Kings' School Al Barsha | The Book 2022-23

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Photography by: Saaji / Year 13 Artwork by: Apolonia / Year 10



It gives me great pleasure to share the latest edition of 'The Book'. As always, 'The Book' celebrates the goings on throughout the year at Kings' School Al Barsha and highlights how many opportunities our school offers.

'The Book' is here to help our younger students to get excited by what's to come and to enable older students to look back fondly on activities and opportunities that they took part in over the year.

It has been another busy year at Kings'. For those reading this edition, I urge you to get inspiration from those that have gone before you, the experiences that they have involved themselves in, and I encourage you to take part in something new next year.

Your school is full of opportunities, take advantage of them!

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Another fantastic year at Kings' School Al Barsha!

It has been a privilege as always to spend the academic year with the students, watching them grow and learn in so many different ways, teaching the adults around them just as much as the adults teach them. The cohort I taught in FS1 in my first year with Kings' are now moving on to Year 7, leaving their primary school life behind them.


It is incredible to see how they have grown into resilient, confident, inspiring young people, ready to take on the next chapter in their education, with the firm footing of Kings' driving them to be the very best they can!

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Exceptional schools like Kings' School Al Barsha offer opportunities that allow all students to develop their skills and personalities inside and outside the classroom. Whether a student is passionate about developing in sport, music, drama or through the Duke of Edinburgh programme or an academic society, a vast array of opportunities are available day in, day out.

'The Book' demonstrates once again that Kings' School Al Barsha lives up to its mission of providing "The Best By Every Child".

I hope you enjoy reading and reliving some of the highlights of another exceptional year.

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I am thrilled to reflect on yet another year of resounding success and unwavering dedication from our entire community here at Kings’ School Al Barsha.

Our commitment to academic excellence has lead to outstanding results from our students once again and, as always, students have actively engaged in a diverse range of extracurricular activities, including sports, arts, and community service initiatives fostering their personal growth and instilling qualities such as leadership, teamwork, and compassion.


I am immensely proud of the achievements of our students, teachers, staff, and parents here at Kings’. It is through their collective efforts and unwavering dedication that we have once again realised an outstanding year filled with growth, accomplishments, and lasting memories.

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As the academic year draws to a close, I find myself filled with a sense of joy, reflecting on the incredible journey we have embarked upon together.

Our students have done us proud! Being able to witness their growth both academically and personally has led to many outstanding achievements for our students this year.

The dedication and resilience to learn, grow in confidence, and to succeed; as well as make lifetime memories with their friends and teachers, makes Kings' School Al Barsha a very special place. In this end-of-year book, we celebrate the accomplishments of our students and the indomitable spirit that has made this year truly exceptional.

We express our heartfelt gratitude to our students for their unwavering commitment, their thirst for knowledge, and their incredible achievements. We also extend our gratitude to our dedicated teachers, supportive parents, and the entire Kings’ Al Barsha community.

Thank you all for a fantastic year!

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Artwork by: Aimen / Year 11


It was wonderful to welcome new staff members to Kings' School Al Barsha this academic year.

They joined us from all corners of the world, and their skills and talents are a great addition to the Kings' family.

On behalf of us all, we hope you enjoyed your first year with us!

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At Kings' School Al Barsha, we are fortunate to have a significant number of longstanding staff members.

Loyal and committed employees are the foundation to any successful organisation

and we appreciate their contribution and dedication year after year. For all those staff members who reached their 5, 10, and 15-year milestone with Kings' this academic year, we were thrilled once again to present a gift of our appreciation.

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I felt a huge rush of excitement run through me when I was announced Primary Head Girl this year.

I was so excited and proud to be given the opportunity to give back to the Kings' community that has supported me since Foundation Stage and, which has shaped me into the person I am today.

To me, the best thing about Kings' is the diversity and inclusion that comes with being a student here. I really love that we get the

opportunity to make friends with people from all over the world, that we integrate with students from all year groups and those on Alternative Pathways. We learn so much from our peers as well as from the staff!

Kings' has helped me so much throughout the years and I am really looking forward to seeing what it has to offer to us in Secondary too.

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The moment I found out I had been appointed Primary Head Boy was one of the most exhilarating moments of my year.

It has been an amazing experience with lots of new responsibilities and opportunities. I have met many new people and made many new friends. I think, as a student leadership team, we have contributed very well to the Kings' ethos, “The best by Every Child”.

A highlight of the year for me would be the Year 6 residential because I was given the chance to collaborate with others and complete a variety of exciting tasks which


helped me to develop lots of new skills. There have been many more momentous events this year too, such as the BSME Games, House day, and International Day.

I would like to thank all of the students and teachers who have helped and supported me throughought my journey at Kings' and I am very exited to see what Secondary has to offer next year.

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This year has been one to remember and the memories we have made will certainly resonate with me in years to come.

The impact we have had as a leadership team could not have been made without the incredible support we have had from the Kings’ community.

We began by re-establishing the successful committees of last year. In collaboration with the PTA, we helped organise the Winter Fayre. We also celebrated the cultures of our diverse community through International Day, and the beautiful country we are so fortunate to be a part of through National Day.

It has been exciting to watch the new school extension being built! Indeed, the Engineering and Architecture Society students, including

myself, were fortunate enough to visit the construction site of the expansion. It was incredible to see how Kings’ will grow and change over the coming years, and the hard work behind the scenes to make it happen! This year, the new Maths block opened and has given us a taste of what is to come in September.

At the end of this year, we will also be saying goodbye to our extraordinary principal, Ms. Gray, who has created a legacy and impact felt by every student, teacher, and parent. The future is exciting and we, as the leadership team, have been so privileged to be a part of the Kings' legacy.

Well done everyone for such a brilliant year! This has left us more ambitious and excited for what we can do next year!

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What a journey year this has been!

We kicked off the year still wearing face masks and then thankfully transitioned back to normality a few short months later.

The impact of Covid, however, was not so quick to leave; consequently, the focus of the Student Leadership Team this year was to reignite that sense of unity throughout the school and between year groups, and I am proud to say that we accomplished a lot to bring us closer.

This academic year has been a year of kindness to others. Led by our Charity and Events Committees, we worked together to raise a collective 26,000AED to donate to Emirates Red Crescent to aid the families in Syria and Turkey affected by the devastating earthquakes. Furthermore, this Ramadan,


the Charity Committee ran an Eid drive for our support staff with generous donations coming from across the school, helping the very people who make our school comfortable and safe.

We also hosted the second annual Kings’ Splash event, leaving everyone excited to come in to school and, most importantly, leaving Mrs Gray and Mr Taylor soaking wet! With the commencement of GCSEs and A Levels, the Wellbeing Committee organised a Wellbeing Week to create a safe and supportive space for students to find ways to manage their emotions through mindful activities, sport, and reflection.

We are truly proud of the kind and brave students and staff here at Kings’, and couldn’t be more excited for what next year brings.

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Having joined Kings’ School

Al Barsha in FS1, I have been given many opportunities over the years to grow, learn, and try new things, but Year 6 has been, by far, the most memorable of them all!

Firstly, I was so proud to be selected Primary Deputy Head Girl and thoroughly enjoyed working with the Primary Leadership Team and to put forward ideas of my own for school improvements and to give back to the Kings’ community.

Year 6 was a year of incredible opportunities for me as I was a part of the Show Choir, Art Club, Swim Squad, and BSME Games in

Abu Dhabi. I love having the opportunity to represent the school and each of these gave me that.

We also had a fun-filled residential, which allowed us the time to build our confidence, skills, and team spirit. Our experiences throughout primary wouldn't have been the same if it wasn't for our amazing teachers, who have always supported and encouraged us to realise our potential.

I now look forward to new and exciting experiences in Year 7!

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This year, one of my highlights was the process of applying for and being appointed Primary Deputy Head Boy.

I thoroughly enjoyed creating my letter of application and delivering a presentation about why I felt I would be a strong leader. It has been a wonderful experience working with the student leadership team, supported by the staff leadership team, to make Kings' even better.

Another highlight, and proud moment, for me was being a tour guide for the school during


our open days. I really enjoyed having the opportunity to meet different families and show them around our wonderful school.

It has been a great final year of primary and I am looking forward to using even more of our amazing school facilities as I move up to Year 7, including the secondary science labs and the design and technology suites.

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Reflecting on my year in Year 7, I can confidently say that it has been a remarkable journey filled with growth, new experiences, and valuable lessons.

Transitioning from primary school to secondary school was both exciting and nerve-wracking, but I have come to appreciate the opportunities and challenges that came my way.

Beyond the classroom, I embraced the chance to participate in extracurricular activities and clubs. Whether it was joining the school choir,

taking part in sports teams, or engaging in creative arts projects, these activities allowed me to discover new passions and connect with like-minded peers.

They not only enriched my school experience but also helped me develop teamwork, leadership, and communication skills.

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My Year 7 experience was scary at first as I came from a new school and new country but within the first few weeks I had found my friends and started a new sport.

It has equipped me with essential skills, introduced me to incredible friendships, and nurtured a love for learning and personal growth.

I am grateful for the guidance and support of my teachers, who have been instrumental in my Year 7 journey. Their dedication,


enthusiasm, and encouragement have inspired me to strive for excellence and pursue my passions.

I am also thankful to my parents and family for their unwavering support and belief in my abilities

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While this year marked my journey through Year 12, it was also the start of my journey at Kings' School Al Barsha.

Though ultimately rewarding, this year has proven to be incredibly challenging and has pushed me both personally and academically. Leaving my old school was daunting since it forced me to step outside my comfort zone, but I was overwhelmed by the friendships formed and support received at Kings' from students and teachers alike.

Even with the ups and downs of mock season, I have felt continual support in school and in all of my academic pursuits. In the future,

I plan on studying Philosophy, Politics and Economics in the UK. My passion for these subjects has been so deeply nurtured inside the classroom here, and Kings' has given me the intellectual freedom and curiosity to explore different career paths.

Ultimately, it was attending the seniors’ graduation that made me realise how quickly the year had gone by, and how soon I will be in the same position. While attending university has its own excitement, a part of me is dreading leaving the community that has taken me in with such warmth and kindness.

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Of my 8 years at Kings’, Year 12 has been the most transformative for me, on both an academic and an individual level.

While for others, it was overwhelming to suddenly gain so much independence at the beginning of the year, I adapted quickly to the new Sixth Form routine. However, I encountered challenges in my role as Council Secretary in the Student Leadership team; I had to learn how to communicate effectively with many different people across the team to coordinate planning and events.

This journey culminated with our annual Kings’ Splash event, where we raised AED 26,000 through ticket sales along with fundraising by the Charity Committee for earthquake relief in


Syria and Turkey. Upon entering Year 12, I didn’t have a clear idea of what I wanted to do in the future as I had many different interests across a wide range of my A Level choices. Yet, throughout the year I was encouraged to further explore these interests to ensure that I make informed decisions when it comes time to university applications.

Through a “Topical Tuesday” presentation to Year 12, participating in a student essay competition, and attending an MUN conference in Italy, I was able to solidify my future aspirations as I now wish to study Political Science at university in Canada.

Overall, it’s been a great year for me and I am very excited for Year 13.

