July C&C 2018 Quarter 2

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digital TECH



p. 7-10 Social Driver

Anthony Shop

July 2018 - lambdachi.org - Quarterly Issue #2

TABLE OF CONTENTS Letter From the Editor....................................................3 Lambda Chi Alpha Gets Social..................................4 -5 Gentleman’s Corner - Dining Ettiquette..........................6 Anthony Shop: The (Social) Drivers Make Histor y.........................................................7-10 Centennial Anniversaries............................................11 Passionate and Loyal: Chico State Brothers Remember Kyle La Force...............................................................12 Lambda Chi Store Ad.................................................13 The Importance of Mental Health Awareness in Lambda Chi Alpha.....................................................................14 From the Ground Up..............................................15-16 “He Was a True Hero”: The Story of One Lambda Chi Alpha’s Heroic Actions During the Vietnam War......17 High Alpha Summit/ Neville Advisor’s College Ad.......18 A Servant Heart: Reno Member Gives back on Mission Trip to Haiti............................................................19 Life on the Green: Cornell Brother Chases Dream to be on the PGA Tour....................................................20 IHQ Welcomes New ELCs to Staff, Announces New Position and Promotion..........................................21-23 General Assembly Ad..............................................24 Foundation Awards Fraternity $196,000 in Educational Grants........................................................................25 ELC Map......................................................................26



July 2018 - lambdachi.org - Quarterly Issue #2

staff list


Managing Editor: Tad Lichtenauer

Though the semester has ended, we are far from relaxing! General Assembly is just around the corner in Jacksonville, Florida, and we could not be more excited to come together as a fraternity this summer.

Editor: Taylor Grayson Assistant Editor: Ian McFarland Jaren Wilt Layout & Design: Amanda Pittman

In the meantime, we want to highlight our members who are still achieving so much, from volunteering honors to fellowships. Throughout this issue, we talked to brothers from across North America about their many achievements, dedication to the fraternity, and most importantly, how they are upholding the teachings of Lambda Chi Alpha. A special highlight comes in the form of our cover story subject, Anthony Shop. A 40 under 40 in Washington, D.C., Shop has made a name for himself and continues to strive for excellence. Please remember to keep checking lambdachi.cc for the latest updates on what is going on throughout all Lambda Chi Alpha chapters, as well as our social media channels. If you would like to see every article as it is published, please feel free to sign up to receive email alerts by visiting lambdachi.cc/subscribe. If you have a story which you would like to submit, please email tgrayson@lambdachi.org. As a reminder, Chapter News is due by the 15th of each month. We look forward to seeing what our chapters are accomplishing, so we ask chapters to continue to email editor@lambdachi.org or log on to LCAOne/Officer Portal and access the “Submit Chapter News� form to share their news with us. We would like to extend our thanks to members and friends of Lambda Chi Alpha alike for creating the best experience of any fraternity. All of us here at International Headquarters wish our members a safe summer break, and we look forward to the wonderful stories we will be able to tell in the coming issues. Thank you for reading! Best Regards, Taylor Grayson Editor, Cross & Crescent


July 2018 - lambdachi.org - Quarterly Issue #2

LAMBDA CHI ALPHA GETS SOCIAL @LambdaChiAlphaIHQ We are always eager to see the interesting and wonderful things our brothers are doing across the country and Canada! Here are some examples of how members of Lambda Chi are giving back to their community, enjoying brotherhood and upholding the values of our fraternity:











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GENTLEMAN’S CORNER: July 2018 - lambdachi.org - Quarterly Issue #2

DINING ETTIQUETTE The point of Dinner Etiquette rules is to make you feel comfortable – not uncomfortable. Table manners play an important part in making a favorable impression. They are visible signals of the state of our manners and therefore are essential to professional success. Below are some tips to remember for table and dining ettiquette.





Soup Spoon

Salad Knife

Serving Plate

Dinner Knife

Dinner Fork

Bread Plate

Salad Fork

Navigating the table setting cutlery is easier than it may seem! The forks will be placed on your left and the ones farthest from the middle are the ones you start with. So for instance, it will likely start with a small fork called an oyster fork, then a slightly larger salad fork, and the the entree fork closest to the middle. Spoons and knives will work in much the same way. You should also know that your bread plate is always on the left and your drink will always be on the right

CUTLERY Resting your utensils when eating is important to help communicate to the waitress/waiter.




MISCELLANEOUS TABLE MANNER TIPS Turn off or silence all electronic devices before entering the restaurant. If you forgot to turn off your cell phone, and it rings, immediately turn it off. Do not answer the call. Do not text and do not browse the Internet at the table.



Here are some tips on how to be courteous at the table.

When asked to pass the salt and/or pepper, always be sure to pass them together as a pair. Additionally, do not season your food until after you have tasted it.

Place your napkin in your lap immediately upon sitting down. Unfold the napkin while it is in your lap. Cut your food into manageable bite-sized pieces. Tips and instructions provided by rumahara.com & ettiquettescholar.com


July 2018 - lambdachi.org - Quarterly Issue #2



By: Taylor Grayson, Associate Director of Communications


ometimes even the wildest of dreams can’t compare with how life unfolds. Growing up in Missouri, brother Anthony Shop never imagined he would work in marketing or own a business. A little over a decade after graduating from William Jewell College in Liberty, Mo., he and his partner (in business and in life) Thomas Sanchez own the country’s 7th fastest growing marketing agency. Shop’s job – and those of the 50 people his Washington, D.C.-

based company Social Driver employs – didn’t even exist when he was in college, before social media revolutionized marketing and communications across the globe. Now, a team of digital heavy-hitters with titles like “user experience strategist” and “community manager” help some of the world’s top companies and nonprofits use cuttingedge technology to connect with people today. That kid from Missouri whose industry didn’t exist a few years ago has gone

global – the London-based Financial Times named an OUTstanding Future Leaders and the Washington Business Journal listed him among its “40 Under 40.”

