CCNS Newsletter Issue 2 Preview

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Volume I Issue II | Official ASU College Council of Nursing Students Newsletter | February 17th


SBAR Student Bulletin Activities Report

I hope everyone is having a great spring semester so far! Remember to keep a watch on all the new and exciting activities that CCNS has to offer! At ASU, we encourage student engagement, and as a fellow Sun Devil we need to play a big role in the ASU community. Whether it’s to support a cause, or to participate in a special awareness activity, you can be a student and an active advocator for these programs. This newsletter will aid you in planning for many upcoming activities. Some of these events are attended by both SNA and CCNS. -John Licas, Comm. Executive

Save the Date! NEDA Walk

Blood Drive

Relay For Life

Sunday, March 3rd The National Eating Disorder walk will be held at the zoo. Join the team!

April 17th The last one was a success! Let’s make this next one even better!

Friday, April 19th-20th Spend the night at the Sun Angel Stadium. Join the ASU Nursing Student Team

Article Challenge #1 Are you passionate about something health related? What drives this passion of yours? Is it a cause, a social awareness? Tell us about it! We would like to hear from you. Send it to the John Licas our Communication Executive at



Activity Report CCNS Blood Drive

Image on bottom: ClipArt

The blood drive on February 13, 2013 was a huge success! The American Red Cross had given us a goal of about 30 donations to try to meet for the day, but the morning of, we had already had over 40 appointments reserved online. We had a terrific team of volunteers that put up signs and fliers around campus on Tuesday, and a lot of networking and advertising happened online to spread the word. Our total number of viable donations for the day was 48. The high volume of people was terrific, but it was a little bittersweet because we unfortunately had to turn away some walk-ins, and there was a long wait time. Our next blood drive will be April 17th, and we are working towards getting a bus near the main part of downtown campus. We will have the same goal and hopefully another terrific turnout! -Kayla Gray, Senior 1

Color Run Cras et odio vel dui tempus varius. Sed nec orci. Sed tincidunt pede a magna. Nullam tortor. Sed nulla massa, adipiscing sit amet, fermentum ut, commodo ac, turpis. Morbi sollicitudin, augue at viverra dictum, dolor nisi volutpat urna, in laoreet velit sapien in orci. Fusce sit amet odio vel lacus bibendum adipiscing.




ASU Dance Marathon The blood drive on February 13, 2013 was a huge success! The American Red Cross had given us a goal of about 30 donations to try to meet for the day, but the morning of, we had already had over 40 appointments reserved online. We had a terrific team of volunteers that put up signs and fliers around campus on Tuesday, and a lot of networking and advertising happened online to spread the word. Our total number of viable donations for the day was 48. The high volume of people was terrific, but it was a little bittersweet because we unfortunately had to turn away some walk-ins, and there was a long wait time. Our next blood drive will be April 17th, and we are working towards getting a bus near the main part of downtown campus. We will have the same goal and hopefully another terrific turnout! -Kayla Gray, Senior 1

Color Run Cras et odio vel dui tempus varius. Sed nec orci. Sed tincidunt pede a magna. Nullam tortor. Sed nulla massa, adipiscing sit amet, fermentum ut, commodo ac, turpis. Morbi sollicitudin, augue at viverra dictum, dolor nisi volutpat urna, in laoreet velit sapien in orci. Fusce sit amet odio vel lacus bibendum adipiscing.

Lisa Klein, Senior 1, at the color run!




Photo from:

Upcoming: NEDA WALK, March 3rd, 2013 NEDA stands for National Eating Disorder Association. ASU Nursing (the team name) has always participated in this event and our team gets bigger every year! We are currently #1 on all the teams to raise funds for this event! Join now so you can help us fundraise and reach our goal! Registration is $35 for an adult but students can get a discount and pay $25. You are able to register on the day of the walk but the price increases. Friends and family are welcome to come! Children can walk for $15 and remember you get all day zoo admission after the walk!! You can also get a free t-shirt!

Plan Ahead: Relay for Life, Friday April 19th-20th The American Cancer Society is a nationwide, community-based, voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives, and diminishing suffering from cancer, through research, education, advocacy, and service At Relay, teams of people camp out overnight at Sun Angel Stadium and take turns walking or running around the track while enjoying fun activities and great entertainment. Since cancer never sleeps, for one night neither do we. Join the ASU Student Nurses Team and help fundraise for the American Cancer Society! This is an SNA and CCNS event: 4



NCLEX Question


A client diagnosed with angina has been instructed about the use of sublingual nitroglycerin. Which statement made by the client is incorrect and indicates a need for further teaching?

Hello fellow nursing students! Although my photo is of me holding a baby, this section has nothing to do with these cute tiny humans. I would like to congratulate you for making it this far into reading our bulletin! I hope you check our newsletters for new updates and upcoming events. It is my goal to make sure that the ASU nursing community is in-the-know of all our events. Remember to stay involved and engaged in the Sun Devil community! If you would simply like to write for the newsletter about something you are passionate about, email me! Good luck to you all on your studies and keep on nursing!!  John Licas, Comm. Exec. Email:

1. I will rest briefly right after taking 1 tablet 2. I can swallow two or three tablets at once if I have severe pain. 3. I'll call the health care provider if pain continues after three tablets five minutes apart 4. I understand that the medication should be kept in the dark bottle. Question retrieved from: The correct answer is: I can swallow two or three tablets at once if I have severe pain.

Reference: Deglin, J., Vallerand, A., &Sanoski, C. Davis’s drug guide for nurses (12th ed.). (2010). Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company.

Cleo’s Biscuits Etiam tempor nibh quis tellus tempus placerat.Praesent vehicula nunc ullamcorper pede. 1 maecenas ut justo ½ sed suscipit 1 donec mi ½ fusce eu nisi 1 suspendisse ½ aliquam turpis odio ½ nunc a enim


Sed metus orci, ultricies eu, vulputate quis, porttitor ut, diam. Ut tempus leo quis diam. Phasellus tempus eros eu leo. Mauris eget ante. Aliquam ornare congue augue. Integer leo.Aliquam imperdiet elit ac sem. Mauris dictum, elit in aliquet mattis, arcu nisi fringilla pede, a adipiscing elit sem in enim.

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