May 9, 2024 CI

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1 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , May9 , 2024

inside Insider





2 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , May9 , 2024 The Concord Insider is published weekly by
Concord Monitor.
offices are located at 1 Monitor Drive, Concord, NH.
postal address
Concord, NH,
is P.O. Box 1177,
Bookoftheweek................................................................................................................................................................9 Calendar.............................................................................................................................................................................14 ThisweekinConcordhistory ......................................................................................................................................19 the 12 community playersofconcord upcomingevents find it We’re on Instagram! Staff photography & news alerts concordmonitor Like us on Facebook Metamorphosis: Breathing New Life into The First Congregational Church Presented by Jon Chorlian with co-presenter John Jordan. Presented by The Concord Historical Society 266 North Main St, Concord, NH Thursday May 9 | 7pm Kimball-Jenkins Carriage House 266 North Main St., Concord, NH NE-443338

Symphony NH performing ‘South Pacific: In Concert’ stage show

TheNewLondonBarn Playhouseisthrilledtoannounceanewcollaboration betweenthehistorictheater andSymphonyNH,the GraniteState’spremiere professionalsymphonyorchestra.

SouthPacific:InConcert willbepresentedonthe BarnPlayhousestagefor twoperformancesonlyon Saturday,June1at7:30p.m. andSunday,June2at3p.m. Audienceswillexperience

theromanticandtimeless RodgersandHammerstein scoreatitsverybestwith20 professionalmusiciansfrom SymphonyNHandvocalists fromtheBarnPlayhouse Community,performedon theintimateBarnPlayhouse stage.

Thestoryfollowsthelives ofU.S.militarymen,nurses, andresidentsofaPolynesianislandduringWorld WarIItoldthroughsong withsuchfamoustunesas

“ThereIsNothingLikea Dame,”“You’veGotToBe CarefullyTaught,”“I’m GonnaWashThatMan RightOuttaMyHair,”and “SomeEnchantedEvening.”

“Wearethrilledtoannouncethiscollaboration betweentwoofNewHampshire’sfinestnot-for-profit artsorganizations,”saidElliottCunningham,ManagingDirectoroftheNew LondonBarnPlayhouse.

“ThiscollaborationisadirectresultoftheNew HampshireStateCouncilon theArtsbringingtogether leadersofthestate’sarts groupsduringthepandemic viazoom,anditbringsme anincredibleamountofjoy thatwearenowabletoproduceSouthPacific:InConcertontheBarnPlayhouse stage.Itissuretobea uniqueperformance,the firsttimeintheBarnPlayhouse’shistorytohave20 musiciansplayingonour stage.”

“Thisissuchathrillforus atSymphonyNHtohave theopportunitytocollaboratewiththeNewLondon BarnPlayhouse,”said DeannaHoying,Executive DirectorofSymphonyNH.

“Workingtogetherto bringthegorgeousscoreof SouthPacifictoNewHampshireaudienceshasbeena longtimedreamofourorganizationsandwearefinallyabletofulfillthat dream.”

Ticketsareonsalenowby headingtonlbarn.orgor givingtheBoxOfficeacall at603-526-6710.

4 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , May9 , 2024
We’re on Instagram! Staff photography & news alerts concordmonitor NE-442151 Weekdays 10am-6pm • Sat. 9am-6pm • Sun. 12-5pm 296 South Main Street, Concord, NH 03301 603-228-1441 • MAY 2024 BIKE swap CONSIGNMENT Drop off Wed May 15th through Friday May 17th Drop off times: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. *Don’t miss it!* BRING YOUR HELMET IF YOU WANT TO TEST RIDE SALE HOURS Saturday May. 18th, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. & Sunday May 19th, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. PICK UP YOUR CHECK OR UNSOLD BIKES Sunday, May 19th from 1- 5pm, Monday, May 20th from 10-6 and Tuesday, May 21st from 10-6. WE’RE ACCEPTING GOOD FUNCTIONING BICYCLE STORE BRANDS. DEPARTMENT STORE, OLD, RUSTY, NON RIDEABLE BIKES WILL BE TURNED AWAY. S&W Sports and CNHBC are not responsible for any unsold bikes left after 6pm on Tuesday May 21st. If a consigned bike sells at the swap, the owner will receive 75% of the proceeds, in the form of a check, and 25% will be donated to CNHBC. SUPPORTING OUR LOCAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1976


The Loft at Hermit Woods presents Pete Kilpatrick

OnThursday,May9,The LoftatHermitWoodsis pleasedtowelcomePete KilpatricktoTheLoft stage.

Maine-basedsinger/songwriterPeteKilpatrickgrew upwithadeepandresoundingloveofmelody. Withnoformaltrainingin music,Petepickedupthe acousticguitarattheageof 16andbeganteachinghimselfhowtoplay,craftinghis ownsongs,allwhilefalling deeplyinlovewiththeprocess.

Aftergraduatingfrom highschool,Petetookafew yearsoffbeforeattending collegetofocushisenergy onafull-timecareerasa musician.Hewroteand recordedhisfirstalbum, HalfWayHome,backin 2003.Betweennetworking andanear-constantperformingschedule throughoutNewEngland, hebegantodevelopaloyal followingthatwouldcontinuetogrowoverthe years.

Thenexttenyearsof Pete’scareersawthesuccessfulreleaseofsixadditionalalbums(totalingover 40,000albumssold),abrief recorddealwithEpic Records,andover1,000live performances,including showsalongsideDave MatthewsBand,RayLamontagne,Guster,Barenaked Ladies,JasonMraz,and manyothers.


featuredonhitTVshows likeTheOffice,Parksand RecreationandNewGirl. Don’tmissthisopportunitytohearPeteperformup closeandpersonalonthe


HermitWoodsWinery andEateryislocatedat72 MainStreetinMeredith.