“The Future is Bright. All progress is Social. The Drivers Make History” The National Press Club, located in the upper floors of the National Press Building in downtown Washington, D.C. has a rich history. Hundreds of award-winning journalists and political figures have graced the posh Reliable


July 2018 - lambdachi.org - Quarterly Issue #2 Source Dining Room and adjacent Truman Lounge to grab a quick coffee on elegant china or bunker down in the shared work space through the double doors rushing to make a deadline. “Every startup supposedly started in a garage. Well, this was ours,” Shop joked, gesturing toward the shared desks on the members-only floor of this historic landmark. Following graduation from William Jewell College and a stint in politics, Shop ventured to D.C. to complete his MBA at The George Washington University. Sanchez, a software engineer by training, knew that he wanted to start a business that would reimagine the way people used technology to connect with one another. It took some convincing for Shop to agree to work with his soonto-be husband. Social Driver was born and has been growing for more than seven years. Social Driver helps companies connect with people today, which includes a range of digital services from website development and social media management to digital advertising and video production. As Shop describes it, even before they imagined offering all of these services he and Sanchez founded Social Driver with an important mantra: the future is bright, all progress is social, and the drivers make history. “We saw so much potential to use the power of technology to connect people,” said Shop. “For us, the name ‘Social Driver’ was ‘social’, meaning people and connecting people with one another…and that’s exactly what we do for our clients.”

Social Driver, Shop said, is all about optimism, focusing on creating that bright future. Shop is adamant that passengers do not make history, drivers do. Since the creation of Social Driver, Shop and Sanchez have increased their staff from just the two of them to now a team of 50 people, working with some of the biggest names in the world: Goodwill, Honda and Cigna, to name a few. Social Driver has taken time to grow over the years, however, and Shop recalls a six-month trial period to see if this vision was even possible. Shop and Sanchez spoke to many familyowned businesses to see how they could make Social Driver a space filled with faces a client could trust, much like a fraternity. “If you think about fraternities, you have people who are living together, who are really a family when they are in college, with multiple generations,

and alumni coming back but who are also working together towards business goals,” Shop said. As Social Driver has flourished, Shop and Sanchez have not lost sight of how the company started, in their own version of a “garage”, the dream of two ambitious men. “Even though the company has grown a lot, it’s still very true,” said Shop. “I think the mantra really captures our ethos, and in some ways, I think it’s truer than ever because we have to bring that mentality inside the company and be optimistic about the future and about the future of the company…we have to be drivers and try new things.”

“Just a Kid From Missouri” Growing up in Kansas City, Missouri, Shop could never have envisioned the direction his life would take. He means that literally.


July 2018 - lambdachi.org - Quarterly Issue #2

“The Eisenhower Fellowship” In addition to his love of connection and social interaction, Shop’s two main loves are travel and food. In fact, if Shop had it his way, he would only focus on these two endeavors. Lucky for Shop, however, he was able to continue his sense of adventure and love of food in China, as part of one of the most prestigious programs in the country: the Eisenhower Fellowships.

But even as a kid in Kansas City, Shop knew he wanted to make some sort of impact and travel, whether that was through pursuing a career as a diplomat or a journalist. Throughout high school, and later college, Shop became extremely involved as a result. One of the most formative experiences he had as a young man was being a part of the Big Brothers, Big Sisters program, where he was paired with his Big Brother, Kent. Shop’s father died when Shop was very young, so he was raised by his single mother, before she remarried. Kent soon became an important mentor and role model for Shop. This kind of mentorship became an important reason why Shop then joined Lambda Chi Alpha at William Jewell. There, he threw himself headlong into the demands not only of college,

but also the fraternity as well. You might even say that Shop’s love of connecting with people of all different walks of life started in the fraternity. “You can’t recreate those deep friendships when you are an adult, maybe ever,” said Shop. “It’s something that takes time, so you really want to nurture those.” Through his experience with Lambda Chi, Shop says that it was very much a lesson in working with people with different ways of thinking and approaching a situation. But more importantly, Shop says the support network he created through the fraternity has helped propel him to where he is today. “It’s so important to have that support network of friends who can help you grow up and deal with life,” stated Shop. “I feel really fortunate that I had such a great support network.”

As only one of nine Eisenhower Fellows in the United States, Shop had the unique opportunity to travel to China for a month in June, where he was able to pursue an individual project focused on digital media in China. More specifically, Shop wanted to know how the global trends in social media affected China and how this culture addresses the challenge of online misinformation. “The whole world is being transformed by the digital revolution,” said Shop. “I wanted to see what we had in common with China and what was different. I believe for issues that are bigger than one country, we have to connect and learn from one another. “Most Western social media platforms are blocked in China, so they have their own apps that most of us have never heard of, but which have hundreds of millions of users.” The burning question for Shop to investigate was how the Chinese people dealt with the same opportunities and challenges that we face in the United States with such a different social media landscape? “When we look at China, where

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everyone uses QR codes on their phone instead of credit cards, I wondered, are we looking into the future?” mused Shop, “Or, are we looking at an alternate universe? The level of control that the government exerts is very different than here.” To tackle this very large question, Shop has spent the past month meeting with both experts and regular citizens to better understand the digital revolution in China.

A Single Step Shop has made quite the name for himself in the D.C. area, but he assures it took much effort and support to achieve what he has today. Through the help of his fraternity and many hours of hard work, Shop reminds brothers to take life one step at a time and find what interests them.

“The food is very different, the media is completely different, but I found that regular people have a lot in common with us – we’re all human,” said Shop.

He repeated a Chinese proverb, “A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.” By focusing on one step, and not the whole journey, Shop says that success is imminent, even if you can’t yet envision it.

