Out Loud, Spring 2020

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O U t L o u d Spr in g 20 20 Cover by Ashlyn F.

Dear Readers, This magazine was created for the sole purpose that

you (the reader) get a chance to read about our interests, thoughts, fears, and a lot more. These are really strange times for all of us. What better way to pass the time than to write? A lot of time and hard work was poured into this magazine. This project has tested everything we?ve learned throughout the year, and all the previous years before that. We?ve learned that words have meaning, and that by using them the right way, a sentence can be magical. We put our sentences together, revised, erased, and revised again in order to achieve our finished articles. We didn't have our peers or teacher around to help us like normal, because normal has changed for us lately. Our new normal is building in time wherever we are to focus on writing, and we did it. We made it work! It may have been a little more frustrating or just plain weird, but we did it--and we are so excited to share with you! This project came together from several different locations because we were all writing from home because of COVID-19. Even though we were apart, we found that if we put our minds together, great things can be achieved. Thank you, the reader, for taking your time to read our work. We had your best interests in mind when we pitched and developed our articles because we know that a good writer always knows their audience and purpose. We are happy to share our hearts and minds with you through our writing, and we hope you can find something new or interesting within the walls of this magazine because eighth graders have a lot to say. Even if it may not seem like it right now, it's a big world, after all. We want to share it with you. Sincerely, The Young Wr it er s Who Once Gat her ed in Room 210

H I S T OR Y OF P A N D E M I CS Moder n

B Y E M M A L . Ti mes

As you may know there is Covid-19 or

Yes, the Coronavirus has had many casualties. Arguably

Coronavirus, spreading around the world like

there have been pandemics way different than what is

wildfire. The virus started in late 2019, and was

happening right now. Also, you may have heard the

officially declared a pandemic March 11, 2020 by terms pandemic and epidemic used during this time and the World Health Organization . This has made life let me tell you they are NOT the same thing. According to kind of difficult right now, the 2019-2020 school

the U.S. News, an epidemic is an acceleration in cases of a

year is over, we have to stay at our houses, and

disease above the expected amount of cases in a

no sports. Living in modern days doesn?t make it geographical area. A pandemic, however, is when a that bad though, imagine living in the 1800?s with disease has expanded across many countries and affects this going on.

a large number of people.

H is t o r y According to History.com, the earliest recorded pandemic happened during the Peloponnesian War. The disease passed through many countries and killed two-thirds of the population. The symptoms of this disease were fever, thirst, bloody throat and tongue, red skin, and lesions. They suspected this disease to be typhoid fever. However, this was during 430 B.C.. There have been many other viruses, pandemics, and epidemics throughout the world since that time. These are some of the biggest and well known pandemics that have happened.
















The Bl ac k Deat h The Black Death was caused by the bubonic plague, and it lasted from 1347 to 1353. This was the second largest outbreak of the bubonic plague, and was responsible for the death of one-third of the world population. In this article by Nicolas Le Pan, he put all the world's pandemics on a chart and the Bubonic Plague had the biggest death toll with 200 million deaths. The plague was mainly spread through trading ships. This was so serious that a person could be healthy one day and could be dead the next. Symptoms of the black plague were mostly severe. According to the History.com main symptoms were swellings of body parts the size of apples or eggs, sometimes bigger or sometimes smaller. Blood and pus seeped out of these swellings, and other symptoms were As I said before the Black Death was fever, chills, vomiting, diarrhea, terrible aches and pains, and most caused by the bubonic plague, and of the time death.

the bubonic plague was caused by a strain of bacterium Yersinia pestis. Yersinia pestis was named after the French biologist Alexandre Yersin after discovering the germ in the 19th century. This can travel from person to person through the air, or through a bite of infected fleas or rats.

Smal l pox Smallpox was a serious infectious disease which According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and

was caused by the Variola virus. This was a

Prevention) the origin of smallpox is unknown, but is

contagious disease, but most people who had the

thought to be dated back to the third century B.C.E (

disease survived, about 3 out of every 10 people

before the common era) Egypt. It is called smallpox based died from smallpox. Some symptoms were a on the smallpox-like rash found on three mummies. The fever, a distinctive, progressive skin rash, head earliest written description of the disease clearly

and body aches, sometimes vomiting, small red

resembles smallpox that appeared in China in the fourth

spots on the tongue and mouth, and skin sores

century C.E. (common era). Places that have experienced

filled with thick, opaque liquid would pop up.

smallpox are China, Japan, India, Korea, Africa, Spain,

Then the sores became pustules, and formed

Portugal, Turkey, Greece, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania,

scabs over them. The person would have been

Europe, Caribbean, Central America, South America, and

contagious during that time, but about four

North America. During the 17th century many Native

weeks after the rash shows up, and all the scabs

Americans died from Smallpox because the English

have fallen off, the person would not have been

settlers brought it over.

contagious anymore.

Spani s h Fl u The Spanish Flu lasted from January of 1918 to December of 1920. According to History.com the pandemic of the Spanish Flu was the deadliest in history. ?It infected an estimate of five-hundred million people, that was about one-third of the world's population, and it killed an estimate of twenty to fifty million people. The Spanish Flu was first observed in the United States, Europe, and parts of Asia before spreading around the A flu is a virus that attacks the respiratory system, world.? says History.com Editors and it is highly contagious. Respiratory droplets from an infected person can be inhaled by anyone nearby when the infected person coughs, talks, or sneezes. This happens because the repository droplets can be generated and transmitted through the air. This flu, however, had two waves. The symptoms of the first wave were normal flu symptoms, chills, fever and fatigue, but the person who was infected normally recovered days later. The second wave had way worse symptoms, such as, their skin turning blue, their lungs filling with fluid which caused the infected person to suffocate, and the death rate went up with people dying days or even hours after becoming infected. ?The particular strain of influenza that caused the pandemic in 1918 is unknown?, says History. com. This flu affected healthy people, young people-groups usually resistant to this kind of disease, and a number of World War I service men. ?In fact, more U.S. soldiers died from the disease than in battle during the War ? says History.com . However, few locations were immune to the Spanish Flu, for example, there were way more victims in large populated cities than in remote places like Alaska.


Chol er a According to the World Health Organization cholera is an acute diarrhoeal infection caused by ingestion of food or water contaminated with the bacterium Vibrio Cholerae. It takes between twelve hours to five days for symptoms to show up after ingesting the contaminated food or water. Symptoms are dehydration, diarrhea, vomiting, and leg cramps. According to History.com, 80% of people who contracted the virus didn?t develop any symptoms and the infection resolved on its own, while the other 20% came down with severe symptoms. There have been seven consecutive cholera pandemics, and

now cholera is an epidemic in most countries. There are many

serogroups, but only two cause outbreaks. V. cholerae O1 has been the cause of the most recent outbreaks, but V. cholerae O139 caused outbreaks in the past. Out of the seven cholera pandemics the third pandemic was the worst. It was from 1852 to 1859 and 1854 being the worst year. It affected Asia, Europe, North America and Africa, and also had 23,000 deaths in Great Britain alone.

Swi ne Fl u The Swine Flu is a respiratory disease of

pigs caused by type A Influenza, also

known as H1N1, says the CDC and WebMD. According to WebMD this type of influenza is called Swine Flu because

people who usually got the virus were in contact with pigs, but that was not the case in 2009. In 2009 people started to get this flu without being in contact with pigs. According to the CDC the type of virus Swine Flu normally didn?t affect humans but that wasn?t the case a few years ago.

This type of virus was called a ?variant virus? because this flu normally circulated in swine but made its way to affecting humans. How people caught Swine Flu was just like how you would catch any kind of flu, by coughing or sneezing. By the WebMD symptoms of H1N1 are coughing, having a fever, sore throat, stuffy or runny nose, body aches, headache, chills, and fatigue. The most recent pandemic of the Swine Flu was from 2009 to 2010 and had two-hundred thousand casualties, according to Nicholas LePan?s chart.

COVID-19NOVEL CORONAVIRUS Couldit bethenext Black Deat h?

Wri tten By: M i ch ael T. and Stef an M .

What is Covid-19 By now, we probably all know what Covid-19 or what The Coronavirus is. This is a global pandemic meaning it is all around the world. Since this is a new disease, the world is doing its best to contain it. That?s why we?re in quarantine. It is usually joked about and laughed at but this is serious and could lead to an event as serious as the Black Death. It could also lead to a zombie apocalypse. Just Kidding. That?s just my theory* , but let?s get back to the topic.

How It Spr eads The Coronavirus is a very infectious disease transferred mainly through the air person to person (coughs and sneezes). Usually when an infected person coughs or sneezes, the droplets land on another person?s nose or mouth. They could also be inhaled into the lungs. The spread is more likely to happen when people are close to each other (Usually within 6 feet according to the CDC.).* * The coronavirus also seems to be spreading and thriving in communities. This is community spread. Community spread means people have been infected in an area and some don?t know how they got infected.

Wh at it does A virus infects your body by entering healthy cells. There, the virus makes copies of itself and multiplies throughout your body. The Coronavirus targets cells specifically in your lungs. After that, you may start experiencing early symptoms like sore throat, fever, or cough. After a while, your lungs can be inflamed making it hard for you to breathe. This can lead to pneumonia. 8/10 people?s symptoms end with a cough or fever but some may have more severe symptoms. After 5-8 days they have shortness of breath according to Johns Hopkins Medicine.. After that, Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) occurs. This is when fluid builds up in their lungs and makes them lose oxygen in other parts of the body. The fluid leaks into tiny air sacs in your lungs. When this happens the lungs are unable to fill up with air. ARDS can cause rapid breathing, a fast heart rate, dizziness, and sweating. It damages the tissues and blood vessels in your alveoli, causing debris to collect inside them. This makes it harder or even impossible for you to breathe.

How t o pr ot ect you r self 1. Wash your hands regularly with soap and water. 2. Maintain at least 6 feet distance between you and people coughing or sneezing. 3. Avoid touching your face. 4. Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing. 5. Stay home if you feel unwell. (And just anyway) 6. Refrain from smoking and other activities that weaken the lungs. 7. Practice physical distancing by avoiding unnecessary travel and staying away from large groups of people. Coronavirus is most severe with people with a weak immune system. Most people with a strong immune system and no other reason to have bad symptoms will be fine. (but not always) Stay Healthy.

