Wasabi wings vol. 4

Page 1

Sayonara Japan, Europe here we come! We survived!

By Ken

14 months have already passed and it just seems like yesterday that we

arrived. Tokyo (the Media, the famous intersection of Shibuya, great coupon service at the hotel, the Harajuku girls), Fukuoka (UFO catcher, game center, the cold weather, Bowling, EARTHQUAKE, Sam and Daves), Nagoya (Gifu, long transportation, the EXPO, nature and quiet city, Thin wall, river camp fire, paint ball ), Osaka (NAMBA, Universal studio, 3 month and a half, 500yen Bar, Summer Sonic, Kyoto, camping, Pool on site, Techno Show, The Beach) and back to Tokyo. But I can feel that people are looking forward to moving to a different country. When I look back, I consider myself fortunate and glad that I came on tour with Alegria, which is one of the greatest shows at Cirque, and be able to appreciate the beautiful culture of Japan to the maximum. The memories will stay inside of me and I will cherish this experience for the rest of my life. It's also a sad moment with all of the people departing Alegria to pursue other adventures and us having to leave the people that we became close friends within the last 14 months. But the fact that we have encountered each other on this road in life and become friends is a sign of destiny With today's modern world (transportation and electronic technology) we are much closer to each other than we think, so its not like we are not going to see each other again, so I say "until then". I should take this opportunity to thank FUJI for their wonderful work for keeping the show running smoothly while performing in Japan. Arigatou Gozaimashita! Enjoy our last Issue of "Wasabi Wings!" and thanks to all the people who contributed their time and effort to make this magazine possible (Especially you Charlie!). Have a great month off, rest well, and see you in London for the beginning of the European tour.

Inside this Isuue:

Our Contributors Editors: Ken, Charlie Contributors: Youki, Fuji, Matt, Charlie Keith, Yang, Justine Galipeau—Feather Photos: Aliaksei, Victoria, Kana, Charlie, Ken, Fuji, Tania, Patricia, Matt

High Five by Pierre 6 years with Rich Great Times by Fuji God Bless America•••why? Premiere Tattoo on Tour Who's who School page Departure's On e—bay Last Page

2 3 4,5 6 7 8 9 10 11,12 13 14


by Pierre Parisien

What? The deadline to write my text about Japan Tour is now?? Gee, I have to start to write tonight. It reminds me the time I was at school. I always waited until the last minute to produce the works the teacher's game us long time in advance. On October 29 of this year I went on my balcony and I looked at the stars in the sky. I was thinking of October 29 of last year. That was the day ALEGRIA began its Japan Tour. What a year! I had the impression that too many things happened during that year. I was a little bit sad because I didn't do everything I wanted to do with you. When I was in Montreal working on the preparation of this tour, I was very excited at the perspective to spend so much time with you in Japan. I had made many plans of things I wanted to do with you during that tour. Finally it ended up that I was not there all the time. I only came once in a while but each time it was a real pleasure. I deeply like Alegria and the people who are working hard every day to make the dreams possible. Touring in Japan is not always easy. It is unique experience you will probably remember for the rest of your life. I am very happy that you did it. You did it well, I know because I saw the show each time I visited you. I know it because when I watched the show, I also looked at the faces of the people who were mesmerized by the magic of Alegria. Alegria without you cannot exist. You are Alegria. You are the ones who make this show unique and alive. You should be proud of yourselves. In few weeks, you will leave this beautiful country and we will all see each other in London to start another cycle. Ten years ago I saw Alegria for the first time in Atlanta. Right away I knew that one day I would be part of that fabulous adventure. It happened five years later. I started to work with alegria in November 2000. Those five years were fantastic for me; I had the privilege to meet extraordinary people. I had the chance to work and to be challenged by fantastic people. I had dreams for Alegria and you supported them during all those years. During those five years. I really tried to do my best to serve you well. Sometimes it was not always easy. We had "bumpy" moments but to I want to tell you that I love Alegria. I love you and I will miss you. You were five precious years of my life and I will never forget those years. I will never forget what we did together and will continue to dream about all the other things we could have done together. After all, I have the right to continue to dream, no? Big hugs to all of you

