both exceeded 200 for Carcase Plus index on Lambplan. The White Suffolks will include more descendants from Anden ‘Cruiser’ 150277Tw, the $68,000 all meat sheep breeds record priced ram, plus more from Kurralea’s hugely successful Wheetelande family lines. It will also be the third year Suffolk rams from Lucy’s relatively new Suffolk flock will be offered.




For further information &/or updates check our website www.kurralea.com or follow Catalogues available in early September or view online

us on

Enquiries on all classes of stock always welcome: Ben & Lucy Prentice, ‘Kurralea’, Ariah Park, NSW Ben: (02) 6975 2772 Mob: 0429 814 549 Kim: (02) 6975 2606

Email: lucycprentice@gmail.com 24

ABOVE: The depth of quality and performance in Kurralea rams is renowned and is clearly evident in these rams, typical of the genetic quality you will see at Kurralea. Approx. 250 rams will be on offer at their September 24th sale.

PEPPERTON – ALWAYS SPICEY AND HOT! Would you put fuel in your vehicle without knowing what it is and what it might do the motor; or would you spread random white granules over your pasture, or crop without verifying if it is the appropriate fertiliser you need for your soils?


sing rams that have little or no genetic information on them is not a lot different. Lambplan performance figures don’t necessarily make a sheep better than a non-tested or measured sheep, but they do verify the level of performance you can expect to get from the tested sheep with proper nutritional levels, while the latter is complete guesswork. Lamb and sheep prices have never been higher, and the outlook remains extremely positive, but at the same time this means there has never been a greater margin between the proceeds lambs from top performing genetics and mediocre performance genetics make. Astute prime lamb producers who achieve greater profitability generally seek out top quality sires with verifiable high-performance genetics. Those who use mediocre genetics can survive in these buoyant times, but those who seek out the verifiable best are the ones who thrive! If you are one who wishes to join the astute prime lamb producers, then Pepperton Poll Dorset or White Suffolk rams produced by Roger and Dianne Trewick at Elmore should be high on your list of possible suppliers.

Elmore Field Days site. This is a couple of weeks later than previous years to fit in better with regular client work schedules. They will be offering approximately 100 of their top rams, 60 Poll Dorsets and 40 White Suffolks, with Glasser Total Sales Management again running the sale. Private sales will be available on the balance of their rams. Backed up by guaranteed high health levels, commercial lamb producers and stud breeders have stock available to them that virtually guarantees a highly desirable and profitable prime lamb product in a quicker turnoff time. The old adage says, “You get what you pay for in business and life.” The question remains on how many

lamb and stud producers do their homework and join the Pepperton regulars on Monday October 30th this year at Elmore.

” n o t r e p p e “P

ABOVE: A hundred elite performance Poll Dorset and White Suffolk rams like these will again be on offer at this year’s Pepperton sale on October 30th at Elmore.

Performance genetics to spice up your breeding program!

Top phenotype with elite performance Combined Flock average Poll Dorsets & White Suffolks C+ of 209.7 for 760 head

But don’t just take our word for it! Check out the independent Sheep Genetics rankings

Make no bones about it; Roger & Dianne Trewick’s rams present extremely well straight out of the paddock with no masking from a pumped-up feeding regime. However, it is their level of verifiable performance that is absolutely exceptional. Quiet and modest achievers, the Trewicks’ Pepperton flocks rank at the very pinnacle of the meat sheep industry with their verifiable performance levels. With a combined 760 breeding ewes in their two studs, the Pepperton flocks are way ahead of industry averages on the Carcase Plus and Lamb Eating Quality (LEQ) indices, plus most individual trait EBVs. The Trewicks hold an annual buyer friendly sale in October, this year on Wednesday 30th October, at the

Next Annual Sale Approx 100 rams at Elmore Events Centre

Wednesday 30th October 1pm

Enquiries always welcome: Roger & Dianne Trewick,Pepperton Farm, Elmore, Vic Ph: 03 5432 6190 Mob: 0428 326 190 Email: peperton@bigpond.net.au Website: pepperton.com.au MN2 Agents: GTSM Michael Glasser 0403 526 702 SSPEP0060719



Our Lambplan data/figures recorded demonstrate that our White Suffolks are breeding with EBV’s and eating qualities that continue to be right up there with the average Australian White Suffolk flock.

e had a very successful sale in 2018 and would to thank all buyers, under bidders and others who helped make the sale. We look forward to seeing you again this year.

At Ryeview all our sheep are Ovine Brucellosis Accredited Free (No. 306), in the MAP scheme - MN3V (No. S107) All sheep are vaccinated with Gudair, and treated with Eryvac and Scabi Guard. The flock rams are treated with Cydectin Eweguard and back-lined when shorn in mid— late August.

In 2018 we purchased several new sires ... 2 White Suffolk at the Elite Ram sale at the Royal Adelaide Show from the Waratah stud (one for $22,000) ... 2 White Suffolks from Woolumbool at the on farm auction (paying the top price on the day) ... and a new Border Leicester from Coolawang. The money invested is ensuring that at Ryeview we keep improving our genetic pool and the quality of the Flock Rams that we can offer you at our Annual Sale With the strength of the sires used we aim to breed rams with good structure, that will produce quick growing progeny and very meaty and deep bodied lambs with good eating qualities to suit the market. We also concentrate on ease of lambing ability.and our wool types to produce good skins. All of this is to produce more profit for you.