St at ist ics (Accor din g t o WHO)

Vocabu lar y -

Asymptomatic- Showing no evidence of disease. (but still having the disease)


CDC- Stands for Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Community Spread- Spread of a disease when the infection source is unknown.


Communicable- Capable of being easily spread or transmitted.


Epidemic- An epidemic is a temporary existence of a disease spreading from person to person locally where that disease is not permanently prevalent.


Exponential- When a disease spreads exponentially, it usually means the cases of infection spread steadily but rapidly up.


Furlough- Temporary layoff from work.


Immunity- state of being immune from or insusceptible from a disease.


Isolation- complete separation from others of a person with a disease.


Pandemic- Disease prevalent throughout an entire country, continent, or even world.


Quarantine- Strict isolation to prevent spread of disease.


Social Distancing- measures that reduce contact with large groups of people.


Symptom- Arises from a disease and serves as an indication of it.

Sou r ces (Rem em ber t o on ly look at t r u st w or t h y sou r ces lik e t h ese, t o get t h e m ost accu r at e an d ef f ect ive st at ist ics on Covid-19 an d h ow t o pr even t you r self f r om get t in g it ) CDC (Cen t er s f or Disease Con t r ol) WHO (Wor ld Healt h Or gan izat ion ) Nat ion al Geogr aph ic

* Unfortunately, There's no way to back that up Michael :) * * Sneezes are so powerful they can actually propel Covid-19 at 100 miles an hour up to 27 feet away and then hang in the air for a couple of minutes, so the 6 feet does not cover sneezing and it is best just to stay home if possible.

COVID 19: Th e Re Author- Marco D


What is Coronavir us? Covid-19, also called Coronavirus, is a recent pandemic that has swept across the world causing thousands of fatalities. Covid-19 is a respiratory virus that affects people and has shown up in animals. People of all ages can contract the virus. Senior citizens and people with weakened immune systems have a harder time overcoming the virus because their respiratory system is not as strong.

Sym pt om s of Cor on a Symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, coughing, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, chills, muscle pains, headaches, sore throat, and loss of taste or smell. According to the CDC these symptoms happen between 2-14 days after you are exposed to the virus.

ecen t Pan dem ic How t o pr even t t h e spr ead In order to help lower the chances of Covid-19 the Center of disease control ( CDC ) has recommended to stay 6 feet apart from other people in public and to wear a mask when you go out in public. As a nation the president and government has put in place stay in home orders for our nation. With those stay at home orders they have shut down non essential places such as parks and malls. All gatherings over 10 people are canceled, including schools, concerts, and sporting events. The CDC recommends after going to the store, wipe down groceries, take a shower, wash your hands, and put on a new change of clothes.

How covid h as af f ect ed t h e w or ld COVID-19 has affected the world in many different ways. It has caused people to lose jobs all over the world, which leads to people not being able to buy food, provide for their family, and even pay bills. The stay at home orders has not allowed us to see family. The corona virus has also affected people's emotional well being. According to VeryWell Mind quarantine can lower your state of mind and self-esteem. It can also give you anxiety or a rise in anxiety.


Econ om y

collapsin g

The economy is affected because restaurants and business

are closing down because of stay at home orders which means the businesses that are producing things that we need are closing.

This virus has affected everyone in one way or another

sou r ces https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/downloads/sick-with-2019-ncov-fact-sheet.pdfhttps https://www.who.int/health-topics/coronavirus#tab=tab_1 https://intermountainhealthcare.org/blogs/topics/live-well/2020/01/what-is-coronavirus-(covid-19)-a nd-how-can-i-prepare,-q-,/ https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/symptoms-testing/symptoms.html https://www.verywellmind.com/managing-coronavirus-anxiety-4798909#mental-health-concerns https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/faq.html#:~:text=In%20COVID%2D19%2C,%2Dre spiratory%20tract%20illnesses.

Carl i U.

STAY HOME!! ?Corona v i rus?, th e th i ng w e al l h ate and j ust w ant i t to go aw ay. But h ow w i l l i t go aw ay i f w e don?t stay h ome? Read my arti cl e and f i nd out w h y and h ow to stay h ome.

Wh y sh oul d you stay h ome? Th e more peopl e th at stay at h ome, th e better our ch ances of b eati ng th i s v i rus i s. A s teenagers w e al l w ant to go out and h av e f un, but i f w e do, more peopl e w i l l conti nue to get si ck or you coul d get si ck . A ccordi ng to ama.org, i f w e stay h ome w e can meet th e needs of th ose w h o may h av e COV I D-19. Of course w e al l mi ss seei ng our f ri ends ev ery day, b ut th i s i s w h at w e h av e to do to stay saf e and k eep oth ers saf e. I f w e w ere to get th i s v i rus w e w oul d prob ab l y b e ok h ow ev er, i t w i l l not h av e th e same ef f ect on th em th at i t does us. I f th ey got i t th ey w oul d not be ok . I am sure th at w e al l l ov e someone w h o i s ol der and w e need to stay h ome and stop putti ng more of th em and us at ri sk . Th i nk about i t th i s w ay, th e l onger w e stay h ome th e sooner w e w i l l b e ab l e to go out agai n. I f w e al l w ork togeth er and stay h ome w e coul d b e done w i th th e v i rus w i th i n w eek s.

How many peopl e are actual l y stayi ng h ome? M any peopl e, despi te th e adv i ce, are sti l l goi ng out f or di f f erent reasons. A ccordi ng to cnn.com, teenagers and younger peopl e are sti l l goi ng out to see f ri ends, many are sti l l goi ng to pack ed grocery stores and park s, and many ol der peopl e ref use to sk i p ch urch . A l th ough i n your eyes i t mi gh t seem th at i t?s ok to mak e ex cepti ons, h onestl y i t?s b etter to not ri sk i t. 90-95%of A meri ca i s under l ock dow n and 25%of peopl e are sti l l goi ng out f or unnecessary reasons.


Wh at coul d you do w h i l e at h ome? We coul d al l do a v ery di f f erent v ari ety of th i ngs w h i l e stuck at h ome. Here are j ust a f ew th i ngs you coul d do. -



try out a new h ob b y or sk i l l I f you pl ay sports you coul d practi ce th at i n your b ack yard. I f you l i k e to cook or b ak e you coul d mak e someth i ng and th en sh are w i th your f ami l y or j ust h av e i t al l to yoursel f ! Someti mes i f I get b ored enough I l i k e to cl ean or organi ze th i ngs w h i ch mi gh t be w ei rd to some peopl e b ut you coul d al w ays gi v e i t a try. You mi gh t b e j ust l i k e me and w ant to go on your ph one and w atch Ti k Tok and Netf l i x al l day. But w h atev er you do, try to mak e th e b est out of i t!

A nd of course w e al l w ant to see our f ri ends but can?t because of q uaranti ne so... -

you can FaceTi me th em or tex t th em al l day l ong i f you w ant Th i nk of th i ngs you can do togeth er but sti l l b e apart. A n ex ampl e w oul d be to pl ay i M essage games or go on Houseparty to pl ay games w i th your f ri ends. A f ew th i ngs to k now about Coronav i rus A ccordi ng to cdc.gov , COV I D-19 i s a v ery contagi ous di sease th at h as now spread th rough out th e enti re w orl d. I t can b e scary because a person coul d h av e i t and not ev en k now and th en pass i t to someone el se. Coronav i rus can h av e l i ttl e to no symptoms unti l about 2 w eek s af ter you get i t. You can b e i nf ected b y comi ng cl ose w i th someone w h o h as i t or b ei ng cough ed on or touch i ng a surf ace th at th e v i rus i s on. Coronav i rus does not h av e a v acci ne at th i s ti me so th e b est th i ng w e can do i s stay h ome and practi ce soci al di stanci ng. I f you must go out th en be cauti ous and w ear a mask and gl ov es. Wh en goi ng to stores you sh oul d pre-order i t and th en go th ere to pi ck i t up. Try to av oi d as much contact w i th oth ers as possi b l e.


Quar antine best r eads Angelina U

Wor ds on Bathr oom Walls Aut hor : Julia Walt on Genr e: Diar y f ict ion My r at ing: ? st ar s This diar y st yled book f ollows t he lif e of Adam and his lif e. Adam deals wit h schizophr enia and has t o f igur e out how t o deal wit h it when he t r ansf er s t o a Cat holic school. While having t o deal wit h t hat , he also wor r ies about f inding a gir lf r iend and managing his sibling t hat is about t o be bor n. Not only does t his book educat e r eader s about Words on Bathroom Walls Image link what people wit h schizophr enia have t o deal wit h, it is also ver y ent er t aining. Once I st ar t ed r eading it , I couldn?t st op! I loved t hat it was so r eal and included event s t hat could act ually happen. I also liked t hat is wasn?t only ser ious, t her e wer e moment s t hat made me smile and enj oy t he book even mor e.

We all looked up Aut hor : Tommy Wallach Genr e: Science Fict ion My r at ing: 5/ 5 st ar s Af t er f inding out an ast er oid could dest r oy t he Ear t h in about t wo mont hs, ever ybody st ar t s doing t hings t hey nor mally wouldn't . A gr oup of f our ver y dif f er ent high school st udent s begin deciding what t hey will do wit h t heir r emaining t ime. Should t hey par t icipat e in r isky event s? Should t hey j ust cont inue living nor mally? I loved t hat t he wr it ing st yle was ver y honest and r eal. I t made t he book seem mor e like somet hing t hat could act ually happen and less like a f ict ional st or y. This book also allows each of t he main char act er s t o have t heir own chapt er s in t heir POV. I r eally liked t his because you could see what ot her char act er s t hought of a sit uat ion. This book also makes you t hink a lot . I t makes you ask your self what you would do if t his act ually happened.

We all Looked up Image source


Tit le: Mat ched Aut hor : Ally Condie Genr e: Dyst opia My r at ing: ? st ar s Cassia lives in a t ime wher e t he societ y is t ight ly- cont r olled. The Of f icials cont r ol what t hey eat , wher e t hey live, when t hey die, and even who t hey love. When it is Cassia?s t ur n t o f ind out who her lif e par t ner is, somet hing goes ver y wr ong. This af f ect s many event s in her lif e and she has t o f igur e out how t o hide t his mist ake. I n my opinion, t his book was a gr eat st ar t t o t he t hr ee par t ser ies. I t showed how t he char act er s act and what t hey ar e like wit hout r evealing any secr et s t hat would be announced lat er . This book also kept on sur pr ising me. Once I t hought ever yt hing was set t ling down, anot her sur pr ising pr oblem occur r ed! Alt hough t her e wer e many sur pr ises, t her e wer e also some par t s t hat could be a bit bor ing. However , t he book as a whole was gr eat !