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Laila Khalil, Sehath Perera, Zain Sahtout, Khloe Sawiris, Noorah Gaffar, Jude Trad, Reyaan Vahi, Enrico Dal Bo, Farida Ahmed, Seleem Ali Abdelfattah, Holbrook, Mariam Issa, Aarna Jalan, Zayyan Khan, Haya Khatri, Akinlabi Lawore, Ibrahim Mohammad, Aya Mohammed Farouk Nasef, Esmé Anouti, Lev Cherniakhovskii, Selim Diaa Eldin, El Hadi El Hamidi, Sophia Elassiuty, Marius Lukas Friedberg, Tamara Hassan, Hadiyah Humza Sher, Qamar, Ayanna Sethia, Shlok Singh, Anaisha Varghese, Zayna Yasin, Kamilya Zhangeldina, Ayla Aghamardi, Arda Ajun, Hamad Al Awadhi, Jameel Zoya Khatri, Georgina Kottorou, Malik Masour, Marc Mazumder, Maggie Newnham, Lana Oeini, Kirtan Parikh, Nehaan Arshith Pilla, Youssef Ragab, Fairservice, Sultan Hadi, Ghaith Hannan, Leila Hassaballah, Haissam Ibrahim, Heba Khan, Jehan Ali Khan, Lucas Leao, Sofia Makwana, Felix Zeyada, Myra Ahmad, Hanaa Ahmed, Alexandria Anderson, Farid Bakir, Hamdan Bhatti, Liyam Bouaouiouich, Alexandros Couvaras, Leyan Ding, Enzo Renout, Adam Saeed, Hala Sirry, Fatima Tungekar, Josh Vadher, Theo Vasey, Emma Wang, Zehra Abbas, Connal Adams, Ismail Akhtar, Maryam Murad Hussain Bugti, Noah Catchpole, George Bond Green, Peini Jia, Alejandro Oliver Lewis-Lopez, Evika Mahal, Thuraya Nabil, Abhimanyu Narayan, Abdin, Hasem Abu Keir, Rayan Aleter, Syed Nabeel Ali, Layal Alkholy, Noora Almheiri, Sara Amiri, Nil Atlihan, Rajan Bhara, Charles Calas, Noah Salim Ahmed Said, Ali Nabil Salim, Talya Shokah, Mohammed Shayan Tarique Zia, Aleaha Sarah Vaseer, Riaan Alankar, Mohammed Alhawai, Anoushey Gugercinoglu, Eva Gurova, Mohammad Aaliyan Hammad, Murad Abdeljalil, Viddhan Jaggi, Mahira Kapoor, Laila Khalil, Sehath Perera, Zain Sahtout, Salaar Arif, Joury Tamar Bugoz, Sienna Dhillon, Ayesha Eeman, Ziad El Abd Kamle, Emanuel Helou, Porter Holbrook, Mariam Issa, Aarna Jalan, Oldendorff, Liana Assil Schwarz, Vivaan Taneja, Zachary Watkins, Emaan Agha, Shamsa Al Suwaidi, Ghazi Anouti, Lev Cherniakhovskii, Selim Ariana Kadirova, Mohammad Meslem, Adam Mohammed Thasleem, Taeyo Moodley, Shehaan Nair, Isla Qamar, Ayanna Sethia, Shlok Singh, Anaisha Yasha Chaturvedi, Jad Leo Dib, Clara Fani, Farida Fraih, Vivaan Gupta, Mansour Haider, Rabia Kaur Sahni, Zoya Khatri, Georgina Kottorou, Malik Alia Ahmed, Suhail Alfalasi, Hanaa Alizadeh Ardebili, Zayed Almheiri, Mazen Elhanafy, Milaslava Fairservice, Sultan Hadi, Ghaith Hannan, Leila Poulin, Avraj Singh Shahpuri, Siena Rose Sheepwash, Aariv Talwar, Mustafa Umair, Aiden Vadher, Ali Zeyada, Myra Ahmad, Hanaa Ahmed, Alexandria Fayad, Amelia Ghazi, Abdullah Hasan, Nayra Jain, Sienna Kidd, Eshaal Muhammad Basil, Fares Owais, Enzo Renout, Adam Saeed, Hala Sirry, Mohammed Faisal Sultan, Aria Asrani, Bhargavee Bararia, Georgios Bokaris, Nawabzada Muhammad Murad Hussain Bugti, Noah Catchpole, George Swanepoel, Essa Trumboo, Apostolos Tsiliakoudis, Nefeli Tsiolas, Abdullah Wali, Junran Zhang, Adam Abdin, Hasem Abu Keir, Rayan Aleter, Syed Graham, Mansour Hashem, Grace Hodge, Muhammad Ahmad Imran, Haya Kayad, Yaseen Rafaat, Victoria Salim Ahmed Said, Ali Nabil Salim, Hafez, Kiana Choitram, Selim Elsayed, Haya Fatima, Dimitris Gemenetzidis, Sofia Papacostopoulos, Deniz Gugercinoglu, Eva Gurova, Mohammad Reyaan Vahi, Enrico Dal Bo, Farida Ahmed, Seleem Ali Abdelfattah, Saif Alnuaimi, Hamza Aly, Muhammad Salaar Arif, Joury Tamar Bugoz, Sienna Ibrahim Mohammad, Aya Mohammed Farouk Nasef, Esmé O’Connell, Murede Manuel Olawoye, Seraphina Oldendorff, Liana Assil Schwarz, Vivaan Marius Lukas Friedberg, Tamara Hassan, Hadiyah Humza Sher, Gabriel Ivbijaro, Ines Jimenez Wlodarczyk, Ariana Kadirova, Mohammad Meslem, Zhangeldina, Ayla Aghamardi, Arda Ajun, Hamad Al Awadhi, Jameel Babiker, Sophia Basma, Matthew Blegenhout, Yasha Chaturvedi, Jad Leo Newnham, Lana Oeini, Kirtan Parikh, Nehaan Arshith Pilla, Youssef Ragab, Salma Ramahi, Aanya Santosh, Eldar Valitov, Alia Ahmed, Suhail Alfalasi, Heba Khan, Jehan Ali Khan, Lucas Leao, Sofia Makwana, Felix Milburn, Samaira Negandhi, Ali Onol, Alexandre Bernard Poulin, Avraj Singh Shahpuri, Hamdan Bhatti, Liyam Bouaouiouich, Alexandros Couvaras, Leyan Ding, Daniel Karim Edward, Omar El Shawarby, Rosabella Fayad, Amelia Ghazi, Theo Vasey, Emma Wang, Zehra Abbas, Connal Adams, Ismail Akhtar, Maryam Al Bastaki, Fahad Alangari, Shaikh Maktoum Mohammed Faisal Alejandro Oliver Lewis-Lopez, Evika Mahal, Thuraya Nabil, Abhimanyu Narayan, Victoria Simmons, Hugo Spencer, Isabella Swanepoel, Essa Noora Almheiri, Sara Amiri, Nil Atlihan, Rajan Bhara, Charles Calas, Noah Cotran, Sophie Curtis, Amaira Fazelyar, Emma Graham, Mansour Hashem, Tarique Zia, Aleaha Sarah Vaseer, Riaan Alankar, Mohammed Alhawai, Anoushey Athar, Bhavyam Bararia, Fahad Bin Hafez, Kiana Choitram, Selim Viddhan Jaggi, Mahira Kapoor, Laila Khalil, Sehath Perera, Zain Sahtout, Khloe Sawiris, Noorah Gaffar, Jude Trad, Reyaan Vahi, Enrico Dal Bo, Kamle, Emanuel Helou, Porter Holbrook, Mariam Issa, Aarna Jalan, Zayyan Khan, Haya Khatri, Akinlabi Lawore, Ibrahim Mohammad, Aya Mohammed Agha, Shamsa Al Suwaidi, Ghazi Anouti, Lev Cherniakhovskii, Selim Diaa Eldin, El Hadi El Hamidi, Sophia Elassiuty, Marius Lukas Friedberg, Tamara Moodley, Shehaan Nair, Isla Qamar, Ayanna Sethia, Shlok Singh, Anaisha Varghese, Zayna Yasin, Kamilya Zhangeldina, Ayla Aghamardi, Arda Mansour Haider, Rabia Kaur Sahni, Zoya Khatri, Georgina Kottorou, Malik Masour, Marc Mazumder, Maggie Newnham, Lana Oeini, Kirtan Parikh, Mazen Elhanafy, Milaslava Fairservice, Sultan Hadi, Ghaith Hannan, Leila Hassaballah, Haissam Ibrahim, Heba Khan, Jehan Ali Khan, Lucas Leao, Mustafa Umair, Aiden Vadher, Ali Zeyada, Myra Ahmad, Hanaa Ahmed, Alexandria Anderson, Farid Bakir, Hamdan Bhatti, Liyam Bouaouiouich, Eshaal Muhammad Basil, Fares Owais, Enzo Renout, Adam Saeed, Hala Sirry, Fatima Tungekar, Josh Vadher, Theo Vasey, Emma Wang, Zehra Georgios Bokaris, Nawabzada Muhammad Murad Hussain Bugti, Noah Catchpole, George Bond Green, Peini Jia, Alejandro Oliver Lewis-Lopez, Tsiolas, Abdullah Wali, Junran Zhang, Adam Abdin, Hasem Abu Keir, Rayan Aleter, Syed Nabeel Ali, Layal Alkholy, Noora Almheiri, Sara Amiri, Imran, Haya Kayad, Yaseen Rafaat, Victoria Salim Ahmed Said, Ali Nabil Salim, Talya Shokah, Mohammed Shayan Tarique Zia, Aleaha Sarah Vaseer, Gemenetzidis, Sofia Papacostopoulos, Deniz Gugercinoglu, Eva Gurova, Mohammad Aaliyan Hammad, Murad Abdeljalil, Viddhan Jaggi, Mahira Abdelfattah, Saif Alnuaimi, Hamza Aly, Muhammad Salaar Arif, Joury Tamar Bugoz, Sienna Dhillon, Ayesha Eeman, Ziad El Abd Kamle, Emanuel Esmé O’Connell, Murede Manuel Olawoye, Seraphina Oldendorff, Liana Assil Schwarz, Vivaan Taneja, Zachary Watkins, Emaan Agha, Shamsa Humza Sher, Gabriel Ivbijaro, Ines Jimenez Wlodarczyk, Ariana Kadirova, Mohammad Meslem, Adam Mohammed Thasleem, Taeyo Moodley, Jameel Babiker, Sophia Basma, Matthew Blegenhout, Yasha Chaturvedi, Jad Leo Dib, Clara Fani, Farida Fraih, Vivaan Gupta, Mansour Haider, Ragab, Salma Ramahi, Aanya Santosh, Eldar Valitov, Alia Ahmed, Suhail Alfalasi, Hanaa Alizadeh Ardebili, Zayed Almheiri, Mazen Elhanafy, Milaslava Milburn, Samaira Negandhi, Ali Onol, Alexandre Bernard Poulin, Avraj Singh Shahpuri, Siena Rose Sheepwash, Aariv Talwar, Mustafa Umair, Aiden Ding, Daniel Karim Edward, Omar El Shawarby, Rosabella Fayad, Amelia Ghazi, Abdullah Hasan, Nayra Jain, Sienna Kidd, Eshaal Muhammad Akhtar, Maryam Al Bastaki, Fahad Alangari, Shaikh Maktoum Mohammed Faisal Sultan, Aria Asrani, Bhargavee Bararia, Georgios Bokaris, Nawabzada Abhimanyu Narayan, Victoria Simmons, Hugo Spencer, Isabella Swanepoel, Essa Trumboo, Apostolos Tsiliakoudis, Nefeli Tsiolas, Abdullah Wali, Calas, Noah Cotran, Sophie Curtis, Amaira Fazelyar, Emma Graham, Mansour Hashem, Grace Hodge, Muhammad Ahmad Imran, Haya Kayad, Alhawai, Anoushey Athar, Bhavyam Bararia, Fahad Bin Hafez, Kiana Choitram, Selim Elsayed, Haya Fatima, Dimitris Gemenetzidis, Sofia Papacostopoulos, Zain Sahtout, Khloe Sawiris, Noorah Gaffar, Jude Trad, Reyaan Vahi, Enrico Dal Bo, Farida Ahmed, Seleem Ali Abdelfattah, Saif Alnuaimi, Hamza Aarna Jalan, Zayyan Khan, Haya Khatri, Akinlabi Lawore, Ibrahim Mohammad, Aya Mohammed Farouk Nasef, Esmé O’Connell, Murede Manuel Cherniakhovskii, Selim Diaa Eldin, El Hadi El Hamidi, Sophia Elassiuty, Marius Lukas Friedberg, Tamara Hassan, Hadiyah Humza Sher, Gabriel Sethia, Shlok Singh, Anaisha Varghese, Zayna Yasin, Kamilya Zhangeldina, Ayla Aghamardi, Arda Ajun, Hamad Al Awadhi, Jameel Babiker, Sophia Georgina Kottorou, Malik Masour, Marc Mazumder, Maggie Newnham, Lana Oeini, Kirtan Parikh, Nehaan Arshith Pilla, Youssef Ragab, Salma Ramahi, Hadi, Ghaith Hannan, Leila Hassaballah, Haissam Ibrahim, Heba Khan, Jehan Ali Khan, Lucas Leao, Sofia Makwana, Felix Milburn, Samaira Negandhi, Ahmad, Hanaa Ahmed, Alexandria Anderson, Farid Bakir, Hamdan Bhatti, Liyam Bouaouiouich, Alexandros Couvaras, Leyan Ding, Daniel Karim Adam Saeed, Hala Sirry, Fatima Tungekar, Josh Vadher, Theo Vasey, Emma Wang, Zehra Abbas, Connal Adams, Ismail Akhtar, Maryam Al Bastaki,

Riaan Alankar, Mohammed Alhawai, Anoushey Athar, Bhavyam Bararia, Fahad Bin Hafez, Kiana Choitram, Selim Elsayed, Haya Fatima, Dimitris

