Ramb & Lamb Magazine Issue 11

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ow long the current prices are sustainable is a question that only a person with a crystal ball that actually predicts the future with proven accuracy can answer, but that is a debate with no obvious response.

The current situation is the only one we can accurately assess and while dependent on the drought affected areas of this country not expanding, the outlook for prime lamb producers couldn’t be much brighter. To quote a slogan used about a decade ago for a football club I happen to support, “The future’s so bright we’ll have to wear shades.” Perhaps it is the case that any sheep producer you see this year wearing shades is evidence that they’ve experienced an excellent recent sale result!

It is certainly a good time to be a lamb producer. Who among us has a memory of the hugely flawed ‘Wool Reserve Price Scheme’ and how any mug could make money under that scheme? There are no such support guarantees in the current lamb market, but the demand levels are so high, and the breeding flock is at such marginal levels, it is virtually impossible to see any rapid increase in production that could lead to an oversupply scenario, and a price collapse. Possibly world politics and any fallout over loose cannons running rampant is the only immediate threat. When an industry suffers, it is the lowest quality that goes first. As a result of two decades of hardship for wool producers, there was no

margin or incentive to keep breeding from poorly performing sheep. Now, with the rebound, poor quality wool producing sheep are virtually nonexistent. Given sustained good times they could emerge again. With the current state of the lamb industry with prices at $7 and above/ kg, almost any producer can also make money, even with the lowest quality. They can stay afloat in their business. However, this is not a time for lamb producers to just stay afloat. This is a time when they need to get ahead and build some equity into their overall business, and there is every opportunity to do that. The lamb industry promotions by MLA and other support networks have built up the demand. There is feedback

and cooperation between all sectors of the industry that did not exist 40 years ago. Lambplan and other objective measuring tools have great assisted the identification and wider use of high quality genetics that have enabled producers to reach target weights in a shorter time and have a higher percentage of lambs hit grid specifications. Mind you, because of the shortage of supply, the current grids are that wide it is hard to miss. So here we are in a great place in the industry at present and almost any mug producer can make ends meet. However, it is worth remembering that while the above might be true, there has also never been a greater

margin between results from high performing rams and their below average counterparts. The higher the market price goes the greater this margin. It takes the same effort and costs to produce a lamb from either class of rams, and those in between. Remember, every seedstock breeder is also trying to increase their returns and many will offer rams for sale that in tougher times would not make the cut – or more pointedly, would have received the cut! Therefore, there will probably be rams available in sales, or privately that you should walk past. This year you can afford to invest more heavily in the rams you purchase, but if you are going to do so, you should also seek improved performance outcomes from that investment by thoroughly assessing for phenotype and making no compromises on performance levels. Ram producers do make huge investments of both faith and finances into breeding good rams and deserve to be rewarded for the good ones they produce, but not for ones that are below par. Good producers have very few of the latter, but there is a chance of some slipping through the net to make it to sale day. Therefore, to ensure you maximise your margin and improve your business equity, it is important that you seek out the sound, healthy and fit rams that have the measured higher performance levels and be prepared to leave the ones that don’t pass the test. There isn’t a shortage of rams. The old saying from the auctioneers that, “The good ones are never dear”, may well be right, but the “Cheap ones are often dear” in certainly right through lost income! So, what rams will you buy this year?

ABOVE: High growth and muscling rams like these can greatly increase your profitability while lamb prices are so high. There has never been a greater margin between high performing and low performing rams. 2


t is very satisfying to be checking the sheep at the end of lambing and seeing the grass starting to grow after a few sunny days. It is striking how quickly the lambs are growing, watching lots of them running around the paddock, and reassuring that the selection for shape and good carcase traits is evident even at an early age. Their mothers have once again done an amazing job in turning high scanning percentages (~175%) into high marking percentages (~155%). Their moderate adult weights (65kg) make them very efficient and better to manage. Fertility, growth, carcase and ewe efficiency traits are the key drivers to our business and have been the core breeding objectives for the past 10 years. Cloven Hills’ genetics are leading the field, with 75% of the top 20 2017 drop sires in the MCP+ index. We also have 40 out of the top 150 Maternal sires in Australia, the highest of any stud. The MCP+ Index balances fertility, growth and carcase traits, without putting upward pressure on adult weight.

We are enthusiastic not only about the bright outlook for the prime lamb industry, but also the potential to accelerate the rate of genetic gain even further as new technology, such as genomics, carcase feedback and EID can be better integrated to enhance future selection decisions. We see it as our role to translate this information into what will make a difference on clients’ farms. It is very satisfying to watch how clients, who focus on particular traits in their ram selections over several years, are meeting their targets and taking their flocks to the next level. However, each farming business has a different starting point and two rams may look the same, but be genetically quite different, in what they deliver. We are excited about the quality and high indexes of the more than 200, 2017 drop stud and flock rams we will be offering at our Auction this year and enjoy building short lists of rams which target clients’ individual genetic objectives. This enables them to more easily select rams physically by type and within budget.

We are happy to prepare obligationfree short-lists of rams, so please feel free to ring, text, and email, or drop

These results have been achieved by using five equally weighted elements in our breeding program: i) Sourcing the top genetics for the traits we are looking to develop; ii) applying heavy selection pressure – only 40% of ram lambs born make it to our sale list after being run under tough commercial conditions (pushing hardiness); iii) Performance recording large numbers of progeny (1800 lambs in 2018), to identify exceptional animals; iv) Structural correctness and resilience; and v) Commercial imperative – identifying and keeping the best all-round performers and getting rid of the animals which cost you money. The best performing rams and ewes form the foundation for our breeding flock, but each generation brings a new star performer for a particular trait or a great all-rounder, which is worth bringing into the mix. It is about roadtesting these new young guns side by side with the proven performers to build accuracy in the numbers, but still push the boundaries to achieve real genetic gain. We demand more from our cars, tractors and phones today than we did five years ago and it is the same for our sheep, which underpin all of our businesses.


in at our Open Day Thursday 27th September or Ram Sale, Monday 8th October, 2018.

ABOVE: The Dorahy Family in front of their offering of Rams at the 2017 Cloven Hills Sale.

at the Forefront of the P

e Prime Lamb Seed Stock Industry

MN1V MN3 (5 ABC Points)

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ABOVE: Lamb born day 151. RIGHT: Lambs born day 144

e are very excited about the results we are achieving, in particular when incorporating selection pressure on the gestation length as part of our lamb survival strategy. With scanning rates reaching 185-190% in our commercial flock of approx 500 Meat Maternal ewes, it was time to increase our focus on lamb survival. Obviously, the management and nutrition of the ewe will always have the greatest influence over lamb survival. However, there are huge benefits to be gained from having stronger lambs at birth, with a greater cold tolerance, and plenty of quality milk available at birth. We are finding our best results are coming from ewes having 4.5 -5.5 kg lambs at birth. This has meant we can utilise rams with higher birth weights, and subsequent growth rates, that also have shorter gestation length ASBV’s. Lambs that are born at a shorter gestation length are not necessarily lighter, but are born with a lot more ease. They generally appear wetter at birth, and the ewes appear to

lamb quickly and with vastly fewer presentation issues. The actual gestation length of the ewes recorded over the past 8-10 years has varied from 141 days to 154 days. We would say that approximately 90% of lambing problems occur in those ewes lambing after 150 days, with a higher incidence of presentation issues, big lambs, dry or yellow coloured, or stressed lambs at birth. Emphasis on good smooth shoulder and neck placement is also important. We look forward to the results of a trial we are conducting this year on our commercial ewe lambs. The ewe lambs were six months old at joining and averaged approximately 40kg. They have been split and joined to two sires. Sire 1 has a birth weight ASBV of 0.55, and a shorter gestation length ASBV of -1.8 days, while sire 2 has a birth weight ASBV of 0.20, and a longer gestation length of +1.0 day. Traditionally, rams with higher birth weights and growth rates would not have been recommended for ewe lamb joining. We are hopeful that conducting economically relevant trials on our commercial ewes, will continue to improve the profitability of our commercial clients.



ith the wool market at record highs at the same time that lamb is also seeing unprecedented forward prices, every sheep breeder should be aiming to optimise their profit margins. Our clients are enjoying premium prices for lamb at the same time as receiving equivalent prices to other AAAM wools. These factors, combined with the inherent ability of the Dohne cross or purebred ewe to raise good lambs is a recipe for easy care profitability. Dohne Fertility is a result of over 70 years of performance recorded breeding and selection in both South Africa and in Australia since 1998. Glen Holme is a family owned and run business with a growing marketplace in the South East of SA and the Western Districts of Victoria. Our rams have proven their suitability and longevity in these areas, with the result that we enjoy excellent repeat custom. We raise our rams at Manoora in the Mid North region of SA. The rams are paddock raised and run in conjunction with our broad-acre cropping program.

ABOVE: An economic study by Graham Lean of Agrivet Business Consulting shows that Dohnes outperform other sheep enterprises in high, medium and low rainfall environments.