Matched Image source

YEARSOF WORK, NOREWARD BYANTHONYJ. Coronavirus is currently raging across the world, taking lives, taking jobs, and affecting families. Everyone, in the United States at least, is being affected by the disease that is COVID-19. Schools are shut down all over the place too, which means that seniors will not get their hard earned years of work rewarded with graduation. Knowing this, I decided to interview a few on their feelings about it.

How do you f eel m issin g gr adu at ion an d pr om ? Many seniors are very sad that they will not get to enjoy the feeling of graduation. Kayla J. when asked about her feelings on this replied,? Overall, my feelings are hurt because I wanted a ceremony and I wanted to be celebrated just like other seniors? ? Many seniors like this are experiencing a tough time having to go from being the Class of 2020 to the Class of Corona, For the past 20 years or more, every senior class has gotten the chance to have physical graduation on a national level. This year Class of 2020 does not get to have a taste of that.

Wh at w ou ld you t h in k of an af t er -cor on a pr om ? Since they can?t do graduation or prom, I then asked what they would think of an after-corona prom, Diamond H. said,? I think that it would be nice for high school seniors if they bought dresses and suits? ? Kayla also told me that she has spent $250 dollars on her prom dress just for it to be canceled. Spending hundreds of dollars on suits or dresses definitely deserves a place to be used. That is one of the reasons an after-corona prom idea came alive.

Wh at w ill you r em em ber m ost f r om t h is even t ? Since COVID-19 has taken over the world and caused changes in everyone's life, I wanted to know what they would remember from this event. When questioned Kayla said,? I will remember how strong I am for going through this, because graduation is a milestone, and me missing out on this is sad.? Staying strong through missing a milestone in your life is a great show of grit and self-control.

Wh at w ill you t ell you r k ids an d gr an d-k ids abou t t h is? I then asked what would they tell their kids and grand-kids about this and Kohl D. replied,?If I were to tell my grand-kids about the coronavirus it would be telling them of a time where we all spent our last half of high school quarantined at home everyday for months.? Diamond said,?[I would tell them of] how I have been robbed of my high school experience and they should be grateful to finish off school if they do.?Future seniors really should be grateful for graduating since others kids did not get that chance. Some kids will think they are unlucky they have to stay in school but most of us in quarantine are missing school as Kayla said she is missing School and its memories.

Wh at is t h e w or st par t of bein g ou t of sch ool? Since we are all at home, I wanted to know the worst parts of being out of school, so the next question was What has been the worst part of being out of school for you? Diamond said,?[It is the worst] having to stay at home instead of being with my friends; didn?t know it will be the last time to see them.? I think it would definitely be sad not knowing it would be the last time you would see your buddies you have gone to school with for years. Your class is like a family and when you do not get to say bye to them, it can be tough.

How did you f eel w h en sch ool w as called f or t h e year ? The final question was to see how they felt when they heard school was out for the year. Kohl told me,?[I] do miss seeing some of the people that were there, seeing school was canceled for the rest of the year was sad but a little relieving.? Diamond said,? I was happy at first, but then sadly realized that they canceled functions like prom and graduation.? Lastly, Kayla told me,? I kind of felt distraught and upset because I did not get to say goodbye properly or leave with my head held high for college.?All of the seniors I interviewed felt negative in some way towards school ending. Having to go from expecting to come back to school after spring break to never seeing some of your school buddies again will make anyone sad.

Everyone around the world is currently in situations that are similar to this. This is only one part of life that coronavirus has affected. For these seniors they are missing out on a one in a lifetime experience. For others they could be missing important things too. This will definitely be something to remember and tell our children about.

Fashion Thr oughout The Year s by Hadley S. Fash ion h as ch an ged a l ot th r ou gh ou t th e year s, wh eth er it?s in col or or ,design fash ion is con stan tl y ch an gin g. Let?s tak e a l ook at it...

'70 s 70?s fash ion was ver y bol d an d ou t th er e. W ith br igh t col or s, an d u n iqu e patter n s. 70?s fash ion was tr u l y som eth in g ver y differ en t fr om n ow.

In th e 70?s th ey h ad a bu n ch of fu n fash ion tr en ds h er e ar e a few...

bel l bottom s wer e ver y big back in th e 70?s an d th ey ar e pr etty m u ch ju st pan ts with a fl owy bottom .


den im sh or ts over bl ack tigh ts was al so ver y big an d k in d of fel l u n der th e ?bik er ? categor y in fash ion ju m psu its ar e a ver y m em or abl e par t of th e 1970?s an d th ey h ave m ade a sl igh t com eback in 2000s

Bel l bottom s Pl atfor m h eel s H al ter tops Low cu t tops for m en an d wom en Ju m psu its Scar ves an d ber ets Powder bl u e su its Lon g wool coats an d bean ies Den im sh or ts over bl ack tigh ts

'80 s 80s fash ion was al so ver y bol d an d al l over th e pl ace ch an gin g con stan tl y an d h ow you dr essed in th e 80s was based com pl etel y on you r per son al ity Som e of th e m ost popu l ar 80s fash ion tr en ds wer e... fl or al s wer e ver y big in th e 80s with th eir vibr an t col or s.

Fin ger l ess l ace gl oves wer e al so ver y big in th e 80s, an d wer e in spir ed by M adon n a wh o was a fam ou s sin ger.

- Ripped jean s an d l eath er jack ets - M ol l y Rin gwal d an d M adon n a in spir ed fash ion - Pl eath er (fak e l eath er ) - Bl u e on bl u e - Sk ir ts - Bol d br igh t col or s - Pin str iped su its - M en star ted wear in g ath l etic wear - Fau x fu r - M oth er dau gh ter m atch in g - fl or al s

M ol l y Rin gwal d in spir ed fash ion was ver y popu l ar too, m ol l y Rin gwal d is a fam ou s actr ess wh o was in a l ot of popu l ar 80s m ovies.

'90 s In th e 90s fash ion star ted to l ook m or e l ik e it does n ow, bu t n ot exactl y. A few ol der fash ion tr en ds al so cam e in to th e 90?s. A few of th e biggest 90s fash ion tr en ds wer e...


Ligh t wash jean s wer e ver y popu l ar in th e 90s an d h ave m ade a com e back , n ow r efer r ed to as m om jean s.


Cr op tops/ m idr iff tops Tigh t dr esses Sequ in s Al l wh ite Ligh t wash jean s Fl or al s Ten n is dr esses with wh ite sn eak er s Ou tfits in spir ed by M C H am m er ?s ?Can ?t tou ch th is? Bik in is as sh ir ts Pl atfor m sh oes Dr. m ar ten s Pl aid sk ir ts Logos Den im cu toffs an d k n ee sock s

pl aid sk ir ts wer e ver y popu l ar in th e 90s m ain l y in spir ed by Ch er in th e m ovie cl u el ess. Dr. M ar ten s wh il e bein g a ver y h u ge tr en d in th e 90s ar e al so a ver y h u ge tr en d today.

20 0 0 s Th e 2000s was a ver y cel ebr ity in spir ed tim e in fash ion , m ak in g TV sh ows, l ik e fr ien ds, gossip gir l , or Gr ey's an atom y to in spir e fash ion . Actr esses l ik e Par is H il ton , Br ittan y Spear s, J LO, an d oth er s al so in spir ed th e 2000s fash ion . H er e ar e a few of th e biggest 2000s tr en ds. -

H al ter tops Den im Low r ise jean s Von du tch Live str on g br acel ets Pol o sh ir ts over oth er sh ir ts Vests Leath er an d l atex l eggin gs Ed H ar dy Su n gl asses H eel ed M ar y Jan es Tr ack su its

M ar y Jan es wer e a ver y popu l ar sh oe br an d

tr ack su its wer e ver y ver y popu l ar in th e 2000s.

Von Du tch , an ju st h avin g br an d l ogos on you r cl oth es in gen er al , was ver y popu l ar

20 10 s Th e 2010s is tr u l y ju st a m or e evol ved ver sion of th e 2000s an d th en you th r ow in th e 70s 80s an d 90s, an d th en a few in dividu al th in gs. H er e ar e th e tr en ds of th e 2010s -

Leopar d pr in t ?No pan ts? Bik e sh or ts Cr op tops Vin tage an d festival fash ion Layer s on l ayer s Over sized Off th e sh ou l der tops Pepl u m tops wedge sn eak er s

off th e sh ou l der top

wedge sn eak er s wer e ver y popu l ar with teen s.

pepl u m tops wer e popu l ar in th e ear l y 2010s.

th eses wer e m y sou r ces In sider , W h owh atwear , M ar ie Cl air e, Th e fash ion fol k s

FASHION TRENDS BY:BOTHAINAS, ALANAT,&AVERIET. Want t o k now what t he lat est fashion t r ends ar e? Well you came t o t he r ight place! We ar e her e t o infor m and show you all t he nice fashion t r ends r ight now.

Lat est St yles

Many teens want to become awar e of the latest styles and f ashion tr ends at this time! Even though f ashion tr ends change ver y of ten, it's good to know what kind of styles and f ashion people like at this ver y moment! It is also good to explor e new types of styles and tr y something new.