Pierre Parisi en Alegria #1 Fan Bonjour! Je suis Rie, well I should write in English. Thanks for this big opportunity, I was so surprised! To answer your questions, where I live is one hour from the Big Top, in Saitama actually. My favorite act is Power Track, I love that speed and spins, their energetic moves and toughness, in slow tempo they tell that we can go not in rush and live freely. When I saw Alegria for the first time, Fast Track cought my heart, and big shock was, Birds on Wire, Yuri and Serguei Chachalev seemed as an elder and a young impertinent spallow, they winged like real birds. Later that elder bird clown showed a lonely sad mime, it broke my old idea that clowns always do funny, since that I fell in love with Alegria. My 100th Alegria show was on Novemver 5th, I have already seen 101 times for now and will see more till the end of Japan tour. With Alegria, I have traveled to many countries and got friends from all over, I thank Alegria that gave me such wonderful time and always appreciate all the people who works on the stage and in back as well. Once again, thank you very much.

Rie Sugawara

Wasabi Wings! Final Edition

6 Years Plus With Rich Schweiger By Charlie Dennard

Who has outlasted 7 technical directors, 4 head riggers, 3 tour managers, and countless other technicians, staff, and artists over the last 6 years? Why, our very own head carpenter Richard Schweiger of course! Now you know why if there is ever a problem with anything that has to do with the big-top - we always call on Rich to come and fix it-- Unfortunately however, Rich will be leaving the tour shortly after the set-up in London so we thought that now would be a good time to get some insight from the oldest (and wisest) surviving member of our technical staff regarding how he keeps it up (the big top that is) and running after all these years-When did you start working with Alegria? Biloxi in1999.

I started in

How did you get the job? I answered an ad in the newspaper by the Beau Rivage, then I met with both the casino and Mike Anderson who was the technical director at the time and they hired me. They offered me a job when Alegria went back on tour, but I went to Mystere in Vegas instead. After about 3 months I left Vegas and joined Alegria again in New Zealand as head carpenter. How would you rate Alegria with the other shows? I still think that Alegria is the best touring show at Cirque du Soleil. I Who was your favorite employee through the years? would have to say Fido (sound dept. 2000-2005) because he was always there for you no matter what happened. He just emailed me after Hurricane Katrina hit Biloxi and said that he would pack up his jeep and drive there right now if I needed any help. That' s just the kind of guy he was really•

What is your least favorite thing to do at work? Well, I could make a list of things I' m sure••• But, I would have to say that putting out the fire everyday because it stinks and I always burn myself. I always have to hold my breath when I light the smoke in Yuri' s hat too during storm. The fan smoke is not that bad though at the end• What was your favorite party at cirque? The premiere parties in Australia were pretty good and the 54 parties in Mexico and New York were the best too. I know you play a little golf occasionally, what is your best score? m really just a weed whacker•• But, my best round has been about a 93. What was the biggest catastrophe so far on stage that you have had to deal with? I think the power track not closing has been the biggest headache so far. Really anything that has to do with damage to the floor on stage••• Did Alegria cause any noticeable physical changes for you? (laughing) I definitely feel a lot older and I have a lot less hair and it' s more grey! Where are you going next? I' m going back to Biloxi to take some time off and volunteer my services to the community to help them rebuild after Hurricane Katrina. Well Rich, things will definitely not be the same here without you And more importantly, who are we going to call when something breaks (again)? Anyway, on behalf of everyone here at Alegria, 1 want to wish you all the best and I hope that all goes well back in Biloxi with you and your family. Hopefully we will see you there at the Beau Rivage again sometime in the near future! Take care and keep in touch-• Charles Dennard

"The Great Times" of Alegria 2 Japan Tour

Wasabi Wings! Final Edition

by Full

Thank you from Fuji

.1 .1 !

