Kid Magazine Issue Seventeen

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october/november 2014 - issue seventeen

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Editor’s letter



The cover image this issue was taken by me in my best friends gorgeous apartment. See page 22 for the details on how you can get the cover style.

simply cannot believe that we are now in October and the end of the year is nearly here. In just two months my little girl will turn one! This week she has started crawling and has taken her first steps assisted by us. I am sure that by the time the next issue is out she will be running and creating havoc. This issue I have had the pleasure of working with some fantastic contributors who have brought their expertise in their field to Kid Magazine. If you are interested in sharing your story or experience with Kid Magazine readers please get in touch. I am always looking for new contributors and love working with energetic and enthusiastic mums! There is only one issue left this year and next issue is Kid Magazine’s second birthday. From that moment when hubby suggested I produce an online magazine to today, 17 issues later, I have learnt so much and am so thankful for everything that I have experienced along the way. A few thank you’s from me for people who helped me get this issue out. Firstly to my hubby for supporting me and giving me some baby free time to get stuff done. Second to my mum for also being such a great help and looking after Olivia. Third to my friend Christina for letting us use her apartment for our cover shoot. Finally to my wonderful Virtual Assistant Colleen for picking up the design of a lot of this issue when I was tied up elsewhere. You are all amazing. Until next issue, you can find us at for more of the things you love.


Editor and Chief Kid 3

Cover fashion: Olivia wears GUESS, Denim Romper in Chambray, $59.95

Life through the lens of our Editor and Chief Kid, Sara. Join us at

Keep up to date with our Facebook posts, full of fashion tips, latest articles, competitions and interviews. Follow us at


06 Behind the blog - Cassandra Michelin, Live it, do it! 10 Brand to watch: Frankie & Lola 12 Turning up the heat with family activities 16 New kids on the block 19 Book reviews 20 Gifts as easy as pie 22 Cover style 24 Outdoor inspiration 28 Bites & Stings: Keeping unwanted visitors at bay 30 Giveaways 32 21st Century bonding for young families 36 Five minutes with Juliet Potter 38 Energy foods for busy mums 40 What does the fox say? 42 Travelling with kids - doesn’t always go to plan 44 Disconnecting to reconnect 48 Meditation calms kids 50 Kid Magazine loves 52 Whats’s in your picnic basket? 4

High quality gifts, stationery, and children’s products from local and international brands.

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Pizzazz Prickles Hedgehog from Mary Meyer, $29.95 2 - Ergonomic Left & Right Crayons from International Arrivals, $12.95 English ABC’s giftwrap or poster from Cavallini Papers, $6.50 4 - Jean Tatts from Peaceable Kingdom, $6.50 Never Forget a Face Matching Game from eeBoo, $29.95 6 - Natural Earth & Science Flash Cards from eeBoo, $15.50 Flourescent Pencils Owl from eeBoo, $12.95 8 - 100 Piece Puzzle - World from eeBoo, $24.95

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Behind the blog

Cassandra Michelin, Live it, do it! Mums and dads who blog are centre stage right now and doing so many amazing things. They share their hopes and dreams, ups and down, tips and tricks. Kid Magazine is all about the blog love so each issue we will share with you a blogger you need to know about. This issue we interviewed Cassandra Michelin, the blogger behind Live it, do it ( about her blog and life. Cass is a mum on the quest to raise super healthy kids on her urban farmyard on Sydney’s Northern Beaches. Passionate about inspiring others, her goal is to empower people to take control of their health and to encourage parents through simple and delicious whole foods, and toxic free living! 6

1. Tell us a bit about your blog Live it, do it was created accidentally. I am one of those people that cant sit still and being a young, stay at home new mum I just wanted to do what’s best for my baby. Knowing how the media can be so wrong I set out to do my own research into what was right for my family. I was very determined to research into every finer detail to make sure I was feeding my baby the best things and using the perfect products. Through this, I started coming across so much research and information that went against so much of what the world tells us to do as parents and it lead me to think more about my fathers death. My dad died 4 weeks after he was diagnosed with cancer.

Being so low, he was pumped with chemo and then fed highly processed chocolate flavoured milk. It was crazyness and we just did as the doctors told us because we believed in them. What hit us more was not that he had cancer and died so quick but that the undertaker at the morgue was not allowed to touch him as he had a yellow tag that meant he was too toxic to touch. I came to the realisation that the cancer would have been growing there for a while but the chemo and malnutrition in his final moments was the part that killed him and that ignited so much passion in me to do more.

2. When you aren’t blogging, what are you doing?

After so much thinking and more researching, my baby sister (now 17) who is totally inspirational came to me and said; “Will you promise me something?” I was so confused that I was like WHAT? She said; “Will you pinky promise me that you wont get cancer?” From that day, I really chose to live a healthy disease free life. I understand that it’s not as simple as that but from that moment I decided to do everything in my power to prevent cancer in our growing family. By saying this, I mean low-tox living, nutrition dense organic lifestyle. My sis and I chose to live it and to do it!

3. How do you manage the balance between being a mum, blogger, wife?

A week or so later I began writing my blog, I thought that if I am doing all this research on living toxic free, why not make life easier for others and share my finds and recipes with them. The blog is a fresh read for those who are passionate about living healthily & getting the most out of life! I share my experiences and research. Via my posts, my goal is to empower people to take control of their health and for parents to be inspired to raise their own super natural kids through simple delicious real foods. My husband being a chef before joining the Navy and being a keen hunter and gather; our weekends are filled with inspiring teamwork creating yummy real food recipes. All totally refined sugar free, additive free, mostly gluten and dairy free and always crap-free! My blog really started to grow when I was pregnant with my little boy, I felt I could connect with more people on a more personal level as I started sharing my pregnancy with people. Since then, it started going crazy in a good way and I love welcoming new readers into my little space online. 7

Playing with my kids! Going to the park, bouncing on the trampoline, going to the beach, riding our bikes or snuggling up on the couch and watching a movie! I love getting outside and moving with the kids. And I cant forget cooking; I do spend a lot of time in the kitchen preparing food but its all for my babes so it’s a high priority for us.

It’s HARD! I am the first to admit that I am NOT super mum; super wife or super blogger and I have struggled at times to juggle it all. Its very easy to get drawn into social media and the never ending job of checking emails but in those times I have to bring myself back to who I am and why I am doing it all and that’s because I am a passionate mum. My job as a mum comes first and foremost so it’s important to remind myself of that when my head is up in the internet clouds. As a wife, I just make sure I give my husband that big smile and warm welcome when he enters the door after his week away at work and focus on enjoying each other while he is home. The blog gets the time in between. 4. What has been your biggest blogging achievement? I have had quite a lot of amazing stuff happen in my blogging world lately but the very best was seeing my Ebook; LIVE IT. DO IT. EAT IT for the very first time and then over 5500 people downloading it in the first 2 weeks of launching. It seriously brought me to tears, good ones! I was so unbelievably happy. It was like something I had always dreamed of doing was finally born, a new baby of a different kind. Such a proud blog mother moment! Second would have to be receiving the call from The Insiders Agency inviting me to join their crew. It not only give me a sense of achievement but also gave me such happiness to feel part of a group of people in line with my philosophy! Who’d have thought three years ago when I began that I would have an agent for bleeding my life on the internet? It’s just crazy but so fun!

5. Why do you love blogging?

7. What is next for your blog?

What makes me love blogging the most is my readers! I receive the most beautiful emails from people sharing with me their wellness revelations and family health transformations. It’s so encouraging, inspiring and empowering. They make me cry tears of joy... Literally! It’s such an amazing feeling to know that their are people out their listening to my ramble and taking action. It feels good.

Arghhhh so many ideas, never any time. I’m thinking more ebooks, maybe an app, more collaboration, more fashion, more real food, more inspiration! I will go wherever it wants to take me.

6. What advice would you give to other mums thinking of starting a blog?

“Life is a wave, you just have to ride it.” I created this mantra after my dad passed away to chill and just be. Life can be crazy, amazing, fun, awesome, as well as at times, totally crap so its important to give ourselves a break and take time out to just go for the ride and Live it. Do it!

