Kirkmahoe Discovered - Walks Book

Page 34

Wildlife through the Seasons While you are enjoying the countryside in Kirkmahoe, Look around you and listen carefully. There are interesting things to see and hear all year round.

March – May Watch for hares chasing and boxing in the fields. In damp fields, when pink ladies’ smock is in bloom, you can see orange-tip butterflies laying their eggs on the biggest flower heads. Why not keep track of your first dates for summer migrants? Chiffchaffs call their names from tree tops, from late March; listen for the sweet descants of willow warblers, and twittering of swallows, from the beginning of April. Where there are still wild tangles of vegetation, rough corners and thick hedges, enjoy the increasingly rare ‘little bit of bread and no chee-eeese’ song of yellowhammers. Orange-tip on bluebell


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