Managing Retail Operations: 3 Tips from Jalil Afsharnejad

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Managing Retail Operations: 3 Tips from Jalil Afsharnejad A retail store should attract new customers - and entice regular customers to return. According to Jalil Afsharnejad, customers are the lifeblood of any retail business, so your retail operations must run as smoothly as possible.

Follow these tips to manage your retail operations, attract new customers, gain repeat business, control inventory, and keep your staff motivated. Keep the interest alive A happy customer who is loyal to your brand takes engagement. An easy way to stay top-ofmind is to use a tool to set up a customer loyalty program (you can also do a free trial to see if it's a good fit for your retail operations). If you are launching a new product or service, ensure that your regular and prospective customers are aware of it. Share short videos via email or social media to keep your audience informed." Pay Attention to Your Customers The retail industry should always satisfy the needs of every customer and provide them with excellent service. If you increase your customers' satisfaction, they will remain loyal and keep buying from you." If your employees make a mistake, pay attention and have them correct it, so they don't do it again. This means that you need to deal with them when they arise and not simply sweep them under the rug. Being a considerate person is an asset, but don't let others take advantage of your kindness." Motivate and keep your staff up-to-date "Ensure your staff has extensive product knowledge. Keep training them on new products, so they stay up-to-date. Give them sales incentives to stay happy and motivated. According to Jalil Afsharnejad, you can hold sales contests for achieving 75% of sales quota within the first 15 days of the month – the winner gets a gift card."

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