Abdelfattah, Saif Alnuaimi, Hamza Aly, Muhammad Salaar Arif, Joury Tamar Bugoz, Sienna Dhillon, Ayesha Eeman, Ziad El Abd Kamle, Emanuel O’Connell, Murede Manuel Olawoye, Seraphina Oldendorff, Liana Assil Schwarz, Vivaan Taneja, Zachary Watkins, Emaan Agha, Shamsa Al Sher, Gabriel Ivbijaro, Ines Jimenez Wlodarczyk, Ariana Kadirova, Mohammad Meslem, Adam Mohammed Thasleem, Taeyo Moodley, Shehaan Jameel Babiker, Sophia Basma, Matthew Blegenhout, Yasha Chaturvedi, Jad Leo Dib, Clara Fani, Farida Fraih, Vivaan Gupta, Mansour Haider, Rabia Ragab, Salma Ramahi, Aanya Santosh, Eldar Valitov, Alia Ahmed, Suhail Alfalasi, Hanaa Alizadeh Ardebili, Zayed Almheiri, Mazen Elhanafy, Milaslava Milburn, Samaira Negandhi, Ali Onol, Alexandre Bernard Poulin, Avraj Singh Shahpuri, Siena Rose Sheepwash, Aariv Talwar, Mustafa Umair, Ding, Daniel Karim Edward, Omar El Shawarby, Rosabella Fayad, Amelia Ghazi, Abdullah Hasan, Nayra Jain, Sienna Kidd, Eshaal Muhammad Basil, Maryam Al Bastaki, Fahad Alangari, Shaikh Maktoum Mohammed Faisal Sultan, Aria Asrani, Bhargavee Bararia, Georgios Bokaris, Nawabzada Narayan, Victoria Simmons, Hugo Spencer, Isabella Swanepoel, Essa Trumboo, Apostolos Tsiliakoudis, Nefeli Tsiolas, Abdullah Wali, Junran Noah Cotran, Sophie Curtis, Amaira Fazelyar, Emma Graham, Mansour Hashem, Grace Hodge, Muhammad Ahmad Imran, Haya Kayad, Yaseen Anoushey Athar, Bhavyam Bararia, Fahad Bin Hafez, Kiana Choitram, Selim Elsayed, Haya Fatima, Dimitris Gemenetzidis, Sofia Papacostopoulos, Sahtout, Khloe Sawiris, Noorah Gaffar, Jude Trad, Reyaan Vahi, Enrico Dal Bo, Farida Ahmed, Seleem Ali Abdelfattah, Saif Alnuaimi, Hamza Aly, Jalan, Zayyan Khan, Haya Khatri, Akinlabi Lawore, Ibrahim Mohammad, Aya Mohammed Farouk Nasef, Esmé O’Connell, Murede Manuel Olawoye, Selim Diaa Eldin, El Hadi El Hamidi, Sophia Elassiuty, Marius Lukas Friedberg, Tamara Hassan, Hadiyah Humza Sher, Gabriel Ivbijaro, Ines Jimenez Anaisha Varghese, Zayna Yasin, Kamilya Zhangeldina, Ayla Aghamardi, Arda Ajun, Hamad Al Awadhi, Jameel Babiker, Sophia Basma, Matthew Malik Masour, Marc Mazumder, Maggie Newnham, Lana Oeini, Kirtan Parikh, Nehaan Arshith Pilla, Youssef Ragab, Salma Ramahi, Aanya Santosh, Leila Hassaballah, Haissam Ibrahim, Heba Khan, Jehan Ali Khan, Lucas Leao, Sofia Makwana, Felix Milburn, Samaira Negandhi, Ali Onol, Alexandre Alexandria Anderson, Farid Bakir, Hamdan Bhatti, Liyam Bouaouiouich, Alexandros Couvaras, Leyan Ding, Daniel Karim Edward, Omar El Shawarby, Fatima Tungekar, Josh Vadher, Theo Vasey, Emma Wang, Zehra Abbas, Connal Adams, Ismail Akhtar, Maryam Al Bastaki, Fahad Alangari, Shaikh George Bond Green, Peini Jia, Alejandro Oliver Lewis-Lopez, Evika Mahal, Thuraya Nabil, Abhimanyu Narayan, Victoria Simmons, Hugo Spencer, Syed Nabeel Ali, Layal Alkholy, Noora Almheiri, Sara Amiri, Nil Atlihan, Rajan Bhara, Charles Calas, Noah Cotran, Sophie Curtis, Amaira Fazelyar, Salim, Talya Shokah, Mohammed Shayan Tarique Zia, Aleaha Sarah Vaseer, Riaan Alankar, Mohammed Alhawai, Anoushey Athar, Bhavyam Bararia, Mohammad Aaliyan Hammad, Murad Abdeljalil, Viddhan Jaggi, Mahira Kapoor, Laila Khalil, Sehath Perera, Zain Sahtout, Khloe Sawiris, Noorah Gaffar, Sienna Dhillon, Ayesha Eeman, Ziad El Abd Kamle, Emanuel Helou, Porter Holbrook, Mariam Issa, Aarna Jalan, Zayyan Khan, Haya Khatri, Akinlabi Vivaan Taneja, Zachary Watkins, Emaan Agha, Shamsa Al Suwaidi, Ghazi Anouti, Lev Cherniakhovskii, Selim Diaa Eldin, El Hadi El Hamidi, Sophia Meslem, Adam Mohammed Thasleem, Taeyo Moodley, Shehaan Nair, Isla Qamar, Ayanna Sethia, Shlok Singh, Anaisha Varghese, Zayna Yasin, Kamilya Leo Dib, Clara Fani, Farida Fraih, Vivaan Gupta, Mansour Haider, Rabia Kaur Sahni, Zoya Khatri, Georgina Kottorou, Malik Masour, Marc Mazumder, Alfalasi, Hanaa Alizadeh Ardebili, Zayed Almheiri, Mazen Elhanafy, Milaslava Fairservice, Sultan Hadi, Ghaith Hannan, Leila Hassaballah, Haissam Shahpuri, Siena Rose Sheepwash, Aariv Talwar, Mustafa Umair, Aiden Vadher, Ali Zeyada, Myra Ahmad, Hanaa Ahmed, Alexandria Anderson, Farid Ghazi, Abdullah Hasan, Nayra Jain, Sienna Kidd, Eshaal Muhammad Basil, Fares Owais, Enzo Renout, Adam Saeed, Hala Sirry, Fatima Tungekar, Faisal Sultan, Aria Asrani, Bhargavee Bararia, Georgios Bokaris, Nawabzada Muhammad Murad Hussain Bugti, Noah Catchpole, George Bond Green, Trumboo, Apostolos Tsiliakoudis, Nefeli Tsiolas, Abdullah Wali, Junran Zhang, Adam Abdin, Hasem Abu Keir, Rayan Aleter, Syed Nabeel Ali, Hashem, Grace Hodge, Muhammad Ahmad Imran, Haya Kayad, Yaseen Rafaat, Victoria Salim Ahmed Said, Ali Nabil Salim, Talya Shokah, Mohammed Selim Elsayed, Haya Fatima, Dimitris Gemenetzidis, Sofia Papacostopoulos, Deniz Gugercinoglu, Eva Gurova, Mohammad Aaliyan Hammad, Bo, Farida Ahmed, Seleem Ali Abdelfattah, Saif Alnuaimi, Hamza Aly, Muhammad Salaar Arif, Joury Tamar Bugoz, Sienna Dhillon, Ayesha Eeman, Mohammed Farouk Nasef, Esmé O’Connell, Murede Manuel Olawoye, Seraphina Oldendorff, Liana Assil Schwarz, Vivaan Taneja, Zachary Watkins, Tamara Hassan, Hadiyah Humza Sher, Gabriel Ivbijaro, Ines Jimenez Wlodarczyk, Ariana Kadirova, Mohammad Meslem, Adam Mohammed Ajun, Hamad Al Awadhi, Jameel Babiker, Sophia Basma, Matthew Blegenhout, Yasha Chaturvedi, Jad Leo Dib, Clara Fani, Farida Fraih, Vivaan Parikh, Nehaan Arshith Pilla, Youssef Ragab, Salma Ramahi, Aanya Santosh, Eldar Valitov, Alia Ahmed, Suhail Alfalasi, Hanaa Alizadeh Ardebili, Leao, Sofia Makwana, Felix Milburn, Samaira Negandhi, Ali Onol, Alexandre Bernard Poulin, Avraj Singh Shahpuri, Siena Rose Sheepwash, Aariv Bouaouiouich, Alexandros Couvaras, Leyan Ding, Daniel Karim Edward, Omar El Shawarby, Rosabella Fayad, Amelia Ghazi, Abdullah Hasan, Nayra Jain, Sienna Abbas, Connal Adams, Ismail Akhtar, Maryam Al Bastaki, Fahad Alangari, Shaikh Maktoum Mohammed Faisal Sultan, Aria Asrani, Bhargavee Lopez, Evika Mahal, Thuraya Nabil, Abhimanyu Narayan, Victoria Simmons, Hugo Spencer, Isabella Swanepoel, Essa Trumboo, Apostolos Tsiliakoudis, Amiri, Nil Atlihan, Rajan Bhara, Charles Calas, Noah Cotran, Sophie Curtis, Amaira Fazelyar, Emma Graham, Mansour Hashem, Grace Hodge, Muhammad Vaseer, Riaan Alankar, Mohammed Alhawai, Anoushey Athar, Bhavyam Bararia, Fahad Bin Hafez, Kiana Choitram, Selim Elsayed, Haya Fatima, Mahira Kapoor, Laila Khalil, Sehath Perera, Zain Sahtout, Khloe Sawiris, Noorah Gaffar, Jude Trad, Reyaan Vahi, Enrico Dal Bo, Farida Ahmed, Seleem Emanuel Helou, Porter Holbrook, Mariam Issa, Aarna Jalan, Zayyan Khan, Haya Khatri, Akinlabi Lawore, Ibrahim Mohammad, Aya Mohammed Farouk Shamsa Al Suwaidi, Ghazi Anouti, Lev Cherniakhovskii, Selim Diaa Eldin, El Hadi El Hamidi, Sophia Elassiuty, Marius Lukas Friedberg, Tamara Hassan, Moodley, Shehaan Nair, Isla Qamar, Ayanna Sethia, Shlok Singh, Anaisha Varghese, Zayna Yasin, Kamilya Zhangeldina, Ayla Aghamardi, Arda Ajun, Hamad Rabia Kaur Sahni, Zoya Khatri, Georgina Kottorou, Malik Masour, Marc Mazumder, Maggie Newnham, Lana Oeini, Kirtan Parikh, Nehaan Arshith Milaslava Fairservice, Sultan Hadi, Ghaith Hannan, Leila Hassaballah, Haissam Ibrahim, Heba Khan, Jehan Ali Khan, Lucas Leao, Sofia Makwana, Aiden Vadher, Ali Zeyada, Myra Ahmad, Hanaa Ahmed, Alexandria Anderson, Farid Bakir, Hamdan Bhatti, Liyam Bouaouiouich, Alexandros Couvaras, Basil, Fares Owais, Enzo Renout, Adam Saeed, Hala Sirry, Fatima Tungekar, Josh Vadher, Theo Vasey, Emma Wang, Zehra Abbas, Connal Adams, Nawabzada Muhammad Murad Hussain Bugti, Noah Catchpole, George Bond Green, Peini Jia, Alejandro Oliver Lewis-Lopez, Evika Mahal, Thuraya Wali, Junran Zhang, Adam Abdin, Hasem Abu Keir, Rayan Aleter, Syed Nabeel Ali, Layal Alkholy, Noora Almheiri, Sara Amiri, Nil Atlihan, Rajan Kayad, Yaseen Rafaat, Victoria Salim Ahmed Said, Ali Nabil Salim, Talya Shokah, Mohammed Shayan Tarique Zia, Aleaha Sarah Vaseer, Riaan Alankar, Papacostopoulos, Deniz Gugercinoglu, Eva Gurova, Mohammad Aaliyan Hammad, Murad Abdeljalil, Viddhan Jaggi, Mahira Kapoor, Laila Khalil, Sehath Hamza Aly, Muhammad Salaar Arif, Joury Tamar Bugoz, Sienna Dhillon, Ayesha Eeman, Ziad El Abd Kamle, Emanuel Helou, Porter Holbrook, Mariam Manuel Olawoye, Seraphina Oldendorff, Liana Assil Schwarz, Vivaan Taneja, Zachary Watkins, Emaan Agha, Shamsa Al Suwaidi, Ghazi Anouti, Lev Ivbijaro, Ines Jimenez Wlodarczyk, Ariana Kadirova, Mohammad Meslem, Adam Mohammed Thasleem, Taeyo Moodley, Shehaan Nair, Isla Sophia Basma, Matthew Blegenhout, Yasha Chaturvedi, Jad Leo Dib, Clara Fani, Farida Fraih, Vivaan Gupta, Mansour Haider, Rabia Kaur Sahni, Ramahi, Aanya Santosh, Eldar Valitov, Alia Ahmed, Suhail Alfalasi, Hanaa Alizadeh Ardebili, Zayed Almheiri, Mazen Elhanafy, Milaslava Fairservice, Negandhi, Ali Onol, Alexandre Bernard Poulin, Avraj Singh Shahpuri, Siena Rose Sheepwash, Aariv Talwar, Mustafa Umair, Aiden Vadher, Ali Zeyada, Karim Edward, Omar El Shawarby, Rosabella Fayad, Amelia Ghazi, Abdullah Hasan, Nayra Jain, Sienna Kidd, Eshaal Muhammad Basil, Fares Owais, Bastaki, Fahad Alangari, Shaikh Maktoum Mohammed Faisal Sultan, Aria Asrani, Bhargavee Bararia, Georgios Bokaris, Nawabzada Muhammad

Dimitris Gemenetzidis, Sofia Papacostopoulos, Deniz Gugercinoglu, Eva Gurova, Mohammad Aaliyan Hammad, Murad Abdeljalil, Viddhan Jaggi, Mahira

