Life In Bromley December 2024

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Wills, Probate & LPAs

We are a fully qualified Estate Planning firm with a team that includes full STEP members, chartered legal executive lawyers and full members of the Society of Will Writers. We hold professional indemnity insurance and draft hundreds of Wills and Lasting Powers of Attorney every year.

Single Will

£199 + VAT*

Essential Complete Peace of Mind

1 Person

Simple Single Will

Both Lasting Powers of Attorney (Health and Finance) – 40 Pages of Paperwork

£499 + VAT (£150 saving)*

Premium Complete Peace of Mind 1 Person

Single Trust Will – with the addition of a trust to add further protection for assets/ beneficiaries

Both Lasting Powers of Attorney (Health and Finance) – 40 Pages of Paperwork

Protects against re-marriage/potential future care costs

£649 + VAT (£200 saving)*

*disbursements will be added to the final invoice *LPAs are subject to government registration fees 0208 114 7111

Couples Wills

£299 + VAT*

Essential Complete Peace of Mind 2 People

Simple Couples Wills

Both Lasting Powers of Attorney (Health and Finance) – 80 Pages of Paperwork

£749 + VAT (£200 saving)*

Premium Complete Peace of Mind 2 People

Couples Trust Wills – with the addition of a trust to add further protection for assets/ beneficiaries

4 Lasting Powers of Attorney (Health and Finance for 2 people) - 80 Pages of Paperwork

Protects against re-marriage/potential future care costs

£999 + VAT (£300 saving)*

The festive season is officially here – that magical time of year when the air feels a bit crisper, shops and streets sparkle with twinkling lights and there's a sense of excitement in the air. Whether you're looking forward to spending time with loved ones, tucking into a delicious Christmas dinner or indulging in a spot of gift shopping, there's no denying the change in energy that December brings.

It's also a reminder of how important community is, whether it's supporting local businesses, spreading a little kindness by volunteering for a local charity or visiting a friend or neighbour who lives alone. Being inclusive and thinking about those around us is also important, not to mention rewarding.

Enjoy the issue – we’ve got everything from 20 ideas for Crimbo Limbo, to interviewing the wonderful cast of this year’s Churchill Theatre Panto!

We’d like to wish every single one of you a peaceful and happy Christmas.


local pictures

Get to know us: When do you get your Christmas shopping done?

Editorial: Lauretta Wright

I’d love to say by the end of November but it’s usually a few days before Christmas!

Sales: Michelle Simpson

I always end up starting mid-December with a last minute rush!

Office & Editorial Assistant: Tori Howe

Usually by the end of November if I can!

Design: Nicky Grant

I try to get it all done by 1st Dec but that rarely happens so I'll probably still be shopping a week before Christmas.

Accounts: Helen Jordan

I like to be done by early Dec so I can enjoy the holiday season

Social Media & Comms: Carter Rogers

Accidentally last minute. I keep thinking I have time and then it’s suddenly two weeks away

Thank you to our distributors: Dawn B, Greg, Dawn W, Rob, Jack, Kelly, Tara, Megan, Sam, Penny, Thomas, Dylan, Terri, Pamela, Lorraine, Tom, Lucy, Conor, Tilly and Rosie.

Our Friends: A HUGE thank you to the following volunteers who commit their time to helping contribute to this magazine or help with distribution: Richard London, Len Kirby, Elizabeth Adcock, Mary Cody-Cowdery, Ruth Mansell, Pam Preedy, Indira Richards, Joy Hodgkinson, Sarah Spencer-Adams & Annabel Tyndall. If you would like to volunteer please email:

giving back! All our magazines are printed on

recyclable FSC paper and we print using vegetable inks. We are also proud to partner with Time4Trees to donate a tree for all those subscribing to a six-month or 12-month advertising campaign.

Write It, Say It, Message It!

Got something to shout about?

Email us at or text us on 07403 550068. You can also tag us in on social media @lifeinmags


Star response:

Shining bright

Here’s a photo of the Northern Lights that I took in Orpington on 10th October, as the sun comes to the end of its 11year solar cycle.

Chloe Southon

What an amazing photo Chloe – and well done for capturing this. As our ‘Star Response’ this month, you’ve won a £15 One4All digital gift card courtesy of The Bed Post.

Check out our 12 Days of Giftmas feature in this issue where we're giving away a Northern Lights lamp courtesy of Everything Hunky Dory

We asked, you answered!

Do you break out into a little dance when your favourite song comes on?

Keep your eyes on our social media stories on Facebook and Instagram @lifeinmags to take part in our questions.

Just recently we...

Attended the Wellness Event in Beckenham. Pictured from the left are: Hayley Preston, Bromley Nutrition; Simone Curry, Sublime Beauty; Claire Warburton, Bromley Nutrition; and Neela Prabhu, Homeopathic Harmony.

Caught up with Anna Young who was promoting a series of amazing ‘Money and you’ children’s books that she has co-produced with Joanne Bell from Bells Accountants.

The Northern Lights, also known as aurora borealis, were visible in the UK over the weekend of 10th-13th October. The display was caused by a geomagnetic storm and was the strongest and most widespread in the UK since May this year. We clocked a few more pictures on social media that residents had taken across Bromley…

The hedgehog

So I stand outside just after dusk, The daily sighting has become a must. I wait around for nearly an hour And hope to not get caught in a shower. Your food and water is waiting there,  I really hope you don’t get scared. When out of the bushes a rustling sound brings you out of the undergrowth nose to the ground.

With a pointed nose and a prickly spine,  The light from my torch makes your little eyes shine.

I miss you now as the days get short, You don’t need my help or my loving support. You’ve found a nest and reached the right weight,

So I send my love as you hibernate. I now await the warmth of spring, As the sight of a hedgehog makes my heart Sing!

We love receiving your thoughts, ideas, feedback, general comments and pictures! You can email or text 07403–550068. Remember to include your name and email with the subject line ‘Write It, Say It, Message It’. In doing so, you agree to your comments and pictures being published. Every month (courtesy of The Bed Post), the Star Response ( ) receives a £15 One4all digital gift card.

Whatever the occasion, everyone deserves a day to remember, whether it’s celebrating the love you share, or looking back at a family or friend’s life with loving memories. My name is Faye Cox and I’m an Independent Civil Celebrant offering bespoke ceremonies covering Bexley, Bromley, Greenwich and the surrounding areas down into Kent and up into London.


The history of pantomime

Pantomime is part of our Christmas tradition. As the summer months wane, we begin to wonder what the next panto will be. Which personalities will grace our stage with their presence? But pantomime isn’t actually British. Its origins were founded in a 16th century style of street performance in Italy. They told stories of Pantalone, the old man, Pierrot the clown and Colombine, the maid servant, in love with the naughty servant, Arlecchino (Harlequin). The audience knew what to expect; the principal boy and girl would overcome everything, ensuring that love conquered all.

Although Queen Elizabeth was entertained by an Italian Commedia in 1602, it didn’t catch on until it spread from Italy to France. French companies brought balletpantomimes to London really as afterthoughts to increase takings. They had simple plots and were performed in slapstick style. Incidentally, slapstick comes from Harlequin, who brought his favourite weapon; a paddle made from two pieces of wood. This was slapped on a piece of the scenery which changed as if by magic all due to knocking down a series of hinged flaps. John Rich as Harlequin could create chase scenes showing locations that people could often recognise – including streets and areas of London.