Do it because you love it! I have a lot of people ask me about blogging and how to get started or how to make money. The truth is that it is a lot of hard work and if you’re a stay at home mum with little ones then a lot of late nights. I created my blog all myself from scratch and it has been a rocky road to get it where it is now and it has been really tough at times to keep it going. I never got into blogging to make it into a job, I did it because I love it, I love the opportunities and the people. It’s not a make money quick gig, it’s far from it. For me it’s a bit of fun, a hobby that can take you places. I love encouraging people to get blogging but it’s important not to put pressure on yourself to make it into something huge and just enjoy the ride and the connections. 8

8. What is your favourite quote/mantra?


Brand to watch: Frankie & Lo Sara Keli, Kid Magazine Editor I remember when I first came across Frankie & Lola. It was at Kids In Style August 2012. I met the owner Katrina O’Brien and her husband Nick and they told me about their brand and what was then a tiny range of gorgeous rain gear. When I popped in to see Katrina at Kids In Style August 2014, the difference in the range was amazing. She was still producing beautiful rain gear but had also expanded to clothing, shoes and now swimwear. Katrina is a mum to three, Louis (3), Archie (5) and Isabella (7) and started Frankie & Lola after leaving her career in interior design while pregnant with Louis. “I needed a job that I could still be creative but offered more flexibility. I could not see my current occupation an option for too much longer, as site visits, meeting with clients and long hours of work did not seem possible with a third child, so I dreamed up Frankie & Lola. The obsession began and has evolved ever since.” It seems that creativity and design was always part of Katrina’s blood. As a child her brother and sisters (she is one of four) would tease her for her interest in cross-stitch. “I still love a cold Melbourne night in front of the fire knitting with a glass of red.” she says. And it is clear that design is more than just a passion. She has a clear eye for design and producing kids fashion that stand out from the crowd. In the upcoming ranges you can expect to see the most gorgeous metallic raincoats, cute tees and adorable swimwear. The signature Frankie & Lola style is cheeky, bold and unique. The pieces are wearable and edgy, loved by kids and parents alike.

I am impressed that Katrina is able to achieve so much with three young children. And for Katrina, this is her biggest challenge. “I though it would be easier as the kids got older but it really gets trickier. With the two busy boys at home the last year and school, kinder and daycare drop off/pick up, times can be challenging.” Her advice to other mums trying to work from home with young kids? “I would suggest you give yourself a set time to complete tasks. Trying to squeeze it in in between getting other housework and looking after kids does eventually drive you mad.” Frankie & Lola is a brand on the rise. In the last three years it has gone from a very small range with a few gumboots and jackets to now offering a full apparel collection for kids. Katrina has recently bought on a new business partner, Mark Stapleton, to handle the footwear side of the market. I had a good chat with Mark at Kids In Style this year and he really does know his shoes! I look forward to seeing where this partnership takes Frankie & Lola as they work to incorporate the footwear range in with the apparel lines of the brand. “Having my designs admired and brought by so many retailers and customers, to see your collection in a shop or better still on a child is a really rewarding feeling, almost surreal”, says Katrina of her success. This is definitely a brand to watch! You can find Frankie & Lola on their website, Instagram @frankieandlolaau and Facebook: frankieandlolagumboots


ola 11 11

Turning up the heat with family activities Jackie Steele, co-founder of Body Beyond Birth

The weather is warming up and summer is just around the corner... So time to head outdoors for some family fun! What a great way to help us get in some extra activities to keep us moving and burn some more calories. We know how tempting it is to just go to the park and lay in the sun while your kids run around and have fun, but what a difference it can make to you and them by getting yourself involved. Here are a few tips from me: Firstly... Don’t forget to slip, slop, slap - that’s important for you and them! Next, if you have time, plan where you’re going and what activities you can do. If you’re going to the park, take a ball; if you’re going to a park on a windy day or to a headland, take a kite; if you’re going to the beach, take a boogie board... You get the picture. If you go with the intention to get active, then you’re more likely to actually participate when you get there! “I haven’t planned anything active, so I think I’ll just sit in the sun”... Don’t let your body be tricked into believing that there’s nothing for you to do. Remember back to the days when you were a kid and enjoyed playing chasings with your parents? Whether your child is crawling, walking or running, most love a good game of chasings! What about pretending you’re the ringmaster orchestrating the circus - you could then switch to being a clown and throw in all sorts of goofy activities to keep you moving. Don’t forget that you can always enjoy a walk with your family - take in the scenery and your surrounds and be “present” with your family. Most of us know how few and far between those special moments are when we can just “be” with our family. Now what summer picnic would be complete with out a game of limbo?! No matter how big or small your kids, they will love it! Grab a stick, a towel or something else that you can hold to dance your way under. 12

Just be careful though... If you have a back problem or an abdominal separation, you’ll have to modify your moves for safety reasons - rather than bending over backwards, you may need to do some funky moves facing forwards until you’re finally crawling or slithering like a snake! The kids will think its hilarious! (...and don’t forget... core on at all times.) After all that running around, you’re all bound to be hot and sweaty. What better way to cool off than a good old fashioned water fight! Again, this appeals to all ages. You don’t need to buy water squirters or balloons or anything else in fact. You can just use drinking bottles, buckets or anything that can hold water really. Tip to make it extra fun for the kids: as much as they’ll love getting wet themselves, they will love it even more - and even squeal with absolute delight - when you get absolutely drenched... So prepare yourself and all the grown-ups!

So we’ve covered off ideas on how to keep moving, now how about the food! When you are out and about with your family it’s a good idea to think about what will be fuelling you all... Try to take some healthy snacks and drinks and limit foods that are high in sugar, salt or saturated fats. Make things fun - have a variety of fruits and ask your kids to make a fruit face on their plate (if they’re too young to do that, then make a face for them). You’ve heard of pie eating competitions, try the healthy, family friendly version and have a watermelon eating competition... using no hands! It will get messy but what kid doesn’t love a bit of mess... Particularly when it’s the grown-ups making the most mess! In terms of a drink to quench the thirst, you can’t really go past water. Just remember that it may not be readily available wherever you go so fill up those refillable bottles before you leave home! (And they’ll come in handy for the water fight!) 13

As much as we may love to be out and about, it doesn’t always happen for us. Sometimes we may even just prefer to stay at home. In this case, have your picnic at home - you can put a picnic rug in your garden (or your living room if you live in a unit), and play all the games you would if you’d gone out for a picnic. In some ways, it’s a whole bunch easier as you can play multiple games and have all the props you need right at your fingertips! The bottom line is be active regardless of what you’re doing - enjoy the weather, love your family, and love yourself enough to keep moving. Your family will love you for it and you will look and feel great!

END Jackie Steele is the co-founder of Body Beyond Birth ( With a professional background working in Human Resources for a global healthcare company, 10 of which as HR Director, Jackie has years of experience establishing health and fitness initiatives. She has developed a global workplace wellbeing website and developed several other health and fitness programs, informed by her passion for yoga and Pilates. Jackie has three young boys under 5 and it was her pregnancy with twins in 2012 which led to her meeting Becky when they bonded over their love of health and fitness. From this, Body Beyond Birth was born. 14

Bouncy Baby™, Cuddly Baby™, Sleepy Baby™ & Snuggly Baby™ Odour eliminating products;

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New kids on the block

It might surprise you to learn that 88% of infant car seats are installed incorrectly. ISOFIX is an international standardised fitting system for attaching car seats securely without the need for vehicle lap sash seatbelt and Maxi-Cosi has just launched Australia’s first ISOFIX compatible car seats with the ISOGO Euro ($599) and Hera ($529) models .

If you are tired of press studs and ill placed zippers for your little ones clothes then Li’l Zippers is a label you need to know about. The existing range of baby rompers and playsuits is now complimented with a selection of tees, skorts, jackets, shorts and hoodies in colourful fabrics with easy-to-use sip and or/pull-on openings to ensure quick and fuss free changes.

With the warmer weather well and truly here, ensuring bub can stay cool and get a good nights sleep is a top priority. Love To Dream have released a new range of lite swaddles to meet the needs to mums who love their products. The fabric used for the Lite range is highly breathable and is knitted using a fine gauge yarn making it super light.

Johnson’s Baby ahs partnered with Tresillian to create Night Light, a new destination for mums to gather at night to share experience, ask questions and know that they aren’t alone. Coming alive at 5pm each night, mums can join a community chat room, read one of the many baby care articles or receive tailored one-on-one advice from Tresillian nurses through a live chat feature.

The LeapFrog Mobile Med Kit will tickle the funny bones of little ones while encouraging learning, combining two popular types of play. Toddlers can press the siren on the ambulance to launch medical missions, and then race over to help patients with their medical tools on hand. Suitable for 2+ years, LeapFrog Mobile Med Kit is $34.99.

