Jackson Health System - 2021 Report To The Community

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Fighting with strength and compassion: A note from the Chief Executive Officer

As I celebrate 10 years of service at the helm of Jackson Health

My fellow healthcare leaders are in this same position today: nothing

System, I remain in a constant state of awe. I am surrounded daily by

we say about our armies of caregivers can do them greater honor than

a team of nurses, doctors, therapists, technicians, and other

their actions have already generated.

healthcare professionals whose talents define them as elite and whose loyalty define them as public servants.

In an organization this size, it is easy to get lost in the numbers. In a typical year we care for more than 60,000 inpatients, treat more than

The COVID-19 pandemic reminded us all about the sacred duty shared

230,000 emergency-room patients, and provide more than 250,000

by Jackson’s 13,000 caregivers and their peers around the world.

outpatient visits.

Jackson distinguished itself as a beacon of safety and hope during this great upheaval. We successfully cared for thousands of hospitalized

Each of those individuals came to us with a need, with a story, with

COVID-positive patients, even while continuing to operate busy urban

a fear, with a family. Yes, they needed all the clinical work done

emergency rooms, emergency trauma programs, the country’s largest

flawlessly: diagnosis, imaging, medication, surgery, therapy. But they

organ-transplant program, and so much more.

also needed someone to show them how to video chat with their family, someone to offer them a different breakfast when their stomach

Jackson distinguished “ itself as a beacon of safety and hope during this great upheaval.”

was upset, someone to hold their hand when the pain was too great. It was in those small moments where our caregivers differentiated themselves. They don’t treat bones or lungs… they don’t treat patients or customers… they treat people. No amount of anxiety or PPE could stand between a Jackson professional and that unique element of the Jackson mission.

When medical science delivered the modern miracle of safe and highly effective vaccines, Jackson was among the first and the fastest to

We stand now at the threshold to a new normal – still fighting this

bring immunization to South Florida. Perhaps more importantly, our

disease, but with eyes on the horizon and expectations for a brighter

commitment to diversity and inclusion included a massive initiative

dawn. As a member of Jackson’s extended family, we know that you

to vaccinate tens of thousands of patients who might otherwise have

have stood with us. We have survived the darkness together, and we

been left behind, working directly with houses of worship and

move into the future the same way.

non-profit organizations. Thank you for your loyal support. In a typically humble passage of his Gettysburg Address, Abraham Lincoln said “world will little note, nor long remember what we say here,” because the actions of the soldiers would truly consecrate the site. Carlos A. Migoya Chief Executive Officer 1

Looking forward with CARE: A note from the Board of Trustees Chairman

I have been fortunate to be part of many organizations in South Florida,

Jackson South Medical Center, Jackson Memorial Hospital, and Holtz

as an employee, a volunteer, or a board member, so I have seen

Children’s Hospital; a network of UHealth Jackson Urgent Care centers

my share of corporate core values. I’ve always been delighted that

throughout our community; and major investments in future-facing

Jackson Health System thinks in terms of CARE values: compassion,

technology and equipment.

accountability, respect, and expertise. Perhaps more importantly, the culture and performance of our staff My role as chairman of the Public Health Trust Board of Trustees drives

continues to rise. They did not just face the COVID-19 pandemic; they

me to ensure Jackson is always pushing itself forward in terms of

overcame it. Despite these unprecedented challenges, they

service, quality, and innovation, while also staying mindful of its storied

preserved our Miami Transplant Institute’s status as the busiest

legacy and its obligation to the Miami-Dade community. Living these

organ-transplant program in the nation for the second consecutive

CARE values allows our organization to excel across those dimensions.

year. They earned new levels of distinction in stroke treatment, part of Jackson’s legendary excellence in neurosciences. They set

Jackson’s strategy for the last decade has been clear and successful:

new standards for combating traumatic brain and spinal injury with

be a role model for excellence in order to be the first choice destination

expertise that would have seemed like science fiction just a few

for anyone with healthcare needs, and use the rewards from those

years ago. They made even further advances in our Jackson Heart

successful operations to fund our historic mission of providing a single

Institute, the most comprehensive program of its kind in the region,

high standard of care for every Miami-Dade resident, regardless of

treating newborns through seniors everything from chronic-disease

their ability to pay.

management needs through complex heart surgery, transplant, and implantation of mechanical heart pumps.

