ION Arizona #113 November 2010

Page 47

Nearly Naked Gets Dark & Creepy After Halloween!


ll Hallows’ Eve may have come and gone, but the new play opening at Nearly Naked Theatre this month still rustles in the dark and goes bump in the night. It’s the Arizona Premiere of a “folkoric” thriller called The Muckle Man. And “creepy” doesn’t even begin to cover it.

Owen Virgin, a young actor who delighted us last year in Nearly Naked’s production of The Little Dog Laughed, as a bisexual rent-boy who falls in love with a movie star. If he is able to use any of his charm and exciting presence as the Muckle Man, it will surely be a trick-or-treat for the show’s audiences.

To tell you what a muckle man is would spoil the plot. But suffice it to say that they come out of the ocean (wearing very little clothing) and have an agenda and a strange set of rules that no one understands.

“I’m so glad you remember him,” says Dering, “Because he really is a joy to work with and he really is great as the muckle man! It’s a very hard character to pull off. You have to be a little like ‘Starman’ and a little like David Carradine in Kung-Fu. And you have to be a little sexy as well. Owen can do all those things, and you’re going to love him.”

“It’s part horror story and part myth— with some ‘family’ and ‘psychological’ drama thrown in for good measure,” says Nearly Naked’s Artistic Director Damon Dering. “Aguirre-Sacasa (the playwright) is a comic book writer by day, and his theatre work is filled with myth and magic that just fascinates me! This play is deeply rooted in the mythology and style of H.P. Lovecraft, who is one of my favorite writers. The Muckle Man is about a family in crisis. They are deeply tied to the ocean, and from the ocean comes a man who may be their savior, but he could also be something else entirely.”

IONAZ was overjoyed to find out that this ‘man from the ocean’ was being played by the adorable November 2010 47

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