During the reign of Charles I (1625-1649) the Licensing laws remained strict in Britain, but in 1843, the Parliaments Theatres Act allowed three London theatres to perform spoken performances.

To get round the law, theatre owners had to present music alongside the spoken word. It was a start and encouraged the growth of what became pantomime.

The Merry Monarch, Charles II, loved theatre and as soon as he came to the throne (1660) all restrictions were

lifted including the ban on women performing on stage. Even after women were free to act, the practice of cross dressing in pantomime continued into characters such as the Dame (male) and the principal boy (female). It titivated the Victorian gentlemen as they had a rare opportunity to look at a girl’s ankles!

The art of pantomime has developed through the ages. A little book, Mother Goose’s Fairy Tales, published in 1697 was to have a profound effect on pantomime. Here could be found stories that we recognise today: Puss in Boots, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast and Little Red Riding Hood.

There have been memorable performers such as Joseph Grimaldi who developed and refined the character of the Clown which took over from Harlequin and still lives on in such characters as Buttons. He also starred in Dick Whittington as Dame Cicely Suet, the Cook in 1814.

Pantomimes are full of superstitions: the last lines of a pantomime were never spoken until opening night; evil characters always enter from stage left (right to the audience) good characters enter from stage right (left to the audience). Messy or ‘slosh’ scenes see one or more characters covered in sticky substance or even a custard pie. Audience participation is important. We expect to boo the villain whenever he enters, argue with the Dame and warn the Principal Boy (usually a girl), “He’s behind you” when the villain is on stage. In 1956 Norman Wisdom played principal boy in Aladdin at the Palladium. The trend continued for fifteen years until Cilla Black was cast in the role and reverted back to the traditional role in the London Palladium. Today, the principal boy can be played by either a male or female.

Pantomimes are flamboyant and fun and, today, usually star TV personalities. They attract families and children. You will know by now that the Bromley Pantomime in the Churchill is Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs starring Dr Ranj and Gareth Gates. Those attending enjoy.

To purchase Pam’s book, Living Through The Great War: How The People of Bromley Faced The Challenges of War, you can email her at

Your finalists and winners of 2024!

A HUGE congratulations to all the finalists and winners at this year’s Above and Beyond Bromley Business Awards (The ABBBAs). Over 300 people came together to highlight and celebrate individuals and businesses that go ‘above and beyond’ for either their customers or the wider community. We will be producing a souvenir issue of this magazine next month to mark their success. Watch this space!

Meanwhile, thank you to all the sponsors who made the event possible including headline sponsor, Tapi Carpets and Floors and secondary sponsors, Shampan Group and London Biggin Hill Airport. If you would like to be involved in next year’s awards or would like to enter, please email awards@

Birthday celebrations

Friends of South Hill Wood and Kingswood Glen (FSHWKG) recently held its 15th birthday celebrations where the local community, volunteers, friends and family came out to celebrate and discover more about the group and participate in a variety of activities. These included viewing a digitised cine film of the original house and park, 1 South Hill Road, in the 1930s; participating in a woodland nature trail quiz; enjoying a guided tour of South Hill Wood; and learning about the group’s three brand-new bat roosting boxes due to be installed.

South Hill Wood was originally the gardens of 1 South Hill Road, built in 1887 for Sir Thomas Dewey, former Charter Mayor of Bromley. Kingswood Glen was originally a small Iron Age hill fort. Now, thanks to FSHWKG volunteers, the London Borough of Bromley and idverde, the Wood and Glen are important wildlife habitats for trees, wildflowers, bats, birds, insects and amphibians, as well as tranquil green spaces for people to enjoy.

Patrick Phillips, FSHWKG Chair, said: “It’s fantastic we all came together to celebrate achievements over 15 years, encouraging biodiversity and ecosystems


Three cheers for Nicola

Private client legal assistant, Nicola Huseyin, of Kent and London law firm Thackray Williams, has been named Legal Assistant of the Year at the British Wills and Probate Awards 2024. Nicola has been with Thackray Williams for ten years, whose office is based in Bromley, and heads the seven Legal Assistants in the department. She played a key role in steering them through the firm’s recent restructuring into six sectors that align with client needs, rather than traditional legal silos.

Pictured cutting the cake, from the left, are: Pherenice Worsey- Buck co-founder FSHWKG; Cllr Will Rowlands; Jonathan Andrews, Deputy Mayor of Bromley; Cllr Gemma Turrell; Rachel Bailey, co-founder FSHWKG; and Patrick Phillips, Chair of FSHWKG.

in these cherished green spaces. It was wonderful to welcome everyone and see the local community of all ages come together and have a lot of fun! Thank you to the Bromley Friends Forum for their generous support for this event and our sponsors, Loco and Tesco.”

Can you help volunteer with FSHWKG? Volunteers meet on the second Saturday of every month from 10.30am to 12.30pm at the bowling club pavilion, Tootswood Road for litter-picking, pruning and weeding, with refreshments served afterwards. Everyone is welcome!


Work & play offering

A new ‘Work-and-Play’ membership collaboration has been made between two Bromley businesses - Rhino Boulder and Contingent Works, offering locals a mix of productivity and fitness. For £149 per month, busy professionals can climb the career ladder at Contingent Works’ co-working space and climb for fun at Rhino Boulder.

To find out more visit and https://contingent.workshttps://rhinoboulder.

Crackdown on NHS waste

The government is launching a major crackdown on waste in the NHS to save millions of pounds a year, helping to divert more resources to frontline care. A new strategy - the Design for Life roadmap – aims to radically cut the number of single-use medical devices in the health service and reduce our reliance on foreign imports. As it stands, millions of devices, such as walking aids and surgical instruments, are thrown away after just one use.

Cold protection


As we move from Autumn to Winter and the weather becomes cold, there are circumstances where we experience cold weather and we need to protect ourselves, our community and our businesses. The cold-health alert service is provided by UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) in partnership with the Met Office from November to March based on an impact based alert system (Green, Yellow, Amber and Red).

To sign up for Severe Weather Alerts visit https://bit. ly/UKHSAalert and for advice on prepping your home for the winter from the Met Office see metwinterready

Concerto pop-up

Concerto Catering, a family-run business who have been in Bromley for over 25 years, has launched its first high street pop-up, Concerto Christmas, on Bromley High Street. The shop is a celebration of Bromley's community spirit and a push to bring locals back to the high street to shop, eat and celebrate together.

Adult Care Awards

The Adult Care Awards, which recognise the best in the care sector across the Borough of Bromley, were announced at an event held at the Bromley Civic Centre in October. The Diagrama Foundation Cabrini House and Supported Living Service, which cares for adults with learning disabilities, helping them to develop skills and confidence to live in their best lives, won three awards: Manager (Susi Hall), Team (Orchard Grove Supported Living Service) and Worker (Leah Mallows).

The awards shine a light and formally thank individuals for the extra mile they go to make sure people in care are safe, well looked after and able to live their best lives, no matter their circumstances. It is a celebration of the adult social care workforce across Bromley and highlights the successes of staff in the borough and the appreciation for the work they do.