ABOVE: The family team at Glen Holme – Joy, Damien, Allen and Lauren with Ryan and Hayden

We have a Glen Holme Dohne Sire entered in the Merino Lifetime Productivity trial at Balmoral with 2016-drop ewe progeny. The performance and measured traits of the progeny are meeting all the expectations of the Dohne Breed. The productivity and performance of this group of ewes will be measured, tested and evaluated, for the next four years. This is a major project funded through many industry bodies. We thank them for their financial and in kind support of this important research. We have been selling Glen Holme Dohne rams into areas where Border Leicester x Merino or composite ewes are traditionally used. Clients have found little difference in lamb production, but huge increases in wool prices – sometimes over 100%. If you wish to talk to us about how Dohnes could dramatically improve your profits from sheep, please contact us. With a large selection of 90 high performing Registered Dohne rams and approximately 150 commercial Dohne ewes for sale at Glen Holme on 20th September 2018, a good choice is assured. 7

ABOVE: A pen of ewe progeny from the Glen Holme Dohne Sire at the Merino Lifetime Productivity Trial at Balmoral.

image of sheep farming than high mortality rates in many paddocks.” Tim says that includes feeding sheep appropriately, differentially managing pregnant ewes depending on the number of foetuses they are carrying, understanding how paddock selection can influence survival rates and tightening up lambing times to assist with animal management.

Making more informed decisions, which sometimes means discarding traditional farm management decisions, will then improve farm profits and go a long way to improving the image of agriculture to the wider community. “It’s not rocket science to know that if you improve lamb survivability and reduce ewe mortality you will make more money,” Tim says.

Most simply, Tim says that means producers paying more attention to sheep and paddocks at critical times during the year to reduce the rates of mortality on farm. “Improved animal welfare outcomes come from good lamb and ewe survival percentages and getting that right can simply be a matter of looking a bit harder at what you’ve got in front of you. “And if we can improve the survivability of our animals, then sheep producers will be viewed more favourably by the wider community. “The image of lots of happy little lambs and their mothers in paddocks goes a long way in improving the public

Paddock selection, Tim said, can have a huge influence on lamb survivability, and producers need to just start paying attention to whether there is a pattern on their farms as to whether survival rates are higher or lower in particular paddocks. Keeping good paddock to paddock data on survival is key. “It might be that year on year, twinbearing ewes in a lush feed paddock have terrible survival rates, and so maybe next year, look at not using that paddock to lamb down in and instead use the feed earlier at prelambing, and then using it at weaning time, rather than a lambing paddock,” Tim says. “Just because it maybe a cracking pasture does not mean it’s a cracking lambing paddock.

“Understanding why they are better, such as the way prevailing weather conditions impact them, the ability of the ewe to lamb in a quiet place and consider using the paddocks with better lambing survival rates multiple times in the year.”

To improve his ability to manage ewes in that critical time period, Tim has shortened up the joining period of ewes as part of his Paradoo Prime operation significantly, meaning all of the ewes are at the same point at the same time.

Understanding that the 90-95 percent of ewe mortality happens in the last few days of pregnancy and first days of lactation should also be considered when joining ewes, Tim believes.

“It is much easier to manage ewes when you know accurately where they are up to. With a short joining period you can manage their needs more precisely… its less of a guessing game.

“If you have a joining over five or six weeks, it is very difficult to manage ewes in that critical time frame when individuals could be in week one of lambing or week four of lambing.”

“With a tight joining period, you can dial up the best paddock, the right feed and have her in the right condition for the best results. We need to line up all the ducks that are within our management capabilities. “A wider joining window means the ability to manage sheep precisely is lost. “Understanding that ewes also need to be managed differently in terms of nutritional needs, depending on whether they are carrying singles, twins or triplets, is also key to ensuring the survival of both the ewe and her lamb(s),” Tim says.








Tim Leeming, Paradoo Prime, is an advocator of producers more precisely using what knowledge they have to improve their farm operations.

“And to do that, a producer usually just needs to use their existing knowledge in a better way.”



iscarding tradition and making informed animal and farm management decisions is key to prime lamb producers increasing their profitability and improving farming’s public image.


Tim believes that means producers should not necessarily focus on scanning and lambing percentages, but instead focus on the animal survival percentages “We have pregnancy scanning technology at our disposal so we must utilise this and discard tradition joining lengths as a thing of the past.” Paradoo Prime rams are available from the October 1 by appointment. For more information on Paradoo Prime visit www.paradooprime.com For more information on lambing management visit www.precisionlambing.com.au

ABOVE: Commercial lambs have averaged 145% scanning over the last 3 years.


Demand for Majardah Rams last season saw the family supply ram lambs and surplus stud rams to clients to help them meet their mating targets after clearing 100% of their 1 ½ year old sires. While most of the Majardah rams stay local, repeat clients in Western Australia, Eyre Peninsular, the Victorian Mallee and Gippsland all bought high performance rams on offer from the Stud. Over 1300 stud lambs were weighed and double tagged at birth, with pedigrees and further measurements taken as they grow. This information is submitted to Sheep Genetics for processing to generate Australian Sheep Breeding Values. “Our sheep are achieving excellent ASBVs in a commercial environment,â€? said a pleased Adam Price. “This shows in the rams’ capacity to sire lambs that are easy care with high growth rates, finishing ability and worm resistance.â€?


ams MR 4(1 ( 9 +( /

Predation by foxes is one of the property’s biggest hassles despite the excellent work of the family’s maremmas. Interestingly on Ruth & Dale’s recent trip to Great Britain a number of lamb producers indicated that foxes weren’t much of a problem. “We offered to send them back,� said Dale, but not surprisingly no one took up the offer. Keen to stay at the forefront of the sheep industry. The Majardah Stud, genomics tested over 250 rams in the 2017 drop for meat eating quality. Whilst we are not getting paid for meat eating quality yet, processors have implemented DEXA technology, this will soon highlight their best suppliers. Further benchmarking of the Majardah flock through the world class Meat Elite group has ensured members have consistently achieved above average ASBVs gains for the past twenty years.

OB Free Acc. 580 OJD MN2V

7633 +69:,; :;<+ >/0;, :<--632 :;<+

The 2018 ram selling season will be an opportunity for producers to use the excellent returns from their lambs to invest in high performance rams that have the capacity to lift profitability into the future. The Majardah Stud will have 140 rams on offer at their annual sale on October 5th with a further 160 rams available privately. Both the White Suffolk’s and Poll Dorset’s rams sit just over 20 Carcass Plus index points above the breed average. Performance and profit can be achieved when producers purchase Majardah Poll Dorset and White Suffolk rams. For further information contact Adam 0428 230 199 or Dale on 0428 394 300.

LEFT: Mum’s the word.


08 8724 7111


08 8724 7882






Office 1 20 Penola Road, Mount Gambier


Jason Allen


Duncan McGregor 0407 722 983

4,(; ,30;, (<:;9(30(

Jill Collins 0400 598 327

320 Ram ASBVs Averages Majardah Poll Dorset

BWT 0.38 0.29 0.27

WWT PWWT 9.70 15.0 10.10 16.1 8.2 12.7

PFat -0.26 -0.22 -0.50

PEMD 2.51 2.24 1.50

WEC -29 -26 -13

2020 204.7 206.5 183.0

C+ 115.3 115.6 111.3


Di Gould


18,500 copies

Distribution Letterbox, Australia Post Outlets Newsagencies, Supermarkets, Petrol Stations & General Stores Padthaway


Kingston Lucindale

CONTACT: DALE & RUTH PRICE 0428 394 300 ADAM PRICE 0428 230 100

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BEN GREGORY 0418 498 587


PETER CREEK 0428 838 332

Details contained in this magazine have been compiled from information supplied by advertisers. No responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of information contained here in. Prospective purchasers should rely on their own enquiries.


tud principle Martin said “the sheep industry is at the most exciting period possibly ever. The wool job is unbelievable and a massive boost to those diehard producers that have stuck fat through the dark times. The lamb and mutton industry is at all time highs. We have been so fortunate to have received reasonable rainfall in our area, I hope the rest of Australia gets some soon, so everyone can enjoy the buoyant times we currently have.� In a first for the Paxton Stud they will be offering their Poll Dorset and White Suffolk rams for auction at their “Broadview� property on September 26th in a twilight sale at 4:30pm. “It is a big move to offer our rams at auction. Following the success of our Border Leicester sale last year it seemed like the logical move for our stud. I hope our existing clients embrace the change and come and support us. We have fantastic people that have bought our sheep and they have been very pleased with the progeny. Nothing is changing with our management and breeding direction. We will endeavor to breed fast growing, muscled, structurally sound, paddock reared rams. Hopefully some new clients will come and inspect our stock who may not have had the opportunity in the past.� Martin said. The Paxton Poll Dorset Stud added two exciting new sires to the battery last spring from the Aberdeen and Allendale Studs. Days Whiteface ram 16/135 was purchased for $12000 and is a very exciting sire, with some handy lambs already on the ground. The Horsham Champion from Ellingerrin Stud was purchased for $10500 and will add some fine qualities to the Border Leicester flock. Following the success of their first Paxton Border Leicester sale the Harveys are excited about their sale on October 12th at 2.30pm.

“We were blown away by the support we received from Robin Steen and PPHS staff and our magnificent clients that supported us in our new venture. It was amazing to see all the hard work come together in one day. It was great to sell two stud rams to the Pembroke and Morton Studs. We ran in more rams the demand was so high. Our first cross ewe lamb producers are having some fantastic results� Martin said. All Paxton Rams are MN2 V, brucellosis accredited, backlined, capsuled and glanvac 6 in1 vaccinated. All rams have Lambplan figures available. All Enquries welcomed on 0407 582 079 Martin Harvey.

ABOVE: Paxton Stud Ram Lambs


942 Broadview Rd, Western Flat, SA

200 Poll Dorset & White Suffolk Rams 200 :HGQHVGD\ WK 6HSW # SP



Robin Steen 0428 838 195 Ray Jaensch 0439 870 682




arrawindi is confident in investing in the best genetics for the future not only in the best terminal sheep but the best maternal sheep for lamb production as well.


