2024 Summer

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Jamaican American Club

7 steps to Jamwood Creation

The bio pic “One Love” was a story about Bob Marley’s life. Yes, many enjoyed the movie but many had questions? Why were so many roles in the movie were given to non-Jamaicans? The phony Jamaican accents makes the movie lack of credibility. Is there a shortage of capable Jamaican actors and actress? Capable Jamaicans need to “eat ah food”.

Jamaica needs to produce its

own movies with Jamaicans in front and behind the camera. Why isn’t the Jamaican film industry organized? We have the talent, great location and ingenuity. Jamaicans are on every continent, so take the skills one has acquired at the new diasporic residence and let’s become a force to create an empire of our own. What can we do to be organized?

1. Have Jamaican producers

and directors coalesce to the vision.

2. Hire Jamaican actors that act outside of the stereotypical roles.

3. Employ the best Jamaican authors and screenplay writers.

4. Create Jamaican awards and award show to stimulate pride and creativity.

5. Create and control film distribution mediums.

6. Construct movie theatre and chains and hire Jamaican architects and engineers.

7. Design a percentage of the ticket sales revenue to help HBCUs and Universities in Jamaica.

In 1962, Jamaica was the first Caribbean country to gain independence from the
Inside this issue: 7 steps to Jamwood Creation 1 Trivia 1 10 Entrepreneur Explosion Mindsets 2 10 Entrepreneur Vibration Thinking 2 Do NOT Marry Someone Until You Can Honestly 3 Book Club 5 Inside Story 6

10 Entrepreneur Explosion Mindsets

The mindset of an entrepreneur is unique. That is why so few of them are in existence. This is not a bad thing because we can’t all be a Steve Jobs or Usain Bolt. What is exceptional will never be ordinary. Cultivate a different way of thinking. Here is a blueprint to consider:

1. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, and wear the fancy clothes. Don’t save it for a special occasion. Today is special.

2. Over prepare then go with the flow.

3. Be eccentric now. Don’t wait for old age to wear purple.

4. The most important sex organ is the brain.

5. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.

6. Frame every so-called disaster with these words “in five years, will this matter?’

7. Always choose life.

8. Forgive

9. What other people think of you is none of your business.

10. Time heals almost everything. Give time, time.

10 Entrepreneur Vibration Thinking

Why are entrepreneurs unique?They don’t go along to get along.They see a need and find a way to capitalize on it. How does that idea vibrate into a profit -making venture? Meditate on these vibes:

1. Make peace with your past, so it won’t screw up the present.

2. It’s OK to let your children see you cry.

3. Don’t compare your life to others.You have no idea what their journey is all about.

4. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn’t be in it.

5. Everything can change in the blink of an eye, but worry? God never blinks.

6. Take a deep breath; it clams the mind.

7. Get rid of anything that isn’t useful. Clutter weighs you down in many ways.

8. Whatever doesn’t kill you really does me you stronger.

9. It’s never too late to happy. But it’s all up to you and no one else.


10. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don’t take no for an answer.


Do NOT Marry Someone Until You Can Honestly Answer These 10 Questions

You *must* have these internal conversations before walking down the aisle. Maybe you've been together a while and are considering taking a big step, or perhaps you just started seeing one another and aren't sure if you should stay the course.Whatever your situation, a check-in is never a bad thing. Read on for 10 tough questions to ask about your relationships before moving forward.

1. Is for better or worse making me better or worse?

Does your partner encourage you to be your best self, or does he or she get intimidated by any triumphs and feel more secure when you're not putting your best foot forward?

2. Do we really accept one another?

There will always be things you want to change about the people in your life, but no one should be in a situation where they feel they aren't allowed to be authentic and accepted as the unique, special (yet flawed) person they are.

3.Who am I?

How can you know if your partner is a good match if you have no idea who you are?

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4. Am I happy to be in this relationship?

The idea of sharing a life together is not to find someone to complete you or make you happy. But let's face it: being unhappy at home can seep into other areas of your life . . . and fast. If you're always fighting or just generally not feeling great about your twosome, it doesn't mean you have to bail out (counseling might be a good option) but marrying someone in the hope that it changes things is a bad, bad idea.

5. Am I feeling trapped?

Do you really want to be in this relationship the majority of the time or do you find yourself wishing for a way out? Do you stay because you've invested time or are you really invested in your mate?

6.What am I doing to hold us back?

Maybe you could be more attentive, more thoughtful, quicker to let things go, or the first to bring up going to counseling.Whatever it is, take this as your sign to step up.

7. Is this relationship balanced?

Do you feel you're both on the same page in terms of compromise, care, support and sacrifice? Or is one of you doing most of the giving while the other just sits with their hand out?

8. Can we have fun together?

Have you ever seen two people sit across from one another in silence at brunch as though they are being forced to walk through their day together? Not. fun.

9. Can we have fun apart?

Co-dependency ain't cute, y'all.

10.Why am I in this relationship?

Is it because you respect, love, trust, and value the person you are with? Or because you're afraid of being alone, worried about finances, or have built a life you're scared to leave?


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Organization good place to insert a clip art newsletter a personal touch. If UNITED WE BARGAIN DIVIDED Contact: JamaicanAmericanClub@yahoo.com Www.JamaicanAmericanClub.org Jamaican American Club PO Box 62 Elk Grove, IL 60009 USA
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