KidAround Magazine - Spring Issue

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Contents This Spring 03 News & Views

What's on 20 Diary Dates

Education Matters

Welcome to Spring

26 Education

Hello Readers, I can't believe how quickly this has come around. As I sit here writing about Spring, I am watching the heavy snow fall! Why is it when snow hits we are never prepared? I am now fed up of this cold winter and really looking forward to Spring with the longer and warmer days. Don't forget the clocks go forward at 1am on Sunday 25th March. So, what do we have for you in this issue? On our pin board on page 4 there are a few fun awareness days that you could celebrate such as happiness day; a day when you attempt to be happy all day even when the kids have turned the house upside down :) We also have our new ‘Notes from no.10’ which is information and guidance from the government. In this issue we have focused on childcare and sugar intake. On page 9 we have some independent schools with their open day dates and also some advice from the Independent Education Consultancy about choosing the right school for your children. We have some great advertisers ready to keep your kids active on page 12. And finally there are lots of places to visit with all the family this Spring from page 16 to page 25 including some hotels and quirky glamping stays. I do hope you all have a fun Easter and Spring and don't forget to mention KidAround when contacting any of our advertisers.

Early Years 28 Childcare



09 Independent Schools

30 Kids Page

12 Active Kids

31 Competitions

16 Great Days Out

15 £50 off reader voucher

Contact Us

(we are a friendly bunch) Publisher: Anna Hurley Sales Manager: Kate Ellison Sales & Accounts: Tony Norcliffe Publishing Assistant: Tina Read Anna & Team xx

Listings Editor: Suzanne Gardner Office Tel:01245 206577


KidAround Magazine is published quarterly by Trew Publishing Ltd. Address: The Dutch Barn, Office K, Ford End, Chelmsford, CM3 1LN. Tel: 01245 206577 | email: Circulation: over 60,000 across Central and North Essex. Disclaimer: The copyright and contents of this magazine, including artwork, adverts, logos and articles, when generated by the KidAround team remain with Trew Publishing. Views expressed in editorial and articles are those of the contributor or advertiser and not necessarily of the publisher. The listings, content and advertising in the magazine are for information and advice only. Inclusion does not imply a recommendation from Trew Publishing or its staff. All advertisements and editorial content are accepted in good faith and on the basis that the advertised goods and services are as stated by the advertisers.

It’s good to talk – and very important to

Let’s talk about sexual abuse. Or if you happen to be the parent of a young child a more likely response would be ‘let’s not’. For many the idea of sitting down with your off-spring when they are still getting to grips with primary school and speaking about how they can stay safe from sexual abuse is about as appealing as a nasty trip to the dentist. Some may make an attempt to broach the subject while others will simply kick the can down the road until their son or daughter is well into their teens. However, when you consider that one child in every 20 suffers some form of sexual abuse the argument for having this conversation as early as possible becomes increasingly persuasive. It is also important to recognise that the old adage of ‘stranger danger’ now only applies in a small percentage of cases, with a third of all child sexual offences committed by other children and 90% of perpetrators being known to their victims. The good news is that there is an easy way to talk to your child about how to stay safe without using scary words or even mentioning sex. At the NSPCC we simply call this Talking PANTS. From P through to S, each letter stands for an important rule for kids to remember - Privates are private, Always remember your body belongs to you, No means no, Talk about secrets that upset you and Speak up – someone can help. Helping us to spread this message is our favourite cartoon dinosaur, Pantosauraus, who was recently introduced to the world with a catchy song and activity pack and now has his own game which is free to download from the iOS and Android app store. ‘Playtime with Pantosaurus’ features four mini challenges where children test their skills against Pantosaurus and his friends whilst learning the PANTS rule. Each of the playable characters is customisable with their own outfits and styles, with further accessories and outfits available to unlock as children progress through the levels. Using this game will enable children to have fun while learning about how to stay safe from sexual abuse and what to do should anything happen that they feel uncertain or uncomfortable about. At the same time it is important that parents have their own conversations with their child about these important and sensitive issues. Much better to do this bit by bit rather than trying to deal with it all in one go, weaving these chats into everyday discussions instead of turning it into a big deal. The more you talk about it the less awkward and uncomfortable you will feel. More importantly you will also have the peace of mind that you are equipping your child with vital knowledge to help keep them safe now and in the future, both online and out in the real world. Find out more awith videos, game apps and order an activity pack to make visit: • Spring 18 • 3


16th April World Voice day The idea is to celebrate healthy voices and highlight the importance of voice at work and in society. It began in 10t Nation h April Brazil and then spread to al Sib the lings d Nation USA and all around the worl ay al Sib d, o b lings D served Something to shout about ay is on Ap a day ril 10 www.britishvoiceassociation.o c brothe reated to . It is rs and honour world-voice-day.htm ou ou your b rother r sisters. H r ug and k Sister iss your www.sib lingsda 20th March ppiness day International ha re recognisable mo ch mu Alongside mpaigns, the awareness day ca together a ts pu ns tio Na United celebration: e som ole much more wh ss, ay l D of Happine the Internationa Action for ity ar ch h wit coordinated er patron is none oth Happiness, whose f. sel him Lama than the Dalai movement for a e th n joi n You ca at happier world www.dayofhappine

4 • Spring 18 •

April 1st to May 7th National Pet week For all you Pet lov ers out there April is national Pet month. With the help of our sup porters we raise awareness of responsible pet ownership throu gh educational campaigns, we ce lebrate the benefits of our pe ts and encourage fundra ising for the nation’s needy pets. www.nationalpetmont

25th Marc h REMIND ER Don't for get to put clocks for ward an hour. Lon ger days are coming :)

31st March NSPCC Big Board Game day Register and organise your event playing all your favourite games. All proceeds go towards helping children suffering from abuse. A family and friend fun time for a great cause.

2nd April International Children’s book day Since 1967, on or around Hans Christian Andersen’s birthday, 2 April, International Children’s Book Day (ICBD) is celebrated to inspire a love of reading and to call attention to children’s books.

ADVERTISEMENTS • Spring 18 • 5

Notes from No.10

Welcome to our new 'notes from No.10' news page - a quick round up of information and initiatives for families with young children from our Government

So what's happened so far in 2018?