5 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , May9 , 2024
Visit : to place your own ad! Choose a milestone to create your announcement
Pete Kilpatrick.
NE-439728 The Best Gift Ever! Purchase a gift certificate or prepay for a friend so they can schedule SPECIALIZING IN AUTOMOTIVE INTERIOR DEEP CLEANING! Scan here for more info! MOBILE AUTO DETAILING - SERVING MAJORITY OF MERRIMACK AND HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY FULLY INSURED TEL: 603-333-5600 IN-DEPTHMOBILE.COM WE OFFER SENIOR CITIZEN & MILITARY DISCOUNTS! Follow us on Facebook Compassionate Cost-Conscious Care Concord Hospital Campus Pillsbury Building 248 Pleasant Street, Suite 106 Concord, NH · (603) 415-2902 Horseshoe Pond Medical Center 60 Commercial Street, Suite 101 Concord NH · (603) 415-9444 Lung Cancer Screening Osteoporosis Screening Colon Cancer Screening 3D Mammography CT Scan Ultrasound Truly Open MRI Same-Day X-Ray 603-753-6200 | 191 Village Street, Penacook | Monday-Friday: 9:30AM to 6:00PM • Saturday: 9:30AM to 5:00PM • Sunday 11:00AM to 3:00PM Come on in and get comfortable #1 Furniture Store

Northeast Coffee Festival this weekend concord

Coffeeandteaamateursandprofessionalswillflockto downtownConcordonMay 10and11toexperiencethe NortheastCoffeeFestival. Thefreeoutsideportionof

theeventwillincludetwo fulldaysoflivemusicand over30localvendors.

Coffeeandteaworkshopsat theBankofNHstage,Hotel Concord,andRedRiver Theatrewillrequirethepurchaseofaone-ortwo-day pass.


Tuesday, May 14th @ 6:30PM

1st Showing in NH!

Executive produced by Olympic ski racer Bode Miller and Emmy Award-winning impact sports filmmaker Brett Rapkin

The film chronicles a concerning issue...the community mental health challenges facing many of America’s mountain resort towns. Isolation, inadequate resources, substance abuse and social stigmas are all contributing factors. The film takes a closer look at how mental health providers, outdoor recreation professionals, and local law enforcement are working together to create innovative solutions.

As part of Mental Health Awareness Month, Riverbend Community Mental Health will host this exclusive film screening followed by a community conversation with local experts.

6 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , May9 , 2024
We’re on Instagram! Staff photography & news alerts concordmonitor BREAKING NEWS Check for updates throughout the day at
reserve tix

thatwewantyoutolikethe coffee,sohowcanwehelp youinthat?Youknow,there isacoffeeforeveryone: somepeoplelikeitblack, somepeoplelikeashotof espresso,somepeoplelike flavoredcoffee,lattes,some peopleliketea,”saidfestival founderandco-founderof WayfarerRoasters,Karen Bassett.“Sothere’ssomuch toitandnoneofit’s wrong.”

TheNortheastCoffeeFestivalhasbeenaone-dayfestivalinLaconiathepasttwo years.Bassettsaidthat they’vemovedtoConcord tobeinamorecentrallocation,andbecausetheircity host,downtowncoffeeshop Revelstoke,hassuchabig rolethisyear.Theydecided toexpandtheeventintotwo daystospreadoutthe40 workshopstomaximizeeducationalopportunities. Bassettsaidthatthefirstcomefirst-serveclasses werejam-packedinpast years,andhopestheadditionalclasstimeswillhelp everyonegetthebestvalue fortheirticket.

“Thisisjustanincredible opportunityforpeopleto learnaboutcoffeewherever theyareintheirjourney,” Bassettsaid.“Youcanknow nothingaboutcoffeeand stillhavesomuchtakeaway fromtheseworkshops,or youcouldbeanexperiencedcoffeeprofessional andbeinspired,challenged, encouraged,connectedto

othercoffeeprofessionals throughthis.Soitreallyis foreveryone,whichisreally cool.”

Fortytrainedandcertifiedcoffeeprofessionals andindustryleaderswillbe leadingespressoandhome brewingworkshops,coffeetastingsessions,andpanel discussions.Theproducer ofacoffeemini-serieswill beattendingascreeningat theRedRiverTheatreand doingaliveQ&Aafterwards.

Producersfromasfaras Oregon,Hondurasand Columbiawillalsobe makingthetrip.Bassettsaid thatpartofthefestivalis aboutlearningwhereyour coffeeiscomingfrom, whichtiesintotheireffort tousealllocalvendorsand connectwiththecommunity.

“Youwantspecialty coffeetobeapproachable, accessible,youwanttolearn aboutit,learnaboutthe storywherethecoffee comesfrom,thecoffee farmer,meetpeopleinthe industrywithalldifferent typesofcareers,whether they’reroasters,cafe owners,coffeeproducers, importers,allofthosewill bepresentatthisfestival,”

Bassettsaid.“ThemoreI cansharethestoriesabout whereitcomesfrom,how yourpurchaseofcoffeeis impactingnotonlyyour localcommunity,butthe


A Senior Living Community

7 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , May9 , 2024
Call to arrange a tour today! Warmth | Friends | Laughter Joint venture between Genesis & Capital Region Health Care 151 Langley Parkway | Concord, NH 603-224-0777 |
Active seniors can enjoy an exciting lifestyle with fun daily activities. Granite Ledges of Concord is a lively community which supports our residents’ independence, while offering the security of a 24-hour staff, as well as personalized care services when they are needed.

communityinwhichthe coffeewasgrown,that’sreallyimportant.”

Thetwo-dayexpansion alsogivesmoretimeforthe communitytoexplorethe freepartofthefestival.It’s lessfocusedoncoffee, thoughcoffeevendorswill bepresent.Coffeelovers andhatersalikecanappreciatethelocalfareandfood trucks,livemusic,andthe “playzone”withyardgames andpuppies.


fromtheConcordcommunitywasessentialinsupplyingthestreetpartofthe eventfreeandfullofthings todo.Revelstoke’shelpin planningandconnecting withlocalsbusinesseswas alsoinstrumentalinthefestivalcomingtogether.You’ll seeAlex,oneoftheowners ofthebusiness,MC’ingthe latteartthrowdownSaturdayafternoon.Bassett saidhehasalotofexperienceand“putsonagood show.”


freetoview,andtheBankof NHStagewillbeselling beerandwine.Theyexpect 30-60competitorsandare hopingforabigaudience.

waytoculminatethefestivalandthecommunityit’s serving.

They’reexpectingsixto eightthousandpeopleover thetwodays,andhaveseen peoplecomingalltheway fromCalifornia,butparticipantsaremostlymadeupof northeasternenthusiasts.