Finding a stylish nappy bin that will suit your décor is near on impossible. Adding to an already impressive colour palette, Ubbi has recently released four new colours to their Nappy Bin range adding bright pops of orange, pistachio red and navy. 16

StayPut sheets are designs to keep kids warm and in bed after they outgrow a sleeping bag. Designed by an Aussie mum who was trying to prevent her daughter from rolling off a portable mattress on the floor when visiting family and friends. The sheets also feature overlap fabric to protect bed covers and reinforced zips, poppers and seams for those super wriggly littlies.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have well and truly made a comeback and Turtle Power is in your hands with the October 2014 release of TOMY’s highly anticipated Battroborg Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Electronic Battle Game. Turtles unite to train, battle and defeat their opponents in a motion controlled battle experience.

Plyroom is an innovative collection of beautifully crafted, Italian-made furniture designed to elvolve with kid’s ages and stages. A cot that converts to toddler bed and then a desk and a loft bed with space for a single bed, desk or table underneath are just two of the products available in the Plyroom range. 17

There’s something about Peppa Pig and if she can help your kids slip, slop, slap then there is another reason to love her! Cancer Council has collaborated with our favourite pig to produce a new range of SPF50+ sunscreen. Available exclusively in Coles supermarkets, prices range from $9.95 - $14.95

Metallic is such a popular party trend and Illume Design has released a new range of gold and silver foiled party ware to make decorating your metallic themed event that much easier. The glamorous new range consists of paper plates, cups, napkins, treat bags, gift tags, cupcake wrappers and buntings.

The perfect gift for your mini master chef, this set of stovetop essentials looks just like the real thing! Tiger Tribe’s Vintage Kitchen Set is perfect for boys and girls and encourages initiative and imaginary play; promotes story telling, role-playing, and creativity.
























REGAIN YOUR HEALTH – WITHOUT EVEN LEAVING HOME! Between sleepless nights, nappy changes, toddler wrangling, meal prep, navigating teen angst, and trying to get your kids out the door in under an hour, who has the time to focus on their health – right? Enter: the easiest way to get your health back on track – OH! MAGAZINE. Authored by one of Australia’s leading health experts, including celebrity chef Pete Evans, super fitness trainer Michelle Bridges and nutrition guru Dr Joanna, OH! MAGAZINE is a 100% free, monthly, online magazine that provides you with helpful tips to help you regain your health (and sanity!), without even leaving the house!


Available on your iPhone, or any other mobile device or computer that reads PDFs!

Book reviews

Being a mum is the greatest job in the world. But it is also the toughest. Mum and yoga teach, Leonie Percy, knows this and penned Mother Om to help mothers connect with themselves, their children and the world around them. The book is easily digestible, broken down into short chapters with guided ‘mindful moments’ you can incorporate into your everyday routine. A delightful book that is about connecting and celebrating those beautiful moments with family., $24.95

The gorgeous story of how Orion overcomes his fear of the dark. Packed with adventure and bravery with a little bit of fear, the illustrations add so much more to the story and will have your kids wanting to become friends with the dark. Suitable for ages 3-8. Scholastic, $14.99

Cleo is a cheeky little girl with a very clever imagination. In these two short stories, Cleo is faced with a problem. How to get a necklace like the rest of her friends and what to buy her mum for her birthday. Her solutions will have you chuckling away. Suitable for ages 5-8. Allen & Unwin, $16.99

In this gorgeous cookbook you will find quick dinners for mum and dad, food for little ones and babies too, picnic food, recipes to get the kids in the kitchen, party food and more. Following on from her popular blog by the same name, Holly Bell has brought together a collection of inventive, economical and simple recipes the whole family will love. Hardie Grant Books, $45 (available November 2014)

Have your kids used an excuse to get out of having a bath? Well this one tops the list! A whale in the bath! But for Bruno, there is actually a whale in the bath but his family won’t believe in. This beautifully illustrated book ends with, well, a splash. Suitable for ages 3-6. Allen & Unwin, $19.99

This book is set to become the new mama go to guide. Full of advice on mummy fashion, exercise post baby, heading back to work, dealing with the baby blues and much more, this book is the perfect gift for any new or expecting mum. With personal stories and inspirational advice, Jenny Scott has hit the nail on the head with this impeccably designed mummy manual. Hardie Grant Books, $29.95

Bringing home a new baby can be hard on older kids in the family. Henry is not enjoying his new little sibling. But he has his grandma who knows just how much trouble the baby is. A story of adjustment, family and love. Suitable for ages 4+. Scholastic, $24.99

There are not many things that kids know more about than their parents, but technology is one of those. In this essential guide, Yvette Adams reveals to you the ins and outs of technology so you can understand what it is that your kids know so well. From safety tips to using technology to socialise, save time and money and so much more, it is all there! This book empowers you to understand technology and teach your kids to use what they know for good., $30 19

Gifts as easy as pie Emma Bagnall, founder of Pie Society My sister filled her own freezer with pre-cooked meals before the birth of her three children. I am not saying that my brother-in-law can’t cook, but he’s been known to live on grated cheese from the bag when left to his own devices. I wasn’t particularly useful after the births of either of my nieces. I lived 400km away, but as the doting but distant aunty I bought very pretty, but pretty useless gifts for all 3 girls. It wasn’t until a bit later, as close friends had their own babies, that I got to witness the sleep-deprived chaos of those early weeks, and wanted to do something more useful. You absolutely cannot turn up empty-handed to “see the baby” (thanks Seinfeld). So I started taking home-cooked dinners – yes very retro & not uncommon, and whilst grandma would have brought Apricot Chicken in the Pyrex dish, we tote soups and pasta dishes, in stackable plastic-ware. For me, this gradually evolved into a tradition of baking & taking family sized pies. If you popped a bun out of your oven, you’d receive a pie out of mine. I think pies are the epitome of comfort food & a bit of an indulgence. They take a bit of effort and time, so you don’t just whip one up for the family on a Tuesday after work, you can fill them with anything that 20

takes your fancy, and proper, delicious all-butter pastry is the sort of treat that your heart and thighs can’t take every day. You can pop them in the freezer until that night when you are too tired to think, let alone cook. Whack it in the oven and go do something else more interesting, and then they’re a meal unto themselves, requiring little else (but always improved with buttery mash and minty peas). On the imaginary wish-list of new parents, more sleep must come in at number 1, and a full-time housekeeper probably ties in at second place, but if you can’t spring for either of those, then providing a night free of having to think about what’s for dinner would make a close 3rd. You can be absolutely sure that whatever meal you deliver will be received with quiet gratitude if not loud squeals of delight. Whether or not you have an emotional connection to food, the act of being looked after evokes some strong feelings. Not everyone loves cooking, and everyone is always working either inside the home or out, or both, or several jobs, and everyone muddles through. Particularly when they have little people dependent upon them, they get on with it and feed everyone, something. Through bleary sleep deprived eyes, and faintly smelling of spat up milk sometimes, but they do it. So I think someone offering to take over that job for a night or two feels quite special.

So how to master the art of the care package? Bring food that you know they like – have a little think about it. Outsourcing is OK. Unless you know you can make something really delicious, don’t feel like it has to be handmade by you, to show you care. Something from their favourite café or deli will be welcomed. Take something that freezes well in case the fridge is already bulging with foil wrapped parcels of delight. Pies work of course, but other dishes where you can include lots of vegies are good options. These include lasagna, cannelloni, soups, chilli, curries and slow-cooker dishes like lamb shanks and osso bucco. Go easy on the spices and onions if they are breastfeeding. Don’t forget the side dishes, and don’t skimp on the sizes – this is not a time to be scared of carbs, and you want them to have leftovers. This is a great time for a belated gift – everyone turns up and makes a fuss the first week or two. Do it in week 5 and you won’t have to queue for a cuddle. If they have older kids try and make something they will also eat, so you are really providing a break for everyone. Include savoury or sweet snacks to sustain everyone for those late night feeds. It’s OK to knock & run – a parcel left on the doorstep with a sweet note is a nice surprise in the early days - and a great alternative to turning up during sleep-time with your noisy kindergarteners. If you do stick around for a cuddle – then make yourself useful. Don’t let them fuss after you and fix you drinks. Unpack your goodies into the fridge, make everyone a pot of tea, and whilst you’re in there, unstack the dishwasher. Lastly, don’t forget to sniff the baby. They should bottle that.