Ballroom Dance Classes

Every Thursday, 8.30pm-10.30pm

Main Hall, Beckenham Baptist Church, Elm Road

-opposite the Beckenham Spa

Cost: £10 per class pay as you go. No membership or pre-payment required

Contact: Email or call 07939 542758

We are a social dance class with one or two short sessions of instruction, alongside general social dancing. No partners required and beginners welcome

Beginners Tai Chi Classes in Bromley

Every Thursday, 7pm-8pm

St. Mark’s School, Bromley, BR2 0QR

Cost: £10 per class

Contact: Text or call Julian on 07957 925 506

Traditional Tai Chi taught in a relaxed and friendly environment. Lessons begin with soft exercises which are designed to balance the body’s structure. The remainder of the class will focus on learning the first part of the Tai Chi form.

Master Williams 7th Dan Taekwondo Club

Every Tuesday 7pm-8pm.

Every Saturday 11am-12pm

Holy Trinity Church Hall, Church Lane, Bromley Common, BR2 8LB

Cost: £10 per lesson PAYG

Contact: 07952 503660 or email

Master (Tony) Williams has 42 years of experience teaching self-defence and fitness, and as a judge at National, European, World and Super League competitions. He has taught a range of nationalities at schools, universities, sports centres and private clubs and has numerous past student successes. He also offers 1-to-1 and black belt enhancement classes.

Wellness In Motion Pilates classes

Every Wednesday. Classes at 4.15pm, 5.15pm, 6.45pm and 7.45pm

Community House, South Street, Bromley, BR1 1HR

Cost: Intro offer: 4 classes for £25

Contact: Email or call 07760533239

Classes range from gentle Pilates (5.15pm) and chair Pilates, to mixed ability (6.45pm) and candlelight yoga (7.45pm). All aim to mobilise and strengthen the body in a safe and supported way. Pilates is known to improve posture, injury prevention, improve balance, define the muscles and reduce back pain. The instructor, Elettra, is also qualified in yoga and ballet and can offer online and private classes. For details see wellness_in_motion_wm

business & NETWORKING

Bromley Business Network

Wednesday 4th & 18th December, 7am-9am

On Teams or in person at Bromley Football Club (Hospitality Suite), Hayes Lane, BR2 9EF

Cost: £12.50 on Teams or £23 in person

Contact: 07957 819008 or email

Fortnightly business networking events. Attendance includes unlimited refreshments and a fully cooked breakfast buffet. Attendees can also attend via Teams if they can’t attend in person and the first meeting is free. For details see


Bromley Philharmonic Choir

NOËL! A Christmas concert with carols for choir and audience

Sunday 15th December, 5pm

St George’s Church, Bickley Park Road, Bickley, BR1 2BE

Tickets: £15/£1 under 25s - available on the door, including refreshments after the concert


Conductor: Robyn Sevastos. Accompanist: Tracey Renwick

Please join us for our much-loved seasonal celebration with Christmas songs and carols for choir and audience, followed by a delicious buffet. If you would like to sing with us, we rehearse on Thursday evenings at Christ Church URC, Tudor Way, Petts Wood, BR5 1LH from 7.45–9.45pm. Details on our website or just come along!

Christmas Tree Festival

Saturday 7th December, 12pm-3pm

Bromley Common Methodist Church, Bloomfield Road, BR2 9RZ

Cost: Free to attend

Contact: See

Come and join us for family fun at our Christmas Tree Festival. The event is a charity event to raise money for the homeless charity Crisis. It will include Children’s Christmas crafts, Christmas card competition display, local history exhibition – Bromley High Street, a Christmas scavenger hunt, games and Scalextric layout. Sing or listen to traditional carols at 2:15pm and enjoy delicious homemade soup, cakes, hot drinks & other refreshments served from noon.

Your Bromley Christmas Market   Now until late December   Bromley High Street

Your Bromley’s popular Christmas Market is back in the town centre until late December.  With a Bavarian family bar, food stalls, children’s rides, a helter skelter, ferris wheel and festive cabins spreading Christmas magic.

community & CHARITY

Macular Society Bromley Support Group

1st Tuesday of every month (except January and August when we don't meet). 10am for tea/coffee & biscuits. Meeting starts at 10:30am, finishing at 12pm Bromley

Town Church, 2 Ethelbert Road, Bromley, BR1 1JA

Cost: Free

Contact: No need to contact - just turn up

We are a local support group for people suffering with Age related Macular Degeneration (AMD). Being diagnosed with AMD can be devastating, so we look to provide social interaction and mutual support to those affected. We have a variety of speakers and a mixed and diverse programme.

Ever Thought About Fostering?

(Information event)

11th December, 12.30pm-2pm

Cost: Free

Contact: Call 020 8461 7701 or email  fostering@

Have you ever thought about fostering? Would you like to know more? Join us at our next online information session to learn more about becoming a foster carer and fostering with Bromley. The informal session is hosted by social work professionals and existing foster carers and whether you are ready to dive into making an application, or you are simply gathering information, the session will be most valuable in supporting you to understand more about fostering and how you can help change children's lives. For details see www.bromley.


Bromley Mum2mum Market

Saturday 7th December, 10am - 12pm

Coopers School, Hawkwood Lane, Chislehurst, BR7 5PS

Cost: Admission is £2 for adults and free entry for children

Contact: Email:

Buy quality second hand baby and children's clothes, toys and equipment at the biggest baby and children's nearly new sale in the borough! Come along for your chance to shop from thousands of bargains at a fraction of original prices. For details see

what's on

MUSIC, entertainment & FOOD

Line Dancing - Carolina Country Music Club

Line Dance Classes – beginners and intermediates (Every Wednesday)

7.30pm-10pm on Wednesdays and 7.30pm-11pm on Fridays 13th, 18th & 31st December (Live Music With Dancing)

Pickhurst Infant School, Pickhurst Lane, West Wickham, Bromley BR4 0HL

Cost: £7 Wednesday, £10 Friday Contact: 020 8462 5314 or email:

Come along and give us a try, make new friends, keep fit and have fun! We cater for all abilities and all ages. Refreshments available (tea, coffee, biscuits). For more information see CarolinaCountryMusicClub

American Contra Dancing

1st and 3rd Thursdays of every month, 2-4pm

Liberal Club, 7 Station Road, Orpington BR6 0RZ (opp entrance to Tesco car park)

Cost: £5 Pay on the door (7th Nov); £10 (21st Nov)

Ticket holders only

Contact: Email  or call 01689 836407

American Contra dancing is a fun, low impact form of exercise. No partner or experience needed. All dances are walked through first, and the steps called throughout the dance. Join us for a fun afternoon. For details see

South East London Orchestra’s Winter Concert

Sunday 1st December, 4.30pm

St Michael and All Angels Church, 121 Ravenscroft Road, Beckenham, BR3 4TN

Cost: Standard tickets £15, concessions £10, children under 16 free. Use code SELO10 for 10% off online!

Contact: Purchase tickets via our website or on the door. For other enquiries please email

Join us for a romantic programme of Dvorak's 8th Symphony, Song for Orchestra by Ruth Gipps and Brahms Violin Concerto with incredible soloist Charlie Lovell-Jones. Tea and cakes provided in the interval. For details see

theatre & Performances

Churchill Theatre, Bromley


Snow White

Saturday 7th December – Sunday 5th January

Various times

Cost: Tickets from £25

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs will be brought to life this festive season in Bromley starring TV personality, doctor and presenter Dr Ranj as The Man in the Mirror, pop and musical theatre star Gareth Gates as The Prince, and panto comic Simon Fielding as Muddles. They will be joined by West End Stars Britt Lenting as The Wicked Queen and Laura Emmitt as the title role.