Salem, Sanyar Sinaei, Nadia Soliman, Mohamed Suhail Al Maktoum, Henry Ward, Filip Weber, Boris Weve, Adam Abd Elaal, Suhail AlKetbi, Eid Dina A Litvin, Rayansh Madan, Ella Meijer, Esa Mushtaq, Lamees Mussa, Aaron Pearce, Mikaeel Seedat, Christian Taye, Abdullah Tubaishat, Esa Arakelyan, Jad Baareh, Celena Bou Habib, Alma Cuellar, Emilia Cukrowska, Yasmin de Vilhena Cavalcanti, Rachael Froud, Hikmat Hakimzay, Aryaan Vyas, Alfie White-Sansom, Adam Abdelhalim, Hassan Allami, Maahira Bansal, Luigi Camahalan, Maria Dar, Aarav Dave, Aarnav Desai, Milan Moodley, Mahmoud Mostafa, Mohammad Msadi, Nandini Ram Mohan, Shivaay Rohit Ramsinghani, Arin Soi, Ashita Taneja, Muhammad Temour, Yu Jia Elisa Fah, Honey Ava Gretton, Fazal Gulzar, Sebastian Theodor Horvath, Dylan Johnson, Laksh Khakhria, Aariv Khanna, Esme Logan, Lara Majid Obaid Al Maktoum, Aliyah Al-Ali, Khalid AlBaz, Sara Alhashimi, Amyra Azalia, Ege Bardakcioglu, Beau Brittain, Abhinav De, Aditya Dhingra, Orianne Sainani, Aras Sancar, Vidit Taneja, Arjun Teraiya, Aayush Verma, Jacob White-Sansom, Kiaan Ali Shah, Tara Aliter, Amna Alkindi, Alia Gupta, Malak Hassan, Myer Muhammad Hussain, Julia Kapland, Nikita Kulik, Cyrine Murad, Anvith Palat, Jiya Pandey, Fabio Patti, Layla Shallouf, Al-Sarraj, Mohammad Assaf, Ayan Emre Cakir, Lanira Degazon, Saif Derbas, Kelikume Ebinum, Nagia El Hamidi, Darsh Goyel, Roukaia Hassan, Jamie Stone, Alisa Syrets, Omar Ahmad Taseer, Zara Usman, Danai Agaili, Leen Alkhotani, Dina Bouaouiouich, Marv Coelho, Anne Mae Cooke, Omran, Anahita Pourahmad Kaisomi, Tania Round Mendez, Omar Salem, Sanyar Sinaei, Nadia Soliman, Mohamed Suhail Al Maktoum, Henry Ward, Darwish, Isabella Diez Javeria, Layan El Sadek, Skyler Kleinschmidt, Dina A Litvin, Rayansh Madan, Ella Meijer, Esa Mushtaq, Lamees Mussa, Ahmed Ahmed, Aleena Ali, Lana Fathima Ali Hashim, Victoria Arakelyan, Jad Baareh, Celena Bou Habib, Alma Cuellar, Emilia Cukrowska, Yasmin Julia Murat, Zara Qureshi, Ayda Sancar, Elizaveta Simonova, Aryaan Vyas, Alfie White-Sansom, Adam Abdelhalim, Hassan Allami, Maahira Bansal, Seif Maged Maher, Sanvi Marulkar, Abdulaziz Mirdad, Teya Milan Moodley, Mahmoud Mostafa, Mohammad Msadi, Nandini Ram Mohan, Shivaay Davlatova, Celia El Ghaziri, Sophia ElKhadem, Hamza ElSheikh, Yu Jia Elisa Fah, Honey Ava Gretton, Fazal Gulzar, Sebastian Theodor Horvath, Sharath, Efe Tamyaman, Smarandita Ioana Taranu, Sheikh Majid Obaid Al Maktoum, Aliyah Al-Ali, Khalid AlBaz, Sara Alhashimi, Amyra Azalia, Arham Mandavia, Aleia Mehta, Hamza Osman, Kareem Radwan, Orianne Sainani, Aras Sancar, Vidit Taneja, Arjun Teraiya, Aayush Verma, Jacob Faridooni, Markus James Friedberg, Julia Gebrayel, Dhruv Gupta, Malak Hassan, Myer Muhammad Hussain, Julia Kapland, Nikita Kulik, Cyrine Abdulaziz Abdulla Salem Alzaabi, Nada Ahmed, Serena Al-Sarraj, Mohammad Assaf, Ayan Emre Cakir, Lanira Degazon, Saif Derbas, Kelikume Daniel Round Mendez, Yomna Shomali, Ayham Asad Siddiqi, Jamie Stone, Alisa Syrets, Omar Ahmad Taseer, Zara Usman, Danai Agaili, Leen Alkhotani, Adam Mahmoud, Leila Mostafa, Carter O’Leary, Hana Omran, Anahita Pourahmad Kaisomi, Tania Round Mendez, Omar Salem, Sanyar Sinaei, Amineva, Naya Dahmash, Tamara Daoud, Jenna Darwish, Isabella Diez Javeria, Layan El Sadek, Skyler Kleinschmidt, Dina A Litvin, Rayansh Abdullah Yousef, Farah Zeinuddin, Siming Zhao, Ahmed Ahmed, Aleena Ali, Lana Fathima Ali Hashim, Victoria Arakelyan, Jad Baareh, Celena Klasen, Coco Mayne, Boris Milenov Milenov Tsonkov, Julia Murat, Zara Qureshi, Ayda Sancar, Elizaveta Simonova, Aryaan Vyas, Alfie White-Sansom, Hosseini, Jad Issa, Avantika Jain, Kiara Jain, Bissan Kadi, Seif Maged Maher, Sanvi Marulkar, Abdulaziz Mirdad, Teya Milan Moodley, Mahmoud Kenza Anib, Elie Bassil, Evelyn Eleonora Cosmai, Munisa Davlatova, Celia El Ghaziri, Sophia ElKhadem, Hamza ElSheikh, Yu Jia Elisa Fah, Honey Nasirkhodjaev, Rohail Rai, Hamid Rza, Kunal Sethia, Sasha Sharath, Efe Tamyaman, Smarandita Ioana Taranu, Sheikh Majid Obaid Al Maktoum, Ayla Khakwani, Rubab Khalid, Aiza Khan, Aaeesha Malik, Arham Mandavia, Aleia Mehta, Hamza Osman, Kareem Radwan, Orianne Sainani, Aras Lilia Baalbaki, Saidou Majid Barry, Haya ElHenawy, JoudLia Faridooni, Markus James Friedberg, Julia Gebrayel, Dhruv Gupta, Malak Hassan, Vertelnicova, Sana Zaidi, Marwan Abdel Moniem, Suood Abdulaziz Abdulla Salem Alzaabi, Nada Ahmed, Serena Al-Sarraj, Mohammad Assaf, Mehta, Martin Nikolenko, Omer Ozkan, Noor Pashsa, Daniel Round Mendez, Yomna Shomali, Ayham Asad Siddiqi, Jamie Stone, Alisa Syrets, Omar Flores Peters, Kenan Ghawi, Ghazi Jaber, Mitansh Jain, Adam Mahmoud, Leila Mostafa, Carter O’Leary, Hana Omran, Anahita Pourahmad Kaisomi, Suhail AlKetbi, Eid Alkindi, Salem Allousheh, Varvara Amineva, Naya Dahmash, Tamara Daoud, Jenna Darwish, Isabella Diez Javeria, Layan Abdullah Tubaishat, Esa Usmani, Adam Valliani, Muhammad Abdullah Yousef, Farah Zeinuddin, Siming Zhao, Ahmed Ahmed, Aleena Ali, Lana Hikmat Hakimzay, Jad Jaradat, Samara Johanson, Andries Klasen, Coco Mayne, Boris Milenov Milenov Tsonkov, Julia Murat, Zara Qureshi, Ayda Dave, Aarnav Desai, Jude Ghazal, Belal Haidar, Kian Arya Hosseini, Jad Issa, Avantika Jain, Kiara Jain, Bissan Kadi, Seif Maged Maher, Sanvi Taneja, Muhammad Temour, Hana Imad Eddin Abukhlal, Kenza Anib, Elie Bassil, Evelyn Eleonora Cosmai, Munisa Davlatova, Celia El Ghaziri, Khanna, Esme Logan, Lara Merali, Ayaan Murtaza, Usmon Nasirkhodjaev, Rohail Rai, Hamid Rza, Kunal Sethia, Sasha Sharath, Efe Tamyaman, Abhinav De, Aditya Dhingra, Aleksei Ferleger, Laila Kamel, Ayla Khakwani, Rubab Khalid, Aiza Khan, Aaeesha Malik, Arham Mandavia, Aleia Mehta, Aliter, Amna Alkindi, Alia Aly, Tameem Amr Abdel Salam, Lilia Baalbaki, Saidou Majid Barry, Haya ElHenawy, JoudLia Faridooni, Markus James Fabio Patti, Layla Shallouf, Rania Tariq, Adam Umar, Sabrina Vertelnicova, Sana Zaidi, Marwan Abdel Moniem, Suood Abdulaziz Abdulla Salem Goyel, Roukaia Hassan, Ryan Charbel Malouf, Lily Marzouk, Riana Mehta, Martin Nikolenko, Omer Ozkan, Noor Pashsa, Daniel Round Mendez, Coelho, Anne Mae Cooke, Aleen Dahmash, Ryan Darwish, Arthur Flores Peters, Kenan Ghawi, Ghazi Jaber, Mitansh Jain, Adam Mahmoud, Leila Maktoum, Henry Ward, Filip Weber, Boris Weve, Adam Abd Elaal, Suhail AlKetbi, Eid Alkindi, Salem Allousheh, Varvara Amineva, Naya Dahmash, Lamees Mussa, Aaron Pearce, Mikaeel Seedat, Christian Taye, Abdullah Tubaishat, Esa Usmani, Adam Valliani, Muhammad Abdullah Yousef, Cukrowska, Yasmin de Vilhena Cavalcanti, Rachael Froud, Hikmat Hakimzay, Jad Jaradat, Samara Johanson, Andries Klasen, Coco Mayne, Boris Allami, Maahira Bansal, Luigi Camahalan, Maria Dar, Aarav Dave, Aarnav Desai, Jude Ghazal, Belal Haidar, Kian Arya Hosseini, Jad Issa, Avantika Ram Mohan, Shivaay Rohit Ramsinghani, Arin Soi, Ashita Taneja, Muhammad Temour, Hana Imad Eddin Abukhlal, Kenza Anib, Elie Bassil, Evelyn Theodor Horvath, Dylan Johnson, Laksh Khakhria, Aariv Khanna, Esme Logan, Lara Merali, Ayaan Murtaza, Usmon Nasirkhodjaev, Rohail Rai, Alhashimi, Amyra Azalia, Ege Bardakcioglu, Beau Brittain, Abhinav De, Aditya Dhingra, Aleksei Ferleger, Laila Kamel, Ayla Khakwani, Rubab Khalid, Aayush Verma, Jacob White-Sansom, Kiaan Ali Shah, Tara Aliter, Amna Alkindi, Alia Aly, Tameem Amr Abdel Salam, Lilia Baalbaki, Saidou Majid Kapland, Nikita Kulik, Cyrine Murad, Anvith Palat, Jiya Pandey, Fabio Patti, Layla Shallouf, Rania Tariq, Adam Umar, Sabrina Vertelnicova, Sana Degazon, Saif Derbas, Kelikume Ebinum, Nagia El Hamidi, Darsh Goyel, Roukaia Hassan, Ryan Charbel Malouf, Lily Marzouk, Riana Mehta, Martin Usman, Danai Agaili, Leen Alkhotani, Dina Bouaouiouich, Marv Coelho, Anne Mae Cooke, Aleen Dahmash, Ryan Darwish, Arthur Flores Peters, Omar Salem, Sanyar Sinaei, Nadia Soliman, Mohamed Suhail Al Maktoum, Henry Ward, Filip Weber, Boris Weve, Adam Abd Elaal, Suhail AlKetbi, Kleinschmidt, Dina A Litvin, Rayansh Madan, Ella Meijer, Esa Mushtaq, Lamees Mussa, Aaron Pearce, Mikaeel Seedat, Christian Taye, Abdullah Victoria Arakelyan, Jad Baareh, Celena Bou Habib, Alma Cuellar, Emilia Cukrowska, Yasmin de Vilhena Cavalcanti, Rachael Froud, Hikmat Hakimzay, Simonova, Aryaan Vyas, Alfie White-Sansom, Adam Abdelhalim, Hassan Allami, Maahira Bansal, Luigi Camahalan, Maria Dar, Aarav Dave, Aarnav Mirdad, Teya Milan Moodley, Mahmoud Mostafa, Mohammad Msadi, Nandini Ram Mohan, Shivaay Rohit Ramsinghani, Arin Soi, Ashita Taneja, Hamza ElSheikh, Yu Jia Elisa Fah, Honey Ava Gretton, Fazal Gulzar, Sebastian Theodor Horvath, Dylan Johnson, Laksh Khakhria, Aariv Khanna, Taranu, Sheikh Majid Obaid Al Maktoum, Aliyah Al-Ali, Khalid AlBaz, Sara Alhashimi, Amyra Azalia, Ege Bardakcioglu, Beau Brittain, Abhinav Kareem Radwan, Orianne Sainani, Aras Sancar, Vidit Taneja, Arjun Teraiya, Aayush Verma, Jacob White-Sansom, Kiaan Ali Shah, Tara Aliter, Amna Gebrayel, Dhruv Gupta, Malak Hassan, Myer Muhammad Hussain, Julia Kapland, Nikita Kulik, Cyrine Murad, Anvith Palat, Jiya Pandey, Fabio Patti,


Danai Agaili, Leen Alkhotani, Dina Bouaouiouich, Marv Coelho, Anne Mae Cooke, Aleen Dahmash, Ryan Darwish, Arthur Flores Peters, Kenan