Emma has created the Sydney based meal gifting business Pie Society, which produces all-natural handcrafted pies, sides and sweets. These are gift boxed with personal messages and delivered to most Sydney suburbs, as well as Richmond, Campbelltown, Central Coast, Lithgow, Wollongong, Blue Mountains & Newcastle. You can peruse the menu and order online at 21

Cover style

The cover of this issue was shot in my best friends gorgeous apartment. She has impeccable taste and has decorated her living room with charcoal, black and white with accents of chartreuse. It is a clean and bright look, which works perfectly in her modern apartment bathed in natural light. Get the look in your home with these beautiful finds.

Hot Springs designer rug – golden sunshine, $1150

Flores Pista cu

Amalfi Lizzy coffee www.amalfihome

Black and white triangle www.roomandbloom

Amalfi Fiore candle jar, $39.95 Leather Moroccan ottoman pouf in ochre yellow, $200

Spider vine black linen cushion, $170

Emporium Hazelle vase, $12.95 22

Glass vase, $65

ushion, $110

Charcoal facet cushion, $120

e table, $529.95

Oscar Charcoal Wingback Armchair, $699

vase, $79

Treasure Seeker black on white cushion, $80

Fine Little Day Gran cushion in yellow, $50

Jonathan Adler zig zag chevron throw rug, $392

Zakkia Russian dolls, $29 23

Curve table lamp, $185

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Head outdoors and soak up the gorgeous spring weather with these beautiful picnic finds for any occasion

picnic for two

family day out

mummies & bubbies 24

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Bondi black & white throw, $89.95 “Laura� declux market basket, $59 Kate Spade black stripe dinner plate $29.95 each Bake 2 Basics Sweet Keeper, $37 Zephyr white leather tie, $155 25

Butterflies balloon ball, $14.95 Rainbow elastics, $14.95 X300 mobile wireless stereo speaker, $79.95 thankyou Grapefruit anti-bacterial Hand Sanitiser, $7 EnviroChill Maxi in Apple Blossom, $15.99, Coastal wine glass set, $32 Thermos 710ml stainless steel vacuum insulated food jar, $36.99 available at all major retailers and homewares stores Blue floral reversible cot quilt, $109

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Toots the Toucan and Tilly Twinklewings, $19.95 each

Baby Finger Spray 50+, $9.29

Neon pink nest basket, $35

Bug Off My Baby insect repellent, $18.95

White lace trim baby bucket hat with strap, $26.95

Peacky Keen play space, $79 27

Bites & Stings

Keeping unwanted visitors at bay!

By Mary Dawes, Director of First Aid For you As the warmer weather slowly arrives, here is some timely advice for those unwelcome guests at outdoor picnics and BBQ’s… bites and stings from creepy crawlies!

child. Always call for help if you’re in doubt. Ambulance and paramedics are there to help in case of serious stings or bites. Your doctor and chemist should be happy to give you sound advice.

BITES & STINGS: At the beach, you naturally, ALWAYS swim between the flags. The surf lifesavers are your best bet when it comes to all kinds of beachside dramas – including stings. Not every sting should be treated with vinegar. So firstly, look out for any warnings about jellyfish or bluebottles. If you’re not sure, ask!! And if your child is stung, head straight for the surf club, don’t try and remedy yourself.

If the accident should occur after hours, call Health Direct Australia on 1800 022 222. Always have a well maintained and regularly updated first aid kit and check your supplies and first aid kit every six months to refill and renew, remember repellents have definite use-by dates.

Mossie and march fly bites are fairly easy to treat, but nevertheless should not be ignored as they can become infected if scratched repeatedly. Prevention is your best bet, avoiding known mossie haunts, going inside at dusk when mossies become more active and wearing long sleeves and pants. Repellent should only be used on under six year olds’ clothing and not on babies less than two months’ old. Ask your doctor or chemist to recommend a suitable repellent to use against flying insects as well as fleas and ticks. After a bush outing, check your child’s body thoroughly when they have their bath. Keep littlies’ fingernails trimmed and if bitten, wash with warm water and soap as soon as possible. Actually rubbing soap directly onto the bite can often stop the itching and swelling. Bee and wasp stings can be a complex matter. If bitten, scrape your fingernail across the stinger to remove it. DON’T squeeze it out – that will only release more poison. Cool the area, use a painkiller if needed, calamine or baking soda & water to relieve itching and an antihistamine if required. Learn the signs of anaphylaxis and call an ambulance immediately if your child shows any symptoms, particularly if they are prone to allergies. Finally….. PREVENTION Remain calm. Reassure the 28

Finally, keep phone numbers handy, not only for yourself but for family and babysitters. Keep them somewhere prominent and easy to read. Don’t let mossies or flies put your spring and summer adventures on hold, a few simple precautions will mean you and your family can enjoy a season full of outdoor joy!


Mary Dawes is the owner and creator of First Aid For You www.firstaidforyou., specialising in baby and child first aid. Mary has over ten years experience in First Aid training along with first hand knowledge the ‘real life’ dramas that can pop up when you have two very active little boys!” Website: http:// Facebook: http:// firstaidforyou Twitter:

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21st Century Bonding for Young Families Jessica Bee, founder of I knew I had to do something when we adopted our ninth Nana from the supermarket that morning. My toddler pointed gleefully to the unknown lady with short curly grey hair, ‘Nana!’ He declared, wearing his most winning smile. Some of them were bemused, occasionally delighted and more than a few younger ones were fairly unimpressed. We had Skyped Nana in England a few times. He’d even met her once when he was a baby. But clearly she was understood to be a generic term for curly haired ladies aged sixty plus. When I moved from England and set up home in Australia as a free spirited twenty two year old I had little grasp of how, over a decade later, my choice would impact my children as they now grow up a world away from the people I love most. If I had given the matter any thought at the time I would have foreseen this familiar scenario. I grew up with a Nana I didn’t know. She lived in New Zealand and sent wonderful presents. We phoned her at Christmas and she was a kind faraway voice with a funny accent. I loved her but I didn’t know her and I can only think that must have made my mother a bit sad. Just as I felt when it truly dawned that my children could easily not really know my/their family. It’s a weird feeling. But a fairly common one these days I would hazard. Cheaper and more accessible travel means exploring and possibly settling on the other side of the world is more viable than ever. Certainly a far simpler process than the sixweek ship voyage to the UK that my mother embarked on in the sixties, as a young New Zealander eager to see the world. More than ever before families are scattered across the globe and for most of us non jet setting millionaires, that means infrequent face-to-face contact with our nearest and dearest. In the past family bonding time was generations around a fire, a board game or a dinner table. Now we may be more widely dispersed but we are lucky enough to be able to look to technology to forge and keep those bonds alive. As someone who loves experimenting with what technology can offer, I’ve enjoyed working out what methods engage all the ages. Which forums allow a four year old to be actively involved in developing his own independent relationship with his remote seventy five year old Nana? You’re probably saying Skype. And yes, Skype was always our first port of call, but guess what? Kids don’t want to sit and chat! They want to run around, press all the buttons on your keyboard, climb on your head, run out of the room frequently and just generally not sit down and converse. Here are a few ideas for keeping the whole family engaged: 32

Ideas for connecting with distant family Skype / Facetime No, young kids don’t want to sit and talk. But nothing tops regular video calls for forging lasting connections. A recent study on the effectiveness of ‘Maintaining familial relationships via video-chat’ by the BabyLab at Swinburne University in Melbourne found that ‘… for children as young as 17 months of age, a video presence by a trusted adult is similar to an actual presence. We argue that these findings are a strong indicator that familial relationships can reasonably be maintained through video communication.’ Encouraging news for us ex-pats. You just have to get a bit creative. Read books: dedicate one night a week when your overseas family can read to your child. My son loves hearing the new book Nana has for him each week. He also chooses a short book to read to Nana afterwards. Puppets: one night Nana didn’t call, a pink and yellow googly eyed puppet my kids named Mr Lips called instead. And boy was he mean to Nana. Kept pushing her out of the frame, butting in and generally making mischief. The boys thought he was hilarious. Create Stories together: We use the ‘Create a Story’ cards by Eeboo to help prompt our storytelling. Keep the stories short or attention spans can waver. Play Games: My boys have cousins in London the same age who I’d love my kids to know better, but sitting down and chatting to each other is not going to happen. We play hide and seek which has them all paying attention to each other as one lot hides and the other lot directs the iPad holder to open cupboards and look under beds. If the kids won’t sit still, go with it and play games where they can move as well as interact. 33 34