Free 15 hour childcare places for two year olds! Thousands more disadvantaged twoyear-olds will become eligible to receive the government’s free 15 hour childcare entitlement, under new recent proposals. In light of the national roll out of Universal Credit, the Department for Education has launched a consultation asking for views on how the government should continue to offer early years education to the families who should be receiving the 15 hours of free childcare for two-year-olds from disadvantaged families. The government wants to expand the offer to ensure that around 8,000 more disadvantaged children will benefit from high quality early education, once Universal Credit is fully rolled out. No child will lose access to the free hours once they are already in receipt of the offer, regardless of the introduction of the new earnings threshold. We are not proposing any other changes to the two-yearold eligibility criteria. Universal Credit is replacing a number of qualifying benefits for the two-year-old entitlement, including Jobseeker’s Allowance, Employment and Support Allowance, Child Tax Credit, Working Tax Credit and Income Support. Tax free childcare opens to children under 9 In April 2017 HM Revenue and Customs started rolling out Tax-Free Childcare, which helps working parents with the cost of childcare with up to £2,000 of support per child per year, or £4,000 for disabled children Today, Tax-Free Childcare opens to parents whose youngest child is under 9. The scheme will open to all remaining eligible families with children under 12 on 14 February 2018. This means all eligible parents will be able to apply for Tax-Free Childcare before the end of this financial year. Parents, including the self-employed, can apply online for Tax-Free Childcare by visiting Parents can also access the government’s childcare calculator through Childcare Choices in this link, which helps parents to choose which government childcare support is best for them. 6 • Spring 18 •

Since opening the childcare service, through which parents apply for 30 hours free childcare and Tax-Free Childcare, than 325,000 customers have successfully applied and are now using the service. Of these, more than 170,000 have a Tax-Free Childcare account.

Change for life 100 calorie snacks Public Health England (PHE) is helping parents take control of their children’s snacking by launching the first Change4Life campaign promoting healthier snacks. This is because half of children’s sugar intake, currently around 7 sugar cubes a day, comes from unhealthy snacks and sugary drinks, leading to obesity and dental decay. Each year children are consuming almost 400 biscuits; more than 120 cakes, buns and pastries; around 100 portions of sweets; nearly 70 of both chocolate bars and ice creams; washed down with over 150 juice drink pouches and cans of fizzy drink.

a chocolate bar contains around 200 calories

a pastry contains around 270 calories

The ‘100 calorie snacks, two a day max’ tip applies to all snacks apart from fruit and vegetables, as children should also be encouraged to eat a variety of these to achieve their 5 A Day. Dr Alison Tedstone, Chief Nutritionist at Public Health England, said: The true extent of children’s snacking habits is greater than the odd biscuit or chocolate bar. Children are having unhealthy snacks throughout the day and parents have told us they’re concerned. To make it easier for busy families, we’ve developed a simple rule of thumb to help them move towards healthier snacking – look for 100 calories snacks, two a day max. The volume of sugar kids are getting from snacks and sugary drinks alone is pretty mind-blowing, and it can often be difficult to distinguish which snacks are healthy and which aren’t. This rule of thumb from Change4Life will help parents make healthier choices, which can only be a good thing. PHE’s improved Change4Life ‘Food Scanner’ app also shows parents how many calories,

On average, children are consuming at least 3 unhealthy snacks and sugary drinks a day, with around a third consuming 4 or more. The overall result is that children consume 3 times more sugar than is recommended. The new Change4Life campaign encourages parents to look for ‘100 calorie snacks, two a day max’ to help them purchase healthier snacks than the ones they currently buy. Selected supermarkets are supporting the campaign. As part of their wider work promoting good health, Tesco will help parents - instore and online - choose affordable, healthier snacks that are 100 calories or less. Co-op will also provide tasty and healthy snacking products, making it easier for customers to make healthier choices on the go. Parents can also get money-off vouchers from Change4Life to help them try healthier snack options, including malt loaf, lower-sugar fromage frais, and drinks with no added sugar. Many of the unhealthy snacks children consume regularly are high in sugar and also typically high in calories, for example: •

an ice-cream contains around 175 calories

a pack of crisps contains around 190 calories

sugar, salt and saturated fat is in their food to help make healthier choices easier. It can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play. With a third of children leaving primary school overweight or obese, tackling obesity requires wider action and is not just limited to individual efforts from parents. PHE is working with the food industry to cut 20% of sugar from the products children consume most by 2020, with work to reduce calories due to start in 2018. For links and a chance to comment on these stories check out our social media and get involved.




Stunning New State of the Art Nursery Has Been 28 Years in the Planning!

Nursery Proprietor Anita Huckle opened her first nursery 28 years ago. In 1995 Anita set up Orchard Barns Kindergarten in Ardleigh, followed by a second site in Stratford St Mary and then another in Ardleigh. During this time Anita became a partner in Pippins Children’s Nursery in White Colne and a Nursery Consultant. Anita has had time to dream of what her perfect nursery would be like. Two years ago she had the opportunity to purchase a building in Ardleigh. The planning process involved consultation with staff, parents and children and January 2018 saw the opening of a brand-new state of the art nursery. Anita said “We think that we have got this building as near to perfect as we could. It’s the little things that are making a difference such as every room having their own toilets”. The real 'wow factors' are the amazing facilities that the Orchard Barns children are enjoying since moving to the new site such as an enormous under cover outdoor classroom containing beautiful wooden educational equipment. There is also a stunning art studio, with an Artist in Residence, where children can create and leave their creations on display to add to when they want. There is a huge outdoor play area and light spacious playrooms for the children to enjoy. Anita added “We are steering away from plastic toys and instead using natural materials and equipment where possible. We find that open-ended materials spark the children’s imagination and create endless learning opportunities. A large part of the children’s day is spent in the fresh air and a large undercover class-room allows them to be outside in all weathers. The babyroom is stunning. It is light and airy with lots of space for playing on cosy rugs with wonderful play-equipment. The babies also have their own outdoor space with lots of fantastic play equipment including a mud kitchen and sandpit. The Nursery is ideally situated close to Colchester, Manningtree, Wivenhoe and surrounding areas. It is 8 minutes from the A12 and 10 minutes to Manningtree Station for commuters. Anita believes that “Orchard Barns is about people. It’s the children and their families and the wonderful dedicated staff that we have. Although we are so lucky to be situated in two wonderful nursery settings at both Ardleigh and Stratford St Mary the key to our success is and always has been our people. For more information about Orchard Barns, contact 01206 231911 or email


8 • Spring 18 •



Points for parents to consider when choosing an Independent School If all of our children were aspiring witches and wizards like Harry Potter and Hermione Granger, choosing the right independent school would be just a simple matter of booking their place on the Hogwarts Express! Returning to reality however, the birth of the internet and school marketing directors means that many parents are faced with the daunting task of ‘surfing’ through copious amounts of information on beautifully presented websites in an effort to get to grips with the important details which will enable them to weigh up which school might offer the best educational environment for the individual needs of their own children. Add to this, the views of other local parents and family members or following family traditions, attending countless school open days and reading through piles of prospectuses, choosing the right school for your child is highly likely to be a difficult and perhaps confusing process. Even more so, if you are new to the independent school sector, are moving to a new area, are new to the concept of boarding school or live overseas and are seeking schools with the right kind of supportive provision. So where do I start? Some parents are primarily concerned about academic standards, many are as concerned about other factors that can make all the difference to their child’s happiness and wellbeing at school: the pastoral care; scope for developing a particular enthusiasm such as rugby, design technology, drama, art, fencing or even polo; the availability of extra tuition if needed for a child who, while brilliant at football, has previously studied little French or is mildly dyslexic. Not all children have the same needs and abilities. Some flourish best in a more competitive environment. Others do better in a smaller, more homely setting where the emphasis is more on nurturing creative and communication skills than aiming for Oxbridge. There is no one best school that suits all children equally. With the above in mind, taking the following points into consideration should assist you when putting together your school short-list for further investigation: How bright is my child? What are their interests, strengths and do they have any areas of potential weakness? Do I perhaps need to consider an educational assessment to ensure that the school I choose has the resources to both challenge and stretch their capabilities and interests, as well as offer support I f there are any weaker areas? 10 • Spring 18 •

