Euro wings vol. 2

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EuroWings no.2 Milan - April 2006



Editor's note

In this edition 60 seconds with people that 2, 3 have left during Milan' 4, 5 Food for thoughts 6, 7 Premiere party 10, 11 School Page Hacked Emails from Alegria 12 Kitchen Computers 13 Congratulation to A teaser on what the Alegria Who's 14 Who will look like 15 Classifieds 16 Last Page

Euro Wings! Team: Ken, Charlie, Contributors: Maui, Matt, Ian, Mariko, David Pelletier, Cecile, Nikita, Charlie, Ron, Arture, Ilona, Mya, Maria, Anastasia, Eloise Photos: Anson, Matt, Ian, Martha, Martin N., Ken, Gaston, Garry, Zhan, Aliaksei, Patricia, Marie -Eve T. Kana, Jason B.

It's great to be back with the full cirque team and the big top again after 2 years absence touring in Japan with the Fuji Dome and performing at the London RAH. We had a rough beginning (with the back up tent being in storage for 10 years, missing parts, pieces coming from 4 different parts of the world, the Italian fire inspectors, no heat the first day...etc), but we made it and opened our doors to the Italian public thanks to our super Alegria Team. A big Bravo! Milan was not what I expected. It's an industrial city invaded by graffiti where the store's close at weird hours and roads are under construction almost everywhere and we can't forget those unforgettable days that smelled like sewage on site, geez. I was getting depressed during the first couple of weeks. Thank god we were only a train ride away from beautiful cities like Verona, Venice, Como and the Alps to name a few and Turin where the winter Olympics 2006 were held. Seeing people from all over the world, gathered for this once in 4 year event, having a great time and cheering for their country was priceless. One day I got my ass out of bed and decided to wander around Milan getting off at random stations and it's at that time that I got to appreciate more of the city. Nice shopping (especially shoes), cafe terraces and restaurants (with amazing coffee) and lots of churches. Especially the Duomo area, where this gigantic monument (The church) is located. Built in the 15 th century, every square inch of Duomo is a work of art and the panoramic view of the Alps from the roof top is breathtaking. When I entered inside the church, I felt that my entity was sucked inside and I felt an emptiness within my body that was engulfed by its immenseness (yup that deep). I sat on a bench for what seemed like hours admiring the sculptures and paintings on the wall forgetting about the time and any of my negative feelings. I'm sure in those days it was one of a kind that attracted people all over Europe to admire it. Milan is the city where the genius Leonardo Da Vinci lived for a while and seeing one of the rooms (drawing of a tree root coming out of the brick wall in 3D) done by him at the Sforzensco Castle was one of my high lights of Milan and the other one was to see the unfinished sculpture of Jesus and Marry (I think) made by Michelangelo before he died. History resides in this city, that's for sure. Now of course I have to talk about the Italian audience. They clap; react and are not shy to express their feelings, I LOVE IT! It's really something when you are on stage after the first black out and you start hearing the stomping of their feet, trembling the entire Big Top. Rome I heard is going to be great, so see you there! A city which at one point ruled all of Europe. Ce vidiamo a Roma! Ciao

Cu_kcr-liftscgA. DUOMO PROMO It was just beautiful and the audience was in ecstasy! Great work guys!

60 seconds with people that have left during Milan! My favorite place on tour in a long time is the bar at the Sol Melia here in Milan with Chris, Mitco and Frank aka The Squirrel'. I wish I had more time to get to know these guys better. Other than this, my time in Japan with Mikey I'm never going to forget. And I can't forget my times listening to Ron at the dinner table.

Worst things or places or people on tour?

Nathan Hughes

Did I tell you that I have an extreme hatred for people that think throwing small things in the air is a good thing?

What will you remember the most? What is your official job title? Head of Sound 'Alegria'

Where are you going? Boulder Colorado, hopefully this year I will learn to ski, while holding a baby.

Why are you leaving? Over Christmas I and my wife Ashley received the most wonderful Christmas present anyone could have asked for. We found out that we are going to be parents in July. I asked the Cirque if it would be fine to stay on tour with my wife and baby, but because I'm a technician, I'm not entitled to family lodging. David and Shawn did the best anyone could, but in the end I had to make the decision to leave.

How long with Cirque and/or Alegria? I joined Cirque du Soleil in November 2000 with Quidam in Europe. So with a year off, roughly 5 years with the company, with 2 years at Alegria.