App: Maily Email for kids. At first I was worried that perhaps this was a rather early introduction to the social side of the internet. But it has been a huge success for us. It brought on a flurry of artworks as Mr 4 drew pictures and emailed them off to his little closed Maily network. Soon he was asking me how to spell words as he typed out important notes to Nana. The parent has the account and manages all contacts. Once a contact is approved by the parent, the child can write, draw pictures and send. App: Kindoma This app provides books for you to read together on screen during video calls. You can turn the pages together and a few books are provided for free whilst more are available for purchase. We found the book selection a bit young for us, but worth a look if your kids are little. Website: Scoot Doodle A collaborative drawing site that allows you to draw together on screen simultaneously. Both parties will need Gmail accounts as it is hosted on Google Hangouts and you need to log in. Lots of potential here, perhaps start with a game of Tic Tac Toe! Waiting for the App version ScoodleJam to be available in Australia. Until then go to onhangouts.php to get started. Website: Love 2 Read Try websites like to make your own little books with photos of family members to help your child become familiar with their faces. Ideas for family time at home using technology One of the concerns around kids and iDevices is that screen time can replace opportunities for family social interaction. This is why co-playing apps have great value as games you use together. Here are some fun co-playing apps for your preschooler: Match Blitz For up to four players, who can find the matching symbols the fastest? This one had everyone engaged ages four to forty. Toca Tea Party Check out app makers Toca Boca if you haven’t heard of them. Makers of wonderful apps for preschoolers that stimulate imagination. Invite friends, set the table and enjoy your tea and cake! Marble Mixer Again up to 4 players compete to shoot marbles. The rules are easy and it’s fast paced enough to keep the older players interested. We loved feeding the marble monster!

END 35

Jessica Bee is a professional technology educator, founder of the tech parenting blog www.flyingstartkids. com and mum to two boys age 2 and 4. She reviews the very best apps for growing kids’ creative minds, along with ideas for other non-screen related activities. She is especially passionate about assisting parents and carers through the modern day parenting challenges of managing children’s engagement with technology. She lives with her family in Sydney. Facebook: Pinterest:


Minutes with Juliet Potter

Juliet Potter is a mum of three (Ashley 14, Lola 9 and Gigi 3) and a digital entrepreneur, with a major in online PR and social media campaigns. Juliet’s focus is on women with a stable of female related websites including Australia’s #1 car website for women, and She also runs creative PR agency Juliet somehow found five minutes to answer a few questions about style, motherhood and how she does it all. Three words to describe your style

Top fashion brands for you and the kids

Feminine. Vintage. Chic. I’m a size 8 and am only 5.2 so my style has to be tailored and I can’t wear maxi dresses (there is no such thing as a mini-maxi dress!). My style is feminine – I love 3/4 summer dresses (that look like maxi dresses on me!), and I have a thing for jeans and a simple T or singlet. I can’t wear jackets as they swamp me but I do love shawls (my kids call them blankets).

I’m not a brand person whatsoever, I just like what I like. Having said that however, I have two little girls who adore Cotton On and Target or again, we do Vinnies for statement or quirky pieces.

I shop at either ASOS or Witchery but above all I love Vinnies and my close girlfriends and I love to swap things constantly. I always get complimented and asked where I bought my outfit from when I am wearing something from Red Threads or Vinnies. I don’t like to wear the same thing as every one else or the other girl at the same party…

Beauty product you swear by My skin seems to react to expensive products ( I know, right?) so for me Simple is the best skin product in the world and I love KORA. Rose Hip Oil and paw paw are the bomb! And I love nudus lipstick as it isn’t tested on animals and is 100% organic – this lippy is so good you can actually eat it. Advice for juggling motherhood and work This is a bug bear for me as I struggle with it every. Single. day. I genuinely have no advice as I personally find it incredibly difficult – borderline impossible - and I really don’t know how other women do it. I have in awe of women who can find the balance. (Please tell me your secrets!)… Favourite room in your home I love my little ones bedroom, it is the keeper of all things pretty, pink and girl and all the things I love about the simple pleasures in my life. Whether it’s reading a book, making cup-cakes or ‘styling’ the room with my 9 year old (she places teddies and her special things in different

ways to make it all look different and interesting) and there are always sparkles every where and it smells like coconuts and lavender. I love it. Oh, and I love the kitchen. I adore cooking! Words of wisdom to new mums Don’t try to be super woman or compare yourself to others. Just do the best you can and above all, enjoy your children while they are little as they grow up so fast nowadays! Quote/mantra you live by Take baby steps everyday. Live in the now. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Shopping – online or bricks & mortar? I love Vinnies shopping B + M but I also love the convenience of online shopping for basic pieces like a plain white T so a little of both works for me.

Technology you can’t live without My Mac computer. It allows me to work my own hours and from where ever I am – I quite literally could not hold down a job or earn a living without it. Ultimate holiday destination Hawaii. I’ve never met a tropical cocktail I haven’t liked… Best toy you ever bought your kids A globe from Leap Frog. My own geography is shocking so it helps both the kids and I discover the world together.


Energy foods for busy mums Melissa Lichocik, Founder of Healthful Mums It’s 3pm. You’re sleep deprived and exhausted. You were up hourly overnight with the baby and then the toddler decided 5am was a great morning wake-up call. That cup of coffee you had instead of lunch is wearing off and you start searching the cupboards for something to satisfy your sugar craving that is creeping in. You find a lone packet of biscuits way up in the back of the pantry. Hooray! You sneak some in while the kids aren’t watching. Before you know it you have devoured half of the packet, yet you are still hungry. Sound familiar?

As mums our instinctive nature is to feed our young • before ourselves, which can be, at times, detrimental to our health. We are left exhausted, hungry and in a health slump. We have the best intentions to feed our family healthy, nutritious foods, but sometimes things get too hectic and life simply gets in the way. • So how do we look after our nutritional needs as well? My top tip is to plan ahead. If you are making school lunches in the mornings, make yourself a lunchbox • as well. I do this even if I am staying at home for the day. I fill up my lunchbox with nutritious foods that will give me energy so when it comes to that 3pm slump I am not looking for a quick fix. I look for foods that will sustain me, give me plenty of energy and • keep my sugar cravings under wrap. Some nutritional tips for mums to give them energy: •

Aim for complex carbohydrates such as green leafy vegetables, whole-grains and legumes like beans and chickpeas. These will maintain your • blood sugar levels longer and are essential to fuel the body and the brain. They also will prevent that mid-afternoon slump. Protein is also important for that full feeling and women should aim for 46g of protein/day. Try and aim to have some protein with every meal and it doesn’t always have to be in the form of meat. Eggs and dairy products are great sources of protein as well as nuts and seeds. 38

Fruit is the easiest way to fix that sweet craving, as it is full of natural sugars. The recommended daily intake for women is two servings a day but if at the end of the day you just can’t shake the cravings and your energy is floundering, then an extra banana is still a much better option than half a packet of tim tams. Limit caffeine and refined sugars if you can. These may seem like a good option to give you a quick pick-meup, but they will often cause you to have a “slump” shortly after. Rooibos tea is a great caffeine-free option that is delicious served with a bit of milk Eat foods high in iron as inadequate iron intake can lead to deficiency, which can cause you to feel even more tired and lethargic. Up your iron by eating plenty of whole-grains, meat, fish, poultry, as well as leafy green vegetables such as kale, spinach and broccoli. Drink plenty of water. When we are not hydrated our bodies can confuse hunger with thirst. Aim for 2L a day if you can. Buy yourself a cheap 500ml water bottle and fill it up during the day. That way you know if you can aim to drink 4 bottles over the day, you would have had your 2 litres worth. If you are hungry, try having a drink of water first before reaching for something else to eat. Eat some fats! But make sure they are good fats. Good quality saturated fats such as avocado, olive oils, nuts, seeds and oily fish such as salmon will keep you satisfied and stop you hunting for foods to fill you up.

A busy mums menu: Breakfast: 2 pieces of rye sourdough toast, avocado, tomato and a poached egg or porridge made with almond milk and fruit sprinkled with some chia seeds. Lunch: roasted vegetable frittata with a side salad or a hearty chicken and vegetable soup with some rye sourdough bread. Dinner: grilled chicken with vegetables sautĂŠed with a splash of balsamic vinegar or grilled salmon with loads of Asian greens sautĂŠed in garlic and ginger with some fish sauce. Snacks: homemade whole meal banana bread, fruit salad with some greek yogurt, veggie sticks with some wholegrain rice crackers and hummus or a handful of almonds. Try and focus on the nutrients of a food rather than calories. Low calorie foods can often leave you feeling drained and hungry, the more nutrients you get in the better chance you have of achieving optimal nutrition. If you are a breastfeeding mum then you need to do this even more so as you want to provide as many 39

nutrients for your baby as possible though your breast milk. The extra nutrients are also going to fuel your body for that much needed energy. Getting out and doing a small amount of exercise is also a great way to boost your energy. Even a quick 15 minute stroll around the block will leave you feeling revitalized. Remember, a healthy, happy mummy means healthy, happy kids.