Do I feel that I am looking for independent education throughout or might a mixture of state and independent education at different stages be suitable? If so, at what age should I invest in their education, when they are young to give good foundations or when they are older and reach important public examinations? What type of school would best suit your child? Co-educational or single-sex, as a day only, flexible, or full boarding pupil? • If they have siblings, do I wish them to attend the same school or would I consider different schools if their needs and characters differ? • Large school with breadth of opportunity or small and nurturing? What works best in terms of location in relation to your home, school bus routes, options for lift shares with local families, airports and other travel links? What is the budget, as annual fees varying enormously from school to school and do you have more than one child to consider? (Fees vary from £4,000 to £15,000 annually for a day preparatory school, up to £18,000 to £30,000 for boarding at a senior school) Are there scholarships and bursaries on offer or sibling discounts? How are these assessed or means tested? What school culture would you and your child prefer -homely, traditional, prestigious or informal? Is the religious affiliation important to you? Do you agree with the ethos and values of the schools you are considering? Do I need to consider whether only A levels or the International Baccalaureate and/or Pre U are also offered at sixth form? This may not seem important if at present your child is only age seven or eight, but are you happy to consider a change of school at sixth form, if you leave consideration of this factor until later? What kinds of facilities for teaching, sports, IT and accommodation are offered and do these match up with the interests of my child? Does the school timetable lessons on Saturdays and consequently am I happy to do the school run 6 days a week? When does the programme of sports practices and fixtures take place, after school, lunchtimes, in the afternoons or at the weekends? Does this fit with my availability and work or other family commitments? Some additional points for parents considering prep school choices Into which senior schools does the prep school feed and does the Head have good links with senior schools? Do I like the Head and agree with his or her opinions about education and how it should be delivered? Does the school have proven annual success in gaining scholarships to senior schools? Does the school offer specialist learning support for those who need it?

If I am considering a boarding senior school, do I want my child to also board at prep school or do I want them at home while they are younger? If the senior school I am choosing starts at age 13, does the prep school offer provision up to this age group or does its provision end at age 11? Will I have opportunities to meet other parents and are they mainly from London or based locally in the country? Some additional points for international parents If you are an international parent, what is the percentage of pupils from overseas? Around 15-20% or lower should be ok. A cultural mix is an important part of British education, but no one nationality should be dominant. How does the school assist children from overseas to adjust to the UK school culture and the demands of a new curriculum? Do they receive small group or individual support with their English? How many boarders are there? If your child is at school at weekends, you will require there to be plenty of other children with whom to interact with a busy schedule of sporting and other activities. If you are considering university in the US rather than the UK, does the school support students with these applications? Using your answers to the questions above, you should now be able to re-assess all of the independent schools on your long-list, to make a short-list of those that you feel meet the needs of your child. Visiting your short-listed schools Having decided on your short-list of schools, you now need to go and see them. Schools are all about people and atmosphere, so a visit is a key part of the decision process. You should visit no more than 4 or 5 schools however, as seeing more can be confusing and is usually un-necessary. Visiting on an Open Day is a good start point, but remember a school is putting on a show on these days and there is little opportunity to meet personally with key staff to ask your own individual questions. It is far better to call the admissions department and book an individual appointment to visit on a normal school day, so that you can see the school in the way it operates on a day-to-day basis. (see school open days on the opposite page). It is very important to have a list of questions prepared in advance of your visits so that you are able to compare schools on a like for like basis. Remember that you are the customer and it is up to the school to sell itself to you, not the other way around!

This information was taken from where you can find lots of guidance and advice.



Active Kids

Joining your child to an afterschool class &/or holiday acivity camps are a great way to keep them active and build their confidence with making new friends and learning new skills. In this section, take a look at what our advertisers have to offer from drama to high ropes and mini paintball - there's so much choice for all the family. Please do mention us when calling! How much physical activity do children and young people aged 5 to 18 need to do to keep healthy?

To stay healthy or to improve health, young people need to do three types of physical activity each week: aerobic exercise and exercises to strengthen bones and muscles. The amount of physical activity you need to do each week is determined by your age. Guidelines for 5- to 18-year-olds To maintain a basic level of health, children and young people aged 5 to 18 need to do: • at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day – this should range from moderate activity, such as cycling and playground activities, to vigorous activity, such as running and tennis • on three days a week, these activities should involve exercises for strong muscles, such as push-ups, and exercises for strong bones, such as jumping and running Many vigorous activities can help you build strong muscles and bones, including anything involving running and jumping, such as gymnastics, martial arts and football. Children and young people should reduce the time they spend sitting watching TV, playing computer games and travelling by car when they could walk or cycle instead. Find out why sitting is bad for your health. What counts as moderate activity? Examples of activities that require moderate effort for most young people include: • • • •

walking to school playing in the playground riding a scooter skateboarding

• • •

rollerblading walking the dog cycling on level ground or ground with few hills

What counts as vigorous activity? Vigorous activity is linked to better general health, stronger bones and muscles, as well as higher levels of self-esteem. There is good evidence vigorous activity can bring health benefits over and above that of moderate activity. A rule of thumb is that one minute of

12 • Spring 18 •

vigorous activity provides the same health benefits as two minutes of moderate activity. There's currently no recommendation on how long a session of vigorous activity should be for this age group.

Examples of bone-strengthening activities for children include: •

Examples of activities that require vigorous effort for most young people include: • • • • •

playing chase energetic dancing swimming running gymnastics

• • • •

football rugby martial arts, such as karate cycling fast or on hilly terrain

What activities strengthen muscles? Muscle strength is necessary for daily activities, and to build and maintain strong bones, regulate blood sugar and blood pressure, and help maintain a healthy weight. For young people, muscle-strengthening activities are those that require them to lift their own body weight or work against a resistance, such as lifting a weight. Examples of muscle-strengthening activities suitable for children include: • games such as climbing tug of war • sit-ups, press-ups • swinging on etc playground • gymnastics equipment bars • football • gymnastics • rugby • rope or tree • tennis Examples of muscle-strengthening activities suitable for young people include: • • •

sit-ups, press-ups etc gymnastics resistance exercises with exercise bands, weight machines

• • • •

or hand-held weights rock climbing football basketball tennis

What activities strengthen bones? Bone-strengthening activities produce an impact on the bones that promotes bone growth and strength.