Favorite things or places or people on tour?

This set up in Milan I guess. It put a lot of strain on all the technicians and staff on site. I feel that this was under appreciated by many of the people that showed up later on in this process. Many moaning and bitching about things they could have easily dealt with if they were as professional as the rest.

Who will replace you? Who knows? Many people don't know that I gave 7 weeks notice. Montreal always says they can replace a technician in 4 weeks, one again they are proved wrong.

Any advice for your replacement? Have lunch with Ron and Charlie. And Gary does smile.

Can we put your email at the end of the article so if people would like to keep in touch? Sure its Any other comments? There are people I love, and there are some I didn't see eye to eye with, but everyone makes this show the 'Alegria' that I will always remember.

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ezeixr -144.#14_41_ Raul Vandenberg What is you official job title? Head Carpenter

Where are you going? First to Germany and in summer to Italy/Tuscany to build my house.

Why are you leaving? Because unfortunately my wife could not stay with me on tour (no free accommodations)

How long with Cirque and for Alegria? 5 months with Alegria and before that + - 6 month with Saltimbanco as a fly in.

Favorite things or places or people on tour? My favorite place: in front of the fan during storm. My favorite people: were the people who could smile even if there was a lot of stress (tear down / set up)

Worst things or places or people on tour? The worst were the people throwing things around and shouting when I learned my cue and I was a little bit too early. Also the smoking corner in RAH for the smell and the view and pre-set in Milano with frozen masts.

What will you remember the most? The support I got from everybody when I got on tour arriving in Tokyo and felling like arriving on another planet.

Who will replace you? I don't know!

Any advice for your replacement? What I do every morning is smile because it helps you to get over it...

Any other comments? Cantar no Mores la vida es un carnival e-mail:

I have been with cirque for 3 years. 9 month with Alegria before I could get my passport back.

Favorite things or places or people on tour? I will miss standing in the stage left ramp just before the clowns go on stage, seeing only their clown shadow, while in the back ground the white singer, the angel and the nymphs do the opening. It's a pretty cool sight. And of curse I will miss you all, and the popcorn, and all that caffeine and sugar intake that made me completely crazy back stage. Are their really, clowns, angel, and nymph in this show? Or was it only a diabetique hallucination? And that green midget Mexican wrestler dancing on stage every night. What was that all about?

Worst things or places or people on tour? I will not miss the train and bus ride to go to work. (I love my car so much), or the crazy maid's who really want to clean my room every day while eating my peanuts. And also I will truly not miss being a stranger everywhere I go.

Who will replace you? I don't know who will replace me but I heard that he is very charming, intelligent, cute, 6 feet tall, with big feet (hum!) Actually, can I stay a little bit longer?

Any advice for your replacement? My only advice for my replacement is to keep your passport with you at all the times. Don't eat too much sugar, try to say no to caffeine, and don't wrestle the green Mexican midget even if he is asking for it. YOU WILL LOSE!!!

Any other comments? Last word= I love you.... where ever I am.

Le mot de (a fin= Au revoir et a (a prochaine chicane.

Julie Madore What is your official job title? Technical fly-in

Where are you going? I am going back to being a fly-in. put some airmiles on my card, so I can't travel for free to Rome, Amsterdam, and all of those beautiful places I would never have had the chance to see if I would have stayed with the tour.

How long with cirque and/or Alegria?

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Food for thoughts Smoking Kills