Melissa Lichocik has worked in the health industry for 16 years. She is a mum of two, a former paediatric nurse, a soon-to-be qualified nutritionist as well as a health and wellness blogger. She is the founder of Healthful Mums and her aim is to inspire and motivated mums to be the healthiest version of themselves they can be. You can find her at or follow her on Facebook at healthfulmums.

Mini puzzle fox, $9.95

Damask fox print, $20

What does the fox say?

Alone in www

foxes are one of the trendiest animals around right now. From fashion to homewares, kids love these cute critters. Here is how you can inject a little fox into your home. Just stay away from the real thing! 40

Bamboo 5 piece Dinner Set - Forest Feast, $29.95

Mr Fox rattle, $16.95

Fox l www unch bag, .little $ ville.c 33 om.a u

n forest wall clock, $88

Wire taxidermy fox, $300

Mrs Fox pink cushion, $64 41

Fantastic Fox A3 rint, $54 P .95 www.indie.c

Fox bookends, $34.95

Travelling with kids – doesn’t always go to plan By Lauren Owens, founder I Heart Melbourne Tours and Baby Hire With Heart My hubby and I met when I was living the life in London. Out and about in Europe nearly every weekend, I couldn’t get enough of the culture and adventure that comes with exploring the world. By the time we returned to Melbourne to start the next phase of our life together – as husband and wife – I’d tracked orang-utans with the WWF team in Borneo and I’d slept in a yurt in Mongolia. There were no bounds to my adventures. Fast forward six years and we now have a little man in tow, Harrison, who is 15 months. His arrival into the world started a new chapter and the beginning of family holidays. Yippee! With such great memories of travelling the world with my mum, dad and brother, I’ve longed for the day that I would whisk my own family away on adventures. I had an easy introduction to motherhood, blessed with a super chilled, happy, healthy, hungry and sleepy baby. I thought: awesome. I’d gotten lucky with the perfect child. This was great for me; a social animal that’s highly organised and always in control. This little guy had slotted perfectly into my life and nothing much had changed... everything had just got a whole lot better. And so while the little man snoozed his way through the day I planned our first adventure as a family unit. Then the unexpected occurred. Harrison had a major seizure which landed him in ICU. It still remains unclear what exactly caused his seizure but it was determined that it was the result of his temperature soaring quickly. Whether it would occur again, and in what situation, was a total unknown. I was left wondering how we could possibly go away on the dream family holiday I’d planned knowing that Harrison could have an episode at any time. I struggled with that for some time and eventually came to the realisation that that’s life. Isn’t it? You can’t predict what life is going to throw at you and as hard as that was for my inner control freak to acknowledge, I knew it was true. 42

So we continued with our plans and headed to Vietnam when Harrison was 9 months old. Now for someone so small, how did he require so much stuff?! I’d never been one to pack lightly but this kid was something else! With half of our baggage allowance taken up with Heinz purees and Aldi nappies we headed off to ‘Nam on our first family adventure. It was the perfect family holiday destination; delicious food and cocktails and gorgeous people that would do anything for you (particularly little versions of you!). But it was damn hot. And I was on edge more than normal, concerned that Harrison wouldn’t cope well, especially given just days before we headed away he had another minor episode. But he cruised through the holiday. Rocking just a nappy most of the time, he was all smiles and giggles, and loving the attention. So we returned from the holiday thrilled that we had ourselves a natural born traveller who’d handled the adventure brilliantly. We could leave the seizure baggage behind and continue life as a jetsetting family. So I got right back to organising our next holiday. This time we were going to head back to the UK, the hubby’s mothership. It was to happen in summer so we could escape the cold Melbourne weather and chase the English sun (oh the irony). Who knew when we would get there that they would be in the midst of an unseasonal heat wave? We couldn’t believe it. Of course I’d packed the wrong clothes for the climate. Many of my adventures have been marred by my inability to pack appropriately for the weather. A wave of concerned washed over me that this would be too much for Harrison, especially because the UK doesn’t quite know what to do with itself when it’s hot. But we reasoned that if he’d sailed through the humidity of Vietnam then surely England would be no bother. But of course, we should have known better; when travelling with kids you need to expect the unexpected.

I’ll spare you the details but after a 40 minute ambulance ride we found ourselves in a Welsh hospital with a very hot, sick little man. Let me tell you that the hotel staff did not know what hit them that night when we arrived at the reception desk at 10pm – both of us inappropriately dressed, me with an offensive slicked back high pony, mascara down my face and a child in my arms. While Harrison’s recovery was speedy and he was back to his cheeky self in no time, I was left wondering whether it was selfish to have taken him so far away from home, to the blistering heat when he had a history of these episodes. But I think that’s just ‘mumma guilt’ talking. How were we to know that despite travelling brilliantly to the furnace that was Vietnam, he’d have a turn in one of the least tropical destinations on earth – Wales? And what would be the alternative? Staying close to home just waiting for the worst to happen? I can’t believe that that would be in the best interests of anyone. I think the best gift we can give to our child is the opportunity to explore the world, experience different cultures and broaden their horizons. That’s what I grew up doing and I truly believe that I’m better for it. However now I know that these seizures are a reality and when we’re away from home we need to be vigilant and do our best to reduce the likelihood of them occurring. My motto in life has been: if in doubt, pack it. So now we pack an ear thermometer to keep on top of Harrison’s temperature, strawberry Nurofen (Sir’s preference over cherry Panadol) and lots of lightweight clothing and sleeping bags. I’ve stopped worrying about coming across as demanding when asking for a fan in our hotel room when cooling is not available. And in future, we’ll always make sure that our hire car is fitted with air con. I don’t think it helped Harrison’s cause that the little red beast we cruised around in was sans AC and we covered a bit of ground in that bad boy in the blistering heat. So life can be unpredictable and travelling with kids can really bring that to the fore. But I feel strongly that the best thing that you can do for your family is to experience all that life has to offer. I think so long as you are prepared for anything then the world is your oyster. Happy family travels!


Lauren Owens is the owner of Victoria’s first family tour company, I Heart Melbourne Tours and Melbourne based baby equipment hire company, Baby Hire With Heart. Both companies were established to make travel to Melbourne as stressfree and memorable as possible for families. I Heart Melbourne Tours offer family day tours to all the popular destinations including the Great Ocean Road, Phillip Island, Puffing Billy, Melbourne City Sights and a family friendly Yarra Valley tour. I Heart Melbourne Tours also run private tours and wine charter tours. and 43

Disconnecting to reconnect Sara Keli, Kid Magazine Editor It’s a common sight to see these days. Look into any café or restaurant and you will see many of the patrons scrolling through their phones, responding to messages and checking Facebook. Two people sitting at the same table will often only interact to show each other something funny or interesting on their phone. Has “smart” technology made us lose the ability to engage with each other face-to-face? My answer to that question is no but I worry about the impacts this will have on our children and how they will engage with each other from the examples we set. As a working mum, running my own online business with constant demands for me to check and respond to emails, interact on social media and blog day-to-day, I am so aware of the example I am setting for my daughter. As soon as I pull out my iPhone or iPad or sit her on the study floor next to me so I can do five minutes of work, she will seek to get my attention back to her. It is different when I am doing other activities like unpacking the dishwasher or making the bed as I am usually still interacting with her while doing this. At nine-months old, Olivia is now at an age where she is learning to copy what we do. She copies when we clap our hands, click our fingers, wave or even give her a kiss. She is watching everything I do and forming her view 44

of the world based on my actions and words. What am I teaching her by staring at a phone screen or flicking through my iPad? What ideas are developing in that little mind of hers as to how she sees me and our relationship? I have also become more conscious of the fact that at night my hubby and I will sit on the couch to unwind and I will be again scrolling through my phone and often he is also. I use the excuse that I am working but do I really need to do that work at that time? Hubby gets frustrated and has been known to rip my phone out of my hands and hide it in the couch cushions just so I will stop looking at it. What is this doing to our relationship and countless other relationships of husbands and wives who do the same? Technology is an amazing thing. We can call hubby and see his face while he is travelling for work, I can email my friends around the globe and we are now more educated on what is happening around the world. But one of the most powerful things we can do to reconnect with the people right in front of us is to disconnect from technology. I’m not talking about removing it completely from our lives as it really does have some great benefits. What I’m talking about is having some rules in place about when, where and how much. This will be different for everyone and every family but here are a few ideas you can use to disconnect yourself:

Going Cold Turkey Rebecca Lloyd-Jones is a mum who was addicted to social media. After feeling stressed and overwhelmed she decided that one of the easiest things she could do was to cut out social media and so she went cold turkey for a month. The mum of two (10-old-son son and 13-month-old daughter) found that after cutting out social media she was more present with her kids. Rebecca calls her approach ‘people before pixels’. “I think that because I’m not putting pixels before people I’m just so much more aware ofhwn people are not truly paying attention to those they’re with and, whether they are family or not, it’s really helped me to prioritise relationships.” Rebecca says she now has more time and has become better at managing her time and choosing when to go on social media and when to close the laptop screen and be with her family. Her advice to other mums wanting to limit social media? “They need to get real with themselves about what is important to them”, Rebecca says. She suggests picking a week in your diary and marking down the amount of time you spend on technology daily. “When we write something down it becomes much more real and can help us to see a habit we may be trying to break.” The next step is to actively work towards decreasing number of pixels you see each day or week. “You can begin to swap pixel time for people time or perhaps a new hobby that is healthier for you and the kids!” 45

• When you are at home, place your phone in a certain place like a drawer or table. Don’t carry it with you in your pocket or leave it in a place you will walk past often • When dining out with friends, either leave your phones in your handbag or place them all on the table. I have heard of a rule where friends will place their phones in the centre of the table and the first person to reach for theirs pays the bill • The first thing I do when I wake up is pick up my phone to check any emails that have come in over night and my social media accounts. When you go to bed, don’t keep your phone on your bedside table. Keep your phone out of reach so this removes the temptation to jump straight into screen time each morning • Implement some technology free time or a whole day each week where no one in the family is able to use any technology. Start small with a few hours and gradually build the time • If you are breastfeeding, it is so tempting to scroll through your phone while baby is feeding. I am guilty of it myself. Enjoy the connection and bonding by leaving your phone in your bag or hidden away. Those moments will quickly be gone so enjoy and cherish them! • Limit the time you are on social media to certain times in the day and only check it once. Impossible you say? Just give it a go for a week and see the impact it has

Over the past few weeks I have made a few changes to how I interact with technology while Olivia is around. I now wake up at 6am and work for two hours every morning to check and respond to emails, schedule my blog and social media for the day and do my writing for the day. It is amazing what a mum can achieve given a two hours and a sleeping baby! This allows me to free up my day to spend with my gorgeous girl and then I only check emails again when she has her naps. I feel fresher, she is not fighting for my attention and my business is thriving for it as I am actually structuring in time to get things done. So my challenge to you is this. Read a book in bed or give yourself a manicure while the kids are asleep instead of flicking through Facebook. Turn your phone off (if you dare) and sit at the table for 30 minutes after dinner is finished and talk to your family about their day. Pick up the phone and call a friend rather than replying to a status update on Facebook. Do one thing each day to disconnect from technology and reconnect with friends, family and importantly yourself. It is the small things that will have the biggest impact.


Technology-Free Sundays Josie Thomson is a single mum to two teenagers, Harrison and Kristen. In their home on a Sunday you will find that it is very different to your average Australian household. On Sunday’s, Josie and her family switch off all technology. It was a desire to have quality time with her kids and genuinely connect with them that led Josie to introduce Technology-Free Sundays four years ago. “It allows for greater permission to be free, go outside, enjoy each others’ company, play games, do all the things I grew up doing before life got so tech-dependant. There’s enough of it during the week”, says Josie of the benefit of ditching the technology for a day. Dropping technology for a day is such a powerful way to demonstrate to your kids that real connections, not just ones made through or on devices, matter. But, for teenagers who are so immersed in technology day-today you would think that the idea of not accessing social media, television or surfing the web would be akin to cutting of a leg. Josie explains that her kids don’t particularly ‘like’ what she has put in place but they have actually learned to embrace it. And as for their friends? “Their friends think it’s great - and they’re thankful they don’t live with me!” I think I would struggle too Josie! 46

Did you know every issue of Kid Magazine covers health & beauty, fashion, homewares, fun, food, giveaways, great articles and more... for mums?

Meditation Calms Kids Donna-Louise Attard, founder of My Sacred Baby

Meditation is an effective way to calm kids. Meditation is a form of stress reduction and encourages the child to use their imagination in a constructive and positive way. Guided meditations are the simplest and easiest way to teach your child to meditate. With guided meditations the child follows the voice of the meditation teacher throughout the whole meditation. A good quality children’s meditation will use all the child’s senses to immerse them in the meditation journey. This includes lots of visuals, such as ‘see the bright blue sky above you’, ‘see the birds flying through the puffy white clouds’. The children’s meditation should also incorporate the child’s sense of touch and hearing, ‘feel the soft gentle breeze upon your face, soothing and relaxing’, ‘hear the sounds of the waves upon the beach’. In this way the child’s imagination and visualisation skills are used to keep their interest in the meditative story, and also to bring them into a state of focus, concentration and stillness. Children’s meditations often have a theme, or outcome, in the story. For example, having them imagine themselves swimming in the gentle ocean waters, feeling the calm water gently washing away any angry feelings they may have in their body. Meditation has been proven to have many beneficial effects. Research has shown it helps to lower blood pressure, boost the immune system and relieve stress. It is used by all ages, from babies to the elderly. Meditation is safe and natural. On the opposite page is a short meditation you can read out to your child, or record as an audio and play as they are lying down for their afternoon nap or going to sleep at night. 48

To help your child really enjoy the meditation, it is best to have the room lights dimmed and as little external distraction as possible. Read the following meditation slowly, in a calm and relaxed voice. Enjoy!

END Donna-Louise Attard has 4 sons, with her first grandchild on the way. She has been facilitating meditation groups, for both children and adults, for over 20 years. Donna is also a qualified counsellor, clinical hypnotherapist and certified food coach. She is the founder of My Sacred Baby – supporting expectant parents to have the most happy, healthy and stress free pregnancy and birth possible. FB: mysacredbabyhub

Make yourself nice and comfortable. Feel your body becoming still and calm and just for now begin to feel your breathing. Feel your breath gently coming in through your nose and feel your breath gently coming out. Take a nice deep breath in once again and as you gently breathe out feel and imagine your body becoming more calm. And just for now I want you to imagine yourself on a beautiful beach it is a warm and sunny day. Imagine yourself looking up at the bright blue sky and you can see three seagulls flying in the sky chirping and calling out your name. You see the bright golden sun in the bright blue sky and you feel the sun gently warming your body. You feel a gentle breeze tickling your face and the soft golden sand beneath your feet calming and relaxing. You see yourself now beginning to walk along the sand of the beach. You look out at the blue waters of the ocean and you feel very lucky to be in such a special place where all is calm and peaceful. As you walk along the golden sand you see something shining on the sand in front of you. As you get closer you see it is a silver coloured shell on the sand. You pick up this shell and hold it in your hand. As you look at this silver shell you see it has many other colours in it as well. Colours that are special to you, your favourite colours. You feel very lucky to find this special shell. You now hold this shell against your heart. As you do so you feel the beating of your heart connecting with the shell. You feel your shell filled now with a special kind of love from your heart and you feel the shell sending love back to you. You realise how loved and special you are always. As you hold your shell against your heart feel and imagine yourself now drifting off into a calm and peaceful sleep for you know you are safe and loved. Your body is rested and calm as you drift off into a calm and peaceful sleep. 49

Kid Magazine Loves

Oobi Spring/Summer 2013 is called “Little Ray of Sunshine”, a range all about ‘letting them be little’. It’s a celebration of childhood, fun, colour and everything that’s great about being little. My absolute favourite item from this new collection is the Princess Golden Multicolor sunshine crown.

The Klop website says the game is addictive and it really is! I was sent a Klop game and have loved the spring weather and opportunity to play. The game only takes a couple of minutes to learn and you will be joining the Klop frenzy in no time. The aim is to hit the pegs with “chuck” and be the first to score 50 points to win.