The 5 White Suffolk Stud sires with progeny represented in our 12th Annual Sale are listed below. We have confidence that these flock rams will produce top results for you, because of their good EBV’s & high Indexes. Sires of the flock rams represented in 2019 are

In 2016 we purchased 2 top Border Leicester from the Coolawang stud at Mundulla. These rams have produced the Border Leicester flock rams in this year’s sale which are showing good growth and width with good EBV’s to suit. They are only 12 – 14months of age. The figures of their sires are below. Bwt






Coolawang 150033













Coolawang 150184







Ashmore 130266







Waratah 130645







Another Suffolk stud sire purchased in 2016 has produced some of the quality progeny represented at this year’s sale. He was purchased from the Anna Villa Suffolk stud

Ashmore 140108







Glengarry 122903












Koonawarra 160191 17.5






Bowen 140417






Anna Villa 150022






We also have our rams vet checked prior to the sale and have a structural guarantee [to cover the unforseen]. All this is done so that we can provide you with an assurance that the Flock Rams for sale are healthy and structurally sound. You are invited to attend our on property ram sale at 1pm on Monday 21st October 2019, at Burkhills Lane, Millicent. A free Lunch is available. 4% Rebate to all outside Agents. Enquiries to Elder’s Millicent David Little, Hayden Biddle and Scott Altschwager. Or please contact Michael or Julie Osborne on 0409 858 563 / 0408 838 568 or ryeview@bigpond.com

and Ryeview sires by the above rams.

ABOVE: More meat, more $$$.



OCT ‘19


80 WHITE SUFFOLK 40 BORDER LEICESTER 5 SUFFOLK RAMS LUNCH PROVIDED All rams presented with lamb plan ďŹ gures. Ryeview stud is an accredited brucellosis free ock 306. Ovine Johne’s map MNV3. All rams vaccinated against OJD. 4% Rebate to registered outside agents.

MICHAEL & JULIE OSBORNE J: 0409 858 563 M: 0408 838 568 E: ryeview@bigpond.com

ELDERS MILLICENT David Little 0438 802 760 Hayden Biddle 0429 031 194 Scott Altschwager 0408 806 194


LOT 18

Boonaroo Kansas N164

@ 16months 700kg

130%6$5*0/ 4"-& 'SJEBZ 'FC BN $BTUFSUPO 7JD




1*$ (-&3







he Australian sheep sector is taking steps to demonstrate its credentials in sustainable production through development of a whole-of-industry framework. The Sheep Sustainability Framework will seek to improve transparency and build trust with the Australian community by aligning industry practices and community expectations. It will define sustainable sheep production and track annual performance using a series of indicators. Sheep Producers Australia and WoolProducers Australia, with support from Meat & Livestock Australia and Australian Wool Innovation, are leading the framework’s development. Industry representatives and stakeholders are being consulted in development of the framework and this week, the project team announced sheep industry consultant, producer and researcher Professor Bruce Allworth will lead the consultation.

“Our colleagues in the beef, dairy and cotton sectors have developed sustainability frameworks and the new National Farmers Federation 2030 Roadmap for Industry Growth calls for a national framework across agriculture to be implemented by 2025,” Mr Storey said. “We have observed multiple benefits in other sectors, such as protecting market access and enhancing communication with stakeholders, so with the peak industry councils for the sheep and wool industries collaborating in this work, it is exciting to consider what we will achieve together.” As Chair of the Sheep Industry Sustainability Framework, Prof Allworth will drive implementation of the framework and work with a committee who will oversee consultation with external stakeholders to provide wider perspectives from outside the industry. “The framework takes an industry-wide perspective and works to highlight best practice on-farm while ensuring

we deliver what consumers are wanting from us. In our wide-ranging consultation, we will identify the areas in which we perform well as well as those where there might be room for improvement,” Prof Allworth said. “This is not about individual producers and is not about compliance, it is about the whole industry demonstrating our sustainability credentials. Many businesses throughout the supply chain are operating in ways that are sustainable and best practice, and these activities will be highlighted in the framework. “Through the consultation, we will identify priority areas, select indicators to measure performance, and provide evidence of a commitment to continuous improvement to customers and consumers.” Register for updates at www.sheepproducers.com.au and www.woolproducers.com.au

SPA Chair Chris Mirams says the framework will help the sheep industry to be proactive and to better understand its opportunities, challenges and impacts in key areas of sustainability. “Sustainable sheep production is producing lamb, sheepmeat and wool in a way that is both profitable and responsible by caring for our natural resources, animals and people in our industry and broader community,” Mr Mirams said. “This process will enable us to be on the front foot in engaging with people both within and outside our sector and to discuss what is important to them in sustainable production, while also highlighting the great work we are already doing as farmers in producing quality protein and fibre. “For our customers, consumers, investors and other stakeholders, this is about listening to them and understanding their needs as an integral part of our value chain.” WoolProducers President Ed Storey says the framework will provide the proof behind Australia’s reputation as one of the global leaders in sustainable production.