activities that require children to lift their body weight or work against a resistance jumping and climbing activities, combined with the use of playground equipment and toys

• • • • • • • • •

games such as hopscotch skipping with a rope walking running gymnastics dance football basketball martial arts

Examples of bone-strengthening activities for young people include: • • • • • • •

dance aerobics weight training running gymnastics football rugby

• • • • • •

netball hockey badminton tennis skipping with a rope martial arts

Children and young people should take part in activities that are appropriate for their age and stage of development. For some work out videos and more information on keep ing fit and active go online at physical-activity-guidelines-for-young-people.aspx Go online at for full articles from our Active Kids advertisers. Don’t forget to follow KidAround's social media for tips and links on getting active with the kids in the Spring Sunshine. /KIDAROUNDMAGAZINE /KIDAROUNDMAG


“Giving every child such an amazing experience they can’t wait to come back!” Superb Easter and summer camps at over 40 locations • Fantastic range of activities for ages 4.5 to 14 years • The best staff:child ratios for any comparable provider • Extended hours from 8am-6pm • A brilliant childcare option for working parents! We even accept childcare vouchers as payment! Barracudas offers peace of mind for working parents during the Easter and summer holidays. After a successful 2017 they are extremely excited to kick off 2018 with over 40 locations operating this year. With action packed programmes and a choice of varied activities including archery, fencing, motor sports, arts and crafts, dance and drama, we have plenty to keep your children entertained! They also offer great optional extras that can further enhance your child’s experience on camp. With four possible skills builder courses to choose from, you can add that extra bit of magic to your week long booking. Science based Lab Rats, Motor Mania, Upstage and Swim School - they offer a skills builder course to engage every child! So where is your nearest camp? Chigwell School Hutton Manor School The Coopers’ Co & Coborn 3rd-13th April School, Upminster 16th July-24th August Woodford County High School The Frances Bardsley Academy, 3rd-13th April Romford 23rd July-17th August Saint Nicholas School, Harlow Chelmsford County High School 23rd July-17th August 3rd-13th April 23rd July-24th August Booking your child into Barracudas for Easter and summer 2018 couldn’t be easier! You can call 0845 123 5299 or visit



Iceni Gymnastics Club For all ages: Baby Gym, Parent and Toddler, Structured Pre-school, Recreational, My Gym, Adult and Competition. Call Annette 07773 891 563 Unit 1B, Moss Road, Stanway, Colchester CO3 0LE

Fusion Dance Different styles of

dance with optional exams and shows. Fusion Dance, Scout Hall, Wash Road, Hutton . 07817 983863

14 • Spring 18 •



Great Days Out & Easter Fun

We have some great places for you to visit such as; museums, shopping, garden centres, farms, seaside towns, miniature railways, mini breaks and much more. Take a look through this section to find out what our adverisers have to offer - you'll be sure to have a Great Day Out! Enjoying a day out with all the family sounds like fun but sometimes it can be quite a challenge, especialy if you are travelling in the car. Here's our guide to help you make the most of the day without the need for headache tablets! Weather it’ll be hot or cold The good old English weather is never predictable so, with all the other things to remember, pack some spare jumpers/raincoats and umbrellas. If you are going somewhere wet/messy, knowing you’ve got a spare set of clothes will mean you won’t worry about letting them have fun with the water or rain (kids love puddles!). Take some sun hats too! Fun in the sun (safety) Although it's only spring we do occasionaly have some hot days therefore smother yourself and the kids with suncream before you leave and take some extra with you to reapply if you’re going to be out for a long time or if the kids get wet. Sun screen is available in different colours and sprays to make it easier to encourage reluctant kids to put it on. Keep them occupied Although it would be nice to relax and watch the scenery go by, the best way to keep our little ones happy is to occupy them. Try games such as: Eye Spy; Shout Out When You See (choose an object that you will see on the journey i.e. a lorry; the kids have to shout ‘Lorry!’ whenever they see one; it’s then their turn to choose an object); The Alphabet Game (name items that begin with letters of the alphabet). For babies, make sure they have things they can engage with such as dangling toys and mirrors. Play fun music, whether it’s nursery rhymes that drive you mad, or the Frozen album. If the kids can recognise the songs and sing along they will be happy, and you will probably find yourself joining in too! Perfect timing Have a time plan in place - if you want to arrive at a certain time, ensure you allow for traffic and stops. Leaving/arriving late can often make us feel stressed. Prepare what you want to take the night before. If you are attending an one-off event, always check to ensure it isn't cancelled or whether any of the times/dates have changed. The don’t panic emergency plan Have a plan and talk to your child/children about what to do if he/she gets lost. It’s a good idea to choose a landmark to meet at if your child gets separated from you. I also write my mobile number on my child’s arm in case she gets lost, or even on a piece of paper and tell her to keep it safe in her pocket. Eating out Taking snacks or a packed lunch can seem like just another thing to remember, but keeping yourselves fed and watered means you all stay happy and active. A picnic out is great fun for everyone. If you go to a restaurant take some colouring pencils and sheets of paper and ask the kids to draw their favourite thing of the day. For younger babies, make sure they are fed with a clean nappy and they’ll be content and happy when your food arrives. Time to go home Plan what time you want to get back. If you want to get back in time for tea, plan what you will be having the night before and leave in time to prepare and cook the meal when you return. Ensure where you park is easy to exit and allow for heavy traffic at a busy event/venue.

Our advertisers have provided useful articles which we have published online at

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Diary Dates Use our comprehensive list of events to ensure your fa mily time is packed full of fun! KEY TO DIARY DATES:

BE = Booking Essential Free Event = No charge To the best of our knowledge this information is correct at the time of going to press. To avoid disappointment, please check with the event holder before setting off. If you are holding an event for families and would like to include it in our next issue, please email the details to:

Sun 18 Forest Fun Trail Self-guided trail and forest-themed craft. Age: 0-10yrs. £3 per child. 10am-1pm. Hanningfield Reservoir Visitor Centre, Downham, CM11 1WT.

Fri 30 & Sun 1 (April) Easter Egg Hunt Egg hunt and Easter-themed craft plus have a go at pond dipping. £8. 10am-4pm. Suitable all ages. Hanningfield Reservoir Visitor Centre, Downham, CM11 1WT.