Ther e ar e many var ious styles that come in all types of ways. Her e is a list of some style and f ashion people wear at this time! (Apr il-May 2020) Be awar e that ther e can be accessor ies and extr as as well,not just clothes! - Ripped jeans - Cr op t ops - Round f r amed glasses - Sweat pant s - Bir kenst ock's - Vans - Cr op t ank t ops - Air For ce 1 - Nike air max 270 r eact

Teens Opinions Most teens ar e inter ested in what their f r iends ar e wear ing mor e than what celebr ities ar e wear ing. Mainly on how to look cool or tr endy in their teen year s. For example, I asked one of my Mor e t r ending t hings! f r iends, and accor ding to Aver ie, she said ? Well I like to see what - Str apped backpacks people wear on Instagr am, styles - Apple Watches on Pinter est (teen wise), and - Scr unchies! have a similar style. It makes me - Ankle Br acelets get a change on what to wear - Shor t Hair ! - Long Sleeve under and it?s what I like.? We asked a t-shir t f ew other people and they - Beanies claimed that was the same - Gold Necklaces with a r eason why. It makes them ?f it in? symbol or your name mor e and the style def ines what - Long socks they like. - Shor t Plaid Skir ts - Tinted lens eye sunglasses - Kendr a Scott necklace

Tr ending Tr ends! As we wr ap up this ar ticle we conf ir med that style tr ends do in f act change ver y of ten. These ar e just many var ious things that ar e tr ending this Spr ing 2020. Fashion What Makes Teens comes in all dif f er ent things including hats, clothes, jewelr y, int er est ing and want ing glasses,shoes, and many t o k now mor e about st yles accessor ies.

and fashion t r ends? Teenager s ar e always up on the latest tr ends. The r eason why is because in our gener ation mor e teens car e what they look like now then what adults did in their teens. Coming f r om a teenager ,most want to know what's ?cool? or popular f or their age. Just like how teens catch up on slang or wor ds people say, f ashion f or teens is similar . They have some dif f er ences but their main similar ity is not wanting that f eeling of standing out f r om ever ybody else. It's gr eat to be dif f er ent but based on what I've seen many teens like sticking to what ever yone else does.

As we know of it today teens want to catch up on the latest things ever yone else is wear ing! This will hopef ully benef it teens which this was mostly f or gir ls but some f or boys as well, and inf or m them of tr ends going on at this moment and know mor e about what people like.

THANK YOU FORREADING THIS MAGAZINE! Sour ces: www.pinter est.com , Google Photos, www.guar dian.com , www.instyle.com , www.thetr endspotter .net www.Tf nl.co

Fashion Through Time Written By: Sophia F. Through the years of fashion there has always been a ?safe? area of style that everyone sticks to, but what if that bubble started to disappear? Yes, fashion today is not just a little bubble everyone tries to fit into, fashion is so much more and expands every day. Today we will take a trip down memory lane of fashion as well as fashion today to see the differences and possible similarities.

1920s The first era I?m starting with has to be where I feel fashion needs to start which is the 20s (also known as the roaring 20s).This is when the flapper style screamed modern women during the 20s. This fashion tried to make you look older than you actually are. This was not a pants era for women it was mid and shorter dresses usually. The swimsuits were very long. The men wore either preppy cardigans or just a suit as well as they have bow ties and both thinner and wider ties were in. You can?t forget the occasional hat.

1930s Next era is the 1930s which was an interesting year. Women brought back the cinched waist and were even starting to wear pants very high waisted straight down pants. Also this time had evening gown feel because the dresses consisted of silk, satin, and chiffon. The main categories were working girl, sports casual, and Hollywood Glam. Then men once again wear a dressy pant and cardigan or suit.The men wore super wide ties and a lot of hats.

1940s Jumping into the 1940s. The hourglass silhouette with a masculine touch was in. The padded shoulders in high waist tops. You can?t forget the A-line skirt. This was the an everyday from dresses to suits. Even pants had a high cinched waist with wider legs. Blouses the popular shirt of choice. Evening dresses were longer while day dresses ended at the knee. Hair wear consisted of hats, turbans, snoods, and flower hairs pieces.This is when the 2 piece the bikini debuted. Men started to have more options especially with the more casual shirt (hawaiian shirts) and a baggy suit (teenagers usually wore this). The men had a casual shirt, high waisted, jeans and pants with cuffs,T-shirts, loafers, and white socks were the main choices to wear. They older you get the more proper suits you wore but with a shorter jacket. The hats, and the wider ties were in.

1950s Swingin?into the 50s. The tea length dresses. Two types of dresses were in like loger fit and flare (circle dresses) or a more straight dresses (sheath dresses). Poodle skirts were mainly for teens. The cinched or hugged waist. Pockets were starting to be found in dresses. Colors were crazy as well as patterns. Accessories consist of: Purses, gloves, smaller hats, headbands,belts, jewelry: pearls, animal brooches, and sweater clips. Shoes consisted of kitten heels, saddle shoes and stiletto heels. If you weren?t wearing a dress then you would capri pants, and high waisted pants, peter pan collared blouses, cardigan sweaters, swing coats, and pencil or swing skirts. What you would find in mens closet during this time? . Letterman jackets, slim fitting suits, skinny ties, bowling shirts,blue jeans, high top converse, and saddle shoes basically defined their wardrobe. Elvis, Frank Sinatra, and James Dean were big influencers on men.

1960s Going back to the 60s. This was a very impactful era because of the bold bright colors, crazy cuts, and a youthful vibe. This era started to expand the horizon for women, moving away from prim and proper to a more rebellious style. Some styles were mod, hippie, and beatnik looks which were all artsy and fun. The bottoms were mini skirts or pencil skirts especially in plaid, jax pants, bell bottoms, stirrup pants, blue jeans and pantsuits. The tops were turtlenecks, button-down shirts, chunky knit sweaters and shapeless dresses that were short in bright colors and psychedelic swirls for the Mod look. Shoes were flats, boots, and shoes made in vinyl, Pop art Jewelry was a big thing as well as tall stocking in all colors. Even the hair had a very big role? it was either a short bob or long straight down hair. The men wear suits a lot. The outfit was based on Don Draper. The style was very preppy, cardigans over shirts, nicer pants, a button down. Thought the more casual wear was stripey tucked in shirts with a thicker belt and high waisted blue jeans. Some men even wore a button down, tie, tailored jacket then blue jeans. Men shoes were loafers. The ties were skinny and knitted. Men started to get some pattern pants and some knitted sweaters and sunglasses.

1970s Groovin?into the 70s the predominant look for women. This was mainly just a advanced version of 60s fashion with the hippie and mod style. What was new was tie-dye tight shirts, hip hugger jeans, afros, boots that hooked up the front, long calico dresses, rose-printed black-challis dirndl skirts, and.maxi coats. Some trends were Peasant blouses, tunic tops, funny t-shirts,and shirts, Bell bottom pants and jeans called flares, wide-leg palazzo pants Homemade and decorated clothing (patches, fringe, embroidery),pantsuits with silk bow blouses, and blazers worn to the office (or work), jumpsuits could be worn as casual wear, evening wear, or for disco dancing.

Women loved to layer their clothes. There was no specific hairstyle for women it was all over the place. Swimsuits were just like swims suits today but a lot were high waisted.Men still wore suits sometime but this fashion really advanced it was honestly very similar but with more dark colors and neutral colors. Flared pants, disco suits, jumpsuits, afros, funny or band shirts, printed button-up shirts, and the shoes were boots and loafers. The Hippy Style was in for the boys especially and this era had longer hair.

1980s Now into the Radical 80s. This was the year of workout. Some key trends for women to remember, big hair, neon colors, leg warmers, spandex, leotards, tights (occasionally ripped), lacey shirts, high waisted jeans (mom jeans), mullets, and did I mention neon colors. There was a lot of bold color and style but especially more mature women wore more dresses and pearls reminding you of old Hollywood glam. The met gala today is similar to 80s fashion but 80s fashion is slightly toned down. The most popular trend I would say was the fitness style but business women was also part of the style.The masculine less hourglass for women was also in and there shoes were more casual like Converse instead of heels all the time. Honestly I could go on and on about women's fashion because of how diverse it is if you would like to see more style go to Women's Fashion through the 80s and just click through. Now the men, some iconic things was denim on denim, tracksuits, high top sneakers, polo's, over sized printed shirts,leather jackets, a power suit, neon (fluro), destroyed denim, and also the Big fitness outfits similar to the women.

1990s Kickin?it into the 1990s. Common looks for women were? crop tops, babydoll dresses over leggings, black leather jackets with shoulder pads, and colored or embroidered jeans, with slouch socks, Keds, or ballet flats and Converse. The most memorable trend is the grudge look. Women also wore things like plaid jackets, mom jeans,Cardigans, mini skirts, over sized t-shirts, over sized jackets, flannel, and just a lot of plaid. Men wore basically the same thing but the jeans were baggier For both men and women wore others shoes like Vans, Doc Martens, Nike, and Adidas. Also windbreakers with if a bunch of colors were big.

2000s A era for sure, the 2000s. One of the ugliest years and I can say that because even celebrities themselves say they regret their fashion choice. Paris Hilton even made fun of her old look.Common clothes for women embroidered low-rise jeans, yoga pants,cowl-neck tops, tube tops, denim jackets, bell-sleeved shirts, jean shorts, crop tops, whale tails, tracksuits, cargo pants, capri pants, trench coats, puffer jackets,longer tank tops worn with a main blouse or shirt. Now not all of the things were considered bad some of the style was good especially as time went on. Now the mens outfits really baggy long denim shorts, and baggy jeans is the real statement that was really different From womens clothes. Also men and women loved lots of layers and denim on denim on denim.

2010s In case you missed it the 2010s fashion is next. This is an interesting decade since it changes a lot along the years. Thought since it changed near the beginning of the next decade it will not be included this year. Common clothes for Women was to wear legging, streetwear,Gucci anything, floppy hats, women power suits and outfits,ankle boots, jeggings, skinny jeans, naked dresses, Handbags, deconstructed denim, headbands, custom clothes, fringe, loafers (and just shoes in general), fanny packs, wedge sneakers,tank tops, graphic t-shirts, and millennial pink sums up women's wardrobes. Mens wardrobe selvedge denim,minimal sneakers, pocket squares, joggers, skinny jeans, cross body bags, hoodies, wide leg pants, bomber jacket, combat boots, plaid, t-shirts and tank tops.

2020s (NOW) Today is now so diverse. It has gone back in time came back and modernized fashion. Women and Men wear whatever they wants such as oversized t-shirt, wide-leg high waisted jeans, mom jeans, every length tight and fit and flare dresses, vintage clothes, thrifted clothes, high-end brand clothes, every type of shoe, Street wear, wigs, platforms, windbreakers, mix-matched patterns, light layering, bright color, neutral colors, dark colors, leather jackets, denim jackets, oversized jackets, graphic t-shirts, bell-bottoms, mini-skirts, crop tops, tube tops, blouses, hoodies,vans, converse, and patterns. I know men probably don?t wear everything but I decided to merge them together because there is not a specific category of what to wear if a man wants to wear a crop top, he will wear a crop top. Today's fashion breaks down boundaries there is no right and wrong and fashion expands everyday. I didn?t use any sources since I know my fashion trends today.