“Twopeoplegoheadto head,theypouralatteina certaindesign.Soeach round,youdoadifferent design.Like,okay,you’re goingtodotheRosetta,ora tulip,oraheart,youknow,” Bassettsaid.“There’safew judges,andwhoeverwins winsthatround.It’skindof likeablind,judging,likethe twocupsareputuponthe bigscreen,andthejudges willpointtowhichonethey feellikewinstheround.”

Bassettsaidthattheyput alotofworkintoprizesto helpinfluencepeopletobe braveandcompete,butaltogethertheeventisnotaseriouscompetition,justafun

WhenBassettandher husbandfirstmovedtoLaconiafromPortland, Oregonin2008,theydidn’t findanysortofcoffeecommunity.Aftercollaborating withafriendandopening WayfarerRoasters,theyhad aroleinfosteringthedowntowncommunitythatthe citywasattemptingtobring back.Notonlyistherea growingdowntowncommunity,butagrowingcoffee communityinLaconiaand inthestate.

“It’sfinallyhappening whereitfeelslikeacoffee communityinthisarea,” Bassettsaid.“It’sawesome.I thinkanyawarenessto qualityandexcellence,and appreciationforthecraftis valuabletotheindustryasa whole.Andtojust,you know,it’skindoflikethe movementsofLocalFood andFarmtoTableandall thatstuffislike,know whereyourfoodcomes from.Careaboutthat. That’spartofthestory. That’spartofwhatyou’re supporting,coffeeisnodifferent.”

Foradditionalinformation,tickets,andlatteart throwdownsign-ups,goto bepurchasedattheBankof NHStageboxoffice.

8 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , May9 , 2024
COFFEE FESTFROM PAGE 7 Northeast Coffee Festival comes to Concord this weekend • 603-369-3233 Join the Y during the event & pay $0 join fee! Join us at the YMCA of Concord for our Block Party Barbecue! This event will feature a variety of fun, family-friendly activities to encourage a healthy start to the summer. *Registration required YMCA of Concord • 603.228.9622 • SCAN TO LEARN MORE & REGISTER! PROUDLY SPONSORED BY Installing Better Bathrooms Call Today For Your Free Quote 603-736-3120 • 41a Terrill Park Drive, Concord, NH | 805.267.9416 | With Great Partners At We help active adults and athletes in Central New Hampshire continue to perform the activities they love without the need for unnecessary surgery, injections, or prescription medications. Here's How The Exchange Works: Perennial plants are ambitious, persistent, and wandering. You’ve got a flock of phlox, a host of hosta, a drama of daisies… Dig and split them, put them in cans, bags, or boxes. And bring them down to the Audi…to exchange for new varieties. AND if you’re just starting a garden, there are plants for you too! Take your new plants home and set them in your garden. It’s all to beautify your yard and the city’s streetscape! Saturday May 11th • 8am to Noon FREE – EVERYONE IS WELCOME! The Start to Concord’s Gardening Season THE 24th ANNUAL PERENNIAL EXCHANGE Also at the Exchange: ADVICE FROM PERENNIAL MASTER GARDENERS MORNING COFFEE SERVED…and Pastries too! MOTHER’S DAY MUGS – the sweetest kids' gift in the county FROM: Black Forest Nursery • Brochu Nursery • Cobblestone Design Cole Gardens • D. McLeod Florist• Murray Farms  Osborne’s Agway • Lowe's • Home Depot GREAT GARDENING RAFFLE 10 PRIZES FOR 10 WINNERS Concord City Auditorium • 2 Prince Street, Concord For Information 603-344-4747 or

NHTI students publish genome research

Whenitcomestobiologicalresearch,NHTI–Concord’sCommunityCollege isonthecuspofdiscovery: Thisspring,7formerand3 currentNHTIstudentshave publishedapaperintheonlinejournalPubMedexploringthegeneticmakeup ofabacteriophage,avirus thatactsasaparasiteina bacteriumbyinfectingand reproducinginsideit.

Thepaper,“GenomeSequenceofArthrobacter globiformisphage MaGuCo,”introducesthe readertoMaGuCo,atemperatephageisolatedfroma soilsamplecollectedin Alton,N.H.Theauthors identifiedthephage’s genomeascontainingmore than43,000basepairs.

Twoofthestudents, AmandaDigginsandRachel Pitt,havespenttheiracademicyearfocusingonresearchfortheINBRE,or

IDeANetworksofBiomedicalResearchExcellence. AmandaandRachelhave beenpreviouslycitedin GenBank,theNationalInstituteofHealth’sgenetic sequencedatabaseandan annotatedcollectionofall publiclyavailableDNAse-

quences,asaresultofthe worktheycompletedin NHTI’sGeneticscoursein Fall2022.

“Thesestudents’research contributestothegrowing fieldofbiomedicalresearch,”saysDr.Patrick Tompkins,NHTIpresident.

“NHTIinspiresandpreparesstudentsforthe comingageofscientificresearch.”BethWilkes,professorinNHTI’sDepartmentofNaturalSciences, said,“Thesestudentsaccomplishedexcellentwork, andtheirachievements havebeenrecognized.

“Therearealreadyplans movingforwardtocapitalizeandgrowtheirresearchintomorepublicationsinmedicaljournals.”

NHTIhasearneditsreputationforexcellencein STEMprograms.Openingin 1965asNewHampshire TechnicalInstitutewith threeengineeringtech-

nologyprograms,NHTIexcelsinpreparingthenext generationofacademics,researchers,andworkersfor therigorsandrewardsof workintheirchosenSTEM fields.Theschool,whose namechangedin2008toreflectalargeracademic focus,offersboth2-yeardegreeandcertificateprogramswithtransferable creditopportunitiesto4yearinstitutions.

Tolearnmoreabout NHTI’sbiomedicalresearch programs,includingBiology,EnvironmentalSciences,andSustainableAgriculture,

10 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , May9 , 2024
science Courtesy 239 Loudon Rd Concord NH Tue - Sat 11am - 8pm | Sun 11am - 7pm Find us on Facebook 2 (603) 715-9243 FRESH SUSHI DAILY 102 Fisherville Rd, Concord NH • 603-224-3522 Limited Store Hours, Please Call Ahead ✃ 15%OFF ANY ONE FULL-PRICED ITEM EXCLUDES SALE ITEMS Offer good through June 1, 2024 Please bring this coupon — one coupon per customer •Bird Feeders •Birdbaths •Bird Houses •Bird Seed and Suet •And Much More “Pain relief like you never imagined.” 163 Manchester Street, Unit 2, Concord, NH 603-456-8294 •

NH’s medicine of the land maple syrup

Fewthingsevokethe identityandvaluesofNew Hampshiremorethan maplesyrup.Italso bridgesthemanydivisionsfacingourcommunities.

