Wasabi Wings vol. 1

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Volume 1, Issue 1

Fukuoka, April 2005



From the Editor Welcome to our first edition of the "Wasabi Wings!" here in Japan! We are presently in Fukuoka City, one of the most historic towns in Japan. It's a nice sea town with beautiful beaches and the famous Hakata Girls, but it's freaking winter. I was hoping that since we are in the south, that it would a little bit warmer but "NYET", we are dealing with rain on our weekends and EARTHQUAKES (the biggest in 100 years for this area)!!! But it is a beautiful city and relaxing compared to Tokyo...great food, but most importantly FRESH Fish. I'm not a big connoisseur of Sushi, but I think I understand good food when something is s0000 good that it melts in your mouth and gives you this sweet and creamy taste... it's just Heaven! That's what happened when I tasted the CHU-TORO (the fat of Tuna fish) and the UNI (Sea urchin) here in Fukuoka. Man it was good! If you didn't try it you should come back to Fukuoka just for that. Anyway enough about food... Why I decided to do this...I don't know... but I knew when I was in Toronto and got the "In the Wings" it gave me a smile an my face. Thanks to Victoria, who had kept the entire magazine since Australia, I had the opportunity to see Alegria from another perspective and again seeing all the photos of different places and party's.... It made me think, "I WISH I WAS THERE". When People came to my room and saw the whole collection of "In the Wings" on my bed, they just sat down, went through it and started talking about their experiences of that city. What was good, funny and what sucked...with such passion that I thought it would be great to have it back. Its our first attempt to make a magazine so feed back is very very very much appreciated and don't be shy to send picture's and any story's that may have happened to you that you would like to share with the Alegria family. Please submit to:


Inside this Issue:

Our Contributors Editors: Ken Futamura, Charlie Contruibutors: Mike Nuwnum, Matthew Dial, Charlie Dennard, Nikita Moiseev, Anastasia Novozhilov, Justine Galipeau, Melanie Nunes, Marie-Josee Pelletier Photos: Matthew Dial, Aliaksei Liubezny, Mike Nuwnum. Amv. Anson, Patricia, Ken

Strangers in a ...




60 sec with...




Disco FevP ,


School Page


Last page


Strangers in a Strange Land

By Charles Dennard

For me, life in Japan is like a bizarre science fiction movie sometimes. Alien hieroglyphics cover the street signs amongst the bland earth tone buildings that occasionally blink with fluorescent neon advertisements. There's an eerie silence among the extremely overcrowded subterranean trains while men in their dark business suits feed through the stations like cattle on their way to the inevitable. Sudden movements coming from the shifting tectonic plates just below the surface of the planet seem almost ordinary. Surgeon masks, punk rock hairstyles, and the faint smell of fish filter through the crisp urban air while every worker boasts "Sumimasen!" and "Goziamasu!" at anyone who is in the vicinity. At the same time I am realizing that everyone is looking at me like I'm the one who is from another planet. Then I start to think about the

Bowling league Fukuoka 2005

fact that I am traveling around the world performing in a circus that portrays an even more mysterious and exotic world than most people could ever imagine. Although we may seem normal to ourselves, we are in reality anything but normal even amidst our own people... So, where does that lead us? Who or what is the correct way of being in this strange world where so many people collide unknowingly? Maybe we should try to understand others the way that we want people to understand us (and I'm talking about myself more than anyone especially). Just because we don't understand each other doesn't make the other person bad or wrong necessarily. We

can disagree but still have respect for each other. I feel sorry for all of those innocent Japanese people that have had to deal with me over the last 6 months here - that's for sure! They have been a lot more patient and understanding than I have unfortunately. In retrospect, I think that Japan is definitely one of the most unique places in the world that I have ever been. It's clean, safe, and very peaceful. Hopefully I will come out of this tour with a better understanding not only of others but of myself as well... Only 8 more months to go!

Earthquake Experience! The Biq SHOCKER!! (By Matt Dial) That was SCARY!! Sunday March 20 th at 10:53am, an earthquake of lower 6 out of 7 in the Japanese seismic scale, hits Fukuoka, the strongest in 100years. That day, we had a total of about 80 after shock ranging from level 1 to 4. Hear are a few experiences.