Sat 24 Craft Fair and Egg Hunt Handmade craft fair plus Easter Egg hunt. 11am-3pm. Langham Community Centre, Colchester, CO4 5PA. Free Entry

Sat 31 & Sun 1 (April) Easter Egg Hunt Self guided trail, answering wildlife questions to win a chocolate prize. Plus Easter crafts. Suitable all ages, must be accompanied by an adult. £7 per child. 10am-4pm. Langdon Visitor Centre, Basildon, SS16 6EJ. BE

Sat 24 Family Wild Evening Out Enjoy an evening of wildlife activities on the reserve including bug hunting, bat detectors and finishing at the camp fire. 6.30-8.30pm. Age: 5yrs+; must be accompanied by an adult. £7. Langdon Visitor Centre, Basildon, SS16 6EJ. Sat 24 Mission X Space and science experiments plus activities to train like an astronaut and space related crafts and games. Age: 7-14yrs. 10am-12pm. £6. Belfairs Woodland Centre, Leigh-On-Sea, SS9 4LR. BE Sun 25 Bushcraft Put up a simple shelter, learn how to whittle a stick and toast marshmallows. £5 per child. Age: 5yrs+, must be accompanied. 11am-1pm. Thameside Nature Park, Stanford-le-Hope, SS17 0RN. BE Fri 30 - Mon 2 (April) Easter Egg Hunt Find all the eggs whilst travelling on heritage buses and trains; plus disco and children’s magic show. £8 child/£16 adult, £41/ family. Epping Ongar Railway, Ongar & North Weald Stations. 01277 365200. Fri 30-Sun 15 (April) Easter Special Take a train into the woods to visit the Easter Bunny. Plus Easter trail - spot all of the animals, nests and eggs. Audley End Miniature Railway, Saffron Walden, CB11 4JB. BE

Sat 17 Animal Petting Farm Come and pet the animals; plus farm-themed arts and crafts, sports and face paints. Age: 0-5yrs. 10am-12pm. Colchester High School, 15 Wellesley Rd, Colchester CO3 3HD. Free Event Sun 18 Comic Hero Run Whether you walk, run, fly or teleport, have fun dressing up and raising money in aid of St Helena Hospice. 1km, 5k and 10k options. 10am-3pm. Colchester Castle Park, CO1 1TJ. Free Event 20 • Spring 18 •

Fri 30 – Sun 15 April Easter Holiday Fun Hop through the gardens on the trail of the Lindt Gold Bunny. Plus art & craft activities and face-painting. RHS Garden Hyde Hall, Rettendon, Chelmsford, CM3 8ET. 10am-6pm. Fri 30 – Sun 15 (April) Step into Spring Meet the Easter Bunny, follow the self-guided giant Easter egg hunt, feed new born lambs, plus chicks and rabbit handling. £11 per child and £12 per adult. 10am-4pm daily. Barleylands, Billericay, CM11 2UD.

Sat 31 Easter Egg Hunt Follow the trail around the museum to claim your chocolate prize. 11am – 3pm. Epping Forest District Museum, 39-41 Sun Street, Waltham Abbey, EN9 1EL. 01992 716882. Free Event Sat 31 Easter Rumble in the Jumble Charity jumble sale, plus food and drink. 2-4pm. Little Clacton Village Hall. Entry fee: 20p (children free). London Road, Little Clacton,CO16 9RN Clacton-on-Sea 01255 861101

Tue 3 Up in Arms! Meet a Medieval knight and find out how he prepares for battle. Age: 7yrs+. 11am/12pm/2pm/3pm. Free after Castle admission. Colchester Castle Museum, CO1 1TJ. 01206 282941. BE Tue 3 Clay Egg Craft Decorate a clay egg with beads, buttons and jewels. Suitable all ages, must be accompanied by an adult. Drop in event between 1-4pm. £3. Langdon Visitor Centre, Basildon, SS16 6EJ. Tue 3 Spring Safari & Seeds Be a busy springtime pond detective, try building a bird nest and sow your own seedy egg box. 10.30am – 2pm. Accompanied children £8. One adult per child free, additional adults £3. The Beth Chatto Gardens, CO7 7DB. BE

DIARY DATES Tue 3 Nature Tots Taster Come along and have a go at some activities. Donation £2 per child for taster session (aged between 18 months and 4 years). Adults and babes in arms free. Drop-in 10.30-12noon. Thurrock Thameside Nature Park, Mucking Wharf Road, Stanford-le-Hope, SS17 0RN.

Wed 4 Dinosaur Crafts Have a go at some dinosaur craft activities. Crafts to include gliders and wooden kits (subject to availability). £3 per child. Children must be accompanied. 1.30-3.00pm. Thurrock Thameside Nature Park, Mucking Wharf Road, Stanford-le-Hope, SS17 0RN. BE

Tue 3 Dinosaurs Come to the park for a dinosaur adventure. Enjoy hunting for dinosaurs and making dinosaur crafts. Please come dressed for doing outdoor activities. Children must be accompanied by an adult. £6 donation per child, £4 per sibling. Age: 4 yrs+. 1.30-3.30. Thurrock Thameside Nature Park, Mucking Wharf Road, Stanford-le-Hope, Essex, SS17 0RN. BE

Wed 4 Poet-tree for Epping Forest Help make a tree of poetry and stories about the area, tell us what it means to you by writing your own literary leaf. Your leaf will be part of a poem that will be a dedication to the Epping Forest District. All ages. 12noon – 3pm. £1.50/ child. Epping Forest District Museum, 39-41 Sun Street, Waltham Abbey, EN9 1EL, 01992 716882,

Wed 4 Hungry Herby Heroes! All about amazing Herbs and the creatures that eat them including us! Go on a flying insect hunt, make your own sun tea, plant and decorate an insect cafe and a minty pot for you! 10.30am – 2.00pm. Accompanied children £8. One adult per child free, additional adults £3. The Beth Chatto Gardens. CO7 7DB. BE.

Wed 4 Animal Arms Race Discover how animals attack and defend. Plus crafts. Suitable all ages. 10am – 4pm. Natural History Museum, Colchester, CO1 1DN. Free Event

Thur 5 Dragon Discovery Track down the hidden dragons and collect the dragon eggs. Age: 4-8yrs. 10am-12pm. £6. Hanningfield Reservoir Visitor Centre, Downham, CM11 1WT. 01268 711001 BE Fri 6 Minibeast Madness Look for bugs in the woods, in the grass, in the trees and in our pond. See what wonders you can find! £3 per child. 10am-3pm. Age: 5-10yrs. Hanningfield Reservoir Visitor Centre, Downham, CM11 1WT. 01268 711001 Sat 7 Young Rangers A new session for young people wanting to learn more about wildlife and conservation. This is a practical session for children aged 11-15. Bring a packed lunch. Although this is a free session we would appreciate booking a place in advance so that we can prepare tools. 10am-2pm. Thurrock Thameside Nature Park, Mucking Wharf Road, Stanford-le-Hope, SS17 0RN. BE

Wed 4 Going to Space Make your own telescope to take round our starry trail. Plus crafts and a story. £5. Age: 0-5yrs.10.30am-12pm. Thurrock Thameside Nature Park, Mucking Wharf Road, Stanford-le-Hope, SS17 0RN. BE • Spring 18 • 21