The Suffolk’s provide lambing ease for younger ewes and ewe lambs but still have enough grunt to produce heavy suckers. The Suffolk also provides hardiness and superior meat tenderness for today’s trending market.

The Poll Dorset’s are supreme in growth rates compared to any other terminal prime lamb sire. Warrawindi uses the top growth & muscle AI and stud sires in Australia culminating big robust rams backed with above breed averages EBV’s.

The Border Leicesters, one of the main ingredients in the prime lamb industry. They supply easy care, high fertility, milk, growth and mothering ability in our base Dams, the 1st X ewe is one of the best and safest production machines you will ever own. Our newly purchased East Friesian breed, has been in Australia for over 20 years. Quoted as being “the most productive sheep in the world. With the highest milking ability and the longest lactation’. A Merino ewe will on average lactate for 90 days, XB’s and most other sheep average 180 days, Border Leicesters 220 days and East Friesians average 300 days lactation with 25% more milk per day. Weighing up the pros and cons of pure East Friesians has led to the development and super successful use of East Friesian/ Border Leicester X rams for over Merino, 1st X and composite ewes to produce the ultimate maternal ewe for maximum production under Australian climate. Warrawindi East Friesians is the largest stud in Australia producing over 200 pure and East Friesian/Border Leicester cross rams which will be available in our 2019 sale. Warrawindi will be offering in our 2018 sale 150 Poll Dorset’s, 25 Suffolk’s and 25 Border Leicester rams on property Friday the 12th Oct. Sale commencing at 1pm. Viewing from 12 noon or by appointment before. Lunch provided.

TOP LEFT: Sale Rams taking a close look 12


arly in 2018 the expansion of the commercial side of the mixed enterprise operation has the Fosters now producing approximately 8000 lambs from 6000 ewes based on East Friesian/Border Leicester/Corriedale breeding. Weaning percentages are consistently 135% with 95% lambs being turned off by 4-5 months of age averaging 28kg carcass over the entire drop of maternal and terminal sired progeny. Late in 2017 Fosters received, at the time, the record Australian price for new season lambs and the Hamilton Sale yards and just one week prior received the Mt Gambier Sale yard record for lambs. Rick Foster believed these lambs were testament to the selection criteria of high growth rates and greater eye muscle area in the Haven Park Poll Dorset rams as well as the high milking ability of the Haven Park East Friesian/Border Leicester sired ewes.

2018 presents the last opportunity to purchase East Friesian/Border Leicester rams from Haven Park. After 20 years of breeding East Friesian cross maternals it was with much deliberation that the decision to sell the East Friesian stud was made. With an expanding commercial side of the business a young family and the extra work commitments in running a stud. The Stud will now reside at Warrawindi Farms with the Galpin Family, David and Allison purchased the entirety of the East Friesian and East Friesian/Border

Leicester stud consisting 400 SIL ewes and ewe lambs to add to their mixed enterprise operation of Limousin, Poll Dorset, Suffolk and Border Leicester studs. Rick Foster and Brodhi Carracher established the flock in 2012 and focused on maintaining the milking

ABOVE: A pen of Haven Park’s record breaking lambs


In 2018 Haven Park will offer 180 rams at their on-property sale, consisting of 100 Poll Dorsets and 80 East Friesian/ Border Leicester maternal rams. Both groups of rams are by far the Fosters best groups they’ve been able to offer. New AI sires from Aberdeen and walking sires from Ulandi Park and Janmac have positively influenced the Poll Dorset program like no other with exceptional carcass features a strong point of Haven Park’s 2018 sale group. On paper the rams stack up very well with great EMA and carcass+ Lambplan figures, with no compromise on structural phenotype. The maternal rams are an exceptional group of rams which are showing the doability and structural soundness that is predominantly selected for, with most being one of a triplet or twin rams the fertility and milk boost these rams give a commercial operation is phenomenal. More lambs, more milk, more meat and more money.

ability, fertility and improving the soundness and fat cover in the East Friesian crosses and are confident that the Galpins will continue to do so, offering a similar product under the new Warrawindi brand of sheep.


Brucellosis Acc. Free


to lift the scanning percentages of your ewes by 60%. One cross and you have prolific sheep. The rest of the world has had access to high fecundity ewes and now you can to. These ewes will conceive the extra lambs without extra feeding or the use of drugs making them much

ow is the time to move your lamb production system to the next level. The development of multiple bearing sheep has lifted the lid on the production potential of lamb production systems. These genotypes use a single gene


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)LHOG 'D\V )HEUXDU Shane & Jodie


Foster, 137 Foster’s

Victoria Lane Casterton,

3311 -

Shane and Jodie

David &


Foster Phone:

03 5581 1965


More Money MURRAY GREYS M bil


Alison Galpin

more efficient at converting your pasture to meat. Multimeat rams can be crossed with merinos, crossbreds or composites to lift the scanning rates of wooled sheep. The new Multimeatmaster rams can be crossed with Dorpers, Wiltipolls or Aussie Whites to produce a clean shedding sheep with scanning rates between 180-200%. These genotypes cannot compete at their normal levels of fecundity but this innovation will make them competitive with composite ewes which are barely worth shearing. These new genotypes are supplied with carefully researched management booklets which explain how you can best manage these sheep to get the best out of them. This research was conducted at Struan for the MLA and SARDI. Application of this system results in a 25% lift in profitability. Over 60 producers are using this advance to achieve the same results as shown for the independent trial conducted on the Elmore field day site.

Casterton Road, Penola 8737 2274 I www.warraw Email warrawindi@ indi.com activ8.net.a u

Phone 08


3Âż]HU 6WDU $F

to rural people in South

West VIC & South East


RY RY, R Y, 2018 2018





Story page 3



48$/,7< $ $8&7,21 7KXUVG $1 1*8 *8 86 6 6 6,,5(6 D\ )HEUXDU\ S P 9,& 7,0( )LHOG 'D\V -DQXD 0( 2Q 7K 2 2Q 7 7KH 3 7 H 3URS U HUW\ Âł%RRQDU U\ Âł&OLIWRQ´ +DP Shane & Jodie RR´ &DVWHUWRQ LOWRQ RQ Foster, 137 Foster’s ) )HEUX )HEUXDU\ E DU\ Âł%RRQD Lane Castert URR ´ &DVWHUWRQ on, Victoria to oria ria 3 3311 311 1 - 03 55 5581 www.boonaroo


For more information have a look on the Multimeat Composite internet site or contact Colin Earl at earl.kerami@bigpond.com or contact Colin on 0428647457.

1965 0407 811 656 0408 587 780 Delivered Free boonar oonaro Of Charge Locally ooangu o oang gus@b s@bigpond.com

Ross Milne

0408 057 558


Boonaroo Bartel M99

ABOVE: Multiple bearing meat sheep.

+2.1 CE, +167 600 DW, +5.1 EMA, Frame 6.2 710kgs at 15 months, Equal Highest Growth 2016 drop Bull for the Angus Breed. Heavy Grain Fed Index $202




FIELD DAYS Thursday Feb 1st, “Clifton�,

Hamilton - Monday


Feb 5th, “Boonaroo�


Friday Feb 16, “Boonaro o� Casterton. 11.30am Vic time, inspection All bulls fully vaccinated s from 9.30am , semen tested and guarantee d sound and fertile. Delivered free locally.

Enquiries to Shane

& Jodie Foster 0407

811 656, 0408 587 780 J-BAS -BAS 8



MultiMeat Elmore Trial Results $ / Ewe (Lambs + Wool)

Ewes mated to White Suffolk Rams $230



$212 $200 $189


$100 Border Leicester x Merino Cross

Multimeat x Merino Cross

Cashmore-Oaklea Perf. Maternals

Merino, Loddon Valley

Leahcim Merino

Cantre Plus Merino

Weaning rates of mature MultiMeat ewes are around 160%

MultiMeatMaster Multiple Bearing Shedding Sheep

- Make your shedding sheep profitable & wean 160% at each lambing. - One cross lifts scanning percentage by 60%


- Multiple bearing ewes are more profitable because they are more efficient.


embroke’s three studs have dealt with the dry start to the season very well. It has shown us that in tough times with normal supplementary feeding for dry conditions and paddock grazing the rams have coped extremely well. We have had an exceptional year in the commercial sheep side of our business with high conception numbers. All using our own home bred rams. This has been really interesting for us to see what our own rams can do in the commercial setting. Our prime lambs are all sold over the hooks in the weight range of 24kg +. We have had great success with this. Our weaner first cross wethers are sold at Edenhope in November plus go

ABOVE: You too could produce prime lamb like this.

Pembroke Annual Flock Ram Sale

Since taking over the studs in 2006 we have put a lot of time into improving genetics while breeding rams for paddock performance. We are continually looking for Stud rams that will put punch into our sheep and therefore into the rams that our clients buy. Ram lambs are weaned off their mothers at between 14 and 16 weeks of age and run as one mob. They are maintained on pasture and summer crop coming through the spring and summer, with supplementary feeding being used during dry times. This usually consists of silage, oaten hay and beans depending on the season. Some selection is done for the up and coming local shows, such as Balmoral, Coleraine and Edenhope. We have always said that we breed rams for the commercial breeder. Whether he or she is looking to breed trade or export lambs, or first cross ewe lambs, there is always something there for our clients.