-In the physio, Ian and I where talking. Suddenly there was the sound of everything in the backstage N. bouncing around, louder than anything I have .."•1•101.1.111""""' ever imagined. We soon realized it was more than just a 1 1101. .04. ow loud noise but the earth beneath us was throwing everything around. We both froze not knowing what to do or where to go. We heard a voice calling to us, it was Yoko. I recall the moment in slow motion, Yoko holding the door open for us near her massage table. She called to us "come on guys!" I later, think of Yoko as G.I.Jane rescuing us in the heat of a battle. Yoko made a fast decision and knowing more about earthquakes and what to do than us. her first thought and reaction was to get the door open. The door was locked at the time and with all the excitement and stress she struggled to open it. But once it was opened she not only ran for cover but also made sure everyone else in the area had gotten out of the building safe. -At the hotel, Alexei was on the 25th floor icing his sore knee, the hotel got hit by a shock of force. The initial shock was so big that his computer and the coffee table flipped entirely up side down. Then the whole hotel swung back and forth, like bambo in the wind. It continued much longer then the earthquake itself. Passer Byers have been heard to say the hotel could be seen swaying more than imaginable. -The band was doing their first sound check with the new singer, MarieEve. As they where hitting the high note of

that GOD's hands had just rocked his world. Power-Track, the stage started to rumble, and the band were thinking how amazing and powerful the new singer was, Next thing you know Charlie was under the keyboard. - Naoko and Shinko were about to take the Express Toll, then suddenly they felt a tremble. At first they thought a large truck rumbled passed them, but then they quickly realize there was none. The car soon started to feel more like a boat on the Wavy Ocean. It was their biggest fear and they soon realized they were 100feet above the ground on the rickety highway. I'm no expert on highway dividers but a car or especially a bus traveling at 100km/hour slamming into the safety rail (if that's what you want to call it) on the highway would soon be upside down in the water. -The kids were in class (studying hard as usual) when in the middle of a science experiment, their beakers were mixing on their own. The girls and I'm sure a few of the boys began screaming their heads off. Nikita jumped up and surfed the rocking ground while the rest ran for the door. Arthur got slammed to the ground by a few of the young girls who were not going to waste any time waiting for him to leave first. -Backstage near the T.V. area a few of the power trackers were viewing theire act from the day before. Everything started shaking, Kasper started yelling "everyone out!" but all he got in reply was Casey screaming (like only she can). Then he realized he was yelling in Danish. Casey's cries made Jason feel more scared and nervous then just from the fact

-Ivan just got to work and was about to sign in like he always does on time... he looked up to see Yukiko's eyes as big as apples. II He had not even felt anything but she was running in circles. He soon realized what was happening and took off to the backside of the kitchen. He remembers the feeling of someone pounding the ground beneath him with a hammer, and then the ground waving like the ocean's tide. He also remembers how violently the trees shook and waved like a snapping whip and with amazement stayed upright. -The bus driver was turning around after dropping most of us off that day. The guy screaming "aaaaaaaaah, aaaaaaaah, aaaaaaah, aaaaaaah" was helping him. When all of a sudden the screaming stopped. The bus started jerking around, he thought he crashed into the gate. But then the bus began bouncing around much more then it should have. He felt the bus was going to fall apart or tip over. Well it's been a week since that day, the day forever burned into my head. And the world is still playing with us with these little tremors. Just a little reminder of what could happen at anytime. In reality there are many things in our day to day lives that could be just as devastating. A car crash, a bad wipe out in the show, or forgetting your dates name on your third date. The point is, life continues and we have to move on. I don't think I would have moved on as well, if it were not for this awesome group we have here. Thanks to you all.

60 Seconds with...Eve Monpetit * As everybody knows, Eve Monpetit, singer of Alegria for more than 4 years, is leaving the company. So its certainly time for goodbye but we thought that it was also time to know more about her... (its better later than never, isn't it?!)

Melanie Nunes: How did you get into the musical background? Eve Montpetit: I was playing saxophone in high school and singing back vocals, which was my first step as a singer. In 1982, when I finished school, I joined a band that was looking for a singer. I did jam sessions in bars almost every weekend for 4 years while I was studying law and music. In 1987, I left the band to focus on my studies. I think it was during this year that I had the epiphany that I wanted to be a singer. I missed singing so much that at the end of that year, after getting my law degree, I went back with my band and made an album in 1988. M: What did you do before Alegria? E: In 1990, I was in a musical called "Les Miserables". That was my first experience in acting and I really enjoyed it. In 1994, I auditioned for Cirque and a year later, I joined Saltimbanco for the European Tour for 1 year. Then I participated in the set up and tear down of the show for 6 months and that was a great experience! M: How did you get involved in Alegria? E: In 1999, I knew that Alegria was looking for a singer, so I decided to