China is a place that has forced Shop to step out of his comfort zone, but an opportunity which he will never forget.

But he also encourages brothers to be patient, because their line of work may not even exist yet.


“When I was in college, we didn’t have digital or social media agencies,” said Shop. “It was an entirely different world. “I think that serves as a good reminder that you kind of just have to point yourself in the direction you’re drawn to and work toward that, but not worry too much about exactly where you’re going to land because your job title may not even exist yet.” From a Lambda Chi neophyte to launching a successful business and spending a month of research in China, Shop has embodied what it means to be a driver instead of a passenger. Not bad for a kid from Missouri.


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YEARS Congratulations to the following chapters that have celebrated, or will soon celebrate, their centennial anniversary!



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yle La Force was the definition of a brother.

He was one of Gator Marquis’s closest brothers.

Kyle, who was a sophomore mechanical engineering major at Chico State, passed away March 27 after having a seizure in his sleep. His obituary echoed his brothers’ sentiments. “Kyle had a passion for rebuilding cars, riding motorcycles, and snow skiing,” it read. “His charismatic nature brightened any room he walked into and his practical jokes left all that knew him in stitches.” He did indeed have a passion for cars. His “baby,” as Marquis called it, was his Subaru. Just before Kyle died, it needed some tuning up so he took it to a shop in Santa Rosa, which is about three hours from Chico. There was a delay in getting the car fixed, Marquis said, so Kyle drove down and slept in the car one weekend, only to have to turn around and come back home without it. He was devastated. He was lost without his “baby.” He knew his way around, too, Marquis said. He was like a human GPS.

“To have a brotherhood means the world, not only for our chapter but for Kyle’s mom who has already been through a lot,” Marquis said. “I think it reminded us that we are all brothers at the end of the day and that we 100 percent need to be there for each other whenever a brother or their family is in need.” Kris Reddy was the chapter’s High Alpha at the time of Kyle’s passing. Kyle joined not long after Reddy did.

They met last year at California State University – Chico when Kyle was an Associate Member. “If I needed anything, and I mean anything, he would be at my house as soon as he could no matter what the situation was,” Marquis said. “He had a witty sense of humor and always was in the mood to joke around.”


Kyle La Force

“He was a Chico local so him and I would go to his favorite restaurants, hiking spots, etc.,” he said. “It was nice because he knew where everything was. I am terrible at directions so having him in the car was nice because he knew all of the shortcuts around town.” He was a very loyal friend, Marquis added, and his smile and attitude were both contagious. His commitment to the fraternity was apparent, too. He served as High Gamma. When the men in the chapter learned of Kyle’s passing, they immediately came together. Marquis rounded up money — $130 to be exact — which he spent on inexpensive bouquets from Trader Joe’s. They wanted to buy as many flowers as they possibly could. A few days after he passed, several brothers visited Kyle’s mom’s house with the flowers and a Lambda Chi flag they had all signed. She was only expecting a few, he said. But when she answered the door, more than 40 of Kyle’s brothers lined the sidewalk to pay their respects. They also set up a GoFundMe, which raised $8,582 to help cover funeral

“Whenever I was with Kyle in a one -on- one situation, whether it was hanging around after chapter meetings or running into him at the library, we would discuss chapter operations, the chapter’s well-being and ways to improve,” Reddy said. “I’d ask him for feedback as a general member (and) he’d ask for my perspective of things as president. Our conversations were rich and filled with ideas. One time, I shared a quote with the chapter,” Reddy continued. “‘Small minds discuss people, average minds discuss events, and great minds discuss ideas.’ This makes me think of Kyle, the frame of mind he had, and the way he saw the world.” Reddy is proud of his brothers for the way they all came together in a time of need. It solidified what being a member of Lambda Chi is all about. “Tragedies happen. Failures happen. Losses happen,” Reddy said. “They are often out of our control. However, what is in our control is our reaction to these occurrences. What mattered most when it came to living without Kyle was that we still had 60 brothers.” Sixty brothers who were there for each other when it mattered most, and 60 brothers who will miss Kyle La Force dearly. “Kyle’s character was unlike the general population,” Marquis said. “He was the definition of a brother.”

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July 2018 - lambdachi.org - Quarterly Issue #2

The Importance of Mental Health Awareness in Lambda Chi Alpha By: Taylor Grayson, Associate Director of Communications


n today’s fast-paced and everchanging world, the importance of mental health awareness is more crucial than ever before. Research has shown that one in five college students will suffer from some form of depression or anxiety during their time at university. The question then becomes how do students, including fraternity brothers, combat the many demands and stressors of college? Brother Fred Kam, M.D., High Pi of the Omega chapter at Auburn University, has devoted his life to helping college students understand the importance of mental health. Kam joined the Auburn Medical Clinic staff in 1997 and now serves as the medical director. In his many years in the field, Kam has seen a lot, but one thing remains constant: the transitional period of college can take a major toll on a student’s mental health. According to Kam, to see that an individual is in good physical health is extremely obvious, but mental health is another beast entirely. “In today’s world, you can put on a pretty good facade that life is great and everything is wonderful, but in reality you are having tremendous

Fraternities provide young men the opportunity to support eachother through the transitional period of college.

anxiety or depression,” said Kam. Because college is a time for exploration of oneself and a time to transition from operating as a child to an adult, it is very easy to become overwhelmed. Kam explains that many college students will fall into the trap of thinking an issue will work itself out, when this is just not the case. On top of the normal demands of classes and a new environment, a student who joins a Greek organization dons an entirely new set of responsibilities. This can be the best decision of a young person’s life (having all the benefits of a brotherhood/sisterhood), but it can also have its own unique toll on one’s mental health. Kam explains that by nature, a fraternity is meant to be an organization that helps students succeed, but sometimes can be overwhelming throughout the journey. “In the process of trying to do everything, attend everything and get to know everyone, they position themselves into more highly stressful situations,” said Kam