Salem Allousheh, Varvara Amineva, Naya Dahmash, Tamara Daoud, Jenna Darwish, Isabella Diez Javeria, Layan El Sadek, Skyler Esa Usmani, Adam Valliani, Muhammad Abdullah Yousef, Farah Zeinuddin, Siming Zhao, Ahmed Ahmed, Aleena Ali, Lana Fathima Ali Hashim, Jad Jaradat, Samara Johanson, Andries Klasen, Coco Mayne, Boris Milenov Milenov Tsonkov, Julia Murat, Zara Qureshi, Ayda Sancar, Elizaveta Desai, Jude Ghazal, Belal Haidar, Kian Arya Hosseini, Jad Issa, Avantika Jain, Kiara Jain, Bissan Kadi, Seif Maged Maher, Sanvi Marulkar, Abdulaziz Temour, Hana Imad Eddin Abukhlal, Kenza Anib, Elie Bassil, Evelyn Eleonora Cosmai, Munisa Davlatova, Celia El Ghaziri, Sophia ElKhadem, Hamza Lara Merali, Ayaan Murtaza, Usmon Nasirkhodjaev, Rohail Rai, Hamid Rza, Kunal Sethia, Sasha Sharath, Efe Tamyaman, Smarandita Ioana Taranu, Dhingra, Aleksei Ferleger, Laila Kamel, Ayla Khakwani, Rubab Khalid, Aiza Khan, Aaeesha Malik, Arham Mandavia, Aleia Mehta, Hamza Osman, Kareem Alia Aly, Tameem Amr Abdel Salam, Lilia Baalbaki, Saidou Majid Barry, Haya ElHenawy, JoudLia Faridooni, Markus James Friedberg, Julia Gebrayel, Shallouf, Rania Tariq, Adam Umar, Sabrina Vertelnicova, Sana Zaidi, Marwan Abdel Moniem, Suood Abdulaziz Abdulla Salem Alzaabi, Nada Ahmed, Hassan, Ryan Charbel Malouf, Lily Marzouk, Riana Mehta, Martin Nikolenko, Omer Ozkan, Noor Pashsa, Daniel Round Mendez, Yomna Shomali, Ayham Cooke, Aleen Dahmash, Ryan Darwish, Arthur Flores Peters, Kenan Ghawi, Ghazi Jaber, Mitansh Jain, Adam Mahmoud, Leila Mostafa, Carter O’Leary, Ward, Filip Weber, Boris Weve, Adam Abd Elaal, Suhail AlKetbi, Eid Alkindi, Salem Allousheh, Varvara Amineva, Naya Dahmash, Tamara Daoud, Mussa, Aaron Pearce, Mikaeel Seedat, Christian Taye, Abdullah Tubaishat, Esa Usmani, Adam Valliani, Muhammad Abdullah Yousef, Farah Zeinuddin, Yasmin de Vilhena Cavalcanti, Rachael Froud, Hikmat Hakimzay, Jad Jaradat, Samara Johanson, Andries Klasen, Coco Mayne, Boris Milenov Milenov Bansal, Luigi Camahalan, Maria Dar, Aarav Dave, Aarnav Desai, Jude Ghazal, Belal Haidar, Kian Arya Hosseini, Jad Issa, Avantika Jain, Kiara Shivaay Rohit Ramsinghani, Arin Soi, Ashita Taneja, Muhammad Temour, Hana Imad Eddin Abukhlal, Kenza Anib, Elie Bassil, Evelyn Eleonora Cosmai, Horvath, Dylan Johnson, Laksh Khakhria, Aariv Khanna, Esme Logan, Lara Merali, Ayaan Murtaza, Usmon Nasirkhodjaev, Rohail Rai, Hamid Rza, Kunal Azalia, Ege Bardakcioglu, Beau Brittain, Abhinav De, Aditya Dhingra, Aleksei Ferleger, Laila Kamel, Ayla Khakwani, Rubab Khalid, Aiza Khan, Aaeesha Jacob White-Sansom, Kiaan Ali Shah, Tara Aliter, Amna Alkindi, Alia Aly, Tameem Amr Abdel Salam, Lilia Baalbaki, Saidou Majid Barry, Haya ElHenawy, Cyrine Murad, Anvith Palat, Jiya Pandey, Fabio Patti, Layla Shallouf, Rania Tariq, Adam Umar, Sabrina Vertelnicova, Sana Zaidi, Marwan Abdel Moniem, Kelikume Ebinum, Nagia El Hamidi, Darsh Goyel, Roukaia Hassan, Ryan Charbel Malouf, Lily Marzouk, Riana Mehta, Martin Nikolenko, Omer Ozkan, Noor Alkhotani, Dina Bouaouiouich, Marv Coelho, Anne Mae Cooke, Aleen Dahmash, Ryan Darwish, Arthur Flores Peters, Kenan Ghawi, Ghazi Jaber, Nadia Soliman, Mohamed Suhail Al Maktoum, Henry Ward, Filip Weber, Boris Weve, Adam Abd Elaal, Suhail AlKetbi, Eid Alkindi, Salem Allousheh, Madan, Ella Meijer, Esa Mushtaq, Lamees Mussa, Aaron Pearce, Mikaeel Seedat, Christian Taye, Abdullah Tubaishat, Esa Usmani, Adam Valliani, Bou Habib, Alma Cuellar, Emilia Cukrowska, Yasmin de Vilhena Cavalcanti, Rachael Froud, Hikmat Hakimzay, Jad Jaradat, Samara Johanson, White-Sansom, Adam Abdelhalim, Hassan Allami, Maahira Bansal, Luigi Camahalan, Maria Dar, Aarav Dave, Aarnav Desai, Jude Ghazal, Belal Haidar, Mahmoud Mostafa, Mohammad Msadi, Nandini Ram Mohan, Shivaay Rohit Ramsinghani, Arin Soi, Ashita Taneja, Muhammad Temour, Hana Imad Eddin Honey Ava Gretton, Fazal Gulzar, Sebastian Theodor Horvath, Dylan Johnson, Laksh Khakhria, Aariv Khanna, Esme Logan, Lara Merali, Ayaan Murtaza, Maktoum, Aliyah Al-Ali, Khalid AlBaz, Sara Alhashimi, Amyra Azalia, Ege Bardakcioglu, Beau Brittain, Abhinav De, Aditya Dhingra, Aleksei Ferleger, Aras Sancar, Vidit Taneja, Arjun Teraiya, Aayush Verma, Jacob White-Sansom, Kiaan Ali Shah, Tara Aliter, Amna Alkindi, Alia Aly, Tameem Amr Myer Muhammad Hussain, Julia Kapland, Nikita Kulik, Cyrine Murad, Anvith Palat, Jiya Pandey, Fabio Patti, Layla Shallouf, Rania Tariq, Adam Assaf, Ayan Emre Cakir, Lanira Degazon, Saif Derbas, Kelikume Ebinum, Nagia El Hamidi, Darsh Goyel, Roukaia Hassan, Ryan Charbel Malouf, Lily Omar Ahmad Taseer, Zara Usman, Danai Agaili, Leen Alkhotani, Dina Bouaouiouich, Marv Coelho, Anne Mae Cooke, Aleen Dahmash, Ryan Darwish, Kaisomi, Tania Round Mendez, Omar Salem, Sanyar Sinaei, Nadia Soliman, Mohamed Suhail Al Maktoum, Henry Ward, Filip Weber, Boris Weve, El Sadek, Skyler Kleinschmidt, Dina A Litvin, Rayansh Madan, Ella Meijer, Esa Mushtaq, Lamees Mussa, Aaron Pearce, Mikaeel Seedat, Christian Fathima Ali Hashim, Victoria Arakelyan, Jad Baareh, Celena Bou Habib, Alma Cuellar, Emilia Cukrowska, Yasmin de Vilhena Cavalcanti, Rachael Ayda Sancar, Elizaveta Simonova, Aryaan Vyas, Alfie White-Sansom, Adam Abdelhalim, Hassan Allami, Maahira Bansal, Luigi Camahalan, Maria Marulkar, Abdulaziz Mirdad, Teya Milan Moodley, Mahmoud Mostafa, Mohammad Msadi, Nandini Ram Mohan, Shivaay Rohit Ramsinghani, Arin Sophia ElKhadem, Hamza ElSheikh, Yu Jia Elisa Fah, Honey Ava Gretton, Fazal Gulzar, Sebastian Theodor Horvath, Dylan Johnson, Laksh Khakhria, Tamyaman, Smarandita Ioana Taranu, Sheikh Majid Obaid Al Maktoum, Aliyah Al-Ali, Khalid AlBaz, Sara Alhashimi, Amyra Azalia, Ege Bardakcioglu, Beau Mehta, Hamza Osman, Kareem Radwan, Orianne Sainani, Aras Sancar, Vidit Taneja, Arjun Teraiya, Aayush Verma, Jacob White-Sansom, Kiaan James Friedberg, Julia Gebrayel, Dhruv Gupta, Malak Hassan, Myer Muhammad Hussain, Julia Kapland, Nikita Kulik, Cyrine Murad, Anvith Palat, Salem Alzaabi, Nada Ahmed, Serena Al-Sarraj, Mohammad Assaf, Ayan Emre Cakir, Lanira Degazon, Saif Derbas, Kelikume Ebinum, Nagia El Hamidi, Yomna Shomali, Ayham Asad Siddiqi, Jamie Stone, Alisa Syrets, Omar Ahmad Taseer, Zara Usman, Danai Agaili, Leen Alkhotani, Dina Bouaouiouich, Leila Mostafa, Carter O’Leary, Hana Omran, Anahita Pourahmad Kaisomi, Tania Round Mendez, Omar Salem, Sanyar Sinaei, Nadia Soliman, Mohamed Dahmash, Tamara Daoud, Jenna Darwish, Isabella Diez Javeria, Layan El Sadek, Skyler Kleinschmidt, Dina A Litvin, Rayansh Madan, Ella Meijer, Esa Farah Zeinuddin, Siming Zhao, Ahmed Ahmed, Aleena Ali, Lana Fathima Ali Hashim, Victoria Arakelyan, Jad Baareh, Celena Bou Habib, Alma Boris Milenov Milenov Tsonkov, Julia Murat, Zara Qureshi, Ayda Sancar, Elizaveta Simonova, Aryaan Vyas, Alfie White-Sansom, Adam Abdelhalim, Avantika Jain, Kiara Jain, Bissan Kadi, Seif Maged Maher, Sanvi Marulkar, Abdulaziz Mirdad, Teya Milan Moodley, Mahmoud Mostafa, Mohammad Evelyn Eleonora Cosmai, Munisa Davlatova, Celia El Ghaziri, Sophia ElKhadem, Hamza ElSheikh, Yu Jia Elisa Fah, Honey Ava Gretton, Fazal Gulzar, Hamid Rza, Kunal Sethia, Sasha Sharath, Efe Tamyaman, Smarandita Ioana Taranu, Sheikh Majid Obaid Al Maktoum, Aliyah Al-Ali, Khalid AlBaz, Khalid, Aiza Khan, Aaeesha Malik, Arham Mandavia, Aleia Mehta, Hamza Osman, Kareem Radwan, Orianne Sainani, Aras Sancar, Vidit Taneja, Majid Barry, Haya ElHenawy, JoudLia Faridooni, Markus James Friedberg, Julia Gebrayel, Dhruv Gupta, Malak Hassan, Myer Muhammad Hussain, Sana Zaidi, Marwan Abdel Moniem, Suood Abdulaziz Abdulla Salem Alzaabi, Nada Ahmed, Serena Al-Sarraj, Mohammad Assaf, Ayan Emre Cakir, Martin Nikolenko, Omer Ozkan, Noor Pashsa, Daniel Round Mendez, Yomna Shomali, Ayham Asad Siddiqi, Jamie Stone, Alisa Syrets, Omar Ahmad Peters, Kenan Ghawi, Ghazi Jaber, Mitansh Jain, Adam Mahmoud, Leila Mostafa, Carter O’Leary, Hana Omran, Anahita Pourahmad Kaisomi, Tania AlKetbi, Eid Alkindi, Salem Allousheh, Varvara Amineva, Naya Dahmash, Tamara Daoud, Jenna Darwish, Isabella Diez Javeria, Layan El Sadek, Abdullah Tubaishat, Esa Usmani, Adam Valliani, Muhammad Abdullah Yousef, Farah Zeinuddin, Siming Zhao, Ahmed Ahmed, Aleena Ali, Lana Fathima Hakimzay, Jad Jaradat, Samara Johanson, Andries Klasen, Coco Mayne, Boris Milenov Milenov Tsonkov, Julia Murat, Zara Qureshi, Ayda Sancar, Aarnav Desai, Jude Ghazal, Belal Haidar, Kian Arya Hosseini, Jad Issa, Avantika Jain, Kiara Jain, Bissan Kadi, Seif Maged Maher, Sanvi Marulkar, Muhammad Temour, Hana Imad Eddin Abukhlal, Kenza Anib, Elie Bassil, Evelyn Eleonora Cosmai, Munisa Davlatova, Celia El Ghaziri, Sophia Khanna, Esme Logan, Lara Merali, Ayaan Murtaza, Usmon Nasirkhodjaev, Rohail Rai, Hamid Rza, Kunal Sethia, Sasha Sharath, Efe Tamyaman, Smarandita De, Aditya Dhingra, Aleksei Ferleger, Laila Kamel, Ayla Khakwani, Rubab Khalid, Aiza Khan, Aaeesha Malik, Arham Mandavia, Aleia Mehta, Hamza Amna Alkindi, Alia Aly, Tameem Amr Abdel Salam, Lilia Baalbaki, Saidou Majid Barry, Haya ElHenawy, JoudLia Faridooni, Markus James Friedberg, Patti, Layla Shallouf, Rania Tariq, Adam Umar, Sabrina Vertelnicova, Sana Zaidi, Marwan Abdel Moniem, Suood Abdulaziz Abdulla Salem Alzaabi,

Ghawi, Ghazi Jaber, Mitansh Jain, Adam Mahmoud, Leila Mostafa, Carter O’Leary, Hana Omran, Anahita Pourahmad Kaisomi, Tania Round Mendez, Eid Alkindi,

Neha is an exceptional student: she is self-motivated, highly able, and diligent with a real determination to succeed. Her attitude to learning is exemplary, and she had a friendly, helpful, nurturing attitude.