t has been a tough season here at Red Rock with our 2018 season ending below average and it took until mid May to receive our opening rains for 2019. With the ground being so warm the grass jumped out of the ground which was most exciting after such a long hot dry summer but this was short lived, Mother Nature had other plans for this region sending us two weeks of frost saw all growth haltered and we had so start hand feeding once again. With the drought biting most parts of Australia, we decided to cull heavily and only keep the best ram lambs on for the 2019-2020 selling season. Our other main industries is producing Lucerne seed for domestic and export, with that been such a volatile market with little been sold domestic due to the drought and the countries like Saudi Arabia buying less seed, we decided to under sow our Lucerne with barley and cut and sell hay.( If you are in need of any Lucerne seed we have seed available in a very vigorous variety that is great for hay and lamb production.) We then finish our lambs throughout the

summer months on this pasture we where then able to capitalise on this great lamb market selling lambs at $7.80 and in the spring where able to capitalise on $8.40. In March we hosted a Junior and Senior Dorper Course with Raymond Read (South African judge and Classer) and Cristo Harmse (Dorper Judge and breeder from Tamworth). During Raymond’s stay we us we spent four days classing our Dorper and White Dorper flocks. Our plan is to keep the very best in both studs and sell or run the remainder as commercial ewes. In 2017 we purchased Dell dipstick he has had a huge impact on our Dorper flock he has improved the shedding of our ewes and ram, his rams have a good temperament and structure we will be selling rams from him at our on property sale in September. In 2018 we purchased a thick muscular Winrae ram his lambs are quick growing well marked lambs, at the Dubbo Nationals we purchased a Prieska Dorper ram for our 2018 maidens these lambs are small lambs which was perfect for maidens as we did not have assist with any of their births.

In 2018 Edson Livestock ewes moved to Red Rock, we plan to still run these ewes as Edson Livestock for those breeders that are looking for a larger White Dorper Ram. In 2017 we purchased an Ultra White Ram and Ultra White Ram is a Poll Dorset x White Dorper. We will have some of these 1st

cross Ultra White Rams available this year at our on property sale. Every year at Red Rock we retain the top two to five rams for our own use. These rams are selected on growth for age, covering, structure and temperament.


Brad & Tanya Edson 0428 565 067 | 0409 565 062 info@redrockwhitedorpers.com.au Photos on Auctions Plus. Brucellosis Tested MN2


We have selected 100 White Dorper rams and 30 Dorper rams have been short listed to be selected for our on property sale the White Dorper Rams have not been shorn and will be offered unshorn, The Dorper rams are still a work in progress we have decided to shear them so that we can make sure that they are structurally correct. We will not be offering any ewes at this year’s sale but if you are wishing to purchase ewes please contact us as we will have ewes available for purchase in October. The sheep market is looking great for the coming years, with sheep numbers on the rebuild lambs will be in short supply. Station clients who have had good rains are looking to purchase Dorper and White Dorper ewes, if you are looking to sell any ewes we are more than happy to pass your details to these purchasers. Our on property sale will be held at Red Rock on the 27 September at 1pm inspection from 10.00am, interfaced with AuctionsPlus lunch will be provided. If you are unable to attend on the day you can place our order with Elders Keith Steve Doecke 0427 817 323 who will be the Duty agents and Noel Evans Landmark Keith 0429 857 132.

ABOVE: Redrock Dorpers Rock



ambier View has had a great year in the show ring this year, with sheep that were not really prepared for the show ring. Our emphasis continues to be selecting sheep that perform in paddock conditions, to show case to current clients and future clients the sheep that we are producing. It is validating for us that more than one judge has recognised the potential of our sheep.

The Corriedale was developed as a maternal breed, and at Gambier View our sheep are being breed for this purpose. The strength of the Gambier View sheep are; very meaty with excellent structure, hardy black feet, cutting around 7Kg of 27 micron wool, (approximately $50) annually – dependent on yearly conditions. Last year we cut 7.2kg at an average micron of 27.5, netting $49 a head. The structure of the Gambier View sheep is the reason that we can produce lambs from our ewes until to 7 or 8 years of age. They will continue to produce a heavy cutting, excellent style wool. Longevity and self-replacing are extremely important in this day and age when considering the price of replacement ewes.

We have also sold rams to be joined to Dohnes, Samms, Coopworths and Composites. The Gambier View stud is Johnes accredited MN3V 2003 VS1143, Bruccollis accredited AC:BR 3287 Gambier View are selling 5 Stud Quality Rams at the Blue Ribbon Sale at the Ballarat showgrounds on Thursday 31st October, and as well has its 14th annual on property sale, Derrinallum Victoria on Monday 4th November. Contact us at email comptonhouse@activ8.net.au Or Milton on 0418 534 037

RIGHT: Champion Long Wool Interbreed Ram at Hamilton, also Grand Champion Ram at Hamilton, we also won Champion Unhoused ewe, Champion Shorn Ram at Hamilton