By David Pelletier

Did you know that smoking may cause heart disease, cancer, may make you impotent, harms others around you, is not good for pregnant women, is highly addictive, reduces life expectancy and basically just flat out kills? I've learned that on cigarette packs (sigh). It seems that governments, all around the world, are involved more and more in our well being. They suddenly care about us, the normal people, tax payers, members of the society. They are spending a lot of energy and tax payers money to tell us what's good for us and what's not. This is the direct result of years of political correctness and globalisation, homogenisation of the societies. To be consistent with the trend, will we see signs appear on the side panels of cars saying "Cars may kill"? or on food packages "Food may cause obesity"? "Food may kill"?, and the inevitable "Alcohol may cause alcoholism", or a banner pulled by an airplane saying "The sun may cause cancer", "Sun kills"? or on our foreheads "Kissing may cause you to catch a cold"? or on our private parts "Sex could kill you"? or tattooed on our left arm "Warning, humans kill"? or in towns of south Florida, "Hurricanes are dangerous to your health"? and even on our contracts "Work can make you ill, and ultimately kill"? and hey, why not..."Living Kills" !!! So why are cigarettes still on stores shelves? Could it be because they bring governments gazillions of dollars in tax money? And are the warnings on packs there for them to have a clear conscience about it? Well I'm the one who decides what's good for me and what's not. Is pleasure the newest taboo of the decade? I smoke. I love smoking. There's nothing like taking a moment of my day, lighting up a ciggy and pumping it into my lungs in between sips of divine coffee down my throat (which may make you agitated or nervous, and could probably kill you too). That moment brings me intense pleasure, releases endorphins in my body. That moment is good for me. Pleasure is all about self discipline and moderation. Oh probably quit smoking one day, when it doesn't bring me pleasure anymore. I also respect non smokers and I am favourable of non smoking in public places. So seriously, who wants to live to be a hundred? To live his/her life like a robot, dictated by the almighty state? I sure don't. We will all die, sooner or later. I choose pleasure. By the way, thanks to all of you who gave me good feedback on my previous paper, "The End of Romantiscm". I have yet to hear a bad comment about it. Anyone who does have one is welcome to come talk to me.

a -

This paper was inspired by a comment I heard on french CBC radio in Montreal over the last tour break made by a well known quebecois writer/ philosopher/commentator named Gilles Archambault.

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From a Hotel Room, Milan, Italy by Mariko Milan is one of THOSE cities. I can tell already. Where after the Duomo area has been explored, the body won't take a 2 show day after dancing Et drinking all night, the ?th season of Desperate Housewives has been watched, that only thing left to do is sit and think too much about life from a hotel room. On tour with Cirque, living what others; our friends, old loves, family, would like to think is all applause, swirling joy and pretty costumes. Living a Waking Dream. Do you have those nights? Where you sit and wonder what on earth you are doing here? When the faces and voices of loved ones are too far away, and you just can't imagine going back there, to that country, that life, the old job where you really could go "home" at night, but you think you want them back? I know for me Japan had many of those nights. Milan seems to be another place that brings these thoughts after the shuttle ride home, opening the mini fridge to that box of milk you bought on your day off, that has gone bad because it takes too much energy in the morning to make a cup of tea or coffee to go with it before shuffling off squiting to the metro. And my family asks me , "then why are you there?" I don't know about all of you, me, I came to get out of a dying theatre community, to fix my financial situation, and to recover from my mistakes and try to remember why I love The Show, without worries of rent, bills, the local Union strike etc. Well, and because it's Cirque! It must be Cool! Taxes, shows, torn tights, missing jewels, did you hear So-Et-So slept with ?, where's my hairnet, food, bus,train, room (why aren't there enough power sockets for my gazillion Mac/camera/phone/Playstation etc. cords?!?) evaluations, bloody Housekeeping waking me it's my day off damnit. So the time flows by, marked only by changing show calls, train stations, languages., oh! Wait Oleg's in for Piotr. I've paid off my ex's hospital bills, the truck I bought, a solid couple years for the resume,made it through the things that brought me here. So why am I still here? Why give up the normal life, normal relationships, home? There's no where else that fits. It sounds silly, but try it, going home and looking 'round, and thinking, "I don't fit here anymore, I want to go Home, to the tent. I'm bored, getting fat and lazy at my mother's, I want to go back to work." Here, because after awhile, this is where we CHOOSE to be. Before coming here, Cirque was just a fabulous dream job, And here we are awake, maybe lonely, maybe sore from the days work, maybe hungover, or cranky over something that went wrong during the show, a co-worker irritating you, but still here, Living the Waking Dream.