Fashion has changed over time so much and to get where we are today. Embrace What you wear no matter what else anyone thinks of you if you like it where it? Maybe you?ll make a new fashion trend. Definitions snoods - a wide ring of knitted material worn as a hood or scarf. Grudge- is a style of fashion that includes baggy, torn clothes.



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""itsnot about theshoes.Itsabout what youdo inthem.""- Michael Jordan

In 1984, Michael Jordan, arguably the greatest basketball player of all time teamed up with Nike, a brand primarily focused on running shoes. Nike landed Jordan with a dream of becoming the premiere brand for athletic stars. This dream soon became a reality after the release of the Jordan 1. This was an instant hit, selling over $70 million dollars worth of shoes just a month after the release. Now, more than 16 years after Jordan retired, the brand is still dominating the shoe industry.

Today, It's not just basketball stars that have an influence in the sneaker industry, it's musicians like Pharrell Williams, Travis Scott, and Kanye West. These stars coupled with the emergence of social media have catapulted their brands into a 100 billion dollar industry.



So how did this all start? To answer that question we will have to go back to 1971, when University of Oregon track coach and Nike co founder, Bill Bowerman was working to make a better shoe for his athletes. Eventually, he had the idea to pour molten rubber into a waffle iron. After many different tests he finally perfected the waffle sole pattern, a pattern that Nike continues to use today.

Bill Bowerman's idea revolutionized athletic shoes, which were becoming more important than ever, as an increasing number of people began to believe that anyone could be an athlete. This idea became solidified into

Bill Bowerman working on an original shoe Source- Nike

american culture in the 70s, when americans realized that exercise and playing sports was fun. Now with more people in the market to buy shoes, companies began to become more diverse with the types of shoes they were selling. This is when famous athletes like Michael Jordan started to enter the sneaker industry.

Bill Bowerman with oregon track athlete source-Nike

""MYADIDAS,WALKTHROUGHCONCERTDOORSAND ROAMOVERCOLISEUMFLOORS.""- RUNDMC By the mid 1980s, sneakers had become a prominent part of pop culture. Hip-Hop icons like Run DMC even started to rap about their shoes. The song ?My Adidas? even won the group sponsorship by the brand, thus beginning the first collaboration between a musical artist and shoe company.

This collaboration broke barriers throughout both the shoe and music industry, changing how we see shoes forever. The sneaker industry soon became somewhat of a status

Run DMC Adidas Superstars source-Brandon Richard-solecollector

symbol for popular celebrities, an achievement that indicated just how culturally relevant you are. In recent times, though, we have seen musicians part in the sneaker industry shift from endorsements to collaborations. This means that instead of just having their name and some of their design on a shoe, they are fully involved in the creative process behind that shoe.

This change is largely due to the success and influence of Kanye West and Pharrell Williams. These artists are now more involved in the world of fashion than they are in music. Thanks to them, more artists than ever are entering the sneaker industry.

Adidas Yeezy boost in "Clean Linen" colorway

""WEREAMARKETPLACE;WEREANEVOLUTIONOFEBAY."" -JOSHLUBER, FOUNDEROFSTOCKX Twenty years ago, most people bought their shoes at the local footlocker or sporting goods store. Now, with the emergence of technology and online retail, there are more options than ever for buying shoes. Companies like StockX, GOAT, and Stadium Goods have revolutionized both the luxury sneaker and resale industries.

So what does the future of the sneaker industry hold? As musical artists work to enhance their personal brand, we can expect continued growth in collaborations not only in the sneaker industry but throughout the whole world of fashion. Pop culture's impact on fashion shows no signs of slowing down, and soon I think more artists than ever will take the opportunity to enter the sneaker industry, changing it forever.

Sources Wray, Adam. ?Rihanna Fenty Puma & Other Sneaker Collaborators: The New Mixtape?? Billboard, 12 Sept.2017, www.billboard.com/articles/news/lifestyle/7957982/musician-sneaker-collaborations-more-important--ever. than

h ttps://sneakerswarm.net/top-5-sneaker-moments-in-pop-culture/



Phot o by Hannah M.


Gabriella N. Do you wish you were on TikTok right now ?

Logo of TikTok What is TikTok? TikTok is a Chinese social media app used to share and create short videos from dancing, story telling, reactions, and to cleaning. The app is most popular in teens with a whopping 41 percent of users being in ages from 16-24 slate. TikTok has taken over the social media game with being the most downloaded app in the apple store and the third in google play store. TikTok has been downloaded 2 billion times worldwide with 800 million active users Oberlo.

ceo of TikTok

How does Tik Tok get you addict ed? TikTok gets you sucked in to the app using different

strategies. Tiktok recommends videos on your fyp which is a page of TikToks for you chosen through the people you follow, videos you like, and you can spot more popular creators or liked videos. Music is a big part of TikTok by using catchy, popular, creative songs or ones that users have created. Users will be thinking about the sounds and even without knowing they will sing these throughout the day maybe even with a few moves. Celebrities and social media influencers commonly have TikTok to promote their music or try and get new followers within the app. When you see your idol or favorite YouTuber doing fun little dances or doing the newest trends you are instantly hooked and must follow them and all their friends.

Users on TikTok create trends that are creative and fun from dressing up like someone in your family,giving your dog an egg. transforming your room/hangout spot, to the finger down challenge these trends pressure you into trying them or believing that it is cool. If you like a trend so much you might spend hours just looking at different videos of the same trend. These are just a few of the examples of how you get hooked.

Top 5 Popu lar Tik Tok er s Charil D"amilio Charli D?Amelio has the biggest following on TikTok with a 49.5 million followers Loren Gray was on the app before it was TikTok and it was known as Music.ly ( an app very similar to TikTok just with less features and more lip syncing) she carried the biggest following until March of this year.

- Zach King makes fun skits and has a following of 41.3 million followers - Riyaz Aly is a Indian TikToker who makes lip syncing skits or pov?s (point of view) where it is like the tiktoker is interacting and talking to you he has a following of 35.8 million - Addison Rae makes typical dancing TikToks and a few story times she currently has a following of 34.5 million Business insider tiktok Quitting your TikTok addiction Even though this sounds like a joke you can actually get addicted to not just TikTok but any social media,video games,Netflix,food,drugs,etc. In this particular magazine I will be giving you tips to quit your TikTok addiction. First, you need to realize you have an addiction. I know you stay up til two three am scrolling, maybe you sit there not even realizing it's the middle of class and your scrolling ,or how about you humming those catchy songs like we talked about.

Second , I would go to your settings and see how much screen time you spend on TikTok alone. How to For iPhone for android. Next, I would limit that app to a certain amount of screen time, depending on how much time you usually spend on TikTok. I would do an hour less than your average or 15 minutes less if it is only an hour. How to for iphone for android . Then,as your week goes on and you feel more comfortable with how much you limit yourself to, try and reduce your time to less and less. Do not cut your time dramatically because you do not want to give up and keep staying up all night scrolling. At this time,try to do more positive things; don't just spend time on other apps when your time is up. Go outside,do something crafty, or pick up a new or old hobby and you won?t even miss TikTok. Last but not least, In a week or so your time should be pretty low. Remember it is okay to use tiktok, but don?t become obsessed again think of it like a sweet treat. When your time gets so low you might even think about deleting it for a while to take a little vacation. I hope these tips were helpful and you use them.

Th e Hist or y of Jok in g Ash lyn F. Why did the chicken cross the road? More like WHEN did the chicken cross the road. In this article, we will explore and uncover when jokes were ?invented.?

When were jokes first told? As you can suspect, everybody had humor, but not everybody had jokes. According to Reuters, the world?s oldest joke was recorded in 1900 BC. Now, I wouldn?t be surprised if jokes were told before then; they just never thought about writing them down.

What are jokes? A Joke is ?a form of humor that comes and goes with the rise and fall of civilizations.? They fall in the category of folklore, along with things like myths, proverbs, riddles, and superstitions. But what makes a joke different than a story? Well, the answer lies in the punchline. You see, in a story, the climax often comes later in the story when a lot of action happens, but in a joke, the climax occurs in the punchline.

What are some different kinds of jokes? There are many different types of jokes. Whether it is just the regular old knock- knock joke or some simple sarcasm, there are different jokes for different personalities. There are more than the typical everyday jokes. Here are just a few:

Burlesque humor- This is a humor that is most often an exaggerated reenactment of another written piece.

Grim/ morbid humor- This is a humor/ joke that may be depressing. It likes to deal with things like death and crime.

Self-deprecating humor- This is a joke in which someone belittles/ makes fun of himself through joke telling.

Serio-comic humor- This is a humor that begins off funny but then takes a drastic turn and becomes something very serious.

Jokes have been around for forever and they have evolved. What made people laugh 2000 years ago might not make us laugh now in 2020. The thing is, jokes bring laughter and happiness and that is exactly what we need right now in these uncertain times.

The past, present, and future walked into a bar. It was tense. Q. What did one DNA strand say to the other? A. Does my bum look big in these genes? A police recruit was asked during the exam, "What would you do if you had to arrest your mother?" He said, "Call for backup." Q. Which is heavier? A gallon of water or a gallon of butane? A. Butane because it will always be a lighter fluid. Q. Why do people in Greece hate getting up early? A. Because dawn is tough on Greece I told a chemistry joke. Unfortunately, there was no reactionI Most people think french fries were made in France, (because of the name) But most fries are actually fried in grease.

Ho w


Introduction Picture this, you're minding your own business when suddenly you get swept up into a plane with the pilot passed out. You can't just jump out. That's why you should learn how to fly a plane! Planes have so many buttons and doohickeys that it seems impossible to know how to fly one. But I am going to teach you how to fly a plane.

F ly a

P la n e

Flying a Plane is kind of hard... No doubt. If you want to become a pilot you should probably take a genuine class which would take several years. But you mostly need to know which way is up and which way is tragedy on the front page the front page of the local newspaper. And of course there are several factors and several million buttons to memorize. But some planes have a magical button that makes the flight smooth for you. It's called the autopilot and most planes have one! But if this is an emergency situation then you should read the next section.