Neha frequently goes beyond her sixth form requirements as she fully embraces the school community. She is a born leader and inspires others in all areas of school, she is an outstanding public speaker. Neha has helped run the Talk with Kings’ programme in school where she leads students through the speech writing process and coached the students to deliver speeches in a captivating manner.

Neha is also co-president of the Senior Law Society, and launched our Junior Law Society, refining her teaching skills and aiming the debates at a younger cohort. Additionally, Neha is an active member of the school Model


United Nations and she earned her place as Council Secretary on the Sixth Form Student Leadership Team in Year 12, whereby she demonstrated her ability to bring a team together, communicate visions and outcomes to the whole school through the development of the new Student Leadership website. Neha articulates her thoughts and ideas in an engaging manner and this role allowed her natural leadership qualities to shine through.

Neha’s maturity, determination, and confidence make her an excellent candidate for any university. She has her sights set on attending the University of Edinburgh to study English Literature and History. I have no doubt she will surpass expectations set and she will relish in the opportunity to interact with academics in these fields.

It is without any hesitation that a student who has consistently demonstrated her ambition to be the best, coupled with the desire to make the school a better place, be the receiver of this award.

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Every new beginning comes from some other new beginning's end.
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Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Congratulations to our Class of 2023! We were honoured to celebrate their incredible achievements at our Graduation Ceremony at The Waldorf Astoria.

Without doubt, they have all worked extremely hard to accomplish this milestone, and we commend our Year 13's for surviving the challenges of A Levels and BTEC. The level of rigour that comes with preparing for these courses and exams is intense, and yet they persevered. They demonstrated admirable resilience, and we are incredibly proud of each and every one of them.


As a cohort, this special group of young people had such a positive impact on our school community, and we will always cherish this.

As they now embark on this new and exciting chapter of their lives at university, I encourage our Year 13s to make the most of this experience; to take risks, and never stop learning. I am confident that through their time at Kings’, they have acquired the skills and fortitude to navigate the road ahead into adulthood and their future career.

To quote Mrs Gray, ‘Once a Kingsonion, always a Kingsonion!’

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It has been a real pleasure getting to know you all; my regret, however, is that I was your form tutor for only one year. If I could offer you only one tip for the next chapter of your life, be kind. The long-term benefits of kindness have been proven by scientists to help oneself and others.

Don't feel guilty if you don't know what you want to do with your life. The most interesting people I know didn't know at 18 what they wanted to do with their lives; some of the most interesting 40-year-olds I know still don't!

Don't worry about the future; but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by eating shawarma with

chips! Whatever you do, don't congratulate yourself too much or berate yourself either. Your choices are half chance, so are everybody else's.

Don't waste your time on jealousy; sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind. The race is long and, in the end, it's only with yourself. Just remember, many things that seem threatening in the dark become welcoming when we shine a light on them.

I bid you farewell and wish you the best of luck in the days ahead. And remember, be kind.

13K Form Tutor

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Thank you for playing such an integral part of my day at Kings’ for the past two years. I will be eternally grateful to each and every one of you for filling my mornings with entertainment and happiness. You are truly special students who will grow into exceptional people.

Take all of the opportunities life gives you with the knowledge that you are strong and talented

individuals, who have the potential to overcome life’s adversities and thrive in this challenging and ever-changing world.

I wish you the best of luck for the future!

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13N: it has been a short but sweet journey with you all. I couldn’t have asked for a better form group! Each of you have grown so much during your time in Sixth Form. You have built the resilience and determination to go out into the world and get what you want and deserve. Keep that 'go-getter' attitude and you will conquer the world!

Remember to be kind to those you cross paths with, make the most of every opportunity, and become rich by travelling the world and saying yes to those once in a lifetime experiences.

Thank you for brightening up my mornings every day and bringing a smile to my face. It has been an absolute pleasure being your form tutor and seeing you prepare for the next chapter in your life. I wish you all the very best and cannot wait to see where your journey takes you.

Good Luck 13N!

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Artwork by: Jonathan / Year 10

13 October 2022 THE BOOK | 2022 - 2023

October marked Breast Cancer Awareness Month and the school community came together in a show of pink to raise awareness and demonstrate their support for those affected by the disease.

Donations were raised for Brest Friends - an organisation working closely with the Al Jalila

Foundation, dedicated to increasing awareness and funding education and research as well as offering emotional and financial support to patients with breast cancer.

Students enjoyed activities in their classrooms, such as collaging pink ribbons to mark the occasion.

47 KINGS’ SCHOOL AL BARSHA | The Best By Every Child

8 March 2023 THE BOOK | 2022 - 2023

On 8th March, students joined people around the world to celebrate International Women's Day. Each school entrance featured boards upon which, students, staff, and parents

were invited to write messages to, or about, women who have stood out to them, who have inspired, guided, supported, or cared for them, as well as to share motivational messages.

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November 2022


The whole school community came together on 14th November to recognise Odd Sock Day, now a regular feature of Anti-Bullying Week. We invited all members of our school community to wear odd socks to celebrate their individuality and recognise that all of us are unique.

This year's theme for Anti-Bullying Week was 'Reach Out', with a focus on how everyone in our school community has the ability to reach

out to others who may need help, or indeed a friend. Students spent time in assemblies and in wellbeing lessons to consider how they could reach out to others throughout their school day and was encouraged to 'call out with kindness' when they saw someone wearing odd socks.

This year, Odd Sock Day coincided with the school colour-run to make an even bigger splash on campus!

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Artwork by: Isabella / Year 10

13 March 2023


During March, we spent a week celebrating all things literary for Kings' School Al Barsha's LitFest Week.

In the primary school, students were treated to a visit from MC Grammar, who delighted the crowds with entertaining raps about different grammatical features; even the teachers showed us their rapping skills! For weeks leading up to the event, each year group was given a song, which linked to a grammar skill, and had dedicated time to learn it off by heart. On the day, the atmosphere in the auditorium was electric!

Students in Years 7, 8, and 9 were invited to wear costumes inspired by the 'Mystery' genre.

To further explore and appreciate the genre, students took part in a number of activities throughout, including Missing Teacher, Escape Room, Where's Wally, and the 10 mysteryinspired pledges across 10 subjects. Back by popular demand, we hosted our annual spelling bee and speech competition too.

To help those in more deprived parts of the world, we supported the 'Old Books with New Eyes' initiative and invited students to collect books to donate to Kenya. This helped students to not only understand the importance of access to books but to appreciate the role of social responsibility.

Adam Year 4 Class
Everyone looked amazing in their rapper outfits. We spent a couple of weeks learning our song and the auditorium was buzzing when we performed it!
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I can't believe MC Grammar visited us! It was such a cool experience. My favourite part was when the teachers had to get up on stage and perform nursery rhymes in the style of a rap.

Adam Year 4 Class

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ARTS WEEK 16 January 2023

Students showcased their creative talents during this year's Arts Week and collaboratively transformed Kings' School Al Barsha into an artistic oasis to share with our community:

FS1 - Artwork using threads, inspired by the book "ish" by Peter Reynolds

FS2 - Circular Artwork, based on the book "The Dot" by Peter Reynolds

Year 1 - Flowers with paint, inspired by Georgia O'Keeffe

Year 2 - Bee sketches, inspired by the concept of 'Responsibility'

Year 3 - Rainforest animals depicted in pastels

Year 4 - Viking longboats using a variety of media and materials

Year 5 - Chalk drawings and marbling linked to space, within the concept of 'Discovery'

Year 6 - Graffiti art inspired by Banksy and within the concept of 'Conflict'

Arts Week is my favourite week of the whole entire year!

Saif Year 1 Class

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Arts Week is so cool and fun, I loved creating my rainforest art work.


Year 3 Class

It is just like an imaginary world where you make anything that you love come to life.


Year 6 Class

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31 October - 1 November 2022


The school year kicked off with an extraordinary experience as our students embarked on an artistic journey with renowned fine artist, Ian Murphy, who flew in all the way from the UK.

In collaboration with our GCSE, A Level, and Art Scholars, Ian led an inspiring workshop

that pushed creative boundaries and expanded artistic horizons.

Our talented young artists delved confidently into the realm of mixed media, exploring new techniques and materials, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of art.

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May 2023

The GCSE and A Level Art, Textiles, and Photography Exhibition showcased a remarkable display of creativity and talent. From vibrant paintings to intricate textiles and thought-provoking photographs.

The students' work pushed artistic boundaries and captivated all who attended. It was a proud moment that showcased students' unique perspectives and narratives, leaving a vibrant mark on our school community.

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3 November 2022


On November 3rd, we joined people across the nation to raise the UAE flag, sing the national anthem, and listen to Arabic poetry to celebrate Flag Day. The country’s flag is

one of many national symbols and each colour carries a different meaning; the red represents unity, the green prosperity, the white peace, and the black courage and power.

I am always so proud to represent the UAE on Flag Day.

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5 Class
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A wonderful chance for us to rediscover the history of the flag and its importance.

IFTAR 13 April 2023

Our annual Kings' Community Iftar was once again held at The Atlantis during Ramadan. It was such a pleasure to see so many of our

families from many different cultures, come together to celebrate such an important time in the Muslim calendar.

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NATIONAL DAY 24 November 2022

One of the favourite days in our school calendar is National Day. It is always wonderful to see students and staff coming to school in traditional Emirati dress or proudly wearing the colours of the UAE flag to celebrate the country we all call home.

Throughout the day, students visited a host of stalls, enjoyed local delicacies and

entertainment, and completed a range of activities aimed at exploring the local culture and heritage of the UAE.

It was particularly special being able to open this year's event to all of our community in the morning and we are already looking forward to next year's celebration, which we know will be just as amazing.

I really enjoyed everything about National Day!

Taym Year 2 Class
68 THE BOOK | 2022 - 2023

National day was really fun, I enjoyed visiting the stalls and having henna on my hand.


Year 5 Class

I enjoyed learning about the local culture and sampling the food.

Hana Year 6 Class

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21 March 2023


The Quran competition was an incredible experience, immersing us in the beauty of recitation and memorisation of the divine verses. The atmosphere was incredible and

made more special with the support of our communit of parents. The personal growth that the students experienced was truly unforgettable and transformative.

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International Day is a firm favourite at King' School Al Barsha; a day when all members of our school community come together, proudly dressed to represent their home country in either national dress or colours that represent

their flag. This year was no exception; the school entrance was adorned with many stalls representing different countries and families enjoyed a whole host of activities and tasty treats for all to sample.

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Artwork by: Raaniya / Year 11


WOW! What a week we had watching secondary students compete for their houses in their first Colour Run. They painted the place red, blue, yellow, green, and pretty much every other shade under the sun! It was great to see our

fantastic team of Sports Leaders getting stuck in and throwing paint at the participants and to see our House Captains leading their teams, making sure they got all the encouragement they needed to complete the run.

13 - 17 November 2022
Lara Year 7 Class
76 THE BOOK | 2022 - 2023
I loved the colour run, it was great to be challenged with my house to score points.

I really enjoyed running around the campus whilst staff and sports leaders threw powder at us.

Zaid Year 7 Class

It was so much fun running around trying to get our tops caked in as much colour as possible!

Adam Year 10 Class

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HOUSE DAY 9 November 2022

Our primary House Day was a highlight of the year, with students spending the day making friends with others in their houses from across the primary phase. Students earned house points for competing in challenges such as spaghetti and marshmallow tower building, obstacle races, and mascot design competitions.

Students also learned and performed their very own house chants, written by the Head of Primary Music, Miss Jooles.

It was brilliant to see our older students being such supportive and encouraging role models to our younger learners.

Victor Year 3 Class
House Day was really fun because we could play games and meet other people in our house to find out more about them. We worked together as a team so that we could try and be the best. We made the tallest spaghetti and marshmallow tower!
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The best thing about House Day was that we worked within our houses and played games. We also had lots of fun doing it.


Year 5 Class

I liked House Day because we got to make lots of new friends and we bonded with other year groups.

Zoya Year 4 Class

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Artwork by: Shanza / Year 12


This year, dancers from both the primary and secondary school have represented Kings' School Al Barsha in a number of dance events and competitions. Our Year 7 and 8 dance squad, Regality, performed at the DASSA Desert Dance Showcase and our Year 5 and 6 dance squad, Relentless, competed at the UDO Dubai Schools Dance Championships, alongside

our Key Stage Four dance squad, Regality Elite. In March, we held our first whole-school dance show, Art in Motion, and saw dancers from FS1 to Year 11 showcase the fantastic work they have been developing in dance clubs, GCSE dance lessons, and with our external providers.

Well done to all involved!

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Our FS2 students wowed the audience with their Winter performance of Ralph the Reindeer. Despite the snowy auditorium stage setting, the families in the audience were

warmed by the incredible confidence the students showed when speaking, singing, and dancing on the stage. A truly festive treat for all.

I got to use a microphone to say my lines. It made it so loud so my mummy could hear me.

5 - 6 December 2022
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It was fun to wear a costume and be on stage with all my friends.

Arda FS2

My mummy and daddy came to watch me, they waved at me on the stage.

FS2 Class

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2 February 2023


Year 7 participated in 'Kings' Den' (A Dragon's Den spin off!) to compete against each other to sell the short story they had written in English. Our 8 finalists: Christopher, Naeel, Joseph, Aadya, Samir, Samuel, Alana and

Asya showed their bravery by pitching their book to the whole of Year 7 in the auditorium. In the end, Naeel took the crown for his short story 'The Flip Side' but all participants were outstanding. Well done!