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Premiere Milano UNO

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letr_ko--1/Vticg_A. Premiere Milano DUE

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Charlie's BLOG

-Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Cirque du Soleil in Milan, Italy Northern Italy can be a dark, cold and rainy place this time of year - but that hasn't stopped the full capacity crowds from heating up our grand chapiteau with their enthusiastic energy and typical latin-flared spirits... When the sun does shine here in Milan, the city seems to transform itself from the grey and graffiti drenched underworld into a much more interesting and historical gem of a society. Although I haven't met any supermodels or seen anything particularly more fashionable than the ever so common all black urban wear yet, I have eaten more pizza and pasta than ever before and I'm kind of enjoying not having a Starbucks anywhere around... Ciao e tanti auguri


By Matt Dial

During our run in Milan, an Italian gymnastics team contacted me and asked me if it would be possible to get tickets for them to see the show. I talked with some office staff to see if they could organize tickets for them. Two days later, they told me that it would not be possible. That same day we did a show at 35% occupancy. It made me think and question why it didn't work out and what a waste it was to have so many empty seats. I have heard a few different reasons why they could not offer complimentary tickets. For example Cirque would have to pay tax on all tickets they give out and that they are not allowed to give tickets away according to Italian law. Does this mean that our premiere was one big illegal orgy of free tickets for fashion designers and models? Why couldn't we sell discounted tickets to those individuals or groups that could not otherwise afford to attend one of our performances? Consider selling tickets for a discounted price one week in advance. I'm sure that management was aware that today's matinee was not selling very well. We are going to put on a show even if the house if less than one half full. The audience would be more loud and enthusiastic. The artists would perform with more passion, and cirque would still make plenty of money off these people with the fees for parking, 5 euro pops, 10 euro popcorns and the countless other overpriced items that are for sale. Cirque seems very interested in helping those whom are less fortunate, but often, the only people who can afford to see the shows are the middle and upper class. The project to help people in Central and South America is an amazing and great initiative. However, there seems to be so much more they can do all over the world with our touring shows. Why not put a spark in a young performer's heart or give parentless children something to scream and dream about. If they take advantage of these opportunities more often, it would be a great thing for everyone in this money hungry company, this country and the world. Fun with numbers Consider if on a day with less then 50% tickets sold we started selling $5 tickets. We might sell 800 tickets at $5 to the less fortunate. Out of the 800 people, let's assume that 75 would purchase $10 popcorns, 150 would buy $5 pops, and 100 individuals would put up $20 for parking. In addition, if they purchased $1000 worth of cirque merchandise, the total would be $8500. If we could pull this off 12 times in a year, it would translate to $102 000.00 for a company that has been keeping an eye on its wallet while striving to help people who are less fortunate. You would think this would come naturally.

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A Good Memory by Maui

A quote "Life is short and Knee's don't last forever." Christian Zabata, March 2006

`I should have finished the rest of the beer' Is my main thought as I stand at the edge, followed by, 'fr% it.' I give a shout and jump. Now it's just one long-lasting `ahhhh!!!' as I clear the water covered rocks and stare into the depths with its fallen trees and scattered boulders that lay in wait for me to break myself upon. Not like I can press the rewind button on life and just walk away. Only one thing to do; stiffen my spine, and click, oh joy, suspended in time has just been turned off and here comes the idiot jumper introducing himself to the waiting water below. Splash, and black out. Eyes open, world back in focus, swim towards the surface while realizing I have no broken bones. Give a shout of triumph, as I break the surface, over surviving my own idiocy, and then go repeat it again.

Ron's column I remember at tapis rouge somewhere around the middle of London, when Simon told us to enjoy London. He was gently preparing us for what to expect in Milan. The other day as the mysterious smell wafted over the Alegria site, it brought me back to Simon's comment. An imaginary scenario came to me that kind of summed up what Simon said. Imagine you're cruising along in the back of a Limo, sipping your favorite beverage, when suddenly the limo pulls over, the door is ripped open, and you're yanked out by a couple of bouncer types who stuff you into a crowded bus (standing room only), full of drunken soccer fans, returning from a big game that their team won. That's the feeling I think that Simon was trying to convey to us at that tapis rouge, in a manner of speaking.

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School Page Insider information about the Big Top

By: Artur and Ilona

Hello fellow Alegrians, As part of our Technology class project, we had to write an article on our observations of the stage and rigging. We want to thank our technical teachers, Marc Salemi and Peter Will, who took the time to show us around the big top. Here is what we discovered:

Stage The stage is made out of 16 massive main parts and is protected with fire resistant varnish. The stage is constructed out of a steel frame and pieces of plywood on top of it. Those plywood pieces are covered with "Tearaflex," which is a slightly spongy surface, and makes it safer for the artists. Retractable Floor Control Station (Powertrack) The powertrack is controlled with a big remote. That remote has so many buttons and settings, but it is set to be controlled by only 3. The powertrack is made out of 4 tracks that are powered by a motor each. The motor that opens and closes the tracks is strong enough to open the track with a person standing on top, and fully opens or closes within 57 seconds. Contortion Table The contortion table can support up to 2 contortionists, raises 20 inches from the stage and rotates in any desired direction a countless number of turns.