Jackson’s strategy for the “ last decade has been clear

And just when we thought the staff was pushed and stretched to its absolute limits, Jackson opened one of the most ambitious COVID

and successful: be a role model for excellence…”

vaccination programs in Florida. From mid-December 2020 through

By combining this urgent sense of social responsibility with a relentless

These results do not happen by accident or coincidence. We push

pursuit of quality, Jackson has reached heights we could never have

ourselves daily toward those CARE values. Serving Miami-Dade

imagined a generation ago. We are near the completion of a $1.8 billion

County is not just our duty – it is our honor and our privilege. Thank

capital program, delivering on the promises we made to voters in 2013

you for being part of this century-old mission with us.

June 2021, more than 175,000 people received their inoculations at our facilities.

when they overwhelmingly approved the Jackson Miracle-Building Bond: the state-of-the-art new Christine E. Lynn Rehabilitation Center for The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis at UHealth/Jackson Memorial; the pioneering Jackson West Medical Center campus in Doral; massive renovations and upgrades at Jackson North Medical Center,

William Heffernan Chairman, Public Health Trust Board of Trustees


Fighting the COVID-19 pandemic at Jackson Health System Jackson is committed to keeping you and your family safe. Since COVID-19 emerged and presented the biggest challenge the healthcare industry has seen in decades, our team’s dedication to protecting the health and safety of our employees and our patients has been taken to new heights. Thousands of patients have been tested and treated for COVID-19 at Jackson facilities, one of them being Rosa Felipe, an electroencephalograph (EEG) technician at Jackson Memorial Hospital. After contracting the virus in March 2020, Rosa fell gravely ill due to her underlying health conditions. She was hospitalized at Jackson Memorial, the same hospital she has worked at for 15 years. After a long battle with the virus, physical and occupational therapy, Rosa went home to her husband and sons just in time for the holidays. She hopes to return to work at the hospital alongside the medical team that saved her life. To treat patients like Rosa throughout the pandemic, we adapted our facilities quickly to accommodate full capacity COVID-19 units. Because the hospital strictly limited visitation, the Jackson Health Foundation provided iPads so hospitalized patients could video chat with their families and feel their support while recovering. Jackson also offered COVID-19 testing at all of our hospitals’ emergency rooms and all of our UHealth Jackson Urgent Care centers. We later became the first hospital to administer the COVID-19 vaccine in Miami-Dade County, vaccinating more than 175,000 people. During this effort, Jackson focused on diversity and inclusion, partnering with more than 100 houses of worship, non-profit organizations, and community groups to vaccinate people in underserved communities. All of Jackson’s successes throughout the pandemic can be attributed to our army of healthcare workers - doctors, nurses, support staff, and hospital administrators who worked tirelessly to help the people of Miami-Dade County.

Rosa Felipe


To the doctors, nurses, and staff at Jackson Health System: Thank you. The medical teams at Jackson have worked in the toughest situations throughout the last year. They persisted through long shifts in maximum capacity COVID-19 units while dressed from head to toe in layers of personal protection equipment that left sores on their faces. They stood in as family for patients who could not have theirs by their side. Because of our doctors, nurses, and supporting staff’s dedication to serving the community, Jackson treated thousands of patients for COVID-19. They saved lives. On behalf of Jackson and the entire Miami-Dade community, we send a tremendous thank you.


Jackson Health System makes history with first COVID-19 vaccine in Miami-Dade County On December 15, 2020, history was made at Jackson Memorial Hospital when the first COVID-19 vaccination was administered in Miami-Dade County. As more vaccines were given, more grandparents could hug their grandchildren for the first time in a year, families could be reunited with their loved ones, and people began to feel a sense of hope for the return to normalcy. With the help and dedication of 1,200 Jackson employees, more than 175,000 people have been vaccinated and nearly 345,000 shots were administered through June 2021. This was one of the most ambitious and challenging public health projects in Jackson’s history, but also one of the most rewarding as it was saving lives. Jackson partnered with trusted organizations such as houses of worship, non-profits, and community groups to get these life-saving shots to seniors in underserved communities. Prior to launching this community-based strategy in January 2021, only about seven percent of the total number of vaccinated people at Jackson identified themselves as Black, but after this initiative, that number grew to 15 percent. Similarly, for Hispanics, the number grew from 46 percent to 56 percent. When the federal government approved the vaccination for children ages 12 and up, Jackson also opened sites throughout Miami-Dade County to vaccinate this population. The work done to combat the virus has been extraordinary and Jackson is proud to have made a direct, life-saving impact on so many members of the South Florida community.