OmMonday,May20at 5:30p.m.atWhippleHall inNewLondon,Damian Costelloexploreshowthe practiceofmaplesugaring connectsustotheland, ourancestors,andallthat surroundsus.

Inconversationwith RobinWallKimmerer’s bestselling“Braiding Sweetgrass,”hesuggests thatsugarmaking which isinformedbyindigenous wisdom isacommunal medicineofconnection thatteachesmutualreciprocitywiththeland.

DamianCostelloreceivedhisPh.D.intheologicalstudiesfromthe UniversityofDaytonand specializesintheintersectionofCatholictheology, Indigenousspiritualtraditions,andcolonialhistory. Heisaninternationalexpertonthelifeandlegacy ofNicholasBlackElkand theauthorof“BlackElk: ColonialismandLakota Catholicism.”

Costellowasbornand raisedinVermontandhis workisinformedbymany yearsofethnographic workontheNavajoNation.Costelloservesasthe directorofpostgraduate studiesatNAIITS:AnIndigenousLearningCommunity,anIndigenousdesignedanddeliveredATS accreditedgraduate school.

Thiseventisfreeand opentothepublic.Space islimited,pleaseRSVPto

11 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , May9 , 2024

Upcoming events players of concord

Communtiy Players of Concord host studio clean up day

StudioCleanUpDay isSaturday,June1,from9 a.m.to12p.m.

Ourmuch-lovedand heavilyusedStudioneeds it’sannual“cleanout”and cleanup,insideandoutside. Let’sgetour“home”ready forourJune8thAnnual Meetingandour2024-2025 season!Manyhelpersare neededtomakethisclean upextravaganzago smoothly.Wewillneed some“muscle”forinterior andexteriorworkbutthere willbesome“lighterduty” tasksavailabletoo.

Theraindateforexterior workonlyisSunday,June2, from9a.m.to12p.m.;interiorworkwillhappenon June1regardlessofrain. Pitchinwiththisbriskindoor/outdooractivityto freshenupourstudio. moreinformation

Celebrate the season

OnSaturday,June8at6 p.m.attheCommunity PlayersStudio(435Josiah BartlettRoad,Concord)the CommunityPlayerscontinue theirtraditionoffunandvariety(plusashortbusiness meeting)atthisAnnualevent withPotluckDinner.

Theagendawillinclude specialrecognitions,unsung heroes,scholarships,the OsyStrongAwardpresentationandtheannouncement ofour97thSeason.Cindy Dickinsonwillhost“Stories fromtheStage”starring, possibly,you.

It’sagreateveningtoreunitewithcompanymembers,celebratethisrecord seasonandapplaudyourremarkablecontributions–as wellas“network”andsignup fornewopportunitiesin Season97!

PotluckDinnerbasedon lastname:AtoG:Bringa SaladorSideDish;HtoN: Entrée;OtoZ:Dessert. Pleasebringasmallcard listingingredientsofyour dishandbringyourownsoft drinkoradultbeverage.

12 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , May9 , 2024
Call TODAY for Your FREE QUOTE! 603-420-2590 Begin Your Spring Home Transformation *Extra $1500 off for first 15 callers excluding gutter projects. All financing offers pending credit approval. Down payment required for all financing offers. Monthly payment pricing includes base products & labor at project minimums with10 years financing. **For 12 Months No Payment, No Interest Program, financing is billed during promo period but will be waived if the amount financed is paid in full before promo period expires. Restrictions apply to all offers. Some additional charges may apply. Not valid on previous sales. Call for details. Offer Expires 6/8/24. NEED A NEW ROOF? BEAT THE SEASON’S RUSH... GET ON OUR SCHEDULE NOW! AFTER BEFORE ASPHALT & METAL ROOFING PAYMENTS AS LOW $129/AS MONTH* GET BRAND NEW SIDING WITH LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS*... BEFORE AFTER Locally Owned Financing Available Begin Your Spring Home Transformation 25% OFF ALL PROJECTS + NO MONTHLY PAYMENTS FOR A YEAR* - FIRST 10 15 CALLERS RECEIVE AN EXTRA $500 $1,500 OFF - X X The installation team was AMAZING!!! These guys (and girls) worked HARD and long hours and yet provided excellent work, completely to our satisfaction. - Arthur Y. of NH WWW.RIVERBENDCMHC.ORG  • ADDICTION TREATMENT AND RECOVERY SERVICES • ADULT SERVICES  • CHILDREN'S SERVICES • WELLNESS EDUCATION • COUNSELING AND MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES • INTEGRATED HEALTH • PSYCHIATRIC EMERGENCY SERVICES • RESIDENTIAL PROGRAMS 24/7 CRISIS SUPPORT 1-833-710-6477

24th Annual Perennial Exchange opens gardening season

The24thAnnualPerennialExchangeopensConcord’sgardeningseasonon Saturday,May11from8 a.m.tonoonattheConcord CityAuditorium.It’sfree andopentoall.Here’show theexchangeworks: Justsplitand swap!Perennialplantsare ambitious,persistent,and wandering.You’vegota flockofphlox,ahostof hosta,adramadaisies…Dig andsplitthem,putthemin cans,bags,orboxes,and bringthemdowntothe Auditoexchangefornew varieties.Andifyou’rejust startingagarden,thereare plantsforyoutoo.Youcan takeyournewplantshome andsettheminyour garden.It’salltobeautify

Valhalla Flooring

This October, 2022, image provided by Jessica Damiano shows perennial chrysanthemums planted directly ina gardenbed on LongIsland, NY.

youryardandthecity’s streetscape. AlsoattheExchange:AdvicefromperennialMaster Gardners;Mother’sDay mugs–thesweetestaffordablegiftinthecounty;and theGreatGardeningRaffle –10prizesfor10winners

fromBlackForestNursery, BrochuNursery,CobblestoneDesign,ColeGardens,D.McLeodFlorist, MurrayFarms,Osborne’s Agway,Lowe’sandHome Depot.

Theexchangewilltake placerainor

shine.Morningcoffeeand pastrieswillbeserved. SponsoredbyTheFriends ofTheAudiandConcord’s GeneralServicesDepartment.

