Textbook for Falling in Love

Page 27

14. because someone is waiting for us to fall in love with them (picture no.5) 15. so we get to love ourselves 16. so romantic poetry can exist.

((picture no. 5)

Of course, although there is a grain of truth in each of these answers, none of them is even close to being fully correct and final. Every human being is a different reason for falling in love... Does it then make any sense at all to look into those reasons, I wonder (and so, probably, do you‌)? If you try to speak about love with your mind, you will lose your mind - says an old French proverb (also off the Net) - and so, in order not to risk insanity, I give up... When I think of it, out of all the laborious digging around books and the Web and interviewing people, the only thing I really liked was Auntie's comment about fluttering. When you fall in love, I guess it comes by itself, without any special intention or reason, everything in you and around you begins to flutter. It must be a wonderful feeling... When I fall in love, I'll know... So here's the next question... How will you know when you're in love? Hmmm, I think Lesson No. 5 will require some fundamental research...


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