Beef & Bull Issue 11

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FREE to rural people in South West VIC & South East SA



Boonaroo Bartel M99 +2.1 CE, +167 600 DW, +5.1 EMA, Frame 6.2 710kgs at 15 months, Equal Highest Growth 2016 drop Bull for the Angus Breed. Heavy Grain Fed Index $202


FIELD DAYS Thursday Feb 1st, “Clifton”, Hamilton - Monday Feb 5th, “Boonaroo” Casterton.

SALE: 100 ANGUS BULLS Friday Feb 16, “Boonaroo” Casterton. 11.30am Vic time, inspections from 9.30am All bulls fully vaccinated, semen tested and guaranteed sound and fertile. Delivered free locally.

Enquiries to Shane & Jodie Foster 0407 811 656, 0408 587 780


WHAT IS A BULL WORTH? When you do your bull needs review prior to the bull selling season, what is your approach? There are several factors that can come into play.


irstly, the number of bulls you will need. Do you replace the older bulls before their fertility performance levels start to drop off? Too early can be costly on money you have already spent, while too late is costly because lower calving percentages result in lost income. Having decided the numbers, the next decision is determining the priorities when selecting buying options. The numbers of mature cows and heifers will have some bearing, with bulls suitable to go over heifers needing a little more scrutiny on both their phenotype and genotype. Then there is the decision as to straight breed, or cross breed, the latter giving a distinct performance advantage from Hybrid vigour (heterosis). Sometimes the desire to

have a ‘lovely looking’ herd is costly in terms of potential lost income, especially with terminal breeding programs. Fads and ego can have a high price. Whatever breed you choose, then identifying bulls suitable for your market objectives is arguably the most important point. That might seem like stating the obvious, yet it is amazing the number of producers who struggle to explain their target market. This comes from an open auction market reliance, which is not a criticism of these markets as such, other than they provide an outlet for those who just produce cattle and presume someone will buy them. They are generally correct, but what is the cost in either selling to an opportunist, or not hitting a high

demand market description? If it is the former, you are leaving any premium to others; your loss, their gain.

to go on and allow multiple and heavier market weight options. These are all issues that should have the biggest bearing on what bulls producers should buy, but one other consideration seems to override all these far too often. That is price.

Fortunately, Breedplan data is now available on most bulls, so it should be within the capabilities of any producer to select bulls that will allow them to hit a target market most effectively. If aiming to sell weaner vealers, then 200 and 400 day weights are very important. If weaning and taking on to heavier weights, or producing young cattle for backgrounders or feedlotters, then the 600 day weight comes strongly into play. Finished fat cover and eating quality traits are also an important consideration.

It is irresponsible not to have a buying budget, but how flexible is it?

maximise your returns? And secondly, why is it that most producers who regularly top markets enter bull auctions with flexible budgets working to budget averages rather than individual bull prices and generally purchase nearer to the top of the sale than the bottom? Happy bidding!

Too many have a strict budget on a bull when buying, and as a result they go home with bulls that suit that budget, rather than ones that suit their breeding objectives. Is an extra bid or two to get the right bull worth it in comparison with stopping at a set price? To answer this, producers need to be honest and calculate potential lost income on their progeny when purchasing a bull to a strict low cost price. They are generally a lower price for a reason; less suitable for the important markets so less want them, resulting in less bidding competition.

However, consideration of replacement females is also very important, so if breeding your own replacements, all emphasis can not just be on early growth. Maturity pattern is one of the most important factors, yet the Breeding Value for Mature Cow Size is often overlooked. If this Breeding Value is up near, or higher than the 600 day weight, the progeny will have the genetic capacity

So what is a bull worth? You decide, but ask yourself two questions. Are you selecting the bulls that can

ABOVE: Lead story by Ian Turner


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oonaroo will offer a line of 100 Angus bulls, on Friday February 16, 2018. Featuring soft, well muscled bulls with outstanding structure and a docile temperament. We have focussed heavily on fat cover and muscling in our breeding programme, combining these two traits to produce cattle which can run at higher stocking rates without losing their ability to finish and be fertile. New Zealand genetics feature strongly in the catalogue, with many of the bulls having NZ genetics on both sides of their pedigrees, providing a robust, sound and deep bodied line of bulls. This year the Angus Society has changed the way Breedplan is programmed, they have included genomics in the Breedplan pedigree of the cattle so we see greater influence of it on the figures. We have observed a much larger variation of data from the new figures giving a wider range of positive or negative numbers, fat cover in particular is described with greater negatives than we’ve seen before and eye muscle areas seem to have reduced. So a fresh mindset needs to be used when assessing this new information, it cannot be compared to previous years. All Angus cattle present with a new data set.

Boonaroo sale bulls are well grown spring drop bulls with weights from 600-850kg by sale day. The 100 bulls catalogued are a mixture of high growth bulls by MM Kingdom, Merchiston Stoker & Generate (pure NZ sire), Anvil GPS J6, and Irelands Garvoc G36. We also present a strong line of “curve benders”, these bulls although highly suitable for heifer joining, still carry the frame, carcase, growth and outstanding maternal traits that guarantee these sires to be quality bulls to be used over your cows once their physical size sees them no longer suitable for heifer joining. These sires include: Ayrvale Bartel E7 and two of his sons Jarrobee Bartel K117 and K129, Boonaroo Gravity G013 and Gain G020, who have consistently produced calves with these qualities. Boonaroo Federation

and Gravity are both in the Angus Benchmarking programme and are proving their incredible genetic predictability across many herds. All sale bulls are structurally assessed, fertility tested and guaranteed for 3 years on a pro rata basis. At Boonaroo all bulls are vaccinated in the Zoetis Star programme and are free of all

The foundation of any quality beef herd is its females and we have finished in the top 10 in the State’s Heifer Challenge in 2012, 2014, 2015 & 2017, and we were judged the winners of the 2016 RASV Victorian and Southern NSW Beef Week heifer challenge, and winners of the South Australian heifer challenge in 2017. Winning these esteemed awards, gives us great confidence that our cattle are amongst the tops in the state and our breeding objectives are being achieved.


known reproductive diseases. Please join us for our field days, on Thursday, Feb 1st at “Clifton,” Hamilton, and again on Monday Feb 5th at Boonaroo, Casterton; and our Sale is on Friday Feb 16th, 2018 at a new time of 11.30am (vic time) with inspections from 9.30am at Boonaroo, 137 Fosters Lane, Casterton.

ABOVE: Lot 1 HCA M103. Boonaroo’s 2018 sale

GRANITE RIDGE – THE COMPLETE PACKAGE Granite Ridge Angus Stud will hold their 11th on Property Bull Sale on Friday 9th February 2018 at 1PM. The sale team is very even from start to finish with the bulls being well grown, structurally sound and ready to work.


hen buying a bull from Granite Ridge you receive the benefit of their breeding philosophy over many years. Keeping the belief that as cattle are primarily paid for by weight - weight for age - is most important. Calves are to be easily born, followed by explosive growth – from birth through to 600 days – as each person along the supply chain must make a profit. Add to this high-quality carcase traits (without sacrificing frame and growth), and dedicated attention to depth of heel, feet and structure. It is this complete package that Granite Ridge offer, and why Granite Ridge sired steers and heifers are strongly sought after by Breeders,

Back-grounders, Feedlots and Abattoirs. The quickest way to improve your herd is to purchase the best bull you can afford. When choosing a bull, EBV’s can be a good guide by which to start your selection process, but it is all important that you view the bull, checking his structure and eye appeal and that the bull reflects those EBV’s. There are many outstanding sires featured this year, high-lighted by sons of Ayvale Jagger, who are consistently sound, deep and thick. Foe has done it again, with some outstanding sons, all sporting the Foe factor. Check out the only sons of SAV Ten Percent to be sold in Australia,

Field Day 5 Feb 2018

Sale at 1pm, 9 Feb 2018

they are meat factories, being easy doing with an astounding amount of thickness and muscle. Other sires featured are three ET brothers by Theo, The first GR Jurassic J76 sons (A Foe son), some absolutelytop Texas Western Express sons as well as outstanding sons of Brave Heart, Texas All Black and Lot 2 a standout Gatsby son. The Granite Ridge moto is “There is value for Money in Granite Ridge Bulls, backed by the Granite Ridge Guarantee”. Field Day Monday 5th February Sale Day Friday 9th February 1PM on Property

ABOVE: Granite Ridge Quiet G100, a Top Donor Cow.