For moreinformation, call603-344-4747orvisit

13 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , May9 , 2024
We specialize in the installation of Hardwood, Vinyl, Laminate Floating Flooring, Interior painting, Kitchens and Stairways
20 years experience. Veteran owned. @valhallaflooring Call today for a FREE Estimate (603) 252-8104
11 S. Main St. Concord - Check the website for our latest schedule this week at red river theatres Affiliates in Podiatry, PC Dr. Jeffrey Davis Dr. Thomas Detwiller Dr. William McCann Dr. Joseph Weaver DO YOU SUFFER FROM HEEL PAIN? Affiliates in Podiatry is utilizing the latest technology in the treatment of chronic heel pain. We are pleased to offer Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Treatment (EPAT) for patients who have been suffering from prolonged heel pain.  This non-surgical procedure helps to heal painful ligaments and promotes the body to heal itself. This and other conservative treatments eliminates the potential for surgery. If you, a family member, or friend have been suffering from heel pain (arch pain), it is important that a proper evaluation be performed by one of our trained Doctors. Please call our office for an appointment to determine whether these treatment options are right for you. CONCORD    248 Pleasant Street Suite 203  603-225-5281 MEREDITH    169 Daniel Webster Highway   603-279-0330



■ Author Patricia O'ConnorNavigating Life's Final Journey: 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. "Navigating Life's Final Journey: Conversations, Choices, Resources" Gibson's Bookstore, 45 S. Main St., Concord. 603-2240562. gibsonsevents@

■ Bach’s Lunch: Zefira Trio: 12:10 to 12:50 p.m. Zefira Trio presents “Songs Without Words.” They comprise violinist Olga Patramanska-Bell, cellist Ashima Scripp, and pianist Eleanor Perrone. Free. Concord Community Music School, 23 Wall St., Concord.

■ Class in Nashua - Basket Weaving with Ruth Boland (Thursdays): 6 to 8:30 p.m. Natural Wellness Corner, 239 Loudon Rd., Concord.

■ Concord Crew Youth Spring Season: 4 to 6:45 p.m. Concord Crew signups open for Youth 712th grade, no experience required, and you do not have to be a concord resident. Check website for registration fees. Whittemore Boathouse, 15 Loudon Rd, Concord.

■ Concord Reads: 6 p.m. Free. Concord Public Library and other locationsplease refer to photo attached, Concord.

■ “Mamma Mia:” 7 to 9:30 p.m. Tickets online of at the door $12 - $15. $18, $15 at the door. Concord High School, 170 Warren St., Concord. 6032250800. cklose@

■ Old North Cemetery Tour: 6 to 7:30 p.m. Old North Cemetery, 137 North State St., Concord.

■ Spring Lecture Series: Lecture: "The Golden Age of Airline Service": 6 p.m. $0$50. Free for NHHS members. New Hampshire Historical Society, 30 Park St., Concord. 603-228-6688. zbinette@

■ Spring Lecture Series: Planes, Trains and Automo-

biles: 6 p.m. $0 - $50. Free for NHHS members. New Hampshire Historical Society, 30 Park Street, Concord. 603-2286688.

May 10

■ Block Party Barbecue: A Healthy Kids Day Event: 5:15 to 7:30 p.m. Free. Registration is Required.. YMCA of Concord, 15 N. State St., Concord. (603) 2289622.

■ Class in Nashua - Basket Weaving with Ruth Boland (Fridays): 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Natural Wellness Corner, 239 Loudon Rd., Concord. (603) 595-8233.

■ Concord Crew Youth Spring

Season: 4 to 6:45 p.m. Concord Crew signups open for Youth 712th grade. Check website for registration fees. Whittemore Boathouse, 15 Loudon Rd, Concord.

■ Friday Night Figure Drawing: 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. A model will pose for drawing: We generally start with short gesture drawings, then do three 10-15 minute poses, and then finish with an hour pose. Free. Membership $10/month. Drop-in is $20. Tip the model! Concord Art Works, 46 N. Main St., Concord, NH 03301, Concord.

■ “Mamma Mia:” 7 to 9:30 p.m. Tickets online or at the door $12 - $15. $18, $15 at the door. Concord High School, 170 Warren St., Concord. 6032250800. cklose@

■ Beginner Bird Walk: Kwaks Wildlife Sanctuary: May 11, 8 a.m. - 10 a.m. Concord.

May 11

■ Concord Crew Youth Spring Season: 4 to 6:45 p.m. Concord Crew signups open for Youth 712th grade. Check website for registration fees. Whittemore Boathouse, 15 Loudon Rd, Con-

14 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , May9 , 2024 calendar
CASA Volunteer Advocates Needed Children who experienced abuse or neglect are waiting for someone to be their voice in court. Join us. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS TRANSACTIONS NEWSLET TER NEWSLETTER 124 Storrs Street, Concord  •  •  603.225.7988 Maintenance & Repair for all makes & models EasywithSchedule  real  human response Schedule i h l Family friendly service at a fair price Contact us for a FREE ESTIMATE 603-718-3776 / Basement Waterproofing Foundation Repair Crawl Space Repair Concrete Lifting & Leveling Radon Mitigation Humidity & Mold Control


■ Kids Comic Con: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Douglas N. Everett Arena, 15 Loudon Rd., Concord.

■ “Mamma Mia:” 2 to 4:30 p.m. Tickets online of at the door $12 - $15. $18, $15 at the door. Concord High School, 170 Warren St, Concord. 603-2250800.

■ Open Artist Workshop: 3 to 6

p.m. A time for intermediate- advanced artists to share, discuss and work on their art. bring your art, and art supplies Membership is $10/month. One time drop-in is $20. Concord Art Works, 46 N. Main St, Concord, NH.

■ Storytime Stations at the Heights: 9:30 a.m. Free. Heights Branch Library, 14 Canterbury Rd, Concord.

■ Acoustic Circle: 2 to 5 p.m. A weekly Acoustic Circle. No mics, no amps, all skill levels welcome and everyone gets a turn. Free. Forum Pub, 15 Village Street, Penacook.

May 12

■ Sunday Morning Drawing Basics: 10 a.m. to noon. An open drop-in art class and work session. Come learn basic drawing skills like perspective or

shading, or work on your own art and get feedback. Free. Membership is $10/month. One time drop-in is $20. Concord Art Works, 46 N. Main St, Concord.