Jackson Health System opens state-of-the-art Lynn Rehabilitation Center The Christine E. Lynn Rehabilitation Center for The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis at UHealth/Jackson Memorial opened in February 2020 and immediately began serving the community. This elite facility builds on the strengths of three world-class medical institutions: Jackson Health System, UHealth – the University of Miami Health System, and The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis. Their research is our research. Their breakthroughs are our breakthroughs. And our 250,000-square-foot, 80-bed, fully-equipped, state-of-the-art rehab center is this community’s world-class rehab center. This innovative, world-class facility was designed to be one of the country’s top facilities for patients recovering from traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, cancer treatment, and other complex conditions. Our experience and our team - made up of expert UHealth physical medicine physicians and Jackson nurses and therapists - have made an unparalleled impact in advancing rehabilitation care. With this new facility, part of UHealth Jackson Rehabilitation Care, we are dedicated to providing the best care by using leading technology to advance patient recovery. The center was built with comprehensive care in mind. By combining academic research by UHealth physicians and scientists from The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis, with the day-to-day care of patients, we can effectively accommodate researchers, families, inpatients, and outpatients. In the heart of Miami, the Lynn Rehabilitation Center hopes to attract people from around the world to serve as a hub for diverse teams of caregivers and patients.

Aquatic Center

One of seven ZeroGait and Balance Systems

6 Rehabilitation Gym

UHealth Jackson Urgent Care receives autism-friendly designation In a year characterized by the challenges of COVID-19, Jackson Health System medical teams continued to serve patients in all areas. We strive to be nationally-recognized as a world-class health system and as the provider of choice for expert care, and we have done exactly that through two major achievements this year. In June 2020, UHealth Jackson Urgent Care centers partnered with University of Miami-Nova Southeastern University Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (UM-NSU CARD) to become the first urgent care network in Florida to earn a nationally recognized autism-friendly designation. This designation signifies that the staff at all five locations have been specially trained to treat patients with autism and related disabilities. All of the centers also have a designated sensory friendly room, giving these patients the opportunity to experience health care in a more comfortable environment.

Miami Transplant Institute #1 in transplants in the U.S. During the 50th year of collaboration between Jackson Health System and the University of Miami Health System (UHealth), the Miami Transplant Institute (MTI) had a record-breaking year, claiming the nation’s top position for performing more organ transplants than any other hospital, according to data released by Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network/United Network for Organ Sharing (OPTN/UNOS). In 2020, MTI did it again, performing 721 life-saving transplants. MTI’s kidney program continues to be the largest in the nation, with 489 transplants done in 2020. Our intestine, liver, pancreas, and combined kidney/pancreas programs each ranked among the top ten in the nation.


Creating community bonds during COVID-19 Due to the pandemic, Jackson Health System’s community

knowledge, advice, and general tips to support parents throughout

outreach efforts were reinvented with a focus on delivering

the pandemic and as we currently navigate the new normal.

meaningful health information to our neighbors in a safe way. Before the start of the 2020-21 school year, UHealth Jackson To keep the community informed and connected, UHealth Jackson

Urgent Care teamed up with local partners to provide

Children’s Care developed an interactive, online program in

school supplies to students throughout Miami-Dade County

spring 2020: the Summer-to-School Series that evolved into the

at scheduled drive-thru events. Our Jackson Street Team

Parental Guidance Series. These Zoom-based presentations focus

maintained social distancing and masking protocols while

on providing expert advice to parents on a variety of important

loading backpacks and school supplies safely into the trunks

topics, such as COVID-19 safety, depression and anxiety in

of cars. Jackson distributed approximately 5,000 backpacks

kids and teens, and how to cope with sibling rivalry. These

and supplies to students, upholding a longtime commitment

bi-weekly webinars proved to be an invaluable resource of medical

to local families as they prepare for a new school year.