Fred Kam. Photo courtesy of Auburn University

But the brotherhood a fraternity provides can be exactly that: a brotherhood designed to help its

members and encourage a positive environment through deep personal interactions. Kam’s advice to brothers to continue, or start, the conversation about the importance of mental health is simple: make sure the fraternity becomes a place where all members have the ability to trust and be willing to help members who might be struggling. “We [fraternity brothers] are always there to support and help, but we have to be given the opportunity to support and help or know that someone needs that support and help,” said Kam. Kam also points to the many services that college campuses offer as a great place to start the conversation, such as counseling centers, substance abuse help centers, as well as screenings. He encourages all chapters to introduce early on in the semester the idea that mental health is important and invite qualified individuals to speak. Support starts with the fraternity members willing to make time for mental health awareness. “With mental health, like with other things, the earlier you identify, the earlier you seek help, the less negative the impact it will have on your life,” stated Kam.


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Area Alumni, Recruitment Specialists Help Vanderbilt Colony Stand Out Among the Crowd By: James Vaughn, Digital Content Specialist

lot of questions for Bateman, too. He was intrigued. He especially liked that Lambda Chi seemed to be at the forefront of raising sexual assault awareness, something that is very important to Sanam and his brothers.

Sachin Sanam is the new High Alpha of the Vanderbilt Colony.


everal members in the new colony at Vanderbilt University crowded into an off-campus apartment April 17 for an executive meeting, one of their first. It was 10 p.m., but they didn’t seem to mind. They were eager to plan out the rest of the school year and all of next year. From events they wanted to attend to philanthropies they wanted to host, they brainstormed ways to make sure their campus community knows they’re back, and they’re better than ever. Leading that meeting was Sachin Sanam, the recently appointed High Alpha. He decided to join the fraternity just three months prior. Now, he was catching his newfound brothers up on everything they needed to know about the colony and the General Fraternity. They listened closely as he stood at the front of the living room. They took notes and chimed in when necessary. Sanam had no intention of joining Greek Life until Recruitment Specialist Dylan Bateman contacted him. Bateman had a lot of questions for Sanam — his job is to make sure all of the potential members are a good fit. But Sanam had a

“I wanted to make sure that what I was getting myself into meshed with my own personal values, and I wanted to make sure I could really dedicate myself and get behind this,” Sanam said.

Vee Basukala graduated a few years ago from the University of Montevallo, where he was initiated into Lambda Chi Alpha. Now, he is a law student at Vanderbilt. “Lambda Chi was such a big part of my college experience, and it’s something that made such a big difference in my life, so sharing that in Nashville and in the Vanderbilt community is something that needed to happen. It’s just something that should be there,” Basukala said.

He has certainly dedicated himself. It is a painstaking process, he said, but one that is worthwhile. The colony is already a member of Vanderbilt’s Interfraternity Council (IFC). “A lot of people recognize us already,” he said. Many area alumni have already gotten involved as well. They’re thrilled to have a local chapter again. “They don’t control us, that’s the best part,” Sanam said. “They just give us guidance. We truly appreciate how much they have put into helping us grow.” In fact, it is an alumnus who offered up his apartment for the meeting.


Basukala The positive experiences he had during his undergraduate years is the reason he is lending a hand at Vanderbilt. He credits the fraternity for bringing him out of his shell. “I used to be the shy, quiet, foreign kid. But Lambda Chi helped me gain that self confidence. Sometimes I feel like it gave me way too much confidence,” he joked. “The thing about Lambda Chi is you don’t have to fit in a certain box. You don’t have to be a certain type or act a certain way. You don’t have to be a stereotype to be in a fraternity, and I know they will break that barrier here at Vanderbilt,” he continued. “They’re a mismatched puzzle, but they somehow all fit together to create a good, overall,


July 2018 - lambdachi.org - Quarterly Issue #2 big picture.” He has high hopes for the colony as it transitions to a chapter. “I think there is a bad rap for fraternities these days,” Basukala said. “But I think this chapter has the potential to change that image.” Stuart Weise, an alumnus of the University of Central Florida chapter, will serve as the High Pi. Weise lives in Nashville where he is an Executive Vice President at Renasant Bank. He attended the Neville Advisor’s College earlier this year to prepare for his role with the colony. “I am very pleased and honored to be able to help move this chapter forward with these young men,” Weise said. Communication has been constant and positive, he added. Weise was at the meeting April 17. He was so impressed by how far the members have come in such a short period of time. “I’ve seen a lot of our chapters over my years, and I have to say, from the onset, these young men have done an exceptional job,” he said. “They’ve got lofty goals — very lofty goals. We’ve had a lot of discussions about how to build this organization to be the best on campus. We want them to really focused on our core ideals and values … I’ve been very impressed by their significant interest in not only forming this organization to not be just another fraternity on campus, but being leaders on the


campus.” Something all the men seem to agree about is they want to see change — on campus, in Nashville, and in the Greek community. Lucus Cheng, a sophomore economics major at Vanderbilt, knew deep down he wanted to be part of a Greek organization. But it had to be a very specific kind of organization, he said. Lambda Chi fit the bill. “The values of Lambda Chi Alpha really kind of generated a deep response in me,” Cheng said. “I knew immediately it would be a good fit for me.” Being a Lambda Chi already means so much to him. “I think the phrase ‘Brothers for Life’ is something that really struck a chord in me … this is for life,” Cheng said. “I’ve met so many alumni in the area who have reached out to us and connected with us, and it made me realize that this is way bigger than just something that happens for four years in school. This is something that goes throughout your entire life.” Cheng, who is now serving as High Beta, said it has been a rollercoaster ride since January when word about Lambda Chi’s expansion at Vanderbilt got out. Everything happened so quickly. But already, the members are eager to jump in and get involved.