Ayrvale Jagger Son Colin & Pat: 08 8768 8018

GTSM (Auctioneer): Michael 0403 526 702


SAL (Agent): Laryn 0459 620 904 Roy 0416 466 498



he Australian Beef industry is currently in a positive position with an increase in profitability to cattle enterprises in addition to the adoption of technologies that assist cattle producers to improve their breeding programs. Some of these technologies that will progress the industry is DNA testing and utilising genomic information, herd management apps and the greatly anticipated Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) that is scheduled to be installed in major beef abattoirs across Australia. Of the numerous technologies expected in the future the one that may have a big influence on the industry is the information DEXA will offer beef producers and processors alike. The DEXA carcase feedback will ultimately shape herds across the nation, with processors sending clear market signals on what carcases meet requirements. The DEXA technology is aimed to provide accurate information on meat yield with high yielding carcases being more desirable and profitable for the processor and producer. The yield information is likely to be coupled with important eating quality parameters that deliver consumer satisfaction. So is your herd DEXA ready? The selection of your new sires has never been more important and will ultimately drive the outcomes of future progeny and their carcase performance. Our 2018 Raven sale offers easy finishing bulls with big Eye Muscle Areas (heavily correlated to meat yield) and bulls that are also breed leading for IMF% (associated with eating quality). These paddock raised bulls consists of an even draft of predominantly Homozygous Polled bulls, meaning no matter what your herd make up, 100% of your calf drop will be polled. The Raven sale will be held onproperty Feb 22nd and interfaced on Auctions Plus for those who can’t make it on sale day. Please contact us if you wish to discuss genetics to improve your business. Jason M: 0417 863 268.

ABOVE: 2018 Sale Lot 3 Raven Mandate M349




ancaster Black Simmentals has always maintained a real focus on measuring the performance of their cattle, and providing quality information to cattle men and women, with which to make their breeding/purchasing decisions. As part their commitment to performance recording and to get the most from the data that was collected, Lancaster recorded their herd on the American Simmental Association (ASA) database, a large and progressive association, recording data for well over 300,000 cattle each year. One of the outstanding benefits for the Meningie based stud was the ability to use the ASA’s All Purpose Index (API), a profit index that especially looks after cow/calf operators. Henry Cartledge of Lancaster says, “It’s just one of many tools we use in our breeding program, but it is an important one for us and our clients as well. The index enables you to compare the profitability

between animals in a self-replacing breeding operation. It includes the traits which impact on profit in commercial herds.”

With a clear focus on the traits that are economically important, Lancaster has been able to move their herd to elite levels on the world stage.

% :

The Lancaster Black Simmental herd averages in the top 20% for Calving ease (both direct and maternal), Stayability and marbling. The herd is in

the Top 5% for Average Daily Gain and Top 10% for the API profit index. Stud Principal Tim Cartledge is really pleased with where the herd is going saying, “It sounds simple, but for cow/calf breeders you want calves to be born easy, grow fast and for cows to stay in the herd for a long time. That’s what we’ve aimed for and it’s working. Another trait it’s great to see us rank highly in, is Marbling. We’ve said all along carcase quality is important and when producers start being paid for what they produce, using the new DEXA technology, Black Simmental cross cattle will excel if they have that required level of marbling.”

ABOVE: Black Simmental and Simangus PTIC heifers’


Field Day 6 February, 2018 Sale Date 23 February, 2018 70 Black Simmental & Simangus Bulls


1ST CLASS GENETICS lancaster -

Worldwide leading performance

LCS 15

















0.07 0.00

25 Maternal Calving Ease MCE

Calving Ease CE



Average Daily Gain ADG






10.0 Marbling MB

Stayability STAY

All Purpose Index API


, ÜL Þ ÕÌ U Ã 9i ÜÃÌ i ¼ 7½ U - } *À w i • GW Breakout ‘NEW’ • LCS Jester • LCS Jaguar • Matuari Reality ‘ANGUS’

Tim Cartledge 0428 830 257 Henry Cartledge 0427 755 098



n 2018 we will hold our 2nd Angus sale with 35 bulls being offered in SA Angus week. Our sale will be held at 2pm on Wednesday 14th of February on property at the “Eight Mile” sale complex. The bulls are mainly sired by the Millah Murrah Kingdom K35, Millah Murrah Emperor H125, Matauri Reality & Mandayen Highlander K39. These bulls are thick bodied, functional, sound cattle with great eye appeal & are backed by solid cow pedigrees. The highlight of the offering is the Millah Murrah blood bulls that combine powerful growth & carcase genetics with superb Angus type. Our Angus program accelerated in 2017 with the purchase of the high priced females at both the Coolana dispersal & record breaking Millah Murrah female sale. We look forward to seeing you at our Angus sale & 2018 field day. In our 2018 Limousin bull sale we will offer a draft of 60 bulls with the selection emphasis being on the economic traits, structural soundness, muscle, softness & docility. Our 13th

Annual sale will be held on Wednesday 14th February at 1pm on property at the ‘Eight Mile’ sale complex, Keith SA. Sire lines include the first sons of our homo polled Canadian import B Bar Cognac. They display impressive muscle & butt shape & will appeal to commercial producers utilising Limousin genetics. Other sires include SYES Backstage, RUNL Xtra Loyal, Summit Payday & the homebred sires Jackaroo J2355, Fortune F1606 & Energiser E1338. At the 2017 Adelaide Royal a son of RUNL Xtra Loyal was successful in taking out both hoof & hook grand championship awards, he was prepared & exhibited by the Spence family at Keith. A selection of Limflex (Limo X Angus) sires will available for private sale on the day. All sires will be vaccinated, semen tested & ear notch tested for pestivirus. We will deliver the bulls for free in SA & Vic. The entire bull sale offering will be on display at our 2018 beef field day. For further information contact Damian Gommers on 0418 824 799 or visit our website at

ABOVE: 60 Limousin & 35 Angus bulls featuring Millah Murrah genetics will sell.

The term “bullshit” has been used as early as 1915 in slang, and came into popular usage only during World War II.





DAMIAN GOMMERS 0418 824 799


The Kerlson Pines and Oak Downs 7th combined Poll Hereford bull sale will be held in 2018 on the new date, TUESDAY 20TH FEBRUARY, commencing at 2:30 pm with bulls available for inspection from 12 noon on sale day, at the studs’ individual field day on Tuesday 6th February or at any other time by appointment.


fter a very successful introduction last year, a “video ring “sale format will again be used. This involves bulls being presented in display pens as per normal but instead of the bulls physically entering the sale ring, a pre-recorded video of each lot will be viewed during the auction on a large screen. Sixty quality bulls will be on offer, with a range of genetics to suit all discerning buyers. Free delivery is being offered within a radius of 400 km. All sale bulls have been PI tested negative for Pesti Virus, fully vaccinated under the Zoetis Star

Breeder Program (vibrovax, pestigard and ultravac 7in1 and back lined with Dectomax Pour on) and have been semen tested. Both studs have a Johnes status of J-Bas 6 and full growth and carcass EBV’s are available for all lots. Oak Downs have reserved the top of the drop bulls for this sale, with no bulls being sold at off farm show and sale fixtures. New sires represented this year include Centennial Spark J050, top priced lot at Centennial’s 2015 sale, Oak Downs Judge, home bred sire by Yarrandabbie Egan, Oak Downs Keith K149 and Oak Downs Katunga K147, both sired by Days


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Calibre and sold at our 2016 sale to Willochra Props and Hillcrest Past Co respectively. Mawarra Little Rippa and Injemira McLarty, whose progeny sold very well in 2017, are also represented in this year’s catalogue. After a very favourable season, all sale lots are displaying outstanding growth and weight for age, with five bulls being in the breed’s top 1% for all 200, 400 and 600 day weight EBV’s. Kerlson Pines is very excited about the young group of bulls on offer this year. They are mostly June/July/August 2016 drop, displaying the carcase, structural soundness, growth for age & do-ability we are striving for. With all bulls fully breedplan recorded from actual birth weight to growth and carcase EBV’s. New sires represented are Yavenvale. Jibber, Kerlson Pines Jumbuck. J116 and Allendale Washington G82 , together with proven sires Kerlson Pines Explosion H22 and Cascade Jarrett. J17 they offer a good range of genetics to choose from. The sale will be conducted by Elders and Landmark with catalogues available from the vendors or by contacting the sale agent’s. A colour catalogue, including video footage of all lots, can be viewed online at or from following the links found on both studs’ Facebook pages (search Oak Downs Poll Hereford Stud or Kerlson Pines Poll Herefords) from mid-January.

ABOVE: 2018 sale bulls

NAMPARA PASTORAL COMPANY A commercial focus with an emphasis on fertility, weight for age, strength of bone and muscling set the Nampara bulls apart. The 70 upstanding bulls catalogued will provide prospective buyers with plenty of choice at Nampara’s on-property bull sale to be held on Tuesday 13th February at 4.30pm


ew Zealand Sire, Atahua Freedom (sire of last year’s top-selling $85,000 bull, Nampara Liberty L21) will again feature in the draft. Freedom sons have been keenly sought after due to their consistency, depth, strength of head and muscling wrapped up in a soft skin. Freedom sons do not disappoint both in the flesh and on paper and provide buyers with both heifer and mature cow mating options. The challenge to find another bull after a bull like Freedom has been found in Millah Murrah Hercules. 1050 kg at two years of age after being with cows and he was still moving like a cat, Hercules was the next bull of choice. His sons are wide, deep and

well fleshed with a little extra scope. Other bulls to compliment the line up are by Silveiras Conversion, Nampara Freedom K14 and Ascot Berkley H104. H104 provides an option for those seeking a calving-ease bull. With impressive raw data and weight for age, Nampara bulls are supported by above average performance figures. All sale bulls are guaranteed into their second working season, have been semen tested and are well-known for their temperament. Buyers will have the opportunity to view the bulls at Mortlake on Friday February 2 as part of Victoria’s Beef Week and on-property on Monday February 5th as part of the SA Beef Field Days.