Grease Le spectacle a besoin d'environ 4000 pieds de corde et d'environ 100 poulies de touter formes, mais ca c'est seulement pour le spectacle. Pour le montage du spectacle, 600 pieds de corde supplementaires sont requis et le nombre de poulie... trop &eve pour compter. Montage du filet Il y a dix points d'attache qui allongent le filet dans plusieurs directions differentes pour que les acrobates puissent avoir une descente sans danger. Quand un acrobate descend sur le filet, la force cree est &endue sur les differents points pour equilibrer la pression appliquee. Flyingman Le flyingman est controle a l'aide d'un gros moteur avec un ordinateur dedans. Le gros moteur est attachĂŠ a une petite commande qui a tous les options pour controler la direction et la vitesse du flyingman pour son voyage autour de la scene.

Fun Facts The contortion table is an 84 inch diameter circular platform. - The net is 2.74m above the stage. - For the safety of our artists, all cables and ropes must be able to support 10 times the expected weight of what's being suspended. The whole Power track cost around $400,000 US to build. Technically yours, Artur and Ilona

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ecr-Wtst.g.A_ Welcome to Alikita's Photo Work shop I'm back for some more fun! Like funny pictures? I am the guy for you lam now working on photo shops so send a picture and e-mail for details at " bloodomen "


uess who this is:

The Job of a Mango By Maria Medvedeva The Job of a Mango is to grow and be grabbed by children's hands, To be put into people's mouths and eaten. The Job of a Mango is to be juicy or crispy, Red, yellow, and green.

What season is it? By: Anastasia Novozhilova Grade 5 The leaves are growing, On the top of the trees. The kids are screaming Outside as you see! Easter is coming, In April or in March.

The Job of a Mango is to be made into mangocandies, Mango-tarts and mango-cakes.

Something is wrong I can't figure out what.

The Job of a Mango is to look delicious in a grocery store.

Is it summer, fall or winter? I thing there is something wrong! I think there is something missing!

The Job of a Mango is to be a "Get-Well Present"

The pool is open, I can't believe that!

The Job of a Mango is to be eaten by me.

It's open, it's open. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Now I know what season, The season is spring! Now you know what happens In spring, spring, spring!

*** N'oublie pas, it faut croire en soi Car moi parfois je n'y crois pas Parfois tu as honte de toi C'est pas mal C'est juste normal Apprends a t'aimer Et a eapprecier N'aie pas peur de faire des erreurs Comme ca, tu gardes to bonne humeur Si tu regrettes quelque chose Dis-toi que ce n'est pas grave Et recommence a zero Pour continuer de monter vers le haut

Par Eloise Gagnon Dumont -

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ezeccright_m_g_A. Hacked Emails from Alegria Kitchen Computers Hi, Tomoko. Thank you for your many emails. I'm glad to hear that Japan is missing Alegria 2. I think you are very sweet and I am grateful for the weekly letters, flowers, presents, and poems. I talked it over with my folks and I'm not so sure if it is a good idea if you come and visit me in Rome. You are very sweet! Tomoko, there must be lots of men in Japan in their mid forties that are more suited for a woman like you? Please don't cry. Talk soon...

I got your email address from . I need your help!! I am confused and need some spiritual guidance. Is it true that god blesses America and no one else?? Eh....yeah....Hi, again. Eh...listen. I spoke with some more people here and I'm starting to get pissed off. This whole tax thing doesn't seem to be very well organized. I think there is some type of conspiracy in the works. I hope you guys can work this out and get my taxes sorted out. I hate to you have any good insider info on stocks?

Hi, baby. How was your day? I'll be home soon. Did you want me to bring you anything home from the kitchen besides the usual milk, butter, sugar, tea bags, juice cartons, fruit and yogurt? .....luv you.

Hi, everyone. Work is going well. I still have my own computer in the kitchen and we have 3 new couches in the .1 guess I artistic tent go should check on the girls.