Thursday th October 201 – 1pm Vic time Wilsons Road Telangatuk East Victoria 50 Poll Dorsets • 50 Border Leicesters • 40 White Suffolks • Brucellosis Accredited • Lambplan Performance Recorded

All our rams are performance recorded with lambplan. This gives us and the buyer a guide to see where our figures sit along side of other breeders in Australia. We are brucellosis accredited and fully vaccinated for OJD. We follow a strict on farm bio security plan, that keeps both us and our clients safe.

Rams are OJD Approved Vaccinates

This year there will be 50 Poll Dorset, 50 Border Leicester's and 40 White Suffolk flock rams offered for auction on Thursday 4th October at 1pm Victorian time on property at 220 Wilsons Road, Telangatuk East Victoria.

2.5% rebate to outside agents accompanying their clients on the day

Kathy Simons 03 5388 2248 Ashley Simons 0437 364 603 pembroke@harboursat.com.au



over the hooks as heavy lambs later in January. The ewe lamb portion being retained to be grown out. 300 are offered at the Naracoorte First Cross ewe sale the following year and the other 300 kept on farm for our prime lamb production.

If there are any questions regarding the studs or our ethos on breeding. Please contact either myself on 03 5388 2248 or my son Ashley on 0437 364 603. We are only too willing to help in any way possible.


his year the stud will again offer 70 White Suffolk and 70 Border Leicester rams at its annual sale on Friday the 28th of September. The rams have come through a tight summer and autumn but with a bit of extra feeding they are starting to fill out and should be good by sale day. This year’s sale will see the first rams from some of our new sires. In the White Suffolk section two sires represented for the first time will be Anden 15/108 (purchased for $4000) and Castle Camps Kuzz 15/26 (an AI son of Ramsay Park 201). Both these rams have breed very well and will have some excellent rams in this year’s sale. The sale will also see the last offering of sons by Woolumbool 12/789, a ram that has left his mark on the stud with almost 300 progeny.

The Border Leicester section will see the first sons of Gleneith 15/320, Ellingerrin 15/ 280. Another ram with his first progeny for sale is Duenclin Cut Out 15/683 who was purchased as a ram lamb at the Duenclin dispersal sale. Coming from the renowned Shaun line and probably the last Shaun he was given the name Cut Out. These rams have some very promising rams in their first draft of rams. Adding to these will be sons from proven sires Castle Camps 12/228 and 12/347. Complementing these rams will be three AI sires Johnos 11/ 83 and 10/606 and Inverbrackie 14/8041. Again many of the rams offered will have negative Wecs (worm egg counts) a trait that is conceded very important at Castle Camps. At Castle Camps our stud operation is very much run with a commercial focus in mind. Our stud ewes are run under commercial conditions with importance placed on sheep with natural doing ability. We continue to get great feedback for both breeds with our clients getting excellent results with both lambs and their first cross ewes.

This year’s sale will be held on the property at 2018 Riddoch Hwy, Keith on Friday the 28th of September starting at 11am, with inspections from 9.30am. Ian and Sue invite you to come and inspect the rams either on sale day or before the sale. You can also follow us on face book or go to our website www.castlecamps.com.au for our online catalogue which will be available from early September or just give Ian a call on 0438 566 030 to arrange a suitable time for an inspection.

RIGHT: Come and see what we look like now


WK Annual Sale Friday th September 201 • 11am on the property 2018 Riddoch Hwy Keith Inspections from 9.30am

0 WHITE SUFFOLK & 0 BORDER LEICESTER RAMS Accredited Brucellosis free Johne’s vaccinated /ambplan tested

Contact Ian & Sue Carr 0438 566 030 or 08 8756 6030 www.castlecamps.com.au Adam Bradley 0428 838 285 Simon Rosenzweig 0427 887 705

Miller Whan & John Mike Newton 0417 812 312

Rebate to outside agents morning tea and lunch. Follow us on 17


nquestionable measured performance data has been behind the Clothier family’s Woolumbool Poll Dorset and White Suffolk ram offerings since the stud’s inception 30 years ago. It is the depth of that data behind their current offering that gives them extremely high accuracies and gold quality level status with Lambplan, ensuring that what you see and read is what you’ll consistently get. Very few studs have that ranking Australia wide. This gives prospective purchasers amongst prime lamb producers not only trustworthy elite performance, but also greater confidence in the results they will achieve and consequently, potentially greater profitability. The Clothiers are also members of the Meat Elite Poll Dorset and the Superwhites White Suffolk breeding groups breeding for elite performance levels. Senior principal Phil Clothier will be displaying at the Meat Elite/Multi-Meats stand at this year’s Sheepvention. Honest paddock growth and presentation is rigidly adhered to by the Clothiers which gives no masking of the actual genetic capabilities of their rams. Further, all rams have to pass an assessment for structural

White Suffolks Poll Dorsets Multi Meats Poll Merinos Gold Quality Data Acc Brucellosis Free



This is the focus of our breeding program: Maximising commercial productivity!

Annual On-Property ram sale

Wednesday 3rd Oct - 1pm 200 Poll Dorset & White Suffolk rams

soundness before being considered for sale, whatever their figures may be. For some who are used to purchasing pampered rams raised on feeders, adjusting to this paddock preparation may be difficult but the honesty of the Clothier family is second to none. Based at Lucindale, they have concentrated their type in both breeds on medium frames with rapid growth to earlier maturity, producing rams that are very much like ‘peas in a pod’ and ideal for ‘finished’ prime lambs in the 22 to 26kg weight range. This is the money market weight range in today’s lamb industry with a vast majority of both domestic and export lambs being sought by processors within this weight range. Lamb eating quality is a newer EBV available to the industry through Lambplan and unsurprisingly the Clothier family has been quick to bring it to the forefront of their selection considerations. A good eating experience for consumers is paramount in keeping up demand, especially now that high demand and under supply has pushed lamb prices to record levels. Woolumbool has a loyal following of regular clients who continually get the results they seek from these genetics. However, there is plenty of room for others to join them, with over 100 rams from each of their two terminal sire breeds on offer on Wednesday 3rd October. Their high fertility Mult-Meats are another exciting maternal addition to the breeding options they offer, these rams being available privately, while they offered a small selection of Poll Merinos at last year’s sale for the first time. The most important trait for profitability is fertility expressed through live lambs on the ground. Woolumbool also excels here, with exceptional fertility levels through all their studs, not just the Multi-Meats. A significant majority of their rams will be from multiple births.


Further, all Woolumbool rams have been measured and selected for worm resistance, an increasingly important trait for management and consistent performance. More information and updates can be found on the Woolumbool website (www.woolumbool.com.au) and on Facebook.

Contact: Phil & Sharon Clothier, PO Box 102, Naracoorte, SA 5271 Ph (08) 8765 8026 Fax (08) 8765 8002 Email: woolumbool@bigpond.com For more information find us and follow us on

@woolumboolstuds www.woolumbool.com.au 18

TOP LEFT: Woolumbool’s selection parameters are very much in sync with industry needs, while fertility runs strongly through Woolumbool genetics with a majority of their sale stock being from multiple births.


eat Elite Australia a group of Australian Poll Dorset Breeders located across four States has been described as world leaders. The collaborative group of breeders is renowned for its collaborative approach to breeding high performance Poll Dorsets.

Objective measurement designed to account for a host of variables including sire, dam, sibling relationships and performance in a range of environments has placed genetic selection at the forefront high performance Poll Dorset flocks. The collection of highly accurate raw data is an essential component of any objective measurement program. For members of the MEA group this means full pedigrees, birth information, growth, fat and muscle data now often complemented by DNA or genomics testing. President of the group, Dale Price explained this is a major time and energy commitment by group members to collect, process and utilize the data to boost sheep performance in the 17 studs and more importantly for clients who want to boost the productivity of their sheep enterprise. Australian Sheep Breeding Values help producers and group members select rams for performance by providing an objective assessment of non-visual traits. Members of the group will always select for sound conformation and Poll Dorset attributes, trusting the judgement of their colleagues when selecting the Elite Sire Team.

ABOVE: Phil Clothier & Dale Price inspecting Poll Dorset’s at Steven McCall’s Farm Castlerock NZ during a recent Meat Elite Australia visit.

The Elite Sire Team is a small group of rams with outstanding traits and genetic diversity that are progeny tested in MEA flocks to drive genetic gain. This has seen the group consistently well above the average for the past 20 years gaining international interest from these results. Members recently visited New Zealand catching up with Poll Dorset breeders who have used MEA sires in their breeding programs in the past. While each MEA stud is unique the collaborative approach to breeding Poll Dorsets has been a model adopted by other breeding groups. The pedigree linkage between the studs is a real strength in helping produce highly accurate ASBVs. This accuracy gives producers confidence that the performance of rams sourced from the group will be evident in any well managed environment. MEA members are looking to the future using genomics testing to ensure lamb remains an elite source of protein, by protecting eating quality and performance traits in each generation of progeny. 19


he quality on offer at Detpa Grove is truly elite and while they have regularly achieved headline stud sale successes, because of the incredible depth of quality, many of the prices have been very affordable, especially in the current buoyant prime lamb industry. Besides their structural and breed type excellence, there was a vast majority of last year’s offering, right through to the bottom run of flock rams, in excess of 200 on Carcase Plus index under Lambplan. Of the 143 strong flock ram offering, 54% were over 200. 38% of the stud ewe offering and 70% of the stud rams also exceeded this level of performance, with the balance not far behind. Along with elite phenotype, very few studs can get close to that level of verifiable performance.

ABOVE: These are just a small sample of the outstanding rams on offer this year at the Detpa Grove sale in October, demonstrating exceptional quality, performance and breed type. Detpa Grove continues to be industry leaders for both genotype and phenotype.