11 October 2022


This year in English, our students across primary and secondary took part in a competition hosted by Emirates Literature Festival called "Poetry 4 All". The competition involves students learning a range of poems, by writers such as William Blake, and selecting their favourite to recite, from heart, in front of a large audience.

Our Primary finalist was Lara El Khouri from 5CKE and our Secondary finalist was Jasmine Werkhoven from Year 8. These impressive young students competed with students across Dubai and showed immense skill, confidence

and bravery on stage. We were incredibly proud of everyone that took part which is why we ran internal poetry competitions during assembly, too. Seven fantastic Year 7 pupils took part in the internal Poetry 4 All competition and performed in front of the entire year group!

A massive well done to: Havana (7K), Siya (7B), Mir (7A), Aanya (7I), Aadya (7I) and Alana (7A). And a huge congratulations to Hadi (7S) who won the competition!

Well done to everyone involved.

This experience gave me an opportunity to put a business case together about a book i wrote and to present it to my peers, it was nerve-wracking an exciting all at once!
Aria Year 4 Class
I love performing in our big auditorium. It's really special whenever my parents come to see me. I also love singing with my friends.
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7 Class

1 - 3 November 2022


Spotlight on Sevens is a musical performance that gives Year 7 students the opportunity to shine on stage. Year 7 sang beautifully as an ensemble and a few of our students showed amazing bravery by performing solos.

A fantastic effort from all of Year 7 and special thank you to our amazing soloists: Adam (7I),

Kayla (7G), Omar (7G), Keyan (7L), Natalija (7I), Shanaya (7L), Havana (7K), Ates (7A), Hadi (7S), Taymour (7K), Alana (7S), Gabriella (7A), Joseph (7K) and Asya (7B).

I love the dress rehearsals and the excitement that builds a few days before we go on stage. For sure it is a bit nerve-wracking but how else are we going to learn?

Thomas Year 7 Class

6 - 7 December 2022


To celebrate the winter festive season, our primary art, music and drama students came together to deliver a wonderful performance, celebrating world peace. Through poetry, dance and song, our 3 choirs, school orchestra, dance

troupes and art clubs joined forces to bring the audience on a magical winter journey. This concert is uniquely designed to celebrate the dedication of all music, drama and art students who commit to our weekly E.C.A. activities.

Ryan Year 6 Class

For me, it's just the fun of sharing our work with other groups. I love seeing the drama groups and other clubs performing. It makes me feel happy to be part of a bigger team.
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5 February 2023


This was a special moment for our Year 3 and 4 Joy Choir who performed at the Big Sing Emirates Literature Festival. Held at the International Festival Plaza hotel, our young

songbirds celebrated the fun words and music of Roal Dahl and received a warm and rousing applause in doing so. An amazing experience for our young singing stars!

I had never sung on stage before but it was really good fun and when the audience clapped at the end, I knew we had smashed it!

Elizaveta Year 3 Class

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I felt a little nervous the night before the event but when we got on stage, I felt absolutely amazing! I thought my heart might burst.

To sing at the Emirates Lit Fest felt really exciting for me. I am so proud to be a member of Joy Choir. I think we represented our school and families really well.

Rania Year 4 Class

Talia Year 4 Class
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3 March 2023


Our Year 5 and 6 Show Choir had the incredible opportunity to join a mass choir with other schools in Dubai, singing a programme of original songs at Dubai Expo Wasl Plaza in

March. Such an exciting experience, our Show Choir represented our school with confidence, talent, and enthusiasm. What a day!

I have loved performing with the Show Choir this year and it has been a great way to make musical friends. I have started writing songs and hope next year, we can perform some of them.

Laibah Year 5 Class

90 THE BOOK | 2022 - 2023

Being a member of Show Choir has been a wonderful experience. I have enjoyed learning new songs and performing as part of a mass choir with other schools at Al Wasl Plaza in Expo City for the Big Sing Festival.

Being in Show Choir is one of my favourite musical activities. Through our twice-weekly rehearsals, I have made many new friends from Year 5 and 6. I have loved singing different harmonies and hearing the power of our collective vocals.

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Bissan Year 6 Class


It was wonderful to see our students take to the stage for the Musical Showcase. There were fantastic performances from a range of students from Year 7 to Sixth Form. Students had been working exceptionally hard to bring the musical numbers to life and thrilled the

audience with songs from fantastic shows such as Matilda and Little Shop of Horrors. Kings' alumni also returned to take part, demonstrating that a love for Kings' is something that stays with you long after you move on.

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24 - 25 May 2023
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17 March 2023


The Kings’ Olympics is an annual track and field event that involves the three Kings' schools competing against each other in a single day. The event features a range of athletic events, including sprints, long-distance running, shot put, high jump, and nerf throw. The three Kings' schools have some fantastic athletes, and the

Kings’ Olympics provides a platform for the students to showcase their athletic abilities and school pride. Support from parents, teachers, and the students was fantastic throughout the day and it was amazing to see the determined performances and sportsmanship on show. A huge well done to all who took part.

Henry Year 6 Class
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I really enjoyed competing against the other Kings' schools and particularly liked the sprint races.


Year 5 Class
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It was great getting to compete in so many different events and the support was amazing!


Yo ho ho! Our awesome FS1, FS2, and Year 1 pirates sailed through several physical challenges and obstacles to earn their treasure in this year’s sports day events. Our students practiced their throwing, jumping, and running skills in PE lessons to show off their amazing abilities in front of their parents on the big day!

With a heave and a ho, and plenty of hard work, they conquered.

A huge thank you to parents and families who came in huge numbers to support and to our wonderful secondary Sports Leaders who helped to run our pirate challenges.

5 - 7
Reeva FS1 Class
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I loved racing against my friends.
Shahaan FS1 Class
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I liked having family there to watch me and dressing up.


Our Year 2 students took to the field donning their respective house colours for their annual sports day event. After a guard of honour arrival from the very supportive parent community, the Year 2's took part in several track and field events, showing a determination and desire to

earn points for their houses. The main event, our sprint race, also finished with a podium picture and celebration. Very well done to everyone in Year 2 for trying your absolute best and special congratulations to Stuart house who won the day’s competition.

Basel Year 2 Class

February 2023
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I loved the running races and competing for my house - go Stuart!
Issa Year 2 Class
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I had so much fun and loved picking up the trophy at the end.

YR3 - YR6 SPORTS DAY 28 - 29 November 2022

The Y3-Y6 track and field sports days were a fun-filled week of sports and competition. Students participated in various events such as sprints, long distance races, high jump, and shot put. The day began with an opening ceremony and a quick introduction before the competitions began. Students competed in their respective groupings, with many

impressive performances and close finishes. The atmosphere was electric as parents and teachers cheered on the students from the sidelines. After the intense competition, the event ended with the presentation of medals to the winners and the KSAB values trophies. Overall, it was a great day of sportsmanship and teamwork.

CJ 3CBA Class
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I loved sports day because we got to try so many different activities and compete for our house. I loved the sprinting race the most.
Ella 3CCO Class
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My favourite part of sports day is getting to have my parents there to support and racing against my friends.

January - February 2023 SPORTS WEEK SECONDARY

In a whirlwind of excitement and athletic prowess, our secondary students proved their mettle on the field during this year's highly anticipated Sports Day. The sports fields arena came alive with the thunderous cheers and adrenaline-fueled performances as our talented athletes showcased their incredible skills in a range of track and field events.

The track became a stage for remarkable achievements and record-breaking moments, as our students sprinted, hurdled, and leaped

towards triumph. Each stride represented determination, dedication, and the indomitable spirit that defines our school's sporting culture.

Our sprinters left a blur in their wake, crossing the finish line with blazing speed and resolute determination. They pushed the boundaries of their limits, leaving no doubt that they were destined for greatness. With every stride, they inspired their fellow students and set a new standard for excellence.

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19 June 2023


We are so proud to run Talk with Kings' and give students the opportunity to speak with confidence, articulacy, and power about a topic that is meaningful to them. We have had a range of talks this year, including the danger of beauty standards, the celebration

of different cultures, and the importance of education for all. Words carry such power and it has been such a privilege to listen to such an impressive array of speeches and to have the joy of sharing this with the community.

110 THE BOOK | 2022 - 2023

Talk with Kings was a great experience for me. I learnt a lot of things. The teachers helped me understand how to deliver a speech. At first, I was a bit hesitant but soon, with practice, I became very confident. I also really enjoyed performing.

Daniyal Year 8 Class

111 KINGS’ SCHOOL AL BARSHA | The Best By Every Child


In January, 64 Kings' students completed their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze and Silver Award adventurous journeys. For many, this has been the highlight of the award to date. It is a huge learning experience, having to cook for themselves, work together, navigate in unknown areas, and figure out how to set up a tent!

Whilst not having access to their electronic devices during the expedition, students had to use a map and compass to navigate throughout their journey. If the students did get lost, which some did, they needed to work together to

figure out where they were and what their next steps should be, whilst understanding the philosophy of “leave no trace”.

This opportunity gave students a huge step towards becoming independent, adaptable, and resilient individuals and enabled them to work on their teamwork, leadership, and communication skills.

This internationally-recognised award also gave the students a chance to further develop their CV and enhance their university applications.

Roc Year 10 Class
The Duke of Edinburgh Award is an amazing experience and one that I would recommend to all. The memories I have made I will cherish forever. I would love to go back just to appreciate the stunning sunrise and sunset again.
112 THE BOOK | 2022 - 2023
January 2023

The Duke of Edinburgh Award is one of the highlights of my life so far; the expedition made me feel alive. Climbing mountains at sunset and sunrise; the adrenaline of seeing so many stars and beautiful views; laughing with friends. Hiking seemed straightforward at first until we went off track for an hour. Fun times! I am already looking forward to completing Silver and Gold.

Pola Year 10 Class

113 KINGS’ SCHOOL AL BARSHA | The Best By Every Child


During Term 1, Year 6 visited The Adventure Centre in Hatta for their final primary residential. It consisted of two nights filled with water slides, rock climbing, new friendships, yummy food, and marshmallow toasting around the campfire! The students demonstrated many of the Kings’ learning dispositions whilst

on their residential, but risk-taking was the one that stood out the most. They approached each activity with confidence and a sense of adventure, in order to take themselves out of their comfort zone. Many fears were overcome and the students truly thrived outside of the classroom environment.

Aarav Year 6 Class

November 2022
114 THE BOOK | 2022 - 2023
Our residential was a fun and exciting experience, we enjoyed a variety of activities and exhilarating tasks.

This trip proved that sometimes your biggest fear could be your new favourite hobby!

Belal Year 6 Class

It was the experience of a lifetime and I will remember it forever.


Year 6 Class

115 KINGS’ SCHOOL AL BARSHA | The Best By Every Child


Term 2 saw the first of our overseas trips head out to Austria when 70 students left the warmth of Dubai for the minus temperatures of Bad Goisern for 7 days of snowboarding and skiing. Students navigated the beautiful area of Dachstein-West to push their physical limits

on the slopes. They embraced the challenges set by the ski school instructors and immersed themselves in the European culture during the evenings while enjoying a number of local delicacies and activities. The memories for all, will last a lifetime!

India Year 12 Class

The new friendships I have made are something that I'll cherish.
116 THE BOOK | 2022 - 2023
3 - 10 February 2023

We've built memories that will last forever.

Waleed Year 10 Class

I have pushed myself to the limit, which at the time was scary, but so worth it in the end.

Amber Year 11 Class

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February - 3 March 2023

For our second overseas trip of the year, 14 of our Year 12 students boarded a flight to Rome for an international Model United Nations conference. Over the 3-day conference, students worked with peers across the world to find effective solutions to key global issues, such as the Yemen crisis, water scarcity,

and the Kashmir border crisis. Students were fully immersed in the way the United Nation works and were challenged to develop their teamwork, public speaking, and debate skills. They even enjoyed experiencing the Mediterranean culture, exploring key tourist sites across Rome!

Yara Year 12 Class
118 THE BOOK | 2022 - 2023
A wonderful experience as I was able to gain a handful of skills over the three days whilst also exploring the surroundings.

Mostafa Year 12 Class

119 KINGS’ SCHOOL AL BARSHA | The Best By Every Child
I really appreciated the opportunity to work with people from different cultures around the world and to learn more about the key global issues affecting us today.

MOCK TRIAL 4 May 2023

This year saw our first Mock Trial. Based on a UK fictional criminal case, students from years 7 to 12 played the parts of the judge, lawyers, accused, witnesses, and victim. Intellectually

tough, and requiring quick thinking, the evening saw our students tackle some complicated events and issues. The jury of peers took very little time in finding the accused innocent!

120 THE BOOK | 2022 - 2023

It was fascinating to see a case run from start to finish. I started out thinking that the accused was definitely guilty, but was so impressed with how the defence made their case.

Megan Year 10 Class

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14 November 2022


In November, an opportunity to visit Heriot-Watt University in Dubai arose for an insight into aerospace engineering, and it quickly became the perfect opportunity for an off-campus trip for the Year 12 Engineering Society members.

The event covered all the different aspects that go into the making of the planes we see in our skies, as well as the obstacles and innovation undertaken by those in the field.

After modelling (paper) aeroplanes and (prototype) F1 cars, students got the chance

to meet and speak to the team behind the Red Arrows, who form the aerobatics display team of the British Royal Air Force.

Being able to get first-hand experience from experts in the field of engineering, while being immersed in a university environment, provided students with an in-depth look into the future applications of their academics and passions, as well as pushing some to consider pursuing a career in flying jets.