The Gambier View sheep are big in size with the potential to mature quickly. Ram lambs have been used to conceive lambs, when they are only 7 months off age. The ewe hoggets are due to start lambing at the age of 13 months, with the upper end of the weight range at 80 kg- but again this all depends on the availability of feed. Lambing percentages are an additional strength in buying a Gambier View sheep. The ewes are fiercely protective, great mothers, and conception rates are high. We sold ewes to clients that were trucked only 4 1/2 weeks, from the start of joining (not ideal) this client weaned 149% of ewes bought. We sold rams that were joined to 1st cross ewes, and the ewe portion retained by the client, to produce terminal lambs. This client claims his lambing percentages were greater in the Corriedale cross ewes, and better lambs, than the lambs produced from the 1st cross ewes. We have sold rams to be joined to merino flocks, and one client claims they ended up with around 20% more lambs from the first cross, as the lambs just plainly, wanted to survive.





raditionally sheep farmers across Australia were dependent on the weather being right to work on sheep, with work only happening when conditions allowed. The work was planned around the weather and when inclement weather occurred sheep work was deferred incurring cost and inconvenience (leaving the farmer feeling sheepish and the contractors feeling fleeced) Traditionally sheep farmers across Australia were dependent on the weather being right to work on sheep, with work only happening when conditions allowed. The work was planned around the weather, and when inclement weather occurred, sheep work was deferred incurring cost and inconvenience (leaving the farmer feeling sheepish and the contractors feeling fleeced). Farmers with Spanlift Yard Covers enjoy the flexibility of planning their week to their own schedule with minimal impact from the weather. Spanlift’s curved sheep yard covers reduce animal spooking, protect equipment, yards & sheep and creates

ABOVE: Sheep Yard Cover; Length 39.5m, Span 24m, Height 3.5m, 948m2, Zincalume

an ultimate working environment. Sheep can be undercover overnight, bringing certainty which both the farmer and the contractors enjoy. Every farmer knows that the layout of his sheep yards is crucial to the handling of his sheep. Spanlift have developed customised engineered solutions with minimal impact on your yard layout, gateways and raceways. With every piece of structural steel being fully hot-dip galvanised and the shed frames having a 50-year warranty, it brings an added comfort to the investment. Some things to consider when looking at your new yard cover, that Spanlift can assist with-in the design, include: • Natural lighting where you need it most • Building Design to suit yards with minimal disruption • Design to integrate with existing buildings as required • Ensure suitable cover is achieved without sacrificing airflow • Provision for loading facilities • Extra height in truck access areas • Column protector systems to prevent animal bruising • Gate hinges welded onto columns as suited • Manage Stormwater discharge and collection on site • Cover to accommodate future expansion plans. Something to keep in mind - all Spanlift's sheds and rural buildings have a fully hot-dipped galvanised steel frame and with clear span from 12m – 60m, they can cover just about everything coming with a vast range of options including wide bays or varying bay sizes, roller & sliding doors, open sides or ends, roof only structures. The options are endless in being able to design something to meet even the toughest of requirements. We recommend you contact Spanlift on 1300 234 321 or visit our website www.spanlift.com.au to discuss your shed requirements and arrange your free on-farm appointment to assist with the design of your new rural structure. To check out videos of some completed projects go to www.youtube.com/c/SpanliftAust Wet Sheep when you need them Dry? Think Spanlift – Proven Yard Cover Specialists. CALL NOW ON 1300 234 321 or Email at hello@spanlift.com.au


We couldn't be happier with our Spanlift Shed. Whenever we wanted anything they were right there. Nothing was ever too much bother, we could ring them up any time. We thank Spanlift for their kindness, their patience, every time you wanted to discuss something they were always readily available, polite, couldn't fault them. – Murray & Lorraine Davis, Dergholm, VIC

Wet Sheep when you need them Dry? Think Spanlift – Proven Yard Cover Specialists. Custom designs to suit your ƬW RXW UHTXLUHPHQWV

Standard clear span GHVLJQV IURP P P

100% Aussie Made

Modular frame system – easily extendable

Fully hot dipped galvanised structural steel frame


1300 234 321



HISTORY OF MICKEY THOMPSON TIRES Mickey Thompson is a giant amongst racetrack heroes. He is the driver who holds more auto speed records than anyone on earth. He is the tyre innovator whose tyres were used on fast attack vehicles in the Gulf War. He is the man who never gave up.


ow did Mickey remain so determined to succeed against the odds? An IQ test revealed Mickey was near genius. His brilliant mind, steely determination and love of auto racing meant Mickey didn't stop until he saw his revolutionary ideas come to fruition. After Mickey had broken hundreds of auto speed records, he went on to help elevate off-road racing to its present status through sponsorship, celebrity involvement and stadium events. Mickey inspired the racing world and his contributions is still felt today.