“I think if we make our presence known around campus as the group of guys who get involved a lot, it’s going to be only good news for us,” he said. Bateman couldn’t agree more. “Being in the Nashville community, there is a lot of need in that area, so my hope is that these guys can help fill that void a little bit,” Bateman said. At Vanderbilt, every student Bateman came across was high caliber, he said, so he got to be even more selective than usual. And it shows. He spent eight weeks on campus with the men, building the colony. “Once we got up and running, I got to know the guys on a deeper level and they got to know each other, and they really started to form that bond that we look for. The highlight of my experience was just watching that relationship grow, but also building a relationship with them myself,” Bateman said. “It’s so fun to see something start from the ground up.” As for Sanam, he’s still discovering what it means to be a Lambda Chi, he said. “At the moment, it truly means to me brotherhood. Everyone in (this) organization, we have our faults, but we also have things that we’re good at, and I think what we’re really good at is taking what we do have and celebrating it.”


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THE STORY OF ONE LAMBDA CHI ALPHA’S HEROIC ACTIONS DURING THE VIETNAM WAR men knew they could not abandon Vaughn, and so they barricaded themselves in the house and began a four-day escape attempt.

By: Taylor Grayson, Associate Director of Communications

“Everybody relied on him.” Colonel Robert W. Hubbard was the kind of man that looked as though he knew exactly what was going on at all times, someone who could be trusted with anything, a calming force. This sentiment would prove true the morning of Jan. 30, 1968, during the heat of the Vietnam War. Hubbard and a fellow Marine Captain, Raymond Lau, were given the task from the CIA to “win the hearts and minds” of the Vietnamese people; they were asked to demonstrate to the people how life could be under a democratic government and urge the people to take an interest in freedom rather than a communist government. Because of this responsibility, both men were assigned to a house with a few other men, when on Jan. 30, that house came under fire. While Lau and the other men fought back amid the booms and cracks of gunfire, Hubbard and Sgt. Howard Vaughn arrived at the house to offer their support. Immediately, Vaughn was shot, the bullet going through his lungs. Though he did not die instantly, he was mortally wounded. The

Finally, when a window opened for the men to escape, they made a mad dash to a nearby bridge. Hubbard was only armed with a grenade. As they reached the bridge, they saw there was a small opening in the aqueduct. While the rest of the men made it through the tunnel successfully, Hubbard soon realized that he was far too large. And so, the young man from Auburn University, a Lambda Chi Alpha man, gave his life so that his fellow soldiers could escape. Though he died at a young age, he was and continues to be remembered as a man of courage and character. John Davis recalls that his father was a fast friend of Hubbard’s and what the fraternity meant to both of them. “I think it taught them the value of loyalty and friendship,” said Davis.

last minutes. Because of the bravery he showed on that day in Hue, Hubbard was post humanely awarded the Navy Cross for his dedication and bravery in the face of danger. But while Hubbard has rightfully been honored time and time again, Davis has a sneaking suspicion that recognition from his fraternity would have meant more than all the medals in the world. “I think of all the honors and tributes that he received, none would mean more to him than to be acknowledged by Lambda Chi Alpha,” affirmed Davis. “He was the strong, loyal, dependable friend that would always be there for you,” Davis continued. “The same guy that he was at Auburn University in ’62 was the same guy he was in the city of Hue in February of 1968 [when he died]. “He was a true hero.”

Carol Hubbard, sister of Robert, recalled that Lambda Chi Alpha was more than just a fraternity for him, it was a home. “It was actually more like his home more than his real home; he was what I would call a big man on campus, a lot of people liked him,” she said. Davis recalls Hubbard coming to stay with his family over many holidays and when he was on leave. Davis’s father was in the Marine Reserves, while Hubbard served as a Marine Corp officer, and their friendship lasted up until Hubbard’s

Hubbard (pictured here in college) was very well-liked on Auburn’s campus. He was involved in many activities, according to his sister, and touched many lives along the way.

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High Alpha Summit Over three days, participants will learn the fundamentals of serving as chief executive officer for their respective chapter or colony, with emphasis on leadership, ethics, operations management, external relations and harm reduction. The summit will feature presentations from speakers in the Greek/higher ed community, and participants will learn and work in small groups with brothers from all over North America facilitated by volunteers and the General Fraternity headquarters staff members.

Neville Advisor’s College The Neville Advisorʼs College is Lambda Chi Alphaʼs premiere alumni advisor training conference for High Pis, Alumni Advisory Board members, Alumni Control Board members, and House Corporation members. Sessions are facilitated by educational professionals, International Headquarters Staff, alumni and subject matter experts, all delivering relevant and timely content to help our advisors prepare for work with our undergraduates. While the focus of the program is on content relevant to new advisors, seasoned and experienced advisors will also benefit from the opportunities to learn from each other over the course of the three-day experience.

Dates: January 10 - 13, 2019 Location: Indianapolis, Indiana

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RENO MEMBER GIVES BACK ON MISSION TRIP TO HAITI By: Taylor Grayson, Associate Director of Communications


he shelter in Haiti was overflowing. Throughout the modest building, children of all ages played games, read books, or interacted with the brothers of the Missionaries of the Poor. These children all had one thing in common, however: all had some form of physical injury or mental illness which led to a life condemned to the streets by their family. But there was one more thing that these abandoned souls had in common: a Lambda Chi brother with an open mind and a servant heart. Sophomore Francis Militante of the University of Nevada-Reno (UNR) made a service trip to Haiti recently in order to restore his faith and reconnect with his sense of service. During his week there, Militante interacted with all of the children who needed him most in the shelter by clothing, bathing, feeding, and

most importantly, befriending them. For Militante, the most impactful part of his week of service were the bonds he formed and the smiles he left behind. “The smiles on their faces when you touched them or even spoke to them were unforgettable,” said Militante. “I learned to never take what I have for granted and to always be happy with what I have.” In addition to serving others, Militante has been an integral part of the the UNR colony as a founding father. Militante had the unique opportunity to shape the colony into a group of young men that would embody the service aspect he fell in love with. “Service in my eyes is going out of your comfort zone to truly help with the needs of others,” said Militante. “There are many kinds of service and as long as you’re helping your neighbor, I call that service.”