Nampara-bred livestock are sought after in the marketplace and are highly regarded for their growth and ability to grow on in a range of

environments. Nampara-bred steers have averaged above $2000 regularly this selling season and continue to meet market specifications. Nampara’s

400 head of joined females will again enter the Naracoorte Feature PTIC Female Sale on Friday 2nd February this year. Joined to Nampara bulls that are catalogued for the bull sale, buyers are guaranteed of a better, bigger and more consistent line of replacement females. Nampara continues to seek out sire lines that deliver under commercial conditions. The sale bulls are not by mainstream sires as the aim is instead to produce a consistent line of bulls with bone, muscle and quiet temperament. Nampara is proud of the product they produce and invite inspection at Mortlake, on-property or at any time as well as from 2pm on sale day, February 13. Sale catalogues can be picked up on the Field Days or by contacting Natalie Hann 0428 799 592. Photos of the bulls are also on the website,

ABOVE: Nampara Berkley M11




n 2018 we will hold our annual production sale at our usual date, time and venue being Tuesday February at 11.30 am on property at Morganvale. Once again all lots will be offered by video auction after being well accepted and a successful debut in 2017.

This year we will offer 6 Black Simmental bulls which are 15- 21 months old. Sired by the two bulls currently used which offer low birth weight, high carcase and maternal traits. These cattle are run and tested on the stringent commercial lines as our Poll Hereford cattle. Our Poll Hereford bulls sired by 6 different sires are all showing the consistent type we are striving for , easy doing ability, mid maturity and high muscle and marbling. The first sons of Wirruna Hotstuff H356 are on offer, a bull who is low BWT, high maternal and high carcase value sire. He is top 15% for BWT, top 1% for EMA, top 1% for IMF and top 1% for all $ indexes. Also Morganvale Forsyth is well represented with a EMA EBV of 7.1 – top1% and high indexes. The other four sires represented M. Fillmore and Hampton, Allendale Anzac H175 and Braybook Gunshot are all high value sires with sons of quality in the offering. This year we will offer two lots of spring 2015 drop EU heifers 16-19 months old unjoined, with 7 in each lot. These heifers are sisters to the sale bulls and ready to join for an early calving. All sale bulls are PI tested negative for pestivirus and vaccinated with 5 in 1, the herd is EU accredited and has a J-BAS 7 score. Free freight is offered on all bulls sold at the sale. The listing is available for viewing at or All sale cattle along with the team of 4 bulls for Wodonga and 3 bulls for Dubbo National Hereford sales can be viewed at our field day on Tuesday 6th February. For a catalogue or inspection contact Allan or Heather on 0408 859 953 or (08) 8757 8271.

ABOVE: Morganvale Larkin L065 sired by Morganvale Fillmore sold to Newcomen Herefords ,. Ensay. Victoria for $45,000. privately in March 2017



After staging the largest ever seedstock Angus dispersal sale in this country last Autumn, it is easy to presume Coolana Angus and Black Simmental studs are now a closed shop.


owever, there is a relatively large lag time in cattle breeding and while the Coolana Angus and XSimm Black Simmental breeding females were dispersed to herds across the country, the 2016 Autumn & Spring drop bulls are still on the Coolana home property at Chatsworth and being prepared for their regular annual bull sales.

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Thus the normal bull sale program is proceeding until their last scheduled sale in the spring of 2018. The next rapidly approaching sale is their last autumn bull sale on Thursday March 1st at the Gubbins family’s Chatsworth wetlands sale complex, when 140 outstanding Angus bulls will be offered.


Client productivity and after sales service have always been key motivators for the Gubbins family and the great staff at their Chatsworth and Meningie properties. They still have a real passion for breeding beef cattle, but in a succession planning move, they will continue beyond spring 2018, but in a commercial capacity. Their seedstock herd was always run under commercial management conditions, working from a base of 2000 cows. There has never been room for passengers in the Coolana breeding herd, with only the highest and consistent performers being retained, whether assessed for structure, mobility, fertility, or performance. The Coolana bulls coming up for sale have the high quality and performance levels that this breeding philosophy produces, having already passed significant reliability and performance tests well before they get to sale age. They also have an exceptional high fertility background. Their soundness ensures buyers consistently get extended years of service from Coolana bulls; longevity being a key component of their female herd.

It will be comforting for many beef producers to know that they can still “Count on Coolana� for the next 12 months. For those who haven’t utilised these outstanding performance genetics yet, it is better to start now that leave it until it is too late! Their Black Simmental bulls will not be auctioned in either this last Autumn sale, or the final sale in spring, but are available privately throughout the year; autumn drops being available immediately and spring 2016 drops in spring. Mark and Anna Gubbins and their son Max welcome your enquiry on the sale bulls from both breeds. You can check their website ( for regular updates and the sale catalogue when it is ready.

ABOVE: 140 top quality, paddock raised and high performance Angus bulls, like these at last year’s Autumn Angus bull sale, will be offered at the Gubbins of Coolana’s wetlands sale complex on March 1st.



he bulls at Yerwal Estate are looking really impressive off of the back of a fantastic Autumn and Spring. There are some new sire lines coming through that are a result of bulls retained from embryos we imported from America. They have certainly met and exceeded our expectations. Our Angus program has received a big injection of new genetics with the purchase of 4 new stud sires. Their blood lines include Matauri Resolution, Connealy Capitalist, EF Compliment and Connealy Earnan. We eagerly await their progeny this year. We have an exciting bank of embryos to be implanted in the coming year. They include embryos to the breed legend Hingaia 469, new sire LD Capitalist and some more embryos from the States by Generation 2100 and Werner War Party. We have calves by Matauri Reality, JMB Traction 292, K Bar Joe Canada and Milwillah Gatsby. This will offer some diversity in genetics and some awesome breedplan data to boot.

Our full sale team will be on display at our field day. It comprises a mix of black and traditional simmental bulls and a couple of sim-angus. We have slowly been pushing towards having predominantly polled bulls however this is the last year will still have a reasonable selection of horned bulls. Their horned sires have been phased out now with 100% polled bulls used for joining in 2017. In 2017 our embryo transfer program has been gaining some real momentum with a large number of both traditional and black outcross embryos implanted. To add to the mix we purchased two new polled stud sires. One from Barana Simmentals and one from Tennysonvale Simmentals. Our Simmental sale will offer some new genetic options for next year as well. We have calves on the ground by Captain Morgan, Augustus, Spring Bank Lotto and MRL Discovery in our black simmental program. From the traditionals we have some more Bank Rolls, a good selection of polled calves by Woonallee Kilkenny and a couple by Polled World Wide.

The Southern Cross Simmental Sale has entered a new phase with a change in location to a large sale complex on the edge of Mount Gambier.

ABOVE: Embryo sire LD Capitalist

The colour red doesn’t make bulls angry. In fact, bulls are red-green colour-blind! In bullfights, it’s the motion of the cape that draws the bull’s attention, not the colour.

Simmental and Angus Stud SA Stud Beef Field Day OFIT


Monday 12th February 2018 at 10.30am Lawrey’s Rd (off Coles-Spence Rd), Lucindale South Selling at auction 40 HBR Angus bulls



Friday 9th February 2018 at 1.30pm at the NEW LOCATION 34511 Princes Highway Mount Gambier SA 5290 (Raymond Way) Selling 15 Simmental bulls and 1 SimAngus Bull



Southern Cross Simmental Sale

16th Annual On Farm Angus Bull Sale AMOP O M099 Yerwal Est Boss Hog Sire Erixon Pit Boss 21Z



AMOP M002 Y Yerwall Est E t Maverick M i k - SCSS Sire Woonallee Africa



Monday 5th February 2018 Selling a selection of commercial bulls Displaying Simmental, Black Simmental, Angus and SimAngus sale lots


SEY M28 Y Yerwall Midnight Mid i ht - Lot 1 Sire Yerwal Juggernaut J23

For further information please contact Regan Burow M 0419 817 669 T/F 08 8769 6168 E



ith the beef industry enjoying a buoyant period, the requirement for versatile cattle to suit a range of markets and have the ability to be turned off at any age is met by well-bred Murray Greys. At Lindsay we strive to strengthen the focus that there is no substitute for quality which continues the selection for growth, muscle and softness while maintaining the breeds outstanding maternal traits, calving ease and superior temperament. After a very successful transition over the last two years to our home base at Pigeon Ponds and plenty of encouraging positive feedback from clientele, Lindsay will again offer an outstanding line up of quality Murray Grey Cattle. The offering in 2018 will consist of 35 autumn and spring drop bulls, 5 “L” drop stud cows with CAF, 6 “M” drop stud heifers and 40 quality PTIC purebred commercial autumn calving heifers.