send a tape. In July of 2000, while I was in France working for a musical called "Casino Paris", I received a fax telling me that I had gotten the part . In January 2001, I started in Alegria and one thing that I'll never forget is that I did my first show on my birthday, January 11, 2001. M: What did you think of when you heard the words " souvenir, souvenir..."? E: Without hesitation, the first thing was Exploration of the planet. I've been traveling for almost 5 years in countries like New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, the United States and finally Japan. That's something amazing and I consider myself lucky to have had this opportunity. The second thing was ...for sure the parties! No need to explain why... M: Is they're anything in your carrier that you regret? E: Well yes...you know, those 4 years haven't always been easy, but THE thing that I regret the most is that I did not stop 2 years earlier. M: Do you have any advices that you would like to give to the new singer?

E: Hum...(thinking) Actually, I have lots of things to say but the most important one is to be aware of your own limits. At the beginning, you want to show that you are strong, that you can handle everything but then you realize that it's not good for you... So I would say, don't push yourself too much, respect yourself and above all, when you realize that you're getting bored, leave... Be careful of the golden cage of Cirque du Soleil, this is just a moment of your life, there is so much more to do! And one more thing: ENJOY! M: Thank you very much for your time and good luck in the future!

The Comebacks: by Melanie Alexandr Dobrynin, alias SASHA-

After 3 month of break due to a surgery on his right shoulder, Sasha is back. Gradually damaging during New York's tough schedule of 10 shows a week, combined with a lot of practice, he stopped his act in Philadelphia, in the end of July, to be treated. With Alegria since 1995, this is actually the 3 rd time he has needed operations in his shoulders: 2 for the left one in 2002 and 2003 and the right one in 2004: WHAT A DETERMINATION!! So now back

with us in Tokyo with a wonderful act, let's tell him welcome back, congratulation and ...fly safe! Victor Bryndine-

had an operation on his right knee because of bad landing on the bars, while executing a double layout. Victor returns back to the show on 1' of March, in Fukuoka. His injury happened in June of 2004 in New York, and that was the first time that he had to leave the troupe and go back to Montreal. At first he stopped for a bad sprain of the muscle, but it

appeared later that he had a problem in his meniscus and had 2 operations for it. Result: 9month break...and a not so easy return. <<I had a strange feeling when I came back>> he says << there was new people and new acts! It a kind of new integration...but I am happy to be back>> Well we are happy to welcome back too and ... we look forward your triple back! (Continued - next page)

Fukuoka's Famous Yatai Experience!

Shibuya Fashion 2005 Hong Kong News

The photos contest winners

1 st place— by Sean Mckeown

(Contuinued from page 4) Alexey Novozhilov, tore some ligaments in his left knee during a show. He had the same injurie 3 years ago in Australia. Now after 6-month break he is back in the number as captain and also as coach. After 11 years in Alegria, he's one of those artists who have the experience to adapt himself to the many changes of the show. <<It took a long time to get back into shape after such a long break>> he says<< I hope everyone can avoid injuries, the best way to do that is to keep in shape...and to enjoy the show, of course! >> Well, after 30 years in sports, it's obvious that he knows what he's talking about; so let's take his advice. Welcome back! Welcome back to Fedor Semibratov. He tore the ligaments of his right sholder on May 25 th 2004, his first big injury since he was integrated in Alegria in Mexico 2002. Now after a surgury and 5 month of break, he is back in shape ...& in the show! So let's wish him a welcome back and a healthy return.

Premiere (Tokyo)

Premiere (Tokyo)

X Mas Party

Disco Bowling Fever

School Pages Why do cats chase Mice Long ago, there was Cat and Mouse. They became friends the minute they met. They played fun games together, they shared meals together and they trusted each other. One day Mouse was going to Cat's house suddenly, a lion appeared and said: " Cat went out with another mouse that she likes better than you!" "Is that true?" said the Lion. But it wasn't true. Lion just wanted Cat and Mouse to fight. Cat was waiting and waiting but there was no sign of Mouse. So Cat called Mouse, but nobody picked up the phone because Mouse's Phone, it had phone I.D. and she knew it was Cat calling. After many calls unanswered, Cat went to Mouse's house and the same lion reappeared and said "Guess what? Mouse went out with another Cat that likes better than you!" Cat kept on thinking whether if it was true or not but she just went to Mouse's house right away. When Cat came to Mouse's house they got into a big argument. Cat was so angry that she grabbed Mouse and put her in her mouth. "What an exquisite taste! I have never tasted anything as good as a mouse!" she is so tasteful that I'm going to everyone," said Cat. Cat went to Catcity and told all the cats how delightful mice are. Then, all the cats went to Mousecity and chased all the mice. They all agreed that mice were tasteful. From then on, mice and cats were never friends again and that's why cats chase after mice. THE END Anastasia Novozhilova - grade 4