The stud prefix may stay the same, but the genetic improvement continues. To continue to produce such high-quality stock and to influence so many other


Thursday 11th October 2018

Enquiries welcome: David & Michelle Pipkorn Jeparit, Vic, Ph/fax (03) 5391 8202 Mobile (David) 0428 918 372 Email info@detpagrove.com

Approx 270 stud & flock rams & stud ewes Stud ewes from 11:30am Stud rams from 12:30pm Check out full catalogue & latest updates on our website

www.detpagrove.com Regular updates and individual rams of interest on 20


Astute infusions of elite genetics for both performance and phenotype have enabled Detpa Grove to bring exciting new family lines to the market place. The genetic diversity within the stud allows both stud and commercial producers to keep investing in arguably the best all-round genetics available today. This year’s offering continues that theme. Could they be better than in previous years? Certainly David Pipkorn believes they are, which is great news for all sheep producers. Of course, prospective buyers can make their own decisions on this, but unless they put themselves ‘in the game’ by attending the next Detpa Grove sale on Thursday October 11th, they have little chance of securing these new designer genetics that can truly enhance the performance and quality produced in their prime lamb or stud breeding programs. Some of the prominent sires of this year’s offering include; Anden ‘Cruiser, the $68,000 industry & White Suffolk record breaking ram; Detpa Grove 140180, with another great crop of sons; Hillcroft Farms 130156, with high eating quality index and performance levels; Detpa Grove 140101, with some very classy sons; & Detpa Grove 160027, the stud’s top keeper ram from the 2016 drop but since lost.

New Designer Generations continue to come your way

See the total offering of the 2017 drop at our next annual production sale

studs around the country is no easy achievement, yet stud principal David Pipkorn relishes the challenge.

The Detpa Grove sale catalogue, plus regular updates on the stock on offer this year can be seen on Detpa Grove’s website (www.detpagrove.com), or you can follow them on Facebook.

Other producers readily endorse the Kurralea qualities and their comments plus up to date sale information can be viewed on the Kurralea website (www.kurralea.com).

The question could be asked as to why Kurralea has continually achieved nation leading sales successes, but with a little research the answers rapidly become obvious.

The 2018 Kurralea annual ram sale will again see over 300 rams from the three breeds on offer on Tuesday 25th September, commencing at 12:30 EST.

From a breeding perspective, Kurralea has always strived to produce sheep that combine elite performance and structural excellence; bigger framed than many, but well-muscled rams that do the job for clients in wide ranging environments, allowing them to meet any of the multiple market choices.

There is certainly some exciting progeny from industry leading sires coming up in this offering, including

a large number of White Suffolk sons of Anden ‘Cruiser’ 150277Tw, the $68,000 all meat sheep breeds record priced ram. It will also be the second year Suffolk rams from Lucy’s relatively new flock will be offered, while the longest serving Poll Dorset breed offering has numerous top sires represented.

Producing a unique blend of Size, Performance & Structural Excellence

It is this latter point that enables different clients the flexibility to successfully and efficiently target different carcase weights and grid specifications. The fact that commercial producers continue to travel to Ariah Park from many areas of NSW and interstate to purchase these rams to improve their bottom line, is a strong endorsement of the quality of Kurralea genetics. James Baldry, Wallendbeen, NSW endorsed that quality when he said, “One of the benefits of Kurralea is the obvious genetic depth within the stud which assures consistency of performance and robustness of their rams, giving us even lines of marketable lambs that can be sold in the 18 to 28 kilogram carcase weight range.” “Having rams with good length and depth not only ensures greater feed conversion efficiency, but also having the ideal 2 to 3 condition score, even when taken through to heavy weights of 26 to 27kg carcase weight is a real bonus,” he said.

ABOVE: The depth of quality and performance in Kurralea rams is renowned and is evident in these two Poll Dorset and White Suffolk rams on offer this year. Both have carcase Plus indices of 200 and are sired by K160435 (PD) and A.’Cruiser’ (WS - $68,000 record breaking sire). Over 300 rams will be on offer at their September 25th sale.


Í Our next annual sale Í

Tuesday 25th September Offering approx 350 rams in a 3 breed ram sale

12:30pm EST On-property Ariah Park, NSW




For further information &/or updates check our website www.kurralea.com or follow Catalogues available in early September or view online

us on

Enquiries on all classes of stock always welcome: Ben & Lucy Prentice, ‘Kurralea’, Ariah Park, NSW Ben: (02) 6975 2772 Mob: 0429 814 549 Kim: (02) 6975 2606 21

Email: lucycprentice@gmail.com



ast year 312 rams from the three breeds achieved a total clearance to buyers from three states, topping at $18,000 and achieving a wonderful $1605 average.


f outstanding prime lamb industry rams that combine frame and extra length with powerful early growth and muscling, then a visit to the Seriston White Suffolk and Suffolk studs at Avenue Range should be on your agenda. This selection focus has led to the distinct Seriston type produced today. Principal, Anthony Hurst has continually sourced the best genetics he can find over the years to match the selection principles he put in place from the beginning of his stud breeding program over 25 years ago. Are there any lamb producers who are not serious about maximising the success of their enterprise? Certainly, those who are should give serious consideration to the outstanding quality on offer at Seriston. These are totally paddock raised rams that have seen no grain in their raising, so they have achieved their impressive growth

and carcase attributes on grass, just as commercial producers would like their progeny to do. When there are greater rewards on offer for prime lambs, the higher the quality, the higher the rewards. While most lamb producers can make a profit in the current very buoyant market, it is those who use higher performing genetics who maximise their retains and come out even further in front. Anthony Hurst will again present a wonderful team of over 180 White Suffolk and Suffolk rams for competition at this year’s Seriston annual on-property ram sale on Friday October 12th. The offering will see the second drop of progeny from the significant investment in three top Detpa Grove White Suffolk sires made in 2015, including two sons of their top performance sire, DG ‘Ricochet’.

The blend of growth and carcase attributes of these additions into the Seriston program has been particularly positive. Also, Seriston 32, a top homebred son of Waratah 130645 is another sire with his second impressive drop of White Suffolk progeny on offer this year.

In the Suffolks, Seriston’s investment in a top Kerangie ram also paid off, again having many impressive sons in the Suffolk rams on offer. Local area producers have known and appreciated the quality available at Seriston for a long time, but as the word on the results their rams have produced in clients’ paddocks has spread, more have joined them.



Selection for • More length • More muscle • More weight • Producing $$$ for you!

Our clients are smiling more often... ....The reasons are in the paddock!

Proudly sponsored by Coprice & Gallagher OJD Vaccinated

To ensure all potential buyers are able to compete at value for the rams they need, matching supply with the increased demand has been one of the challenges Anthony Hurst has faced, with sale numbers almost doubling from 12 years ago. He is very mindful that there are different buying budgets, plus the needs of bigger volume buyers being able to average out their buying accounts. To this end he has been successful with a good percentage of rams selling in the ‘great value range over the last two sales. Measurement for eye muscle area rather than just depth has arguably been a significant contributing factor in achieving the renowned Seriston type. Genetic correlations usually mean that an emphasis on increased muscle depth leads to smaller and shorter earlier maturing sheep. This then restricts the market weight range options open to breeders who use these smaller types. Insisting on maintaining size and length with early muscling has required more time and patience to achieve, but the buyers are the beneficiaries of this patience at Seriston. Anthony Hurst welcomes enquiry with more details also available on the website www.seriston.com.au.

Next Annual Ram Sale

Friday 1 th October 201 150 White Suffolks & 40 Suffolks

www.seriston.com.au Enquiries & inspections welcome

Contact : Anthony Hurst, Avenue Range, SA Ph (08) 8766 0037 Mob: 0428 332 676 Email: ahurst.seriston@bigpond.com 22

ABOVE: The length, depth and muscling combination of Seriston White Suffolk and Suffolk genetics like these White Suffolks at last year’s sale is appreciated by more clients every year, with available ram numbers increasing in line with that demand.

They again had another total clearance of the 184 rams at their annual sale last October, a result that verifies the strong competition from commercial breeders seeking rams that are certainly performing in their paddocks and producing increased profit margins. Stock agents have described the highly productive and functional Janmac rams as, “Durable rams with the genetic potential to turn grass into top end dollars.” “Naturally we ecstatic with the last sale result, picking up more clients and everyone seemed to go away happy with the value they received,” coprincipal Grant Hausler said. The increased demand for their rams has been built around the quality they have been producing. Janmac has always been striving for excellence with strict selection criteria for balance, structure, conformation, fertility and performance, especially growth rate and muscling. These traits will be clearly evident in this year’s offering on Wednesday 3rd October, on-property at Goroke. It is Janmac’s willingness to invest in the right genetics to achieve their objective that makes the difference. A substantial lift was achieved in their Poll Dorset flock when Janmac combined with the Rowett family in SA to purchase Kurralea 110011 in 2012 for a then Poll Dorset breed record price of $28,000.

reserve champion ram was purchased for $12,000, while they also took a share in Kurralea 160234, the Melbourne reserve senior champion purchased by Ulandi Park for $15,000. The first progeny from both these rams will be on offer next year. Grant & Bryce Hausler apply the same breeding principles to their more recent and smaller White Suffolk stud, catering for lamb producers who favour this breeding option. The highly credentialed Wingamin bloodlines feature strongly in this stud, while they followed up with the significant purchase of Anden 150022Tw in 2016 for $8000. This ram had a Lambplan Carcase Plus index of 219.95 and was a son of the then record $36,000 Anden ram that sold to WA the previous year. The ram bred exceptionally well for Anden when used as a ram lamb, with 8 stud ram sons selling in last year’s Anden sale, twice topping at $10,000. Again, the Hauslers are delighted with this infusion, with Janmac’s first progeny on offer this year. Grant and Bryce Hausler welcome enquiry on their 2018 offering with more information available on their website (www.janmac.com.au), and with regular postings on Facebook.