Jackson Health Foundation supports the frontline The Jackson Health Foundation works to provide Jackson with the support and resources to excel as a world-class academic medical system, and throughout the pandemic, they did exactly that. With the dedication of the volunteer board of directors and donors, over 20,000 meals were donated to the medical teams fighting on the frontlines, 340,000 pieces of personal protective equipment were donated, they provided iPads so COVID-19 patients could communicate with their families throughout their recovery, and $12.5 million was raised for COVID-19 relief funds. The Foundation also continues to build community ties with events like this year’s inaugural Mind Your Health day to support mental health awareness, the annual Guardian Angels’ luncheon to support Holtz Children’s Hospital, and the Golden Angels Gala. To make a one-time or monthly tax-deductible donation to the Jackson Health Foundation, call 305-585-GIVE (4483) or online at jacksonhealthfoundation.org 8

Facts and Statistics FY 2019/2020 Jackson Memorial Hospital



Inpatient Services Number of Licensed Beds Hospital Admissions (excluding newborn)

795 24,058

795 21,265

Emergency Services Visits to Emergency Department (adult) Ryder Trauma Center Cases (adult and pediatric)

95,662 4,062

85,369 3,950

Holtz Children’s Hospital



379 3,937 9,105

379 3,412 7,400

Outpatient Services Visits to Emergency Department (pediatric) Visits to Outpatient Clinics (pediatric)

27,595 14,031

18,522 10,806

Jackson North Medical Center



382 1,341 9,326

382 1,234 9,458

Emergency Services Visits to Emergency Department (adult and pediatric)



Jackson South Medical Center



Inpatient Services Number of Licensed Beds Births (deliveries) Hospital Admissions (excluding newborn)

262 689 11,011

262 867 10,665

Emergency Services Ryder Trauma Center Cases (adult and pediatric) Visits to Emergency Department (adult and pediatric)

966 42,205

975 38,264

Jackson Behavioral Health Hospital



239 8,409

239 6,409

12,088 38,132

14,819 31,245

Inpatient Services Number of Licensed Beds Births (deliveries) Hospital Admissions

Inpatient Services Number of Licensed Beds Births (deliveries) Hospital Admissions (excluding newborn)

Inpatient Services Number of Licensed Beds Hospital Admissions (adult and pediatric)


Outpatient Services Visits to Emergency Department (adult and pediatric) Visits to Outpatient Clinics (adult and pediatric)

Lynn Rehabilitation Center



80 1,381

80 1,495

Outpatient Services Rehabilitation Clinic Physician Visits (adult and pediatric)



Ambulatory Care Services



115,408 2,046 15,493 16,406 17,768 1,493 13,519

79,669 1,237 12,445 11,724 13,386 1,099 9,944



180 174.8

180 178.8



162 157.4

163 156.6



Total Revenue Patient Services Half-Penny Sales Tax County Tax Support Other Revenue

$2,278,033,000 $1,298,193,000 $282,832,000 $203,224,000 $493,783,000

$2,254,087,000 $1,255,440,000 $250,666,000 $213,259,000 $534,721,000

Total Expenses Compensation and Benefits Operational Expenses Drugs and Other Supplies

$2,053,086,000 $1,198,223,000 $516,343,000 $338,519,000

$2,055,881,000 $1,189,128,000 $513,999,000 $352,753,000

$195,467,000 $29,479,000 $330,920,000

$164,167,000 $34,038,000 $240,031,000

Inpatient Services Number of Licensed Beds Hospital Admissions (adult and pediatric)

Health Clinic Visits Ambulatory Care Center (East and West) Downtown Medical Center Dr. Rafael A. Peñalver Clinic Jefferson Reaves, Sr. Health Center North Dade Health Center Prevention, Education, & Treatment (PET) Center Rosie Lee Wesley Health Center

Jackson Memorial Long-Term Care Center Number of Licensed Beds Average Daily Census

Jackson Memorial Perdue Medical Center Number of Licensed Beds Average Daily Census

Financial Information Jackson Health System

Bond Reimbursements Excess Revenue Charity Care


JHSO-21-B032 07-21

1611 N.W. 12th Avenue Miami, FL 33136 www.JacksonHealth.org

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