Taro—san I won't say good—bye to you all, because I am sure that we will meet again somewhere, someday.

Shintaro: When you feel like eating ramen noodles, you are always welcome back!!

Naoko I love your show and we had a great time touring with you all! Wishing you best of luck in Europe!!

Ryuji: Although I only joined this team from Osaka, I had the pleasure of working with you all. I only wish I had more time to get to know everyone. Wish you all the best and hope to see you again someday!!!

Shinko: Hi everyone, I can't believe how quickly the time goes! It was a year ago I first met you. Due to cultural differences, it must have been hard for you to stay in Japan. Thank you very much for your efforts and kindness during this tour Everything is a cherished memory for me. I hope you enjoyed staying and working in Japan as well. See you sometime! I'm crossing my fingers for you. Arigato! With much of Love, Shinko Munemura

Mamoru: It is really sad that you all are leaving Japan. Wish you all the best with the remainder of the tour.

Ehara I wish you all the best and further success in the future.

Masa This one year had been, a year which will stay in my memory forever. I will be wishing all the best from Japan for all my friends.

Ron Thanks for the marvelous memories. It was BIG fun! It's a small world (especially in this business) so I have high hopes that of you again I'll have the pleasure of seeing and working with many in the future. Best of luck with the European leg of the tour.

Kawano(Pei—Pei) Thank you for the tremendous time and energy you've devoted to presenting a great show in a country like Japan which many of you may have found challenging and difficulut to adjust to. Best of luck with the remainder of your tour and keep on thrilling, impressing and moving audiences all over the world.


"GOD BLESS AMERICA"... . why? - by Keith A. Stiles Being one of the few Americans on tour, wait let me clarify that, one of the few people from the United States of America, I have noticed a disbelief and sense of bewilderment at the frequent use of the term "God Bless America". Not a day goes by that the current leader of the "free world" finishes a speech with the now infamous saying. Why the need to have God bless America? Is God blessing only the United States or is he blessing all of the Americas? Why don't other leaders in the America's, north or south, make such a bold statement? Does God really bless America...the United States of America? The answers to these questions undoubtedly will forever go unanswered, however, the use of this phrase has a rich history- . The phrase was actually coined by a famous Russian-Jew, Irvin Berlin (1888-1989). Berlin was born in Temun Russia, near Osh . Along with his parents and 7 siblings escaped to America in fear of the anti-Jesiwh pogroms (organized massacres). Like so many immigrants of the day, his family name, Baline. was Americanized has he entered through Ellis Island, New York. During the first World War, while stationed at Camp Yaphank, LI, Berlin penned the famous saving in a song for an army camp show, however, it was rejected and as a result laid in a trunk of rejected manuscripts for twenty years. Berlin would go on to become one of America's most important musical genius, writing classics like "White Christmas" and "There's No Business Like Show Business". In 1938, Kate Smith, the most popular chanteuse in America contacted Berlin and requested a patriotic song for her weekly radio show to mark the 20th anniversary of the end of the first World War. Berlin, having just returned from Europe and witnessing the beginnings of yet another World War remembered an old song he wrote, "God Bless America". Making a few minor changes, Berlin presented the song to Kate who sung it for the first time on Armistice Day, 1939. It was an instant hit and became the nations "unofficial" anthem. Years later, a movement to change the current national anthem "The Star Spangled Banner" to "God Bless America" was brought before the Congress of the United States. Despite the movements failure it proved America's huge affection with Berlin's song. With the help of the "unofficial" national anthem and over 900 more musical scores, Berlin became an icon. In 1955, Berlin was honored by