ABOVE: M37 marksman Lot 4

ABOVE: M9 Lot 3


All the cattle at Lindsay are performance recorded with an emphasis on high performing balanced ebv’s to compliment the consistent “type” we are striving to produce.


TU TUESDAY, 27th FEBRUARY, 2018 Pigeon Ponds, 11.30am

Delivery is free for bulls within 200km with assistance to all other areas. The stud is J-BAS 8 so eligible to all states. All bulls are Zoetis Star accredited and ear notched free of Pestivirus. FIELD DAY 2018


Take the time to view the Lindsay offering and a selection of the stud herd at its on property field day during Victorian Beef Week on Thursday 1st February 2018. SALE DAY 2018 The 38th Annual Lindsay Production Sale will be held at Pigeon Ponds, Victoria on Tuesday 27th February 2018 at 11.30am. Contact Craig and Jacinta Grant on 0427 704 227/55 704 227, Email- or visit


(03)227 5570 4227 Craig & Jacinta 0427 7040427 227 /704 Craig & Grant Jacinta Grant / 17




ur team at Weeran Angus are very passionate and excited about the future with the development work we continue to do on our herd. Weeran’s embryo program has been in full swing with the first of our Herdbook Millah Murrah embryo progeny now aged two years old, to be offered for sale at the Weeran Angus Annual Autumn Bull Sale. Alongside these are a number of excellent embryo progeny we have flushed from our own elite females. We are thrilled to be able to offer these industry leading genetics to both Stud and Commercial Breeders at our Bull Sale on Tuesday 27th February, 2018 @ 1pm. Sometime ago we developed an elite autumn HBR herd, in an effort to expand our own well proven HBR families, along with a three year partnership purchasing some very

exciting embryo’s from Millah Murrah at Bathhurst, to provide an outcross in our program. “To be successful, we need a number of great female lines and these new genetics are an excellent addition to the Weeran program. It will allow us to sample females from the heart of the Millah Murrah program, along with fast tracking our own special female families, to give the diversity you need for long lasting success”, said Weeran Principal Alec Moore. We will watch with great interest as we see these female lines become established in the Weeran herd. We are in this bull breeding business for the long haul, and have moved our program up a level to cater for the increased demand, in both the Stud and Commercial operations. The sale bull line-up includes a number of new sires which we are confident will be very well received by

the market. A mix of 18 mth and 2 year old bulls will be put up for sale in the auction. Sire lines include Millah Murrah Emperor, Ascot Hallmark, Millah Murrah Jupiter, Sydgen Black Pearl, Coonamble Hector, Coonamble Jester, Musgrave Big Sky, Wattletop Kiwi and homebred sire Weeran Joel VHWJ13. These sires provide a very well balanced performance profile of calving ease linked with high growth and high quality carcass. “Weeran’s drive to improve and advance our product is something that we have been working on for many years, and we are thrilled with the sale bulls we will be offering at auction in 2018” said Alec Moore. “They are modern genetics which are relevant to the modern beef industry”. Our quest for moderate framed carcass cattle with exemplary temperament is well known. Client success in the marketplace is great to see through


weaner sales, feedlot demand and special sales. Topping these sales show they are well rewarded for their efforts.

Pestivirius Vaccinations, along with Vibrio vaccinations, drenched and 7 in 1.

Alec Moore, Tom French and Cattle Consultant Dick Whale, toured New Zealand earlier in the year attending a number of bull sales and looking at progeny and inspecting new sires. With the extensive tours of USA in 2016 and NZ in 2017, we are well equipped with information on new up and coming sires. “It has given us a real insight into the sires worth pursuing”, said Alec Moore.

We invite you to attend our Beef Week Field Day on Thursday 1st February, 2018. All sale bulls will be on display, along with a selection of females. Our Bull Sale will be held on Tuesday 27th February at 1pm. Please call Alec & Jo Moore on 0429 787258 if you would like a bull sale catalogue mailed to you. Inspections on sale day will open from 10am or by appointment prior to sale day. Visit our website on for all sale details and inspect our galleries of videos and photos. We look forward to welcoming you to Weeran Angus!

All bulls have been assessed by Dick Whale on the GTS Type/Structure system, and passed for soundness and type. The GTS system has been broken up into two distinctive trait groups; Descriptive Traits and Structural Soundness Traits. All bulls come with our guarantee. They are all semen quality tested, have received

ABOVE: Weeran VHWM40, a son of Sydgen Black Pearl



•70 BULLS• )HDWXULQJ WKH ÀUVW HPEU\R·V SXUFKDVHG from Millah Murrah, being sons of Millah Murrah Jupiter and Millah Murrah Emperor, Ascot Hallmark and Coonamble Jester. For more information please contact: Alec & Jo Moore m 0438 787 258 e


COMMERCIAL PRODUCTIVITY BEHIND STRONG STUD DEMAND Woonallee offers the very best in Simmental, whatever your requirements. Traditional, solid red and black all feature in the offering of 110 bulls catalogued for their 11th annual Elite Production bull sale on Thursday 8th February at 1pm.

LEFT: Woonallee’s breeding objectives are clearly focussed on commercial productivity, tested all the time in their own highly productive commercial herd. Regular sale topping results from their commercial steers and heifers is evidence of the quality their bulls produce, like these 10-11 month-old sale topping old heifers from last February. Weighing 390kg they sold to Russ Bradley, Leongatha for $1815/head and $4.65/kg.


t has been well documented that Tom and Lizzy Baker have searched the world for Simmental genetics that will perform to, and beyond expectations off grass in the open range grazing regimes in Australia. They have found them, mainly in South Africa, the USA and Canada and have invested heavily to bring Australian producers highly productive and profitable beef genetics. The selection policies and genetic infusions into the Woonallee breeding program have had a total commercial focus, with their commercial herd being a great measuring stick in assessing the merits of any new genetics. They turn off outstanding young weaner cattle at 10 months of age on a consistent basis, even in tight years like the spring and summer period of 2015/16. However, their latest infusion to bring outstanding results has come from much closer to home; GK Que Sera from the Isseppi family, Dalby, Qld. This bull was purchased at just 12 months of age after it was supreme exhibit at the 2015 Sydney Royal Easter Show. Besides its obvious impressive phenotype, it offered the Bakers outcross genetics, yet also a link to proven breeding performance with its dam being a full


sister to Woonallee Humdinger which is performing so well within their program. The GK Que Sera progeny dominated at the last Adelaide Royal taking out most of the major Simmental breed awards. “They are ooze calving ease, have great length and performance and are extremely attractive, easy keeping and functional cattle,” Tom Baker said at the time. If breed show ring ribbons don’t convince you of the Woonallee quality, then have a look at the steer results. Woonallee won the champion and reserve champion heavyweight steer awards, while Burra School won the champion lightweight domestic carcase on hook with Woonallee Casper. After last year’s sale where new national records were shattered, prospective buyers may conclude that the Woonallee cattle are unaffordable, but this is far from the case. Thirty two percent of the Woonallee bulls sold for $5000 or less and 48% sold for $6000 or less, representing extremely good value, especially considering the relatively buoyant commercial industry, and the quality on offer right through the catalogue.

After that sale, Woonallee principal said, “The stud breeders got to have a go at what they wanted, while those who wanted commercial bulls at value were well catered for. In fact, while the records are mind blowing, the most pleasing aspect was all our regular commercial clients were able to buy bulls at good value,” Tom Baker said. That background should enable you to buy with complete confidence at Woonallee. Besides the Baker family’s usual impeccable presentation, the bulls on offer at the Baker family’s 11th Annual Elite Production Sale have benefitted from ideal growing conditions. They have the embedded genetic capacity for explosive growth, excellent carcase traits, increased fat cover for earlier finish, and all off grass. Add balance, mobility, calving ease and docility to their easy doing capacity and you have the perfect package. It is expected there will be approximately 40 traditional or solid red bulls, plus 70 blacks, including an impressive line of SimAngus, while a vast majority of the offering will be polled. The sale team will be available for inspection at the Woonallee field day on Monday 5th Feb, or at other times by arrangement.


he Diamond Bull Sale enjoyed a very successful sale last year at the new location at Bendulla. With the sale being conducted under the video system, it ran smoothly with less stress on the bulls as well as the vendors. It was also streamed live on Auctions Plus which will again happen this year. Bendulla will be offering 35 bulls this year, including high quality bulls sired by Bowen Fremantle, who is breeding a consistent line of structurally sound progeny. Terraneil Harry’s sons also have tremendous weight for age. Bendulla Horizon’s offspring have ample eye muscle and rich soft coats. Wrattenbullie have five sires represented in the Diamond sale offering of nine bulls. The two Elite H284 sons are growthy sound bulls with good skins and colour. Yambro F42 has two very sound bulls with good eye appeal. Last year we were lucky to purchase nine females from the Suzelle Stud which have produced five bulls for the sale.