When Mickey was discussing the publishing of his life story with friend Tom Madigan, he told Tom, "If just one kid reads my story and realises that he can better himself by just determination and guts, then I'll be happy." TODAY Danny Thompson, Mickey's son, has decided to resurrect his fathers 1968 Challenger II Streamliner and use it to break the piston land speed record at Bonneville. On the 50th anniversary of his father's original run, Danny removed the Challenger II from storage and brought it to his Huntington Beach shop. Untouched for almost forty-five years, he began the extensive process of restoring, retrofitting and updating the vehicle. Danny wants to lay his father's business to rest. For him that means taking the Challenger II, a vehicle that hasn't run since 1968, to the salt flats at Bonneville going at least 450mph. That's what it will take to break the piston driven world land speed record. Bucik Tyrepower Mount Gambier for all your 4WD tyres and vehicle servicing needs. 218 Commercial Street East Mt Gambier Phone: (08) 8725 0855

ABOVE: The famous Mickey Thompson




anufacturers of livestock and grain handling equipment, Commander Ag-Quip, are soon to celebrate 30 years of business in Western Australia. The family-owned brand relates their longevity in the industry to a strong focus on ongoing product improvement and customer service excellence.

Regardless of the size and nature of each project, Commander Ag-Quip’s team take a considerate, patient and compassionate approach to all clients. The welcoming team make it their priority to understand each individual client’s unique requirements and tailor their product offering and service to suit that. “We know that customer satisfaction is key. We ensure that the people who actually design and manufacture the products are always available and ready to speak directly to clients about any queries they may have.” “Unlike most businesses, we also provide free advice. Our qualified team can assist in choosing products to suit any unique needs, and all of the information is given obligation free,” Sales Manager, David Jackson, said.

designed solution for farmers looking to equip an empty shed or add to existing infrastructure. The modular design means on-site installation time and costs are minimal. Depending on the customer’s needs, the shed can be used as a permanent installation or semi-permanent installation in a machinery or fertilizer shed.

with the latest technology, we can offer a reasonable quote that details what costs go where. Once in the production phase, we can fabricate a quality sheep yard and stakeout with optimal accuracy for each post. The final stage is to install, and our professional team do so with ultimate precision.”

In regards to sheep yards, Commander Ag-Quip pride themselves on selling one of the strongest sheep yards on the market. The yard is made with a 75x40mm oval section (cattle rail) on the top rail, and 59x30 oval section on the lower five rails. It is designed using cutting-edge survey technology to enable millimetre accuracy where needed for production and stakeout.

“As a testament to our quality, we guarantee our products against defective workmanship for five years from date of purchase,” Sales Manager, David Jackson, said.

To keep installation projects seamless and uncomplicated for customers, Commander Ag-Quip follow a simplistic and strict six-step process for selling sheep yards: survey, design, quote, production, stakeout, install. “Firstly, our team will fit ourselves into your busy schedule to survey your site. After designing a product

Positive word-of-mouth has been a large factor contributing to the ongoing growth of Commander AgQuip’s customer base. The experienced team confidently satisfy every client and ensure they do not leave until the job meets the client’s standards. “We chose Commander Ag-Quip purely because they are a one-stop shop. We loved the on-farm design, and they were very accommodating with any changes and any design features that we may have wanted to add. The manufacture was quick and efficient, and the

construction was just wonderful,” customer, Dougal Young, said. Commander Ag-Quip plan to continue researching and developing their product range so that they can provide the most dependable sheep, cattle and livestock equipment. To get in touch with one of the dedicated team members of Commander Ag-Quip, their office can be contacted on 1800 655 033. Alternatively, they may be emailed at sales@commanderagquip.com.au.

Fre e Call 1 8 0 0 6 5 5 0 3 3

Recent high demand for their business has seen the Western Australia branch expand to also personally servicing South Australia and Victoria. To cope with the number of enquiries, territory manager, James Pudney, has been wholeheartedly focused on servicing the two Southern states. “We began servicing outside of Western Australia four years ago. There has been high demand from South Australians and Victorians since the expansion.” “I can travel to any farm and provide a free measure-up design and quote on sheep yards and

ABOVE: This modular shearing shed fit-out is custom made and will hold around 600 head.


g Shearin XWV R W Ɠ G VKH le b availa e r e h

shearing shed fit-outs. We have already successfully installed a number of infrastructure projects in these states, and so far all of our customers have been very happy,” James Pudney, said. Because the business is backed by a large transport distribution network, they can dispatch grain and livestock handling equipment to almost any town in Australia. In particular, Commander Ag-Quip specialise in shearing shed fit-outs and sheep yards. The Commander Ag-Quip Modular Shearing Shed Fit-Out is a custom

Custom Designed Sheep yards

Feed-out Bins






www.commanderagquip.com.au 33

YARRAM PARK PERFORMANCE RAMS Yarram Park will offer 300 well grown Perendale and Southdown composite rams for sale at Hamilton Showgrounds on Tuesday the 15th of October this year. This will be our 7th annual sale, having sold under a private system for many years previously.


he stud is run under strictly commercial conditions with no supplementary feeding or shedding. We aim to produce very sound well-structured rams with excellent constitution and doing

ability. High fertility of both ewes and rams is of paramount importance, and we select heavily in regard to these traits. All sheep are fully lamb plan recorded, with all data represented in the sale catalogue that will be available a few weeks prior to our sale. Running the stud under our intensive commercial conditions without any supplementation gives us an accurate reflection of each individual’s doing ability and fertility, and what you see is what you will truly get. All sale rams are run and managed from weaning to sale day in large contemptary groups of over 250 head, to challenge constitution, structure and performance. Sire lines are not only progeny tested annually throughout our own large commercial flock, but are also fertility tested in big commercial joining groups under realistic and extensive conditions.


