Revista children

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Leo (07/20 - 08/20) Love: Keep your eyes open and not to reject all offers. Stroke: It is time to organize your tasks according to the priority of them. Health: Finally, it shows a high susceptibility to colds and flu. Money: Do not be too happy about your new situation.

Sagitario (12/20 - 01/18) Love: Your passion will be rewarded. It is time to stop this in the past. Stroke: Maybe you should think about starting your own business? Health: You'll feel full of energy during the next month. Money: Do not be so hard to negotiate when: scare your contractors and miss great opportunities.

Virgo (09/21 - 10/21) Love: Do not be so hard with your past, leave the hate behind. Stroke: Not face serious turbulence in your career this month. Health: Stop eating junk food. Money: Finally, you can spend more money on entertainment.

Escorpion (02/19 - 03/20) Love: Re-consider its options before making a final decision. Stroke: The ideas will become clearer when you see inside your heart. Health: Your health is good, but be careful when traveling. Money: There are strong indications that you have achieved total financial security.

Libra (11/22 12/22) Love: Your passion will be recognized and rewarded appropriately. Stroke: Your hours will change when adjusted as you learn to organize better. Health: You should think about losing some weight. Money: Spend your money so extravagant

Capricornio (03/21 - 04/19) Love: Say what you think without feeling guilty is a skill that must still be developed. Stroke: Now is the time to believe in yourself and succeed: Imagine living the life you want and this will happen. Health: Rests appropriately if they have the opportunity. Money: You need money aside for something unexpected.

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