Roeston Park are offering seven bulls mainly by Morganvale Winchester and Yambro G68. All bulls have been tested Pesti Virus negative, drenched with Dextomax and vaccinated with 7in1. The three studs have a JBass score of 6 points for BJD. Free delivery will be given within 150 kms. A light lunch will be provided before the sale and refreshments and BBQ following the sale. All studs will display bulls at Bendulla during the South East Beef Field Days. The sale date is Wednesday, February 21, at 1.30 pm.

LEFT: Sale day at Bendulla



08 8725 9911



Three bulls heard via the grapevine that the farmer was going to bring yet another bull onto the farm, and the prospect raised a discussion among them. First Bull: "Boys, we all know I've been here 5 years. Once we settled our differences, we agreed on which 100 of the cows would be mine. Now, I don't know where this newcomer is going to get HIS cows, but I aint' givin' him any of mine." Second Bull: "That pretty much says it for me, too. I've been here 3 years and have earned my right to the 50 cows we've agreed are mine. I'll fight 'im till I run him off or kill 'im, but I'M KEEPIN' ALL MY COWS." Third Bull: "I've only been here a year, and so far you guys have only let me have 10 cows to "take care of". I may not be as big as you fellows (yet) but I am young and virile, so I simply MUST keep all MY cows." They no sooner finished their big talk when an eighteen-wheeler pulls up in the middle of the pasture with only ONE ANIMAL IN IT: the biggest Son-of-Another-Bull these guys had ever seen! At 4700 pounds, each step he took toward the ground strained the steel ramp to the breaking point. First Bull: "You know, it's actually been some time since I really felt I was doing all my cows justice, anyway. I think I can spare a few for our new friend." Second Bull: "I'll have plenty of cows to take care of if I just stay on the opposite end of the pasture from HIM. I'm certainly not looking for argument." They look over at their young friend, the 3rd bull, and find him pawing the dirt, shaking his horns, and snorting. First Bull: "Son, let me give you some advice real quick. Let him have some of your cows and live to tell about it." Third Bull: "Hell, he can have ALL MY COWS. I'm just making sure he knows I'm a bull!"






yeview aims to breed Charolais bulls whose offspring will suit a range of markets which you wish to meet.

The stud aims to breed for structural soundness and ease of calving. Ryeview mates its stud Charolais heifers to stud Charolais bulls. Ryeview has been breeding Charolais since 1998 when they purchased a group of females and two stud sires from the Katalpa stud dispersal. Good muscling is vital at Ryeview to produce top vealers. Ryeview sired vealers have been among market toppers at both Millicent and Mount Gambier meat markets, being purchased by both the supermarket trade and feedlotters. Another priority at Ryeview is breeding animals with good temperament, which are easy to handle in both the paddock and yards. Ryeview’s cattle are strictly run under commercial conditions. The animal you see is the animal you get, and Ryeview’s stock are renowned for improving. Since we have started breeding Charolais only sires have been added from Moohaki. Windjammer & Morgiana House These sires have added genetics from France and North America. Ryeview has been very pleased with how these genetics are working, observing continual improvement in the quality of stock that is being produced for client’s selection. 8 bulls this year will be offered at the 2018 SA CHAROLAIS SALE, March 23rd at the Mt. Pleasant saleyards. These bulls if purchased by South East buyers will be delivered from Ryeview Millicent with all care & no responsibility being taken from the fall of the hammer. These bulls would suit stud or commercial herds. Also on offer will be 4 stud females, 6 Charolais x Shorthorn and Shorthorn heifers PTIC to Charolais. Enquiries are always welcome – Michael & Julie Osborne 8733 3393 or Mobile 0408 838 568

ABOVE: This year Ryeview are offering bulls and heifers


DAVELLE RED & BLACK SOUTH DEVONS Davelle South Devons started in 2000, when we were looking for a hardy breed to mate over females given to us by my parents, dairy beef crosses.


t was reminded to me of the South Devon breed that was an easy doing animal. From there it all snow balled.

I needed an animal that is easy to look after, I work off farm, so I don't have the time to pamper animals, but I expect them to perform, I found this in the South Devon. We started our stud with purchases from “Gumhill”, “Paltarra” and “Lincoln”. From my dairy background, I place a lot of emphasis on an animal’s structure, the use of performance recording and developing deep, diverse pedigrees. To paint a picture on the animal we are trying to breed is, “An animal that shows a lot of capacity – both in the meat it houses and throughout the body, width, depth, strength, length, not overly tall, fertile, and the willingness to perform under differing conditions.” We hope you can see this is our animals.

• Increases Yield • IMF Maintained • Increases Profit 7 Davelle Black South Devon bulls will be offered in Davelle’s 5th Opportunity sale on the 9th Feb 2018 held on AuctionsPlus. Also on offer will be red South Devon bulls and a selection of South Devon females. SA Beef Week will be the inspection day 2nd Feb 2018, they invite you to visit and enjoy their hospitality. Davelle is 6kms north of Jamestown in the mid north of South Australia. Jamestown is approx 230kms north Adelaide, 72kms east of Port Pirie and 72kms north of Clare.

RIGHT South Devons are bread known to bread maternal machines

We like to show our animals, but due to our time, we only do a few shows a year. We like to attend Royal Adelaide Show for the Led Steer and Carcase Competition, for which we’ve been very consistent performers with many broad ribbons for carcase results. We also provide steers to schools. Although you need animals that are pleasing to the eye they also need to perform. Showing gives us an opportunity to compare our animals to other breeders and breeds. We have maintained a JBAS 8 herd, enabling us to sell into every state a territory. David and Rochelle Leese of Davelle, invested into Black South Devons to provide an alternate black British breed for commercial breeders to add profit in their herds. A Black South Devon x Angus is a great cross, as proven in the US. Using a Davelle Black South over Angus females – • Adds Hybrid Vigour • Black Coat and British Look Maintained • Increases Weight • Increases EMA


LIMEK LIMOUSIN – COMMERCIALLY FOCUSED CATTLE The Limek Limousin stud of today continues to strive to breed the best commercially focussed cattle for the Southern Australia environment. It is owned and run by the Modra family at a property South of Bordertown, South Australia. They have built on this goal over the 30 years that they have been in the stud business.


imek Limousin continues to introduce new blood lines from various respected studs around Australia in order to diversify their herd genetics. They also use some of the best artificial insemination sires from overseas and Australia to help bring new genetics and better traits into the expanding herd. This year has seen the completion of more embryo transfer and artificial insemination programs and they are pleased to have secure the Australian rights to Diamond C Braveheart from Canadian Limousin Breeders ‘Diamond C’ Limousins. The Modra family’s focus over the last few years has been on growth and early maturing traits whilst ensuring continued work on the Limek stud core traits of docility, high yield and easy doing Limousin cattle. This is backed up by extensive recording of multiple weight and fertility traits to produce Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs) along with ultra sound scanning to give their clients an increased understanding of the cattle muscle and fat traits.


Field Day: Tuesday, 6 February 2018

The Modra family welcome the recent work conducted by Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) into objective measurement technology. This exciting development will pave the way for scientific measurements of saleable meat yield, giving producers a fairer return at the abattoir for the product they produce. Limousin cattle are market leaders in yield and carcase traits and their incorporation into breeding programs now will see the producer well rewarded as this technology is implemented in the years ahead. This year Limek Limousin will have a number of high quality apricot and black bulls for sale. They will also be offering a number of pick heifers again. They are showcasing the Limek stud in the SA Beef field days on Tuesday, 06 February 2018 where the bulls and heifers will be on display along with part of the growing Limek herd. Catalogues of the bulls and heifers for sale can be requested at The Modra family are always happy to open up the Limek stud for viewing outside of these times and look forward to talking with potential clients about how Limek Limousin can enhance the clients breeding program, improve their bottom line and put more money back into their pocket. For more information please contact Ken on 08 87582010 or Josh on 0438869282 or email

All Bulls are: ‡ 9HW FKHFNHG ‡ (%9 UHFRUGHG ‡ )XOO\ YDFFLQDWHG ‡ 3, WHVWHG QHJDWLYH Free delivery up to 200km from Bordertown

Producing high yielding, well muscled, soft cattle to improve our customer’s bottom line

0RGUD )DPLO\ Bordertown, SA

.HQ _ -RVK 26

ABOVE: A selection of the Limek Limousin bulls for sale this season.