May 13

please refer to photo attached, Concord.

■ Fabulous Foxes: 6:30 p.m. Free. Concord Public Library, 45 Green St., Concord.

■ Fabulous Foxes!: 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Concord Public Library, 45 Green St., Concord.

■ Birding at GoodLife: 9 to 10 a.m. Stroll the GoodLife property and check out your avian neighbors with Linden Rayton of Living Water Nature Programs, LLC. $15. GoodLife Programs & Activities, 254 N. State St, Unit L, Concord.

■ Concord Reads: 6:30 p.m. Free. Concord Public Library and other locations -

■ Flowing Meditative Movement: 9 to 10 a.m. Gain better health, increased vitality, and leave class with an awakened and peaceful wellbeing! $55. No class 5/27. GoodLife Programs & Activities, 254 N. State St, Unit L, Concord. kgagnon@

15 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , May9 , 2024
Expert tips from Henry Homeyer on Saturdays. When Should You Sell Your Home? Ask Sue Susan Roemer is Specially Trained In Senior Transitions With 20 Years  of Capital Region Knowledge Call or Email for a Confidential Consultation 603-491-0833 | Senior Real Estate Specialist SUNRISE HEATING & COOLING (603) 507-2600 Family Owned • Fully Licensed/Insured Contractors Call us for all your HV C needs! Call us for all your HVAC needs! Country Carpet & Oriental Cleaning When Quality Counts Call (603) 526-8485 or Text (603) 746-2240 NHCARPETCLEANERS.COM • Carpet Cleaning • Rug Washing • Upholstery Cleaning Free Pickup & Delivery! Discover sleek, stylish, and modern apartment living at Cranmore Ridge! These 1-2 bedroom/1-2 bath units have contemporary cabinetry, upgraded flooring, stainless steel appliances, and smart features including USB outlets, Nest thermostats, motion-sensor lighting, keyless entry and multiple onsite amenities. Animal friendly Swimming pool Fitness center Basketball court Tennis court Community room On-site laundry Resident parking Contact us TODAY for your personal tour. 603.836.8460 | 169 Portsmouth Street, Concord, NH |

Kids, hit the stage this summer for Sister Act, Jr. stage show

Registrationisgoingstrong fortheCommunityPlayers ofConcordChildren’sTheatreProjectsummermusical theatrecamp,SISTERACT JR.

Basedonthehit1992film andTony-nominated Broadwaymusical,SisterAct JR.isthefeel-goodmusical comedythatwillhaveaudiencesjumpingtotheirfeet! Featuringoriginalmusicby AlanMenken(Newsies,

BeautyandtheBeast,Little ShopofHorrors).Directoris KarenBraz,MusicDirectoris TonyBonjornoandChoreographerisRobynWaldron.

Wecurrentlyhave22 youngactorsregistered,with 14moreonan“interest”list whoplantosendintheirregistrationssoon.

Thecampisopentoparticipantsofallexperience levels,ages8to14.Campwill beginonSunday,August4

(witha2-hourorientation session)andendonFriday, August9witha6:30p.m. performanceattheAudi. Thecostis$200formembers and$225fornonmembers. Registrationisbymailwith 40spotsavailable,soregister nowtosecureyourspot!

Seeking dynamic candidates to join our school community for the 2024-2025 school year. The successful candidates should seek to cultivate a learning environment that promotes collaboration, innovation, critical thinking and self-direction.

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High School Science Teacher

(certification in Chemistry & Physical Sciences preferred) All positions are open until filled. NH Certification required for all teaching positions. Salary commensurate with experience. Excellent benefit package. For more information and consideration, candidates should apply online at

16 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , May9 , 2024
The inside scoop. THE OUTSIDE STORY. Every Monday from Northern Woodlands Magazine in Sign up at A free, weekly email newsletter looking at local arts and culture events. NE-419619 Best selection of USA made Jackets & Vests We have Big Boy sizes up to 8X Visit NH’s Best Biker Shop 94 South Road Deerfield NH 03037 (603) 463-5591 Biker belts, chaps, gloves and accessories NE-431142 287 SOUTH MAIN STREET, SUITE#3 CONCORD NH 03301 • 603-440-0271 DERMAL FILLERS XEOMIN INJECTIONS LASER TREATMENTS Small local business and family owned. Special Offer 10% off your next Plumbing or Heating service. Just mention this ad 603-707-1175 | $750 rebate on heat pump water heater (hybrid) install and up to 30% tax deductible • New construction • Remodels • Fixture Installs • Water Heaters • HVAC / Mini Splits / Ref • 24/7 Service Available • Boilers • Gas Lines •Drain Cleaning NE-440638 GILFORD
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Gilford School District is an

Summer members show and sale

HeadtoTwoVillages ArtSociety(846MainSt., Contoocook)foran openingreceptionfrom12 to2p.m.onSaturday,May 25,featuringlivemusic andlightrefreshments.

Featuringtheworkof morethan30inspired memberartists,including potters,painters,print makers,photographers, weavers,woodworkers, sculptors,andmore.

Theseartistshaveselectedsomeoftheirbest worktodisplayandsellat theannualmembersexhibit,whichisalwaysone ofthemostpopularshows oftheyear.Manyexhibit widelyandarewell-known

artistsandteachers,while othersareintheearlier stagesoftheircareers. Comeandseewhatourtalentedmembersarecreating!It’sagreatwayto supportlocalartand artists.

AllTVASmembersmay applytoexhibit.Ifyouare amemberandwouldlike toparticipateinthisshow, pleasecompletetheonline applicationform.Deadline forsubmittingtheformis May12.

CHS Drama presents ‘Mamma Mia!’ stage show

TheConcordHighSchool DramaClubwillpresentthe popularhitMAMMAMIAon May9,10,11at7p.m.and May11at2p.m.intheChrista McAuliffeAuditoriumat ConcordHighSchool.

Thiswell-knownBroadway hitfeaturingsongsbyABBA issuretobeacrowdpleaser. AvaTrentoplaystheleadrole ofDonna,SarahMaletteplays herdaughterSophieandthe threedadsareplayedby GavinJohnson,ShaunWicks andMylesCarter. SetdesignbyJohnHatabis suretowowyoualongwith thechoreographybyCarolyn Coskrenandcostumedesign

byLynnHead. Ticketsareavailableonline andtheyaresellingfast. Orderonlineaton- e49009796

Share what’s happening in your community.