DIARY DATES Sat 7 Brilliant Bugs Trail Come and test your creepy-crawly knowledge on our 'brilliant bugs' nature trail. Trail sheets £2 per child. 10am-4pm. Age: 5-10yrs. Hanningfield Reservoir Visitor Centre, Downham, CM11 1WT. 01268 711001 Sun 8 Wind in the Willows Family Scavenger Hunt Mr Toad is off on his Spring holiday but he has managed to lose the things he needs in the woods. Can you help him find them? £2 per child. Age: 5-10yrs. 10am-4pm. Hanningfield Reservoir Visitor Centre, Downham, CM11 1WT. 01268 711001 Tue 10 Dinosaurs! Self-led trail to test your knowledge of dinosaurs, plus dino crafts. Age: 5-8yrs. £3. Drop in event between 10am-4pm. Langdon Visitor Centre, Basildon, SS16 6EJ. Tue 10 Nature Tots Taster Come along and have a go at some activities and get more information about our new toddler group which will start on 17th April. Donation £2 per child for taster session (aged between 18 months and 4 years). Adults and babes in arms free. Drop-in 10.30-12noon. Thurrock Thameside Nature Park, Mucking Wharf Road, Stanford-le-Hope, SS17 0RN. Tue 10 Garden Gang Lots of green activities including planting runner bean tubes, making a map stick and mixing wild potions! 10.00am – 12.00pm. Accompanied children £6. One adult per child free, additional adults £3. The Beth Chatto Gardens. CO7 7DB. BE. Tue 10 Fairies and Pixies Come and search the woods for signs of pixies and fairies and make your own fairy home to take home for your garden. 10am-12pm. Age: 4-8yrs, must be accompanied by an adult. £6 per child. Hanningfield Reservoir Visitor Centre, Downham, CM11 1WT. 01268 711001 BE Tue 10 Bushcraft Have a go at putting up a simple shelter, making a fire and toasting marshmallows. Donation £6 per child, £4 sibling. Children must be accompanied. 1.30-3.30. Thurrock Thameside Nature Park, Mucking Wharf Road, Stanford-le-Hope, SS17 0RN. BE Tue 10 Paper Flower Display Fun family art and craft activities for you to make together and take home. 5+ years, 12noon – 3pm. £1.50/child. Epping Forest District Museum, 39-41 Sun Street, Waltham Abbey, EN9 1EL, 01992 716882, 22 • Spring 18 •

Wed 11 Fantastic Fossils Bring along your own fossils to find out more about them. Suitable all ages. 10am – 12pm / 2pm-4pm. Natural History Museum, Colchester. Free Event Wed 11 Dinosaurs Enjoy hunting for dinosaurs and making dinosaur crafts. Please come dressed for doing outdoor activities. Children must be accompanied by an adult. £6 donation per child, £4 per sibling. Age: 4yrs+. 10am-12pm. Thurrock Thameside Nature Park, Mucking Wharf Road, Stanford-le-Hope, SS17 0RN. BE

Thur 12 Dinosaurs An event especially for the under 5's. Follow our dinosaur trail – can you find them all? There will also be a craft activity and story. Donation £5 per child. Children must be accompanied. 10.30-12. Thurrock Thameside Nature Park, Mucking Wharf Road, Stanford-leHope, SS17 0RN. BE Thur 12 Make a House for Mrs Tiggywinkle Make a house for Mrs Tiggywinkle using a mixture of craft and natural materials. Drop in event from 10.30am-3.30pm. £3. Age: 0-10yrs. Langdon Visitor Centre, Basildon, SS16 6EJ.

Wed 11 Mini-beast Hunt Come and discover some of the magical minibeasts that live here. Plus make a craft to take home with you. £4 donation per child. Children must be accompanied. 1.30-3pm. Thurrock Thameside Nature Park, Mucking Wharf Road, Stanford-le-Hope, SS17 0RN. BE

Thur 12 Pirate Crafts Pirate crafts, to include mini treasure boxes, pirate ships and masks (subject to availability). Donation £5 per child. Children must be accompanied. 1.30-3.00pm. Thurrock Thameside Nature Park, Mucking Wharf Road, Stanford-le-Hope, SS17 0RN. BE

Wed 11 Fish Kites Make a fabulous fish kite from tissue paper. 1-4pm. £3. Suitable for all ages, accompanied by an adult). Drop in event. Langdon Visitor Centre, Basildon, SS16 6EJ.

Fri 13 Thameside Explorers Den building, bird watching, mini-beast hunting and natural crafts. 10am-2pm. £5 per child, children must be accompanied. Thurrock Thameside Nature Park, Mucking Wharf Road, Stanford-le-Hope, SS17 0RN.

Wed 11 Tiny Troopers & Vege Plots Check out the hard working minibeast troops in compost, go on a busy springtime bug hunt and plant your own starter vegetable plot. 10.30am – 2.00pm. Accompanied children £8. One adult per child free, additional adults £3. The Beth Chatto Gardens. CO7 7DB. BE. Thur 12 Tick Tock Clocks Create a fully functioning clock inspired by the decorations of clocks from Colchester’s past. Age: 5yrs+. 10:30am, 11:30am, 12:30pm, 2pm and 3pm. Hollytrees Museum, Colchester. 01206 282941. BE Thur 12 Fun on the Farm Tickets include a farmyard treasure hunt with prizes, storytelling, craft activities, bouncy castles, meet the farm animals, plus kids’ lunchbox. £7 per child (adults free). 10am-3pm. Creeksea Place Barns, Burnham-On-Crouch, CM0 8PJ. Thur 12 Feathered Friends A morning all about our brilliant birds. Try a trail to learn their names, play the bird song game and make a beautiful bird masterpiece! 10.00am – 12.00pm Accompanied children £6. One adult per child free, additional adults £3. The Beth Chatto Gardens. CO7 7DB. BE.

Fri 13 Secret Spies Follow the trail and find the clues. Where will the trail take you? What will you have to do when you get there? Drop in event between 11am-3.30pm. £3. Age: 0-10yrs. Langdon Visitor Centre, Basildon, SS16 6EJ. Sun 22 Open Day Garden open day plus nature and craft activities. 11.30am-5pm. Under 16s free. Gardens of Easton Lodge, Little Easton, Great Dunmow, CM6 2BB. Sun 15 Bonkers about Birds Build your own bird box for your garden birds. 10am-12pm. £3 per child. Hanningfield Reservoir Visitor Centre, Downham, CM11 1WT. 01268 711001


BE = Booking Essential Free Event = No charge To the best of our knowledge this information is correct at the time of going to press. To avoid disappointment, please check with the event holder before setting off. If you are holding an event for families and would like to include it in our next issue, please email the details to:

DIARY DATES Sat 28 & Sun 29 Spring Diesel Gala A weekend just for the diesel locomotives. There is a special intensive timetable meaning more train action to see and enjoy. £12, child/£18 adult, £49/family (family offers on 29th). Epping Ongar Railway, Ongar & North Weald Stations. 01277 365200.