LEFT: Warrawindi: Chainsmoker Supreme exhibit Melbourne Show.


arrawindi has had a very successful 2017 with many highlights starting with a Warrawindi bred female being awarded Grand Champion female and Supreme Limousin exhibit at the Royal Adelaide Show. Two weeks later Warrawindi headed to Melbourne show snaring Jnr champion bull, Grand Champion bull and Supreme Limousin animal with Warrawindi Chain Smoker. He is a phenomenal young homebred sire that the judge quoted “he could not fault his structure, mobility, muscling and softness, just a complete package”. Another highlight for Warrawindi was securing Morrisvale Kept Secret from Morrisvale Limousin in WA. This young sire had an unbeaten show record in WA. We purchased him before the Sydney Royal which was the Limousin feature. Kept Secret became the Grand Champion Limousin bull. This year’s line-up of 25 bulls is the most powerful line up yet and will not disappoint. A recent build up in autumn cow numbers gives us the opportunity to offer our spring calving cows which include donors and show ribbon winners. They will also be mated to Morrisvale Kept Secret. We hope to see you on sale dale Friday the 23rd Feb. 2018 or our field days Monday the 5th Feb. 27

YOU GET MORE THAN A BULL AT BANQUET Renowned for their powerful, rapid growth and extremely docile Angus cattle marketed under the ‘Big, Bold Banquet Bulls’ banner, Stephen and Noeleen Branson, Mortlake, Vic place a huge focus on ‘shopfront service’ in support of their high quality Banquet sale bulls.


he success that Banquet has enjoyed is the direct result of client satisfaction, with long term repeat clients dominating the buyer registrations at any of their sales. That satisfaction is built around the performance levels clients receive when using Banquet Angus bulls, producing young cattle that grow quicker to market weights, while also being sustainable through

to heavy weight young cattle if desired. This attribute also makes them highly desirable to backgrounders and processors. Regular young cattle sale topping results by Banquet clients is verification of this. The Banquet type is bigger, wider through the loin and hindquarter and stronger boned than most Angus, having the skeleton to carry the extra muscling that comes with their exceptional growth off grass. The two standout features of the Banquet cattle are power with softness, plus the extreme docility of the herd. The versatility these attributes give allows commercial beef cattle producers flexibility in marketing, and subsequently the option to target a range of markets depending on prices and feed availability. “These types are more efficient feed convertors and we find they are more profitable more often. It is very pleasing when clients continually verify this,” Banquet principal Stephen Branson said. However, whatever the performance levels, clients would not continue to attend Banquet’s sales if they did not receive such good service and be treated with respect. This is where the Bransons almost go overboard. Their bulls come with every basic health and performance guarantee you could wish for when buying, backed up with aftersales service and advice second to none. “Our clients are extremely important to us and in return for our service, they are very faithful. They do realise they get much more than just a bull when they purchase at Banquet,” Stephen Branson said. On top of the service and advice, the Bransons also give buying assistance through their ‘sight unseen’ purchasing program, plus premiums for Banquet blood progeny. On February 22nd at 4pm, the Branson family will stage their next Banquet autumn bull sale, offering 100 bulls. The bull offering will be preceded with an offering of 150 Banquet blood commercial PTIC heifers; another great opportunity for beef producers.

ABOVE: Big Bold Banquet Bulls are renowned for their explosive growth, paddock performance and extreme docility, producing bulls with power like these 17 month old youngsters in last year’s autumn sale. 28



endors Geoff and Kate Buick, Arki stud, and Anthony and Denise Fabris, Beeamma stud, were rewarded for a great offering of well-muscled, easy-doing bulls with balanced Breedplan figures. Where the sale went up a gear, bull’s average lifted more than $1500 with an 84% clearance. Our 8th annual sale is on Wednesday, March 7th 2018. Offering 26 quality Murray Grey Bulls and 50 Commercial Heifers with calf at foot or PTIC, held on the Arki property at 3916 Naracoorte Rd, Western Flat SA. The sale will line up an impressive draft of bulls this year with growth figure’s as high as Top 1% for 400, 600 days & carcass Wt, EMA in the Top 10% and some good index values – Top 5%, showing some outstanding Commercial traits, to suit a range of markets for all our clients.

progeny. We achieved the following Reserve Junior Champion Bull with Beeamma Masterpiece M15, Senior Champion Bull with Arki Luminous L95 at Adelaide. Reserve Junior Champion Heifer with Arki Kate M59 and Reserve Senior Champion Cow, with Beeamma Debby K38 at Melbourne. For further information please contact: Elders, Naracoorte Tom Dennis 0427 975 207 Or Stud Stock Tony Wetherall 0427 390 001. Geoff Buick from Arki on 0438 582 071. Denise Fabris from Beeamma on 0407 566 341.

RIGHT: Last year’s top price animal.

Some special bulls worthy of a mention are Lot 2 Arki Mighty Boy M22 is a well grown bull with great volume. 200dw +34, 400dw +58,600dw +80, Carcass Wt +48, milk +4, EMA +1.7 good growth figures top 1% for 400 day Wt. Lot 3 Beeamma Masterpiece M15 is a smooth well put together bull in the Top 10% for 200 day weight, was Reserve Junior Champion Bull at Adelaide Royal 2017. 200dw +31, Milk +5, EMA +1.4. Lot 12 Beeamma Machine Gun M16 is a low birth weight bull with positive fats. Bw +3.1, Rib fat +0.7, Rump fat +1.0, EMA +1.6 Top 5% for Rib and Rump fats. A smooth, well balanced outstanding easy doing bull. Lot 22 Arki Milestone M63 displays great balance, with good neck extension a true high growth bull. 200dw +34, 400dw +62, 600dw +84, Carcass Wt +51, Milk +5, EMA +2.0 high growth figures better than top 1% for 400 and 600 day Wt. All bulls and some Heifers will be displayed during SA beef week Day 4 - Monday 5th February 2018 at the Beeamma Property 2922 Naracoorte Road, Western Flat. Light refreshments available. Sale bulls have been vaccinated with 7in1, Vibrovac & PI tested Negative. We will be offering free freight of 150 kilometres from the Arki property, on all bulls. Where multiple bull lots are purchased to the same districts, we will freight 150 kilometres per bull. Both vendors attended Adelaide and Melbourne Royal Show to promote and benchmark our sale bulls and female




alanced phenotype and genotype have long been the central focus of the Allendale Poll Hereford breeding program. High to elite level performance across multiple traits is complemented by outstanding structure, mobility and docility. This is reflected in the team of 45 Poll Hereford bulls reserved for their annual sale, combined with Days Whiteface, on February 19th, plus their teams for the Wodonga and Dubbo Nationals. Allendale continued to set very high standards throughout 2017 as indicated by their results at the Wodonga and Dubbo National Shows and Sales. At Dubbo in 2017, Allendale won 3 classes and was second in another with their 4 bulls, averaging $20,250 and being the Most Successful Exhibitor over the Show & Sale segments combined. Their lead bull, A. Gambler L143 was a perfect example that Allendale selects for both outstanding phenotype and performance, being Intermediate

Champion, plus winning the Supermarket Index Performance class. It then sold for $40,000. This followed on from Wodonga where Allendale won Reserve Senior Champion and then sold its 3 bulls to $20,000 and averaged $14,000. This year’s sires of note that feature strongly start with the famous A. Anzac E114 that was sold to the Centenial & Injemira studs and has bred the house down since then. A. Anzac H187 (by Debarry Calgary), the bull that sold for the $30,000 equal top price at Dubbo in 2015 is another. The dam of the Anzac bulls, Allendale Dawn B22 has produced 9 sons that have sold for an average of $18,100, with 5 being used in the Allendale stud. Remintall West Game Day 74Y (ET) (Imp. Canada) was successfully added to the sire pool in 2014 for his outstanding maternal attributes, while the latest sire of note is A. JI Freeway K28 that has produced some great heifer bull prospects.

All these sires fit Allendale’s breeding philosophy and their high-performance figures indicate consistent production of early growth and easy finishing young cattle. For assurance, 30 years of performance recording is behind every

Allendale bull, plus the highest of health standards, being a participant in the Pfizer Star Program and is ‘Beef Only’ status in a Beef protected area. The stud’s field day will be on Tuesday 6th February, on property, Bordertown during SA Beef Week.

ABOVE: Allendale Gambler L143 strongly portrays the qualities Allendale is concentrating their breeding program on; outstanding phenotype and performance off grass, all in the one package.



n 2018 Days Whiteface will only be offering bulls by auction on property and at Alice Springs Show and Sale. Previously Days Whiteface have also offered bulls at Dubbo

and Wodonga with considerable success. Dubbo highlights include Grand Champion and record price of $90,000 with Calibre G74 in 2014. In 2016 their team of five bulls averaged

$34,800. Importantly they have won the commercially relevant EU performance class every year since its inception in 2013. Success at Wodonga has included averaging $23,000 for

five bulls in 2016. In 2014 they won all three polled division champions. Lachy and Lou have decided that their commercial clients that give them such great support at home deserve the opportunity to compete on all their bulls. The 2018 on property offering will be the first offering of whiteface bulls in the state to have a selection that have genomic enhanced EBV’s. Days believe this is a valuable tool to increase the EBV accuracy on young bulls. Days Whiteface have always been great supporters of the BIN project which has been instrumental in providing data for the genomic enhanced EBV’s. This means their herd has a close relationship to the actual carcase traits collected in the reference population and therefore gives them great faith in the improvement genomics can make to their animals EBV’s and accuracies. Main sires represented in 2018 include new sire Injemira Anzac J188 who is a trait leader for 200, 400 and 600 day wt. He is also in top 1% of the breed for EMA and IMF. Proven American sire Mr Hereford 34Z is also a trait leader for 200, 400 and 600 day wt. He is in top 1% of the breed for EMA & milk. Home


bred sires include the popular Robin Hood H38 who is a trait leader for EMA and gestation length. Heifer bull Ferrari K128 who is in the top 1% for IMF and scrotal size is also well represented. This years bulls will be selected from a drop that averages in the top 15% across all four Hereford indexes. This drop is breed average for birthweight while averaging in the top 20% for 400 day weight. In the all important carcase area they average in the top 10% for EMA and top 25% for IMF. For anyone looking to increase the performance in their herd the bulls are certainly worthy of inspection.