President Dwight D. Eisenhower with the Congressional Medal of Honor in recognition of his services in composing "God Bless America". Coincidently, another American icon, and huge Berlin fan, was working his way up the Californian political ladder. Ronald Regan, riding the wave of his "New Dawn in America" patriotic theme was elected president in 1980 and made it a point to declare "God Bless America" at the end of each and every speech. The tradition was repeated when Regan's Vice President, George H.W. Bush was elected president in 1988. In 2001, after the September 11 th attacks the song reemerged and become a number one hit on the Billboard 200 charts by international recording artist, Canadian born. Celine Dion. Throughout it's history, "God Bless America" has been associated with patriotism and politics. Politicians have made the song their anthem and punctuated their rhetoric with its' title. The result has been a nation seen as elitist, fundamentalist and shamefully arrogant. This is an injustice to the song and the man who wrote it. Look carefully and the lyrics will show you a prayer by an immigrant for his new home. Look carefully and you will see a hope for peace.


AMERICA by Irvin Berlin

While the storm clouds gather far across the sea, Let us swear allegiance to a land that's free, Let us all be grateful for a land so fair, As we raise our voice in a solemn prayer. God Bless America, Land that I love. Stand beside her, and guide her Through the night with a light from above. From the mountains, to the prairies, To the oceans, white with foam — God bless America, My home sweet home — God bless America, My home sweet home.

Yang, It was very fun meeting you. You where very nice to me. Here is an acrostic poem that describes you:

Young Amazing Nice Generous


Wasabi Wings! Final Edition

La Princesse Marion

par Justine Galipeau — Feather

II etais une fois au M6yen Age une princesse appelee Marion. Elle vivait dans un tres beau château. Un matin, la princesse dormait profondement. Sa femme de menage arrivat pour la reveiller, it é tait huit heures. II fallait qu' elle change les draps. La princesse se leva et elle se rappela qu' it y avait un bal a neuf heures ce soir. Marion dessendit en bas pour dejeuner et mangea un bol de cereles, du bacon, des tartines et un yaourt. Puis, elle passa tout le rest de la journee a discuter avec son pere de la robe qu' elle porterait au bal. II etait rendu cinq heures, donc elle mit sa robe mais elle fut trop petite alors elle en essaya d' autres, mais plus rien ne lui faisait. Elle alla en bas pour le dire a son pere mais, it ne su pas quoi faire. Puis ils penserent a une idee. Marion a eu idoe qu' elle irait au village pour s' en acheter une autre. Son pe re lui dit "Tu ne peux pas alter au village a pieds, c' est trop loin, c' est a peu pres quarante—cinq minutes". Alors son pere dit "Je vais envoyer dix gardes pour qu' it aillent to chercher les plus belles robes du royaume. Its revinrent au bout de deux heures avec plusieurs robes. Marion choisit une robe avec de la dentelle rose et blanche. Elle choisit une couronne rose, doree et argent avec des diamants multicolores. II fut 9 heures. Alors elle alla au bal. Elle dansa pendant toute la soiree puis retourna au château et s' endormit profondement.


Tatoo's On Tour!

Wasabi Wings! Final Edition

Premiere Tokyo 2

1W==e11/â– 11

Wasabi Wings! Final Edition

WHO'S WHO? Complete the names and associate with the right picture!