Jumana Year 12 Class
122 THE BOOK | 2022 - 2023
The support from the experts from Rolls Royce, BAE Systems, and the Royal Air Force helped inform our vision of what it's like to actively contribute to fields we are all interested in. I am very grateful for the experience I’ve gained and thankful for the unforgettable interactions I’ve had with people in positions we aspire to fulfil.
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This half term, Year 3 had the exciting opportunity to visit Al Zorah Nature Reserve in Ajman as part of their rainforest focus. The children arrived very excited and eager to start the activities. Throughout the day, they worked in teams that allowed them to develop their collaborations skills. They took part in two

activities, team building games and kayaking through the mangroves. Through exploring the mangroves, the children were able to develop their understanding of the forest and the wildlife that can be found there, as well as how important it is to look after the world around them.

- 22 November 2022
Leann Year 3 Class
124 THE BOOK | 2022 - 2023
There were so many different creatures out in the mangroves. We saw different birds and insects along with dragonflies.

Angad Year 3 Class

125 KINGS’ SCHOOL AL BARSHA | The Best By Every Child
I never knew that places like this existed in the UAE. It was like another magical world! We had to work together as a team to kayak up the steam.

23 November 2022


Budding Year 4 scientists enjoyed a day in the life of an F1 engineer! As part of the Dubai Enrichment League, we were invited to enter a team of four Year 4 students in to a local science competition.

They had the task of creating a balloonpowered car design and final product, using their prior knowledge of aerodynamics, streamline products, and friction to make a car that would travel faster and further than the other teams. They were also tasked with

making it look good, just like a real F1 car! Students spent the morning testing different prototypes and evaluating their changes before coming up with their final design. They demonstrated resilience when they realised that their straw wasn't positioned for optimal travel and worked as a team to rectify this.

The team was overjoyed to be awarded 2nd place for Best Designed Car and had a wonderful day out developing their knowledge and collaboration skills.

The trip was amazing and lots of fun. We got to experiment with scientific forces and we made new friends on the trip.
126 THE BOOK | 2022 - 2023

On the day, we made some balloon powered cars and got to race them against other schools. We experimented with forces and we had so much fun during the day.

My favourite part of the day was designing how the car looked. We chose to include lots of sticks and drew flames on them to cover the bottle we used as the main body. I also enjoyed making lots of new friends. I had a really great day and I was really proud of myself.

Eris Year 4 Class Lulia Year 4 Class
127 KINGS’ SCHOOL AL BARSHA | The Best By Every Child

FS1 OLI OLI 22 - 23 November 2022

After counting down the sleeps until the big day, FS1 went on their first ever school trip in November. They went to Oli Oli and visited four galleries: Future Park, Toshi’s Net,

Water Gallery, and Air Gallery. It was a morning filled with cross-curricular learning, which resulted in one or two going for a snooze on the bus ride home.

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Our life skills students participate in a weekly community activity to extend their learning beyond the classroom. They take part in horseback riding for our younger primary life skills class, where they learn how to ride and groom the horses.

The older primary life skills class goes sailing at Dubai Offshore Sailing Club (DOSC), where they have access to a variety of boats and

water sports, and the secondary life skills class attend Well-fit Gym, JVC where they use a variety of equipment and areas such as the gymnastic arena and the parkour centre.

In addition to teaching them a new skill, the community experience strengthens their ability to build confidence and resilience while honing their communication and indepedence skills in the wider community.

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Children across the primary school have been excited to welcome parents into their classrooms to take part in our Let's Learn

sessions. It was wonderful to see parents so enthusiastic to share in the learning and to see children so keen to showcase their skills.

I loved it when my mum came and we did maths problems together because she was so impressed!

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Omar Year 5 Class
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I really enjoyed having my parents in and taking part in our science experiments.


The teachers and children in Foundation Stage were delighted to invite parents into their classrooms for a Let's Learn session on Storytelling. A daily story time at home is the

best way to support children across the curriculum, supporting student wellbeing while developing imagination, vocabulary, listening and attention and literacy skills.

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3 October 2022


Year 1 were thrilled to welcome the cast of Treasure Island to school. The auditorium was filled with laughter as the children followed the story of Jim Hawkins on his adventure to a

faraway Island. The children were captivated and enjoyed the audience participation as they deepened their understanding of the concept of adventure.

The pirate was really funny and he let us join in with the singing and the dancing.

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Ayla Year 1 Class
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I loved it when the pirates had a sword fight and Jim Hawkins won.

FS2 WHEN I GROW UP 25 October 2023

Students were encouraged to think about careers that interest them and reflect on what important adults in their lives do for a living. We arranged for parents to video call from their work place to explain their job and

what a typical day looks like. The students then took part in a trade carousel, where they earned money carrying out a service in one classroom, to then spend their earnings receiving a service in another classroom.

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139 KINGS’ SCHOOL AL BARSHA | The Best By Every Child


Year 2 concluded their learning on the concept of 'Relationships' with a visit from Olivier of Olivier's Bee Farm, who taught us about relationships within the bee hive. Students enjoyed learning all about the fascinating

world of bees and were particularly interested in their job roles and responsibilities. The highlights were tasting delicious honey and searching for the queen with their magnifiers as they examined the hive first-hand.

21 - 25 November 2022
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141 KINGS’ SCHOOL AL BARSHA | The Best By Every Child

DUBAI 30X30 29 October - 27 November 2022

During Term 1, Year 6 covered the concept of 'Endurance' and, as part of their learning, created and hosted their own fitness challenges.

The challenges were aimed at their Year 6 peers and the wider school community in a bid to support everyone in their efforts towards the Dubai 30 x 30 initiative. Students worked

across the curriculum and linked their concept lessons with Moral Education to create fitness videos alongside their daily activities that were hosted at the front of the school for 30 days.

This real-life learning experience allowed students to take ownership and lead their own learning whilst understanding what it means to endure both physically and mentally.

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6 December 2022


Primary students showcased their talents in this year's winter performance 'Shine Bright', hosted by Music Captains, Bissan, Nandini, and Yu Jia Elisa. Our Orchestra, Joy Choir, Show Choir, Happy Singers, dance squad, and drama group all took to the stage and impressed the

audience with their performance skills and confidence. Parents and students enjoyed exploring the art gallery that showcased the fantastic work of our Year 5 students under the theme of this years BSME Art Competition, 'Peace'.

Liam Year 5 Class
144 THE BOOK | 2022 - 2023
I loved creating my art work and carefully considered what peace meant to me. It was amazing to see my work displayed as part of the KSAB art gallery.

I took great pride in hosting this year's winter performance as a Music House Captain. It was amazing to see our community singing along to festive songs.

Bissan Year 6 Class

145 KINGS’ SCHOOL AL BARSHA | The Best By Every Child

WINTER FAYRE 6 December 2022

Our Winter Fayre was a wonderful opportunity to celebrate with our community. Santa Claus, falling snow, and winter sing-a-longs signalled the beginning of our festive celebrations for 2022. Our Parent Teacher Association arranged

for wonderful stall holders, special guests, and festive competitions to take place; alongside entertainment from Magic Phil, singing princesses, and DJ Michelle. An all-round, lovely Festive evening!

My favourite part was seeing my teachers getting dunked!

Charlotte Year 3 Class
146 THE BOOK | 2022 - 2023

I loved working on a stall selling my seed-bombs.

Harry Year 2 Class

147 KINGS’ SCHOOL AL BARSHA | The Best By Every Child


The Year 4 cohort had an amazing time during their residential in Term 2. They ventured to the Al Sayh Camp in Ras Al Khaimah, where each group spent a night away and took part in a range of different activities such as rock climbing, archery, animal encounters, and raft building.

They finished the day off with singing and marshamallows around the campfire under the stars. Throughout their time away, the children demonstrated many of our Kings' Learning Dispositions such as collaboration, communication, and resilience. They worked together to create memories to last a lifetime.

6 - 8 February 2023
Ali Year 4 Class
148 THE BOOK | 2022 - 2023
This was one of my favourite memories of the year. I really enjoyed being with my friends and having time to explore the camp.

Although I was worried at first to leave for the residential, I relaxed as soon as I arrived and pushed myself to do things I had never done before.

149 KINGS’ SCHOOL AL BARSHA | The Best By Every Child


Linked to their recent work on Coding, Year three ventured to Lego Land for a day trip to look at how they could apply the skills covered in class. They took part in an inspiring workshop which focused on programming a series of instructions to make a lego robot complete a variety of tasks. Through this, they

encountered a series of 'bugs' (problems) that they needed to apply problem solving and communications to overcome them and achieve the desired outcome. After the workshop, the children were able to take time to explore the theme park and enjoy the many rides it has to offer.

8 February
Elora Year 3 Class
150 THE BOOK | 2022 - 2023
It was such a great day! We were able to use the skills from class and work together in the workshop. We also got to go on so many rides after.

The workshop was so fun. We used iPads to program the Lego robots and made them move along the route. We also programmed noises and lights.

Liyana Year 3 Class

151 KINGS’ SCHOOL AL BARSHA | The Best By Every Child

FS1 TRIP X PARK JNR 13 March 2023

The FS1 teachers were delighted to find a trip location that provided their students with a connection to nature. At X Park Jnr they got the perfect combination of activities

to support maximum engagement from all - den building, arts and crafts, learning about, and interacting with, small animals, plants, trees and all things green!

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April 2023


During the month of April, everyone from Kings' School Al Barsha was invited to recognise Autism Awareness. From daily morning pop-ups and assemblies to focussed lessons and parent forums, we raised awareness of autism and tried to put ourselves in the

shoes of those with the condition to understand what they experience on a day-to-day basis. The month culminated in primary students dressing up to represent their 'special interest' and secondary students wearing their own clothes to represent their individuality.

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The well-being of our community is very important to us. Throughout the year, we discreetly teach our students the skills and knowledge to support their physical and mental health, and we promote healthy thinking habits and lifestyles in all our daily routines and interactions with them. From 15th to 19th

May, we marked Mental Health Awareness Week; students across the school engaged in additional activities and events to further promote their knowledge and understanding of what promotes their positive mental well-being. We ended the week with 'Wear It Green Day', to collectively celebrate this event.

This is only the start I want us to now dedicate time daily.

May 2023 Hadi Year 7 Class
156 THE BOOK | 2022 - 2023

As a student, Mental Awareness Week has been a transformative experience for me. It has opened my eyes to the significance of mental health and the importance of taking care of our well-being. Through various activities and discussions, I have gained a deeper understanding of the challenges individuals face and the support systems available.

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1 - 4 May 2023


This term, the children had the wonderful opportunity to visit a local French bakery and apply their learning from the classroom. During the experience, Year 4 exchanged greetings with the Boulanger (Baker), David Croiser, and used additional key sentences

and vocabulary linked to ingredients for croissants, ‘pain’ (bread), or ‘gateaux’ (cakes) as well as bread-making. Beyond reinforcing the children’s French learning in a real-life context, this school trip was about creating a link with the French community in Dubai.

Zoya Year 4 Class
158 THE BOOK | 2022 - 2023
I really enjoyed my time at the French Bakery. The owner explained everything in so much detail and I have visited again with my family.

This was one of the best days ever. I got to practise some of the key phrases we learnt in French. We also got to sample the food and take home some samples.

Faris Year 4 Class

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This year's FS1 production of Croak followed the journey of a tadpole turning into a frog and beautifully showed off the importance of learning dispositions such as resilience and perseverance. This was our most

adventurous FS1 production yet, with students displaying multiple performance talents to a wide audience. The students were truly remarkable and the FS team could not be more proud of them.

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10 - 11 May 2023
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KINGS' LIFERS 2022 - 2023

This year we celebrate Max, Isa, Ariana, Amelie, Daniel and Lucas as Kings' Lifers, these students have spent their primary and secondary years within education here at

Kings' and we are incredibly proud of the success that they have had. Good luck to our Kings' Lifers of 2023, we wish you all the very best for the future.

Max Class 13K Amelie Class 13N Isa Class 13K Daniel Class 13N Ariana Class 13N
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Lucas Class 13N
163 KINGS’ SCHOOL AL BARSHA | The Best By Every Child

7 - 8 March 2023


Year 7 students took a Big Bus Tour around Dubai. This gave them the opportunity to link the curriculum to real life situations. They enjoyed studying the landmarks and life around Dubai on their day out!

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Artwork by: Meera / Year 10 Artwork by: Megan / Year 10
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Articles inside


pages 158-159


pages 156-158


pages 150-151


pages 148-149


pages 144-145

DUBAI 30X30 29 October - 27 November 2022

pages 142-143


pages 130-131


pages 126-127


pages 124-125


pages 122-123

MOCK TRIAL 4 May 2023

pages 120-122


pages 118-119


pages 116-117


pages 114-115


pages 112-113


pages 110-111

January - February 2023 SPORTS WEEK SECONDARY

pages 104-107

YR3 - YR6 SPORTS DAY 28 - 29 November 2022

pages 102-103


pages 98-99


pages 96-97


pages 90-91


pages 88-90


page 87


pages 86-87


pages 84-86


pages 82-83

HOUSE DAY 9 November 2022

pages 78-79


pages 76-77

NATIONAL DAY 24 November 2022

pages 68-70

ARTS WEEK 16 January 2023

pages 56-58


pages 54-55

November 2022 ODD SOCK DAY

pages 50-51


pages 38-43


page 37


pages 34-37


pages 33-34


pages 28-32


page 27


pages 26-27


pages 24-25


pages 22-23


page 21


pages 20-21


pages 18-19


pages 8-9


pages 6-7


pages 4-5
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