Ghost Stories

Friday 17th January – Saturday 18th January, 8pm

Cost: Tickets from £26

Enter a world full of thrilling twists and epic turns, where the ultimate love-letter to horror is imagined live on stage. A fully sensory and electrifying encounter, Ghost Stories is one of London’s best reviewed plays of all time and will keep you on the edge-of-your-seat. This is a theatrical experience like no other.

Behind the Badge


We now begin to approach the festive season in the run up to Christmas. As I mentioned in my previous article this is a fantastic time for families and communities to come together.

As the local police chief, I am sent summaries of local events to plan our police response and always love to see Christmas lights being turned on, Santa runs and many other events being planned across the Borough. We will provide a balanced and reassuring response during this period to ensure everyone can enjoy themselves safely. I also know that many of our nighttime economy hotspots will be thriving. As always, we will work with licensees and businesses proactively to get ahead of crime and prevent things like excessive drunkenness leading to violence and overly rowdy behaviour by cooperating with security and bar staff to keep people safe.

This time of year is also essential to retailers, and shops can become a target of increased criminality as a result. It is crucial we continue our work with our Retail Crime

Group, comprising of police, partners, community and retailers to really target our most prolific offenders. We are already seeing success with multiple Criminal Behaviour Orders achieved to ban offenders from shops, or even Bromley altogether. This work is really stepping up now through our new local team starting to get a firmer grip on this area. We know things are far from perfect, but we are improving our response and are working hard to become more preventative.

Please also bear in mind that it is well known that many of us will have more valuable items in our houses at this time, so please consider steps to keep your homes safe. You can find useful advice on the Met Police website here cp/crime-prevention/ Have a safe festive season.

Superintendent Luke Baldock Bromley Borough Neighbourhood Policing

Firefront line..

Training & safety messages

The autumn period has been busy for all of us across the Bromley borough and I wanted to share a few of our highlights:

E-bikes & e-scooter safety:

London’s fastest growing fire risk at the moment is from e-scooters & e-bikes. There was a fire involving these every two days in 2023. Please follow some of our safety advice here:

• Buy your e-bike or e-scooter from a reputable seller

• Never block your escape routes with an e-bike or e-scooter

• Only use the correct charger for your battery, otherwise you can greatly increase the risk of fire

• Never charge your battery whilst you’re sleeping or leave it unattended

• Don’t modify or tamper with the batteries

• Get a professional to carry out an e-bike modification

• Fit working smoke alarms where you’re storing or charging your e-bike or e-scooter

Training to be ready: Crews from across the borough have been taking part in exercises to ensure we are always ready to respond to emergencies. One of the highlights was a multi-agency exercise with Network Rail where crews alongside the ambulance, police and rail staff came together to respond to several incidents involving a passenger train. This concentrated on responder safety and also how best to approach these incidents quickly should an incident occur between stations. Another great training day was working alongside our partners from Kent Fire and Rescue Service. Although not frequent, there may be occasions when our crews will work alongside our partners from Kent, so being aware of equipment and procedures beforehand is invaluable. All this preparedness ensures that fire crews across Bromley are trained and ready to respond when needed.

• Never try to tackle a fire yourself. Get away safely and call 999.

Again, our firefighters have also been operationally busy at a number of incidents within Bromley and wider over the past month. Please follow us on X (formally Twitter)@BromleyLFB or go to our website uk for the most up-to-date news items and safety advice.

Local Hero...

(Because not all heroes wear capes)

John Morsley

Indira Richards from Bromley nominated husband John: “Three years ago my daughter was diagnosed with M.E. a devastating and complex illness which is under researched and underfunded. John turned his talent for running to supporting M.E. charities. He’s run the real and Virtual London Marathon and will run in person again in 2025 for Action for M.E. He works full time, fundraises and more. He says when it’s tough he remembers that M.E. sufferers find everyday activities hard. He doesn’t consider himself remarkable but with his humility, positivity and generosity he really is a hero.”

Hey John! How does it feel to be nominated as a local hero by Indira?

I feel very humbled but also very pleased to tell you about my involvement with Action for M.E.

Tell us a bit about yourself.

I’m a Chartered Surveyor and Commercial Manager for the DLR. Home is in Hayes. My hobbies are gardening and tending my allotment. I love taking spontaneous photos and caring for our rescue greyhound.

How did your love of running start?

Initially through cross-country runs when I was at Crayford Secondary School. I enjoyed being a member of Beckenham Running Club.

Tell us a bit more about why you run for Action for ME?

I use my running to raise funds for Action for M.E. for research to find the cause, a treatment and cure for M.E. and to help people understand what this disease is.

ME affects millions of people worldwide, tell us a bit more about it.

Someone with M.E. is like a battery that never fully recharges. The symptoms of M.E. go beyond chronic fatigue and pain as it is a disease of the whole nervous system.

Why is it important for you to get involved in helping out with charity?

Doing nothing is not an option. Charity work is a way of actively helping. To date we have raised over £10,000 for M.E.

You are running the London Marathon again in 2025; how many times have you run it now and are you hoping for a PB?

I’ve run 16 London Marathons and my PB was 3:10 in 2010. I’m a bit older now so in April 2025 I’m hoping for a Good-for-Age time of sub 3:37. I’ve built up my own list of Top 20 tips to running the London Marathon which I’d be happy to share.

How do you find the time to fit everything in? I run the 10-miles into work once or twice a week. Having a daily routine really helps as does the support of my wife.

Are you involved in any other projects currently? Do you have any plans beyond LM2025?

I’m a director at our local allotment giving what time I can to that. I’d like to continue running the LM for as long as possible. My wife and I like to travel. It would be great to run a Marathon abroad.

What does community mean to you?

It helps enormously towards my sense of wellbeing having friends and neighbours around me (like when a neighbour popped up to run the last leg of the VLM with me). The community spirit of the LM charity teams is great.

The full story can be found on John’s fundraising page at: john-morsley

A special ‘Thank You’ to Time For Flowers for sponsoring the bouquets and plants for our Local Heroes.

Nominate a local hero – it could be a friend, neighbour, local business or a member of your family! Email

John with his wife Indira receiving a plant from Time For Flowers
Neighbours and friends wait at finish VLM 2023
Balloon with Action for ME logo

MAYOR’S VOICE community

I am pleased to share my recent Mayoral highlights, with 68 further engagements taking place in October for the Mayor and Mayoress, building on the busy schedule we have had to date. Alongside these engagements, the Mayor’s team also completed the move to our new offices and Parlour at Bromley’s new civic centre, Churchill Court. I know colleagues from across the council are hard at work so the whole council can be relocated by the end of the year.

Bromley and the world - A major theme this month was Bromley projecting itself on the world stage. I was delighted to inaugurate the Henry Charles Commonwealth International Youth Football Competition at Bromley Football Club. I was joined in person at the ceremony by the High Commissioner for St Lucia and online by the Prime Minister of St Lucia, four other Caribbean HCs and the Minister of Sport for Zambia. The next day the focus switched to Bulgaria, where I had the pleasure of meeting the London Bulgarian Association as they celebrated the first anniversary of their rose bed on display in Queen's Gardens in Bromley Town Centre. These beautiful roses were planted by members of Bromley's Bulgarian community as a gift to the borough, with the rose being

Lines from Linda

I know it’s not the time of the year when everyone rushes to the gym. Generally, at this time we are rushing around doing Christmas shopping and panicking in case we forget something.

