The Soundings - April 2020

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APRIL 1, 2020

The Soundings The Newsletter of the Lewis Community Spouses’ Club

A Letter from our President Hello! For anyone who, like me, is finding that the days are blurring together, it is April! Oh my, what a whirlwind March was. I hope this finds you all staying well and healthy. Many of us are in new territory as we are “crisis schooling” our children from home and/or now working remotely as well. Those of you who were previously avid homeschoolers and who already have mastered working from home, please send us good vibes and all of your pro tips!

In addition to canceling our events in March, we have also decided to cancel April events. This was not a decision the LCSC Executive Board made lightly. ACE night is our biggest fundraiser of the year and a fun event that we all were looking forward to. Hopefully you will attend our online auction April 3-4, we have some amazing baskets! (Here’s the link if you missed my email last week: We understand there are added stressors right now, however there are more than 30 local organizations that are counting on our 2020 Community Grants. Please keep an eye on your emails as you will be receiving several regarding electronic voting. In order to stay in compliance with our constitution and bylaws, we need membership to vote on budgets, the incoming slate for the 2020-2021 Executive Board, and our updated Constitution and Bylaws. We are *hoping* to hold a May luncheon to install the new board.

Now more than ever, it is important to remember to take a break, and take a breath, so that you can marshal your strength for the long haul. Please let me know if LCSC can support you in any way during the Stay Home Stay Healthy order. I am a social worker by trade and have access to local resources if you find yourself or a friend in need!

Jamie Lynn

Online ACE Night Auction

Quarantine Tales We’d love to fill our May Newsletter with your quarantine tales. You can share tips that are helping you get through this time, pictures of how your family is entertaining themselves or anything else you think might help bring a smile to our members’ faces. Email Angie if you’re willing to share your tales with your quarantine tales!

Don’t forget to register for the online ACE Night auction. The online auction begins at 10am April 3 and ends at 4pm April 4. There are so many great baskets you can browse today to see what you might be interested in bidding on.

CONTACT LEWIS COMMUNITY SPOUSES’ CLUB Facebook Email The Soundings Editor Email Club Website


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