LEFT: 2018 sale bulls

FIFTH ANNUAL SOUTHERN CROSS SIMMENTAL SALE As with everything in life change is inevitable, this year Ashley Ness (Seddon Simmentals) and Brad Creek (Six Creeks Simmentals) will not be participating in this sale.


fter four years at the Woonallee Complex which we are very grateful to the Baker family for the use of, we felt it was time for a new venue (to relieve clean up to the next day by Tom and his staff). The new sale venue is just out of Mount Gambier on the Millicent Rd (34511 Princes Hwy (Raymond Way)), the sale being held on Friday 9th. of February 2018, commencing at 1.30pm (SA time). This year to maintain the quality of the sale bulls the overall number has been reduced to approximately 26 bulls; from Yerwal Estate and Rellum Farms still with various colours and type to suit all market requirements. The bulls will be on display at the respective field days, Yerwal Estate in the SA Field Day, Monday 5th February 2018 (On Farm) and Rellum Farms in Beef Week Field Days, Thursday 1st February 2018 (at the Mount Gambier Showgrounds).

Friday, 9th February 2018 Commencing 1.30 pm (SA time) - 34511 Princes Hwy, Mount Gambier, S A

Cattle prices have remained relatively consistent this year,. like you replacing your empty or non productive cows; now it is a good time to replace the old or attitude challenged bull with a quality young productive sire. We hope you have a pleasant Christmas and New Year, we cannot wait to see you at the Southern Cross Simmental Sale in February.

ABOVE: Heifers running with bull to be joined



ON ld Day Beef Fie d u t S SA y 5th Monda 018 y2 r Februa

Blacks, Traditionals and Reds


0419 817 669 Regan Burow


0428 572 354 Grantley Muller


Beef W eek Fie ld Day At MT G AMBIE R SHOW GROUN DS Thursd a Februa y 1st ry 2018

Selling Agent Elders



attle yards are an essential facility for raising beef cattle. Once built they last for many years; as a result, few cattlemen erect more than one or two yards in a lifetime. A poorly designed set of yards can lead to years of inconvenience and frustration, while well-planned yards save on manpower, enable efficient handling of stock, minimise bruising and are a pleasure to work in. Why not have these yards covered? Gone are the days of working outside in yards, during winter through wind, rain and mud or summertime in the direct heat from the sun. At Spanlift we have come up with a range of designs of covers to suit nearly every type stock yard. With the in-house design team and years of experience combined, not only have we been able to come up with a finished product that is simply functional in keeping the weather off the yards, but also practical in its application in being clearspan, assist in reducing noise by way of curved roof design and hot dipped galvanised

frame for longevity. Covering the yards while not only allows more comfort for those working underneath but also assist when it comes to drenching, drafting, branding, earmarking and even AI, as not having to work out in the open makes for better efficiency. Also the yards themselves will be protected and the overall longevity of them will be far greater. Somethings to consider with a new yard cover that Spanlift can assist with in the design: • Natural lighting where you need it most • Building over existing pens with minimal disruption • Gable infills, angled skillion covers and part walls to suit the sun angles at your site • Provision for loading facilities • Extra height in truck access areas • Column protector systems to prevent animal bruising • Gate hinges welded onto columns as suited • Water discharge and collection to suit your site layout

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Spanlift Yard Covers Built to last a lifetime r ive you e c e r To uote Free Q

Custom designs to suit your yard requirements 100% Australian BHP Structural Steel Fully Hot Dipped Galvanized Structural Steel Frame Standard Clear Span Designs from 12m - 60m Modular Frame System - Easily Extendable

But Spanlift can do more than just stock yard covers, we also specialise in a range of rural buildings. Whether you were wanting to store hay or grain, machinery sheds, workshops, or even calf sheds to aid in the weaning of calves. All Spanlift sheds have a fully hot dipped galvanised steel frame and with clear span from 12m – 60m, we can cover just about everything. Also with a vast range of options including wide bays or varying bay sizes, roller & sliding doors, open sides or ends, roof only structures the options are endless in being able to design something to meet even the toughest of requirements. Contact the Spanlift on 1300 234 321 or visit to discuss your shed requirements and arrange your free on-farm appointment to assist with the design of your new rural structure.

ABOVE: A recent 30m long x 24m wide cattle yard cover completed by Spanlift Australia.

Call 1300 234 321 or visit




ue to the high use of nitrogen fertiliser, greater cropping intensity and the removal of high crop and hay yields, acidification of sub-surface soil layers is ever increasing in the pastoral districts of SA and VIC and needs to be responsibly managed by land owners to maximise ongoing land yields.

Lime should be applied before the pH falls below pH 5.0 (CaCl2) Here at BRUHN Limestone we have an excellent Ag Lime product boasting a TNV (Total neutralising value) of

100% (ideal 90% -100%) and an ENV (Effective neutralising value) of 78% (Ideal 65% -80%) This analysis was conducted by APAL Magill SA on the 14/7/17 and is available on request.

When the soil falls below a soil pH of 5.0 (CaCl2) then productivity and health of crops and pastures starts to fall, toxic amounts of aluminium can be released into the soil solution, microbial activity starts to decline and nutrients such as phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and molybdenum become less available. Prevention is the best strategy and the aim is to maintain the soil pH (0-10 cm) at or above pH 5.5 (CaCl2). Intensive sampling in recent years has shown that that many paddocks in the susceptible areas have a surface and sub-surface pH less than pH 5.0 (CaCl2). Lime is the most effective and economical method for the treatment of acid soils. Lime (calcium carbonate) and other lime sources will raise the soil pH and increase the productivity of crops and pastures. Lime reduces soil acidity by neutralising acid reactions with in the soil.


ABOVE: Bruhn Lime being spread

NO MATTER WHERE LIFE TAKES YOU, THE TEAM AT ELDERS INSURANCE ARE WITH YOU THROUGH IT ALL Here are local agents Daniel Menzel from Elders Insurance Bordertown and Damian Carracher from Elders Insurance Mt Gambier on what they have to offer the South East. I got involved in Elders Insurance because: Daniel: After being involved in the insurance industry for over 17 years, Elders Insurance has given me the opportunity to operate my own insurance business in the South East. This has given me the opportunity to deal with local businesses in my area as a local business.

Our business is best known for: Daniel: Firstly, our service to our clients. We are extremely accessible and responsive, with our clients dealing direct with us, not a call centre. And in the case of a claim, our claims handling allows us to use local tradespeople and suppliers, with the majority of claims handled by us directly.

Why do you think your clients like working with you? Damian: I believe my clients like that my local knowledge and willingness to help makes for a more reliable insurance provider. The fact that I am always only a quick phone call away gives peace of mind that anything can be sorted out quickly and easily.

How important is it that you live locally? Damian: Incredibly important. Our commitment is very much to the local communities in which we live and work. How do you work with your clients? Damian: We work with our clients to find the right cover that suits their

local conditions. In my experience most people have insurance cover, it’s just about understanding your business to ensure you have the right cover in place. But no matter what your circumstances, we’re with you through it all. Our best product is: Daniel: Business and Farm packages would be our most popular products; however we provide a wide range of General Insurance products including Business, Farm, Commercial Motor, Home and Contents, Car, Landlord, Travel and CTP. Elders Insurance recently won the CANSTAR award for Landlord Insurer of the year! What special skills do you bring to insurance in the South East community? Damian: I am a fourth generation local farmer so I understand the local conditions and intricacies of running a farming operation in our area. Biggest issue facing South East businesses: Daniel: For many farmers, livestock is by far the most valuable component

of their farming business. The strengthening global demand for certain livestock has increased their gross value and it is important to have your livestock fully insured, especially during bushfire season.