The formation of the 1,400 strong breeding flock originated after Mt. Elephant was approached to carry some of the very first embryo work to come to Australia from New Zealand. This formed the basis of the stud, to which a number of breeds have been infused successfully to establish the current Perendale and Southdown composite flock.


Ram Inspection Day:


On Property: Broadlands – Lucindale – South Australia Thursday 19th September at 11.30 S.A. time JEREMY UPTON

P: 03 5354 1407 | M: 0408 436 299


P: 03 5354 1406 | M: 0417 519 599

ELDERS HAMILTON • P: 03 5572 2266 LMB LINKE HAMILTON • P: 03 5572 5219


When Mt. Elephant Station was sold in 2010, the stud ewes were relocated to Yarram Park. Following the increasing demand in 2014 for Southdown composite rams, we purchased the high performance Point Vale Southdown stud in 2015. This enabled us to fast track our terminal breeding expansion, with an additional 350 breeding ewes coming into our program. We are now confident we sit in a very strong position to supply larger lines of high performance Southdown composites to the market place as terminal sires. We had a rewarding sale season in 2018, marketing nearly 400 rams to existing and new clients in Victoria, South Australia, NSW, and Tasmania. We thank all those who supported

our program so enthusiastically, and look forward to continuing a close association with you all. Feedback from several clients highlighted the excellent fertility in our composite program, with several flocks scanning up to 180% to ewes joined. The 2019 sale rams have come through a challenging summer & a long dry autumn period, however have developed and grown out well. With a large genetic pool to draw from our big stud ewe base, we are able to carefully select and manage a sale team that is a very even line of sound, fertile and well grown rams ready to work. We are proud to offer this large run of sires for your consideration at our sale on Tuesday 16th We will again be proud to offer another large run of young sires for your consideration on Tuesday 15th October 2019, at the Hamilton Showgrounds. Inspection is from 9.30 a.m. with the Sale at 11.30 a.m. EST. If you require any further information, or if we can be of any assistance in discussing and selecting your ram requirements, please contact the team at Yarram Park or your preferred agent. We offer a classing and advisory service to any clients looking for assistance with their breeding program, and also provide free transport to property, for rams purchased at the annual production sale.

TOP LEFT: Young maternal composite sale rams

ITS RAMS IN THIS REGION THAT BEST SUIT YOUR EWES THIS SEASON The Prime Lamb industry continues to boom. Record prices are being paid for lamb and the demand is high in both the export and domestic markets. This is where the Poll Dorset Breed comes into its own.

Poll Dorset cross lambs are the preferred breed for the meat trade. • When you need a ram to provide superior fleshing and muscle development – choose Poll Dorsets. • When you need a breed with a r rapid growth rate – choose Poll Dorsets. • When you need a breed with proven performance – choose Poll Dorsets. • When you need a ram that is dependable, reliable – choose Poll Dorsets. There are 58 registered Poll Dorset Studs in the Naracoorte Hamilton Region with 11368 registered ewes. Most of our region stud production sales and private viewings are held in the spring. Don’t gamble with your livelihood. Buy your rams from registered stud breeders who have accreditation for Brucellosis, bio-security plans and are prepared to declare their OJD status. Stud breeders are only too happy to discuss their enterprises so you can make the best-informed choice. Poll Dorsets are the ideal terminal sire for your enterprise. More information can be accessed on the Poll Dorset web page or like the Naracoorte Hamilton Region on face book.

ABOVE: Poll Dorset sale lambs




ustralia’s sheep industry contributes a value of production of just under $4.5 billion to the Australian economy. With over 72 million sheep and employing over 100,000 Australians, it’s an industry that requires quite specific insurance covers to enhance the prospects of maintaining a profitable business. There are generally two types of insurance cover that can be obtained for your sheep, one being a stud stock policy that can enable you to cover your stud rams and ewes against: • Death due to an accident

• Death of livestock caused by fire, lightning, explosion, earthquake or malicious damage • Death of livestock caused by impact by any vehicle or aircraft • Theft of livestock up to an agreed sum insured (this may be less than your total livestock sum insured) • Destruction, certified by a veterinarian, for humane reasons, following an insured event (Eg: fire) Some of the better policies will automatically increase the insured sum insured by 30% during the three months of high fire danger, at no extra cost.

• Death due to an illness or disease • Loss of use due to an accident (rams) • Loss of use due to an illness (rams) This type of cover may also include • Automatic cover, right from the fall of the hammer at sales • Insured agreed value right from the fall of the hammer at sales

It is wise to check insurance cover for public liability, to ensure that you (the owner of the livestock) are covered should the stock escape and become involved in a collision. As always, it’s best to speak to your local insurance broker, who

will be able to search the available marketplace for the insurance covers that suit your individual requirements.

ABOVE: Merino Sale Rams

For more information on Farm, Crop or Livestock insurance go to www.mga.com

• Cover from private sales as well • Death due to destruction on humane grounds • Death caused by accident during transportation Exclusions can apply and may include (but not limited to) • Genetic infertility • Veterinary costs or surgical costs, unless agreed upon with the insurer and the procedure performed to preserve the life of the animal. • Certain causes of death, including such things as Foot and Mouth disease or Footrot to name a few.