D'astous HR

Marc-Andre Roy Lighting Technician


Montse Marketing Manager

Patricia Teacher

Sophie Chief

Koizumi Cook

Tour Manager Swee Chong Sim Fiona Kitchen Manager

Sallie Teacher

Tucker Electronic Maintenance Coordinator

Gary Head of Lighting

Fontaine IT

Claude Tour Services Director

School Page Halloween Pumpkin Carving

New Sleepink Beauty

By YANG I was a princess of a small island. My childhood was like a fairy tale. I was a cute little girl. So my father and mother loved me a lot, a lot..... My country had many forests. That means we had a lot trees and special animals. When I was young, I went to the forest, and played with animals everyday! And my country's people were happy, too. So everyone only knew how to laugh and smile. Nobody knew what tears were. One day had some people came to our island. They saw many trees and animals, they were very surprised. Then they began to kill the animals, and to cut down the trees. My people were very sad and angry. My people were forced to stop those crazy people. So we had a lot of wars. Since then, everywhere changed. Trees died, animals died and people died. When I walked around our forests, I only saw blood everywhere, and crying everywhere! I felt my heart hurt. Then I started to cry everyday. My father and mother felt pity for me. Then they let the witch made some poison for me. Then the poison let me fall sleep, and let my soul be free. When I stop crying, I could wake up. My soul could go to everywhere I wanted. But I saw my country and I didn't want to wake up. I used my soul to go to somewhere. I saw the world was having problems the same as my country. When I came back to my palace that was 50 years later. Out of my palace wall had a lot red roses. Had a lot young boys who wanted to go to the palace make me awake, and then many me. But no one could get success, because the thorns of the roses were very hard. One day, my soul drifted outside of my palace. I saw a young boy who wanted get in the palace. I thought he would the same as those boys, he couldn't persist to the end. But when I saw him break those roses seriously and with difficulty, I could feel he had a lot of perseverance! I was so impressed, because he almost got into the palace. At that moment I understood many things I need to be stronger, and I need to learn how to fix those problems. If you have perseverance you'll get success. I started to stop crying. When he arrived at the palace, I just awoke. I went downstairs to meet him. Of course, after we got married. Godmother likes him a lot. So she turned us to angles to help this world. Now we fly to everywhere to help everyone. When we hear someone crying (animals and humans), we'll go right beside them. We use our power and hearts to make them feel better! That's our job.

Costume Parade!

Wasabi Wings! Final Edition

Message from people leaving Alegria Luc Fecteau alias Lik joined on January 2003 Quidam Japan tour, switch to Alegria on October 2004•Japan(Freaky!) Tokyo "my second Home" Favorite place or city on tour: Where are you going after Japan and what will you be doing?

I will be enjoying my 10 days off before transferring to KA in Las Vegas Describe something really crazy, funny, or interesting that happened to you on tour . Passing through Japanese custom in the line of Japanese resident an being told at least 10 times by different person that I wasn't in the right lane and then having to lift one of my bags on the table because the cute little Japanese custom lady couldn't lift it ( And it was followed by a: Sumimasen• may I please look in your luggage 9191 ? 1 ) Other comments: Things that I won' t forget: The Kagaya. The poker nights, the crazy nights out with the boys, the smell of pot in physio, Lance et Compte, the snorer of awaza line, the drums of Namba, the high fives )and other versions) back stage, the Svi at nim, Brazil, the explanations that treatment is also an exercise, bowling and its different techniques, the pirated DVD' s, the black stallion, the (pods and the Ebi — Mayo.

Contact- lucfecteau@hotmail..com

1111111MIIRMff Hey everyone, I will unfortunately not follow the tour in Europe so I would like to take this opportunity to say goodbye. I wish you the best in Europe with this great show! As for myself, I am going back home to Montreal. Good luck to all of you! It was a pleasure touring with you o

Youki Mallette Assistant to the Tour Manager, Alegria 2

Bonjour, It has been a pleasure to be surrounded by you guys.

I am heading to my home (San Diego) for a short vacation. Then , a few days at the Studio before I join Dralion in Spain. We may see each other sometime and somewhere in Europe.

Yoko Matsuda joined Cirque on Ouidam Japan tour 2003 Gifu (not Nagoya) Favorite place or city on tour: Where are you going after Japan and what will you be doing? First

In the meantime, take good care of yourself and long life to Alegria.