I spend my down time… Daniel: Being involved in the community, participating in such activities as golf, tennis or the racing industry and spending time with my family. For further information please contact the agents directly:

Daniel Menzel, Elders Insurance Phone: 0429 150 719 | Location: 12 – 14 Moyhall Road, Naracoorte SA 5271

Damian Carracher, Elders Insurance Phone: 0427 517 544 | Location: 9 Bay Road, Mount Gambier, SA 5290

ABOVE: Damian out on farm





Beef Week visitors will have the opportunity to preview Te Mania Angus’ largest ever sale offering, of 180 bulls, on Friday, February 2nd.


he bulls will be yarded and available to walk through, without the pressure of sale day. It is particularly ideal for AuctionsPlus users. Selecting the right genetics for your herd, and its profitability, has never been more important than in the current market where high quality Angus cattle continue to attract premium prices. These bulls have undergone latest “Single Step” genetic evaluation, incorporating genomic, or DNA, information into the calculation of Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs). Through performance testing, submitting data, and its analysis, Te Mania Angus is able to provide the highest level of information to buyers. Tom Gubbins, co-principal at Te Mania Angus said “’Single Step’ improves the

accuracy of EBV’s and spreads out the range of EBVs, widening the bell curve. More extreme, high performing animals at the ends of the bell curve are highlighted, and their numbers are more likely to remain constant.” “This gives beef producers, and Te Mania Angus, the opportunity to accelerate genetic gain even further, because the predictions of how progeny will perform (EBVs) will be closer to what we see on the ground”. The bulls offered in the March 7th bull sale, have data recorded for Gestation Length, Calving Ease, Birth Weight, 200D Weight, 400D Weight and Scrotal Size. Scanning data has been submitted for Rib and Rump Fat, Eye Muscle Area and Intra Muscular Fat. The same applies for structure, where front feet, rear feet and legs are assessed and submitted to Breedplan to create EBVs, which calculate values based on the animal and its relatives. Most recently the entire drop has been genomically tested, using Single Step analytical software which combines the pedigree, performance and genomic information in one single process. The depth of the data collection of Te Mania cattle extends through Team Te Mania Progeny Test herds, where data

collected on farm, in feedlots, and from processors is submitted to the same Breedplan data base for analysis. In the 2018 Autumn Sale, feature sire, Te Mania Garth G67 is in the Top 10 for Angus sires with the most recorded progeny in Australia in the last 2 years. He has had 1,844 progeny analysed throughout 32 herds, which builds the accuracy of his EBVs. The gates open at 9am on Friday, February 2nd, for interested breeders to visit Te Mania Angus, Reichmans Lane, Mortlake. Tom Gubbins and Hamish McFarlane welcome your questions about the breeding program, selecting the right bull for your herd, EBVs and Breeding Indexes. Tours of the property and cattle yards will be offered. More information on





Proven Profitability for Commercial Producers

Further information – contact Te Mania Angus. Ph 03.5264 1218

ABOVE: Producers will have the chance to walk through the Te Mania Angus Autumn Sale bulls at their leisure during Beef Week, on Friday, February 2nd.


Hamish McFarlane 0427 641 606 Tom Gubbins 0429 952 197

DO YOUR HOMEWORK, DON’T BRING HOME A LEMON Coming up to Autumn Bull sale season, it’s a good time to think about what you should be doing about next year’s team. Firstly, you will need to know which bulls are fertile and injury free, so they can get you the maximum number of calves next year and how many replacements you may need. Secondly, which bulls are you going to purchase and what sort of testing have they undergone prior to sale.


t’s best not to assume all sale bulls have had a full Vet Check as pre sale testing can vary greatly between bull sellers. Some bulls have a physical examination pre sale which should include feet and structural examination, scrotal circumference measurement, eye muscle measurement and weighing. Ideally we want to find out more information on the bull so the next step in examination is crush side semen evaluation. This gives an idea of the number of live sperm in the bull per serve. For even more information, this sperm is sent off for evaluation of the morphology to assess whether

the bull has defects in individual sperm (100-200 sperm are assessed individually under a high power microscope). Some defects in the sperm can cause fertilisation problems or other problems with movement of sperm. As well as looking at the testing done on your Bull, you will need to do a pre sale examination of your future sires to check for structural soundness with special emphasis on the feet and legs of bulls prior to bidding in the sale ring. There is nothing more frustrating than getting a bull home and have buyers regret. Do your homework and

pre sale examination to make sure you don’t bring home a lemon. A great time to look at these bulls without pressure is during the Beef Week Field Days prior to the sales. Once you get your new sire home, you need to make sure he is protected from as many reproductive diseases as possible. Vaccination against Vibriosis, Leptospirosis and Pesti Virus are the main diseases to protect your new investment from. Your BullCheck accredited veterinarian can recommend what level of testing and vaccination is best for your farm and help you get the best out of your bull’s this season. To book in your team for a pre season examination, give us a call at South East Vets on (08) 87255855.

ABOVE: He looks the goods but can he get the job done?




































$1,000 FREE















$1,000 FREE







5-star ANCAP safety rating on all MU-X models and 4x4 D-MAX Crew Cab models built from November 2013 onwards and 4x2 D-MAX Crew Cab High Ride models built from November 2014 onwards. ^5 years/130,000km whichever occurs first, for eligible customers. Excludes trays and accessories. >The Capped Price Servicing Program ("CPS Program") applies to Eligible Vehicles with a Warranty Start Date on or after 1/1/15 at Participating Isuzu UTE Dealers only. The 5 years Capped Price Servicing covers the first 5 Scheduled Services for 16.5MY and later vehicle models for up to 5 years/50,000km (whichever occurs first). CPS Program is subject to change. For full terms & conditions and current pricing visit +3.5 tonne braked towing capacity on D-MAX 4x4 and 4x2 High Ride models and 3.0 tonne braked towing capacity on all MU-X models when fitted with an optional genuine Isuzu UTE tow bar kit. ~Includes economy alloy tray fitted at motorpool. #Fuel consumption and emissions figures based on ADR 81/02 (combined cycle test) and are to be used for vehicle comparison purposes only. Actual fuel consumption and emissions will vary depending on many factors including, but not limited to, traffic conditions, individual driving style and vehicle condition. §Seats have leather touches or accents (excluding third row), but are not wholly leather. *Private and ABN holders only on 2017 build plate (17MY) vehicles. Excludes government, fleet, rental & non-profit buyers. Includes one year business vehicle registration, CTP insurance, dealer delivery and statutory charges. Metallic/mica/pearl paint $450 extra. Only at Participating Isuzu UTE Dealers from 1/1/18 until 31/3/18 unless extended, varied or while stocks last. Excludes demonstrators. †Offer is limited to 2017 build plate (17MY) 4x4 D-MAX & 4x4 MU-X models sold & delivered between 1/1/18 and 31/3/18 to private & ABN holders only. Excludes demonstrators. The Scheduled Servicing offer covers standard items (normal operating conditions) as listed in IUA Warranty and Service Booklet for the first 3 years Scheduled Servicing (covering the first 3 Scheduled Services up to 36 months/30,000km – whichever occurs first). The free Driving Report must be requested and conducted at the same time as the first 3 Scheduled Services. For full Terms and Conditions of the Service Plus Driving Report Program, visit Offer does not cover any other Scheduled Service, Make-up Scheduled Service or any additional service items or requirements, which are at the owner’s expense. Only at Participating Isuzu UTE Dealers. Not available with any other offer. ‡$1,000 Isuzu UTE Genuine Accessories on 2017 build plate (17MY) 4x2 D-MAX & 4x2 MU-X models sold & delivered between 1/1/18 and 31/3/18, unless varied or extended, to private & ABN holders only. Excludes demonstrators. Only at Participating Isuzu UTE Dealers. Not available with any other offer.

Livestock insurance that ďŹ ts In the livestock business, we understand it takes years to breed and produce your stock, which is why it pays to make sure you’re protected if the unexpected occurs. Elders Insurance offers a wide range of risk protection options in one policy to cover any livestock enterprise you may be involved in. As we all know, there is always an inherent risk when transporting livestock but many of us forget about the risks while they are in the paddock. With every season and area being different it is important to consider all of the potential risks to your livestock and ensure you have suitable cover in advance for unforeseen circumstances involving your valuable livestock assets. Get a personalised quote today. Damian Carracher Elders Insurance Mount Gambier 0427 517 544 Daniel Menzel Elders Insurance Bordertown 0429 150 719 Damian Carracher Insurances Pty Ltd The trustee for the DJ & FL Carracher Family Trust ABN 35454334933 trading as Elders Insurance Mount Gambier Region AR No. 254881 is an Authorised Representative of Elders Insurance (Underwriting Agency) Pty Limited ABN 56 138 879 026, AFSL 340965. Insurance is underwritten by QBE Insurance (Australia) Limited ABN 78 003 191 035 AFSL 239545. Contact us for a Product Disclosure Statement to decide if a product is right for you. Daniel Menzel Pty Ltd The Trustee for DJ Menzel Family Trust ABN 99369432063 trading as Elders Insurance Bordertown AR No. 469138 is an Authorised Representative of Elders Insurance (Underwriting Agency) Pty Limited ABN 56 138 879 026, AFSL 340965. Insurance is underwritten by QBE Insurance (Australia) Limited ABN 78 003 191 035 AFSL 239545. Contact us for a Product Disclosure Statement to decide if a product is right for you.

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