In a simplified world

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In a Simplified World


In a Simplified World Lava likes to keep things simple. This year’s exercise is all about simplifying contradictions of this world; rich/poor, east/west, public/private and then/now. As designers we often make symbols in our work for clients. They need to be clear and to communicate properly. We thought it would be interesting to see if we can start a dialogue by using this clear visual communication, but in a more abstract way. Inspired by Chinese everyday characters, some of which that shows a clear image of where they derive from, we took it upon ourselves to catch today’s world in clear visuals. Working with as little strokes as possible, we tried to capture abstractions into symbols. The themes we made symbols for are quite large so we looked for multiple ways of visualising them each. Some funny, some explanatory, some abstract. We hope they would start a dialogue about the meaning of these words. We then took our symbols to the streets of Dashilar and applied them temporarily with hutong-inspired materials. These are the photos that you will find in this booklet. This is the beginning of a research in which we are looking for ways to apply designed symbols in Dashilar in a modest way. Not telling people what to think or do, but instead start a conversation about it.

熔岩喜欢把事物变的简单。今年的实践 项目是关于简化世界矛盾:富有 - 贫 穷,当时 - 现在,东方 - 西方,公 共 - 私密。 作为设计师我们在平日为客户的工作中 会制作很多符号。这些符号必须清晰且 具备沟通效果。我们认为,如果发起一 个采用这种清晰的视觉交流的对话,那 肯定会是非常有趣的发现之旅。 灵感来自于我们周围所见的中国汉字。 有时候,您可从汉字本身的结构辨识它 所表达的意思,我们采集后运用清晰的 视觉语言来表达对当今世界的理解。我 们尝试尽可能将笔画简化,捕捉其抽象 意义并以符号形式表现。 我们制作符号的主题非常宏大,所以每 一种对比我们运用不同的方式将表达视 觉化。 有一些是有趣的,有些具备说明 性,还有些是抽象的。我们希望能够通 过领悟字面意思来发起一种对话形式。 由此,我们将制作的符号带到大栅栏区 域并临时运用在胡同中本身就有的材料/ 物品上面。在本书中您将看到我们实践 时拍下的照片。 这是我们将设计的符号带进大栅栏区 域,并寻找合适的运用形式调研工作的 开始。并不是告诉人们做什么或者想什 么,而是以发起对话的形式传达。

Rich 富有

Poor 贫穷

Rich 富有

Poor 贫穷

Rich 富有

Poor 贫穷

Rich 富有

Poor 贫穷

Rich 富有

Poor 贫穷

Rich 富有

Poor 贫穷

Rich 富有

Poor 贫穷

Then 当时

Now 现在

Then 当时

Now 现在

Then 当时

Now 现在

Then 当时

Now 现在

Then 当时

Now 现在

Then 当时

Now 现在

Then 当时

Now 现在

Then 当时

Now 现在

East 东方

West 西方

East 东方

West 西方

East 东方

West 西方

East 东方

West 西方

East 东方

West 西方

East 东方

West 西方

East 东方

West 西方

East 东方

West 西方

Public 公共

Private 私密

Public 公共

Private 私密

Public 公共

Private 私密

Public 公共

Private 私密

Public 公共

Private 私密

Public 公共

Private 私密


Lava Design Lava Design is founded in 1990. For almost 25 years Lava Design is one of the leading and iconic design agencies in the Netherlands. Lava has established an international reputation for identity design, editorial design, interaction design for both profit and non profit organizations. Lava has developed an unique approach to identity design called Dynamic Identities. In 2010 the studio was elected European Design Agency of the Year. As a result clients from all over the world found their way to the Amsterdam based agency. So far we have successfully worked on design projects in Seoul, Moscow, Riga, Nairobi, Barcelona, Beijing and Istanbul. Lava Design has now offices in Amsterdam and Beijing.

熔岩设计公司创建于1990年,历经25 年熔岩设计已成为荷兰主要杰出设计公 司的代表。 熔岩公司以其优异的视觉系 统设计,交互设计,平面设计以及为商 业客户和非盈利组织的设计案例在全球 范围内为公司赢得良好的口碑。熔岩已 开发出一套独特的视觉系统设计概念我 们称之为多元化的视觉系统。 2010年熔岩设计工作室被荣誉当选为 欧洲年度最佳设计公司。由此一来,来 自全球范围的客户都争相与这个位于阿 姆斯特丹的设计公司联络并寻求设计支 持。目前我们已经在首尔,莫斯科,里 加,内罗毕,巴塞罗那,北京和伊斯坦 布尔等国际城市进行过不同类型的设计 项目。目前熔岩设计公司已经在阿姆斯 特丹和北京设立工作室。

Title 标题 In a Simplified World 在简化世界⾥

Organizer 策展⼈ LAVA Beijing 熔岩设计

Design 设计师 Céline Lamée Johan Nijhoff Sasha Fominskaya Special thanks to our printer 特别感谢 印刷陈龙 手机:139-1099-1609

Contact 联络

Lava Beijing Sept 2014

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