Other covers that may be needed, such as transit insurance, that can either be added to an existing farm policy or taken as a separate cover, may be more extensive than that provided under the Stud livestock policies. The alternative to the stud stock cover (above) or in addition, to cover the entire flock is the livestock cover provided under most farm insurance policies. This section of the farm policy may be able to extend to also cover your working dogs for specific events. Each policy will vary in both their cover and exclusions but in general you should look for a policy that covers the following: 37

EASY GOING AT KD SHEEPSTUDS K D Sheepstuds has been evolving over 20 years and breeds 3 sheep types to suit differing climates, environment, labour availability, farmer lifestyle and other animal species grazed.


D Sheepstuds have three types of composite sheep that they have developed using the leading genetics available, to enhance greater profits and ease of management for sheep producers. “I don’t get hung up on a breed name, its more about the attributes a breed can add to the composite ewe base” Sheep meat production is always front and centre with the breeding we persue. The overriding characteristic with any sheep at KD is the easy lambing. With 19 years of recording and monitoring stud births, there is barely a lamb lost at birth due to difficult presentation, even from lambing ewes 11 months of age.

Hardiness, non seasonal breeding and mating while lactating are also attributes that are prevalent within the breeds KD Sheepstuds have. The KD Wooled Composite sheep type that have been evolving for 19 years is used mainly as a terminal sire and has had the Charollais (sheep) breed in the mix for the past five years.We are so impressed with the Charollais Composite that we have sourced some Charollais fullbloods progeny that will be available in 2020. “The hybrid vigour, growth and muscling amazes me every time I handle these lambs,” Kym Staude said. “The lambs are typically born under 4kg and then take off from there on,” Kym said. KD Wooled Composites are a full wool sheep type and with each

generation there is an increase in black hooved progeny, making them better for wetter areas. They are suitable over Merinos, crossbreds of all types and their speciality is for use over maiden ewes or ewe lambs. On September 9th KD Sheepstuds will have approximately 40 rams available. Younger 2018 born spring drop rams are available for the months after the auction. The dual purpose Dohne has been bred since 2007 at the stud. They grow 4-6kg of 18-20 micron wool and they are not designed to be heavy wool cutters but to produce fast growing lambs with good carcass traits. Dohne wether lambs can convert feed into meat more efficiently than traditional Merinos, and with growth rates up to 400 grams per day, at the current meat prices a bit less wool is easily made up for. Dohne sheep can handle tough conditions with autumn lambing this year above 140% including maiden ewes.

This years sale rams are from new genetics from Koonik Dohne stud and Mitre Rock Stud. New dual purpose Merino genetics from Trigger Vale and Westbrook have been used with autumn drop progeny looking great. KD Sheepstuds will have 30 Dohne rams available on September 9th. For 20 years KD stud has been breeding wool shedding sheep. The Australian White sheep have been used since 2011 to use with a shedding composite ewe base that the stud has developed.

They are now producing the ultimate sheep for easy care and producers in wet areas can now also use this type of sheep with confidence. The difference is that KD Sheepstuds now have in excess of 90 percent black hooved sheep and no feet are trimmed on rams presented for sale. This has been the greatest move ahead with our breeding of this sheep type. The other factor is that Aussie White/ KD Shedding Composite lambs are born with a thick hair coat. Given the recent wet and cold months, there has hardly been a lamb lost due to the cold conditions. The ewes are non seasonal breeders and one group of the stud ewes has just lambed for the third time in 15 months. There are also young ewes that are 11 months old and are about to lamb. We will have a few fullblood Aussie White rams available but we are having the best results from Composite bred rams. The new Ultra White is being trialled in the Composite mix with progeny on the ground now. The Red Meatmaster breed is the same sheep type but there are varying red, brown and black colours within the breed. We have exported ewes and rams to China in the past 2 years. On Thursday 10th October KD Sheepstuds will have 40 ‘Top of the Drop’ rams available on-farm at Bordertown. There are 80 rams available this season. See www.kdsheepstuds.com.au for more information or phone Kym on 0412 070 971.

ABOVE: Dohne – meat and wool means $$$




s a prime lamb producer, there is plenty to be optimistic about, with predicted demand for lamb and ewes remaining very strong. Rather than take the foot off the pedal, it is a perfect time to keep a firm grip on the wheel and carefully accelerate. This means remaining mindful of the key profit drivers. Fertility, growth and carcase are a given. However, less consideration is given to hardiness and stocking rate. The ability for hardy ewes to cumulatively pick up an extra 2-3 percent via maintaining condition over summer, conceiving well, holding on to foetuses and delivering them to the marking cradle, year after year, have a compounding benefit come June 30. Resilient ewes are then able to back up to do it again year after year, even when the going gets tough. Conversely, poor, wormy, dead or dry sheep erode margin and take the fun out of the game very quickly! MODERATE EWES DRIVE STOCKING RATE AND PROFIT The number one thing people are talking about around the country is that cross-bred ewes are getting too big. “They eat too much” and are “Too hard to handle”. With this in mind, we