19 As a molecular microbiology and immunology major, Militante hopes to replicate his experience in Haiti many times over in the medical field. Until then, his servant heart will continue to grow and flourish in Lambda Chi. “I hope Lambda Chi helps me to be a leader in every aspect of my life,” said Militante. “I hope this fraternity helps me to realize that it’s not only a way to network socially but also a way to give service to those truly in need.”



July 2018 - lambdachi.org - Quarterly Issue #2


CORNELL BROTHER CHASES DREAM TO BE ON THE PGA TOUR By: Taylor Grayson, Associate Director of Communications

Graboyes soon found his groove on the team, and to no one’s surprise, climbed the ranks to become one of the Ivy League’s best players. He finished his senior season as a fourtime All-Ivy Honors player, something that has only been accomplished a handful of times in the Ivy League’s history.

Graboyes says he joined Lambda Chi Alpha after another former golfer recruited him. Photo courtesy of Lambda Chi Alpha Cornell chapter Life as he knew it began for recent Cornell graduate Mike Graboyes on a golf course, and as far as he is concerned, will probably end there as well. From as early as he can remember, Graboyes was out on the green practicing his game. From the age of five, the economics major attended golf camps every summer. Once he was old enough to compete in tournaments, there was no hesitation. Graboyes and his family soon realized that he had a gift, so the training intensified and the dreams became bigger. As talk of college entered the picture, Graboyes knew without a doubt he was bound for the Ivy League. His older brother also attended Cornell and played on the men’s golf team, one year his senior. After seeing the success his brother had in Ithaca, Graboyes decided to take his game to the next level on the same team.

plans, namely planning to join the professional circuit in late August. Until then, Graboyes will be playing eight to nine hours of golf a day in order to achieve peak performance.

“It’s kind of cool because that was my goal coming into college, I didn’t even talk about winning the Ivys, I just wanted to be a four-time All-Ivy player,” said Graboyes.

While the ultimate goal is to one day be on television on the PGA Tour, Graboyes will continue to chase his dream and work hard, something that both Lambda Chi and his time on the Cornell team have taught him. With the support of both his family and fraternity family, the sky is the limit for the young golfer.

Though he was just shy of winning the tournament in his last season, Graboyes still boasts a tournament win his junior year, while never finishing below eighth place throughout the rest of his college career.

“It [Lambda Chi] has meant the entire world to me,” expressed Graboyes. “I really don’t know how my college experience would have been without Lambda Chi, but it certainly wouldn’t have been as good as it has been.

“It really does speak to itself, because the Ivy League Championship is our biggest tournament, and if you play well in that, you should be honored,” said Graboyes.

“The network of friends, the people I’ve met through the fraternity…it’s just an experience that’s so unique to fraternities and I especially thank Lambda Chi here [Cornell]…When you get out there, and you are struggling [on the course], it’s nice to know that no matter what, when I get back on Sunday night, I’m going to have a great group of guys that are supportive and that are happy to see me, no matter what.”

The remainder of his senior season saw Graboyes winning two events, while leading his team as captain and shooting some of his lowest scores to assist the team overall. It might not have been the picture-perfect season the senior was hoping for, but one that he will remember and be proud of for the rest of his life. “I was very happy, but at the same time, going into Ivys and losing by one, I really didn’t feel like I played my best, so that was frustrating,” said Graboyes. “I’ve accepted it though and am happy about what I was able to accomplish here.” As Graboyes continues to make the shift from college to life outside of the Ivy League, he has many exciting

Graboyes says that his chapter brothers have been nothing but supportive of his golf career, something that he will always be grateful for. Photo courtesy of Mike Graboyes

July 2018 - lambdachi.org - Quarterly Issue #2



New ELCs: (left to right) Trevor Holland, Tyler Drisko, Avery Baker, Cody Sallee, Walker Rose, Jimmy Phillips, Trevor Nicholas. Not pictured: Chance Majewski It’s that time of year again, where we say goodbye to the outgoing staff members at IHQ, and welcome with open arms a new group of individuals looking to carry on the responsibilities. Below is information about all of the new hires and promotions, as well as a few words from the outgoing Educational Leadership Consultants about their future plans and what they took away from their time here at IHQ. Incoming Educational Leadership Consultants: 8 new Educational Leadership Consultants began their new roles on Monday, June 4th – each of them bringing their own perspective and experiences from their time as an undergrad. Avery Baker: Avery was born on Wright Patterson Air Force Base and has in lived in Japan, Colorado, and Maryland. He started playing cello at the age of eight and has continued to play for past 13 years. At Fort Meade Senior High School, Avery played varsity football and lacrosse. He was honored as a captain in both sports. His

undergraduate career was completed at Lycoming College Williamsport, Pennsylvania where he majored in Music Performance and Psychology. Avery participated in multiple music ensembles including the string ensemble, Lycoming College Community Orchestra, Tour, and Chamber Choirs. He has toured to China and Florida performing choral music. Avery joined Lambda Chi Alpha his sophomore year of college and was elected Vice President while he was an Associate Member. He went on to hold the offices of President, Recruitment Chairman, Fraternity Educator, and Alumni Liaison. Avery graduated from Lycoming College in May of 2018.