However, as I have a nice Christmas dress, which I couldn’t get into last year, I decided to get in early, and get fit before Christmas, then I wouldn’t feel guilty adding a bit more cream to my Chrissy pudding, and having extra roast potatoes.

I do regular yoga, and would always keep that up, but I decided to look for even more all-round tone-up exercise, if I am to fit into that nice Christmas dress. I saw an advert for a pilates class and knew pilates was an all-round toner, so I rang the number.

chosen as it is the national flower of both Bulgaria and England.

Remembrance - One of the most important occasions in the Mayoral calendar is the period of Remembrance, which was made all the more poignant this year by marking the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day landings. I was honoured to lead in reflection and remembrance as First Citizen of Bromley, while Council representatives laid wreaths at services across the borough for Remembrance Sunday.

Awards in Bromley - So many young people across Bromley are truly inspirational, which I saw firsthand when I presented awards at not one but three different ceremonies. These were the Jack Petchey Foundation Awards, the Young Travel Explorers Awards for Road Safety, and the recent Care Leavers Awards. The Adult Care Awards evening was also held in October, it is a fantastic opportunity to highlight those who do so much to help and support fellow residents across Bromley.  Local businesses were recently celebrated at the Above and Beyond Bromley Business Awards (The ABBBAs) organised by Life In…Magazines. Congratulations to all those involved on their achievements, which set many inspiring examples for future entrepreneurs locally. I keep saying it, but it is truly humbling to see up close what is going on in our amazing Borough.

Cllr David Jefferys Mayor of Bromley (2024-2025)

Find out more at

definitely half my age, and built like a weight-lifter, kept calling me ‘Babe.’ ‘Come on Babe, keep up,’ resounded around the room as he started his countdown to us for press-ups. I felt like I was training for the army.

I’d been in class less than five minutes when I was regretting my decision. "

‘Have you got your own mat?’ the voice on the other end asked me. ‘Yes, I have,’ I replied cheerily. ‘And do you have squeezy balls?’ Was her next question. This stunned me into silence. I was getting over a cold and consequently my voice was a little hoarse, but surely not bad enough to sound male. I hung up.

Next, I found an advert for a class called, ‘Work your body fit.’ It was advertised for all levels from beginners to advanced. Perfect, I thought and off I went. I’d been in class less than five minutes when I was regretting my decision. The rest of the class seemed way beyond my standard, and the instructor, who was

Next, I was given a set of small steps, which I had to climb up and down until my calves screamed for mercy. Then when arm weights were to follow, I decided enough was enough. All the rest of the shapely ladies in skinny leggings and trendy gym wear were lifting heavy weights, first up in the air and then down to chest level. I’m afraid I couldn’t manage even the light ones. I made my excuse and left, well hobbled, actually, out the door. I am now off to buy myself a new Christmas dress, one size larger, and I will have that extra cream on my Christmas pudding and the extra roasties, and cast any guilt to the wind. It’s holiday time. Time to spoil and enjoy ourselves.

And I would like to wish you all the happiest of Christmases, the healthiest of New Years, and my thanks for reading my columns. If I don’t see you at a gym locally, It’ll be because I am having cream tea in one of the many wonderful venues around this area that serve sumptuous afternoon treats.

For more about me and my crime novels see

Colour your community!

Discover the charm of the UK through these exquisite local colouring books where you can bring your streets and landmarks to life with colour. Worth £14.99 (see the deets at colouryourstreets., we’ve got a copy of Bromley/Beckenham to give away!

Time to roar

Children’s author and illustrator (and local Bromley borough resident) Allison Parkinson has launched a new card game called ROAR and has donated both this and her tiger facts/colouring book (worth £17.99 in total - for all the details see We’re throwing in some Infinity Colouring Pencils from Maped (mapedhelix. These clever pencils, made entirely of lead, sharpen as little ones colour, promising limitless colouring! Priced at £4.99, they are available from leading stationers, supermarkets and on Amazon.

Enjoy your favourite read!

We're giving away a year's magazine subscription (worth £24), to have Life In Bromley delivered directly to your door every month so you'll never have to miss picking up an issue of your favourite community read! And if you're already one of our lucky households that receives it every month, you can gift the subscription to a friend or family member.

Vintage kitchen chic

This Sainsbury’s Vintage Cake tin has a massive 6.4 litre capacity and you’ll be the talk of the town once you’ve whipped up your kitchen creation and housed it safely in this vintage inspired cake tin!

Northern Lights Lamp

Some of us were lucky enough to spot the Northern Lights over Bromley in October, but if you missed them, don’t fear! Everything Hunky Dory is kindly giving away this Northern Lights Lamp for you to create your own ‘Northern Lights’ effect at home. Worth £12.99, it features a USB with remote control so you can choose a colour to suit your mood. It’s available from both Everything Hunky Dory and All The Trimmings Christmas shop, both located in The Glades.

A compendium of games!

We’ve got a whole heap of family games we’ll be giving away including Up For Debate, Family Digital Detox, Escape From The Space Station and Battle of the Ages. There’s no getting bored on Christmas afternoon, on Boxing Day or even during Crimbo Limbo with this little lot – altogether worth over £45



Thanks to The Bed Post (, you’ll be able to rest your weary head at night and fall into a deep slumber with this Relaxer memory foam pillow with Aloe Vera. Worth £69, it’s suitable for side sleepers and is anti-allergenic.

3 4 5

DAYS OF Giftmas IT


Afternoon tea for two The Landing Hotel offers exceptional stays and world-class dining experiences for all. Now you can indulge in their Afternoon Tea experience and enjoy a selection of delicate finger sandwiches, delectable desserts and exquisite teas, all handcrafted by the talented team of chefs at Air Culinaire Worldwide. Worth £57.90, this exquisite prize of Afternoon Tea for Two will have you devouring every mouthful. For more details see

Climb the ranks!

Bromley’s indoor climbing space, Rhino Boulder (, is giving away two spaces on an Adult Get Started session!

A box of chocolates Courtesy of Hotel Chocolat (, these Christmas classics chocolates are sure to delight! Worth £17.95, it contains an elegant collection of 14 festive and alltime favourites – from Cinnamon Bun to Illegal Gianduja via our Caramel Penguin. The only thing left to ask is which will you savour first?


A piece of history

A signed copy of Living Through the Great War: How The People of Bromley Faced The Challenges of War, written by our resident historian, Pam Preedy!

LEGO ® World Builder

7 8

Get creative with this LEGO ® book plus 150 bricks and sorting tray –and build and play your way through four fun-filled LEGO ® worlds! Use the LEGO ® bricks included to create a cool city car, then rebuild it into a jungle car, a spacecraft, or a submarine - and head off on adventures in your own unique LEGO ® worlds. Suitable for those aged 7 and above, the LEGO ® World Builder costs £24.99. For more Xmas inspiration for children visit

For the chance to win all of these prizes, all you have to do is complete our reader survey online by 30th December! Scan the QR code or visit (case sensitive) to enter.

Get double entry points if you follow us on social media @lifeinmags (then email with your social media username and email address)

lifestyle Puzzle

To celebrate the return of Santa Claus, we want you to find words related to Christmas below. Words can run horizontally, vertically or diagonally (as well as backwards and forwards). However, one of the words does not appear in the grid – this is the winning word!


Send the answer to with the subject line ‘puzzle’ or text only ‘WIN’ with your answer, full name, telephone number and address to 07403-550068.