decided to have a go at quantifying what this might really mean in terms of costs and income. Four scenarios were modelled for ewes with liveweights of 65, 75, 85 and 95 kg, respectively. The ewes were joined on the 15th February 2019 for 35 days. Given the late break to the season, the ewes were held in containment until Mothers Day (12th May) and were let out onto 2000 kg DM/ ha feed on offer (FOO). The total number of twin bearing ewes was 3500, which were set stocked at 7 ewes/ha across 500 ha. The target was to have a minimum of 1800 kg DM/ha FOO to optimise lamb survival. However, there was a late start to the season, followed by frosts and so pasture growth rates during May, June, July, August and September were only 8, 15, 17, 22 and 50 kg/ha/day (Evergraze estimates for a poor year in Hamilton). Ewe pasture consumption was estimated to be 3% of body weight per day. Nett feed on offer (Starting FOO + Growth rates – Consumption) was plotted over the critical period from when the ewes were let out of containment (Day 87 of gestation) through to mid-September (Day 210), when Spring started to really kick in (Figure 1).

The results showed that the 65 kg ewes had FOO well above the critical threshold of 1800 kg DM/ha (Figure 1). However, at the equivalent stocking rate (7 ewes/ha), the 85 and 95 kg ewes were below this threshold for 93 and 105 consecutive days, respectively, coinciding with the last 50 days of gestation and peak lactation, which would compromise lamb and ewe survival. Stocking rate was then varied for each ewe weight to determine which stocking rate would optimise feed utilisation but maintain a minimum of 1800 kg DM/ha to optimise lamb survival. These results indicated that in a “poor” season, the optimum stocking rates for 65, 75, 85 and 95 kg ewes were 8.3, 7.2, 6.3 and 5.7 ewes/ha, respectively (Table 1). This suggests up to 1300 fewer 95 kg ewes could be run on the same area (500 ha). Assuming the ewes would achieve the same weaning percentages of 140% and selling price of $140/hd, the difference in income between running 65 and 95 kg ewes could be up to $254,800/ yr (Table 1)! This highlights the importance of stocking rate as one of the key drivers for profitability, as well as the ability of more moderately sized ewes to withstand challenges, when the going gets tough. Not to mention the additional costs in supplementary feeding them (See our latest newsletter for more details on this study). MODERATELY SIZED SHEEP WITH TOP GENETIC RANKING Our breeding program over the past 12 years has focused on producing ewes and rams with the ability to drop lots of lambs on the ground, grow like steam up to target weights, but don’t then keep growing into massive animals, (ie. They are “Curve benders” where the ASBV AWT < PWT). Our clients consistently report that their sheep with Cloven Hills genetics have lower death rates, greater longevity and better doing ability than other bloodlines.

ABOVE: #1 RANKED RAM NATIONALLY on Maternal Carcase Production Index (MCP+)– CLOVEN HILLS -17-188, MCP+ Index 175. Good eating quality, top 1% shear force. High growth PWT 16.5 (top 5%), low adult weight AWT 11.5. Good scrotal circumference (top 1%), good fertility. Good Carcase top 5% fat & muscle. Sire: Twin Farms 07-807, 1000s of progeny on the ground in Australia and New Zealand, still ranked in top 50.

We are also excited to currently have the 4 highest ranking rams in Australia in the Maternal database (MCP+ index), along with 18 out of the top 50. Cloven Hills – 17-188 is Number 1 (Figure 2). The sons of these elite sires are well represented in our sale catalogue. So, be sure to get in contact with Kate, who is more than happy to develop obligation-free shortlists to give you the best opportunity to buy the right genetics for your business.


ABOVE: Kate, Bridie, Harry, Rupert & Chris Dorahy at their 2018 Cloven Hills Ram Sale.

FIGURE 1: Estimate of nett feed on offer (FOO) kg DM/ha from 12/5 to 15/9 near Hamilton on a perennial ryegrass, phalaris, clover and annuals pasture with fertiliser near Hamilton during a “poor” season after set stocking twin bearing ewes with varying liveweights at 7 ewes/ha.

65 Stocking rate (Ewes/ ha) required to maintain a minimum of 1800kg FOO/ ha for twin bearing ewes Ewes (Number) Lambs (Number/ ha) Lambs (Number) Income ($) Opportunity cost relative to 65 kg ewe ($)

Ewe liveweight (kg) 75 85
























-196,000 -254,800

TABLE 1: Estimate of the opportunity cost associated with running a lower stocking rate with heavier ewes in order to maintain a minimum of 1800 kg DM/ ha FOO and optimise multiple lamb survival in a “poor” season.


S T. C LO V EN HI L L S E1977




OPEN DAY THURS 26 SEPT 10.30 AM – 5.00 PM


MODERATELY SIZED DAMS + MULTIPLE PRIME LAMBS HARDINESS - GROWTH - CARCASE We can help shortlist genetics to suit your business KATE & CHRIS DORAHY T: 03 5579 8519 M: 0409 784 340 OR RICK SMITH M: 0447 770 339 E: info@clovenhills.com.au W: clovenhills.com.au

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