How to fly a plane If you are reading this, you are screwed and there is no doubt in my mind that you are doomed. There is no internet to ask "What does this big red button on the plane do?" and that's why i put in this article! Basically stay calm and not frantically hit every button until the plane explodes. Look for someone who might actually know how to fly a plane if there is none then congratulations you are now responsible for the lives of dozens of people! Land as soon as you can by using the funny slingshot shaped thing. Use trial and error to figure out how to use the steering wheel and if anybody screams while you are doing so just say "sorry ladies and gentlemen I had to swerve to avoid some ducks." after you get the hang of it, look for a radio. Once you find a radio congratulations you are their problem now!

by Be n


How Can Sports Help You Physically and Socially? By:Zach ar y VM .

Have you ever wanted to join a sports team and not known what the benefits of it would be? Well, there?s plenty of reasons as to why you should join a team. Sports can help you physically and socially. Ways that sports can help you physically are infinite because there?s plenty of ways it can help you. Some ways that sports can help you grow physically would be that it helps your body grow muscle and strengthen joints. Another way that sports can help you become more physical is that it will help you be more coordinated, such as being more balanced and being more symmetrical. Sports will also help you develop healthy living habits such as wanting to stay in shape and eat better as the season ends as well. Sports can also help in another way which is socially. Sports can help you grow socially with people by making you work as a team and having great teamwork. Also sports will help you with your communication skills and with your attitude. There?s plenty of other ways that sports make you become more social such as problem-solving, organization, and show you that cheating is wrong.

Sports can help you grow physically and socially and the benefits of having those two things grow help you so much with your life now and even your future. So, if you?re debating on joining a sports team, go for it!

Sources: Rosario, Samantha. ?Social and Emotional Benefits of Playing Sports?. WorkInSports.com ?Physical, Social and Emotional Benefits of Participating in Sports?. Study.com

CLUB WPARRITKTEERNCB.YA:NDRYANS. OR SPORT? Sh ou ld High Sch ools h ave eSpor t Team s? Have you put in countless hours in your craft? Have you been intrigued by a larger scene at the next level? Many teens and kids have said they wanted to go pro for gaming just because they enjoy it, but now people are making that a reality. With pros such as Squishy, Shroud, s1mple, Faker, and so many more it seems like it might be viable. But how do we incorporate it as we do basketball or soccer?

The Growth Of Competi ti ve Gami ng eSports have been around for a while but growing so rapidly recently, and I see no reason why we don?t hop on the train before it changes direction. I have been looking into this topic for years now, and eSport markets tends to double at least once a year, and that can?t happen for ever. High schools have sports like basketball and soccer, why not add eSports? With how fast it?s growing, it could help many kids with tuition, set some up for possible careers, and If someone were to get a scholarship for college it would be a chance for them to be seen by the big eSports teams like Cloud9, Team Liquid, Navi, G2, and Astralis. Now, just as other sports this doesn?t mean every kid who plays games will have a career in it. But some who put in practice and care into it might have a chance. And isn?t that what we want? To help kids with their dream careers?

Bu t is it r eliable? Most parents think this would be a waste of time because they think that their children won?t be able to make a living. If you look at some of the pro

Th e Lif e Of An eSpor t Pr of ession al

players the average salary is 3,000 to

You might think of gamers as people who

5,000 a month, but if you were to reach

stay up late, eat unhealthy, and sit all day.

the top you could get around 15,000.

But just as other sports, they have

But that is not including streams, which

training schedules that they follow. For

is a large way many pros get paid. Most

example, according to Graham Ashton on

use platforms like twitch.tv, and stream

eSports Observer, previously mentioned

on a schedule whenever they aren?t

League of Legends pro, Faker, spends up

participating. Not only do they get paid

to 15 hours a day practicing, while other

by Twitch itself, but fans often choose

pros may only spend 8-10 hours. But it's

to donate money to have their message

not only playing. Coaches and health

read by the said streamer.

professionals have teams work out, take breaks, and get at least 8 hours of sleep.

Esports players are well known for having to go on stage and play, but how hard is that to do? I mean they already stream in front of thousands daily, why is this any different? For many pros, they experience jet lag, fatigue, and yes, they do experience stage fright still. Part of being a pro is being able to stay as consistent as you possibly can. And most people take their highs to compare how good you are, but the best way to do that is to get your ups and downs from mountains to small bumps. It's not being consistent, it's keeping yourself from being worse.

Wh y sh ou ld w e do it ? High schools have had the same sports for years now, and I don?t think it's a bad idea that we add some more sports or activities to it. And the reason I don?t want it to be student run or a club, my goal is to have a new sport for kids to play. A lot of students may feel limited or unable to try out for sports because they lack the physical ability to do so or just confidence, but eSports should bring in a lot of happy teens to participate. It is a great way for kids to learn and

improve leadership skills that will help in a large variety of careers in the future. While in the game you are on a team, just like in other sports. The better player won?t win, but instead the better team. Lots of jobs are looking for people to be leaders and leading a team in a game would almost be like leading a team of workers to accomplish a goal like you would in a game. So what we are saying is it isn?t just setting them up for gaming, but life skills that they will use.

Video Gam es Cau se Violen ce! By Jam es P Video Games and violence has been a very important topic since the start of the violent video game era. Games like Call of Duty Battlefield and many more have been questioned on whether or not they truly produce violence and make the youth of the world into more violent and harmful people. in a test run by Psychologists Andrew Przybylski and Netta Weinstein They recruited 1004 teens ages 15 through 14 in the United Kingdom. They then asked the parents to rate their child's aggression and then had the children rate their aggression as well. From there they asked the

teens how much time they spent playing video games and then compared the amount they played to their levels of aggression, They came to the conclusion that the time they spent playing games did not affect their aggression. People who played games less still had the same amount of aggression than people who played more. If you are interested in reading more on this then head to science news for students There have been many test just like the one I mentioned above there. From my research, I have concluded no, video games do not cause a child, or anyone for that matter, to become more violent Source 3 Source 1


Do you ever look at your hands and watch how you type or compare your typing to an older person? I certainly do and it?s obvious that I can?t type well. Now these days, we?re constantly on Chromebooks, Macs, or any other piece of technology, etc. These devices come in handy for our education and jobs. There could be something pretty simple that would make our usage for computers or any other typing device easier.

Picture of what keyboarding lessons look like

Are Typing Classes Still Taught How Often We Use Computers in Schools Today? Almost every day now, schools have According to MIT Technology Review, typing classes aren?t available in most schools anymore because they assume students are capable of typing on keyboards. Most kids know how to type from just their phone but it?s a lot different than on an actual keyboard. I have been told that there is a ?proper way?on how to type on keyboards. I was like, ?no way?because I wouldn?t think there would be a ?proper way?on something as simple as typing, but it really makes a big difference. There used to be typing classes in St. Joseph, Missouri but as far as I know, they don't teach students keyboarding classes in school anymore.

students use computers for their education. Computers are what students use to take notes on and submit in work. With technology advancing so much now, not only do students constantly use computers, but adults do too with their jobs. According to ies National Center for Education Statistics, 91%of computers were used for instructional purposes in public schools. Of all schools, 98%own computers according to, Policy Information Report. Having good typing skills would make the usage of computers easier.

The pr oper f inger placement on a keyboar d should be t hat your lef t hand f inger s ar e on let t er s A, S, D, and F. The f inger s on your r ight hand should be on let t er s J, K, L, and ;. Your t humbs would be on t he space bar . (Comput er Hope)

Proper finger placement

Student's Typing Skills Why do most adults or college students type much faster without looking at the keys? It?s probably because they took typing classes when they were in middle school or high school. Not too long ago, schools did teach typing to kids. It was even a required class for everyone to take. Since schools don?t teach typing anymore, it?s most likely that there has been a decrease in student's typing skills over the few years of no typing lessons.

Keyboarding lessons

There was a fun typing test that my writing class and I took and our scores weren?t even close to our teacher?s score. This just says that there is a What's the Significance of Typing difference in our typing skills between people who have taken typing classes and people who haven?t. Classes? Typing classes would teach you the ?proper way?of typing on a keyboard. I know it may not sound like the most exciting thing but it can make a difference in your speed of getting tasks done. According to Touch-type Read & Spell, being able to master the ?right way?of typing will make you faster and eventually, you won?t have to ask where a certain key is. Your fingers will automatically know where to go. This would be called, muscle memory.

You can still learn to type by taking online typing programs.

Having good typing skills can also reduce stress and tiredness. It will allow you to just focus on what you?re trying to get done. According to Pitman Training, touch typing (using all fingers without looking at the keys) is good for your health because you aren?t just looking at the keys and the risk for repetitive stress injuries decreases by using all of your fingers. The fact that we?re always using computers in school, it would be essential for all schools throughout the U.S. to teach students typing again. Learning how to touch type will be a benefit for students so they can get their work done a lot faster.

Phot o by Hadley M.

M y t o p 5 g l ee c h a r a c t er s By: Allison G. Glee used to be one of my favorite shows. It has a lot of interesting characters, and a lot of crazy stuff happens, from Brittany secretly being a genius, to riots over tater tots.. Today I am going to be ranking my top 5 favorite Glee characters, from worst (#5) to best (#1)

5. Br it t an y S. Pier ce Brittany was considered the ?dumb?character, but in reality, she was very smart, emotion wise. She always said how she felt, it was just in a weird way. She was also very funny, and just added a nice humor to the show. One of my favorite things she did was her web show ?Fondue for Two,?which featured her beloved cat Lord Tubbington.

4. San t an a Lopez Santana was one of the best singers on the show, but she was kind of rude. Some of the things she did were just uncalled for. However, she put people in their place when they needed to be, like Mr. Schuester when he was a Spanish teacher, but just teaching stereotypes.

3. Blain e An der son Blaine was one of the most talented boys the New Directions had. Without him, they would have had no chance at winning. When Kurt won prom queen, Blaine went up and danced with him after Dave wouldn?t. Every performance of his was just incredible, and he carried the New Directions.

2. Jesse Sain t Jam es Jesse could be really rude, especially in the earlier seasons. He started out dating Rachel just to introduce her to her real mom and to practice his acting, but it turned into real love. Also, let's not forget his insane talent. He was the best man for Rachel, due to how similar they are. They both were meant for each other, which is why he would always reappear every once in a while, and in the end, they got married.