The Prize


Xmas 24 word search

We’ve teamed up with Churchill Theatre & Trafalgar Theatres to offer one lucky reader the chance to win 2 tickets to That’ll Be The Day, Sun 2 Feb 2025, 7pm.

October winner: Peter Fox November answer: SEINE

Strictly one entry per person. Competitions are open to Bromley Borough residents only. For competition terms and conditions see

Join the fun & stay in the loop! By participating in our monthly puzzles, you're in for a treat! You'll automatically be added to our database to receive our fantastic monthly newsletter, complete with digital issues straight to your inbox. We love keeping our community engaged and informed. If you ever fancy opting out, just give us a shout. Happy puzzling!

Either text or email your answer, along with your full name, telephone number and postal address to 07403 550068 BY 16TH DECEMBER for your chance to win!

Health & Beauty


by Dr Juwairia Hashmi - a Bromley-based GP with extensive experience in clinical primary care, medical student teaching and leadership roles within the local healthcare community.

What is vitamin B12 and what does it do?

Vitamin B12 is vital for maintaining healthy blood and nerve cells and is essential for producing DNA, the genetic material in all your cells. It also prevents megaloblastic anaemia, which can make people feel weak and tired.

Which foods provide B12?

B12 is naturally found in animal products, including fish, meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy. Foods like clams, oysters, and beef liver are particularly rich in B12. Some breakfast cereals and nutritional yeasts are fortified with B12. Plantbased foods do not contain B12 unless fortified.

How to keep healthy hair

An important part of healthy hair is getting regular trims, even when trying to grow it out. This helps to avoid getting lots of split ends, which keeps your hair stronger and less likely to break. When washing your hair, make sure to focus the shampoo on the scalp to cleanse it and avoid dandruff. It is good to also massage your scalp with your fingers in a circular motion to stimulate blood flow and encourage growth. Conditioner is best to be put on the ends and lengths of your hair, since putting it on the roots can weigh the hair down and make it get greasy much quicker. Also, wash your hair often, when greasy, but try not to wash it every day because the shampoo can trap your natural oils, leaving you with dry, weaker hair. Lastly, always use a heat protectant when applying heat to your hair so you can minimise any damage and breakage.

The magic of blueberries

A collection of articles published in The Journal of Gerontology have revealed how blueberries can help us to age well as they rank as one of the best fruits for their antioxidant activity. The studies show that consuming blueberries has been linked to reducing oxidative stress, a process strongly linked to ageing related diseases. These include Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis, cancer, cardiovascular disease, cataracts, hypertension and type 2 diabetes.

The science

Stomach acid first separates B12 from the protein in food. B12 then binds with a protein called intrinsic factor, produced by the stomach, to be absorbed properly. However, individuals with pernicious anaemia, an autoimmune condition, cannot make intrinsic factor and, therefore, have difficulty absorbing B12 from foods or supplements. They may require regular B12 injections or supplements. In the UK, most people meet their B12 needs through diet. However, older adults, vegetarians, vegans, and individuals with medical conditions like coeliac disease or Crohn's disease may struggle to absorb B12. Blood tests can confirm a deficiency. Signs of a deficiency include fatigue, numbness, balance problems, memory issues, and developmental delays in infants. Adults aged 19 to 64 require around 1.5 micrograms of vitamin B12 per day.

For more information, visit the NHS website or see www. and

Do you have a question for Dr Hashmi? Send an email to with the subject line Ask The Doc

Beauty dos & don’ts

• DO drink lots of water to keep your skin hydrated

• DON’T wear your makeup when sleeping

• DO wash your hands before doing skincare and makeup

• DON’T be inconsistent with your skincare routine

• DO wear suncream everyday

• DON’T forget to clean your brushes and sponges

• DO moisturise everyday

• DON’T over exfoliate as this can break your skin barrier

• DO make sure your makeup is the right shade for your skin

• DON’T use just any product – tailor them to your skin type

On the shelves

Money & Shopping


With the cold of winter really starting to make an impact and the rising energy costs contributing to the continuing cost of living crisis, Howden Insurance has revealed the cheapest ways to keep yourself warm over the next few months.

The current cost of energy in the UK costs around 7p per kilowatthour (at the time of writing), if connected to mains gas. So, with a 24 kW boiler that works out at £1.68 per hour. If it was left on for eight hours a day that’s £13.44 which equates to £94.08 per week.

If you’re looking for alcohol-free alternative drinks for Christmas, check out Jamu Wild Water, a range of 100% natural, no added sugar, fat free and low cal sparkling soft drinks that combine the flavours of fruit and botanicals with 5g prebiotic fibre in every can. Featuring antioxidants, prebiotic fibre and natural, gut-friendly ingredients, the drinks are also low calorie and contain nothing artificial, making them your new go-to choice for refreshment. They are available in three flavours and are available in 250ml cans for £2 from and Amazon.

Looking at the table, Electric blankets are the cheapest way of keeping warm and are very energy efficient at 2.7p per hour. Obviously, this can only heat yourself and not your home, but it’s a great option for keeping warm at night or when sitting at your desk or on the sofa. The most expensive is Electric Heaters at 54p per hour, but this is still a 67% saving instead of using the heating.

This multi-awardwinning, comfort toy mimics the security of the womb with a soft red melatonin inducing glow and a selection of ‘pink and white noise'. It also offers soothing sounds including rainfall, harp melody and womb, to help settle little ones back to sleep. Thanks to a velcro tail, ewan the dream sheep can be attached to cot bars, pushchairs and car seats. The Deluxe version features an intelligent sensor that activates when baby stirs in the night, helping to resettle them. Priced at £29.99 (ewan Deluxe is £39.99) ewan is available from

Looking for a fun and meaningful way to make a difference?

Host a Sparkling Prosecco Soirée or Christmassy Coffee Morning and support our mission to provide essential cancer care for oncology patients and their families.

Pick a date - Choose your venue - Invite your friends Complimentary Coffee or Prosecco and mince pies provided by us! You can even add your own personal touch!

The Chartwell Cancer Trust Reg Charity No. 1109784 | The Chartwell Children ’s Cancer Trust Reg. Charity No. 1162907

Did You Know?


On December 13th the UK celebrates Christmas Jumper Day which is where different organisations or groups such as schools are encouraged to allow people to wear a Christmas jumper for a fee that would go to their selected charity. It is very beneficial to many charities across the UK because people may choose to support a national charity or maybe a smaller scale local charity. Not only does this bring attention to many different charitable organisations it is also a great and easy way to let people have fun at work or at school. The event also encourages

10 things you didn’t know about International Day of Persons with Disabilities (3rd Dec)

1. The day promotes the rights and well-being of people that suffer from disabilities.

2. Around 1.3 billion people experience significant disability. This amounts to 16% of the world’s population, or 1 in 6 of us.

3. Some persons with disabilities may die up to 20 years earlier than people from other social groups.

4. People with disabilities find inaccessible and unaffordable transportation 15 times more difficult than it is for those without disabilities.

5. Persons with disabilities face many health inequities including discrimination.

6. 11 percent of disabilities are caused by accidents.

7. Almost two thirds (65 percent) of people living in poverty for at least three years had a disability.

8. Latvia has the highest proportion of people with disabilities in the EU.

9. The older you get the more likely you are to have a disability

10. There are more women with disabilities than men.


people to share their festive fun by using the Hashtag # ChristmasJumperDay and let people get even more involved with it. On top of that you could even purchase the Christmas jumper from a local business to support them as well as the charity. This day can be extremely effective when many participate in it as even if it is a smaller donation anything can help, and it goes towards a good cause at Christmas time which is a time for giving gifts and spreading joy. This day encapsulates Christmas as a whole perfectly.

