May 2024 Newsletter

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May 2024

Raised to


Through tears, a mom can administer Narcan to her son when he overdoses, but she can’t give him life.

Anthony grew up in a good Christian family. He had family support, a solid foundation, and loving care. None of his family used drugs or participated in illicit activities.

Beginning in junior high, Anthony began to hang out with the wrong crowd. He started smoking weed and drinking, which grew into opioids and soon came heroin, meth, and fentanyl. For six years, he used every single day. He was 100% devoted to getting high. Drugs were his master. He ruined relationships with his family and friends. He stole and did whatever was necessary to get high. He overdosed five times. The last time? His mom found him in the floor. She had to administer Narcan to keep him alive.

Hopelessness. Despair. Tears.

Anthony was rescued from complete selfdestruction when arrested. That is when Jesus introduced Himself and gave freedom from addiction, shame, death, and guilt.

In JUMPSTART, while incarcerated, Anthony encountered love, support, and accountability. He learned about God’s purpose for his life and how to live for Him.

Now, Anthony is working instead of stealing. He’s building instead of destroying and giving instead of taking. He is a faithful member at Hope Point Church and back involved in the lives of his family. He and his mom are close, and she’s never been more proud.

Anthony’s greatest hope for his future is to be an example to his family and others of Christ’s power. He hopes to one day get married, have a family, and teach his kids to love the Lord. Ultimately, he wants to help others know Christ alone is the One who conquers death with life.


Restoration UPDATE Village

The sixth and seventh homes in Restoration Village will be ready soon. This will bring the number of residents in the neighborhood to thirty-five!

We also need your help to order two additional homes before July so the homes will be ready for occupancy by the end of this year. We have men and women who have completed JUMPSTART’s in prison discipleship program who are being released this year, but we can’t serve them without your help. Each home costs $250,000 to build and furnish. No doubt this is a huge sum. But if each will do as the Lord leads, we can provide these men and women with the opportunity to have a future greater than their past. Please respond as soon as possible.

In addition to the basketball court and walking trails in the prayer garden, a pickleball court is now ready for play and a disc golf course in the works. These are great opportunities for Mentors and Donors in the upstate to join our participants in having fun God’s way.

We have partnered with Trehel as our General Contractor for building the Opportunity Center. It should be built and ready for programming to begin before Thanksgiving 2024! How exciting!

We currently have $1.3 million of the $2 million it will cost to build and furnish the Opportunity Center. Naming rights are still available for the center, and for those looking to make an outsized impact with their giving, this is an incredible opportunity to impact our entire community.

What it Will Take


Imagine the difference your gift will make in someone’s life.

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Blurred faces obscure identities and shame. Yet a few volunteers know these men.

They know each by name. Week after week they visit the prison to encourage and influence.

While many see criminals and despair, the volunteers see potential and purpose.

These volunteers are instruments of restoration. They are the hands and feet of Jesus.

They administer hope and truth. They listen and share wisdom.

They don’t see convicts. They see sons and daughters, mothers and fathers.

They see God’s children. They see men and women who can have a future greater than their past.

What if your worst mistakes were on full display? Would you want to be forever condemned?

“Over the past 11 years, the South Carolina recidivism rate has dropped from 35% to 17%. JUMPSTART has been a critical partner in helping South Carolina have the lowest level of recidivism in the nation.


Or would you want a shot at redemption? A chance to say you are sorry and prove it through your actions?

Would you want to rebuild all alone? Or would you appreciate opportunities?

Please reach out if you or anyone you know would like to be an inside volunteer.

Due to Karen Underwood’s upcoming retirement next month, Kerri has joined our team to work with the transitional program. Having worked at Hope Point Church and North Greenville University during her career, she brings a wealth of experience and deep care for serving God’s children well.

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Do you want to be known as a differencemaker? Be like Dan.

Dan is someone everyone would love to have as a friend. Dan’s title doesn’t include “executive.” His role doesn’t command a large salary. He’s never going to be on Forbes’ Magazine cover.

But you’d still like to know him. Dan is a difference-maker.

Dan coordinates housing and transportation for those transitioning back into the community from incarceration.

His tasks aren’t rocket science. Fueling Up. Planning routes. Vehicle inspections. Preventative maintenance.

Nothing glamorous or complicated. But vitally important.

Dan is a difference-maker. He’s more than a driver.

While driving he’s dishing out doses of encouragement. He’s a friend to the weary worker who’s had a challenging day.

He’s a comforter to the one heading to the doctor scared of the waiting test results.

He’s a coach to the ones having trouble sticking to their goals.

He’s a listening ear and when invited to share, he’s full of wisdom. Yes, he’s significantly more than a transportation coordinator.

He’s a difference-maker.

He doesn’t see those he serves as ex-cons.

He sees them for who they are becoming.

He sees sons and daughters.

He sees their dignity.

He sees their worth.

Dan is a JUMPSTART alum making a difference.

We all experience true joy and fulfillment when we choose to be difference-makers.

Page 4 | JUMPSTART SC Newsletter JUMPSTART South Carolina PO Box 1050 Spartanburg, SC 29304 888-483-6687 Scan TO LEARN MORE

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