KM Key Club: February Newsletter 2014

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INTRODUCTION TABLE OF CONTENTS  Page 1: Key Club 101  Page 2: The Eliminate Project  Page 3: Members of the Month  Page 4: Current Events and News  Page 5: Contact Information


MARQUEL GAPUZ Hey guys! Sorry that I couldn’t drop this newsletter on the 28th as planned, I had some other business to attend to. On other note, this is my second to last newsletter…. And times do fly. My next newsletter will be the best one ever and I will not let you guys down! But after the next newsletter, I will be stepping down from my editor position and Kelsey Tran will take over. Until then, I am still your editor! Enjoy the February review newsletterMarquel Gapuz


YEN LE Hello my KM Key Clubbers! In less than 5 weeks, a lot of things will be happening. The current officer board for 2013-2014 will be done and the new incoming board of officers will take over for the 2014-2015 school year. However, there is still time to wrap off the reminding goals before April. First off, the big event that‘s slowly approaching in our eyes is DCON 2014! Thank you for those that purchased the DCON spirit gear and paid their DCON in a timely manner. If you haven’t gotten your Convention Overview and Convention Rules papers, message me on Facebook, text me, or contact me in any way to get your hands on them. Secondly, it’s official. We will have our March fundraiser at Kent-Meridian. Our “Lock In” has been approval by KM Administration. If you don’t know what a “Lock In” is, it’s basically being locked in our high school for the whole night as long as we have an advisor present. It’s a time for DCON attendees to bond with one another as well for other non-DCON attendees too. We will have movies to watch, food to supply, games to play, and loads of memories to make togetherThirdly, we will have an Installment Banquet on March 26th at the Golden Steer Rib House in Kent. It’s been two year since we had this banquet and it’s awesome to have it back. It’s a banquet for installing the new Key Club Executive Board officially, recognize the new Key Club members, and bring up accomplishments we have done this past 2013-2014 school year. You don’t want to miss out! Plan your schedule and book this date on there!On a final note, with the days for the 65th annual Pacific Northwest District Convention, I hope all of you guys are excited as I am for this event. It’s a great way to celebrate another successfully Key Club year for Kent-Meridian. One more month to serve you guys at the best of my ability. You guys are the best in my heart! In Love and Service,

Yen Le



Vision: We are caring and competent servant leaders transforming communities worldwide.

Motto: Caring – Our Way of Life Pledge: I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

Key Club International is sponsored by Kiwanis International and is the largest service program for high school students. It is a student-led organization that teaches High School students to perform acts of service in their communities and will also learn leadership skills

Objects •To develop initiative and leadership. •To provide experience in living and working together. •To serve the school and community. •To cooperate with the school principal. •To prepare for useful citizenship. •To accept and promote the following ideals: •To give primacy to the human and spiritual, rather than to the material values of life. •To encourage the daily living of the Golden Rule in all human relationships. •To promote the adoption and application of higher standards in scholarship, sportsmanship and social contacts. •To develop, by precept and example, a more intelligent, aggressive, and serviceable citizenship. •To provide a practical means to form enduring friendships, to render unselfish service and to build better communities. •To cooperate in creating and maintaining that sound public opinion and high idealism which makes possible the increase of righteousness, justice, patriotism and good will.

PNW District Project: ELIMINATE What is the ELIMINATE Project? The ELIMINATE Project is a joint project with Kiwanis and UNICEF to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT).

What is MNT? In 26 countries, MNT can bring nightmares to families. MNT kills one baby every nine minutes. This tetanus can also kill mothers. MNT is caused when tetanus spores come into contact with open cuts during childbirth, striking the ones who are less fortunate than us.

Do Your Part MNT is highly preventable. Three doses alone cost a mere $1.80. This will be used to immunize mothers, who will then pass it on to their offspring. It will take 110 million dollars for MNT to be eliminated off the face of the planet. It will also take the hard work of Kiwanis and UNICEF for MNT to be completely gone. Educate yourself and help ELIMINATE MNT.

Members of the Month Nathan Ramos

Marlon Gapuz

what is your favorite thing about key club?

what is your favorite thing about key club?

My favorite thing about Key Club is the large amount of people that I didn’t know when I first joined to Key Club, but now, all of those members are all close friends to me.

Being with friends and helping the community!

what do you like to do with your spare time?

LOL League

I enjoy playing League of Legends, breakdancing and chilling with my friends, but most importantly ANIME.

if you could go anywhere with anyone, where would you go?

what do you like to do with your spare time?

China, with James if you could go anywhere with anyone, where would you go? what is your favorite food? If I could go anywhere with anyone, I would go to South Korea with my friend Christian because we both enjoy playing League of Legends and breakdancing and a great mixture of both of those fits into the Korean atmosphere.

noodles :D who would you like to meet and why?

what is your favorite food?

Russell Wilson because he's one of my biggest rolemodels :))

My favorite food is spam masubi.

Why Marlon?

who would you like to meet and why?

Marlon Gapuz has been very dedicated to KM Key Club. Primarily, twice in a row (December and February), he has helped during third lunch to help sign up the students at KM for the Blood Drives. He usually attends every general meeting and helped out at other events such as Open House Day Care and Concessions. He has a lot of growth ahead of him, but I see big things coming in the future. Also, since it’s the last week of February, this would go nice for your B-day. Happy Birthday my dude!

If would like to meet Morgan Freeman because he is a great narrator and holds an amazing voice, and I hope to meet him so I would become a better speaker to audiences, and in general a better person. Why Nathan? Nathan Ramos, in his second year in Key Club, has grown compared to his freshmen year. He has been very active this year by the events he has participated. He participated in events like You Me We, Concessions, and our recent February event: KM Preview Night. He is enthusiastic when serving his community as he helped twice in a row with the Blood Drive in December 2013 and February 2014. His growth is what makes me proud of him as a Key Clubber and I’m looking forward to see him continue for years to come. Congratulations!

Events and News DCON 2014 DCON ATENDEES! Are you guys ready for the best weekend of the year, maybe even your LIFE?! One more month until DCON 2014, and from the looks of it the convention disappoint. I can’t wait!

CLUB SHIRTS Club Shirts have been ordered, we will receive them by early February! $15 each!

LOCK-IN We are currently planning a fundraiser in which we lock ourselves in a room at school and just have fun playing games and watching movies! More information will be given out shortly. Make sure not to miss this fun event!

Contact Information








Public Relations


Vidaul Dent

Vman.shariganuser@gmail. com


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