A new study by Stora Enso has found that 65% of people around the world prefer reading physical books, as opposed to 21% who prefer e-books – that’s over three times more who prefer ‘real’ books.

Viking beauty

Did you know that Vikings wore makeup? Research going back to the 8th century suggests that Viking men and women may have worn makeup. In particular, their eyes were often lined with kohl, a black-coloured powder, likely compressed into stick form for easy application. Kohl could be made with ash and lead, burnt almonds, ochre, oxidized copper, or malachite. The main uses for kohl are aesthetic appeal, protection from the damaging sun’s rays, and an effective way to ward off insects that could irritate the eyes while someone was asleep. Experts aren’t completely sure why Vikings wore makeup, although it is probable that for women it was mainly to enhance their appearance. Makeup was also worn by male Vikings, especially as part of their wartime strategy, as it helps to make someone look more fearsome, which was probably important for the Viking warriors given their reputation. This is also why they are thought to have used face paint when going into battle: to terrify their enemies.

Life Hacks


Crimbo Limbo (that time in between Christmas and the New Year when you don’t know what day it is) is all about embracing the slower pace of life. Here are some great ideas to try while having some downtime…

e Box set binge – Start that TV series you’ve been meaning to watch.

e Puzzle challenge – Get stuck into a giant jigsaw with the family – or try solving a murder mystery puzzle.

e Declutter – Kickstart the new year early by having a good old clear-out.

e Winter walk – Fresh air and a bit of nature will clear the holiday fog. Check out your local parks!

e Write ‘thank-you’ notes – Show appreciation for gifts and gatherings by writing heartfelt notes.

e Create a vision board – Start thinking about your goals for the next year and get creative with a vision board.

e Plan next year’s holiday – Start dreaming about sunny destinations or mini-breaks to look forward to.

e Learn a new skill – Use the downtime to pick up a hobby: knitting, baking or even a new language.

e Catch up with friends – Host a relaxed ‘Crimbo Limbo’ Zoom catch-up with friends who are in the same time-warp.

e Start a book – Dive into that book you’ve had on your shelf for ages but never had the time to read.

e Host a quiz night – Gather family and friends (virtually or in person) for a fun quiz with categories like ‘This Year in Review.’

e Give it away – Donate clothes or items to a local charity shop or food bank. Better still, why not volunteer your time to helping them?

e New Year's Eve playlist prep – Curate the ultimate party playlist for New Year's Eve.

e Create a memory jar – Start a family tradition by writing down your favourite memories of the year to look back on next Crimbo Limbo.

e DIY time capsule – Collect items, notes and memories from the past year and seal them in a time capsule to open next Christmas.

e Plan a local pub crawl – Organise a small, festive pub crawl with friends to support local businesses, or a home version with a different drink in each room.

e Digital photo organising – Sort through the hundreds of photos you took this year and create digital albums or order prints for a scrapbook.

e Rearrange furniture – Give your home a fresh look by rearranging rooms or creating a more relaxing space for 2025.

e Try a new fitness challenge – Whether it’s yoga, a home workout or a fun dance class, start a new fitness challenge.

e Write a gratitude list – Reflect on the year and write down what you’re grateful for, keeping positive vibes going into the new year.

Life hacks for 2025

Here are some life hacks to take into 2025 that can make life a bit easier, more efficient and maybe even a little more fun:

Embrace AI for daily tasks

AI tools are getting smarter by the day! Use apps that can handle everything from scheduling meetings to meal planning. Some AI tools can now write your emails, plan your trips and help with budgeting too.

Eco-friendly hacks

Keep reusable bags and containers with you at all times, and switch to a more plant-based diet, even if it’s just for a couple of days a week. You can even invest in ecofriendly tech like solar power banks or smart thermostats.

Subscription tracking

You’ve probably got subscriptions for streaming, fitness apps and other services. Use apps like Truebill or Bobby to track and cancel subscriptions you don’t use anymore.

Mental health time blocks

Block out 10-15 minutes a day for mindfulness, whether it’s meditation, deep breathing or just having a break from screens.

Smart meal prep

Plan meals using a food delivery app that focuses on portion control and nutrition like Gousto or Mindful Chef. If you're cooking, freeze batch-cooked meals so you always have something healthy ready to go.

Ask The Experts

You asked – and they answered! Send your need-toknow questions to our local experts by emailing hello@ with the subject line ‘Ask The Experts’

Q: My property has restricted access, is that a problem if I want to order a skip?

Toby: Our drivers are highly skilled and our trucks fitted with the latest technology to enable delivery into many complicated locations. However, we need to judge each issue individually. When you book your skip, you will have the option to add photos of your driveway and any concerns you might have. If we see anything that might present a challenge, we will give you a call to discuss. If for some reason we decide we can't deliver a skip we will find a suitable alternative to skip hire such as a caged vehicle.

Toby Compton, General Manager, Norris Skips

Q: What are your top tips when it comes to tackling a big clean and you don’t know where to start and how best to then stay on top of your cleaning schedule?

Charlotte: At Ardent Cleaning Services, we understand that tackling a big clean can feel overwhelming, especially when you are unsure where to start. So, here are some tips to help you get started and maintain a cleaning routine.

1. Start with a Plan: Assess your space and identify high-traffic areas like the kitchen, bathrooms, and living and work areas. To stay organised and avoid feeling overwhelmed, create a checklist for each room.

2. Declutter First: Before cleaning, declutter each space. Sorting items into categories - keep, donate, or discard - makes cleaning easier and keeps surfaces clear for daily maintenance.

3. Tackle One Area at a Time: Clean room by room, starting with the one that needs the most attention.

4. Use the Right Tools: Ensure you have the appropriate cleaning supplies, using eco-friendly products to protect your health and the environment. For stubborn areas, use specialised tools like microfibre cloths and scrub brushes.

5. Create a Maintenance Schedule: After a deep clean, establish a weekly plan to stay on top of tasks. Assign specific tasks like mopping or bathroom cleaning to set days.

6. Consistency is Key: Following a regular routine, whether weekly or fortnightly, prevents dirt and clutter from piling up and keeps your space clean with minimal effort.

For busy schedules, consider professional services like Ardent Cleaning to handle deep cleaning or regular maintenance, giving you more time to focus on other priorities.

Q: What makes a good Celebrant and what questions should I ask to help me decide who to go with?

Michelle: A good celebrant is someone who listens and understands what a family wants for their loved one. It is a great thing to be able to be good with words and have the confidence to stand and speak at someone’s funeral, but there is so much more to it than that.  When we think of funeral services, we often think of someone who has passed who was of a good age, has lived their life well and the memories are cherished. But life isn’t always like that, and some families I visit have difficulty in explaining that their loved one may have had a challenging life, or their end of life was a tragic one, or maybe they died very young – so a “celebration of life” isn’t always the first thing that comes to mind. Being skilled in my role as a celebrant, it is knowing and understanding when to just sit and listen, when to offer suggestions, and when to know not to. The arranging of a funeral service is a very delicate time, and families are often right at the edge of their grief.  Good life skills, listening skills, understanding skills and being able to read a room are vital, and only years of living life and having one’s own experiences, can assist you in doing this.