1. Rach el Ber r y Rachel could definitely be annoying, but that in no way shape or form takes away from her talent. She killed every song she performed. People complained about how she was always in the spotlight, but she honestly deserved to be. Really no other female character compared to her vocally.

These were the best 5 Glee characters in my opinion. I have really enjoyed watching this show in the past, and think I am going to watch it again soon. If you haven't watched Glee yet, I definitely recommend it.



Di sney+?s rel ease i n Nov ember of l ast year rev eal ed some new great mov i es and sh ow s to me, but Coco i s by f ar th e best one yet. Th i s mov i e i s about a boy named M i guel w h ose f ami l y?s past k eeps h i m f rom pursui ng h i s l ov e f or musi c. He ends up f aci ng many ch al l enges w h en h e tri es to pi ck up h i s great grandf ath er?s gui tar and pl ay. I ?m not one to spoi l great mov i es, so I ?l l l eav e th e rest f or you to f i nd out! Coco i s a f antasti c mov i e th at addresses many v al uabl e i deas. You h av e al l h eard th e term ?f ol l ow your dreams? and I i magi ne you?v e been tol d th at you can be anyth i ng you w ant to be, h ow ev er M i guel w as tol d th e opposi te. He w anted to be a great musi ci an, j ust l i k e h i s great grandf ath er. But h i s f ami l y di scouraged h i m f rom seek i ng h i s passi on. He w as i mmedi atel y sh ot dow n f or l ov i ng musi c, because h i s great grandpa l ef t h i s w i f e and daugh ter f or musi c and nev er returned and th ey di dn?t w ant M i guel to l i v e out th e same f ate.

Th ere are tw o (and probabl y many more) potenti al th emes to th i s mov i e. Th e f i rst i s th at you sh oul d f ol l ow your dreams and not l et anyone tel l you oth erw i se. Don?t l et oth ers stop you f rom doi ng w h at mak es you h appy. Secondl y, you sh oul d al w ays support your f ami l y. M i guel ?s f ami l y di dn?t support h i m, w h i ch onl y l ed to th e mai n conf l i ct of th e mov i e. Your f ami l y l ov es you, but your rel ati onsh i p w i th th em depends on support and care. You sh oul dn?t be stopped f rom doi ng w h at you l ov e, especi al l y by your f ami l y. Th ese th emes are i mportant f or ev eryone, not j ust l i ttl e k i ds. No one sh oul d ev er be di scouraged f rom th ei r passi on, and ev eryone needs to k now th at. Now , f or my personal opi ni on: I th i nk th i s mov i e i s real l y w el l made. Th ere i s a w onderf ul th eme and th e pl ot i s h ook i ng. Wh en you?re w atch i ng you get attach ed to th e story, because you w ant to k now w h at h appens nex t. I w i l l say th at I cri ed at l east tw i ce w h i l e w atch i ng th i s f i l m, but don?t l et th at stop you f rom w atch i ng i t! 10/ 10 w oul d recommend. Coco i s av ai l abl e on Di sney+, A mazon Pri me V i deo, and on DV D.

A Book Bet t er Than 10 Rat s

If you like dyst opian books or st ories w it h st rong fem ale charact ers, t hen t his is a book for you. I just read t his book, w rit t en by Suzanne Young, over quarant ine t o keep m e busy, and I have t o say t hat it kept m e on m y t oes t he ent ire t im e. I?m not gonna lie, t his book is pret t y sw eet . It ?s one of m y favorit es I?ve ever read. Do be w arned t hough, t his book has cont ent t hat is not for t he faint of heart .

Th e fir st th in g I?d l ik e to tal k abou t is th e pl ot. Gir l s W ith Sh ar p Stick s is abou t In n ovation s Academ y,a sch ool for teen age gir l s. Th ese gir l s l ive at th e academ y,an d don ?t th in k twice abou t th eir teach in gs or th e way th ey ar e tr eated. Bu t on e day,th e gir l s go on an ou tin g, an d th in gs star t to ch an ge. Ph il om en a, th e m ain ch ar acter in th is action -pack ed stor y,star ts to n otice th in gs sh e h adn ?t befor e. Th is book h as an am azin g pl ot with m an y twists an d tu r n s, an d th e stor y is fast paced an d devel ops wel l . Th e pl ot is cr eepy an d th e stor y is u n settl in g, bu t it is stil l a ver y in ter estin g r ead, an d I was fu l l y in vested in th e stor y fr om th e ver y begin n in g. Th er e?s r om an ce an d action , in ju stice an d r even ge in th is stor y. Th er e ar e m an y sh ock in g su r pr ises in th is book , an d I?m su r e th at even th e m ost obser van t r eader s wil l fail to see wh at h appen s n ext in al m ost ever y scen e. If you l ik e action , th is book is per fect for you . It al ways k eeps th e r eader on th eir toes. Th e secon d th in g th at m ak es th is book am azin g is th e ch ar acter s. Th e m ain ch ar acter is Ph il om en a, wh o h as a k in d h ear t an d a str on g bon d with th e r est of th e gir l s in th e stor y. On e th in g I l ik e abou t al l th e ch ar acter s is th at th ey ar e al l ver y cl ose to on e an oth er. Th er e ar e differ en t bon ds with differ en t ch ar acter s, an d th er e is r om an ce between som e ch ar acter s as wel l . Th is k eeps th e stor y even m or e in ter estin g. Each an d ever y on e of th e gir l s at th e academ y h as th eir own per son al ity,an d each of th e teach er s h as th eir own eer ie dem ean or abou t th em . Th e ch ar acter s ar e wel l wr itten an d por tr ayed ju st as th ey sh ou l d be to k eep th e stor y fl owin g. Th e ch ar acter devel opm en t in th e gir l s at th e academ y is in cr edibl e, an d I r eal l y fel t for each an d ever y on e of th em . I cou l d r el ate with th e gir l s at th e academ y,an d th e way th e teach er s wer e wr itten m ade m y stom ach ch u r n . Th e l ast th in g th at m ak es th is book so gr eat is th e wr itin g. Th is book h as su ch a wel l wr itten stor y. Th e way You n g wr ites gives you ju st th e r igh t am ou n t of su spen se. Th e book is fast paced, bu t You n g does a good job of wh en to r eveal cer tain th in gs. Th er e ar e won der fu l l y pl aced descr iptive wor ds, an d pieces of poetr y in cl u ded in th e stor y th at gives you a better feel of wh at th ese gir l s ar e goin g u p again st. You n g k n ows ju st wh at wor ds to say to m ak e th e stor y cr eepy. I was gen u in el y u n settl ed by th e sch ool an d al l th e peopl e wor k in g in it, an d th e way th e stor y pan s ou t says a l ot abou t th e in ju stices th at gir l s h ave al ways faced. Over al l , th is book gets 10/ 10 star s. I wou l d ch oose to own an d r ead th is book over own in g 10 r ats, an d tr u st m e, I l ove r ats. I str on gl y r ecom m en d th is book , an d I h ope th at th is r eview wil l in spir e an yon e r eadin g to ch eck it ou t! -H ar per E

I m age cr edits (her e)

Disn ey+: Pr elu de, Pr esen t , an d Fu t u r e By: Cris T. Now, I was one that was extremely excited for the Disney+ service ever since late 2018 when the service was officially announced; however, I have been left satisfied by the service, but not impressed. After only having been released for several months, Disney+ already has an extensive history of successes, missteps, and lies perpetuated by the greedy corporation that is Disney. This article is looking to explore why the Disney+ streaming service has relatively failed when compared to some of its rivals. This article will start with the lead-up to the launch of the service and will continue with the launch, the content, the originals, and the future of the service.

Lead-Up and Launch of the Service Testing the Waters With the success of Netflix and the streaming market becoming a lucrative venture for other companies, the Walt Disney Company naturally began to look into creating their own streaming service. To test the streaming market for Disney properties, Disney and Netflix signed a deal for any new Disney films to head straight to Netflix starting in 2016. On top of this deal, several new Netflix Originals were announced to see if creating originals for a streaming service would be viable for the Walt Disney Company. In 2013, the first of these Originals were announced to be arriving directly from Marvel Entertainment starting in 2015 with Daredevil. With the success of most of these series and straight-to-Netflix new theatrical releases of Disney films, Disney gained the confidence to begin their own streaming service.

Disney+ logo. (Image Source)

Bolstering Their Content In December 2017, Disney began negotiations with 21st Century Fox to purchase their company to bolster Disney?s already large portfolio to make themselves more viable to create a long-running streaming service. With the purchase of Fox, Disney gained a massive new library of content that would mostly go unused on the upcoming streaming service as most of the content was deemed too adult for Disney+ or was stopped from being added from an existing deal with HBO that lasted until 2022. However, before the launch of the service, it was heavily marketed on the inclusion of all 30 seasons of The Simpsons.

Marketing and Launch On November 8th, 2018, the Disney+ streaming service was announced to the masses during a press conference with Bob Iger. The content of the streaming service would later be announced during a Disney+ showcase on April 11th, 2019. At the showcase, many of the original shows for Disney+ were announced and showcased. The streaming service would be heavily marketed leading up to its release with massive original series and awe-inspiring library content. Disney would later announce most of the library content that would be available at the service?s launch in the United States in October 2019 with a video on the official Disney YouTube channel outlining what would be available. Finally, on November 12th, 2019, the Walt Disney Company launched Disney+ to the general public in the United States, Canada, and the Netherlands, which would be followed up shortly by Australia, Puerto Rico, and New Zealand on November 19th. On the first day of the service, Disney+ supposedly gained 10,000,000 subscribers and the future of the service looked bright; however, Disney wasn?t being entirely truthful with how many paying subscribers they actually had and how many subscribers stuck around post-launch.

Originals Disney+ offers a host of original content from all facets of Disney?s brands. All of these come together to form a service that doesn?t quite live up to what was originally promised in terms of original programming. On November 12th, 2019, Disney+ launched with a host of films, series, and shorts, which were met with praise from critics and audience members alike.