Patrice Dube

II go see my sister and watch her show in Shikoku. Then II keep doing

II be heading to Hong Kong to see Quidam!!

massage and acupuncture somewhere. Maybe US maybe Japar•••

Describe something really crazy, funny, or interesting that happened to you on tour. On night beside the river in Gifu, we had a campfire and waved a big torch to gather the people. Baked fish's and sang song all night—it was a heart warming memory for me.

Other comments: I' II miss you guys!! pleased to spend more than a year with Alegria. m sure II visit you somewhere. Maybe you thought that Japan was Uncomfortable, like packed train, humidity, hard show schedule and lost in translation, But I hope you all liked the Japan Tour at the end!!

Contact- himynameisyoko@hotmail.com

Yang Huang Join last August in Toronto

Favorite place or city on tour My Favorite city is Fukuoka, because the earthquake was the first on in my life, and since Fukuoka Claudine and I became close.

Where are you going after Japan and what will you be doing? Of course

II go back to China. I didn't see my

family for more than one and a half years. I think

II still be doing circus. I just started to like circus since I came to Alegria. So I want to keep this feeling for a few years. Describe something really crazy, funny, or interesting that happened to you on tour

I think that was my surprise birthday party. I was feeling alone and I was afraid of everyone but since then I changed so much. I started to go to

Oleksii Poletaiev joined on October 2002, Mexico City

Favorite place or city on tout: Mexico City, Acapulco Where are you going after Japan and what will you be doing? Going back to Ukraine, Harkov o Not sure what I' m going to do but probably go to University in Art.

Describe something really crazy, funny, or interesting that happened to you on tour Well I don' t know—starting the Cirque library was a challenging and was worth the effort. Oh and the Paint Ball was fun.

Other comments: I' II miss you all!! Contact Poletaevalex@msn.com

The tour life is over for me, I am starting a new position in the IHQ accounting department next week. It's been a fabulous 7 months with you guys. Have fun in Europe, I

will miss you! Sophie Anctil , CGA Chief accountant — Alegria Japan Tour

school, I started to try to talk to everyone and started to like it here and like my life.

Other comments: I want to say "Thank you" to everyone. This year in Japan, I' m very happy and I feel m more grown up than before. In this year I found my dreams. I think I' II start to work on my dreams. Even if this way is more difficult and more hard but that is my choice. And I believe "Life is like a box of chocolate; you never know what you' re gonna get!"


home (00)86 —(0)27 -8568-9741 e-

mail: shiningl 9881110@yahoo.com

Message from people leaving Alegria.

Olexander Py/ypenko joined on January 2001, New Zealand, Auckland Auckland and Sydney Favorite place or city on tour Where are you going after Japan and what will you be doing? I will be joining Mystere on December 11th 2005 as a flyer for the High Bar Act. Describe something really crazy, funny, or interesting that happened to you on tour. I would say that Everyday is funny, crazy and interesting for me, that' s circus life.

Other comments: It was a pleasure working with everybody and really enjoyed my time here.. Alegria was my first show with cirque and it is a great show and a great team o I will not forget you guys and the memories will stay in me forever. Take care your health (body and mind) and keep in touch.



60 Seconds with Anna Zlatkova.by Matt Dial Anna is that bouncy crazy little girl you might see shaking her ass backstage to warm up before powertrack. She joined Alegria in October of 2003. Anna came on tour in Portland, after doing formation in Montreal. After tourin with Alegria for a little more then 2 years, Anna is going to join Mystere in Las Vegas at the Treasure Island Hotel. She is going to be the "Bebe" character. We all know what a music freak Anna is, and she wanted to recommend a few of her favorite D.J.' s to us so we know what to play in the artistic tent to remember her.. #1— Paul Oakenfold, #2— Dave Seaman, #3— John Digweed, #4— Deep Dish, #5— Gabriel•• Describe something crazy, funny, or interesting that happened to you on tour? There were many funny or crazy things I can' t describe all of them, but I will remember all of them.. If anyone would like to contact Anna her email is. annabg2002@yahoo.com So from all of us at Alegria we would like to wish you the best and good luck in Vegas, remember never split you nines and play the pass.

