Panel Minutes 08-Nov-2012

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Kirkstall Community First Panel Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 8th November 2012 Present: Steve Harris (Chair), Lucinda Yeadon, Stephen Rennie, Simon Dawson, John Preston Apologies: None received Chair's Welcome: Steve Harris welcomed members to the meeting. Minutes of previous meeting: Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 20th August 2012 were agreed as a true record of proceedings. Matters Arising from the Minutes: Action points were reviewed. SD would pursue contacting other Community First groups around Leeds. SR would get more information from Knottingley's Community Profile and Hawksworth Wood's. Declarations of interest: Stephen Rennie reported an interest as Chair of HWCA. Area Plan and Local Priorities: Work on these would continue. The Vision for Kirkstall document still offered a good base, but needed far more people rather than planning focused content. SR would send Hawksworth Wood material form their developing Community Profile and send a paragraph on community development. LY was organising a Kirkstall Forum meeting at Milford and would provide 250 words on community politics. JP would provide 250 words on environmental issues and would cover allotments. SD would provide 250 words on the Festival and Kirkstall Matters. SH would provide 250 words on the Burley end of the Ward, including the Haddons, Beechwoods, Woodsides etc. Monitoring and Outcomes: No reports had yet been received, other than from Hawksworth Wood. We would repeat to groups, our request for a short report to us as well as the online monitoring report to CDF. SH would continue to maintain a spreadsheet of grants made and dates by which projects should have completed. We were reminded this year's funding ran to 31st March 2013. We had set interim submission dates of 31st October and 31st January. The total available was ÂŁ17k. Grant Decisions: Hawksworth Wood Family Trees: We had not had follow up on our questions. Kirkstall Harriers: This grant had not yet been claimed. Phoenix Scouts: This grant had not yet been claimed. Station Allotments East: This grant had not yet been c;laimed. Hawksworth Wood Community Association: A request had been received for support to put down carpet tiles in the community shop and replace some of the shop fittings. All the work would be done by volunteers, the association's funds would be used for decorating and the carpet and shop fittings would be sourced second hand. Agreed

Paul Long: An application had been received from an individual to develop community gardening from his allotment. It was agreed that this could be developed into a good project but that the individual should be asked to work with a group to achieve this. JP would contact him to put him in touch with Kirkstall in Bloom in the first instance and advise him as to processes and costs. Date and Time of Next Meeting: Given the next deadline for applications was 31st January, we needed to meet fairly soon thereafter. 19.00 on Wednesday 13th February at SD's house.

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