Northeast Representative on the Student Advisory Committee. At UNH, he was also involved with Student Senate, Greek Intervarsity, The Recreation Society, and Slow Foods UNH. In Student Senate, he served as the Fraternity & Sorority Affairs Liaison. His favorite experience as an undergrad was touring Europe for a couple weeks followed by a study abroad program in Ascoli Piceno, Italy where he studied Italian Culture and Food Aesthetics. In my free time, he loves to snowboard, mountain bike, play guitar, hang out with family and friends, and travel, which makes him very excited to travel the country and help chapters as an ELC.

Tyler Drisko: Born outside of Boston in ’96, Tyler grew up in Sharon, MA, right down the road from Gillette Stadium. Tyler graduated from the University of New Hampshire with a degree in Recreation Management & Policy: Program & Event Management and a minor in Business. During his time in college, Tyler served his chapter as IFC Delegate, Standards Chair, Alumni Relations chair, and External VicePresident. He also served as the Great

Trevor Holland: Holland, originally from Avon, IN, graduated from Ball State University with a Bachelor of Science in Public Relations. Holland was involved throughout his undergraduate degree with New Student Orientation and Student Government Association. Holland served as High Rho and completed two terms on the Interfraternity Council as Vice President of Public Relations and President. He guided his council through their largest

July 2018 - lambdachi.org - Quarterly Issue #2 recruitment in history and an IFC-wide social pause. In his spare time, he enjoys visiting local coffee shops, reading, and keeping up with social media trends. Chance Majewski: A long-time Alabama resident with scattered interests and talents, Chance graduated magna cum laude from the University of Montevallo with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science. His personal hobbies include music and foreign language, and he is currently studying piano and Spanish. In his chapter he has served as High Sigma, High Phi, and High Alpha. Other roles on his campus have included being a Student Government Association Supreme Court Justice and being involved in various roles in the University of Montevallo unique musical homecoming tradition, College Night. Through the General Fraternity, Chance was also privileged to have the opportunity to serve on the Student Advisory Committee and Grand High Zeta as an undergraduate. Trevor Nicholas: Trevor was born and raised in the Black Hills of South Dakota, where he is finishing up his degree in Applied and Computational Mathematics at the South Dakota School of Mines & Technology. He joined Lambda Chi Alpha in the second semester of his freshman year, becoming a brother of the Pi-Mu colony a semester before its official chartering. During his time in his chapter, he served as High Theta for two terms and High Delta for one. Outside of Lambda Chi Alpha, he has also heavily been involved in the Circle K International (Kiwanis) service organization where he is soon retiring from his role as an International Trustee, similar to the role of an ELC for Lambda Chi Alpha, in which he traveled the country presenting on Circle K. He also held office in the Professional Development Institute for Student Leaders at his school, hosting leadership retreats and professional development conferences for his fellow students. During his free time, Trevor enjoys playing and watching basketball, hiking, and doing anything else outdoors. Jimmy Phillips: Jimmy studied public

relations at Franklin College. He is from the small town of Tell City, Indiana located in southern Indiana. During his time as being an undergraduate member of Lambda Chi Alpha, he served as Tau, Alpha, Phi, and Theta. Along with those offices he served on the Executive Committee for three years, was the Midwestern Conclave representative of the Student Advisory Committee, and served as the Grand High Psi of the Grand High Zeta. In addition to Lambda Chi Alpha, he served on the IFC executive board and played four years on the football team. In his free time, he enjoys playing golf, hanging with family and friends, grilling and playing video games. Walker Rose: Walker is a former resident of Greensboro, North Carolina, and a recent graduate of the University of North Carolina Wilmington, where he studied Business Administration. Following in his father’s footsteps, Walker joined Lambda Chi Alpha in the Spring of his freshman year. During his tenure, he served as High Tau, High Delta, High Epsilon, and Big Brother Coordinator. Outside of Lambda Chi, Walker was a coordinator for UNCW’s premiere peer-to-peer mentoring program, a member of the Cameron School of Business Executive Network, and served on the executive committee of UNCW’s Human Resources Association chapter. In his free time, Walker enjoys playing and watching sports, as wells as keeping up with the current trends in music. Cody Sallee: Originally from Portland, Oregon, Cody has lived his whole life in the Pacific Northwest. For the past five years, he has worked on completing his Bachelor of Arts in English, with a minor in Psychology, at the University of Idaho. During his time at Epsilon-Gamma Zeta, he served as Vice President, President, and Inner Circle Steward. He was on the Student Advisory Committee in 2016, which sparked his interest in working for International Headquarters. In his spare time, Cody enjoys distance running, adult coloring books, and volunteering his time with Habitat for Humanity.

22 Outgoing Educational Leadership Consultants: Now that you’ve had the opportunity to learn about the incoming ELCs, it is also important to recognize the future plans of the outgoing ELCs and some of the things they are taking away from this job. Taylor Krivas: Taylor Krivas is planning to attend the University of Northern Colorado to obtain a Masters in Higher Education and Student Affairs. When asked about his experience as an ELC, Krivas said, “I took so much away from the job. Acting independently, but also knowing I had a support system that was cultivated throughout my training and time at IHQ was phenomenal. The personal relationships that I made throughout this job are some that I will carry with me the rest of my life.” Nick Kobernik: Nick Kobernik served for 2 years at Lambda Chi Alpha as an Educational Leadership Consultant. Nick plans to pursue his MBA in the Fall of 2018, at a University that is still yet to be determined as decisions come in. “Being an ELC taught me a great deal over the past two years. I learned so much about people and developed a strong foundation of communication and public speaking skills. I hope to use this foundation and learn how to apply it