The horse and the Lion Once upon a time there was a horse named Galop. The horse ws very nice and had a lot of patience. But the lion was different; he was vain, did not have any patience, and was very mean. Galop had an Elf friend and it was his best friend. The lion got jealous and he too wanted to have a magic best friend. So the lion went walking in the forest and he asked the first Elf he saw to be his best friend. However, that Elf was the worst than lion. She was vainer, meaner and had no patience at all. It is then the lion changed; he stopped being vain and he got very patient. Moral: treat others like you would like to be treated. Natasha Plotnikova - grade 3

Limerick I love to go to school

Because it is so cool I like Social Studies Because we work in buddies But school would be even better if we had a pool

I want my own candy Because they might come in handy Grandma said, "here are the rest" I saved you the ones that are the best And the candy did come in handy By Anastasia Novozhilova

By Nikita Moiseev

Alma lives in Waterlog City She thought it was silly It used to be hot It used to be a good place where fish could be caught Now it is lust getting really chilly By Nikita Moiseev

School Pages Le Panda Roux Par Justin Galipeau- Feather

Nom de ('animal: le Panda Rouge D'ou vient il: Himalaya et la Chine Meridional. De quoi se nourrit il : De bambous, de fruits, -


de racine, de glands et de lichens Sa couleur : II est roux Sa taille : 60 cm de long

Le panda rouge est un mammifere originaire de ('Himalaya et de la Chine meridionale. II a la taille d'un grand chat, soit d'environ 60 centimetres de long. Son regime alimentaire est principalement vegetarien. Son nom chinois se traduit quanta lui par ÂŤpetit pandaÂť. Les pandas rouges sont d'excellents grimpeurs et s'alimentent en grand partie dans les arbres. Ce sont des animaux paisibles qui passent la plupart de leur temps a manger et dormir.

Only In Japan!

Conglatulation to Carolina & Vilely Husdzenko on the Birth of Karina Vitalivna!

FUJI Guessinr QUIZ Whose Who? Naoko, Ron, Taro, Ai, Shinko, Pei Pei, Mamo, Machi, Shintaro, Eha

49 cm and 3.62 kg on January 8th 2005.

Between Tokyo and Fukuoka Hello Victor Bryndine - Artist Nathan Hughes - Head Sound Douglas Freestone - Lighting Technician Kana Koizumi - Cook Hiromi Ohno - Senior Accountant Youki Mallette - Assistant to the Tour Manager Marie-Claire Reiniche - Cook (welcome back!) Marie-Eve Tremblay - Singer Sophie Anctil - Chef Accountant Goodbye Nathalie Noel - Artist Rika Sakamoto - Assistant to the Tour Manager Filipp Vorobiev - Artist Mattheu Wood - Lighting Technician Poppe Hooijenga - Kitchen Manager Martyn Chua - Chef Accountant Paul-Andre Robichaud - Head Sound Karen Tan - Senior Accountant Eve Monpeti - Singer

Overheard Jason: "It didn't go in far enough for the balls to touch." Luc to Pete —" I need a finger!" Luc to Pete — "That's not low enough.. ohh that's the finger I was looking for" Mark — "I can't get a full stroke when it's under tension. I have to do half strokes!" Jason to Victoria — " Have you seen my nipples?" Kasper to Martin — " Hey, to buy a car in Europe...do you need multiVISA?" Kana- "Hey guys, have you noticed that meat guy is kinda funny" Kitchen Staff- " no we have not"

The last Page

Cirque's Wold Football team 2005

The Leaning tower of Heinekin

What's cooking good looking.

Instaction: Application of self tanning lotion.

I- Have a shower 2Remove any object on your body (like tape) Apply evenly on your body (if you can't reach 3any area. get assistance. Ex: your back) 4Mier aplication. make sure your wash your hand to avoid orange palms.

Let's wrestle..My money is on Tania


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