Email snapshots to

May 4 Thank a Teacher Day & Star Wars Day

May 6 National Nurses Day

May 7 Military Spouse Appreciation Day

May 12 Mother’s Day

May 15 Armed Forces Day

May 16 Love a Tree Day

May 27 Memorial Day (celebrated)

May 31 Memorial Day (traditional)

17 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , May9 , 2024
MUSIC ON THE PATIO 17 Depot Street Downtown Concord 603-228-0180 • JOIN US ON THE PATIO! NE-440340
loaded with
91 Sheep Davis Rd, Pembroke NH 603-228-8294 Mon - Fri 8am - 7pm Sat 8am - 6pm Sun 8am - 5pm Follow us on to see this week’s 15% off staff pick To Register Email: STARTS MAY 4THJUNE 15TH Ticket Prices: $20 general, $18 seniors and kids free

Become part of our team, made up of dedicated professionals whose core values and attention to providing high-quality patient care, drive the services we provide to our communities.

ICU Nurse: Androscoggin Valley Hospital (AVH) is looking for motivated individuals to join our patient-centered ICU Nursing Team! Twelve-hour shifts, with both day and night shifts available.

patient-centered care. Tele-ICU integration from Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center will be available in May 2024, at AVH, which will support the growing needs of our community.

We are a strong, close-knit team, working alongside other healthcare professions to provide here, and families.

Requirements: Must be a graduate of an accredited school of professional nursing. Valid


Turning 65

Turning 65 is a big milestone in a person’s life. For most, it’s also the time to apply for Medicare. Most commonly now you apply for Medicare Part A and/or Part B on the Social Security website.

I’m told by my clients who are new to Medicare that they feel fortunate to have me “hold their hand” and help them through the process. I will hold your hand too if you want my assistance as you face this dilemma of decisions.

Much of my consultation time is going through the appropriate steps of someone just getting their Medicare active. But this seems to be the most daunting step for most that I meet with. You can enroll in Medicare online by going to Medicare alone is not enough, and that's where I come in to help you understand your Medicare options. Medicare Advantage plans, Medicare Supplement (Medi-gap) plans and Medicare Drug plans are complex and the fact that you can have my knowledge (at no cost to you) to help you decide the right choice for you at this milestone in your life will give you peace of mind. Well, that’s what my clients tell me at least. Every Saturday 8:30 to Noon, May thru October

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• Fresh Seasonal Fruit & Vegetables • Honey & Maple Products   • Soaps & Herbs • Specialty Foods • Local Meats & Cheeses • Seafood  • Pet Treats • Plants & Flowers • Wine & Ale • Baked Goods  Next to the State House ~ Capitol Street, Concord NH
We’d love to hear from you! Apply online at: EOE - Including disability/veterans Short
pay above market value!

May9,2001:Theaverage costofagallonofgasoline inNewHampshirestands at$1.66,butmostdrivers interviewedbytheMonitor don’tforeseechanging theirdrivinghabits.“It’sa numbersthing,”saysLinda GiConte.“Ithinkifpeople seeithit$2,thingsmight starttochange.”

May9,1944:NormanF. Whippen,NewHampshire’sassistantsuperintendentofemergencyfarm labor,putsoutacallfor 275“live-ins”-highschool studentswillingtoworkon farmsfor$30amonthplus laundryexpenses.

May9,1991:President Bushhaltstheunrestricted useofmilitaryaircraftby WhiteHouseChiefofStaff JohnSununu,theformer NewHampshiregovernor, afterareviewdisclosesthat manyofSununu’spolitical andpersonaltripswere misclassified.

May10,2003:Afew hundredoftheOldManof theMountain’sfansgather inafieldinFranconia NotchStateParktocelebratethegraniteprofile’s 10,000-yearreignoverthe Notch,andtoshedafew tearsovertheloss.Several peopleleaveflowersonthe shoreofProfileLake,and familiesandgroupsof friendsposeforpictures belowthecrumbledface.

May10,2001:The BostonGlobeannouncesit willsoonstoppublishing itsSunday“NHWeekly” sectionandcloseits Manchesterbureau.The sectiondebutedin1987.

May10,1994:Inthe earlyafternoon,asmall crowdgathersattheState HousePlaza,wheretelescopeshavebeensetupto projectontoascreenatotal eclipseofthesun.

May10,1847:Residents ofConcordgathertohonor FranklinPierceafterheis commissionedbrigadier generalforthewarwith Mexico.Theladiesofthe townpresentPiercewitha sword.Themenhavepurchasedafinehorseforhim. Whenthehorsesuddenly dies,WilliamWalker,proprietoroftheEagleHotel, sellsthemenhisblack horse,whichisgivento Pierce.

May11,2003:StategeologistDavidWunschoffers anearlytheoryastowhy theOldManoftheMountainmayhavetumbled fromCannonMountain, theMonitorreports.A pieceoftheOldMan’s granite-hewnAdam’sapple

thatanchoredtheformationmayhavecomeloose, causingthechintodislodge andtherestoftherock facetojustfallawayfrom thecliff.

May11,2002:Notre DameCollegecelebratesits finalgraduationbefore closingitsdoors.Thesmall Catholicschoolwas foundedbytheSistersof theHolyCross52years earlier.Officialssaidfinancialdifficultiesandadecliningstudentpopulation forcedthemtoclosethe school.

May11,1900:Norris Cottonisborn.Cottonwill becomeeditorofthe GraniteMonthlyanda lawyerinConcordbefore hispoliticalcareer.Hewill servenumeroustermsin theNewHampshireHouse, includingoneasspeaker, thengotoWashingtonasa congressman(1947-54) andsenator(1954-75).


objectionsofthegovernor andotherswhosaythat manycitizenswouldnot recognizethestatesealif theysawit,theNew HampshireSenatepassesa billmakingitmandatoryto salutetheAmericanor stateflag.Thebillwould authorizemilitaryofficers andeducatorstoorderany

adultorchildtosalutethe flagatanytime.The penaltyforfailureto comply:a$10fine.Tothe reliefofmany,including theattorneygeneral,who saysthebillisunconstitutional,theHousewillreject it.