Sat 5-Mon 7 Enchanted Fairy and Elf Walk Opening Weekend Find the tiny Fairies and Elves living in their handmade wooden tree houses. Take a train into the woods, plus make a fairy or elf craft. Audley End Miniature Railway, Saffron Walden, CB11 4JB. BE Sat 5 & Sun 6 PJ Masks Owlette & Gecko from PJ Masks will be making appearances throughout the day at North Weald Station. £8 child/£16 adult, £41/family. Epping Ongar Railway, Ongar & North Weald Stations. 01277 365200.

Sun 6 Free 4 Kidz Children’s activities. Miniature steam train - one free ride per child with entrance ticket (extra charge applies for further rides). 'Astaria' model village. 10am-4pm. Museum of Power, Langford, CM9 6QA Sat 12 Uncovering Roman Colchester Follow in the footsteps of the Emperor Claudius and Queen Boudica as you discover Colchester’s fascinating Roman history. Tour starts at Colchester Information Centre. 4.50 per adult, £3.10 per child. 2pm. Sat 12 - Sun 13 The Essex Fine Food Show Features over 100 artisan producers where visitors can taste and try before they buy! Celebrity chef demonstrations from James Martin (Sat 12th May) and John Torode (Sun 13th May). There will also be demonstrations by leading local chefs which will be free to watch and a fabulous food court with specialist street food and drink traders and live music to entertain you 10am -5pm £5-£16. Chelmsford City Racecourse, CM3 1QP


Sat 12 & Sun 13 London Transport Weekend including Bus Rally This weekend is a celebration of all things London Transport. An intensive train service, hopefully featuring visiting locomotives with a London Transport theme, will operate. A bus rally will also take place as part of the event. £8 child/£16 adult, £41/family. Epping Ongar Railway, Ongar & North Weald Stations. 01277 365200. Sun 20 St Peter’s Family Inflatables Fun Day Enjoy an afternoon of unlimited bouncing and fun on the Giggle City inflatables and rides. There will be a BBQ, bar and stalls. £5.99 per wristband. Midday – 4pm St Peter’s CofE School, Myneer Park, Coggeshall CO6 1YU • Spring 18 • 23

DIARY DATES Sat 26 – Sat 2 June Come to the Seaside Why wait until summer to visit the seaside, when we are building a beach inside the museum? Come and make sandcastles, fish for shells and colour your own deckchair! Part of the ‘Beauty and the Beach’ exhibition. Please note this activity will be closed on Friday 1 June. Children must be accompanied by a responsible adult. All ages. Drop in during museum opening times. Epping Forest District Museum, 39-41 Sun Street, Waltham Abbey, EN9 1EL, 01992 716882, Free Event Sat 26-Sun 3 (June) Mermaid and Pirate Festival Storytelling, face painting, games area and crafts. Plus train ride through the woodland and fairy and elf walk. Audley End Miniature Railway, Saffron Walden, CB11 4JB. BE Sat 26-Sun 27 Food and Drink Festival 11am-5pm. Essex Outdoors – Mersea, Rewsalls Lane, East Mersea, CO5 8SX. Free Entry Sun 27 & Mon 28 Peppa Pig and George Peppa Pig and her brother George will be making appearances throughout the day at North Weald Station. £8 child/£16 adult, £41/ family. Epping Ongar Railway, Ongar & North Weald Stations. 01277 365200. Tue 29 Wildlife Hanging Baskets Make a recycled hanging basket in the character of your favourite wild animal and plant it up. 1.30am – 3.30pm. Accompanied children £6. One adult per child free, additional adults £3. The Beth Chatto Gardens, CO7 7DB. BE

24 • Spring 18 •

Tue 29 May Nature Tots Our weekly toddler group. Come along for indoor and outdoor fun. Children must be accompanied. Donation £6 per head (children aged 18 months – 4 years), adults and babes in arms free. 10.30-12noon. Thurrock Thameside Nature Park, Mucking Wharf Road, Stanford-leHope, SS17 0RN. BE Tue 29 Pond Patrol A summer morning exploring the pond and stream in the wild garden and finishing with decorating a garden postcard! 10am – 12.00pm. Accompanied children £6. One adult per child free, additional adults £3. The Beth Chatto Gardens. CO7 7DB. www.bethchatto. BE. Wed 30 Under 5’s Bug Hunt We will also make some bug crafts and read a bug story. 10.30-12. Donation £5 per head (children aged 18 months – 4 years), adults and babes in arms free. Thurrock Thameside Nature Park, Mucking Wharf Road, Stanford-le-Hope, SS17 0RN. BE Wed 30 Sand Art Make some amazing sand art pictures. Dropin between 1.30-3pm. Children must be accompanied. Donation £2 per child. Thurrock Thameside Nature Park, Mucking Wharf Road, Stanford-le-Hope, SS17 0RN. Thurs 31 Flower Power & Bumblebees! Go on a bumblebee safari, make a mini flower arrangement, plant a snack stop for bees and make a beautiful flower and bee model. 10.30am – 2.00pm. Accompanied children £8. One adult per child free, additional adults £3. The Beth Chatto Gardens. CO7 7DB. BE.

Sun 3 Caveman Day Everything you need to know about being a caveman! Build a shelter, make woodland crafts and learn how to make fire. Bring a packed lunch with you. 11am-2pm. Children must be accompanied. Donation £6 per child. Thurrock Thameside Nature Park, Mucking Wharf Road, Stanford-le-Hope, SS17 0RN. BE Fri 8 Garden Open NGS at Elwy Lodge Garden open for charity as part of National Garden Scheme. Seasonal and special homemade cakes on Sunday openings, teas, plants for sale. £5./children free. 12pm - 5pm West Bowers Road, Woodham Walter, Essex, CM9 6RZ Fri 8, Sat 9 & Sun 10 Steam Gala A weekend just for the steam locomotives. There is a special intensive timetable meaning more train action to see and enjoy. Fares – check website for details. Epping Ongar Railway, Ongar & North Weald Stations. 01277 365200.


BE = Booking Essential Free Event = No charge To the best of our knowledge this information is correct at the time of going to press. To avoid disappointment, please check with the event holder before setting off. If you are holding an event for families and would like to include it in our next issue, please email the details to:

DIARY DATES Sat 9 & Sun 10 Open House Families Take part in family-friendly architecture-inspired activities all over London to inspire the next generation of city-shapers! Age: 0 – 13 yrs. 10am – 5pm. City-wide. Free Event Sat 9 & Sun 10 Mind Body Spirit Festival An uplifting, enlightening weekend brought to you once again by Life Arts. Experience the friendly atmosphere; bring all the family to enjoy the family fun activities, something for everyone! Raising funds for Helen Rollason Cancer Charity with a grand raffle. 10am5pm. £5/£4/free (under 16s) Chelmsford City Racecourse, CM3 1QP 01245 360300 Sat 16 & Sun 17 Father’s Weekend Take a train ride through the woodland, find the Fairies and Elves in the Enchanted Woodland Walk and also make a Father’s Day Card. Each Father will receive a special gift on arrival. Audley End Miniature Railway, Saffron Walden, CB11 4JB. BE