I’m a huge fan of shapewear. Most of us have lumps and bumps we like to smooth and cover, especially after having kids. When I heard about Yummie Tummie and their nursing tanks I thought they were brilliant. They look like regular tanks, have a reinforced slimming midsection and make it easy for mums to breastfeed.

If you enjoy a glass of fizzy drink but don’t want the sugar that comes with it, Soda Press Syrups might be for you. The syrups are made from natural and organic ingredients with added organic cane organic brown rice syrups using a slow flavour extraction process, eliminating the need for adding tons of extra sugar.

When my own personalised book (with the right spelling!) arrived on my doorstep recently, the little girl in me was delighted. Lost My Name is a one-of-a-kind personalised children’s book telling the story of a child who has lost their name and bravely sets off to find the missing letters. Each child’s journey is different and they will treasure their own little adventure.

I don’t yet have a walker in our house but we have been using Attipas Toddler Shoes for awhile, particularly when using the trike to protect those little feet. I love how the shoes fit and are so easy to put on and stay on with the sock feature. The latest news for Attipas is that they have now expanded the range to offer sizes S-XXXl (6 months – 4+ years) so your littlies can stay in Attipas for longer. 50

I am very conscious of what I am putting on my baby’s skin but finding natural products that hit the mark can be hard, particularly when it comes to nappy cream. I absolutely love the ecostore Baby Nappy Balm. We haven’t had a single issue with nappy balm since using it and I haven’t looked back. In fact I love the whole ecostore baby range.

We all use wraps and blankets over the pram to keep the light out while baby sleeps, but those wraps and blankets are also keeping the heat inside the pram. SnoozeShade is an excellent alternative that not only keeps out light (and UV) it is also made of breathable mesh to avoid overheating and it folds up for easy transport and storage.

Naturopath Mim Beim has created a unique and delicious herbal tea range of 18 teas to assist with a variety of health conditions such as stress, anxiety, sleep issues, pregnancy, menopause and more. I’m a big tea drinker and love that I can have a cuppa that is actually doing something good for my body.

4 ingredients has created a new cookbook aiming to raise $100,000 for much needed research into breast cancer. Cook 4 a Cure is a mix of clean and healthy food with a little naughty and comfort food. Available exclusively from Big W stores for $24.99.

Boon Inc. definitely isn’t known for making ordinary products. They are innovators and create products that both kids and parents love. The bath time range is a popular one in our house. The toys appeal to the imagination and developmental skills of growing bubbas, and parents too! Better still, at the end of the bath, scoop them all up with the super cute Frog Pod. 51

A sunscreen that cools and refreshes skin while providing very high sun protection at the same time sounds good to me. The Banan Boat Sport Cool Zone SPF 50+ does just that. The spray on formula doesn’t leave a sticky feel on your skin and is water and sweat resistant. RRP $16.99.

What’s in your picnic basket? Sweet dishes and savoury treats to make and take on your next picnic 52

Berries & Quinoa Ingredients


½ cup McKenzie’s Rolled Oats 1 cup wholemeal flour 1 cup McKenzie’s Quinoa Flour 3 tsp McKenzie’s Baking Powder ½ cup caster sugar ¼ cup olive oil 2 eggs 1 ¾ cups Greek Natural Yoghurt 2 tbs honey 1 ½ cup frozen mixed berries

Step 1: Preheat oven to 180°C. Grease 8 holes of a large muffin tin.

Serves: 8 large or 12 smaller Preparation Time: 15 minutes Cooking Time: 30-35 Minutes 53

Step 2: Place oats, wholemeal flour, quinoa flour, baking powder and sugar in a bowl. Make a well in the centre. Whisk the oil, eggs, yoghurt and honey together. Step 3: Add the egg mixture to the dry ingredients and stir to just combine. Add the mixed berries and fold together gently. Spoon the mixture evenly in the to the muffin tins. Bake for 30-35 minutes or until golden and just firm to touch. Leave to cool in the tin before turning out. Tips: Replace berries with 1 cup mashed banana & ½ cup currants.

Peanut Butter Cookies Ingredients 1/2 cup Lentil Flour 1/2 cup creamy peanut butter 1 cup brown sugar 1 egg, lightly beaten 1 tsp vanilla extract Makes: 20 Preparation Time: 10 minutes Cooking Time: 10 minutes Method Step 1: Preheat oven to 180ยบC. Line two baking trays with baking paper. Step 2: In a medium bowl, mix all the ingredients until well combined. Step 3: Drop tablespoons of mixture 3cm apart onto trays. Flatten. Step 4: Bake for 10 minutes or until slightly golden. Allow to cool on trays. 54

Lovely Lamingtons Makes 18 1 rectangle sponge (approx. 15 x 30cm) 1 cup (250ml) boiling water 85g packet raspberry jelly 1 1⁄2 cups (180g) desiccated coconut Method Cut the sponge into small squares and place on a tray. To harden slightly, pop in the freezer while you prepare the jelly. Add the water to the jelly and stir to dissolve the crystals, leave to cool in the refrigerator for 20 minutes (if like me you forget about it, and it sets, soften by placing the bottom of the jelly dish in warm water). Place the coconut onto a flat plate then remove the jelly and cake from the fridge and freezer. Take each square of cake and dip into the jelly until all sides are coated. Then place on the plate full of coconut and gently press to cover each side. Place back onto the tray and refrigerate until jelly is firm 2 to 3 hours. From 4 Ingredients Cook 4 a Cure, page 52 55

Chicken & Avocado Lettuce Cups Method Serves 4 Ingredients 2 baby cos lettuce 1⁄2 avocado 1⁄2 red onion, finely diced 1 cup shredded free range bbq chicken

Pull all the leaves from the lettuce. Wash and pat dry. Scoop the flesh from the avocado skin and mash with a fork. Season with organic sea salt and cracked pepper, add the onion and mix well. Place the lettuce leaves onto serving plates. Top each with a teaspoon of the creamy avocado mix and some shredded bbq chicken. Roll and enjoy as is, or serve drizzled with this delicious dressing ... Sweet-Chilli Dressing Makes 1⁄2 cup 1⁄2 cup (125g) organic Greek yoghurt 1 tablespoon sweet chilli sauce 2 tablespoons fresh coriander, chopped Combine all the ingredients in a small bowl and mix well, season to taste. From 4 Ingredients Cook 4 a Cure, page 68 56

Healthy Quinoa and Pumpkin Ingreditents


1 cup quinoa
 1 Tablespoon Herbie’s Chermoula 2 cups chicken stock 1 cup peeled pumpkin cut to bite size 1 handful baby spinach leaves
 1 Tablespoon olive oil

Toss the pumpkin in oil and Chermoula. Heat a heavy-based pan and fry pumpkin, turning occasionally, until tender but not falling apart. Set aside. Bring stock to boil in large saucepan then add quinoa. Boil gently, covered, for about 12 minutes until each grain shows a distinct C shape. Gently fold the pumpkin and greens through and reheat until greens have wilted. Serves 2 as a main meal, 4 as an accompaniment to grilled meat. Recipe © Herbies Spices 2014

If you don’t have quinoa , you can do this with cous cous or even rice. 57

Chocolate C Choc Cupca Ingredients

¼ cup cocoa powder ¼ cup McKenzie’s Coconu 1 ½ tsps. McKenzie’s Bakin ½ tsp McKenzie’s Ground Pinch of sea salt 4 eggs ¼ cup honey 1 tsp vanilla extract ¼ cup melted coconut oil

FROSTING 100g dark chocolate 125g unsalted butter, cho at room temperature 1 ½ cups icing sugar 1 tsp vanilla essence 1 egg yolk 58

Cake/ ake

ut Flour ng Powder Cinnamon

l or unsalted butter

Method Step 1: Preheat oven to 160째C. Grease & line a 20cm cake pan with baking paper or grease a 8 cup, cupcake pan. Step 2: Combine the cocoa, coconut flour, baking powder, cinnamon and sea salt. Add the eggs, honey, vanilla and oil. Mix well until combined. Step 3: Spoon into your prepared pan. Bake cake for 40 minutes or cupcakes for 20-25 minutes. Remove from the oven and cool. Step 4 FROSTING: Melt chocolate in a medium heatproof bowl over a saucepan of simmering water until smooth. Cool slightly. Cream butter, icing sugar and vanilla essence together. Add egg yolk and melted chocolate and beat until fluffy. Decorate cake. Serves: 8 Preparation Time: 15 minutes Cooking Time: 40 Minutes

opped and softened 59


October/November 2014 - Issue seventeen

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