Claude Brodure Join on July 1994 but since July 2004 with Alegria.

David Charbonneau aka Sideshow joined cirque 3 years ago Favorite place or city on tour : San Diego Where are you going after Japan and what will you be doing? ll come back to Going to the Philippine or Thailand for a holiday.

Favorite place or city on tour:

I would say Vienna — For the most

romantic skie.

Where are you going after Japan and what will you be doing? I have no specific places for now — will go back home in Montreal en

see you guys in Milan.

enjoy some well deserved (I thinks!) Vacation.

Describe something really crazy, funny, or interesting that happened to you on tour.

Describe something really crazy, funny, or interesting that happened to you on tour.

I would say a snow storm while we were doing the set up in

Alegria Techno show in Osaka! A Fantastic experience.

Fukuoka. The Dome was ripping apart while we were raising the grid

Other comments:

Dome mast. WOW.

will miss you guys a lot!

Contact: david_charbonneau@hotmail.com


I wish you all best of luck in your future adventure! I

Contact: brodcl©hotmail.com

Fedor Semibratov joined in Mexico city 3 years ago November Austin, Texas, quiet and nice city. Favorite place or city on tour: Going back Where are you going after Japan and what will you be doing? home to Moscow and relax. Don't know what I' m going to do yet but first, recover my health for couple month then think of what I 'm going to do.

Describe something really crazy, funny, or interesting that happened to you on tour. Nothing that I could think of.

Other comments: Good bye and good luck—•have a great premiere in London. Contact fedorse@yahoo.com

Wasabi Wings! Final Edition

On Dam Ciraue Du Soleil - Whatever Technoshow

About this Item: For sale is this very rare set of 3

du Soled postcards


Pomona 2003

from MEXICO.


VERY RARE!! measurement : 4.1x5.6 - .


Alegria 3D puzzle

made by Wrebbit. A must have for 3D puzzle lover, Current bid at 6,50$




You are bidding on 2 genuine tickets to the fabulous Cirque du Soleil Alegria' show at the Royal Albert Hall in London on Sunday 15th of January 2006 at 15pm (afternoon show). The 2 tickets are for some of the best seats in the house, you cannot get closer to the stage: ringside, Row D, seat 72 and 73 (you can look up the exact location on the cirque du soleil website: www.cirquedusoleil.com ) Original price for two tickets was 122.75 pounds. Please email me if you have any questions

Current bid 29.99 us $

2004 Monaco International Circus Festival , Italian Charms Alegria Cirque Du Soleil Charm Hello, You are bidding on a Custom Handmade 9mm Italian Charm compatible with all major Italian Charm Braclets. The charm picture is protected with a high gloss clear enamel coating. The picture you see is what the charm will look like as we will make the charm at end of auction. Charms take 3 to 4 days to dry.


Du Soleil first day cover. The cover is in excellent condition and has been affixed with the International Circus Festival stamp, cancelled first day of issue with the International Circus Festival postmark with the cover featuring the Cirque Du Soleil Contortionists, and Strong Man. A great collectors piece for the circus fan !

Then they get pick packed & shipped.

Solve The Number Puzzle! Rule: Insert numbers from 1 to 9 in each horizontal and vertical line. But each 3x3 block has to have numbers from 1 to 9 also.

Problem # 002 Middle Level

8 7 6 5 9 2 8 7 4 6 2 8

Problem #060 Middle Level

9 3 2 6

5 8 6 9

3 3 5 4 3

6 4

4 8 9 5

3 9 7 5

5 4

3 2

7 2

4 3

8 9 4

P.S. Answer's on the last page.

Last Page Thank you and Sa yonara FUJI Dome

Little Peak in the Kitchen

Soccer Time!


Number Puzzle answers #060 #002 1


























































































































































Wasabi Wings! Final Edition

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