Michelle Harvey, Michelle Harvey Life Celebrant

Charlotte Kebble, Ardent Cleaning Services


Panto Interviews

Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, don’t miss the fairest pantomime of them all!

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs will be spectacularly brought to life this festive season in Bromley starring TV personality, doctor, and presenter Dr Ranj as The Man in the Mirror, pop and musical theatre star Gareth Gates as The Prince, and panto comic Simon Fielding as Muddles. They will be joined by West End Stars Britt Lenting as The Wicked Queen and Laura Emmitt as the title role. Book your tickets today, or you won't be able to look yourself in the mirror!

Sat 7 Dec 2024 - Sun 5 Jan 2025. 1pm, 5pm, 1.30pm, 7pm, 5.30pm

We caught up with the cast of the show to find out a bit more..

Gareth Gates

What is it about panto that keeps you coming back?

I think Snow White will be my 15th panto, so I am a bit of a seasoned pro at it now. My daughter’s 15 now and has watched me in every one; she still loves it and I don’t think it would feel like Christmas if I didn’t do panto!

Is singing still your first love?

Absolutely. Singing was my only form of expression as a child, due to my stammer, so it’s always been an essential outlet for me.

You’ve done a lot of work to raise awareness around stammers. Why is that such an important cause?

A lot of people tell me they enrolled on a programme, or sought help with their speech, due to seeing the success I’ve had. So now it’s something I always mention. I’m part of a speech therapy programme called the Maguire programme, and we all help each other.

What can audiences look forward to in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs?

A really accomplished panto! The cast are brilliant, we’ve got West End stars alongside the all-singing, all-dancing Dr Ranj. I’m really excited to be back at this great theatre!

Dr Ranj

You’re both a doctor and a performer, but which came first?

Probably performing. I loved music growing up, particularly singing. I was also quite academic, so I pursued a vocation as a doctor, and qualified just over 20 years ago. But I’m glad I did it that way round,

because medicine actually led to me being able to flex my performing muscles.

Are you excited to be performing in Bromley this Christmas?

I have a real affection for Bromley, because I used to work at the Princess Royal Hospital. I hope some people I may have met at the hospital will come and see the show!

Laura Emmett (Snow White), Britt Lenting (Wicked Queen) and Simon Fielding (Muddles)

What can audiences look forward to in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs?

Laura: It’s a good old fashioned panto – jokes, silliness, audience participation, glitz and glamour. All the good stuff.

Simon: The great thing about panto is there’s something for everyone. As a parent, it’s so nice to watch the kids being so entertained, and there’s always lots for the grown ups to enjoy as well.

Britt: And of course, there’s a really great cast!

What’s your favourite thing about Christmas?

Laura: It’s all about the food for me – the mince pies and mulled wine, the melted cheese – I’m already heating my saucepans in anticipation.

Britt: I grew up in the Netherlands, where Christmas isn’t quite such a big deal. So when I came to the UK for the first time I was quite overwhelmed with the grandeur of it –it was like a movie. I love it.

Simon: A great thing about doing panto is that it really intensifies the festive feeling. There’s nothing quite like getting home on Christmas Eve after a performance, it’s just magical.

A Final Thought…

Losing confidence at the wheel

It starts with not wanting to drive on the motorway, then avoiding narrow country lanes, finally regressing to only driving to the supermarket. This will only get worse, but how did we end up in this situation?

Covid has a lot to answer for, we should have got back to driving straight away. Two cars became one, why did we have to keep the manual one? RingGo parking in Bromley, whose idea was that? What do we do if our mobile phone now appears in the history section? We can blame our partners for always wanting to drive or were we just being lazy?

There are so many ways to erode our confidence at the wheel, however many good excuses we have, if you want to remain a driver you are going to have to work at it. Where to start:

• Check that you are safe and legal, you need to be able to see a number plate at 20 metres. If you are having difficulty at night with the headlights, consider having a drive safe coating on your glasses, this will help with the glare.

• Know the rules of the road. When was the last time you read the new Highway Code? Do you know the hierarchy of road users and what they mean? (Don’t panic, they’re on page 5, 6, & 7 of the new Highway Code).

• Check that the tyre pressures and the oil levels are correct and that you have plenty of fuel for the journey.

• Know where you are going. Don’t rely on the sat-nav, check the route beforehand. Note the junction you need to come off at on the motorway.

• For every journey, give yourself time, leave early, avoid the rush hour, if the weather is bad, then don’t go.

• Turn off the radio and any devices, you need all your concentration on your driving.

• Take notice of the warning signs (triangles) these are there to warn you what is going to happen.

Knowing this is in place will give you confidence in your ability to get from A to B safely. Looking further ahead and slowing down earlier will give you more time to avoid having a collision. You need to be in the correct speed and gear BEFORE you negotiate the hazard. The cause of many accidents is your approach speed into the threatening situation on the road. The way you position your vehicle on the road is a crucial element of safety in your driving. Reduce the risk of accidents by being aware of what is around you, look out for vehicles pulling out from junctions, pedestrians, cyclists (especially children) and large potholes. Your aim is to SEE AND BE SEEN.

If this sounds all a bit complicated and before you decide to become a full time passenger (a polite way of saying, giving up completely) help is at hand, contact Kent ROSPA. With your membership of £35 per annum you will receive 1 to 1 local tutoring sessions in your own car with our expert tutors. Working together, you will regain your confidence back with improved driving skills.

Not driving means giving up your independence. You can get the bus, but the thought of walking on your own at night, will stop you going out, such a shame when the car is sitting on the driveway doing nothing. Chauffeurs have an annoying ability to be busy when needed. You have to go back to a timetable, spontaneity goes. It’s a bit like getting a lift from mum or dad, leaving the party before everyone else. The main reason you learned to drive in the first place.

Speaking as the family taxi service, one could do without the extra fare, it’s time you got back in the driving seat.

Start enjoying driving again, if you need help, contact us on our website or email

Do you have a passion for something – a hobby or cause that you want to raise awareness of? Perhaps you just want to share your (positive or inspiring) thoughts on a subject or life in general? Send your idea to hello@ with the subject line ‘Final Thought.’

Life In Bromley is available to pick up from the following locations: Bromley Central Library | Bromley Churchill Theatre | Bromley North Railway Station | Bromley South Railway Station | Bromley United Reformed Church | Community House, South Street | Contingent Works, Elmfield Road | Newman Flexible Workspace (Devonshire House Elmfield Road & Newman Road) | The Warren. For a postal copy (£24 a year) email

Copyright: All text, images and design in Life In...Bromley are subject to copyright, 2024. Competitions: In the event of any dispute regarding the Rules and all other matters relating to a Competition, the decision of the judge(s) shall be final and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into. For full terms & conditions see

Disclaimer: Luna Creative Media Ltd assumes no liability or responsibility for any inaccurate, delayed or incomplete information, nor for any actions taken in reliance thereon. The information contained about each individual, event or organisation has been provided by such individual, event organisers or organisation without verification by us. The opinion expressed in each article is the opinion of its author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editors of Luna Creative Media Ltd. Therefore, Luna Creative Media Ltd carries

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As a small, family-run introductory care agency, we look at things a bit differently. We promise to find you an exceptional carer(s) who are right for you. We always arrange a face to face assessment with you and your loved one. In our experience this is crucial to finding the right carer(s). From simple companionship to 24/7 live-in dementia care, we offer a comprehensive range of specialist live-in care packages to manage live-in care costs, which will be tailored to the exact needs and individual requirements of your loved one.

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