Prevet, baby!!! Wow. I've spent a lot of time on here and looked at a lot of photos of girls on this webpage...and you are the hottest. I work in a circus and none of the girls here are hot enough for me. I want to express how I feel about you and the pictures that you are sharing with the internet, but it is difficult for me. Every time I look at this webpage, there are at least 3-4 guys looking over my shoulder. It gets a bit crowded especially with this woman beside us on the computer all the time. You can call me any time on my cell phone, baby. My number is + 39.....

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eicko-WiLst.g.A_ Congratulation to: The newlyweds Zhan and Natalya On the birth of Dariya On April 3 rd 2006

Marie-Eve Tremblay and Sytvain Menard Got married on May 3 rd 2006 -

The Newlyweds Renat Murttazov and Inna Gatsenko On December 24th 2005

In and Out of Milan

In -welcoming new faces and familiar faces to Alegria family -Torino Olympics -day trips from Milan (Verona, Lake Como, Venice, etc.) -view from Duomo Cathedral - New bigtop - Ushers / local staff - 7:30 show call - Italian audience -

Cirque kitchen at the end


Italian food, excellent wine for cheap and espresso drinks




Sunday night parties BBQ on site

outs -smell of #$@* on site -friendly janitors on site - Graffiti everywhere - Store's weird opening hours - musicians in subway - Set up - Annoying house keeping waking you up at 10am and screaming in the corridors - cirque bus schedule - cirque kitchen in the beginning - metro strikes - TAXES

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A teaser on what the Alegria Who's Who will look like MARIKO DE MONTALTE: Wardrobe assistant What does she do more exactly?

A lot of dirty sweaty socks...

• She does costume maintenance (sewing, laundry, anything related to costumes) She helps with dressing and teach the dresser in each city what to do

The best way to approach him?

Just come and say hello, naked What you shouldn't tell him...

"If you think about it..." JEAN-PIERRE FONTAINE: Infrastructure and telecom analyst What does he do more exactly?

Where are her "headquarters" on site?

The artistic tent...if she's not there, she's probably smoking a cigarette outside When can you find her on site?

On 2 shows day, from 13h to 24h On a 1 show day, from 16h to 24h What does she prefer about her job?

It's a little bit different every day The best way to approach her?

Be direct

What you shouldn't tell her...

"you're so short!", or " you're weird" BRIAN BEECH: Artist What does he do more exactly?

Power tracks and Angel passages Where are his "headquarters" on site?

The big top and the artistic tent When is he on site?

From show call (1h30 before the show) till the end of the show What does he prefer about his job?

Being on stage

During each setup and teardown, he installs the different network services in each office • He orders, for each city, the needs in telephonic lines and during the setup, he makes sure these lines are properly installed • After the Premiere, he mainly does support to the users and server and desktops maintenance He does the preparation of the cities to come, making contact with future suppliers He supports the front house and the box office with applications used for tickets sales , and supports the POS ( Point of sale computer)

The places you will find him most of the time?

The production office

When is he on site?

From 11h30 to 21h, most of the time What does he prefer about his job?

• • •

To work in a non conformist environment To get the opportunity to work abroad To help people with their informatics problems

The best way to approach him?

Ask him an autograph after the show! What you shouldn't tell him...

"You cannot do it", without explaining why...

Mind tease Hotel room

3 persons get a room together which costs them 30$. So they each pay 10$. Once in the room the

bellman knocks on the door and says that the manager forgot to give them a discount of the day which one room was 25$, so he gave back 5$ to them. To make it easier they give the door man a tip of 2$ and got back 1$ each. So they each paid 9$ (10-1=9) a total of 27$ (9 X 3= 27). Since they tipped the door man 2$, 27 + 2 = 29$ where did the 1$ go?

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Classified Bus driving lessons: if you suck at driving a bus come on down. We will teach you all you need to know about getting a bus full of people stuck on the road at 12 am. Plumber wanted: we need someone to help plug a hole that is spewing out sewage in the middle of our show.

Singles ADs Single female, looking for an older man who lone's a life full of internet and napping as much as me. But when I'm on the computer, you better watch yourself and you should prepare yourself for some stretching.

Need a Nice comfy and portable air mattress that I could use during my long and productive days and nights of work. - Security night watch person that will investigate the mysterious disappearance of food in the kitchen. Its getting out of control ... we need your help immediately.

Emplo ee of the Month Sodoku




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eu_ko-341; Last Page


















































































Our Contact:Cirque ale gria@hotmail.corn

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