The Mandalorian poster. (Image Source)

Many of the originals have skipped through the cracks of the fanbase as they don't carry the same weight as something like a new Marvel or Star Wars show brings. This has been reflective in that the major shows that have hit the the platform so far have been The Mandalorion and the seventh season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Many of the other originals that have been released as back-up for the lack of breakout originals. The one major original that hasn't been Star Wars was Diary of a Future President which saw major praise from audience members and critics alike for its telling of how a girl traveled through life as a middle schooler and became an adult. Marvel Studios has shows in the pipeline that will bring major subscription numbers from the audience, but those are still at least three months away (although the pandemic has most likely delayed the first series, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier). The original films have never been a major selling point of Disney+ so far. When the service launched, Disney tried to push certain films, but received little fanfare and no film has been able to truly garner major support since and have consistently been the lowest rated pieces of media on Disney+. However, the originals are not the entire selling point of Disney+ . So far, that title goes to the library content.

Library Content

When Disney+ launched, it already boasted a wide variety of content from Disney?s expansive catalog. This extensive library is categorized in five sections, Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, h and National Geographic. While purchasing 21st Century Fox was meant to bolster the content available for Disney+, due to an existing contract with HBO, only select 21st Century Fox films would be available for Disney+ at launch. Even so, a whole host of content was available from the launch of Disney+ with over 500 films, over 100 series, and over 100 shorts. For Disney?s side of the content, they have almost every classic Disney Animation Studios film, live-action film, Disney Channel shows and film, and their Disney Afternoon collection available under this section. Not necessarily Disney, but still considered under the Disney umbrella, the sparse collection of 20th Century Fox films are available under the Disney label. The Disney label has the widest selection of media since it puts all of Disney?s history under the same umbrella (with 20th Century Fox added in for good measure). Moving onto the Pixar label, this hosts the smallest amount of content as Pixar boasts the fewest amount of films and shorts of any of the other labels, but has some of the most celebrated films of all-time available under the label. It also boasts a wide variety of shorts from all across Pixar ?s history. The library content for Pixar contains almost everything the studio has ever made, so it?s almost impossible to be mad at the amount of content on offer with the Pixar label.

Disney+ brands. (Image Source)

The next label is the Marvel label, a label that has one of Disney+?s major draws under its content umbrella with the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Currently, only 19 Marvel Cinematic Universe films are available under this label with some tied over at Netflix and others owned by other studios. Beyond the films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the Marvel label boasts a wide variety of Marvel cartoons, shorts, and series from across the Marvel pantheon. After Marvel comes the Star Wars label which features the majority of the Skywalker Saga and even one of the spin-off films as well as spin-off TV series. With these comes the many series and shorts from LEGO under the Star Wars label. Featuring a host of content new and old, the Star Wars label hosts a wide variety of content from a galaxy far, far away. The final label is National Geographic label, which hosts the majority of Disney+?s documentaries and docuseries. While it includes many major hits from the National Geographic library, it is missing many of the major series that have shaped National Geographic which has so far left it as a disappointment for many documentary lovers.

While not currently a label, 20th Century Fox has a very small but noticeable presence on Disney+ with the major release of The Simpsons on Disney+ which has been a main driving force for subscriptions. On top of this, they have the smash-hit film Avatar as well as used to having the Home Alone films, which were silently removed. However, many classic 20th Century Fox films have so far been excluded from the service. Overall, content on DIsney+ has had quite the ride for even the short amount of time that the service has been around for. While not hosting the amount of post-launch content some were looking for, Disney+ still hosts a wide variety of content for the whole family to enjoy.

Disney?s Lies and?Screw-Ups? ? Disney+ has faced a lot of scrutiny from the general audience and critics for a number of issues related to its launch, content, and numbers. The first will be discussed is the lack of original programming for selects brands that Disney has. At the original event announcing Disney+, promises were made for Star Wars and Marvel shows and we were promised with the launch of the service ; however, when the service launched, it only launched with one new show from the Star Wars brand in The Mandalorian. While The Mandalorian was a huge hit with audiences, some fans wanted and expected more from the launch of the service such as shows taking place within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This complaint leads me right into Disney+'s rushed launch.

Image from the second episode of The Mandalorian. (Image Source)

Disney+ didn?t launch with the right amount of content for their large brands such as what I already mentioned being their Star Wars and Marvel brands. Disney+ should?ve launched with one or two Marvel shows to meet demands and draw in a larger subscriber base and not have some fans fuming over the lack of these shows.? Speaking of the subscriber base, Disney has somewhat been lying about their subscriber numbers. During the marketing phase of Disney+, the Walt Disney Company offered a deal for a free year of Disney+ if you have internet from Verizon. It is unknown how many subscribers actually fall under this category or how many just have a temporary subscription with a free trial, but Disney is a company that is known to inflate the numbers to make it look better for their shareholders and with the current pandemic, Disney will be looking to up their stocks as much as they can with the 50,000,000 subscriber number that they recently announced. Expanding upon the lack of library content post-launch, Disney has been sparsely adding content, mostly adding it on the first of each month before slowly trickling a select number of shows and films throughout the rest of the month. While this allows for us to be extremely excited when the first of each month rolls around, we are less excited as the month continues and very little content is added. On top of this, most content is announced before the month begins in the press release that Disney releases before each month and then are never added or are delayed to a later month. Again adding onto this, content has been completely removed from the platform without first telling us that the content will be removed. In the future, Disney needs to tell us what content they?re removing each month and to stick with their predetermined release schedule. Continuing on with the issue of content, Disney+ has refused to have more mature content for older audiences on the platform to remain with their image of being a family-friendly exclusive company and sending their more mature content to Hulu. This has caused a major issue with subscriber growth for the platform as audiences leave the platform after finding that there is nothing for them to watch. This caused a major problem after the end of The Mandalorian as audiences left in swathes after they found nothing else for them to watch outside of the show that had just wrapped up its first season. On top of this, original content that was originally meant to be heading to Disney+ is either being stalled in production (outside of the reason of the pandemic) or being sent to Hulu. To fix this problem, Disney will need to expand its scope of content to a wider margin of people. Other services already have large libraries of mature content such as Netflix or the upcoming HBO Max which leaves Disney+ last in the marathon.

HBO Max Logo (Image Source)

Looking to the Future Even with all of Disney+?s missteps and misgivings, Disney+ has a bright future ahead of it with original Star Wars and Marvel series as well as a whole host of remakes and reboots of classic 20th Century Fox franchises. Later this year, we are set to receive the first of the Marvel Cinematic Universe series with The Falcon and the Winter Soldier in August 2020 (although that will most likely be delayed due to the pandemic). For Star Wars series, we?re looking at a live-action Obi-Wan Kenobi series set for 2021 as well as a Cassian Andor series exploring the origins of the character from 2016?s Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. If Disney starts a trend of releasing high budget Marvel and Star Wars shows regularly throughout the rest of Disney+?s history, the service has an extremely bright future ahead. Touching on the problem of more mature content, a recent survey conducted for Disney+?s audiences suggested that more mature shows could be heading to Disney+ in the near future with the inclusion of them as an option for how likely it would be for someone to watch those shows if they were to head to Disney+. This is an important step forward for the streaming service to be able to expand into other genres and markets. Even so, in Disney+?s short span of existence, it already boasts a large amount of history, content, and subscriber base. No matter how you look at it, whether you hate Disney+ or love the streaming service, you can?t deny that Disney+ has a bright future ahead of it.

References -

Disney+. Wikipedia (2020-04-18). Retrieved on April 18, 2020.

Disney Plus has gained 28.6 million subscribers since launching in November. Business Insider (2020-02-04). Retrieved on April 19, 2020. -

Netflix. Wikipedia (2020-04-19). Retrieved on April 19, 2020.

Survey Hints At ?Modern Family?, ?How I Met Your Mother?, ?Buffy?, ?Firefly?& More Coming To Disney+. What's on Disney Plus (2020-03-25). Retrieved on April 22, 2020.

The Falcon and the Winter Solder D23 poster. (Image Source)

Beh i nd th e scenes

Have you ever w on der ed w h at h appen s beh in d t h e scen es of a m u sical pr odu ct ion ? Well I'm h er e t o SHOW it all t o you ! (Yes, t h e pu n s ar e in t en ded) Audition and casting- The Audition process is quite stressful for everyone involved. Trust me, I've been through it quite a lot. When you walk in you get a number if you're an adult and a letter if you're a kid, and a sheet to fill out about your personal information like height, phone numbers, past experience ect. Then they will call your age group up front. You will either do the singing portion first or the dancing portion. For the singing portion you will

By Addie B

learn the song/songs as a group and then line up and they will go down the line and each person will sing individually. Then you will sit down. For the dancing portion you will learn the choreo (which is usually difficult and if you're not a fast learner you might struggle) and then you will dance in small groups of about 5 or 6 people. After the night is done then comes harsh, crucial waiting. The directors will talk and usually sleep on it. You wait for the call back list to come out and then hopefully cast the list. If you're lucky enough to make it in the cast then read through stars that weekend.

Tech crew starts talking- The director will get together with the stage manager, set designer and builder, sound crew, light crew, and costumers. They will discuss what the director wants and then they will work very hard to make it happen. Without the Tech crew we actors and directors



silly. There is not enough thanks for our amazing Crew.

Learning process- After the read through and you get your script then comes weeks of dedication and focus. This process you really grow close to the cast and crew, which makes it even more special. You have to learn your stuff and perfect it before you move into the theatre or you'll be a hot mess. Putting it all together- We move into the theatre and start to build the set, set up and program the lights, hook up the speakers and sound, and start trying on costumes and putting on makeup. I am making this sound fast and easy but that is the exact opposite! There is a lot of hard work being put into all of these categories.



running one act at a time and then eventually get into full runs with full tech. Backstage fun- This is when most of the memories are made behind the scenes. We get to be there every day for endless hours and spend quality time hanging out with the cast and crew. These special moments are what I do theatre for. The waving across the stage from behind the wings to your friends to when you first break a leg and walk into the lights. Theatre never gets old!

The production- Lastly we put the hard work and time all together like a puzzle piece. This part really comes fairly smoothly because all of the hard work pays off and normally comes through just as planned. We open our doors for the public and show them what we've got to offer. We have a blast and most of all make memories that will last a lifetime. Sadly once our performance weekend is over then comes strike. All of that hard work goes down the drain and packed up for another show down the road. We all go to a cast party, eat delicious food, and then cry as we say goodbye. Shows like these will never be forgotten and will always be somewhere special in our hearts.

Thanks for reading. We hope t o see you again soon. Out Loud, Spring 2020

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