SEO Elements which one can Control & Optimize

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SEO Elements which one can Control & Optimize A website can be popular among netizens only when it is visible in the search engine’s results naturally or in other words un-paid/ organic/ algorithmic search results. This process of improving any website’s visibility in an ethical way through various practices is called Search Engine Optimization (SEO). It is kind of internet marketing because ultimately the SEO executives do various activities to promote a website and increasing traffic to it and improving the ranking. Since the beginning of SEO there has always been a feud between SEO and the website designers. This is regarding the website designing being less ‘search value’ friendly and more focused on the site being ‘pretty’ and ‘usable.’ However there are many elements which can be controlled by the SEO without compromising with the aesthetics of the site and still improve the visibility of the site. Here are some of these elements which can be optimized after the site is up and running. Title Tag: Stuffing keywords in the title tags is the thing of the past. The title should be unique and of good quality. Keep the title limited to 70 characters. According to a study it is possible that Google might use pixel size instead of the character limit. So it is always important to keep it short and unique. Content: Content is the 2nd most important part of any website after the design or layout of the website. It is the content that holds the visitor to the site for long and forces the user to visit it again. If the user finds the content interesting then he likes the site and might come back and spread the word about your website. Quality content is what matters today and generates natural links. URL: Using Static URLs is always advisable. Google may not have difficulty in indexing a webpage with dynamic url but better not to make their work difficult. Moreover using static url is good because spreading a url that looks more meaningful is better than something like

Recurring Content:

Recurring content means the site’s content being spread on the internet. This helps in ranking for long-tail keywords and also gives opportunity of being found socially and in turn gaining natural links. Site Speed: Users always prefer websites which are fast in responding. They like the site which after clicking appears within 3-5 seconds on their screens. Even Google has said that it gives preference to site speed in website rankings. So from a user’s and ranking point of view the site speed should be optimized by the SEO team. Robots.txt: We know that Google and other search engines index all the websites for rankings and other details. For this the GoogleBots crawl all the pages in the website. Now if one is able to control which all webpages the crawlers should go and what information to index then it is obviously helpful to the site. This can be done a Robots file in the site which is hidden from visitors. This is because Google searches the Robots file before going on the site for indexing. Hiring an efficient SEO team is better than trying all these optimizations yourself. This is because they have expertise in this field. SEO firm India has been a prominent selection of many outsourcing clients abroad. This is because of the effective results they produce at very cheap rates. About the author: Smartkathy is a project manager of an SEO firm in India. She likes to write about seo elements, updates and important tools.

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