Lanesborough Park Clean Up Day

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LABOUR NEWS JOHN LYONS TD Dublin North West November 2011

LANESBOROUGH PARK COMMUNITY CLEAN UP DAY I would like to thank all the residents who came out to help at the recent park clean-up day. The event was a great success with residents of all ages contributing to the effort. A large amount of litter was gathered from the park, the hedges and from the surrounding footpaths. All litter collected was then removed by Fingal County Council. The clean-up, combined with the recently cut grass, made the park look very well and I look forward to holding the next event in the Spring. Two Gardaí of the community policing unit for Meakstown also came along to meet residents and to discuss local policing issues. One of the main concerns residents had was anti-social behaviour in the park. The Gardaí said they are aware of residents’ concerns and are active in the area to address issues reported to them. This behaviour is not appropriate for the area and I will be working with residents and the Gardaí to make sure the park is maintained as a facility for families. I would urge residents to report any inappropriate behaviour to the Finglas Gardaí on 6667500 or the Community Policing Unit on 6667520. I will be discussing these issues at regular meetings with the Gardaí and residents can contact me about these or any other issues on 618 3280 or


Tel: 01 618 3280


Dáil Éireann, Dublin 2




Community Games in Meakstown I am very pleased to report that Meakstown is now registered for the Community Games in 2012. I recently met with a local resident, Neil Dowling, who is a youth worker, to discuss how to promote sports and leisure activities for young people in Meakstown. Neil has registered Meakstown for next year’s Community Games and is hoping to enter a number of competitions for local young people. The Community Games provide sporting and leisure opportunities for children and young people in a fun and positive way. This excellent initiative from Neil will add to the choice of sports for young people in the area and I will notify residents of planned developments in the New Year. The success of this will be down to the number of adult volunteers who get involved. Preparations are already underway for next year and if you would like to help with the organisation of events, please contact Neil at Alternatively, you can contact me on 618 3280 or

Traffic Issues on the R104, Saint Margaret’s Road I have been contacted by a number of residents about the R104 between Charlestown shopping centre and IKEA. Residents are greatly concerned about dangerous driving on the road. I agree that the lack of traffic control measures is allowing for speeding and this is also making the road unsafe for residents to cross. I have written to Fingal County Council, which has responsibility for this section of the road, to ask them to review the speed control measures on this road. I will notify residents once I have received a reply from Fingal County Council on this matter. If you would like to speak with me about this, please contact me on 618 3280 or

Possible location in the area for bottle banks A number of residents have contacted me about the provision of bottle banks in the area. I would be interested in people’s thoughts on possible locations for these. If you have feedback on this, please get in touch on 618 3280 or

My Local Clinic I hold my clinic for Meakstown every Monday (except bank holidays) at 12.00pm, upstairs in the Deputy Mayor pub. Please feel free to come along to discuss any issue with me and I will do all I can to help.

JOHN LYONS TD Dáil Éireann, Dublin 2

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Tel: 01 618 3280



Web: @JohnLyonsTD


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