July 2018 - lambdachi.org - Quarterly Issue #2

BEING AN ELC HELPED ME BY TEACHING ME RESPONSIBILIT Y, PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILIT Y, AND IMPROVING MY WORK ETHIC THAT I HAD FROM COLLEGE. with a business mindset. My goal is to one day bring a values based approach to a for profit organizations, and help my company’s employees develop into leaders just as I did traveling as an ELC.” Kobernik said. Alex Martens: Alex Martens has recently accepted the role of Graduate Assistant in the Civic Engagement & Volunteerism Office at Eastern Illinois University. In Alex’s words, “My role as a consultant helped me with receiving

this new role (at EIU), and doing the best of my abilities due to planning, working with others on initiatives, and serving others. A consultant really gives the experience needed for problem solving on the fly.” Dylan Bateman: Dylan Bateman served as a Recruitment Specialist and an Educational Leadership Consultant while at IHQ. In the Fall, he will be attending Florida State University to obtain a degree is Higher Education with an emphasis on Student Affairs. Dylan’s favorite part of being an ELC, was traveling around the United States – especially the Pacific Northwest. Zac Bell: Zac Bell is currently enrolled in the University of Virginia School of Law, with the hope to pursue the route of civil rights or social justice activism. “Being an ELC helped me by teaching me responsibility, personal accountability, and improving my work ethic that I had from college” Zac said. Nick Gafron: Nick Gafron has relocated to Michigan with his fiance, to start their future together. He is heavily involved in the esports domain, and hopes to begin his career within the upcoming months.

Harm Reduction and Risk Management: There have also been some additions and changes in the Harm Reduction and Risk Management staff here at IHQ. Mickey Simmons: Mickey Simmons has been promoted to the role of Associate Director of Education & Harm Reduction, where she will take on the responsibilities of educational programming creation, chapter resource development, and harm reduction education initiatives. Samantha Robinson: Samantha Robinson is a new hire in the department, where she will undertake the role of Assistant Director of Risk Management. In this role, Samantha will have the duties of probation/compliance management, incident investigations, and management of the event planning process.

July 2018 - lambdachi.org - Quarterly Issue #2

Building a Legacy


The 57th General Assembly & Stead Leadership Seminar is happening this summer! Dates: August 2 - 5, 2018 Location: Sawgrass Marriott Resort (1000 PGA Tour Boulevard, Ponte Verda Beach, FL 32082) You will gain the knowledge and have the resources to become a better leader and will obtain a richer fraternal experience. Brothers from all over North America, including the Grand High Zeta, Student Advisory Committee, Master Stewards, and the General Fraternity Staff, will come together to conduct the business of the Fraternity and participate in the educational and developmental Chapter programming. DonĘźt miss this opportunity to learn and discover new ideas for your Chapter or Colony.


July 2018 - lambdachi.org - Quarterly Issue #2

Foundation Awards Fraternity $196,000 in Educational Grants T

he Educational Foundation Board of Directors unanimously voted to award $196,000 in Fraternity grants for the 2018-2019 academic year. These grants will support four strategic initiatives: Stead Leadership Seminar and General Assembly, the High Alpha and Officers Summit, career services and professional development programming aimed to help members prepare for a successful transition after college, and the longstanding Neville Advisor’s College. $116,000 – This summer the Fraternity will host the Stead Leadership Seminar in conjunction with the 57th General Assembly. More than 600 undergraduate participants are expected at the event, and more than 100 of these brothers will be in attendance through a fully-funded Educational Foundation scholarship. “This summer is a great opportunity to meet brothers from all over North America, learn more about chapter operations, and celebrate our bond in Lambda Chi Alpha,” said Justin Fisher, Director of Chapter Services. “Our team has put together a diverse curriculum that will challenge our members to think critically and encourage them to implement new programs and best practices at their chapters.” $20,000 – Leadership training for our undergraduate officers is the key

to the Lambda Chi Alpha experience being successful at each level. The Fraternity has the ability to provide this programming each year with support from the Foundation for the High Alpha Summit. The High Alpha Summit has prepared more than 350 High Alpha’s since it’s inception in 2015, and this past year it was expanded to include the High Beta, Theta, Tau, Delta, Iota, and Kappa. “The High Alpha Summit gives members of our chapters a space to learn from other high functioning groups, the Fraternity Staff, our dedicated alumni, and have face-to-face interactions with members of the Grand High Zeta,” said Alyssa Giles, Director of Risk Management & Education. “It is our hope that members walk away understanding that Lambda Chi Alpha is so much bigger than the individual chapter and have a renewed or newly found sense of purpose within the larger organization.” $25,000 – The Foundation continues to support valuable programming for our loyal alumni volunteers and advisors through the Neville Advisor’s College. Last year over 70 alumni volunteers who serve as High Pi’s, Alumni Advisory Board members, Alumni Control Board members, and members of Housing Corporations, convened to learn and facilitate topics that continue to provide a meaningful, values-based experience

for our undergraduate members. $20,000 – As the fraternity experience continues to evolve, the Fraternity and the Foundation have continued to invest in programming that helps our members succeed not only during their time as an active undergraduate member, but also as outgoing seniors. Preparing for the next phase in life is critical, and Lambda Chi Alpha’s “Life After” program focuses on critical skills and topics that help our members prepare for the next step. Life After is a two day, three-night program that has students interacting with alumni and professionals over the course of the conference to learn important skills to succeed post-graduation in both job and life. $15,000 – Through the continued cooperation of the Fraternity and Foundation to expand career development resources, the Foundation recently awarded the Fraternity $15,000 to expand our Alumni Engagement activities. These funds will be used to engage the Lambda Chi Alpha Alumni Network through the development of programs to enhance member career development through online networking resources, curriculum development and delivery, and staff training.


FALL 2018















Wright State




Appalachian State Expansion


Coastal Carolina


Gottwald Nicholas



North Texas McDaniel College Buffalo Illinois State Expansion Texas State - San Marcos Christopher Newport Johnson & Wales Prov. Southern Illinois - Carbondale Houston Baptist William & Mary Expansion Wisconsin - La Crosse Wright State Vanderbilt Middle Tennessee State Marshall Nevada - Reno

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