Spa Opportunities 7th February 2020 Issue 338

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spa opps people Healing Summit co-founder Dr Elisabeth Ixmeier introduces theme for 2020 conference


o-founder of the annual

with delegates to create a

Healing Summit event

gathering of global influencers

Dr Elisabeth Ixmeier, has

committed to doing good

announced the theme for

“Each year, the summit

the 2020 conference – ‘The

empowers all who join us to act

Power of Right Action'.

as ‘healing agents’, enabling

Running since 2014, the

us to embark upon self-care

summit is an initiative of

and care for others – and for

the Healing Hotels of the

the planet,” said Ixmeier.

World, and brings together

“Through the talks,

like-minded individuals who

workshops and interaction

are drawn to collaborate,

between all who attend,

raise awareness and

the event emphasises and

inspire change. The two-day event will be

illustrates that healing begins ■■Ixmeier believes that healing begins as an individual pursuit

held for the second year at

which then naturally expands

The summit enables people to embark upon self-care and care for others – and for the planet

the Pince Cliffs Resort in Albufeira, Portugal, following the success of last year’s summit which saw 138 people from 28 countries

as an individual pursuit, to include those people around us in our lives, in our community and in our world.” The 2020 conference

Socially conscious

travel, healing modalities,

will take place from the

gather to learn, connect and

speakers from the fields

and mission-oriented

18 to 19 May 2020.

share their perspectives.

of investment, science,

organisations join together

More: Read moRe online

CEO of Clinique La Prairie Simone Gibertoni confirms the Swiss brand's international development plans


imone Gibertoni, CEO of Swiss health and medical spa operator Clinique La

Our ambition is to create city hubs which offer world-class medical, aesthetic and wellness services

Prairie, has recently revealed the brand's international

a 600sq m medi-spa in

our fusion of science and

development plans.

Madrid – called Clinique

holistic wellness directly

La Prairie – Aesthetics &

to our global clientele.

Opportunities: “Our ambition is

Longevity Suites. The centre

Madrid is the first step in

to create city hubs which offer

offers regenerative and non-

this plan” said Gibertoni.

world-class medical, aesthetic

invasive treatments and has

and wellness services,

four treatment rooms as well

choice to launch our first urban

underpinned by luxury Swiss

as two consultation rooms.

centre, because its vibrant,

Gibertoni told Spa

■■Gibertoni said Madrid was the first step in the brand's plan to develop internationally

hospitality, in the world's

cosmopolitan and innovative

most cosmopolitan cities”.

has selected Swiss

culture aligns perfectly with

Established in 1931 in

Perfection to supply

our passion for helping people

treatments at the clinic.

live longer, healthier lives.”

Montreux, Switzerland, the brand has recently opened


Clinique La Prairie

“Madrid was the obvious

“Our mission is to bring

More: Read moRe online

©Cybertrek Ltd 2020

Issue 338

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