Sat 16 Brantham Annual Garage Sae Open garages throughout the village. Browse through a treasure trove of household items needing a new home, all at bargain prices. The Village Hall will host a table top sale with WI Refreshments, Handicrafts, Preserves and Plants, There will be a BBQ, Tombola, Ice Cream Van In Aid for St Elizabeth Hospice and Local Charity Nepal Children’s Trust. 9:30 - 3pm. Manningtree Town Centre Tel; 07508 430671 Free Event

Sun 17 Race for Life and Pretty Muddy Race for Life 5k is great for all ages. Run, jog or walk; the only thing that matters is that you’re part of it. Want to push yourself further? Take on Pretty Muddy; the obstacle course that sees women of all abilities crawl through tunnels, bounce on space hoppers and slip down mudslides. And brand new for 2018, Pretty Muddy Kids will see little ones joining in the muddy fun! Held in Basildon, 0203 425 9350

Sun 17 Blackwater Country Show Entertainment and displays, stalls, archery, dog show. Chigborough Road, Heybridge, CM9 4RB. Sun 17 Father’s Day Classic Car Show Bring the family along to North Weald to travel on heritage buses and trains and see the classic car show at North Weald. Standard fares apply - £14 adults, £7 children, £36 family. Epping Ongar Railway, Ongar & North Weald Stations. 01277 365200. Sun 17 Classic Cars and Kites at Layer Marney Tower For the petrol heads, cars of all ages and some kits will be flown. Layer Marney, £5-£9. 12pm 5pm Layer Marney Tower, Colchester, CO5 9US



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Kip McGrath Professional tuition in Maths, English, 11+, other entry exams. From Reception to GCSE. Ofsted Registered. Childcare vouchers accepted. For a free educational assessment call 01277 200919 11+ ENG MAT SEN SAT

Kip McGrath Southend West Offers children aged 4-16 years professional tuition for Maths, English, and exam preparation. Phone for a FREE assessment on 01702 557177. 333 London Road, Hadleigh, SS7 2BT 11+ ENG MAT SAT SEN SCI



SchoolServe Educational consultancy offering individual tuition at Centre or home by registered teachers. 01376 502561 or 07751 074616 or 01621 858636



Anna Spurgeon BA Hons. PGCE 11+ tuition. Very high pass rate. Small group sessions. Fourteen years 11+ experience. Call Anna on 01206 738239/ 07500 339181


First Class Learning Tuition for children aged from 6-16 years in English, Maths and Science. Mason Rd (behind The Range), Lorraine McKenzie 01206 570700



Kip McGrath Southend East Offers children aged 4-16 years professional tuition for Maths, English, and exam preparation. Phone for a FREE assessment on 01702 615838 219 Hamstel Rd, SS2 4LB 11+ ENG MAT SAT SCI

Ace Tuition - Covering Braintree, Colchester, Clacton and Harwich Tuition for 5-16 year olds. Ofsted registered, professional and experienced teachers in English and Maths. 11 Plus, GCSE and SATs preparation. Daytime tuition also available. 73a Station Road. Iain McKenzie 01255 688896 ENG ICT LAN MAT SAT SCI SEN










26 • Spring 18 •




EARLS COLNE Pebbles Private Kindergarten Ltd

Earls Colne Primary School and Nursery

22 Thoroughgood Road 01255 433339 Carol Thornton-Jones

Park Lane 01787 222205. Melanie Vine



COLCHESTER Colchester High School Nursery

Wellesley Road 01206 573389. Kate Cryne

T*ly ALRESFORD Orchard Cottage Montessori Nursery Ltd 120 Wivenhoe Road 01206 825607. Dr Natasha Mansfield

sT * ARDLEIGH Ardleigh Preschool

Village Hall, Station Road 07517 430114 Jenny Scofield


Bocking United Reformed Church Church Street. 07804 700557. Louise Blake sT

Cage Lane Gill Dedhar. 01206 273226


Colchester Road 01206 231911


Sunflower Montessori Kindergarten

Lansbury Suite, Hutton Poplars, Hutton 01277 201120. Naira Gendi



Orchard Barns Private Kindergarten

Chestnut Grove Kindergarten

01206 231911

The School House, 5 Pathfields Road. 01255 429029. Denise Hawke



28 • Spring 18 •

Dorset Avenue 01245 473222 Mrs H. Roberts

GREAT HORKESLEY Munchkins Montessori

The Pavilion, King George V Playing Field,CO7 9AF 01206 827126 Natalie Fletcher


Tiddlywinks Preschool 22A Coach Road Great Horkesley, CO6 4AT 01206 272669 Helen Taylor


St Mary’s Kindergarten 247 London Road 01206 216420 Emma Stanhope





Woodcroft Nursery School

2-4 Lexden Road 01206 576686. Mrs Harding

BRENTWOOD Orchard Barns

Village Hall, Chapel Road, CO5 7BH 01206 729731, Melanie Weston

Oxford House School

BOXTED Little Owls Preschool

Roman River Preschool


BOCKING A.G.N.E.S Day Nursery



Willowfield Preschool

Steepleview Community Hall Willowfield 07891 036905. Julie Baker


Cold Norton Preschool

Daisy Chain Nursery



Village Hall, Cherry Blossom Lane, CM3 6JQ. 01621 828845. Natalie Hughes

Royal Court 01621 859991 Kim Callaghan




Viking Junior Academy

Deerlands Day Nursery

Wentworth Primary School Viking Road 07583 261354. Tanya Syder

Ferry Road 01621 744041 Heidi Cook

ABC Day Nursery

Writtle Green Preschool







Woodham Mortimer Preschool

Brookhead Studio, Brookhead Farm , Maldon Rd, CM9 6GP. 07742 228077. Jennifer Hull


ABC Nursery, Preschool & After School Club

Stondon Road. 01277 362211. Ms Ioana Gherghi

sT*ly MUNDON Small Steps Day Care

Little Wycke Farm 01621 828767 Sarah Roe



Nayland Primary School Bear Street, Nayland, Nr Colchester, CO6 4HY. 01206 263054. Cheryl Leeks


Pippins Montessori Kindergarten

White’s Farm, Bures Road 01787 228567 Lynne Dear

sT* WICKFORD The Day Nursery

Strickmere , CO7 6YG 01206 322466 Sarah Simmons

Church Road, SS11 8SH 01268 769522. Jenna or Shanie



NAYLAND Woodland Corner Preschool

The Brambles 22 Grove Road 01621 810772 Kirstin or Sally

Longmeads House 12-14 Redwood Drive 07950 944612

Key to Childcare Provider Icons use these symbols to discover the type of care offered by each setting


WRITTLE Orchard Barns Kindergarten Higham Road 01206 323093 Shelley Ward


The Duckling Nursery

Lodge Road 07771 645270 Mrs S. Homer


Book your next advert in KidAround Magazine and reach over 100,000 families. Call us on 01245 206 577 • Spring 18 • 29

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