ABOVE: Exceptional growth and muscling is clearly evident in these Janmac rams. They are examples of the quality Poll Dorset and White Suffolk rams on offer at this year’s on-property Janmac sale on October 3rd.

The shape of things to come! SSJAN0060818


hile the Hausler family of Janmac Poll Dorsets and White Suffolk, Goroke has been selling large and even drafts of rams to clients in western Victoria and the south east of South Australia for a long time, it’s their achievements in the last few years that has come under wider notice.


Quietly achieving excellence

“The next generation in our development from some of the nation’s best available genetics.” The first progeny of Kurralea 150036Tw ($13,000 top price) are outstanding!

Newbold 120065, an elite performance ram on Lambplan followed with his first progeny sold in 2015. Kentish Downs 130291 was purchased for the top price at their 2014 sale to follow on with that lift in consistent quality by going over the outstanding daughters of the other two rams. In 2016 they purchased the Poll Dorset ram Kurralea 150036 Tw for the $13,000 top price at the Kurralea sale to follow these rams. 87 ewes were scanned in lamb to him with his first lambs being “exceptional” according to Grant Hausler. Those first progeny will be on offer this year. Looking for further advancement in the future, they followed up with 2 very significant Poll Dorset purchases last year. Kurralea 160435, the Adelaide

Wednesday 3rd October 1pm Vic time

Inspection from 11am

Approx 200 rams on offer including those pictured Prior inspections most welcome Check our website for updates & sale information: www.janmac.com.au Find us on Facebook Enquiries welcome: Grant & Bryce Hausler, Goroke, Victoria Grant: 0427 861 013 Bryce: 0427 861 031 Email: grant.hausler@bigpond.com 23

Our Lambplan data/figures recorded demonstrate that our White Suffolks are breeding with EBV’s and eating qualities that continue to be right up there with the average Australian White Suffolk flock.


From our participation in the genomics program we can supply eating qualities for our White Suffolk offspring.

ur Border Leicester Rams fleece, from Coolawang 150184, took Supreme Fleece at the 2017 Millicent Show. This ram also became Supreme Sheep of the Millicent Show. He is one of 2 top Coolawang rams purchased at their October 2016 Ram Sale by Ryeview, with their first progeny for your selection at our sale this year.

At Ryeview all our sheep are Ovine Brucellosis Accredited Free (No. 306), in the MAP scheme - MN3V

In April 2017 we were thrilled to sell Suffolk & W/Suffolk cross lambs at the Mt. Gambier Saleyards for $228.00 / head. These lambs were by our rams similar to those represented in the sale this year. The 4 White Suffolk Stud sires with progeny represented in our annual sale this year are listed below. We have confidence that these flock rams will produce top results for you, because of their good EBV’s & high Indexes.





Bowen 140417





Anna Viila 150022





Sires of the flock rams represented in our 2018 Annual Sale are Pwwt




Ashmore 130266





Waratah 130645





Ashmore 140108





Glengarry 122903





In 2015 we purchased 90% of the Border Leicester ewe lambs at Duenclin dispersal sale. In 2016 we purchased half of the remaining mixed aged ewes in lamb. This gave us a definite re – entry to the Border Leicester world. The Border Leicester flock rams in this year’s sale are showing good growth and width with good EBV’s to suit. They are only 12 – 14months of age. The figures of their sires are below. Pwwt

Another Suffolk stud sire purchased in 2016 has produced some of the quality progeny represented at this year’s sale. He was purchased from the Anna Villa.




NLW% (No. of lambs weaned)

Duenclin 120660






Duenclin 120767(T)






(No. S107) All sheep are vaccinated with Gudair,, and treated with Eryvac and Scabi Guard. They are also treated with Cydectin Eweguard and dipped with Avenge at shearing in mid August. We also have our rams vet checked prior to the sale and have a structural guarantee [to cover the unforseen]. All this is done so that we can provide you with an assurance that the Flock Rams for sale are healthy and structurally sound. You are cordially invited to attend our on property ram sale on Monday 15h October 2018, at Burkhills Lane, Millicent. A free Lunch is available. 4% Rebate to all outside Agents. Enquiries to Elders Millicent David Little, Hayden Biddle or Scott Altschwager. Or please contact Michael or Julie Osborne on 8733 3393 / 0408 838 568 or ryeview@bigpond.com

ABOVE: More meat, more $$$.



n many situations locally the cold soil conditions coupled with waterlogging are still resulting in some situations where feeding out is still occurring or has only just stopped. We are certainly yet to see a spring flush! As we head into our traditional fodder conservation and summer forage crop season, there is real pressure to not only re fill empty hay sheds and silage stacks, but also to ensure we have the forage we need to finish stock on hand.

On top of this we are regularly fielding calls for opportunities to secure or contract hay or fodder crops, to meet demand from the western districts dairy regions. All of this adds up to an increased focus on both hay or silage cropping on any spare irrigation ground available, and also for optimising the late high levels of soil moisture we have with dryland forage crops. Currently we are putting aside seed for clients for forage cropping programs we have formulated with them. The options vary from silage & grazing maize through to brassica and sorghum crops and many options in between. Selection comes down to what you need and when and what is the targeted end use – be it for grazing or for conserved fodder. To ensure you put in the right option for your situation or to explore opportunities for late sown or irrigated hay crop options, call us at either Gambier or Naracoorte seeds – the seed professionals. We can work with you to help identify what may be the best options for your situation and how to optimise the result you are looking for. We look forward to your call!

ABOVE: Late rain, cold winter and high feed demand sees increased focus on hay, silage and summer forage crops

Make use of irrigation & dryland soil moisture Come and see Naracoorte Seeds or Gambier Seeds for advice and a full range of: • Pivot oversow and hay crops • Maize • Sorghum and Brassicas • Italian Ryegrass • BMR Grazing Maize (New product) • Lucerne Ensure you finish your livestock and get paddocks clean for perennial pastures next Autumn See the experrts at Naraccoorte Seeds and Gambier Seeds

The Seed Professionals 5-7 Alexander Avenue, Naracoorte I Phone 08 8762 1944 I Email admin@naracoorteseeds.com.au 8 Tandara Street, Mount Gambier I Phone 08 8725 7477 I Email sales@gambierseeds.com.au 25


rime Lamb producers in our region need to seize the advantage of a good season, good prices and high demand. But to do this they must ensure they are using a breed that can deliver. POLL DORSETS TICK ALL THE BOXES.

□ No 1 Terminal sire breed □ Preferred breed for the Meat Trade □ Profitability □ Reliability □ Dependability □ Fertility □ Proven performer □ Rapid Growth Rate □ More Meat where it count$ □ Ease of lambing □ Massive genetic pool

The Poll Dorset Breed comes into its own, when you are looking for a ram to provide superior fleshing and muscle development as well as rapid growth rate. Many prime lamb producers are moving away from the traditional first cross ewe mother and experimenting with composite ewes and other breeds. Poll Dorsets are the proven performer, no matter what your ewe base is or your climatic zone. Poll Dorsets are very fertile and breed true to type. Don’t gamble with your lively hood. Buy your rams from registered stud breeders who have accreditation for Brucellosis, biosecurity plans and are prepared to declare their OJD status. Stud breeders are only too happy to discuss their enterprises so you can make the best informed choice. There are 62 registered Poll Dorset Studs in our region with 11794 registered ewes. Most of our stud production sales and private viewings are held in the spring. No matter what your marketing aim is- whether it is aimed at the domestic or export trade: the Poll Dorset is the ideal terminal sire for your enterprise. More information can be accessed on the Poll Dorset web page in the Regional News section. www.polldorset.org

TOP LEFT: It’s the rams from our region that will best suit your ewes this season!



erminal and Maternal options are covered at the one location with our offering on Friday 5th October of both White Suffolks and Maternal Composites. We are continually striving for increased performance while still maintaining the structural soundness that ensures our rams longevity. We constantly search for new genetics, both physical rams and AI Sires that add performance that will make your prime lamb enterprise more profitable. We believe our rams have the growth and muscle the industry requires while still maintaining all important lambing ease. Homebred sires Days 140320, 150087 & 160048 all have the phenotype we aim for and 140320 particularly had a successful show season as a yearling. However more importantly all three are trait leaders for both weaning and post weaning weight. This gives prime lamb producers a lamb which will grow quickly to whatever target weight suits their production system.

ABOVE: DAYS 150113 strongly represented in our 2018 white Suffolk offering.

The development of the Maternal Composite flock has been very rewarding with one of our long term clients recently recording a pregnancy rate in their ewe lambs of 156% to lambs joined. This along with the tremendous carcase attributes of our composites makes them well worth a look. A new string to the Maternal Composite bow has been the introduction of some Poll Merino genetics. We chose a ram from the merino database that has excellent ASBV’s for fat and muscle. The progeny look very promising. We will retain one to blend through some of our composite flock and will have a small group of these rams for sale among our composite offering on Friday 5th October.




t Konongwootong, we aim to produce a line of commercially focused, high performing, low maintenance rams to suit the demands and needs of today’s prime lamb producer. Our aim is to breed rams, that will produce prime lambs to meet the Export and Trade markets: thus giving the producer the best opportunity to maximise his marketing opportunities.