19 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , May9 , 2024
SEE HISTORY PAGE 20 Are you looking for affordable senior living options? John H. Whitaker Place is an affordable 55+ assisted living community that provides an unparalleled combination of private apartment living and personal care services that facilitate independence. Learn more... Visit us online at or call 603-753-9100 to arrange an in-person tour. WE HAVE A RARE STUDIO AVAILABLE NE-438310 New/Used Cars-Service-Parts 175 Manchester Street, Concord, NH 603-224-1300 Nobody does it like... 603-227-9571 287 South Main St. Concord Kitchens-Bathrooms-Flooring-Windows-Doors-More Truckloads of Unique Inventory Arriving Weekly 94 Silk Farm Rd, Concord NH 603.856.8756 Mothers Day Raffle 1 ticket: $20 • 3 tickets: $50 • 5 tickets: $100 e 13 Prizes Announced May 12th!!! • Mom's Favorite Gifts Cards • Amazon • Irving • Sephora • Target Hanover Street Chophouse • Lowe’s Granite Restaurant & Bar • Panera Bread • TJ Maxx-HomeGoods-Marshalls • Longhorn • Olive Garden • Starbucks Or a $400 Visa Gift card! Scan the Code  or Visit our Website! LAST DAY FOR TICKETS IS MAY 10TH

year-oldAdamPetty,the fourthgenerationof NASCAR’smostfamous family,diesafteracrash duringapracticerunat NewHampshireInternationalSpeedway.Itisthe firstfatalityataNASCARsanctionedeventatthe Loudontrack.

May12,1903:Inareferendum,votersinConcord andNewHampshire’s othercitiesapprovethelicensingofliquorsales.Prohibition,honoredinthe breach,hasbeenineffect since1855,butthemanufactureofspiritsispermitted.Thelicensingreferendumpassesin60towns, but144othersvotetostay dry.Voterturnoutis75%.

May12,1975:TheNew HampshireEpiscopaldiocesevotes129-53toallow femaleordinationand urgesthatthenational churchchangecanonlaw.

May12,1888:Ice-outis declaredonLakeWinnipesaukee.Thiscontinues tobethelatestrecorded datefortheannualriteof spring.

May13,2003:Inabold move,theSenateJudiciary Committeestripsthe parentalnotificationprovisionfromtheHouse parentalnotificationbill andinsteadpassesan amendedbillthatoutlines therequiredcounselinga minormustreceivebefore shecanhaveanabortion.

May13,2002:Inanefforttoenticeitssophomorestoperformbetteron thestate’sstandardized tests,ConcordHighSchool offerstheincentivesof bagels,applepieandcandy bars,aswellasentryintoa lotteryformorethan $1,200inprizesandgift certificatesdonatedby downtownmerchants.

“Theyprettymuchbribed ustodowell,”saysMeagan Jameson,17.

May13,1726:Agroupof Massachusettscolonists witharoyallandgrantarrivetosettlePennyCook.

TheyfindJudgeSewall,the firstwhitesettler,livingon his500-acretractonthe eastsideoftheMerrimack.

May13,1977:The Seabrook1,414arereleased14daysaftertheir protest.Underanarrangementwithprosecutors, theypleadguiltyandare sentencedtotwoweeksin jailandfined$100.

May14,2002:Atadedicationceremonyforthe grandopeningoftheNew HampshireFireAcademy inConcord,firefighters demonstratetheirsskillson asimulatedjetcrash.

May14,1864:Onthe marchwiththe2ndNew HampshireCavalryin Louisiana,Lt.GeorgeS. CobbsofExeteriscaptured byarebelforceduringa skirmish.Whenhismenat-

tackinanefforttorescue him,aConfederateofficer shootsCobbsinthehead. Hismenlaterburyhimon thebanksoftheRedRiver underawoodencrossand Masonicemblem.

May14,1846:TheNew HampshirePatriotadvises ConcordthattheUnited Stateshasdeclaredwaron Mexico.NewHampshire willenlistabattalionof 389men,includingConcord’sFireEngineCo.No. 2andthreePatriot printers.

May14,1726:Having madecampneartheMerrimackRiverthenightbefore,asurveyingpartyof 34menfromHaverhill, Mass.,fansoutinthefields andwoodsofwhatwillone daybeConcord.


mackValleyHighschoolis namedthe2003New HampshireHighSchool RepresentativeofExcellencebytheNewHampshireExcellenceinEducationAwardsProgram(the “ED“iesforshort).

SpeakingataschoolassemblyprincipalPam Burkesays“Thishasgotto bethemostwonderfulday inmyprofessionalcareer. Youkids,yearafteryear, arethereasonwe’rehere. We’vealwaysbeenso proudofyou.I’mjustso gladtheentirestateknows whoyouare.”

May15,1903:Philip Ayres,aforestertraveling theWhiteMountainsto documentconditions,reportsthatfiresareburning outofcontrol,withflames encirclingthetownof

Whitefield.Insomeplaces thesmokeissothickthat buildingscannotbeseen50 yardsaway,andfinewhite ashfallsfromtheskylike rain.Withinthreeweeks, ashandsmokefromthe forestfireswillbefouling laundryonclotheslinesas farsouthasManchester.By thetimethefiresburn themselvesout,310square mileswillbedestroyed.

May15,1944:Ataxicab inLaconiastrikesandkills apedestrian.Themanis 67-year-oldJamesSmith, whohappenstobethefatherofLieutenantCommanderJ.StuartSmithJr., thefirstLaconiankilledin actioninWorldWarII.

May15,1990:White HouseChiefofStaffJohn H.Sununumakesthecover ofTimemagazine.

20 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , May9 , 2024
HISTORY FROM PAGE 19 all access scan the QR code to subscribe The Gem Of The South End! Our Laundromat Has It All! 25¢ Dry 8 Minutes We have single loaders, double loaders, triple loaders, four load, five load and six load washers. Our machines accept debit, credit, and cash We have years of experience with wash,dry and fold! South End Laundromat 71 Downing Street Concord 248 Sheep Davis Road, Suite 10, Concord NH 603-369-6597 50%-50%-50% Sale* *Some exceptions apply, ask your design consultant for details. This offer expires May 31, 2024. Get 50% off of any one shade, 50% off shipping, and 50% off installation!* In honor of Memorial Day, any Veteran or Active Duty Service Member gets an additional 5% off!*
21 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , May9 , 2024


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23 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , May9 , 2024
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