Catalogue – 23rd Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur (2019)

Page 46

Still Working

Aletsch Negative*

Switzerland 2019, 17'25", digital file, colour, French with English subtitles, Fic

Switzerland 2019, 15'00", digital file, colour, no dialogue, Doc/Ani/Exp

Director/Script: Julietta Korbel Editor: Raphaël Lefèvre Sound: Camille Bonard Cast: Beat Wittwer/Jean-Baptiste Le Vaillant Production: Thera Production,, +41 215585050, ECAL – Ecole cantonale d’art de Lausanne, Distribution: Jean-Guillaume Sonnier,

Director/Photography: Laurence Bonvin Sound: Bojan Milosevic Production/Distribution: Laurence Bonvin,, +49 1717041047

In einer verlassenen Fabrik, die abgerissen werden soll, wird der Wachmann durch die Ankunft eines jungen Ingenieurs gestört, der eine ungewöhnliche Turbine in Betrieb entdeckt. Der Wächter ist mit dem Ende seines Universums konfrontiert ... The guard of an abandoned factory that is set to be demolished is interrupted by the arrival of a young engineer who discovers an unusual turbine in use. The guard is confronted with the end of his universe ...

Der Aletsch ist der grösste und längste Gletscher der Alpen. Bis Ende des Jahrhunderts sollen gemäss Glaziologen die meisten Gletscher verschwunden und vom Aletsch nur Bruchstücke übrig sein. Der Film bietet eine sinnliche und visuelle Erfahrung sowie eine Reflexion über die Natur des bewegten Bildes. The Aletsch Glacier is the longest and largest glacier of the Alps. According to glaciologists, most glaciers will have disappeared by the end of this century, and only bits of the Aletsch will remain. «Aletsch Negative» offers a compelling sensual and visual experience as well as a reflection on the nature of the moving image.

Julietta Korbel (*1996 in Frankfurt, Germany) is of Swiss and Slovakian origin. She began her studies at the École Cantonale d’Art de Lausanne in 2016.

Laurence Bonvin is a documentary photographer and artist whose work deals with landscape, architecture, public spaces, and urban transformation. She has extensively exhibited her work in Switzerland and internationally since 1993.

Die mit * markierten Filme sind auch für die Preise des Internationalen Wettbewerbs nominiert.

Films marked with an * are also nominated for the awards of the International Competition.


Nachts sind alle Katzen grau / All Cats Are Grey in the Dark* Switzerland 2019, 18'16", digital file, colour, German with English subtitles, Doc Director/Script: Lasse Linder Photography: Robin Angst Editor: Michèle Flury Sound: Nicolas Büttiker Production: Hochschule Luzern HSLU – Design & Kunst,, +41 412486464 Distribution: Some Shorts,, +31 622076717

Christian lebt mit seinen beiden Katzen Marmelade und Katjuscha zusammen. Da er Vater werden möchte, lässt er seine geliebte Marmelade von einem exklusiven Kater im Ausland befruchten. Christian lives with his two cats Marmelade and Katjuscha. As he is yearning to become a father, he decides to have his beloved Marmelade impregnated by a select tomcat from abroad. Lasse Linder (*1994) briefly studied film studies and German before realizing that he would much rather make his own films. Before starting his video degree at the Lucerne School of Art and Design, he worked as an editor. His first short, «Bashkimi United» (2018), was awarded at several Swiss festivals. «Nachts sind alle Katzen grau» is his graduation project.

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