Our flock rams are paddock reared on good quality pastures and are not given any grain supplementation. Flock rams are run as a single management group from weaning to sale time and all treated identically. At Konongwootong we place a strong emphasis on our bio-security program. Our flock is Brucellosis accredited free and we have MN2V status in the MAP OJD programme. We have been vaccinating with Gudair since 2002. We have been part of the LambPlan Performance recording system since its inception, but we place an emphasis on structural correctness before we consider EBV’s. A ram must be able to do the job he has been bred for. We have also used Prime Scan and Stockscan to help identify our better performing bloodlines. As well as our Poll Dorset stud, we run 3500 commercial self-replacing Dorset Coopworth cross ewes: so, we are well aware of the challenges and needs of the prime lamb producer. We would like to extend and invitation to prime lamb producers to view our team at Melbourne Royal and at many of our local shows. Our annual sale is on Thursday 18th October at 1:30pm. Please contact us if you would like to discuss your needs.

TOP LEFT: Dorset Coopworth cross lambs at Hamilton Market



he Poll Dorset breed, developed in Australia by Australian producers to perform in Australian conditions over 70 years ago, continues to do just that; perform exceptionally for prime lamb producers through all states and environs in this vast country. That is why it sits comfortably as the prime lamb industry’s number one sire breed of choice. It has achieved that mantle and continues to set benchmarks for the Australian lamb industry through its elite and consistent performance. Lean meat yield is the factor that processors and retailers seek and Poll Dorset’s through their entrenched superior muscling fulfil that need better than other breeds.

That profitability is a direct result of the Poll Dorset sired lamb being demanded by more sectors of the industry, but most importantly the consumer. Put simply, Poll Dorset’s tick more boxes more often. They’re number one for all the right reasons.

ABOVE: Modern Poll Dorset rams like these are the industry leaders for a combination of elite performance, meat yield, functionality and profitability.

The breed can be readily inspected at any of the numerous shows, field days and sales around the country. For more information, view the Association’s website.

The growth rate of Poll Dorset sired lambs is exceptionally good, especially early, an important factor in allowing producers to market lambs for quick turnoff, especially important in drier areas, or poorer seasons. The entrenched purity of the breed ensures more consistency in the product they produce. Commercial producers can have great faith in the expected performance levels from Poll Dorset rams. The Poll Dorset breed is always evolving and improving as markets dictate and from a management viewpoint the modern Poll Dorset, which is a very easy care with a functional body shape, has much cleaner points than when originally created. For prime lamb producers all these advantages culminate into the one most important factor in lamb production; greater profitability.



he Thomson BILT Group have been agents for Fair Dinkum sheds, SOL Home Improvements & B&D Garage Doors for 5 years and added Megaspan Sheds by Thomson BILT into their repertoire just over 12 months ago. This allowed the team to move into steel engineering and fabricating to enable the local manufacture of larger custom-built buildings for clients. The Thomson BILT group have some of the best steel fabricators and steel frame erectors in the Limestone Coast. The Megaspan Sheds by Thomson BILT arm of the business has just gone from strength to strength over the past 12mths.

The experienced team have completed numerous structural steel buildings throughout South Australia and the Western Districts of Victoria, from wine storage sheds, aircraft hangers right through to the largest fodder and machinery sheds. The Thomson BILT Group offers clients a complete one stop shop, from

concept to completion. Thomson BILT can handle anything from the smallest dog kennel size sheds, residential garages to the biggest industrial shed you can dream off. Thomson BILT really do have you covered. Thomson Bilt have over 30 staff working across the Limestone coast & western districts with their

head office centrally located in Mount Gambier. The skill sets include shed erectors, steel fabrication, concreters, bricklayers & building Inspectors to ensure all your building needs are catered for. At Thomson BILT we strive for excellence in customer service to ensure you our client are informed before, throughout & at the completion of your build. The team pride themselves on offering quality builds at affordable prices. Thomson BILT is owned by Leon Thomson having over 15yrs experience in the building industry, with Leon & the team all being locals the group is committed to supporting locals where possible. Currently Megaspan Sheds by Thomson BILT have an offer with each structural shed sold before the end of September 2018, Megaspan Sheds by Thomson BILT will donate $500 towards Buyabale supporting Australian Farmers affected by drought. The Thomson Bilt Group incorporates Megaspan Sheds by Thomson BILT, Diamond Garage Doors, Fair Dinkum Sheds, SOL Home improvements & Jim’s Home inspections Limestone Coast Thomson BILT Group your one stop shop for all your building needs. Contact the team on (08) 8725 2155.

ABOVE: Completed 3 Bay Hay / Machinery shed




he Poll Dorset breed is known for its rapid growth rates and early maturity, shapely carcase with ideal fat coverage and high lean meat yield. These industry sought after characteristics are ideal for meat production and make Poll Dorsets the perfect choice for prime lamb production.



The Poll Dorset breed was developed in Australia for Australian conditions and is a proven to performer in all areas. The stabilised genetic pool ensures lambs are consistent in type and quality giving lamb producers reliable marketing options and high returns. The Poll Dorset bred lamb has the ability to recover from drought and adverse climatic conditions very quickly. Thus, giving the Prime Lamb Producer a marketable item and cash flow very quickly, when weather conditions change for the better. The Poll Dorset is a proven performer. It is highly fertile and will breed at any time of the year. This gives the Prime Lamb Producer the opportunity to plan his marketing strategy and perhaps stager his joining periods so that he will have lambs ready to market at optimum selling times.

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TOP: Poll Dorset/ Coopworth cross lambs at Hamilton Market. Born July/ August. Sold November/Dec ABOVE: Poll Dorset rams ready for their new home.


team of 8 rams has been entered for the Hamilton Sheepvention with 6 of these going on to represent us at the Adelaide show. These rams are sired by Hillden 580-16 a big long ram leaving sons with good structure and growth, Ulandi Park 125-12 used for his balanced set of ASBVs and his ability to breed big long clean rams, the other rams being sired by home bred sires. Five of these rams will be offered as stud rams at the sale. Our main focus for the year is presenting the 120 flock rams in ideal condition to go out and perform for clients. They are well grown sound rams with good skins and carcase. With many lamb producers looking at ASBVs when selecting flock rams we have introduced two sires Valma 291 -16 with carcase + index of210 pwt15.8 and pemd 2.4 the other ram being Ulandi Park 125-12 with a carcase + index 195 pwt 15.1 and pemd 1.58. There will also be a few young ram by Bundarra Downs 6930-16. With farm biosecurity being an important focus for producers we have placed it as a high priority for us. We have maintained our OJD status being MN3V and have just completed our testing to maintain our ovine brucellosis accreditation cert no 280. Gayle , Alana ,Brad and myself would like to catch up with you on the 8th October where you can enjoy our lunch and light refreshments before the sale. Anyone wishing to inspect our sheep prior to the sale can do so by ring Brad 0438 266 732 or Rod 0467 646 026.

TOP RIGHT: 2018 Sale Rams



e uses Australian Sheep Breeding Values alongside his visual selection and said Lambplan was a great tool to select rams to target specific markets. Mr Frick provides advice on selecting White Suffolk rams that are most likely to be productive and profitable in prime lamb production. IDENTIFY YOUR TARGET MARKET If you are looking to sell early sucker lambs then a taller, later maturing type ram is not really going to be the best

option, likewise if your target is the heavy export or assistance-fed market that early maturing compact style of ram may not suit.

the same thing although conformation defines the overall appearance and shape of the animal - does it stand comfortably and is it free moving?

Many marketing decisions can be affected by seasonal conditions, for example, when producers have to sell some lambs early and shear and assist feed the rest.

Structure refers to the basic skeletal structure and here the starting point is a strong and straight back or top line which is very important.

This is where White Suffolks are ideally suited with plenty of early growth and shape to meet the sucker lamb market and with capacity to take them on to heavier weights later in the season. BUDGET AND AMBITION: Purchase your rams from registered White Suffolk breeders whose flock will be brucellosis accredited free, and over time - irrespective of purchase cost - these rams will prove to be better value. Don’t be tempted to cut corners by seeking out cheap rams from markets or unregistered breeders. SELECTING YOUR RAMS Structure and conformation are two words often used and largely mean

Look for a neat shoulder setting - as opposed to fine shoulders - usually with enough neck extension, so when viewed from above there will be a line from behind the ears through to the hips forming a wedge shape which is one of the most important facets for lambing ease with White Suffolks. Things to watch out for here is overly fine front ends, usually coupled with a fine rear end, and overly forward shoulder settings. Looking from behind some width of hindquarter with depth of muscling is desirable. Soundness of feet and pasterns is important for the longevity of the ram, as poor leg structure and long sloping pasterns often lead to premature ram breakdown.

The business end of the whole deal is checking the testicles, which should be of even shape and of good size. Check the teeth and that they meet the pad correctly. Not every mouth will be perfect but discard a ram with any form of undershot jaw and

question the value in purchasing a sheep with a degree of overshot jaw. Good tight wool can have a positive effect on skin price and open coarse wool can have quite a negative effect. Where possible avoid selecting rams with overly strong open type wool. When selecting rams the seedstock supplier will pen a number of rams, and the buyer will make his choice, which can be daunting when you need to pick four rams from a pen of 20 or 30. Be positive in your selections but if you see a ram or rams that don’t suit remove them from the pen straight away and then the task of picking the preferred rams becomes much easier. RELATIONSHIP WITH SEED STOCK SUPPLIER Get to know your White Suffolk seed stock supplier, discuss your ram requirements and provide feedback on the performance of the rams. When selecting rams, ask questions and seek their help, as they know the sheep as well as anyone. Some producers entrust their stock agent with their ram selections, and agents will have a lot of experience within the industry to assist. This spring select White Suffolk sires with genetics to suit all markets and environments, leading the way in performance recording and having a superior balance of meat eating qualities for your prime lambs.

ABOVE: White Suffolk Rams


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e have 3 types of composite sheep that we have developed using the best genetics available to enhance greater profits and ease of management for sheep producers. It doesn’t matter what a breed is called or its history according to Kym Staude the owner of K.D. Sheepstuds. Sheep meat production is always front and centre with the breeding we persue. The overriding characteristic with any sheep at K.D. is the easy lambing. With eighteen years of recording / monitoring stud births and there is barely a lamb lost at birth due to difficult presentation even lambing ewes from 11 months of age.

Hardiness , non seasonal breeding and mating while lactating are also attributes that are prevalent within the breeds we have. The K.D. Composite sheep type that has been evolving for 18 years now has the Charollais (sheep) breed in the mix for the past 4 years.”The hybrid vigour, growth and muscling amazes me every time I handle these lambs”. Human nature sees “big is beautiful” in some sheep breeds but with the Charollais composites I say “wow its wide”. The lambs are typically born under 4 kg and take “off” from there on. K.D. Wooled Composites are a full wooled sheep type and each generation there is an increase in

black hooved progeny making them better for wetter areas. They are suitable over Merinos ,crossbreds of all types and their speciality is for use over maiden ewes or ewe lambs. There is no reason why their progeny can’t be retained as maternal ewes given that they consistently lamb at 150%+. September 11th we will have 40-50 rams available. The dual purpose DOHNE has been bred since 2007 at K.D.Sheepstuds. They grow 4-6 kg of 18-20 micron wool and they are not designed to be heavy wool cutters but to produce fast growing lambs with good carcase traits. Dohne wether lambs can convert feed into meat more efficiently than traditional merinos and

with growth rates up to 400 grams/ day at the current meat prices a bit less wool is easily made up. Dohne sheep can handle tough conditions and lambing of 120% + is regular at K.D. Dohnes are used over Merinos and all types of strong wool type meat sheep to bring the micron back but retain carcase and fertility traits. We will have 30 Dohne rams available on September 11th. For twenty years we have been breeding the shedding type sheep.

The AUSTRALIAN WHITE sheep has been introduced since 2011 to use with a shedding composite that we have developed. We are now producing the ultimate sheep for easy care and producers in wet areas can now use this type of sheep with confidence. The difference is that we now have 90%+ black hooved sheep and no feet are trimmed on rams presented for sale. This has been the greatest move ahead with our breeding of this sheep type. The other factor is that Aussie White/ KD Shedding Composite lambs are born with a thick hair coat. Given the wet and cold 2 months we have just had there is hardly a lamb loss due to the cold. The ewes are non seasonal breeders and one group of our stud ewes has just lambed for the third time in 15 months. We also have young ewes that are 11 months old that are about to lamb Our numbers of full blood Aussie White rams for sale is increasing but we now have third and fourth generation AW progeny from our KD Composite ewe base that we know have all the right characteristics for this type of sheep that we are striving for. On Saturday October 6th we will have 50 rams “Top of the Drop” available on farm at Bordertown. There is 100 + rams available this season. See www.kdsheepstuds.com.au for more information or phone Kym 0412 070971.

ABOVE: Australian White / Shedding Composite Young Rams



he massive increase in designated self replacing crossbred ewe flocks in Southern Australia over recent years has led to ewe lamb joinings becoming part of normal flock structure for a lot of producers. It sounds easy, “join your young ewes to lamb in their first year – get an extra 80% bonus lambs.” However in my opinion, joining ewe lambs is not for everybody, every year.

12 months of age comes with a few more challenges but some advantages as well. They have to be going really well and gaining weight right through from weaning to joining. They must also have the genetic potential to sexually mature early and reach puberty at around 7 months of age. The advantage here is that all lambs on the farm are roughly the same age, making things like marking and other management practices all coincide.

It is unique to everybody’s situation, extra management, time of lambing, extra feed costs and lots of other influential factors that need to be considered.

Joining at 9 months of age potentially gives about a 10 to 15% increase in scan rate, but possibly more than this if ewes are gaining weight, however one of the downsides of this later joining is that the resulting lambs are younger and a different management group to the main lambing.

Weaning 100% out of ewe lambs is certainly an achievable target provided a number of other important management steps are adhered to.

Ewe lambs should ideally be a minimum of 40 kgs at joining and gaining 100gms/hd day over the joining period. A rough rule of thumb is every 1kg of live weight at joining results in 3% more lambs scanned, up to about 48 kg. Any extra weight over bout 48 kg doesn’t seem to have the same impact on conception. The use of teasers really tightens up the lambing in most cases, means better pasture utilisation and more efficient use of labour. They need to go in 14 days before joining and come out when the rams go in. Joining should be for a maximum period of 5 weeks. Consider what sires might be used on the ewe lambs and also whether to mate to a terminal or maternal sire in the case of self replacing flocks.

So realistically for most of us it starts after lamb marking but before weaning. If grain is to be used as part of the supplementary feeding program to get ewe lambs up for joining, ideally lambs need to be imprinted on their mothers. I have found the most cost effective way of doing this is by using self feeders with a creep feeder panel attachment, that allows the lambs only to access the feed tray. A loose lick mineral attached to the end of the feeder drags the ewes in and the lambs being inquisitive find the grain. Training on a safe grain like oats means that once they start to take to it, acidosis is generally not a concern. Another good way of the attracting the lambs to the grain is by mixing some milk powder into the grain in the feed tray.

Easy lambing, low birth weight, fine shouldered terminals are my preference as then all the progeny get sold and eliminates that extra management group on the farm. Mating to maternal sires can be great if the operation is expanding and more breeding ewes are required. Whilst sire choice is important, potentially the biggest influencing factor governing lambing ease is still the management of ewes post scanning on. The hard bit here is that we can’t see what is going on inside the ewe and whilst ewes need to keep growing, we also need to manage the size of the foetus inside the ewe if possible, to stop especially the singles getting too big.

There is no point going to all of the above expense and effort only to find an abortion storm has hit your pregnant ewe lambs 5 to 6 weeks out from lambing, so vaccination for diseases such as Camphyloctacter can be good insurance against lamb losses. Matt Tonissen Chrome Sheep Studs, Hamilton 0417 149 805

ABOVE: 700 Chrome Maternal Ewe Lambs preg scanned at 157%

Interested in becoming a supplier? If you would like more information on being involved please contact our H[SHULHQFHG À HOG VWDII

One of the challenges going forward from here is to bridge the gap between declining pasture quality and going on to some sort of supplementary feeding regime. It is a good idea to grab some weights at weaning and then a couple periodically after that to ensure that the young ewes are going to make joining weight targets.

David Massey

Keely Price

0438 920 902

0418 504 171

Ian Kelson 0407 822 631

1300 621 044

The next decision that has to be made is at what age will you aim to lamb them? Getting ewes to lamb down at



raditionally sheep farmers across Australia were dependent on the weather being right to work on sheep, with work only happening when conditions allowed. The work was planned around the weather and when inclement weather occurred sheep work was deferred incurring cost and inconvenience (leaving the farmer feeling sheepish and the contractors feeling fleeced)

roller & sliding doors, open sides or ends, roof only structures. The options are endless in being able to design something to meet even the toughest of requirements. We suggest you contact Spanlift on 1300 234 321 or visit our website www.spanlift.com.au to discuss your shed requirements and arrange your free on-farm appointment

to assist with the design of your new rural structure. To check out videos of some completed projects go to http:// www.youtube.com/c/SpanliftAust Send us now an email at hello@spanlift.com.au or call 1300 234 321 and mention “Ram&Lamb” to find out how to get a FREE 220L Dieselmaster UTE pack on your next Spanlift yard cover.

Farmers with Spanlift Yard Covers enjoy the flexibility of planning their week to their own schedule with minimal impact from the weather. Spanlift’s curved sheep yard covers reduce animal spooking, protect equipment, yards & sheep and creates an ultimate working environment. Sheep can be undercover overnight, bringing certainty which both the farmer and the contractors enjoy. Every farmer knows that the layout of his sheep yards is crucial to the handling of his sheep. Spanlift have developed customised engineered solutions with minimal impact on your yard layout, gateways and raceways. With every piece of structural steel being fully hot dip galvanised and the shed frames having a 50-year warranty it brings an added comfort to the investment.

ABOVE: Spanlift yard cover

Some things to consider when looking at your new yard cover, that Spanlift can assist with in the design, include: • Natural lighting where you need it most • Building Design to suit yards with minimal disruption • Design to integrate with existing buildings as needed • Ensure suitable cover is achieved without sacrificing airflow • Provision for loading facilities • Extra height in truck access areas • Column protector systems to prevent animal bruising • Gate hinges welded onto columns as suited • Manage Stormwater discharge and collection on site • Cover to accommodate future expansion plans. Something to keep in mind - all Spanlift’s sheds and rural buildings have a fully hot dipped galvanised steel frame and with clear span from 12m – 60m, they can cover just about everything coming with a vast range of options including wide bays or varying bay sizes,




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